LOI Bayanihan (PCR)

March 30, 2018 | Author: gregorio | Category: Peacekeeping, Police, Community, Change Management, Crimes



Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of the Interior and Local Government National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City SUBJECT: Letter of Instructions 22/09 “BAYANIHAN” (Barangay Peacekeeping Operations) TO : See Distribution DATE : 1. REFERENCES: a. Article II, Section 4, 1987 Philippine Constitution; b. Section16, RA 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991; c. RA 8551 (Community Oriented Policing System); d. LOI 32/2002 (PNP Organizational Plan “SAMBAYAN”); and e. LOI 29/2002 (PNP Communication Plan “SANTINIG”). 2. SITUATION: The 1987 Philippine Constitution specifically on the Declaration of Principles and State Policies states that the prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service. The Philippine National Police (PNP) recognizes the role of the Barangay Tanods, Bantay Bayan, Civilian Volunteer Organizations, Barangay Auxiliaries, Non- Government Organizations and other People's Organization that can be utilized as Force Multipliers in the fight against criminality/insurgency/terrorism. These organizations are also valuable partners in the development of the community. Executive Order No. 546 authorizes the PNP to deputize the barangay tanods as force multiplier in the implementation of the peace and order plan subject to the concurrence of the appropriate Local Chief Executive through the Local Peace and Order Council (LPOC). In the past, various anti-criminality strategies and concepts were adopted by the PNP in its effort to curb criminality issues and concerns affecting the prevailing peace and order situation. However, most of the concepts were found out to be unsustainable as these were just revised versions of the crime prevention concepts from other countries and are unsuitable to the existing criminality situation peculiar to the Philippines. It is along this line that a peacekeeping concept responsive to the unique criminality and peace & order condition of the Philippines be crafted and adopted. The concept shall basically entail PNP members to lead in the fight against all forms of criminality issues/concerns distinct to their area of responsibility, to include insurgency problem, through active citizen’s involvement and community empowerment. 3. MISSION: The PNP, concurrent with its missions and functions, shall conduct community policing and ensure continuing active community involvement geared towards the attainment of peace and order. 4. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this LOI is to set guidelines in the establishment of effective community partnership geared towards the attainment of peace and order. Specifically, it focuses on the following: a. To establish an effective community policing machinery through community partnership. b. To enhance partnership between the PNP and the community in crime prevention, anti-communist/insurgency, anti-terrorism and community assistance programs. c. To form force multipliers thru the empowerment of the people towards community involvement and participation specifically in the maintenance of peace and order in their locality. d. To establish a lasting relationship based on mutual respect, trust and confidence between the PNP and the community. 5. Definition of Terms: Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPKO) - is a comprehensive, and catch-all anti-crime strategy that seeks to empower all stakeholders to share the responsibility of peacekeeping and order maintenance towards self-policing. Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs) - are the main operators of BPKO at the Barangay level which are trained, equipped and are fast, agile and responsive to the needs of the community and is expected to work at the ground level where crime operates. Police Community Precinct (PCP) is the smallest PNP command field unit under a city/municipal police station. Local Government Unit (LGU) - includes the Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay governmental organization as included in the Local Government Code (RA 7160). Force Multipliers - are those organizations outside the government which perform public safety services for free and in support of governmental functions. Public Safety Services - Those governmental functions which tend to ease the citizenries living conditions toward a peaceful and prosperous way of living. 6. EXECUTION: a. Concept of Operations: (See Annex “C” - Operational Paradigm) In carrying out this plan, the PNP shall adopt the basic concept of Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPKO) through the employment of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT). The BPKO shall be the PNP’s “catch-all” strategy in the maintenance of peace and order. The BPATs shall be composed of different sectors in the community as force multipliers. They shall be under the supervision and control of the lowest PNP unit in the locality known as the Police Community Precincts. The BPATs, as the main actors, shall conduct community-based activities and information campaign in support of the PNP’s anti-criminality effort, internal security operation, and disaster management and control program. A Barangay Peacekeeping Desk (BPDs) shall also be established at the City and Municipal Police Stations (CPS/MPS) and at the PCPs or Kababayan Centers, where local residents and police officers in the area shall meet regularly to discuss peace and order problems and other matters of common interest. The BPATs shall function solely for crime prevention and on-the-spot conflict resolution. Any case that will require hearing or falls within the auspices of the Barangay Justice System shall be referred to it and subsequently reflected in its logbook. Cases which need police intervention must be acted upon by the police immediately. The organizational structure of the police-community precincts shall facilitate the rendering of direct assistance and service to the people by line elements. Command of line elements shall be as close as practicable to the people. In rural areas where there are no PCPs or Kababayan areas, BPDs shall be at the Barangay Halls and shall be visited on a regular basis by designated Police supervisors and lead the force multipliers on carrying out their daily duties and functions as mentioned. In this endeavor, the guiding principles shall be the AOM Concept (Awareness-Organization-Mobilization). b. Phasing (Time Frame): This LOI shall be undertaken according to the following phases: 1) Awareness Phase: The PNP, in close coordination with LGU and other sectors, shall organize barangay officials, barangay tanods, and other potential force multipliers to compose the initial core group of BPATs. The members will be screened and carefully selected from among the existing barangay officials, barangay tanods and other anti- crime groups within the community. The Chief of Police and Station Commanders of City/Municipal Police Stations shall direct their policemen to include in their patrol and visitation of the barangays under it and establishments which are high risk to criminal elements. 2) Organization Phase: The PNP shall conduct the training of the BPATs based on a standard Program of Instructions (POI). Those policemen who will be assigned to conduct patrol and visitations shall undergo training/seminar on conflict resolution and on Barangay Justice System and its implementing rules to be able to advise the BPATs and members on questions/matters appertaining to it. 3) Mobilization Phase: The organized BPATs shall report to their assigned PCPs or at the Barangay Halls (for rural areas), which shall also serve as their official office to man their respective BPDs. This is to account the members and disseminate to them pertinent information before deployment to patrol duties. Their function shall be limited to barangay patrol and on the spot conflict resolution as well as to hasten delivery of basic public safety services to support police operations within the AOR of concerned PCP. Law enforcement function shall be limited to city, municipal and barangay ordinances to referrals and mediation in accordance with RA 7160 (Local Government Code). But if the instant case merits a hearing, it shall be coursed through the Barangay Justice System. Cases that need immediate police intervention must be referred to the nearest police unit for appropriate action. The BPATs shall conduct patrol within the respective PCP area of responsibility. Known crime-prone areas must be prioritized and constantly visited. Barangay ugnayan/communication with the residents regarding their problems/concerns be maximized. The BPDs shall maintain a logbook of all events and matters that happened or acted upon during each tour of duty. The records therein shall be considered confidential unless required by appropriate authority. 4) Assessment/Evaluation Phase: The concerned Police Station shall form a committee to conduct a quarterly assessment report after this LOI has become operational and submit the same to higher Office for their information/comment and recommendation. The membership of the committee shall include at least an NGO, Religious Sector and LGU (City/Municipal/Barangay) as the case may be. c. Tasks: 1) NHQ Directorial Staff a) TDPCR a.1) Act as the Overall Supervisor of this LOI; a.2) Recommend and advise the DHRDD in the design of appropriate Enhancement Training Program for BPATs in coordination with the DILG, LGUs and other concerned government agencies; this training include PNP members who will be in direct contact with the BPATs; and a.3) Perform other tasks as directed. b) TDO b.1) Assist DPCR in the implementation of this LOI; b.2) Formulate operational guidelines pertaining to the duties and functions of PNP and the BPATs; and b.3) Perform other tasks as directed. c) TDHRDD c.1) Provide and advise PROs in the formulation of a Standard Enhancement Training Program/Program of Instruction (POI) for BPATs Unit and involved policemen; and c.2) Perform other tasks as directed. d) TDI d.1) Assist DHRDD and PROs in providing appropriate intelligence and investigation training for BPATs; d.2) Collate and interpret intelligence information submitted by BPATs; and d.3) Perform other tasks as directed. e) TDIDM e.1) Assist DHRDD and PROs in providing appropriate investigation training for BPATs; and e.2) Perform other task as directed. f) TDL f.1) Provide logistical support to any BPATs training activity to be undertaken by DHRDD and DPCR and f.2) Perform other tasks as directed g) TDC g.1) Provide funds support to any training activity to be undertaken by DHRDD and other operational requirement of the LOI; g.2) Perform other tasks as directed. 2) National Support Units & Personal Staff a) Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) a.1) Assist the PROs in the conduct of PCR activities and training of stakeholders; a.2) Assist the PROs in the development of information education materials pertaining to crime prevention and anti-insurgency activities; and a.3) Perform other tasks as directed. b) Public Information Office (PIO) b.1) Disseminate information through press releases, press conferences, interviews thru tri-media, SMS and Information Technology concerning the gains made in the implementation of this LOI; and b.2) Perform other tasks as directed. c) Health Service (HS) c.1) Support the conduct of medical and dental outreach sorties initiated by the BPATs; and c.2) Perform other tasks as directed. 3) Police Regional Offices (PROs) a) Establish BPATs in all PCPs within AOR; b) Maintain a consolidated record of established BPATs, as well as the lists of organized and trained members; also to maintain roster of PNP members who will be involved in this LOI; c) Coordinate and integrate organizational activities pertaining to the establishment of BPATs in AOR; d) Monitor and supervise the daily operations of BPATs; e) Conduct periodic performance evaluation of BPATs and make appropriate recommendations for improvement, as well as for awards and recognition to deserving members; f) Conduct continuous capability building of BPATs through regular skills enhancement training; and g) Perform other tasks as directed. d. Coordinating Instructions: 1) Respect for human rights and strict adherence with the PNP Operational Procedure (Revised Rules of Engagement) shall always be emphasized and observed in the conduct of activities/operations in the implementation of this LOI. 2) PROs shall utilize the BPATs as a community based policing strategy to address anti-criminality or anti-insurgency as the case may be. 3) Barangays may be clustered for mutual defense to address the problem of personnel deficiency. 4) Unit commanders should ensure that the PNP members who are designated as PNP supervisors to BPATs in a particular area shall remain in such designation, devoted solely to this undertaking and should not be utilized for other tasks. 5) The Group Directors of the RMGs/PMGs shall continue conduct anti- insurgency and security operations to ensure safety of PNP supervisors and BPAT members while undertaking the activities stipulated in this LOI. 6) Maximum coordination with National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Peace and Order Councils (POCs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and other sectors of the community is highly encouraged. 7) Unit Commanders are encouraged to participate actively. 8) All RDs, PROs shall submit to the NHQ-PNP (Attn: DPCR-CAD) respective IMPLANS to this LOI NLT fifteen (15) days after receipt hereof and reports on significant accomplishments and other peacekeeping activities. 7. EFFECTIVITY: This LOI shall take effect immediately upon signature. DISTRIBUTION: TDI TDO TDL D, PCRG TDC D, HS TDPCR C, PIO TDHRDD RDs, PROs 1-13, COR, ARMM and NCRPO Attachments: “A” - Basic Concept on Barangay Peacekeeping Operations “B” - BPAT Ideal Structure “C” - Operational Paradigm “D” - Phasing (Time Frame) “E” - Barangay Peacekeeping Desk Functions “F” - BPAT Ideal Daily Activities ANNEX “A” BASIC CONCEPT ON BARANGAY PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS I. INTRODUCTION: The PNP with its myriad and diverse tasks and functions is so huge and slow to respond due to its sheer weight and enormousness; yet crime and criminality have become so dynamic, inadvertive and fast. Thus, time calls for the "creative dismemberment" of such PNP tasks and functions, the empowerment of the community to formulate and implement its unique policing practices, projects, programs, procedures and priorities. This creative dismemberment of PNP dinosaur will spawn small Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams which are trained and equipped and are fast, agile and responsive to the needs of the community and is expected to work at the ground level where crime operates. The Barangay Peacekeeping Operations is a comprehensive, and catch-all anti- crime strategy that seeks to empower all stakeholders to share the responsibility of peacekeeping and order maintenance towards self-policing. This is also an effective tool in addressing some issues in relation to the internal security operations. It aims to draw the strong support and active participation of key players and stakeholders in the field of intelligence gathering and some operational aspects of policing. It is firmly anchored on the belief that sound policing germinates in effective and efficient policing at the barangay level. It is a means to ensure the effective prevention, control and suppression of crime and efficient management of disasters and emergencies. The general concept of Barangay Peacekeeping is to involve the Barangay Officials, Tanods, CVOs and other Force multipliers in the task of crime prevention, control and suppression in partnership with the PNP from the Provincial down to the Community Precincts level and the Local Government Executives and Heads of Concerned Agencies. II. CORE COMPONENTS A. Change management is needed to fully absorb and adopt this strategy at the barangay level. Each component must work together and make the necessary adjustments in programs and activities that will most benefit the community at large. The inherent resistance to change must be recognized and overcome with less organizational or societal dysfunctions and turbulence. B. Problem Solving must be adopted as a method. Instead of concentrating on incidents, one must be able to look deeper into the causes of the problems and how it can best be treated socially and culturally. This is done in the premise that no two incidents are the same and therefore must not be treated with the same formula. Each incident must be carefully evaluated and analyzed on a case-to- case basis. Emphasis is given here to specific area and not to the entire township or city. C. Community Partnership spells the need for the whole neighborhood to get involved in policing and law enforcement. People in the community must not only rely on the police for their public safety needs but must also cooperate and participate to make the strategy work. The community must depart from the role of mere spectators but take steps to fortify themselves by securing their own backyards, providing information and getting involved in investigation. ANNEX “B” ORGANIZATION OF BARANGAY PEACEKEEPING ACTION TEAMS (BPATS) The Barangay Peacekeeping Action teams are organized to serve as the main operators of Barangay Peacekeeping in their respective localities. They shall serve as the primary force multipliers of the police in controlling, suppressing and preventing crime and criminality at the Barangay level BPAT Major Activities Law Enforcement - will perform beat patrol operations, anti-illegal drug operations, traffic direction and control, street crime prevention, control and suppression, and public information and assistance. It is composed of Barangay tanods, traffic aides, security guards, members of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils and anti- crime groups. United Front Against Crime - is responsible in communication and anti-crime advocacy support, including intelligence gathering. It is composed of non-government organizations, sectoral groups, council of elders, homeowners associations, radio groups and gun clubs. It shall form the formidable shield of the community against crime through information dissemination, mobilization and program advocacy activities. Disaster Control - will assist in rescue, relief and rehabilitation operations during calamities and emergencies. It is composed of Barangay tanods, non-government organizations and volunteer groups. BARANGAY PEACEKEEPING ACTION TEAMS (BPATs) PCP / STATION BARANGAY COMMANDER CHAIRMAN BARANGAY PEACE AND ORDER COMMITTEE POLICE BRGY EX-O SUPERVISOR BPATs BPATs BPATs Peoples Community Organizations/ Policing Support to ISO BADAC BRGY TRAFFIC SECURITY OTHER ANTI- COUNCIL SECTORAL HOME NGOs TANOD AIDES GUARDS CRIME GROUPS OF ELDERS GROUPS OWNER RESCUE, RELIEF CASE TRACKING AND REHAB AND OPERATIONS MONITORING ANNEC “C” BARANGAY PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL PARADIGM INPUT PROCESS  Organizational Activities  Organization & mobilization program of different community sectors for Anti criminality and counter insurgency, disaster relief Programs & Barangay Policies to (PNP Peacekeeping address & Action Teams / criminality LGUs) CVOs and issues and other Force concerns Multiplier • Public Information and Advocacy Info. Campaign thru tri media, SMS & Info Technology, etc Improved and Progress and sustained peace- development keeping and internal security situation OUTPUT ANNEX “D” PHASING (TIME FRAME) 1st-2nd 3rd-4th 5th-8th 9th PHASE ONWARDS WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK 1. AWARENESS PHASE - Organization of initial core group of BPATs - Screening of potential members 2. ORGANIZATION PHASE - Formulation of standard POI - Training on BPAT Concept & Barangay Justice System 3. MOBILIZATION PHASE - Establishment of BPDs - Conduct of Barangay Patrols - Coordination with LGUS, POCs for the delivery of government services - Referral of appropriate cases to the Barangay Justice System - Patrol on crime-prone areas - Barangay visitations and ugnayan 4. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION PHASE - Formation of Committee to assess effectiveness of LOI - Recommend and implement corrections and remedial measures ANNEX “E” FUNCTIONS OF BARANGAY PEACEKEEPING DESKS 1. Coordinate and mobilize Barangay Tanods and other Force Multipliers to augment the PNP personnel in the aspect of barangay peacekeeping operations. 2. Act as liaison between the police and barangay officials in their respective barangays.. 3. Analyze, conduct studies and make recommendations on how to undertake barangay peacekeeping operations in their locality. 4. Coordinate the training of barangay tanods to enhance their knowledge and operational skills. 5. Serve as the barangay complaint and public assistance center at their respective levels. ANNEX “F” Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team Daily Activities Roll Call Training Maintenance of Uniform and Individual Equipment Keeping of a Case Notebook and Journal Establishment of Close Working Relationship with Residents Identifying Crime-prone Areas and Problem Personalities Reporting Actions Taken Responding to Crime Lateral Coordination with Technical People Record Check of Suspects Arrest of Suspects Case Documentation Appearance as Prosecution Witness Monitor movements or incursions of Communist Terrorists Establishment of communication Link with Police
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