M2 2007 Electrical Body Builder Manual Rev New

March 26, 2018 | Author: Roger Lechado Garcia | Category: Automatic Transmission, Electrical Connector, Transmission (Mechanics), Switch, Multiplexing



EPA 2007 ModelsElectrical System Overview 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Guide 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Title Page Rev New EPA 2007 Models Electrical Component Overview Body lighting Interfaces (Module 353) Tail Light Configurations (Module 294) Trailer Interfaces (Module 296, 297) Dash Switches (Module 329) Air Management Unit (AMU) (Multiple Modules ) Transmission Interfaces. (Grey Plug) (Plugs may also be frame located (Module , 34C) Engine Interface (Black Plug) (Plugs may also be frame located) (Module 148, 163, 87L ) Chassis Module (CHM) (Module 335, 32K) Bulk Head Module (BMH) (Module 32A) Power Distribution (Module 285 PDM) Power Supply (Module 281) 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 1 Rev: New EPA 2007 Models Electrical Harness Overview ABS/AMU HARNESS Module 332 1) Connections to Forward chassis harness and frame ground studs near Chassis module 2) Connections to AMU (Mod 877 without ABS) 3) Connections to Wabco ABS ECU 4) Connections to rear combo valves FORWARD CHASSIS HARNESS Module 288 1) Connections to Bulkhead module and Underhood PDM 2) Connections to headlamps 3) Connections to side marker/turn lamps 4) Connections to Chassis Module AFT CHASSIS HARNESS Module 28A 1) Connections to Chassis Module 2) Connections to tail lamps POWERTRAIN HARNESS Module 286. 283 1) Connections to the Bulkhead Module and Underhood PDM OVERHEAD CAB HARNESS Module 287 1) Inline connection to Main cab Harness (at bottom of A pillar) 2) Connections to Marker Lamps 3) Connections to Dome Lamp FRONTWALL HARNESS Module 321 1) Connections to Bulkhead Module and Underhood PDM 2) Connection to Starter Mag Switch 3) Connection to Wiper Motor 4) Connection to the low coolant level sensor and horn (under surge tank) 5) Connection under cab to Washer pump and level switch 6) Pass-thru connector to Main Cab Harness and Powertrain Harness MAIN CAB HARNESS Module 320 1) Connections to bulkhead connector 2) Connections to diagnostic connector (behind ignition switch) 3) Connections to MBE VCU or CPC 4) Pass-thru connector to engine compartment 5) Gauge Cluster 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 2 Rev: New . There are four Plugs attaching to the Module that supply output connections. F25. and Cummins ISC) Transmission ECU { { { { Eaton AutoShift Transmission ECU { { { { { { ABS ECU (hydraulic) { { { { { { { { { { { 30A† { { { { { { 25A { { { { { { { { VBAT 5 BHM PDM Plugs contain output wires 1 2 Spare { { The main Power Distribution Module (PDM) distributes battery power to the various control modules on the vehicle. The PDM contains mini fuses that protect the power feed circuits to these modules. Common Spare fuse sockets are listed below but may vary based on the options that have been requested.(14-12) PAC12129493 23-13213-122 TERM-FEMALE. F10.(10) PAC12077413 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 { Engine ECU (Caterpillar 3126.(20-16) PAC12077411 23-13213-121 TERM-FEMALE. C15 ACERT . Common Spare Fuse locations F6. C13. F26 Multiple Wire output Pin A & B on Grey Plug and Pin D on Blue Plug Engine Harness Plug (Green) Forward Chassis Harness Plug (Blue) Single Wire Output found on Green Plug in Pin G B G G H H F D C G B C A A B C E H E D AB C D H G F E Forward Chassis Harness Plug (Grey) Mega Fuse 1 B F Mega Fuse 2 A D Front Wall Harness Plug (Black) 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 3 Rev: New . F11. F21. F14. F23. C11. For most trucks there will be spare fuse slots available for customers to add additional wiring to the truck after it is purchased.Power Distribution Module Fuse Specications* Fuse Location MEGA Fuse 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Output Connection Green A Green B Green H Green G Black D Black C Gray F Green C Green D Blue G Green F Blue H Black H Grey E Black B Black A Blue A Blue C Blue B Grey G Black E Black F Black G Grey H Blue E Grey D Grey C Grey A F26 2 Grey B Blue D Spare { { { ICU3-M2 Automatic Transmission ECU Spare Spare Radio/Diagnostic Chassis Module Spare Bulkhead Module ABS ECU (pneumatic) Chassis Module Bulkhead Module Chassis Module Bulkhead Module Spare Bulkhead Module Spare Hydraulic Pump and Motor (hydraulic ABS) Spare VBAT 1 BHM VBAT 2 CHM VBAT 3 BHM VBAT 1 CHM VBAT 2 BHM VBAT 4 BHM VBAT 3 CHM Primary Function Vehicle Control Unit (MBE only) Blower Motor Engine ECU (MBE or Caterpillar C7 and C9) Engine ECU (Caterpillar 2004 EPA) Ignition Switch { Bulkhead Module VBAT Fuse Fuse Rating 10A 30A 20A 20A 5A 30A 30A 10A 10A { { 20A 30A { 30A 15A 30A 30A 30A 30A { 30A { 25A { Spare Secondary Function Fuse Rating { { 30A 30A EPA 2007 Models Main Power Distribution Module (PDM) Pin part number for harness connection 23-13213-120 TERM-FEMALE. E B3.A12 B6.J Fuse 13 (30A) AMU Solenoid 1 AMU Solenoid 2 AMU Solenoid 3 VBAT5 B1.G B5.G Fuse 20 (30A) VBAT2 C3.J C5.A9 B6.B8 B7.D Fuse 22 (30A) VBAT1 C4.L C5.P Fuse 19 (30A) Left Stop Lamp Right DRL Fog/Road Lamps Trailer Turn Right Left Park Lamp Right Park Lamp Left Marker Lamp Right Marker Lamp Trailer Marker Relay Right High Beam VBAT2 B4.N Fuse 18 (30A) VBAT4 B4. For this reason seemingly unrelated issues can occur at the same time if a fuse is overloaded and trips. The lists below show which pins are controlled with the VBAT fuses. Power Supply Fuses and Associated Outputs for the Chassis Module CHM Power Input CHM Power Input Pin Power In Fuse Supplying CHM Power Input CHM Outputs Supplied Power Out Right Low Beam Turn Right Front/Side Turn Right Rear Right Stop Lamp C3.J Fuse 7 (30A) Left Heated Mirror Right Heated Mirror 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 4 Rev: New .H C3.D B1.B10 B7.H B5.A10 B5.P C1.C/C3. If one of these fuses is tripped or blown then all pins in the circuit will be affected.F B4.A B7.5A (utility light/spotlight) B5.E C4.E BHM Output Pin VBAT1 B3.R B2.B4 B7.L B3.K B1.L C4.M B4.F B5.M C2.J Fuse 17 (30A) Left Backup Lamp Right Backup Lamp Backup Alarm Turn Left Front/Side Turn Left Rear Left DRL Trailer Turn Left Fuel Water Separator Heater AMU Solenoid 0 VBAT3 B1.F B3.K Fuse 15 (30A) VBAT3 C4.L C1.C C4.R C1.K* B3.K C3.F C4.A C5.A12 B6.K C1.G C4.A5 B7.M CHM Output Pin Power Supply Fuses and Associated Outputs for the Bulkhead Module BHM Power Input BHM Power Input Pin Power In Fuse Supplying BHM Power Input BHM Outputs Supplied Power Out Battery (dome lamps) Battery (smart switches) Ignition (VCU) Ignition (engine) Ignition (ABS) Ignition (trans) Fuel Water Sensor Power Dome Lamps Switched Left Low Beam A/C Clutch Smart Switch 1 Indicator Smart Switch 2 Indicator Smart Switch 3 Indicator Smart Switch 4 Indicator Smart Switch 5 Indicator Battery (smart switch) Accessory (HVAC) Accessory (radio) Wake Up (instrument cluster) Left High Beam Wiper High Horn Wiper Low Spare 8.H C3.P B2.N C3.D C2.B B1.H C5.A8 B2.EPA 2007 Models PDM VBAT Fuse Coverage BMH and CHM output pins are powered by multiple VBAT fuses through the Main M2 PDM.F C2.D C4.N C1.L B1.M B7.E / B4.A9 B7.H B7.G B5.A C1.F B5.0A HSD (ignition) Panel Lamps Panel Lamps (smart switch) Clearance Lamps T ail Lamps/License Plate Lamp/Trailer T ail Relay Washer Pump 12V Output (cigar lighter) Spare 8.J C1.L C3.A1 B5.C B1. L .Washer Pump B2.P .7A 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 5 .EPA 2007 Models Bulk Head Module (BHM) Pin part numbers for harness connection Outside Cab Connections: 23-13212-120 TERM-FEMALE.Ignition (Engine) B1.Wiper Low B3.Battery (Smart Switch) 6.Left Low Beam B5.7A 6.(10) PAC15326004 Inside Cab Connections: PAC12146448 TERM-FEMALE. 20A 12A 12A Combined 12A Combined 12A Combined 6.SPARE (Ignition) B5.7A 6.(14-12) PAC15304720 23-13212-122 TERM-FEMALE.Dome Lamps Switched B1. The BHM has four harness connections on the engine side of the front wall and three harness connections to the cab interior.K .G .E .B . .Tail/License Plate/Trailer Relay B3.A . The BHM is programable and can be changed and updated by flashing the unit through service link.AC Clutch B4. Power supply for the BHM is supplied using VBAT fuses.7A 6.A9 .H .If higher loads are required.A8 . The BHM unit can also directly support up to 5 smart switches.Fuel Water Sensor Power B5.F .F .G .M .Wake Up (Instrument Cluster) B5.SPARE (Right Heated Mirror) B6.B .7A 6.SPARE (Utility Light/Spotlight) B4.Clearance Lamps B1. bulkhead module outputs should be used as signal power in conjunction with a relay.7A Combined 6.Ignition (ABS) B2.H .7A 6. which reside in the main PDM (see page 3) The BHM is programmable and the feature screen in service link can be used to change or add parameters to the BHM B7 Dash Harness Key Bulkhead Module Outputs .Ignition (Trans) B1.E .M .Panel Lamps B7.Ignition (VCU) B2.Wiper High B3. As primary command the module controls the operation of the other component modules in the system either directly or indirectly using messages sent over the J1939 network.Accessory (Radio) B5.Panel Lamps (Smart Switch) B4.A10 .Accessory (HVAC) B6.L .Bulk Head Module outputs have defined amperage limits.7A 6.7A Combined 6.F .SPARE (Utility Light/Spotlight) B5.A12 .(18-16) PAC153047191 23-13212-121 TERM-FEMALE.C .Cigar Lighter Output B3.F . The BHM Unit contains all system parameters and the unit controls power flow and circuit protection to the various components of the M2 electrical system.7A 6.SPARE (Left Heated Mirror) B4.7A Combined B6.7A Combined B5.(18-16) B3 Front Wall Harness B4 Front Wall Harness B5 Dash Harness B2 Engine Harness B6 Dash Harness B1 Forward Chassis Harness The Bulkhead Module (BHM) is the command module of the M2 electrical system.A1 .K .Starter Relay (Crank) 6.Left High Beam B1.Horn B5.R .D .E . The Bulkhead Module is mounted on the driver side of the front wall and connects to the interior wiring through an opening in the front wall.7A 6.Battery (Dome Lamps) B7. Connector B4 Frontwall Harness Pinouts ABCD EFGH B3 Front Wall Harness Signal Type Datalink Datalink Digital Input Power Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output EPA 2007 Models Bulk Head Module (BHM) Detail B4 Front Wall Harness ABCDEF GHJKLM Connector Pin B4-A B4-B B4-C B4-D B4-E B4-F B4-G B4-H B4-J B4-K B4-L B4-M Starter Relay Ground Signal Name Air Filter Restriction/Spare #9 Signal Type Digital Input Digital Output Ground Digital Input Digital Output Digital Output Power Digital Input/Output Power Digital Input Digital Output | Spare Digital Input 2 Right Heated Mirror (spare digital output) Left Heated Mirror (spare digital output) Main Battery Power (VBAT2) Module Wake-Up Signal Main Battery Power (VBAT4) Washer Fluid Level (spare digital input 8) Utility Light/Spotlight (spare digital output) | Connector B3 Frontwall Harness Pinouts Connector Pin B3-A B3-B B3-C B3-D B3-E B3-F B3-G B3-H Signal Name J1939{ Datalink J1939+ Datalink Wiper Parked Position Main Battery Power (VBAT1) Horn Wiper Motor High Speed Washer Pump Wiper Motor Low Speed B5 Dash Harness Connector B5 Dash Harness Pinouts Connector B2 Engine Harness Pinouts Connector Pin B2-A B2-B B2-C B2-D B2-E B2-F B2-G B2-H B2-J B2-K B2-L B2-M B2-N B2-P Alternator Charging J1587{ Datalink J1939{ Datalink Engine ECU Ignition Power Transmission ECU Ignition Power A/C Clutch | J1587+ Datalink J1939+ Datalink J1587+ Datalink J1587{ Datalink | Signal Name Signal Type Datalink Datalink Datalink Datalink | B2 Engine Harness Connector Pin B5-A B5-B Signal Name Dome Lamps Battery Dome Lamps Switched Clearance Lamps (cab) Instrument Cluster Wake-Up Utility Light/Spotlight (spare digital output) Cigar Lighter Ignition Power. Other (spare digital output) Panel Lamps Signal Type Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output ABCD HGFE B5-C B5-D B5-E B5-F B5-G B5-H ABCDEFG HJKLMNP | Backup Switch (spare digital input 3) Digital Input Datalink Datalink Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Input | | B6 Dash Harness B7 Dash Harness Connector B6 Dash Harness Pinouts Connector Pin Signal Name Signal Type B6-A1 B6-A2 Ignition Switch Accessory Position Module Wake-Up Signal Ignition Switch On | Ignition Switch Start Passenger Door Open (spare digital input 10) Driver Door Open VCU Ignition Power HVAC Power Radio Power J1587{ Datalink J1587+ Datalink Horn Switch T op of Clutch Switch (spare digital input 7) Bottom of Clutch Switch (spare digital input 6) | Panel Lamps Increase Panel Lamps Decrease A/C Clutch Request Hazard Switch Headlamp Switch PARK Position Headlamp Switch On Position Headlamp Switch On 2 Position | Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Datalink Datalink Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input Digital Input | | | SRPNMLKJ HGFEDCBA Connector Pin B1-A B1-B B1-C B1-D B1-E B1-F B1-G B1-H B1-J B1-K B1-L B1-M B1-N B1-P B1-R B1-S Ground Fuel/Water Sensor Ignition Power Ground J1587+ Datalink Battery Power (VBAT5) T ail Lamps/License Plate Lamp/Trailer T ail Relay Left High Beam Fuel/Water Separator (spare digital input 5) Battery Power (VBAT3) ABS Ignition Power Left Low Beam J1587{ Datalink Signal Name | B1 Forward Chassis Harness Signal Type | Digital Input/ Output Digital Input Connector B7 Dash Harness Pinouts Connector Pin B7-A1 B7-A2 B7-A3 B7-A4 B7-A5 B7-A6 B7-A7 B7-A8 B7-A9 B7-A10 B7-A11 B7-A12 B7-B1 B7-B2 B7-B3 B7-B4 B7-B5 B7-B6 B7-B7 B7-B8 B7-B9 B7-B10 B7-B11 B7-B12 Signal Name Panel Lamps (smart switch) Smart Switch 3 ID 1 Smart Switch 3 ID 2 Smart Switch 3 Input Smart Switch 3 Indicator Smart Switch 4 ID 1 Smart Switch 4 ID 2 Smart Switch 4 Input Smart Switch 4 Indicator Smart Switch 5 ID 1 Smart Switch 5 ID 2 Smart Switch Battery Power Smart Switch 1 ID 1 Smart Switch 1 ID 2 Smart Switch 1 Input Smart Switch 1 Indicator Smart Switch 2 ID 1 Smart Switch 2 ID 2 Smart Switch 2 Input Smart Switch 2 Indicator Ground Smart Switch 5 Indicator Smart Switch 5 Input | Signal Type Digital Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Digital Output Signal Ground Digital Output Analog Input | B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 B6-A3 B6-A4 B6-A5 B6-A6 B6-A7 B6-A8 B6-A9 B6-A10 B6-A11 B6-A12 B6-B1 B6-B2 B6-B3 B6-B4 B6-B5 B6-B6 B6-B7 B6-B8 B6-B9 B6-B10 B6-B11 B6-B12 Connector B1 Forward Chassis Harness Pinouts Module Wake-Up Signal Spare Digital Input 4 | Power Ground Digital Output Signal Ground Datalink Power Digital Output Digital Output Digital Input Power Digital Output Digital Output Datalink | 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 6 Rev: New . 7A Combined 6. C3.85A 0. The CHM and EXM both have the same pin connections although They may not all be used. The remaining Harness connectors are sealed.(14-12) PAC15304720 23-13212-121 TERM-FEMALE.7A 6.7A 6. The CHM is primarily mounted BOC on the LH rail but can also be located in an under cab position for frame packaging or environmental concerns. C5 Air Management Unit C4 Forward Chassis Harness Key Chassis Module Outputs 20A C3-A Optional Fuel Water Separator Heater C4-C C4-L C4-D C4-M C2-F C3-N C1-G C2-H C3-R C1-P C2-E C1-A C1-J C1-H Left Park Lamp Right Park Lamp Left Marker Lamp Right Marker Lamp Trailer Marker Relay Turn Left Front/Side Turn Left Rear TrailerTurn Left Turn Right Front/Side Turn Right Rear TrailerTurn Right Left Backup Lamp Right Backup Lamp Backup Alarm Combined C4-C C4-L C4-D C4-M Left Park Lamp Right Park Lamp Left Marker Lamp Right Marker Lamp 10A Combined 7. and C4 harness connectors.5A Combined 6.7A 6. but not both.5A Combined 7.7A 6.7A C3-N Turn Left Front/Side C1-G Turn Left Rear C3-R Turn Right Front/Side C1-P Turn Right Rear C1-A Left Backup Lamp C1-J Right Backup Lamp C1-H Backup Alarm C3-L Right Low Beam C4-K Right High Beam C1-N Left Stop Lamp C1-L Right Stop Lamp Chassis Module The CHM is available in two configurations depending on The vehicle options: • Standard Chassis Module (rarely used) • Full Chassis Module The vehicle will have either a standard CHM or a full CHM.85A 0. The CHM and EXM respond to commands From the BHM and broadcast the status of the inputs And outputs that are sent to and delivered by the module.7A 6.EPA 2007 Models Chassis Module (CHM) Pin part number for harness connection 23-13212-120 TERM-FEMALE.5A Combined 6.7A 6.7A Combined 6. The standard CHM uses only the C1. Under cab data code 335-006 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 7 Rev: New . A Business Class M2 vehicle will always have a Chassis Module.(10) PAC15326004 C1 Tail Light Harness C2 Trailer Module Harness C3 Forward Chassis Harness General Information The Chassis Module (CHM) and the Expansion Module (EXM) both serve the same function in the M2 electrical System by acting as slaves to the Bulkhead Module (BHM). but will only have an Expansion Module when optional features require it.2A 7.(18-16) PAC153047191 23-13212-121 TERM-FEMALE.85A 0.5A Combined 7.7A Combined 0.7A 6.7A 6.7A 6. Both the standard CHM and full CHM are supported C3-L Right Low Beam C4-K Right High Beam C1-N Left Stop Lamp C1-L Right Stop Lamp C3-K Right DRL C4-F Left DRL C3-C Optional Fog/Road Lamps C3-D Optional Fog/Road Lamps C5-H AMU Solenoid #0 C5-J AMU Solenoid #1 C5-L AMU Solenoid #2 C5-M AMU Solenoid #3 C2-A Trailer Power Relay *Maximum allowable combined current load when turn Signals are flashing.85A 0. Analog Input Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Signal Name Module Wake-up Signal Address Identication A Left Park Lamp Left Marker Lamp Address Identication C Left DRL J1939+ Datalink Ground (address identication D) Main Battery Power (VBAT3) Right High Beam Right Park Lamp Right Marker Lamp Address Identication B Main Battery Power (VBAT1) J1939{ Datalink Ground Signal Type Digital Input/Output Analog Input Digital Output Digital Output Analog Input Digital Output Datalink Signal Ground Power Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Analog Input Power Datalink Power Ground Full X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Standard X X X X X | X X | X X X X X X X 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 8 Rev: New . Analog Input Signal Ground Digital Input (active low).EPA 2007 Models A B C D E F G H J K L M N P C2 Trailer Module Harness Connector and Pin Numbers C2-A C2-C C2-D Ground A B C D E F G H C1 Tail Light Harness Full X X X X X X X X X X Standard X X X X X X X X X X Chassis Module (CHM) Detail Trailer Module Harness Pinouts at Connector C2 Signal Name Trailer Power Relay Trailer Stop Lamp Relay Pass-through Trailer Right Turn Lamp Trailer Marker Lamps Relay Trailer T aillight Relay Pass-through Trailer Left Turn Lamp Signal Type Digital Output Power Ground Pass-through Digital Output Digital Output Pass-through Digital Output Full X X X X X X X Standard | | | | | | | Taillight Harness Pinouts at Connector C1 Connector and Pin Numbers C1-A C1-D C1-E C1-F C1-G C1-H C1-J C1-L C1-N C1-P Signal Name Left Backup Lamp Left T aillight Pass-through Right T aillight Pass-through License Plate Lamp Left Rear Turn Lamp Backup Alarm Right Backup Lamp Right Stop Lamp Left Stop Lamp Right Rear Turn Lamp Signal Type Digital Output Pass-through Pass-through Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output C2-E C2-F C2-G C2-H C3 Forward Chassis Harness Forward Chassis Harness Pinouts at Connector C3 Connector and Pin Numbers Signal Name Fuel/Water Separator Heater J1587{ Datalink Fog/Road Lamps Fog/Road Lamps Low Air Pressure Park Brake Service Brake Ground Main Battery Power (VBAT2) Right DRL Right Low Beam Ignition Left Front/Side Turn Lamp Right Front/Side Turn Lamp J1587+ Datalink Signal Type Digital Output Datalink Digital Output Digital Output Digital Input (active low) Digital Input (active low) Digital Input (active low) Power Ground Power Digital Output Digital Output Digital Input (active high) Digital Output Digital Output Datalink Full X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Standard | X | | X X X X X | X X X X X X H G F E D C B A J K L M N P R S C3-A C3-B C3-C C3-D C3-E C3-F C3-G C3-H C3-J C3-K C3-L C3-M C3-N C3-P C3-R C3-S T aillight/License Plate Lamps Pass-through Pass-through C5 Air Management Unit Connector and Pin Numbers C5-A C5-B C5-C C5-F C5-G C5-H C5-J C5-L C5-M Signal Name AMU Analog Input 0 AMU Analog Input 1 Ground AMU Analog Input 2 AMU Analog Input 3 AMU Solenoid 0 AMU Solenoid 1 AMU Solenoid 2 AMU Solenoid 3 M L K J H G F E D C B A C4 Forward Chassis Harness Full X X X X X X X X X Standard | | | | | | | | | Connector and Pin Numbers C4-A C4-B C4-C C4-D C4-E C4-F C4-G C4-H C4-J C4-K C4-L C4-M C4-N C4-P C4-R C4-S S R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A Forward Chassis Harness Pinouts at Connector C4 Connector C5 Air Management Unit (AMU) Harness Pinouts Signal Type Digital Input (active low). Analog Input Digital Input (active low). Analog Input Digital Input (active low). through the data link. The system communicates using two primary forms of communication called data links: J1939 datalink (High speed) and the J1708/J1587 datalink (low speed). * Maximum recommended length between any 2 nodes = 3 meters * Maximum recommended branch length = 1 meter * Maximum recommended total backbone length = 30 meters Branch Circuit The section of J1939 datalink between the backbone and each control unit that has J1939. Conn. Terminating Resistor 120 Ohm MBE VCU CPC ICU ABS (Cab) Diag. who sent it. J1708/1587 (Dark green J1587+ Orange J1587– in a twisted pair to reduce interference) The J1587 datalink is a low-speed vehicle datalink that communicates network protocol and provides simple information exchange. It does not include the branch circuits to each ECU or to the diagnostic connector. and what data is contained within it. and between the backbone and the diagnostic connector. Control Unit connects to the J1939 datalink via a branch circuit. 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 9 Rev: New . Diagnostic Connector a 9-pin diagnostic connector is used for troubleshooting the electrical system. which permits devices to broadcast requests as well as receive information from all other devices on the network. Multiplexing is defined as the process of sending multiple electronic messages through the same signal path at the same time—in this case. • A terminating resistor is installed at each end of the network to dampen feedback signals. • Each message includes an identifier much like a CB channel setting that defines the message priority. including diagnostic data between electronic control devices.EPA 2007 Models Multiplexing System Backbone The J1708/1587 Datalink Outside of Cab Inside of Cab BHM Dash J1587 Junction Block J1939 J1708/1587 CHM ABS (Frame) TCU (Allison/ AGS) NonMBE Engine AGS Display Multiplexing System The term "multiplexing" describes how the Business Class® M2 electrical system works. Note: Solid lines represent required components Dashed lines represent optional components The J1939 Datalink ABS TRANS ICU ENG 120 Ohm Terminating Resistor CHM BHM DIAG Backbone Terminology Control Unit Branch Circuit Backbone The main J1939 datalink wiring that lies between the two terminating resistors. J1939 (Yellow J1939+ Green J1939– In a twisted pair covered with black loom) • A high speed vehicle communications network. General J1939 harness drawings.EP10 Chassis resistor located in chassis frame rear of cab Look for Yellow or Red tape located at breakout point under cab Drivers side Ignition Circuit 81C Max load: 5amps Cab resistor located in dash behind ICU panel The J1939 Datalink ABS 120 Ohm Terminating Resistor TRANS ICU ENG 120 Ohm Terminating Resistor CHM Illumination Circuit 29A Max load: 5amps BHM DIAG Backbone Branch Circuit J1939 Multiplexing System connections Tying into the J1939 backbone is accomplished by tapping into the system using the terminating resistor tee’s located at each end of the backbone Ground Circuit GND Max load: 10amps J1939 Tee connection is used for Switch Expansion Modules only and is not used on std assemblies (FTL # A06-37868-000) Pin part number for harness connection TERM-FEMALE. Ground and Dash Illumination (accessary power from this location dims out during engine cranking) EPA 2007 Models System Tap Points Resistor Receptor Part FTL# DUFDM04 2P EP10 Deutsch # DTM04 . The cab terminating resistor is located in the dash tucked up above the dash tap points for the J1587 The correct datlink resistence measured at any device. . Conn. usually behind the cab. 34B and 343 330.Dash Tap Points Ignition Accessary Power.If connections under dash become disconnected. Numerous J1939 problems can be attributed when terminating resistors are missing or disconnected.(18-16) PAC12110844 TERM-FEMALE. and installation drawings Engine harness and installation drawings and wiring diagrams Transmission harness and installation drawings and wiring diagrams ABS harness and installation drawings 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 10 Rev: New . The dash J1587 junction block (shown above) is located behind the center dash panel. or at the diagnostic plug should be 60ohmes with the battery disconnected. IMPORTANT: . and 333 The J1587 datalink G06-43822 found in Module 160 is the drawing number of the J1587 wiring schematic. 332. To connect easily to J1939 at dash or chassis locations order the following parts: Note: Solid lines represent required components Dashed lines represent optional components (1) Tee and Jumper FTL# A06-37868-000 (1) Jumper Plug FTL# DUFDTM06 2S E004 (2) Female Pins DUFWM2SB Component Module Locations Component Module Number 160 283 and 286 34A. Connections should never be connected back together IE ABS with ABS as this creates an independent circuit in the system that is not connected to the backbone The J1708/1587 Datalink Outside of Cab Inside of Cab Dash Tap point BHM Dash J1587 Junction Block J1939 Connections for Body Builders CHM ABS (Frame) TCU (Allison/ AGS) NonEngine MBE AGS Display MBE VCU CPC ICU ABS (Cab) Diag.(14-12) PAC12110842 The Chassis terminating resistor is located in a tee long the left frame rail.It is essential that both terminating resistors remain connected to the ends of the J1939 backbone to dampen feedback signals. schematics.2P . Duplicate Smart Switch fault indicates that there are two or more identical smart switches connected to either the BHM or SEM smart switch ports. System can handle up to 4 expansion modules on the M2 (Currently only one SEM is released) The function of the SEM is to: Read all smart switch IDs and positions. Each channel can talk independently to the Bulkhead module at the same time. Accessing the features screen can be accomplished on sight at the body builder if they are set up with Freightliner Service link and the data link harness. Turn on the smart switch indicator lights when commanded to do so by the Bulkhead Module (BHM). Transmit the smart switch IDs and position data on the J1939 datalink. Each adds up to 6 Smart Switches (beyond the standard 5 supported directly by BHM). There are two primary types of Smart Switch Two position switch: Supplies an on or off signal to the BHM Three position switch: allows for an up down off signal to the BHM (Used in applications where more than one input is required.). this is done through the features screen using service link. In order for a smart switch to work on the vehicle the Bulk head module must be trained to hear it. 10 1 2 EPA 2007 Models Low Current Smart Switches Low Current Smart Switch Easily identified by the Black backing on the switch 860-004 SMART SWITCH EXPANSION MODULE (SEM) A Switch Expansion Module (SEM) is available for the Business Class® M2 vehicle when more than five smart switches are installed on the vehicle. Each switch has a unique combination of resistors that control the voltage system to the BHM allowing it to identify the switch. 10 1 2 3 4 12 3 4 9 5 6 8 11 Smart Switch Pinout for Two Position Switch Pins Pin 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 Circuit Number 474B 474C 474D GND 14E 29A 474A Circuit Description Switch Position Input Switch Function ID 1 Input Switch Function ID 2 Input Ground Indicator (+) Backlighting (+) Indicator ({) Smart Switch Pinout for a 3 position Switch Pins Pin 2 7 8 9 11 Circuit Number 474B 474C 474D GND 29A Circuit Description Switch Position Input Switch Function ID 1 Input Switch Function ID 2 Input Ground Backlighting (+) 12 Switch Expansion Module 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 11 Rev: New Low Current Smart Switch Socket . Three common faults can occur with Smart Switches Extra Smart Switch fault indicates that a smart switch has been installed that the vehicle is not programmed to utilize. Missing Smart Switch fault indicates that a smart switch has been programmed but is not installed.Smart switches: Smart switches are low current switches that use signals to communicate with the Bulk Head Module to tell what function they effect and what state they are in (on or off etc.) Smart switches identify themselves by two voltage signals to the bulkhead module. To fix this error the duplicate smart switches must be removed from the system. Optional switches can be ordered in a one-. . Module 329 Options: 329-007 ILLUMINATED ROCKER SWITCH WITH WIRE TO BACK OF CAB AND MARKER LIGHT CIRCUIT TO JUNCTION BLOCK ON FRAME BACK OF CAB EPA 2007 Models High Current Switches Blunt cut power wires from opt high current power switches located in frame BOC.39 Switches will be pre-wired to a Junction block attached to the frame rail near the Chassis Module (CHM. 399A for optional switch 1.All optional high current switches mount on the dash. of Switches 1 2 4 Connector Pin 8 6 5B 5A 4 7 PDM Fuse F25 Rating 15A 30A 20A Switch Protected Switch 1 Shared by switch 1 and 2 Shared by switch 1 and 2 Rating | | 20A Circuit Color PDM Fuse F26 Switch Protected | | Shared by switch 3 and 4 Extra dash switches are not connected and require a customer supplied mating plug and pins to connect the switches to additional wiring. switch controlled power provisions that can be ordered for a Business Class® M2 vehicle. (4) WITH INDICATOR LAMPS AND WIRES TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB. Switch Output Current Capacity 15A 15A 10A Optional-switch Current Capacity No.Optional switches are commonly used to provide battery-powered lighting. 399B for optional switches 3 and 4. 329-010 TWO EXTRA SWITCHES IN DASH WITH INDICATOR LAMP AND WIRE TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB/SLEEPER 329-012 FOUR EXTRA SWITCHES IN DASH WITH INDICATOR LAMP AND WIRE TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB/SLEEPER 329-015 ONE ILLUMINATED ROCKER SWITCH WITH WIRE TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB 329-077 (8) EXTRA SWITCHES IN DASH.High current Switch: . (2) WIRED BY BODY BUILDER High Current Switch Easily identified by the White backing on the switch Optional power switches: Extra switches can be ordered and come mounted on the dash to the right of the steering column. | | | | GND | 29A Ordered using Option 329-007 Junction Block 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 12 Rev: New . (4) WIRED BY BODY BUILDER 329-082 (7) EXTRA SWITCHES IN DASH. Each switch is equipped with two LED lights. Constant fused power up to m15A is supplied to each switch from the Power Distribution Module (PDM). 399C for optional switch 2. (4) WITH INDICATOR LAMPS AND WIRES TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB. 399E for optional switch 3. Optional Switch Connector Signal Name Signal Type Circuit Number Terminal Pin 23-13213-400 (20-18) Terminal Pin 23-13213-401 (16-14) Terminal Pin 23-13213-402 (12-10) Terminal Pin PAC12015869 (20-18) Terminal Pin PAC12015870 (16-14) Terminal Pin PAC12015830 (12-10) FTL Switch Socket PN Socket 06-42557-000 Vndr Switch Socket PN Socket PAC15393805 10 3 2B 2A 1 9 1 2B 3 4 5B 6 7 8 9 10 | Fused Battery Power Optional Switch Output | | | | Ground | Illumination Feed | Input Output | | | | Ground | Input | T T | | | | BK | BR | 399 for optional switches 1 and 2. Other applications include using the optional switch as a triggering mechanism to enable other features. (4) WITH INDICATOR LAMPS AND WIRES TO CHASSIS AT BACK OF CAB. IMPORTANT: The power distribution module (PDM) fuse supplying power to the optional switch is rated for 15 amps and this load should not be exceeded by the combined current load of the circuit. . 399G for optional switch 4. and route to a customer access point ending in blunt cut wires. provide fuse protected battery power. (3) WIRED BY BODY BUILDER 329-083 (6) EXTRA SWITCHES IN DASH. or four-switch configuration. spot. two-. such as dome.) The red wire in the junction block receives power from the output circuit of the optional switch. . or beacon lights. one LED provides switch illumination and on position indication. such as hydraulic lift operations or access panel locks. (See plug part numbers on this page) Connecting a switch using a chassis Junction Block: Ref service bulletin Power Switches and Connections # SB-54.Optional power switches are factory-installed. EPA 2007 Models Electrical System Overview High Current Switch Schematics Four-switch Conguration Wiring Diagram Hot at all times (Battery B+) Fuse F25 20A C TA Illumination Illumination Splice Pack SP1 Hot at all times (Battery B+) PDM Fuse Located F26 Under 20A the hood One-switch Conguration Wiring Diagram With Junction Block and market light feed Illumination output Hot at all times (Battery B+) Fuse F25 15A PDM located under the hood 399A T 3 ON Illumination Splice Pack SP1 C T 399 399 T 2B L 29A BR 10 ILLUM OFF T Output 29A BR L 399B 399 C Switch Battery Access Marker Light Access GND BK 8 ON IND Dash-mounted Optional Switch 399B 399B Dash Ground Splice Pack SP9 T 46F BR BR 2B T 2B T 2B T 2B T Optional Switch Marker Lights 399A A R B 46B C Y D E CUST1 10 BR 29A 10 BR 29A 10 BR 29A 10 BR 29A 399 399 M Marker lights output C4 Chassis Module ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON Customer Access Junction Block Ring Terminal Connections One-switch Conguration Wiring Diagram Without Junction Block IND T3 8 ON ILLUM IND T3 8 ON ILLUM ILLUM DashMounted Optional Switch 3 8 ON 3 IND ILLUM DashMounted Optional Switch 4 ON 8 T 3 IND Illumination output GND BK GND BK GND BK GND BK 399E T DashMounted Optional Switch 1 DashMounted Optional Switch 2 L 29A BR 10 ILLUM OFF 399G 399A 399A Hot at all times (Battery B+) Fuse F25 15A Illumination Splice Pack SP1 C T 399 399 T 2B PDM located under the hood C GND BK 399A T 3 ON OPT SW 1 10A MAX OPT SW 2 10A MAX OPT SW 3 10A MAX OPT SW 4 10A MAX OPT SW 1 15A MAX Optional switch Output 16 GA circuit Heat-shrink Protected Dash Ground Splice Pack SP9 T 399A C GND BK 8 ON IND Dash-mounted Optional Switch Dash Ground Splice Pack SP9 Optional switch outputs 16 GA circuits Heat shrink protected ON 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 13 Rev: New . Separate Turn Separate Backup Light 294-046 OMIT STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS AND PROVIDE WIRING WITH SEPARATE STOP/TURN WIRES TO 4’ BEYOND END OF FRAME 294-094 OMIT STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS AND PROVIDE WIRING WITH SEPARATE STOP/TAIL WIRES TO 7’ BEYOND END OF FRAME Combination Stop/Tail. Body builders utilizing factory lights and needing additional lighting interface should use the 353 data codes for body builder interfaces. Separate Turn Separate Backup Lights 294-021 TRUCK-LITE 3 CHAMBER MODULES WITH 45 SERIES SEALED BEAM LAMPS 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 14 Rev: New . Separate Backup Light 294-090 OMIT STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS AND PROVIDE WIRING FOR COMBINED STOP/TURN LIGHTS TO FOUR FEET BEYOND END OF FRAME Incandescent Combination 294-002 TRUCK-LITE 40 STOP/TAIL WITH SEPARATE BACKUP LIGHTS GROMMET MOUNTED Combination Stop/Tail. Combination Stop/Turn/Tail. Many connectors come with mating connectors included and require only the terminals to be supplied by the body builder. Separate Backup Lights LED Combination 294-042 FREIGHTLINER LED FLANGE MOUNTED STOP/TAIL/TURN LIGHTS WITH SEPARATE INCANDESCENT BACKUP LIGHTS Wiring Only Options Combination Stop/Turn/Tail.EPA 2007 Models Tail Lights Combination Stop/Turn/Tail/Backup Lights 294-001 INTEGRAL STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS 294-017 INTEGRAL STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS WITH 7’ ADDITIONAL WIRE AT CHASSIS END OF FRAME Tail Lights and connections Body builders wishing to supply their own taillights can order the connectors only options shown below. C1-H. and C1-J are fed from the same CHM circuit board trace. C2-E.0A† 7. C2-H.45A.45A* 7. F G Aft Harness Tail Harness Lighting Outputs For Integrated Rear Lights (Combination stop/turn signal) 39R Tail/license lights K BR B1 23 1939+ 23 LTG C BR B R-W BR R 3 BK 2 2 Stop/Turn 1 W Park 1 W Backup Lighting Outputs For Individual Rear Lights (Combination stop/turn signal) Tail/license K Lights B1 1939+ B Y BR 23 With dual backup lights DKBL DKBL A DKBL A R 2 Right Backup Light 1939+ B Y 120B DKBL A GND BK Data Lines E DKBL R BK 1939+ DKBL 1939.45A* | | 1.45A‡ 7.45A.R DKG 1939P BR C3 Right L LTG Stop/turn A LTBL Backup Tail/license Lights D BR 23 1939- R DKG 1939P BR C3 23 1 BK 2 W BK Right Stop/Turn/Park Light Tail Harness 39R 120B 23 D A B R-W DKBL BR R 2 BK 2 BK 2 1 W Backup 1 W License Park 1 W Stop/Turn BK 2 1 W License Light Backup A LTBL 120B A DKBL120B R-W 39R BR R-W BK 23 39L GND Left Stop/Turn/Park Light BK 2 1 W R-W R 3 Left stop/turn N Y C1 39L C GND BK E Taillight Aft Harness Ground R-W R 3 Chassis Module BK Left Taillight Assembly Right L LTG 39R D Stop/turn Tail/license D BR B 23 Lights C 39L Left stop/turn N Y C1 GND BK E Chassis Module Taillight Aft Harness Ground Tail Harness 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 15 Rev: New . and C3-N are fed by the same CHM circuit board trace.45A 7. † Pins C1-D.45A 7.45A* | 7. The max combined current cap for all three pins is 1A. ‡ Pins C1-G. and C1-F are fed from the same CHM circuit board trace.0A† 1.0A† 1.J DKG 1939B2 Bulkhead Module G Y 1939+ Right Taillight Assembly 1939.45A 7.45A§ Tail Lights Detail B Mating connector supplied with Chassis Packard Connector PAC 12110751 Terminal supplied by Body Builder Packard Terminal PAC 15304719 Freightliner Seal Part# 23-12497-282 Signal Type Output Output Output Output Ground Output Output Circuit Color DKBL BR DKG R-W BK Y R-W Circuit Number 120B 23 38R 39R GND 38L 39L Connector Pin A Signal Name Backup Light T aillights and License Light Right Turn Signal Light Right Stop Light Ground Left Turn Signal Light Left Stop Light Rear Lighting Connection (separate stop/turn signal) 1939+ G Y 19391939+ Data Lines 1939+ 1939Y B 1939+ 1939- C D E F G R DKG 1939P BR C3 23 DKG J B2 120B Backup A DKBL Tail/license D BR 23 Lights P DKG Right turn Right stop L R-W 39R Taillight GND Ground Left turn G Y 38L Left stop N R-W 39L C1 Chassis Module A B 38R C D E BK 23 BR K Tail/license B1 Lights Bulkhead Module E D C BA E A Mating connector supplied by Body Builder Packard Connector 12186400 Terminal supplied by Body Builder Packard Terminal 12129497 Freightliner Part# 23-13213-131 Rear Light Connector (combination stop/turn signal) Connector Pin A B C D E Signal Name Backup Light T aillights and License Light Left Stop/Turn Signal Light Right Stop/Turn Signal Light Ground Signal Type Output Output Output Output Ground Circuit Color LTBL BR Y L TG BK Circuit Number 120B 23 39L 39R GND * Pins C1-A. The max combined current cap for all three pins is 7.All Plugs viewed from Front G A Rear Light Connector (separate stop/turn signal) G F E D C BA P N M L K J H P H EPA 2007 Models C D A B E F G D C B A E F G Pinouts at CHM Connector C1 Connector Pin C1-A C1-A C1-B C1-C C1-D C1-E C1-F C1-G C1-H C1-J C1-K C1-L C1-L C1-M C1-N C1-N C1-P Left T aillight Pass-through Right T aillight Pass-through License Plate Light Left Rear Turn Signal Light (separate stop/turn signal) Backup Alarm Right Backup Light | Right Stop Light (combination stop/turn signal) Right Stop Light (separate stop/turn signal) | Left Stop/Turn Signal Light (combination stop/turn signal) Left Stop Light (separate stop/turn signal) Right Rear Turn Signal Light (separate stop/turn signal) Signal Name Left Backup Light (combination stop/turn signal) Left Backup Light (separate stop/turn signal) | | Signal Type Digital Output Digital Output | | Pass-through Pass-through Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output | Digital Output Digital Output | Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Circuit Color L TBL DKBL T T BR BR BR Y DKBL DKBL T L TG R-W T Y R-W DKG Circuit Number 120B 120B OPTA OPTB 23 23A 23C 38L 120B 120B OPTC 39R 39R OPTD 39L 39L 38R Current Capacity 7. C1-E.45A | 7.J DKG 1939B2 Bulkhead Module Data Lines With DKBL Center Backup light 1 W Backup Light R 3 1939 + 1939+ GND BK 120B DKBL 23 BR 39R LTG E A B C BK DKBL BR R-W G Y 1939+ R-W BR 1939. The max combined current cap for all three pins is 7.45A. and C3-R are fed by the same CHM circuit board trace.45A* 7. The max combined current cap for all three pins is 7. § Pins C1-P. Circuit No.The transmission interface harness provides the VIW connection for the current generation of 1000/2000 Series or 3000/4000 Series electronic controls.The transmission interface harness provides most of the optional I/O circuits. Engine rpm Caterpillar only Detroit Diesel and Throttle Inhibit Mercedes-Benz only Remote Throttle On/Off All engines except CAT Remote Throttle Signal All engines Remote Throttle Power All engines Remote Signal Ground All engines PTO Active Caterpillar only Optional Circuit All engines Optional Circuit All engines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Vndr Male Part Number Connector 54241600 Terminal Pin 54001626 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 FTL Female Part Number Connector 23-13153-030 Terminal Pin 23-13211-021 Vndr Female Part Number Connector 54241630 Terminal Pin 54001625 Transmission Interface (Grey Plug) FTL Male Part Number Connector 23-13153-057 Terminal Pin 23-13211-031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Vndr Male Part Number Connector 54241601 Terminal Pin 54001626 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 FTL Female Part Number Connector 23-13153-056 Terminal Pin 23-13211-021 Vndr Female Part Number Connector 54241631 Terminal Pin 54001625 Transmission Interface Connector Pinout Assignments on M2 Vehicles Allison Allison Transmission Function † Pin Freightliner Transmission® No. in addition to the speedometer signal. PTO Set Speed B Signal CAT (M2 only) Tachometer + Signal. §‡ Output 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 16 Rev: New .Multiple fixed speeds . Mercedes. depending on the transmission that is installed in the vehicle. The optional features provided by this harness include: .Variable RPM title Mod 148 determines the type of remote engine throttle Mod 163 determines the location of the interface connector Mod 87L determines the interlock requirements Transmission interface: EPA 2007 Models Engine & Transmission Interface . Engine rpm All engines Tachometer – Signal. in a front wall connector that can be used by the body builder. see the Allison Transmission Vocational Model Guide for the applicable function. Mercedes.Engine Interface: Freightliner provides an engine interface harness when an rpm control system is ordered for optional body builder features and PTO (power takeoff) applications.Fast idle . 1 232E 163 Ignition Signal Ignition Signal 2 497C7 (O‡) 150 PTO Enable — Secondary Mode Indicator 3 497C8 (O) 113 — Range Indicator Engine Overspeed Indicator 4 497Y 103 Digital Ground Digital Ground 5 497K (O) 125 Vehicle Speed Sensor Vehicle Speed Sensor 6 497C4 (O) 105 Output Speed Indicator A Output Speed Indicator A Neutral Indicator for PTO Neutral Indicator for PTO 7 497C3 (O) 145 Two-Speed Axle Enable Two-Speed Axle Enable Direction Change Enable § 8 497D3 (I ) 143 PTO Enable PTO Enable Reverse Enable Engine Overspeed Indicator 9 497C1 (O) 130 — PTO Enable Secondary Mode Indicator Auxiliary Hold Secondary Mode Input Two-Speed Axle Enable Automatic Neutral-Dual Input With Park Brake 10 497D5 (I) 142 Secondary Mode Input Auto Neutral-Dual Input With Service Brake Status Auxiliary Function Range Inhibit (special) Auto Neutral-Dual Input With Service Brake Status Auxiliary Function Range Inhibit (standard) Automatic Neutral-Dual Input With Park Brake Shift Selector Transition Auxiliary Function Range Two-Speed Axle Enable 11 497D6 (I) 101 Inhibit (standard) Shift Selector Transition/Secondary Shift Schedule Auxiliary Function Range Inhibit (special) Automatic Neutral-Single Input Direction Change Enable Reverse Enable 12 497D10 (I) 117 — Automatic Neutral-Dual Input With Park Brake Auto Neutral-Dual Input With Service Brake Status Sump Sump 13 497C6 (O) 164 Retarder Temperature Retarder Temperature Indicator Indicator 4th Lockup Pump Mode 14 497D1 (I) 123 3rd Lockup Pump Mode Kickdown Direction Change Enable 4th Lockup Pump Mode 3rd Lockup Pump Mode 15 497D4 (I) 122 Refuse Packer Step Switch Transfer Case Low Reduced Engine Load at Stop Neutral Indicator for PTO Neutral Indicator for PTO 16 497C3 (O) 145 Two-Speed Axle Enable Two-Speed Axle Enable † When more than one function is listed. 1000/2000 Series 3000/4000 Series Circuit No. Data Book Codes for the EPA 2007 Transmission Interface Harnesses Data Book Codes for Engine Remote Interface Harnesses (ERIH) Description Data Book Code 148-070 ERIH With Fixed Single Speed 148-071 ERIH With Increment/Decrement 148-072 ERIH With Multiple Set Speeds 148-073 ERIH for Remote Throttle 163-001 ERIH at Back of Cab 163-002 ERIH at End of Frame 163-003 ERIH at End of Frame w/6-ft Harness 163-004 ERIHs in Engine Compartment 163-005 ERIH Behind Front Bumper 163-006 ERIH Inside the Cab Under the Dash 87L-001 ERIH With Park Brake Interlock 87L-003 ERIH With Park Brake and Neutral Interlocks 87L-005 ERIH Without Interlocks Cavity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Circuit 483Z 439U 492U 483A 483B 439V1 483R 439V2 483E 483F 492Z 483N 483C 483D 492Y 492W Optional Optional Transmission (Grey Plug) Data Book Code 34C-001 34C-002 34C-003 Description Transmission Interface Harness at the Frontwall Transmission Interface Harness at Back of Cab Transmission Interface at End of Frame Engine (Black Plug) Engine Interface (Black Plug) FTL Male Part Number Connector 23-13153-031 Terminal Pin 23-13211-031 Engine Remote Interface Connector Pinout Assignments Engine Circuit Description Sensor Common Ground With Interlock All engines Remote PTO All engines Cruise Control PTO Remote On/Off All engines except CAT PTO Set All engines PTO Resume All engines Detroit Diesel. PTO Set Speed A Signal CAT (M2 only) Maximum Operating Speed/Governor Cummins only Detroit Diesel.Increment/decrement . . 0 amps* 4.7A 6.12 Left Backup Light Left T aillight Right T aillight Left Turn Light Backup Alarm Right Backup Light Right Stop Light or Right Stop/Turn Light Left Stop Light or Left Stop/Turn Light Right Turn Light | Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output Digital Output | DKBL BR BR Y DKBL DKBL R-W R-W DKG | 120B 23A 23A 38L 120B 120B 36 36 38R | 7.S16.16-18AWG (stamped) TERM-MALE . Turn Light | Left T aillight Ground | +12V via PDM Fuse 1 (20A) With relay 4 (left taillight) active. PDM End of Frame.023 High Current Options 353 .0 amps Circuit Color Circuit Number Current Capacity 19 18 17 Body Builder Lighting Interfaces TERM-MALE 12/14 AWG DUF 046020412141 TERM-MALE 16/18 AWG DUF 046020216141 11 1-5 6 7 8* 9 10 11 12 | Ground | Backup Light | Ground | | +12V via PDM Fuse 2 (20A) With relay 1 (backup light) active.038 2.SOL.S16.16-18AWG (Solid)DUF 046020216141 TERM-MALE . Marker Lamps to C4 -M 13 14 15 16 Left Stop Light +12V via PDM Fuse 5 (20A) or Left Stop/Turn with relay 6 (left turn light) active. 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 17 Rev: New .14-16AWG (Solid)DUF 046021516141 3 4 DEUTSCH 12 DE U 11 10 5 6 TS CH 9 8 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 TERM-MALE . Ground Marker Lamps 6.S16.0 amps 6.45A* 6.027 353 . and 6.45A | Body builder low voltage lighting interface connector supplied with 353-022 & 353-023 (See next page for schematics) Body Builder Interface Connector Supplied with 353-026 & 353-027 (See next page for schematics) * This pin is fed by CHM pins 1.45A.S16..45A* 1.0 amps 6. Marker Lamps to C4 -M EOF.0A 7. Ground Ground Right Stop Light +12V via PDM Fuse 6 (20A) or Right Stop/ With relay 3 (right turn light) Active. Light | Left Stop Light Ground | +12V via PDM Fuse 3 (20A) With relay 5 (left stop light) active.0 amps 6. BACK OF CAB 353-027 VEHICLE INTERFACE WIRING AND PDM WITH BODY BUILDER CONNECTOR AT END OF FRAME 353-038 MARKER LAMP CONNECTION FOR BODY BUILDERS Stop Lamps Low Current Options 353 .0A 1.1 A per side 20 A per side 20 A per side Turn Lamps 4.45A 7.14-16AWG (stamped) DUF 1060 16 0122 PS DUF 1060 14 0122 PS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .022 353 . Low-current Lighting Interface Harness A06-44388 Tail Light Connector Body Builder PDM also supplied with these options Connector Pin 1 2 3 4 Signal Name 5 6 Signal Type Circuit Color Circuit Number Current Capacity 1 2 TERM-MALE .45A* 7.7A 7.1 A per side 2.High-current Lighting Interface Harness A06-48218 Connector Pin 9 10 2 3 12 13 4 14 1 5 15 8 7 6 16 Signal Name Signal Type EPA 2007 Models Vehicle Interface Lighting 353-022 VEHICLE INTERFACE WIRING WITH BODY BUILDER CONNECTOR MOUNTED BACK OF CAB 353-023 VEHICLE INTERFACE WIRING WITH BODY BUILDER CONNECTOR MOUNTED END OF FRAME 353-026 VEHICLE INTERFACE WIRING AND PDM WITH BODY BUILDER CONNECTOR.0 amps 6.0 amps combine with tail combine with tail Connection Point BOC.. The maximum combined current capacity for all three pins is 7. | | BK | DKBL | R-W BK DKG | BR BK Y | R-W BK | GND 2 | 120B | 36 GND 1 38R | 23A GND 2 38L | 36 GND 1 | | | 20A | 20A | 20A | 20A | 20A | 20A | +12V via PDM Fuse 4 (20A) Right Stop Light With relay 2 (right stop light) Active. Ground Back of Cab.0 amps* 20 amps* 20 amps* Backup Lamps 6.SOL. PDM 17 18 19 MARKER LAMP CONNECTION FOR BODY BUILDERS * Some early harnesses have pin 8 located in pin 17. 5.026 353 . EPA 2007 Models Body Lighting Interface Schematics High Current InterfaceRef Harness A06-48218 R 14E 87A 30 Right Stop Light Relay 2 86 85 87 87 87A Left Turn Light Relay 6 30 86 85 87A 30 Left Taillight Relay 4 86 85 87 87A Left Backup Light Relay 1 30 86 85 87 85 86 Right Turn Light Relay 3 30 87A 87 85 86 Left Stop lIght Relay 5 30 87A 87 11 Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse 4 3 1 2 6 5 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A MEGA Fuse 150A Battery Low Current Interface Ref Harness A06-44388 36 38R 120B 23A 38L 36 R-W DKG DKBL BR Y R-W N P A D G L C2 Inline Connector to Tail Harness Inline Connector to Tail Harness DE UT SC H GND1 A BK GND2 B BK C BR 23A D DKBL 120B E R-W 36 36 F R-W G DKG 38R 38L H Y GRY Connector C8 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEUTSCH 12 11 10 9 8 7 36 GND1 38R R-W 36 BK 14 GND1 GND2 DKBL120B 23A GND2 38L Low-current Lighting Interface R-W BK DKG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 13 1516171819 High-current Lighting Interface 9 10 3 12 13 8 2 1 4 14 5 7 19 18 6 16 15 17 BR BK Y BK Taillight Module 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 18 Rev: New DKBL 120B BR 23A BR 23A Y 38L DKBL 120B DKBL 120B R-W 36 R-W 36 DKG 38R A R-W 36 38L B Y 23A C BR GND D BK E DKBL 120B GND F BK G DKG 38R 36 H R-W BLK Connector C2 Left back of cab (BOC1) ground L Right stop light relay output G Left turn light relay output D Left taillight relay output 120B DKBL A Left backup light relay output 36 38L 23A R-W Y BR 38R 36 DKG R-W P Right turn light relay output H Left stop light relay output C1 A D E G H J L N P C2 DKBL BR BR Y DKBL DKBL R-W R-W DKG 120B 23A 23A 38L 120B 120B 36 36 38R 120B 23A 23A 38L 120B 120B 36 36 38R DKBL BR BR Y DKBL DKBL R-W R-W DKG A D E G H J L N P C1 Left backup light Left taillight Right taillight Left rear turn light Backup alarm Right backup light Right stop light Left stop light Right rear turn light Chassis Module Chassis Module 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . Wiring Diagram of the Trailer Electrical System With Both J560 and ISO 3731 Connectors (primary and secondary receptacles) Wiring Diagram of the Trailer Electrical System With Only a J560 Connector (primary receptacle) 2007 M2 Electrical Body Builder Reference Page # 19 Rev: New . CENTER PIN POWERED THROUGH IGNITION 297-001 SAE J560 7-WAY PRIMARY TRAILER CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED END OF FRAME 297-005 SAE J560 7-WAY PRIMARY TRAILER CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED ON CHASSIS BACK OF CAB/SLEEPER 297-008 SAE J560 7-WAY PRIMARY TRAILER CABLE RECEPTACLE BRACKET MOUNTED LH DECK BACK OF CAB R 14E Fuse 1 30A 86 85 Trailer Power Relay 4 Fuse 2 30A Fuse 3 20A 4 20A Fuse 5 30A Fuse 6 30A MEGA Fuse 150A Battery 14 376E EPA 2007 Models Trailer Electrical System R 14E Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Battery MEGA Fuse 150A 86 85 Trailer Power Relay 4 30 87A 87 30 8 5 Trailer right turn relay ctrl Trailer marker relay ctrl Trailer power relay ctrl Trailer tail relay ctrl Trailer stop relay ctrl Trailer left turn relay ctrl 87A 87 A DKG B BR C D PK E BR F BK G R-W H Y BLK Connector C1 38R 46A 52C 23A GND 36 38L E F A G D H C2 8 6 O 376C2 O 376C DKBL 376E O 376C4 To ABS Controller 1 30A 2 30A 3 4 5 6 20A 20A 30A 30A 30 87A 87 86 85 86 85 Tail Lamp Relay 1 30 87A 87 85 86 Left Turn Lamp Relay 5 To ABS Controller Tail Lamp Relay 1 30 87A 87 85 86 Left Turn Lamp Relay 5 30 87A 87 85 86 Chassis Module PLC Filter Left Back-of-Cab (BOC1) Ground DKBL 376E DKBL 376E Y 376F2 30 87A 87 85 86 A DKG 38R B BR 46A C D PK 52C E BR F BK GND G R-W 36 H Y 38L BLK Connector C1 E Trailer right turn relay ctrl F Trailer marker relay ctrl A power relay ctrl G Trailer Trailer tail relay ctrl D Trailer stop relay ctrl H Trailer left turn relay ctrl C2 Chassis Module ISO 3731 Receptacle Marker Lamp Relay 6 Y 30 87A 87 85 86 BK R DKG Y BR DKBL W GND W 1 W Optional Connections Marker Lamp Relay 6 30 87A 87 85 86 7 DKBL 3 Y 2 BK 4 R 5 DKG 6 BR BK 46A 36B R DKG 38r DKBL 38l Y BR 23 DKBL 45 GND W A B C DKBL 45 D BR 23 E Y F DKG 38R G R 36B H BK 46A GRY Connector C2 Left Back-of-Cab (BOC1) Ground Without Trailer ABS With Trailer ABS DKBL NCA NCA NCA With trailer ABS NCA NCAGND AntilockB NCA Braking A NCA System Right Turn Lamp Relay 2 30 87A 87 85 86 2 4 5 3 6 7 1 1 BK R G Y BL W 6 7 5 4 2 3 Right Turn Lamp Relay 2 30 87A 87 85 86 2 4 5 3 6 7 1 BK R G Y BR BL W Trailer Receptacle Left Back-of-Cab (BOC1) Ground PLC Filter With Trailer ABS 87A 87 6 7 5 4 2 3 87A 87 23A Stop Lamp Relay 3 30 1 Stop Lamp Relay 3 30 38L J560 1 6 7 5 4 3 2 Trailer Module Trailer Module Trailer Receptacle 01/17/2006 Fig. 2.Mod 269 296-010 PRIMARY CONNECTOR/RECEPTACLE CENTER PIN POWERED THROUGH IGNITION 296-025 PRIMARY CONNECTOR/RECEPTACLE WIRED FOR COMBINATION STOP/TURN.
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