LM6000 60 Hz Grey 2008 Rev 2 (especificaciones técnicas)

March 26, 2018 | Author: carlosjam10 | Category: Gas Turbine, Gas Compressor, Mechanical Engineering, Machines, Energy Technology



LM6000-60 HZGas Turbine Generator Set Product Specification GE Energy 1333 West Loop South Houston, TX 77027 Telephone: 713-803-0900 THIS PRODUCT MANUAL IS SUBMITTED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL AND NOT DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OR DUPLCIATED WITHOUT THE PRIOR CONSENT OF GE ENERGY DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE UPDATED FROM TIME TO TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. DATE OF ISSUE-6/2008 Table of Contents Tab Introduction LM6000 Introduction 1 Technical Data Data Sheet Codes and Standards 2 3 Performance Typical Performance Specifications Typical Performance Curves 4 5 Description of Equipment Major Equipment System Descriptions – Major Equipment Optional Equipment Mechanical Outlines Generator, Exciter and Voltage Regulator One-Line Diagram Control System Description Equipment and Services by Buyer Reference Specifications Maintenance, Special Tools and Spare Parts 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LM6000 - 60Hz Classic 6/2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Index I Tab Services Customer Drawings Extended Scope Equipment and Services Training Aftermarket Services 16 17 18 19 LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 2 of 156 reduced customer interfaces and enhanced safety.511 7.3 Simple Design The LM6000 package is offered in a 50 Hz and 60 Hz design. 1.1. quick dispatchability is available in simple-cycle applications with the 10-minute fast start feature.879 KJ/kWh 8923 8. The LM6000 is built with rugged components for base-load utility service. It can also start and stop easily for “peaking” or “dispatched” applications. Package Type (60 Hz) LM6000 PC SPRINT® – Natural Gas and Water Injection LM6000 PC – Natural Gas and Water Injection LM6000 PC – Natural Gas and Steam Injection Conditions: Power at generator terminals NOx = 25 ppm (SAC-Water) 59º F / 15 ºC.000 Btu / Lb. the LM6000 maintains the proven reliable technology with modern design enhancements to improve maintainability and reliability. high-pressure turbine.980 8.2 Engine Heritage The LM6000 gas turbine is derived from the GE commercial CF6-80C2 aircraft engine.854 Btu/kWh 8457 8. This document covers the 60 Hz design.337 43. This engine first entered aircraft service in 1985 and is used extensively in wide-body commercial airliners.85 pf Losses: 0”/0” H2O Inlet/Exhaust Fuel: Spec Gas (19. More than 2000 “80C2” engines are either on order or in use today. combined-cycle.1. The Package features the GE LM6000 gas turbine and a matching electric generator. highpressure compressor. LHr) at 77º / 25ºC VIGV option included kW 50. and low-pressure turbine. With the ability to deliver over 49 MW on a gross electrical basis. It is designed for simple-cycle. The LM6000 is a 2-shaft gas turbine engine equipped with a low-pressure compressor. LM6000 Introduction 1. LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 3 of 156 .312 1.8kV. Additional benefits of the LM60000 Package are the lower overall installed cost.1. 0. combustor. 60% RH 13.882 43.1 Equipment Capabilities GE is pleased to offer the LM6000 Aeroderivative Package. and cogeneration installations. Additionally. shorten installation time. HPT and combustor. modular construction. * 50th percentile of 233 units reporting into ORAP® as of July 2007. 1. either evaporative cooling or coils for mechanical chilling are available. individual replacement of internal and external parts. Leveraging aircraft experience and design.4 Emissions Control The table below shows the emission levels for each configuration at 15% O2 dry. the LM6000 gas turbine generator set leads the industry in reliability greater than 99. The “Hot Section”.= GE Energy will work with the customer to determine the applicability of of these enhancements to their particular case. With more than 700 units installed since 1992.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 4 of 156 .7%* and availability above 98. Various inspections and hot section repairs can be performed on the gas turbine at site within the turbine enclosure.1. Liquid or Dual Fuel Gas Combustor Single Annular (SAC) Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Diluent Water None Power Augmentation None None NOx Level 25 ppm gas/ 42 ppm liquid 15 ppm LM6000 Emissions Abatement Configurations 1. Every package is static tested to check each system of the package. Product Offerings LM6000 SAC.6%*.2. can be removed/replaced in the field within seventy-two hours allowing for greater availability during planned maintenance. LM6000 .1 for static testing summary. The extensive use of high quality components common with its parent aircraft engine validates engine reliability and offers reduced parts cost.1. Greater availability is achieved by the on-condition maintenance program.1. which inspects and repairs only as necessary to desired operational condition.1. To improve high ambient temperature performance. Each gas turbine is factory tested to full speed and full load for performance and mechanical integrity. 60 Hz Fuel Gas.5 Output Enhancements Various options are available to improve the typical OUTPUT-MW profile of the LM6000 gas turbine.6 High Availability and Reliability The LM6000 gas turbine generator set has a proven record of high availability and reliability. and GE’s “lease pool” engine program. Refer to section 1. 60 Hz LM6000 DLE. the aeroderivative design approach incorporates features such as split castings. 2.1.85pf. Fuel natural Gas (19. 60Hz. as shown in Figure 1. Not for guarantee. 13. output and wiring • Solenoid operation • Control valve torque motor.1. 0.7 Simple Cycle Simple cycle aeroderivative gas turbines are typically used to support the grid by providing quick start (10 minutes to full power) and load following capability. Steam and DLE are to 25 PPMVD Nox at 15% 02 Figure 1.1: Part Power Efficiency 1.000 Btu / Lb).60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 5 of 156 . excitation and return signal • Fire system continuity and device actuation LM6000 . % 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% % of Baseload 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Basis of Performance: Amb 59ºF RH of 60% with 0” H20 inlet/exhaust losses at 0 ft.2 Factory and Service Capabilities A full range of services are available for the LM6000: 1. ASL.1. NOx Water. High part-power efficiency. 39% 37% 35% 33% 31% SAC-Dry 29% 27% 25% 50% SAC-Water DLE Efficiency.8 kV.1 Factory Static Testing The standard factory test for the package is a 400-point static test to confirm: • Temperature element output and wiring • Transmitter range. enhances load following and improves system-operating economics. The training material is also available for purchase in CD format for reference. including supervisory services for field assembly of the major equipment components.2. 1. using standard (U. 1.2. commissioning and initial operation..2 Factory String Testing Available as a factory option.e. unit controls and off-base accessories.5 Installation and Start-Up Services Field service consultation for installation and startup is available as an option with the basic unit. Additionally. and general arrangement and flow and instrument diagrams. generator.28 for more details on String Testing. The copies of the Installation and Commissioning (I&C) manuals will also be provided.3 Drawings and Service Manuals Drawings are supplied which allow a buyer to design foundations for the package and offbase auxiliary modules. (do a find and replace where appropriate for “See Section” to Refer to) 1.2. Ohio and an Operator’s Training Course at the GE Energy Jacintoport facility.2.2.) customary engineering units.6 Operation and Maintenance Training The basic scope includes a Gas Turbine Familiarization Course in Cincinnati. LM6000 .S.• • System cleanliness Control system software loading and validation 1.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 6 of 156 . These courses include basic concepts of an aeroderivative gas turbine generator set plus the normal operating guidelines and maintenance practices. exciter. Additional training courses are available (i. guides to troubleshooting. This extended service can be supplemented with the full range of in-house product support services available with various GE divisions and GE Energy in Houston. make station layouts. for controls) at other GE Training Centers. Refer to Section 17 for details. equipment schematics.4 Recommended Spare Parts Supplied with the Operation and Maintenance Manual are lists of the recommended spare parts for the turbine. order long lead buyer-supplied equipment and prepare an installation bid package or plan. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals are provided in CD form in the English language. specialists are available to assist you with your parts planning and ordering activities. Reference section 8. 1. The manuals include basic concepts in operating the power generating equipment.2. 1. the LM6000 is unique to the power generation industry.8 Summary In summary.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 7 of 156 . As the most trusted and reliable gas turbines in the world.2. 1.2. we recommend the LM6000 as a standard 40-50 MW building block for utility and industrial applications.7 Field Verification of Performance GE Energy will assist with field performance testing to demonstrate that the generator electrical output and heat rate achieve guaranteed levels. LM6000 . and shipping dimensions and weights.5 hp 15 hp 3 kW 4 kW 3 kW 4 kW 1 hp 45 kVA 2 hp 3 hp 9 kW Total Qty 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 KW 93 75 0 5. Pump Generator Jacking Oil Pump Gas Turbine Lube Oil Heater Generator L. including: auxiliary power loads.5 2.6 11.75 45 0 2.75 45 1. 2.2 0 222 LM6000 .2 3 8 3 4 0.O.1 LM6000 Auxiliary Power Loads (60 Hz) Normal Operating Load Required for Black Start Total Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 kW 93 75 149 5. optional auxiliary power loads.2 0 397 Standard Electric Loads Turbine Vent Fans Generator Vent Fans Hydraulic Start Pump Generator Aux. Data Sheets This section provides additional data for a typical LM6000 gas turbine generator package (60 Hz).2. Starter L. Heater Generator Space Heater Turbine Air/Oil Separator Lighting & Low Voltage Distribution System Water Wash Supply Pump Hydraulic Starter Oil Heat Exchanger Fan Turbine Water Wash Tank Heaters Total (kW) Qty 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Aux Rating 125 hp 100 hp 200 hp 7. Heater Hyd.O.O. L.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 8 of 156 .6 0 0 0 0 0 0. 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 93.5 18.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 9 of 156 .6 4. Pump . Pumps Auxiliary Skid Heater Fuel Pump Skid Vent Fans Gen.46 3 1.1 7.5 1 74.5 3 5 5 10 10 Required for Black Start Total Qty kW 2 1.6 8.2 7.2 7.Gas Fuel Water Inj.6 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 93.5 3 5 5 10 10 Optional Electrical Loads Auxiliary Skid Vent Fans Liquid Fuel Pump Water Inj.Liquid Fuel Evap Cooler Recirc. Vent Fans .2.TEWAC Control House A/C Sprint Skid Pump Liquid Fuel Pump Skid Heater Turbine Enclosure Heaters Turbine Enclosure Heaters Generator Enclosure Heaters Generator Enclosure Heaters Qty 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 hp 1 100 75 125 5 3 kW 1 25 4.5 1 74.6 1 55.5 18. Pump .2 Optional LM6000 Auxiliary Power Loads Normal Operating Load Total Qty kW 2 1.1 kW 10 3 kW 5 kW 10 kW 5 kW 10 kW LM6000 .2 7.46 3 1. 44 67.2 39.65 1.3 Raincap 1.2 CDP Purge 1.432.12 17.00 99.00 269.3 170.18 60.5 121.7 45.6 Exhaust Flashing 725 328.75 1.2 174.4 470.00 203.7 1.00 114.3 Preliminary Shipping Dimensions and Weights for One (1) LM6000 Gas Turbine Generator Unit WIDTH in cm 171.263.455 660.13 1.74 352.98 37.0 121.000 19.1 101.3 203.00 32.06 220.8 174.2 96.0 185.22 81.1 210.00 170.00 228.6 210.0 Electrical Shiploose 1.03 11.40 125.0 106.9 208.5 80.00 80.3 Shear Lugs 1.36 5.5 Generator Lube Oil Piping 1.8 21.410 639.3 25.00 452.833.3 67.00 24.2 Turbine Lift Fixture 1.00 131.445 655.0 37.420 644.3 Ventilation Silencer 3.00 30.00 172.00 317.2 193.2 VBV Expansion Joint 695 315.9 76.5 125.320 598.00 434.100 1.00 91.4 84.00 43.20 5936.96 43.00 54.0 371.406.18 40.085 945.3 403.2 9.185 537.00 325.00 208.5 Mechanical Shiploose 2.46 137.8 337.000 30.00 1193.3 88.00 81.34 76.3 157.785 1.00 76.1 57.5 168.51 GROSS WEIGHT LENGTH Description lbs kg in cm Turbine Base 120.5 381.070 4.8 Roof Skid Transition 44.1 LM6000 Generator Base 68.9 178.114.6 1314.87 2.8 Lucas Coupling 1.3 436.00 63.3 208.9 3.21 2.00 38.18 109.60 378.8 82.95 13.5 Generator exhaust hood 9.52 197.74 LM6000 .00 82.020 462.8 82.3 2.00 82.8 Raincap 1.00 170.5 Run down tanks 1.105 501.00 149.1 212.4 121.00 40.00 54.94 32.00 48.6 128.00 43.00 434.52 101.12 330.71 171.00 17.00 203.00 317.2.00 53.3 116.00 452.00 442.00 942.00 208.00 431.1 485.95 5.00 264.7 2.00 32.00 91.00 157.4 104.1 0.00 856.0 Ruffneck heaters 1.00 243.1 3600.958.9 HEIGHT in cm 178.050 476.9 6970.28 43.9 81.00 159.0 24.2 32.800 816.00 30.000 79.64 2.00 304.31 126.2 Generator transition throat 1.5 35.8 95.00 81.8 Alignment Tool 530 240.00 538.00 46.3 H-Frame 2.96 VOLUME ft3 m3 6535.844.16 137.00 150.8 203.00 88.16 332.00 130.00 17.18 36.08 101.98 96.00 60.0 Brush Generator 176.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 10 of 156 .9 62.3 90.00 764.2 80.20 82.00 442.5 120.5 53.33 2.00 48.00 48.07 5.000 54.00 87.9 36.00 62.59 93.320 598.6 301. 80 83.6 36.00 44.00 149.4 217.1 185.08 132.4 279.00 91.3 436.00 48.6 36.2.710 1.9 355.930.00 129.00 52.96 378.48 132.0 5.7 172.460 1.2 42.6 400.2 7.84 0.8 59.9 312.4 370.00 102.48 9.8 294.1 232.0 25.00 LM6000 .9 9212.96 304.00 140.0 331.42 35.940 1.00 792.46 378.02 1.61 33.7 48.00 720 326.9 WIDTH in cm 80.2 911.74 39.00 47.72 314.500 1.406.00 203.00 24.00 108.10 182.74 25.4 111.7 172.44 58.7 243.0 1191.2 121.7 48.6 375.00 157.00 18.8 9.3 114.57 140.00 1016.00 149.500 19.0 117.9 61.00 43.00 34.96 187.2 1399.44 906.556.3 426.16 6.00 146.600 19.800 6.33 2.00 56.76 96.4 72.16 1.00 45.27 6.00 102.8 60.00 150.00 168.00 1432.00 74.) GROSS WEIGHT lbs kg 3.00 129.6 13.4 182.7 121.400 11.7 152.53 85.0 91.83 9.0 564.4 68.1 5277.40 12.46 378.731.00 44.00 2.762.00 36.8 259.2 401.00 14.4 119.5 91.16 0.00 23.00 158.8 1.00 203.00 36.3 17.00 43.28 274.00 72.640 1.00 110.3 94.500 19.00 19.28 260.46 111.58 1.1 329.00 36.00 3.3 Preliminary Shipping Dimensions and Weights for One (1) LM6000 Gas Turbine Generator Unit (Cont.5 4960.00 129.6 168.08 91.2 8.0 370.00 1016.2 142.00 24.00 148.0 793.750 130 260 2.076.6 81.651.800 4.00 38.00 44.00 56.1 5277.885 6.00 5.21 Description Ventilation Silencer VBV Duct VBV Silencer VBV Hood Roof Skid Transition Generator Fan Exp Jpint Demister Plenum LH Coil Module RH Coil Module Walkways & Handrails Coil Module Parts Support Structure & Ladder Pre-Filter Doors (16) Pre-Filter Doors (16) Nuts & Bolts Shiploose Paint (1-5 gal) Flex Hoses Auxiliary Module Lineside Cubicle Neutral Cubicle Acid CO2 Cover & Rack CO2 Bottles BUS Relay station 450 204.7 892.8 146.4 129.7 880.00 205.4 48.00 48.67 6.00 72.010 1.5 54.00 64.00 386.00 82.00 172.05 1.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 11 of 156 .8 119.08 208.8 HEIGHT in cm 131.52 VOLUME ft3 m3 485.00 47.3 775.00 24.02 1.42 149.00 73.7 142.100 15.00 52.442.00 1000.44 149.00 115.000 38.8 388.7 327.00 332.4 62.6 152.981.74 259.6 400.0 162.8 453.549.1 555.36 0.42 6.00 172.1 51.948.00 19.4 1.2 381.36 60.0 153.0 153.225 1.1 1.1 111.5 212.9 45.00 96.82 292.1 55.00 33.995.731.400 650 3.00 120.00 68.56 426.2 2.8 217.7 LENGTH in cm 80.88 91.00 37.5 327.9 68.180 3.5 51.620 2.067.32 86.3 2.00 149.8 394.270.6 388.00 124.4 36. 260 3.0 243.00 59.92 1.7 Switchgear Accessories 1.536.00 106.1 Platforms 8.00 36.7 48.00 91.2 72.8 78.00 30.00 72.268.00 401.350.9 99.0 116.00 76.0 567.00 31.0 555.2 36.4 4.3 Preliminary Shipping Dimensions and Weights for One (1) LM6000 Gas Turbine Generator Unit (Cont.68 54.7 27.8 HEIGHT in cm 30.00 182.0 88.42 0.52 LM6000 .6 94.0 77.08 3.66 50.1 116.88 182.53 39.70 182.00 59.00 154.650 2.0 149.00 223.9 Generator spreader bar 1.3 2.00 385.00 238.1 Additional Cable (3 rolls) 3.8 Slings & Shackles 10.3 0.04 4.00 46.2 158.00 152.2 202.37 100.88 294.00 26.0 108.9 Switch Board 750.00 353.00 150.64 294.00 401.0 8.00 340.776.0 116.00 24.00 83.00 68.00 96.1 Nuts & Bolts Shiploose 670 303.3 54.1 24.47 3.0 121.68 VOLUME ft3 m3 154.2 121.61 39.00 12.0 139.325 3.800 816.00 535.04 1.9 Vent(Anti icing system) 15.0 1399.4 36.18 GROSS WEIGHT LENGTH Description lbs kg in cm Lift pins 7.7 144.000 1.00 68.) WIDTH in cm 78.51 36.64 121.5 60.00 43.0 18.48 30.80 43.00 182.9 61.00 131.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 12 of 156 .85 1.8 38.076.00 459.00 513.000 4.4 381.0 50.9 Switch Gear 5.0 381.18 20.7 48.250.6 91.1 109.0 324.00 121.00 289.0 36.5 211.3 Ladders 1.328.48 30.53 1.0 20.92 182.293.1 114.8 72.0 72.9 Relay Panels 900.00 106.6 Air Filter spreader bar 4.3 72.0 29.600 7.0 66.109.00 26.1 33.00 72.0 339.0 17.6 Switch Gear 18360.0 547.6 Main Unit Spreader bar 1.1 181.4 61.0 1399.73 19.00 48.000.20 12.2 158.9 117.88 139.2 440.8 66.00 42.68 9.00 337.6 Fire 700 317.00 42.08 121.00 48.360.0 612.2 72.08 259.00 12.00 102.00 36.81 27.00 182.0 133.2 269.9 1287.8 Switchgear Accessories 290.00 1117.08 0.48 106.0 121.00 408.00 198.57 1.9 91.4 Switchgear Accessories 850.0 48.9 High Pressure Demin Water Filter 460 208.61 15.9 259.400 635.32 2.5 63.00 91.00 861.06 15.4 269.0 2.00 102.2.00 39.3 Vent(Anti icing system) 15.92 149.600 7.5 Switchgear Accessories 1.250 567.00 279.86 106.6 703.00 55.00 102.4 110.5 36.00 195.00 48.00 91.92 73.44 259.8 1.4 Misc Parts for water system 50 22.00 150.076. 8 Switchgear Accessories 1.8 25.0 725.93 11.5 Switchgear Accessories 90.00 15.5 96.00 215.40 38.0 15.00 152.9 412.10 VOLUME ft3 m3 138. .0 60.8 125.3 3.1 HEIGHT in cm 50.00 40.00 95.5 Note: Some equipment listed in this table may not be applicable to specific projects.2.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 13 of 156 .600.3 Preliminary Shipping Dimensions and Weights for One (1) LM6000 Gas Turbine Generator Unit (Cont.67 0.00 317.00 63.3 38.00 127.09 GROSS WEIGHT LENGTH Description lbs kg in cm Switchgear Accessories 475.00 243.0 127. LM6000 .3 3.) WIDTH in cm 50.0 241. Our designs and procedures are generally compliant with applicable sections of the following: ANSI A58.4 ANSI B133.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 14 of 156 .21 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Unified Inch Screw Threads Pipe Threads Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings Non-Metallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges.3 ANSI B133.5 ANSI B133. Codes and Standards 3.2 ANSI B133.3.1 ANSI B1.1 ANSI B1.20.1 ANSI B16. particularly in turbine compartment piping) Pressure Piping and Gas Turbine Piping Systems Comply Basic Gas Turbine Gas Turbine Auxiliary Equipment.8 ANSI/NAFPA 12 ANSI/NFPA 70 ANSI C31.1 Codes and Standards for Gas Turbine Generators GE Energy considers the applicable sections of the following US and ISO Codes and Standards to be the most relevant standards for gas turbine equipment.1 LM6000 .5 ANSI B16.1 ANSI B133. (Spiral-wound gaskets per API 601 may be used. Gas Turbine Controls and Protection Systems Gas Turbine Electrical Equipment Gas Turbine Installation Sound Emissions Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems National Electrical Code Relays Associated with Electric Power Apparatus ANSI B31.9 ANSI B16. 90a/ IEEE-472 ANSI C50.13 ANSI S6. Guide for Installation and Maintenance of Dry Type Transformers Relays IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms Motors and Generators Safety Standard for Construction and Guide for Selection.2 ANSI S1.2 ANSI C37.10 ANSI C50.14 ANSI C57.1/ SAE/J184A AGMA 421 IBC 2000 IEEE Std 421 EIA RS-232 LM6000 .3. Installation and Use of Electric Motor and Generators Method for the Physical Measurement of Sound Specification for Sound Level Meters Method for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System Standard Practice for High Speed Helical and Herringbone Gear Units International Building Code IEEE Standard Criteria and Definitions for Excitation Systems for Synchronous Machines Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment Employing Serial Binary Interchange ANSI IEEE C37.4 ANSI S1.94 ANSI C83.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 15 of 156 .1 Codes and Standards for Gas Turbine Generators (Cont) Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers Guide for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests General Requirements for Synchronous Machines Requirements for Combustion Gas Turbine Driven Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Generators American Standard.16 ANSI/IEEE 100 ANSI/NEMA MG1 ANSI/NEMA MG2 ANSI S1. 1-92 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement. and Laboratory Use. Controlling. EN 61010-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement. Control.1 Surge EN 61010-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement.2 No. and Laboratory Use. and Related Equipment – General Requirements UL 796 Printed Circuit Boards ANSI IPC Guidelines ANSI IPC/EIA Guidelines EN 55081-2 General Emission Standard EN 50082-2 Generic Immunity Industrial Environment EN 55011 Radiated and Conducted Emissions IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transit Susceptibility IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity IEC 61000-4-6 Conducted RF Immunity IEC61000-4-11Voltage Variation. Part 1: General Requirements CAN/CSA 22. Measuring.90. Dips & Interruptions ANSI/IEEE C37. and Laboratory Use. Part 1: General Requirements ANSI/ISA S82. Control.01 1999 Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test. Control.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 16 of 156 .02.Note: ATEX and CE Codes and Standards are applied when required. Part 1: General Requirements EN 50021 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres LM6000 . 1010. 2.3 AWS A2. Please note that in several instances. have been devised for GE’s special needs (such as flow dividers and manifolds: ANSI B46. symbols.10 ANSI Y32.2/CSA 299/IEEE 315 ANSI Y32.15 ANSI Y14.36 ANSI Y32. etc.0-68 Surface Texture Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (On base gas turbine and accessory base equipment) Fluid Power Diagrams Surface Texture Symbols Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams Graphical Symbols for Fluid Power Diagram Graphical Symbols for Process Flow Diagram Graphical Symbols for Pipe Fittings.17 ANSI Y14.11 ANSI Z32.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 17 of 156 .The GE Gas Turbine Drafting Standards are based on the following Standards as appropriate to the gas turbine. Valves & Piping Welding Symbols LM6000 .1 ANSI Y14. 194 kJ/kg.85 Losses: 0/0mm H2O Inlet/Exhaust Fuel: Spec Gas (44.581 8.315 8.631 9.980 7.85 Losses: 0/0mm H²O Inlet/Exhaust Fuel: Spec (42.312 8. 60% RH 11.179 Heat Rate LHV BTU/kW-hr KJ/kW-hr 8. Typical Performance Specifications 4. PF: 0.882 43.106 8.5 kV.879 8.773 Conditions: Power at Generator Terminals NOx = 51 mg / Nm³ (SAC-Water.133 8.1% Sulfur VIGV Included LM6000 . 60% RH 11.885 Conditions: Power at Generator Terminals NOx = 86 mg / Nm³ (SAC-Water) 15ºC.1 LM6000 ISO Performance Data Simple Cycle Gas Turbine 60 Hz Applications (Natural Gas) Engine Fuel Configuration Natural Gas Natural Gas and Water Injection Natural Gas and Steam Injection Natural Gas Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Dry Low Emissions Power kW 43.5 kV. and DLE) 15°C.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 18 of 156 . SAC-Steam.708 8.284 43.854 42.053 40.798 kJ/kg) Liquid with ≤ 0.PF: 0.421 8.511 8.784 43.4.300 Heat Rate LHV BTU/kW-hr KJ/kW-hr 8. LHV) at 25ºC VIGV Included Simple Cycle Gas Turbine 60 Hz Applications (Liquid Fuel) Engine Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Dry Low Emissions Fuel Configuration Liquid Liquid and Water Injection Liquid Power kW 41.253 8. 673 50.769 Conditions: Power at Generator Terminals NOx = 86 mg / Nm³ (SAC-Water) 15ºC.1% Sulfur VIGV Included 4.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 19 of 156 .311 8.3 Guarantee Basis Performance guarantees for power and efficiency are based on the condition and cleanliness of the gas turbine.2 Performance Data and Curves Performance curves are included in Performance Curves Section 5.903 Heat Rate LHV BTU/kW-hr KJ/kW-hr 8. From these curves it is possible to determine performance at ambient temperatures. LHV) at 25 ºC VIGV included Simple Cycle Gas Turbine 60 Hz Applications (Liquid with SPRINT®) Engine Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Fuel Configuration Liquid Liquid and Water Power KW 41.272 8.337 50.5 kV. 60% RH 13.769 43.8 kV.194 kj/kg).798 kj/kg) Liquid with ≤ 0. and conditions differing from those listed in the performance specifications.85 pf Losses: 0/0mm H²O Inlet/Exhaust Fuel: Spec (42.142 8.Simple Cycle Gas Turbine 60 Hz Applications (Natural Gas with SPRINT®) Engine Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Single Annular Combustor Dry Low Emissions Fuel Configuration Natural Gas Natural Gas and Water Injection Natural Gas and Steam Injection Natural Gas Power KW 46. If more than 200 fired hours have elapsed before conducting a LM6000 .85 pf Losses: 0/0mm H²O Inlet/Exhaust Fuel: Spec Gas (44.980 7. 8.500 46. SAC-Steam.748 8.727 Conditions: Power at Generator Terminals NOx = 25PPM (SAC-Water.811 Heat Rate LHV BTU/kW-hr KJ/kW-hr 8. and DLE) 15ºC. altitudes. 0.291 8. 60% RH 11. 4.329 8. 0.895 8.591 8. a GE Energy representative has the right to inspect the unit to ensure condition and cleanliness standards have been met. The guarantees are also based on a site test conducted in accordance with GE Energy’s standard practices and protocols as described in the Test Specifications.performance test. LM6000 . GE Energy reserves the right to have a representative present during the performance test.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 20 of 156 . Performance Curves 5.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 21 of 156 .The performance curves may change slightly upon finalization of the product design and/or generator manufacturer selection.1.1 Turbine Performance Curves 5. LM6000 .1 Turbine Curves –at 60 Hz/ 13.8 kV* • LM6000 performance at various ambient temperatures • LM6000 with SPRINT performance at various ambient temperatures • LM6000 heat rate at various ambient temperatures • LM6000 with SPRINT® heat rate at various ambient temperatures • LM6000 part power heat rate • LM6000 with SPRINT® performance at various altitudes • LM6000 part power heat rate (LHV) • LM6000 with SPRINT part power heat rate (LHV) • LM6000 part power efficiency • LM6000 with SPRINT™ part power efficiency • LM6000 10-minute start cycle Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Figure 5-10 Figure 5-11 * Note .5. Not for guarantee. 55000 Power at Generator Terminal.85pf.5kV. Fuel: Natural Gas (44. 50Hz.5kV.194 kJ/kg). 11. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. O 20 C 30 40 Figure 5.2: LM6000 with SPRINT performance at various ambient temperatures Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.1: LM6000 performance at various ambient temperatures Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 22 of 156 . 0.55000 Power at Generator Terminal. 0. 60Hz. Fuel: Natural Gas (44. 11. kW 50000 45000 40000 35000 SAC DRY 30000 Water DLE 25000 -20 -10 0 10 Temperature. O 20 C 30 40 Figure 5.194 kJ/kg). LM6000 . Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. Not for guarantee.85pf. kW 50000 45000 40000 35000 SAC DRY 30000 Water DLE 25000 -20 -10 0 10 Temperature. Not for guarantee. 9900 9400 Heat Rate. Fuel: Natural Gas (44.10400 9900 Heat Rate. 0. LHV 8900 8400 7900 SAC DRY W ater DLE 7400 -20 -10 0 10 Temperature. 11.194 J/kg). 11. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. Not for guarantee. 0.85pf.5kV. Fuel: Natural Gas (44. LM6000 . kJ/kW-hr. 60Hz. kJ/kW-hr. LHV 9400 8900 8400 7900 7400 -20 -10 0 10 Temperature. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³.3: LM6000 with SPRINT heat rate at various ambient temperatures Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.194 J/kg).85pf. 60Hz.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 23 of 156 .4: LM6000 heat rate at various ambient temperatures Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL. O 20 C 30 40 Figure 5. C O SAC DRY Water DLE 20 30 40 Figure 5.5kV. 194 J/kg).5: LM6000 part power heat reate Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.85pf. M eters above sea level SAC DRY W ater DLE Figure 5. 11. 0. 52000 50000 Power at Generator Terminal. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. Not for guarantee. 0. 60Hz.6: LM6000 60Hz with SPRINT performance at various altitudes Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 24 of 156 .194 J/kg).5kV.5kV. 11. 60Hz.140% 135% Heat Rate. kW 48000 46000 44000 42000 40000 38000 36000 34000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Altitude. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. Not for guarantee. % of Baseload 130% 125% 120% 115% 110% 105% 100% 50 60 70 % of Baseload 80 90 100 SAC DRY SAC W ater DLE Figure 5.85pf. Fuel: Natural Gas (44. Fuel: Natural Gas (44. LM6000 . % of Baseload 130% 125% 120% 115% 110% 105% 100% 50 60 70 % of Baseload 80 90 100 SAC DRY SAC Water DLE Figure 5.194 J/kg). LM6000 . 0.85pf. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. 0. Not for guarantee. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³.5kV. Fuel: Natural Gas (44.140% 135% Heat Rate.7: LM6000 60Hz with SPRINT part power heat rate (LHV) Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL. 11.5kV.194 J/kg). 60Hz. Fuel: Natural Gas (44.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 25 of 156 .8: LM6000 60Hz part power heat rate (LHV) Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.85pf. Not for guarantee. 60Hz. 140% 135% Heat Rate. % of Baseload 130% 125% 120% 115% 110% 105% 100% 50 60 70 % o f B a s e lo a d 80 90 100 SAC DRY S A C W a te r D LE Figure 5. 11. 9: LM6000 60Hz with SPRINT part power heat rate (LHV) Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL.5kV.50% 45% Efficiency. 11. 0.194 J/kg). 60Hz. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. % 40% 35% 30% SAC DRY 25% SAC WATER DLE 20% 50 55 60 65 70 75 % of Baseload 80 85 90 95 100 Figure 5.194 J/kg).10: LM6000 60Hz part power efficiency Basis of Performance: RH of 60% with 0 mm H20 inlet exhaust losses at 0m ASL. 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 50 55 60 65 70 75 % of Baseload 80 85 90 95 100 SAC DRY SAC W ATER DLE LM6000 . % Figure 5. 11.5kV. Fuel: Natural Gas (44.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Efficiency. Page 26 of 156 . Fuel: Natural Gas (44.85pf. Not for guarantee. Not for guarantee. Nox Water and DLE are to 51 mg / Nm³. 0.85pf. 60Hz. 11: LM6000 10-minutes start cycle LM6000 .10-Minute Simple Cycle Start Cycle for LM6000 with SPRINT® Figure 5.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 27 of 156 . 6.1 Fuel Systems • • • Natural gas fuel system Water Injection for NOx Liquid/Dual Fuel 6. simple cycle.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 28 of 156 .3 Inlet Air System LM6000 .1.2 Starting System The hydraulic start system mounted on the auxiliary skid will include: • • • • • 40 gallon / 151 l Reservoir tank (should the dimensions be included in the Greybook or contract) Hydraulic pump assembly LP return filter Case drain filter Heat exchanger 6.1. two (2) spool gas turbine in a fully enclosed turbine compartment: • • • • • • • • • • • Two-shaft configuration with direct drive output at (50 Hz) 3600 rpm… match apps for PC & PD Radial inlet Five stage low pressure compressor (LPC) Fourteen stage high pressure compressor (HPC) with horizontal split casing Combustor Thirty fuel nozzles and dual igniters (DLE is option) Two stage high pressure turbine (HPT) Five stage low pressure turbine (LPT) Borescope ports for diagnostic inspection Accessory drive gearbox for starter. lube & scavenge pumps Flexible dry type main load coupling and guard 6. Major Equipment 6.1 LM6000 PC Gas Turbine Base-mounted.1. 1. Auxiliary components and fuel system components can be equipped with optional enclosures.304 stainless steel reservoir mounted on the auxiliary skid Motor-driven pressurizing pump 6. and platforms 6. acoustics.1.4 Exhaust System • • Axial exhaust collector system Connection flange at the wall of the turbine enclosure Lube Oil Systems The synthetic lube oil system for the turbine will include: • 304 stainless steel tank (150 gallons / 568 l) and piping mounted on turbine skid • Valves with stainless steel trim • Duplex filters (supply) mounted on turbine skid • Duplex filters (scavenge) mounted on auxiliary module • Duplex shell and tube coolers mounted on the auxiliary module • Shaft-driven positive displacement supply • Scavenge pump 6. The following is included: LM6000 .7 Fire Protection System – CO2 • • • Gas detectors. ladders. ventilation and fire system 6. optical flame detectors and thermal detectors Primary and secondary high pressure CO2 cylinders Automatic vent fan shutdown and damper closure 6.• • • High efficiency inlet filter system Silencing system Support structure.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 29 of 156 .8 Compressor Cleaning and Water Washing • • • • On-line water wash system Off-line water wash system 100 gallon / 379 l .6 Turbine Engine Compartment • For weatherproofing.9 Base Scope Auxiliary Equipment Module Base auxiliary equipment module is provided with the unit to integrate several functions.1. right side Lineside termination cubicle (containing lightning arrestors and surge capacitors) left side (very this is standard) Neutral cubicle containing CTs and a HI Z (impedance) grounding system.2. Open – Ventilated.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 30 of 156 .2 6.2.Auxiliary equipment • Synthetic lube oil reservoir. duplex scavenge oil filter and duplex shell/tube oil-to-water heat exchangers • Electro-hydraulic start system • CO2 cylinders • On-line/off-line water wash system (including instrument air filter) Note: In the base configuration the TCP and 24 VDC battery systems are shipped separately to be installed by others.1 • • • • • • • • • • - Generator & Excitation Totally Enclosed.3 Generator Auxiliaries • As viewed when looking at generator non-drive end: Instrument and control termination box (MGTB). right side LM6000 . Brushless Excitation Stator winding with Class F insulation and Class B temperature rises Cylindrical forged steel rotor with Class F insulation and Class B temperature rises Open ventilated air cooling with unit mounted filters Strip heaters (to prevent condensation during periods of shutdown) Resistance temperature detectors (RTD) embedded in the stator windings in the air stream Displacement probes with internal proximeters for vibration monitoring Bearing metal and drain RTDs for temperature monitoring Rotating rectifier excitation system including: Three-phase rotating armature Three-phase rotating rectifier Exciter field GE EX2100 automatic digital voltage regulator located in the turbine control panel (TCP). 6. Provisions for a key phasor (add to options) Permanent magnet generator (PMG) for the excitation system 6. for indoor location: 9 ft – 6 inch W x 2 ft – 6 inch D x 7 ft -6 inch H / 289.3.6 cm H Woodward Micronet Plus Sequencing.4 125 V Battery and Charger (SAC) • • • Battery: 45 cell blocks.3 • Unit Controls Free standing. 24 VDC. protection.3. 3-ph.3.3 24V Fire and Gas Battery and Charger • • • Battery: 19 cells.6. Ni-CAD type Charger: 230 V (service voltage).3. Ni-CAD type Charger: 230 V (service voltage). Ni-CAD type Charger: 230 V (service voltage). 50 amps 112 AH LM6000 .6 cm W x 76. Ni-CAD type Charger: 120 V (service voltage).5 125 V Battery and Charger (DLE) • • • Battery: 45 cell blocks. control.2 24V Control Battery and Redundant Charger Battery: 19 cells. 50 amps 84 AH 6.3. 25 amps 138 AH 6.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 31 of 156 .1 Turbine Control Panel • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6. 125 VDC.2 cm D x 228. 150 amps 323 AH 6. 24 VDC. monitoring Desktop display and keyboard for operator I/O Metering readouts shown digitally on the display Plant ethernet port to user’s DCS Protective relaying and metering Rack-mounted electronic voltage regulator Vibration monitoring system Fire monitoring system Generator controls 6. 125 VDC. 3-ph. and shipping schedules to meet contractual requirements For the site. 6. for each unit GE Energy will: Coordinate engineering.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 32 of 156 .6. as well as the schedule of events. Documentation and Training In addition to the supply of the equipment. manufacturing. for each unit GE Energy will: • • • • Conduct standard factory tests of the equipment and conform to carefully established quality assurance practices Static test the LM6000 gas turbine package before shipment from Houston utilizing contract unit controls Prepare the equipment for domestic shipment Deliver the equipment. Services include: • • • • Provide Buyer’s drawings and six (6) copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals in CD form Provide Installation and Commissioning Manual Provide field technical direction for performance tests per GE standard test procedures. See Section 18 for further details.4 • Drawings. ex-works factory Houston. which will define the manpower loading. Conduct a Gas Turbine Package Familiarization and Operator’s Training Course for customer personnel at the GE Energy Jacintoport facility.5 Testing and Transportation In addition to the supply of the equipment. Texas Note: A recommended installation schedule will be prepared by GE. and classification of the supervisors provided. (BD to verify) LM6000 . LM6000 Turbine Engine LM6000 . with a 99.Major Equipment 7.000. More than eighteen hundred CF6-80C2s are in service and 2.000 flight hours in the Boeing 747 and other wide-body aircraft. and Combustor are virtually identical. The CF6-80C2 has logged more than 30. High Pressure Compressor. The Low Pressure Turbine. high efficiency aircraft engine. GE's high thrust.000 or more are on order or option. GE used this 30 million hour flight experience to create the LM6000.88% dispatch reliability and commercial aviation's lowest shop visit rate. High Pressure Turbine. This use of flight-proven parts.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 33 of 156 .1 Turbine Engine The LM6000 is a 2-shaft gas turbine engine derived from the core of the CF6-80C2. produced in high volume. Both engines have a common design and share most major parts. Mechanical Descriptions .7. contributes to the low initial cost and high operating efficiency of the LM6000. 7.1 Turbine Engine (Cont) Major Engine Components: • • • • • • 5-stage low-pressure compressor (LPC) 14-stage variable geometry high pressure compressor (HPC) Annular combustor 2-stage air-cooled high pressure turbine (HPT) 5-stage low pressure turbine (LPT) Accessory Gear Box The LM6000 has two concentric rotor shafts: The LPC and LPT are assembled on one shaft, forming the Low Pressure Rotor. The HPC and HPT are assembled on the other shaft, forming the High Pressure Rotor. The LM6000 uses the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) to power the output shaft. By eliminating the separate power turbine found in many other gas turbines, the LM6000 design simplifies the engine, improves fuel efficiency and permits direct-coupling to 3600 rpm generators for 60 Hz power generation. The LM6000 gas turbine drives the generator via a flexible dry type coupling connected to the front, or “cold,” end of the LPC shaft. 7.1.1 Turbine Cycle • • • • • • • • • • • Filtered air enters the bellmouth and flows through guide vanes to the LPC LPC compresses air by 2.4:1 ratio Air flows from LPC through the front frame & bypass air collector to HPC Air enters HPC through Inlet Guide Vanes The HPC compresses air by 12:1 ratio 30 Fuel (SAC) nozzles or 75 fuel (DLE) nozzles mix air and fuel Air-Fuel mixture is ignited in Annular Combustor Hot combustion gases expand through HPT driving the HPC Hot combustion gasses expand further through LPT driving the LPC and load Flanged end of the LPC shaft drives the electric generator load. Exhaust gasses exit engine/package at the exhaust flange LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 34 of 156 7.1.2 Inlet and IGV Section The turbine inlet straightens the air stream and directs it into the Low Pressure Compressor (LPC). 7.1.3 Low Pressure Compressor The Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) is a 5-stage axial flow compressor with a 2.4:1 pressure ratio. It is derived from the CF6-50 flight engine. A horizontally split casing provides access to blades and vanes. Borescope ports permit flow path inspection. 7.1.4 Bypass Air Collector The LM6000 matches the airflow between the Low Pressure (LP) and High Pressure Compressor (HPC) with 12 hydraulically actuated variable bypass valves mounted in the turbine front frame. During start-up and part-load operation these valves open partially and vent excess air to the bypass air collector. The bypass air collector also supports the accessory gearbox. 7.1.5 High Pressure Compressor The LM6000 High Pressure Compressor (HPC) is a 14-stage unit. Variable stators in stages 1-5 ensure high efficiency throughout the starting and operating range. The stator geometry of stages 6 through 14 is fixed horizontally. This allows ready access to the stator vanes and rotor blades for inspection or replacement. 7.1.6 Combustion Section Singular Annular Combustor (SAC) Thirty nozzles feed fuel into the LM6000 annular combustor, providing a uniform heat profile to the High Pressure Turbine (HPT). This produces maximum output with low thermal stress. The swirler-cup dome design produces a lean thoroughly mixed, mixture in the primary zone of the combustor. This provides cleaner combustion and reduces NOX. Available nozzle designs allow natural gas, distillate or dual-fuel operation. The nozzles also permit NOX reduction with water injection (natural gas and distillate fuels) and steam injection (natural gas fuel only). The annular combustor design provides low pressure loss, low exit temperature and extended operating life. A Hastelloy X inner liner resists corrosion and extends combustor life. Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Combustor LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 35 of 156 The DLE system controls NOx emissions without the use of water or steam. GE Energy installs special combustors, manifolds, nozzles and metering to control flame temperature and reduce emissions of NOx, CO and unburned hydrocarbons. This DLE system reduces emissions over the entire power range, not just at high power settings. The fuel system hardware supplied with the DLE gas turbine includes a base mounted gas manifold, hoses, staging valves, and a set of thirty fuel premixers. The LM6000 DLE gas turbine utilizes a lean premix combustion system designed for operation on natural gas fuel as well as dual fuel. Gas fuel is introduced into the combustor via 75 air/gas premixers packaged in 30 externally removable and replaceable modules. The premixers produce a very uniformly mixed, lean fuel/air mixture. The triple annular configuration enables the combustor to operate in premix mode across the entire power range, minimizing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions even at low power. The head end or dome of the combustor supports 75 segmented heat shields that form the three annular burning zones in the combustor, known as the outer or A-dome, the pilot or Bdome, and the inner or C-dome. In addition to forming the three annular domes, the heat shields isolate the structural dome plate from the hot combustion gases. The heat shields are an investment-cast superalloy and are impingement and convection cooled. The combustion liners are front mounted with thermal barrier coating (TBC) and no film cooling. Fuel to the gas turbine will be controlled based on control mode, fuel schedules, and the load condition. For normal start sequence (13 minutes), gradual load changes are preferred with at least 5-minute ramp from idle to maximum power. If a fast start (10 minutes) is required, the load may be ramped from idle to full load in 4 minutes as part of the start sequence provided in Operation. Normal load reduction transients should be no faster than 2-3 minutes from maximum power to synchronous idle. 7.1.7 High Pressure Turbine The High Pressure Turbine (HPT) is a 2-stage, air-cooled turbine rotated by the hot gasses exiting the combustor. The HPT powers the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) to supply highpressure air to the combustor. Turbine disks, blades and stator are air-cooled for efficiency. Blades are coated to resist erosion and corrosion. 7.1.8 Low Pressure Turbine The 5-stage Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) receives the outlet flow from the HPT. The LPT drives the Low Pressure Compressor and the driven load (generator, compressor, etc.) through a shaft concentric to the HPT shaft. 7.1.9 Gas Turbine Support Structures LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 36 of 156 the mid-section of the HP rotor system.9.3 Turbine Rear Frame The turbine rear frame supports the rear engine mount and contains the D-E sump. The frame also forms an airflow path between the outlet of the LPC and the inlet of the HPC.10 Accessory Drive System The hydraulic starter. variable geometry hydraulic pump. The gearbox is supported from the LPC bleed air collector.2 Compressor Rear Frame The compressor rear frame consists of an outer case. The accessory gearbox is located below the front HPC casing at the six o'clock position on the LPC bleed air collector and is driven by the transfer gearbox through a short horizontal shaft.9. The hub supports both the thrust bearing.1. The front engine mounts attach to the front frame. The accessory gearbox drive shaft is located in the “A” sump and extends out through the strut located at the six o’clock position. The outer case supports the combustor and 30 fuel nozzles. The 14strut rear frame guides and straightens the exhaust flow for lower pressure drop and greater efficiency. 10 struts and the “B-C” sump housing.1. 7. This configuration produces excellent rotor stability and closely controlled blade tip clearance. 7. 7. Lubrication oil supply and scavenge lines for the “A” sump are routed inside the front frame struts. compressor rear frame and the turbine rear frame. the radial bearing and in turn.1 Front Frame The LM6000 front frame is a major engine structure that provides sup-port for the LPC shaft and the forward end of the HPC shaft. The transfer gearbox is driven by the high-pressure rotor system. the front frame. and other accessories are mounted on and driven by the accessory gearbox.1. Pads are contained on the frame outer case for mounting of the two High Pressure Compressor inlet temperature sensors.1. The front frame contains the engine “A” sump that incorporates the thrust and radial bearings to support the LPC rotor and a radial bearing which supports the forward end of the HPC rotor. lube and scavenge pump.The LM6000 gas turbine uses three frames to support the LP and HP rotors.9. 7.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 37 of 156 . LM6000 . air/oil cooler.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 38 of 156 . supply valves. The auxiliary and fuel systems can be equipped with optional separate enclosures. The following is included as part of the standard auxiliary equipment module: Auxiliary Module • • • Synthetic lube oil system components including: reservoir. including: reservoir.7. in-line water filter.3 • Fire Protection CO2 cylinders Optional sun shield • Optional heated enclosure 7. solenoid valves. LM6000 . generator and equipment compartments from effects of air-borne dirt. low pressure return filter. modular design to minimize field assembly and eliminate field welding. and instrument air filter 7. It also provides a pre-engineered. reservoir. contamination and foreign objects. electric tank heater.2 Auxiliary Equipment Module The base auxiliary equipment module is provided with the unit and integrates several functions. pump. including: electric starting motor. variable displacement hydraulic pump. duplex oil filter and duplex shell/tube oil-to-coolant heat exchangers Electro-hydraulic start system components. and case drain return filter On-line/off-line water wash system.4 Inlet Air System Multi-Stage Design The GE Energy air inlet system is designed to protect the gas turbine. TO ATM AIR DRIFT ELIMINATOR GUARD FILTER COIL SECTION COMPOSITE FILTER CANISTERS COMPOSITE FILTER CANISTERS DRIFT ELIMINATOR GUARD FILTER COIL SECTION TE MT 4082A 4000A I I AIR LH SECTION "A" AIR COMBUSTION AIR VENTIL ATION AIR REL HUMIDITY SENSOR PDI TE 4106 4085 I I TO ATM PDT 4004 TO ATM ~60000 SCFM [1699 SCMM] ~105000 SCFM [2973 SCMM] ~45000 SCFM [1247 SCMM] I I TE TE TE TE 4101A 4101B 4101C4101D TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE 4026 4026 4025 4025 4024 4024 4023 4023 4022 4022 4021 4021 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 ~45000 SCFM [1274 SCMM] I AIR I MOT 4103A A B MOT 4103B ~60000 SCFM [1699 SCMM] ~45000 SCFM [1274 SCMM] I GENER ATOR ROOM INLET VOLUTE STATOR TEMP SENSORS MGTB TE 4031A1 TE 4031A2 AIR MTTB TURBINE ROOM INLET VOLUTE DRAI N HE 4051 I TE 4054A1 TE 4054A2 TE 4091 HE 4050 I VBV DRAIN TE TE MOT MOT MOT MOT 4090 4090 A1 A2 4019 4120 4121 4122 I I I I I TE TE TE 4129 4128 4127 STATOR SPARES TE 4093 TC HE 4053 4053 I I G-255-05 Simplified Schematic – Ventilation and Combustion Air System LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 39 of 156 I TE 4102A1 TE 4102A2 LO I GENER ATOR EXHAUS T TE TE 4030 4030 ATM A1 A2 HI PDT 4014 I PDT PDT 4011A 4011B I I I I I I ALARM: IF ICING CONDITION EXIST PDI TE 4104 4083 I I TO ATM PDT 4005A I COIL OPTIO N TO ATM PDT 4005B TO ATM COIL OPTIO N TE PDI 4084 4105 RH SECTION "B" AIR I TE MT 4082B 4000B I TE PDI 4086 4107 TO ATM REL HUMIDITY SENSOR ATM TURBINE ROOM EXHAUST HI PDT 4007 LO CO2 ACTU ATOR RESE T ~60000 SCFM [1699 SCMM] I MOT 4017A A B MOT 4017B TE 4001A1 TE 4001A2 I I . 487 m3/min.000 scfm / 1.1 Filtration Specification The LM6000 static barrier filter removes more than 99. providing combustion air for the gas turbine and ventilation air for the turbine and generator compartments. The filter is designed for easy maintenance.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 40 of 156 .7. The filtered air is partitioned within the filter house assembly.000 scfm / 1. A ladder and platform provides access to service doors on each filter section.000 scfm / 9.274 m3/min. conserving space and providing compact. Lighted internal walkways provide generous working room for replacement and maintenance of the filter elements. 7. 45.4.699 m3/min.0 micron and larger by utilizing a three-stage design. LM6000 . 355.000 scfm / 6.2 General Arrangement The three-section inlet air filter mounts directly above the turbine enclosure.514 m3/min 60. low-pressure loss ducting to the turbine inlet.9% of all particles 5.4. Engine Combustion Air Turbine Ventilation Air Generator Ventilation Air Total Typical Air Flow 230. leaves and wind-blown trash are blocked by the inlet screen.4 Inlet Screens/Weatherhood The weather hood provides a deflecting surface to prevent driving rain and snow from entering the filter house.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 41 of 156 . Floors and drain pans downstream of the optional evaporative cooler media or optional inlet air chiller coils are stainless steel to resist corrosion. In addition paper. 7. Protective paint is applied to the exterior and interior carbon steel surfaces.AIR FILTER Air Inlet Filter Assembly 7.4.3 Filter House Materials The filter housing is constructed of 3/16 inch / 76 mm (verify units) steel plate. This structural component makes up the exterior face of the filter house and is manufactured from carbon steel.4. LM6000 . 7. Vanes within the volute smooth the airflow and present a balanced air stream to the turbine bellmouth. LM6000 .7 Transition Ducts Combustion air flows through a transition duct from the clean air plenum to the combustion air inlet silencer.5 Barrier Filter The high-efficiency cylindrical barrier filter elements are mounted to the filter face of the inlet plenum and extend into the clean air plenum. The filter elements are designed specifically for gas turbine protection.7. The silencer attenuates noise from the turbine and helps maintain the unit's low noise level. The elements have extended surface area.4. 7.4. and are particularly effective in filtering particles 5 microns or larger. Air flows through the elements from inside to outside keeping dirt safely trapped inside the element.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 42 of 156 .8 Inlet Silencer The inlet silencer is a low-pressure-drop device located in the combustion air stream before the inlet volute.4. large dirt holding capacity and low-pressure drop.4.9 Inlet Volute The inlet volute is stainless steel weldment that directs the combustion air flowing down from the filter and turns it 90° to flow axially into the turbine inlet. This fabricated structure is the center section of the inlet filter assembly and separates ventilation air from combustion air. Ventilation air flows through transition ducts to the turbine and generator compartment.4. 7. 7.6 Clean Air Plenum Air passes through the barrier filters and enters the clean air plenum. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 43 of 156 . sound attenuating material.5m above grade. 7. The unit enclosures are designed for outdoor installation with wind loads up to 150 mph / 240 km/h and to reduce the average near field noise to 85 dB (A) at 3 ft. Both the turbine compartment and generator compartment are fully ventilated by redundant fans to improve reliability. exterior quality epoxy paint. latches and mounting hardware are stainless steel or chrome plated.9 mm / 14-gauge cold rolled carbon steel. LM6000 .5. Each compartment is provided with access doors and AC lighting.2 Enclosure Ventilation System The ventilation system removes heat from the turbine and generator compartments and removes combustible gases in the event of a fuel system failure.1 Enclosure Lighting AC lighting for the interior of the gas turbine and generator compartments is provided.21 mm / 18-gauge stainless steel.5 Package Enclosures The package is equipped with a generator and a turbine enclosures plus an optional auxiliary module enclosure is available. painted with abrasion resistant. The turbine and generator compartment walls are supported by a structural steel framework that can withstand external wind loading and the internal pressure developed by the fire extinguishing system. / 1. Enclosure walls are a “sandwich” construction filled with insulation blankets of high temperature. The outer wall panel is 1. 7. / 1.5. Ventilation air is filtered to the same quality levels as the gas turbine combustion air.0 m from the enclosure and 5 ft. The inner wall panel is fabricated from perforated 1. External door hinges. The turbine compartment contains an integral overhead bridge crane to facilitate engine removal.7. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 44 of 156 .Gas Turbine Generator Package Airflow LM6000 . 699 m3. The full depth. Noise control will depend on the scope of the equipment supplied. or customersupplied silencing or heat recovery equipment. This provides low restrictions and a direct path into optional. 7.6 Baseplate LM6000 generator sets are mounted on rugged I-beam baseplates to simplify shipping and installation.270 m3/min.000 scfm / 1. 7. the site plan.0 m from the enclosure and 5 ft / 1.5.7. and project specific requirements. Lower noise limits can be provided with optional silencing equipment.5 m above grade.2. The baseplate support system is enhanced by the installation of a heavy-duty.4 Turbine Exhaust The LM6000 exhausts air is extracted axially through a flange located at the end of the turbine enclosure. This contributes to classification of the generator compartment as a non-hazardous area. which is sectioned between the gas turbine and the generator. 7.5. The 45. airflow cools the generator and the generator compartment.2.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 45 of 156 . bolted section is designed to provide the full structural properties of the wide flange I-beams.2 Generator Compartment Ventilation Filtered air is forced into the generator compartment by dual 100 hp / 75 kW forced draft fans (1 running / 1 stand-by) through ducts from the inlet air filter.5. / 1.000 scfm / 1. 7. Full depth crossmembers are utilized to provide a rigid design that meets the requirements of IBC 2006 and is therefore suitable for installation in earthquake areas. welded superstructure which utilizes 6 inch x 6 inch x 3/8 inch wall structural tubing for wall columns and roof beams. LM6000 . The basic equipment is supplied with the support structures consisting of a two-piece skid assembly. The ventilation fans produce a positive pressure in the generator compartment. Dual 125 hp / 93 kW exhaust fans (1 running / 1 standby) create an induced-draft airflow of approximately 60.1 Turbine Compartment Ventilation Ventilation air enters the turbine compartment around the inlet collector. providing additional isolation from the turbine compartment for gas leak protection purposes.5.3 Noise Control The LM6000 enclosure and air inlet silencer reduce the average near field noise to 85 dB (A) at 3 ft. The basic gas fuel system is described below. liquid or dual fuel operation.Tapered pins between the baseplates simplify field alignment and lifting spools are built into the baseplates providing a convenient structure for transportation. pressure relief valve and GE supplied manually operated shut-off valve should be installed in the customer fuel supply system outside of main unit.1 Gas Fuel Flow Gas fuel must be supplied to the package baseplate connection at 675 +30/-20 psig / 4. adjacent to the engine.7 Fuel System The LM6000 gas turbine can be configured for gas. LM6000 .053 – 4. 7.1. Other configurations are available as options.7. A customer supplied pressure regulator.7. They are mounted in the turbine compartment.962 kPag. • • • • • • • • Fuel gas strainer Fuel gas flow meter Instrumentation Primary shutoff valve Fuel metering valve Secondary shutoff valve Fuel gas manifold Shipped loose manual shut-off valve 7.1 Gas Fuel System The gas fuel system contains the following major components.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 46 of 156 . 7. Lower fuel supply pressure requirements for base load operation may be possible in certain circumstances. Please see Section 14 for applicable fuel specification. dual element temperature RTD monitors fuel supply temperature and forwards the data to the fuel control and sequencer system.11 GAS FUEL VENT TO SAFE ARE A 24 GAS FUEL VENT TO SAFE ARE A I PT 2027A PT 2027B I EDGE OF MAIN SKID LC FROM CDP PURGE SYSTEM EE I I I I I PT 2028 EDGE OF MAIN SKID FSV 2006 SOV 2008 S FO FCV 2001 M E FSV 2004 LO FC FC FC 10 FE 2000 FT 2000 I I SET: 40 PSI SOV 2006 S IN EXH CYL FO I SET: 40 PSI SOV 2004 S EXH FO GAS MANIFOLD GAS FUEL INLET IN CYL GAS FUE L PURG E AA TE 2032A1 I TE 2032A2 I SECONDA RY FUEL SUPP LY G-249-05 Simplified Schematic – Gas Fuel System 7. During startup.3 Fuel Shutoff Valves and Safety Venting Fuel shutoff valves manage gas flow to the combustor. Solenoid piloted fuel shutoff valves are quick-closure valve assemblies located upstream and downstream of the gas fuel metering valve. These fail-close valves are either fully open to allow fuel flow or fully closed to prevent fuel flow.1. A platinum.2 Pressure and Temperature Monitoring Pressure transmitters monitor the fuel supply pressure up stream and downstream of the fuel metering valve and forward the data to the fuel control and sequencer system. LM6000 . During shutdown.1. a solenoidoperated vent valve opens to vent the fuel supply line between shutoff valves to a safe area. the shutoff valves are opened and fuel flow to the gas manifold is metered by the gas fuel metering valve.7.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 47 of 156 DD 30 FUE L NOZZLE S TOTAL . when the shutoff valves are closed. A gas fuel drain valve opens during certain shutdown conditions to purge the gas manifold and the engine.7. 7. Low fuel gas pressure starting is possible. using the electrical output of the LM6000 to power a fuel gas compressor.Provides filtered. Dual shell and tube coolers with valves for on-line changeover are used to cool both turbine and generator lube oil. The LM6000 can start on a minimum 200 psig / 1. fittings and reservoirs are Type 304 stainless steel and valves have stainless steel trim. The SLO & MLO coolers are mounted on the auxiliary module. 7. Scavenge System . The turbine supply system contains the following major components: • • • SLO reservoir Supply pump Supply filter The scavenge system contains the following major components: LM6000 .1. non-pulsating fuel flow to the turbine during starting.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 48 of 156 . The compressor then builds the fuel gas pressure up for full power output.Recovers (scavenges) the lube oil from the bearing drain sumps.1 Gas Turbine Lube Oil System The gas turbine lube oil system has two lube oil circuits: Supply System .8 Independent Lube Oil Systems The LM6000 gas turbine is lubricated with synthetic lube oil (SLO) while a separate mineral lube oil (MLO) system lubricates the generator.7. 7. steady-state operation and dynamic load changes. Lube oil piping. At this pressure the LM6000 produces enough electrical power to start a fuel gas compressor. It also filters and cools the oil and returns it to the reservoir.380 kPag fuel gas pressure. Contact GE for your specific application.4 Fuel-Metering Valve The electronically controlled fuel valve provides accurate. cool oil to the turbine bearings. These two circuits cool. This “bootstrap” starting simplifies gas utility requirements and eliminates high electrical “demand charges” for starting the gas compressor motors. lubricate and protect the turbine.7.8. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 49 of 156 FUEL SYSTE M I HE 1004 TC 1004 TURBINE LUBE LG OIL RESERVOIR 1000 CAPACITY: 150 GALLONS [568 L ] LO LC 71A 71 PUMP SUCTIO N L1 L6 L3 L2 I L4 L5 L8 L9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D6 SOV 1085 A51B A51A FI 1086 FI FI 1087 1088 FI 1089 NC PCV 1091 GG I AIR/OIL SEPARATOR DRAINS DEMISTER/FLAME ARRESTOR I .• Scavenge filter/5-element scavenge pump • Duplex shell and tube water / oil or fin fan air/oil heat exchanger (optional) • Air/oil separator system LC FI 1005 78A VENT TO ATMOSPHERE LT 1002A LT 1002B I TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE 1023 1023 1029 1029 1025 1025 1026 1026 1027 1027 1030 1030 1028 1028 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A23 A24 A10 FROM WATER WASH PURGE AIR PSV 1003 LL I A9 A25 A28 LSL 1002 I SUPPLY DISCHARGE SCAVENGE DISCHARGE TE 1013A1 I TE 1037 21 TE 1013A2 19 DRAIN NC 6 MAIN SKID SUMP MAIN SKID TURBINE AREA COOLING WATER RETURN LC COOLING WATER 20 SUPPLY COOLER #1 TO ATM PSV 1056 PDT 1006 229 I 228 VENT TO SAFE AREA 57 57A I I 26 I LC COOLER #2 25 TO ATM PSV 1057 NC MANUAL SHUTTLE VALVE PDT 1007 TE 1035 NC MANUAL SHUTTLE VALVE SCAVENGE FILTER G-258-05 TE 1036 A TCV B 1001 HEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMB LY C MOUNTED ON AUXILIA RY SKID SUPP LY FILTER Simplified Schematic – Turbine Lube Oil System LM6000 . The reservoir is fitted with a low-level alarm switch. a filler connection. with readout. alarm and shutdown at the turbine control panel.7. (1 running / 1 standby) and then returns the oil to the reservoir.8. Each bearing sump is vented by the air/oil separator system. The scavenge pump discharge flows through a 6 micron (absolute) duplex filter.2 Turbine Lube Oil Scavenge Description Oil flows through the turbine bearings and accumulates in the bearing sumps. a level gauge. A 5-element scavenge pump is connected to a low point drain in each sump.S. alarm and shutdown at the turbine control panel.100 kJ/hr from the turbine lube oil circuit. Filter elements can be changed while the turbine is running. A differential pressure transmitter senses filter differential pressure and warns the operator of dirty filter conditions. The lube oil supply passes through an anti-siphon check valve and is distributed to the bearing chambers.000 Btu/hr / 633. A shell and tube cooler (1 running / 1 standby) rejects 600. a level transmitter.S.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 50 of 156 . The pump discharge is filtered by a duplex.1 Turbine Lube Oil Supply Description Approximately 130 U.1. then is cooled by a shell and tube cooler. A temperature RTD on each scavenge line measures temperature. LM6000 . A positive displacement lube oil pump. The reservoir also includes a thermostatically controlled heater and a lube oil temperature transmitter. Chip detectors in the A and B sumps and in the common scavenge return provide alarms if metal chips are detected in the lube oil. A thermostatic valve regulates the amount of hot oil that bypasses the cooler. gallon / 568 l capacity stainless steel reservoir mounted on the auxiliary module. takes suction from the lube oil reservoir. consisting of a pre-separator. 7. Whenever the engine is turning the scavenge pump is working to remove oil from the sump drains. full-flow filter located on the auxiliary module. where oil is sprayed onto each engine bearing.1. Recovered oil drains back to the reservoir to reduce emissions and oil consumption. and a final separator. A check valve on the pump discharge prevents siphoning of oil back into the engine during shutdown. 6 micron (absolute). and a demister/flame arrestor.8. Pressure transmitters and temperature RTDs monitor lube oil supply with readout. mounted on the gas turbine accessory drive gearbox. gallons / 492 l of synthetic lube oil are stored in the 150 U. airto-oil cooler. The supply system contains the following major components: • • • • • • MLO reservoir AC pump Generator driven mechanical pump Four-element jacking oil pump Duplex shell and tube heat exchanger Duplex filter Return System . These two circuits cool. filtered oil to the generator bearings.8.7. The generator lube oil reservoir.Recovers the lube oil from the bearing drain sumps and returns it to the reservoir.2 Generator Lube Oil System The generator lubrication system provides approximately 46 gpm / 174 lpm of cooled and filtered mineral oil to the generator bearings. The generator lube oil system has two lube oil circuits: Supply System – Provides cool. lubricate and protect the generator. LM6000 . pumps and duplex filters and coolers are located near the rear of the generator and lube oil filters may be changed while the unit is operating. Valves are carbon steel bodies with stainless steel trim.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 51 of 156 . Filters have stainless steel plates. 1 Generator Lube Oil Supply Description The 60 Hz generator lubrication system provides approximately 174 Lpm/46 gpm of cooled and filtered oil to the generator bearings The generator/gearbox lube oil reservoir. A switch provides a low-level alarm at the unit control panel. fill connection and drain valve.250 Lpm/330 gpm with a 37.3 kW AC motor LM6000 . The stainless steel reservoir includes a sight level gauge. pumps and filters are located on a separate lube oil module. Valves have stainless steel trim. The simplex shell & tube coolers serving the generator lube oil system are also located on the lube oil module. The lube oil filters may be changed while the unit is operating. Filters have stainless steel plates.2. An immersion heater turns on at 32ºC falling temperature keeping the oil heated to prevent condensation when the unit is stopped.Simplified Schematic – Generator Lube Oil System (Supply Flow) 7.8. The 60 Hz lube system has three pumps mounted on the reservoir: o Main Pump – 1.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 52 of 156 . A pressure switch senses high filter differential pressure and provides alarm at 20 psid/138 kPa. with a 37. The duplex generator / gearbox lube oil filters (6 micron absolute) are mounted on the lube oil module. An annunciator alarm indicates that the auxiliary pump is running.3 kW AC motor o Emergency Pump – 550 Lpm/145 gpm with a 12 kW DC motor o The reservoir assembly includes: o Duplex 100% filters o Duplex shell and tube heat exchangers sized to reject 2.o Stand By Pump – 1. The primary and auxiliary lube oil pumps can each supply 100% of the generator lube oil requirements. Filters may be replaced during operation by switching the manual transfer valve.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 53 of 156 . Lube oil pressure at the supply header is controlled by a pressure-regulating valve. or if AC power is lost. The oil flows through the orifice and into the bearings and forms a film that cools and lubricates the journal. the turbine generator set shuts down.8 MJ/hr o Oil-mist heat exchanger and motor-driven oil demister Rundown tanks provide additional protection if the AC lube pumps should fail.1 MJ/hr from the generator lube oil circuit.250 Lpm/330 gpm. A DC pump provides coastdown protection. Each pump is equipped with a pressure relief valve piped to the reservoir. Duplex coolers are provided to reject 198. LM6000 . If the lube oil pressure falls to a lower level. a low lube oil pressure switch automatically starts the auxiliary lube oil pump. Pressure switches at the bearing supply header provide low pressure alarm and shutdown signals to the unit control panel.943. If the supply pressure drops. The amount of hot oil that bypasses the cooler is regulated by a thermostatic valve. which bypasses excessive oil flow to the reservoir. (LUBE OI L SUPP LY) LO TE I I PT 0049 I I I I TE I I I PSV 0097 (JACKING OI L RELIEF LINE ) PSV 0096 (JACKING OI L RELIEF LINE ) PI 0092 PI 0091 LT LT 0041B RUNDOWN TANK PT PT LT LT RUNDOWN TANK RUNDOWN TANK (J.O. RELIEF LINE) PSV 0094 I DRIVE END Simplified Schematic – Generator Lube Oil System (Bearing Lubrication) Generator Lube Oil Return Description Each bearing has a gravity drain and sight glass to visually verify oil flow. A dual element RTD is embedded in each generator bearing to measure the actual metal temperature. These RTDs are continuously monitored at the unit control panel and provide alarm and trip signals at 183°F/91.6°C and 194°F/95ºC, respectively. The gearbox has a turning gear to rotate the shaft. The gearbox bearing RTDs alarm and trip at 225°F/107ºC and 241°F/116ºC respectively. For starting and water wash cycles, we lift the generator rotor off the bearing seats with a film of high-pressure oil from a small “jacking oil” pump. The oil film reduces bearing friction and helps the rotor “break away” and begin turning. LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 I PI 0090 PI 0093 I (J.O. RELIEF LINE) MOT 0085 I PSV 0095 TE I TE I TE JOURNA BEARIN L G THRUS BEARIN T G TE I TE 0022 GENER ATOR EXCITER END TE 0057 I TE TE TE TE FI 0067 FI 0068 G-252-05 I I Page 54 of 156 RUNDOWN TANK I 7.8.3 Customer Cooling Water Requirements Customer provides continuous water to the lube oil cooler flange connections. Approximate cooling water requirements are 190 gpm at 95 °F / 719 lpm at 35 °C. Maximum water pressure is 100 psig / 689 kPag. Total heat rejection for turbine and generator is 787,800 Btu/hr / 831,200 kJ/hr. 7.9 Starting System The LM6000 turbine is started by an electro-hydraulic system, including an electric motor, a pump, a hydraulic starter motor, and other equipment described below. The starter rotates the LM6000 high-pressure compressor shaft for purging, cool down, engine starting and water wash sequences. The hydraulic start system consists of a hydraulic starting motor / clutch mounted on the turbine accessory gearbox, the following equipment mounted on the auxiliary module: • • • • • 200 HP / 150 kW electric starting pump motor Variable displacement hydraulic pump 40 gal. / 151 l hydraulic reservoir Air/oil cooler Low pressure return filter and case drain return filter LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 55 of 156 Simplified Schematic – Hydraulic Start System 7.9.1 Hydraulic Start System Flow The hydraulic circuit is a closed loop design with a 40-gallon / 151 L reservoir. The system requires an initial fill of approximately 35 gallons / 132 l of ISO VG 46 premium, anti-wear petroleum-based hydraulic fluid. During each start cycle a charge-pump portion of the main pump draws fluid from the reservoir to prime the system and supply control oil. Controls modulate the main pump flow from zero to approximately 55 gpm / 208 Lpm during the starting cycle. This permits accurate control of gas generator speed for purging, ignition and acceleration. The starter pump increases the hydraulic fluid pressure and delivers the pressurized fluid to the hydraulic starter motor. A portion of the return fluid from the starter motor is routed back to the starter pump. Before reaching the main hydraulic pump on the auxiliary skid, the oil is filtered through a low-pressure, return filter. Low-pressure hydraulic fluid from the starter motor case is routed off the main skid to the auxiliary skid. On the auxiliary skid, the hydraulic fluid flows through a case drain return filter and a air to oil heat exchanger before returning to the reservoir. 7.9.2 Starting System Operation To start the gas turbine, the hydraulic motor must: • • • Rotate the gas generator to purge the engine Accelerate the gas generator to ignition speed Continue acceleration to self-sustaining speed The starter accelerates the gas generator to 2,300 rpm and cranks for two minutes in typical simple cycle applications. This forces purging air through the gas turbine and exhaust stack to remove hydrocarbons that may have accumulated during the prior shutdown. Air-flow during the purge cycle is approximately 7842 scfm / 12,600 Nm3/h / 10 lbs/sec. After the purge cycle, the gas generator is slowed to 1700 rpm for light off. Fuel is initiated, igniters are actuated, and the turbine starts. Then the starter and the combustion accelerate the gas generator to 4500 rpm where the starter disengages automatically. The gas generator continues to accelerate until it reaches idle speed. The turbine is now selfsustaining. Overall start time varies with stack height; also units with heat recovery steam generators will require a longer purge cycle, typically 15 to 30 minutes. LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 56 of 156 7. The on-line cleaning system is used to remove deposits while the turbine is running. GE Energy LM6000 units include a unit mounted on-line cleaning system to remove deposits from the compressor airfoils.1 Water Wash Equipment Both on-line and off-line spray nozzles are mounted on the Inlet Air Volute on the main baseplate. This system requires the turbine to be off-line for a short time. Simplified Schematic – Water Wash System 7. An integral soak wash system is provided for on/offline cleaning. See Section 14 for compressor cleaning water/detergent specifications. The off-line or “crank-soak” water wash system is for thorough removal of built-up deposits. The remaining water wash equipment below is mounted on the auxiliary module: LM6000 .10 Water Wash System All gas turbines demonstrate lower levels of performance if the airfoils are not in a clean condition.However. the typical LM6000 in simple cycle application can reach full power from a cold start in 10 minutes.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 57 of 156 .10. This system extends the intervals between crank-soak cleanings and reduces downtime. See Section 5 for 10-minute start cycle curve. unsafe temperatures or explosive atmospheres in the equipment enclosure. This maintains separation and forces hydrocarbons away from the generator. The package enclosure is designed to reduce the hazard of fire and explosion.3 Water Quality Standards Please see GE Specification MID-TD-0000-4 for water wash criteria.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 58 of 156 .• 100 gallon / 379 l stainless steel reservoir • Manual water and chemical supply valves • Solenoid valves to sequence water wash and purging • Motor-driven pressurizing pump • Electric heater in tank In-line water filter 7.2 Cleaning Solution Specifications Cleaning agents conforming to GE Specification MID-TD-0000-5 are recommended for washing the gas generator section of the engine. A wall separates the turbine and generator compartments to provide isolation. A water/anti-freeze mixture must be used for dilution and rinsing in ambient temperatures of 50 °F / 10 °C.11 Fire Protection System The LM6000 turbine generator set includes controls and sensors to detect fire. create a positive pressure in the generator compartment and a negative pressure in the turbine compartment. Water is then sprayed in the inlet to rinse the turbine. with redundant fans.10. LM6000 . The system releases CO2 if fire is detected. Interconnecting piping and hoses to the permanently mounted turbine spray manifold is provided. 7. The enclosure is protected by gas detectors. 7. 7.4 Interface Requirements Customer supplies a source of hot water and instrument/compressed air to purge lines at GE Energy flange connections on auxiliary module. or below. The solvents are mixed within the reservoir and sprayed into the turbine inlet.10. Ventilation systems.10. optical flame detectors and a CO2 extinguishing system conforming to NFPA 12. thermal detectors. LM6000 . Two infrared gas detectors are located in the turbine enclosure near the ventilation exhaust duct. a warning is initiated. If an infrared sensor senses a gas concentration of 5% LEL.Fire and Gas Protection System 7.1 Gas Detectors Four hydrocarbon gas detectors and two infrared gas detectors are provided.11. Two hydrocarbon gas detectors are located in the turbine compartment. If the gas detectors in the turbine or generator compartments sense a gas concentration of 15% LEL. If a sensor detects a gas concentration of 10% LEL. If a sensor detects a gas concentration of 25% lower explosion limit.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 59 of 156 . an emergency shutdown is initiated. A fourth detector is located in the front of the generator compartment. One hydrocarbon gas detector is located below the turbine. an emergency shutdown is initiated. a warning is initiated. piping and wiring The pressurized CO2 bottles are stored on a rack that includes manifolds. initiating a shutdown at 225 °F / 107. memory and output functions.11. The reserve cylinders are an “automatic backup. 7. controls. GE Energy provides piping within the main enclosure from the pressure connection to the nozzles in the turbine and generator compartment.5 CO2 Extinguishing System The system components include: • • • Main CO2 storage cylinders Reserve CO2 storage cylinders Valves.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 60 of 156 . In addition to alarm and shutdown functions. The generator enclosure temperature is monitored by two thermal spot detectors. The panel-mounted unit includes logic. initiating a shutdown at 450 °F / 232. Release of the CO2 is controlled by the fire system control panel or by a manual valve at the unit. if the detectors still indicate a hazard.3 Thermal Detectors The turbine enclosure temperature is monitored by two thermal spot detectors.11. They cause a unit shutdown and release of the CO2 when tripped. one on each side near the center of the package.2 °C. valves and a weigh scale.4 Manual System Trip Three manual trip stations are located on the main enclosure.2 Optical Flame Detectors There are three IR/Optical flame detectors mounted in the turbine enclosure and three mounted in the generator enclosure.11.” and are released. and the third at the exciter end of the generator. 90 seconds after release of the main cylinders. Signals from the equipment-mounted sensors are monitored by solid-state modules in the control panel.7.11. 7.2 °C. the thermal spot detectors provide enclosure temperature signals for the turbine control panel HMI. A flame indication by a turbine enclosure sensor causes an emergency shutdown and release of CO2. The spot temperature detectors are bimetallic and respond to both temperature and rate-of-rise.6 Dedicated Power Supply LM6000 .11. 7. 7. 7.11.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 61 of 156 . optical detector.GE Energy furnishes a dedicated 24 VDC battery system with charger. Should the sensor or its wiring become defective.11. After a time delay. If the primary cylinders should fail to discharge within four seconds. This battery system conforms to NFPA 12 requirements. Any alarm signal sounds an alarm at the control panel and in the turbine enclosure. thermal detector.9 CO2 Release Logic When a shutdown signal is received the control system turns off the ventilation fans and sounds an alarm horn at the panel and both inside and outside of the turbine enclosure. If flames are still detected 90 seconds after the primary CO2 cylinders have been discharged. 7. to power the fire and gas protection and control system. Meters provide a read out of each gas detector signal. LM6000 .11.8 Defective Sensor Protection Each sensor is connected with closed loop circuitry to verify its readiness. 7. the reserve cylinders are discharged. Any shutdown signal from a gas detector. a "fault" condition is indicated on the control panel. the reserve cylinders are discharged. A CO2 concentration sufficient to extinguish flames is reached in approximately 30 seconds. CO2 is released into the generator and turbine compartments. or manual station closes a contact and causes an emergency shutdown of the unit.7 Control System A solid-state monitor mounted in the Turbine Control Panel compares the signal from each sensor to alarm and shutdown setpoints. Dual fuel system 8. 80 dB (A)(near field) 25. Inlet air anti-ice coil 14. Full load string test 1. Lifting gear 23.1 Optional Equipment List The equipment and services listed in Section 6 and described in Section 7 are included with the LM6000 Gas Turbine Package basic price. Winterization 19.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 62 of 156 . Left-hand piping connections / right-hand piping connections 5. Pulse filter (legged housing) 16. Unit motor control center 21. Design variations are available as options to the basic package. 2. Synchronous condenser clutch Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled (TEWAC) generator (in lieu of an open ventilated generator) 3. Evaporative cooling 11. Inlet air chiller coil 12. Inlet air anti-ice coil – exhaust heat recovery unit 13. Remote work station 22. Left-hand cubicles / right-hand cubicles 6. Liquid fuel system 7. SPRINT® power boost system 10. Inlet air anti-ice coil – ventilation recirculation (legged housing) 15. Static excitation 17. Remote monitoring and diagnostics services 26. Air-oil cooler 18. Medium voltage switchgear and generator bus duct 20. Control module options (ACM and PCM) 24. Optional Equipment 8. Water injection system 9. LM6000 .8. Power system stabilizer 4. Below is a list of design variations and services available followed by detailed descriptions. These additions allow the unit to operate as follows: • • • • • • • The gas turbine is started and brought up to speed The generator is synchronized to the grid The operator selects Synchronous Condenser operation with a switch on the Turbine Control Panel The gas turbine begins a normal shutdown As the turbine slows down. can operate as a synchronous condenser when an electrical grid needs VARs to improve the Power Factor (PF).2 Totally Enclosed Water-Cooled Generator GE Energy furnishes a Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled (TEWAC) generator for customers who prefer water-cooling. in an enclosure. 8.2. Fuel filter / separator 8.2 Optional Equipment Descriptions 8. If water is to be recycled.1 Synchronous Condenser The LM6000 generator set. and is now operating as a motor. customer must supply a cooling loop to reject approximately 2 million BTU/hr / 2110 MJ/hr. Customer must supply approximately 571 gpm / 2161 lpm of treated water at 85ºF / 29ºC. For this option. as viewed from the exciter. Modifications are also added to the protective relay system and the voltage regulator. at 100 psig / 690 kPa. the unit can be built with the piping LM6000 .2. or cooler.27. the Synchronous Clutch disengages The generator remains running.3 Power System Stabilizer The GE EX2100 digital power system stabilizer integrates supplementary control signals to the generator’s voltage regulator to control power fluctuations and to help improve the stability of the power system.2. The operator can now export or import VARs by raising or lowering the voltage set point on the Voltage Regulator (within limits designed to protect the equipment). As an option.2.4 Left-Hand Piping Connections In the standard LM6000 configuration. 8. GE adds a synchronous clutch. between the gas turbine and generator. powered by the grid.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 63 of 156 . the customer’s piping connections are on the right side. with optional modifications. 8. connections on the left side. filtered and meet required fuel specifications. water injection pump skid and main skid. The turbine removal area is located on the side opposite of the piping connections. 8. 8. 8.6 Liquid Fuel System The LM6000 can be equipped to operate using liquid fuel instead of natural gas. LM6000 . Customer supplied fuel must be clean.5 Left-Hand Cubicles / Right Hand Cubicles In the standard LM6000 configuration the generator line side cubicle is on the right side as viewed from the exciter. As an option the unit can be configured with the line side cubicle on the left side and the neutral cubicle on the right side.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 64 of 156 . an optional cooler is provided to cool the air stream used to purge the fuel nozzles during transfer.8 Water Injection System The water injection system contains the following major components. Maximum fuel temperature is 150ºF / 65ºC.2. including piping. However. 95 °F / 35 °C max. 8.2. DF2. Typical liquid fuels include DF1. The neutral cubicle is on the left side. Customer must supply liquid fuel at 20-50 psig /138-345 kPag and at least 20ºF / 11ºC above the “wax point” temperature (normally 35ºF / 1.2. valves and controls.7 Dual Fuel System Complete fuel systems for two different fuels. demineralized water is injected into the combustor section of the gas turbine through the water injection manifold. if full load fuel transfer is required. • • • • Duplex low pressure filter Water injection pumps (primary and standby) Flow transmitter Flow metering valve To control the amount of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emitted by the gas turbine engine during normal operation. This cooler requires a continuous water flow of 20gpm / 76 lpm at 65psi / 448 kPag. Demineralized water from a customer source is pressurized by the selected water injection pump and plumbed into the main skid. See Section 14.2. They are mounted on the water filter skid.6ºC). Fuels can be: • • Natural gas with liquid fuel Two gaseous fuels • Two liquid fuels Manual or automatic transfer to backup fuel requires a reduction in power. JP4 or kerosene. Downstream of the metering valve. Downstream of the filter.2. 8. de-mineralized water flows through a solenoid shutoff valve which opens when the control system commands the water injection system active and closes when the GTG set is stopped or the water injection system is commanded off.2 Main Skid Water flow enters the main skid piping at an operating pressure of 800-950 psig / 5. Necessary pressure and temperature instrumentation allow remote monitoring of the water injection system on the main skid.1 Water Filter and Water Injection Pump Equipment Demineralized water supplied to the auxiliary skid must meet GE quality requirements MIDTD-0000-3 – See Section 14. demineralized water flow branches to provide water to either water injection pump. The standby pump becomes the primary pump and the operator can enable the water injection system. A flow transmitter sends a 4–20 mA proportional signal to the digital control system providing flow data used to totalize water use and calculate the water-to-fuel ratio.8.8. While the system is not in operation. Necessary pressure and temperature instrumentation allow remote monitoring of the water injection system on the auxiliary skid. Two identical water injection pumps are provided in the system (primary and standby). An electrically actuated water injection flow-metering valve modulates de-mineralized water flow to the engine manifold and to the water return in response to data received and processed by the control system.2. Demineralized water flows through the duplex water injection filter. The gas fuel purge flow from the engine manifold assists in clearing residual water from the system piping. Pressure in the downstream piping blows any residual water out of the system. where water is filtered to 10 microns before being pressurized by the centrifugal water injection pump. All piping is stainless steel.8. the operator. 8. after investigating the cause of the failure to verify the problem is not related to water supply or piping problems.9 SPRINT® Power Boost System SPRINT® Is A Spray Intercooling System That: • • Reduces combustion air temperature Boosts turbine output power LM6000 .517 – 6. and the valves are trimmed with stainless steel.2. can then select the standby pump from the human machine interface (HMI) screen. If there is a pump failure. any water in the manifold piping drains from the system through a manifold drain solenoid valve.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 65 of 156 .550 kPag for gas fuel operation an 1200-1320 psig / 8274-9101 kPag for liquid fuel. 2.2. with low/medium ambient humidity. LM6000 . A water/glycol mixture is circulated through the coil to lower inlet air temperature and improve turbine performance. conductivity probe.• Increases exhaust energy by injecting fine water droplets into the inlet and interstage air stream The SPRINT power performance curves are provided in chapter 5. This option is recommended when high dry bulb temperatures are common. Flow rates will vary based on blowdown. motors and controls for water/glycol circulation of 3. This option includes recirculation pump.11 Inlet Air Chiller Coil To increase the output of the LM6000 during hot weather. 8. 8.10 Evaporative Cooling Evaporative cooling lowers inlet temperature to the gas turbine for added power.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 66 of 156 .300 gpm / 12. Customer must supply filtered. GE Energy installs a chiller coil upstream of the static filter. and 275 psig / 1896 kPag and 150 ºF / 66 ºC nominal. piping and wiring. Customer supplies demineralized water at 30 gpm / 114 lpm. Consult GE Energy for details.493 lpm. This system is designed for recirculation of evaporative cooling water from a sump in the bottom of the inlet air filter. blowdown and make-up valves. potable water to a flanged connection on the filter house and must dispose of waste water from the blowdown valve. The chiller system includes the following: • • High performance cooling coils Can be offered separately or in conjunction with a mechanical chiller module with pumps. At ambient conditions when the anti-ice system is not required. exhaust heat is utilized to provide anti-ice heating of the inlet air and can be used with the included anti-ice coils or with chilling coils provided separately.3º C. The three major components of this system are as follows: Waste Heat Skid The waste heat skid utilizes gas turbine exhaust gas to fluid heat exchanger. Under normal conditions no make-up or discharge is required. dampers at the inlet to the waste heat recovery unit (WHRU) and outlet of the blower are closed. all stainless steel heat exchanger. The pump skid is designed to circulate 300 gpm / 1136 lpm of fluid using duplex (2 x 100%) 7.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 67 of 156 .2. A temperature alarm set at 200° F / 93° C is also provided to start the fluid pump if the purge blower is inoperative or cannot provide sufficient purge air to prevent overheating.8. Please consult GE Energy sales for details. Exhaust gas from the gas turbine stack is extracted and flows through the plate fin and tube. Exhaust gases then flow through a blower which boosts the exhaust gas pressure and returns the exhaust gas back to the stack. A flow control damper is provided at the blower discharge to control the air temperature rise across the inlet air going to the gas turbine. Anti-Ice Heating Coils LM6000 .glycol mixture is heated in the gas-to-fluid heat exchanger with a design duty of 4 mm BTU/hr.5 kW / 10 hp pumps. A water. With this option.12 Inlet Air Anti-Ice Coil – Exhaust Heat Recovery Unit (Primary Option) GE Energy recommends an anti-ice system for safe operating during icing conditions and provides several anti-ice options. A purge blower is activated to inject air to prevent overheating the fluid. The closed system includes a pressurized expansion tank and the entire anti-ice system contains approximately 350 gallons of fluid. Fluid Pump Skid The heated fluid is pumped through an anti-ice coil located upstream of the static filter to heat the inlet air 15º F / 8. A low flow switch is provided to shut down the pump and blower skid if flow disruption is detected and an alarm on the Turbine Control Panel alerts the operator to this condition. If chilling coils are present they will be utilized for both chilling and anti-icing duty.Anti-ice coils are provided and installed in the air filter assembly. Coils are piped to a common manifold with customer connections on each side of the main skid.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 68 of 156 . LM6000 . 8.2.13 Inlet Air Anti-Ice Coil With this option, GE Energy installs an anti-ice coil upstream of the static filter. The customer circulates a heated water-glycol mixture through the coil to heat the inlet air 15 ºF / 8.3 ºC. Check with GE Energy for details. 8.2.14 Inlet Air Anti-Icing - Ventilation Recirculation With this option, GE Energy recirculates warm turbine room ventilation air back to the inlet air filter in order to keep ice from forming on the filter. Check with GE Energy for details. 8.2.15 Pulse Filter (Self Cleaning) GE Energy uses a pre-engineered, self-cleaning filter option for job sites with special needs such as dust, pulp and paper fiber and snow. Self-cleaning filter elements are provided for combustion and ventilation air paths. The filter house mounts above the turbine enclosure and is supported with legs. Downward air-flow provides filtered air for combustion and ventilation. This compact filter design is easily installed in the field, and it eliminates customer supplied ducting. The filter system includes a stainless steel inlet silencer and a ladder and platform for inspection and servicing of the filter. LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 69 of 156 8.2.16 Static Excitation The supplied static excitation system is based on a GE EX2100 Potential Fed Excitation System. This excitation system is GE’s latest state-of-the-art control offering for both new and retrofit steam, gas, or hydro generation. The EX2100 incorporates a powerful diagnostic system and a control simulator to support fast installation, tuning of control constants, and training. Easy to use graphics are used for operating, troubleshooting and maintaining optimum generator performance. The architecture is a single control rack, one power supply rack, control power input module and the power module. The power module consists of a bridge interface sub-system, power bridge, ac and dc filter networks, and ac and/or dc isolation devices. The EX2100 will directly communicate to the Turbine Control Panel through Ethernet connection also has hand control switches on front of GT Turbine Control Panel for control 8.2.17 Air-Oil Cooler The air-oil cooler replaces standard shell and tube coolers for customers who prefer aircooling of lube oil. The air-oil cooler includes dual stainless steel tube bundles (one for synthetic oil; one for mineral oil) and two electric motor-driven fans (one running and one backup). 8.2.18 Winterization For equipment operating outdoors in cold climates, -20 - 40º F / -29 - 4.4º C, GE Energy recommends a winterization option. This option can include any and all of the following modifications: • • • • Inlet air anti-icing Heat tracing and insulation of applicable unit-mounted piping Enclosing and heating exposed instrumentation and equipment, as specified by GE Energy Enclosing the auxiliary equipment module. When enclosing the auxiliary module equipment for ambient temperatures below -20 ºF / -29 ºC, the above modifications plus additional special provisions will be required. Consult GE Energy for details. 8.2.19 Medium Voltage Switchgear and Generator Bus Duct Medium Voltage Switchgear Outdoor NEMA 3R, non-walk in 15 kV, 3000 A three section line up to include 3000 A generator circuit breaker, 1200 A auxiliary circuit breaker, and 1200 A spare cell. Each circuit breaker is rated at 1000 MVA with an optional 1500 MVA rating available. Lineup LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 70 of 156 includes current transformers, draw out potential transformers, protective relaying and metering are also included. Generator Bus Duct Outdoor, totally enclosed, non-ventilated, non-segregated, epoxy insulated bus duct rated at 15 kV, 3000 A, 3 phase with ground. Includes a heating system with thermostat. Standard length is ten feet from generator line side cubicle to medium voltage switchgear. The generator bus duct also includes all necessary supports. 8.2.20 Unit Motor Control Center Free-standing lineup of motor controls for motors in GE Energy equipment. The MCC is suitable for indoor installation in optional modular control room or other non-hazardous area. Customer supplies feeder breaker to energize the MCC and interconnecting wiring to motors on main enclosure. 8.2.21 Remote Work Station GE Energy offers a remote workstation consisting of a desktop Pentium® computer, HMI, keyboard and mouse. This station is linked to the main control and mimics the HMI located in the turbine control panel in monitoring and control features. 8.2.22 Three Options • • • Lifting Gear Option 1: Receive all applicable drawings – customer is free to choose supplier. Option 2: Purchase lifting gear equipment – customer purchases equipment directly from GE Energy. Option 3: Rent lifting gear equipment - Cost is $55,000.00 per set of gear required. If the equipment is returned pre-paid within 45 days of shipment (domestic) and 90 days (foreign) then GE will credit 50% of the original rental cost per set. 8.2.23 Control Module Options Auxiliary Control Module (ACM) The optional ACM comes complete with a basic auxiliary equipment module as described in Section 7 as well as an integral 15 ft / 4.6 m control room. The TCP and battery system are installed (wiring included) in the control room. The motor control center (MCC) is not included with this option. LM6000 - 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 71 of 156 8. The MCC is a freestanding lineup of motor controls for all motors furnished by GE Energy.8. In addition.2. lagging etc. battery system. GE will provide interconnect wiring between the MCC and the motors on the package and auxiliary skid.5 m above grade.24 80 dB (A) (near field) Additional silencing. is added to reduce the average near field noise to 80 dB (A) at 3 ft / 1.2. pre-wired before shipment. and maintenance effectiveness.2. This option also includes providing and installing power cables for the following: -Hydraulic start motor -Water wash motor -Generator and turbine compartment ventilation fan motors -Lighting auxiliary transformer 8.2. operating performance. Start-up and Shutdown modes may exceed these levels. enclosure.0 m from the enclosure and 5 ft / 1. The MCC is provided installed and fully wired within the modular control room in accordance with GE Energy Industrial Motor Control Specifications.6 m control room. and motor control center (MCC). Diagnostic programs seek out emerging trends.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 72 of 156 . Monitoring of key parameters by engine experts may lead to early warning of equipment problems and avoidance of expensive secondary damage.23.2 Power Control Module (PCM) The optional PCM comes complete with a basic auxiliary equipment module as described in section 7 as well as an integral 25 ft / 7. reliability. 8.2 Power Control Module (PCM) (Continued) -Water injection motors (optional) -SPRINT® motor (optional) -Liquid fuel boost pump motors (optional) -Other auxiliary motors -Provide the auxiliary skid base penetrations thru ROX transition frames and will install cables to the respective motor termination boxes. Extent of scope will depend on the scope of equipment. 8.25. The PCM control room houses the following GE provided equipment: TCP.2.23.1 System Overview LM6000 . The ability for GE engineers to view real-time operation accelerates troubleshooting and sometimes removes the need for service personnel to visit the plant. Site Plan and Project Special Requirement. prompting proactive intervention to avoid forced outages and extended downtime.25 Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics Service Monitoring and Diagnostics Service helps aeroderivative turbine plant operators improve availability. 2 The Monitoring and Diagnostics System enables aeroderivative gas turbine operators to access real-time remote monitoring. Product Features • • 8. GE may be able to provide a cellular modem. System Overview (Cont) • 8.2. Certain faults can be diagnosed and corrected without a site visit by GE service representatives and engineers. Accelerated Troubleshooting Support from Factory Experts • • Internet access to the database and on-line monitoring by GE service network enables remote assistance to the customer’s site. LM6000 . and proactive diagnostics. conducts diagnostics on key parameters. or in a periodic downloading session. early problem identification. which retrieves operating data from each plant’s control system and makes it available for transmission to GE’s centralized M&D offices. Mounting space and available power must also be supplied for the onsite M&D System equipment.1 • The central office archives the operating data. which may result in faster detection and corrective action to avoid potential forced outages. Site Requirements • A dedicated phone line or Internet connection must be available to access the Monitoring and Diagnostics System. either on a continuous basis via a private Internet network. Operating data is transmitted from the site over a standard telephone line.2. Key features include: On-Line Monitoring • • On-line.25.25. If cellular data service is adequate at the site. real-time monitoring allows GE specialists to be on-line to support maintenance and operations personnel. On-line monitoring enables quick-response troubleshooting by factory experts.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 73 of 156 . and provides all data necessary for displaying or trending. The plant control system must be configured to send data to a serial or Ethernet port. System Functionality • GE’s Monitoring and Diagnostics System includes on-site hardware and software.GE Energy developed the Monitoring and Diagnostics System (M&D) to complete its comprehensive world-class service and support network. parametric trending. The optional Vibration Monitoring System is designed to detect and filter discrete frequencies and display vibration magnitudes directly related to specific problems. along with CNR that documents the observations and recommended corrective action.3 Performance capabilities provided by GE’s Monitoring and Diagnostics Service include: Early Warning of Changing Conditions • Active monitoring by factory engineers may provide early warning of changing operating conditions. Product Features (Cont) Customer Notification Report • Selected conditions will trigger early warning alerts to M&D Center monitors. Customer Notification Report • Customer Notification Reports (CNR) are issued to document anomalies and submit recommended actions for correction.• Experienced LM monitoring analysts incorporate factory knowledge and enhanced service for diagnostics. The Anomaly Alert and Escalation Process documents automated early warning alerts. Service Benefits 8. • Proactive Recommendations for Action • Diagnostic programs seek out emerging trends and alert monitoring personnel. the center analysts will then escalate the issue to the Customer Satisfaction Manager or directly to the site. LM6000 . and maintenance planning. and instrumentation faults in order to help avoid outages and equipment failure. trend shifts.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 74 of 156 . Access to M&D Data • The M&D Website provides customers secure access to their plant’s data via the Internet. The system can be custom-designed to filter for any type of problem frequency. Vibration Monitoring System • • • The Vibration Monitoring System complements the standard monitoring service by providing early and accurate detection of excessive vibration in the gas turbine.25. this enables proactive intervention against potential outages and extended downtime. thus prompting appropriate on-site action and allowing proactive maintenance scheduling. ensuring a more sensitive vibration signal for evaluating long-term degradation.2. and may be included in Contractual Service Agreements or as independent service. Wireless or landline communications management from site for data transmission. M&D service is offered with the limitation that GE assumes no greater or lesser liability than it has under the terms of any other contracts as a result of the application of the on-site monitoring equipment and M&D System or use of data retrieval software to the monitored units. Also. Some options may require upfront setup charges and/or annual fees. Factory assistance to on-site personnel speeds DLE gas turbine control mapping process. Control system setup for M&D service. and optimal performance. quicker resolutions.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 75 of 156 .2. Pricing 8. GE support organizations are notified. 8. Contact your GE service sales representative for a customized proposal. level of service and features desired as well as your plant operating profile.26 Full Load String Test LM6000 . • Optional Features The following features are available as options to the standard M&D service: • • • Independent vibration monitoring system. LM monitoring provides advanced knowledge. When trips and failed starts are detected.2. 8. which have resulted in an average down-time reduction of three days per gas turbine each year. GE shall not be responsible for failing to monitor the OSM or failing to notify the unit’s owner of abnormalities. and sensory devices. which includes on-site equipment.4 Annual pricing is dependent upon number of run hours per year. purge valves. Standard service is offered on an annual fee basis.• • • Daily trending of key parameters by factory experts may lead to early warning of equipment problems and avoidance of expensive secondary damage.25. Reduced Downtime • The Monitoring and Diagnostics Service may reduce plant downtime and costs by supporting investigations of systems such as the gas fuel system.25.5 Contracts Monitoring and Diagnostics Service is available under annually renewable or multi-year contracts.2. alerting them to the possible need for assistance or outage cause investigations. including flushing. The full load test includes starting the gas turbine and running to full power.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 76 of 156 . LM6000 . and verification of safety alarm and shutdown setpoints is available in place of the standard nonfired test.2.27 Fuel Filter/Separator An optional gas fuel filter/separator removes moisture from the gas fuel and provides filtration to 3 microns absolute.A full load string test of the turbine package and control system. 8. 2 Auxiliary Control Module Option (ACM) Left Side End View Figure 9-6 Figure 9-7 9.3 Power Control Module Option (PCM) Left Side End View Figure 9-8 Figure 9-9 LM6000 .1 Contents 9.1. Mechanical Outlines 9.9.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 77 of 156 .1.1 Turbine Generator Left Side Right Side Exhaust End Generator End Exhaust Flange Detail Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4 Figure 9-5 9.1. 1. VEN T.1 Turbine generator . ACCESS DOOR 2'-8 3/4" X 6'-10" [832 X 2083] 31'-1 1/2" [9487] INLET ACCESS H ATCH 5'-10 3/8" X 3'-8" [1708] X [ 1118 ] 1'-2" [356] GROUNDING LUG "0" D ATUM ALL TAI L DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM GENER ATOR END OF SKID Figure 9.left side LM6000 . AIR INLET GENERATOR AIR/OIL SEPARATOR GENER ATOR VENT AIR EXHAUST VBV DUCT AIR FLOW LINESIDE CUBICLE TOP OF ENCLOSURE 14'-5 3/8" [4405] DAMPER C L TURBINE ENCLOSURE 9'-8 7/8" [2970] C L GENER ATOR / TURBINE 7'-3" [2210] "0" D ATUM AL L ELE VATIO N DIMENSIONS ARE TAKE N FROM BOT TOM OF SKID 49'.11 3/4 " [15235] 55'-0 5/8" [16778] GROUNDING LUG 56'-6" [17221] END OF SKID 34'-9 7/8" [10615] 4'-7 1/8" [1400] 25'-9 3/8" [7857] GENER ATOR ENCL .9.11 7/8 " [15237] 42'-3" [12877] 46'-10 3/4" [14294] VBV DUCT WEATHER HOOD AIR FLOW VBV DUCT SILENCER TURBINE ENCLOSURE EXHAUST FAN TURBINE COMBUSTION & VENTIL ATIO N AIR INLET GEN. ACCESS DOOR 2'-8 3/4" X 6'-10" [832 X 2083] 13'-0 5/8" [3980] 8'-6 5/8" [2608] 38'-7 1/8" [11764 ] TURBINE ENCL.1 Turbine Generator 49'.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 78 of 156 . 1 Turbine Generator (Cont) VBV DUCT WE AIR FLOW ATHER HOO D VBV DUCT 2'-1" [635] SE RVIC E CLEARANCE AIR FLOW FILTER REMO VAL HEIGHT 8'-0" [2438] GENER ATOR AIR/OIL SE PAR ATOR AIR FLOW TOP OF ENCLOSURE GENER ATOR VENT AIR EXHAUST GEN. VEN T. ACCESS DOOR 2'-8 3/4" X 6’-10” [832 X 220831] 27'-7 3/8" [8415] SPLIT LINE 31'-1 1/2" [9488] INLET ASS H ATCH ACCESS DOOR 5'-10 3/8" X 3’-8” [17881 X 1118 ] 45'-8 5/8" [13934] 55'-0 5/8" [16778] GROUNDING LUG 56'.right side LM6000 .1.6" [17221] END OF SKID 36'-1 7/8" [11019 ] TURBINE ENCL.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 79 of 156 .0 3/4" X 6’-10” [832 X 2083] Figure 9. ACCESS DOOR 2'. AIR INLET DAMPER TURBINE COMBUSTION & VENTIL ATIO N AIR INLET 25'-2 1/2" [7685] VBV DUCT 14'-5 3/8" [4405] NEUTRAL CUBICLE GENER ATOR ENCLOSURE TURBINE ENCLOSURE C L TURBINE / GENER ATOR 7'-3" [2210] "0" D ATU M AL L TAI L DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM GENER ATOR END OF SKID 8'-6 5/8" [2608] 13'-0 5/8" [3980] 25'-9 3/8" [7857] GENER ATOR ENCL .2: Turbine genertor .9. 3: Turbine generator .9.exhaust end LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 80 of 156 .1.1 Turbine Generator (With PCM Option) (Cont) PCM SWITCHGEAR 13'-0 5/8" [3978] 9'-0" [2743] 3'-5" [1040] 21'-11 7/8" [6703] 13'-6" [4115] 9'-0 7/8" [2766] 8'-7" [2616] UEXHAUST END VIEW Figure 9. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 81 of 156 .9.1 Turbine Generator (With PCM Switchgear Option) (Cont) Figure 9.generator end LM6000 .4: Turbine generator .1. 5: Turbine generator .9.1 Turbine Generator (Cont) Figure 9.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 82 of 156 .exhaust flange detail LM6000 .1. 2 Auxiliary Control Module (ACM) Left Side Figure 9.6: Auxiliary control module .1.9.left side LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 83 of 156 . end view LM6000 .Figure 9.7: Auxiliary control module .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 84 of 156 . 4 Power Control Module Option (PCM) 15'-0 7/8" [4596] 13'-1 1/8" LIQUID [3990] FUEL FAN LIQUID FUEL ENCL.1.left side Figure 9.8: Power control module option .end LM6000 .9: Power control module option .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 85 of 156 .9. 12'-8 5/8" [3875] 12'-11 1/2" [3950] 8'-3 3/4" [2534] 1'-7 1/4" [489] 0" 1'-0" [305] GROUNDING LUG 21'-1 5/8" [6442] 38'-5 1/8" [11712] 41'-7 1/4" [12680] 46'-3" [14096] 48'-6" [14783] 49'-6" [15088] Figure 9. The rotor is supported by two (2) split sleeve bearings lubricated by a pressurized mineral oil system. The weatherproof acoustic enclosure reduces average noise levels to 85 dB(A) at three feet (1. cylindrical rotor machine. Exciter and Voltage Regulator 10.10. The generator has a design life of 30 years. and the generator can absorb all of the turbine's output power without exceeding Class B temperature rises. The generator can also supply the following overload or fault currents without measurable loss of life: • • • 110% of normal current for 2 hours out of every 24 hours 130% of normal current for one minute 300% of normal current into a 3-phase fault for 10 seconds LM6000 .0m) from unit and five feet (1.1 Generator Design The generator is a synchronous.5m) above grade. The generator is conservatively sized. The stator. rotor and exciter have Class F insulation. two-pole.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 86 of 156 . It has open-air cooling and a brushless excitation system with permanent magnet generator. Generator. with capacity to spare. The stator is equipped with substantial mounting pads with boltholes to secure the generator to the I-beam baseplate.4 Insulation System The insulation system is based on a resin-rich mica glass tape that produces a high performance insulation system capable of continuous operation at temperatures up to 311°F / 155°C (Class F).3 Stator Design 10.3. the core is hydraulically pressed at pre-determined stages during the building operation. Other ANSI. IEC and NEMA standards also apply. The core is subjected to a magnetizing test of the windings to check for the soundness of inter-laminar insulation and adequate tightness. LM6000 . The laminations are insulated from each other by a resin-impregnated woven glass braid and are transposed to minimize circulating currents. The primary standards include ANSI C50. To ensure uniformity.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 87 of 156 .1 Stator Frame The stator frame is fabricated from mild steel plate to form a rigid structure. carefully deburred and coated with insulating varnish.2 Stator Core The core is made of segmental laminations of low-loss. 10.3. high permeability. 10.2 Generator Codes And Standards The generator is designed to meet codes and standards applicable to most areas of the world. high silicon content electrical steel.3.14 for 60 Hz. and the finished core is clamped between heavy steel end plates.10. IEE. 10.3. 10.3 Stator Winding The stator is made of pre-insulated half-coils assembled into a two layer diamond array. Eddy current losses are minimized by dividing each conductor into smaller laminations. Finally. and special tapes are added to the inner and outer coil surfaces to prevent corona discharge. In order to withstand the forces resulting from an accidental short circuit. so that the resulting insulated coil sides are dimensionally stable. LM6000 . resilient. Following this. such as hydrocarbons. The laminations are then clamped tightly together.3. the endwinding is securely braced to insulated brackets mounted on the stator frame. the completed stator is "baked" in an oven to fully cure the insulation. low internal loss and meets all current specifications. the main insulation is applied and pressed to size. taped with an initial layer of tape and hot pressed to consolidate the conductor stack. This resin insulation is highly resistant to most common electrical machine contaminants. Spacer blocks are fitted between adjacent coil sides to produce a strong. The amount of the compression is carefully controlled to ensure correct resin flow and produce consistent void-free insulation. and anti-condensation heaters are fitted into the stator frame.6 Coil Winding and Connections The half-coils are placed in the stator slots in two layers and wedged securely in position by synthetic resin bonded wedges prior to connection of the endwinding.5 Coil Manufacture The insulated copper laminations are cut to length. 10. composite structure. alkalis and tropical molds. Each finished half-coil is subjected to dimensional checks to ensure a correct fit in the stator slot. 10.The insulation possesses high dielectric strength. the individual coils and the completed windings are given high-voltage tests. stacked together and the coil ends are formed into shape on a fixture. To ensure electrical performance. Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) are embedded in the windings at selected points. acids.3.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 88 of 156 . The resin system is thermo-setting. Drain oil collects in the bottom of the bearing housing and returns to the generator lube oil reservoir by gravity flow. Following high speed testing. end caps of non-magnetic manganese chromium steel are shrink-fitted to the ends of the rotor body. split on the horizontal centerline for ease of inspection and removal.10. uniform in composition. As assembly proceeds. and insulated coils of highconductivity silver-copper strip are pressed into the slots. white metal lined.4 Cylindrical Rotor The cylindrical rotor is manufactured from an integral forging of vacuum poured nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy steel. Then damper windings and wedges are added. slots are machined in the rotor surface. supports the lower half bearing housing. A detachable solid ribbed steel plate. LM6000 . the rotor is given a series of high voltage tests to prove the integrity of the insulation system. hydrodynamic cylindrical bearings. and has excellent tensile and mechanical properties. Pressurized air from the downstream side of the generator fans is used to seal the lubricating oil in the bearings. 10. split on the bearing horizontal centerline. RTDs in the bearing metal and in the oil drain lines provide bearing temperature sensing. Oil is supplied under pressure to the bearings with flow controlled by an orifice in the supply line.5 Bearings The main bearings are conventional. The resulting forging is thermally stable.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 89 of 156 . The two halves are bolted and dowelled together. Finally. The rotor is then balanced dynamically and tested at 120% of normal speed for two minutes. The generator bearings are end frame mounted on specially stiffened and reinforced stator frames. The voltage regulator is rackmounted in the turbine control panel and maintains generator output voltage within ±0. 10.7Brushless Excitation System The generator is equipped with a low maintenance brushless excitation system consisting of: • • • • • • Three phase rotating armature Three phase rotating rectifier Rotating permanent magnet generator (PMG) Exciter field GE EX2100 automatic digital voltage regulator located in the turbine control panel Provisions for a optional Key Phasor The shaft-mounted PMG powers the voltage regulator and excitation system. The cooling air is supplied to the generator from the inlet air filter.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 90 of 156 . 10.10.6Ventilation Systems Internal Air Circuit The generator is cooled by air forced through ducts in the stator and rotor by two axial fans mounted on the rotor shaft.5% under steady state operating conditions. The voltage regulator utilizes single phase sensing circuitry and includes: • • • • • • • Diode failure alarm Flux limiter Over-excitation limiter Under excitation limiter Auto follower & null balance Auto transfer to manual control Volts per Hz control LM6000 .8Voltage Regulator The generator is furnished with a GE EX2100 microprocessor controlled voltage regulator system. 10.9Generator Accessories 10. 60 Hz.1 Stator Temperature Detectors Six duplex temperature detectors (two per phase) are embedded in the stator windings. The detectors are 100 ohm at 0°C platinum type RTDs. 10. LM6000 . Indication of a ground fault is shown on the unit control panel. 10.4 Ground Fault Monitoring This control system provides continuous electronic monitoring of the generator rotor winding and its connections. Automatic ON/OFF control for the space heater is provided by the unit control panel that controls a contactor in the motor control center.2 Space Heaters Space heaters are located inside the generator to prevent condensation of moisture when the generator is not operating. Monitoring equipment is provided in the unit control panel.9. 480 VAC power. The proximeters and cables are wired to the Main Generator Terminal Box (MGTB) in the generator compartment.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 91 of 156 .9.9.9. The space heaters are suitable for operation on three-phase.The voltage regulator can be adjusted manually or by remote signals to: • • Raise/lower voltage Raise/lower VARs or power factor (manual only) 10.3 Vibration Detectors Two vibration detectors are mounted 90° apart at each radial bearing (Total 4). 1 Contents 9.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 92 of 156 .1.4 60 Hz One Line Diagram Typical Schematic Figure 11-1 LM6000 .11. One Line Diagram 11. 1: LM6000 60 Hz typical one-line schematic LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 93 of 156 .Figure 11. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 94 of 156 . Control System Description 12. and transmitters as well as central electronic control system.12.1 Control System Overview Vibration Monitor Fire & Gas Monitor HMI (Human Machine Interface) Hardwired I/O Generator Controls Generator Protection Distributive I/O System Generator Monitoring Modbus Hardwired LinkNet LAN Sequencer/ Fuel Control Distributive I/O System To DCS Turbine Control Panel Equipment Package The overall control systems for the LM6000 GTG set include all individual turbine-generator system monitoring and operating indicators. LM6000 . controls. an operator can initiate the turbine-generator’s electronic control system to perform automatic startup. In addition to displaying generator output conditions. 12. Critical parameters are constantly monitored and alarms or shutdowns are initiated automatically.1. and system operation. load assumption.5 Generator Controls The GE AVR. EX2100 Brushless Regulator System is designed to control the excitation of a brushless generator. From the TCP. Also. Automatic fuel control and turbine sequencing are controlled by the logic control system software and hardware. ventilation fan on/off signals. LM6000 . and other operator messages. an operator or anyone on site can initiate. 12. as appropriate.e.2 Vibration Monitoring The Bently Nevada 3500 vibration monitoring system monitors the vibration levels at critical points along the turbine generator package.The turbine control panel (TCP) houses a majority of the control system equipment.1. and gas detection sensors inside the turbine enclosure. It includes operator input and function pushbuttons.3 Generator Monitoring The Satec SA296 simplifies the monitoring and management of generator electrical conditions and output.1. temperature.1. 12. The fire and gas detection system interfaces with the turbine control system to provide the necessary engine shutdown.4 Fire and Gas Monitoring The fire and gas detection system is comprised of plug-in modules that link to flame. for out-of-tolerance conditions. fuel management. a manual emergency shutdown at any time.1 Human Machine Interface (HMI) The HMI displays turbine operation data and mimic screens. i.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 95 of 156 . control and alarm relays are programmed to activate alarms for measured output values. 12.1. high or low current and voltage conditions. 12. as necessary. Necessary drainage. control.12.1.6 Generator Protection The Beckwith 3425 integrated generator protection system (IGPS®) for generators is a microprocessor-based digital relay system that provides protection.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 96 of 156 . and monitoring of the generator. including sumps and drain piping LM6000 . Digital Multifunction Switch. Termination Cubicle Switch.1. Synchronizing Lamp.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 97 of 156 . Null Balance Relay. Synchronizing Meter.12.7 Digital Control and Monitoring System Item Control/Indicator Abbreviation 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Horn Lamp. Control Cubicle Blower. Circuit Breaker Control and Status “52G” Switch. Lockout (Generator) Blower. Synchronize Ammeter. PF/VAR Adjust SL2 SL1 DMMF SS NBA 86G BLR1 BLR2 CBCS1 PFAS LM6000 . Termination Cubicle Nameplate HMI Keyboard Laptop Shelf Switch. Generator Current (Metering) Switch Block. Local/Remote Selector Switch. Spare Panel. Spare Switch Block. Test.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 98 of 156 . Speed Adjust Integrated Generator Protection System Hole.7 Item Digital Control and Monitoring System (Cont) Control/Indicator Abbreviation 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Switch. Test. Generator Lockout Relay (86G) Digital Synchronizer Module Filter. Auto/Manual Voltage Human Machine Interface Switch. Test. Bus Current (Protection) Switch Block. Access Switch Block. Test. Test.1. Voltage Regulator “On/Off “(Inside Panel) Switch. Automatic Voltage Regulator Adjust Regulator. Vibration Door.12. Control Cubicle Filter. Excitation Mode Switch. Manual Voltage Adjust Switch. Bus Voltage Switch Block. Voltage/PF/VAR Control Enable/ Switch. Emergency Stop “TCP” Switch. Test. Fire & Gas Protection Monitor. Test. Turbine Start-Stop VCES MVAS ES EMS AVAS AVR HMI ES3 LRS SAS IGPS FPP VIB TSB1 TSB2 TSB3 TSB4 TSB5 TSB6 TSB7 TSB8 DSM FLTR1 FLTR2 TSS LM6000 . Generator Voltage Switch Block. Generator Current (Protection) Switch Block. Test. Spare Switch Block. additional equipment and services. the following: • • • Foundations – Design and construction with all embedments including sole plates. not included in the basic unit scope. if required Ventilation ducting. ducting.13. if required • • • • • • • • • LM6000 . #2 Distillate Oil: Provide storage tanks and piping to the fuel forwarding skid inlets. and for treatment devices (centrifuge and duplex filters. but are not limited to.Equipment and Services by Buyer 13.2 Mechanical • Natural Gas: Provide 50 °F / 28 °C of heating above the dew-point. These include. pulse clean air filters as required Heated fluid for the inlet air heating system if required Fluid for inlet air chilling or evaporative cooling. a gas shutoff valve located remotely from the unit must be provided to shut off the gas supply to the turbine when the unit is not in operation.1 Civil In order to provide a complete operational installation.) Demineralized water for the water injection system at required pressure Water injection pump skid (NOx control only) Compressed instrument air to pressurize off-base water washing tanks. must be provided by the buyer or the installer. if required Heated fluid for anti-icing system. if required Exhaust expansion joint.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 99 of 156 . In addition. and conduit Grounding grid and connections Necessary drainage. and from the forwarding skid outlets to the base auxiliary equipment module connections. including sumps and drain piping 13. GE fuel specifications are included in Section 14. elbow(s) and stack. anchor bolts. fuel forwarding skid.3 Electrical • Air conditioned control room for turbine/generator panels and other “indoor type” control equipment • 480V AC electrical power for gas turbine starting and accessories • Electrical power connections (power cable or duct) from the generator lineside cubicle to the buyer’s electrical systems • Electrical control connections from the on-base terminal points to the turbine control panel. and from the MCCs to their load devices. place on the foundation and install the equipment Construction services including electric power. 13.Control cables between the turbine/generator panels and the MCC. . compressed air.Power cables to and from the 125 VDC battery and charger systems See the Typical One-Line for further definition. temporary heaters. crane(s) and all required standard tools Storage and security for equipment received. lighting. filtration.4 Miscellaneous • • • Transport. if necessary • • • • • • • • • • Exhaust system equipment Heat recovery boiler and by-pass stack Plant fuel gas scrubbers.Distillate fuel forwarding skids • The following cables: .Power cables from the Buyer’s electrical system to the MCCs. to the generator control panel. and to the Buyer’s systems • Motor control centers (MCC) and auxiliary power transformers as necessary for station services such as: .13. 13. and other controlled and off-base devices . test equipment.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 100 of 156 . unload.5 Balance of Plant Equipment. separation or regulation De-aeration and chemical injection equipment Steam turbines and condensers Boiler feed pumps and auto level control assemblies Automatic blowdown controls Non-standard inlet filter house support structures De-superheater equipment Cooling tower and circulating water system LM6000 .Fuel gas compressors . fuel gas compressor. duct. etc. including fuel gas. cables. lube oil. compressed air. heating water.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 101 of 156 .1 • • • Additional Materials and Labor Furnished by Others Civil engineering design of any kind Building and civil works Site facilities LM6000 . fuel oil. steam. batteries and MCC with the PCM option.6 Limits of Scope of Supply Listed below are the limits of GE Energy BaseScope of Supply. demineralized water. cooling water. instrument air. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • All piping. All piping. connecting to these points will be furnished by the Customer (unless modified by specific agreement). wiring.• • Power plant calibration tools Spare parts and consumables 13. hydraulic start oil Inlet air-to-filter Turbine cooling air exhaust and generator cooling air exhaust Turbine exhaust Power and control terminations at package skid edge Wiring from Turbine Control Panel High voltage connections Generator ground connection Bus bar in GE Energy lineside cubicle GE Energy neutral cubicle Terminal box on individual motor Ladders and platforms for inlet air filter maintenance only Battery terminals to baseplates (if supplied loose) Electric motors Ladders and platforms for air filter 24 VDC batteries and chargers* for control system and fire/gas system 125 VDC batteries and chargers* for optional DLE operation and medium voltage switchgear Flanged or threaded connection on GE Energy baseplates Atmosphere (non-standard duct by others) Exhaust flange on main baseplate Terminal box on baseplate * GE Energy will include installation of the TCP and batteries with the ACM option and installation of the TCP. 13.6. treatment and forwarding system Site grounding Lightning protection Power systems study Sensing and metering voltage transformers Machine power transformers. and wiring between equipment modules Plant utilities. and platforms (except those for inlet air filter) Lifting Gear (also an option) Site performance testing (GE Energy provides Power/HR test correction procedure and technical direction during test) 13. stairs. including compressed air supply and off-skid piping Battery containment Lube oil measurement other than that defined in the scope of supply Additional lube oil breather ducting other than that defined in the scope of supply Fuel transfer pump Fuel for gas turbine Off-skid fuel block and vent valves Fuel supply pipework beyond the scope of supply Generator controls other than that defined in the scope of supply Load sharing control Balance-of-plant control Site labor Ladders. tests and normal operation thereafter LM6000 . cables.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Support steelworks and hangers for the gas turbine ducting. greases. conduit. preliminary runs.7 Start-Up/Test Materials and Labor Furnished by Others • • Operating personnel for starting.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 102 of 156 . and associated protection Grid failure detection equipment Off-loading. and grouting Distributed plant control Customer’s remote control (quoted separately) Field supervision High voltage transformer(s). preliminary runs and tests Lubricating fluid. and associated equipment Interconnect piping. at site transportation and storage Training except as described in Section 18 Off-skid cabling. silencing and pipework All inlet. and supplies for starting. exhaust and ventilation ducting other than included in the scope of supply Drains and/or vent piping from the gas turbine package to a remote point Fuel storage. and design of off-skid cable routing Balance of plant and energy optimization controls Anchor bolts. embedments. • • Fuel and load for tests. thus the above may not reflect the contracted scope.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 103 of 156 . LM6000 . In case of conflict. Note: Various types of contracts are available from GE. the agreed upon contract with GE prevails. Such tests to measure quoted guarantees shall be in accordance with General Electric recommended test procedures. All field performance tests. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 104 of 156 . Reference Specifications 14.1Contents Natural Gas Fuel for GE Aircraft Derivative Gas Turbines Liquid Fuel for GE Aircraft Derivative Gas Turbines NOx Suppression Water Purity Specification Compressor Cleaning Water Purity Specification Liquid Detergent for Compressor Cleaning Lubricating Fluid Recommendations for GE Aircraft Derivative Gas Turbine MID-TD-0000-1 MID-TD-0000-2 MID-TD-0000-3 MID-TD-0000-4 MID-TD-0000-5 MID-TD-0000-6 Water Supply Requirement for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers GEK-107158A LM6000 .14. 4 “On Condition” Maintenance Maintenance on many gas turbines is scheduled on a “clock-hour” basis. Special Tools and Spare Parts 15. the owner loses profits while the turbine is down for maintenance. The entire LM6000 package is designed for easy maintenance.1 LM6000 Maintenance Advantages Down time is costly and in addition to labor and material for repairs. members of GE’s engine lease pool can have stock replacement engines dispatched to the job site for either planned repairs or an unscheduled overhaul. This eliminates field reassembly. The engine compartment includes built-in lighting.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 105 of 156 . The turbine arrives tested. The LM6000’s simple package design and easy replacement of turbine modules contributes to this fine result. The result is more “up-time” and less “down-time. exceeding the industry average by almost a full percentage point. Components are accessible and easily adjusted or repaired. 15. walkways and comfortable working space. In most instances. Maintenance. 15. Parts are replaced after a set number of operating hours.2 LM6000 Repairs To speed repairs.5%.” The LM6000 fleet of generator sets operated by GE Energy has an average reliability of 99. and an internal bridge-crane speeds engine removal for major repairs.15. 15. The overhead bridge crane can easily lift and turn the engine for removal through the side doors. The LM6000’s simplified design helps reduce these field costs.3 Engine Compartment Design The GE Energy engine compartment includes a shock isolation mounting system that permits the LM6000 turbine to ship in the package. The owner of an LM6000 package can easily remove the entire turbine engine in the event of serious failure. Enclosures are large and provide ample working space. A replacement engine can be installed and on-line within 48 hours. and the customer's operations can return to normal while the engine is being repaired off-site. the lost profit during down time exceeds the cost of repairs. LM6000 . wired and fully piped. This can lead to unnecessary costs and maintenance. including: • • • • • • Condition monitoring of critical parameters Trend analysis of performance Visual inspection of auxiliary systems and external wiring Borescope inspection Water wash Filter changes and inspections • Lube oil sampling In addition. Routine maintenance tasks are done on-site. in conjunction with borescope inspections. Twenty-one borescope ports permit close inspection of all major internal parts. GE Energy literature and training stress preventative maintenance and operator awareness. can provide an essential history of engine condition-versus-operating time. 15.The LM6000 is designed for “On-Condition” maintenance. We teach the customer's operators to perform preventative measures.5 Preventative Maintenance Inspection This inspection reveals wear and mechanical problems. Every six months the engine is given a thorough borescope inspection. This allows maintenance to be predicted and scheduled for an appropriate time. GE Energy teaches operators to perform routine " condition monitoring.6 Maintenance Levels Downtime for maintenance is reduced by the LM6000's modular design. 15. while major engine repairs are performed at specialized off-site LM6000 . " including: • • • • • • • Gas generator speed Power turbine speed Gas generator exhaust gas temperature Gas generator discharge pressure Vibration Oil pressure Oil temperature Condition monitoring. rather than replacing parts on an arbitrary schedule. Maintenance is scheduled only when inspection shows a specific need.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 106 of 156 . 2 Level 4 Off-site overhaul. Includes replacement of major subassemblies with spare subassemblies. Includes Level 3 capabilities plus complete disassembly of the major subassemblies of the gas turbine and rebuilding subassemblies with replacement parts.8.9 Owner’s Maintenance LM6000 .facilities. A permanent shop and a test cell are required for a Level 4 overhaul facility. 15. Includes all Level 2 capabilities. On-site and off-site maintenance tasks are divided into categories.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 107 of 156 . saving the customer the expense of tooling and equipment.1 Level 1 On-site external maintenance and module replacement includes protective and corrective tasks such as: • • Adjusting or replacing externally accessible components Engine replacement 15.1 Level 3 Off-site internal maintenance. GE Energy has full Level 4 maintenance capabilities for customer’s needs. 15. We feature fullload testing of the repaired engine to ensure maximum field performance. plus complete teardown and rebuilding of engine.8.” described below.7.8 Off-Site Maintenance 15.7 On-Site Maintenance 15.2 Level 2 On-site internal maintenance requiring partial disassembly of the engine and replacement of components includes: • • • • Compressor blade/vane replacement Hot section component replacement HPT blade replacement Gearbox replacement 15. 15.7. or “levels. LM6000 . This fixture and the built-in crane are used during engine removal and replacement. GE Energy can train operators for Level 2 maintenance tasks.10 Special Tools Special tools are required to perform Level 1 and Level 2 maintenance activities. if desired. the Owner prefers to have his operators trained to perform Level 1 maintenance to the gas turbine. However.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 108 of 156 . 15. GE Energy includes a lift fixture for the LM6000 turbine engine in the basic scope of supply. These tools are listed on the following pages and are priced separately for customers intending to perform maintenance themselves.In most cases. and Levels 2-4 maintenance tasks handled by outside contract. Gearbox and Ratchet for Manual Rotation in Borescope Inspection Tool Set-Rigging. Borescope Motoring Fixture: Adapts between Ace. Stator Case for Rotor Blade Maint. and prop open the Compr. VIGV. Mating Seal: Used to remove and reinstall Transfer Gearbox Carbon Seal. Adpt. Spanner-Compressor Stator Vane Spacer: Holds Spacer during Assembly and Disassembly of Compressor Stator Vanes Gage. Mating Ring and O Rings Drive Adapter. and VSV System Requires use of 1C3596G3 Fixture. Set -VSV Clevis Assemblies: Sets and Measures Variable Stator Vane Clevis Assemblies to proper length Fixture.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 109 of 156 .Upper Compressor Case: Necessary to raise.VSV Assembly: Used to Measure Torque required to actuate Half Rings and Vanes Borescope Kit . Spanner . VIGV. Pressure Test/Rigging-VIGV. VBV. VBV Doors: Used to position the Variable Air Bleed By-pass Valve and Linkage Rigging Set – VIGV: To check travel of Actuator Ring in Relation to Outer Vane Case Requires use of 1C3569G3 Adapt. and VSV System Tool Set-Radial Drive Shaft: Necessary to remove and reinstall Radial Drive Shaft Fixture Set-Removal. Torque Measuring . VSV System: Necessary to pressure test VBV. Immersion Depth –Igniter: Checks Igniter Plug immersion depth Wrench.11 LM6000 Level 1 and On-Site Maintenance Tooling for New Equipment (Minimum Recommandations) P/N 1C3569G3 1C6361G01 1C8182G02 Description Hydraulic Actuator Unit: Actuates Hydraulic System for checking VBV. hinge.Airtube Nuts: Necessary to torque Circular Nuts on Air Tubes Gage. Raise & Hinge .Rigid Type: Used for visual inspection of internal components of engine Fiberscope 6mm: Necessary to inspect areas inaccessible to rigid borescope kit Hand Tool Kit (Snap-On): Contains Hand Tools necessary for General Maintenance WP (GEK) WP1112 WP2810 WP2813 1C8208G02 WP4015 1C9353G02 1C9359G02 WP1312 WP1113 1C9393G01 WP1112 1C9400G01 WP2411 1C9428G01 WP2412 2C6352G07 2C6613G01 2C6647G01 MULT WP1516 2C6925G02 WP1411 2C8102G02 RC3501 RC3503 9448M18G01 WP4015 WP4015 LM6000 . Set.15. Torque Breaking CSV Actuating Arm Retaining Nut: Used to break the torque of the Compressor Stator Vane Actuation Arm Retaining Nuts Wrench Set. Holding –VSV: Holds individual Variable Stator Vanes for Removal and Installation Fixture Drive Electronic Turning Tool . Stator Upper Half with Engine in the Horiz.Support LPC Forward: Supports Fwd Flange of LPC Case if VIGV is removed required for 1C9372G05 WP3012 Adapter Assembly .Support IGV Stator Case: WP3012 Provides support for EGV Case Forward Flange required for 1C9372G05 WP3012 Maintenance Dolly-External Engine: Provides frame Assy for use with multiple adapters for Horiz. /Trans Dolly required for 1C9372G05 WP3012 Adapter Set .13 Transportation/Maintenance Dolly Assembly . /Transportation Dolly required for 1C9372G05 1C9373G01 1C9375G01 1C9376G01 1C9377G01 1C9378G02 LM6000 . Eng.15. /Transportation WP3012 Adapter Set . Position Tool Set.Support Air Manifold: Provides support at Air Collector Forward Side required for 1C9372G05 WP3012 Jack Assembly. Torque Measuring .Pedestal Turbine.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 110 of 156 .Borescope Inspection: Used to electronically rotate engine core for borescope inspection Borescope Camera With Coupler: Still camera attaches to borescope WP (GEK) WP2811 WP2412 WP2411 2C6018G01 RC2000-LM FG145 WP2412 WP4015 WP4015 15.Optional P/N 1C9371G01 1C9372G05 Description WP (GEK) Ring Assy . Support required for 1C9372G05 WP3012 Adapter Set Assembly . Rear Frame: Adapter from Mount Side TRF to Horiz.Optional P/N 1C6119G01 1C9408G01 2C 14699G02 Description Guide . Lift-Compressor Stator Vane Spacer: Used to remove and handle Compr. Engine Maint. Engine Maint.Maintenance Dolly: Adapter Assy's for Horizontal Engine Maint.12 LM6000 Tools .Compressor VSV: Required for setting proper torque of VSV Assembly (low boss vanes) Fixture.Expandable Bushing: Necessary top install expandable bushing into Transfer Gearbox Fixture Set. Support Compressor Rear Frame: Supports Aft Flange of HPC Stator Case for Horiz. Races and Seals HPTR Stg 1 Adapter. LPTS Coupling Nut Tool. Aft Fixture. Shim Pusher/Puller HPT (used with 2C 14199G09) Adapter Assembly Drive Rear Pilot.CFF/TGV Bracket Fixture. Combustor & HPT Nozzle Stg 1&2 Fixture. Inst/Remove Combustor LM6000 . Lift. LM600 Engine Changeout Fixture. Lift LP Rotor and Stator Fwd. LP Mid Shaft.14 LM6000 Level II Tools (Optional) P/N 8200 1C6804G04 IC6892GOI 1C9116G01 IC9150G02 IC9302G02 1C9316G02 1C9317G01 1C9327G03 1C9336G01 1C9338G02 1C9354G03 1C9358G02 1C9362G02 1C9385G01 1C9390G01 1C9397G01 1C9608G01 1C9609G01 IC9610GOI 1C9613G01 1C9616G01 IC9617GOI 1V9618G01 1C9619G01 IC9620GOI IC9622GOI IC9626GOI 1C9627G01 2C 14025G05 2C 14038G02 2C 14049G01 2C 14094G06 2C14131G02 2C 14199G09 2C14222G01 2C14664G01 2C 14672G02 2C14679P01 2C 14684G02 2CI4688G04 2C 14689G01 2C14691G01 Description Torque Multiplier (Sweeney) Tool Set. HPT.15.Races / Seals HPTR Stg 1 Fixture.HP Turbine Assembly Forward Sleeve Retaining.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 111 of 156 .Mid Shaft Fixture. Lift . Remove / Install . Lift and Turn LPT Horizontal (Strongback) Fixture. 4 Bearing and Seal Fixture. Jack Screws Tool Set. LPT Module . Support / Lift LPC Puller.HPTR Aft Truck. Assembly. 5R Bearing Inner Race Nut Fixture. Lift. Tool Set. Seal Check No. Lift and Turn LPT Horizontal Pusher Set . Install -Balance Piston Seals Adapter. Lift . Fwd Restraint .LPT RTR to STTR Dolly Assembly. Install / Remove . Seating Check LPTR Wrench. Horizontal Adapter. Fan Shaft to HPC Case Collar Center Wrench HPT Coupling Nut Fixture. 4 Bearing Stackup Tool Set.Combustor Fixture. HP Turbine Rotor Horizontal Fixture. Support-LPC Rotor/Stator Fixture Assembly.HPC Sttr Vane Spacer Puller. Seating Check Pusher/Puller HPTR Remove and Replace HPTR Seals Wrench Set. No.Aft Drive Shaft Nut Fixture. Torque LPT Coupling Nut Gage Inspection. Lift & Turn VIGV Holder. Sleeve LPT Rotor Shaft Adapter. Lift . No. Assembly. Jack Screw-Disassemble Flanges Push Bolt . Install/Remove LPT Snap Ring Fixture. 2”-600# CGI-6J Gasket. Turbine.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 112 of 156 . HP Hydraulic AL1335 50 MA Fuses AL1328 2 Amp Fuses AL1310 0.15 LM6000 Level II Tools (Optional) (Cont) P/N 2C 14693G01 2C14695G01 2C14703G01 2C14785G02 2C6348P02 2C6967G06 2C6968G02 8112B Description Tool Set.15. Gas Cylinder CGI-3L Gasket. Supply Fan 5VS1250 Belt. Guide .Core Module Fixture. Flg. Generator.3”-600# CGI-6L Gasket.Fan Rotor Installation Tool. Flg. Flg. S-2. Lift-Stage 1 HPT Nozzle Assembly Adapter. Flg 1”-600# CGI-6G Gasket. Flg. Charge Pump Qty 4 6 4 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 2 1 LM6000 .4”-300# CGI-3p Gasket. Flg. HPC Blade Retainer Lock Pin Tool. Install / Remove . Turbine Hyd P16-5659 Filter Element. Flg. HPC Blade Retainer Lock Pin Torque Multiplier (Sweeney) 15.1 Amp Fuse AL1269 4 Amp Fuse AL1308 31 MA Fuse P13-2582 3 Amp Fuse P13-5712 ¼ Amp Fuse 226166-001 Calibration. Hyd Start HUOO157956 Filter Element.16 LM6000 Start-up and Commissioning Spares P/N Description 5VX1000 Belt. Turbine CONNTECT Waterwash (55 Gal Drum) 5000 HC9606FKS8Z Filter Element.8”-300# CGI-6D Gasket.LPT Module . Exhaust Fan HC9600FKN13Z Filter Element.6”-300# CGI-3Q Gasket. Lift-Stage 2 HPT Nozzle Fixture. Removal. Install. S-2. Removal HPT Aft Air Seals Pin.4”-600# HC9600FKD13Z Fuel Filter (Liquid) ACB2442440Y1 Filter Element. Fuel Nozzle. Chip Screen Screen Screen Lube Oil Scavenge Pump Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15.2 P/N L44684P01 L44736P01 L44745P01 L44745P02 LM6000 Critical Spares (PC Configuration) Description Sensor. Fuel Tube. Igniter Sensor. LP Speed Harness.18. T48 Upper Sensor. T2/P2 Sensor. Fuel Qty 1 6 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 113 of 156 . T25/P25 Qty 1 1 1 1 15. Resistance Detector.1 P/N 1304M52G03 9392M95P04 L21131P02 L28490P05 L31967P01 L31967P06 L35166P01 L43563P01 RD34485 RD34489 RD35234 L44500P02 LM6000 Critical Spares (All Configurations) Description Plug. Fuel – Secondary Gasket Tube.18. Special configuration specific lists can be prepared upon request. Temperature Nozzle.18.15. Speed XN25 Sensor.3 P/N 9504M33P01 L31476P53 L31476P54 L45816P04 L45881P05 L45882P05 L45921P01 L45970G01 L45972G01 LM6000 Critical Spares (Dual Fuel with Water Injection) Description Sensor. Flame Accelerometer Accelerometer Detector. Dual Hose. HPT Stage 2 Borescope Plug. Fuel Hose.17 Recommended Spares Listed are the typical “minimum” recommended spare parts for a typical LM6000 gas turbine generator set. Fuel – Primary Hose. 15. 5 Meter Module – Accelerometer Interface Transmitter. 4. Pressure-Thrust Balance Hydraulic Start System Switch. Filter Auxiliary Systems Transmitter. Pressure-LP Turbine Inlet Transmitter.15.5 Meter Cable.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 114 of 156 . Pressure – HP Compressor Proximeter Cable. Liquid Fuel Element. Generator Supply Fan Belt. Filter-Lube Oil Gas Fuel System Switch. Turbine Exhaust Fan Turbine Lube Oil Element. Filter-Lube Oil Tank Demister Element. Vacuum-Charge Pump Overrunning Clutch Element – Charge Pump Element. Liquid Fuel Valve. Fuel Supply Liquid Fuel System Transmitter. 8. Pressure-Fuel Gas Sensor. Filter-VGV Pump Element. Pressure-Hydraulic Pump Switch.4 P/N 5VX1000 5VX1250 Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation Description Ventilation and Combustion Belt. Filter High Pressure Qty 4 6 1 2 4 1 1 1 95-117 ACB2442440Y1 HC9600FKN13Z 132P46C6B 78R25N00A025T3 4E5 PG3000-01M-4812-21-XX-93 1151GP9E22B2D3 8915-877 HC9600FKD13Z 1151AP6E22B2D3 330100-50-01 330130-045-01-00 330130-085-01-00 86517-01-01-01-01 EJA310-DAS4B92NC/HAC PA3000-01M-4813-21-XX-93 PA3000-200-4813-21-XX-93 PA3000-500-4813-21-XX-93 100P44C6R 180P44C6R 273800 HU00157956 P16-5659 HC9606FKS8Z 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 LM6000 . Temperature-Fuel Gas Transmitter.18. Pressure. Pressure-Inlet Static Transmitter. Pressure – Turbine HP Transmitter. Filter – Charge Pump Turbine Hydraulic System Element. Pressure. 18. Level – Rundown Tank Element. Pressure Transmitter.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 115 of 156 . Solenoid LM6000 Consumables Gasket Gasket Fitting Reducer Nut Self Locking Gasket. Pressure Switch. Pressure Switch. Ring Bearing Seal Gasket Shim Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 30 3 1 5 2 132P4S129 132P4S185 655R-EDR-2” 78R25N00A025T3 4E5 HC9600FKN13Z L-471-02-SG1 P16-7185 7J30D1/30501BH-D-6-C-007. Filter – Lube Oil Switch. Temperature Valve. Purge Flow (VA) Liquid Fuel Boost Transmitter. Pressure Transmitter. Purge Flow (VB) Control. Purge Flow Vent (VV1) Control.15. Control – Generator/Pressure Sensor. Temperature – Lube Oil Supply Element. Flow Switch. Liquid Fuel SPRINT™ System Switch.4 P/N Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation (Cont) Description Generator Lube Oil System Switch. Purge Temperature Control. Filter – Jacking Oil Pump Purge System (Dual Fuel Only) Sensor. Pressure Supply Pump. Pressure – Lube Oil Switch. Round Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Clamp Seal. Pressure Switch – Lube Oil Valve.5 C327335 C327345 C327405 1151GP6E22B2D3 86160R1W039A-1 132P49C6B 160P4S36 3051CG5A02A1A S5M5 3051TG3A2A214 B4E5 V6-EPB-S-S-3-S 10319HE 1530-X1061 1337M46P03 1538M42P01 619E223P52 635E901P02 9009M74P01 9011M60P01 9013M28P02 9013M29P02 9013M30P02 9014M45P64 9016M30P02 9048M33P05 9057M50P01 9107M23P01 9107M55P01 LM6000 . Preformed Packing.4 P/N Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation (Cont) Description LM6000 Consumables (Cont) Packing Packing Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Fitting Gasket Lock Washer Gasket Guide Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut Clamp Filter Element Flat Washer Flat Washer Flat Washer Washer Washing Flat Washer Nut Nut Gasket Seal Gasket Seal Gasket Gasket Seal Packing. Preformed Qty 10 10 2 2 1 4 3 10 8 2 5 5 25 25 25 25 25 1 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 5 1 2 4 1 25 25 5 1 25 25 25 25 25 25 9365M41P117 9365M41P122 9371M19P04 9371M19P06 9371M19P08 9371M19P10 9371M19P12 9378M31P01 9379M93P01 9397M22P02 9608M12P02 9609M13P02 9610M50P29 9629M48P02 9629M48P04 9629M48P06 9629M48P10 9649M39P04 AC-B244F-2440 AN960C10 AN960C10L AN960C416L AN960C516 AN960C616L An960C616L J1092P04 J1092P05 J219P02 J219P03 J219P04 J219P07 J221P216 J221P222 J221P224 J221P260 J221P904 J221P905 J221P906 J221P908 J221P910 J221P912 LM6000 .18. Preformed Packing.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 116 of 156 . Preformed Packing. Preformed Packing. Preformed Packing Packing Packing Packing Packing.15. Preformed Bolt Elbow Nipple Tube Nipple Nipple Tube Nipple Tube Nipple Nut Machine Bolt Machine Bolt Machine Bolt Bolt Machine Bolt Bolt Bolt Gasket Bolt Packing Packing Packing Packing Packing Packing Nut Self Locking Nut Connector Connector Gasket Tube Cap Cap Assy Washing Flat Plug Machine Bolt Machine Bolt Machine Bolt Bolt Nut Packing Nipple Nipple. Tube Nipple Nipple Qty 25 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 25 10 5 10 90 5 10 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 5 1 2 25 5 100 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 4 1 2 2 LM6000 .15.18.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 117 of 156 .4 P/N J221P916 J415P123A J515P04 J522P57 J534P06 J534P08 J534P10 J534P12 J628P06D J643P04B J643P12A J644P06D J644P07D J644P08D J644P09D J645P30A L22281P02 L34976P069 M83248/1-121 M83248/1-243 M83248/1-904 M83248/1-905 M83248/1-910 M83248/1-912 MS21083C4 MS21083C5 MS9193-04 MS9193-12 MS9202-042 MS9315-04 MS9315-12 MS9321-10 MS9404-04 MS9557-07 MS9557-10 MS9557-22 MS9567-14 NAS1291C8M R1316P007 R287P04 R287P06 R287P08 R287P10 Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation (Cont) Description LM6000 Consumables (Cont) Packing. PC Sleeve Spacer Spacer Arm Arm Arm Arm Arm Arm Seal Ring Washer Bolt Seal Bushing Washer Bolt Bolt Nut Clamp Clamp Clamp Clamp Clamp Clamp Nut Packing Packing Packing Packing Packing Packing Bolt Nipple Nipple Nipple Nipple Bolt Bolt Bolt Gasket Bolt Packing 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 2 2 5 5 5 1 25 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 5 1 25 Qty LM6000 .15.4 P/N 1704M61P03 1704M62P04 1704M62P05 1704M63G07 1704M63G08 1704M63G09 1704M63G10 1704M63G11 1704M63G12 1774M59P01 705B276P5 9009M32P01 9108M27P03 9365M41P229 9397M20P02 9609M43P02 9628M16P02 9699M66P01 AN316C4R J1220G05 J1221G03 J1221G04 J1221G07 J1221G08 J1221G10 J201P04 J221P028 J221P138 J221P163 J221P219 J221P240 J221P903 J414P034A J511P106 J511P108 J511P110 J511P112 J644P10A J644P12A J816P072C L43073P01 L43616P01 L47372P01 Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation (Cont) Description LM6000 Consumables .18.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 118 of 156 . 4 P/N L47372P02 MS35842-15 MS9201-04 MS9371-15 MS9489-07 MS9556-06 MS9556-10 MS9557-06 MS9557-09 MS9557-14 MS9557-38 MS9565-05 MS9566-12 MS9902-03 MS9902-04 MS9902-06 MS9902-08 MS9902-10 Two-Year Spare Parts Recommendation (Cont) Description LM6000 Consumables Packing Clamp Nut Gasket Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Bolt Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Qty 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 LM6000 .15.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 119 of 156 .18. Pump) (New) Brush Holder Fuse SF21 Gasket Cmpnd (HYLOMAR) 100 Heater Finned 650W Fuse 4F21 Fuse 20ET Fuse 315SBMT (3127032/01) Fuse 450SBMT (3132472/01) Fuse 250mA.O. Type B Qty 1 2 2 6 24 5 5 12 12 5 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 6 6 2 2 2 2 10 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LM6000 . Size 0 Fuse 2A.O. Aux Rack Assy Exciter Monitor Card MAVR Control Card.P/N 00176-198 1174392/01 1327747/04 18711-115 25281-528 25711-012 25711-249 25711-425 25711-428 25715-005 25715-006 25715-010 25771-148 25771-163 25771-167 26632-032 26661-014 28239-088 28239-089 28278-218 28428-187 29812-761 3116456/52 3116682/01 312916/01 3127195/01 3128497/01 3130399/19 3130399/27 3135217/01 3135356/01 3140899/01 3142638/01 9602933/00 9602943/00 9602947/00 9607087/00 9608488/00 9611592/00 9615175/00 Description Generator Spares Seal Kit (L. Pump ACG045N5 L. Size 0 Relay VP/2 26V Relay 24VDC 3P Relay COMAT 125VDC POT 500R + 500R POT Drive Unit Diode (6W12030VO) Diode (6W02030VO) Diode Bridge 36MB80 Thyristor N018R/H08 RTD Temp Detector Insulated Washer Set (20/set) Earthing Brush Exciter Heater RTD Air Temp Detector Seal Ring Spring Insulated Tube Set (20/set) Insulated Tube Set (20/set) Duplex RTD Bearing Metal Gasket F/Bearing L.O. Type B Assy Exciter Lmtr CD.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 120 of 156 . Size 0 Fuse 500mA. Pump Coupling Assy Auto Power Card Assy PF Control Card Assy Volts Monitor Card Assy EHC CD. 1.1 General Arrangement Drawings These drawings define the orientation of the major GE Energy modules. 16. ProjectNet speeds job completion and saves weeks of time mailing drawings back and forth.16. 16. 16. GE Energy provides all engineering drawings on-line at a secure server (www.1.1.com). Approval Drawings Drawings requiring specific customer approval. A general arrangement drawing with Plan and Elevation views is prepared for each of the following major components: LM6000 . ProjectNet provides the customer with immediate access to the latest revisions of his drawings.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 121 of 156 . GE Energy updates the general arrangement and one-line drawings and submits them for customer approval. Each customer can enter this database and view. The package includes: • • • Proposal Drawings Drawings furnished with the proposal to assist customer evaluation of the product. These drawings are “Preliminary” in nature. Information Drawings Drawings of standard manufactured items in the turbine package.Typical GE Energy prepares Proposal drawings to show: • General Arrangement of the Gas Turbine Generator Package • Electrical “One-Line” information. They help define the product for evaluation. which defines the project details.1 Proposal Drawings .2 Approval Drawings After the ODM meeting.projectnet. Customer Drawings 16. print or annotate his own project drawings.1 General GE Energy prepares a comprehensive drawing package for each gas turbine generator set.2. and they form the basis for an Engineering “ODM” or Order Design Meeting after contract award. furnished for customer information. 1.2.1. including the generator excitation and synchronizing systems.4 Certified Drawings GE Energy certifies only drawings showing anchor bolt locations.1. GE Energy will then reissue drawings showing mutually agreeable corrections.2 This drawing is an electrical schematic of the power system from the generator terminals to the purchaser's high voltage bus connections and ground. potential transformers. The drawings are submitted for “information only” and are not subject to approval.2. foundation loading and Customer's piping connection locations.3.2. the customer's one-line drawing must be furnished to GE Energy for preparation of the GE Energy one-line electrical diagram. They provide a reference for construction. Also indicated are the protective relays. foundation bolt hole locations and sizes.3 Revisions to Approval Drawings Customer should mark any requested revisions on one copy of the Approval Drawings and return them to GE Energy within two weeks. The Interconnection Plan assists the customer in purchasing wire and cable for LM6000 . circuit breaker and auxiliary and main transformers.• • • Turbine generator set and associated skids Turbine Control Panel Auxiliary control module The general arrangement drawings include the following information: • • • • • Overall dimensions of the equipment Access space required for removal or maintenance of major components Foundation loads. 16.3 Information Drawings The following drawings cover standard manufacturing items. plus any special requirements Lifting lug locations Customer piping connections with appropriate dimensions One -Line Electrical Drawings 16. 16. In cases where the GE Energy equipment will be interfaced with an existing facility or with customer supplied devices. some of which may be furnished by others.1. 16.1.1 Electrical System Interconnection Plan This drawing shows recommended sizes for interconnecting cables and corresponding minimum cable lengths between GE Energy supplied modules and the customer’s control room.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 122 of 156 . 16. maintenance and operations. 2 Flow and Instrument Diagrams (F&ID) F&IDs are issued for each of the fluid systems in the GE Energy scope of supply. Pipe elbows.1. For clarity. The F&IDs also show the pressure. Point-to-point interconnection wiring diagrams are also provided. These drawings are completed after other system drawings have been finalized. 16. complete with line sizes. Each working fluid in the system is identified. The part number of items on the F&ID are shown on a Bill of Material.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 123 of 156 . and initial fill quantities for fluid reservoirs are shown. This typically includes the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fuel system Water injection system (optional) Steam injection system (optional) Water wash system Hydraulic starting system Gas turbine lube oil system Electric generator lube oil system Fire protection system Evaporative cooling system (optional) Combustion air chilling system (optional) Air inlet and ventilation system Turbine auxiliary instrumentation Anti-icing system (optional) Each F&ID drawing depicts the equipment components. piping. temperature and volume limita-tions of the system. the F&ID drawings are schematic in nature.3. which is part of each F&ID drawing. valves and instruments in the system. LM6000 .interconnection and helps in planning the site layout. fittings and similar details are omitted. including set points for alarms and shutdowns. 2 Commissioning Manual The Commissioning Manual provides detailed instructions on: • Mechanical and electrical precommisioning activities complete with checklists • Commissioning activities including prestart testing. including HMI screen.2.volume publications.3 Digital Control and Monitoring System This drawing provides installation details for operator information. Information includes: 16. indicator lights and switches. rotation test.1. manpower.2 Documentation GE Energy provides extensive documentation to help install. operate and maintain the gas turbine generator package. and tooling The Installation Manual and Commissioning Manual are each one. and auxiliary systems • Scheduling. The drawing shows the front of the turbine control panel as viewed by the operator.3.3. 16. meters. commission.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 124 of 156 .16. LM6000 . Overall dimensions and installation footprint are shown on this drawing. manpower and tooling 16. initial fired start.2.1 Installation Manual The Installation Manual provides detailed instructions on: • • • Receiving and Inspecting the Equipment Assembly of the Components Scheduling. 16.4 Drawings with Manuals In addition to the above drawings. Two copies of each are shipped to the job site approximately 1 month before shipment of the gas turbine generator.1. a complete set of system wiring diagrams is included in the operation and maintenance manuals to serve as a reference for field check-out and troubleshooting. LM6000 . The manuals are also available on a secure internet website. and procedures for field operation and maintenance.2. GE Energy includes vendor’s operation and maintenance data on all major systems and components. writers. Six copies of the O&M manuals in CD form are shipped about 30 days after shipment of the Gas Turbine Generator.3 Operation and Maintenance Manuals This multi-volume manual is prepared by a team of engineers.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 125 of 156 . including project specific drawings and details.16. The O&M manual is designed as a reference for the operators and technicians in the field. It is specifically edited for each project. specifications.4) In addition to the above information. Included are project details and illustrations for the following: • • • • • • • • • Product description Turbine and generator specifications Unit operating procedures Turbine operating sequences Generator operating data Gearbox operating data (if applicable) Control system components and operations Fire & gas system Electrical and Mechanical drawings (as listed in 16. This provides GE Energy time to include the latest engineering drawings.2. It provides system descriptions. illustrators and editors. Main Unit One Line Diagram Information Drawings: Electrical Electrical Symbols. Synthetic Lube Oil System Instrument Loop Diagram. Gas Fuel System Instrument Loop Diagram. 24 VDC Battery System Plan & Elevation. Circuit Breaker ControlDiscrete Control Schematic Diagram. Generator Metering Schedule. Communication Instrument Loop Diagram.4 Typical Drawing List for GTG Package Some drawings listed in this table may not be applicable to specific projects. customer Interconnect Cable Schedule Plan & Elevation. Mineral Lube Oil System Instrument Loop Diagram. Information drawings are provided for customer information only and are not subject to approval. Electrical Interconnect Wiring Diagram.2. Critical Path Emergency Stop. Liquid Fuel System Instrument Loop Diagram. Title Approval Drawings General Arrangement. CDP Purge System Instrument Loop Diagram. Approval drawings are submitted to the customer for approval. NOx Water Injection System Instrument Loop Diagram. 125 VDC Battery System Plan & Elevation. Turbine Hydraulic System Instrument Loop Diagram. Lighting & Distribution System Schematic. Fire & Gas Protection System Instrument Loop Diagram. NOx Steam Injection System Instrument Loop Diagram. Lineside Cubicle Plan & Elevation. Water Wash System Instrument Loop Diagram. Motor Control Center Schematic Diagram. Circuit Breaker Control System Schematic. Abbreviations and Reference Data Interconnect Plan. Analog Control Schematic Diagram. Generator Excitation System Schematic.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 126 of 156 . 240 VDC Battery System Plan & Elevation. DC Power System Schematic. Power Augmentation Steam Injection System Instrument Loop Diagram. SPRINT™ System 8 8 Submittal Time (Weeks) 8 10 16 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 12 8 12 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 LM6000 . Hydraulic Start System Instrument Loop Diagram. Neutral Cubicle Three Line Diagram. Motor Control Center Schematic Diagram.16. Turbine Control Panel Plan & Elevation. Ventilation & Combustion Air System Instrument Loop Diagram. 16. Control Cubicle Wiring Diagram. Turbine Skid Wiring Diagram. Hydraulic Start System F&ID. Air Inlet Filter Wiring Diagram. Liquid Fuel Pump Skid (Boost) General Arrangement. Turbine Control Panel. Auxiliary Systems Reference Drawings Wiring Diagram. Auxiliary Skid Anchor Bolt & Shear Lug Detail (Main Unit) Installation Footprint (Main Unit) Lift Arrangement Shipping Data Flow and Equipment Symbols. Liquid Fuel Pump (Boost) F&ID. Neutral Cubicle Wiring Diagram. & Switch Development Fuel Control Layout Worksheet. Water Wash System F&ID. Auxiliary Skid Wiring Diagram.4 Title Typical Drawing List for GTG Package (Cont) Submittal Time (Weeks) Electrical (Cont) 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Included w/O&M Instrument Loop Diagram. Engraving Schedule. Distributed I/O Configuration LM6000 . Mechanical F&ID. Turbine Hydraulic System F&ID.2. Vibration System Instrument Loop Diagram. Steam Skid General Arrangement. Fire Protection System (CO2) F&ID. Generator Skid Wiring Diagram.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 127 of 156 . SPRINT™ System Instrument Skid. Fire & Gas Protection System Nameplate List. Ventilation and Combustion Air System F&ID. Gas Fuel System (DLE) F&ID. Water Injection Pump F&ID. Turbine Lube Oil System F&ID. Turbine Control Panel. Air Filter General Arrangement. Water Injection Skid General Arrangement. Auxiliary System Generator Protective Relay Settings Mechanical General Arrangement. Fuel Control Sequencer Layout Worksheet. Nozzle Steam Injection System F&ID. Termination Cubicle Wiring Diagram. Lineside Cubicle Wiring Diagram. 2) Drawing dates for Standard equipment only.2. 3) Some of the above drawings may not be required on specific jobs.4 Typical Drawing List for GTG Package (Cont) Notes: 1) Submittal time is for standard equipment and is shown in weeks after receipt of a mutually agreed upon purchase order. printed and annotated by the customer.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 128 of 156 . In addition. Custom designed features for specific project requirements may require additional submittal times. On this site the drawings can be viewed. GE Energy provides all manuals in CD format for convient access and distribution. a fully conformed design specification.Digital MultiFunction Settings Digital Synchronizer Settings Area Settings Area Classification Drawings Area Classification Report 16 16 16 12 12 16. by using web-based technology GE Energy provides today’s customers instant and secure access to their unit’s operation and maintenance documentation with easy updates and “real time” information. LM6000 . 4) A drawing is considered submitted when uploaded to the www.projectnet. a secure internet site. and the post award Order Definition Meeting (ODM). (www.com site Drawing Quantities and Format GE Energy places customers’ drawings on ProjectNet.projectnet.com). The plants we design are reliable and intended to maximize the owner’s profitability and minimize the total installation and construction duration. On large projects we call in experienced third-party engineering companies to LM6000 . In order to achieve this. Extended Scope Equipment and Services Overview GE Energy has the capability to provide everything from individual pieces of balance of plant equipment to the complete power plant supplied on a “turn-Key” basis.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 129 of 156 .17. These designs are proven and are ready for use today. including civil. Most of our simple-cycle engineering is done “in-house” to provide tight coordination for our customers. saving engineering costs and project time. Our field experience simplifies the job by bringing the knowledge and engineering skill gained from previous power plant projects to each new project. mechanical and electrical design. allowing for the lowest installed cost basis. GE Energy has a dedicated team of engineers who specialize in the design. To meet unique project requirements. procurement and construction of power plants and has successfully demonstrated the ability to do so for the following types of facilities: • • • • • Simple Cycle Power Generation Cogeneration Power Plants Combined-Cycle Power Plants Turbine-Compressor Plants Compression Modules GE Energy designs power plants with a focus on reliability and availability. reducing the complexities of field installation. we utilize pre-engineered designs for plant applications wherever possible. we work with the Owner to adapt GE Energy’s standard plant designs to accommodate their particular needs. This process saves weeks of time and hundreds of engineering man-hours. Most of our designs are for shop built modules or systems. Turn-Key Services Engineering GE Energy can provide complete power plant design services. and experience from each of our vendors while keeping an eye on minimizing installed costs. and ensures that the work progresses properly. Commissioning services include flushing supervision. These technicians check each plant system carefully. Installation services include supervising the installation of the combustion turbine package by the Owner’s or by GE Energy’s construction contractor. We use the experience of the GE Energy organization to help us find the best balance of plant equipment vendors in the business. and control system. We demand quality. LM6000 . GE Energy provides all general hand tools required for the commissioning of the unit.work under our supervision. This individual verifies the quality and completeness of each element of the job. these specialists prepare the plant for performance testing and eventual turnover to plant operators. electrical systems.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 130 of 156 . The Construction Manager and specialists from our Houston office select from a group of prequalified construction sub-contractors to provide skilled craftsmen for the job. ensure highest quality. with order and safety. and commissioning supervision of gas turbine mechanical systems. We place an experienced Construction Manager on each site. After thorough operating checks. dependability. checkout. This approach helps us put units “on-the-line” quickly to meet owner’s deadlines. We utilize GE components to the extent possible to minimize cost. with hundreds of successful applications. and maximize standardization between balance of plant components and the turbine package. Construction Services and Start-Up Services The GE Energy project execution team can provide full construction and start-up services for the power plant. Procurement The GE Energy Extended Scope engineering team can provide procurement services for the entire power plant. A team of start-up specialists from GE Energy and from major equipment vendors arrives at the job when construction is nearing completion. in parallel with the combustion turbine Technical Advisory team and plant operations team. The Construction Manager schedules and coordinates the work of the subcontractors. Then. Extended Scope Services Combustion Turbine Package Installation and Commissioning Supervision Services GE Energy can provide technical advisory supervision services for the installation and commissioning of the combustion turbine package. Most pieces of major equipment are purchased from vendors who have served us for years. they commission the plant. Flushing and calibration kits can also be provided at GE Energy’s standard published rates. Exhaust Emissions Testing GE Energy can provide complete and comprehensive gas turbine exhaust emissions mapping testing services for the project if required. nitrogen oxides (NOx). LM6000 . GE Energy will coordinate with third party expertise to meet the project requirements. GE Energy can provide specialized operator training on each of the balance of plant systems as well as provide total plant maintenance training. if required A formal site data test report will be provided once the testing is completed. troubleshooting. For these services. unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring •Preliminary O2 traverse. GE provides a testing specialist at the jobsite to conduct the typical exhaust emissions testing services including: •Oxygen (O2). and power plant conceptual layouts. Quite often.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 131 of 156 . Training In conjunction with the training provided by the gas turbine instructors. problem solving.Engineering Studies GE Energy can provide other engineering support services including complex or new product design. 60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 132 of 156 .5 m / – 5 ft Above Grade Far Field Silencing – at 122 m / 400 ft Exterior Casing Material Interior Liner Material Insulation Material Specification Project Specific 85 dB(A) 65 dB (A) ASTM A36 Carbon Steel 409 Stainless Steel High Temperature Ceramic Fiber LM6000 . and field insulation The design characteristics of the standard exhaust stack / silencer assembly is as follows: Description Stack Height at 1m / 3 ft 1. Typical scope of supply for the exhaust stack and silencer assembly is as follows: • • • • • • • • Expansion joint Transition duct Access door to stack base Silencer Stack Emission ports Ladders and platforms All bolting hardware. Simple Cycle Exhaust Stack GE Energy can provide an exhaust stack and silencer assembly capable of reducing the exhaust noise of the combustion turbine. gaskets. GE Energy can supply almost all of the extended scope equipment required to complete the power plant installation.Balance of Plant Equipment As options. CO2.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 133 of 156 . The system also consists of the necessary stack probes and sample lines. GE Energy can provide the following equipment and services. CO. ammonia injection grid. The scope of supply for the SCR / COR assembly typically includes an expansion joint. cooling LM6000 . modularized chilled water system. O2. integral stack / silencer assembly. if required for the project: • • • • • • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) for PLC and analyzers Inlet NOX for SCR system / performance measurement Opacity monitoring system Installation and commissioning supervision Training Certification testing by a third party tester Air Inlet Chilling System GE Energy can provide a packaged. The assembly is designed and manufactured in a modular fashion in order to minimize site assembly costs and duration. NOx reduction catalyst. The system utilized will be an extractive sampling system that is capable of monitoring of NOX. If required. and the necessary ladders and platforms. CO oxidation catalyst. ammonia injection skid. and NH3. The chiller package consists of one “duplex” centrifugal chiller mounted on a heavy structural steel skid with packaged piping. GE Energy can provide the following equipment associated with a SCR system: • • • Tempering air or purge air fans Stainless steel ammonia storage tank (with unloading facility) Ammonia forwarding systems Continuous Emissions Monitoring System GE Energy can provide a Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM)/Data Acquisition Historical Storage (DAHS) system for the gas turbine package. The system is provided in a walk-in shelter with a wall-mounted air conditioning unit. ductwork. containing the equipment necessary to condition or chill the inlet air to the gas turbine and maintain the desired power output during hot day conditions.SCR / COR Assembly GE Energy can provide a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) / Carbon Monoxide Reduction (COR) assembly to reduce the gas turbine emissions to the levels dictated by local permitting agencies. as an option. The SCR is controlled by a PLC based control system installed in a NEMA enclosure on the ammonia injection skid. Group D. and step-down transformers to utility and control voltages are included and pre-wired on the chiller package to minimize field wiring required at the site. The standard system includes the following components: LM6000 . Package comes complete with an insulated. Liquid Fuel Treatment Module GE Energy can provide a liquid fuel treatment module to remove water-based contaminants in the Owner supplied fuel system. The design characteristics of the standard gas fuel booster compressor assembly is as follows: Description Installation Type Hazardous Area Classification Rated Discharge Pressure Rated Capacity Specification Suitable For Outdoor Installation Class I. The enclosure provides weather protection and acoustical attenuation as well as thermal insulation. The system includes a suction scrubber. through full color graphical touch screen HMI interface mounted in the package enclosure. and control panel utilizing a GE 90-30 PLC. This system treats fuel from the Owner supplied storage tank and forward to the Owner-supplied day tank. The package is designed to require a single MV power feeder and a single LV power feeder. and utilizes a compressor directly coupled to a horizontal induction electric motor. air-to-gas inter-stage / after cooler (if suction pressure requires). Gas Fuel Booster Compressor GE Energy can provide a gas compressor if the gas-supply pressure at the facility is not of sufficient pressure to meet the needs of the gas turbine generator. A central control system is provided for controlling the entire inlet air chiller system. pumps. The system proposed monitors and controls chiller and all chiller related auxiliary equipment. discharge coalescer.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 134 of 156 . The chiller system will be prefabricated to the maximum extent possible such that field installation consists of setting chiller skids on the owner provided foundations. All MV and LV MCC’s. cooling towers. locally. if necessary. connecting utility services and control interfaces. Operation and monitoring of the system is provided. bus connections. medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) motor control centers MCC and controls installed and pre-wired. The compressor will be skid mounted. Div 2 700 psig 11 MMSCFD An acoustical enclosure or sound barrier walls can be provided for jobsites with strict acoustical requirements. valves.tower. pumps and electrical systems. weatherproof enclosure for the chillers. and cooling coils. and interconnecting chilled water and cooling water piping between modules. and electrodeionization polishing system. The plant is normally operated at full load to maintain the site required demineralized tank level. This system is provided. to minimize overall field installation requirements.e. The skid comes complete with centrifugal pumps. in a modular building designed to house the equipment. The normal operation of the treatment units is fully automatic through a PLC based control system. pre-piped and pre-wired. Each system incorporates any or all required facilities (i. This skid is designed to be located between the Owner supplied liquid fuel storage/day tank and liquid fuel filter skid. and pressure in accordance with the GE requirements for NOx control and/or SPRINT power augmentation. The following equipment is part of the standard demineralized water treatment system: • • • • • Two (2) sets of multimedia filters One (1) backwash pump Two (2) cartridge filters One (1) sodium sulphite chemical dosing tank and pump One (1) reverse osmosis pump LM6000 . Demineralized Water Treatment System GE Energy can provide a modularized demineralized water treatment system (when provided with a raw water quality analysis).60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 135 of 156 . multi-media filtration. and all necessary instrumentation. motors. flow. installed. This enables automated operation of the water treatment system via the control system.• • • • • • • • Duplex strainer with differential pressure gauge and switch Fuel oil feed pumps with AC motors Self-cleaning centrifuge with AC motor Sludge pump with AC motor Associated valves and instrumentation Skid interconnect piping and conduit wiring Skid-mounted. combined control panel with motor control centers Self-supporting structural steel skid with sludge tank Liquid Fuel Forwarding Skid GE Energy can provide a single skid consisting of two (2) 100% plant capacity liquid fuel forwarding pumps. Included with the water treatment equipment system is a complete set of instrumentation and automatic valves (where required). a reverse osmosis system including "clean-in-place" capability.) to produce demineralized water at the quality. anti-scalant.. etc. motor starters. consisting of a single comprehensive programmable logic controller (PLC) with an operator interface. A raw water analysis (provided by the owner) is necessary to specify a final design for the treatment system. motors. motor starters and all necessary instrumentation. The skid is supplied complete with centrifugal pumps.62 bar / 125 psig GE Energy can provide the following equipment associated with the instrument air compressor system if required for the project: • • • • • Acoustic enclosure or sun shade Water cooled system in lieu of air cooled Service air line and air receiver A larger air compressor skid can be provided to accommodate other power plant air requirements.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 136 of 156 . LM6000 . motor starters and all necessary instrumentation. This skid is designed to be located between the Owner supplied raw water storage tank and GE Energy or Owner supplied water treatment system. coalescing prefilters.• • • • One (1) reverse osmosis unit One (1) reverse osmosis permeate storage tank One (1) EDI pump One (1) EDI unit Raw Water Forwarding Skid GE Energy can provide a single skid consisting of two (2) 100% plant capacity raw water forwarding pumps. Instrument Air Compressor GE Energy can provide a skid-mounted air compressor sufficiently sized for the air requirements of the gas turbine package and the auxiliary equipment. and air receivers. motors. particulate after-filters. air dryer. This skid is designed to be located between the Owner supplied demineralized water storage tank and GE Energy supplied water injection boost skid. Piping construction will be stainless steel. The design characteristics of the standard instrument air compressor system are as follows: Description Compressor Type Rated Flow Rated Pressure Specification Rotary Screw Design 150 SCFM 8. The air compressor system is self-contained and includes a control and indicator panel. Demineralized Water Forwarding Skid GE Energy can provide a single skid consisting of two (2) 100% plant capacity demineralized water forwarding pumps. if necessary. The skid is supplied complete with centrifugal pumps. washers and sleeves. The GSU is sized to export power from the generator under all ambient conditions. hydraulic start system oil and chemical water wash. generator lube oil.Initial Fill Lubricants GE can provide first fill of lubricants to which includes the turbine lube oil. Oil Type Turbine Lube Oil – Synthetic Generator Lube Oil – Mineral Hydraulic Lube Oil – Mineral Water Wash Chemical Specification MIL-TD-0000-6 ISO-VG46 MIL-H-17672 MID-TD-0000-5 Combustion Turbine Package Anchor Bolts GE Energy can design and procure equipment foundation anchoring systems for the gas turbine generator package only. Generator Step-Up Transformer GE Energy can provide the generator step-up (GSU) transformer rated with design characteristics as noted in the below table with off-load taps and CT’s. The scope of supply will include anchor bolts complete with nuts. embedded plates. The Owner is responsible for placing the embedments in the foundations per GE Energy specifications.8 kV 45/60/75 MVA ONAN / ONAF / ONAF 65 °C / 149 °F Job specific Wye (with de-energized tap changer) Delta LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 137 of 156 . Lightning arrestors will be provided and connected to the transformer high voltage bushing terminals. The design characteristics of the standard generator step-up transformer are as follows: Description Primary Voltage Rating Secondary Voltage Rating Size Cooling Class Maximum Temperature Rise Impedance Primary Voltage Connection Type Secondary Voltage Connection Type Specification Project Specific 13. Medium Voltage Switchgear GE Energy can provide 4. interior cable tray (if applicable). and various accessories. LM6000 . The MCC line-ups can be provided in an appropriate NEMA enclosure suitable for either indoor or outdoor installation. Several preengineered designs and sizes are available to accommodate the project specific requirements. The size of the transformers are dictated by the plant design. pre-fabricated electrical equipment module designed for the installation of the various balance of plant electrical control equipment. including the gas turbine generator. and fuel tank Supervisory Control System GE Energy can supply a Supervisory Control System (SCS) to provide a common operator interface that integrates the controls for the GE Energy supplied Balance of Plant equipment with the gas turbine generator. package ventilation fans. distribution/ control panel. the black start system includes a breaker cubicle. eliminating the multiple hardware and software interfaces typically encountered in most power plants. By using either a Mark VIe platform or a PLC based platform a completely integrated control system can be achieved.160V switchgear as required to provide auxiliary power for plant operation. supplied with local instrumentation and/or control systems will interface with the SCS for monitoring and supervisory control. Each GE Energy supplied component and/or skid. Balance of Plant Motor Control Center GE Energy can provide motor control centers for the various balance of plant motor starters as required. Electrical Equipment Module GE Energy can provide a walk-in. and lighting and convenience receptacles. the diesel generator provides AC power for the gas turbine generator hydraulic starter motor. The module comes complete with an emergency lighting system. Auxiliary Transformer – Low Voltage GE Energy can provide pad mounted auxiliary transformers for the various plant loads as required. Black Start Generator GE Energy can provide a diesel engine driven generator package to provide gas turbine generator start-up capability in the event of a loss of connection to the grid. In addition to the diesel engine and generator. For black starts.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 138 of 156 . Interface between each component and the SCS is established using a combination of hardwired instrument I/O. The instrumentation and controls provided will ensure the safe and efficient operation of the process over the complete range of operating conditions. and/or serial link connections. A unified operator control interface is provided for operation from the Power Control Module (PCM) or owner supplied control room via CRT-based Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). A graphical interface is created for both the turbine and plant controls using Cimplicity HMI software. high-speed redundant Ethernet communications. Components installed in the SCS cabinet typically include the following: • • • • • • MarkVI BOP control hardware Analog and Digital I/O termination boards Ethernet Network Switch Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) (for SCS only) Power Distribution Components and wiring Lighting GE Energy can provide additional optional equipment and services for the SCS as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • Control room DCS furniture Plant historian for both BOP and turbine data Additional local HMI servers/viewers Remote control room HMI servers/viewers Automatic Generator Control (AGC) Sequence of Events (SOE) Recording One Button Start Operator Training for Plant Controls LCDs in lieu of CRTs Interfacing with Owner supplied components Onsite commissioning services LM6000 .60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 139 of 156 . Each HMI is powered by a Pentium class workstation PC. The SCS components are assembled in a control cabinet to be installed in the Power and Control Module (PCM) or Owner provided control room. 1 Objective The Gas Turbine Familiarization course is designed to train operators and supervisory personnel to safely operate a gas turbine generator unit.1 Gas Turbine Familiarization 18. Generator General Description Gas Turbine and Generator Major Components Support Systems Lube Oil Hydraulic and Control Cooling Water Cooling and Sealing Air Fuel(s) Starting Heating and Ventilation Fire Protection Generator Systems Control System Basic Control Functions and Operating Sequences Basic Protection Functions LM6000 .18. Emphasis is placed on the operator’s responsibilities with regard to the auxiliary systems. Operators are also instructed in how to interpret fault annunciation and how to determine if the annunciated fault can be remedied by operator action or by the assistance of instrumentation and/or maintenance personnel. Texas. focuses on starting. operational data logging.1. and specific operator checks of the various turbine support and auxiliary systems to ensure safe and reliable operation of the turbine unit.1.2 Content The typical Gas Turbine Familiarization course covers the following areas: • • • • Unit Arrangement Gas Turbine. located in Houston. 18. loading. and data evaluation. Training 18. The course.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 140 of 156 . Field Trips: Equipment walk around and panel familiarization will be dependent on equipment availability. exclusive of weekends and holidays.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 141 of 156 . Language: English LM6000 . Textbook: Student textbooks will be supplied for fifteen (15) students and will be retained by the customer. Classroom: The customer is responsible for providing a classroom facility suitable for instructing fifteen (15) students. six (6) hours per day.• • • - Turbine Generator Operation Startup Operating Parameters Emergency Procedures Operator Responsibilities Data Logging and Evaluation Operating Limits and Required Operator Action on Various Annunciator Indications Unit Documentation Duration: Five (5) consecutive days in length. 19.60 Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 142 of 156 .Aftermarket Services LM6000 . efficient products.19. We work in all areas of the energy industry including coal. financial services to plastics. LM6000 . natural gas and nuclear energy.2 Gas Turbine Parts 19. and medical imaging to news and information. GE Energy provides reliable.1 Overview GE Energy Global Parts supports our customer needs for LM6000 Gas Turbine Parts via a worldwide parts network with a primary warehouse in Cincinnati. Modifications.1. at the right time. configuration. as well as renewable resources such as water and wind energy. We help businesses and authorities that generate.1 Services 19.1 Overview From jet engines to power generation. Our LM6000 Services include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gas Turbine Parts Package Parts Power Turbine Parts Balance of Plant Parts and Services Tooling/Support Equipment Overhaul and Repair Services Conversions. GE Energy has a full portfolio of offerings to help its customers focus on their core business activities while we do the rest. services and financing for the energy industry.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 143 of 156 . Our Customer Account Managers are supported by engineering. planning and forecasting experts who are all committed to getting you the right part. to the right place. GE people worldwide are dedicated to turning imaginative ideas into leading products and services that help solve some of the world's toughest problems.2. Ohio. As a major division of the GE Company. and Upgrades Rotable Exchange Programs New and Used Engine Sales and Exchanges Lease Pool Programs Field Services Engineering Services Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics Contractual Service Agreements Operation and Maintenance Agreements Training Programs and Video Tapes Technical Manuals Extended Warranty 19. oil. transmit or use electricity. . LM6000 . you get more than just a part.5:00 PM EST Monday through Friday ph: 513-552-2000 fax: 513-552-5008 After-Hour Emergencies ph: 513-552-3272 ph: 877-432-3272 (Toll Free) All purchase orders and inquiries are to be directed to our spare parts sales organizations at: GE Aircraft Engines – Gas Turbine Spare Parts One Neumann Way.3 Package Parts 19. • • Maintain specifications for all GE units produced. operational. Materials required for the operation of the Package are available through GE Energy Global Parts. MD S133 Cincinnati.1 Overview GE Energy Global Parts provides service to all aeroderivative package equipment owners and operators. Customer specific modifications/upgrades and improving our support are all examples of how GE Energy Global Parts is striving to be your source for the highest quality parts with the best delivery and service. You get the backing of our in-depth engineering design.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 144 of 156 . We are also upgrading our material solution offerings.3. with optimal operating system performance. 19. The underlying value is that each and every part is designed and supplied by GE with the goal to provide you. OH 45215-1988 U. and total part-to-system experience.A.Orders and Inquiries Office Hours: 8:00 AM .2. Attention: GE Energy Global Parts Sales 19. Quotations for budgetary lists for new units are available through the sales group using your unit’s configuration.S. This is all done via a web based quotation program. the customer.2 Parts Support GE Energy Global Parts is committed to providing our customers with a total parts support package for every LM product line. With GE parts. TX house the repair.4 Power Turbine Parts 19. Service is our priority and we are dedicated to supporting your entire Power Turbine spare part needs.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 145 of 156 . Fuel and Oil Filters Overhaul and Field Maintenance Tools Fittings and Tubing Pumps for Fuel and Oil Valves – Solenoid and Manual Cables – RTD and Thermocouple Gauges – Pressure and Temperature Consumables 19. Fuel and Oil Hoses Air.1 Overview GE Energy Global Parts is a provider of spare parts in the power turbine industry.4. Please call your Customer Account Manager who will be available during our normal working hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. LM6000 . Central Standard Time. and overhaul services.• • • In-house engineering resources to insure the material we supply is the correct material for your unit and application. We work together as a team to provide your entire Power Turbine needs. Our global parts organization is prepared to assist you with all your spare part requirements.com 19. Requests for emergency material can be handled on a 7-day.3. refurbishment. 24-hour basis. Exchange components to provide quick turnaround are available on a limited basis.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Package Components Supported LM6000 Gas Turbine Spare Parts Generator Spares Control Systems Fire Equipment Vibration Systems GE Drive Systems Metal Scan Monitoring Systems Air. (pager: 281267-9768) Orders or quote requests can be sent direct to us at the numbers listed below or log onto the Internet at GEPartsEdge. Our facility located in Houston. Compliance with service bulletins ensures the user that the latest technology available is being used. power generation.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 146 of 156 .3 Products Shipping containers. or your GE Energy Services Team.6.5.3 Service Bulletins While the gas turbine is in the Service Center all pertinent service bulletins should be complied with.2 Product Offerings GE Structured Services offers a wide array of products used in the maintenance and operation of your GE gas turbine. If a part can be repaired. LM6000 . Hand tools. Inquiries for support equipment and tooling should be directed to GE Structured Services. Our quality equipment allows for optimal safety conditions.2 Parts By choosing GE Energy as the overhaul provider the user is guaranteed that. Applications: Levels 1 and 2 are available for end users. 4. Upgrade kits. Our vision is “To be our customers One-Stop Shopping source.19. new original engine manufacturer parts are used. you will receive the current OEM design. Maintenance tooling. 19.1 Overview Overhaul and repair services are performed at our Service Center in Houston. Levels 3.5. including industrial.6. Many of the repairs were developed for use in the aviation industry and have been adapted for use in the industrial engine.6. 19. LP. when required. Texas. by choosing GE Structured Services for your support equipment and tooling needs. the users can rest assured that the procedure used for the repair has been approved by GE Energy engineering. providing business solutions for a complete line of engines”. In addition. We support all tooling applications for aeroderivative engines.5 Tooling/Support Equipment 19. marine and military. 19.1 Overview GE Structured Services. Inspection and test equipment. and 5 are available to authorized repair shops. LP has supported engine products around the world for a quarter of a century.6 Overhaul and Repair Services 19.5. 19. 19. A CM&U can include the gas turbine engine.6. The test is conducted in accordance with specifications of new production engines. or affects the configuration of the equipment. through its Six Sigma quality program.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 147 of 156 . 19. the package.6. modification or upgrade CM&U. fuel systems.6 • • • • • • • • • • • • Service Center Capabilities Chemical and mechanical cleaning Non-destructive testing High speed rotor tip grind Coating and surface finishing Rotor build.1 Overview A conversion. Testing ensures the user that the overhaul or repair performed meets the GEK requirements and will meet or exceed all performance standards when put into service at the user’s site. 19. although new and customized upgrades are also available to suit LM6000 . and Upgrades 19. is continually measuring both the internal and external processes that drive turn time. 19. balance and grind Weld shop and heat treat Machine shop and services Coordinate measuring center On-site test capability Gearbox shop. availability.4 Cycle Reduction Initiative GE Energy. performance. Modifications. and customer reporting. efficiency. These processes include parts availability.5 Testing State of the art full power testing is available through the Service Center. pneumatics shop Full inventory support Rotable support 19.6.7. The following list contains descriptions of many of our typical CM&U offerings.7 Conversions. The reduction in turn time can reduce then user’s cost of maintenance by reducing lease engine cost or downtime. CM&U’s are available from GE Energy Services for GE and many non-GE aeroderivative gas turbine packages. is anything that improves the reliability. safety. maintainability.By taking advantage of the latest technology the user may be able to reduce the overall maintenance cost of operating a GE LM6000 product. and the balance-ofplant equipment. repair technology. 1 Hot Section Exchange GE Energy offers a package of hardware. or gas fired water/glycol systems. As with all of the Aero Energy Rotable EMUs. tooling and labor to remove and install your LM6000 gas turbine engine and replace the Hot Section (HPT Rotor. Please feel free to contact your GE Energy Services Sales Manager if you would like to discuss a potential CM&U for your operation. or bleed air) Fire protection panel and halon to CO2 fire system upgrades HMI upgrades Fuel system upgrades Sensor upgrades Enhanced flow and speed upgrade STIG conversion Vibration system upgrades Inlet Filtration Systems Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics Lube Oil Chip Detectors MetalSCAN On-Line Oil Monitoring System Fuel Heating Systems Inlet Cooling/Heating Systems Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Upgrades Package Frequency Conversions Synchronous Condensors Control System Upgrade 19. This procedure can normally be accomplished in 1-3 days.8 Rotable Exchange Programs 19. the Hot Section hardware carries a one year warranty. and sending the engine into the shop for repair. LM6000 . Two GE field service representatives per shift will be provided for this work. electric.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 148 of 156 .7. you get a fully balanced HPT rotor with factory established blade to shroud clearances to optimize performance. 19. Stage 1 and 2 Nozzle Assemblies) at a predetermined fixed price.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Offerings Liquid fuel treatment systems Reduced emissions (Wet) Water wash systems Anti-Icing systems (steam.8. With the Aero Energy Hot Section Exchange. thus eliminating the need for a lease engine. All returned EMUs are overhauled per GE specifications.individual needs. The new units are provided with a factory performance guarantee and carry a 1-year operation warranty.The LM6000 Aeroderivative gas turbine is designed so that it is easy to replace major engine assemblies (also referred to as Engine Maintenance Units or EMUs) quickly to maximize gas turbine availability. New and used units can be purchased outright. Through this program. GE Energy has developed a program that takes advantage of this engineering concept. a customer may trade the current unit in for the same model configuration or upgraded equipment for improvements in power and heat rate. Removed EMUs (including Hot Sections) become the property of GE.9 New and Used Engine Sales and Exchanges 19. In many cases.9. GE Energy also has EMUs that are available to be used to shorten the time an engine is at a Service Center for repair. 19. This reduces the cost of operating a lease engine (if installed) or can help expedite the return of the engine back to the site to meet a critical operating period. or purchased with the return of an existing LM6000 unit. These units also may carry a 1-year operational warranty. a Rotable EMU can be installed at the customer’s site eliminating the need to send the engine to a Service Center. The used LM6000 gas generators or gas turbines offered have normally undergone a complete overhaul per GE specifications prior to availability for sale.1 Overview GE Energy can offer both new and used LM6000 gas generators and gas turbines to customers that own or operate LM6000 gas turbine equipment. 19. GE Energy refers to this as our Engine Exchange Program.2 • • • • • • • • • Customer Benefits An estimated one-to-three day plant shutdown to complete the equivalent of an gas turbine overhaul program Elimination of spare gas engine lease usage fees One-time gas turbine change-out fees One-year new-gas turbine warranty New-engine output and heat rate factory performance guarantees New GE gas turbine technology Compliance with current service bulletins Fixed-cost transaction May reduce fuel and maintenance costs LM6000 .60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 149 of 156 .9. The User benefits by on-site replacement of the EMU by eliminating the cost of using a lease engine and the second engine change-out if the damaged engine is sent to a Service Center for repair. 60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 150 of 156 .10 Lease Pool Programs 19. An installation charge applies to each usage plus actual transportation costs each way. 19. after any Special Applications adjustments. tools and support.2 Lease Engine Membership A member agreement is a contract of six-year duration.11. It provides a guarantee of availability if the customer should need a lease gas turbine.10.10. GE has made the capital investment in these gas turbines and incurs costs for every operating and non-operating hour.11 19. The customer pays an annual membership fee and a weekly usage fee whenever a lease asset is installed at the customer site.5 times the weekly member rate. Lease assets are provided under either of two lease agreement concepts: Member or Non-member. STIG. No guarantee of availability exists for non-member usage. 19. Weekly fees are subject to Special Applications adjustments for liquid fuel operation. An installation fee and a higher weekly charge apply to non-members.10. and SPRINT™ water injection applications. This LM6000 .19.1 Field Services Overview GE Energy Field Service is a world-class service and support network designed to anticipate and respond to our customers needs throughout the product life of GE LM6000 gas turbine and packages. Lease customers can continue operations to serve their customers and meet their business objectives.3 Lease Engine Usage by Non-Members A customer who has not opted for the six-year membership agreement may use a GE lease asset on a single event basis under the terms of a Non-member agreement. Non-member lease rates are calculated from the rates in the member tables. The weekly non-member rate is 3.1 Overview The GE Lease Program is designed to help customers minimize or reduce their overall life cycle costs and offers a low cost way for customers to maintain availability of their gas turbines. 19. Note: New customers who request a lease gas turbine within 45 days of executing a member lease agreement will be charged at non-member rates for that lease usage event. Member and non-member rates and options are structured to reflect this. The worldwide team supplies the highest quality parts. Customers can maximize site availability by leasing equipment from GE when their own equipment is at a Service Center for repair or when it cannot be repaired on site within a reasonable amount of time. results in higher availability and lower costs for you, the customer. Please contact any one of our 10 regionally located offices around the world for any of your service needs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 19.11.2 Offerings GE Energy Field Service is dedicated to responding to your needs in an expedient manner. Aero Energy Field Service helps to minimize your downtime and provide a lower cost operation of by providing full technical coverage for your gas turbine and package. Our services include but are not limited to: Periodic Inspections of the gas turbine and package, Hot Sections, Generator Test and Inspection, Trim Balances, Vibration Surveys, Performance Testing, Controls Calibration, and all Level 1 and 2 Maintenance. In response to our customers’ requests for flexibility in commercial offerings, Aero Energy Field Services now provides the option for Firm Fixed pricing. 19.12 19.12.1 Engineering Services Overview Aero Energy Service Engineering provides engineering support to GE and non-GE industrial aeroderivative turbine products. A comprehensive Product Service Engineering and Conversion, Modification and Upgrades Engineering organization delivers field investigative support and product design, as well as engineered modifications to gas turbine, package and balance of plant equipment. In addition a New Product Introduction team develops engineered solutions for future upgrades. The combined service engineering groups of GE Energy support the product from factory shipment, through the course of service agreements and throughout the product life cycle. 19.12.2 Product Service Engineering Full engineering services are available for owners and operators of GE and certain non-GE aeroderivative engines and packages. Services include operational reviews, data analysis, maintenance practices, fleet optimization, failure root cause analysis and other studies. GE Energy also provides a variety of field investigation services for industrial and marine products. Formal engineering studies are available. 19.12.3 Conversions, Modifications and Upgrades (CM&U) Engineering A range of standard upgrades and modifications are available (see Upgrade Services section) through the CM&U Engineering organization. Specialized engineering services are also offered to customers interested in package conversions. Upgrade kits covering a variety of gas turbine systems are available for each of the LM series of engines and certain non-GE LM6000 - 60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 151 of 156 aeroderivative engines and packages. In addition engineering services are available to support limited specialized upgrades. Contact Project Engineering to request an evaluation and quotation for required modifications. 19.12.4 • • • • • • • • • • • Engineering Services Hourly service support Reliability, availability and maintainability improvement services Unscheduled trips/outages reduction evaluation Evaluation of gas turbine, package and BOP operational costs with the objective of improving site profitability Hourly engineering service packages with CSA, RMD or CM&U/NPI Engineering evaluation of gas turbine hardware service life with the objective of improving time between removals On-site engineering specialty training for customer personnel Detailed engineering failure investigation report to identify root cause Engineering specialist for DLE operability, vibration, performance or emissions Pre-start Operational Readiness Review (PSOR) of existing installations to identify operational problems Analysis service of fuel, water, oil and emissions samples 19.13 19.13.1 Monitoring and Diagnostics Service Overview Monitoring and Diagnostics Service helps aeroderivative turbine plant operators improve availability, reliability, operating performance, and maintenance effectiveness. Monitoring key parameters by factory experts may lead to early warning of equipment problems and avoidance of expensive secondary damage. Diagnostic programs seek out emerging trends, prompting proactive intervention to avoid forced outages and extended downtime. The ability for GE engineers to view real-time operation accelerates troubleshooting and sometimes removes the need for service personnel to visit the plant. 19.13.2 • • Product Features On-Line Monitoring Accelerated Troubleshooting Support from Factory Experts LM6000 - 60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 152 of 156 • • • Customer Notification Report Vibration Monitoring System Access to M&D Data 19.13.3 • • • • Service Benefits Possible Early Warning of Changing Conditions Proactive Recommendations for Action May Reduce Downtime Optional Features 19.14 19.14.1 Contractual Services Agreements Overview Utilities, independent power producers and oil and gas producers that own and operate gas turbines now have an easy way to get a handle on maintenance costs. GE Contractual Services Agreements (CSA’s) enable customers to get a full spectrum of maintenance options that takes the burden off of them, and allows them to focus on their core businesses. 19.14.2 Benefits to Customers The benefits of GE CSA’s are numerous. For instance, a GE CSA can help keep equipment running properly, provide for reduced downtime, and lessen repair time. Also, depending on the type of CSA, the cost of maintenance can be uniformly distributed and easier to predict for the customer. GE CSA’s can be initiated at any time in the life of the equipment, but are most effective when started in conjunction with: • • • • • New engine purchases Upgrades Unscheduled engine replacements Engine exchanges Hot section exchanges or major overhauls 19.15 Operating and Maintenance Agreements 19.15.1 Overview GE Energy’s Global O&M Services group is one of the world’s largest 3rd party providers of plant Operation and Maintenance services, currently with over 16,000 MW at 60 sites in 17 countries under O&M contract. Our global resources and experience base allow us to provide comprehensive services across the turbine island and balance of plant for both GE and nonGE equipment. LM6000 - 60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 153 of 156 places a premium on developing technology that improves the quality of our products and services while also meeting the expressed needs of the customer. including parts Local and remote monitoring and diagnostics Comprehensive training Environmental health and safety programs Site documentation and procedure development Site-specific computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) Switchgear maintenance and management Power delivery Fuel management GE Global O&M follows a rigorous environmental health and safety program that is implemented at every plant where we provide O&M services. expertise and process improvements.15. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for all GE and plant personnel on site. GE Global O&M applies the latest cost-effective practices to ensure optimal economic performance. Our ISO 9000-2000 Certified Quality Assurance Program combined with our Six Sigma methodology. All of our O&M sites comply with local and government regulations as well as customer requirements and are held to our stringent company-wide environmental standards. LM6000 .60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 154 of 156 . our highly trained specialists work with the customer to develop the ideal strategy for their particular site. and economy including: • • • • • • • • • • • Daily operation and maintenance of the plant Complete plant staffing Planned and unplanned maintenance services.With continuously evolving new technology. From initial project support to mobilization. through actual operation and maintenance.2 Offerings GE Global O&M offers a comprehensive suite of services to deliver maximum reliability. 19. availability. GE Energy’s Global O&M services team helps ensure optimum performance at existing power plants as well as plants still in the planning stages. 19.18. but additional copies can be purchased on request. GE Energy has the expertise and ability to keep your plant running at peak performance. Manuals are supplied with the gas turbine. Service Centers and service providers. Service Centers. and service providers the knowledge and ability to properly maintain their LM6000 gas turbines and package to ensure maximum availability and reliability. Eventually all manuals will be published only in an electronic format. 19. • • • Same thorough coverage as the standard New Engine Warranty Provides for periodic inspection by GE Field Service representative On-line support through Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics is available to customers until the end of initial New Engine Warranty. contact us for a Course Catalog and Class Schedule. 19. manufacturing facilities. and global service centers.16 Training Programs and Video Tapes 19.17 Technical Manuals 19. Currently all manuals are published in printed format and most are available on CD version.60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 155 of 156 .18 Extended Warranty 19.1 Overview The Extended Engine Warranty provides warranty coverage for months 13 through 24 from the initial startup of your gas turbine.1 Overview GE Energy Services supplies a complete set of technical manuals for the operation and maintenance of each aeroderivative gas turbine.16.17. • • • • Classroom work with training manuals and video tapes Related hands-on disassembly and assembly tasks on LM6000 engines Led by experienced instructors Small class size For more information.With our worldwide inventory.1 Overview GE has developed comprehensive hands-on training classes to provide customers and authorized nonGE suppliers. LM6000 . These are available to customers and authorized non-GE suppliers. 60Hz Classic 6/2008 Page 156 of 156 .2 • • • • Benefits Protects your operation and investment Enhanced support by engine specialists Allows for early problem diagnosis Reduced risk of unscheduled maintenance costs LM6000 .18.19.
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