liturgical language

March 29, 2018 | Author: api-205951264 | Category: Paganism, Heathenry (New Religious Movement), Liturgy, Germanic Mythology, Norse Paganism



Heathen Liturgical LangagesBy: Steve Anthonijsz Like all other religions, Heathen religions each have our own unique liturgical languages. And like all other religions these languages come from their respective originating countries. Unlike other religious communities, though, most Heathens do enjoy learning from one another. As such it is not uncommon for Heathens of one triuwa to read the materials of another or to engage in conversations with practitioners of other Heathen religions. Liturgical language is very important. There are two reasons for this. First there are often words or phrases in a religion's historical traditions that do not translate well into the common vernacular of a language and/or culture removed from those origins. And second, liturgical language adds a certain “poetic” or “romantic” sense to ritual that would be lost if that language were not used. Because such a diversity in liturgical language occurs in the Heathen communities, though, we may often find that in trying to familiarize ourselves with the concepts and ideas commonly presented throughout Heathendom one may often be discouraged or inhibited by terminology. Trying to read a text using another Heathenry's locution and jargon can often be confusing, especially if one is not all that familiar with the phraseology being presented. In an overview of modern Heathendom it is impossible to capture all the various languages and terminologies used throughout the Reawakenings. However, in recognition of the fact that the diversity of vocabularies may lead to misunderstandings some attempt at “translation” may be useful. As this glossary cannot even attempt to be exhaustive, only commonly-used terms are included, and that only of the most influential Heathenrys. One should also bear in mind that the terminologies that have become standard today are not always identical to that of their ancient forebears—terms offered here only reflect modern usage—and often neologisms are used. Similarly these terms do not always precisely translate but may include certain nuances of meaning or implications lacking in their equivalents. It should be remembered that languages do not always translate word-for-word, and that nuances in a name or concept are to be assumed. The cognates presented herein include forms from Irminic (Old High German and Armanic/Wagnerian terms), Ásatrú/Forn Sed (Old Norse and Modern Icelandic), Théodish Belief/Anglo-Saxon Heathenry (Old English), Odinist/Troth (anglicized Danish, anglicized Icelandic and New English) and Gothic liturgical languages. As this compiler continues learning, this glossary will be constantly growing, so please come back regularly. You never know what you might find or what you might learn! I am learning myself as I compile this and hope that other Heathens will benefit from this effort as much as I do. ~~Steve Anthonijsz Irminenschaft Ásatrú; Forn Sed Théodism; ASH Odinism; Troth Gothic agari Alcis Al-Raune All alp alpâ Alpâheim alpâskuzzo altari altmâg altmâgâ anastantida ansArmanenschaft âtum beteri biheiz bior bitten bluot bluostar bluostari bluostbolla; geldbolla Brîsinga-men brunno das Ich --ding Donar eban Eger ellan, nenden brunnR --Mother Rune multiverse álfR álfar Ljösálfheimar galdrafluga stalli niðiar niðaran perseverance ÁsaOdianism önd goði boast alu bœn blót blót goði blótbolli Brisingamen brunnR ek Disting þing ÞórR jafn Ægir áræði kettle ----omniverse ælf ylfes Ælfham ylfagescot wéofod; wigbed cnéowmæg cnéowmægas stedefæstnes Ósrune-witega æþm wéofodthane béot ealu bede blót blót blótere blótorc Brosingamen wiell sylf --folcmót Þúnor efen Eagor ellan kettle --glory twig multiverse elf elves Alfheim elfshot (indoor) altar ancestor ancestors steadfastness -god rune-work athem gothi boast ale bede (only used by Odinists) blood blót gothi offering bowel Brisingamen well Self Dísablót folkmoot Thor even, fair, equal Aegir courage, bravery uuaer Alci --expanse --------hunslastaþs semidei semidei perseverance ahma redan ahta gudja flautjan --aihtrons blóþ sauþs blotan, gudblostreis gudblostreis --brunna silba --domeins Faírguneis ibns --anananjan Ensi Ensigart Ensiweg êra Erda; Nirda êwa faida Faidaswert faining, fagenda Fa-Tor, fadar fano fîjant fîra, wirtôn firbannen firinhaft flîze folga forasagin --Forsizo Frija fridu (Ing) Frô (Walburga) Frouwa funebre galstar Garma gart Garta gastlîh gebagernî Geist Æsir ÁsgarðR Bifröst; Ásbrú ár Jörðr, Fjörgynr lög, lagR hæmd Gambanteinn förn, blót faðir banner, vé fjándR veizla útlagi vargR industriousness fylga völva Freyfest Foreseti Frigg friðR FreyR Freyja erfi galdR urðR garðR GerðR risna stórmenska haugbúi Ése Ésageard Bifrost arung Erce, Eorðe lagu revengen --faining, fægenung fæðer --féond húsel ǽbutan wearg bisignes fæċċe spæwif --Forseta Frige friþ Fréa Fréo liclic gealdor wyrd geard, geardum Gerda giestlíþnes, guestliness geifu gæst, sciniæca Aesir Asgard Bifrost position, status Nerthus law revenge Sword of Revenge blót father banner enemy, fiend feast outlaw outlaw industriousness fetch volva Freysblót Forseti Frigga frith Frey Freya bæl galdor wyrd gard Gerd hospitality generosity ghost anseis ----honour, rank Airþa witoþ fraweit --dulþs, dulþjan atta --faian dulþs excommunicate wargs arbaiþs guardian angel haljaruno --Raguel Mary friþon Frauja --straua incantationes fate garda --gastigoþs gibigjan hugs, gaisjan gelf gelt ger Gesellschaft, Gemeinschaft, Gefolgschaft gestin (m) gast (f) Ginentigruba Godotuom, Götterdämmerng Gôt Gôtos gotskelta guot halgadom hailen heidan heil heilan heilig hamo haruc, wîbeti harugari harugarin hâgzusa, hazes Heimo, Iring Hella Hellaheim Himil hîwida Hlebmesa holzrûna oath offering, gift, gjöf geirR samfélag, félag gielp gieldan, lác gár ríċe, ætt brag offering, yielding spear organization, org, fellowship guest (m) guest (f) Ginnungagap Ragnarok Child of [deity] egregore --weal-working hof omen Heathen hale heal, save hailagaz astral body harrow godhi gydia seidhwoman Heimdall, Rig Hella Helheim --handfasting Fallfest --- aiþs giba saij, lance aikklesjo boðsmaðR gestr Ginnungagap RagnarøkR ----goðgá góðR hof --heiðinn heill frelsa heilagR hamR hörgR goði gyðia seiðkona HeimdallR, RígR Hel Helheim HiminvangR gipta Haustblót --- giest giest --------blasphemein gód ealh hǽl hæðen hǽlu hǽlan hálig hama hearg wéofodþagn wéofodþagn wiċċe Hama, Scéaf Hel Hel Heofon, Heofonríċe geifta Lammas, Hlæfmæsse --- gasts gasts ----ansila galiugaguþ anaqiss goþs gudhûs tani haiþno hailag hailjan hailags --hunslastaþs gudja, weiha hierias haljaruno Iggws, Michael --Halja waggs, himins liuga Harvest haljarunos Huergelmer hûsinga hûswîhî Îdisi innergart Irminist Irminen Hvergelmir --land-taking dísir innangarðR Ásatrúar Ásatrúar --cofgodas landnáma idesa innergard Hvergelmir --land-taking disir innergard ----grundus semidei --- Théodsman,Þéod Odinist, Trother, Gothic Christian smen Asatruar Théodsmen, Þéodsmen Éormansyl, World Tree Géoltid, Géol Éowomeoluc Londwihts, landwihta liċ Knot of the Slain leoð léod Grendel mægen, cræft Mona Torrida chalybs mare mærð meodu, medu mánswída myne sċop mynedrenc metgung --Odinists, Trothers, Asatruar Yggdrasil, World-tree Yuletide, Yule Candlemas land wights body valknot song kindred Loki main Mani Mjollnir --fame mead oath-breaker memory--memory draught moderation Odin Gothic Christians Holy Cross Jiuleis, Gothicum Candlemas unhulþo body --liuþ gabinda Diabaulus auþs Mena ----meriþa medus unfarswara gaminþi, trigo----moderation The Son Irminsûl, Mîmisbaum Iulzît, Iul, The Twelves Landsegen landwihtir lichamo walknouf, Liebeßchiefe liod liut Locho magan, Kraft Mano Malant mara mârida medu, medo meineit minna minna-singer minnatranc metalskaft Metod Yggdrasil, Word Tree, Léræþ Jóltíð, Jól Charming of the Plough landvættir lik valknútR lioð kindred Loki, Loke megin Máni Miöllnir --orðstírR mjöðr perjurer minni skald minnisöl moderation MiöyuðR; MjötuðR Mîmi Mîmisbrunno missitat Mittigart, Mannaheim Mundilfaro muot Mu-Tor, muoter Muoternaht Mûspillheim naht Nebelheim Nichus (f. meriwife) Nessenhof nôt nôtfiur Nirdu odal Ôdhumbal ôheim Ôstarâ Ôstarûn Phol, Paltar puk Râhana rât reht rehtî Reich, rîhhi ringa rouh, reek rîsi rîsi Rîsiheim Rune, rûna Mímir Mímisbrunnar misdeed MiðgarðR Mundilfari oðR móðir Modranicht MúspelheimR nött NiflheimR nykr Nástrond nauðsyn need-fire NiörðR odal Auðumla faðurbroðir Iðunn Ostara BaldR púki Rán rið réttR jafnaðR ríki hringr recels jötun, þurs þursar Jötunheimar rún Meomor Meomors weill misdǽd Middengeard --mód modor Modranect Muspilli niht --nicor Nástrand nied bælfýr Néorð yrfelaf --eam Éostre Éostron Bealdor púka Ran ræd riht efennes ríċe hringe recels rísi, eottin eottins Eotenham rún Mimir Mimir's well wrong (action) Midgard Mundilfori od mother Mothernight Muspell night Nifelheim nixie Nastrond need bæl-fire Njord odal Audumla uncle Idunna Ostara Baldur puck Ran rede, reda right, reht justice --ring incense ettin ettins Ettinhiem rune ----missadéðs midjungardis ----aiþei Mothers' Night --nahts ----gaíaínna noicz ----utal --oheim --Ostern ------redan raihts raihtei reiks gulþ incense ------rûna Runen Runenexerzitien samal samalchopf samanung Scata Scult segen sêla shild skama skolo sin sioh sippâ, Sippe sippâfolga Sivrît suarzalp suarzalpâ Suarzalpâheim --sumarthing Sunna Sunnawendî suntea sunu swert tac taterman tatermanen thau thau thauling rúnstaffir stáðagaldor sumbl bragafull samming Skaði Skuld helga sál skuld skömm --hugR sjúkR kin kinfylgia SigurðR svartálfR svartálfar SvartálfheimR útiseta alþing Sól Miðsumarsblót synd burR sverð dagR tompte tompten siðr Nine Nobel Virtues --- rúnas --symbel eolowæge geférsċipe Sceadu Scyld hallow sawol scyld scamu gylt mynd séoc cynn tribal totem Béowulf sweartælf sweartælfs Sweartælfheim licwiglunga witanganmót Sunne Liða, Middansumor synn sunu sweord dæg ----þéaw, thew þéaw, thew þyle runes rune yoga sumble sumble cup community Skadhi Skuld hallowing soul debt, obligation shame guilt mind sick hearth clan fetch Siegfried svartelf svartelves Swartalfheim Sitting out Grand Moot, Trothmoot Sunna Midsummer --son sword day tompten tomptens custom Nine Charges, Code of Nine --- stabeis --mass chalice mainja --Skúldo hailjan saiwala skula skaman skula hugs sikus hauri Holy Spirit Sivard --------maþl Sugil Sauil sin, frawaúrhts sunus hairus daaz --sidus Ten Commands --- tohter triuwa trûên tuerc tuercâ Tuisto tunchelap tunchelalpâ tuom ubils Unabhängigkeit Urdabrunno unholda unholdâ urlag urminna ûzarogart Volk völkisch Walburganaht walchuria waldscrat Wan Wanâ Wanâheim wâra, êrsamî weltmulin werd Weyland Werdanda werigelt wîh wîhida wîhnassî dóttir trú griðR dvergR dvergar --dökkálfR dökkálfar dómR illr self-reliance UrðabrunnR óheilagR --ørlög --útangarðR fólk fólkish Valburga, Sumarmál valkyrie skratti VanR Vanir VanaheimR ørgrandR, sannindi luðR verð VölundR, Þiazi Verðanði weregild vé áss vígja dohtor tréowð grið dwerogh dweroga ------dóm, doom yfel selfdóm Wyrdseaþ unhálig unholda orlæg urþanc outergard folc tribal daughter troth --dwarf dwarves --dark elf dark elves destiny, doom woe-working independence Wyrd's Well unholy --orlog --outergard folk community Walpurgis valkyrie scrat Van Vanir, Vans Vanaheim truth, honesty grotti-mill --Weyland, Thjazi Verdandi weregild wîhaz idols hallow dauhtar trauan trauan ----Vandill ----dóms ubils self-reliance --un-aírkns unhulþo (The) Fadar gamunan --Gutthiuda mainduþs ----skohsl ------sunja --wairþan ----andwairþis weihs digis, gadigis hailnan Þrimeolce wælcyrgie scritta Wén Wéns Wenaham sóð, sooth --weorþ Wéland Weorþende weregeld wíh wéoh halgian wîhstat, wîhhûs, baro wihseling wiht wihtir wille Winternaht wîstuom wizzi Wodan Wôdhruorer Wuldar Wuldar's Ring wuntarzât Wurt, Urda wurtâ zêri zehhan Ziu Zweliftonaht friðgarðR, vébonönd --vætt vættir óðR VetrnætR vísdómur wit Óðinn Ódrærir UllR UllR's ring healer UrðR nornir þrúðR --Týr Tólftinótt hof --wihta wihta willa Winterfylleþ wísdóm hyge Wóden Odrœrir Wuldor Wuldor's ring lǽce Wyrd wyrdæ þryð tácn Tiw Twelfth Night vé changeling wight wights od Winter Nights wisdom wit Odin Odroerir Ull oath ring leech Wyrd the norns glory omen-reading Tyr Twelfth Night alhs, trunci changeling ansil ansila wilja All Hallows frodei aha Gaut, Gauts --Oller aiþeis lekeis ----wulriza fauratani, taikns Teiws Twelfth Night
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