M 621 CR GRPPipingMaterials



NORSOK STANDARDCOMMON REQUIREMENTS GRP PIPING MATERIALS M-CR-621 Rev. 1, December 1994 ......................................................................................... 7 _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 1 of 7 ............................................................ 6 9 OPERATION .............................. 6 8 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION ................................ 2 3 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... December 1994 CONTENTS 1 FOREWORD ....... 3 6 QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURERS.......... 2 2 SCOPE................................................ 4 7 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 1....................................................................................................................... 2 4 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS..........................GRP Piping Materials M-CR-621 Rev................ 3 5 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Work has been initiated in order to transfer the NORSOK/UKOOA documents into an ISO standard. 2 SCOPE The Standard defines the requirements for qualification of manufacturer. December 1994 FOREWORD This Standard has been developed by the NORSOK Standardisation Work Group for the widest possible national and international application. with the exception of part 1. BS 5480 Specification for Glass Fibre Reinforced (GRP) pipes. 3 NORMATIVE REFERENCES UKOOA document Specifications and Recommended Practice for the Use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Piping Offshore. The Standard is based on the UKOOA document "Specifications and Recommended Practice for the Use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Piping Offshore" with amendments given. with part 1 giving an introduction and providing references and definitions applicable to the other four parts.GRP Piping Materials 1 M-CR-621 Rev. fabrication and installation/operation of GRP piping systems on offshore installations. Each part of the UKOOA document. The UKOOA document is divided into five parts. Each part may be considered as separate documents. follow the individual life cycle of a GRP pipe system. 1994. joints and fittings for use for water supply and sewerage. 3) System Design. design. ASTM D 3681 Standard test method for chemical resistance of thermosetting resin pipes in a deflected condition. This NORSOK Standard will apply until such a standard has been established. 4) Fabrication and Installation and 5) Operation. DIN 16966 Glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF) pipe fittings and joint assemblies. 1. ASTM D 4024 Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTR) Flanges. _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 2 of 7 . manufacturing. 2) Components and Manufacture. 1) Philosophy and Scope. firewater dry deluge. Unamended paragraphs in the UKOOA document apply in full. Norway) Teknologisk Institutt. non hazardous drains. chemicals. NORSOK M-CR-630 4 M-CR-621 Rev. England). OLF . with and without liner. OLF document Installasjon av komposittrør offshore . TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Typical acceptable applications of GRP piping include. firewater wet deluge.O. Part 1 of the UKOOA document: DnV GRE GRVE GRUP KRV OLF TI UKOOA 5 Det Norske Veritas Glass reinforced plastic made with epoxy resin. OLF document Installasjon av komposittrør offshore . December 1994 Material Data Sheets for Piping DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Add following abbreviations to Section 5. Kunststoff Rohrverband (53 Bonn. _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 3 of 7 .(UK`s counterpart to OLF) (3 Hans Crescent.Box 547.Godkjenning av inspektører (Approval of Inspectors). potable water. OLF . Germany) Oljeindustriens Landsforening (Norwegian Oil Industry Association) (P. N-4001 Stavanger.Godkjenning av montører og installasjonsledere (Approval of Pipe Fitters and Supervisors). non hazardous vents. Dyroffstrasse 2.1994 (DRAFT). Glass reinforced plastic made with unsaturated polyester resin. Glass reinforced plastic made with vinylester resin. produced water and ballast water. The amendments given in the following sections give additional requirements or impose limitations compared to the UKOOA "Specifications and Recommended Practice for the Use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Piping Offshore".GRP Piping Materials ISO 4901 Reinforced plastics based on unsaturated polyester resins Determination of residual styrene monomer content. Norway United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association. sewage/grey water (non hazardous waste). firewater ringmain. KRV A 984/82-02 Instructions for design and installation of piping made of glassfibre reinforced thermosetting resins. process water. London SW IX 0LN.1994 (DRAFT). 1. cooling medium. Oslo. service water. Suitable thermoplastic liner should be used in combination with vinylester and C glass or ECR glass for transportation of concentrated hypochlorite and sulphuric acid.2 and 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 4 of 7 . Thermoplastic lined pipes shall be qualified. The reinforcement used in the resin rich barrier shall be C glass or synthetic veil.1.1.9 Adhesive/resin for bonded/laminated joints Add new section 2. QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURERS Amendment to part 2:" Components and Manufacture" in UKOOA document The manufacturer shall satisfy the requirements given in Material Data Sheet MDS-P01 in NORSOK Standard M-CR-630. manufactured.1. 1. December 1994 Amendments to part 1.9. The adhesive/resin shall have suitable properties for field assembly and fullfilling the following requirements: -The adhesive/resin shall have a suitable viscosity for application at room temperature.4 kPas at 23°C with a shear rate of 10 rotations per second (absolute viscosity data). "Thermoplastic liners are also excluded from this Document Suite" in first section and add following sections: Preferred resins are bisphenol A epoxies with aromatic or cycloaliphatic curing agent and vinylester. Bibliography. The adhesive used for bonded joints or resin used for laminated joints shall be qualified according to section 2. designed and installed according to DIN 16966 and KRV A 984/82-02. For transporting other agressive fluids. Section 6. Section 2.GRP Piping Materials M-CR-621 Rev. Add following reference: DnV 6 Det norske Veritas Rules for Classification of Ships and Mobile Offshore Units. "Philosophy and Scope" in UKOOA document Section 1 of Part 1 in UKOOA`s document is only for information.3. The viscosity shall not be above 0.1. the C glass or ECR glass combined with resin rich internal barrier should be used. Section 2.2 Materials Delete last sentence. ANNEX C Test Method for Determination of Degree of Cure by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) C. Reference to new section 2.1. The percentage of fibreglass reinforcement in laminated joint shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. by measurement of samples taken from joints of components used in qualification testing. (Sample not powdered). the residual styrene monomer content for joints in components used in qualification testing may be determined.1. This includes measurement of degree of cure and glass content. Three samples shall be taken from three locations situated 120° apart in the same joint cross section. The degree of cure shall be determined by DSC in accordance with Annex C or by residual styrene content measurement in accordance with ISO 4901 for the adhesive used in bonded joints and the resin used in laminated joints. Section 2. -Alternatively. Section 2.10 Component Data for Fabrication. C. December 1994 -The fracture elongation of the cured adhesive/resin in joints shall not be less than that of the resin used in the piping.5.4 Component Properties for System Design Delete the two words “Where applicable” in the first sentence.6. The measurement shall be performed according to ISO 4901.GRP Piping Materials M-CR-621 Rev. 1.10: The manufacturer shall generate from the qualification programme baseline values including acceptance criteria for the fabrication and installation quality control programme.3 Delete sentence and replace with: Obtain the TG1 (midpoint of the inflection in the DSC curve) and/or the residual heat of reaction from the first scan and second scan.9.1. for polyester and vinylester based products.5 Delete sentence and replace with: _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 5 of 7 . -The glass transition temperature (TG) or the residual heat of reaction of the cured adhesive/resin shall be determined by DSC according to Annex C. Add new section 2. Prefabrication and Installation Quality Control Baselines. The glass transition temperature (TG) or the residual heat of reaction of the cured adhesive/resin measured according to Annex C in part 2 of the UKOOA document shall not deviate more than the following compared to qualified values: • • TG max.1. 1.1. 8 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION Amendment to part 4: "Fabrication and Installation" in UKOOA document Section 4.6 Quality Programme for Installation Add following sentence to the list in the third paragraph starting with "Quality control shall be based on the implementation of:" -curing temperature and time shall be regularly recorded for adhesive bonded joints and laminated joints.4.4 Flanged Joints Replace last sentence with following sentence: Allowable bolt torques and flange mis-alignment shall be defined by Manufacturer. 7 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Amendment to part 3: "System Design" in UKOOA document Section 8. Section 4. 10% higher Alternatively. The residual styrene content shall be maximum 10% above the level measured during component qualification.1. Jointing Add the following before last paragraph: The adhesive/resin used shall be according to manufacturer recommendation satisfying the requirements given in clause 6. The measurement shall be performed according to ISO 4901. section 2. but not above 2% total content. the residual styrene monomer content for joints in components used in qualification testing may be determined.9 and 2.GRP Piping Materials M-CR-621 Rev.10 in this document. _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 6 of 7 . for polyester and vinylester based products. December 1994 Record of glass transition temperature (inflection value) as TG1 and /or residual heat of reaction for both the first and second scan. 5°C lower Residual heat of reaction max. supervisors and inspectors are certified according to OLF documents "Godkjenning av montører og installasjonsledere". but not above 2% total content. the residual styrene monomer content for joints in components used in qualification testing may be determined. supervisors and inspectors are certified according to OLF's document "Godkjenning av montører og installasjonsledere". it is required that the pipe fitters. The measurement shall be performed according to ISO 4901. supervisors and inspectors shall be exclusively qualified and certified for specific joints type(s).1.3. (“Approval of Fitters and Supervisors”) and “Godkjenning av inspektører” (“Approval of Inspectors”) (OLF .0 Fitter and inspector certification Add following sentences: Pipe fitters.2 Laminated Joint. 9 OPERATION Amendment to part 5: "Operation" in UKOOA document Section 4. • • TG max. The residual styrene content shall be maximum 10% above the level measured during component qualification.10% higher. Section 6. December 1994 -TG or residual heat of reaction shall be measured by DSC (Annex C in Part 2) for 10% of the joints of samples taken from the adhesive in bonded joints or the resin in laminated joints.GRP Piping Materials M-CR-621 Rev. for polyester and vinylester based products. The glass transition temperature (TG) or the residual heat of reaction of the cured adhesive/resin measured according to Annex C in part 2 of the UKOOA document shall not deviate more than the following compared to qualified values. 1. 5°C lower Residual heat of reaction max.0 Installer Certification Add following sentences: Pipe fitters.1994 /DRAFT). As a minimum.9 and 2. As a minimum. Section 5.10 in this document. (“Approval of Fitters and Supervisors”) and “Godkjenning av inspektører” (“Approval of Inspectors”) (OLF . Add following paragraphs after the third paragraph: The resin used shall be according to manufacturer recommendation satisfying the requirements given in clause 6. supervisors and inspectors shall be exclusively qualified and certified for specific joint type(s). _______________________________________________________________________________ NORSOK Standard 7 of 7 . Alternatively..1994 /DRAFT).1. section 2. it is required that the pipe fitters.
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