Lg Ang Multi Split

March 28, 2018 | Author: trungnq_ktd97 | Category: Air Conditioning, Duct (Flow), Hvac, Dust, Power Inverter



50HzLG MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM Unlike traditional multi-type units, it is a next-generation multitype air-conditioner designed to be installed under any circumstance. LG Multi Split System Why? LG Multi World’s Top for 4 years Welcome to LG Air Conditioning Division CARING FOR ENVIRONMENT • • • • 70% Energy Saving TPS Inverter Technology which is using DC Inverter compressor and TPS control • Wide Range LG Multi provide various indoor and up to 16.4kW outdoor unit • Convenient Control Various way of control.• Various Combination Total 1. such as Internet. touch panel and simple controller • Max. 120m Long Piping The FM56AH supports a piping length of up to 120m and high elevation of up to 30m for more flexibility in installation • All single phase • Powerful operation .250 types of combination is available with using 6 outdoor units and 30 Indoor units • Max. Welcome to LG Air Conditioning Division Next Generation LG Multi . it is a next-generation multitype air-conditioner designed to be installed under any circumstance. For Residential Site Wall Mounted Type Mirror For Commercial Site 1-way Ceiling Cassette Type 4-way Ceiling Cassette Type Ceiling Concealed Duct Type(Low) Ceiling Concealed Duct Type(Built-in) Ceiling Concealed Duct Type(High) Ceiling & Floor Type . Cassette and Duct Type. ARTCOOL. Ceiling & Floor.Unlike traditional multi-type units. combining with Wall mounted. 0 1.0 0.65 3.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 2.25 3.63 3.5 3.0 18K 24K 30K 40K Btu/h Long & High Elevation Piping : Max Piping Total 70m Outdoor unit Total piping length 70m and height 15m provide much easier installation for various sites.0 3.0 0.TPS Inverter Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Max.5 Indoor unit 6 . Piping Length(m) 18K 24K 30K Total Max/Room Indoor~Outdoor Indoor~Indoor 40 25 15 7.5 70 25 15 7. • Powerful DC Compressor Annual Power Consumption Max.69 Cooling Heating 3.5 1.0 3.63 3.5 50 25 15 7.5 4.0 2. Energy Saving 55% • TPS Control 70% 30% Cooling Capacity *In case of low Frequency Operation *Condition of trial : ISO5151 1 Comp.5 3. System Constant Speed AC Inverter Cooling Load TPS Inverter(DC) Saving Zone 12% 25% Operating Ratio Top class COP 4.0 1. DC Inverter Comp. 70% 100% Constant Speed Comp.5 0.32 3.62 3. 70% energy saving with TPS inverter control The TPS inverter Multi is a big energy saving air-conditioning system which uses one high efficiency constant speed compressor and the DC inverter compressor.22 3.5 2. then at low power. Quick Cooling & Heating With using TPS technology. Comfortable On Setting temp. On 20% Faster! 80 100 Setting temp. This variable capacity means LG Inverter units can maintain a temperature difference of 0. this will Cool / Heat 20% faster than conventional air conditioning units.5°C from the set temperature.5 kw MS12AH MC12AH* MA12AH* MT11AH MT12AH MB12AHL MB12AHB MV12AH • • • • • • • • 5.6 kw MS10AH MC09AH* MA09AH* MT09AH MB09AHL MB09AHB MV09AH • • • • • • • 3. Indoor temp. to maintain the temperature in the room. Off Time 7 .3 kw MS18AH MT18AH MB18AHL MB18AH MV18AH • • • • • * : Color R:Mirror D:Wood B:Blue M:Metal W: White The world best wide range of operations • Cooling 12~120% • Heating 12~138% Inverter units operate at high power until the room reaches the set temperature. Time Indoor temp.1 kw MS07AH MC07AH* • • 2.TPS Inverter Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Variable Indoor Unit Ceiling Cassette Type Wall Mounted Type Ceiling Concealed Duct Type Type 1-way Mirror 4-way Low Built-in High Ceiling & Floor Type 2. LG Inverter units operate at HIGH POWER until the room reaches the set temperature. LG Multi achieves the world best wide range of operation which is from 12% ~ 120% in cooling mode and from 12% ~ 138% in heating mode to give quicker cooling and heating. Outdoor Temperature 7°C DB/6°C WB 2.2/3.R410A CMM(CFM) 32(1. Heating: .500.3~10.4) 3.8 Power Supply ø.1m dB(A) 50/46 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 6.22(11.3) 3.32(11.348~8.Indoor Temperature 20°C DB /15°C WB.Hz EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) Refrigerant charge FM30AH 1.Specifications (Outdoor) LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience 18K Btu/h FM18AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity 1. type CMM(CFM) 1.7 Power Supply ø.268(4.50 3.348~10.52 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 870x808x320 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts (kg) 69 (20/40ft) 54/114 W (Btu/h) 1.350/550~2.R410A 51(1.600~36.5/2. R410A 50(1.35 / 9.6 Power Supply ø.970/630~3.9/3.6) 1.440(4.220~240.1m dB(A) 51/45 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 6.50 3.800) W (Btu/h) 1.407~12.801) Air Circulation Outdoor Noise Level Sound Press.407~7.6~10.970 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 2. type CMM(CFM) 1.3~13.038x320 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts (kg) (20/40ft) Notes:1.52 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 870x655x320 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts (kg) 52 (20/40ft) 81/171 W (Btu/h) 1.376(4. Capacities are based on the following conditions: Cooling: . Interconnecting Piping Length 7.766) Air Circulation Outdoor Noise Level Sound Press.50 3.65(12.600) W (Btu/h) 1.800~24.35 / 9.329(4.130)x2 Air Circulation Outdoor Noise Level Sound Press.600~28. Specifications can be changed without notification for improvement 8 80 51/111 .348~6.52 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 870x1.070 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 2.407~9.580/700~3.800~41.950.35 / 9.1m dB(A) 52/46 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 6.549(4.63(12.800~32.000) 30K Btu/h FM30AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Input Cooling/Heating (W) 490~3.220~240.600~21.V.3~17.Indoor Temperature 27°C DB /19°C WB.3~15.62(12.000) 24K Btu/h FM24AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Input Cooling/Heating (W) 490~2.Hz EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) Refrigerant charge FM18AH W (Btu/h) g. type 2.V.3~13.370 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 2.000) W (Btu/h) 1.5m to each indoor units 3.014(4.5) g. Outdoor Temperature 35°C DB/24ºC WB.650.800) Input Cooling/Heating (W) 480~2.220~240.69(12.Hz EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) Refrigerant charge FM24AH g.0) 3.4) 1.V. TPS Inverter Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience TPS Inverter Multi (Distributor Type) LG TPS Multi provides simple piping as same as multi V with using branches and distributors for easier installation 143 252 302 Compact size of distributor Branch Gas and Liquid branch pipes with flare type ø 9.05 Home .52 Shop Office 9 ø 19. branches and distributors without brazing.35 9. Flare Type Easy installation with various distributors For 2 Indoors 3 Indoors 4 Indoors PMBD3620 PMBD3630 PMBD7230 PMBD3640 Distributor Various distributors can make much easier installation for any sites Easy installation with various distributors Unit Connectable indoor Unit Combination(Min~Max) Power Consummption Running Current Type Net Dimensions (WxHxD) Net Weight Piping Connection Liquid (Outdoor Unit) Gas Piping Connection Liquid (Indoor Unit) Gas Piping Length Outdoor BD (Max) BD Indoor Piping Elevation Outdoor Indoor (Max) Indoor Indoor (Btu/hr) (W) (A) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) PMBD3630 1~3 7.05 6.52 19.000~36. 50Hz Connecting with Flare and Nuts Installers can connect pipes to outdoor units.05 9.000 10 0.05 302x143x252 4.000 10 0.52 19.05 6.52 50 15 30 10 PMBD3630 1~3 7.88 50 15 30 10 PMBD3640 1~4 7.9 9. indoor units.35 9.05 302x143x252 5 9.52 19.52 19.05 6. Indoor Unit 6 7 8 Outdoor Unit Power Supply single phase 220~240V.000 10 0.TPS Inverter Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Up to 16.000 10 0.52 15.9 9. 10 *PMBD7230 1~3 7.000~24.000~24.05 302x143x252 4.35 9.52 50 15 30 10 *Notes: Specification of PMBD7230 will be changed because it’s under developing.52 50 15 30 10 .4 kW large capacity multi with single phase Capacity 40K Btu/h 48K Btu/h 56K Btu/h Max.000~24.05 302x143x252 5 9. 5 5.3 7 MS07AH MS10AH MS12AH MS18AH MS24AH • • • • • MC07AH* MC09AH* MC12AH* • • • MA09AH* MA12AH* • • MT09AH MT11AH • • MT12AH MT18AH MT24AH MT30AH MT36AH • • • • • Ceiling Concealed Duct Type (High) MB18AH MB24AH MB30AH MB36AH • • • • Ceiling Concealed Duct Type (Low) MB09AHL MB12AHL MB18AHL Ceiling Concealed Duct Type(Built-in) MB09AHB MB12AHB Wall Mounted Type Wall Mounted Type Mirror Wall Mounted Type Ceiling Cassette Type (1-way) Ceiling Cassette Type (4-way) Ceiling & Floor Type • • • • • MV09AH MV12AH MV18AH MV24AH • • • • 11 8. Variable Indoor Unit Capacity(kW) 2.TPS Inverter Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience TPS Inverter Technology TSP Control Provides comfortable and convenient environment by low compressor operation continuously compared to conventional compressor. Range Long & High Elevation Piping : Max Piping Total 120m A B Distributor Indoor unit *Distributor Type Piping Length(m) 40K 48K 56K Total (Main+Branch) Main Pipe Branch Pipe-Total Each Indoor~Outdoor Indoor~Indoor 100 50 50 15 30 10 110 50 60 15 30 10 120 50 70 15 30 10 Total piping length 120m and height 30m provide much easier installation for various sites.1 2.8 10.5ºC WB 10 Heating 0 -10 -20 Outdoor unit • Wide Temp.6 3. 40 30 Cooling 20 -15~15.5 . The world best wide range of operations (ºC) 50 -10~46ºC DB With using TPS technology. LG Multi achieves the world best wide range of operation which is from 12% ~ 120% in cooling mode and from 12% ~ 138% in heating mode to give quicker cooling and heating. Interconnecting Piping Length 7.52/19.1m CMM(CFM) dB(A) 58/54 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 9.25(11.6~21.7~30.5m to each indoor units 3. 56K Btu/h FM56AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity 1.016(8.067(5. R410A 105(4.764(7.764(7.220~240. Outdoor Temperature 7°C DB/6°C WB 2.1m dB(A) 60/58 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 9.000)~15.465~14.000) W (Btu/h) 2.165x370 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts 105 (kg) 27/55 (20/40ft) Notes:1.100. R410A g.517x650 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts Refrigerant charge FM48AH W (Btu/h) g.300/1.52 / 19. R410A 105(4.Hz 1.000) Input Cooling/Heating (W) 600~4.3~29.Indoor Temperature 27°C DB /19°C WB.9~22.3 Power Supply ø.612~15.700.50 ø.500 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 4.801(62.000~48.872)x2 Air Circulation Outdoor Noise Level Sound Press ure. Capacities are based on the following conditions: Cooling: .63(12.380~5.23(11) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) 3.Specification (Outdoor) LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience 40K Btu/h FM40AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity 1.500~53.7/19.147) 120 21/42 .810 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 2.000)~16.397(73.05 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 900x1.1m dB(A) 60/58 Service Valve Liquid / Gas (mm) 12.7~28 ø.980/950~4.V.4) 4.000)~14.1) 3. Specifications can be changed without notification for improvement 48K Btu/h FM48AH Unit Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity 1. type (kg) (20/40ft) 6.016(8.4/6.05 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 750x1.V.517x650 Net Weight Outdoor Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts Refrigerant charge FM56AH W (Btu/h) g.Hz 1.50 Power Supply EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) 3.000)~18.220-240.0/4.50 EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) 3. type 53(1.000) Input Cooling/Heating (W) 900~6.300.6112.220-240.700) Input Cooling/Heating (W) 900~5.800 Running Current Cooling/Heating (A) 4.3~26/6.62(12.5 Power Supply 1.35) Air Circulation Outdoor CMM(CFM) Noise Level Sound Press ure.000) W (Btu/h) 1.Hz EER Cooling W/W(Btu/hr) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) Refrigerant charge FM40AH W (Btu/h) 3.05 Net Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 750x1. 12 6.533(5.885(67. Heating: .147) 100 21/42 Notes: This Specifications will be changed because it’s under developing.364(57.380~6.3) Air Circulation Outdoor CMM(CFM) Noise Level Sound Press ure.V.Indoor Temperature 20°C DB /15°C WB.600/1.000) W (Btu/h) 2. Outdoor Temperature 35°C DB/24ºC WB. type (kg) (20/40ft) Notes: This Specifications will be changed because it’s under developing.21(11) COP Heating W/W(Btu/hr) 3. With small load. Conventional (On/Off Operation) TPS 100% Max.6 3. This concept is explained in the picture below. Only one compressor or two compressors run together. according to the load conditions. only one compressor completes the cycle.5 5. Power Loss Zone Cooling Load 35% Cooling Capacity Cooling Capacity 100% 100% Saving Zone Cooling Load 60% Energy Saving 40% Operating Ratio Operating Ratio *Condition of trial : ISO5151 • In case it is in constant speed Variable Indoor Unit * : Color D:Wood B:Blue M:Metal Capacity (kW) 2. It saves power consumption at low operation.1 2.TPS Multi LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Big Energy Saving with TPS Control • Basic Principle of TPS Control 100% 40% 60% Conventional(On/Off Operation) TPS Control Power Consumption Comparison TPS Multi system operates in one cycle with two compressors.3 7 MS07AC MS09AC MS12AC MS18AC MS24AC MS07AH MS09AH MS12AH MS18AH MS24AH MA09AC* MA12AC* MA09AH* MA12AH* 13 . 4/6.350 "at 7.V.100~3.5 Unit Capacity Cooling/Heating (W)(Btu/h) Input Cooling/Heating Running Current Cooling/Heating Power Supply Refrigerant charge Air Circulation Outdoor (ø.300~1.5 870x1.5 7.5 Unit Power Supply 48 (ø.050 "at 7.225) 63(2.8~15 4.220~240.350~2.R410A 53(1.R410A 1.500 "at 7.0~9.1~6.5m".872) 53(1.638~5.100 880~2.872) 53(1.5 15/7.52 6.220~240.50 g.051~5.500 "at 7.1m) dB(A) 51 51 Pipe Connection (mm) 6.250 1.5m".500 "at 7.500 (A) 6. Capacities are based on the following conditions: Cooling: .5 7.35 / 9.154 (W) 880~2.5 Max.900/1.000~21.100/1.275/2.500 / 1.1m) dB(A) 51 51 Pipe Connection (mm) 6.060x320 870x1.V.52 6.100~3.52 6.5 870x655x320 870x655x320 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) Net Weight Stuffing Q’ty (mm) (kg) Without S/Parts (20/40ft) 64 64 81/171 81/171 M30AC/AH M30AC M30AH 2.275 (7.52 Liquid / Gas Standard Pipe Length (m) 7.5m".220~240.872) CMM(CFM) Noise Level (Sound Pressure.051~5.50 1. type 1.900 (A) 3.5 Max.5 3.1~6.8 Unit Capacity Cooling/Heating (W)(Btu/h) Input Cooling/Heating Running Current Cooling/Heating Power Supply Refrigerant charge Air Circulation Outdoor (ø.638~6.50 g.5 Max.35 / 9.R410A 40(1.35 / 9.220~240.R410A 2.872) CMM(CFM) Noise Level (Sound Pressure.350 "at 7.R410A 53(1.35 / 9. type 1.35 / 9.Hz) 1.792(9.Hz) 1.5m" .345~6.Specifications (Outdoor) LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience M14AC/AH M18AC/AH M14AC M14AH 2.000~18.5m" .50 1.V.V.4 4.50 1.5/5. Interconnecting Piping Length 7. Length/Elevation (m) 15/7.931~9.755~4.000) 2.5m".5 7.220~240.360 (A) 4.154 (8.220~240.6/6.279 (W) 1.412) CMM(CFM) Noise Level (Sound Pressure.0 Unit Capacity Cooling/Heating (W)(Btu/h) Input Cooling/Heating Running Current Cooling/Heating Power Supply Refrigerant charge Air Circulation Outdoor (ø.35 / 9.7 6. Heating: .250/1.220~240.220/2.5~8.350~1.1m) dB(A) 50 50 Pipe Connection (mm) 6.395 (9. R410A 1.803 (W) 780~1. Outdoor Temperature 35°C DB/24ºC WB.154/2.000~15.52 Liquid / Gas Standard Pipe Length (m) 7.671 (W) 1.35 / 9. Specifications can be changed without notification for improvement 14 .5 Max.Indoor Temperature 27°C DB /19°C WB.5 15/7.792/2.638~8.52 6.638~8. Outdoor Temperature 7°C DB/6°C WB 2.000) 2.500 "at 7.50 g.5~8.400 1.R410A 63(2.Hz) 1.931~4.000) 2.52 Liquid / Gas Standard Pipe Length (m) 7.5m".5 15/7.200~1.Indoor Temperature 20°C DB /15°C WB.5~8.35 / 9.0~9.5 870x655x320 870x655x320 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) Net Weight Stuffing Q’ty (mm) (kg) Without S/Parts (20/40ft) 64 64 81/171 81/171 M21AC/AH M21AC M21AH 2.R410A 1.52 Liquid / Gas Standard Pipe Length (m) 7. Length/Elevation (m) 15/7.1m) dB(A) 51/46 51/46 Pipe Connection (mm) 6.300~1.200 (A) 4. type 1.310~3.0~7. Length/Elevation (m) 15/7. type 2.Hz) 1.50 g.345~6.8~15/6.000) 2.225) CMM(CFM) Noise Level (Sound Pressure.5 801x555x262 801x555x262 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) Net Weight Stuffing Q’ty (mm) (kg) Without S/Parts (20/40ft) Capacity Cooling/Heating (W)(Btu/h) Input Cooling/Heating Running Current Cooling/Heating Refrigerant charge Air Circulation Outdoor 48 108/222 108/222 M18AC M18AH 2.5m".50 1.060x320 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) Net Weight Stuffing Q’ty (mm) (kg) Without S/Parts (20/40ft) 80 80 51/111 51/111 Notes:1. Length/Elevation (m) 15/7.637~4.0~9.5 15/7.5m to each indoor units 3.100 "at 7.220~240.900 780~1.000~30.412) 40(1.0~15.5 7. 35 6. with an intuitively designed GUI and a user-friendly touch panel.275 6.000 9. D:Wood Notes:See page 15.5 Noise Level (H/M/L) (dBA) 35 / 32 / 29 37 / 33 / 31 39 / 36 / 34 42 / 39 / 36 46 / 43 / 39 38 / 35 /32 43 / 40 / 33 Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 820 x 260x155 820x260x155 900x285x156 1080x314x182 1.35 6.267 2.224 5.Error display and lock function .35 6.000 12.638 3. for specification of Heat pump units.Length max 1km CNU PC Based Controller And especially. Controller (Optional) Centralized Controller First.Time schedule function .35 6.52 9. you can simultaneously control up to 256 indoor units.Indoor unit max 256 .764 2.35 6.000 (CMM) 5. .7 9.0 14.5 9. and the system can be linked to the building management system.35 (mm) 9.52 12. you can simultaneously control up to 256 indoor units.000 18.772 (W) 2.5 8.52 (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Net Weight (kg) Piping Connection Liquid Gas Drain hose (ODø) Front Panel Color "*" Position M:Metal.Touch screen panel .0 13. B:Blue.741 2. with an intuitively designed GUI and a user-friendly touch panel.0” TFT LCD (800*600) .000 9. We have a simple central controller that can operate up to 16 units simultaneously.224 (Btu/hr) 12.5 8. Deluxe Central Controller And especially.0 7.080x314x182 570x568x129 570x568x129 7 7 8 12 12 9 9 (mm) 6.536 5. IP I-Gateway 15 . and the system can be linked to the building management system.Specifications_Indoor Unit Nominal Cooling Capacity Air Circulation MS07AC MS09AC MS12AC MS18AC MS24AC MA09AC* (kcal/hr) 1.35 6.000 23.796 2.638 3.267 MA12AC* 2.051 2.8.000 7.7 12.52 9.Available Ethernet protocol .52 9.772 4. pollen. After Cooling Operation.Wall Mounted Type (Indoor Type) LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Air Purifying System The Nano PLASMA Air Purifying System developed uniquely by LG not only removes microscopic contaminants and dust. Start “Auto-Clean” automatically In 30 minutes “Auto-Clean” makes the inner part of Air conditioner Dry Jet Cool™ Jet cool function is for quick cooling. After using air-conditioner. 16 . but also removes house mites. With a filter that can be used over and over again by simply using vacuum cleaner. is adopted as deodorizing material first in the world Auto Cleaning Remove odor & Save time to clean-up (ART COOL Mirror) Auto Clean helps to remove odor and save clean-up time. In this mode. strong and cool air is blown at high speeds for 30 minutes until the room temperature reaches to 18 ºC. And it also eliminates bad odor by catching odor particle. “Auto Clean” makes the inner part of Air conditioner dry for 30 min. (200~500nm) consisted of carbon. It removes moisture and mould so you can enjoy odor-free air and save time to clean up. and pet fur to help prevent allergic diseases like asthma. Odor Free! Dust Free! Allergy Free! Mirror (ppm) 500 400 + + + 300 + + + + 200 + + + + 100 + + + + + Normal Filter Nano Filter 0 30 60 90(Min) Odor Removal Efficiency (NH3) Effect of Carbon Nano Ball Deodorizing efficiency:8~10 times compared to conventional carbon filter What is Carbon Nano Ball? Nano(1/1Bil) ball structure. you can enjoy clean fresh air without having to worry about changing the filter every two years as in the past and save costs. 326(3.000 13.000 12.764(2.929) 3.267(2.900 10.5(194) 7.990(5.090x314x172 1.35 6.740) 7.090x314x172 7 7 9 9 12 12 Piping Liquid (mm) 6.52 Drain hose (IDø) (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts 340/720 324/684 324/684 R:Mirror.326(3.1 9.500 5.5(264) 8.344) 2.275) 5.495(2.024(3.35 Connection Gas (mm) 9.35 6. (MS09AH and MS10AH are compatible.2(290) 9.024(3.764(2.35 6.520(2.5(194) 8.638) 3.016(2.000 9.35 6.5(300) Noise Level(Sound Press.52 9.3 7 MS09AH MS10AH MS12AH MS18AH MS24AH MC09AH* MC12AH* MA09AH* MA12AH* † MS07AH † Mirror MC07AH* †.901) 2.800 25.5 5.930) 3. MS10AH is higher COP than MS09AH.1 2. W:White.868) 8.326(3.016(2.000 13.536(5.472) 8.7 Drain hose (IDø) (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 Stuffing Q’ty Without S/Parts 360/780 360/780 340/720 340/720 270/540 270/540 Net Weight (kg) (20/40ft) ART COOL-Mirror Indoor Unit Type Model Cooling Capacity kcal/hr(W) Heating Capacity kcal/hr(W) Air Circulation CMM(CFM) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) ART COOL MC07AH* MC09AH* MC12AH* MA09AH* MA12AH* 1.200 5. B:Blue.52 9.200 19.0(318) 13(459) 14(494) Noise Level(Sound Press.52 9.051) 2.796(6.515) 4.030x290x153 1030x290x153 570x568x129 570x568x129 (kg) 8. M:Metal.) *R *M *D *M *W *B Specifications Wall Mounted(RAC) Indoor Unit Type Model Cooling Capacity kcal/hr(W) Heating Capacity kcal/hr(W) Air Circulation CMM(CFM) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) MS07AH MS09AH MS10AH MS12AH MS18AH MS24AH 1.52 9.LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s (Indoor Type) Comfort & Convenience Wall Mounted Type • Indoor Unit Capacity (kW) 2.35 6.52 9.000 9.6 3.000 12.1m) H/M/L (dB)A 32 / 30 / 28 33 / 31 / 29 36 / 32 / 29 37 / 31 / 27 43 / 39 / 31 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 900x272x143 1.000 23.267(2.35 6.267(2638) 2.638) 3.516) 2.343) 2.426(7.000 13.0(252) 8. D:Wood 239/539 239/539 Net Weight Front Panel Color (20/40ft) "*" Position 17 .35 Connection Gas (mm) 9.2(290) 9.7 12.52 12.516) 7000 9.024(3.803) 6.000 12.0(318) 7.5 9 9 Piping Liquid (mm) 6.35 6.000 9.520(2.520(2.867) 4.5 9. MS10AH for TPS Inverter Multi.638) 3.000 2. but we recommend MS09AH for TPS Multi.200 10.267(2.051) 2.868) 2.52 9.000 18.35 6.000 2.929) 3.52 9.000 10.35 6.1m) H/M/L (dB)A 34 / 31 / 28 37 / 33 / 31 35 / 33 / 31 38 / 36 / 34 42 / 38 / 35 46 / 42 / 38 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 824x260x155 824x260x155 900x285x156 900x285x156 1.000 9. 800 26.024(3.5 MT09AH MT11AH MT12AH MT18AH MT24AH MT30AH MT36AH MV12AH MV18AH MV24AH 1-Way Cassette Type 4-Way Cassette Type Ceiling & Floor Type MV09AH Specifications 1-Way Cassette Indoor Unit Type MT09AH Model Cooling Capacity kcal/hr(W) 2.200x205x615 22 22 19 19 24 24 33 12 12 30 30 Piping Liquid (mm) 6.868) 4.637) Heating Capacity kcal/hr(W) 2.803) 6.868) 3.88 9.802) 6.000 28.3/6.033) 12.400 30.8 10.024(3.000 13.52 9.000 36.868) 4.000 10.000 12.52 6.544) 2.427) 2.200 19.536(5.274) 6.829(11.024) 9. (Needed to open only 1 Textile for installation of product • Only about 270mm height in the ceiling is sufficient for installation space. RPM of fan motor is selectable to increase air reaching distance.Ceiling Cassette Type / Ceiling & Floor Type (Indoor Type) LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Comfort & Convenience Compact and Light Design Ceiling Compact & Slim Size for easy installation • A smaller size than a Textile(600X600) is very convenient for installation.326(3.384) 9.268(2.5/8/7 9.6 3.048(7. 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 (M) Air Velocity Distribution Ceiling & Floor Type •Indoor Unit Capacity (kW) 2.516) 4.200 13.072(10.0 10.7 According to the height of the ceiling.0/8.5 5.000 24.35 Connection Gas (mm) 9.000 3.800 25.52 12.35 6.274) 6.990(5.800 39.520(2.200 8.35 9.516) 4.88 15.35 6.048(7.5 9.637) 3.000 12.536(5.326(3.056(8.653(7.200x205x615 1.762(9.024(3.35 6.050x480x30 670x670x30 850x850x30 950x950x30 - - - - *Notes: Specifications of MT30AH. MT36AH will be changed because it’s under developing.930) 3.5/6.35 6.268(2.52 9.35 6.000 24.516) 3.8/6.736) 7.35 6.000 18.7 12.52 9.520(2.52 12.350(7.000 13.7 15.033) 7.5 13.5/12/11 15/13.52 9.0 General 2.000 10.5/7.000 18.024) 9.4/5.35 6.200 19.3 7 8.7 12.5/12 35/32/28 37/33/29 38/35/32 41/39/37 43/41/39 44/42/40 40/38/36 36/32/28 40/36/31 43/40/37 45/42/39 Net Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) 860x190x390 860x190x390 570x570x269 570x570x269 744x744x292 744x744x292 840x840x288 900x200x490 900x200x490 1. 18 .930) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Air Circulation H/M/L (CMM) Noise Level H/M/L (dB)A 4-Way Cassette Ceiling & Floor Type MT11AH MT12AH MT18AH MT24AH MT30AH MT36AH MV09AH MV12AH MV18AH MV24AH 3.5/8/7 13/12/11 15/14/13 17/16/15 25/24/23 7.326(3.000 9.7 (mm) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 20 20 20 20 263/539 263/539 189/378 189/378 84/168 84/168 72/144 189/383 189/383 102/219 102/219 Net Weight (kg) Drain hose (IDø) Stuffing Q’ty (20/40ft) Front Panel Model Name F/Panel Dimension WxHxD (mm) PT-HCC PT-HEC PT-HFC PT-HDC - - - - 1.990(5. Height of Main Body(269) Height of Front Grille(30) (unit:mm) 4-Way Cassette Type High-Ceiling corresponding operation High Ceiling 3. 5/10/8.4 25.S.Optimize Duct work Installation .35 6.7 15.52 9.400 33.5 MB18AH MB24AH MB30AH MB36AH High Static Low Static MB09AHL MB12AHL MB09AHB MB12AHB MB18AHL Built-in Specifications High Static Indoor Unit Type Model Cooling Capacity kcal/hr(W) Heating Capacity kcal/hr(W) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Air Circulation H/M/L (CMM) Noise Level H/M/L (dB)A Net Dimensions (WxHxD) (mm) Low Static Built-in MB18AH MB24AH MB30AH MB36AH MB09AHL MB12AHL MB18AHL MB09AHB MB12AHB 4.5/13 18/16.000 9.072(10.274) 6.P: External Static Pressure Always Air volume and sound kept as design regardless of E.736) 8.P is controlled from 0 to 8~10mmAq.000 24.516) 18.268(2.3 7 8.52 12.544) 2.Simplify model numbers The Phase control motor Technology gives benefit of saving money to Installer .52 (mm) 25. MB24AH.5 32 8/7/6 10/9/8 13.000 12.52 9.427) 2. MB36AH will be changed because it’s under developing.326(3.5 36/34/32 38/36/34 40/38/36 42/40/38 34/32/30 37/34/31 38/36/34 34/32/30 35/33/31 880x260x450 880x260x450 1.200 16.653(7.868) 4.930) 3.(Indoor Type) Ceiling LG A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Concealed Duct Type Comfort & Convenience * E.4 25.800 26.000 13.024(3.802) 2.637) 3.000 10.88 9.829(11.52 6.5/14.6 22.35 6.800 10.4 25.88 15.6 3.180x298x450 1.5 11.5/8/6.180x298x450 650x230x535 650x230x535 1.990(5.326(3.000 36.000 30.868) 19.000 18. You can . Linearly H Air volume L M H Air volume Ceiling Concealed Duct Type M L Air volume at 2 mmAq 2 Air volume at 10 mmAq 4 6 8 10 12 1 35 70 105 140 175 215 245 Controller Static pressure(mmAq) *Notes: MB18AH.200 19.024(3.7 12.4 25.033) 7. Desired Air Volume is obtained by controlling the Phase of Motor While installing the product and this makes your Duct Work system flexible E.317(9.000 39.048(7. 19 .802) 6.930) 3.787) 9.4 25.536(5.274) 2.000 12.4 120/252 120/252 95/191 95/191 172/356 172/356 123/251 228/468 228/468 Front Panel Model Name - - - - - - - PB-HPA F/Panel Dimension WxHxD (mm) - - - - - - - 695x396x57 Net Weight (kg) Drain hose (IDø) Stuffing Q’ty (20/40ft) *Notes: Specifications of MB30AH.6 25.7 9.5 5.35 Connection Gas (mm) 12.35 9.P change Using This Technology .S.000x230x535 750x300x580 750x300x580 34 34 38 38 22 22 29 30 30 Piping Liquid (mm) 6.4 22.5/12/10 9.000 4.S.000 13.990(5.516) 4.52 9.000 9.520(2. MB30AH.536(5.520(2.35 6.Keep Capacity & Sound level as desired .268(2.35 6.669) 9.560(8.8 10. MB36AH •Indoor Unit Capacity (kW) 2.35 6.637) 3.5/14 26. Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.000 3.4 1.130 6.5 8.3 7.800 .9 6.880 9 12 21 9.1 1.0 874 12 12 12.0 kW) 20 24.076 12 12 24 7.437 1.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.800 21.891 23.200 3.3 10.2 9 9 9.700 7 12 19 7.5 2.800 10.2 5.4 1.000 7.000 18.1 1.400 8.000 9.400 10.7 6.0 2.3 10.000 4.333 7 9 16 7. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.400 8.4 1.400 12.149 7 7 14 7.666 18 10.800 4.844 22. outdoor temp.800 19.3 2.5 1.551 Unit-B Unit-B Total Capacity 7 Unit-A 1 unit Cooling Capacity(Btu/h) 8.600 5.9 16 8.000 7 1 unit 2 unit Operation 2 unit Unit-B Total Capacity Current (A) Input (W) 690 Btu/h kW 7.516 9 9 18 9.5 5.400 Note : 1.Combination Table FM18AH Operation Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Unit-A Unit-B Total Unit-A 7 7.000 16.600 6.400 16.000 14.2 1.200 13.000 4.000 2.5 5.780 12 19 8.000 9.7 1.000 12.370 7 7 14 7 9 9 9 7 12.000 18.025 12 12 24 10.8 9.6 2.1 3.350 Current (A) Input (W) Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Heating Capacity(Btu/h) Total Unit-A Btu/h kW 7 8.000 5.000 9.314 19.200 5.1 6.9 6.669 12.076 13.5 8.800 10.150 9 9 10.486 11.800 10.7 1.400 2.000 12. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.3 7.0 1.808 9 12 21 8.800 3.200 6.6 4.000 2.6 7.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 24k Btu/h(7.800 5.8 9.800 21.9 1.265 12 12 13.600 6. 636 32.333 28.000 2.850 8.762 29.497 9 9 18 9.000 4.8 2.800 21.6 7.5 4.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.000 7.0 2.0 10.400 8.000 14.030 10.781 10.000 5.400 25.4 9.000 14.7 3.910 9 12 12 33 8.400 16.533 17.025 12.1 2.FM24AH Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Operation 2 unit 3 unit 3 unit 650 Unit-A Btu/h kW 7.444 8.9 6.7 12.5 2.400 25.000 7.5 2.5 1.309 7 9 16 7.0 10.000 12.272 7 7 12 26 7.9 7.4 1.7 11.3 2.000 7.417 9 18 27 9.000 9.670 7 9 12 30 9.3 8.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.855 10.213 8. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.267 30.070 Note : 1.8 1.570 7 9 12 30 8.5 2.7 8.884 7 12 19 8.200 5.600 7.550 12 18 30 12.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.000 25.571 12.0 9 9 9.727 11.962 7 9 9 25 8.410 7 9 12 28 8.667 9.574 7 9 16 8. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.000 3.7 2.000 9.2 2.950 27.320 27.200 9.000 7.400 8.000 18.750 7 7 7 21 8.3 2.3 2.778 19.970 Current (A) Input (W) Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Unit-A Unit-B Unit-C 2 unit Input (W) 7 Operation 1 unit Unit-C Current (A) Total 18 Unit-B Total Capacity 7 Unit-A Unit-B Unit-C 1 unit Cooling Capacity(Btu/h) Heating Capacity(Btu/h) Btu/h kW 8.200 8.000 9.280 24.8 2.800 19.0 2.085 13.8 1.000 12.3 10.5 5.117 12 12 24 14.7 1.200 7.7 9.043 31.730 7 7 7 21 7.2 5.000 9. outdoor temp.400 22.000 7.6 3.8 1.473 28.5 11.000 6.758 25.9 1.4 13.5 1.4 8.800 3.000 7.5 1.962 9 12 21 10.6 11.650 25.475 7.6 2.160 28.000 23.6 2.880 16.7 10.1 1.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 33k Btu/h(9.0 12.2 2.000 9.6 11.1 13.950 7.778 29.4 2.2 10.000 24.0 1.000 21.2 2.889 8.000 8.650 8.590 9 9 12 30 7.2 12.5 1.6 2.240 10.650 8.000 7.325 26.400 8.2 8.7 6.035 8.7 2.830 7 12 12 31 7.0 2.000 8.8 1.0 12.778 9.5 2.1 3.556 29.473 10.800 10.490 12 18 30 10.000 7.000 18.444 9.7 1.000 12.400 7.111 9.400 2.400 14.430 9 9 9 27 7.800 10.3 7.800 4.000 9.800 6.330 26.333 8.2 2.200 12.970 7 9 9 25 7.510 7 9 12 28 9.667 9.043 12.000 6.859 6.800 8.0 1.600 21.730 7 12 12 31 6.330 9 9 9 27 6.000 4.778 8.778 7.200 3.289 10.2 10.967 12 12 24 12.6 11.375 8.035 10.000 6.1 5.000 18.490 9 9 12 30 6.600 5.840 20.000 12.3 7.000 21.3 1.200 13.3 8.778 13.067 25.685 7 7 14 7.0 12.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.400 8.729 9 9 18 10.6 2.7 1.800 14.600 6.5 10.0 12.2 8.000 28.5 11.330 9 18 27 8.000 2.859 11.333 8.7 kW) 21 .810 9 12 12 33 7.685 7 12 19 7.000 16.267 18.121 18 18.250 7 18 25 6.400 10.494 11.240 28.5 8.4 13.400 30.636 11.720 17.000 5.606 8.600 6.964 10.8 838 12 12 12.3 10.213 10.418 18 21.779 9 12 21 9.155 7 7 12 26 7.200 7.425 7.778 9.350 7 18 25 7.000 9.781 27.884 Total 7 7 9 9 12 12 18 Unit-A Unit-B Total Capacity Unit-C 7 7 14 8. 308 8.000 4.647 8.500 8.8 12.000 9.023 7 9 9 9 34 6.7 2.000 - - 30.2 15.000 4.502 9 9 18 9.479 9 9 9 12 39 8.6 3.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.000 - - - 9.215 7 18 25 7.0 2.000 9.429 33.2 15.000 10.871 11.0 1.000 3.000 7.000 10.1 1.2 13.126 7 9 9 25 7.000 12.000 18.000 9.000 2.000 9.500 17.000 - - 16.396 9 12 18 39 8.9 3.813 8.725 8.0 3.324 7 9 16 7.432 8.854 17.000 8.000 6.000 10.6 16.500 34.000 18.304 7 7 12 26 7.2 2.727 11.5 1.297 7 9 9 12 37 6.294 - 32.0 9.9 2.6 15.000 9.509 11.333 11.000 - - - 12.243 16. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.615 - 36.0 3.000 - 27.813 31.0 3.4 13.000 10.000 8.000 7.1 3.3 2.000 10.000 6.5 2.871 - 30.158 11.4 13.0 2.158 35.462 6.000 8.000 - - 18.2 2.667 8.000 5.000 - - 24.000 28.947 12 12 24 12.625 - 31.647 17.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 39k Btu/h(11.6 10.0 3.8 12.3 2.4 2.000 2.9 878 12 12 12.0 12.570 7 7 7 18 39 6.000 8. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.667 6.9 1.000 9.3 7.7 1.000 - - 36.7 6.2 9 9 9.000 9.000 - - - 18.788 6.000 7.750 7 12 12 31 6.482 7 9 12 28 7.303 7 12 18 37 6.304 9 18 27 9.934 9 12 12 33 8.925 11.114 7 7 9 12 35 6.571 9 9 12 30 9.000 10.000 7.6 16.5 3.000 12.000 - - 25.206 9 9 9 9 36 8.500 8.2 2.7 9.6 15.4 15.000 7.308 11.0 15.000 7.000 12.000 7.000 7.647 32.333 - 34.3 10.0 3.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.000 12.1 3.3 3.854 8.000 - 30.077 36.842 7 7 18 32 6.3 7.000 9.500 8.9 11.000 9.680 7 7 14 7.580 7 7 7 7 28 7.4 3.303 9 9 18 36 8.1 5.432 11.580 7 7 7 21 7.000 30.146 18 Unit-A Total Capacity 18 18.667 10.027 7 9 18 34 6.865 - 34.333 9.000 7.6 3.667 9.000 7.000 8.000 - 25.000 18.9 11.5 5.636 32.0 15.3 10.462 16.2 8.333 11.8 1.6 8.333 9.482 12 18 30 12.000 5.0 3.000 - 23.Combination Table FM30AH Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Operation Cooling Capacity(Btu/h) Unit-A Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D Total 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit Current (A) Input (W) 700 Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D Btu/h kW 7 7 7.000 9.6 3.615 36.000 12.571 11.000 - - 27.000 - - 21.8 3.8 1.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.566 7 7 7 9 30 7.000 7.0 15. outdoor temp.667 10.2 2.636 - 32.932 7 7 7 12 33 6.000 7.000 - - 14.667 9.8 2.2 11.788 11.750 18 18 36 18000 18.000 5.000 7.8 12.333 10.2 13.647 8.388 7 7 12 12 38 6.000 - - 19.000 10.000 9.000 12.559 11.000 7.788 6.119 12 12 12 36 11.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.308 8.308 11.462 6.5 3.6 14.4 2.333 9.5 kW) 22 .509 6.000 - 26.000 6.947 7 7 9 23 7.000 7.769 9 12 21 9.393 9 9 9 27 9.854 6.000 - - - 7.243 34.750 7 7 9 9 32 6.636 11.6 14.725 8.580 Note : 1.000 9.000 - 28.2 8.2 11.559 8.667 9.680 7 12 19 7.8 14.500 8.000 7.077 16.6 1.854 6.000 - 34.000 - 21.1 2. 600 6.400 8.400 9.800 14.634 13.186 - 33.483 12.5 11.944 12.4 2.000 12.000 12.161 7 7 7 12 33 7.366 7 9 9 25 8.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.708 9.109 35.698 9.800 6.800 - 27.964 7 12 19 8.400 9.400 - - - 8.600 - - 32.800 21.509 9 9 9 9 36 9.067 38.600 - - - 21.447 7 18 25 8.4 9.350 10.200 - - - 13.8 3.389 11.527 7 7 12 26 8.778 13.667 10.719 12.930 7 12 12 31 7.622 7.7 14.7 12.1 13.100 9.400 21.1 13.930 7 7 9 9 32 7.897 9.1 13.333 36.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 39k Btu/h(11.400 - - 22.855 9 9 9 12 39 9.400 - - 16.0 17.829 39.740 7 7 12 12 38 7.359 7.0 2.243 - 39.350 13.000 8.400 - 25.400 8.6 1.000 33.5 4.400 8.500 10.206 12 12 24 14.400 14.4 3.0 3.800 10.5 14.643 7 9 16 8.608 9 9 9 27 10.970 7 7 7 18 39 7.080 9 9 10.400 14.483 9.7 3.420 7.050 8.462 9.800 - 30.970 7 7 7 7 28 8.833 11.0 2.708 9.5 2.200 7.4 16.698 9. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.206 7 7 9 23 8.623 7 12 18 37 7.8 11.6 16.482 18 18 21.0 15.5 14.0 1.1 10.708 9.639 14.417 19.800 10.000 8.462 9.1 3.778 7.4 9.9 2.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.000 8.462 12.7 3.359 7.897 37.800 10.800 4.708 38.800 - - - 10.500 10.897 19.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.200 9.9 6.4 16.9 3.863 20.800 20.6 8.8 2.615 18.0 3.400 10.667 10.944 10.1 11.0 17.500 10.688 7 9 12 28 8.2 3.622 9.417 - - 38.964 7 7 14 8.2 2.2 5.719 40.527 9 18 27 10.556 11.700 - - 34.778 7.278 11.400 10.970 Note : 1.200 3.623 9 9 18 36 9.109 10.556 11.462 12.050 8.800 - 32.0 3.4 1.634 - 35.6 2.2 2.8 3.708 19.219 - 35.3 8.420 12.5 kW) 23 .833 11.389 11.923 41.0 15.333 13.7 14.688 12 18 30 13.833 11.7 1.3 2.863 10.800 - 34.944 12.200 5.800 3.400 - - 25.8 17.333 - 36.800 10.794 - 37.708 9.222 10.768 9 9 12 30 10.620 7 7 7 21 8.5 12.111 11.0 3.400 kW 2.863 7.7 1.4 3.8 3.2 2.8 1.8 11.800 13.3 13.1 2.622 12.624 7 9 9 12 37 7. outdoor temp.6 3.0 17.045 9 12 21 10.800 - - 21.400 - - 28.600 6.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.2 15.600 8.100 9.277 7 9 9 9 34 7.9 7.400 8.953 13.930 18 18 36 19.6 16.600 - - 30.241 12 12 13.615 41.800 8.5 2.359 18.161 9 12 12 33 10.7 11.400 8.392 12 12 12 36 12.3 2.FM30AH Combination of Indoor unit (k Btu/h) Operation Heating Capacity(Btu/h) Unit-A Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D Total 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit Unit-A Total Capacity Current (A) Input (W) Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D Btu/h 7 7 8.275 10.000 13.863 7.050 10.400 - 31.000 8.944 10.350 34.400 14.739 9 12 18 39 9.200 7.944 - 38.046 7 7 18 32 7.833 11.7 9.277 7 9 18 34 7.8 3.5 3.417 - 38.000 8.8 2. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.4 16.923 - 41.4 11.622 9.9 1.829 19.3 8.4 16.897 9.2 3.393 7 7 9 12 35 7.800 - - 19.000 12.804 9 9 18 10.566 7 7 7 9 30 8.400 10. 5 2.840 43.6 15.3 15.0 9.9 22. Cooling Heating 18.820 4.8 10.000 25.1 15.0 12.6 12.800 30.0 0.4 12.6 6.500 4.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is from 16K Btu/h(4.618 3.1 11.360 2.980 16 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Heating Capacity (Btu/h) (kW) 19.8 9.8 13.1 18.3 5.7 12.340 4.3 11.0 0 60 Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 10 20 5000 5000 4500 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 60 50 60 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1500 1000 500 0 1000 500 0 30 50 Heating 5500 Power Input(W) Power Input(W) Cooling 20 40 Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 5500 10 30 40 50 60 Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 10 20 30 40 Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 24 .200 43.169 4.5 12.413 3.5 16.8 18.600 46.200 38.2 17.240 46.8 21.3 14.000 37.455 2.400 45.2 19.317 3.000 18.4 15.0 10.4 20.0 4.1 19.5 13.230 4.000 34.740 4.9 8.5 11.9 8.0 13.9 19.9 11.000 32.000 38.0 6.420 4.046 4.400 48. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.6 10.3 21.200 27.800 25.8 14.0 8.5 14.5 13.2 6.0 15.200 32.000 23.583 47.645 2.221 3.0 17.000 42.600 28.030 3.885 1.311 3.0 14.8 9.679 3.000 33.0 13.1 9.000 24.7 21.462 4.580 4.556 3.000 46.2 15.989 4.5 21.4 9.701 3.6 19.000 27.5 17.800 47.2 kW) 4.5 14.2 16.980 2.7 13.8 11.128 3.0 2.7 14.2 13.343 2.4 15. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.0 16.400 39.3 12.0 10.752 4.404 4.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 16.167 47.0 13.924 3.5 9.8 18.801 3.0 4.For details.5 9.2 8.5 12.500 50.810 5.083 50.373 3.333 48.550 2.7 20.600 22.000 40.0 21.797 3.694 4.170 2.4 13.400 33.3 17.000 45.0 16.7 13.1 11.000 31.7 18.5 20.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.6 6.1 20.636 4.000 21.460 45.9 21.7 10.740 3.1 9.894 3.000 Current(A) Input(W) 10.0 14.0 14.6 12.900 4.7 11.084 4.750 48.189 3.7 7.0 6.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.3 10.125 3.0 12.917 49.2 20.0 12.605 3.000 19.985 4.667 51.000 30.288 4.660 44.0 2.8 10.742 2.108 4.5 Note : 1.3 13.800 44.8 15.7 19.000 37.520 4.509 3.0 15.0 Heating Capacity(k Btu/h) Cooling Capacity(k Btu/h) 18.0 10.8 17.8 15.000 4.000 42.4 8.7kW) to 52K Btu/h(15.893 3.3 19.000 26.0 8.563 2.346 4. see Product data book.833 52.660 4.066 3.4 15.200 46.4 16.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.4 11.5 18.600 43.6 14.7 12.5 15.2 15.200 21.863 3.3 7.3 18.5 20.0 13.4 8.0 12.3 21.000 41.3 13.250 51.000 31.000 36.Combination Table FM40AH Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) (kW) Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 16 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 16.7 7.8 13.6 10.0 1.180 4.1 8.695 1.000 39.250 3.0 0.9 14.0 7.0 20.9 16.838 3.6 16. outdoor temp.2 14.7 5.6 7.800 42.260 4.0 14.495 3.000 35.1 Current(A) Input(W) Total Indoor Unit Capacity(k Btu/h) 7.578 4.8 20.3 12.674 2.000 42.600 40.417 53.000 28.9 17.3 6.600 36. 900 7 9 16 7.500 10.000 11.200 7 7 14 7.500 Total Unit-A Current (A) Input (W) 9.400 8.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 14k Btu/h(4.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.200 14.200 Total Unit-A 7 10.000 8.000 7.000 14 7.0 1.000 8.000 6.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.7 1.500 9.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.400 Current (A) Input (W) Unit-B Total 7.300 Combination(k Btu/h) A 1 unit 7 2 unit 7 B C D 7 Unit-B Total 9.900 Total Unit-A Current (A) Input (W) Combination(k Btu/h) A B C D Heating Capacity (Btu/h) Unit-B Total 7 7 9.700 9.300 9 9 10.350 7.000 14. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.000 8.900 9.6 1.500 5.900 9 9 18 9.000 8.400 6.600 6.400 14 7.5 1.1kW) M18AC (Cooling Only) M18AH (Heat Pump) Operation Combination(k Btu/h) A B C D 7 1 unit 2 unit Operation 1 unit 2 unit Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Total Unit-A 7 7. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.100 12 12 11.0 1.5 1.5 1.000 3.500 7.000 16.900 9 9 18 9.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.5 1.0 1. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.000 18.5 1.500 5.500 M14AH (Heat Pump) Operation Combination(k Btu/h) A 1 unit 7 2 unit 7 Operation B C D 7 Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) 7 9.900 Note : 1.000 7.5 1.300 14.000 9.000 5.900 7 12 19 7.6 1.1 1.700 15.000 9.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 19k Btu/h(5. outdoor temp.100 7 7 14 7.100 19.0 1.900 7 12 19 7.000 18.900 7 9 16 7.000 6.100 12.000 6.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.400 6.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.800 8.5 1.M14AC (Cooling Only) Operation Combination(k Btu/h) A 1 unit 7 2 unit 7 B C D 7 Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Total Unit-A 7 9.5 1.700 12.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.000 11.0 1.5 780 Note : 1.600 8.900 19.5 1.800 8.000 14 7. outdoor temp.300 Current (A) Input (W) 7.700 7.900 17.100 5.250 12 12 12.6 kW) 25 .1 1.000 Unit-B Total 9 9 9.300 15.450 Current (A) Input (W) Heating Capacity (Btu/h) Unit-B Total 10.000 9. 000 21.000 18.000 5.400 8.600 21.100 6.400 12 12 13.000 4.000 19.200 21.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.500 19.350 Art Cool 12 12.400 8.000 7.4 2.000 9.200 21.500 9.000 21.400 9.200 19 8.900 7 7 7 21 7.200 7 12 19 8.2 1.000 9 9. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.100 Current (A) Input (W) Art Cool Combination(k Btu/h) A B C Heating Capacity (Btu/h) Total Unit-A 7 7 9.400 8.500 12 11.800 12.900 7 3 unit Unit-C 7 7 3 unit Unit-B 7 12 2 unit Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Total Art Cool Note : 1.000 8.450 10.000 7.4 2.000 6.900 9.100 9 9 12 18 9.000 12.100 12.1 900 11.000 7 1 unit 9 12 Art Cool Operation 1 unit 2 unit Current (A) Input (W) 8.200 9 12 21 9.000 7.7kW) 26 .8 2.800 9.000 9.000 12.8 2.5 1.000 9.000 12.000 9.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.000 21.4 2.400 12.400 6.200 6.100 7 7 9 23 6.4 2.000 10.000 7.000 8.450 6.4 2.000 9.000 20.000 9.000 11.100 9 12 21 9.000 21.0 1.000 9.000 19.0 880 9.150 Total 12 12.000 8.150 14 8.000 9.5 1.8 2.4 2.8 2.400 6.800 11.100 7 7 7 21 7.000 9.400 16.200 9.1 1.4 2.000 9.500 4.000 20.8 2.200 7 9 16 8.800 9.200 13.2 1.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 23k Btu/h(6.Combination Table M21AC (Cooling Only) M21AH (Heat Pump) Operation Combination(k Btu/h) A B C Unit-A 7 8.100 20.350 9 12 9 10.200 9 9 12 18 10.100 7 9 16 8.000 12.200 18.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.400 Unit-B Unit-C Total 7 7 14 9.4 2.900 7 7 9 23 6.1 1. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.2 1.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.000 5.100 19 8. outdoor temp.5 1.100 7 12 19 8.000 10. 0 14.000 11.000 11.600 11.5 14.000 12.900 8.000 33.000 6. 7°C DB/ 6°C WB 3.100 11.500 30.800 33.5 15.5 6.000 30.000 12.000 19.500 26.000 8.900 7.000 2.360 3.700 7.000 9.400 19.250 3.600 11.250 3.700 31.200 7.000 8.850 1.100 7.600 1.0 15.5 15.000 9.000 18.100 11.500 Heating Capacity (Btu/h) Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D 8.100 3.000 30.900 3.130 1.000 28.0 15.400 12.250 3.000 8.5 15.000 13.100 9.360 3.200 7.700 11.000 18.5 15.500 12.000 29.100 8.5 15.250 Current (A) Input (W) 6.360 3.300 19.500 6.27°C DB/ 19°C WB.000 13.000 10.000 10.800 27.0 13.5 15.5 13.000 18.000 12.500 8.360 3.700 19.180 1.000 26.5 15.0 14.800 8.7 15.2 6.0 14.000 10.900 1.500 7.950 1.000 20.0 15.000 10. outdoor temp.250 3.500 14.20°C DB/15ºC WB outdoor temp.000 11.000 7.900 23.5 15.000 30.000 11.000 17.000 1.5 15.200 3.000 33.000 6.150 3.000 13.100 1.000 23.360 3.0 5.300 8.5 14.000 7.The total ability of connected a indoor unit is up to 33k Btu/h(9.800 8.5 14.500 10.000 25.100 9.2 9.920 3.000 29.400 12.000 9.8 9.500 7.5 15.500 9.900 8.900 12.200 9.000 11.000 22.7 16.000 30.360 3.500 10.800 10.470 1.7 1.000 8.360 3.500 10.600 18.900 9.250 3.000 30.3 9.000 11.500 6.000 9.900 15.7kW) 27 9.000 23.000 29.950 2.250 3.5 15.310 2.200 12.0 13.000 3.400 8.100 9.700 9.800 9.5 15.150 3.050 3.150 3.000 16.250 3.700 7.000 6.050 3.360 3.000 17.300 28.000 9.000 9.000 Total 10.900 30.000 28.000 18.100 7.900 3.000 32.000 26.200 18.950 2.800 30.800 22.360 2.000 8.900 31.000 7.500 7.250 3.000 9.0 9.000 11.300 13.0 9.000 19.200 12.950 .5 15.800 7.000 30.0 15.350 1.000 6.000 9.300 Total 9.250 1.0 15.000 9.5 15.500 7.800 14.100 8.200 9.5 15.000 9.900 12.500 9.250 3.500 7.000 7.000 6.950 3.000 32.050 3.800 Current (A) Input (W) 4.000 29.360 3.900 12.8 5.500 13.000 29.3 9.000 8.Cooling Capacity is based on : indoor temp.800 31.000 7.700 11.000 12.100 Note : 1.000 9.300 2.000 14.5 15.000 29.M30AC (Cooling Only) M30AH (Heat Pump) Operation 1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4 Unit Operation 1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4 Unit A 7 9 12 18 24 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 12 12 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 A 7 9 12 18 24 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 12 12 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 Combination(k Btu/h) B C D 7 9 12 18 24 9 12 18 24 12 18 7 7 7 7 9 9 12 9 9 12 7 7 7 7 7 9 12 18 9 12 12 9 12 12 7 7 7 9 7 9 12 9 Combination(k Btu/h) B C D 7 9 12 18 24 9 12 18 24 12 18 7 7 7 7 9 9 12 9 9 12 7 7 7 7 7 9 12 18 9 12 12 9 12 12 7 7 7 9 7 9 12 9 Total 7 9 12 18 24 14 16 19 25 31 18 21 27 33 24 30 21 23 26 32 25 28 31 27 30 33 28 30 33 32 Unit-A 9.5 13.800 32.1 14.900 33.000 21.0 14.000 28.000 33.5 15.200 7.000 9.100 13.360 3.360 3.500 11.0 15.5 1.0 13.5 15.400 3.000 18.800 7.5 9. 35°C DB/24ºCWB 2.000 9.0 9.800 32.150 3.000 12.000 12.360 3.0 14.360 3.000 27.500 7.000 18.900 12.700 7.900 8.0 15.200 7.500 7.000 9.100 Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) Unit-B Unit-C Unit-D 8.5 8.5 15.5 15.900 31.0 9.250 3.000 7.400 17.000 30.5 15.000 18.000 30.900 8.600 19.500 Total 7 9 12 18 24 14 16 19 25 31 18 21 27 33 24 30 21 23 26 32 25 28 31 27 30 33 28 30 33 32 Unit-A 10.000 30.Heating Capacity is based on : indoor temp.000 12.200 7.250 3.600 33.150 3.000 9.500 8.360 3.000 10.900 9.000 30.000 30.000 12.000 10.000 10.
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