
March 21, 2018 | Author: nikhilpandey90 | Category: Patent, License, Array Data Type, Copyright, Copyright Infringement



LTE Network Monitor ModeSpecification v1.01 Femto Forum Technical Document Document number: Date issued: Document Type: FF_Tech_003_v1.01 12-10-2010 Document for public distribution You are not permitted to use or reproduce these marks without the prior written consent of the Femto Forum Ltd or where applicable the third party owner. deletion or addition of any legal notice. Patents It is possible that use of the technical matter published in this document may require the permission of the proprietor of one or more patents. representations. The Femto Forum Ltd has no responsibility in this regard and shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered in relation to an infringement of any third party patent as a result of such use. the Femto Forum Ltd and the contributors to this document exclude all representations. use and distribute copies of this document provided that: (a) you must only use and distribute this document in its entirety without amendment. No. text. warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute. graphics or other content. interest or title in this document and the Femto Forum Ltd and/or its contributing members shall at all times remain the sole owner(s) of the copyright in this document. You are entirely response for identifying and where necessary obtaining a licence under such patents should you choose to use any such technical matter. and (b) you must not make this document available for download on any publically accessible bulletin board. Copyright This document is subject to copyright owned by the Femto Forum Ltd and/or licensed to the Femto Forum Ltd by its contributing members. Doc. trade and service marks contained in this document are the property of the Femto Forum Ltd and.01 page 2 . conditions or warranties as to its accuracy or completeness or that it is free from error. other third parties.Legal Notice Permitted Use of this document You are permitted to download. common law or the law of equity. conditions. where applicable. you are not granted any further right. ftp site or file sharing service. © 2010 The Femto Forum. FF_Tech_003_v1. Other than this limited licence. Disclaimer This document is provided on an ‘as is’ basis without guarantees. To the extent permitted by law. You may use and distribute this document free of charge provided that you comply with the provisions set out in this notice. Trade Marks The Femto Forum logo and other logo. website. ...................7 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_CNF Parameters .....12 NMM_STOP_PBCH_REQ Parameters .............2 System Information reading ...........................1...............................................6 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_IND Parameters ..........................1...........17 NMM_BCCH_DATA_IND Parameters ........ FF_Tech_003_v1.................................2 BcchDataElement............1............................................................... 12 7...................9 NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ Parameters ................................. 6 6.............................................................................1............................................................15 NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_REQ Parameters ........................................1.. 5 6................................................ 9 6.. 9 6. 12 7......................................1..........................1 Cell Search ....................................................................... 4 4 Interface Overview ........................ 10 6........ 15 © 2010 The Femto Forum...................................................... 15 10 References........................ 5 6 Interface Definition ................. 9 6...................................................... 4 5 Functionality Grouping............ 14 9................................................................................................................................3 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_CNF Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 14 9.............. 11 6............1...............................................................................16 NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_CNF Parameters ......1.............................1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents ...14 NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_CNF Paramerers .......................3 VendorSpecificListElement .....................................1...................................................................1...................................................................1...................... 7 6................................................................................................................01 page 3 ........................................................................1 CellFoundElement........8 NMM_STOP_CELL_SEARCH_REQ Parameters ...................... Doc..... 10 6..............................................1. 10 6........ 11 6..................................................... 7 6.........11 NMM_PBCH_DATA_IND Parameters ............................................................................................................... No.................5 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_REQ Parameters.............................................. 15 11 Revision History.....................18 NMM_STOP_BCCH_REQ Parameters.......................... 12 8 Constants .........1................................ 4 3 Scope ............................ 6 6..................................................................1..............................................1.................................................................. 11 7 Parameters ................................. 10 6............................... 6 6......................... 9 6........................................1................................... 3 2 Document Handling ............... 12 9 Scenarios .................... 12 7..... 6 6.......................................................................................................1............................................................................1................10 NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_CNF Parameters ....................................................................1 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_REQ Parameters .................. 8 6......................................13 NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_REQ Parameters ...................................4 NMM_STOP_RSSI_MEAS_REQ Parameters .................................................2 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_IND parameters ............................................. Performance requirements are assumed to be aligned with [2]. Doc. which amongst others include:  carrier and cell id selection  DL TX power setting  UE TX power setting  frequency reference 4 Interface Overview The NMM is part of the PHY. NMM is part of the interface P4 as shown in Figure 1.2 Document Handling This interface specification is planned for public distribution. No. with the exception to paragraph C. FF_Tech_003_v1. Protocol Subsystem (μP) RRM for Rev2+ PDCP/RLC/ MAC CSC M1 Scheduler Network Side Stacks Security Layer auth/encr OS kernel OAM PHY mode ctl Service Discovery P1 P2 P3 P4 P8 Diag Serial Port auth/encr NWL ctl & results Service Discovery GPS config/ control GPIO GPS position P5 main datapath P6 SNOW/AES co-processor (air-interface ciphering) 4G PHY P7 main datapath NWL radio 2G 3G 4G NWL Ethernet MAC GPS signal processing on-chip peripherals DSP Subsystem baseband processor Figure 1 LTE FAPI overview © 2010 The Femto Forum. 3 Scope This document specifies the Network Monitor Mode (NMM) module for LTE.01 page 4 . Support for 3G and 2G is not in the scope of this document.ii that this document can be distributed publicly once the interface specification has been accepted during the WG2 plenary meeting. The NMM can be accessed through the FAPI.2. The goal of this interface specification is to allow a femto cell to support cell RF self configuration and interference management according to the requirements in [4]. The inputs by Members are handled according to paragraph C in the “IPR and Confidentiality Policy“. 2 Returns the measurement on a carrier. Optionally a list of cells can be specified. Doc. NMM_RSSI_MEAS_CNF 6. NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_REQ 6. BCCH reading (requires complete PHY PDCCH and PDSCH chain incl. NMM_STOP_RSSI_MEAS_REQ 6. RSSI. In order to allow for most flexibility the provider of the NMM module should specify which functional groups are supported by it’s NMM module. NMM_PBCH_DATA_IND 6.3 Indicates the end of the measurements. RSRP.1. 6 Interface Definition Primitive name Reference Description NMM_RSSI_MEAS_REQ 6.6 Returns a found cell. © 2010 The Femto Forum.1 Triggers RSSI measurements in the requested band.14 Confirm SIB1 configuration. FF_Tech_003_v1.01 page 5 . SYNC. NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_CNF 6.10 Confirms the PBCH configuration.PBCH) 2.1.4 Stops the RSSI measurements. NMM_RSSI_MEAS_IND 6.5 Triggers the search for cells on the specified carrier.1.11 Returns the data read from PBCH.9 Triggers reading of the PBCH. NMM_STOP_PBCH_REQ 6. NMM_STOP_CELL_SEARCH_REQ 6. turbo decoder) If the second group is supported the first one is automatically included.15 Requests reading of the BCCH other than SIB1 reading on EARFCN and PCI configured with last NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ.1.12 Stop PBCH reading. NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_CNF 6. NMM_CELL_SEARCH_REQ 6.1. NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_CNF 6. No.1.1.5 Functionality Grouping The different functions defined in this interface have different requirements regarding the scope of PHY implementation needed for NMM.1.1. NMM_CELL_SEARCH_IND 6.13 Requests SIB1 reading on EARFCN and PCI configured with last NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ.1. PBCH (requires PHY SYNC. For each NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ zero or one NMM_PBCH_DATA_IND are received.1.16 Confirm BCCH configuration. Optionally a list of carriers can be configured.7 Indicates the end of the cell search. NMM_CELL_SEARCH_CNF 6. NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ 6.8 Stops the cell search. NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_REQ 6. The groupings are defined as follows: 1.1. The number of carriers which should be measured.1. The carrier measured. 6...MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array. See [1] table 5. A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. FF_Tech_003_v1. The number of elements in the next array.-16) 0. See [1].. 6..MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t uint16_t uint8_t A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.1..2 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_IND parameters Elements Value Type Description rssi earfcn nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList 0.128 (-144. Contains vendor specific configuration. See [1]. 6. MAX_CARRIER_LIST uint8_t earfcnList [MAX_CARRIER_LIST] nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList 0.64 uint8_t measurementPeriod 1.3 The measured RSSI in dBm in steps of 1dB.18 Stop BCCH and/or SIB1 reading.1.1. Contains vendor specific configuration.3 The E-UTRA band for which the carrierList applies..1 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description freqBandIndicator 1.65535 array of uint16_t 0.5-1 The length of time the NMM measure RSSI over. In case no carrier (value 0) is specified all carriers in the band shall be measured.. The number of elements in the next array. Doc. The list of carriers to be measured.65535 0.1. No.17 Returns the data read from BCCH including SIB1.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7..3 NMM_RSSI_MEAS_CNF Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0. In 10ms radio frames.3 Contains vendor specific configuration.4 NMM_STOP_RSSI_MEAS_REQ Parameters © 2010 The Femto Forum...255 uint8_t nr_earfcnList 0.01 page 6 . vendorSpecificList 6.NMM_BCCH_DATA_IND 6. NMM_STOP_BCCH_REQ 6.1. Contains vendor specific configuration. If 0 all cells on the carrier should be found. depending on exhaustiveSearch flag. vendorSpecificList 6. FF_Tech_003_v1.1.. Contains vendor specific configuration.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The earfcn for which cells should be measured.1 0.503 array of uint16_t measBandwidth 6.3 6.5 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description earfcn 1.15. The number of resource blocks which should be used for measuring RSRP.6 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_IND Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_cellFoundList 0...MAX_PCI_LIST uint8_t pciList[MAX_PCI_LIST] 0..1.. only the given pciList is searched or the pciList is used for indicating a priority list. Doc. A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. NMM should try to find all cells on the carrier..MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array.MAX_CELL_FOUND_LIST uint8_t cellFoundList[MAX_C ELL_FOUND_LIST] nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList Array of CellFoundElement see 7.25.MAX_VENDOR_LIST array of struct The number of cells indicated in this message. The number of elements in the next array.Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0.50.01 The number of elements in the next array.255 uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList 0..65535 uint16_t exhaustiveSearch TRUE.75. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. No. The cell information from the NMM. uint8_t A variable-length array of variable- © 2010 The Femto Forum. FALSE bool nr_pciList 0.. The number of cells in the pciList. The length of time the NMM measure RSSI over. page 7 . The list of cells which should be searched. In 10ms radio frames. Otherwise.100 uint8_t measurementPeriod 1. See [3].3 Contains vendor specific configuration. 3 © 2010 The Femto Forum.1.length VendorSpecificLis tElement see 7. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.01 page 8 .MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array Contains vendor specific configuration.7 NMM_CELL_SEARCH_CNF Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0. No.3 6. Doc.. FF_Tech_003_v1. The number of elements in the next array. In case reading failed the next parameters are invalid.2.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The physical cell identity of the cell which the NMM should read the PBCH. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. Contains vendor specific configuration. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.10 NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_CNF Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0.9 NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description pci 0.4 uint8_t sfn 0.503 uint16_t cause MIB_OK. FF_Tech_003_v1.. MIB_FAILED enum numTx NMM_STOP_CELL_SEARCH_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0.65535 uint16_t nr_vendorSpecificList 0..MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array..11 NMM_PBCH_DATA_IND Parameters Elements Value Type Description pci 0. Contains vendor specific configuration. No. © 2010 The Femto Forum. The number of transmit antennas of the cell. Indicates if MIB reading was successful or not.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array..1023 uint16_t The physical cell identity of the cell which the NMM synchronized to..3 6.1. Doc.. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.01 page 9 ..6. The EARFCN for the cell which the NMM should read the PBCH. Contains vendor specific configuration.503 uint16_t earfcn 0.3 6. The system frame number of the cell.3 6.1. 1.01 page 10 ..phichDuration phichResource dl_SystemBandwidth nr_vendorSpecificList normal.14 NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_CNF Paramerers Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList 0. extended one_sixth.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t A variable-length array of variablelength VendorSpecificLis tElement see 7. one_half.1.. The PHICH resource size of the cell. two 6. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.3 6.1.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array.1. uint8_t uint8_t DL transmission bandwidth in RBs.3 6. 6.. one.3 The number of elements in the next array.12 NMM_STOP_PBCH_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t A variable-length array of variablelength VendorSpecificLis tElement see 7. Contains vendor specific configuration.3 The number of periods for which decoding of a SIB1 should be retried.50. FF_Tech_003_v1. Contains vendor specific configuration. No.75. 6.15.13 NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type Description retryCount 1..15 NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_REQ Parameters © 2010 The Femto Forum. A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. Doc.25..100 0. The number of elements in the next array Contains vendor specific configuration. The number of elements in the next array.8 uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList 0.MAX_VENDOR_LIST vendorSpecificList enum enum The PHICH duration of the cell. Contains vendor specific configuration. 10.16 NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_CNF Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_vendorSpecificList 0. 5120 1.2.17 NMM_BCCH_DATA_IND Parameters Elements Value Type Description nr_bcchDataList 0.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t A variable-length array of variablelength VendorSpecificLis tElement see 7.3 The SI window.01 Description page 11 . nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList 0. Contains vendor specific configuration. 640. 2560.1.40 1.15.MAX_BCCH_DATA_LIST uint8_t bcchDataList[MAX_BCCH_DATA_LIST] Array of BcchDataElement... The number of elements in the next array Contains vendor specific configuration..1.3 6.2 0. 1280. nr_vendorSpecificList vendorSpecificList uint8_t A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.1.MAX_SI_LIST 80.. Contains vendor specific configuration. FF_Tech_003_v1. The number of elements in the next array.20. 160. 6. The list of decoded BCCH information. vendorSpecificList A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7.8 uint8_t array of u_int16_t uint8_t uint8_t The number of SIs to read.5. No.MAX_VENDOR_LIST uint8_t The number of elements in the next array. 320.. see 7. Doc..18 NMM_STOP_BCCH_REQ Parameters Elements Value Type © 2010 The Femto Forum.Elements Value Type Description nr_ siPeriodicityList siPeriodicityList [MAX_SI_LIST] siWindow retryCount 0. The number of siWindows for which decoding of a SI should be retried. The SI periodicity of all requested SIs. The retiries are counted per siPeriodicity.MAX_VENDOR_LIST array of struct The number of BCCHs in this message .3 6. Type Description uint32_t uint32_t struct Indicating the type of the value. See [3].503 uint8_t uint16_t The measured RSRP value in dBm. The actual value which will be set 7. The subframe the data was received on. No.1023 0.128 (-144. The length of the actual value. The payload is mapped according to 36.-16) 0..3 The number of elements in the next array..2 BcchDataElement Elements Value Type Description len sfn sf data[MAX_BCCH_SIZ E] 0. FF_Tech_003_v1.3 VendorSpecificListElement Elements Value type length value 8 Constants Elements Value MAX_CARRIER_LIST 100 MAX_PCI_LIST 50 MAX_SI_LIST 32 © 2010 The Femto Forum. The physical cell identity of the cell which the NMM synchronized to.01 page 12 ..nr_vendorSpecificList 0.MAX_VENDOR_LIST vendorSpecificList 7 7. The BCCH payload. The radio frame the data was received on... bit 8 is mapped to a0).212 (Byte 0. Parameters CellFoundElement Elements Value Type Description rsrp pci 0.1 uint8_t A variable-length array of variable-length VendorSpecificListElement see 7. Doc..MAX_BCCH_SIZE 0. Contains vendor specific configuration. 7.9 uint16_t uint16_t uint8_t uint8_t The length of the BCCH payload.. MAX_BCCH_SIZE 2048 MAX_CELL_FOUND_LIST 16 MAX_BCCH_DATA_LIST 32 MAX_VENDOR_LIST 16 © 2010 The Femto Forum. No. Doc. FF_Tech_003_v1.01 page 13 . FF_Tech_003_v1.01 page 14 .9 Scenarios 9. No.1 Cell Search RRM NMM NMM_RSSI_MEAS_REQ setup RFfor band loop setup RF for carrier measure RSSI NMM_RSSI_MEAS_IND last carrier has been measured NMM_RSSI_MEAS_CNF NMM_CELL_SEARCH_REQ loop acquire sync NMM_CELL_SEARCH_IND measure RSRP last cell has been measured NMM_CELL_SEARCH_CNF © 2010 The Femto Forum. Doc. Doc.Measurements”. [3] 3GPP TS 36.0.101: “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA). v8. [4] A. March 200.6. UbiquiSys Ltd. March 2009.01 page 15 . “Femto Network Monitor Mode – Receiver performance & RF Self Configuration Algorithms”. Physical layer . v5 11 Revision History Version Description 1. No.5.1. Maida. Requirements for support of radio resource management”.214: “http://www. [2] 3GPP TS 36.2 System Information reading RRM NMM NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_REQ NMM_PBCH_CONFIG_CNF read MIB from PBCH NMM_PBCH_DATA_IND NMM_STOP_PBCH_REQ NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_REQ NMM_SIB1_CONFIG_CNF NMM_BCCH_DATA_IND NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_REQ read SIB1 from BCCH NMM_BCCH_CONFIG_CNF loop NMM_BCCH_DATA_IND read SIx from BCCH NMM_BCCH_STOP_REQ 10 References [1] 3GPP TS 36.133: “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA). v8.01 Prepared for public release © 2010 The Femto Forum. v8. FF_Tech_003_v1. User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”.htmEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA).org/ftp/Specs/html-info/36214. March 2009.
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