LV Capacitors

March 29, 2018 | Author: Flo Mirca | Category: Capacitor, Transformer, Electric Current, Switch, Direct Current



Netwo QuaNetwork Quality Network Quality LV Capacitors Power Factor Controllers LV Active Filters Third Harmonic Filter Contents LV Capacitor CLMD ........................................................................................................ 9/2 LV Capacitor LVCS.......................................................................................................... 9/3 LV Capacitor Bank APC ................................................................................................. 9/4 Dynacomp ....................................................................................................................... 9/6 Power Factor Controller RVC ........................................................................................ 9/8 Power Factor Controller RVT ........................................................................................ 9/9 LV Active Filters PQFI, PQFM, PQFK and PQFS .......................................................... 9/10 Third Harmonic Filter THF ............................................................................................. 9/14 o a 9/1 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality 20 mm.5 mm earth connection on the enclosure fixation. 8.4 mm. 3-phase as standard construction (single-phase on request). CLMD63-83 : 47 mm. 20 mm. with two slots. discharge resistors are sized to ensure safe discharge of the capacitor to less than 50V in 1 minute after a switch off. Class «D» (+55°C) according to IEC 831. diameter 6. 63 & 83 50 and 60 Hz From 11 to 130 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency. For more details. 50 mm. Earth Cable input earth connection on the enclosure fixation. By a knock out : 37 mm. 0 % + 10 %. 53. 50 mm. Indoor (outdoor on request). Between terminals and earth: 3 kV for 10 seconds. Important: the installation of capacitors on networks disturbed by harmonics may require special precautions. module). 2GCS301011B0030 9/2 1SDC007200C0202 . on the voltage. at intervals. three cable outputs.5 Watt/kvar for 380 V rated voltage and above. Permanently connected built-in discharge resistors are sized to ensure safe discharge of the capacitor to less than 50V in 1 minute after a switch off. IP 42 (IP 54 on request). Overvoltage tolerance: 10% max. 20 mm. CLMD 43.LV Capacitor CLMD Technical Data Specifications Voltage range Frequency Power range Connection Discharge resistors Terminals CLMD 13 CLMD 33 From 220 to 1000 V. 50 and 60 Hz 50 Hz From 2. Indoor type: -25°C. (suitable fixing for assembly in diameter 5. Case material Colour Fixing Execution Protection Maximum ambient temperature Minimum ambient temperature Minimum distance between units Minimum distance between units and wall Losses (discharge resistors included) Tolerance on capacitance Voltage test The acceptable overloads are those specified in IEC 831-1&2 Zinc electroplated mild steel. a M8 terminal is included under the cover. 20 mm. By a knock out : CLMD43-53 : 37 mm. three M6 terminals. By a knock out : 22. Beige RAL 7032.15 Un for 10 seconds. < 0. please refer to catalogue No. Between terminals: 2. Permanently connected built-in Not included. with threaded rods M6. Outdoor type: -40°C. with two slots 26 X 12 mm. Maximum overload: stable operation at 135% of the nominal rating (generated by overvoltages and harmonics).5 mm with eight fixation holes.8 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency. 10 or 12 according to the power of the capacitor.5 to 18 kvar depending From 17 to 26. Overcurrent tolerance: 30% permanently. especially when there is a risk of resonance. 9/3 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality . Important : The installation of capacitors on networks disturbed by harmonics may require special precautions. Between terminals and container: 15 kV. 3-phase. < 0. 2GCS301012A0032. 60 Hz: 220.15 Un for 10 sec.2 Watt/kvar. Between terminals : 2. +/. Contactor-type terminals with captive screws (Max. 380.5 Watt/kvar (discharge resistors included). Class D (+55°C). From 5 kvar to 25 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency. 415. Contactor-type terminals Built-in safety discharge resistor (<50V in 1 min) Dry type self-healing capacitor winding Thermo-setting resin Insulating enclosure Overpressure sensitive disconnector For more details. intermittently. -25°C. IP 20. please refer to catalogue No. especially when there is a risk of resonance.5 kg / LVCS unit M6-through-hole bolts. Indoor. 0 +10 %. < 0. Overvoltage tolerance : 10 % max. 240. 440. M6-insertion-hole screws. 400. 525 and 690 Vac.2. Minimum time between disconnection and re-energization: 40 seconds. Built-in and sized for discharge of the capacitors to less than 50V in 1 min. cable size: 35mm2 ) No earth connection needed. RAL 7012 (dark gray). Overcurrent tolerance : 30 % permanently.LV Capacitor LVCS Technical Data Voltage range Power range Connection Discharge resistors Terminals Earth Color Weight (unpacked) Fixation Execution Protection Maximum ambient temperature Minimum ambient temperature Dielectric losses Total losses Tolerance on capacitance Voltage test Lightning impulse voltage test Acceptable overloads according to IEC 60831 1& 2 50 Hz: 230. 480 and 600 Vac. THDV and THDI. From 0. APCL1: master unit only. APCR 400. 415. Temperature range: -25°C / class D according to IEC 60831-1&2.7 inductive to 0.5 Watt/kvar (including accessories losses).overvoltage tolerance: 10% max. APCM 230. undervoltage and THDV.voltage. Dielectric losses: less than 0.overcurrent tolerance: 30% permanently. Threshold setting for protections against overvoltage. 9/4 1SDC007200C0202 .2 Watt/kvar. . APCL2: master and slave units. less than 5. 400V . . APCM2: master and slave units. 400V . Dry type self healing according to IEC 60831-1&2. 480.01A to 5A controller. 400V . 600V . 690V .15 Un between terminals during 10 sec at rated frequency (above IEC 60831-1&2). APCM2: from 112.50Hz (standard range). APCM1: master unit only. Power range APCL1: from 20 to 75 kvar depending on the voltage. Voltage test: 2. intermittently. 240.5 Watt/kvar (including accessories losses). .50Hz (reinforced range rated at 474V). .5 Watt/kvar (discharge resistors included).alarm conditions.5 to 400 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency. APCL2: from 50 to 125 kvar depending on the voltage. APCR: master and slave units. for the RVT controller (optional) Automatic or manual setting of the controller with indication of : . .the number of active outputs. 480V . Capacitor total losses: less than 0.01A to 3A for the RVC From 0. Connection Configuration Power factor setting Starting current setting (C/k) Operation Losses Capacitors Three phase. Slave units are not equipped with PF controller but are fitted with an interconnection cable. current. APCM1: from 75 to 200 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency.the inductive or capacitive power factor.60Hz (de-tuned capacitor bank) From 100 to 300 kvar depending on the voltage and frequency. Automatic bank total losses at 400V 50Hz: less than 1.50Hz (reinforced range rated at 474V). 380.50Hz (de-tuned capacitor bank) 240. Acceptable overloads: .7 capacitive.overtemperature.01A to 3A for the RVC controller. 400V . .60Hz (standard range). 525.LV Capacitor Bank APC Technical Data APCR APCM2 APCM1 APCL1 APCL2 APCL2 APCM2 APCR Specifications Nominal voltage and frequency APCL 230.demand for switching on/off a capacitor step. From 0. From 0.50Hz (standard range). intermittently. The automatic capacitor bank complies with EN 61921. . For more details. Voltage test: 2. .Bottom cable entry.Top or bottom cable entry. please refer to catalogue No.Floor fixation. Functional test.15 Un between terminals during 10 sec at rated frequency (above IEC 60831-1&2). CE Marked. dependent speed control fans).0 % (not exceeding a THDU of 8 %).overvoltage tolerance: 10% max.5°C / + 40°C according to EN 61921. . Natural for the APCL1. Type : dry type resin embedded according to IEC 289. Slave units have to be connected to the master unit. IP23D (closed door).5 % U13/U1 = 3. 2GCS301015A0040.5 % U5/U1 = 6. for the APCL2. IEC 76 Maximal harmonic voltage distortion: U3/U1 = 0.0 % U11/U1 = 3. . . Forced Forced. brackets included). Protected against direct and accidental contact (open door). Insulation test. . Temperature range: -25°C / class D according to IEC 60831-1&2.Equipped with a plinth. Indoor. Important notice: The installation of capacitors on networks disturbed by harmonics may require special precautions especially when there is a risk of resonance.0 % U7/U1 = 5.Lifting lugs provided. Acceptable overloads: . .overcurrent tolerance: 30% permanently. 9/5 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality .LV Capacitor Bank APC Technical Data APCR APCM2 APCM1 APCL1 APCL2 APCL2 APCM2 APCR Specifications Capacitors Reactors Compliance Automatic capacitor bank tests CE Marking Protection Execution Color Ambient temperature Ventilation Installation APCL APCM APCR Dry type self healing according to IEC 60831-1&2. Beige RAL 7032.Wall mounting (fixation . (temperature(temperature-dependent speed control fans). The Dynacomp®: the top-class dynamic compensator Transient free switching The Dynacomp®. is dangerous for the contactors and increases the stress on the capacitors. 9/6 1SDC007200C0202 . The figure below shows the switching of the same step but with the static switch of the Dynacomp®.Dynacomp® Introduction Dynacomp® vs Electromechanical switching of capacitors Electromechanical switching of capacitors Transients at switching Conventional banks with contactors are switched on when reactive power is needed. fitted with electronic switches instead of contactors. It will not cause disturbances to sensitive networks or neighbouring equipment. Discharging the capacitors takes several seconds and tremendously limits the response time of such system. where 86 kvar are switched on by contactors. The current reaches 3640 A peak. less than 20ms for voltage drops compensation and instantaneous if an external signal is available. Limited life Contactors have limited lifetimes and need to be replaced frequently. Current waveform when switching a conventional bank with contactors (transient) Current waveform when switching a Dynacomp® Slow response time Electromechanically switched power factor correction systems are fitted with discharge resistors. approximately twelve times the nominal 304 A peak. This allows reducing the voltage difference between the capacitors and the network and consequently the magnitude of the transients. Fast response time The powerful control of the Dynacomp® and its switching concept allows dynamic response times less than 80ms for power factor correction. Long life The transient free switching (with no electric arc. Such systems also require important maintenance efforts. The disturbance created in the voltage waveform could perturb sensitive equipment. the nominal value. is the perfect choice in applications where transient-free switching is required. without suppressing the transients. but the precise instant of switching is variable and not controlled. This has the consequence that the switching of the capacitors results in a big transient. i.e. no moving parts) combined with the self healing capacitors used in the Dynacomp® guarantees a very long life of the system without any limitation in the number of switching operations. The current reaches only 304 A peak. This is shown on the figure below. This transient disturbs the net. Current input: 5A or 1A (RMS) (class 1 CT). Up to 500 kvar per step. Steel sheet. Protection: IP23. Dry type self healing. Operating temperature: -20°C to 70°C. Network and Dynacomp® measurements. Color: RAL 7032. 2GCS303016A0060. According to EN60439.Dynacomp® Technical Data Rated voltage Output rating Capacitors Controller Standard cubicle Ambient temperature Measuring system From 220 to 690V . three or single-phase. Type RVT-D Micro-processor based system. The Dynacomp® is a totally tailor-made product adapted to each particular need. Applications Motor start Harbor crane Welding machine For more details.50Hz or 60Hz. According to IEC831 (-10°C/+40°C). Micro-processor based system for balanced three-phase networks or single-phase networks. 9/7 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality . please refer to catalogue No. Design according to IEC 831 1&2. please refer to catalogue No. 9/8 1SDC007200C0202 . . direct. continuous current : 5A. III rated 1A or 5A (RMS).rated/max. . CE Marked. RVC-6: programmable up to 6 outputs. Automatic measurement of C/k RVC-3: programmable up to 3 outputs.max. maximum 95%. 40 s. LCD contrast automatically compensated with temperature. 100V to 440V.Power Factor Controller RVC Technical Data Measuring system Operating voltage Voltage tolerance Frequency range Measuring circuit terminals (L2.4 kg (unpacked).5% (automatic adjustment to network frequency). -max. -max. Overvoltage and undervoltage protection Auto-adaptation to the phase-rotation of the network and the CT-terminals. L3 and k. vertical panel mounting. -terminal A is rated for a continuous current of 16 A. IP40. RVC-10: programmable up to 10 outputs. <0. +/. programmable from 1s to 999s (independent of reactive load). RVC-8: programmable up to 8 outputs. Working with generative and regenerative loads. voltage: 440 Vac. 50 or 60 Hz +/. Spring clamp terminal block. Not affected by the harmonics. 0.5 A. -max. 8 VA max. continuous current: 1. from 0. quick automatic disconnection in less than 20ms (50Hz) in case of power outage or voltage drop. CAT.normally open contact. 0. -10° C to 60° C. circular or linear. peak current: 5 A.1 Ohm. all programmed parameters and modes are saved in a non-volatile memory. . 2GCS301016A0050. . the mode of switching for all the programmable switching sequences is integral. Power Factor setting Starting current setting (C/k) Number of outputs Switching time between steps Switching sequences Mode of switching Saving-function Power outage release Power outage reset delay time Alarm contact Operating temperature Storage temperature Mounting position Dimensions Weight Connector Front plate protection Relative humidity Other features For more details.7 capacitive.10% on nominal voltages. breaking voltage: 250Vac/440Vac. RVC-12: programmable up to 12 outputs. non-condensing. I) Current input Current input impedance Consumption of the controller Output contact rating micro-processor based system for balanced three-phase networks or single-phase networks.30° C to 85° C.01 to 3A. User defined. 144x144x80 mm (HxWxD).7 inductive to 0. .:6 and any other customer programmable sequence. UL Recognized (file n° NKCR2. <0. LCD contrast automatically compensated with temperature. . Vertical panel mounting.600 . Automatic disconnection of all capacitors in case of a power outage longer than 20ms. Working with passive and regenerative loads (four-quadrant operation). -Max. 1:1:1:1:1:….:2 . 50 or 60 Hz +/. CSA certified for use in 120Vac system voltage. Insensitivity to harmonics.Rated voltage: 250Vac (max.. .10% on indicated supply voltages.1:1:2:3:6….automatic measurement of C/k.6900 .0. -30° C to 85° C. -20° C to 70° C..4800 .1200 . please refer to catalogue No. Maximum 95%.. RVT 6: programmable up to 6 outputs. .5A.3A (110V dc).1:1:2:3:3….. Up to 690Vac or higher with voltage transformer. 15 VA max.:4 . . From 100Vac up to 440Vac. Automatic adaptation to the phase-rotation of the network and the CT-terminals. All programmed parameters and modes are saved in a non-volatile memory.Max. Alarm contact rating (voltage free contact) Fan contact rating (voltage free contact) Power factor setting Starting current setting (C/k) Switching sequences Modbus baud rate (*) Step configuration Full graphics display Number of outputs Switching time between steps Saving-function Power outage release Operating temperature Storage temperature Mounting position Dimensions Weight Connector Front plate protection Relative humidity Other features For more details. 110 .:8 .1:1:2:4:8:…. -Max. -Terminal A-A are rated for a continuous current of 18A (9A/terminal). CE Marked. .300 .7 capacitive.:6 .E163424).:4 .1:1:2:4:4:…. voltage: 440 Vac. . From 0. Accuracy : 1% full scale.. 2GCS302014A0050.19200 .0 kg (unpacked).).:8 1:1:2:2:2:….:2 . -Max.1:2:3:3:3:…. peak current: 8A.1 Ohm. 1. 64 x 132 pixels with extra symbols. 5A or 1A (RMS) (class1 C. continuous current: 1.57600 (*) for RVT Modbus only Automatic.Max.7 inductive to 0.1:2:4:8:8:….:3 .1:2:2:2:2:…. non-condensing.2400 .Power Factor Controller RVT Technical Data Measuring system Supply voltage Consumption Connection type for measuring circuit and power supply Voltage tolerance Voltage measurement Frequency range Current input Current input impedance Output contact rating Micro-processor-based system for balanced three-phase networks or single-phase networks. continuous current: 1. . Overall : 144 x 211 x 67 mm (HxWxD).Rated voltage: 250Vac (max.:1 . Programmable from 1s to 18h. disabled.:3 1:2:3:6:6:….5A (ac) – 0.. IP 43 (IP54: on request). Phase-phase or phase-neutral +/. Front plate : 144 x 144 mm (HxW). continuous current: 1.T. breaking voltage: 440Vac).5mm2 single core cable). fixed. Cage clamp type (2.Normally closed contact.38400 .Normally open contact. RVT 12: programmable up to 12 outputs.1:2:4:4:4:…. 9/9 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality .5A.5% (automatic adjustment to network frequency). . breaking voltage: 440Vac)..01 to 5A. Linear loads like an induction motor. The PQF monitors the line current in real time and processes the measured harmonics as digital signals in a high-power multi-DSP (Digital Signal Processor) based system. This feature which uses Modbus RTU. TV sets. the distortion of the wave (voltage or current) is attributed to the user (of the power) or the loads. motors and transformers • damage to sensitive equipment • tripping of circuit breakers • blowing of fuses • premature ageing of the installation • capacitor overloading and failures • high current in neutral conductors • excitation of network resonance 0 -800 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 Harmonic order The ABB Solution: PQF Power Quality Filter The ABB Power Quality Filter offers unprecedented ability to clean the network from harmonics. an incandescent bulb. The PQF also offers communication facilities with the customer’s existing communication network. On the other hand. While the amplitude and frequency of the supply is largely controlled by the utility. frequency and distortion of the supply system. UPS-systems. It is insensitive to large network impedance changes due to change in network topology like paralleling of sources. allows the PQF to be easily monitored and controlled from a remote location. These harmonics are a growing problem for both electricity suppliers and users. energy efficient (fluorescent) lamps. = Harmonics + PQF Harmonics only 9/10 1SDC007200C0202 . The Modbus communication feature can be used by means of an RS-232 to RS485 converter (optional). most of the common loads nowadays are non-linear. resistive heating or a capacitor bank draw a current which follows the wave shape of the supplied voltage (sinusoidal). like VSDs (Variable Speed Drives). The digital controller Principle of operation Fundamental only CT Load Clean feeder current Load current Active filter current generates Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals that drive IGBT power modules which through line reactors inject harmonic currents in the network with exactly the opposite phase to the components that are to be filtered. These loads draw a current from the source which does not follow the voltage wave shape and hence introduce distortion. Harmonics can lead to serious problems: • overheating of cables. Typical VSD supply current Unfiltered line current (100A/div) 800 Unfiltered line current (% fundamental) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% TIME (5ms/div) The distortion is introduced by harmonics generated by the non-linear devices.LV Active Filters PQFI – PQFM – PQFK – PQFS Introduction Harmonics and Power Quality Power Quality relates to the amplitude. rectifiers. or switching between mains supply and generator operation. computers. photocopiers etc. The PQF actively eliminates the harmonics present in the supply system in a controlled way. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications ensure best quality in the manufacturing process. ABB’s vast field experience with varied load types gives us added advantage for the best possible design of the PQF. • Fault and event logging with real time stamp • Direct connection up to 690V • Top or bottom cable entry (bottom cable entry only for PQFS) • Easy commissioning – Auto-detection of CT Polarity and installed phase • May filter without generation of reactive power • May generate reactive power and control power factor • May balance the load current across the phases and between phases and neutral (PQFS) • Has programmable task priorities • Does not require detailed network analysis • Does not require special CTs • Is easy to extend on site • Comes factory tested • Optical fibre isolation between power and control stages • Advanced programmable digital I/O interface • Modbus RTU communication compatible • 3 phase 3/4 wire connectivity (PQFS) • Easy wall mounting design (PQFS) 9/11 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality . The complete range of PQF is CE marked. VSD supply current . programming and settings of the PQF. The net effect of a PQF is a clean sine wave due to the elimination of the harmonic content of a distorted current waveform. The closed loop control offers an added advantage of accurate filtering without any need of special measuring devices. The PQF-Manager allows a wide range of choice for measurement of various network parameters. IEEE 519 etc. etc • Filters with closed loop control for best accuracy • Is not overloadable • Has a programmable filtering strategy and free choice of harmonics selection • Auto-adaptation to network impedance changes • Programmable stand-by and re-start functions • Two sets of compensation parameters for different load type compensation. Use of optical fibres ensures complete electrical isolation between the power and control circuits. The digital controller gives increased flexibility and accuracy in filtering. and Canadian safety standards. the feeding transformer carries a harmonic free current and consequently there is no network pollution introduced by the filtered load. The complete range of PQF (except PQFS) is UL Listed to U.LV Active Filters PQFI – PQFM – PQFK – PQFS Introduction PQF : The Ultimate Step in Filtering Efficiency The PQF offers the perfect solution for harmonic filtration. The IGBT based power units of the PQF are optimally designed to suit the requirement for each type of PQF. IEEE 519. Our PQF range are designed to meet the limitations on harmonic pollution as per various international guidelines like G 5/4. In other words.S.Filter running 800 Filtered line Current (100A/div) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% TIME (5ms/div) 0 -800 Filtered line current (% fundamental) 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 Harmonic order Advantages of the PQF • Filters up to 20 harmonics simultaneously (15 for PQFK) • Filters up to the 50th harmonic • Harmonic attenuation factor better than 97% • Fulfilment of International Guidelines like G5/4. 9/12 1SDC007200C0202 .5% in frequency. Through RS-232 Port with dedicated software (PQF-Link). and unequal rating is allowed in the same voltage group). +/. < 0. 5 Amps secondary rating. Power factor programmable from 0. one unit per enclosure. 3 CTs required (class 1. +/.6 (capacitive). 40 ms (10-90% filtering). harmonics selectable individual harmonics from 2nd to 50th order. filter burden: 5 VA. Individually programmable per harmonic in absolute terms.0 or better). Up to 8 units (intermixing of units of both equal Up to 4 units of equal rating. 20 individual harmonics selectable from 2nd to 50th 15 individual 3-wire connection: 20 order. < 3% of the device power typically. Maximum one unit rating difference between the largest and the smallest unit rating in a filter system One unit per panel. Better than 97% (at rated load). Programmable load balancing. Using optional PQF-Link software and PC (not provided).LV Active Filters PQFI – PQFM – PQFK – PQFS Technical Data Specifications RMS current per unit (50 or 60 Hz) PQFI 208V≤U≤480V: 250-450 A 480V<U≤690V: 180 A*-320 A* PQFM 208V≤U≤480V: 70-100-130 A 480V<U≤690V: 100A* PQFK 208V≤U≤415V: 40-70-100 A PQFS Neutral Current CT requirement Modularity Physical mounting Tolerance Harmonics to filter Degree of filtering Harmonic attenuation factor (IH (source)/IH (load) Reactive Power Load balancing Communication Programming Response time Active Power 208V≤U≤240V: 30-45-60 A 380V≤U≤415V: 30-45-60 A 3 times the line rms current mentioned above.6 (inductive) to 0.10% in voltage. Using PQF-Manager. Floor standing units Wall mount type. Using Modbus RTU. 4-wire connection: 15 individual harmonics selectable from 2nd to 50th order. selectable from 2nd to 50th order.5 ms instantaneous. Space heaters. (250A/180A) per unit. Temperature probes. Appr.2GCS304015A0070 9/13 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality . IP21: appr. cable provided. RAL 7035 (light gray). Surge arresters If the nominal system voltage is higher than 600V (U>600V) the current rating of PQFI and PQFM units in this voltage range may be derated automatically depending on the operating temperature. (Up to 50°C with suitable derating).LV Active Filters PQFI – PQFM – PQFK – PQFS Technical Data Specifications Protection degree Cubicle dimension (W x D x H) Weight (unpacked) Color Installation Environment Ambient temperature Humidity Main options PQFI PQFM PQFK PQFS IP21 (IP20 open door). cable entry from top or bottom. 125 kg. PQF-Link software. 255 kg. Common cable entry cubicle. cable entry Wall mounting. degree. lifting lugs provided. 600 x 600 x 2150 mm. 800 x 600 x 2150 mm. please refer to catalogue No. (450A/320A) or 525 kg IP00: appr. IP30. IP00: appr.) -5°C to +40°C. us. Printer kit (RS-232 Printer kit (RS-232 based). IP21 (IP20 open door). 620 kg IP21: appr. MCB position status Main contactor position status lamps. Temperature probes. from bottom. Modbus kit (RS-485 Base frame (100 mm). lamps. non-condensing. 120 kg. lifting lugs Floor fixation. Floor fixation. Other colors on request. please consult For higher protection degree. PQF-Link software. For higher protection IP00 plate execution. entry from bottom. IP41 protection degree execution (10% derating). 585 x 310 x 700 mm. Appr. 250 kg. Modbus kit (RS-485 based). For more details. Indoor installation in clean environment up to 1000 m altitude (higher altitudes with suitable derating. Maximum 95% RH. 175 kg. based). Cable connection box. please consult us. based). See illustration above. The Third Harmonic Causes Many Problems Problems are directly related to the harmonic content.Third harmonic filter General The Third Harmonic . Equipment that generate harmonics: • Fluorescent lighting systems • Welding equipment • Rectifiers • Microwave ovens • Computers • UPS • TV monitors The third harmonics are accumulated in the neutral conductor. In network: • • • • • • Overheating Increased power losses Poor quality of electricity Electromagnetic fields Malfunctions in earth fault control Failure in remote control systems In plants: • • • • • • • • • 9/14 1SDC007200C0202 Malfunction in electronics Damage to capacitors Power losses Increased magnetic fields Overload in neutral conductor Cable fires Abnormal temperature changes and noise in transformers Nuisance tripping in circuit-breakers Shorter life time . The third harmonic found in the phase current appears neutral thus increasing the neutral current. One reason for this is the increasing use of electric equipment that generate harmonics: in particular the third harmonic.a Growing Problem Today's electrical networks and plants are under much more stress than a decade ago. This harmonic can generate exceptionally high neutral currents which can often exceed even the phase current. The THF filter mitigates the third harmonic current from the whole network from the luminances to the distribution panel.The Third Harmonic Filter THFstar The third harmonic filter THFstar removes the third harmonic current from the network. 9/15 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality . The third harmonic currents generated by the single phase loads flowing in the phase conductors sum up in the neutral conductor. The neutral current may be higher than the phase current. switchboards and transformers • Elimination of third harmonic current in neutral and phase conductor Increased efficiency in lighting appliance and pc-load • Less power or more lighting • Less maintenance • Longer lifetime of the lamps and capacitors Reduced Magnetic fields • The reduction of third harmonic component of the current reduces the total magnetic field • Diagram indicating an example of the total magnetic field spectrum typically in various locations Without THF With THF Diagram indicating the level of magnetic field with and without Third Harmonic Filter. Hospital building.Third harmonic filter The solution The Solution. The filtering application is patented. THF patented application Transformer Load Transformer Load Example on how Third Harmonic Filter THF effects on third harmonic currents. main switchboard up to the supply transformers medium voltage winding. The mitigation effect is the same both at the line and load side. Benefits of THF for lighting and mixed load Increased efficiency in low voltage network • Reduction in transmission losses • Increased loadability of the existing network and switchboards • Lower temperature of cables. 150Hz measurement from PE-conductor of the group Network TN-S Rated current of the group fuse A Enclosed Units Indoor IP30 THF25NV THF63NV THF125NV THF160NV THF125NLV + THF125N System components IP 00 THF63NB THF63NB THF63NB x 2 THF63NB x 3 THF63NB x 4 Cross-section Input-Output cable mm2 6 16 35 50 95 Internal connection to the filter mm2 25 63 125 160 250 Note: System components in brochure THFS 2 GB 9/16 1SDC007200C0202 35 . to phase conductors 1250 1000 THFS1000S1 THFS1000U1 2500 3200 1600 2000 THFS1600S1 THFS1600S1x2 THFS1600U1 THFS1600U1x2 Note: System components in brochure THFS 2 GB Installation for distribution boards in TN-S-system. The filter can be installed outdoor in vicinity of transformer stations. Installation to the transformer star point. DIMENSIONING: According to the group fuse. TN-S L1 L2 L3 THF S01544A Rated current Transformer of the size transformer kVA A 8001) 900 630 630 Enclosed Units Indoor IP30 THFS500US1 THFS630S1 Outdoor IP34 THFS630U1 System components IP 00 THFS400A1 + THF 1_S THFS630A1 + THF 1_S THFS1000A1 + THF 1_S THFS630A1x2 Input-Output cable/ busbar Internal connection to the filter 33% of phase conductor 33% of phase conductor 33% of phase conductor 33% of phase conductor N (PEN) Acc. The THFstar filters are tested according to the highest possible short circuit current or back up fuse. The THF is normally installed in the load side neutral output of UPS-devise. to phase conductors Acc.160NV include guard units to keep track of the PEcurrent in the area of 4.THFstar The new generation third harmonic filter THFstar is designed for small size and economical solutions to places. as retrofitting to existing transformer station or as additional field of main switchboard.10 A. enclosed filter and system components...Third harmonic filter Selection and dimensioning Third harmonic filters THFstar and THF L1 L2 L3 THF S01544A N (PEN) The size of the THF-filters is selected according to the supply transformer or back up fuses.. THF THF filters are designed in TN-S-systems to provide selective mitigation of isolated groups with local or central compensation. whenever possible. It is recommended to install the filter THFstar in PEN-conductor. which are especially exposed by third harmonic currents. The protection unit needs to be used. In case the dimensioning is below 100% it is recommended to use additional protection unit. equipped with appropriate protection unit THF1S_ .. DIMENSIONING: According to the supply transformer PROTECTION: Protection unit THFS1_S. to phase conductors Acc. in case the dimensioning exceeds the thermal rating of the filter. 50Hz and 150 Hz measurement according to the mounting instruction L1 L2 L3 THF N PE S01545A Network TN-C. The basis of dimensioning is that the filter withstands the 150Hz voltage and the fundamental neutral current generated by the phase unbalance. enclosed filters and system components. THF is dimensioned according to the group fuses. to phase conductors Acc. The filter types THF 25.rated current = rated current of the fuse link PROTECTION: Guard unit (_V). The delivery includes protection unit. by-pass contactor and switch as well as the overload proof current transformer. 27 mm. THFS 500US11) THFS 630S1 THFS 1000S1 THFS 1600S1 Weight [kg] 300 400 520 650 O OFF S01552A THFS_S1 THFS_U1 Example on 1600kVA filter joints THF Strömb erg Reset OK Test R ByPass Test Aut S01536A THF 63NV 9/17 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality I 1000 1600 1) Cabling from bottom Weight [kg] 310 450 550 Outdoor use IP 34.and NLV. Steel sheet enclosure. 25 6 250x180x400 IP 30 THF 25NV 1SCA022388R0700 63 16 400x230x600 IP 30 THF 63NV 1SCA022374R8260 125 35 400x230x1000 IP 30 THF 125NV 1SCA022374R8340 125 95 and 150 400x230x1400 IP 30 THF 125NLV 1SCA022378R6190 160 50 and 70 800x230x1000 IP 30 THF 160NV 1SCA022374R8420 Third harmonic filters without guard unit and by-pass contactor Can be used parallel with NV. Group Connection Dimensions Protection Type fuse cable (Cu) (LxSxK) Code [A] [mm2 ] [mm] Order degree Weight [kg] Third harmonic filters including guard unit and by-pass contactor Current transformer of the relay. is included in the delivery. cable diameter max. THF Ordering details MNS Enclosed third harmonic filters THFstar Installation to transformer star point. Cabling from bottom or top FILTE R BY NO BASS Transformer size [kVA] [A] 500 630 800 900 1450 2300 Dimensions L x S x K [mm] 1050 x 360 x 1200 654 x 654 x 2260 654 x 654 x 2260 840 x 654 x 2260 Input-Output Cabling /Busbar 2 x 150 mm2 Cu 2 x 150 mm2 Cu (max 4 cables) 4 x 150 mm2 Cu (max 6 cables) Busbar 2x10x120 6 x 150 mmm2 Cu Type No. [kVA] [A] L x S x K [mm] Cabling /Busbar 630 1000 1600 900 1450 2300 1050 x 360 x 1200 1050 x 720 x 1200 1050 x 720 x 1200 2 x 150mm2 Cu (max 4 cables) 4 x 150mm2 Cu (max 6 cables) Busbar 2x10x120 6 x 150 mmm2 Cu THFS 630U1 THFS 1000U1 THFS 1600U1 Enclosed third harmonic filters THF Installation to TN-S-system. Includes base element. Filter suitable for voltage 690V. . 63 16 400x230x600 IP 30 THF 63N 125 35 400x230x1000 IP 30 THF 125N 125 95 and 150 400x230x1400 IP 30 THF 125NL 160 50 and 70 800x230x1000 IP 30 THF 160N 19 43 76 83 110 1SCA022325R0860 1SCA022325R1080 1SCA022358R9010 1SCA022325R1240 43 76 83 110 NOTE: THF 125 NL include space for parallel connection of several filters. cabling from bottom Transformer size Dimensions Input-Output Type No.types.Third harmonic filter THFstar. Indoor use IP 30. 6 4.5 350 x 150 x 190 400 x 150 x 100 350 x 150 x 400 IP00 THF1BS THF1BSMNS THF1S 1SCA022457R7560 1SCA022437R8010 1SCA022468R9360 4. Cabling from bottom or top Transformer size [kVA] [A] Dimensions Narrow combination B x D x H [mm] Dimensions Flat combination B x D x H [mm] Type Order Code Weight [kg] THFS_ 630 1000 1600 2000 900 1410 2250 2800 63 400 x 500 x 350 400 x 500 x 500 400 x 500 x 700 400 x 500 x 500x2 350 x145 x 415 800 x 350x 350 800 x 350x 500 800 x 350x 700 800 x 350x 500x2 THFS 400A1 THFS 630A1 THFS 1000A1 THFS 630A1x2 THF 63NB 160 225 300 225x2 28 Components for installation to TNS-system 230V~ 50/60Hz H D S01601A Protection unit Back up fuse B TF63NB Open type 18 18 17 1 A A2 2 B A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 17 Terminals [mm2] / Cu Dimensions BxDxH [mm] Protection degree Type Order Code Weight [kg] 10A 2. Indoor use IP 00.Third harmonic filter THFstar and THF components Ordering details Third harmonic filter components THFstar for switchgear mounting Components for installation to transformer star point.5 IP44 Other system components Transformer size kVA Rated current In/A/400V Transformer1) By-pass contactor By-pass switch THF1BS 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 440 560 700 900 1130 1410 1700 2250 2820 KORE06F1 250/1THF KORE06F1 250/1THF KORE06F1 300/1THF KORE06F1 400/1THF KORE06F1 500/1THF KORE06F1 750/1THF KORE06F1 1000/1 KORE06F1 1250/1 KORE06F1 1500/1 A145 A210 A210 A210 A300 AF400 AF580 AF580 AF750 OETL200K3 OETL200K3 OETL315K3 OETL400K3 OETL400K3 OETL630K3 OETL630K3 OETL800K3 OETL1000K3 230V~ 50/60Hz SM 115230 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 A1 A2 0 10 0 10 230V~ 50/60Hz 18 17 SM 115230 1 A 2 B 1 A 2 B S00978A 18 ByPass OK 50/60H z Error z 50/60H 150/18 A1 A2 A1 A2 0Hz 17 1 A 2 B 18 17 1) Overloading capable construction THF 120 90 60 30 0 Error 0Hz 150/18 Test R Reset S00977A Test Auto Strö mbe rg THF1S 9/18 1SDC007200C0202 .6 15 230V~ 50/60H z 230V~ 50/60H z 2 B 18 1 A 17 S01602A SM 1152 4 2 6 30 8 SM 1152 4 2 6 30 8 10 1 A 2 B 0 10 0 THF1BSMNS Enclosed 10A (Sheet steel) 2. The iron. available short circuit The filter is stand along type and not influencing on the power factor compensation The filter is not influencing on carrier.2 s Terminations: Max six cables of 300mm2 The filter is equipped with by-pass switch for commisoning Stand along enclosure: • indoor use IP30 • outdoor use IP34 Accommodation: • In the vicinity of transformer station • Retrofitting to the transformer station • In the main switchboard THF increases the efficiency and lifetime of lighting systems.1 W = 2025 W Filter installed: (25A)2 x 0. copper and resistance losses reduce the temperature and noise level of the supply transformer doubling the lifetime of the transformer by every 8 degrees C.Third harmonic filter THFstar Example Type: THFS 1600 S1 Rated voltage: 400V Dimensioning according to the transformer size:1600 kVA Removes the third harmonic current from the phase and neutral conductor Dimensioning current/ Max continuous current: 2250A/ 800A Dimensioning voltage: 40V 150Hz The filter allows subsequent increasing of the harmonic load without retrofitting Short circuit dimensioning according to max. The filter reduces the resistance losses (I2R) For example: Before: (450A)2 x 0. Network Quality 9/19 1SDC007200C0202 O OFF . which limit the 50Hz unbalance current and 150Hz fault curre S01552A MNS FILTER I SS BYBA NO Check THFstar filters Installation and commissioning: The installation of THFstar is in theory easy but in practice certain points have to be checked : • Ensure by measurement that there is no parallel current path to the filter • Check up also the possible influence of parallel transformers or generators • Ensure that the filter is installed in the right location. • Check up that the current measurement is right.wave-line. • Check up the relay setting of the protection unit. The CT shall always measure the sum of all neutral and earth currents of the network. • Read mounting instruction 34THF1S • Check that there is no largely dimmer loads. Main incoming breaker: Max. For example the neutral current reduces from 450A down to 25A and in the phase conductors from 150A to 10A.1 W = 62. The magnetic field from the construction and earthing wiring reduces typically by 50% due to mitigation of the vagabonding currents ( 50% of magnetic field usually of 150 Hz origin).5 W The filter include protection unit. The neutral conductor from the star point of the transformer is the recommended place. The THFstar removes typically 95% of the third harmonic current from the whole network from line and load side independent of the magnitude of the third harmonic current. time delay: 0. The same mitigation prevails in the whole network from the transformer windings to the lamps and computers. N L1 L2 L3 S01542B THFS N L1 L2 L3 PE 1) THFS/ THF -V -V Earthing busbar of transformer station Main earthing busbar Distribution swtichboard Earthing electrode Concrete iron fitting Water meter 1) 9/20 1SDC007200C0202 S01549A N PE THFS In this installation model. N L1 L2 L3 S01543B THFS N L1 L2 L3 PE 1) THFS/ THF -V -V Earthing busbar of transformer station Main earthing busbar Distribution swtichboard Earthing electrode Concrete iron fitting Water meter Main switchboard Transformer Distribution switchboard -S L1L2 L3 N PE -S L1 L2 L3 N PE THF TN-S system Alternative installation example when using THFstar with protection unit(_S) or THF with guard unit(_V).and PE-current.Third harmonic filter THFstar Installation examples Main switchboard -S Transformer L1 L2 L3 N PE X N L1 L2 L3 X THFS TN-S-system. unless additional guard unit is used. THFstar installation. S01541B Main earthing busbar Earthing electrode Concrete iron fitting Water meter Main switchboard Distribution switchboard -S Transformer L1 L2 L3 PEN -S L1 L2 L3 N PE THF TN-C-S system Alternative installation examples when using THFstar with protection unit(_S) or THF with guard unit(_V). where the original cabling to the transformer star point need to be displaced to fundamentally same position in the N-conductor of the main switchboard. . the current transformer need to measure both N. Notes 9/21 1SDC007200C0202 Network Quality .
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