Level Measurement Experiment

March 20, 2018 | Author: TajTaj | Category: Pressure Measurement, Calibration, Accuracy And Precision, Pressure, Gases



OBJECTIVE To evaluate and study the measurement of level using the following. 1 A differential pressure / level transmitter (ABB model 621ED) 2 A sight glass with millimetre scale. .SUMMARY The purpose of level measurement and calibration experiment was to evaluate and study the measurement of level using differential pressure or level transmitter and sight glass with millimetre scale This experiment is conducted under two different conditions which is the first one is open tank and heater off while the other one is closed tank and heater off. the level indicator is more accurate than the sight glass. This is because sight glass reading was taken manually by human eye contact while level indicator was taken by sensor indicator. So. The sight glass less accurate because of human errors while read the readings.. There are small different between reading on the sight glass and the level indicator. The reading of actual level (LI) is slightly different with the actual level (LG) because there is parallax error while set the level on the suggested level as the position of the sight glass with millimetre scale is high. medium and environmental conditions etc. These instruments may be indicators. Conductivity based measurement (Electrical measurement) 5. In this module student will conducted level measurement in two conditions where the first condition applied on the tank i. The condition of tank either in closed or open is to demonstrate the pressure in open system or closed system. Transit time based level measurement a) Ultrasonic based level measurement b) Radar based level measurement 3. . Capacitance based level measurement This module covers aspects of level measurement as used in process instrumentation and control. which displays liquid level. Meanwhile the heat supplied to the system used to demonstrate pressure of system when heat supplied. Level measurement addresses essential knowledge and skill elements associated with measuring level.INTRODUCTION Level measuring instruments are used to measure fluid (liquid or gas) level either continuously or discrete depending on the type of application. Attenuation based level measurement / Radiation based level measurement 4. Different types of level instruments work on different types of principles. Transmitters. which carries level information in the form of ac signals for control purpose. The selection of a particular level instrument depends on process parameters like pressure. Pressure based or Differential pressure based level measurement 2. Level switches are used to monitor high or low level of liquid depending on the set point. closed tank and open tank and the last condition applied on the temperature. Principles of Level Measurement The major principles in level measurement and its classification 1.e. temperature. Seals function as an extension of the level measurement. The head pressure of the liquid corresponds to its height multiplied by the specific gravity. The prudent selection of remote seals is important in maintaining a reasonable performance expectation of the pressure level measurement. The process is corrosive and requires frequent level measurement replacement. The process contains numerous solids or is viscous. Remote seals are useful when:  The process temperature is outside of the normal operating limits of the level    measurement and cannot be brought into those limits with impulse piping. The basic measurement of level follows the same principle as pressure level measurements without seals: pressure is proportional to level. . A differential pressure regulator across a rotameter maintains constant flow.There is several type of measurement in industry and one of it is level measurement with seals. Gas flow is regulated at a constant rate (usually at about 500 cc/min). Level measurement with seals allows the level measurement to be removed from direct contact with the process fluid. The process requires unusual materials of construction. One of the level measurement apparatus used in this experiment is bubbler tubes besides the bourdon gauge. There exists a need for easy cleaning of the process from the connections to avoid contamination between batches. The application requires the use of sanitary connections. Bubblers use compressed air or an inert gas (usually nitrogen) introduced through a dip pipe (Figure 1-A). either condition could plug the   impulse piping. the bubbler tubes provide a simple and inexpensive but less accurate (±12%) level measurement system for corrosive or slurry-type applications. while the tank level determines the back-pressure. a differential pressure gage or a d/p cell/level measurement. The two back-pressures on the two dip pipes can be connected to the two sides of a u-tube manometer.) so that the pressure drop is negligible. Also.Figure 1. An alternative to locating the dip pipe in the tank is to place it in an external chamber connected to the tank. The purge gas supply should be clean. two sets of dip pipes are needed to measure the level (Figure 1B). which can later accumulate and blanket processing equipment. the back-pressure is proportionally reduced and is read on a pressure gauge calibrated in percent level or on a manometer or level measurement. d/p cells typically are preferred to bubblers in the majority of applications. its tip should be notched with a slot or "V" to ensure the formation of a uniform and continuous flow of small bubbles. . An alternative to a the tank so that condensed process vapors will drain back into the tank if purge pressure is lost. When all factors are considered. They also require maintenance to ensure that the purge supply is always available and that the system is properly adjusted and calibrated. Level measurement device As the level drops. Bubblers do consume inert gases. The bottom end of the dip pipe should be located far enough above the tank bottom so that sediment or sludge will not plug it. and available at a pressure at least 10 psi greater than the expected maximum total pressure continuous bubbler is to use a hand pump (similar to a bicycle tire pump) providing purge air only when the level is being read. In pressurized tanks. dry. The pneumatic piping or tubing in a bubbler system should be sloped toward required (when the tank is full and the vapor pressure is at its maximum). The dip pipe should have a relatively large diameter (about 2 in. RESULTS Table 1 : Level measurement (Tank T1 as OPEN tank. Heater OFF) RUN 1 SET 1 SET 2 A Suggested Level (mm) 700 700 B Actual Level (LG)(mm) 700 700 C Actual Level (LI)(mm) 703 703 o D Temperature (TG)( C) 32 32 E Deviation = | B-C| (mm) 3 3 AVERAGE 700 700 703 32 3 A B C D E RUN 2 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 600 600 604 32 4 SET 2 600 600 604 32 4 AVERAGE 600 600 604 32 4 A RUN 3 Suggested Level (mm) SET 1 500 SET 2 500 AVERAGE 500 . Heater OFF) RUN 1 SET 1 SET 2 A Suggested Level (mm) 700 700 B Actual Level (LG)(mm) 700 700 C Actual Level (LI)(mm) 704 704 D Temperature (TG)(oC) 32 32 E Deviation = | B-C| (mm) 4 4 AVERAGE 700 700 704 32 4 A B C D E RUN 2 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 600 600 604 32 4 SET 2 600 600 604 32 4 AVERAGE 600 600 604 32 4 A B C D E RUN 3 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 500 500 503 32 3 SET 2 500 500 503 32 3 AVERAGE 500 500 503 32 3 A B C D RUN 4 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) SET 1 400 400 402 32 SET 2 400 400 402 32 AVERAGE 400 400 402 32 .B C D E Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) 500 507 32 7 500 507 32 7 500 507 32 7 A B C D E RUN 4 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 400 400 402 32 2 SET 2 400 400 402 32 2 AVERAGE 400 400 402 32 2 A B C D E RUN 5 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 300 300 302 32 2 SET 2 300 300 302 32 2 AVERAGE 300 300 302 32 2 Table 2 : Level measurement (Tank T1 as CLOSED tank. Condition Run 1 Open tank Heater off Closed tank Heater off Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 3 4 7 2 2 Average deviation 3.2 3.1 3 open tank closed tank Graph 1 : Standard deviation for heater off method .3 3.E Deviation = | B-C| (mm) 2 2 2 A B C D E RUN 5 Suggested Level (mm) Actual Level (LG)(mm) Actual Level (LI)(mm) Temperature (TG)(oC) Deviation = | B-C| (mm) SET 1 300 300 303 32 3 SET 2 300 300 303 32 3 AVERAGE 300 300 303 32 3 Summarized results .6 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.6 4 4 3 2 3 3.2 3. This experiment is conducted under two different conditions which is the first one is open tank and heater off while the other one is closed tank and heater off. Because density influences pressure of a liquid. is not affected by changes in density of the liquid as during run the experiment. this will make the accuracy of pressure level indicator to drop. So. The measurement for heater off. Instrument calibration is intended to eliminate or reduce bias in an instrument's readings over a range for all continuous values.2. the density of water is also changed.DISCUSSION Calibration is the process of evaluating and adjusting the precision and accuracy of measurement equipment. a summarization of data is tabulated in graph 1. the density of liquid is decreased. when the temperature inside tank is changed. Based on data tabulated on table 1 and table 2. as the temperature increased. From the graph. the level of . we can see that in heater off condition open tank contribute the most to the value of deviation at 3. Basically. Proper calibration of an instrument allows people to have a safe working environment and produce valid data for future reference. the change in the accuracy will increase the standard deviation which is difference between readings from the sight glass with the reading from the level indicator. Based on theory. which is sighted glass. Calibration refers to the act of evaluating and adjusting the precision and accuracy of measurement equipment.6 rather than closed tank at 3. 2. CONCLUSION The two type of measurement have been compare between open and closed tank. at sight glass with millimetre scale (LG) which is the indirect measurement. We can conclude that. It is because. closed tank system with heater off give less deviation than open tank system. the pressure is adjusted to increase the level of pressure rises there of many error. In addition. during take of reading. we also must check or ensure there are no troubles shooting before run the . the eye should sharp to the level. During the closed tank. The tank as open tank and heater has the highest reading difference of the level indicator and direct with indirect measurement. RECOMMENDATION For the recommendation. When the heater off condition and open tank contribute the most to the value of deviation at 3.6 rather than closed tank at 3.water inside the tank should be set at the suggested level by monitored the reading at the sighted glass. Hence. density influence pressure of liquid. the change in the accuracy will increase the standard deviation which is difference between readings from the sight glass with the reading from the level indicator. dip stick Sight glasses How depth of a liquid does correspond to changes in liquid pressure? Can a pressure transmitter be used to measure the level? . Connection between high operating pressure and low hydrostatic pressure easy to occur. Name the two methods of level measurement used in the experiment. List and explain the most common reasons for measuring level. It is also a very simple systems employ external sight glasses or tubes to view the height and hence the volume of the fluid. 2.   3. safety. inventory. we must avoid the error and double check for the trouble shooting error. Obstructed sensing lines and draining sensing line also must be check. so we must check the connection before run the experiment. Level is measured in many of the processes in the industry.  The level of measurement help to decide how to explain the data from variable values and help to decide statistical analysis.experiment. Hence. TUTORIAL 1. Level is measured for the purpose of process efficiency. to get the accurate result. consistent supply of materials and custody transfer. clogged with particulate inaccurate reading . The differential pressure transmitter is used to measure level in an open tank or closed tank system. Discuss how this is done. the density of the material being measured must remain constant. pressure transmitter can be used to measure level. The difference in pressure between the high and the low side causes the diaphragm of the pressure cell to move. These transmitters have both a low pressure and a high pressure connection in order to make them a differential pressure transmitter. The high pressure side is connected to the port near the bottom of the vessel to sense the weight of the material above it in the vessel. A differential pressure transmitter is located somewhere near the bottom of the vessel. The pressure became greater when the deeper into water due to the weight of water pressing down on it.  Connections  High pressure and low hydrostatic pressure easy to occur  Actual level high and indicated level is low  Over-pressuring  fail immediately or diaphragm become distorted  low and high reading  Obstructed sensing lines  Small diameter . Hence. 5. the higher the depth the higher the change in liquid pressure. 4.  We can get the measurement by rising the water until it overflows. In non-pressurized vessels the low pressure side may simply be vented to atmosphere but pressure vessels require that the low pressure side be connected to the vapor space above the level. Discuss briefly the possible errors affecting the accuracy in pressure/ level measurement as observed in the experiment. In order for the weight to level conversion to be accurate. Yes.  Sluggish respond to level changes  To overcome periodic draining and flushing  Draining sensing line  To remove debris  Leaking 6. What are the main objectives of a wet lag calibration?   To vaporised liquid which will be condensate by atmosphere level . com/articles/2009/guidetopressureleveltrans0902/. Available at: http://www.com/global/scot/scot206. Third Edition. Available at: http://www. J. Omega Transaction in Measurement & Control Series.controlglobal. 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