Low Power Digital VLSI Design - Circuits and Systems - Abdellatif Bellaouar, Mohamed I Elmasry

March 25, 2018 | Author: praveen_vendra | Category: Cmos, Mosfet, Bipolar Junction Transistor, Electronic Circuits, Random Access Memory



LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGNCIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS by Abdellatif Bellaouar University of Waterloo and Mohamed I.. " SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA. LLC . Elmasry University of Waterloo 1IiI.. . Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. recording.I. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A c. photo-copying. or otherwise. No part of this publication may be reproduced. LLC. mechanical.P.1007/978-1-4615-2355-0 Consulting Editor: Jonathan Allen. Printed on acid-free paper.ISBN 978-1-4613-5999-9 ISBN 978-1-4615-2355-0 (eBook) DOI 10. Springer Scie:noe+Business Media. without the prior written permission of the publisher. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means. Copyright © 1995 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1995 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 1995 AlI rights reserved. 2 Twin-Tub CMOS Process Low-Voltage Process Technology 1.4.3 Power Reduction Through Architectural Design 1.4.3 1.2 Power Reduction Through Circuit/Logic design 1.2 1.3 Low-Voltage Low-Power VLSI CMOS Circuit Design 1.5 Power Reduction in System Integration This Book 1.4 Why Low-Power? Low-Power Applications Low-Power Design Methodology 1.1 1.3.1 N-well CMOS Process 2.3.7 Low-Power VLSI Design Methodology ~ 1 1 3 4 4 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 REFERENCES 11 2 LOW-VOLTAGE PROCESS TECHNOLOGY 13 2.CONTENTS PREFACE 1 LOW-POWER VLSI DESIGN: AN OVERVIEW 1.4 Low-Voltage VLSI BiCMOS Circuit Design 1.4 Power Reduction Through Algorithm Selection Low-Voltage Device Modeling 1.3 Low-Voltage CMOS Technology 13 14 16 17 .4.6 VLSI CMOS SubSystem Design Power Reduction Through Process Technology CMOS Process Technology 2.5 Low-Power CMOS Random Access Memory Circuits 1. 5.6 2.3.2 Example 2: Medium-Performance BiCMOS Process 2.5.1 Example 1: Low-Cost BiCMOS Process 2.3 Example 3: High-Performance BiCMOS Process Complementary BiCMOS Technology BiCMOS Design Rules Silicon On Insulator Chapter Summary REFERENCES 3 LOW-VOLTAGE DEVICE MODELING 3.9 Bipolar Process Technology Isolation in CMOS and Bipolar Technologies 2.2.2 Ebers-Moll Model 3.2 2.5.1 Threshold Voltage Definitions 3.3 BSIM Model (LEVEL 4) 3.2 3.2 Semi-Empirical Short-Channel Model (LEVEL 3) 3.3 Low-Voltage Drain Current CMOS Power Supply Voltage Scaling Modeling of the Bipolar Transistor 3.4 3.2 Bipolar Device Isolation Techniques CMOS and Bipolar Processes Convergence BiCMOS Technology 2.1 CMOS Device Isolation Techniques 2.7 2.5.4 2.3.1 BJT Structure and Operation 3.3 Bipolar Models in SPICE 3.5.LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN VI 2.3 3.8 2.4 MOS Capacitances CMOS Low-Voltage Analytical Model 3.1 The Simple MOS DC Model 3.4 Chapter Summary REFERENCES 21 27 27 31 34 36 37 37 40 43 44 52 56 57 63 63 69 69 73 77 82 84 85 86 87 89 91 91 94 101 109 111 . MOSFET Structure and Operation SPICE Models of the MOS Transistor 3.3 2.2 Subthreshold Current 3. Contents Vll 4 LOW-VOLTAGE LOW-POWER VLSI CMOS CIRCUIT DESIGN 4.5.8 Conventional CMOS Pass-Transistor Logic 4.4.7 Physical Design Methodologies 4.1 CMOS Inverter: DC Characteristics Transfer Characteristics Effect of /3 Noise Margins Minimum Power Supply Example of Noise Margins CMOS Inverter: Switching Characteristics 4.6 Basic Physical Design 4.5.4 Example CMOS static Logic Design 4.2.2 Dynamic CMOS Logic 4.5 Glitching Power 4.1.5 4.3 Wiring Capacitance 4.3 Dynamic Power of the Output Load 4.3 4.5.4 4.9 CMOS Static Latch CMOS Logic Styles 4.2 Pseudo-NMOS CMOS Logic 4.1 Design Style Comparison Short-Circuit Power Dissipation 4.2 Complex CMOS Logic Gates Parasitic Capacitances 4.2 Delay Characterization with SPICE Power Dissipation 4.4 Other Power Issues Capacitance Estimation 4.6.1 Analytic Delay Models 4.6 115 116 117 121 121 123 123 124 125 127 129 130 132 135 138 138 139 141 143 144 146 146 149 152 152 160 161 165 169 174 176 176 177 184 187 .3 Switching Activity Concept 4.3.1 NAND/NOR Gates 4.4 Clock Skew in Dynamic Logic 4.4 Switching Activity of Static CMOS Gates 4.5.1 Estimation of Gin 4.1 Static Power 4.2 4. 6 Power Supply Voltage Scaling BiNMOS Logic Family 5.3 Modified CPL 4.5 Output Circuits 4.8.2 Schmitt Trigger Low Dynamic Power Techniques 4.8 Pass-Transistor Logic Families 4.1 Low Static Power Techniques 4.11 Adiabatic Computing 4.9.3 Two-Phase Clocking 4.4 Clock Drivers and Clock Distribution Low-Swing Output Circuit 4.3 CMOS Buffer Sizing 4.12 Chapter Summary REFERENCES 188 190 198 202 203 203 207 210 213 214 214 218 221 224 227 233 236 239 239 245 247 249 251 5 LOW-VOLTAGE VLSIBICMOS CIRCUIT DESIGN 5.8.6 Ground Bounce 4.1.1 DC Characteristics Low-Power Circuit Techniques 4.9.2 Transient Switching Characteristics 5.2 Conventional BiCMOS Logic 5.2 Single-Phase Clocking Input Circuits 4.4 Pass-Transistor Logics Comparison 4.7 Clocking 4.2 DPL 4.5 Full-Swing with Shunting Devices 5.1 Storage Elements 5.9.LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN Vlll 4.1 CPL 4.3 CMOS and BiCMOS Comparison 5.9.1 BiNMOS Gate Design 257 257 259 260 266 266 268 270 272 274 .9 I/O Circuits 4.8.4 Power Dissipation 5. 4 Low-Power Techniques 6.4.7 Bit-line Conditioning Circuitry 6.3.4 Gate Arrays 5.5 IX 5.3 BiNMOS Logic Gates CMOS and BiNMOS Comparison 5.1.2 Static RAM Cells 6.4.8 Sense Amplifier 6.4 5.1 Basics of SRAMs Conclusion Low-Voltage BiCMOS Applications 5.3.2 Random Access Memories (RAMs) 5.4.10 Hierarchical Word-Line for Low-Power Memory 6.3 Read/Write Operation 6.3 Full-Swing Common-Emitter Complementary BiCMOS Circuits Bootstrapped BiCMOS 5.1.5 Application Specific ICs (ASICs) Chapter Summary REFERENCES 277 277 278 280 281 283 284 287 294 298 299 299 300 303 304 306 307 309 6 LOW-POWER CMOS RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY CIRCUITS 5.1.3 Digital Signal Processors 5.1 Merged and Quasi-Complementary BiCMOS Logic 5.3.5 Address Transition Detector (ATD) Circuit 6.2 Static RAM (SRAM) 6.11 Low-Voltage SRAM Operation and Circuitry Dynamic RAM 313 313 314 318 324 330 332 332 337 339 347 348 352 356 .1.9 Output Latch 6.6 Decoders 6.5 Comparison of BiCMOS Logic Circuits 6.1.1 Microprocessors and Logic Circuits 5.2 Emitter Follower Complementary BiCMOS Circuits 5.Contents 5.4 Power Supply Voltage Scaling Low-Voltage BiCMOS families 5.4. 3.10 Back-Bias Generator 6.1 7.2.7 Bit-Line Capacitance Reduction 6.2 Baugh-Wooley Multiplier Multi-Divided Word-Line 6.2.1 Arithmetic Logic Unit 7.1 Driver Design Issues 6.2 Carry Look-Ahead Adders 7.5 Decoder Parallel Adders 7.2.2 Reference Voltage Generator Chapter Summary 358 359 363 364 366 367 367 367 371 373 377 377 381 389 394 395 399 REFERENCES 403 7 VLSI CMOS SUBSYSTEM DESIGN 409 409 410 412 420 423 425 428 429 432 434 442 450 450 451 454 7.3 The Modified Booth Multiplier 7.2.13 Low-Voltage DRAM Operation and Circuitry On-Chip Voltage Down Converter 6.4 Low-Power Techniques 6.2 DRAM Memory Cell 6.3.4 Wallace Tree 7.1 Ripple Carry Adders 7.2 7.1 Basics of a DRAM 6.1 Braun Multiplier Self-Refresh Technique 6.x LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN Read/Write Circuitry Conditional Sum Adders 7.5 Multiplier's Comparison Data Path 7.2 Absolute Value Calculator .3 Carry-Select Adder 6.6 Sense Amplifier 6.11 Boosted Voltage Generator Half-voltage Generator 6.5 Adder's Architectures Comparison Parallel Multipliers 7. 1 Circuit-Level Tools 8.3 Content Addressable Memory Phase Locked Loops 7.2.2 Spurious Transitions Reduction 8.5 7.1 Charge-Pumped PLL 7.2 Read Only Memory Power Management Algorithmic-Level Power Reduction 8.3 8.1 Logic Minimization and Technology Mapping Floorplanning 8.4 8.2 Switching Activity Reduction Power Estimation Techniques 8.2 Pipelining 8.4 Programmable Logic Array 7.3 Precomputation-Based Power Reduction LP Architecture-Level Design 8.2 Placement and Routing LP Gate-Level Design 8.3 Architecture-Level Power Estimation 455 456 458 460 462 467 470 473 474 476 482 484 485 489 489 490 490 490 490 493 496 498 498 500 502 505 507 507 508 510 510 512 516 . 8.3.5 Register File 7.4.Contents Xl 7.3 Distributed Processing 8.5.1 Switched Capacitance Reduction 8.3 Low-Power Design Chapter Summary REFERENCES 8 LOW-POWER VLSI DESIGN METHODOLOGY 8.4 Shifter 7.3.1 Parallelism 8.5.5 LP Physical Design 8.3 Comparator 7.2 Gate-Level Techniques PLL Circuit Design 7.6 Regular Structures 7.2. 4 Behavioral-Level Power Estimation Chapter Summary 522 522 REFERENCES 523 INDEX 527 .6 8.LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN XlI 8.5. etc.. Circuit design for low-power is addressed in two chapters. Power saving must be achieved without compromising high performance or minimum area. The last chapter deals with overall low-power VLSI design methodology. specially in memories. and designing with minimum area. designing using multi-and-Iow threshold voltage CMOS logic. Design tools were all geared towards achieving these two goals. were the main design constraints. regular structures and phase locked loops. as we approach the end of this century. Low-power design applications are covered in subsequent chapters. This has created a new design culture within the design community which we have just seen its preliminary results. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits) from the late fifties till the early nineties. The state-of-the-art was driven towards lower delays and smaller chip area. but was less visible. High speed operation. multipliers. data path. one on low-power RAMs and the other on lowpower subsystem designs. Major milestones on chip integration and clock rates have been reported in technical conferences (e..g. Two contributing factors were the area of portable electronics and the area of high-performance chips exceeding power dissipation limits. Followed with two supporting chapters on low-power process technology and device modeling.g. one on CMOS and the other on BiCMOS. the concept of switching activity. The book starts with an introduction to the topic of low-power design. the integration of on-chip voltage down converters. The essence of this culture must be accessible to the new generation of designers. However. .PREFACE A major creative challenge facing today circuit and system VLSI designers is to design new generation products which consume minimum power. This book addresses the design of low-power VLSI digital circuit and system design. Power dissipation has taken a back seat as a figure of merit. The book addresses many design issues related to low-power. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference) and journals (e. The concern of power dissipation has been part of the design process since the early 1970s. power dissipation has become the main design concern in many applications. the use of passtransistor logic. The subsystems include adders. Elmasry Waterloo. Abdellatif Bellaouar Mohamed I. Ontario Canada .XlV LOW-POWER DIGITAL VLSI DESIGN We hope that students and instructors find this book useful in their class-room instruction and also hope that it will be valuable to researchers working in this area. we appreciate the effort of those who assisted us in preparing the manuscript and the figures. Also. in particular. in particular. we thank Dave Bartholomew from Graphic Services at the University of Waterloo for helping in the design of the book front cover. A. with 30 Watts of active power and processing information at less than 0. Muhammed Elrabaa.Preface xv Acknowledgements Firstly we would like to acknowledge the countless blessings of God Almighty throughout our lives. MICRONET. Bellaouar. Such systems provides a great aspiration to VLSI designers. would like to acknowledge his wife. ITRC. The brain. BNR and NTE. Finally. We also extend our thanks to Mr.01 pJ. . CMC. We would like to thank our colleagues at the VLSI Research Group of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo for their encouragement and support. Abu-Khater. is an excellent example of low-power processing/memory design. We appreciate the financial support to our research provided in part by NSERC. Kamel Benaissa. Carl Harris from Kluwer Academic Publishers for encouraging us to work on this new era of VLSI design. More research is needed to abstract low-power concepts from the brain and apply them to VLSI circuits and systems. She was very patient and helpful when he spent over 16 hours/day to complete this manuscript. Ahmed R. During the course of writing this book we have developed a greater appreciation for God's created biological processing circuits and systems in terms of low-power and low-energy design. We are grateful to Joan Pache for carefully proof reading the book. We would also like to thank our families whose support and endurance helped us to complete writing this book. Fridi and Phil Regier. Issam S. Samir. Nadia and Hassan Elmasry .To My parents. my wife G hania and my son Mouaadh Bellaouar Elizabeth. Carmen.
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