Lincoln LS Fault codes

March 23, 2018 | Author: francissimo185 | Category: Manual Transmission, Transmission (Mechanics), Clutch, Automatic Transmission, Medical Diagnosis



2000 Lincoln LS Workshop ManualPage 1 of 3 SECTION 307-01: Automatic Transmission — 5R55N DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING 2000 Lincoln LS Workshop Manual Procedure revision date: 03/17/1999 Diagnostic Trouble Code Charts Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart **May also be generated by some other non-electric transmission hardware system. *Output circuit check, generated only by electrical symptoms. Five Digit DTC P0102, P0103, P1100, P1101 P0112 Component MAF Description MAF concerns Condition MAF system inoperative which may cause a transmission concern. Symptom High/low EPC pressure, incorrect shift schedule. Incorrect torque converter clutch engagement scheduling. Symptoms similar to a TP failure. Incorrect EPC pressure. Either high or low which will result in harsh or soft shifts. Incorrect EPC pressure. Either high or low which will result in harsh or soft shifts. Rerun on-board diagnostic at normal operating temperature. Rerun on-board diagnostic at normal operating temperature. Torque converter clutch will always be off, resulting in reduced fuel economy. Torque converter clutch will always be off, resulting in reduced fuel economy. Action REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. IAT IAT indicates 125° C (254° F) (grounded) IAT indicates -40° C (-40° F) (open circuit) IAT out of on-board diagnostic range Voltage drop across IAT exceeds scale set for temperature 125° C (254° F). Voltage drop across IAT exceeds scale set for temperature -40° C (-40° F). IAT temperature higher or lower than expected during KOEO and KOER. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. P0113 IAT P0114 P1116 P0117 IAT ECT ECT ECT out of on-board ECT temperature higher or lower than diagnostic range expected during KOEO and KOER. ECT indicates 125° C (254° F) Voltage drop across ECT exceeds scale set for temperature 125° C (254° F) (grounded). P0118 ECT ECT indicates -40° C Voltage drop across ECT exceeds (-40° F) scale set for temperature -40° C (-40° F) (open circuit). TP concern P0121, P0122, P0123, P1120, P1121, P1125, P1124 P0300P0308, P0320, P0340, P1351P1364 P0503, P0500, P0705 TP PCM has detected an error. This error Harsh engagements, firm shift feel, may cause a transmission concern. abnormal shift schedule, torque converter clutch does not engage. Torque converter clutch cycling. EI EI concerns EI system is inoperative which may cause a transmission concern. Harsh engagements and shifts, late WOT shifts, no torque converter clutch engagement. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. ABS Insufficient VSS input from ABS through SCP link. PCM detected a loss of vehicle speed signal through SCP link from ABS. No transmission symptom. I.P. speedometer may be affected. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. Go To Pinpoint Test C. Digital TR Digital TR circuit sensor failure Digital TR circuits, indicating an invalid Increase in control pressure (harsh shifts). pattern in TR_D. Condition caused by Defaults to D5 or invalid position. a short to ground or an open in TR4, TR3A, TR2, and or TR1 circuits. This DTC cannot be set by an incorrectly adjusted digital TR sensor. Digital TR sensor circuit TR3A reading Increase in PC pressure. Defaults to D5 for 2.6v - 5.0v (open circuit). This DTC all gear positions. cannot be set by an incorrectly adjusted digital TR sensor. Voltage drop across TFT sensor exceeds scale set for temperature of 157° C (315° F). Voltage drop across TFT sensor exceeds scale set for temperature 40° C (-40° F). PCM detected a loss of TSS signal during operation. Firm shift feel. P0708 Digital TR Digital TR sensor sensor circuit TR3A open Go To Pinpoint Test C. P0712 TFT 157° C (315° F) indicated TFT sensor circuit grounded -40° C (-40° F) indicated TFT sensor circuit open Insufficient input from turbine shaft speed sensor Go To Pinpoint Test B. P0713 TFT Firm shift feel. Go To Pinpoint Test B. P0715 TSS Harsh shifts, harsh torque converter clutch activation, and harsh engagement. Go To Pinpoint Test E. P0717 TSS Turbine shaft speed PCM has detected an intermittent TSS Harsh shifts, harsh torque converter clutch sensor signal signal. activation, and harsh engagement. intermittent. Turbine shaft speed PCM has detected a noisy TSS signal. Harsh shifts, harsh torque converter clutch sensor signal noisy. activation, and harsh engagement. Insufficient input from OSS sensor Output shaft speed sensor signal noisy Output shaft speed sensor signal intermittent PCM detected a loss of OSS signal during operation. PCM has detected an erratic OSS signal. PCM has detected an intermittent OSS signal. No 1st gear. Possible abnormal shift schedule. Abnormal shift schedule. Abnormal shift schedule. Go To Pinpoint Test E. P0718 P0720 P0721 P0722 TSS OSS OSS OSS Go To Pinpoint Test E. Go To Pinpoint Test E. Go To Pinpoint Test E. Go To Pinpoint Test E. P0731** SSA, SSB, 1st gear error SSC or internal parts Incorrect gear selection depending on REFER to the Solenoid On/Off Charts. Go To failure or mode and manual lever position. Pinpoint Test A. Shift errors may also be due to other internal transmission concerns (stuck valves, damaged friction material). Engine rpm could be higher or lower than expected. 12/25/2009 Go To Pinpoint Test A. SSB. Go To Pinpoint Test A. PCB solenoid Intermittent short to ground Voltage through PCB solenoid is checked. Engine rpm could be higher or lower than expected. PCC solenoid circuit Voltage through PCC solenoid is open checked. An error will be noted if circuit tolerance is exceeded. 2nd gear error SSC or internal parts No 2nd gear. P0755* SSB No first gear (short) or no third gear (open). Go To Pinpoint Test A.. SSB.). See Solenoid On/Off chart. damaged friction material). Shift errors may also be due to other internal transmission concerns (stuck valves. P0734** SSA. P0779 PCB Go To Pinpoint Test D. Zero PCB — no second and fifth gear. Circuit open. REFER to the Solenoid On/Off Chart. An error will be noted if tolerance is exceeded. PCC solenoid Voltage through PCC solenoid is Go To Pinpoint Test E. Engine rpm could be higher or lower than expected. 4th gear error SSC or internal parts No 4th gear. No engine braking in manual gears. SSA solenoid circuit SSA circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. Will flash TCIL. P0745. shorted or PCM driver circuit failure during on-board diagnostics. failure. Go To failure or mode and manual lever position. Incorrect gear selection depending on REFER to the Solenoid On/Off Charts. Go To Pinpoint Test D. Harsh shifts (2-3). failure or mode and manual lever An error will be noted if circuit tolerance is exceeded. Go To failure or mode and manual lever position. 5th gear error SSC. Short circuit — causes minimum PCC Go To Pinpoint Test D. PCC Open circuit — causes maximum PCC pressure. Will flash MIL. SSD or internal parts No 5th gear. Incorrect gear selection depending on REFER to the Solenoid On/Off Charts. P1747** PCA Go To Pinpoint Test D. shorted checked. Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. Go To Pinpoint Test A. Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. P0765 SSD Go To Pinpoint Test A. damaged friction material etc. Will flash MIL. P0794 ISS Harsh shifts (2-3). SSB. vehicle operation. Intermediate shaft PCM has detected an intermittent ISS speed sensor signal signal. P0791 ISS Intermediate shaft PCM has detected a loss of the ISS speed sensor signal signal.2000 Lincoln LS Workshop Manual Page 2 of 3 P0732** SSA. inDiagnosis By Symptom. P0735 SSA. SSD solenoid circuit SSD circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. P0797** P0796** PCC Incorrect gear ratio in fourth and fifth gear. Will flash TCIL. Go To Pinpoint Test E. Error is noted if tolerance is exceeded. Pinpoint Test A. Incorrect gear selection depending on failure or mode and manual lever position. Circuit board diagnostic open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostics. SSC solenoid circuit SSC circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. http://www. intermittent PCC solenoid circuit Voltage through PCC solenoid is failure. Go To Pinpoint Test A. P0753* SSA No fourth or fifth gear (short) or no first gear Go To Pinpoint Test A. Will flash TCIL. SSB. P0758* SSB No first gear (short) or no third gear (open). Short circuit — causes minimum PCA pressure (minimum capacity) and limits engine torque (alternate firm). Will flash MIL. Shift errors may also be due to other internal transmission concerns (stuck valves. PCB solenoid circuit Voltage through PCB solenoid is failure. SSA solenoid circuit SSA circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. (open). P0741** TCC TCC slippage detected The PCM picked up an excessive TCC slippage/erratic or no torque converter REFER to the Diagnosis by Symptom Index amount of TCC slippage during normal clutch operation. P1789** PCB Short circuit — causes minimum PCB pressure (minimum capacity) and limits engine torque (alternate firm). Short circuit — causes minimum PCB pressure (minimum capacity) and limits engine torque (alternate firm). Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. 3rd gear error SSC or internal parts No 3rd gear.dealerconnection. Go To Pinpoint Test A. SSB solenoid circuit SSB circuit fails to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. PCA solenoid circuit Voltage through PCA solenoid is failure. Shift errors may also be due to other internal transmission concerns (stuck valves. P0795. harsh engagements and shifts. Go To Pinpoint Test A. P0768 SSD No engine braking in manual gears. P0750* SSA No fourth or fifth gear (short) or no first gear Go To Pinpoint Test A. 12/25/2009 . Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. Will flash MIL. SSD solenoid circuit SSD circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid.. An error will be noted if circuit tolerance is exceeded. shorted checked. SSC solenoid circuit SSC circuit failed to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. See Solenoid On/Off chart. Engine rpm could be higher or lower than expected. Circuit open. P0760* SSC Incorrect gear selection depending on condition mode and manual lever position. P0799 PCC Go To Pinpoint Test D. (open). Incorrect gear selection depending on condition mode and manual lever position. Open circuit — torque converter clutch never engages. P0763* SSC Go To Pinpoint Test A. Short circuit — converter clutch always engage. SSB solenoid circuit SSB circuit fails to provide voltage failure drop across solenoid. Slips in gear and third gear incorrect.fordtechservice. Incorrect gear selection depending on REFER to the Solenoid On/Off Charts. Will flash TCIL. shorted checked. Go To Pinpoint Test D. Engine rpm could be higher or lower than expected. Shift errors may also be due to other internal transmission concerns (stuck valves. shorted or PCM driver circuit failure during on-board diagnostics. damaged friction material). damaged friction material). Pinpoint Test A. Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. P0743* TCC TCC solenoid circuit TCC solenoid circuit fails to provide failure during onvoltage drop across solenoid. Zero PCB — no second and fifth gear. Circuit open or shorted or PCM driver failure during on-board diagnostic. P0733** SSA. P0775. No change in TFT low range SSA inoperative SSB inoperative SSC inoperative PCM has detected no TFT change at low range during operation. P0755. code P0705.. P1746** PCA PCA solenoid circuit Voltage through PCA solenoid is open checked. harsh engagements and shifts. Go To Pinpoint Test F. An error will be noted if tolerance is exceeded. Drive vehicle and verify repair. FMEM becomes indeterminate failure way clutch failure. incorrectly adjusted or digital TR circuit reading the wrong gear position. Go To Pinpoint Test B. harsh shifts. or digital TR circuit failure. Warm or cool vehicle to normal operating temperature. mode and manual lever position. Mechanical failure of the solenoid detected. Open circuit — causes maximum PCA pressure. Error is noted if tolerance is exceeded. P1747.Failed a neutral condition. Other DTCs that may set P1700: P0745. P1704 Digital TR Digital TR not in P or N positions during KOEO/KOER. P1705 Digital TR Digital TR not in KOEO/KOER not run in PARK or PARK or NEUTRAL NEUTRAL. May not be able to shift in manual mode. See Solenoid On/Off Chart. Rerun at appropriate throttle position per application. An error will be noted if tolerance is exceeded. CLEAR DTCs and drive P1760. REFER toSection 307-05. Go To Pinpoint Test F. Open circuit — causes maximum PCB pressure. P1760 PCA Go To Pinpoint Test D. Mechanical failure of the solenoid detected. incorrect TCC engagement schedule. See the Solenoid On/Off Chart. No fourth or fifth gear (short) or no first gear Go To Pinpoint Test F. third incorrect. No 1st. Go To Pinpoint Test D. 3rd. Increase EPC.. Short circuit — causes minimum PCA pressure (minimum capacity) and limits engine torque (alternate firm). P1460 A/C A/C or defrost ON condition may result DTC set during on-board diagnostic — from A/C clutch being ON during onrerun with A/C OFF. voltage. P1788** PCB PCB solenoid circuit Voltage through PCB solenoid is open checked. P1702 Digital TR Digital TR signal intermittent. INSTALL a new PCM. REFER toSection 307-05. REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. P0750. Digital TR sensor or shift cable Wrong commanded PC pressure. harsh engagement. P0708 are set. P1717 SSD SSD inoperative Go To Pinpoint Test F. Repair as required. Go To Pinpoint Test F. PCM has detected incorrect voltage at No engine braking in manual third or fourth the reverse pressure switch input. or 4th gear in automatic mode.circuit input PCM has detected an incorrect signal failed. Incorrect gear selection depending on condition. If P1700 returns. RERUN KOEO/KOER in PARK or NEUTRAL or Go To Pinpoint Test C. voltage SST input. Go To Pinpoint Test G. No overdrive cancel when range selector is moved Increase in control pressure. Mechanical failure of the solenoid detected. P0708 symptoms. P1711 DTC set — vehicle cold or overheated. Go To Pinpoint Test C. DTC is set. PCA solenoid Intermittent short to ground TCS input incorrect per selected position Transmission overtemp condition indicated Voltage through PCA solenoid is checked. gear. harsh engagement. CLEAR DTC.fordtechservice. P1718 P1740 TFT TCC No change in TFT high range TCC inoperative Go To Pinpoint Test B. Incorrect gear ratio in fourth and fifth gear. No first gear (short) or no third gear (open) Incorrect gear selection depending on condition mode and manual lever position. (open). Slips in gear. in failure. SST +/. pressure slightly low with A/C OFF. TFT TFT out of on-board Transmission not at operating diagnostic range temperature during on-board diagnostic. pressure (minimum capacity) and limits engine torque (alternate firm). P1124 TP TP voltage high/low TP was not in the correct position for for on-board on-board diagnostic. PCM has detected no TFT change at high range during operation. transmission stuck in manual three for base shifter and four for SST shifter). P1780 TCS RERUN on-board diagnostic and cycle switch. overdrive position. Digital TR Go To Pinpoint Test C. Go To Pinpoint Test B. Error is noted if tolerance is exceeded. Failed ON — Converter clutch always on. P1713 P1714 P1715 P1716 TFT SSA SSB SSC Increase EPC. Failed ON — EPC board diagnostic. harsh shifts.2000 Lincoln LS Workshop Manual Page 3 of 3 intermittent short to ground P0814 P0815 P0840 J-GATE SST +/REV checked.. Mechanical failure of the solenoid detected. diagnostic. P0708 conditions. diagnose and repair them first. Reverse pressure switch circuit input signal failed. http://www. Failed ON or not connected — torque REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions converter clutch will not engage at less than Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual.dealerconnection. (i. Failed OFF or not connected — torque converter clutch will not disengage when brake is applied. P1703 BPP BPP switch circuit failed Brake ON circuit failure during KOEO. 1/3 throttle. Direct one. incorrect TCC engagement schedule. P1783 TFT Transmission fluid temperature exceeded 127° C (270° F). If other solenoid DTCs are present. REFER toSection 307-05. See P0705. 12/25/2009 . 1/3 throttle. Failed OFF — torque converter never applies. — P1636 P1700 SSx TRANS SSx ISIG PCM has detected an error with the communication error ISIG chip. TCS voltage incorrect. No or improper illumination of the J-gate position. P1715. during KOEO/KOER. Failed OFF or not connected — torque converter clutch will not disengage when brake is applied. See P0705. A/C clutch cycling pressure switch error REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. BPP Brake not actuated during on-board diagnostic KOER P1703 Brake not cycled during KOER. Mechanical failure of the solenoid detected. Transmission Internal component failure.e. active — engine rpm limited to 4000 rpms. P1714. Failed ON or not connected — torque REFER to thePowertrain Control/Emissions converter clutch will not engage at less than Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual. harsh engagements and shifts. disassemble transmission and inspect the direct one-way clutch. J-GATE circuit input PCM has detected incorrect J gate signal failed. Go To Pinpoint Test B. Go To Pinpoint Test D.
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