License help for Canadian engineers1

March 27, 2018 | Author: chans117 | Category: Diesel Engine, Pump, Steam Engine, Bearing (Mechanical), Firefighting



License help for Canadian engineersCanadian First Class ME Engineering Knowledge Brought to you by comments to [email protected] Disclaimer Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been gathered from various sources. A visitor reported that the following questions showed up on his exam in June 2007... 1. Sketch and describe a main lubricating oil pump. Which are the clearances to be checked? 2. How the shafting alignment is checked in a ship with main engine amidship? 3. Sketch and describe a centralized cooling system using plate heat exchangers. 4. You are the Chief Engineer of a ship with four engineers and six engine crew members. How would you set up a fire-fighting organization? 5. Describe the electric-welding process. State how the materials are prepared for this process. Describe the tests carried out to the weld. 6. With reference to bearings, what is abrasion, adhesion and corrosion? How do they occur and what is their effect the running of engine? 7. Discuss the presence of sulphur, vanadium, water and incombustible solids in the fuel oil. 8. Instructions have come to discard spare parts and to keep on board only the stock required as per international regulations. Write a letter to superintendent asking permission to keep on board some extra spare parts giving reasons for this. Air Compressors G01. Care of an air compressor either 2 or 3 stage. What attention is needed before opening up for inspection? REF:MAR87 G02. What faults are likely to develop in an air compressor and how are they remedied. G03. Explain the necessity of intercoolers on a multi-stage compressor. What attention is required to keep them safe and in good working order? Sketch and describe an intercooler suitable for a 2400 kPa compressor and state materials used. REF:MAR83 REF:DEC90 G04. Describe the construction of a 3 stage air compressor a. give the temperatures and pressures at each stage b. where are the drains c. what type of oil is used and why G05. Describe a 3 stage air compressor. Why is there a cooling system. Sketch a cooler suitable for 2400 kPa REF:JAN87 G06. Why are isothermal conditions desirable in an air compressor and adiabatic conditions in a diesel engine? How are these conditions aided? What physical properties prevent these conditions from being perfect? G07. Draw a combined indicator diagram of a 3 stage air compressor, and show the effects of intercooling. Give the various pressures and temperatures. G08. How is the efficiency of an air compressor affected by the following: a. excessive clearance volume b. insufficient cooling water c. restricted low pressure air supply Shafting, Stern Tube and Bearings G09. Explain how the ingress of sea water is prevented in an oil lubricated stern bearing system. Should the system fail, describe the corrective action possible whilst the vessel is afloat. State why two stern bearing oil header tanks are fitted in some instances? G10. Make a detailed sketch of the sealing arrangements for an oil-filled stern tube. Describe the common forms of seal failure. Explain how oil loss due to seal failure is restricted whilst on passage. Describe how the seals are restored to their original effectiveness. Give a reason other than the expense of oil loss why effective sealing is necessary. G11. Compare the merits and demerits of roller and plain bearings when used for main shafting. Describe with sketches a roller bearing for main shafting. Explain why the need to split main roller bearings creates problems and how they are overcome. Give two reasons why roller bearings are rarely employed as stern bearings. REF:JUN90 G12. Sketch and describe a main bearing as fitted to a diesel engine. How would it be remetalled on board ship in an emergency? ANS:Pounder#5/695 REF:NSG7 G13. Identify the chief causes of overheating in tunnel bearings and of vibration in main shafting. Explain why the siting of the engine room amidships enhances these tendencies. State how overheating and vibration may be reduced or eliminated. G14. Give two reasons for sludge formation in main lubricating oil systems. Explain how bearing metal is attacked with particular reference to incompatibility between the oil and metal. Explain the role of additives and state what normal practices must be suspended in order to maintain treated oils in their optimum condition. Discuss the problems associated with the use of a multi-purpose lubricating oil. G15. By examining bearings, give the condition of lubricating oil in an engine. State simple tests that may be performed aboard ship. How would you keep lube oil in good condition. REF:MAY90 G16. With reference to main shaft bearings which are excessively loaded or very lightly loaded state for each condition what are the: a. indications of the fault b. effects on adjacent bearings c. remedial steps Explain why load distribution on main shaft bearings changes in service. REF:OCT88 REF:NOV89 G17. Discuss the merits and demerits of shell and pad shaft bearings. How is shafting alignment checked with What is the effect of tailshaft weardown on the adjacent shaft bearings. REF:MAR92 G18. How is the weardown of a tail shaft checked? How often is it taken? Where would you find previous readings? What maximum weardown would you allow for a 250 mm diameter shaft? REF:NSG4 G19. Describe the procedure in lining up an engine bedplate, main bearings, gear box, thrust block, propeller shafting and tail-end shaft, assuming this to be a new ship. REF:NSD8 REF:NOV88 REF:MAY89 REF:MAR91 REF:NSH7 G24. Where are they located? Name all their fittings. indications of the fault b. How are they entered? REF:JAN87 REF: 90 . the effectiveness on a main thrust block is only as good as its seating arrangements b. What is a crankshaft deflection and how is it done. What is the purpose of a cofferdam. How is the position of the engine fixed in a ship? How is the engine aligned? How is the engine secured to floors or tanktop.G20. remedial steps Explain why load distribution on bearings changes in service. How is lubrication effected? What pressure can be carried as compared with a multi-collar thrust? REF:NSG3 G22. Sketch and describe a single collar thrust block. With reference to shell and pad bearings which are excessively loaded or very lightly loaded state for each condition what are the: a. (sketch method). Give a reasoned opinion as to the accuracy of the following statements: a. pivoted pads are not necessary in thrust bearing design c. REF:MAR91 G21. fore and aft clearance between shaft collar and pads is of little consequence General G23. effects on adjacent bearings c. How are they dealt with. REF:FEB91 G29. Explain fatigue and thermal stresses. Explain it's principle of operation. Describe 4 types of stress.G25. State the rules that apply. REF:JUN88 G26. what is the nature and intent of stresses in the longitudinal and circumferential seams. Give an example of each in a boiler and an engine. State 2 examples of each an encountered on a diesel ship. State what important advantage and serious disadvantage it possesses compared to other pumps. State the type and size of ship (cargo / passenger). Describe the auxiliary machinery that would be required for safe and efficient operation of a large motor ship. REF:JAN87 G27. Regarding air receivers and boilers. Sketch and describe a stockless anchor illustrating the method or device used to attach it to the chain cable. Explain the effects of throttling either the suction or discharge valve. Describe and sketch an axial flow pump. Give 2 examples of each. REF:NSH1 G28. Sketch and describe a diesel electric propulsion system. G31. Describe the size and capacity of the pumps. Mention disadvantages and advantages. When the anchor and cable are ranged during the ships underwater survey what parts require special attention and what defects are likely to be discovered? G30. REF:MAR83 REF:JAN86 . What are the conditions required in the cylinders of a marine diesel engine for good combustion. boiler fuel oil REF:NSJ7 34. What is meant by the term "closed flashpoint" of an oil? Describe a test to determine its value. REF:JUL88 REF:NSB9 G35. Give the calorific values of anthracite and bituminous coals. State any factors that limit the temperature of heating for marine fuels. What are the chemical compositions of this coal? REF:NSE4 . white smoke c. black smoke b.REF:JAN87 Fuel & Combustion G32. Give the approximate closed flashpoint of: a. paraffin c. What is the chemical composition of coal? Give the average calorific value of coal. Under normal working conditions the following may occur: a. petrol (gasoline) b. blue smoke What may be the suspected cause for each case to occur? What would be the remedy for it? REF:JAN87 REF:JUN88 REF:DEC88 G33. Describe the chemical process when coal is burned in air. c. ample well-shaped water boxes and smooth tube inlets are desirable d.G36. Why is it desirable that coolant flow rate should not exceed that required to maintain correct fluid temperature c. where are TEFLON inserts being used c. partial obstruction of tube bore is a common cause of tube failure REF:MA80 . Discuss any form of the following: a. c. why is ferrous sulphide being used in place of impressed current b. What is meant by the "flash point of oil? How is it obtained? What are the approximate closed flash points of the following fuels: a. With reference to a tubular heat exchanger: a. how and where impingement attack is likely to occur in the tubes b. d. REF:NSE7 flashpoint viscosity calorific value conradson carbon pour point fire point G37. f. what type of material is used for the tubes REF:JAN90 G39. REF:NSF1 diesel oil bunker oil kerosene gasoline Heat Exchangers and Coolers G38. With reference to multitubular heat exchangers explain: a. d. e. b. b. how differential movement tubes and body is accommodated when the tube plates are rigidly located in the body b. welding and brazing c. Explain how leakage is prevented. d. With reference to heat exchangers define what is meant by the terms 'parallel flow' and 'contra flow'. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of each type of flow. Describe how the 'fall off' in efficiency of heat exchangers may be effectively countered. velocity b. Considering erosion and corrosion in a heat exchanger system give the effects of : a. sinuflow flow cross flow straight flow reversing flow Sketch and describe how constant salt?? water temperature is maintained in a system. how and why turbulence is imparted to fluid flow through the tubes c. with particular reference to oil heaters G41.G40. . REF:JUN90 G44. With reference to tubular heat exchangers explain: a. temperature variations REF:MAY90 G42. what is meant by the term 'guided flow'. c. State an application for which each is most suitable. State one advantage and one disadvantage it possesses over the tubular type. Discuss the different type of coolers: a. why it has become possible to discard sacrificial anodes in sea water coolers d. Sketch and describe a plate type cooler. REF:FEB91 REF:MAR91 G43. b. If you had to use seawater in the boiler. Describe any method of boiler feed treatment you are familiar with. chlorides. What level of impurities would you try to maintain? REF:JAN90 . Discuss recent developments in the protection of the hull from the effects of corrosion. alkalinity b. What chemicals are used. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various types of hull cleaning procedures indicating your position with respect to the merits or demerits of cleaning the hull while the vessel is afloat. and how is scale prevented? REF:MAR87 G48. Give composition of boiler scale. State the values obtained from the tests that would be considered suitable for a water tube boiler. Describe how you would test boiler water for: a. If the test results were unsatisfactory. what remedial action would you take? REF:NSE9 G49. ANS:Henchall/193 Boilers G47. G46. explain what steps would be required to maintain a reasonable level of impurities.REF:MAY90 G45. Discuss the merits and demerits of employing either a soluble oil or a chromate solution as a corrosion inhibitor in the cooling system of a diesel engine. c. d. What is caustic embrittlement? G51. a device used to measure the depth of oil in a tank. State what is the purpose of each of the following items in a machinery control system: a. Sketch and describe a thermo-couple pyrometer. b. with the aid of a sketch. The instrument in the question may be used without opening the tank. b.G50. . Where are thermocouple pyrometers fitted on steam and motor ships? REF:NSB2 G53. battery room refrigeration chamber empty ballast tank paint store room fuel tank G55. e. c. What is a salinomitor? Instruments and Gauges G52. What gas would be found in the following compartments and how could their effects be minimized? a. Describe. Does the specific gravity of the oil have any effect on the reading of this gauge. d. portable mercury manometer portable inclined-tube manometer portable temperature potentiometer compressor and vacuum pump Describe in detail any two of these items. REF:NSF6 REF:NSI3 G54. such as combustion process etc. Using a cathode ray oscilloscope for obtaining indicator diagrams from main engines describe and state the manner in which it may be used to illustrate certain important features. REF:MAY88 REF:NOV88 REF:NOV89 REF:JAN90 G58. how would you find the mechanical efficiency? REF:NSD2 REF:NSF7 REF:JUL88 G61.P. a dynamometer b. Regarding remote control sensing devices of either electrical or pneumatic type. REF:NSC7 G60. Sketch and describe: a. a torsion meter REF:JUL88 REF:FEB91 G59. Give an example of what each is used for.REF:JUL88 G56. Which device would be used for: . Describe a torsion meter and show how it is used to find shaft horse power. After determining the B. G57. Describe 2 different types of pressure gauges that work by an elastic system. Describe a dynamometer as used to find brake horse power of an engine.H. Explain how one of these is calibrated. name two advantages and two disadvantages of each. How is emergency steering carried out? REF:JAN87 G64. Sketch and describe a fuel meter used with high viscosity fuel. REF:JAN90 REF:MAR92 . Explain the value of the readings obtained and how they are used.a. Examine in detail three common but entirely different reasons for loss of steering. why the telemotor receiver is spring loaded and the effect on steering of spring failure REF:MAY88 REF:NOV88 REF:DEC88 REF:JAN90 G65. With reference to ram type electro-hydraulic steering gears explain: a. Describe how a vessel may make port upon irreparable failure of the steering telemotor. State how failure is inhibited in the design. bearing temperature c. with sketches the arrangement of the crosshead rapson slide and its principle of operation c. why four rams are provided in many instances b. Explain how it operates. Sketch and describe an electro/hydraulic steering system. Steering G63. operation and maintenance of steering gear systems. lube oil pressure b. What precautions are taken in hazardous areas? REF:OCT89 REF:NOV89 G62. tank level indicators. How is the vertical movement restricted on a rudder and how is it accommodated in the steering gear? How is the weight of the rudder transferred to the ship? REF:JUN90 G69. d. Sketch and describe an electro-hydraulic steering geas as fitted on board ship and indicate emergency steering methods. Explain its operation and how it's movements are controlled from the bridge. Describe how you would remove air from a telemotor system. pronounced sluggishness excessive hunting persistent overloading of pump motor purge system of air REF:FEB89 REF:FEB91 G68. Fully describe a steering gear you are familiar with. Describe fully any type of hydraulic steering gear with which you are familiar. c. Explain how the following steering gear faults are corrected: a. REF:NSF4 . b. How is the weight of rudder supported? REF:NSD3 G70.G66. What are the dangers of air in a telemotor system? REF:NSB5 G67. REF:MAR86 G71. How are shock loads prevented? Explain hunting gear. ) preferabel to high expansion foam REF:JUN90 REF:MAR92 G75. With reference to firefighting in machinery spaces compare the advantages and disadvantages of: a) high expansion foam b) high pressure water spray REF:JAN90 REF:MAY91 G74. placing the equipment in their respective positions.G72. REF:NSF8 G76.F. What is the hunting gear? Describe its action. Make a detailed list of all fire-fighting equipment on the last ship in which you sailed. REF:NDE3 Fire Firefighting Systems G73. a foam type portable fire extinguisher. What provision is made to avoid damage to steering engines when they aare situated adjacent to the rudder stock? Describe a steering system showing how it is controlled from the bridge.F. What preventative measures should be taken against the out-break of fire in an oil burning vessel? How would you proceed to subdue such an oil fire? Describe with the aid of a sketch. Sketch the layout of engine room and boiler room.F. . In respect to firefighting why is a) dry chemical powder preferable to sand b) mechanical foam preferable to chemical foam c) Halon 1301 preferable to CO2 d) light water foam (A. Explain why an inert gas generator is more advantageous. Why is it unsuitable for use in machinery spaces? REF:NOV88 REF:OCT89 G81. Define the advantages and disadvantages of this system over other fixed systems. c) entering a hold that has carried citrus fruit. What is meant by the term "permeability" in relation to fire prevention? G78.REF:NSJ3 G77. What is done to prevent explosions in: a) air starting lines b) air compressors c) engine crankcases REF:JAN87 G80. REF:FEB80 G79. REF:JAN90 REF:APR91 . With reference to safety of personnel describe the correct method of dealing with the following: a) entering a cargo pumping room when pumping crude petroleum b) overhauling a pump that has been used for pumping hazardous chemicals. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an inert gas smothering system from flue gasses compared to an inert-gas generator. State why a CO2 fixed fire smothering system requires periodical inspection and service. click to www. ultra violet and combustion gas (ionization) type fire detectors for use in machinery spaces. Make special reference to the following points: a) calculation of the quantity of carbon dioxide to be stored b) protection against leakage of the main stop valve c) alarm system for warning personnel of release d) maintenance of correct pressure and liquid level in storage tank G85 More questions like these can be found on Martin's Marine Engineering Page. What are the probable causes of fire breaking out in the engine room of a ship using oil fuel? What precautions are taken to avoid this? Describe a system of detecting fire aboard ship and the method of preventing fire breaking out? Discuss firefighting methods aboard ship. Sketch and describe an inert gas system from boiler uptakes. Describe with sketches a fixed fire smothering installation incorporating 'bulk storage' of carbon dioxide. G85.G82. . Explain why this system cannot be used for firefighting.dieselduck. Sketch and describe an inert gas system using exhaust gas from main uptake: a) scrubber and its process b) safety devices REF:DEC88 G83. Explain why a combination of these types is more desirable than any one type individually. Compare the relative merits of infra red. G86. REF:NOV89 What equipment is fitted on an oil burning vessel? How is it used to fight a bilge fire in the engine room. After completion of repairs. REF:JAN87 REF:NSC8 G89. Explain the operation and how it is reset. that is the exhaust of the main engine or boilers. Describe a combined smoke detecting and CO2 fire extinguishing system. G92.REF:NSE5 REF:NSG8 G87. REF:NSD1 G91. Sketch and describe an automatic sprinkler system as fitted on board ship and indicate in what locations sprinkler heads are fitted. G88. Can such a system be used for . what steps would you take to ensure that the machinery is in a condition ready to be operated. Describe an automatic sprinkler and alarm system which is effective for protection against fire in all parts of a passenger ship. A ship has been grounded and damaged severely under the engine room. Describe a CO2 fire extinguishing system. The system is to be of the "dry pipe" type. REF:NSI1 G90. Using a line diagram describe a fire smothering system which draws inert gas from the funnel. How is it operated? What precautions whould be taken before using? What must be done to make it fully effective? What is permeability with regard to fire extinguishing equipment? REF:NSC2 G93. In your estimation. How are these devices tested. G98. Describe the bulk CO2 fire extinguishing system and precaution for: a) warning personnel b) prevent valve leakage c) alarm if control panel opened REF:DEC89 G95. what volume of gas would be obtained from a kilogram of liquid CO2 . Describe a CO2 fire extinguishing system. REF:NSA9 G94. What precautions are taken on an oil burning ship and how would you deal with a fire? Sketch and describe a portable fire extinguisher. Re: fire detection state the differences between cargo spaces and machine spaces. A rating is killed in the engine room.extinguishing engine room fires. G97. Where are the devices located? REF:JUN90 REF:APR91 G99. Write a letter to your head office as to how this . Discuss the factors contributing to the initiation and propogation of fires in the cavenge system of a diesel engine and the method of operation required to mitigate such an occurrence. What minimum amount would be required for a machinery space expressed on a % basis? REF:NSI6 G96. What types of devices are used and why. What are the time-related problems inherent with inert gas systems and how are they overcome. and precautions against reoccurrence.happened. The vessel of which you are Chief Engineer suffers a grounding. REF:JUN90 REF:MAY91 G104. You have been chief engineer on a new ship for 1 year with fully automatic U. operation. REF:MAY90 REF:MAR91 G100. Write a letter to the company head office describing the incident and what arangements have been made to effect a permanent repair at the next port of call. Write a letter to head office and discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Write a letter to your manager explaining the reasons. As chief engineer report to head office your investigations findings and measures to correct this tendency. REF:APR91 G102. Your ship shows much more fuel consumption than her sister ship. . Although your vessel is engaged upon a regular trade the specific fuel consumption has notable increased whilst the average speed has correspondingly decreased in comparison to previous voyages. Write a report to the Superintendent of the company about the surveys and inspections subsequently carried out when the vessel was dry-docked in a foreign port. Highlight any instances in which automatic was superior to manual operation. REF:FEB90 REF:JUL90 REF:FEB91 G103. REF:MAR91 REF:NSE8 G101. You were previously chief engineer on the sister ship with manual operation.S. You are the chief engineer of a vessel that has suffered a minor fire in the engine room that burned off the wiring to essential pumps temporary repairs were made to get vessel underway.M. G110. Write a letter to the ship owner or superintendent engineer describing an engine breakdown with suggestion for avoiding a recurrence. As chief engineer prepare a list of the operating and maintenance procedures you would institute for the care of the main engine giving reasons for each procedure and the trouble likely to arise from neglect of such procedures. REF:NSG9 . You had attempted to regrevate and purify this oil bat were unsuccessful. What type of engine is fitted in motor lifeboats? What planned maintenance measures are carried out? Describe how you would start a lifeboat engine. As chief engineer write a detailed report to the Superintendent Engineer justifying this heavy expenditure. You had to discharge to shore 200 tonnes of emulsified and contaminated fuel oil. (or steam turbine ship). Write a report to your head office explaining the above. REF:DEC89 REF:NSA5 G106. how the oil became emulsified and contaminated. the expendiencies required to prevent further trouble during the voyage. Arrange a fire party with 6 ratings 3 engineers besides yourself for an engine room fire. REF:JAN87 REF:NSH5 G109. REF:NOV88 G107. It has been found necessary to completely replenish all of the oil in the lubricating system of a large motorship. G108. and what steps have been taken to prevent a re-occurrance. and suggestions for permanent measures to avoid recurrence of the initial problem.REF:NOV89 G105. Describe the following metal properties: a) ductility b) brittleness c) malleability d) elasticity e) plasticity f) hardness g) strength h) toughness G112. Describe in detail each of the following processes and give an example where each is likely to occur in marine engineering: a) corrosion fatigue b) stress corrosion c) creeping cracks d) casting cracks.G111. Define the following terms a) stress corrosion b) corrosion fatigue c) crevice corrosion d) creep e) upper critical point f) lower critical point G113. . What methods may be adopted to prevent or retard corrosion? REF:NSA4 G115. Write a short essay on the corrosion of the ferrous metals. Describe a tensile test made on a specimen steel bar. Various tests are carried out on material used for boiler construction. explain the following terms: a) elongation b) yield point c) area reduction d) ultimate stress REF:NSB4 G117.State how in each case the initiation of the process is prevented or minimized. With reference to these tests. Give a definition of each of the following: a) elongation b) yield point c) ultimate stress d) reduction in area REF:NOV88 REF:NSG5 G116. What is meant by the mechanical properties of the metals used in Marine Engineering? What is meant by: . REF:JUN90 REF:APR91 G114. . Explain clearly what is meant by any four of the following metallurgical terms: a) work hardening b) case hardening c) annealing d) normalizing e) yield point f) creep REF:MAY90 G120. tempering and case hardening.a) elongation b) ultimate stress c) yield point d) permanent set REF:NSD9 G118. Define creep failure. State the material used for the following: a) superheater support and bolts b) main support and bolts c) turbine blade REF:DEC88 G119. Explain the process of annealing. Give two examples of each on an engine. Briefly describe the tests made on a piece of metal to determine its suitability for use in engineering. Discuss tempering and annealing. REF:NSF9 G122. What is its melting point? What are the advantages of using it? What pressure will it stand and at what pressure will it give? . Give the average composition of white metal. G124.REF:MAY90 G121. With reference to steel. How would you anneal: a) stern frame b) old copper pipe What is the difference between case-hardening and tempering REF:DEC89 REF:NSG2 G123. what is meant by the following terms: a) annealing b) tempering c) case hardening Describe how these processes are carried out. State the chemical composition of the following metals and give their physical properties: a) babbit's metal b) stainless iron c) stainless steel d) monel metal State a use for each of these metals in marine practice. What are the metallurgical compositions and mechanical properties for: a) nodulous cast iron b) high tensile steel c) titanium Why does a ship yard use these? REF:MAY88 G127. G129. Mention the forms in which the carbon may occur therein. State physical properties of the following and give example where they may be used: a) muntz metal b) phosphor bronze c) aluminium bronze d) cupro nickel G126. G128. Name 3 methods of making steel and describe one fully.REF:NSC6 G125. Compare the physical properties of these two metals and name some of the more important parts of machinery for which cast steel is used. Define teh following types of non-destructive methods of testing: a) radiographic b) ultrasonic . State the approximate proportion of carbon contained in cast iron and cast steel. Describe with aid of a sketch the sand-casting process showing the pattern in the flask and the names of the parts. Describe the open hearth process of manufacturing mild steel. Why is open hearth steel preferred to bessimer steel? REF:OCT87 REF:OCT89 REF:NOV89 REF:MAR86 REF:NSD7 G131.c) magnetic particle d) dye penetrant Give their advantages and disadvantages REF:FEB80 REF:MAR92 G130. Give the physical make up and properties of metals for the following: a) cylinder liner of a diesel engine b) exhaust valve c) crankshaft e) boiler tube plate REF:JUN90 REF:NSH9 G133. How would you check the deflections by means of a dial . REF:NSA2 G132. Enumerate the factors that should be considered when choosing between a sand-casting process and a die-casting process. What is the difference between acid and basic mild steel? Compare mild steel with cast iron and state in an engine where each is used. Compare the advantages of forged and built-up crankshafts with special reference to the magnitude of the stresses in the cranks. A several year old steel ship has been laid up for some time and is going into drydock for inspection of the double bottom tank. How would you know if there were cracks in cylinder heads or liners. What would you expect to find? REF:APR91 .gauge through one revolution of the shaft? How are the readings obtained interpreted? How is weardown measured? REF:NSE6 G134. You are appointed Chief Engineer of a 20 year old ship and are required to carry out an extensive survey of teh main propelling machinery. Define the responsibilities of a chief engineer: a) immediatly prior to dry-docking b) whilst the dock is dry c) immediately prior to and after flooding d) leaving the dock Draft a list of standing orders to the engine department for that period that the vessel is on the blocks. state the precautions you would take. State what defects you would expect to find and what corrective measures you would take. REF:FEB80 REF:NSJ2 G136. REF:NSB1 G135. What would you do? REF:JAN87 G137. Give a reasoned statement as to why pre-heating of a lubricating oil is very advantageous with respect to a centrifugal purifier. Name the materials used and explain how a pipe is led through a watertight bulkhead. Describe how possibility of the latter two hazards may be minimized. suctions. Give reasoned concerns you would have when the clutch slips on a lube oil purifier other than the problem of overheating. Describe a bilge system suitable for a ship with cellular double bottoms. Explain why an extreme pressure oil and similar lubricants can only be purified in a clarifier. etc. Why is a centrifugal separator not suitable for a bilge and ballast system? What governs and limits the discharge overboard? REF:OCT89 REF:NOV89 G142. REF:NOV88 REF:DEC88 G140.G138. REF:JUN90 G139. flooding and failure of supervisory equipment. By means of a simple sketch. show the positions of pumps. detected and brought to the attention of the designated watch keeper. REF:NSI9 . Describe in detail a manifold and valves for a bilge suction system. REF:APR91 G141. REF:NSB7 G143. Any proposal to operate a machinery space in the periodically unattended condition must be taken into account the danger of fire. manifolds. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic separation and static separation disregarding time. REF:NSG6 G146. show all suction manifolds and compartments. What types of valves are used and why? Sketch a typical system. REF:NSC5 G145. State the size of piping and pump capacity. Discuss with reasons the one statement that is not correct regarding oily water separators. a) test cocks are situated to locate the oil-water interface b) separational rate is inconsequential c) overboard discharge is inconsequential d) rise in temperature assist in the separation process e) rate of separation is unrestricted . REF:NOV89 G148. With the aid of a line diagram. explain why a large number of conical discs are fitted in the purifier. With regards to lube oil purifier. What part does the cylinder rotor with cone shaped discs play in the separation process? REF:OCT88 REF:DEC88 REF:MAR92 G147.G144. Discuss the advantages of dynamic separation of oil over static separation other than time. Describe a bilge pumping system for a cellular double-bottom ship. Describe an arrangement for filling and discharging ballast and double bottom tanks. Name the materials used. What are the penalties for polluting harbour waters? REF:NSC9 G150. With reference to fire or explosion explain the significance of the following properties of a flammable gas: a) vapor pressure b) explosive limits c) flash point d) density G153. State suitable numbers for lube oil. With reference to oily water separators: a) outline the routine attention needed to maintain satisfactory performance b) define the contribution of test cocks towards functional efficiency c) give 2 reasons why oil might be carried over with the water REF:MAR91 G151.REF:JUL80 REF:JAN90 G149. Why are baffle plates. coagulator positive displacement rotary pumps and not centrifugal pumps used with oily water separators REF:MAY91 G152. REF:JAN87 . Define viscosity and flashpoint. Sketch and describe the function and operation of an oily water separator. Sketch and describe an arrangement and explain the principle of operation of instrumentation and control equipment for automatically maintaining the temperature of lubricating oil supplied to an engine at its desired value. State why the temperature of lubricating oil supplied to an engine needs close control. REF:86. G158.87. What would be the effects of water contamination of fuel oil and lubricating oil? Describe a test for detecting the presence of water in oil. Describe a refinery process for: a) lubricating oil b) diesel oil c) fuel oil REF:DEC88 . What impurities are found in lubricating and fuel oils. With reference to crankcase lubricating oil discuss the following: a) acidity b) dilution by fuel oil c) water leakage Describe tests that could be made to detect the foregoing contamination G157.G154.88 REF:NSJ5 G155. Discuss methods of separating water from oil. What effects do these impurities have on a diesel engine? REF:JUN83 G156. REF:JAN87 . Describe the processes by which: a) gasoline b) diesel c) boiler fuel d) lubricating oils are obtained from the crude product in an oil refinery REF:NSH2 G160. Describe the manufacture of: a) lube oil b) fuel oil c) heavy oil What are the various tests made to a sample of fuel oil? Why are they made? REF:NSD4 G161. What is air? What is combustion? Is it chemical or mechanical? What part does it play in combustion? REF:NSI4 G162. State the materials used and its capacity.G159. Describe a submersible pump for a passenger ship. REF:NSF3 G165. Suggest with reasons the type of pump most suited in each of the following instances: a) main lubricating oil circulation b) domestic fresh water supply c) steering gear or stabilizer actuation G167. What connections are fitted to one and how is is controlled? REF:NSD5 G164. REF:NSH6 G166. Describe the pumping action. Suggest one shipboard application for which it might be best suited. Explain why a simple centrifugal type pump is unsuitable for bilge pumping duties. Sketch and describe a pump other than of the reciprocating centrifugal or gear type. Describe in detail an independent feed pump. G169. Sketch and describe a steam operated duplex pump. What would happen if it ran for a long period of time without any pumping action taking place? REF:NSC1 G168. . Explain how the valve gear works and how it is adjusted. Make a three point comparison of the characteristics of centrifugal pumps with those of positive displacement rotary pumps.G163. Sketch and describe a rotary type variable oil delivery pump as used in an electrohydraulic steering gear. Describe a submersible pump. State two ways in which this 'fall off' is indicated. Describe an inspection of the propeller shaft. . Describe the procedure for removal of a propeller shaft. Give 2 advantages of this type over a keyed propeller. REF:AUG87 G171. State the purpose of such a pump and give an instance of current shipboard application. G170. Explain why the performance of a centrifugal sea water circulating pump 'falls off' in service. Give a simple explanation of the nature and effect of cavitation in rotodynamic pumps. REF:FEB91 REF:MAY91 G172. REF:JAN90 REF:MAY90 G173. Give four (4) reasons why this method is considered to be superior to all other methods. State how a keyless propeller is mounted and removed. Describe how this device is used to loosen the propeller on the shaft when removal or inspection becomes necessary. Describe how the pump may be restored to its original performance. Give several reasons for the increased frequency between withdrawls of tailshafts for inspection purposes. REF:NSA6 G175.Sketch and describe how a centrifugal pump can be rendered suitable for such duties. How is a spare blade fitted to the hub of a built-up propeller? How is the blade adjusted? REF:NSJ5 G174. Sketch and describe a pilgrim nut for securing a propeller to the screw shaft. Describe with sketches a supercavitating pump. State size of shaft. G182. If the shaft was found to be grooved near the after end. with the system selected. A vessel is in dry-dock. Why are shaft coupling bolts a press fit in their holes and not a clearance fit. Describe an examination of a solid shaft that is carried in a wood lined. REF:NSJ8 G178. water cooled bearing.REFMAR92 G176. What are the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of each of these three materials. Sketch and describe a system for indicating remotely the propeller shaft speed. inaccuracies occur and are kept to a minimum. Explain why it is advisable to examine propeller shafts at regular intervals of time. Explain how. describing any defects you might expect to find. Why are these couplings fitted? REF:NSB8 G181. Name three materials that propellers are made from. G179. Sketch and describe a fluid coupling as used with a prime mover. REF:MAR92 G180. Sketch and describe a method adopted to enable the tail end shaft of a twin-screw vessel to be drawn out from the stern. What would you look for during an inspection of these bolts. show how you would determine the reduced horse power at which it would be safe to run the engine. explain how . REF:NSF2 G177. Describe how you would withdraw a propeller shaft and state what examination of the shaft and stern tube you would make. You are in a foreign port without docking would measure the propeller pitch. With reference to freon refrigeration plants describe how: a) "vee" block compressors are lubricated b) overpressure on the discharge side is prevented c) refrigeration circuit is cleaned when contaminated with oil. REF:OCT89 REF:NOV89 REF:NSB3 G183. Describe how you change propeller (vessel having main machinery amidships) REF:FEB91 REF:NSH8 G185. Describe the "fail safe" device. REF:MAR86 REF:APR91 . REF:OCT88 REF:NOV89 G184. Make a single line sketch and describe a simple control system for a C. Your propeller is damaged beyond repair. With reference to main refrigeration plant give a reason for each of the following operational irregularities and state how it is dealt with: a) rapid loss of crankcase lubricating oil in a "vee" block machine b) gradual "fall off" in the refrigeration effect over a comparative short period of time c) icing up at compressor suction REF:NOV88 G186. propeller .P. What produces the low temperature in cold rooms? How is oil and air removed from the system? Give disadvantages of ammonia. State the advantages of this system over the Ammonia Refrigeration system. REF:JAN87 REF:NSF5 G188. Describe a CO2 system of refrigeration stating the temperatures and pressures in the various parts of the system and the materials used for pipes. How would you charge such a system? How would you know when the system is fully charged? REF:NSH3 . Sketch and describe a refrigerating system you are familiar with. Why is ammonia a good refrigerant? Describe the operations of an ammonia system. Describe with a sketch how piston rod glands are fitted on an ammonia or CO2 refrigerating machine. REF:NSG1 G189. What prevents the refrigerant from leaking by? REF:NSI5 G191.G187. and gauges. Sketch and describe a refrigerating system with which you are familiar. giving all temperatures and fittings. valves. giving pressures and temperatures. REF:NSC4 REF:NSE1 G192. Sketch and describe: a) a refrigeration compressor crankshaft gland seal b) a pressure switch for a refrigerator circuit c) regulator for a refrigerator unit G190. G193. REF:DEC89 REF:NSA7 G194. Describe a pneumatic control and electric-mechanical control system. Describe and emergency electrical generation plant making particular reference to: a) starting arrangements b) lubrication and coolant systems c) fuel supply d) attention required e) location REF:DEC89 G197. and how it operates with the aid of a sketch. Describe an air conditioning system for a passenger-car ferry. Explain the purpose of this system and how it is achieved. What are the main faults with each system? REF:JUN90 G198. Tell where the valve is placed in the system. A pneumatic controlled reducing valve controls the oil pressure to an engine. REF:MAY90 G195. Explain in detail how the humidity of the air is measured and controlled. What are the requirements with respect to service. Describe with the aid of a sketch the activating equipment for a ship's stabilizer. Describe with sketches a centralized cooling system incorporating plate type heat exchangers. What advantage or disadvantage has the folding type of stabilizer fin have over the axial withdrawable . G196. A ship is engaged in filling the double bottom and deep tanks with fuel explain and describe: a) dangers implicit in the operation b) precautions that must be observed c) legal requirements that must be adhered to. Describe an arrangement of cocks and valves to prevent a deep tank from being inadvertantly filled with water when used for cargo or vice-versa.type. What are the disadvantages of having these tanks only partially filled when in ballast? REF:MAY88 REF:NSE2 G202. REF:FEB91 REF:NSA8 G203. Describe: a) measures taken to comply with the Act b) documentation involved REF:NOV89 REF:MAY90 G201. REF:NSA3 G199. Explain how the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971 affects the normal operational practices conducted within shipboard machinery spaces. REF:DEC88 G200. What are the valves that operate on deck on a tanker. What gases are present in oil tanks after pumping out? How would you remove these gases and what are the dangers of these gases? . REF:NSI2 G206. The Great Lakes Sewage Pollution Prevention Regulations expressly forbids the contamination of these waters by raw sewage from ships. On a diesel engine crankshaft. What are the dangers of running at a critical speed. Using sketches describe 2 entirely different methods available for dealing with raw sewage so as to comply with the intent of this regulation. REF:NSA1 G207. State the gauze material and indicate how they are secured. REF:DEC89 . Why and where are vents fitted to oil tanks? Why is it necessary to fit a gauze to the end of these vents.REF:NSB6 G204. How can these be reduced or eliminated. explain what torsional vibration and critical speed means. REF:DEC90 G208. Discuss what would be the best way repairs would be made by way of building up by weld. What gases are found in an oil tank after pumping out? How would you rid the tank of these gases and make it safe to enter? What precautions are taken near oil tanks and what could result from the presence of gases in empty tanks? REF:NSD6 G205. cropping or installing new plate for the following: a) puncture in a hollow rudder b) part of the bilge keel torn away from the hull c) a puncture of a large area of plate bulkhead near the bow under the hawse pipe. Sketch an outline of boiler showing path of exhaust gas. G210. REF:JAN87 REF:MAY91 G212. REF:JUL88 REF:DEC88 . Describe the electric-welding process. boiler and machinery repairs. click to www. building up or renewing on the following: a) deck stringer with localized pitting b) plating below scupper above waterline c) plating at waterline REF:DEC88 REF:MAY90 G210 More questions like these can be found on Martin's Marine Engineering Page. State how the materials are prepared for this process. REF:NOV88 REF:APR91 G211. What precautions would be taken. What mountings are required. Name the parts which can be Explain welding techniques. Describe the tests that are carried out to the weld of a material of an important nature.G209. Sketch and describe a waste heat boiler with oil burning capicities.dieselduck. Where is this technique used on hull. Describe a method of electric welding suitable for use on board ship. State if you would repair by cropping. What are the advantages of this type of boiler. REF:NSC3 G213. What is the advantage of this type of valve.G214. . REF:JAN87 REF:JUN88 REF:JUN91 G215. Describe the precautions taken to ensure the water is fit for drinking purposes. Explain why the fuel supply to the burners of a periodically unattended auxiliary boiler automatically cut-off in the alarm condition for low and a high water level. G217. how to interpret the reading. Describe how and when you could safely test these devices. Explain the causes and effects and how they could be remedied for the following conditions in a small auxiliary boiler: a) insufficient air b) excess air c) water in the fuel d) too low a fuel temperature REF:MAR83 G216. Sketch and describe a high lift safety valve. State the materials it is made of. high steam pressure. Describe with the aid of a sketch the operation of a CO2 recorder. air failure and flame failure. Explain with reference to combustion. What is the cause of: a) black smoke b) yellow smoke from a boiler plant. Sketch and describe a flash type distillation plant. REF:97 G218. what tests wyould you prefer to see if it is suitable for use? What would cause the flaws? REF:MAR87 G222. Describe a reverse system for a set of H. REF:JUN88 REF:MAR87 G220. engines (slow speed). State temperatures and pressures. Compare steam triple expansion to diesel engine. Draw cards . Explain the reversing effect of: a) steam reciprocating engines b) steam turbines c) gas turbines d) direct diesels e) reduction-geared diesels f) turbo-electrics g) diesel-electrics h) controllable-pitch propellers REF:NSJ4 G221.F. State thermal effeciency of each REF:MAR87 G223. .4 stroke diesel why? and light spring.O. If marks resembling flaws were noticed in a shaft of a crank pin. Sketch cams.REF:MAR87 G219. Sketch and describe a diesel-electric propulsion system. Position in relation to rings when injection occurs. explain the tests done to determine the seriousness of the flaw.REF:MAR87 G224. REF:JUL88 REF:JUN88 G228. REF:JUN88 G229. REF:MAR87 G225. Sketch and describe a lub oil system for a large diesel engine.through a water space. Mention advantages and disadvantages. Give reasons how flaws can occur. Draw an indicator diagram and describe it. Lubricating . How is the gas pressure prevented from entering oil lines. REF:JUN88 G226. Describe a 2 and 4 stroke diesel process and from what engine is the valve timing? REF:JUL88 G230. Sketch and describe a rotary air pump. Why are drawcards taken and sketch one REF:JUN88 G227. REF:JUL88 REF:DEC90 . Should you find a flaw on a diesel engine crankshaft when inspecting it. Explain how this can be done. REF:JUL88 G232. Why are fuel pump near injectors. where the radial thickness is greatest diametrically opposite the gap. What is the purpose of the flywheel? Recently some engine makers have considerably reduced the size of the flywheel. Some piston rings are made with an eccentric shape. Show in the sketches how it is fitted and secured.G231. What advantage do these rings have over other types of piston rings? REF:DEC88 . Firing order in 6 cylinder 2 stroke and 4 stroke. REF:DEC88 G235. Describe a system of super or pressure-charging used by a four=stroke marine diesel engine exhaust gas turbo. REF:JAN87 G233. Describe the manufacturing process of these 'eccentric' piston rings. Mention the pressures and temperatures. Sketch and describe a 4 stroke indicator card and diagram. If lines are unequal how do you balance? REF:JAN87 G234. Why is 'overlap' necessary? REF:DEC88 G236. Sketch and describe a flywheel that would be fitted to a large marine diesel engine. What is meant by 'overlap' as applied to this type of system. How is thermal expansion allowed for. How are the cylinder lubricators fitted in a large marine diesel engine that has a water jacket. Sketch and describe a fuel pump of the Bosch (jerk) type.G237. Describe the principles and operation of a 2. Illustrate the operation of both engines with timing diagrams giving the expected angles. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using the following as cooling media: a) fresh water b) seawater c) oil State the effects should these reach a high temperature. Why is there overlap on the cams? How much overlap is required? REF:DEC88 G240. REF:DEC90 . Where is the location of the lubricator outlet in relation to the piston rings on the piston. Describe an air starting system for a large diesel engine that is pneumatically operated. REF:DEC88 G241. Why is this position necessary? REF:DEC88 G238. What are the various components made of and how does the helical plunger control the amount of fuel injected? How is this fuel pump driven? REF:JUN88 REF:DEC88 REF:DEC90 G239. State the make of the engines in both cases.stroke and a 4-stroke marine diesel engine. etc. How much greater is the capacity of the pump as required by the engine and why? REF:DEC90 G244. Give a reasoned statement as to why pre-heating of a lube oil is advantagous with respect to a centrifugal purifier.G242. and explain why this method is used. Sketch the lower piston crosshead arrangement as adopted in the Doxford opposed piston engine. REF:DEC90 G243. How is the piston rod attached to the crosshead. REF:DEC90 G246. Make a sketch of an oil-burning system suitable for use with a marine boiler. Explain why an extreme pressure or other similar oils are only cleaned in a clarifier. State the results if an attempt to raise the power by injecting more fuel into the cylinder is made. With regard to instrumentation and control what is meant by the terms: . stay size. Put in all major sizes. REF:NSJ1 G247.stroke diesel engine.65m diameter and 3. How is it driven. and indicate various types of riveted joints used. On a 2. Give reasons and concerns you would have when the clutch slips on an oil purifier other than creating heat. What limits the power in a cylinder of a given size. why is a scavenge pump used? Describe an air scavenge system using a reciprocating air pump. Make diagrammatic sketch of a Scotch marine boiler 3. REF:APR91 G248. REF:DEC90 G245. such as shell and end plate thickness.0m long suitable for pressure of 1400 kPa. net Disclaimer Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their exams.a) set point b) fail safe c) fail set d) split range REF:APR91 G249.dieselduck.www. is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been gathered from various sources. Martin's Marine Engineering Page .net comments to webmaster@dieselduck. What causes water-hammer in a steam pipe? How can it be prevented? REF:NSJ9 Brought to you by www.
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