Linus Torvalds Biography by the Linux Information Project



2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec1/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml LINFO Linus Torvalds: A Ver Brief and Completel Unauthoried Biograph Lin Toald i he old' mo famo compe pogamme and alo i mo famo Finn. He i he fonde and coodinao of Linu, he Uni-like opeaing em ha i beginning o eolionie he compe ind and poibl mch ele a ell. Hi i l one of he gea ale in he hio of he compe. Earl Years Lin Benedic Toald a bon on Decembe 28, 1969 in Helinki, he capial and lage ci in Finland. He a named afe Lin Paling, he famo phical chemi and Nobel Pie inne. The Toald famil belong o he Sedih-peaking minoi in Finland, hich nmbe abo 300,000 in a oal poplaion of oghl fie million. Man membe of he famil ee jonali. Hi paen, Nil and Anna Toald, ee boh adical a he Uniei of Helinki ding he 1960. Hi fahe a a Commni ho pen a ea ding in Moco in he mid-1970 and lae became a adio jonali. Hi mohe oked fo a Finnih nepape a a anlao and a ceao of ne gaphic. Alo, hi gandfahe a he edio-in-chief of a Finnih nepape, and hi ncle oked fo Finnih TV. Toald had a fail conenional and happ childhood depie he fac ha hi paen ee dioced hen he a e ong. He lied ih hi mohe and alo ih hi gandpaen. Conien ih hi famil' occpaion, emphai a placed on eading fom an eal age. I a hi maenal gandfahe, Leo Toengi, a pofeo of aiic a he Uniei of Helinki, ho had he geae inflence on he ong Lin. In he mid-1970, Toengi bogh one of he fi peonal compe, a Commodoe Vic 20. Toald oon became boed ih he fe pogam ha ee aailable fo i, and he h began o ceae ne one, fi ing he BASIC pogamming langage and hen ing he mch moe difficl b alo moe poefl assembl language. Pogamming and mahemaic became Toald' paion. Hi fahe' effo o inee him in po, gil and ohe ocial aciiie ee in ain, and Toald doe no heiae o admi ha he had lile alen fo o inee in ch pi. The Birth of Linu 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 2/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml In 1987 Torvalds used his savings to buy his Iirst computer, a Sinclair QL. This was one oI the world's Iirst 32-bit computers Ior home use. With its Motorola 68008 processor (the part oI the computer that perIorms logic operations and also reIerred to as a central processing unit or CPU) running at 7.5MHz (megahertz) and 128KB (kilobytes) oI RAM (random access memory), this was a big step up Irom his grandIather's Commodore Vic 20. However, he soon became unhappy with it because oI it could not be reprogrammed due to the operating system residing in ROM (read-only memory). In 1988 Torvalds Iollowed in the Iootsteps oI his parents and enrolled in the University oI Helsinki, the premier institution oI higher education in Finland. By that time he was already an accomplished programmer, and, naturally, he majored in computer science. In 1990 he took his Iirst class in the C programming language, the language that he would soon use to write the Linux kernel (i.e., the core oI the operating system). In early 1991 he purchased an IBM-compatible personal computer with a 33MHz Intel 386 processor and a huge 4MB oI memory. This processor greatly appealed to him because it represented a tremendous improvement over earlier Intel chips. As intrigued as he was with the hardware, however, Torvalds was disappointed with the MS-DOS operating system that came with it. That operating system had not advanced suIIiciently to even begin to take advantage oI the vastly improved capabilities oI the 386 chip, and he thus strongly preIerred the much more powerIul and stable UNIX operating system that he had become accustomed to using on the university's computers. Consequently, Torvalds attempted to obtain a version oI UNIX Ior his new computer. Fortunately (Ior the world), he could not Iind even a basic system Ior less than US$5,000. He also considered MINIX, a small clone oI UNIX that was created by operating systems expert Andrew Tanenbaum in the Netherlands to teach UNIX to university students. However, although much more powerIul than MS-DOS and designed to run on Intel x86 processors, MINIX still had some serious disadvantages. They included the Iacts that not all oI the source code was made public, it lacked some oI the Ieatures and perIormance oI UNIX and there was a not-insigniIicant (although cheaper than Ior many other operating systems) licensing Iee. Source code is the version oI soItware (e.g., an operating system or an application program) as it is originally ritten (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human using a programming language (such as assembly, BASIC, C or Java) and beIore it is compiled (i.e., converted by a compiler) into machine language, which the processor (but not humans) can understand directly. Having the source code is necessary in order to study or improve soItware. A highly skilled programmer such as Torvalds can easily become bored and Irustrated with soItware Ior which the source code is not available. Torvalds thus decided to create a new operating system Irom scratch that was based on both MINIX and UNIX. It is unlikely that he was Iully aware oI the tremendous amount oI work that would be necessary, and it is even Iar less likely that he could have envisioned the eIIects that his decision would have both on his liIe and on the rest oI the world. Because university education in Finland is Iree and there was little pressure to 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 3/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml gadae ihin fo ea, Toald decided o ake a beak and deoe hi fll aenion o hi pojec. On Ag 25, 1991, he annonced hi iniial ceaion on he MINIX negop a follo: Meage-ID: [email protected] Fom: [email protected] (Lin Benedic Toald) To: Negop: Sbjec: Wha old o like o ee mo in mini? Smma: mall poll fo m ne opeaing em Hello eebod o hee ing mini- I'm doing a (fee) opeaing em (j a hobb, on' be big and pofeional like gn) fo 386 (486) AT clone. Thi ha been being ince apil, and i aing o ge ead. I'd like an feedback on hing people like/dilike in mini, a m OS eemble i omeha (ame phical lao of he file-em de o pacical eaon)among ohe hing. I'e cenl poed bah (1.08) an gcc (1.40), and hing eem o ok. Thi implie ha i'll ge omehing pacical ihin a fe monh, and I'd like o kno ha feae mo people an. An ggeion ae elcome, b I on' pomie I'll implemen hem :-) Lin Toald [email protected] On Sepembe 17 of he ame ea, afe a peiod of elf-impoed iolaion and inene concenaion, he compleed a cde eion (0.01) of hi ne opeaing em. Shol heeafe, on Ocobe 5, he annonced eion 0.02, he fi official eion. I feaed he abili o n boh he bash shell (a pogam ha poide he adiional, e-onl e ineface fo Uni-like opeaing em) and he GCC (he GNU C Compile), o ke em iliie. Thi no famo annoncemen lanched he bigge collaboaie pojec he old ha ee knon. I began: Do o pine fo he nice da of mini-1.1, hen men ee men and oe hei on deice die? Ae o iho a nice pojec and j ding o c o eeh on a OS o can o modif fo o need? Ae o finding i faing hen eehing ok on mini? No moe all-nighe o ge a nif pogam oking? Then hi po migh be j fo o :-) A I menioned a monh(?) ago, I'm oking on a fee eion of a mini- lookalike fo AT-386 compe. I ha finall eached he age hee i' een able (hogh ma no be depending on ha o an), and I am illing o p o he oce fo ide diibion. I i j eion 0.02 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 4/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml (¹1 (very small) patch already), but I've successIully run bash/gcc/gnu- make/gnu-sed/compress etc under it. Sources Ior this pet project oI mine can be Iound at nic.Iunet.Ii ( in the directory /pub/OS/Linux. The directory also contains some README-Iile and a couple oI binaries to work under linux (bash, update and gcc, what more can you ask Ior :-). Full kernel source is provided, as no minix code has been used. Library sources are only partially Iree, so that cannot be distributed currently. The system is able to compile "as-is" and has been known to work. Heh. . . . Ari Lemmke, Torvalds' Iriend and the administrator Ior Itp.Iunet.Ii, a provider oI FTP (Iile transIer protocol) services in Finland, encouraged him to upload his source code to a network so it would be readily available Ior study and reIinement by other programmers, a common practice then as it is now. Torvalds originally gave his new operating system the working name Linu (Irom Linus' MINIX). However, he thought the name was too egotistical and thus planned to call it Frea (a combination oI free, freak and MINIX). However, Lemmke created a directory Ior it called linu on his FTP (Iile transIer protocol) server, and thus Linu became the name oI the system. In what Torvalds now admits was one oI his best decisions, he decided to release Linux under the GPL (GNU General Public License) rather than under the more restrictive license that he had earlier planned. Developed by Richard Stallman, a notable programmer and a leading advocate oI Iree soItware, this most popular oI the Iree soItware licenses allows anyone to study, use, modiIy, extend and redistribute the soItware as long as they make the source code Ireely available Ior any modiIied versions that they create and then redistribute. In large part a consequence oI this very liberal licensing, many programmers Irom around the world quickly became enthusiastic about helping Torvalds develop his still embryonic operating system. As a result, its perIormance began improving at a rapid rate. Torvalds' eIIorts Iocused on developing a kernel, which is only part oI what is necessary to make a usable operating system. Fortunately, Stallman and his Free SoItware Foundation (FSF) had been developing a number oI Iree programs Ior use in a Iree version oI UNIX, and such programs (e.g., bash, GCC and GNU binutils) thus became major components oI virtually all Linux distributions. A distribution is a complete operating system centered around a kernel and also containing numerous utilities, device drivers and application programs. Other parts oI Linux distributions came Irom the Berkele UNIX Distribution (BSD), a version oI UNIX that was developed at the University oI CaliIornia at Berkeley (UCB) and which later evolved into the highly regarded BSD operating systems. And the X Windo Sstem, which is the dominant system Ior managing GUIs (graphical user interIaces) on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, came Irom the 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 5/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml Massachusetts Institute oI Technology (MIT). Linu Takes Off The perIormance oI the Linux kernel and Linux distributions continued to improve as more and more developers, initially individual and later corporate as well, joined the project and contributed their enthusiasm, eIIort and programming skills. This was paralleled by a swiIt growth in the number oI users. For example, in 1994 a usable et2 Iilesystem (i.e., a system Ior organizing data on computer disks), which Ieatured a large increase in speed over its predecessor, the et, was added to the kernel. And its initially weak networking capability was improved substantially. This was also the year in which Torvalds began promoting the porting oI Linux to additional processors. One early complaint about Linux was that it could run only on computers with x86 (Intel- compatible) processors. The Iirst oI the new processors was the Alpha, which was used in Digital Equipment Corporation's (DEC's) workstations. This was greatly Iacilitated by DEC's investment oI both money and engineering talent, and it was soon Iollowed by porting to the SPARC and MIPS processors. As a result oI his skills and accomplishments, Torvalds was appointed to the post oI instructor at the University oI Helsinki, a position which allowed him to simultaneously continue his development oI Linux. The Iirst homework assignment Ior an introductory computer class that he taught in 1993 was Ior each student to send him an e-mail. One oI the students, Tove Minni, a Finnish karate champion, complied by sending him an e-mail asking him out on a date. He accepted, and three years later the Iirst oI their three daughters was born. Although the arrival oI his Iirst daughter coincided with minor disruptions in the development oI the Linux kernel, he was able to release version 2.0 by December 1996. This milestone version represented a major improvement in perIormance through its addition oI support Ior additional processors and Ior smmetric multiprocessing (SMP), which lets multiple processors access and be equally close to all RAM locations. The use oI Linux continued to grow rapidly as a result oI these and numerous other advances as well as due to its spreading Iame. By 1997, conservative estimates were placing worldwide Linux installations at more than three million computers. Two years later this had soared to in excess oI seven million. Despite the relentless successes oI Linux and the great popularity oI Torvalds, his activities were not entirely without controversy, even within the Iree soItware community. For example, ProIessor Tanenbaum, the developer oI MINIX on which Linux was originally partially based, was convinced that microkernels (a minimalist type oI kernel) were the wave oI the Iuture, and he expressed strong opposition to the monolithic approach oI the Linux kernel in his now Iamous 1992 Usenet posting titled LINUX is obsolete. Also, Richard Stallman has continued to insist that Linux's name is 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 6/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml inappropriate and that the operating system should instead be renamed GNU/Linu because Stallman's numerous GNU utilities are used together with the Linux kernel. Moe to California AIter spending nearly a decade as a student, researcher and instructor at the University oI Helsinki, Torvalds decided that it was time Ior a change -- a big one that included both a change oI scenery and a real job. Needless to say, there was no shortage oI opportunities available to him. Thus, in 1997 he moved to sunny Santa Clara in CaliIornia's Iabled Silicon Valley to accept a position with Transmeta Corporation. His job there was to help develop commercial soItware to Iacilitate communication between operating systems and that company's microprocessors. Linux devotees were initially concerned not only about his move to a Ior-proIit business but also about the Iact that it was Iunded in part by MicrosoIt co-Iounder Paul Allen. For Torvalds, however, the decision was not diIIicult. Not only was it an opportunity Ior a change and to experience a much improved climate (Irom the long, cold and dark Finnish winters), but Silicon Valley was the ultimate destination Ior almost everyone in the computer Iield, even him. Moreover, he now had a growing Iamily to support. His choice oI company was also aIIected by the Iact that Transmeta was not involved with Linux, as he was reluctant to Iavor one Linux business over another. Torvalds' arrangement with Transmeta permitted him to devote part oI his time to his Linux activities. This was, in Iact, a clever publicity move on the part oI Transmeta, which beneIited not only by receiving the services oI an extremely talented and motivated engineer but also by having someone on their staII who brought them exceptional media attention. Torvalds arrived in Silicon Valley when MicrosoIt was decimating Netscape in the broser ar and when many people in the U.S. and elsewhere were hoping Ior a new, and more robust, challenger to the MicrosoIt monopoly. Frequent comparisons were made between Torvalds and Bill Gates, but the main similarities were that both were Ianatical computer programmers, both wore glasses and both were about the same height. Gates had become Iabulously wealthy, whereas Torvalds was making close to nothing Irom his Iree soItware. He was subsisting only on an average programmer's salary, and he and his Iamily were living in a modest duplex in an ordinary neighborhood. Actually, Torvalds was never really interested in accumulating wealth or power, and he has contended all along that what counts most Ior the best programmers is the joy oI programming and being creative. In his own words, he did it all "just Ior Iun." Nevertheless, he was subsequently rewarded with both wealth and power, and he has not been reluctant to admit that money has its advantages. Torvalds' Iinancial situation changed dramatically in 1999. Red Hat and VA Linux (now 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 7/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml VA SoItware), both leading developers oI Linux-based soItware packages Ior large enterprises, had presented him with stock options in gratitude Ior his creation. Torvalds suddenly became a millionaire when Red Hat went public, and his net worth temporarily soared to roughly $20 million when VA Linux went public later that year. Corporate Acceptance of Linu Linux got another big boost in the late 1990s when competitors oI MicrosoIt began taking it seriously. Oracle, Intel, Netscape, Corel and others announced plans to support Linux as an inexpensive alternative to MicrosoIt Windows. Major corporations soon realized the potential oI Linux, and they quickly adopted it Ior their Internet servers and networks. Contributing to this surge in popularity was the Iact that Apache, the extremely successIul Iree web server (which now hosts more than 64 percent oI websites worldwide) was Iirst written Ior Linux. Perhaps the biggest Iorce Ior Linux's adoption in the corporate world has been IBM's oIIicial blessing and massive support. This included a 2001 announcement oI a commitment oI a billion dollars Ior Linux research, development and promotion. IBM's support was not merely an act oI charity. The company was Iaced with the growing burden oI having to support its own collection oI proprietar (i.e., owned by an individual or a company) operating systems, including AIX, OS/2 and z/OS, as well as MicrosoIt Windows and others. It realized that despite Linux's obvious shortcomings at that time, such as a very limited ability to run heavy-duty server applications and a lack oI quality GUI applications, Linux had strong technical underpinnings and great potential Ior improvement. The massive investment has been paying oII very handsomely Ior IBM (and others), and its Linux-related business now exceeds two billion dollars annually, making IBM by Iar the world's largest vendor oI Linux-related products and services. Linux use has grown rapidly not only in terms oI the total number oI installations but also in terms oI the diversity oI the systems on which it is operated. Particularly impressive has been its growing share in the market Ior servers, the centralized computers that power corporate networks and the Internet. Many industry experts are convinced that it is only a matter oI just a Iew years beIore Linux replaces the proprietary UNIXs as the dominant operating system in the world's largest corporate data centers. Equally impressive has been the growth at the opposite end oI the applications spectrum, i.e., Ior use in embedded sstems. These are single chips (or circuit boards) which contain simpliIied versions oI Linux and which are incorporated into everything Irom mobile phones to industrial robots. Among the advantages oI using Linux in embedded systems are portability (i.e., ability to run on almost any type oI processor), Ilexibility (i.e., ease oI conIiguring), low cost (i.e., no licensing Iees) and the availability oI eIIicient and low cost development tools. Moreover, Linux is Iinally reaching the point where it is suitable Ior use as a low cost alternative on the desktop and notebook computers oI ordinary people who have little understanding oI (or interest in) computers but who need them Ior their work and/or 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 8/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml leisure activities. This phenomenal success is undoubtedly due in very large part to Torvalds' brilliance and dedication. Also important is the Iact that he made a series oI wise strategic decisions, not only about the technical aspects oI the operating system but also about how it would be developed and licensed, including that very early decision to make Linux Iree soItware. Moreover, his personality has been ideally suited Ior his role as spiritual leader oI the Linux movement, including his combination oI selI-deprecating humor and his Iar-Irom-unique philosophy that "liIe is simply about having a good time" rather than merely about accumulating vast wealth. But as has so oIten been the case with highly creative and inIluential people throughout history, Torvalds' success was also due to the Iact that he was the right person at the right time. The conditions in the early 1990s were ripe Ior the emergence oI a Iree, high perIormance operating system such as Linux: namely, (1) the increasing aIIordability and power oI personal computers, (2) the lack oI a truly stable and powerIul operating system Ior such computers (and the considerable dissatisIaction with the then dominant MS-DOS) and (3) the arrival oI the Internet Ior instantaneous and Iree communication among programmers scattered around the planet. In Iact, it is highly unlikely that Linux would have come into being, much less threaten to revolutionize the entire computer industry, without the existence oI all three oI these conditions. Torvalds Toda Torvalds is now working on the Linux kernel Iull-time Ior Open Source Development Lab (OSDL), which is based in Beaverton, Oregon. Founded in 2000 and supported by a global consortium oI computer companies, including IBM, OSDL describes its mission as "becoming the recognized center oI gravity Ior Linux and the central body dedicated to accelerating the use oI Linux Ior enterprise computing." Only about two percent oI the current Linux kernel has actually been written by Torvalds himselI, which is quite understandable given its great size and complexity (e.g., the Iull source code Ior the current 2.6 kernel is roughly 80MB). However, he makes the Iinal decisions regarding which oI the many proposed modiIications and additions will be incorporated into it. His criteria Ior adding code are that it be (1) oI high quality and clean, (2) easy to maintain and (3) beneIicial to a wide range oI users rather than to just a single corporate user or to any other narrow agenda. Torvalds also owns the Linu trademark and monitors its use (and occasional abuse). The hundreds oI other programs that are generally included in distributions together with the kernel (e.g., GCC, bash, the vi text editor, the X Window System and the KDE desktop environment) are developed and maintained by other groups, but there is considerable coordination with Torvalds and other developers oI the kernel. In contrast to many leading advocates oI open source soItware, Torvalds maintains a low proIile and attempts to avoid debates that are not closely related to the Linux kernel, and he generally avoids commenting on competing soItware products. In Iact, his public 2/12/12 Lin Toald biogaph b The Lin Infomaion Pojec 9/9 .linfo.og/lin.hml stance is so neutral that it has even been criticized by other free software advocates. Yet, Torvalds has occasionally reacted with strong responses to anti-Linux (and anti-free software) tactics employed by some proprietary software companies. Although Torvalds grew up in a highly political environment, he claims to have absolutely no interest in politics. His views appear to be quite mainstream for Europe, although they might be considered leftist in the U.S. Despite his parents' background, Torvalds is not opposed to capitalism. In fact, because Linux is licensed under the GPL, everybody is automatically permitted to sell it for a profit and even become wealthy from doing so. Torvalds originally began his work with the OSDL by commuting from his home in sunny Silicon Valley. However, in June 2004 he revealed that he would finally be moving with his family to Portland (of which Beaverton is a suburb) to oversee the OSDL. He told an Oregon newspaper: "We want to be somewhere calmer and saner. Silicon Valley is a bit crazy." Perhaps he should have also mentioned that Portland would be a bit more like his native Helsinki: i.e., a very pleasant and livable city with abundant parks and a growing tram network, and one that has less sunshine and somewhat longer, colder and darker winters than Silicon Valley. Regardless of how long Torvalds stays in Portland, he will likely continue in his roles as the head of Linux kernel development and the spiritual leader of the Linux movement for years to come, as he has shown no signs of tiring of them and wanting to take his life in a new direction. Linux is still young and poised for its greatest growth, and it still needs him. Created August 28, 2004. Updated January 24, 2006. Copyright 2004 - 2006 The Linux Information Project. All Rights Reserved. . T UNIX N UNIX MS-DOS . ) compiled ( T MINIX UNIX. . H I 1988 T H . . . . . 1990 L I 386 1991 C kernel ( . . T 68008 central ) ' 128KB ( ROM ( F . ( compiler) .h ml F 2/9 .5MH ( ).B .o g/lin .I ).linfo.H .A T .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec I 1987 T ' 327. MINIX source code UNIX ) ( .T . .. S M QL.. BASIC. 33MH I I . . I . . C . . .B U ). .W ) ( processing unit CPU) RAM ( C V 20.. . . ritten ( .A MS-DOS 386 UNIX ' .. ) ) ( S ) ( . A . 86 . . .T F ( US$5.T . IBM4MB .H I T UNIX ).T . MINIX. C J machine language.000. H . . fi (Lin Benedic To ald ) To: Ne g o p : comp.hel On Sep embe 17 of he ame ea .hel inki. I'm o king on a f ee e ion of a mini lookalike fo AT-386 comp e . I fea ed he abili o n bo h he bash shell (a p og am ha p o ide he adi ional. I i j e ion 0. hen men e e men and o e hei o n de ice d i e ? A e o i ho a nice p ojec and j d ing o c o ee h on a OS o can o modif fo o need ? A e o finding i f a ing hen e e hing o k on mini ? No mo e all-nigh e o ge a nif p og am o king? Then hi po migh be j fo o :-) A I men ioned a mon h(?) F om: o ald @klaa a. and I'd like o kno ha fea e mo people an .1. and i a ing o ge ead .os. 1991.9541@klaa a. and I am illing o p o he o ce fo ide di ib ion.02 . To ald decided o ake a b eak and de o e hi f ll a en ion go p On A g 25. Thi no famo anno ncemen la nched he bigge collabo a i e p ojec he o ld ha e e kno n.08) an gcc (1. Thi ha been b e ing ince ap il.h ml 3/9 . o ke em ili ie . a m OS e emble i ome ha ( ame ph ical la o of he file. he anno nced e ion 0. he fi official e ion.em d e o p ac ical ea on )among o he hing . af e a pe iod of elf-impo ed i ola ion and in en e concen a ion.o g/lin .01) of hi ne ope a ing em. I began: Do o pine fo he nice da of mini a follo : Me age-ID: 1991A g25.o . An Lin gge ion a e S bjec : Wha o ld o like o ee mo in mini ? S mma : mall poll fo m ne ope a ing em Hello e e bod o he e ing mini - I'm doing a (f ee) ope a ing em (j a hobb . I'd like an feedback on hing people like/di like in mini . b I on' p omi e I'll implemen hem :-) To ald o ald @k na. and hing eem o o k. he comple ed a c de e ion (0.40). Sho l he eaf e . on Oc obe 5. e -onl e in e face fo Uni -like ope a ing em ) and he GCC ( he GNU C Compile ).hel inki. I' e c en l po ed ba h (1. I ha finall eached he age he e i ' e en able ( ho gh ma no be depending on ha o an ).linfo. on' be big and p ofe ional like gn ) fo 386 (486) AT clone . ea .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec g ad a e i hin fo o hi p ojec .205708. he anno nced hi ini ial c ea ion on he MINIX ne comp. Thi implie ha i'll ge ome hing p ac ical i hin a fe mon h . . T MINIX).214. F . Linu ( Linus' . ) L . U C B (UCB) BSD .D . O L UNIX . ..6. . F GNU S ) . . . . . free. 4/9 ( . . Linu L I T GPL (GNU G I T . H linu FTP ( . . . GCC distributions. . / /OS/L .H .100) README( . P .linfo.F (FSF) UNIX. . .L . . A Windo S stem. " .. freak MINIX).o g/lin .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec (+1 ( / / ) ). . .A T F ' .. Berkele UNIX Distribution (BSD).S . L ) R . I' .T :-). . .T .h ml U - ." A L ( . / / - S (128. . S .T ) ' F . L .A X GUI ( . H Frea ( FTP .L ) . . E C SPARC .R . 86 (I T e t2 ( .. F . e t. .T L . .T ' (DEC' ) . . s mmetric multiprocessing RAM . A . F . L . MINIX microkernels ( 1992 U S L ' 5/9 T L . D F . . .T M . Linu Takes Off T L . . obsolete.0 D 1996.T 1993 .linfo. T L .T L A . MIPS .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec M I T (MIT). . . . .o g/lin .T .h ml . . ) monolithic LINUX is L . L . .T .A .O - A L T (SMP). L . . 1994 ). 2. .P T . B 1997.H .T L O ) D DEC' A U H . 1997 T ' M F F T . T . M U. ). . .N ( . V . T . . .linfo. T ' .T . . .N . Mo e to California A H .H L S C C C . ' .H T .h ml S V M B G . S P . . .o g/lin . . R H VA L ( 6/9 .L A . 1999.T . ." . .F N .I N T .H ' S V . .S. G . -U . . T bro ser ar .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec S ' GNU GNU/Linu L . " .M L T L ' .A . T . T . T . . M L ' ( L ). IBM .C M M W . .L embedded s stems.N 1990 . ) .C ( ) P L L ' . ). .P . ( . L R H VA L . ( .. . ) UNIX .L . ( . E .I . ). .linfo.T . I . M . . L .h ml ) / 7/9 . . . T L .. . 64 .I .T proprietar ( .M I Apache. OS/2 /OS.T L IBM' ) M W . .. . $20 Corporate Acceptance of Linu L .A ( . L ' .T ( L ). IBM L ' .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec VA S . IBM' 2001 . AIX..O L L .o g/lin . .. GUI . Torvalds Toda T L " L O . (1) I . L B . L spiritual .I . 8/9 . 2. .M leader B . (2) ( MS-DOS) (3) . H (1) (3) .F 2000 IBM. T ). .T .T ' 1990 L : .I . 80MB). (2) T T ( . ( . . L .o g/lin . . " . - - " ." O L ( . L (OSDL). . GCC.O .2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec . . XW S . ) I Linu .linfo.A .h ml T ' . .6 .T . . KDE . L S D .. T . T . L . OSDL .H clean.. e.2/12/12 Lin To ald biog aph b The Lin Info ma ion P ojec stance is so neutral that it has even been criticized by other free software advocates. he claims to have absolutely no interest in politics. because Linux is licensed under the GPL. in June 2004 he revealed that he would finally be moving with his family to Portland (of which Beaverton is a suburb) to oversee the OSDL. 2004 . Although Torvalds grew up in a highly political environment.2006 The Linux Information Project. He told an Oregon newspaper: "We want to be somewhere calmer and saner.S. However. and it still needs him. His views appear to be quite mainstream for Europe. Torvalds originally began his work with the OSDL by commuting from his home in sunny Silicon Valley. . Silicon Valley is a bit crazy. he will likely continue in his roles as the head of Linux kernel development and the spiritual leader of the Linux movement for years to come. 2006.h ml 9/9 . although they might be considered leftist in the U. All Rights Reserved. and one that has less sunshine and somewhat longer. colder and darker winters than Silicon Valley. everybody is automatically permitted to sell it for a profit and even become wealthy from doing so.o g/lin ." Perhaps he should have also mentioned that Portland would be a bit more like his native Helsinki: i. 2004. Despite his parents' background.linfo. In fact. Torvalds has occasionally reacted with strong responses to anti-Linux (and anti-free software) tactics employed by some proprietary software companies. Copyright Created August 28. a very pleasant and livable city with abundant parks and a growing tram network. Linux is still young and poised for its greatest growth. Torvalds is not opposed to capitalism.. Updated January 24. Regardless of how long Torvalds stays in Portland. Yet. as he has shown no signs of tiring of them and wanting to take his life in a new direction.
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