List of Greek and Latin Words Commonly Used in Scientific Names

April 2, 2018 | Author: France Louie Rico Jutiz | Category: Nature



List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names JUTIZ, FRANCE LOUIE R.Latin/Greek acaulis acutus agrestis albopictus albus americanus amphiampulla anthropos apis aquaticus arborescens archaeos, archaeoarctos argentatus arthron arvensis astron, astro-, asteroatropurpureu m aureomargin ata aureus australis Latin/Greek baccatus blandus borealis brachion brachys, brachybradys, bradybranchia brevis B A English Stemless Sharpened, pointed Of the field, wild painted white White American Of all kinds, on all sides Bottle, flask Man, human being bee Found near water tree-like or shrub-like Ancient Bear Silvery Joint In the field Star deep purple gold edged Golden, gold coins Southern English Berry-bearing Pleasant, smooth, alluring Northern Arm Short Slow Gills Short Latin/Greek dactylos deca decem derma dididelphis dino-, deinodiplodisc-, diskdodeca dolichodomesticus dorsum dulcis C E Latin/Greek caecus caeruleus canadensis canescens canis canus cauda caulos cephale, cephaloceps ceros cestus chilensis chloros chroma cneme cola corax coronatus costatus crasscristatus crocos cyanos English Blind Blue From Canada grey- or white-haired Dog Gray (haired), pale gray Tail Stem, stalk Head Head Horn Girdle, belt From Chile Green Color Shin, leg Dweller Crow, raven Crowned Ribbed Thick Crested Yellow Blue-green Latin/Greek eburneus, eburniechinatus echinos, echinoedulis elatior electr- English Ivory-colored Prickly, spiny Hedgehog, sea-urchin, spiny Edible Taller 1. Amber, ambercolored; 2. Electric (modern usage) Elegant Opposite Nine Sword-like Sword, lance Upright Wool, woolly Indented, jagged, serrated Red red-stemmed elegans enanti ennea ensatus ensi-, ensis erectus erion, erioerosus erythros, erythroerythropoda Latin/Greek familiaris felis flavus florfolium fulvus fuscus G F D English Finger or toe Ten Ten Skin Two Doublewombed Terrible Double Disc Twelve Elongated, long From the house, domestic Back Sweet English Domestic, common Cat Golden yellow, light yellow Flower Leaf Deep yellow, tawny Dark, dark brown English Belly Earth Latin/Greek gaster, gastro-, gastrgeo- Animal Systematics, Page 1 of 3 stout Of the marsh All Small Foot Open sea Feather (specifically remex) Feathered Five Rock. Large Spotted Greater From Malabar Dark. literally "stitched" English milk-white flowered Side Flank a scale. wrong Southern From New Holland (Australia) From New Zealand From New York (Novum Eboracum) Nine English Dark Western Ocean Eight Tooth Carry For the workshop. medicinal Latin/Greek indicus Latin/Greek kestos (see Latin cestus) N Latin/Greek nanos nona nothos notos novaehollandiae novaeseelandiae noveboracensis K Latin/Greek lactiflora lateralis latus lepis lepton lepus leucos lineatus luteus L novem Latin/Greek obscurus occidentalis ocean octo-.pantoparvus pedipelagpennpennatus pentapetra phago pholis. beneath English Indian English Girdle. salt Simple. stone Eat Scale Latin/Greek macro maculatus major malabaricus mauromaximus megas mephitis melanomicro microphylla minimus minor monomontanus morphomys English Long. -odus oesoofficinalis O Leaf Nature Plant Painted Flat and broad Many Early To the meadow First False or fake Wing or remix Downy Pretty little Spotted. man From the garden Water Over. rind. FRANCE LOUIE R. above Under. hemahali-. glabra glycys gyrinos Latin/Greek haema-. single Seat. hairless Sweet Tadpole English Blood Of the sea. resemblance Eastern Straight English Thick. pholidphyllophysiphytopictus platypolypraecox pratensis protos pseudes pterpubescens pulchellus punctatus P Oil Serpent Face Face. saffroncolored M oleum ophis ops opsis orientalis orthoLatin/Greek pachypalustris pan. octa-odon. hypI H Smooth. husk. heliohexahippohirsutus homo hortensis hydrohyperhypo-. flake Light Hare White Lined or striped Yellow. haliohaplohedraheli-. Page 2 of 3 . great Bad odor Black small small-leaved Smallest Smaller Single Mountains Shape Mouse English Dwarf Ninth False.List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names JUTIZ. marked with punctures Q English Four-flower Four-leaved English Curved Latin/Greek quadriflora quadifolia Latin/Greek repandus R Animal Systematics. facet Sun Six Horse Hairy Human. Black Largest Large. appearance. genuine Hairy. tarditele-. Z Latin/Greek English xanthos Yellow zygos Joined Latin/Greek tardus. opening Striped straight. bill. Y. rhinorhiza rhynchos rhyti-. shaggy Green Poisonous Flying Common W. cultivated Lizard seven Of the wood. -saur septemsilvestris sinensis speciossperma sphenstoma striatus strictus suchos V Ventral. Creeping. crawling (rēpens). three-cornered cave-dweller U English One Of the tail English Variable Variegated Swift repens reptans rhis. distant Thin. rhytis rostra rostralis ruber rufus Latin/Greek sanguis sapiens sativus saura. thrix triquetrus troglodytes Latin/Greek unus ura Latin/Greek variabilis variegatus velox. folded Beak. tritrich-. 2. wild From China showy Seed Wedge Mouth. velocis ventralis vernus. slender. crawling Nose Root Beak or snout Wrinkled. Unexpected (rĕpens) Creeping. Page 3 of 3 . vernalis verrucosus versicolor verus villosus viridis virosus volans vulgaris For dyeing Furry Three Hair Triangular. turned up 1. FRANCE LOUIE R. of the belly Spring Rough skinned Many-colored True. red S English Blood Wise Sown. teltenuis tetra- T Far. tris. narrow. erect Crocodile (from Egyptian) English Slow. upwards. fine Four Animal Systematics.List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names JUTIZ. late tinctorius tomentosus tres. snout With a beak Red Reddish. X.
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