LMZ Design Features

March 23, 2018 | Author: duhaim | Category: Turbine, Steam, Power Station, Energy Technology, Energy Conversion



OptionsNext Steam turbines for Power Plants: creation experience and development prospects Alexander Tsvetkov Power Machines, Russia Power-Gen Europe 2005, Milan, 28-30.06.2005 INTRODUCTION Power generating plants of Russia are mostly provided by the equipment of Russian make. The largest Russian manufacturer of steam turbines is LMZ which occupies one of the leading positions in the world. It contributes 75% of the installed capacity in the states of the former USSR and 9% of the world’s power generation. Several years ago LMZ together with the leading Russian manufacturer of power generators (Electrosila), minor steam turbines (KTZ), turbine blades (ZTL), Central-Research Institute (CKTI) and sales company (Energomachexport) formed united power building engineering consortium which at present well known as OJSC “Power Machines”. This consolidation helped LMZ not only to survive during difficult times of economic depression but also face the 21st century with new ideas and developments. APPLICATIONS OF LMZ STEAM TURBINES There are more than 50 types and modifications of LMZ make steam turbines with output range from 30 up to 1200 MW (Figure 1). All turbines may be divided into three groups: The first group includes steam turbines for fossil-fired power stations: § § § condensing, district heating and back-pressure turbines of 50 to 110 MW for 90 (130) bar, 530540 oC without reheat for cogeneration and district heating. condensing and district heating reheat turbines for sub-critical steam conditions of 130 (170) bar, 540/540 oC of 180 to 500 MW; turbines for supercritical steam conditions 240 bar, 540/540 oC of 300, 500, 800 and 1200 MW. The second group covers steam turbines for nuclear power plants and consists of a tandemcompound high-speed turbine of 1000 MW output for 60 bar saturated steam. The third group covers 100 -150 MW turbines for combined cycle plants. The district heating versions of the turbines provide heat load to 320 MW with heating of district water from 70 to 150 oC. LPC grid-type diaphragms are used in this versions. Options Previous CONVENTIONAL AND MODERN APPROACHES Next Beginning from 1940 up to recent time LMZ turbine design concept is based on the use of a relatively small number of turbine cylinders. HP, IP, and LP cylinders are designed for a certain range of steam flow and parameters in such a way that the required output range and initial steam conditions will be met by combinations of cylinders. For example, 300, 500, and 800 MW turbines presently manufactured by LMZ are based on an LP cylinders with 1200 mm titanium moving blade instead of 960 mm stainless steel blade formerly employed (Figure 2). The major features of LMZ turbines are the following: § § § § § All turbines are tandem-compound and operate at 50 cycles. Governing valves with partial arc admission are used in all turbines up to 800 MW. LPC last stage is equipped with stainless steel and titanium blades, including heat monitoring system (Figure 3). Impulse type blades, diaphragm-disk design of steam path, optimum positive value of reaction in root section with increasing level of reaction towards the blade periphery. All moving blades have covering shrouds or integrally milled shrouds. In IP and LP cylinders integrally milled shrouds improve steam path efficiency and provide damping by friction created in them (Figure 4). § Integrally forged flexible rotors in combination with impulse blading, reduce parasitic steam leakage. § Moving blades with fork roots are secured by rivets. Blades with T-shaped roots are used for less stressed stages. The last stage moving blades have a side entry fir-tree root. § Use of internal grid-type diaphragms for control of district heating / cogeneration turbines (Figure 5). § Multiple system of interchannel moisture separation and moisture removal in the interrow gap (Figure 6). There is no denying the fact that by now most TPP equipment in Russia is old (Figure 7, 9) and needs considerable upgrading. A significant part of the equipment operates with natural gas which is a very valuable raw material for the chemical and a very important export article at that. In any case considerable consumption of high quality fuel is not efficient as far as power is generated on the obsolete and worn out equipment (Figure 8). Utilization of natural gas in combined cycle plants is the most contemporary way which is followed by Russia too. Besides nuclear power engineering is also considered as a perspective one in Russia and in some world regions with high developing economics. In view of the above at present main efforts of LMZ are aimed at: 960 mm or 1200 mm last stage blades. application of reactive type-blading in HP and IP cylinders. HP/IP cylinders are designed with two casings. up to pressure of 130 bar and temperature of 565 oC. up-to-date methods of profiles. The effect is about 29 kCal/kWh improvement in steam turbine heat rate in comparison with other existing LMZ designs. aerodynamic testing of the steam path components. STEAM TURBINES FOR COMBINED CYCLE UNITS LMZ condensing steam turbine for combined cycle (CCP “Banhida” in Hungary) has been designed for operating in a wide range of initial steam conditions. This unit features a high/ intermediate pressure double casing cylinder and a single flow low pressure cylinder (Figure 11). including three-D mathematic simulation (Figure 10). The turbine has a throttle-type steam distribution. IP exhaust is used as the connection point for admitting steam from the HPSG low pressure line into the turbine. final bench tests. The HP and IP steam paths are arranged in an opposed flow configuration to balance opposing thrust loads. application of the developed shrouding and sealings. steel . Both reheat and non-reheat cycles are supported. LP stationary blades are assembled tangentially. twisted stationary and moving blades airfoils for all stages are used and total HP/IP cylinder efficiency is increased. aerodynamic reaction level is increased. reasonable choice of the materials and manufacture technologies.Options § § § § § § § § § § § § § Previous development of efficient steam turbines for Combined Cycle Units. HP rotor is solid-forged. The left flow has 19 stages with reactive type blading and the left one – 8 impulse stages. upgrading of old steam turbines Next High reliability and efficiency of modern LMZ turbines is provided by the following factors: modern cycle arrangements. LPC testing on a unique full-scale investigation facility at LMZ factory providing fundamental wide-range research work. development of turbines for supercritical steam parameters for coal fired TPS. development of steam turbines for Nuclear Power Plants of new generation. LP cylinder of steam turbine of this type may be provided with single or double flow LP sections featuring 755 mm. quality inspection at all stages of manufacture. rotor diameter is decreased. Inner and outer HPC casings are cast from molybdenum-vanadium steel. The design is based on condenser back pressure and site conditions. reactive type blades of HP steam path are used. high-speed condensing unit (3000 rpm). LPC is double flow with 4 stages in each flow with the last stage blades of 1200 mm effective length from titanium alloy. Steam flow turn to 180o is provided for inner casing and steam admission area cooling. with two casings – inner and outer and has 14 active stages. Applied materials for the turbine components for supercritical conditions are shown in Figure 13. The turbine is characterized by the following features: § § low mass and overall dimension of the turbine components achieved due to the high rotational speed of 3000 rpm. made of carbon steel. STEAM TURBINES FOR NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS The turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 (NPP “Kudankulam” in India) is intended for operation in conjunction with water-cooled and water-moderated reactor rated 3000 MWth. This results in decrease of construction and operation expenses. For rotor components manufacture steel grade Z11MHA? ? is used. LP rotor is solid-forged made of steel 26XM3M2? ? . The steam turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 rated 1000MW is a single-shaft.Options Previous Next grade – 25X1M1? ? . with an external steam separation loop and steam reheat (Figure 14). TURBINES FOR SUPERCRITICAL STEAM PARAMETERS FOR COAL FIRED TPS The main parameters and longitudinal section of steam turbine K-350-290 (TPP “Novocherkaskaya” in Russia) for supercritical steam conditions are shown in Figure 12. For rotors manufacture steel grade P2MA (25X1M? ? ) is used together with the arranged rotor forced cooling. All LPC stationary blades are tangentially assembled. self-adjusted thrust-journal bearing is located between HPC and IPC. Steel grade like 18X11MH? ? with the content of 12% chrome has the most heat resistance. LPC is welded. Steam parameters of the turbine are shown in Figure 15. IPC is single flow with 15 active stages. The reheat line is placed between HPC and IPC. Rotors of all cylinders are solid-forged. For valves components high-resistant alloy made on the basis of ferrous-nickel ? ? -612 is used. Spherical. Steel grade 15X11M? ? ? is applied for high-temperature cast casing components. IP and LP cylinders. four-cylinder (HPC+3 LPC). Spray cooling system is provided for LPC at low flow modes. The turbine design is single-shaft with HP. HPC has a throttle-type steam distribution. . application of the unique moving blades for LPC last stage with an effective length of 1200mm made of titanium alloy BT-6 with further implantation process of nitrogen ions and titanium nitride. This provides high vibration reliability and blading efficiency. § tangentially assembled stationary blades of two last HPC stages and of all LPC last stages are applied in order to even distribute steam flow speed all along the blade length and reduce the power losses. UPGRADING OF OLD STEAM TURBINES Eight steam turbines of LMZ make K-300-240 (TPP “Kostromskaya” in Russia) are subject for upgrading. damping of moving blades achieved by the created friction in the shrouds makes it possible to avoid the necessity of damping wire installation in the turbine flow path. made of ingot blanks of 235 tons which finally have pure mass of 75 tons. HPC shrouds of blades are designed to have an inclined inner surface that stabilizes film moisture flow and helps to remove it out of the turbine with the extracted steam. § installation of stop and governing valves both at HPC and LPC inlets. LP solid-forged rotors with speed of 3000 r/m without central opening. Applied materials for the major components K-1000-60/3000 turbine are shown in Figure 17. The reduced quantity of LPC that is from 4 to 3 decreases capital expenses and as a result layout changes – 3 LPCs are located one after another on one side from HPC. As a result less size of moisture drops in the flow path reduces erosion of the last stage blades surface. Turbine plant No No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 No 8 . Such rotors are a novelty in the world power industry which makes it possible to increase operational reliability in comparison with those made by welding as well as reduce man hour while manufacturing. axial clearances and inner channel moisture removal. § § application of moving blades in all stages with integrally milled shrouds. Availability of both types of valves at LPC inlet provides reliability of turbine protection from speed-up which is very important taking into account considerable amounts of steam and moisture in separatorreheater. LPC last stage has an increased heat drop. § § § due to the fact that HPC casing and components are made of stainless steel the problem of inter-row gap erosion requiring much maintenance and expenses becomes solved.Options § Previous Next application of solid-forged rotors with semi-couplings. Due to the increased heat drop steam pressure becomes more before the last stage. § one of the main features that distinguishes the turbine for NPP “Kudankulam” from LMZ model unit K-1000-60/3000 (Figure 16) lies in the difference of cooling water temperature 31oC and 20 oC relatively. Options Previous 222 218 233 205 220 211 206 210 Next Hours in operation. reduce of the flow path diameter and increase of the blades length. The increase of HPC efficiency using reactive type blading is achieved by the following factors: § § § § the increase of the quantity of stages leads to the increase of heat recovery the decrease of enthalpy drop at a stage reduces the losses in the nozzles and moving blades. efficient diaphragm and end sealings (Figure 19). stationary blades are tangentially assembled and special designing of the root area leakages optimal directed. inlet and outlet exhausts and extraction branches. thousands of hours Most components located in HPC and operated under creep conditions at temperature more than 450 oC and at pressure 90 bar take the most wear redoubled by the phenomenon known as metal fatigue (rotor. HPC design is based on modern methods of steam path calculation in 3-D model and accumulated experience as a result of actual research tests for 300 MW turbine cylinders at the power plants. thousands 227 of hours Park service life (determined by LMZ). etc). moving blades with integrally milled shrouds. that leads to the decrease of additional losses in the blading. This upgrading is aimed at considerable reliability and efficiency improvement of 300 MW power units and increase of their rated power up to 320 MW. optimized profiling of diaphragm stationary blades meridian contour. providing more efficient sealing-ten teeth instead of two. As a result they appear to be the first to expire their actual service life. The main features of new HPC design are as follows: § § § § § reactive type blading is used instead of impulse one. the decrease of steam leakages in the turbine stages achieved by the application of the developed diaphragm sealings and reduce of radial clearances as the rotor structure is more rigid. more efficient airfoils of stationary and moving blades. .5 times. redistribution of the heat drop to HPC affords to increase pressure in the chamber of the governing stage and increase of its throughput capacity that enables rise of efficiency. inner cylinder. § considerable decrease of the heat adiabatic drop to the governing stage of 1. In this case upgrading is made by means of HPC components replacement saving HPC outer casing (Figure 18). particularly in the first stages. operational profile and purchase contract stipulations.Options Previous Next Owing to the fact that the turbine K-300-240 is applied with boiler units. SUMMARY Design features and some aspects of efficiency improvement of LMZ turbines are presented. . The progress of turbine development in comparing with preceding design is given. Materials applied for upgraded HPC components are shown in Figure 20. LMZ design philosophy and proven engineering approaches are able to provide any expected configuration and performance characteristics of the power plant. running both at constant initial pressure and at sliding one. the new HPC design retains nozzle steam distribution within the governing stage. New Design of End and Shroud Sealings Figure 20. Steam Turbine K-1000-60/3000 of Standard Model Figure 17. Steam Turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 for NPP “Kudankulam” Figure 15. Steam Turbine of 80 MW for CCP “Banhida” in Hangary Figure 12. New Design Arrangement of 350-850 MW Steam Turbines Based on LPC with 1200 mm Titanium Moving Blade Figure 3. Longitudinal Section of modernized HPC K-300-240 Figure 19. Chemical Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Main Component Parts of Turbine Figure 18. Applied Materials for Turbine Components for Supercritical Conditions Figure 14. LPC Last Stage with Interchannel Moisture Separation and Film Moisture Removal Figure 7.Options Previous LIST OF FIGURES Next Figure 1. Materials Applied and Chemical Composition for Upgraded HPC . Turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 parameters Figure 16. Different Types of Shrouds Figure 5. Exhaustion of park service life for TPS rated (GW) Figure 10. Fuel consumption for TPS in Russia (%) Figure 9. TPP equipment in Russia classified in accordance with the operating period (%) Figure 8. LPC Control Grid Diaphragm Before and After Modification Figure 6. Main Technical Characteristics of Steam Turbines Produced by LMZ Figure 2. Steam Turbine of 350 MW on Supercriticl Conditions for Novocherkasskaya TPP in Russia Figure 13. 3-D Stage Calculation Results Figure 11. Range of LPC Last Stage Moving Blade Figure 4. °C Turbine I R-50-130(90) K-55-90 T-60-112 ? ? -65-90/13 PT-65-130/13 ? T-80-130/13 ? -110-90 II T-180/210-130-l ? -180/215-130-2 ? -180/215-130*) ? -190/220-170*) ? -200-130-7 ? -210-130-8 ? -200-130-9 ? -215-130-1(2) ? -225-130 ? -200-181 ? -300-170 ? -330-170*) ? 450 130 III ? 300-240-2T ? -300-240-3 ? -500-160 ? -500-240-4 ? -800-240-5 IY ? -1000-60/3000**) ? -1065-60/3000**) Y ? -35-6***) ? -150-7.) Temperat.7 - 540 540 540 540 540 535 540 540 540 535 540 540 54 540 540 535 540 540 250 250 - Discharge.3 37.5 0.4-2. Designed for 3000 rpm. 2.) Temperat.6-2.1 37.6-2.6 6. Figure 1.5 0.with controlled industrial and power-ane-heat extraction.5 0.0 7.995 x-0.995 x-0. 4 .5 0.7 ? -150-7.0 0.3-1.7 Nominal (maximal) electric power value.6 22.3-1. T .5-1.3 38.are being designed at present.) kg(f)/cm² Upper 0.for Nuclear PS.5 Industrial Intermediate superheat Pressure kg(f)/cm² (abs. ? .5 0. t/h 470 217 270 398 396 470 420 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 655 960 1050 1150 1000 975 1715 1650 2650 6320 6380 230/46 480+110 480+110 130 90 112 90 130 130 90 130 130 130 170 130 130 130 130 130 181 170 170 130 240 240 166 240 240 60 60 6 75 78 555 535 530 535 555 555 535 540 540 540 540 540 535 540 540 540 535 540 540 540 540 540 530 540 540 x-0.0 36.6-2.1 43.0 0.0 6. R .4 25.5 24.0 0.with back-pressure.5-1. 6.995 510 510 _ 25. In bracket . *) .9 0.5 24. ***) .6 24.2 27.0 39.6 40. °C Next Extraction conditions Cooling water The number of regenerative bleed-off 3 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 8 8 7 8 8 8 6 1 3 Temperature of feeding water °C 238 226 227 237 237 250 227 250 250 250 263 248 247 249 245 249 253 256 259 65 276 278 245 276 274 224 225 65 65 power and heat Pressure (abs.6-2. MW 52.kondensation.with controlled power-and-heat extraction.3 34.5 0.6-2.Options Previous Steam conditions Unsaturated steam Pressure kg(f)/cm² (abs. PI . 5.5 0.1 5. Temperature m3/h at condencer inlet °C 8000 7000 8000 8000 8000 16000 22000 22000 22000 22000 VCU 27500 VCU 25000 27500 25000 26000 38000 45000 36000 36000 68500 51480 73000 170000 140000 12500 27500 27500 10 5 20 20 20 10 27 20 27 27 30 12 5 22 25 12 25 12 24 12 12 20 20 15 15 15 Heat load Gcal/h 105 68(85) 60(84) 68(100) 260 260 275 265 100 570 912 170 340 Pressure Ammount of hg(f)/?m² extracted (abs.7(60) 55(57) 55(75) 64(75) 65(75) 80(100) 110(115) 180(210) 180(215) 185(215) 190(220) 200(200) 210(210) 200 (200) 215(220) 225(225) 200(220) 310(310) 330(330) 450 310(310) 300(314) 500(525) 500(535) 800(850) 1103 1078 35 170 160 Maximal steam disposal on turbine.for Geothermal PS. 3.4 26.0 Lower 0.7-2.5 0.5 0.1 23.5-1.5-1.3 1.) steam t/h 7-21 320(415) 10-16 10-16 10-16 155(250) 140(250) 185(300) - NOTES : 1.maximum values.0 0.0 5.7-2.7 24. **). Main Technical Characteristics of Steam Turbines Produced by LMZ . New Design Arrangement of 350-850 MW Steam Turbines Based on LPC with 1200 mm Titanium Moving Blade .Options Previous Next Figure 2. Range of LPC Last Stage Moving Blade .Options Previous Next Figure 3. Different Types of Shrouds .Options Previous Next Figure 4. Options Previous Next Figure 5. LPC Control Grid Diaphragm Before and After Modification . LPC Last Stage with Interchannel Moisture Separation and Film Moisture Removal .Options Previous Next Figure 6. Fuel consumption for TPS in Russia (%) . TPP equipment in Russia classified in accordance with the operating period (%) Figure 8.Options Previous Next 30-50 years 5-20 years 30% 35% 20-30 years 35% Figure 7. Options Previous Next 120 115.5 100 85 80 71 60 48 40 2005 2010 2015 2020 Figure 9. Exhaustion of park service life for TPS rated (GW) . Options Previous Next Figure 10. 3-D Stage Calculation Results . t/H Rated output. bar(abs) temperature. Steam Turbine of 80 MW for CCP “Banhida” in Hungary .6 Figure 11.9 507 222 78.Options Previous Next Live steam: pressure. MW 6. ºC flow. MW 290 580 949.4 32000 12.033 350 Figure 12. bar(abs) temperature. ºC flow. bar Rated output. t/H At exhaust of HPC: pressure.3 49. t/h Feedwater temperature.5 297.8 748. bar temperature. m³/h inlet cooling water temperature.85 312.0 0.Options Previous Next Live steam: pressure. Steam Turbine of 350 MW on Supercritical Conditions for Novocherkasskaya TPP in Russia . ºC design pressure. ºC Condenser parameters: cooling water flow. ºC steam flow. Applied Materials for Turbine Components for Supercritical Conditions .Options Previous Next Long-term strength. ? 1 2 3 4 5 Material ? 2? ? (25? 1? 1? ? ) ? 11? ? ? ? ? 15? 1? 1? (? ) 1? 11? ? ? (? ) ? ? -756(1? 12? 2? ? ) Application HP and IP rotors HP and IP rotors Casings Casings Pipelines T=575ºC 100 100 100 >80 60 70 120 T=600ºC Creep limits and long-term stregth for Steel 15? 11? ? ? (? ) (s 0.2=470 MPa) T.s s 1% MPa MPa s 0. s 100000 Ref.5% MPa 103 225 160 210 104 180 160 105 140 76 105 2105 115 62 84 Figure 13. ºC 565 580 600 s1/100000 70 55 s1000 160 210 120 s10000 140 150 90 s100000 120 100 70 Creep limits and long-term stregth for Steel R2MA at 550ºC t hour s l. Options Previous Next Figure 14. Steam Turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 for NPP “Kudankulam” . 06 892.1 5. Turbine K-1000-60/3000-2 parameters . MW Rated live steam flow. ºC Rated degree of live steam moisture.Options Previous Next Reactor rated thermal output. ºC Absolute steam pressure within the condenser.3 Figure 15. MPa Steam temperature after reheater at LPC inlet. kPa Steam maximum flow into condenser.3 0.5 0. kg/s Generator rated output (gross) at.5 10700. % Absolute steam pressure after steam reheater.750 0. ºC Feed water temperature. kJ/kWh 3000 1661.8 8.698 250 223. MPa Degree of moisture after separation. kg/s Rated absolute live steam pressure.88 274.2 997. MW Heat rate (gross) at guarantee terms.5 0. % Absolute steam pressure at HPC outlet. MPa Rated live steam temperature. Options Previous Next Figure 16. Steam Turbine K-1000-60/3000 of Standard Model . 8 06? 12? 3? -? ≤ 0.2 ÷11.015 ÷3.0   ≤ ≤ ≤ 0.2 0.025 0.4  housing ÷13.65 ÷ 0.2 ≤ ≤ 0.47 0.015 0.12 ≤ 0.2 7 Stationary blades 06? 12? 3? Where: s 0.2 8 5 3.3 ≤ ≤ ≤ 0.1.3 ÷1.7 ≤ ≤  0.25 ≥ 780 (≥8)  ≥810  5 LP rotor 26XH3M2? A 0.5 0.7 ≤0.2 2.03 ≥ 72 95 ÷ 120 ≥ 65 ≥ 491 (≥ 3.12 ≤ ÷0. 3 0.58 0. KCU – impact strength for speciments with U-notch at 20 ºC.28 ≤ 1.4 11.3 ÷1.6 ≤ 0.11 10.03 ≤ ≤ 0.025 ÷3.4 ≤ 0.4 ÷1.8 0.7 ÷0.25 0.5 LPC casing St.6    2.3  ≤ 0. Fe 0.3  68 ÷ 80 0.7.0 0. d – elongation.impact strength for speciments with V-notch at 20 ºC.3  0.5 2. percent V    Ti     Nb   S P Ni Mechanical properties Next KCU KCV σ0.75 ÷0.7 ≤ ≤  0.6 ≤ 0.4 11.42   15? 11? ? -? Moving blades 6 (last stage)  ≤ 0.22 ÷0. Chemical Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Main Component Parts of Turbine .8  ÷13.025 ÷3.33 0.3 ÷1.82 0. s B – ultimate strength.15 ÷1. KCV .025 0.6 ≤ 0.7 ≤ ≤  0.17 1.14 0.7 0.5.26 0.7 0.1  ÷0. V 3.9  ÷13.2  0.025 0.06 ≤ 0.3 ≤ ≤ ≤  0. Al5.48 0.5 ÷0.6 ≤0. HB – Brinell hardness.035  58 ÷ 72 ≥ 82 55 ÷ 80 ≥ 83 ≥ 392   20? 13-? BT-6 12.17 ÷0.06 ≤ 0.2 σB δ ψ kJ/m2 kJ/m2 HB 2 2 Cu W kgf/mm kgf/mm % % (kg⋅m/?m2) (kg⋅m/?m2) 50 ÷70 50 ÷70 ≥ 21 60 ÷ 72 60 ÷ 77 ≥ 70 ≥ 70 38 ÷ 49 ≥ 75 ≥ 72 ≥ ≥ 14 30 ≥ ≥ 14 30 ≥  23 ≥ ≥ 14 40 ≥ ≥ 15 40 ≥ ≥ 13 40 ≥ ≥ 14 45 ≥ ≥ 10 25 ≥ ≥ 14 35      ≥ 590 ≥ 590  187 ÷255 187 ÷255  Outside 1 HP housing 2 3 06? 12? 3? -? ≤ 0.31 ÷0.05   4 HP rotor 30? ? 3? 1? ? 0.72 ÷0.4 0.Options Ref ? Object Previous Chemical analysis Material C Mn Si Cr Mo Elements. ? – reduction of area.015 ÷3.62 0. ? 0.73 ÷0.04 Inside HP 11.8 3.025 ÷3.5-4.3 ≤ 0.6  0.5)    ≥ 590   207 ÷293 Titanium.23 ÷ ÷ 0.6 ≤ 0. Figure 17.3  ÷0.0 ≤ 0.26 ÷14.2 – yield point.025 0.25 0.015 0.24 0.06 ≤ 0.7 0.6  ÷0.5-6.15 ≤ 0. Options Previous Next Figure 18. Longitudinal Section of modernized HPC K-300-240 . Options Previous Next Figure 19. New Design of End and Shroud Sealings . 5 0.7 1.35 <-0.32 <-0.50 <0.03 <-0. percent) Mo V Ti Nb S 0.9 0.03 0.20 0.5 <-0.42 0.025 <-0.03 0.6 Si <-0.5 15-17 1011.3-0.0<-0.20 0.51.6 <-0.21.70 <-0.6-1.3 <-0.0.1 0.91.Options Previous Ref.0 <-1.025 <-0.20 As - Figure 20.110.6-0.025 Ni 0.8 Chemical analysis (elements.4 0.025 <-0.23<-0.6 0.82 0.6- <-0.23<-0.0 12.3 <-0.91.6 <-0.3 <-0.58.3 <-0.025 <-0.6 <- 0.9 0.4 0. ? 1 Object Moving blades: HPC governing stage Moving blades: (2-11) HPC stages Stationary blades: (2-11) HPC stages Moving blades: (12-20) HPC stages Stationary blades: (12-20) HPC stages HPC outer casing HPC inner casing Nozzle boxes HP rotor Material 18X? ? ? ? ? (? ? 291) 08X16H13M2? (? ? – 680) 15X11? ? 15X11? ? 20X13? 2X13 15XM1? ? 15XM1? ? 15XM1? ? ?2? ? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C 0.3 <-0.2 0.4 0.42 0.35 <-0.8 <0.4 0.025 P <-0.58.20 0.5 Cr 1011.6 <-0.50. Materials Applied and Chemical Composition for Upgraded HPC .12 0.0.3 2.03 <-0.3 <-0.3 <-0.2 0.514.6 0.6 <-0.3 <-0.025 <-0.0 <-0.210.2 0.250.20 0.03 <-<-0.4 <- <-0.2 <-0.5 10-14 12-14 1.7 1.35 <-0.45 0.4 0.03 <-0.29 Mn 0.4 Cu -0.20 0.5 1011.025 1.6- <-0.50 <-0.20.4 0.26 0.05 0.025 <-0.6 <-0.20 0.220.7 <-0.02 0.
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