Lycoming Operator's Manual
LYCO'UTTNEA Textron Compdny OPERATOR'SMANUAL REVISION KI!VISIUN NU. 60297-12-6 TU|'LTLA I IUN o, Ho, Io, AIO, HIO,T10-360 SERIES TUDLILA I IUI\ NO. 60297-t2 TUBLICAI'IUN DATE April 1989 The page(s)in this revisionreplace,addto, or deletecurent pagesin manual. theoperator's PREVIOUSREVISIONS CURRENT REVISIONS May 2000 July l9E9 3-5 3-12A,Addspage3-l28; 3-13 March 1990 t - < l-6; 2-9, 2-10, 2-ll, 2-12, 2-13 Addedpage3-l8A; 3-29; 5-4 May 1996 l-5, l-6, l-7;' 2-2, Addedpage 2-2A/B;2-9, 2-10, 2-ll, 2-12, 2-13,2-14; 3-12, Added page 3-l2A/B; 3-14, Added page 3-l4A/B; 3-15, 3-16, Added pages 3-16A,3-l68; 3-17,3-18, 3-26, Added pages 3-26A18, 3-40A/B; 3-50, Added pages 3-50A,3-50B;3-51 April 1998 3-3, 3-4,Addedpage3-4A/B December1999 1-7; 2-2A, Added page 2-28; 2-10, 2-13; 3-12, 3-15, 3-23, 3-40A,Addedpage3-408;8-l O, HO, lO, AIO, HIO, T10-360 SeriesOperator's Manual: Textron Lycoming PartNumber: 60297-12 O 1989,2000TextronLycoming.All RightsReserved Lycoming and "Powered by t,ycoming" are trademarksor registered trademarksof TextronLycoming. All brand and product names referencedin this publication are trademarksor registeredtrademarks of their respective companies. For additional information: Mailing address: T e x tro nL y c o m i ng 652 Oliver Street Wi l l i a ms p o rt. P A 17701U .S .A . Phone: F-actory: Sales Departrnent: F ax : l 8I 570-323-6 sl0-327-7268 t}l 570-321-7 Textron l,ycoming's regularbusinesshours are Mcnday throughFridayfiom 8:00AM through5:00PM Eastern Time (+5 GM.r') Visit us on the World Wide Web at: OPERATOR'S MANUAL Lycoming AircraftEngines SERIES 0-360,HO-360,10-360, Ato-360,Hto-360& T10-360 60297-12 LYCOnntUG A Textron Company 652OliverStreet Willlamsport,PA. 17701U.S.A. 570/323-6181 Printed in U.S.A. TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL T A B L EO F CO NT E NT S Page SECTION1 DESCRIPTION 1-1 SECTION2 SPECIFICATIONS 2.7 SECTION3 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS 3-1 SECTION4 PERIODICINSPECTIONS 4-l SECTION5 MAINTENANCEPROCEDURES 5-1 SECTION6 TROUBLE-SHOOTING 6-1 S EC T IO N7 INSTALLATIONAND STORAGE 7-l SECTION8 TABLES 8-1 MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINCOPERATOR'S DESCRIPTION Page General Cylinders ValveOperatingMechanism Crankcase Crankshaft ConnectingRods Pistons AccessoryHousing Oil Sump CoolingSystem fnductionSystem LubricationSystem PrimingSystem lgnitionSystem ModelApplicationTable. ......1-1 .....1-1 .......1-1 . . . .1-l ....'l-2 ... -.1-2 . .1-2 ....1-2 ......1-2 ......1-2 .....1-2 ....1-4 ......1-4 ......'l-4 .....1-5 IO. the power take-off end is the front and the accessorydrive end the rear.HIO. In referring to the location of the various engine components.LIO andT10-360 series arefourcylinder. Likewise. viewed from the rear. The cylinders are nunrbered frorn front to rear. The cylinder barrels have deep integral cooling fins and the inside of the barrels are ground and honed to a specified finish. tl)e rotntion of the accessorydriacs of tha LI0-360-C are opposite those of tbe basic nndel as listed in Scction 2 of tbis manuol. Cylinders .The cyliuders are of conventional air cooled construction with the two major parts. AIO. The direction of rotation of the crankshaft. lread and barrel.411. HO. The heads are made from an aluminum alloy casting with a fully machined combustion chamber. screwed and shrunk together. odd numbers on the right. dir ec t dr iv e. l -1 .6 zuill apply to 0-360. Reference to the left and right side is made with the observer facing the rear of the engine. Operational asPects of engines are tbe sanrc and lrarformanca curuas and specifications for tbe basic ttrodel will apply. NOT'IJ Tbe lctter "L" in tbe model prefix dcttotas tbe reuersc roidtion of tba basic rnotlel. Rotation for accessory dri'resis determined with the observerfacing the drive pad. hor iz ont al l y o p p o s e d . Tbe letter "D" used as tbe 4th or 5tb cbtrracter in tbe ntodel suffix denotes tltat thc particular nodel employs dual magnetos l:oused in a single bousing. the parts are describedas installed in the airframe. LIO-360-C l)ds counter-clockwise rotatioD of tbc crankshaft. Example: All inlormation pertinent to tlte 0-360-4II. Exantple: model I0-360-C bas clockwisc rotdtiott ol' the cranksbaft. Thus. Rocker shaft bearing supports are cast integral with the head along with housings to form the rocker boxes.a i r c o o l e d e n g i n e s .TEXTRONTYCOMI NC OPERATOR'S MANUAI 0-360andA S S OCIAT EMO D DE L S sEcTroN 1 SECTION1 DESCRIPTION The O.6D. Tberefore. is clockwise. The sump sectiorr is the bottom and the opposite side of the engine where the shroud tubes are located the top. Cranksltolt . The piston pin is of a full floating type with a plug located in each end of the pin. These covers incorporate oil suction screens. They have replaceablebearing insertsin the crankshaft ends and bronze bushings in the piston ends. Crankcase. The camshaft actuates hydraulic tappets which operate the valvesthrough push rods and valve rockers.-pe camshaft is located above and parallel to the crankshafi. The valve springs bear against hardened steel seats and are retained on the valve stems by m eansof s plit k ey s .The crankcaseassembly consistsof two reinforced aluminum alloy castings. 1037 for proper piston and ring combinations.ions. mounting pad for carburetor or fuel injector.xcept -AIO Seies) . oil suction screen. oil scavenge line connections. It forms a housing for the oil pump and the various accessorydrives.MANUAL LYCOMINGOPERATOR'S TEXTRON sEcTtoN 1 0-360 and ASSOCIATEDMODELS Valac Operatiug Mecltanism A conventional t. Pistotts . The valve rockers are supported on full floating steel shafts. Depending on the cylinder assembly.The pistons are machined from an aluminum alloy. Accessory Housing .The connecting rods are made in the form of "H" seciions from alloy steel forgings.Crankcase covers are employed on the top and bottom of the engine. Crankcasc Couers (AIO Seies) . t-2 . AII bearingjournal surfacesare nitrided.fastened together by means of studs.pistons may be machined for either three or four rings and may employ either half wedge or full wedge rings. Conuecting Rods . Oil Sump (h.The crankshaft is made from a chrome nickel molybdenum steel forging.The sump incorporates an oil drain plug. bolts and nuts. The mating surfacesof the two castingsare joined without the use of a gasket. Consult the latest revision of Service Instruction No. and the main bearing bores are machined for use of precision type main bearing inserts. the intake riser and intake pipe connect. The top cover incorporates a connection for a breather line and the lower cover a connection for an oil suction line.The accessory housing is made from an aluminum casting and is fastetred to the rear of the crankcase and the top rear of the sump. The bearing caps on tlre crankshaft ends are retained by two bolts and nuts through each cap. Particularly good distribution of the fuel-air m ix t ur e t o eac h c y lind e r i s o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h t h e c e n t e r z o n e i n d u c t i o n s y s t em .360 s er ies e n g i n e s . 1-3 . with the exception of m odel 10.3 6 0 . A u t o m a t i c w a s t e g a t e c o n t r o l o f t h e turbocharger provides constant air density to the fuel injector inlet from seallevel to critical altitude.ealtitude mixture control. single barrel h oriz.3 6 0 . incorporating an airflow operated power enr ic hm ent v alv e and a n a u t o m a t i c m i x t u r e c o n t r o l u n i t . The Bendix-Stromberg PSH-5BD is a pressure operated. This carburetor is equipped wit h idle c ut .360. The air is then exhaustedto the atmosphere throughgillsor a u g m e n totu r b e su s u a ll vl ocatedat the rearof the cow l i ng. I t i s e q u i p p e d u'ith an idle cut-off and a manual mixture control. Bafflesare providedto build up a pressure and force the air throughthe cylinderfins.hera floal t!'pe or pressuretype carburetor. The AMC unit works independently of .) The fuel injection system schedulesfuel florv in proportion to air flow and fuel vaporization takes place at the intake ports. A I O .3 6 0 a n d T I O .3 6 0 s e r i e se n g i n e s are equipped with a Bendix t1'pe RSA fuel injector. From the riser the fuel-air mixture is distributed to each c y linder by indiv idual in t a k e p i p e s . A turbocharger is mounted as an integral part of t he' I I O . H 1 0 .81A wh i c h i s e q u i p p e d w i t h a S i m m o n d s t y p e 5 3 0 f u e l injector. and in parallel with.TEXTRONTYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL 0-360andA S S OCIAT EMO D DE L S S E CT I O N1 CoolittgSystern.5AA carburetor is of the single barrel float type with automatic pressur.of f .lmixture control. (See Table 1 lor model application. insuring a more uniform vaporization of fuel and aiding in cooling the oil iu the sump.ysten t L1'comingO-360and H0-360 seriesenginesare equippt'd with eit. the manua. I ttd u ctio u S. The N{arvel-Schebler MA-4. Ly c om ing I O . A brief description of the carburetorsand fuel injectors follows: The Marvel-ScheblerMA-4-5 and HA-6 carburetors are of the single barrel float type equipped with a manual mixture control and an idle c ut .ontal carburetor. whic h is int eg r a l w i t h t h e o i l s u m p a n d i s s u b m e r g e d i n o i l .Theseenginesare designedto be cooledby air pressure. SeeTable 1 for model application.o f f b u t d o e s n o t h a v e a m a n u a l m i x t u r e c o n t r o l . (All modelsexcept A10-360 series). This systemis throttle actuated. This fuel force (fuel pressure differential)when appliedacrossthe fuel meteringsection(jettingsystem) makesfuel flow proportionalto air flow. Lubrication System. Four fuel flow nozzles.Provisionfor a primer systemis provided on all engines employinga carburetor. 2. A fuel pump assembly. ConsultTable 1 for model application. The 410-360 seriesis designedfor aerobaticflying and is of the dry sump type. This continuousflow systemhasthreeseparate components: 1. Priming System .Dual ignition is furnished by two Bendix magnetos.enginespeedand mixture control position-Completeflexibility of operationis providcdby the manualmixture control which permitsthe adjustmentof the amount of injected fuel to suit all operatingconditions. CounterweigbtSystem .LYCOMING TEXTRON OPERATOR'S MANUAL S E CTION1 0 -3 6 0a n dA S S O CI A T EMO D DE L S The Bendix RSA type fuel injectionsystemis basedon the principleof measuring air flow and usingthe air flow signalin a stemtype regulatorto convert the air force into a fuel force.Fuel is injectedinto the engineintake valveports by the nozzles. 3. A doublescavenge pump is installedon the accessoryhousing. (A10-360 seies). 7-4 .Moving the mixture control to "Idle Cut-Off" resultsin a complete cut-off of fuel to the engine.The full pressure wet sump lubrication system is actuated by an impeller type pump containedwithin the accessory housing. A throttle body assembly. The Simmondstype 530 is a continuousflow fuel injectionsystem. Ignition System .Fuel injectedenginesdo not requirea priming system.The systemcontinuouslydeliversmeteredfuel to eachintakevalveport in response to throttle position.Models designatedby the numeral6 in the suffix of the model number (example:O-360-A1G6) are equipped with crankshaftswith pendulum type counterweightsattached. -A2B. -B1C -A1B. _F1AD s4LN-200 S4LN-200 s4LN-200 S4LN-204 s4LN-120s s4LN-1209 s4LN-1208 S4LN-1208 D4LN-3021 D4LN-3200 Fuel Injgrtor RSA-sAB1 RSA-5AD1 RSA. -C1A _C1B -D1A -ElAD -EIBD. 1443 for alternatemag- I netos. t* . -818.Models with counterclockwise rotation employ S4RN series.i-B2E -A3B6 -B1A -81D.-A1LD -A1G6D -G1A6 -J2A t Left** Right** Carburetor D4LN-3021 D4LN-3021 4251 4251 4347 4370 MA-4-5 HA-6 HA-6 MA-4SPA -A1A -B1A -B1B -C1A s4LN-200 s4LN-200 s4LN-200 4347 MA-4-5AA PSH-5BD PSH-5BD tIA-6 HIO-360 -A1A -B1A -B1B -A1B. -.5AD1 RSA.4186 -41C. -ClA s4LN-200 s4LN-1227 s4LN-1208 s4LN-7227 4312 s4LN-200 s4LN-200 RSA-5AD1 RSA-5AD1 RSA-5AD1 RSA_5AD1 RSA_sAD1 530 RSA-5AD1 HO-360 T T T S4LN-204 S4LN-204 S4LN-200 4370 S4LN-204 S4LN-1209 S4LN-1209 S4LN-1209 4370 S4LN-204 S4LN-204 * .Seelatest edition of Service Instruction No. -B1E.) MODEL APPLICATION Model 0-360 (Cont. -A2A.) -A1F6D.7AA1 RSA-5AB1 RSA-5AB1 ro-360 -41A. 1-6 RevisedMay 1996 .TEXTRON LYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL O-360andASSOCIATED SECTION1 MODELS TABLE 1(CONT. -AzC. -ClB -A1D6. -C.-F. HIO-360-A . . . .-D. 2 -5 . 2 -4 .-8. . . 2 -6 . . .-8.-R-J.-B . . .2-3 . 2 -4 .-B IO-360-A. .TEXTRONLYCOMINCOPERATOR'S MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications O-360-A . . . . 2 -2 . . 2 -g .. .-D. . . . . . HIO-360-C. Accessory Drives. .2-8 .. . .. . TIO-360-A . -F .-K . . . . .-8.. . ...-C. 2 -7 . -D. HIO-360-8. 2 -l .2-10 . . . Detail Weights E nginee. .-C. Dimensions . ... A 10-360-A . . . HO-360-A . . .. . ..-E. 028-.250 . I()-360-4 Series(Except-A1B6D) l-14436-51 and up IO-360-C. Bor e. Models Serial No.080 rear).1:1 Clockwise **NOIE On the followingmodel engines.-K SERIES IO-360-8. . . . . .. AI Engines 2-3 .0 .-C1F.5:1 Rated speed.-J.-D.. . Consult nameplatebeforetiming magnetos. R a te d h o rs e p o w e r.2700 5.-C1C6.8.. ...-ClF L8150-51 and up IO-360-C1D6 L14446-51 and up LIO-360-C1E6 l-l0M-67 and up AIO-360-A1A.-C1D6)L14436-51 and up IO-360-ClC.the magnetospark occurs at 20" BTC. RPM.8.C.. .125 4.1E 10 .180 . .-81B l-220-63 and up HIO-360-CrA... ..-FSERIES" FAA Type Certi-ficate.TEXTRONTYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAI SECNION2 O-360and ASSOCIAIEDMODELS SPECIFICATIONS IO-360-A. inc hes ..-C1B I-14436-51 and up ro-360-clc6 All Engines -K2A IO-360-J1AD..-DSeries(Except-C1C.575 361.-A18. 000:1 0.500:1 1.50:1 t 2-8 . .300:1 Counter-Clockwise Counter-Clockwise NOTE Engines with letter "L" in prefi* wilt haue opposite rotation to the aboae' * . HIO-360-E.TIO-360-C1A6D.666:1 Counter-Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Counter-Clockwise Clockwise 0.895:1 Clockwise 0. Gov.500:1 Counter-Clockwise Counter-Clockwise 1.HIO-360-D1A .300:1 1.Hyd. -F have clockwise fuel . pumP Vacuum .300:1 0.000:1 1.Viewed facing drive Pad pump drive "* .866:1 1.TEXTRON LYCOMING OPERATOR'SMANUAL SECTION2 *Accessory Drive Starter Generator Generator Alternatort Thchometer Magneto Vacuum Pump Propeller Governor (Rear Mounted) Propeller Governor (Front Mounted) Fuel Pump AN20010 Fuel Pump AN20003*** Fuel Pump .When applicable r"'.500:l 3.Plunger operated Dual Drives Vacuum .Alternator drive is 2.910:1 2.20:l 0. 0-360 and ASSOCIATED MODELS Drive Ratio **Direction of Rotation 16.556:1 1.Prop. . . . -BrF.. .) Model Lbs HIO-360Series -Al A. ... . .-AID.30-5 .-CrA . -clc..-CrA...330 ...285 -B rA ... . . . ..... -A2B -clD6 -clc6 -AIB6D. . .307 .. . .. 2 8 8 l0-360Series I I -L2A. 2-10 ..296 .289 .325 . .278 .. ...4186.301 . . ..311 .. -82F6.. -BlE...-A3D6D. -JIAD -AlA.. -BlA.333 ....MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S 0-360and ASSOCIATEDMODELS SECTION2 DETAILWEIGHTS(CONT. .. . . -42A. .-B rB . . -A2C...-ClF.... .. -K24..-B2F -BlG6 -84A.. 326 .. . -clB ... . .. -Blc..328 ..335 .. -AlB. .-JrA6D -.. -MrA.324 .299 .308 . -BrD. .323 .. ... 300 . .. ..-A386 -AlD6 -clE6..329 . -BlB... .-A3B6D... -AID6D.. ........ . .. . .297 ...-DrA. ..-ClG6 -Alc.322 .. . . ....319 ..320 .337 RevisedDecember1999 ...295 .... -82F. -A 2 B r 999 R e v i s e dD e c e m b e 1 30. -CIB -cl C.35 20.8r 29.'70 24.-A3D6D -Bl A -B B.TEXTRONLYCOMING OPERATOR'SMANUAL SECTION 2 0-360 and ASSOCIATEDMODELS INCHES(CONT.-BIG6 -K: A -M A 19.25 1a A1 T :L. -CIC6 -cl E6.25 -tJ.81 30.25 t) .35 t9.) I 24.33 31. -CI D6.t4 33. -A2C -A D6 -A B6D.70 29.22 ) J.65 lt.48 20.) DIMENSIONS.37 ) ) .59 19.35 19. -BIB .76 34.56 lt.48 r9.25 34.A J.35 19.35 t9.48 19.CIA 24.30 30.-82F6 -flz A -crA.84 24 84 19.68 32.) r 29.J I J). -BID.-A3B6D.33 32. -A386 -A C.AIA .-CIF -D A.C IG6 -El A.25 34.) I 34. -A2B -A 86.'70 | 9.BIA.-A ID -A B.10 20.25 34.J / -r ).25 34.t I 29.-)| ) ) .35 19.-JIAD -A D6D.J I 33.84 20.26 34.82 ro-360 I .A A.16 20.3 5 34.65 33. -A2A..81 30. /) Aro-360 -A IA.09 30.?5 33.'.25 34. -FIA.70 29.25 34.68 t9.25 34.81 30.67 3t.25 34..08 30.35 t9.09 19.10 30.?s 34.38 20.70 3r. -A2 A -A IB..08 2. -L2A -B C -B E -B F.t I .I3 .8t -t '.25 34.t4 32.48 19. MODEL HEIGHT WIDTH LENGTH HO-360 . ). ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1 Starting Procedures ............................................................................................ 3-3 Ground Check ....... 3-1 Prestarting Items of Maintenance ................................................................................................. 3-1 Cold Weather Starting ...................... 3-10 Operating Conditions ................. 3-3 Ground Running and Warm-Up ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 Shut Down Procedure...........LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Page General........................................................ 3-17 ................................................ 3-4 Operation in Flight ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-16 Performance Curves ..................................... 3-5 Engine Flight Chart ............................................................................................................................................................................................... This Page Intentionally Left Blank . They must be observed before the engine is started. a change to an approved additive oil may be made. Part 8 of this section. 3. however. PERHAPS NO OTHER ITEM OF ENGINE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRIBUTES QUITE SO MUCH TO SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE AND LONG LIFE AS THE CONSTANT USE OF CORRECT GRADES OF FUEL AND OIL. PRESTARTING ITEMS OF MAINTENANCE. Before starting the aircraft engine for the first flight of the day. new or newly overhauled engines should be operated on straight mineral oil for a minimum of 50 hours or until oil consumption has stabilized. AIO-360. CORRECT ENGINE TIMING. the starting characteristics of various installations will necessitate some variation from these procedures. The minimum fuel octane rating is listed in the flight chart. AND FLYING THE AIRCRAFT AT ALL TIMES WITHIN THE SPEED AND POWER RANGE SPECIFIED FOR THE ENGINE. a. GENERAL. Under no circumstances should fuel of a lower octane rating or automotive fuel (regardless of octane rating) be used. Close adherence to these instructions will greatly contribute to long life. and engines in service following cylinder replacement or top overhaul of one or more cylinders. These are described in Section 4 under Daily Pre-Flight Inspection. Engines Equipped with Float Type Carburetors. 3-1 . NOTE Cruising should be done at 65% to 75% power until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. IO-360. however. HIO-360. This is to ensure proper seating of the rings and is applicable to new engines. NOTE YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE WARRANTIES THAT APPEAR IN THE FRONT OF THIS MANUAL REGARDING ENGINE SPEED. THE USE OF SPECIFIED FUELS AND LUBRICANTS. (1) Perform pre-flight inspection. STARTING PROCEDURES. REPAIR AND ALTERATIONS. HO-360. TIO-360 Series. economy and satisfactory operation of the engine. O-360. DO NOT FORGET THAT VIOLATION OF THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR YOUR ENGINE WILL NOT ONLY VOID YOUR WARRANTY BUT WILL SHORTEN THE LIFE OF YOUR ENGINE AFTER ITS WARRANTY PERIOD HAS PASSED. 2. New engines have been carefully run-in by Lycoming and therefore. The following starting procedures are recommended. there are several items of maintenance inspection that should be performed.LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. if so desired. After this period. no further break-in is necessary insofar as operation is concerned. (6) Open throttle wide open. (8) Prime with 1 to 3 strokes of manual priming pump or activate electric primer for 1 or 2 seconds. (9) Set magneto selector switch (consult airframe manufacturers handbook for correct position). (7) Open throttle approximately ¼ travel. (11) When engine fires.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS (2) Set carburetor heat control in off position. (3) Set propeller governor control in Full RPM position (where applicable). (7) Turn boost pump Off. (10) Engage starter. stop engine and determine trouble. move mixture control to Full Rich until a slight but steady fuel flow is noted (approximately 3 to 5 seconds) then return throttle to Closed and return mixture control to Idle Cut-Off. If minimum oil pressure is not indicated within thirty seconds. (8) Open throttle ¼ of travel. (12) Check oil pressure gage. (6) Turn on boost pump. (5) Turn boost pump On. move the magneto switch to Both. (5) Move mixture control to Full Rich. (9) Set magneto selector switch (consult airframe manufacturers handbook for correct position). (10) Engage starter. b. (4) Turn fuel valve On. 3-2 . Engines Equipped with Pressure Carburetors or Bendix Fuel Injectors. (3) Set propeller governor control in Full RPM position (where applicable). (2) Set carburetor heat or alternate air control in Off position. (1) Perform pre-flight inspection. (4) Turn fuel valves On. or less if the cylinder head temperature should exceed the maximum as stated in this manual. it may be necessary to preheat the engine and oil before starting. (8) Open throttle ¼ travel. (2) Set alternate air control in Off position. (11) Check oil pressure gage. NOTE Any ground check that requires full throttle operation must be limited to three minutes.LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (11) Move mixture control slowly and smoothly to Full Rich. Particular care is necessary. COLD WEATHER STARTING. If minimum oil pressure is not indicated within thirty seconds. (5) Turn boost pump On. therefore. Engines Equipped with Simmonds Type 530 Fuel Injector. To prevent overheating. (3) Set propeller governor control in Full RPM position. (12) Check oil pressure gage. stop engine and determine trouble. move mixture control to Full Rich until a slight but steady fuel flow is noted (approximately 3 to 5 seconds) then return throttle to Closed and return mixture control to Idle Cut-Off. (7) Turn boost pump Off. (9) Move combination magneto switch to Start. it is recommended that the following precautions be observed. (10) When engine fires allow the switch to return to Both. (4) Turn fuel valve On. The engines covered in this manual are air-pressure cooled and depend on the forward speed of the aircraft to maintain proper cooling. 5. GROUND RUNNING AND WARM-UP. (1) Perform pre-flight inspection. (6) Open throttle approximately ¼ travel. 4. c. 3-3 . using accelerator pump as a primer while cranking engine. During extreme cold weather. when operating these engines on the ground. If minimum oil pressure is not indicated within thirty seconds. stop engine and determine trouble. Fixed Wing Aircraft (where applicable). Take-off with a turbocharged engine must not be started if indicated lubricating oil pressure. GROUND CHECK. Excessive oil pressure can cause overboost and consequent engine damage. propeller pitch. (1) Fixed Wing Aircraft. Move the propeller control through its complete range to check operation and return to full low pitch position. Fixed Wing. ignition problems can occur. At these settings. due to cold temperature is above maximum. b. Make the magneto check in accordance with the following procedures. set the engine to produce 50-65% power as indicated by the manifold pressure gage unless otherwise specified in the aircraft manufacturer’s manual. (a) (Controllable pitch propeller). e. other than the ignition system. Additional factors.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS a. a. (4) Warm-up to approximately 1000-1200 RPM. (1) Warm-up at approximately 2000 RPM with rotor engaged as directed in the airframe manufacturer’s handbook. then momentarily pulling the propeller control into the feathering position. With the propeller in minimum pitch angle. the ignition system and spark plugs must work harder because of the greater pressure within the cylinders. c. Leave mixture control in “Full Rich”. Do not allow the RPM to drop more than 500 RPM. Full feathering check (twin engine) on the ground is not recommended but the feathering action can be checked by running the engine between 1000-1500 RPM. Under these conditions. Check both oil pressure and oil temperature. 6. (3) Operate only with the propeller in minimum blade angle setting. (2) Leave mixture in “Full Rich”. d. (1) Head the aircraft into the wind. (5) Engine is warm enough for take-off when the throttle can be opened without the engine faltering. Warm-up as directed above. A proper magneto check is important. Avoid prolonged idling and do not exceed 2200 RPM on the ground. b. They are load-power output. and mixture strength. affect magneto drop-off. 3-4 Revised December 2007 . Magneto checks at low power settings will only indicate fuel/air distribution quality. The important point is that the engine runs smoothly because magneto drop-off is affected by the variables listed above. Helicopter. the difference between the magnetos does not exceed 50 RPM. Revised March 2009 3-5 . Drop-off must not exceed 200 RPM. f. (d) If the RPM drop exceeds 175 RPM. (2) Helicopter. b. See airframe manufacturers instructions for recommended power settings. particularly during takeoff and climb power settings.LYCOMING OPERATORS MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (b) (Fixed pitch propeller). Smooth operation of the engine but with a drop-off that exceeds the normal specification of 175 RPM is usually a sign of propeller load condition at a rich mixture. whatever instruments are used in monitoring the mixture. c. (1) (d). Then retard the throttle to the RPM specified in step e.(1)(b) for the magneto check and repeat the check. they have proven to be both economical and practical by eliminating excessive fuel consumption and reducing damaged parts replacement. Return the mixture to full rich. 7. Improper fuel/air mixture during flight is responsible for engine problems. Aircraft that are equipped with fixed pitch propellers. and by observation of engine speed and/or airspeed. Performing rapid movements may result in detuned counterweights which may lead to failure of the counterweight lobes and subsequent engine damage. return to both until engine regains speed and switch to the other magneto and note drop-off. Full range throttle movements must be performed over a minimum time duration of 2 to 3 seconds. a few seconds is usually sufficient to check drop-off and to minimize plug fouling. The procedures described in this manual provide proper fuel/air mixture when leaning Lycoming engines.(1)(a) or e. return to both until engine regains speed and switch to the other magneto and note drop-off. then return to both. or not equipped with manifold pressure gage. Drop-off must not exceed 175 RPM and must not exceed 50 RPM between magnetos. Switch from both magnetos to one and note drop-off. It is therefore recommended that operators of all Lycoming aircraft engines utilize the instructions in this publication any time the fuel/air mixture is adjusted during flight. Drop-off between magnetos must not exceed 50 RPM. then the ignition system is operating properly. Throttle movements from full power to idle or from idle to full power are full range movements. Do not operate on a single magneto for too long a period. Raise collective pitch stick to obtain 15 inches manifold pressure at 2000 RPM. the following general rules must be observed by the operator of Lycoming aircraft engines. OPERATION IN FLIGHT. and the engine is running smoothly. Fuel Mixture Leaning Procedure. a. fuel flow indication. Performing a full range throttle movement at a rate of less than 2 seconds is considered a rapid or instant movement. (c) Switch from both magnetos to one and note drop-off. slowly lean the mixture until the RPM peaks. If the drop-off does not exceed 175 RPM. Proceed to step e. A smooth drop-off past normal is usually a sign of a too lean or too rich mixture. may check magneto drop-off with engine operating at approximately 1800 RPM (2000 RPM maximum). Manual leaning may be monitored by exhaust gas temperature indication. However. during take-off from high elevation airport or during climb. Always return the mixture to full rich before increasing power settings. Do not manually lean engines equipped with automatically controlled fuel system. Before leaning to obtain maximum power mixture it is necessary to establish a reference point. Operate the engine at maximum power mixture for performance cruise powers and at best economy mixture for economy cruise power. For maximum service life. Turbocharged engines. whichever occurs first. roughness or loss of power may result from over-richness. (2) Maximum Power Cruise – The engine must always be operated on the rich side of peak EGT or TIT. b. However. (2) Best Economy Cruise (approximately 75% power and below) – Operate at peak EGT. In such a case adjust mixture control only enough to obtain smooth operation – not for economy. 3-6 . maintain mixture control in “Full Rich” position for rated takeoff. This is accomplished as follows: (a) Establish a peak EGT or TIT for best economy operation at the highest economy cruise power without exceeding 1650°F. During letdown flight operations it may be necessary to manually lean uncompensated carbureted or fuel injected engines to obtain smooth operation. Monitor cylinder head temperatures. (1) Maximum Power Cruise (approximately 75% power) – Never lean beyond 150°F on rich side of peak EGT unless aircraft operators manual shows otherwise.000 feet. 1. On engines with manual mixture control. On turbocharged engines never exceed 1650°F turbine inlet temperature (TIT). cylinder head temperatures should be maintained below 435°F (224°C) during high performance cruise operation and below 400°F (205°C) for economy cruise powers. Rough operation due to over-rich fuel/air mixture is most likely to be encountered in carbureted engines at altitude above 5. unless otherwise specified in the airplane owner’s manual. Observe instruments for temperature rise. and maximum cruise powers (above approximately 75%). LEANING TO EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE GAGE. a. (1) Best Economy Cruise – Lean to peak turbine inlet temperature (TIT) or 1650°F. climb.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS GENERAL RULES Never exceed the maximum red line cylinder head temperature limit. Normally aspirated engines with fuel injectors or uncompensated carburetors. Power and Specific Fuel Consumption at Constant RPM and Manifold Pressure in Cruise Range Operation 3-7 . Representative Effect of Fuel/Air Ratio on Cylinder Head Temperature.LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Figure 3-1. 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOUND IN EITHER PUBLICATION SUPERSEDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. This sets the mixture at best power. (1) Slowly move mixture control from “Full Rich” position toward lean position. 3-8 Revised September 2007 . c. In installations equipped with constant speed propellers. The temperature in the mixture chamber may drop as much as 70°F below the temperature of the incoming air.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS (b) Deduct 125°F from this temperature and thus establish the temperature reference point for use when operating at maximum power mixture. In installations equipped with fixed pitch propellers. Lean to applicable fuel-flow tables or lean to indicator marked for correct fuel flow for each power setting. (1) Slowly move mixture control from “Full Rich” position toward lean position. a loss of power is reflected by a drop in manifold pressure and RPM. a loss of power is reflected by a drop in manifold pressure. Fuel Injected Engines. If not corrected. WARNING REFER TO THE PILOT’S OPERATING HANDBOOK OR AIRFRAME MANUFACTURER’S MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF CARBURETOR HEAT CONTROL. 75% power or less. If this air contains a large amount of moisture. (d) Lean out mixture until EGT or TIT is the value established in step (b). (c) Return mixture control to full rich and adjust the RPM and manifold pressure for desired performance cruise operation.) a. the cooling process can cause precipitation in the form of ice. LEANING TO FLOWMETER. Use of Carburetor Heat Control – Under certain moist atmospheric conditions (generally at a relative humidity of 50% or greater) and at temperatures of 20° to 90°F it is possible for ice to form in the induction system. (3) Enrich until engine runs smoothly and power is regained. without flowmeter or EGT gauge. this condition may cause complete engine stoppage. (2) Continue leaning until engine roughness is noted. Even in summer weather ice may form. (3) Enrich until engine runs smoothly and power is regained. This is due to the high air velocity through the carburetor venturi and the absorption of heat from this air by vaporization of the fuel. Ice formation generally begins in the vicinity of the butterfly and may build up to such an extent that a drop in power output could result. (2) Continue leaning until slight loss of power is noted (loss of power may or may not be accompanied by roughness. b. Carbureted Engines. (Economy cruise. 3. LEANING WITH MANUAL MIXTURE CONTROL. In this way sufficient heat is added to replace the heat loss of vaporization of fuel. and the air flowing over these surfaces is raised to the required temperature before entering the carburetor. both of which are to be avoided if normal service life is to be expected from the engine. return the carburetor heat to “Full Cold” after full power application. This will be evidenced by an unaccountable loss in manifold pressure or RPM or both. However. as for an aborted landing. USE EITHER FULL HEAT OR NO HEAT IN AIRCRAFT THAT ARE NOT EQUIPPED WITH A CARBURETOR AIR TEMPERATURE GAUGE. In the case that full power needs to be applied under these conditions. which is normal. Do not continue to use carburetor heat after flight is out of icing conditions. be alert for loss of power. apply full carburetor air heat and open the throttle to limiting manifold pressure and RPM. if icing conditions are suspected. partial heat may be used to keep the mixture temperature above the freezing point of water (32°F). leave the carburetor air heat control in the full cold position. all installations are equipped with a system for preheating the incoming air supply to the carburetor. however. WARNING CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED WHEN OPERATING WITH PARTIAL HEAT ON AIRCRAFT THAT DO NOT HAVE A CARBURETOR AIR TEMPERATURE GAUGE. (1) Ground Operation – Use of the carburetor air heat on the ground must be held to an absolute minimum. In those aircraft equipped with a carburetor air temperature gauge. Only use carburetor air heat on the ground to make certain it is functioning properly. High charge temperatures also favor detonation and preignition. regardless of the outside air temperature. (5) Landing Approach – In making a landing approach. The following outline is the proper method of utilizing the carburetor heat control. For take-off and full throttle operation the possibility of expansion or throttle icing at wide throttle openings is very remote. Consistently high temperatures are to be avoided because of a loss in power and a decided variation of mixture. (3) Climbing – When climbing at part throttle power settings of 80% or above. On damp. depending on whether a constant speed or fixed pitch propeller is installed on the aircraft. set the carburetor heat control in the full cold position. The air preheater is a tube or jacket through which the exhaust pipe from one or more cylinders is passed. and the mixing chamber temperature cannot drop to the freezing point of water (32°F). if it is necessary to use carburetor heat to prevent icing it is possible for engine roughness to occur due to the over-rich fuel/air mixture produced by the additional carburetor heat. the carburetor heat is generally in the “Full Cold” position. On some installations the air does not pass through the air filter. (2) Take-Off – Set the carburetor heat in full cold position. lean the mixture with the mixture control only enough to produce smooth engine operation. and this drop will be regained as the ice is melted out of the induction system. If this happens. return the carburetor heat control to the full cold position. Revised September 2007 3-9 .LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS To avoid this. cloudy. foggy or hazy days. When this happens. and dirt and foreign substances can be taken into the engine with the resultant cylinder and piston ring wear. (4) Flight Operation – During normal flight. and return mixture to full rich when carburetor heat is removed. apply “Full Heat”. When ice has been melted from the induction system. This will result in a slight additional drop in manifold pressure. SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS 8.0 30 ----- -2 35 ----- -2 35 ----- -2 45 14 2 -2 . -F1A). HIO-360-A1B AIO-360-A. -C Series Inlet to carburetor O-360-A1C. -M1A. * . per gal. HO-360-B Series Inlet to carburetor HIO-360-A1B Inlet to fuel pump IO-360 Series (Except -B1A. HIO-360-B O-360-J2A IO-360-L2A. -C1G6.0 0. -E. -A1D6D. -C2B. -C4F. -C. -B. -A1H6. -F TIO-360-A 80/87 91/96 91/96 or 100/130 91/96 or 100/100LL 91/96 or 100LL 91/96 or 100LL 100/100LL 100/100LL 100/130 100/130 100/130 NOTE Aviation grade 100LL fuels in which the lead content is limited to 2 c. -C2D). ENGINE FLIGHT CHART. Desired Min. -C1G. -C1F. -F HIO-360-A. -M1B HIO-360-G1A O-360-A.c. AIO-360 Series. PSI Model O-360 Series (Except -A1C. IO-360-A. -J.Refer to latest revision of Service Instruction No. -F. HO-360-A. -E. HIO-360 Series Inlet to fuel injector IO-360-B1A Inlet to fuel injector 3-10 Max. HO-360-A. -C2B. 1070.0 3. -A3D6D. HIO-360 Series (Except -A1B) Inlet to fuel pump IO-360-F1A Inlet to fuel pump IO-360 Series (Except -B1A). FUEL PRESSURE. are approved for continuous use in the above listed engines. -A3B6. -D. -C.5 18 13 9. -B. -K2A. IO-360-B. TIO-360-C1A6D IO-360-B1G6. -D. FUEL AND OIL *Aviation Grade Fuel Minimum Grade Model Series O-360-B. AIO-360 Series. -C4P. HO-360-C1A O-360-C. -C1D. 8. -D O-360-A1P. ..............................S..6 U.............. 30 or 20W40 SAE 30 or 20W30 * .........S.... HIO-360-G1A ...... Quarts Minimum Safe Quantity in Sump (Except – IO-360-M1A.........................................S..........2 U...... Quarts OPERATING CONDITIONS Average Ambient Air *Oil Inlet Temperature Desired Maximum Above 80°F Above 60°F 30° to 90°F 0° to 70°F Below 10°F 180°F (82°C) 180°F (82°C) 180°F (82°C) 170°F (77°C) 160°F (71°C) 245°F (118°C) 245°F (118°C) 245°F (118°C) 245°F (118°C) 245°F (118°C) * .............. 1014..... OIL SUMP CAPACITY All Models (Except AIO-360 Series................................ HIO-360-G1A) ..... Quarts AIO-360 Series ..LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FUEL PRESSURE............... -M1B..8 U................. -M1B..............................) – Model HIO-360-E.... Desired Max......Engine oil temperature should not be below 140°F (60°C) during continuous operation..............4 U..... -F Series Inlet to fuel pump Inlet to fuel injector TIO-360-A Series Inlet to fuel pump Inlet to fuel injector TIO-360-C1A6D Inlet to fuel pump Inlet to fuel injector Max.........S..... Revised September 2007 3-11 . Quarts IO-360-M1A. Dry Sump O-360-J2A....Refer to latest revision of Service Instruction No........................ 55 55 -2 27 50 45 -2 20 65 65 -2 22 OIL – (All Models) – *Recommended Grade Oil Average Ambient Air All Temperatures Above 80°F Above 60°F 30° to 90°F 0° to 70°F Below 10°F MIL-L-6082B Grades MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant Grades --------SAE 60 SAE 50 SAE 40 SAE 30 SAE 20 SAE 15W-50 or 20W-50 SAE60 SAE 40 or SAE 50 SAE 40 SAE 40................................................................... PSI (CONT.. O-360-J2A) .................. 80 500°F (260°C) 2450 135 10. -F1A6 Start.) Oil Pressure. Warm-up. and Take-off (All Models) Operation RPM 115 HP Fuel Cons.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS OPERATING CONDITIONS (CONT. O-360-A./Hr. Cyl. -G Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) * 2700 180 ----- .75 500°F (260°C) 2450 126 11. -C** Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 180 ----- .37 500°F (260°C) O-360-A1P. -F.0 . Head Temp.7 . psi (Front) O-360-A4N. 3-12 . Max.80 500°F (260°C) 2450 135 9.39 500°F (260°C) . Qts. *Max.45 500°F (260°C) 2350 117 9. 28 in. -A4P.5 . -A4D.39 500°F (260°C) O-360-B.45 500°F (260°C) 2350 117 8. Oil Cons.At Bayonet Location For maximum service life of the engine maintain cylinder head temperature between 150°F and 400°F during continuous operation. -C4P. Hg.5 .6 . ** .O-360-C2D Only Take-off rating 180 HP at 2900 RPM. Gal/Hr. All Models (Except Below) 95 55 25 TIO-360-C1A6D 95 50 25 90 50 20 Oil Pressure.3 . psi (Rear) Maximum Minimum Idling Normal Operation. Taxi. -D Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 168 ----- .42 500°F (260°C) 2350 109 9. 3 . O-360-J2A Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2400/2700 145 ----- .31 500°F (260°C) HO-360-A.45 500°F (260°C) 2350 117 8.3 .80 500°F (260°C) 2450 135 9.36 500°F (260°C) 1560/1755 94 6. -C Series.0 . HP Max. IO-360-M1A**.44 500°F (260°C) IO-360-B.80 500°F (260°C) 2450 135 11.5 ./Hr. Oil Cons.This engine has an alternate rating of 160 HP at 2400 RPM.0 .80 500°F (260°C) 2700 135 10. *Max. -F Series (Except -B1C). -E. -K.LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING CONDITIONS (CONT.0 . 3-13 . ** .89 500°F (260°C) 2450 150 12.5 . HIO-360-G1A Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 180 ----- . -M1B** Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) * 2700 180 ----- .8 .At Bayonet Location For maximum service life of the engine maintain cylinder head temperature between 150°F and 400°F during continuous operation.45 500°F (260°C) 2700 117 9.39 500°F (260°C) .50 500°F (260°C) 2350 130 9. Qts.7 . Head Temp.) Operation RPM Fuel Cons. -J.39 500°F (260°C) HO-360-B Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2900 180 ----- .39 500°F (260°C) IO-360-A. Gal./Hr. AIO-360 Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 200 ----- .5 .50 500°F (260°C) 1800/2025 109 9. -D. Cyl.45 500°F (260°C) 2350 117 9. -C. 45 500°F (260°C) * . IO-360-B1C Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 177 ----- .45 500°F (260°C) 2350 115 8.80 500°F (260°C) 2700 135 11. Cyl.0 . *Max.79 500°F (260°C) 2450 133 11. manifold pressure.52 500°F (260°C) 2180 120 8.At 26 in. Qts.SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS OPERATING CONDITIONS (CONT. Max.5 .39 500°F (260°C) IO-360-L2A Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2400 160 ----- .At Bayonet Location For maximum service life of the engine maintain cylinder head temperature between 150°F and 400°F during continuous operation. 3-14 .0 . Hg.39 500°F (260°C) HIO-360-C Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2900 205 ----- . .39 500°F (260°C) 2080 104 7.80 500°F (260°C) 2700 135 12.91 500°F (260°C) 2700 154 12.0 .) Operation RPM HP Fuel Cons.5 ./Hr. Oil Cons.0 .45 500°F (260°C) 2700 117 10. Head Temp.34 500°F (260°C) HIO-360-A Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2900 180 ----- .5 .52 500°F (260°C) 2700 133 10.5 . Gal./Hr.45 500°F (260°C) 2700 117 9.8 .6 .39 500°F (260°C) HIO-360-B Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2900 180 ----- . ) Operation RPM HP Fuel Cons.44 500°F (260°C) TIO-360-C Series** Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) * 2575 210 ----- .70 500°F (260°C) 2400 157.2 .46 500°F (260°C) TIO-360-A Series** Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2700 200 ----- .0 ./Hr.84 500°F (260°C) 2700 142 11.0 . ** .50 500°F (260°C) 2350 130 10. HIO-360-D Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 3200 190 ----- .47 500°F (260°C) 2700 123 10.89 500°F (260°C) 2450 150 14.0 .2 .0 .8°C).8 .8 .47 500°F (260°C) 2700 123 10.85 500°F (260°C) 2700 142 11.46 500°F (260°C) .At Bayonet Location For maximum service life of the engine maintain cylinder head temperature between 150°F and 400°F during continuous operation.2 .5 13.MAXIMUM TURBINE INLET TEMPERATURE 1650°F (898. Cyl. Qts.LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING CONDITIONS (CONT. Head Temp./Hr.5 10. Gal.53 500°F (260°C) 2200 136. Max.48 500°F (260°C) 3200 123 10. *Max.41 500°F (260°C) HIO-360-E Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 2900 190 ----- .41 500°F (260°C) HIO-360-F Series Normal Rated Performance Cruise (75% Rated) Economy Cruise (65% Rated) 3050 190 ----- . Oil Cons.85 500°F (260°C) 3200 142 12. 3-15 .0 . Helicopters. b. (3) Move mixture control to Idle Cut-Off. Fixed Wing. 3-16 .SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS 9. turn off switches. (2) Move mixture control to Idle Cut-Off. (1) Set propeller governor control for minimum blade angle when applicable. SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE. (1) Idle as directed in the airframe manufacturers handbook. turn off switches. (3) When engine stops. until there is a decided drop in cylinder head temperature. (2) Idle until there is a decided drop in cylinder head temperature. a. (4) When engine stops. . -F.E X 80 I 100 140 160 180 120 ACTUAL BRAKEHORSEPOWER 'l 'l r r o t l l e J:isurc _t-7.8 l A . I o 70z o .1 6 0 . F UELGRADEMIN IMU M 8 50:1 25" BTC P A C TY P E R S A -5A D 1 MA N U A LTOB E S TE C ON OMY OR B E S TP OWE R A SIN D IC A TE D 91/96 P E R C E IT RATEDPOIruER -t 8C- I t '4.-F A N D MIA S E R IE S COM PRESS ION R A TIO SPARKTIMING F UEL INJECTOR . .r/ 'z 2ffi@ /t l <n z '50 () ^rC '/ tsz 45 o9?I z=o :.parl Fuel Consrrnrption r()-lbO-8.d r! l 40: = .8.TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'SMANUAL 0-360 and ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION3 C U R VEN O 12849.B Revised Decenrber 1999 lc ) -)-iJ . . M IXT URECON TR OL.l O .60 o_ - z a/ '/ .a E. -1.4 PA R TTH R OTTLEFU E LC ON S U MP TION LYCOMINGENGINEMODEL 10-360.-M lA S e r i r 's( L : r c e p t i r r .E . -E. -F Series (Excepting IO-360-B1A. Sea Level and Altitude Performance IO-360-B. -B1C) HIO-360-G1A 3-37 .LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL O-360 AND ASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Figure 3-22. . MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2200 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 108 60% 2000 112 62% 4000 115 64% 6000 118 66% 8000 121 67% 10000 124 69% SL 115 64% 2000 118 66% 4000 120 67% 6000 123 68% 8000 126 70% SL 121 67% 2000 125 69% 4000 128 71% 6000 132 73% SL 127 71% 2000 131 73% 4000 134 74% 6000 138 77% SL 134 74% 2000 139 77% 4000 143 79% SL MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2300 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 112 62% 2000 116 64% 4000 119 66% 6000 122 68% 8000 125 69% 10000 128 71% SL 119 66% 2000 122 68% 4000 126 70% 6000 129 72% 8000 132 73% SL 125 69% 2000 129 72% 4000 133 74% 6000 136 76% SL 132 73% 2000 136 76% 4000 140 78% 6000 143 79% SL 140 78% 2000 144 80% 4000 146 81% SL 146 81% 2000 150 83% 4000 154 86% MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2400 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 116 64% 2000 120 67% 4000 122 68% 6000 126 70% 8000 129 72% 10000 133 74% SL 123 68% 2000 126 70% 4000 130 72% 6000 133 74% 8000 136 76% SL 130 72% 2000 134 74% 4000 138 77% 6000 141 78% SL 137 76% 2000 141 78% 4000 145 81% 6000 149 83% SL 142 79% 2000 148 82% 4000 151 84% SL 151 84% 2000 156 87% 4000 160 89% MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2500 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 120 67% 2000 123 68% 4000 126 70% 6000 130 72% 8000 132 73% 10000 136 76% SL 127 71% 2000 131 73% 4000 134 74% 6000 139 77% 8000 142 79% SL 134 74% 2000 138 77% 4000 142 79% 6000 146 81% SL 142 79% 2000 145 81% 4000 148 82% 6000 SL 141 78% 2000 150 83% 4000 157 87% SL 158 88% 2000 160 89% 4000 164 91% MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2600 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 123 68% 2000 127 71% 4000 130 72% 6000 134 74% 8000 138 77% 10000 141 78% SL 130 72% 2000 134 74% 4000 138 77% 6000 142 79% 8000 146 81% SL 139 77% 2000 143 79% 4000 148 82% 6000 151 84% SL 146 81% 2000 150 83% 4000 154 86% 6000 157 87% SL 154 86% 2000 158 88% 4000 162 90% SL 160 89% 2000 166 92% 4000 170 94% MP 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 2700 RPM PA HP % pwr SL 126 70% 2000 130 72% 4000 134 74% 6000 136 76% 8000 140 78% 10000 144 80% SL 134 74% 2000 138 77% 4000 142 79% 6000 146 81% 8000 150 83% SL 142 79% 2000 144 80% 4000 149 83% 6000 153 85% SL 149 83% 2000 153 85% 4000 158 88% 6000 161 89% SL 156 87% 2000 161 89% 4000 166 92% SL 166 92% 2000 170 94% 4000 174 97% . .....4-l . . ........ Daily Pre-Flight Engine Ifrrbocharger..... .. .... 4-6 .....4-5 .. 25 Hour Inspection Engine 50 Hour Inspection Engine Tfrrbocharger......TEXTRONTYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL PERIODIC INSPECTIONS Page Pre-StartingInspection................ 100 Hour Inspection Engine I\rrbocharger. 4-6 .. 4-2 4-2 ....4-6 ..4-4 ..... 400 Hour Inspection Engine Non-ScheduledInspections...... 4-3 ........ 4-2 . . b. Engine (l) Be sure all switches are in the "Off" position. Also. inspect and clean suction and pressure screens. After tlre first twenty-five hours operation time. Turbocharger (1) Inspect mounting and connections of turbocharger for securitt Iubricant or air leakage. change oil every 25 hours. 2. (3) Check oil level. If any are missing or damaged. (4) See that fuel tanks are full. note minor indications for repair at 50 hour inspection. (5) Check fuel and oil line connections. repair or replacement should be made before the aircraft is flown. new. (7) Make sure all shields and cowling are in place and secure. (6) Open the fuel drain to remove any accumulation of water and sediment. remanufacturedor newly overhauledengines should undergo a 50 hour inspection including draining and renewing lubricating oil. If engine has no full-flow oil filter. (8) Check controls for general condition. (2) Be sure magneto ground wires are connected. (9) Induction system air filter should be inspected and serviced in accordancewith the airfranre manufacturer's recommendations. (2) Check engine crankcase breather for restrictions to breather. a. Z5-HOUR INSPECTION (ENCINE). DAILY PRE-FLIGHT.MANUAI OPERATOR'S TEXTRONLYCOMTNG SECNION4 0'360 and ASSOCIAIED MODELS 1. travel. Repair any leaks before aircraft is flown. 4-2 . and freedom of operation. their probablecauses _ENGINE. I. and replaceany defective wrres.TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL G360 andA S S OCIA T EMO D DE L S 6 S E CT I O N s E c T lo N 6 T RO UB L E .The followingcharts list some of the more common troubles. 6-l . TROUBL E-SHOOTING TROUBLE PROBABLECAUSE REMEDY Failure of Engine to Start Lack of fuel Checkfuel systemfor leaks. Cleandirty lines. Defective spark plugs Cleanand adjustor replacr sparkplugs. Overpriming Leaveignition "off" and mixture control in "Idle Cut-Off"'. Defectiveignition wire Checkwith electrictester.which may be encounteredin maintainingenginesand turbochargen. beginningwith the most probable.Fill fuel throttle and "unload" engineby crankingfor a few seconds T[rn ignition switch on and proceed0o start in a normal manner. Defective battery Replace with charged battery.strainen or fuel valves. and remedies. S HO O T I NG Experiencehas proven that the best method of trouble-shootingis to decide on the various causesof a given trouble and then to eliminate causesone by one. Inconect idle adjustment Adjust throttle stop to obtain correct idle. Unevencylinder compression Checkcondition of piston ringsand valveseats. Lack of sufficient fuel flow Disconnectfuel line and checkfuel exhaust flame at night. Failureof Engine to Idle Properly Low Powerand Uneven Running 6-2 . Mixture too rich indicated by sluggish engineoperation. Faulty ignition system Checkentire ignition system.If found. Intemal failure Checkoil screensfor metal particles. Drain fuel injector or carburetorand fuel lines. Readjustment of fuel injector or carburetor by authorizedpersonnelis indicated. Waterin fuel injector or carb. Extremecases indicatedby black smokefrom exhaust. Insufficient fuel prcssure Adjust fuel pressure. completeoverhaulof the enginemay be indicated.TEXTRON LYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL sEcTtoN6 O-360and A S S OC IA TE D MOD E LS TROUBLE PROBABLECAUSE REMEDY Failureof Engine to Start (Cont. Incorrect idle mixture Adjust mixture Leak in the induction system Tightenall connections in the inductionsystem.Replaceany partsthat are defective.Checkinternal timing of magnetos.) Improperoperation of magnetobreaker Cleanpoints. Defectiveignition wirc Checkwire with electric tester. Defectivespark plug terminal connectors. Failure of Engine to Develop Full Power 6-3 .Replace defectivewire. Restrictionin air scoop Examineair scoopand removerestrictions. Readjustmentof fuel injector or carburetor by authorizedpersonnel is indicated. Throttle lever out of adjustment Adjust throttle lever. Leak in the induction system Tightenall connections and replacedefective parts.MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S sEcTIoN6 0-360andASSOCIATED MODELS TROUBLE PROBABLECAUSE REMEDY Low Power and Uneven Running (Cont.) Mixture too lean. Improper fuel Fill tank with fuel of recommendedgrade. Replacedefectiveparts.Check intemaltimingof magnetos. Replaceconnectorson sparkplug wire. Leaksin induction system Tightenall connections. indicatedby overheatingor backfiring Checkfuel lines for dirt or other restrictions. Magnetobreaker pointsnot working properly Cleanpoints.gage and flow at the fuel inlet. Defectivespark plugs Cleanand gapor replace sparkplugs. Improper fuel flow Checkstrainer. Defectivepressuregage Replace Stoppagein oil pump intakepassage Checkline for obstruction.MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S S E CTION 6 MODELS 0-360andASSOCIATED TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Failureof Engine to DevelopFull P o w e r(C o n t. Insufficientoil Fill to properlevelwith recommended oil. Checksystemwith tester. Insufficientair cooling Checkair inlet and outlet for deformationor obstruction. Highoil temperature See"High Oil Temperature" in "Trouble" column.) Improper fuel Drain and refill tank fuel. RoughEngine Low Oil Pressure HighOil Temperature 6-4 . with recommended Faulty ignition Tightenall connections. Defectivemounting bushings Install new mounting bushings Uneven compression Checkcompression. Crackedengine mount Replaceor repairmount. Cleansuctionstrainer. Leakin suction line or pressureline Checkgasketbetween accessoryhousingand crankcase. Air lock or dirt in relief valve Removeand cleanoil prressure relief valve.Checkignition timing. Lo w g r a d e o f o i l R e p l a c ew i t h o i l c o n forming to specifications. Defective temperature gage Replacegage.If found. Climb to cruise altitude at full power and operate at 757ocruise potver setting until oil consumption stabilizes- ExcessiveOil Cons um pt ion 6.5 .) Use mineral baseoil.TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAL 0 -3 6 0a n dA S S OC IATED MODELS SECTION T R OU BL E PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY HighOil Temperature (C o n t.overh a u l o f e n g i n ei s i n d i c a t e d . Failing or failed bearing Examine sump for metal particles. Failing or failed bearings Check sump for metal particles. Low grade of oil Fill tank with oil conforming to specification. Cl o g g e do i l l i n e s or strainers Remove and clean oil stral ners. Worn piston rings Install new rings. Excessive blow-by Usualll' causedby worn or stuck rings. Incorrect installation of piston rings Install new rings. Failure of rings to seat (new nitrided cyls.) Insufficientoil suppll' Fill to proper levelwith s p e c i f i e do i l . Dirty impeller blades Disassemble and clean.upin compressor Thoroughlycleancompressorassembly.S HOOTIN G_TU R BOCHA RGER T R OU BL E PROBABLECAUSE REMEDY Excessive Noise or Vibration Improperbearing lubrication Supplyrequiredoil pressure. Leak in engine intake or exhaust Tighten looseconnections or replacemanifold gasketsas necessary.If trouble persists. Restrictionin return linesfrom actuatorto waste gatecontroller Removeand cleanlines. TRO UBLE. .Cleanor re. overhaul turbocharger. Enginewill not lhliver Rated Power &6 system Foreignmaterial lodgedin compressorimpeller or turbine Disassemble and clean. placeoil line. Serviceair cleanerand checkfor leakage. Rotating assembly bearingseizure Overhaulturbocharger. C l ogged mani fol d Clearall ducting. Excessive dirt build.TEXTRONTYCOMINGOPERATOR'S MANUAI sEcTtoN6 0-360 and ASSOCIATEDMODELS 2. Leakin engine intakeor exhaustmanifold Tightenlooseconnections or replace manifoldgaskets as necessary.cleanoil strainer. tion Replaceunit.oil filters. Controllernot gettingenough oil pressureto closethe waste gate Checkpump outlet pressure. Exhaustbypasscontrollermalfunc. Checkbearings.TEXTRON MANUAL TYCOMINC OPERATOR'S 0-360andASSOCIATED MODELS SECTION6 TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Enginewill not DeliverRated Power(Cont. Checkbearings. pellerbinding frozen or fouling housing. Butterflyshaftbinding. Oil pressure too low Tightenfittings. Replace act. Exhaustbypass butterfly not closing Low pressure.(Usually accompanied by oil leakageat drai nl i ne) Removeand replace actuatoror disassemble and replacepacking. Inlet orifice to actuator clogged Removeinlet line at actuatorand clean orifice.external linesfor leaksor obstructions. ment Haveexhaustbypasscontroller adjusted.Clogged orificein inlet. Chipsunder meteringvalve in controller holdingit open Replacecontroller. Pistonsealin actuatorleaking. 6-7 . CriticalAltitude Lower than Specified Turbochargerim.uator.Replacelinesor hoses.) Exhaustbypasscontrollcr is in needof adjust. Increaseoil pressure to desiredpressure. 6-8 . Controllermetering valvestem Replacecontroller. Exhaust bypass sticking closed Shut off valve in return line not working. aneroid bellows leaking Replacecontroller assembly or replace aneroid bellows. sticking EngineSurgesor Smokes A i r i n oi l l i nes or actuat. Actuatorpiston sealfailedand leakingexcessively If there is oil leakage at actuator drain. High DeckPressure(Compressor DischargePressure) Controller metering valve not opening. Exhaustbypassvalve Clean and free action.or Bleed system.MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S 6 sEcTroN O-360 and A S S O CI A T EMO D D-L S T R OU BL E PR OB A B LEC A U S E REMEDY CriticalAltitude Lower Than Specified(Cont. Butterfly shaft binding. Check bearings. seal leaking oil into manifold Cloggedbreather Check breather for restrictions to air flow. NOTt. clean cylinder and replace piston seal. Smoke would be normal il'enginc has idled lor a prolonged period. Replace bypass valve or correct linkage binding.) Meteringjet in actuatorplugged Remove actuator and clean jet. 6-9 . Exhaust bypassactuator piston locked in full closed position.checkcondition of pistonand packing or replaceactuator assembly. Checkpressure75 to 85 psi (80 psi desired)at exhaustbypassactuator i nl et.) Oil pressure too high S E CT I O N REMEDY Clean or replaceline. N O T E : Exhaust bypass normally closed in idle and low power conditions. If pressure on outlet sideof actuatoris too high. Removeand disassemble actuator. Exhaust bypasscontroller malfunction Replacecontroller.haveexhaustbypass controlleradjusted.Should open when actuator in l e t l i n e i s disconnected.TEXTRONTYCOMINCOPERATOR'S MANUAL 0-360andA S S OCIA T EMO D DE L S TROUBLE PR OB A B LEC A U S E High DeckPresControllerresure(Compressor turn line reDischargePresstricted s u re )(C o n t. (Usually accompaniedby oil leakage at actuator dr a i n l i n e ) . 8-1 .8-3 ...8'2 . .MANUAL TEXTRONLYCOMINGOPERATOR'S TABLES pase Tableof Linrits GrourrdRunAfterTopOvcrhaul Flight Test After Top Overhaul Full Tlrrottle HP at Altitude Tableof SpeedEcluiv.85 .... .8-4 . .rlents Centigrade-FalrrenheitCorrversiorrTable lrrchFractiorrCorrversiolrs . . . ... . . . . .. .8-6 .8-4 .. . . oil t'emperature.':l v zF RegistrationNo. If cylinder head temperaturesreach 400oF. Headaircraft into wind.'\ .cv R.fuel R. Neverexceed200oF.carb . 1. iA u mrn (nAA 0 min 1300 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min ri L^J =X r. Checkoil level(s) =z =tf E' t!F o - ..oil L. 4.' GROUND RUN AFTER TOP OVERHAUL OR CYLINDER CHANGE WITH NEW RINGS (n Qpe Aircraft trl . Visuallyinspectengine(s) 2. shut down and allow ergine to cool before eontinuing.o tl L.carb Amb. 5.F I X E DW I N GO N L Y @ t. Avoid dusty location and loosestones.Check PowerCheck ldle Check AdjustmentRequired Aftcr Completion of Ground Run 1. All cowling should be in placc. @A z F < o 3 z Owner EngineModel s/N_ Date Run-UpBy GROUND RUN Fuel Flow Pressure Tbmperature Temperature Time RPM MAP L.cowlflaps open.Ai Left Risht b nun IOUU . 3.fuel L. I O\!l DEI o tt 1500 1600 Ea E3 U 1701 1800 Vlag. Accomplishgroundrun in full flat pitch.cY L.i (DO NOT USE AFTER MAJOR OVERHAUL) Aircraft No. 6.oi .oI a. 2.. power for cruise. 2.y. l \l a ke ca r e l L r lvi su a l i n sp e cti o n o f e n g i n e ( s.oil R . C h e ck o i l l e ve l ( s. 1 .)| 3 .r ce ssi ve( se e o l r e r a to r 's tn m m a n tr a l fo r l i r n i l sl L h e n r e m o ve sp a r k p l u g s a n d o ch t. 2 .r n n g .R e c o r d e n g i n e i n s t r u m e n t r e a d i n g sd u r i n g c l i m b a n d cr u i se . 3 . -{ z 3 z C . Air rf1 a T' FN F d A d j u s t n r e n t sR e q u i r e d A f t e r F l i g h t 4 v1 Afte r Te st ['l i g h t 1 .r r n p ti o ni s e . Use stanciardpower for climb. Test fly aircraft one hour.i rn x FLIGHT TEST AFTER TOP OVERHAUL OR CYLINDER CHANGE W]TH NEW RINGS -{ F z 1. If o i l co n sr . C o o = z F' LIGHTTEST RECO RD L. M a k e c l i m b s h a l l o w a n d a t g o o d a i r s p e e df or co o l i n g . and 75<.cvl R .o i 1 m D e r a tu r e R .ca r b Am ct l i n d e r b a r r e l sfo r s<'r .. . 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