Liquilift III Manual
Liquilift III Manual
March 30, 2018 | Author: erlangonzales | Category:
Electrical Connector
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™O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L ™ OPERATOR’S MANUAL PAGE PLUNGER LIFT OVERVIEW 1 THEORY OF OPERATION 3 CONTROL MODE SELECTION 3 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5 6 DUAL VALVE OPTION ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6 CONNECTOR WIRING 7 SOLAR PANEL WIRE INSTALLATION 7 MSO SWITCH WIRE INSTALLATION 8 3-LEAD MSO 8 2-LEAD MSO 8 9 OTHER AUXILIARY CONNECTIONS GETTING AROUND THE MENU 9 F1 - SET TIMES 9 F2 - DATA HISTORY 9 F3 - SYSTEM INFORMATION 10 SCROLLING 10 CHANGING TIME SETTINGS 10 HOT KEYS 11 DISPLAY CONTRAST CONTROL 12 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PAGE LIQUILIFT III OPERATING PARAMETERS 12 F2 - DATA HISTORY (DESCRIPTION) 15 F3 - SYSTEM INFORMATION (DESCRIPTION) 16 CONTROL MODE 17 PRIMARY BATTERY 17 FACTORY RESET 17 PASSWORD 17 PRODUCTION OPERATING SCENARIOS 18 APPENDIX 21 FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE T A B L E 12 F1 - SET TIMES (DESCRIPTION) 1 2 3 4 - MECHANICAL INSTALLATION MECHANICAL INSTALLATION CONNECTOR WIRING MODULE WIRING 21 22 23 24 GAS REQUIREMENTS - 2˝ TUBING 25 GAS REQUIREMENTS - 2-1/2˝ TUBING 26 API FLUIDS DATA 27 SALTWATER DATA 28 GAS COLUMN PRESSURES 29 TUBING TABLES 31 COILED TUBING TABLES 32 RULES OF THUMB 33 CRITICAL FLOW RATES 34 COPY OF DOOR INSTRUCTIONS 35 COPY OF PIEZO FACEPLATE 36 O F C O N T E N T S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L U.S. Patent #4352376 U.S. Patent #5146991 MADE IN USA ©1998 Ferguson Beauregard (903)561-4851 PLUNGER LIFT OVERVIEW The use of the plunger lift method of artificial lift in oil and gas wells is increasing at a rapid rate. Several reasons for this increase stem from general developments in the industry. Plunger lift excels at producing high GLR oil wells and removing liquid accumulations from gas wells. As reservoirs deplete and flowing rates decline, the gas phase becomes less efficient at lifting the liquid phase to the surface. Allowed to continue, the flowing gradient will become heavier until the well loads up with liquid and stops flowing. One of the most efficient methods of producing liquid involves the use of the cycle controlled plunger. The plunger makes continuous contact with the inside wall of the tubing string, thereby forming an effective seal between the lifting gas and the lifted liquid. Operation of the system is as follows. 1 The motor valve on the flowline is closed and the plunger is resting at the bottom of the tubing. Gas Pressure is building in both the tubing and the casing-tubing annulus. 2 By opening the motor valve at the surface, gas is produced to a lower pressure separator or gathering system allowing a reduction in tubing pressure. Gas accumulated in the annulus continues to expand into the tubing behind the rising plunger until it is forced to the surface. This pressure reduction is the energy source to move the plunger and liquid slug from the bottom of the tubing to the surface. Storage gas in the casing-tubing annulus and/or formation gas will be the drive mechanism for plunger movement. P L U N G E R LIQUILIFT III L I F T O V E R V I E W O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 1 Plunger lift can be expected to produce the well to depletion. CHANGE SETTINGS ( ): While cursor is on the item. After setting is modified. the plunger falls back to the bottom of the tubing string due to gravity. In gas wells. ( PRESS MENU KEY TO ACTIVATE DISPLAY ): BATTERY VOLTS SOLAR VOLTS EXTERNAL CONTACTS: Press “ENTER” to go to next screen. the well controller can either shut-in on plunger arrival or continue to produce gas for a predicted interval.3 4 Upon reaching the surface and removing the liquid slug from the tubing. NOTE: TANK FEATURES SHOWN IN RED. press “ENTER” to accept value or press “ESC” to cancel the change. Neither the smaller tubing nor a compressor is a permanent solution.INTER PRIMARY BATTERY (D-Cell) YES/NO FACTORY RESET SYSTEM STATUS HOT KEY USAGE: Press 1 or 2 digit HOT KEY # and then press “ENTER” to view that item. The LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys can assist changes. The limiting producing rate in both cases is as much dependent upon the inflow performance of the well as it is upon its outflow performance.TANK. Plunger lift provides a permanent solution at a lower price than any other method. INTERMITTER MODE F1 SET TIMES CONTROL MODE 3 TBG ON 4 TBG OFF 14 H-L DELAY INTER (Tubing On Time) (Tubing Off Time) (High Line Delay) F2 DATA HISTORY 50 51 53 54 TBG CYCLES (Total Tubing Cycles) PLUNGER CTS (Plunger Arrival Counts) PLUNGER RUN TIMES (Last 15) TTL TBG ON (Total Tubing On Time) 55 TTL TBG OFF 56 CLEAR TOTALS (Total Tubing Off Time) F3 SYSTEM INFORMATION 60 VERSION (Software Version #) 61 SYSTEM STATUS (See Below) 62 CONTROL OPTIONS (See Below) 63 PASSWORD CONTROL OPTIONS CONTROL MODE PLNG. however. press “ENTER” to edit value. “ESC” to return to previous screen. a compressor. All “YES/NO” or Control changes are made using the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys. The plunger is not a perfect sealing device and will fall through the fluid that has accumulated in the bottom of the tubing coinciding with the low pressure experienced during the flow cycle.TANK. There are no absolute maximum producing rates for plunger lift. Once enough time has elapsed for the plunger to reach the bottom. or earlier in an effort to lighten the flowing gradient and increase reservoir draw down pressure. Once the well stops flowing (if the GLR is high enough). plunger lift can be installed. M ENU SCREENS PLUNGER MODE = 1 VALVE 14 23 + 24 25 TANK MODE = 2 VALVES F2 DATA HISTORY F1 SET TIMES CONTROL MODE 3 TBG ON 4 TBG OFF 6 AFTFLW PLNG / TANK (Tubing On Time) (Tubing Off Time) (Afterflow Time) 50 51 53 54 TBG CYCLES (Total Tubing Cycles) PLUNGER CTS (Plunger Arrival Counts) PLUNGER RUN TIMES (Last 15) TTL TBG ON (Total Tubing On Time) H-L DELAY (High Line Delay) SYNC MODE (Enable Constant Cycles) YES/NO FLOW TIME (ie: On Time + Afterflow) RECOVERY MODE (Enable Alt. Off Time) YES/NO 55 56 57 58 TTL TBG OFF CLEAR TOTALS TANK CYCLES TTL TANK ON + 26 RCVRY TIME (Alternate Off Time) (Tank Delay Time) (Tank On Time) (Tank Off Time) 30 TANK DELAY 31 TANK ON 32 TANK OFF (+): Only available when SYNC mode and/or RECOVERY mode is “YES”. as there are none for flowing wells. smaller tubing. HOT KEYS SHOWN IN BLUE. additional pressure build up may be required before another cycle can be made. or plunger lift is installed to maintain flowing status. SCROLLING ( ): From the Main Menu press (F1) “SET”. They increase the gas velocity initially so that the liquid will be removed from the tubing. Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to view items.INTER PRIMARY BATTERY (D-Cell) YES/NO FACTORY RESET SYSTEM STATUS P L U N G E R L I F T O V E R V I E W FO DOOR L98 LIQUILIFT 2 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L FS1261 BATTERY VOLTS SOLAR VOLTS EXTERNAL CONTACTS: . (F2) “DATA” or (F3) “SYST” to access data groups. the well may be ready to cycle again. (Total Tubing Off Time) (Total Tank Cycles) (Total Tank On Time) F3 SYSTEM INFORMATION 60 VERSION (Software Version #) 61 SYSTEM STATUS (See Below) 62 CONTROL OPTIONS (See Below) 63 PASSWORD CONTROL OPTIONS CONTROL MODE PLNG. Depending on the reservoir. at some time in the future the gas rate will again fall to an inadequate level and liquid will not be removed from the well creating a loaded or semi-loaded condition. When the motor valve closes on the surface flowline. These 2 applications can operate in SYNChronized MODE and have RECOVERY MODE available for NO ARRIVALS. T H E O R Y LIQUILIFT III O F O P E R A T I O N O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 3 . Other exciting enhancements have been added to give the Customer quick access to well and system performance.THEORY OF OPERATION – LIQUILIFT™ III The LIQUILIFT™ III Controller is an electronic time based well controller. The LIQUILIFT III Controller operates on time and/or pressure inputs. Dual Valve or Intermittent Operation within the same control unit. It is a combination of previous designs. allowing the operator to select multiple solutions for well operations. 2 To operate with dual motor valves. It does not make any adjustments for plunger speed variation but does have the capability to add off time (Recovery Mode) for a plunger not surfacing during the On Cycle. The Customer has the ability to change Control Modes from Single Valve. A key feature with this controller is the Menu Structure. perhaps one on the flowline and one redirecting flow to the stock tank. select TANK MODE. CONTROL MODES SELECTION The Controller offers you 3 mode selections for well operations. This type of operating system allows increased ease of: 1 2 3 setting operational parameters retrieving data and system evaluation Hot Key features improve maneuvering from Data Groups and Data Entry. 1 To operate with a single motor valve on the flowline select the PLUNGER MODE. 3 The MSO switch will permit the controller to detect plunger arrival and Afterflow if time is programmed. 5 Selecting Recovery Mode allows additional Off Time if the plunger fails to surface during the On Time . This mode has a reduced number of operating parameters (TBG ON. They are briefly described below: T H E O R Y O F 1 Pressure switch gauges can be used as an override to turn the controller on or off. 6 Selecting Sync Mode allows the controller to operate under constant time cycles. O P E R A T I O N LIQUILIFT 4 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . If the operator selects the dual valve option (TANK MODE). 4 The controller will keep track of the last 15 plunger arrival times and calculate the average run time automatically. This unit can be utilized in a host of different scenarios but is primarily used with Plunger Lift. an external latch valve will be supplied to actuate the second motor valve.3 To operate with a single motor valve on the flowline and not make any adjustments to the operation select INTER MODE. 2 The controller can be operated from differential pressure if two switch gauges are wired together. Many features can be used to make the controller function as required. The controller is manufactured with a single latching solenoid valve for supplying source gas to a diaphragm operated motor valve. TBG OFF and H-L DELAY) and is available strictly for intermittent operation. If dual valve operation is used the second motor valve will close once the plunger arrival is detected. 10 High sales line pressure can signal the controller to shut-in and not attempt to cycle. minutes and seconds.Screwdriver 1 Place the black combination bracket on the bottom of the enclosure with the short angle section next to the back of the valves. 8 Independent motor valve settings can be made using the TANK MODE. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION – LIQUILIFT III The LIQUILIFT III Controller can be mounted directly to a motor valve by using the supplied installation kit. See Figure 1. 4 Install the 0-30 psi 1/8˝ NPT center mount gage to the front port for the valve manifold using a 7/16 open-end wrench.7 The Intermitter Mode can be selected to simply operate a single motor valve with minimal settings. These are just a few of the selections and combinations that can be accomplished with this versatile controller.0-30 psi SS Gage . Using a 9/16 wrench.1/8˝ NPT Center Mount 1 . Insert (2) 3/8-24 SS bolts. 9 The controller operates in hours. Kit contents are listed below: 2 . M E C H A N I C A L LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 5 . 2 Remove 2 bolts and nuts from the motor valve diaphragm bonnet.Combination Flat/Angle Bracket (Black Anodized) 1 . Page 21. tighten securely.3/8-24 x 5/8 SS Bolt 1 . 3 Attach the enclosure and combination bracket to the motor valve bonnet using the same bolts and nuts. DUAL VALVE OPTION If the TANK MODE option is selected. See Figure 2. it is installed into the valve manifold prior to installing the brass straight. This also requires a 2˝ u-bolt (not supplied) to attach to the vertical 2˝ pipe.5 Gas is supplied to the valve manifold from either the left or right side. Page 22. This requires rotating the combination bracket 180 . to make connection to the motor valve. 7 If an in-line gas filter is used. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION – LIQUILIFT III The controller solenoid valve. The external latch valve functions exactly like the valve manifold built in the Controller. and/or 6-Volt gel battery (Optional) are wired from the factory using special spring-loaded connectors to protect against electrical shorts and accidental mishaps. 9 Installation can also be made to 2˝ line pipe using the combination o bracket. It requires a 1/4˝ NPT x 1/4 tube. The electronic module is located on the back of the faceplate. straight or 90. an external latch valve will be utilized to actuate the secondary motor valve. D-Cell battery pack. Connector plugs for the auxiliary devices are provided unpopulated and are snapped into the sockets on the circuit board. but is contained inside a separate metal housing detached from the controller. 8 The Sales Valve output pressure port is located on the bottom. The Unit is shipped with a 1/4˝ NPT plug in the right side of the single valve manifold. 6 Using a 1/4˝ NPT x 1/4 Tube brass straight gas can be supplied from a 30-psi (max) gas source. typically from the drip pot and regulator. E L E C T R I C A L LIQUILIFT 6 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . Page 24. CONNECTOR WIRING Plug wiring connectors are provided on the PCB module. This action will open the spring connector and allow the wire to be completely engaged to the plug.Typically. rotate 90 to secure the screwdriver in place. the only connections required may be the MSO switch and solar panel wire if applicable. E L E C T R I C A L LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 7 . See Figure 4. 1 One wire is marked with a white stripe and should be connected to the positive side of the 2-pin solar plug connector. See figure 3. The other wire is connected to the negative. Page 23. The wires are connected as mentioned previously. SOLAR PANEL WIRE INSTALLATION (OPTIONAL) Provisions have been made to bring the solar panel wire into the left side of the enclosure through a watertight connector. 2 Now that the wires are properly attached to the connector. Once the screwdriver is o inserted in the slot. A ground lug has been provided to protect the electronics and should be utilized with a copper ground rod to enhance the controller’s immunity to transients. Removing the screwdriver will clamp the wire in place. NOTE: The solar panel orientation should be toward the south or equator for optimum sunlight. Wiring to the plug connector is accomplished by inserting a small screwdriver (provided) into the smaller slot of the two openings located on the end of the plug. the plug can be inserted into the socket marked SOLAR located on the module cover plate. the 3-pin plug can be inserted into the socket marked MSO located on the module cover plate. 1 RED. 4 Now that the wires are properly attached to the connector. 1 Attach the RED wire to the RED + terminal on the plug connector. 2 – LEAD The 2-lead wire contains 2 separate conductors. 1 RED and 1 BLACK. E L E C T R I C A L LIQUILIFT 8 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . 3 – LEAD The 3-lead wire contains 3 separate conductors. 3 Now that the wires are properly attached to the connector.terminal on the plug connector. 3 Attach the BLACK wire to the BLACK . 1 WHITE and 1 BLACK. 2 Attach the BLACK wire to the BLACK .MSO SWITCH WIRE INSTALLATION The MSO switch wire can be brought into the enclosure through 1 of 2 watertight connectors provided on the bottom of the controller. 1 Attach the RED wire to the WHITE + terminal on the plug connector.terminal on the plug connector. Both wire types are described below. the 3-pin plug can be inserted into the socket marked MSO located on the module cover plate. The MSO switch wire can be 3-lead or 2-lead shielded wire. 2 Attach the WHITE wire to the WHITE + terminal on the plug connector. Connection to the plug connector is accomplished in the same manner as described above in the Solar Panel section. This is divided into 3 main groups as detailed below: NOTE: Always press the MENU/ESC KEY to wake up the display. These all have individual terminals located in the 10 pin plug connector.OTHER AUXILIARY WIRE INSTALLATION All other connectors are wired in the same manner as described above. This controller conserves battery life by turning off the display after 5 minutes of inactivity. but nothing is displayed until the keypad is activated. This key will enable you to VIEW and/or CHANGE time settings for the controller to function. plunger run times and cumulative on and off times. OFF and HIGH LINE. Pressing the F2 key will display the first 4 lines of controller data history. G E T T I N G LIQUILIFT III A R O U N D O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 9 . The system is still operating. Pressing the F1 key will display the first 4 lines of the controller settings. GETTING AROUND THE MENU The Controller KEYPAD is designed for the Operator to move through settings and commands in a MENU format. F2 – DATA HISTORY The F2 key is a function key that locates you in the data history section of the menu. This key will enable you to VIEW cycle counts. F1 – SET TIMES The F1 key is a function key that locates you in the data entry section of the menu. plunger arrivals. arrival history by window. The module can except inputs from switch gauges for ON. A cursor will be flashing on the left side of the display to indicate which item you will be modifying. Notice that the cursor is on the left most number. As long as the cursor is on the left side of the display. This key will enable you to VIEW and/or CHANGE control options passwords and controller diagnostics.F3 – SYSTEM INFORMATION The F3 key is a function key that locates you in the system information section of the menu. The up and down arrow keys are located in the lower right hand corner of the keypad. which are located in the lower right hand corner of the keypad. SCROLLING Once you have pressed one of the function keys. If you make a mistake or want to keep the same number that was previously shown. PRESS THE ESC G E T T I N G A R O U N D LIQUILIFT 10 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . you can move up or down through the settings and screens by pressing the up and down arrow keys. Once you have located the time setting to be changed PRESS THE ENTER KEY. Change the setting to the value that is appropriate and PRESS THE ENTER KEY. Pressing the F3 key will display the first 4 lines of controller system information. you are only viewing the settings. CHANGING TIME SETTINGS Move through the MENU by pressing F1 and scrolling to the appropriate time setting. This action will cause the cursor to move into the number field. by using the right or left arrow keys. You can move to the right or left. system status or history. From most areas in the MENU structure you can PRESS the 1 or 2 digit number and press ENTER. REMEMBER: BLUE HOT KEYS – press the 1 or 2 digit number and PRESS ENTER. it becomes time consuming to hop around the menu just to check a single setting or option.KEY. This number is the HOT KEY number. The cursor will be flashing on the left side of the item. You can hop around the MENU very quickly and efficiently to check data. once you are comfortable with this method. This allows you to keep track of the line you just edited. REMEMBER: To change settings – PRESS ENTER (change the value) then PRESS ENTER again. G E T T I N G LIQUILIFT III A R O U N D O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 11 . however. Notice on the door instructions most lines have a blue number on the left side. the cursor will always return to the left side of the display with the cursor flashing. Either way. To undo changes after entering the number field – PRESS ESC. HOT KEYS Understanding how the MENU works is great. There is another way to hop from one section of the menu to another. this is done by using HOT KEYS . The display will change to show the item you have selected. F2 and F3 MENU GROUPS. by repeatedly pressing the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW KEYS. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) will sometimes appear to be too dark or too light to read. A good place to start in establishing an ON TIME is by dividing the depth of the tubing by 400. the display contrast can be adjusted to your preference. Also note that all time settings are in HRS: MIN: SEC format. All numbers shown in BLUE relate to HOT KEY numbers. 04 TBG OFF: TUBING OFF TIME is the total amount of time you want the well to stay off or shut in. The controller will remember this setting even after the display goes to sleep. Make sure that you are at the MAIN MENU by pressing the MENU/ESC KEY.DISPLAY CONTRAST CONTROL This controller contains electronic components. which compensate for ambient temperature conditions. LIQUILIFT III OPERATING PARAMETERS The following is a description of all operating parameters in the F1. F1 – SET TIMES 03 TBG ON: TUBING ON TIME is the total amount of time you want the well to stay on for the plunger to arrive at the surface. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT 12 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . Then. the SYNC MODE may be used to operate the two valves independently (see SCENARIO #2). The following is an example of time settings when using SYNC MODE and FLOW TIME. SYNC MODE enables constant cycles to be programmed. For example: ON TIME: 30 minutes AFTERFLOW TIME: 15 minutes FLOW TIME: 45 minutes OFF TIME: 1 hour The total cycle time is OFF TIME + FLOW TIME = 1 hour 45 minutes. This function is not available unless the SYNC MODE is set to YES. the well will shut in. This allows afterflow. To enable SYNC MODE. This will automatically start the OFF TIME. If the Tank Mode is selected. This delay time allows the normal cycle to make and break contact with this switch during the early part of the ON CYCLE and continue to operate.06 AFTFLW: AFTERFLOW TIME is the time the well will be allowed to flow after the plunger has surfaced. 24 FLOW TIME: This is the total time that the sales valve can be on. This will allow the FLOW TIME to be entered on the next line (#24). If the line pressure remains high and the contact is not broken before the delay times out. 14 H-L DELAY: HIGH LINE DELAY TIME is a delay feature for use with a line pressure switch gauge. select YES from the display. 23 SYNC MODE: This is a special mode used when synchronized timing is required to reduce interference with other wells in the same gathering system. It is generally equal to the ON TIME + AFTERFLOW TIME. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 13 . 26 RCVRY TIME: RECOVERY TIME is an alternate OFF TIME used when the plunger does not arrive during the TUBING ON TIME. 31 TANK ON: TANK ON TIME is the total time the tank valve will be open (provided that the plunger has not arrived). The RECOVERY TIME is entered on the next line (#26). Be careful with this time when using SYNC MODE. If the plunger still does not arrive after the ALTERNATE OFF TIME is used it remains the same for the next cycle. the OFF TIME reverts back to the original setting. (See Scenario #1 at end of manual). It is generally used to sell high-pressure gas down the gas sales line before having to open to a lower pressure to surface the plunger.25 RECOVERY MODE: RECOVERY MODE is a feature. 30 TANK DELAY: TANK DELAY TIME is the delay time before the second motor valve is allowed to turn on or open. the tank valve will close and the Tubing valve will either start the AFTERFLOW cycle or shut-in (depending on the program status). The TANK ON TIME starts at the end of the TANK DELAY TIME. which enables an alternate OFF TIME to be entered if the plunger does not arrive during the ON TIME. This option is only available if the TANK MODE is selected. This option is only available if the TANK MODE is selected. If the plunger arrives before the delay time expires the TANK ON TIME is bypassed. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT 14 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . If the tank valve opens and the plunger arrives during the on time. TANK DELAY TIME always starts timing at the beginning of the TBG ON TIME. After the plunger arrival is made during the ON CYCLE. F2 – DATA HISTORY 50 TBG CYCLES: TOTAL TUBING CYCLES are the total number of tubing cycles since the totals were last cleared. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 15 . 53 PLUNGER RUN TIMES: PLUNGER RUN TIMES are the actual run times (last 15) and the average of these 15 run times.32 TANK OFF: TANK OFF time is the total time that the TANK VALVE is closed during the cycle. The TANK VALVE can be independently programmed from the TUBING VALVE. These values are retained when you clear the totals. 55 TTL TBG OFF: TOTAL TUBING OFF TIME is the cumulative OFF TIME that the TUBING VALVE has been closed since the totals were last cleared. The TANK OFF time is only available when in TANK MODE and SYNC MODE is set to YES . 54 TTL TBG ON: TOTAL TUBING ON TIME is the cumulative ON TIME including AFTERFLOW TIME that the TUBING VALVE has been open since the totals were last cleared. 51 PLUNGER CTS: PLUNGER COUNTS are the total number of plunger arrivals since the totals were last cleared. then use the down arrow to review the rest of the individual times. This line requires you to PRESS the ENTER KEY to retrieve the first 4 lines. 57 TANK CYCLES: TOTAL TANK CYCLES are the total number of tank cycles since the totals were last cleared.56 CLEAR TOTALS: CLEAR TOTALS does exactly what it says. PRESS the ENTER KEY to accept YES or NO. TANK and INTER (Intermitter) MODES. CONTROL MODE: Used to change between PLNG (Plunger). You must move the cursor to highlight YES and PRESS the ENTER KEY if you want to clear totals. 62 CONTROL OPTIONS: CONTROL OPTIONS is a grouping of control features that allow you to customize the Controller for your production needs. This keeps track of how many times the tank valve opened which you can refer to the TBG CYCLES for comparison. Use the left or right arrow keys to toggle from one to another. Press ESC or highlight NO and PRESS the ENTER KEY if you decide not to clear totals. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT 16 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . When you press the ENTER KEY. solar panel voltage and any EXTERNAL CONTACTS. F3 – SYSTEM INFORMATION 60 VERSION: Software VERSION number. 61 SYSTEM STATUS: SYSTEM STATUS allows you to check the battery voltage. you gain access to change the data field. 58 TTL TANK ON: TOTAL TANK ON TIME is the cumulative time that the TANK VALVE has been open since the totals were last cleared. They are listed below and on the next page. you can make as many changes as necessary. L I Q U I L I F T I I I O P E R A T I N G P A R A M E T E R S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 17 . If the keypad (LCD) goes to sleep. When the Controller ask for the PASSWORD to be entered. the password is reactivated.PRIMARY BATTERY: PRIMARY BATTERY can be changed from YES (D-CELL) or NO (GEL CELL). FACTORY RESET: FACTORY RESET can reset the Controller to the original default settings that were programmed from the factory 63 PASSWORD: The PASSWORD is a 4-digit number that can be set by you for data protection. This will disable any password protection. but settings can not be modified without knowledge of the PASSWORD. then select the PASSWORD option again and set to 0000. This feature affects the battery discharge rate internally for the circuit board operation. This password will go into effect after the LCD goes to sleep. type your password. This should default to NO for the AUTO-CYCLE and YES for the LIQUILIFT III. Anyone can still view the settings in the Controller. To reset the password for everyone to have access. PRODUCTION OPERATING SCENARIOS The combination of SYNC MODE and RECOVERY MODE allows for a variety of production scenarios. SCENARIO #2: The below scenario will allow two Sales Cycles for every one Tank Cycle. ON TIME: 30 minutes AFTERFLOW TIME: 15 minutes SYNC MODE: YES FLOW TIME: 45 minutes (set by the operator for On Time + Afterflow) OFF TIME: 1 hour RECOVERY MODE: YES RECOVERY TIME: 2 hours 45 minutes (OFF TIME + FLOW TIME + OFF TIME) NOTE: The ON key must be pressed to insure that the controller starts timing properly when SYNC MODE is selected. A few examples follow: SCENARIO #1: The below scenario will allow the controller to stay in SYNC with other wells and switch to a longer Sales Off Time (Recovery Time) for a no arrival. Notice that the Tank Cycle is twice that of the Sales Cycle. ON TIME: 30 minutes AFTERFLOW TIME: 15 minutes SYNC MODE: YES FLOW TIME: 45 minutes (set by the operator for On Time + Afterflow) OFF TIME: 1 hour P R O D U C T I O N O P E R A T I N G S C E N A R I O S LIQUILIFT 18 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . Sales Cycle = 1 hour 45 minutes (Flow Time + Off Time) TANK DELAY TIME: 30 minutes TANK ON TIME: 15 minutes TANK OFF TIME: 2 hour 45 minutes Tank Cycle = 3 hours 30 minutes (Tank Delay + Tank On + Tank Off) IMPORTANT: It is up to the operator to select cycle times that are even multiples of each other. SCENARIO #3: The below scenario will allow one Tank Cycle for every Sales Cycle and keep the well in sync with other wells in the gathering system. 2 sales cycles per 1 tank cycle). The ON key must be pressed to insure that the controller starts timing properly when SYNC MODE is selected. Notice that the Sales Cycle equals the Tank Cycle. ON TIME: 30 minutes AFTERFLOW TIME: 15 minutes SYNC MODE: YES FLOW TIME: 45 minutes (set by the operator for On Time + Afterflow) OFF TIME: 1 hour Sales Cycle = 1 hour 45 minutes (Flow Time + Off Time) TANK DELAY TIME: 20 minutes TANK ON TIME: 10 minutes TANK OFF TIME: 1 hour 15 minutes Tank Cycle = 1 hour 45 minutes (Tank Delay + Tank On + Tank Off) P R O D U C T I O N O P E R A T I N G S C E N A R I O S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 19 .e. (i. Concurrently.com Thank you for choosing Ferguson Beauregard.O. and for maximum reliability. P R O D U C T I O N O P E R A T I N G S C E N A R I O S LIQUILIFT 20 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . Box 130158 Tyler. ON TIME: 30 minutes AFTERFLOW TIME: 15 minutes SYNC MODE: NO OFF TIME: 1 hour TANK DELAY TIME: 20 minutes TANK ON TIME: 10 minutes In this case the Tank Off time is not available because SYNC mode is not enabled. For any questions or comments relating to this or any other Ferguson Beauregard product. Texas 75713 (903) 561-4851 phone (903) 561-6567 fax e-mail staff @FergusonBeauregard. The TANK DELAY and subsequent tank cycle will automatically start when the Sales OFF time expires.FergusonBeauregard.SCENARIO #4: The below scenario will allow one Tank Cycle for every Sales Cycle. please contact us at: FERGUSON BEAUREGARD P. the Sales Valve will open and start the SALES ON timer. Note that SYNC MODE is not enabled.com Web Site www. The new Liquilift III electronic controller is a state of the art product designed to ease of operation. FIGURE 1 SOLAR PANEL OPTIONAL A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 21 . FIGURE 2 SOLAR PANEL OPTIONAL A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT 22 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . CONNECTOR WIRING A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 23 .FIGURE 3 . MODULE WIRING A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT 24 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L .FIGURE 4 . GAS AND PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS 2-IN. TUBING A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 25 . GAS AND PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS 21/2-IN. TUBING A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT 26 III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L . 415 0.307 0.377 0.508 8.410 0.028 6.8654 0.7022 0.355 0.424 0.8109 0.421 0.P.734 5.9042 1.303 0.761 8.I.778 7.907 5.252 7.7883 0.297 0.7507 0.7587 0.0143 1.328 8.301 0.433 0.334 Pressure Gradient PSI / Ft API FLUIDS A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 27 .7165 0.300 0.967 5.0366 1.285 6.452 0.338 0.627 7.7128 0.212 8.330 0.035 7.530 7.994 7.7313 0.7547 0.353 6.449 0.357 0.7753 0.207 7.120 7.327 0.697 8.830 7.459 0.753 6.8017 0.343 0.I.306 0.6852 0.7628 0.370 0.677 6.P.387 6.310 0.059 6. 0.652 5.270 8.155 8.877 5.399 0.044 8.442 0. 7.404 0.8398 0.7093 0.827 8.7839 0.935 7.418 0.633 8.9100 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.186 6.831 6.7351 0.7796 0.7972 0.707 5.9402 0.322 0.9659 0.078 7.318 0.294 0.427 0.7201 0.462 0.9529 0.387 0.I.342 7.0679 0 1 Specific Gravity @ 60o F Degree A.341 0.394 0.388 7.164 7.447 8.6953 0.0217 1.679 5.6988 0.602 6.570 8.466 Pressure Gradient PSI / Ft 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 Degree A.791 5.882 7.8063 0.871 6.446 0.9465 0.9861 0.6819 0.361 0.457 6.9279 0.323 0.329 0.353 0.435 7.8156 0.295 0.430 0.7238 0.317 0.6886 0.0520 1.297 7.7275 0.819 5.313 0.7428 0.0071 7 8 9 1.8498 0.407 0.345 0.0599 1.375 0.351 0.9340 0.762 5.384 0.336 0.339 0.639 6.0291 5 6 1.912 6.090 6.848 5.0760 1.P.7389 0.8448 0.252 6.312 0.319 6.727 7.122 6.9159 0.422 Lbs / Gal @ 60 F 0.989 8.9593 0.8984 Specific Gravity @ 60o F 6.219 6.347 0.961 Lbs / Gal @ 60 F 0.677 7.413 0.0000 10 25 1.332 0.389 Pressure Gradient PSI / Ft 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 Degree A.397 0.304 0.8927 0.578 7.894 8.391 0.364 0.8762 0.8871 0.7669 0.366 0.439 0.8550 0.436 0.7057 0.9218 0.937 5.325 0.6919 0.349 0.402 0.7711 Specific Gravity @ 60o F 5.320 0.493 6.8203 0.482 Lbs / Gal @ 60 F 0.387 8.382 0.997 6.7467 0. 0.8708 0.8348 0.372 0.9792 0.8251 0.315 0.7927 0.359 0.379 0.309 0.952 6.565 6.LIQUILIFT III 0.154 6.8602 0.9930 0.715 6.792 6.456 0.099 8.529 6.8299 0.6787 0.298 0.8816 0.0443 2 3 4 1.368 0.9725 0. 080 1.440 129.17 10. Chlorides Specific III 9.485 PSI / Ft Gradient Pressure SALT WATER PRESSURE GRADIENTS A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L .960 83.640 166.800 PPM Chlorides 10.140 1.000 1.010 1.502 0.320 143.090 60.489 0.75 8.170 1.000 1.190 1.454 0.42 Gallon per Pounds 0.524 0.360 91.472 0.200 1.528 0.040 51.441 0.680 98.92 8.480 0.506 0.120 106.070 34.92 9.83 8.800 1.210 1.00 8.58 9.760 151.498 0.110 67.467 0. 173.180 1.160 1.58 8.880 136.200 1.220 1.560 114.020 42.67 9.100 1.83 9.030 1.260 9.459 0.476 0.50 9.519 0.320 1.17 9.08 9.050 PPM Gravity Approx.25 9.240 1.00 9.28 LIQUILIFT 74.150 1.75 9.450 0.130 1.120 Gravity Specific Approx.200 158.67 8.493 0.08 10.50 8.33 Gallon per Pounds 0.515 0.730 26.060 18.446 0.437 PSI / Ft Gradient Pressure 1.000 121.520 1.42 9.511 0.463 0. 1750 1.1728 1.0852 1.0593 1.1321 1.0559 1.0762 1.1706 1.0740 1.1176 1.0457 1.1640 1.0728 1.1376 1.1221 1.1695 1.1761 1.1596 1.1143 1.0964 1.0931 1.GAS COLUMN PRESSURES GAS COLUMN PRESSURES A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 29 .1110 1.1848 DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR GAS SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0 .0920 4100 4150 4200 4250 4300 4350 4400 4450 4500 4550 4600 4650 4700 4750 4800 4850 4900 4950 5000 5050 5100 1.1098 1.0627 1.1076 1.1662 1.1541 1.0514 1.1020 1.0604 1.1121 1.1420 1.0480 1.1442 1.1673 1.0525 1.1519 1.1552 1.1087 1.1132 1.1354 1.1398 1.0987 1.1585 1.1804 1.1299 1.LIQUILIFT FERGUSON BEAUREGARD III COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR: 0 .1530 1.1431 1.0819 1.0616 1.0650 1.1464 1.0796 1.1232 1.1815 1.1154 5150 5200 5250 5300 5350 5400 5450 5500 5550 5600 5650 5700 5750 5800 5850 5900 5950 6000 6050 6100 6150 1.1409 1.1254 1.0683 3050 3100 3150 3200 3250 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 3750 3800 3850 3900 3950 4000 4050 1.0548 1.1771 1.1165 1.0661 1.1563 1.1508 1.1486 1.1065 1.0751 1.1210 1.1031 1.0570 1.1276 1.1188 1.1629 1.0942 1.1607 1.0908 1.1453 1.0841 1.1343 1.0774 1.0886 1.1826 1.1684 1.1265 1.1717 1.1651 1.0536 1.0695 1. 6 5 BOTTOM HOLE PRESSURE (BHP) = CASING PRESSURE X Pcsg FACTOR FACTOR TABLE .1009 1.1243 1.0582 1.0863 1.0672 1.1574 1.1475 1.1387 6200 6250 6300 6350 6400 6450 6500 6550 6600 6650 6700 6750 6800 6850 6900 6950 7000 7050 7100 7150 7200 1.1793 1.0807 1.0717 1.0491 1.0998 1.1332 1.0468 1.1287 1.1618 7250 7300 7350 7400 7450 7500 7550 7600 7650 7700 7750 7800 7850 7900 7950 8000 8050 8100 8150 8200 8250 1.0875 1.1837 1. 9 5 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 2350 2400 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 1.0706 1.1043 1.1739 1.0502 1.1199 1.1365 1.0638 1.1782 1.0830 1.0897 1.0976 1.1497 1.0785 1.1054 1.1310 1.0953 1. 2843 1.2119 1.1880 1.2875 1.3063 1. 9 5 8300 8350 8400 8450 8500 8550 8600 8650 8700 8750 8800 8850 8900 8950 9000 9050 9100 1.2547 1.2205 1.2398 1.1913 1.2419 1.2864 1.2183 1.2323 1.3011 1.2801 1.2355 1.2108 1.2151 1.2011 1.2377 1.3073 1.2334 1.2590 1.3052 1.GAS COLUMN PRESSURES GAS COLUMN PRESSURES A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L .2811 1.3000 1.2515 1.1924 1.2790 1.2759 1.2000 1.2387 1.2979 1.2738 1.2291 1.2032 9300 9350 9400 9450 9500 9550 9600 9650 9700 9750 9800 9850 9900 9950 10000 10050 10100 1.1859 1.2409 1.2441 1.1870 1.2086 1.2643 1.2664 1.2990 1.2958 1.3042 1.3084 1.2558 1.2579 1.2674 12300 12350 12400 12450 12500 12550 12600 12650 12700 12750 12800 12850 12900 12950 13000 13050 13100 1.2568 1.2021 1.1989 1.2969 1.2727 1.2832 1.2653 1.30 FERGUSON BEAUREGARD COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR: 0 .2536 1.2611 1.1891 1.2927 1. 6 5 BOTTOM HOLE PRESSURE (BHP) = CASING PRESSURE X Pcsg FACTOR FACTOR TABLE .2717 1.1978 1.2226 1.2237 1.2885 13300 13350 13400 13450 13500 13550 13600 13650 13700 13750 13800 13850 13900 13950 14000 14050 14100 1.1967 1.2462 11300 11350 11400 11450 11500 11550 11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 11850 11900 11950 12000 12050 12100 1.2621 1.2748 1.3021 1.1902 1.2505 1.1946 1.2366 1.2344 1.1956 1.2451 1.3032 1.2600 1.2526 1.2312 1.2780 1.2140 1.2162 1.2248 10300 10350 10400 10450 10500 10550 10600 10650 10700 10750 10800 10850 10900 10950 11000 11050 11100 1.2430 1.2216 1.3094 DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg DEPTH Pcsg FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR FT FACTOR GAS SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0 .2097 1.2822 1.2194 1.2302 1.2948 1.2769 1.2937 1.2853 1.1935 1.2076 1.2130 1.2632 1.2173 1. D.347 1.4 335.971 1.00264 Barrels per Lin. 0.8 295.06 35.773 1.675 1.01873 0.02171 0.065 2.01414 0.939 1.00468 0.93 33.7 201.375 2.703 1.4 213.00524 0.77 46.229 2.01582 0.00219 0.900 1.900 O.8 354. (In) 1.01 59.9 299.02385 0.516 1.70* ------- 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" --- 8. (In) * Integral Joint Tubing 11.7 457.516 Drift Dia.LIQUILIFT III --- 7.609 1.22 53.00414 0.853 1.D.650 I. per Barrel 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2 1/16" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" Nominal Size (In) TUBING TABLES A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 31 1 .8 172.40 2" 2 1/2" 6.80 --- 1 1/2" 2.00 2" 3.1 Lin. (In) 0. per Cu.375 2.40* 2" ----- 1 1/2" Non Upset Upset (Lbs/Ft) (Lbs/Ft) Wt/Ft w/Coupl.25* --- 3.35 Lin. 241.8 258.063 1.875 2. Ft.3 273.70 --- 4. Ft.610 1.323 2.01672 0. Ft.00298 0.95 5.610 1.4 235.00 41.01901 0.759 1.00387 0.02943 0.995 2.02783 0.875 2.30* 4.03250 0.50 5.40 52.02272 0.76* 2.997 2.041 1.00334 0.091 2. Ft.875 2.00252 0.1 378.01227 0.64 5.00365 0.77 63.50* 8.901 1.60 2 1/2" --- 6.98 30.02628 0.875 2. per Lin.867 1.101 2.375 2.70 7.80 81.375 2.259 2.00579 0.751 1.406 1.900 1.75 1 1/2" 2.20 2 1/16" 3.60 2" 2" 4.73 70.20* 2.500 1.375 2.60 48.165 2. Ft.49 70.875 2.441 1.02326 0.01414 0.516 1.70* 9.00* 10.02051 0. 1 1/2" Nominal Size (In) 2.845 1.07 44.00405 0.6 247.93 38. 43.90* 6.00282 0.00339 0. Ft.90 2" 2.1 397.01485 Cu.00496 0.875 2.00252 0.375 2.73 67.00425 0.947 1.7 190.195 2.5 397.900 1. 239 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1.474 1.102 0.250 1.975 3.553 1.134 0.264 1.067 1.D.125 0.518 1.250 1.438 1.938 0.D.156 0. Barrels O.169 2.081 1.063 1.172 1.134 0.904 2.134 0.282 1.250 1.210 1000 Ft 0.955 2.232 1.250 1.500 1.502 1 1/4" 0.087 0.156 0.156 0.203 0.134 2.500 1.201 2.250 1.503 2.768 2.100 1.619 1 1/2" 1 1/2" III 1.091 1.250 1.847 (In) 1 1/4" (In) 1 1/4" (In) per I.500 1. Size Wall Wt / Ft (Lbs/Ft) Nominal 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" 1 3/4" (In) Size Nominal 3.032 1.072 2.971 1.000 2.371 1.156 0.109 0.732 1.500 1.500 1.914 2.095 0.624 1.500 1.000 1.500 1.523 1.688 1.118 0.594 1.227 2.056 1.000 2.134 0.175 1.009 2.896 3.060 1.000 2.750 1.125 0. 1.313 2.125 1.109 (In) Wall 2.482 1.426 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1.982 1.532 (In) I.186 2.046 1.468 2.250 1.175 0.32 1.000 2.075 0.823 1 1/4" 1.656 2.250 1.910 Wt / Ft (Lbs/Ft) 0.125 0.671 2.280 1000 Ft per Barrels COILED TUBING TABLES A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L .D.118 0.741 1.632 1.328 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" LIQUILIFT 1.188 0.296 1.035 1.095 0.116 1.667 0.125 0.750 1.750 1.310 0.597 1.750 1.750 1.085 1.000 2.562 2.109 0.251 1.000 1.750 (In) O.250 1.597 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1.076 1.109 0.188 1.937 0.782 1.941 (In) 0.250 1.750 1. 2.514 1.855 0.638 3.500 1.978 2.836 1.102 0.D.400 1. 2 Sufficient pressure if: Casing Pressure > [2 x (Casing Pressure .25 3 Consistent plunger velocity > 400 FPM A P P E N D I X LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L 33 .RULES OF THUMB 1 Sufficient gas: 400 scf per barrel of fluid per 1000 feet.Tubing Pressure) + Line Pressure] x 1. 34 LIQUILIFT III 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 0 100 2-7/8 Tbg 300 400 2-3/8 Tbg 2-1/16 Tbg Flowing Tubing Pressure .Psig 200 500 1-1/2 Coil Minimum Flow Rate To Continuously Lift Fluids 600 MINIMUM FLOW RATE TO CONTINUOUSLY LIFT FLUIDS A P P E N D I X O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L Flow Rate .MCFD . CHANGE SETTINGS ( ): While cursor is on the item. The LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys can assist changes. (F2) “DATA” or (F3) “SYST” to access data groups.INTER PRIMARY BATTERY (D-Cell) YES/NO FACTORY RESET SYSTEM STATUS FO DOOR L98 FS1261 BATTERY VOLTS SOLAR VOLTS EXTERNAL CONTACTS: . ( PRESS MENU KEY TO ACTIVATE DISPLAY ): BATTERY VOLTS SOLAR VOLTS EXTERNAL CONTACTS: Press “ENTER” to go to next screen. NOTE: TANK FEATURES SHOWN IN RED. “ESC” to return to previous screen.INTER PRIMARY BATTERY (D-Cell) YES/NO FACTORY RESET SYSTEM STATUS HOT KEY USAGE: Press 1 or 2 digit HOT KEY # and then press “ENTER” to view that item.TANK. SCROLLING ( ): From the Main Menu press (F1) “SET”. All “YES/NO” or Control changes are made using the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys. HOT KEYS SHOWN IN BLUE. Off Time) YES/NO 55 56 57 58 TTL TBG OFF CLEAR TOTALS TANK CYCLES TTL TANK ON + 26 RCVRY TIME (Alternate Off Time) (Tank Delay Time) (Tank On Time) (Tank Off Time) 30 TANK DELAY 31 TANK ON 32 TANK OFF (+): Only available when SYNC mode and/or RECOVERY mode is “YES”. After setting is modified.TANK. (Total Tubing Off Time) (Total Tank Cycles) (Total Tank On Time) F3 SYSTEM INFORMATION 60 VERSION (Software Version #) 61 SYSTEM STATUS (See Below) 62 CONTROL OPTIONS (See Below) 63 PASSWORD CONTROL OPTIONS CONTROL MODE PLNG. INTERMITTER MODE F1 SET TIMES CONTROL MODE 3 TBG ON 4 TBG OFF 14 H-L DELAY INTER (Tubing On Time) (Tubing Off Time) (High Line Delay) F2 DATA HISTORY 50 51 53 54 TBG CYCLES (Total Tubing Cycles) PLUNGER CTS (Plunger Arrival Counts) PLUNGER RUN TIMES (Last 15) TTL TBG ON (Total Tubing On Time) 55 TTL TBG OFF 56 CLEAR TOTALS (Total Tubing Off Time) F3 SYSTEM INFORMATION 60 VERSION (Software Version #) 61 SYSTEM STATUS (See Below) 62 CONTROL OPTIONS (See Below) 63 PASSWORD CONTROL OPTIONS CONTROL MODE PLNG. Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to view items.MENU SCREENS PLUNGER MODE = 1 VALVE F1 SET TIMES CONTROL MODE 3 TBG ON 4 TBG OFF 6 AFTFLW 14 23 + 24 25 TANK MODE = 2 VALVES F2 DATA HISTORY PLNG / TANK (Tubing On Time) (Tubing Off Time) (Afterflow Time) 50 51 53 54 TBG CYCLES (Total Tubing Cycles) PLUNGER CTS (Plunger Arrival Counts) PLUNGER RUN TIMES (Last 15) TTL TBG ON (Total Tubing On Time) H-L DELAY (High Line Delay) SYNC MODE (Enable Constant Cycles) YES/NO FLOW TIME (ie: On Time + Afterflow) RECOVERY MODE (Enable Alt. press “ENTER” to edit value. press “ENTER” to accept value or press “ESC” to cancel the change. SYSTEM INFORMATION (DESCRIPTION) 16 CONTROL MODE 17 PRIMARY BATTERY 17 FACTORY RESET 17 PASSWORD 17 PRODUCTION OPERATING SCENARIOS 18 APPENDIX 21 FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE T A B L E 12 F1 .SET TIMES (DESCRIPTION) 1 2 3 4 - MECHANICAL INSTALLATION MECHANICAL INSTALLATION CONNECTOR WIRING MODULE WIRING 21 22 23 24 GAS REQUIREMENTS .S. Patent #4352376 U.DATA HISTORY (DESCRIPTION) 15 F3 .2-1/2˝ TUBING 26 API FLUIDS DATA 27 SALTWATER DATA 28 GAS COLUMN PRESSURES 29 TUBING TABLES 31 COILED TUBING TABLES 32 RULES OF THUMB 33 CRITICAL FLOW RATES 34 COPY OF DOOR INSTRUCTIONS 35 COPY OF PIEZO FACEPLATE 36 O F C O N T E N T S LIQUILIFT III O P E R AT O R ’ S M A N U A L U.2˝ TUBING 25 GAS REQUIREMENTS .S. Patent #5146991 MADE IN USA ©1998 Ferguson Beauregard (903)561-4851 .PAGE LIQUILIFT III OPERATING PARAMETERS 12 F2 . Liquilift is a trademark of Ferguson Beauregard/Delaware Capital Formation. Ferguson Beauregard products are designed and manufactured under ISO 9001 Certificate Number: 97-541.1 . Patent #5146991. Box 130158.O. FS 1264. Texas 75713-0158 (903) 561-4851 • Fax (903) 561-6567 E-mail:
[email protected]
• www.S.S. Patent #435376 and U. Inc.com This controller meets C. C. file number LR 60176. approval for hazardous locations.S. Tyler.A. and is manufactured under one or both of the following patent numbers: U.FergusonBeauregard. © 2001 Ferguson Beauregard.S.P.
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