LTE Troubleshooting in OSS
Nokia Siemens Networks NetAct OSS5.3 CD Set 3 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intended for the use of Nokia Siemens Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be used, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks. The documentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Siemens Networks welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given "as is" and all liability arising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined conclusively and finally in a separate agreement between Nokia Siemens Networks and the customer. However, Nokia Siemens Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia Siemens Networks will, if deemed necessary by Nokia Siemens Networks, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia Siemens Networks will correct errors in this documentation as soon as possible. IN NO EVENT WILL Nokia Siemens Networks BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENTATION OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY LOSSES, SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR DATA,THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION IN IT. This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrights and other intellectual property rights according to the applicable laws. The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Siemens Networks 2011/7/6. All rights reserved f Important Notice on Product Safety This product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger. Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product. The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the “Legal, Safety and Environmental Information” part of this document or documentation set. The same text in German: f Wichtiger Hinweis zur Produktsicherheit Von diesem Produkt können Gefahren durch Laser, Elektrizität, Hitzeentwicklung oder andere Gefahrenquellen ausgehen. Installation, Betrieb, Wartung und sonstige Handhabung des Produktes darf nur durch geschultes und qualifiziertes Personal unter Beachtung der anwendbaren Sicherheitsanforderungen erfolgen. Die Sicherheitsanforderungen finden Sie unter „Sicherheitshinweise“ im Teil „Legal, Safety and Environmental Information“ dieses Dokuments oder dieses Dokumentationssatzes. 2 Id:0900d805807bcb65 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Functionality used in this operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .1 1. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .5 3. .8 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking application licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE modules using the local management tool . . . . . . .4 2. . .1. Supported releases . . 6 6 6 6 6 6 . .1 3. . . . . . . Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Generating reports on Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE performance . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Prerequisites for troubleshooting . .3 2. . .. . . . . .. . . . . 21 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb65 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Overview of the operation . . . 13 Monitoring network regions to locate faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs . . . . . . . . . . .9 3. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Overview of NetAct troubleshooting.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Resetting the Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site . 19 Initiating recovery actions . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .1 2. . . . . . . . .7 3. . . . . .1.. . . . . . . . . . .2 2. . . .3 2 2. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 19 Where to find more information . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .3 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . .1 3. . . 14 Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site alarms. . . 15 iOMS alarms .. . . . . . 1 1. . .10 4 About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 10 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 3. .Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Table of Contents This document has 21 pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1. . . . . . .. . . . Avoiding operational problems. . . . . . . . . . Checking compatibility . . . . . . . . .. . 9 . . . . . Contacting Technical Support . . . . . .2 3. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. NetAct compatibility and capacity information . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Referring to Alarm Manual for alarm-specific instructions . . . . Diagnostic tools . . . . . . . Prerequisites . . 11 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites . .2 1. . . .1 1.. . . . . 16 Checking the event history of the alarming Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site 16 Checking the status of adjacent Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs . . . . . . . . . . . .5 3 3. . . . . . .. . . . . .4 3. . . . . . . . . . .Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites List of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Overview of the common troubleshooting procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites . . . . . . . . . . 14 4 Id:0900d805807bcb65 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb65 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 How to avoid operational problems in NetAct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites List of Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Terms . . . . . . . . . . 10 Possible reasons for operational problems in NetAct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Compatibility levels . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NetAct compatibility and capacity information For information on the NetAct system and capacity.3 Terms This section provides a brief list of the terms used in this document. 1.1 Prerequisites This section lists the software and functionality requirements that enable you to perform the operations described in this document. configuration or low performance error. Troubleshooting is an activity to detect. Troubleshooting is based on alarms originated from actual faults and detected in the network monitoring center during the monitoring process.1.1.1 Supported releases The information in this document is related to the Nokia Siemens Networks software release OSS5. 1. locate and correct any kind of equipment. We recommend that you do not use this document with any other Nokia Siemens Networks software releases. 6 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . If a term or word does not appear in this section. see the NetAct Compatibility and Capacity Information document.2 Functionality used in this operation The following NetAct functionalities are used in troubleshooting: Monitor • • • • • Top-level User Interface Alarm Monitor Alarm History (optional functionality) Modifiable Alarm Manual Trouble Ticket Interface Reporter • Report Builder Other Nokia Siemens Networks functionality • Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Site Manager 1. 1. 1.About this document Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 1 About this document This document provides you with an example workflow of the tasks performed in troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE in a NetAct regional cluster. installation. see the Glossary. and the compatibility between NetAct and network element releases.2 CD Set 3. Read this section carefully to avoid future unnecessary troubleshooting. Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites About this document Term BTS DNS FM FTM ID LDAP LTE KPI NE NOLS O&M PM RAN Explanation Base Transceiver Station Domain Name System Fault Management Flexi Transport Module Unique Identification of an Object Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Long Term Evolution Key Performance Indicator Network Element Nokia Online Services Operation and Maintenance Performance Management Radio Access Network Table 1 Terms DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 7 . It also briefly describes how you can avoid operational problems. Begin NetAct troubleshooting by checking the items listed in the following figure. which instructs you how to proceed when you first detect a fault in your system and begin the troubleshooting procedure. You should always read this chapter before using any of the recovery procedures presented in this document. You should first determine whether the problem only occurs in some network elements or all network elements. continue by checking compatibility and licences. You should proceed by first checking the DNS. highavailability service and the NetAct processes because they affect the functionality of the entire system. LDAP. 8 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 .Overview of NetAct troubleshooting Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 2 Overview of NetAct troubleshooting This chapter describes the basic principles of troubleshooting. the order of the other system checks is random. After determining the location of the problem. However. see the following table as a quick reference to get to know the maintenance tasks you should carry out to keep your system fully functional at all times.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Overview of NetAct troubleshooting NE No Does the problem occur with all NEs? Yes Check and compare the configurations of functional and nonfunctional NEs Check when the problem first occured Check and correct open faults NetAct Check compatibility Check licences Check the NetAct database Check GUIS Check file systems Check hardware Check messaging Check user management Check fault management Check performance management Check DNS Check LDAP Check highavailability solution Check NetAct processes Check Oracle processes Check LinAS Check CIFS/9000 Check DCN Check system level log files Figure 1 Overview of the common troubleshooting procedures 2.1 Avoiding operational problems To avoid operational problems or considerably reduce the amount of trouble situations occurring in your system. DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 9 . Why to do it This document describes routine tasks which a NetAct system administrator should perform regularly. Technical Notes are available to all users of NetAct on NOLS at http://online. 10 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 .nokiasiemensnetworks. see the following table.Overview of NetAct troubleshooting Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites What to do Regularly perform the maintenance tasks described in NetAct System Administration Routines. see Testing the System Platform. problems in the system are less likely to occur. Read the NetAct Technical Notes. analysing the configuration and verifying that NetAct is functioning properly. Technical Notes inform you of detected faults and help to avoid possible problems. 2.2 Diagnostic tools Diagnostic tools provide a set of automatic and manual tests for detecting problems. To avoid these faults in your system. install all Change Deliveries. For an explanation on different compatibility levels. Faults in installing Change Deliveries Faults in integration Faults in commissioning Software Problems in the NetAct software Table 3 Possible reasons for operational problems in NetAct Table 2 How to avoid operational problems in NetAct The following table lists some of the reasons for operational problems in NetAct: Failure Hardware What can cause it • • • • • • Disk failure Cable problem Power breakdown Application use System configuration Applications are misused. Change Deliveries correct detected faults. Install all active NetAct Change Deliveries. compatible and not supported. check that they are compatible with NetAct.3 Checking compatibility After determining the faulty network elements. For more information on using these scripts and detailed descriptions of the tests. Network elements fall into three categories: fully supported.portal. When maintenance tasks are performed regularly. Technical Notes also contain a correction schedule and indicate which notes are still valid. portal. NetAct uses two different mechanisms for licensing applications: 1. see lmdlicmx. performance management or configuration management) or relevant parts of the new features and related alarms. PM Aggregation uses an installation-specific licence. 2. 2. Combination of different NetAct releases is impossible. Different releases of NetAct work together (installing a new version does not affect existing functionalities) but no new features. in the file lmdlicmx. DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 11 . check that a licence exists for the application or a certain feature. fault management. In such case. but the corresponding application or feature cannot be used without a licence.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Overview of NetAct troubleshooting Compatibility Support Description The defined current (for example. alarms or measurements are supported.dat in System Platform Technical Reference Guide .dat license file.dat exists for all licensed applications. Installation licence The installation licence is used during the installation of the corresponding component or application. 2.4 Authentication is required to get access to NOLS. For more information about the lmdlicmx. Log into the Data Server with the username omc. g 2. measurements and parameters of the new NE release are supported by NetAct releases or Change Deliveries on top of You must upgrade NetAct or the network element. which means that all software including database components are missing from the system without the appropriate licence.dat.nokiasiemensnetworks. An entry in the licence file lmdlicmx. check if the string “LTE_ADAPTATION” exists. Compatible Not supported Table 4 Compatibility levels For the latest information on supported network element releases and currently supporting functions provided for them by NetAct applications. for example PM-ASCII interfaces and the Alarm Forwarding application. see NetAct and Network Element Compatibility on NOLS at http://online. For example. you can turn to Nokia Siemens Networks Technical Support for help if the problem persists and can not be solved by yourself. Run-time licence Run-time licensing means that all software including database parts are installed into the system. To check the application licence 1.5 Contacting Technical Support When performing troubleshooting. You should upgrade NetAct if new functionality of a network element is needed. In the $OMCPOLICE directory. Checking application licences Before beginning specific troubleshooting tasks. Overview of NetAct troubleshooting Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites it is suggested that certain files and reports related to the fault be saved and sent to Technical Support for further investigation. contact local Technical Support personnel for further information. 12 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . With regard to the files and reports needed. Create views for the LTE RAN network. 3. Necessary measurements are running and sufficient PM data is available for report generation in the regional databases. The supported releases and functionalities used in this operation are presented in chapter Prerequisites. see Creating filtering rules in FM Rule Editor Help. For more information on measurement data management. see Using Alarm Trigger in Monitoring Principles. DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 13 .Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 3 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites The troubleshooting operation described in this chapter is based on the assumption that all the preparatory tasks listed in section Prerequisites for troubleshooting have been carried out. you can use the figure as a quick reference to the main phases of the operation. • Alarm trigger rules For more information. it is possible to find the fault at any phase of the operation. see Using Maintenance Mode in Monitoring Principles. see Monitoring Principles. For instructions. If you are familiar with the detailed steps involved in this operation. for example: • Working sets For more information on creating and using working sets. you can access the instructions by clicking the relevant step in the figure. see Reporter and Performance Management Principles. 3. • Filtering rules For more information on filtering rules. When you need more detailed information on how to perform a particular task. see Building and Maintaining Views and Creating views in Network Editor Help. see Working Set Manager Help. Use advanced monitoring techniques for focused monitoring and execute strategies for reducing the alarm flow.2 Overview of the operation The following figure illustrates the whole procedure for troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites. see Setting the area to be monitored in Alarm Monitor Help.1 Prerequisites for troubleshooting To efficiently perform troubleshooting tasks on Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites and locate faults. However. • Using Maintenance Mode For more information. • Maintenance regions For more information on defining maintenance regions for monitoring. carry out the following preparatory tasks in regional network management centers before you start troubleshooting procedures: • Collect and store fault and performance data. • • • For more information on monitoring tasks and tools as well as alarm reduction. it is much easier to find the faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Start Alarm Monitor/ Top-level UI Locate faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Alarm History Check event history of faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Top-level UI Check status of adjacent Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs Modifiable Alarm Monitor Check alarm specific instructions Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Site Manager Troubleshoot Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE modules and fetch the BSTechReport Reporter Generate reports on Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE performance Trouble Ticket Interface Initiate recovery actions Stop Figure 2 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 3. Alarm 14 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 .3 Monitoring network regions to locate faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs Alarm Monitor is a key tool for monitoring the network fault situations and alarms in real-time. By dividing the network into regions and then monitoring alarms coming from smaller areas. com.1 Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site alarms This chapter provides information on alarms related to Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 61006 THE FTM BOOTED AT $DATE DUE TO $RCAUSE 61010 BTS RESET REQUIRED 61030 DEAD PEER DETECTED 61050 MISSING OR NON-COMPLIANT SFP MODULE ON UNIT $U. see the Modifiable Alarm Manual in Monitoring Principles.portal. t You can also start the Alarm Monitor application from a managed object’s pop-up menu and monitor only this particular object’s 1247 Apr 14 14:04 ama61028. Another way to select only one Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site to be monitored is to drag and drop the object into Alarm Monitor and set the Monitoring Criteria to cover only this particular element. INTERFACE $I 61058 SYNCHRONIZATION LOST 61073 ROUTING MISCONFIGURATION FOR APPLICATION $A 61104 EBER ON UNIT $U. Examples of Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site alarms are listed below. For more detailed information on each alarm. Examples of Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Transport Module (FTM) alarms are listed below.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites reports can be filtered by maintenance DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 15 .man 417 Apr 14 14:04 ama61010. • • • • -r-xr-xr-x -r-xr-xr-x -r-xr-xr-x -r-xr-xr-x 1 ccvobadm nms 1 ccvobadm nms 1 ccvobadm nms 1 ccvobadm nms 766 Apr 14 14:04 ama61006. 3. INTERFACE $IF 61400 LICENSE MISSING FOR FEATURE $FEATURE ON INTERFACE $IF 61500 FIVE FAILED LOGINS TO FTM DUE TO WRONG USER NAME OR PASSWORD 7424 EXTERNAL AL 24 7651 BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED 7654 CELL OPERATION DEGRADED 7660 BASE STATION LICENCE EXPIRED 7665 BASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM 71058 NE CONNECTION FAILURE 71101 OMS ALARM UPLOAD FROM NE FAILED 71103 ID CONFLICT IN BTS O&M CONNECTION For more information on Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site alarms. These alarms are originated from the BTS itself. Once you receive an alarm in Alarm Monitor. These alarms are triggered by the FTM modules in Flexi Multiradio base stations and they are transmitted via the base station O&M 529 Apr 14 14:04 ama61050. see LBTS Alarms (DN0951924) available on NOLS: http://online. therefore alarms in different maintenance regions can be monitored separately using several windows.3. INTERFACE $IF 61150 LOMF ON SLOT $U. the first task is to locate and identify the fault or the faulty element for more detailed troubleshooting. Locate the faulty element on Top-level User Interface. 3. you can start applications and access the BTS Site Manager. Concentrate first on the alarms generated by BTS and FTM. Because the amount of alarms can be significant. For instructions. In addition.3. . For instructions on how to navigate through the views on Top-level User Interface.portal. Start Alarm Monitor from Application Manager or from Top-level User Interface. see chapter Referring to Alarm Manual for alarm specific instructions. You can also drag and drop the BTS into Alarm Monitor to get the basic information about it. With Alarm History. For information on the original reasons behind BTS alarms and on corrective actions. you can see other alarms that are related to a certain fault. see LTE iOMS Alarms and Troubleshooting(DN0962937) available on NOLS: -r-xr-xr-x 1 ccvobadm nms 741 Apr 14 14:04 ama61400.4 Checking the event history of the alarming Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site You can get information on alarms originated from Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site by referring to the textual information on alarms in Alarm History. After locating the BTS on Top-level User -r-xr-xr-x 1 ccvobadm nms 333 Apr 14 14:04 ama61500. name and geographical location(site address and name) of the faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE 3. The information in Alarm Monitor tells you the type. 2. It also 16 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . and then on the alarms generated by iOMS. Double-click an alarm in Alarm Monitor to open the Alarm Details dialog if you need more detailed information on the alarm. Alarm History provides you with access to all alarms in the faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site and allows you to create different queries by defining different search criteria.nokiasiemensnetworks. 5.2 iOMS alarms Examples of iOMS alarms for Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE-related failures are listed below: • • • • • • 71000 PM FTP CONNECTION FAILED 71001 MEASUREMENT DATA NOT TRANSFERRED 71003 OMS MEASUREMENT DATA PROCESSING OVERLOAD 71052 OMS FTP CONNECTION COULD NOT BE OPENED 71054 O&M MEDIATION FAILURE 71057 NWI3 NOTIFICATION MISSING For more information on LTE iOMS alarms. you can search for alarm history data in a certain maintenance region and make very accurate searches within a precise time frame like one minute. ID. Always proceed by targeting the most severe alarm first. see the Alarm Manual pages. search criteria help you narrow down the search.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites • • • -r-xr-xr-x 1 ccvobadm nms 787 Apr 14 14:04 ama61150. see Navigating through subviews in Top-level User Interface Help. To locate and identify the faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site based on an alarm 1. 4. Check the alarm lists to find the element that has generated the alarm. They provide a textual explanation of the reason for an alarm and of its impact.6 Referring to Alarm Manual for alarm-specific instructions Once the faulty Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site has been identified. bad weather might cause problems with microwave links and more than one base station might suffer from this influence. The Site Manager can be used locally or remotely to see the status and the alarm data of all the modules in a Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site. 3. 3. Start Alarm Monitor (or Alarm History) if it is not yet open. 3. The Alarm Manual pages describe the alarms and diagnostic reports. 2. problems in a faulty cell may also be caused by problems in adjacent cells. For example. if you want to define your search even further. In Top-level User Interface. Select the alarm you located earlier. Open the Alarm Manual page. Start the search. you can take a closer look at the alarm in the Modifiable Alarm Manual application. Alarm Manual contains more comprehensive information on alarms and instructions on how to recover from a failure. To get more detailed information on the fault 1. Investigate the adjacent Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs to see if they have generated alarms that are possibly related to the malfunction. Set the managed object search criterion to include the faulty BTS. To check alarm history data of a specific Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site 1. you should check the adjacent BTSs within the same maintenance region to see if they are affected by something similar. 2. DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 17 . 3. 3. 5.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites tells you how often the fault has occurred in the Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site through a certain period of time. start Alarm History. if possible.5 Checking the status of adjacent Flexi Multiradio BTS LTEs Once you have located the alarming Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE and analysed the alarm data. such as the alarm period. Fill in other search criteria. Select Search → Search Criteria. check the alarm information and take corrective actions according to instructions. You may find the root cause of the fault you are investigating by checking the status of Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site from a longer time period. In addition to adjacent BTSs. 4. such as bad weather conditions.7 Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE modules using the local management tool The Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Site Manager provides you with information on a single BTS and helps you locate the fault within the BTS. BTS down and so on. 3. You can also see alarms other than those saved in the NetAct database. 2. not the secondary alarms which follow the original failure. With Report Builder you can generate your self-defined reports to visualise the performance data of network elements in a LTE RAN network based on performance indicators of your choice. most recent alarms. you can also get a consistent overview of a region as well as locate problematic areas in the network. working . The following views are useful in locating and troubleshooting the BTS and its modules: • The Equipment View shows all connected active modules and their state.nokiasiemensnetworks. You can also select different time and object level granularities for your reports according to your needs. degraded . Correct the fault or contact Nokia Siemens Networks Technical Support. 18 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . t t In addition to analysing single network element with these reports. 3.8 Generating reports on Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE performance The NetAct Reporter functionality is used for generating PM reports of a certain Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site. Maintaining Flexi Cabinet for Outdoor (FCOA) (DN0964059). The Report Builder application provides you with methods to generate ad hoc and pre-made reports on network performance.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites You will get more information on alarms and modules by selecting different views or generating history information. see Replacing Flexi Multiradio BTS Units (DN0964047). Locate the faulty modules (in Equipment View) and check the status and the alarm data. Maintaining Flexi Cabinet for Indoor (FCIA) (DN0964062) available on NOLS: http://online. For more information on troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE modules. To troubleshoot the faulty modules using the BTS Site Manager 1. The Alarm Pane shows the BTS alarms that are generated by itself during a Site Manager session. For information on how to generate reports with Report Builder. see the application’s help document. g Because of the correlation techniques in the Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE software. It shows the current. Launch BTS Site Manager from the BTS’s pop-up menu. • • g BSTechReports are also useful for troubleshooting purposes. you can easily access them via the web by using Report Explorer. which helps you locate the faulty dot). After a KPI or a report with several KPIs has been created with Report Builder. You immediately see the status of the modules from the LED colour and the number of dot symbols (faulty -red/three dots.yellow/two dots. 4. Locate the BTS on the Top-level User Interface. They can be fetched locally or remotely with the BTS Site Manager. only the original cause of the failure is reported. Alarm History dialog shows all the alarms that have been saved into the Click Save.10 Initiating recovery actions With NetAct trouble ticketing solution. Trouble ticketing functionality assists in trouble management by transferring information between NetAct and Trouble Ticket solution. you can initiate recovery actions and make sure that the fault is corrected. To create a trouble ticket based on an alarm 1. 4. DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb39 19 .9 Resetting the Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site If the error persists or corrective actions require resetting. Select Reset BTS. contact your local Nokia Siemens Networks Technical Support personnel. 3. In the Alarm Monitor tool bar. 4. g Trouble ticket creation is an optional feature in Alarm Monitor and it will only work correctly if a complete trouble ticket system has been fully integrated to NetAct. you can reset the equipment remotely.. You can also create tickets without any default information. if needed.. icon. Open the object’s pop-up menu. Edit the information. see section To create a trouble ticket based on a managed object in Trouble Ticket Interface Help. 3. select an alarm (You can also create a trouble ticket from Alarm History or from the Top-level User Interface) 2. In the Top-level User Interface. In Alarm Monitor. If resetting does not help.Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 3. 3. locate the Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE site object. You can create a trouble ticket based on an alarm or a managed object. 2. click the Create. The fields in the trouble ticket form are automatically filled in with the information on the alarm and the alarming object. For more information and instructions. To reset the element manually 1. You can follow the status of the ticket in Alarm Monitor. 20 Id:0900d805807bcb39 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 . Measuring LTE RAN System (DN0958762). for general troubleshooting information. Troubleshooting the eNB/Flexi Multiradio BTS (DN0966524). Real Time Monitoring LTE RAN System (DN0958786). see Tracing Subscribers and Equipment and. see Tracing Principles. For more information on Nokia Siemens Networks's reporting functionality and the concepts associated with managing performance data. Maintaining Flexi Multiradio BTS Transmission (DN0966509) documents in the LTE RAN System Information Set available on NOLS: http://online.nokiasiemensnetworks. Tracing LTE RAN System (DN0958774). For more information on Nokia Siemens Networks’s LTE network management functionality and the concepts associated with managing your network configuration. For more information on tracing subscribers and equipment.portal. Monitoring and Measuring LTE RAN Performance (DN0958759). • • Network element documentation • For more information on related documents for troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS see the following NetAct documents: • • For more information on Nokia Siemens Networks's monitoring functionality and the concepts associated with managing network fault data. see Monitoring Principles. see NetAct Configurator Principles.Where to find more information Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites 4 Where to find more information For more information. see Troubleshooting the LTE/EPC System (DN0966512). see Reporter and Performance Management Principles. Troubleshooting Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE sites Index A Alarm History 16 Alarm Manual 17 Alarm Monitor 14. 17 B BTS manager resetting 19 C Change Deliveries 10 D diagnostics tools 10 F Flexi Multiradio BTS LTE Site Manager troubleshooting 18 R recovery 19 Report Builder 18 reset 19 S scripts for diagnostic purposes 10 T Technical Notes 10 Technical Support 11 troubleshooting 8 DN0967995 Issue 1-0 Id:0900d805807bcb65 21 .
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