LUMION 4_ Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts
LUMION 4_ Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts
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4/18/2016LUMION 4: Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts What’s new Products Showcase Try Buy Forum F.A.Q. Tutorials Support Blog Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email? April 18, 2016, 05:02:38 am Need support? Click here. Home Help Search Knowledge Base Login Register Lumion Support Forum » Guides & News » Quickstart Guides » Topic: LUMION 4: Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts Pages: [1] Go Down PRINT AuthorTopic: LUMION 4: Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts (Read 125900 times) Morten December 11, 2012, 12:49:51 pm These Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts apply to the latest version of Lumion (4.5.1). Please note that scenes and LS4 files saved in 4.x are NOT backwards compatible with earlier versions. If you try to load scenes or LS3 files made with an earlier version of Lumion, models may be be missing in Lumion 4.x, i.e. replaced by red questionmarks. NAVIGATION (W) / (Up arrow): Move camera forward (S) / (Down arrow): Move camera backward (A) / (Left arrow): Move camera left (D) / (Right arrow): Move camera right (Q): Move camera up (E): Move camera down (Spacebar) + (W/S/A/D/Q/E): Very slow camera (Shift) + (W/S/A/D/Q/E): Fast camera (Shift) + (Spacebar) + (W/S/A/D/Q/E): Very fast camera Right mouse button + Move mouse: Look around Middle mouse button + Move mouse: Pan Mousewheel up/down: Move camera forward (CTRL) + (H): Reset camera pitch to horizontal viewpoint (O) + Right mouse button: Orbit camera. Doubleclick with right mouse button on models: Instant 'teleport' to the position that was clicked on. MISCELLANEOUS (F1): Editor quality: 1 Star (F2): Editor quality: 2 Star (F3): Editor quality: 3 Star (F4): Editor quality: 4 Star (F5): Quick save (Saves a file called QuickSave) (F7): View the Lumion terrain at the maximum level of detail. (F9): If you press F9, all trees and plants in the viewport will be rendered at their best level of detail, so that it's easier to see where you need to add more trees and plants in a scene. Home > (CTRL) + (F11): Fullscreen. https://forum.lumion3d.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 1/8 lumion3d. Avoid moving/resizing/minimizing the Lumion window while it is rendering. Load/Save material set function: You can now save materials in a scene to a file. COPYING. this button allows you to manually select the location/name of the file: Edit Materials > (ALT) + Reload Model button: If you import a model that uses over 100mb of texture memory. (F12): Drag Model mode lets you move objects by clicking directly on them and dragging the mouse to move them. you should not switch to another program until the first image is done rendering. Lumion will cap the maximum texture resolution at 2048x2048 pixels. If you set the Scale slider to 1.0 in Lumion. The saved slots are also available as easily accessible thumbnail images in Photo mode. you can bypass this limit by pressing ALT while you click on the Reload model button. In addition. Tricks and Shortcuts Home > (F11): Maximize window with/without taskbar (press twice to toggle). This will reset the exposure in Lumion which means that the video has to be rendered from scratch again. Import model > Animation on/off button: This function lets you import move/rotate/scale animations via FBX/DAE. Randomly place 10 copies of the currently active object library model with +/0 to 50% random scale. Rectangular textures will be rescaled so that they are square in Lumion. (G): This function will make objects that you are moving or placing in your scene snap to the Lumion terrain while ignoring all other object types. and automatically apply those materials to another imported model provided that they use the same material names in your 3D modelling application (Edit materials > Load/Save material set buttons): SELECTING. (H) lets you move objects up and down while (R) allows you to rotate them. FBX etc) has changed. Press Shift while adjusting slider values to finetune them (more digits after the decimal point will be displayed). MOVING AND ALIGNING OBJECTS (CTRL) + Drag with Left mouse button: Rectangular selection tool for selecting multiple objects. If you apply a Standard or Lightmap material to your imported model.4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. Place object mode > (Z) + Leftclick: Place a new object with +/0 to 50% random scale. a Scale slider value of 0 means that the imported texture coordinates are used.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 2/8 . for example from 3D Studio Max (FBX is the recommended format for animated models). (F): The orientation of all objects (apart from Trees/plants) can be made to adapt to the surface angles of other objects. IMPORTING & UPDATING MODELS Edit Materials > (CTRL) + Reload Model and reapply materials (new file) button: If the name or location of an exported object file (DAE. BACKGROUND RENDERING Lumion always renders movies and image sequences in the background (which correspond to the MP4 and Images tabs in Movie mode). Place object mode > (CTRL) + Leftclick: Randomly place 10 copies of the currently active object library model. Sliders: You can doubleclick on all sliders in Lumion to manually type in values. (ALT) + Move selected object(s): Copypaste selected object(s) by pressing ALT while dragging one of the selected objects. Background rendering is not supported when rendering a still image via Photo mode or the Single tab in Movie mode. and the surface is aligned with the world axes. (SHIFT) + (1) (2) … (9) (0): Load previously saved camera viewpoints. IMPORTANT: For the background rendering process to work when you render videos or image sequences. any texture you load will be loaded at whatever resolution your graphics card is capable of displaying (up to a maximum of 16384x16384 pixels). SAVE & LOAD CAMERA VIEWPOINTS (CTRL) + (1) (2) … (9) (0): Use this function to save up to 10 camera positions. (CTRL) + (SHIFT) + Drag with Left mouse button: Add new rectangular selection to existing selection. Move object button > Press (F) for "Flatten" > Move the object(s) to make https://forum. each texture "tile" will cover an area of 1x1m in Lumion. so that you can check your emails etc while it is rendering. and do not click on the Show Desktop button in the lower right corner of Windows. Place object mode > (CTRL) + (Z) + Leftclick: Combined operation of above mentioned Place Object Modes. However. (ALT) + (X) + Move selected object(s): Copypaste selected object(s) and retain the rotation of trees & plants by pressing ALT while dragging one of the selected objects. Imported material scale: If you apply a Standard material to an object. (B): Rotate Bank. (CTRL)select objects > Context menu > Click on the icon of the object that has the height you want the other objects to inherit > Transformation > Same height. (CTRL) + "Space" command: The selected objects will be placed in a straight line as defined by the object that you clicked on to execute the command and the object that is furthest away from that object. very low memory usage) To reduce render times. Add 10 lights and the scene has to be rendered 10 times more every frame. depending on the sun position and the camera position. (SHIFT) + Move selected object(s): Press shift while dragging selected objects to move them horizontally with snapping turned off. 4) If you want to view the shadows in Build mode. Each light uses a 1024x1024 pixel shadow texture. SHADOW ARTIFACTS (BANDING. furniture (as an example) will appear to hover above the floor. 3) Click on Preview spotlight GI and shadows in the effect panel. If the offset is set too high. Or if you need highresolution shadows in certain areas (typically closeups of interiors). Tricks and Shortcuts them adapt to the surface angles of other objects. To preview shadows from spotlights in Movie/Photo mode: 1) Go to the Photo or Movie section. This function only works on surfaces that are facing the sky. If your graphics card has enough memory. 2) Apply a Global Illumination effect (New effect > World tab > Global Illumination). you have to add the Shadow effect to https://forum. FLICKERING. In reality the furniture is not hovering of course. moderate memory usage) Memory: The shadow from the light uses a static 128x128 pixel texture which is not updated (Fast. (CTRL) + "Same height" command: The selected objects will be placed at the same height as the object you clicked on. LIGHT LEAKAGE) Shadows in Lumion are added on top of all surfaces with an offset. (K) + Rotate/Rotate Pitch/Rotate Bank selected object(s): Press (K) while rotating objects to make all of the objects face the mouse cursor. the best option is Speed. The reason an offset is needed is that the shadows will otherwise flicker (or display banding artifacts) when the shadows are very close to surface. Every time you add a light with Accuracy turned on.g. the entire scene has to be rendered once more. If you need to move or manipulate one of the overlapping objects. SPOTLIGHTS To preview shadows from spotlights in Build mode: 1) Select the spotlights in Build mode to temporarilly turn on realtime shadows. (SHIFT) + Rotate/Rotate Pitch/Rotate Bank selected object(s): Press shift while rotating objects to temporarily turn the 45 degree angle snapping off. street lights) in your scene use either the Memory or the Speed option.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 3/8 .e. (R): Rotate Heading. It's difficult to get the offset right as the optimal offset varies from scene to scene. Speed: The shadow from the light uses a static 512x512 pixel texture which is not updated (Fast. (L): Scale model. In Light Properties > Optimize for. (CTRL)select objects > Context menu > Click on the selection icon of one of the selected objects > Transformation > Space) "Align" command: This command lets you centre selected objects so that their pivot points are at the same position (CTRLselect objects > Context menu > Transformation > Align). Or if the light itself moves/rotates (stage lighting for concerts for example). i.4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. For that reason.lumion3d. (P): Rotate Pitch. less than 90 degree angles. click on the Build with effect button in the top left corner. You would only ever use Accuracy for your lights if something that casts shadows is moving near the light (a car driving past a street light for example). choose what is most important for each light: Accuracy: The shadows are updated every frame (Slow!). place the mouse cursor over the small overlapping object selection icons and use the Arrow Up/Down (W/S) keys to toggle between the objects. we recommend that distant lights (e. so that the shadows are not updated every frame. but the offset shadows give the illusion of it. Lumion has to mirror all models & render the entire scene once more. CLOUDS AND REFLECTIONS (U): If you press the U key.lumion3d. the sun. This is useful if you want to see what the clouds will look like while adjusting the cloud sliders. Water and Glass materials. If you are rendering interiors. until the flickering stops (The best method is of course to make sure that your surfaces are offset a bit in your 3D modelling https://forum. Smoke. you will only see a pixelated preview on your renderings.x.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 4/8 . Grass. VOLUME CLOUDS You must render images/videos with the Volume Clouds effect in 3 star quality. the Cloud effect will be rendered in (almost) final render quality. If you keep the U key pressed in Photo/Movie mode. SKY. Bear in mind that the Volume Clouds effect has to be rendered in 3 star quality to see what these clouds will look like in final render quality. clouds and 360 degree reflection texture will be updated. The effect includes a Threshold slider which allows you to adjust the distance at which nearlycoplanar surfaces will be included in the reflection plane. In Lumion 4. REFLECTIONS IN LUMION There are 2 types of reflections in Lumion: 1) Planar reflections (New effect > World > Reflection): This Movie effect allows you to specify up to 10 reflection planes in your scene. lighting. The tradeoff is accuracy but it's usually not noticeable. and the clouds will appear to move and change shape as the camera moves. If you render it in 1 or 2 star quality. add the Lights > Utilities > Reflection control object to your scene to specify the position where the 360 degree panoramic reflection texture should be rendered at. Then adjust the Depth Offset slider in that material but avoid extreme Depth Offset values you should only adjust it a little bit.4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. marble floors etc. the best position for the Reflection Control object is often near the camera position. For that reason. If you do not add this object to your scene it will be placed a few hundred meters above the terrain. Tricks and Shortcuts your clip and experiment with the Shadow correction and Shadow Slope sliders until the artifacts are gone. If you render it in 1 or 2 star quality. This is often necessary if you switch between Build/Movie/Photo mode and the sun is in different positions. The Shadow correction slider controls the offset directly whereas the Shadow Slope slider is used to prevent light leakage through models. Native Lumion water planes. This is ideal for mirrors. Please note that if you have some nearly co planar surfaces that you want to assign a single reflection plane to. Special effects: Fountains. HOW TO PREVENT SURFACES FROM FLICKERING/DISAPPEARING If you notice that surfaces flicker or disappear when moving the camera. you need to assign the plane to the surface which is closest to the camera so to speak. LIGHTING. Every time you add 1 reflection plane. sky. UPDATE SUN. Bear in mind that you can also animate this object with the Move/Advanced Move effects in the Movie section. Waterfall. the lighting will appear to flicker and you will only see a pixelated preview of the global illumination lighting on your renderings. Any model surface which is coplanar with a specified reflection plane in your scene will have accurate reflections. try to use as few reflection planes as possible: 2) Projected reflections: Projected reflections in Lumion rely on a single 360 degree panoramic reflection texture which is projected onto any reflective materials that are not using planar reflections. Please note that the following objects and materials are not reflected due to technical limitations: Ocean. add a Standard material to the surface that you want to be on top. The projected reflection method is only an approximation and will never provide as realistic reflections as the planar reflection effect above. Fire and Fog. GLOBAL ILLUMINATION You must render images/videos with the Global Illumination effect in 3 star quality. 78125m. but will 'fade out' to 0m along the edges to blend with the endless terrain outside the editable area. 'Entire Movie' is selected by clicking on the large button in the lower left corner of the screen in Movie mode. each greyscale step (from 0 to 255) is equal to 0. MOVIE SECTION TIPS Entire Movie versus Clips: You can apply a Movie effect to a single clip or to the 'Entire Movie'. and press CTRL + V to paste this colour onto the solid bar on the right side of the color selection window. "ff0000" (red). Reflection colorize: Tint reflections with overall material colour.g.5). you will not be able to change the height or paint the landscape. Saturation: Black& white versus colour. furniture and vehicles. When you load a heightmap texture it will stretch to the full extent of the 2048x2048m square. TERRAINS IN LUMION The editable part of the terrain in Lumion occupies a 2048x2048m square. Tricks and Shortcuts application. you'll need to save it as a 32bit DDS heightmap in "32f" format using Nvidia's DDS plugin for Photoshop: http://developer. If a new Movie effect is applied while 'Entire Movie' is selected. Reflection/Clip/Bright: An important slider is the Reflection/Clip/Bright slider in Lumion 4.nvidia. you can boost the whiteness (and the terrain height range) by up to x20.com/nvidiatexturetoolsadobephotoshop TIP: You can also import your own terrain as a DAE/FBX object and apply a Landscape material to it.0.4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. Brightness: Material darkness vs brightness. Can be combined with a specular/reflection mask in the alpha channel of the Diffuse texture. alpha clip mask (= Clip) or as an emmissive mask (= Bright). This allows you paint on it just like the "native" terrain in Lumion: MATERIAL SLIDERS Try to experiment with each material slider to find out what the various values do. Indoor and Outdoor models. this effect will affect https://forum. This slider allows you to specify whether an alpha channel in your diffuse texture is used as a reflection mask (= Reflection).com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 5/8 . If you load a standard JPG file. e. so that the flickering is less likely to occur in the first place). Reflectivity: Reflection amount. OBJECT COLOURS Objects > Edit properties > Object Color allows you to change the colours of many of the Transport.0 in Photoshop = 0m to 600m in Lumion Once you've created your heightmap. In other words. Scale: Material size.lumion3d. Set this to 0 if you want to use imported texture coordinates instead of automatically applied texture coordinates. Beyond this. Emissiveness: Material glow. Reflection Falloff: Reflection amount vs viewing angle. As for the height scale of imported heightmap textures. but if you create a 32bit image in Photoshop (Image > Mode > 32bits per channel). Simply press CTRL + C to copy a highlighted hexadecimal colour in text format. Bump: Material roughness (provided that you use a blue/purple normalmap).0 in Photoshop = 0m to 200m in Lumion RGB 0 to 2. Note that you can also copy paste a colour from outside Lumion to any color selection window in Lumion. In other words: RGB 0 to 1. Glossiness: Reflection blurriness vs sharpness.x (Reflection or Clip slider in Lumion 2. the RGB values normally range from 0 to 1. eg. 100% black equates to a terrain height of 0m and 100% white is equal to a terrain height of 200m.0 in Photoshop = 0m to 400m in Lumion RGB 0 to 3. 4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. Create Movie Effect keyframes: The small circular button to the right of the effect sliders allows you to set keyframes: Build with effects: This button in Photo/Movie mode allows you to preview effects in Build mode: Save Movie (or Create movie from clip) > Images tab > Frame range > Custom > Shots: This allows you to render each camera keyframe in a clip or in the entire movie as still images. Alternatively. USING LAYERS About Layers: Layers are useful for organising large projects. In this case. you can also export a Lumion 3 scene as an LS3 file which includes imported models.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 6/8 . 2 and 3. If you would like to move the Documents/Lumion 4/ folder to a different location. if you have Lumion Pro. Alternatively. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHERE ARE MY LUMION SCENES AND IMPORTED MODELS SAVED? Your Lumion scenes and imported models are saved in these folders: Documents/Lumion 4/Scenes: All scenes saved in Lumion 4 (2 files per scene) Documents/Lumion 4/Library: Models imported in Lumion 4 (up to 4 files per model) The Documents/Lumion 4/ folder is on the C: drive by default. the Movie effect in the clip will override the Movie effect that is applied to 'Entire Movie'. you need to copy the Documents/Lumion 4/ folder to that PC.microsoft. Doubleclicking on a clip thumbnail: This allows you to edit the clip without having to click on the Edit clip button in the topleft corner. You can also animate the visibility of Layers in your clips with the Show Layer and Hide Layer effects. This makes it easier to move scenes between PCs. The Layer buttons in Build mode allow you to show or hide models. it means that the files for that model are missing in the Documents/Lumion 4/Library folder. Remember to restart Lumion after copying the folders. RED QUESTIONMARKS If you notice a red questionmark in one of your scenes. Tricks and Shortcuts all clips in your movie. you need to copy the Scenes & Library folders in Documents/Lumion 3/ folder to Documents/Lumion 4/. so if you save a scene or an imported model in Lumion 4 you can't load them in Lumion 1. Remember to restart Lumion after copying the folders. please follow these instructions on the Microsoft website: http://support. The exception to this rule is if you have also applied the same Movie effect to one of your clips. WARNING: Lumion is not backwards compatible.com/kb/310147 As with any other important data on your harddrive. The LS3 file can then be imported in Lumion 4. you can also export the scene as an LS4 file which includes imported models. if you have Lumion Pro. It is currently not possible to display the file https://forum. HOW DO I LOAD A LUMION 3 SCENE IN LUMION 4? If you need to load a Lumion 3 scene in Lumion 4.lumion3d. HOW DO I LOAD A LUMION SCENE ON ANOTHER PC? If you need to load a Lumion scene on another PC. we recommend regular backups of the Documents/Lumion 4/ folder. However. There is no override function. Move the camera until you're happy with the way the model appears on the screen. Tutorial Videos Contact Newsletter Archive Blog Vacancies Legal info Search Architectural Visualization Architectural Rendering Landscape Design Urban Planning Trimble SketchUp Autodesk Revit Graphisoft ArchiCAD Bentley Microstation Nemetscheck Allplan Nemetscheck Vectorworks Rhinoceros https://forum.0. 2014. This applies to builtin materials as well as textures used by all models (stock and imported models). morph animations or bone animations in Lumion. Lumion will cap the maximum texture resolution at 2048x2048 pixels. move the relevant model files to the new folders (note that there are up to 4 files per model).Q. any texture you load will be loaded at whatever resolution your graphics card is capable of displaying (up to a maximum of 16384x16384 pixels). HOW DO I IMPORT ANIMATIONS? It is possible to import move/rotate/scale animations from some 3rd party modelling 3D applications. For example: Libraries/Documents/My Documents/Lumion 4/Library/My Furniture Once you've done that.lumion3d. If you apply a Standard or Lightmap material to your imported model. The frame rate has to be set to 25 frames per second and the preferred export format is FBX file. you can bypass this limit by pressing CTRL while you click on the Reload model button. Tricks and Shortcuts name of missing models. Tricks and Shortcuts Jump to: => Quickstart Guides go SMF 2.4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. and press and hold CTRL. 3DS Max and Maya. Simple Machines Mobile by Crip XHTML RSS WAP2 Product Support About us Site links Supported tools Product Info Specifications Showcase Try Lumion Buy Lumion Forum Help center F. The folders and any model files that you have moved to the custom folders will appear in the numbered tabs in the Imported Model browser after you have restarted Lumion: « Last Edit: November 13. It is not possible to import vertex animations.com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 7/8 .A. 01:40:58 pm by Morten » Logged Pages: [1] Go Up PRINT Lumion Support Forum » Guides & News » Quickstart Guides » Topic: LUMION 4: Tips. Here's how to delete questionmarks in your scene: 1) Lights & Special objects category > Context menu > Selection > Select all similar 2) Trash object > Click on one of the questionmarks to delete them HOW DO I LOCK MODELS SO THAT THEY DON'T MOVE WHEN I MODIFY THE TERRAIN? Select models > Context menu > Transformation > Lock Position > On HOW DO I MAKE MY OWN THUMBNAIL IMAGES FOR MY IMPORTED MODELS? CTRLselect the object and make sure that its thumbnail is displayed in the lower left corner. Collada format (DAE) also works but the interpolation between keyframes will be linear. WHAT DOES THE 'LIMIT ALL TEXTURE SIZES' OPTION DO? 'Limit all texture sizes' on: Textures that are bigger than or equal to 1024x1024 pixels are automatically reduced to 512x512 pixels in all modes. Then leftclick on the thumbnail to update it.g. HOW DO I ORGANISE MY IMPORTED MODELS IN GROUPS SO THEY HAVE THEIR OWN TABS IN LUMION? Go to Libraries/Documents/My Documents/Lumion 4/Library and create one or more folders for your models the limit is currently 14 custom folders.7 | SMF © 2014. 'Limit all texture sizes' off: If you import a model that uses over 100mb of texture memory. e. com/faq/lumion4tipstricksandshortcuts/?PHPSESSID=p5a9bc1psei4g380l8pehdvfu2 8/8 .4/18/2016 LUMION 4: Tips. Tricks and Shortcuts Search Urban Planning 3D Rendering Software Rhinoceros 3D Studio Max Other CAD Tools 3D Software Render Farm https://forum.lumion3d.
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