Logistics Localization for India - SAP

March 23, 2018 | Author: vibin.v.joseph | Category: Letter Of Credit, Sap Se, Exports, Logistics, Business



SAP Globalization Solutions for Cross-Industry Services Name/Industry Solution NameTitle Runs Here and Here and Here and Here and Here (max. 85 characters) Logistics Add-on for Import Export Subtitle Runs Here and Here and Here and6.06, Here and Here Localization and Here (max.for 100India characters) The Import Export solution for India is available as an add-on over SAP Enhancement Pack 6.0 for SAP ERP 6.0 The Solution was developed in close collaboration with about 10 SAP customer organizations and is curently in rampup. The product road-map is proposed to cover additional functionality such as SEZ processes, Insurance & others in future releases The solution offers a contemporary web-interface through the ABAP Webdynpro technology and provides cutting-edge reporting using SAP Business Objects tools KEY FEaTUREs •• Management of export promotion schemes such as Duty Drawback, Advance Authorization, Export Promotion Capital Goods and so on •• Handling of export and import licenses from application to closure including ANF forms creation, license assignment, utilization, and export obligation discharge •• Tracking of export incentives accruals and realization •• Creation of all pre-shipment and post-shipment documents including Shipping Bill in exports and Bill of Entry in imports •• Management of letters of credit in both imports and exports process - from application to utilization, amendments and payment receipts BUsinEss BEnEfiTs •• Improves operational efficiency by automating the manual steps in export and import processes •• Reduces cost by optimizing the utilization of import licenses to save duty and tracking the timely receipt of export incentives •• Increases visibility in the export import operations by capturing process data and reporting on key indicators •• Improves customs processes by generating pre-shipment and post-shipment documents from SAP you can perform the following tasks: •• Create licenses against schemes •• Fill application form to DGFT for licenses •• Use the Standard Input Output Norms to automatically calculate values and quantities in license application •• Use SAP source documents to get data during a license application •• Visualize and print the ANF application form •• Use Decision support to choose the correct license at exports and imports •• Track license utilization for export promotion schemes and imports with export obligation The solution offers a separate Standard Input Output Norms sub-module to manage the ratio of export material to import materials. With the License Management module. have been a key factor in the success of our solutions in India.0 India Localization Portfolio Since its inception in 1996. Customs office require submission of a set of documents to ensure the authenticity of the transaction. it is essential to get approval from customs authorities at the port. For More Information Call your SAP representative or visit us at http:/ /service. with drill-down facility •• Crystal report for scheme-wise license utilization. Reporting In addition to the functionalities mentioned above. after an initial set-up. with drill-down to transactions Product Road Map The solution is proposed to have a continuous investment road-map to enhance functionalities and cover additional scope around export import operations such as SEZ processes. Duty Free Import Authorization. Export Import insurance. these can be referenced in the license module. The following reports are pre-delivered along with the solution: •• Excelcius dashboard with key scheme and license metrics in exports and imports •• Excelcius dashboard with key indicators of Letter of Credit transactions •• Crystal report for license summary and detail. which helps in mitigating this risk. CRM. Letter of Credit Export and Import operations carry a degree of risk since the counterpart resides in a foreign country. with drill-down facility •• Line-item-wise reports on shipping bill and bill of entry. SRM. This solution offers functionality to manage letter(s) of credit while importing or exporting.06.06. This module provides ability to manage these dynamic schemes that are subject to revision by the government every year. the SAP Logistics solution is localized with enhanced functionality to support export promotion schemes. HCM. this solution comes with a set of ready-made reports developed using Business Objects technology.com/localization . pre-shipment and post-shipment document creations. The solution also pre-delivers the following post-shipment documents: •• Bill of Exchange •• Shipment Advice Note •• Bill of Lading •• Bank realization certificate •• Covering letter to the bank The solution offers the flexibility to create the above documents based on any SAP source document data. export and import licenses. ESS. The solution is developed using SAP ABAP Webdynpro and reports are developed using SAP Business Objects. SOLUTiOn OVERViEW The Logistics add-on for import export 6. C and C-1 Post-Shipment After the shipment is complete. remission and incentive categories •• Model schemes for export obligation and capital goods •• Configure ANF forms against schemes License Management Export and Import licenses are critical to conduct cross-border operations. reliable SAP maintenance and support processes and latest technology offering. to realize export proceeds.sap. This module provides end to end functionality to manage the license lifecycle for the following schemes: Advance Authorization. Schemes Management The Ministry of Commerce. localization for India is available as an add-on installation for customers in SAP Enhancement Pack 6 of SAP ERP 6. Letter of Credit is a document provided by an intermediary bank. With the Schemes Management module. Availability Logistics add-on for import export 6. vendor and customer. SAP for Public Services amongst others. you can perform the following tasks: •• Create a Letter of Credit application while referring to purchase orders •• Capture a Letter of Credit provided by a customer and assign to SAP sales documents •• Manage the status of a Letter of Credit while it is sent for approval internally or to a bank •• Capture the essential dates in a Letter of Credit and manage the usage and validity •• Manage amendments to a Letter of Credit in values and document-sets •• Use Decision support to choose the correct Letter of Credit based on validity and status Document Sets and Process Management While transporting goods across borders. India localization has played a key role for its customers to bring in profitability together with tax compliance in their business operations. The portfolio for localization spans across the various SAP offerings covering Logistics. Pre-Shipment This module assists in generating a set of pre-shipment documents that is essential for the purpose of customs clearance. localization for India solution is developed completely in SAP Labs. There are dashboards for high-level summary of KPIs and drill-down reports for more granular reporting requirements. Focus Market Scheme. a set of documents have to be submitted to the bank for negotiation and collection of export bills.ImpROVE YOUR EXpORT ImpORT OpERaTiOns WiTH Sap LOgisTics LOcaLiZaTiOn fOR India For organizations in India that have export and import operations. SAP for Automotive. details of shipped articles. such as a continuous product road map. Close interactions with our customers through these years. Some of the documents pre-delivered in this solution are: •• Data for Shipping Bill •• Packing List •• Shippers Letter of Instruction •• GR and SDF Form •• GSP Certificate of Origin •• Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin •• Annexures A. Bangalore in collaboration with more than 10 SAP customer organizations in India across various industries. Duty Drawback. Government of India has legislated a set of export promotion schemes to incentivize export performance that earns valuable foreign exchange. Focus Product Scheme and Export Promotion Capital Goods scheme. reduced total cost of ownership. Flexible Real Estate and Industry solutions such as SAP for Utilities. The Logistics add-on for import export 6.06. The solution offers the following functionalities. particulars of the vessel. localization for India solution offers substantial benefits compared to other products in this space. Once these ratios are set-up. and to provide information on the sale value. Financials. letter of credit management and KPI reporting. With the Letter of Credit module. you can perform the following tasks: •• Create and manage schemes •• Set behavior of schemes with attributes •• Use the pre-delivered functionality for export and import schemes across exemption. overseas shipment tracking and so on. 000 customers worldwide.com/contactsap (13/02) ©2013 SAP AG. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. SAP applications and services enable more than 190. All rights reserved. From back office to boardroom. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG.sap.com In addition to providing products for 25 Industries across 120+ countries.com or www.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.com/contactsap www.saponeworld.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.com/localization for latest news and updates •• www. SAP (NYSE:SAP) helps companies of all sizes and industries run better.com COnTacT Us: •• To learn more about how SAP can help your business succeed in the global market.sap.sap. com/india. if any. contact your account executive about SAP INDUS (India User Group) or reach us at http:/ /induscommunity. ABOUT SAP As market leader in enterprise application software. 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