March 25, 2018 | Author: Angeli Jean Koreen Corpuz | Category: Adrenal Gland, Eating, Pancreas, Anatomy, Glands



GLAND/ORGANPITUITARY ANTERIOR LOBE (adenophysis) HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Adrenocorticotropic hormone- stimulated by CRH from hypothalamus HYPERSECRETION Stimulates adrenal cortex to produce cortisol, corticosteroids, and androgens; can stimulate melanocytes Controls bone and tissue growth and regulates metabolism (influences secretion of insulin-like growth factor I from liver)  HYPOSECRETION Pituitary ACTH hypersecretion or (Cushing Disease) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia   Gigantism (preadult)- abnormall tall (~ 8ft) Acromegaly (mature adult)   dwarfism (pre-adult) adults with growth hormone deficiency feel tired to a level that impairs their wellbeing Regulates thyroid hormone (via secretion of thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3])   Hyperthyroidism Grave’s disease   Hypothyroidism Myxedema- Physical and mental sluggishness (not retardation), puffines of face, fatigue, poor muscle tone, low body temperature, obesity, dry skin Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)— stimulated by GnRH Stimulates growth and secretion of eggs in ovaries (female) and sperm in testes (male)   Understimulation of adrenal cortex hormones Kallmann syndrome   Luteinizing hormone (in females) Helps control ovulation and menstruation; important in sustaining pregnancy   Causes infertility and miscarriage Multiple births (for women)  Isolated FSH deficiency bPartial follicle stimulating hormone deficiency in men can cause delayed puberty and limited sperm production (oligozoospermia), but fathering a child may still be possible. lack of sexual development and sterility Hypogonadism Growth Hormone (GH or hGH), somatotropic hormone stimulated by GRH, GHRH from hypothalamus Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)stimulated by TRH from hypothalamus 1|Page ACTIONS     Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency (ACTH deficiency) Cushing's syndrome contractions of cervix and vagina. promotes water reabsorption in kidney tubules. influences orgasm. and melanin production Causes uterine contractions. production of steroids. influences sexual gratification Stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone. stimulates milk production Raises blood pressure (some vasoconstriction).prevent the milk ejection reflex and breastfeeding Depression Hypernatremia Polyuria   Hyponatremia Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone(SIADH)  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: causes chronic pain and lethargy Albinism: Hypopigmentation and lack of melanin       Darkening of skin Causes skin pigmentation (dark blotches) . stimulates secretion of male hormones (androgens) Influences breakdown of lipids (fats).stimulated by CRH from hypothalamus ACTIONS Stimulates mammary glands to produce milk (after pregnancy). lactogenic lobe hormone (PRL) (adenohypophysis) stimulated by PRH from hypothalamus LH (in males) Interstitial cellstimulating hormone (ICSH)(males) Lipotropin Posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) Oxtocin Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone – ADH) Middle lobe 2|Page Melanocytestimulating hormone (MSH) . influences uterus Increases skin and hair pigmentation HYPERSECRETION HYPOSECRETION   Prolactinoma Hypoestrogenism with anovulatory infertility   Hypoprolactinemia Puerperal alactogenesis   Premature menopause (female) Testicular failure (male)   Pasqualini syndrome Hypoganidism   Benign prostatic hyperplasia Hyponatremia  For nursing mothers.HORMONE(S) GLAND/ORGAN SECRETED/ RELEASED Pituitary Anterior Prolactin. loss of sensation. abnormal reflexes. thereby promoting bone formation. regulates phosphorus balance. chills. puffy eyes. stimulates bone to release calcium into blood. exophthalmos (bulging eyes)  Excessive bone deposition of Ca+ would cause decreased blood Ca+ level Can be a marker for a rare thyroid cancer. nervousness. thick/dry skin. and mental sluggishness Goiter: enlarged thyroid due to buildup of TSH High calcium levels No effect that may cause physiological damage   Hyperthyroidism Grave’s Disease: high metabolism. weakness in skeletal muscles. assists in reabsorption of magnesium Promotes formation of calcitriol and assists in release of calcium. can eventually lead to paralysis and death    Excessive bone degradation would cause high blood Ca+ levels Hyperparathyroidism: depression of nervous system. inhibits osteocalsts. deformed fragile bones. sweating. convulsions. edema. affects sensitivity to catecholamines HYPERSECRETION   Calcitonin (CT – thyrocalcitonin) Parathyroid 3|Page Parathormone/ Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Stimulates calcium to leave plasma and allows it to enter bones Speeds calcium absorption from blood. constipation. rapid heartbeat. kidney stones . and phosphorus into blood.GLAND/ORGAN Thyroid HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine – T$) Triiodothyronine (T3) ACTIONS Regulates body metabolism (requires iodine) and growth and development. muscle twitches. promotes calcium deposits in bone. lethargy. activates vitamin D     HYPOSECRETION Hypothyroidism: low metabolism. magnesium. weight loss. affects protein synthesis. Hypocalcimea: low blood Ca+ Hypoparathyroidism. hypoglycemia    Addison’s Disease: dizziness. mood. high feeling of pleasure. tension. headaches Hypertension and edema due to Na+ and water retention. insomnia  Impaired mental performance. high energy and libido. low sodium levels    Addison’s disease Fatigue. amino acid. dehydration. sweating. nervousness. complete exhaustion Primary Aldosteronism: fatigue. Attention deficits-ADHD. agitation. hyperglycemia. nervousness. lethargy High potassium levels. fatigue. Osteoporosis Increases heart rate and blood pressure Regulate pain. muscle atrophy and breast growth (in male)   Low libido. ”blunted effect”. behavior Serve as neurotransmitters  Exacerbated anxiety. menopause Infertility. depression. dizziness upon standing. accelerated secretion of K Cushing’s syndrome Lack of sex drive and irregular periods for women . weight loss. hirsutism Precocious puberty. muscle weakness. increase bone mass and strength) Produce female sex characteristics   Addison’s disease Hypotension. mood changes and the darkening of regions of skin    Androgenital Syndrome (masculinization in women).GLAND/ORGAN Adrenals (Suprarenals) Adrenal medulla Adrenal cortex HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Catecholamines Epinephrine (adrenaline) Norepinephrine Corticosteroids/ corticoids Mineralocorticoids (mainly aldosterone) Glucocorticoids (mostly cortisol) Male sex hormones Androgens (males)— including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and testosterone Female sex hormones (estrogens)—very small amount Dopamine Enkephalins 4|Page ACTIONS HYPERSECRETION HYPOSECRETION Adaptation to stress “fight or flight” response Suppresses the immune system and nonemergency functions Increase blood volume reabsorption of Na and secretion of K Regulates electrolyte levels in extracellular fluid Influence glucose. water-retension. fatigue    Cushing’s Syndrome Hypertension. loss of appetite. numbness. and fat synthesis in metabolism Decrease inflammatory responses and promote immunosuppression Produce male sex characteristics (anabolic steroids—develop muscle mass and strength. GLAND/ORGAN Gonads Testes (male) HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Testosterone ACTIONS HYPERSECRETION Develops male sex characteristics (also influenced by androgens)  Thymus Thymosin (thymic hormone) Stimulates production of T cells for cellular immunity  Pineal body Melatonin (an antioxidant)  Ovaries (female)from ovarian follicle of corpus luteum Estrogen and progestins (progesterone is the primary progestin) Regulates sleep-wake cycles. Addison’s disease  Excessive sleepiness. headaches. inhibit immune response toward embryo. promotes nerve functioning. muscle hypertrophy. nervousness  Lack of sexual development. regulates levels of certain minerals. allow sperm penetration. suppress lactation. prevents endometrial cancer in women Progesterone 5|Page       HYPOSECRETION Precocious puberty. insomnia Some may experience acne. depressed mood. anxiety sensation. libido changes. assists thyroid function. virilism. it can cause feminization (breast development) Premature sexual development (female) Infertility  Failure of immune system. may play a role in influencing reproductive processes Regulate female sex characteristics. decreased reproductive behavior. missed periods (in women) Elevated metabolic rate. menstruation. functions. anti-inflammatory) Reduces gall bladder activity. vaginal dryness. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) It males. promotes healing. changes in skin. depression. Lowered resistance to infections and/or stress Jet-lagged feeling. maintain pregnancy (inhibit premature onset of labor. fluid retention. hirsutism. mood and overall sense of wellness Infertility Osteoporosis Lesser alkalinity of the uterus Lesser or no chance of becoming pregnant (sterility) . sleep disorders. amenorrhea. and mood changes Nausea and vomiting Risk of bone loss which can cause osteoporosis       Lack of female secondary sex characteristics "Hot flashes". suppresses exocrine secretions of pancreas   In a pregnant woman. raises blood sugar.GLAND/ORGAN Ovaries (female)from ovarian follicle of corpus luteum HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Estradiol Inhibin Pancreas Alpha cells (islets) Glucagon Beta cells (islets) Insulin Amylin . an increased chance the baby may have Down syndrome diabetes mellitus venous thrombosis  Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia Diabetes (if the patient underwent an operation to cure insulinoma. a tumor in pancreas that produce too much insulin. Hypoglycemia  High glucose levels in blood. some glucose may spill in urine that causes a person to urinate more frequently.       . Enables cells to use glucose. This causes dehydration. lowers blood sugar. When the glucose is high enough. sends satiety signals to brain  Risk for developing diabetes increases. stimulates breakdown of fats and proteins Regulator of carbohydrate.   Helps regulate glucose balance.) Heart disease. and fat metabolism. 6|Page ACTIONS HYPERSECRETION HYPOSECRETION Prevents apoptosis (destruction) of germ cells. Cells cannot take in glucose for energy so they take energy from other sources like fats thus making the body tired. assists in fluid and electrolyte balance Inhibits FSH production  Precocious puberty   Infertility Menopause   Risk of certain bone-related conditions Speeds glycogenolysis. As with insulin. protein. lack of Amylin may lead to high levels of glucose in blood. facilitates synthesis of triglycerides. promotes blood coagulation. increases liver function. Glucagon can also be produced too much without amylin.   Decreased appetite.complex eating disorder involving refusal to maintain a healthy body weight. . An example is the suppression of insulin that can cause diabetes. which break down fats. Because it stimulates appetite. reduces smooth muscle contractions and intestinal blood flow Inhibits secretion of somatostatin and pancreatic digestive enzymes    Stomach and Small Gastrin and Intestine Histamine Stimulates secretion of gastric acid   Ghrelin Stimulates appetite. Increased food intake  Affects an individual’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients. an intense fear of gaining weight Ulcer and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Characterized by too much gastric acid.   Lack of nutrients. extreme hunger and learning difficulties Obesity Increased food intake which can result to too much nutrients. decreases physical activity.GLAND/ORGAN Delta cells (islets) F cells (islets – “PP cells”) HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Somatostatin Pancreatic polypeptide ACTIONS HYPERSECRETION Inhibits release of insulin and glucagon.a genetic disease in which patients have severe obesity. Lack of nutrients. Too little can cause too much of Somatostatin and Pancreatic enzymes that can lead to too much nutrients like glucose. HYPOSECRETION     Too little can let too much insulin be produced that causes hypoglycemia. it can cause a person to eat less and can result to inadequate nutrients. decreases secretion of bicarbonate   Extreme reduction in the production of many endocrine hormones. Too much of PP may inhibit too much pancreatic digestive enzymes. Can also lead to too much secretion of growth hormones. proteins and carbohydrates which can lead to deficiency of nutrients. stimulates secretion of GH    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) 7|Page Increases food intake. lowers rate of gastric emptying. Obesity Characterized by too much appetite Prader-Willi syndrome. Anorexia nervosa . pancreas.  8|Page HYPOSECRETION . HYPERSECRETION    Nausea Vomiting Fevers and constipation  Autism  As somatostatin inhibits many functions of the gastrointestinal tract. intolerance to fat in the diet and diarrhea. stop production of gastric juice.  Low levels of Histamine can give low amount of gastric acid that can affect one’s digestion.HORMONE(S) GLAND/ORGAN SECRETED/ RELEASED Stomach and Small Secretin and Intestine pancreozymin Somatostatin Histamine Endothelin ACTIONS Enhance effects of cholecystokin (CCK). and other substances. secretin. and duodenum (Brunner’s glands) Suppresses release of gastrin. cholecystokinin (CCK). Too much endothelin can cause high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart diseases. reduces smooth muscle contractions and intestinal blood flow Stimulates gastric acid secretion and influences smooth muscle contractions in stomach respectively. Stimulate secretion of bicarbonate from liver.  Too little somatostatin can cause too much of a hormone it inhibits like. the hormone gastrin. stimulate pancreas to release pancreatic juice. too much histamine can cause an individual ulcer. its overproduction may also result in the formation of gallstones. reduces rate of gastric emptying. which can lead to too much gastric acid and eventually develop into ulcer.  With the function of stimulating gastric acid secretion. suppresses hunger HYPERSECRETION   Ilium and colon Human incretin hormone (glucagon-like peptide-I) Influences secretion of insulin by pancreas    Striated Muscle Thrombopoietin Stimulates megakaryocytes to produce platelets     9|Page HYPOSECRETION Excess cholecystokinin has been observed to cause severe hypersensitive reactions including laryngeal edema in the patient with chemical sensitivity. -too much CCK induces drug tolerance to morphine and heroin  Hyperinsulinemia. Hyperglycemia An excess in glucose in the bloodstream due to less amount of insulin.GLAND/ORGAN Duodenum HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Cholecystokinin (CCK ) ACTIONS Stimulates release of digestive enzymes from pancreas. Thrombocytopenia Case where there is lower than normal number of platelets in the blood Lack of thrombopoietin potentiation of platelet collagen activation in the first trimester is associated with preeclampsia . Thrombocytosis Presence of high platelet counts in the blood. or hyperinsulinaemia is a condition in which there are excess levels of insulin circulating in the blood relative to the level of glucose. Haematological disease Due to a failure to regulate the production of platelets (platelet count greater than 600 x 109/L)         CCK deficiency has been described as part of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (rare disease in endocrine organ) lack of CCK causes nausea and anxiety Diabetes mellitus (DM) results from the pancreas's failure to produce enough insulin. Hypoglycemia A condition characterized by abnormally low blood glucose due to high insulin levels. This can cause excessive clotting or sometimes bleeding. release of bile from gall bladder. affects blood pressure Fatigue headaches   . a disorder in which leptin levels are high. influence release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex Activates renin-angiotensin system by stimulating production of angiotensin I and angiotensinogen           Obesity. increases metabolism HYPERSECRETION   Atrial-natriuretic peptide (ANP). atrialnatriuretic factor (ANf) Brain-natriuretic peptide (BNP) Heart Thrombopoietin Insulin-like growth factor (somatomedin) Angiotensin and angiotensinogen Liver Renin Erythropoietin (EPO) Calcitriol Thrombopoietin Kidney 10 | P a g e  Reduces blood pressure by decreasing vascular resistance and fluid volume. eptin deficiency may also cause a delay in puberty and poor function of the immune system    Heart failure Atrial infarction Hyponatremia      May affect hematopoiesis Affects platelet production Dwarfism Thrombocytopenia Low platelet count  Lack of red blood cells. Excess in leptin could potentially increase the frequency or severity of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients Central nervous system disorders such as:  Brain Tumors  Hydrocephalus  Head Trauma Congestive heart failure (CHF) Elevated cardiac filling pressure Increases chances of having CHF Overproduction of platelets which may lead to some diseases Associated with acute coronary syndromes Stimulates production of somatostatin from the hypothalamus Gigantism/Acromegaly (Children/Adults) Dizziness Muscle and joint pain Causes viscosity and thickness of the blood HYPOSECRETION   Absence of leptin in the body or leptin resistance can lead to uncontrolled feeding and weight gain. is a risk factor for breast cancer.GLAND/ORGAN Adipose Tissue (fat) HORMONE(S) SECRETED/ RELEASED Leptin ACTIONS Decreases appetite. also has insulin-like effects Vasoconstriction. influences balance of sodium and fats in blood Influences lowering of blood pressure Stimulates platelet production Regulates cell growth and development. Guanco Veronica Villaraza Koreen Corpuz Geri Tutanes Aquino Reina Christine Flores Maria Nikka Joy Hernandez Celin Audrey Nunez Ria Xaris Templonuevo Samantha Bettina Villanueva Monica Gamolo Chloe Jeen Co Ferdinand Miguel Labatiao Miguel Carlos Fiel 11 | P a g e .Stimulates production of erythrocytes (red blood cells [RBCs]) Increases calcium and phosphate absorption. inhibits release of parathyroid hormone (PTH) Stimulates platelet production by the megakaryocytes SUBMITTED BY: GROUP C Shannen Felipe Jay Martin L.
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