list of bs code

March 22, 2018 | Author: thun | Category: Concrete, Flow Measurement, Screw, Prestressed Concrete, Lumber



BS 4-1 1993Structural steel sections Part 1: Specification for hot-rolled sections Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 12 1996 Specification for Portland cement BS 146 1996 Specification for Portland blastfurnace cements BS 410-1 2000 Test sieves – Technical requirements and testing (ISO 3310-1 2000) Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth BS 410-2 2000 Test sieves – Technical requirements and testing (ISO 3310-2 1999) Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate BS 449-2 1969 building Specification for The use of structural steel in Part 2: Metric units Incorporating amendments issued: January 1970 (AMD 416) May 1970 (AMD 523) December 1970 – AMD 661 April 1973 – AMD 1135 July 1975 – AMD 1787 August 1984 – AMD 4576 May 1988 – AMD 5698 December 1989 – AMD 6255 Amendment No.9 BS 476-10 1983 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 10: Guide to the principles and application of fire testing BS 476-11 1982 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 11: Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials (Confirmed March 1998) BS 476-12 1991 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 12: Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flame impingement BS 476-13 1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures ISO 5657 1986 Part 12: Method of measuring the ignitability of products subjected to thermal irradiance (ISO title: Fire test – Reaction to fire – Ignitability of building products) Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 476-15 1993 Fire tests on building materials and structures ISO 5660-1 1993 of products Part 15: Method for measuring the rate of heat release BS 476-20 1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 20: Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles) Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 476-21 1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 21: Method for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction BS 476-22 1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 22: Method for determination of the fire resistance of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction BS 476-23 1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 23: Method for determination of the fire resistance of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 476-24 1987 ISO 6944-1985 of ventilation ducts Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 24: Method for determination of the fire resistance (ISO title: Fire resistance tests – Ventilation ducts) BS 476-3 1975 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 3: External fire exposure roof test BS 476-31.1 1983 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 31: Method for measuring smoke penetration through doorsets and shutter assemblies Part 31.1: Method for measurement under ambient temperature conditions Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 476-32 1989 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 32: Guide to full scale fire tests within buildings BS 476-33 1993 Fire tests on building materials and structures ISO 9705 1993 Part 33: Full-scale room test for surface products joints and specials for water and sewage BS 594-1 1992 areas Hot rolled asphalt for roads and other paved Part 1: Specification for constituent materials and asphalt mixtures Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 594-2 1992 areas Hot rolled asphalt for roads and other paved Part 2: Specification for the transport. laying and compaction of rolled asphalt Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 .BS 476-4 1970 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 4: Non-combustibility test for materials Incorporating amendments issued: March 1978 – AMD 2483 September 1983 – AMD 4390 (Confirmed January 1984) BS 476-6 1989 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 6: Method of test for fire propagation for products BS 476-7 1997 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 7: Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products BS 500 2000 Steel sleepers BS 534 1990 Specification for Steel pipes. 1.1 1985 Testing aggregates — Part 103: Methods for determination of particle size distribution Section 103. 1 BS 812-101 1984 Testing aggregates — Part 101: Guide to sampling and testing aggregates BS 812-102 1989 Testing aggregates Part 102: Methods for sampling BS 812-103.2 1989 Testing aggregates — Part 103: Methods for determination of particle size distribution Section 103. 1 BS 812-103.BS 709 1983 Methods of Destructive testing fusion welded joints weld metal in steel Incorporating Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 BS 812-100 1990 Testing aggregates Part 100: General requirements for apparatus and calibration Incorporating Amendment No.1 Sieve tests Incorporating Amendment No.2 Sedimentation test BS 812-104 1994 Testing aggregates — Part 104: Method for qualitative and quantitative petrographic examination of aggregates . 1 Flakiness index BS 812-105.2 Elongation index of coarse aggregate BS 812-106 1985 Testing aggregates — Part 106: Method for determination of shell content in coarse aggregate BS 812-109 1990 Testing aggregates — Part 109: Methods for determination of moisture content BS 812-110 1990 Testing aggregates — Part 110: Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value (ACV) BS 812-111 1990 Testing aggregates — Part 111: Methods for determination of ten per cent fines value (TFV) BS 812-112 1990 Testing aggregates — Part 112: Methods for determination of aggregate impact value (AIV) BS 812-113 1990 Testing aggregates — .BS 812-105.1 1989 Testing aggregates — Part 105: Methods for determination of particle shape — Section 105.2 1990 Testing aggregates — Part 105: Methods for determination of particle shape — Section 105. 1 and 2 BS 812-114 1989 Testing aggregates — Part 114: Method for determination of the polished- stone value BS 812-117 1988 Testing aggregates — Part 117: Method for determination of water-soluble chloride salts BS 812-118 1988 Testing aggregates — Part 118: Methods for determination of sulphate content BS 812-119 1985 Testing aggregates — Part 119: Method for determination of acid-soluble material in fine aggregate BS 812-120 1989 Testing aggregates — Part 120: Method for testing and classifying drying shrinkage of aggregates in concrete BS 812-121 1989 Testing aggregates — Part 121: Method for determination of soundness BS 812-123 1999 Testing aggregates — Part 123: Method for determination of alkali-silica reactivity – Concrete prism method BS 812-124 1989 Testing aggregates — .Part 113: Method for determination of aggregate abrasion value (AAV) Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 . Methods of determination of density Incorporating Amendment Nos.Part 124: Method for determination of frost-heave BS 812-2 1995 Testing aggregates — Part 2. BS 882 1992 Specification for Aggregates from natural sources for concrete BS 890 1995 Specification for Building limes BS 915-2 1972 Specification for High alumina cement Part 2: Metric units Incorporating Amendment Nos.2 1983 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — ISO 7145 1982 Part 2: Velocity area methods Section 2.1 1983 ISO 3966 1977 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Part 2: Velocity area methods Section 2.2: Method of measurement of velocity at one point of a conduit of circular cross section .4 1992 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Part 1: Pressure differential devices — Section 1.2 Incorporating Amendment No. 3 and 4 BS 1014 1975 Specification for Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products Confirmed December 1986 BS 1042-1.1: Method using Pitot static tubes Confirmed March 1998 BS 1042-2. 2.4 Guide to the use of devices specified in Sections 1. 1. 1 BS 1042-2.1 and 1. [ISO title: Determination of flowrate of fluids in closed conduits of circular cross-section — Method of velocity measurement at one point of the cross-section] Confirmed March 1998 . 3 1984 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — ISO 7194 1983 Part 2: Velocity area methods Section 2.4: Method of measurement of clear water flow using current meters in full conduits and under regular flow conditions BS 1047 1983 Specification for Air-cooled blastfurnace slag aggregate for use in construction BS 1186-2 1988 Timber for and workmanship in joinery Part 2: Specification for workmanship Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 1186-3 1990 Timber for and workmanship in joinery Part 3: Specification for wood trim and its fixing Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 1199 1976 Specification for Building sands from natural sources Incorporating Amendment Nos.1. 2 and 3 BS 1203 1979 Specification for .3 Methods of flow measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions in circular ducts by means of current-meters or Pitot static tubes [ISO title: Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Velocity area methods of flow measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions in circular ducts by means of current-meters or Pitot static tubes] BS 1042-2.BS 1042-2.4 1989 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — ISO 3354 1988 Part 2: Velocity area methods Section 2. 1 .1 BS 1377-2 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 2: Classification tests Incorporating Amendment No.Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for plywood BS 1204 1993 Specification for Type MR phenolic and aminoplastic synthetic resin adhesives for wood BS 1370 1979 Specification for Low heat Portland cement Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 1377-1 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 1: General requirements and sample preparation Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 1377-4 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 4: Compaction-related tests Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 1377-3 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 3: Chemical and electro-chemical tests Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 1377-8 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 8: Shear strength tests (effective stress) Incorporating Amendment No.1 .1 BS 1377-6 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 6: Consolidation and permeability tests in hydraulic cells and with pore pressure measurement Incorporating Amendment No.BS 1377-5 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 5: Compressibility.1 BS 1377-7 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 7: Shear strength tests (total stress) Incorporating Amendment No. permeability and durability tests Incorporating Amendment No. incorporating Amendment No.BS 1377-9 1990 Methods of test for Soils for civil engineering purposes Part 9: In-situ tests Incorporating Amendment No.2 .1 and No.2 BS1881-102 1983 Testing concrete Part 102: Method for determination of slump Incorporating Amendment Nos. incorporating Amendment No.1 and 2 BS1881-103 1993 Testing concrete Part 103: Method for determination of compacting factor BS1881-104 1983 Testing concrete Part 104: Method for determination of Vebe time Incorporating Amendment Nos.1 BS 1446 1973 Specification for Mastic asphalt (natural rock asphalt fine aggregate) for roads and footways BS1881-101 1983 Testing concrete Part 101: Method of sampling fresh concrete on site Reprinted.1 and 2 BS1881-105 1984 Testing concrete Part 105: Methods for determination of flow Reprinted.1 and No. 1 and implementing Amendment No.1 BS1881-110 1983 Testing concrete Part 110: Method for making test cylinders from fresh concrete Reprinted.2 not published separately BS1881-109 1983 Testing concrete Part 109: Method for making test beams from fresh concrete Incorporating Amendment No.2 BS1881-108 1983 Testing concrete Part 108: Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete Incorporating Amendment No.1 and implementing Amendment No.BS1881-106 1983 Testing concrete Part 106: Methods for determination of air content of fresh concrete Incorporating Amendment Nos.1 and No.2 not published separately BS1881-112 1983 Testing concrete .1 BS1881-111 1983 Testing concrete Part 111: Method of normal curing of test specimens (20°C method) Incorporating Amendment No. incorporating Amendment No.1 and 2 BS1881-107 1983 Testing concrete Part 107: Method for determination of density of compacted fresh concrete Reprinted. incorporating Amendment No. 1 and No.1 BS1881-116 1983 Testing concrete Part 116: Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes Reprinted.1 BS1881-114 1983 Testing concrete Part 114: Methods for determination of density of hardened concrete Reprinted. incorporating Amendment No. incorporating Amendment No.1 BS1881-113 1983 Testing concrete Part 113: Method for making and curing no-fines test cubes Incorporating Amendment No.Part 112: Methods of accelerated curing of test cubes Reprinted.2 BS1881-115 1986 Testing concrete Part 115: Specification for compression testing machines for concrete Reprinted.1 . incorporating Amendment No.1 and No.1 BS1881-118 1983 Testing concrete Part 118: Method for determination of flexural strength Incorporating Amendment No. incorporating Amendment No.2 BS1881-117 1983 Testing concrete Part 117: Method for determination of tensile splitting strength Incorporating Amendment No. incorporating Amendment No. Methods for analysis of fresh concrete BS1881-129 1992 Testing concrete Part 129: Method for determination of density of partially compacted semi-dry fresh concrete .1 BS1881-127 1990 Testing concrete Part 127: Method of verifying the performance of a concrete cube compression machine using the comparative cube test BS1881-128 1997 Testing concrete Part 128.1 BS1881-124 1988 Testing concrete Part 124: Methods for analysis of hardened concrete BS1881-125 1986 Testing concrete Part 125: Methods for mixing and sampling fresh concrete in the laboratory Reprinted.BS1881-119 1983 Testing concrete Part 119: Method for determination of compressive strength using portions of beams broken in flexure (equivalent cube method) BS1881-121 1983 Testing concrete Part 121: Method for determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression BS1881-122 1983 Testing concrete Part 122: Method for determination of water absorption Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and 2 BS1881-204 1988 Testing concrete Part 204: Recommendations on the use of electromagnetic covermeters Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS1881-201 1986 Testing concrete Part 201: Guide to the use of non-destructive methods of test for hardened concrete BS1881-202 1986 Testing concrete Part 202: Recommendations for surface hardness testing by rebound hammer BS1881-203 1986 Testing concrete Part 203: Recommendations for measurement of velocity of ultrasonic pulses in concrete Incorporating Amendment Nos. Methods for testing cement in a reference concrete Incorporating Amendment No.BS1881-130 1996 Testing concrete Part 130.1 BS1881-206 1986 Testing concrete Part 206: Recommendations for determination of strain in concrete . Method for temperature-matched curing of concrete specimens BS1881-131 1998 Testing concrete Part 131. sampling.1 and 2 BS 1924-1 1990 purposes Stabilized materials for civil engineering Part 1: General requirements. stress calculations and design criteria for structures BS 2573-2 1980 Rules for the design of cranes . sample preparation and tests on materials before stabilization BS 1924-2 1980 purposes Stabilized materials for civil engineering Part 2: Methods of test for cement-stabilized and lime-stabilized materials BS 2573-1 1983 Rules for the design of cranes Part 1: Specification for classification.BS1881-207 1992 Testing concrete Part 207: Recommendations for the assessment of concrete strength by near-to-surface tests BS1881-208 1996 Testing concrete Part 208: Recommendations for the determination of the initial surface absorption of concrete BS1881-209 1990 Testing concrete Part 209: Recommendations for the measurement of dynamic modulus of elasticity BS1881-5 1970 Testing concrete Part 5: Methods of testing hardened concrete for other than strength Incorporating Amendment Nos. 3.1. escalators. 4. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 4: General requirements for escalators and passenger conveyors Incorporating Amendment Nos. stress calculations and design of mechanisms Reprinted.1 and No. hydraulic and hand-powered lifts Incorporating Amendment Nos. 2. 2 and 3 BS 2655-4 1969 Specification for Lifts. passenger conveyors and paternosters . escalators.1. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 10: General requirements for guarding Incorporating Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 BS 2655-5 1970 Specification for Lifts. incorporating Amendment No.1. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 1: General requirements for electric. escalators. 5 and 6 BS 2655-10 1971 Specification for Lifts.Part 2: Specification for classification.2 inclusive BS 2654 1989 Specification for Manufacture of vertical steel welded nonrefrigerated storage tanks with butt-welded shells for the petroleum industry BS 2655-1 1970 Specification for Lifts. escalators. 1 .Part 5: General requirements for paternosters Incorporating Amendment No. 4 and 5 BS 2655-7 1970 Specification for Lifts. 2. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 6: Building construction requirements Incorporating Amendment Nos. 3.BS 2655-6 1970 Specification for Lifts. escalators. escalators. escalators. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 9: Definitions Incorporating Amendment Nos.1. escalators and paternosters Incorporating Amendment Nos.1 and 2 BS 2853 1957 Specification The design and testing of steel overhead runway beams Incorporating Amendment Nos. 3 and 4 BS 2965-2 1965 Specification for Sprayed metal coatings . passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 7: Testing and inspection Incorporating Amendment Nos. 2.1 and 2 BS 2655-8 1971 Specification for Lifts. escalators. passenger conveyors and paternosters Part 8: Modernization or reconstruction of lifts.1 and 2 BS 2655-9 1970 Specification for Lifts.1. 1 BS 3692 1967 Specification for ISO metric precision hexagon bolts screws and nuts Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 3572 1986 Specification for Access fittings for chimneys and other high structures in concrete or brickwork Incorporating Amendment No. suitable for use in contact with potable water Reprinted. relative density and penetration . incorporating Amendment No.2 BS 3712-1 1991 Building and construction sealants Part 1: Methods of test for homogeneity.Part 2: Protection of iron and steel against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures BS 3148 1980 Methods of test for Water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability of the water) BS 3416 1991 Specification for Bitumen-based coatings for cold application. BS 3712-2 1973 Building and construction sealants Part 2: Methods of test for seepage. Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use in cementitious grouts BS 3921 1985 Specification for Clay bricks Incorporating Amendment No. Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use with Portland cement BS 3892-2 1978 Pulverized-fuel ash Part 2.1 and 2 BS 3712-3 1974 Building and construction sealants Part 3: Methods of test for application life. staining. shelf life and paintability Incorporating Amendment Nos. Specification for pulverized-fuel ash to be used as a Type I addition BS 3892-3 1997 Pulverized-fuel ash Part 3.1 BS 3974-1 1974 Specification for Pipe supports .1 and 2 BS 3712-4 1994 Building and construction sealants Part 4: Method of test for adhesion in peel BS 3892-1 1997 Pulverized-fuel ash Part 1. skinning properties and tack-free time Incorporating Amendment Nos. shrinkage. Part 1: Pipe hangers.1 BS 3974-2 1978 Specification for Pipe supports Part 2: Pipe clamps.1 BS 4027 1996 Specification for Sulfate-resisting Portland cement BS 4066 2000 Construction drawings – Bar scheduling BS 4074 1982 Specification for Metal props and struts Incorporating Amendment No.1 Confirmed June 1991 BS 4074 2000 Specification for Steel trench struts BS 4147 1980 Specification for . cages. cantilevers and attachments to beams Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 3974-3 1980 Specification for Pipe supports Part 3: Large bore. slider and roller type supports Incorporating Amendment No. marine and other applications Incorporating Amendment No. high temperature. including suitable primers where required Reprinted. incorporating Amendment No.1 and 2 BS 4190 1967 Specification for ISO metric black hexagon bolts. screws and nuts Incorporating Amendment Nos.Bitumen-based hot-applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel. other high structures.1 Confirmed August 1987 BS 4164 1987 Specification for Coal-tar-based hot-applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel. silos and bins BS 4254 1983 Specification for Two-part polysulphide-based sealants BS 4261 1999 Wood preservation – Vocabulary BS 4320 1968 Specification for Metal washers for general engineering purposes metric series Confirmed April 1998 BS 4395-1 1969 Specification for . 2 and 3 BS 4211 1994 Specification for Ladders for permanent access to chimneys. including a suitable primer Incorporating Amendment Nos.1. 1 BS 4483 1998 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete BS 4485-1 1969 Specification for Water cooling towers .1 Confirmed December 1990 BS 4449 1997 Specification for Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete BS 4482 1985 Specification for Cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete Incorporating Amendment No.High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering metric series Part 1: General Grade Incorporating Amendment Nos.1 and 2 BS 4395-2 1969 Specification for High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering metric series Part 2: Higher grade bolts and nuts and general grade washers Incorporating amendments issued October 1975 (AMD 1842) and December 1976 (AMD 2186) BS 4447 1973 Specification for The performance of prestressing anchorages for post-tensioned construction Incorporating Amendment No. 1 BS 4592-1 1995 stair treads Industrial type metal flooring. walkways and Part 1: Specification for open bar gratings Incorporating Amendment No.Part 1: Glossary of terms BS 4485-2 1988 Specification for Water cooling towers Part 2: Method for performance testing BS 4485-3 1988 Specification for Water cooling towers Part 3: Code of practice for thermal and functional design BS 4485-4 1996 Specification for Water cooling towers Part 4: Code of practice for structural design and construction BS 4486 1980 Specification for Hot rolled and hot rolled and processed high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 4604-1 1970 Specification for The use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steelwork metric series Part 1: General grade Incorporating amendments issued . 1972 (AMD 1039) and September. 1982 (AMD 4052) BS 4604-2 1970 Specification for The use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steelwork metric series Part 2: Higher grade (parallel shank) Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1971 (AMD 679) December.January.1 and 2 BS 4618-0 1970 Recommendations for The presentation of plastics design data General Introduction BS 4620 1970 Specification for Rivets For general engineering purposes BS 4933 1973 Specification for ISO metric black cup and countersunk head bolts and screws with hexagon nuts BS 4978 1996 Specification for Visual strength grading of softwood . 1 BS 5228-1 1997 open sites Noise and vibration control on construction and Part 1. 2 and 3 BS 5075-2 1982 Concrete admixtures Part 2: Specification for air-entraining admixtures Reprinted.1 BS 5135 1984 Specification for Arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels Reprinted.1 and No. incorporating Amendment No.BS 5075-1 1982 Concrete admixtures Part 1: Specification for accelerating and retarding water-reducing admixtures Incorporating Amendment Nos. 2 BS 5075-3 1985 Concrete admixtures Part 3: Specification for superplasticizing admixtures Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5228-2 1997 open sites Noise and vibration control on construction and . incorporating Amendments No. Code of practice for basic information and procedures for noise and vibration control Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5215 1986 Specification for One-part gun grade polysulphide-based sealants Incorporating Amendment No. 1. 1 BS 5268-3 1998 Structural use of timber Part 3: Code of practice for trussed rafter roofs BS 5268-4.1: Recommendations for calculating fire resistance of timber members Incorporating Amendments No. materials and workmanship Incorporating Amendment No.1 1978 Structural use of timber Part 4: Fire resistance of timber structures Section 4.Part 2.1 and No. 2 BS 5268-4. Guide to noise and vibration control legislation for construction and demolition including road construction and maintenance BS 5228-4 1992 open sites Noise and vibration control on construction and Part 4: Code of practice for noise and vibration control applicable to piling operations Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5250 1989 Code of practice for Control of condensation in buildings BS 5268-2 1996 Structural use of timber Part 2: Code of practice for permissible stress design.2: Recommendations for calculating fire resistance of timber stud walls and joisted floor constructions BS 5268-5 1989 Structural use of timber .2 1990 Structural use of timber Part 4: Fire resistance of timber structures Section 4. 1 1989 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7.Part 5: Code of practice for the preservative treatment of structural timber BS 5268-6.5 1990 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7.1 1996 Structural use of timber Part 6: Code of practice for timber frame walls Section 6.1 BS 5268-7.2 Joists for flat roofs BS 5268-7.5 Domestic rafters .2 1989 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7.3 1989 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7.1 Domestic floor joists BS 5268-7.3: Ceiling joists BS 5268-7.1 Dwellings not exceeding four storeys Incorporating Amendment No.4 Ceiling binders BS 5268-7.4 1989 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7. 1 BS 5268-7.6 1990 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7.1 BS 5328-2 1997 Concrete Part 2. 1 and 2 and Corrigendum 1 not issued separately BS 5328-3 1990 Concrete Part 3.BS 5268-7. Specification for the procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete Incorporating Amendments Nos. Methods for specifying concrete mixes Incorporating Amendments Nos. 2 and 4 and Corrigendum No.6 Purlins supporting rafters Incorporating Amendment No. Guide to specifying concrete Incorporating Amendment No.7 1990 Structural use of timber Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables Section 7. 1. Amendment No. 1.7 Purlins supporting sheeting or decking BS 5328-1 1997 Concrete Part 1.3 was implemented and not published separately . ladders and walkways Part 2: Code of practice for the design of helical and spiral stairs Reprinted. 2 and 4 and Corrigendum No. concrete and composite bridges Part 2: Specification for loads Incorporating Amendment No. construction and maintenance of straight stairs and winders BS 5395-2 1984 Stairs. 1. incorporating Amendment No.1 . 1 not issued separately and implementing Amendment No. Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling. permanent ladders and walkways BS 5400-1 1988 Steel.1 BS 5395-3 1985 Stairs.3 not published separately BS 5395-1 1977 Stairs. ladders and walkways Part 1: Code of practice for the design. ladders and walkways Part 1: Code of practice for the design of straight stairs Confirmed November 1984 BS 5395-1 2000 Stairs. concrete and composite bridges Part 1: General statement BS 5400-2 1978 Steel. testing and assessing compliance of concrete Incorporating Amendments Nos. ladders and walkways Part 3: Code of practice for the design of industrial type stairs.BS 5328-4 1990 Concrete Part 4. concrete and composite bridges Part 9: Bridge bearings Section 9.BS 5400-3 1982 Steel. Specification for materials and workmanship. concrete and composite bridges Part 5: Code of practice for design of composite bridges Reprinted.1 and No. concrete and composite bridges Part 6. incorporating Amendment No.1 1983 Steel.1 Code of practice for design of bridge bearings . concrete and composite bridges Part 3: Code of practice for design of steel bridges Reprinted. concrete and composite bridges — Part 8: Recommendations for materials and workmanship. reinforcement and prestressing tendons BS 5400-8 1978 Steel. incorporating Amendments No. 2 BS 5400-4 1990 Steel. concrete. reinforcement and prestressing tendons BS 5400-9. concrete. concrete and composite bridges Part 4: Code of practice for design of concrete bridges BS 5400-5 1979 Steel.1 BS 5400-6 1999 Steel. concrete and composite bridges Part 7: Specification for materials and workmanship. steel BS 5400-7 1978 Steel. 1 and No.2 BS 5489-4 1992 Road lighting Part 4: Code of practice for lighting for single-level road junctions including roundabouts Incorporating Amendment No. Code of practice for lighting for subsidiary roads and associated pedestrian areas Incorporating Amendments No.1 BS 5489-2 1992 Road lighting Part 2: Code of practice for lighting for traffic routes BS 5489-3 1992 Road lighting Part 3.2 1983 Steel. concrete and composite bridges Part 9: Bridge bearings Section 9.2 Specification for materials.1 BS 5489-5 1992 Road lighting Part 5: Code of practice for lighting for grade- separated junctions . manufacture and installation of bridge bearings BS 5489-1 1992 Road lighting Part 1: Guide to the general principles Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5489-10 1992 Road lighting Part 10: Code of practice for lighting for motorways Incorporating Amendment No.BS 5400-9. 1 BS 5507-3 1982 Methods of test for .BS 5489-6 1992 Road lighting Part 6: Code of practice for lighting for bridges and elevated roads BS 5489-7 1992 Road lighting Part 7: Code of practice for the lighting of tunnels and underpasses Incorporating Amendment No. railways. harbours and navigable inland waterways BS 5489-9 1996 Road lighting Part 9: Code of practice for lighting for urban centres and public amenity areas BS 5493 1977 Code of practice for Protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion Incorporated by Amendment No.2 BS 5502-74 1991 Buildings and structures for agriculture Part 74: Code of practice for design and construction of bins and silos for combinable crops BS 5507-1 1977 Methods of test for Falsework equipment Part 1: Floor centres Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5489-8 1998 Road lighting Part 8: Code of practice for lighting that may affect the safe use of aerodromes. 1 Confirmed May 1998 BS 5607 1998 Code of practice for The safe use of explosives in the construction industry BS 5628-1 1992 Code of practice for Use of masonry Part 1: Structural use of unreinforced masonry Incorporating Amendment No.Falsework equipment Part 3: Props BS 5531 1988 Code of practice for Safety in erecting structural frames BS 5589 1989 Code of practice for Preservation of timber BS 5606 1990 Guide to Accuracy in building Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5628-2 1995 Code of practice for Use of masonry Part 2: Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry BS 5628-2 2000 Code of practice for Use of masonry . Part 2: Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry BS 5628-3 1985 Code of practice for Use of masonry Part 3: Materials and components, design and workmanship — (formerly CP 121-1) Reprinted, incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5896 1980 Specification for High tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete BS5911-100 1988 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 100: Specification for unreinforced and reinforced pipes and fittings with flexible joints Reprinted, incorporating Amendment Nos.1 and 2 BS5911-103 1994 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 103: Specification for prestressed non-pressure pipes and fittings with flexible joints BS 5911-110 1992 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 110: Specification for ogee pipes and fittings (including perforated) Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5911-114 1992 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 114: Specification for porous pipes BS 5911-120 1989 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 120: Specification for reinforced jacking pipes with flexible joints Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5911-2 1982 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 2: Specification for inspection chambers Reprinted, incorporating Amendment Nos.1 and 2 BS 5911-200 1989 products Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Part 200. Specification for unreinforced and reinforced manholes and soakaways of circular cross section BS 5930 1981 Code of practice for Site investigations (Formerly CP 2001) BS 5930 1999 Code of practice for site investigations BS 5950-1 1990 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: hot rolled sections BS 5950-2 1992 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 2: Specification for materials, fabrication and erection: hot rolled sections Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 5950-3.1 1990 Structural use of steelwork in building Code of practice for design of cold formed thin gauge sections BS 5950-6 1995 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 6. 1 not published separately and incorporating Corrigendum No.1 BS 5950-9 1994 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 9: Code of practice for stressed skin design Incorporating Amendment Nos.1 Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams BS 5950-4 1994 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 4: Code of practice for design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting BS 5950-5 1998 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 5. Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled steel sheeting Implementing Amendment No.1 and 2 .Part 3: Design in composite construction Section 3. 1 BS 5950-7 1992 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 7: Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed sections BS 5950-8 1990 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant design Incorporating Amendment No. 1 .1 and 2 to BS 6079:1996 (amendment no.1 BS 6073-1 1981 Precast concrete masonry units Part 1: Specification for precast concrete masonry units Incorporating Amendment Nos. incorporating Amendment No.BS 5974 1990 Code of practice for Temporarily installed suspended scaffolds and access equipment Incorporating Amendment No. 2 renumbers the BS as BS 6079-1:2000) BS 6079-2 2000 Project management Part 2: Vocabulary Incorporating Corrigendum No.1 and 2 BS 6073-2 1981 Precast concrete masonry units Part 2: Method for specifying precast concrete masonry units Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 6031 1981 Code of practice for Earthworks Reprinted.1 BS 5975 1996 Code of practice for Falsework Incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 6079-1 2000 Project management Part 1: Guide to project management Incorporating Amendment Nos. Foundations. Tunnels Subsection 2.2. Earthworks.2 Substructures. Civil engineering .2 Substructures. Earthworks.2: Substructures and foundations BS 6100 223 1990 Glossary of Building and civil engineering terms Part 2. Civil engineering Section 2. Civil engineering Section 2. Foundations.1 Earthworks Implementing Amendment No.BS 6079-3 2000 Project management Part 3: Guide to the management of business related project risk BS 6089 1981 Guide to Assessment of concrete strength in existing structures BS 6093 1993 Code of practice for Design of joints and jointing in building construction BS 6100 221 1992 Glossary of Building and civil engineering terms Part 2. Tunnels Subsection 2. 1 not published separately BS 6100 222 1999 Glossary of Building and civil engineering terms Part 2.2. 3 Tunnels . Foundations.Section 2. Tunnels Subsection 2.2. Earthworks.2 Substructures. 1 to No.BS 6164 1990 Code of practice for Safety in tunnelling in the construction industry BS 6187 2000 Code of practice for Demolition BS 6213 1982 Guide to Selection of constructional sealants BS 6213 2000 Selection of construction sealants – Guide BS 6346 1997 Specification for 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V armoured electric cables having PVC insulation BS 6349-1 1984 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 1: General criteria Incorporating Amendments No. 5 inclusive BS 6349-1 2000 Maritime structures Part 1: Code of practice for general criteria BS 6349-2 1988 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 2: Design of quay walls. jetties and dolphins BS 6349-3 1988 Code of practice for Maritime structures . slipways and shipbuilding berths. locks. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads .Part 3: Design of dry docks. shiplifts and dock and lock gates BS 6349-4 1994 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 4: Code of practice for design of fendering and mooring systems BS 6349-5 1991 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 5: Code of practice for dredging and land reclamation BS 6349-6 1989 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 6: Design of inshore moorings and floating structures BS 6349-7 1991 Code of practice for Maritime structures Part 7: Guide to the design and construction of breakwaters BS 6367 1983 Code of practice for Drainage of roofs and paved areas (Formerly CP 308) BS 6399-1 1996 Loading for buildings Part 1. 2 BS 6579-1 1988 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 1: Specification for components for tensioned corrugated beam safety fence on Z posts Reprinted.1 BS 6579-3 1988 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 3: Specification for components for tensioned rectangular hollow section beam (100 mm × 100 mm) safety fence BS 6579-4 1990 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 4: Specification for components for tensioned rectangular hollow section beam (200 mm× 100 mm) safety fence BS 6579-5 1986 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 5: Specification for open box beam safety fence (single height) BS 6579-6 1988 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 6: Specification for components for open box beam safety fence (double height) BS 6579-7 1989 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 7: Specification for components for untensioned corrugated beam safety fence .BS 6399-2 1997 Loading for buildings Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads BS 6399-3 1988 Loading for buildings Part 3: Code of practice for imposed roof loads Incorporating Amendment Nos. incorporating Amendment No.1 and 3 and Implementing Amendment No. incorporating Amendments Nos.BS 6579-8 1987 Safety fences and barriers for highways Part 8: Specification for concrete safety barriers BS 6588 1996 Specification for Portland pulverized-fuel ash cements BS 6610 1996 Specification for Pozzolanic pulverized-fuel ash cement BS 6626 1985 Code of practice for Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV Reprinted.1 and 2 Confirmed January 1993 BS 6651 1999 Code of practice for Protection of structures against lightning Incorporating Corrigendum No.1 BS 6677-1 1986 pavements Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible Part 1: Specification for pavers BS 6677-2 1986 pavements Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible Part 2: Code of practice for design of lightly trafficked pavements BS 6699 1992 Specification for . Specification for vehicle containment parapets of metal construction BS 6779-2 1991 structures Highway parapets for bridges and other Part 2: Specification for vehicle containment parapets of concrete construction BS 6779-3 1994 structures Highway parapets for bridges and other Part 3: Specification for vehicle containment parapets of combined metal and concrete construction BS 6779-4 1999 structures Highway parapets for bridges and other Part 4: Specification for parapets of reinforced and unreinforced masonry construction BS 6861-1 1987 Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors Part 1: Method for determination of permissible residual unbalance — [ISO title: Mechanical vibration — .Ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with Portland cement BS 6717-1 1993 Precast concrete paving blocks Part 1: Specification for paving blocks BS 6744 1986 Specification for Austenitic stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete BS 6779-1 1998 structures Highway parapets for bridges and other Part 1. 2 and 3 .1 BS 6861-2 1997 Mechanical vibration ISO 1940-2 1997 Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors Part 2: Balance errors BS 6925 1988 Specification for Mastic asphalt for building and civil engineering (limestone aggregate) Incorporating Amendments Nos. incorporating Amendment No.Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors — Part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance] Reprinted.1 and 2 BS 6954-1 1988 Tolerances for building — ISO 3443/1 1979 Part 1: Recommendations for basic principles for evaluation and specification BS 6954-2 1988 Tolerances for building — ISO 3443-2 1979 Part 2: Recommendations for statistical basis for predicting fit between components having a normal distribution of sizes BS 6954-3 1988 Tolerances for building — ISO 3443-3 1987 predicting fit Part 3: Recommendations for selecting target size and BS 709 1983 Methods of Destructive testing fusion welded joints weld metal in steel Incorporating Amendments Nos.1. Tower cranes .1 BS 7121-11 1998 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 11: Offshore cranes BS 7121-12 1999 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 12: Recovery vehicles and equipment – Code of practice BS 7121-2 1991 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 2: Inspection. Lorry loaders BS 7121-5 1997 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 5.BS 7121-1 1989 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 1: General Incorporating Amendment No. testing and examination BS 7121-3 2000 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 3: Mobile cranes BS 7121-4 1997 Code of practice for Safe use of cranes Part 4. 1 BS 7361-1 1991 Cathodic protection Part 1: Code of practice for land and marine applications (formerly CP 1021) BS 7375 1996 Code of practice for Distribution of electricity on construction and building sites BS 7419 1991 Specification for Holding down bolts BS 7543 1992 Guide to Durability of buildings and building elements.1 BS 7668 1994 Specification for . channels.BS 7263-1 1994 and quadrants Precast concrete flags. kerbs.1 BS 7295-2 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete Part 2: Specification for coatings Incorporating Amendment No. products and components Incorporating Amendment No. edgings Part 1: Specification BS 7295-1 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete Part 1: Specification for coated bars Incorporating Amendment No. vertical. and for the design and installation of tank insulation.Weldable structural steels — Hot finished structural hollow sections in weather resistant steels BS 7777-3 1993 Flat-bottomed.1 BS 8000-12 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 12: Code of practice for decorative wallcoverings and painting BS 8000-13 1989 Workmanship on building sites .1: Ceramic tiles.1 BS 8000-11. Code of practice for plastering and rendering Incorporating Amendment No. terrazzo tiles and mosaics Incorporating Amendment No. cylindrical storage tanks for low temperature service Part 3: Recommendations for the design and construction of prestressed and reinforced concrete tanks and tank foundations.1 BS 8000-11.2 1990 Workmanship on building sites Section 11.2 Natural stone tiles Incorporating Amendment No.1 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 11: Code of practice for wall and floor tiling Section 11. tank liners and tank coatings BS 8000-1 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 1: Code of practice for excavation and filling BS 8000-10 1995 Workmanship on building sites Part 10. 2 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 2.1 BS 8000-4 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 4: Code of practice for waterproofing .2 Sitework with in situ and precast concrete BS 8000-3 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 3: Code of practice for masonry Incorporating Amendment No.Part 13: Code of practice for above ground drainage and sanitary appliances BS 8000-14 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 14: Code of practice for below ground drainage BS 8000-15 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 15: Code of practice for hot and cold water services (domestic scale) BS 8000-16 1997 Workmanship on building sites Part 16. Code of practice for sealing joints in buildings using sealants BS 8000-2. Code of practice for concrete work Section 2.1 Mixing and transporting concrete Incorporating Amendment No. Code of practice for concrete work Section 2.1 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 2.1. not published separately BS 8000-2. joinery and general fixings BS 8000-6 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 6: Code of practice for slating and tiling of roofs and claddings BS 8000-7 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 7: Code of practice for glazing BS 8000-8 1994 Workmanship on building sites Part 8: Code of practice for plasterboard partitions and dry linings BS 8000-9 1989 Workmanship on building sites Part 9: Code of practice for cement/sand floor screeds and concrete floor toppings BS 8000-9 1999 Workmanship on building sites Part 9: Cementitious leveling screeds and wearing screeds – Code of practice BS 8002 1994 Code of practice for Earth retaining structures Incorporating Amendment No.BS 8000-5 1990 Workmanship on building sites Part 5: Code of practice for carpentry.1 BS 8004 1986 Code of practice for Foundations (Formerly CP 2004) . 1 BS 8007 1987 Code of practice for Design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids BS 8008 1996 Guide to Safety precautions and procedures for the construction and descent of machine-bored shafts for piling and other purposes .BS 8005-1 1987 Sewerage Part 1: Guide to new sewerage construction This standard is obsolescent BS 8005-2 1987 Sewerage Part 2: Guide to pumping stations and pumping mains BS 8005-3 1989 Sewerage Part 3: Guide to planning and construction of sewers in tunnel BS 8005-4 1987 Sewerage Part 4: Guide to design and construction of outfalls BS 8005-5 1990 Sewerage Part 5: Guide to rehabilitation of sewers BS 8006 1995 Code of practice for Strengthened/reinforced soils and other fills Incorporating Amendment No. foundations and ground floor slabs for housing Incorporating Amendment No.BS 8081 1989 Code of practice for Ground anchorage BS 8100-1 1986 Lattice towers and masts Part 1: Code of practice for loading BS 8100-2 1986 Lattice towers and masts Part 2: Guide to the background and use of Part 1 “Code of practice for loading” BS 8100-3 1999 Lattice towers and masts Part 3: Code of practice for strength assessment of members of lattice towers and masts Incorporating Corrigendum No.1 BS 8103-2 1996 Structural design of low-rise buildings Part 2: Code of practice for masonry walls for housing BS 8103-3 1996 Structural design of low-rise buildings . 1 BS 8100-4 1995 Lattice towers and masts Part 4: Code of practice for loading of guyed masts BS 8102 1990 Code of practice for Protection of structures against water from the ground BS 8103-1 1995 Structural design of low-rise buildings Part 1: Code of practice for stability. site investigation. incorporating Amendment No.1 BS 8110-2 1985 Structural use of concrete Part 2: Code of practice for special circumstances Reprinted.1 BS 8110-3 1985 Structural use of concrete Part 3: Design charts for singly reinforced beams. bases and in-situ floorings Part 1: Concrete bases and cement sand levelling screeds to receive floorings – Code of practice BS 8204-2 1999 Screeds.Part 3: Code of practice for timber floors and roofs for housing BS 8103-4 1995 Structural design of low-rise buildings Part 4: Code of practice for suspended concrete floors for housing BS 8110-1 1997 Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction Incorporating Amendment No.1) . bases and in-situ floorings Part 3: Code of practice for polymer modified cementitious wearing surface (Incorporating Amendment No. bases and in-situ floorings Part 2: Concrete wearing surfaces – Code of practice BS 8204-3 1993 Screeds. doubly reinforced beams and rectangular columns BS 8204-1 1999 Screeds. 1 and 2 CP 8004 1986 Code of practice for Foundations (Formerly CP 2004) EUROCODE 1 part 4 1996 Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures Part 4: Actions in silos and tanks . bases and in-situ floorings Part 4: Code of practice for terrazzo wearing surfaces BS 8204-5 1994 Screeds.BS 8204-4 1993 Screeds. bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete BS EN 61773 1997 structures Overhead lines — Testing of foundations for Including Corrigendum March 1997 CP 2012-1 1974 Code of Practice for Foundations for machinery Part 1: Foundations for reciprocating machines Incorporating Amendments Nos.1 and 2 BS 8666 2000 Specification for scheduling. bases and in-situ floorings Part 5: Code of practice for mastic asphalt underlays and wearing surfaces BS 8301 1985 Code of practice for Building drainage (Formerly CP 301) Reprinted incorporating Amendments Nos. dimensioning. tanks and pipelines .EUROCODE 8 part 4 1999 Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures Part 4: Silos.
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