LIAN 98(en) _ Protocol IEC

March 27, 2018 | Author: mcpassport | Category: Ac Power, Communications Protocols, Ascii, Computer Data, Data



LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107, Telegram structurefile:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g... IEC 62056-21 : Telegram structure The LIAN 98 manual can and may not contain the complete IEC documentation, caused by legal position. Only all knowledge that is essential necessary for the LIAN 98 software operation is specified in parts in this manual. Detailed information to the protocol you will find in the IEC-Standard-Documentation <IEC 62056-21:2002 - Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading - Part 21>. Normal mode messages Request message / Sign on : Used from the master as sign on at the tariff device. The device address is optional.. Identification message : Answer of the tariff device caused by the sign on of the master. The fields "sequence delimiter" and "mode identification " are part of the identification field and optional. 1 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM Acknowledgement/ option select message : A tariff device in protocol mode C or E waits after the transmission of the identification for the option selection Data message : This message is normally used for the transmission of tariff data by the tariff device. Transmission starts immediately after the transmission of the identification..LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. It is not used in the programming mode and in protocol mode E.. 2 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . upper case letters and lower case letters "aA. The "Block check character" is the calculated length parity over the characters of the data message beginning immediately after the STX up to the included ETX . Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. Completion character appears always double. This field is optional. The ETX is included in the calculation. Acknowledgement message ( Repeat request ) : Negative-acknowledge ( Repeat request character ) "NAK" = 15 hexadecimal.9". "CR" carriage return = 0D hexadecimal "LF" line feed = 0A hexadecimal The frame start character "STX" = 02 hexadecimal indicates the beginning of the calculation of the BCC. End character "!" = 21 hexadecimal. The Device address is manufacturer-specific and may consist of maximum 32 characters. Start character End character Transmission request command Completion characters Start character "/" = 2F hexadecimal. Acknowledgement message : Positive-acknowlege ( Acknowledge character ) "ACK" = 06 hexadecimal...LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107... The frame end character "ETX" = 03 hexadecimal indicates the end of the calculation of the BCC. The characters can be digits "0. Frame start character ( STX ) Frame end character ( ETX ) Block check character ( BCC ) Device address 3 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . Transmission request command "?" = 3F hexadecimal..zZ" and a space.. This field is optional and part of the 16 characters long identification. Die Mode identification character defines the protocol mode E. excepted are the characters "/". 0 .programming end 2 .600 Bd 2 . If the third letter is a lower case letter. A . Baudrate identification Identification The identification is manufacturer-specific and may consist of maximum 16 characters.2400 Bd 4 .600 Bd B .2400 Bd D .LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. "!" and the character may not be specified as baud rate for protocol mode B or C. Protocol mode B with baud rate changeover : In this mode the "acknowledgement/option" is not used.4800 Bd 5 . Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. Each printable character is allowed.binary mode ( HDLC ) 3 up to 5 and A up to Z is reserved for later use.1200 Bd 3 . 0 .1200 Bd C . Each character is allowed. 0 . A data block consists of a range of data lines. Protocol mode D : No baud rate changeover is provided for this mode. The baud rate identification is always 3. The baud rate identification in the message is determined by the used protocol mode. the "identification" and the "acknowledgement/option" are transmitted with an initial rate of 300 Bd ( not valid for protocol mode D ). Each character is allowed. Manufacturers identification The Manufacturers identification consists of three upper case letters except the third letter. H and I are reserved.9600 Bd F . Data transmission is determined on 2400 Bd. A data line contains one or more data sets. A data set describes the tariff value with address. The character "\" is only allowed as ESC character and only in connection with the two optional fields "sequence delimiter" and "mode identification. value and unit. completed always with CR/LF.secondary protocol procedure 2 . excepted are the characters "/".300 Bd 1 .19200 Bd G. The sequence delimiter "\" = 5C hexadec is always followed by the mode identification character and occurs only with this character. excluded are the character "/". 4 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM .. "!". The field is optional and part of the 16 characters long identification. ( see <FLAG : Registered Manufacturers Identification Characters> ) The Baud rate identification is used for the baud rate changeover. that means that the tariff device has a minimum reaction time of 20ms instead of data 1 . 6 up to 9 for manufacturer-specific use Data block : The data block contains the tariff values and is part of the data block. CR and LF included..HDLC protocol procedure 3 up to 9 are reserved Mode control character The mode control character is used in protocol mode C and E. Protocol mode A : No baud rate changeover is provided for this mode.4800 Bd E . "!".binary mode ( HDLC ) 3 up to 9 are reserved Sequence delimiter Mode identification character ( W) Protocol control character The protocol control character is used in protocol mode C and E. it can also be transmitted as a lower case letter. 8 and 9 are reseved. The "request message".19200 Bd 7. 0 and 1 are reserved 2 . If the device transmits only upper case letters it does not preclude that it does not support 20ms.9600 Bd 6 .normal protocol procedure 1 . Protocol mode C and E with baud rate changeover : The "acknowledgement/option" is only used in this modes. value and unit. Data set : Each data line consists of one or more data sets and is completed with CR/LF. The number of data lines is not limited..LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107.. value and unit. Additional several boundary characters are included. It consists of one or more data sets. A data set describes the tariff value with address. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. Data line : A data line consists of maximum 78 characters and is completed with CR/LF. 5 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . A data set describes the tariff value with address. "/" and "!". ")". "/" and "!". Address. The unit may have a maximum size of 16 characters.e identification may have a maximum size of 16 characters. Rear boundary character " ) " = 29 hexadecimal. excepted the characters "(". Separator character " * " = 2A hexadecimal. The character can be left out if no unit exists. The value may have a maximum size of 32 characters. ")". Each character is allowed. "/" and "!". Identification number Front boundary character Value The address i. Each character is allowed.. excepted are the characters "(". The hyphen is counted in the number of characters. " * ". The dot should be used instead of a comma for values with decimal hyphen. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. Each character is allowed..LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. Front boundary character " ( " = 28 hexadecimal. Separator character Unit Rear boundary character Programming mode Programming command message : It is used for programming and block data transmission 6 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . excepted the characters "(". ")". . 7 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . Data message ( programming mode ) : It is used for block data transmission.LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. Programming command message using optional partial blocks : It is used for programming and block data transmission of long messages in protocol mode C.. . Data message ( programming mode ) using optional partial blocks : Used for block data transmission of long messages in program mode C.. Error message ( programming mode ) : Used for block data transmission of errors. Break message ( programming mode ) : 8 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g.LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. Frame start character ( STX ) Frame end character ( ETX ) Start of Header ( SOH ) End character in a partial block ( EOT ) Block check character ( BCC ) Command message identifier The Frame start character "STX" = 02 hexadecimal. The "Start of header" character "SOH" = 01 is operand for comparison with internally held password 2 .read ASCII coded data with partial block ( Load profil. Read command : 0 .read ASCII coded data ( Load profil... The "End of text" character "EOT" = 04 hexadecimal.formatted communication coding method read with partial block (optional) 5 .Formatted communication coding method execute ( optional ) 3 up to 9 is reserved for later use Break command : 0 .data is result of secure algorithm ( manufacturer specific ) 3 up to 9 is reserved for later use.formatted communication coding method write with partial block (optional) 5 . The "Block check character" is the calculated length parity over the characters of the data message beginning immediately after the STX up to the included ETX .complete sign off for battery operated devices using the fast wake up method 2 up to 9 is reserved for later use 9 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM .. .write ASCII-coded data 2 . Logbook. ) 6 .formatted communication coding method write ( optional ) 3 . Command type identifier The Command type identifier defines the variant of the command.. indicates the end of the calculation of the BCC.Execute command B .LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC is operand for secure algorithm 1 . indicates the beginning of the calculation of the BCC.. .reserved for future use 1 . Password command : 0 . indicates the beginning of the calculation of the BCC. Logbook.1 reserved for later use 2 .Read command E . The ETX is included in the calculation. .Password command W -Write command R .complete sign off 1 .read ASCII coded data with partial block ( optional ) 4 . 1 .Exit command ( break ) Other characters are reserved for later use. ) 6 up to 9 is reserved for later use. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g.write ASCII-coded data with partial block ( optional ) 4 . ) 7 up to 9 is reserved for later use Execute command : 0 . Command message identifier : P .read ASCII coded data 2 .write/ delete ASCII-coded data ( Load profil. Write command : 0 . The Frame end character "ETX" = 03 hexadecimal.formatted communication coding method read ( optional ) 3 .reserved for later use.. Logbook. excepted the characters "(". Front boundary character " ( " = 28 hexadecimal. excepted are the characters "(". In protocol mode C however the value can have a maximum size of 128 characters. . A OBIS code consists of six value groups which are described in the following section with A.Data exchange for meter reading – Part 61 : Object identification system ( OBIS )> and ( only in German language available ) in the <VDEW-Lastenheft "Elektronische Lastgangzähler"> Version 2..LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. 10 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . reactive power.. The hyphen is counted in the number of characters. The character can be left out if no unit exists. Each character is allowed. Separator character Unit Rear boundary character Identification of data sets ( address/ identification number ) For a clear identification of the values ( active power. Each character is allowed. value and unit. excepted the characters "(". Additional different boundary characters are included... The unit may have a maximum size of 16 characters. ")". Address. The value may have a maximum size of 32 characters. Data set ( Programming mode ) : Each data set contains a tariff value described with address.. "/" and "!".. 2003 OBIS has replaced the draft standard EDIS ( DIN 43863-3:1997 EDIS . 11.2 / 07. " * ". "/" and "!". Detailed informationen to the OBIS numbering systematization you will find in the IEC Standard Documentation <IEC 62056-61 : Electricity metering . Separator character " * " = 2A hexadecimal.Energie Data Identification System ) and defines the usual identifiction numbers for metering systems and data transmissions. Rear boundary character " ) " = 29 hexadecimal. ")". Each character is allowed. "/" und "!". F and characterizes the data value. ) the "Object Identification System" ( OBIS ) is used.1. The dot should be used instead of a comma for values with decimal hyphen. Identification number Front boundary character Value The address ie identification may have a maximum size of 16 characters. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. ")". 3AH 1 1 or 2 general purpose objects Σ Li active power + ( import ) Σ Li active power . The tariff number 0 is also used for not tariff-distinguished load profiles. Systematics for electric energy Value group A Medium 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Channel 1 : Measuring type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Meaning Number characters 1 Abstract objects Electricity ..( export ) Σ Li reactive power + Σ Li reactive power Σ Li reactive power Q I Σ Li reactive power Q II Σ Li reactive power Q III Σ Li reactive power Q IV Σ Li apparent power + Σ Li apparent power power factor frequency L1 active power + L1 active power L1 reactive power + L1 reactive power L1 reactive power Q I L1 reactive power Q II L1 reactive power Q III L1 reactive power Q IV L1 apparent power + L1 apparent power L1 phase A current L1 phase A voltage L1 power factor L2 active power + L2 active power L2 reactive power + L2 reactive power L2 reactive power Q I L2 reactive power Q II L2 reactive power Q III L2 reactive power Q IV L2 apparent power + L2 apparent power L2 phase B current L2 phase B voltage Separator B Separator C 11 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM .LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. For values that are registered in several tariff numbers the tariff counter is indicated by the tariff code number "0". . The tariffs are indicated by sequential numbers. The value group F ( pre-value identifier ) is only used for the transmission of pre-values. Heating costs Cooling energy Heat Gas Water ( cold ) Warm water 2DH 1 1 or 2 In electricity.. the channel is irrelevant and is set normally to "1". Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g. If the value is tariff independent the data are transmitted with tariff code number "1". The value of group C indicates the direction of the energy flow. LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g.02...98/ P.01/ P. 99 1 1 or 2 Separator F 12 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM . 52 53 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 94 special characters C F L P Separator D .. Measuring variable 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 55 58 special characters F Separator E . Logbook P. Load profile P. Tariff rates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Billing periods ( Historical values ) L2 power factor L3 active power + L3 active power L3 reactive power + L3 reactive power L3 reactive power Q I L3 reactive power Q II L3 reactive power Q III L3 reactive power Q IV L3 apparent power + L3 apparent power L3 phase C current L3 phase C voltage L3 power factor country specific OBIS codes for different countries Serviceangaben Error messages List objects Data profiles.99 2EH 1 1 or 2 cumulative minimum 1 cumulative maximum 1 minimum 1 average value 1 current measuring period average value 1 last measuring period maximum 1 instantaneous value energy Zeitintegral 2 Zeitintegral 3 cumulative minimum 2 cumulative maximum 2 minimum 2 average value 2 current measuring period average value 2 last measuring period maximum 2 cumulative minimum 3 cumulative maximum 3 minimum 3 average value 3 current measuring period average value 3 last measuring period maximum 3 energy feed Prüfmittelwert Prüf-Zeitintegral Error message 2EH 1 1 total tariff 1 tariff 2 tariff 3 tariff 4 tariff 5 tariff 6 tariff 7 tariff 8 tariff 9 2AH 00.. .5 Function Meter number ( Identity number 1 ) ( Identity number 2 ) ( Identity number 3 ) Billing period counter Timestamp of the billing period "xx" ( YYMMDDhhmm ) Firmware version Parameter set number Schaltuhren program number Billing period "xx" duration ( day ) Anzahl Tage seit letzter Rückstellung Meter time ( hhmmss ) Meter date ( YYMMDD ) Day of week Number characters 8 8 8 8 2 10 8 8 8 6 6 1 Country specific OBIS codes Vereinbarungen im OBIS erlauben die Definition von landesspezifischen OBIS-Kennzahlen.3 0..1 0.1*xx 0. D 91056 E rlangen LIAN 98 Protocol Router.0 0.. Die Festlegung dieses Kennzahlenbereichs erfolgt über die Wertgruppen "C" und "D".2 0.1. wobei "C" den festen Wert 94 und "D" zur landesspezifischen Unterscheidung eine Landeskennzahl in Anlehnung an die Telefonvorwahl des Landes enthält. Die Werte für "A" und "B" haben weiterhin die per OBIS vorgegebene Bedeutung.. heat. Telegram structure file:///E:/vien%20thong/lap%20trinh%20giao%20tiep/lap%20trinh%20g.0 0.0 0.0. E * F C = 94 : country specific OBIS code D = 49 : country code for Germany Systematics for thermic energy Value group A B C D E F Medium Channel Measuring type Measuring variable Tariff Historical values Meaning electricity.B : 94 .2*xx 0.9.E*F ) 0. 99 Number characters 1 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 1 or 2 M AY O R G m b H W uer z bur ger R ing 39. water.1 0. Lieferichtung Grundvereinbarung 0 = not used load profile.2.2. Simulator and Analyzer © Copyright 2001. d = differentation.D. 2006 by MAYOR GmbH. 2 = endgültiger Wert p = processing status.1.2. 1 = vorläufiger.2 0. Bezugs-. A . gas..6*xx 0.. All Rights reserved. 49 . General purpose objects ( Measuring type = 0 ) OBIS code ( C. M anual LI AN 98 13 of 13 9/21/2010 9:48 AM .0 0.0. .2 0.0.0.LIAN 98(en) : Protocol IEC 62056-21 / IEC 61107. energy value Energiemenge ( absolut ). Die Werte für die Wertgruppen "E" und "F" können nun länderweise frei belegt werden.
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