


LET ReviewPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Mr. Angelo A. Unay How does measurement differ from 1 evaluation? A. Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is giving meaning to the numerical value of the trait. B. Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process of organizing data. C. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of testing. D. Measurement is gathering data while assessment is quantifying the data gathered. Miss del Sol rated her students in terms of 2 appropriate and effective use of some laboratory equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss del Sol use? A. Portfolio Assessment B. Journal Assessment C. Traditional Assessment D. Performance-Based Assessment who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who among her students understood what she was trying to stress. Corpuz. who gave a 10-item test to find out the specific lessons which the students failed to understand. Ms. Who among the teachers below performed a formative evaluation? 3 A. Mr. Olivares. B. Borromeo. who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils. Berces. D. C. . Ms. who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine the outcome of instruction. Mrs. . Standardized test is valid while teacher-made test is just reliable. Standardized test uses multiple-choice format while teacher-made test uses the essay test format. B. Andrews School gave a standardized achievement test instead of giving a teacher-made 4 test to the graduating elementary pupils. D. C. Which could have been the reason why this was the kind of test given? A. St. Standardized test is used for mastery while teacher- made test is used for survey. Standardized test has items of average level of difficulty while teacher-made test has varying levels of difficulty. True-False C. Short-Answer B. Multiple Choice . Matching Type D. 5 Which test format is best to use if the purpose of the test is to relate inventors and their inventions? A. Table of Specifics B. 6 In the parlance of index of test construction. Table of Scopes D. Terms of Specifications C. Table of Specifications . what does TOS mean? A. Convergent B.” Under what type of question does this item fall? A. form generalizations that are supported by the data. Divergent . Application D.Here is an item: 7 “From the data presented in the table. Evaluative C. Instructional objective C. Learner’s objective B. Teacher’s objective D. 8 The following are synonymous to performance objectives EXCEPT: A. Behavioral objective . C. D. Danny spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly. . Danny performed better in spelling than 60% of his classmates. Danny was able to spell 90% of the words correctly. B. Danny was able to spell 90% of the words correctly and spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly. 9 Which is (are) a norm-referenced statement? A. It is open to more than one correct answer. The length of the blank suggests the answer. C. The central problem is not packed in the stem. D. The blank is at the end of the question. .Which guideline in test construction is NOT 10 observed in this test item? EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE __________. B. A. Multiple Choice D. 11 Which does NOT belong to the group? A. Alternate Response . Matching C. Completion B. 12 A test is considered reliable if: A. it is consistent and stable. C. it is easy to score. D. it is easy to administer. . it served the purpose for which it is constructed. B. 13 Which is claimed to be the overall advantage of criterion-referenced over norm-referenced interpretation? A. An individual’s score is compared with the average scores. An individual’s score is compared with the set mastery level. . B. D. C. An individual’s score does not need to be compared with any measure. An individual’s score is compared with that of his peers. Which of the following does she do? A. D. . She describes group performance in relation to a set mastery level. She compares every individual student score with others’ scores. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.Teacher Liza does 14 norm-referenced interpretation of scores. She describes what should be their performance. B. C. All examinees obtained scores below 15 the mean. Positively skewed . A graphic representation of the score distribution will be __________. Perfect normal curve C. Negatively skewed B. Leptokurtic D. A. Two SDs above the mean C. a T-score of 70 is: A. One SD below the mean D. Two SDs below the mean B. 16 In a normal distribution curve. One SD above the mean . 17 Which type of test measures higher-order thinking skills? A. Analogy . Enumeration B. Completion D. Matching C. Mother Teresa What is WRONG with this item? A. D. Kennedy B. Content is trivial. . There is a cue to the right answer. B. Test item is opinion-based.Who is the best admired for outstanding contribution to world peace? 18 A. C. Clinton D. Item is overly specific. Kissinger C. 19 The strongest disadvantage of the alternate- response type of test is: A. the encouragement of rote memory D. the high possibility of guessing . the demand for critical thinking B. the absence of analysis C. symmetrical . 20 A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution will most likely to be: A. skewed to the left D. skewed to the right C. leptokurtic B. which is the most subjective in scoring? A. Matching Type C. Essay D. Enumeration B. Multiple Choice . 21 Of the following types of tests. B. 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score lower than 23. D. . 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score above 23. What does this imply? A. 22 Tom’s raw score in the Filipino class is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. Tom’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates. Tom’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates. C. planning effective instructional devices D. identifying pupil’s difficulties C. comparing test scores . 23 Test norms are established in order to have a basis for: A. establishing learning objectives B. 24 The score distribution follows a normal curve. What does this mean? A. Most of the scores are on the -2SD. B. Most of the scores are on the +2SD. C. The scores coincide with the mean. D. Most of the scores pile up between -1SD and +1SD. 25 In her conduct of item analysis, Teacher Cristy found out that a significantly greater number from the upper group of the class got test item #5 correctly. This means that the test item: A. Has a negative discriminating power B. Is valid C. Is easy D. Has a positive discriminating power 26 Mr. Reyes tasked his students to play volleyball. What learning target is he assessing? A. Knowledge B. Skill C. Products D. Reasoning B. She answered 80 items correctly. D. This indicates that: A. She got a score of 80. 27 Martina obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. . C. She surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees. She surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees. 28 Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments for a period for evaluation purposes? A. Observation Report D. Diary . Anecdotal Records B. Portfolio C. Indirect . Contrived B. 29 Which form of assessment is consistent with the saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating?” A. Traditional D. Authentic C. Generosity Error B. Central Tendency Error C. Severity Error D. Logical Error . 30 Which error do teachers commit when they tend to overrate the achievement of students identified by aptitude tests as gifted because they expect achievement and giftedness to go together? A. . An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score. D. C. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment. B. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge. 31 Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based? A. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech C. Display of speeches delivered . Writing speeches B. 32 Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how well my students can speak extemporaneously? A. Performance test in extemporaneous speaking D. Placement C. Standardized test B. Diagnostic D. Aptitude test . 33 Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine which particular skill(s) her pupils are weak in. which test should Teacher J give? A. Classifying C. A. Generalizing D. Inferring B. Comparing . 34 “Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on __________. A. keeping the options brief indicates________. 35 In a multiple choice test. Inclusion in the item any word that must otherwise repeated in each response . Non-inclusion of option that mean the same C. Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the use in the correct answer B. Plausibility & attractiveness of the item D. Home visitation D. 36 Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with and relating to people? A. Conducting a mock election . Writing articles on working and relating to people B. Organizing a community project C. Formative evaluation D. 37 While she is in the process of teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in? A. Norm-referenced evaluation . Criterion-referenced evaluation B. Teacher J finds out if her students understand what she is teaching. Summative evaluation C. Short answer . 38 With types of test in mind. which does NOT belong to the group? A. Completion C. Multiple choice D. Restricted response essay B. Stylistic tests D. Locus-of-control tests . Sentence Completion tests C. 39 Which tests determine whether the students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass on responsibility for their own behavior to other people? A. Thematic tests B. 40 When writing performance objectives. Comprehend D. which word is NOT acceptable? A. Integrate . Delineate C. Manipulate B. The blank is at the beginning of the sentence. It is a very short question. D. It is an insignificant test item. It is very elementary. What is defective with the test item? A. C.Here is a test item: 41 __________ is an example of a mammal. B. . emphasis. A. 42 “By observing unity. write a short paragraph on taking examinations. and variety. Recall . Synthesize D. Evaluate B. coherence.” This is an item that test the students’ skill to __________. Comprehend C. B. and circumstances. Make list of items heterogeneous. List options in an alphabetical order. peoples. . In her columns of items are a combination of events. Provide three or more options. D. C. Which of the following guidelines in constructing matching type of test did he violate? A. 43 Teacher A constructed a matching type of test. Make list of items homogeneous. 45 A number of items in a test are said to be non- discriminating. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it. II only D. What conclusion/s can be drawn? I. I and III C. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right. III. A. II. I only B. II and III . Teaching or learning was very good. Application C. Comprehension B. At what level of cognition is it? A. 46 Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. Analysis . Evaluation D. C. . The item should give more clues. D. A. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers. 47 Which improvement/s should be done in this completion test item: An example of a mammal is __________. B. The question should have only one acceptable answer. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence. To what factors can Alzheimer’s Disease be traced? Explain. Can Alzheimer’s Disease be traced to old age? Explain. . Do young people get attacked by Alzheimer’s Disease? Support your answer. C. B. What is Alzheimer’s Disease? D.” Which is a valid test for this particular objective? A.Here is Teacher D’s lesson objective: 48 “To trace the causes of Alzheimer’s Disease. Content Validity C. Reliability B. Construct Validity D. Scorability . 49 What characteristic of a good test will pupils be assured of when a teacher constructs a table of specifications for test construction purposes? A. Construct the options in such a way that the grammar of the sentence remains correct. . it measures what purports to measure 50 b.A test is valid when __________. Pack the question in the stem. Make the options parallel. Make the length of the options uniform. D. easy to administer How can you improve this test item? A. covers a broad scope of subject matter c. reliability of scores d. B. C. a. 51 In taking a test. Administrability C. Economy . This implies a problem on which characteristic of a good test? A. one examinee approached the proctor for clarification on what to do. Objectivity B. Scorability D. she has only one test and her students are already on their semestral break. 52 Teacher Jane wants to determine if her students’ scores in the second grading is reliable. What test of reliability can she use? A. Test-Retest B. Equivalent forms D. Test-Retest with equivalent forms . Split-half C. However. Cruz has only one form of test and she administered her test only once. 53 Mrs. Test of equivalence C. Test of stability B. Test of internal consistency . What test of reliability can she do? A. Test of correlation D. 5 . 44. 44 D. Class Limits 50 – 54 Frequency 9 54 45 – 49 12 40 – 44 16 35 – 39 8 30 – 34 5 What is the lower limit of the class with highest frequency? A. 40 C.5 B. 39. 44 . 40 B.5 D. 42. 42 C. Class Limits 50 – 54 Frequency 9 55 45 – 49 12 40 – 44 16 35 – 39 8 30 – 34 5 What is the crude mode? A. 56 About what percent of the cases falls between +1 and -1 SD in a normal curve? A. 95. 99. 68.8% D.1% B.4% C. 43.3% . Math . English B.Study this group of test which was administered to a class to whom Peter belongs. then answer the 57 question: SUBJECT MEAN SD PETER’S SCORE Math 56 10 43 Physics 41 9 31 English 80 16 109 In which subject(s) did Peter perform most poorly in relation to the group’s mean performance? A. Physics C. English and Physics D. Physics C. Cannot be determined D. Math B. English . then answer the 58 question: SUBJECT MEAN SD PETER’S SCORE Math 56 10 43 Physics 41 9 31 English 80 16 109 In which subject(s) were the scores most widespread? A.Study this group of test which was administered to a class to whom Peter belongs. Mean Percentage Score B. Which statistical measure should be used to identify the top 15? A. 59 A mathematics test was given to all Grade V pupils to determine the contestants for the Math Quiz Bee. Percentile Rank D. Percentage Score . Quartile Deviation C. D. B. Make it a bonus and reject it. 60 A test item has a difficulty index of . C. What should the teacher do? A.44. Retain the item. Reject the item. .89 and a discrimination index of -0. Make it a bonus item. II only B. I and II D. That the scores show how students performed in relation to an absolute measure A. 61 What is/are important to state when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents? I. III only . I and III C. What group took the test II. That the scores show how students performed in relation to other students III. To discourage students from cheating during test and getting high scores D. To certify the students have attained a level of competence in a subject area C. To motivate students to learn and master the materials they think will be covered by the achievement test . 62 Which of the following reasons for measuring student achievement is NOT valid? A. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process B. D.75. What does this mean? A. 63 The computed r for English and Math scores is -0. . C. the higher the scores in Math. The higher the scores in English. The lower the scores in English. B. The scores in Math and English do not have any relationship. The higher the scores in Math. the lower the scores in Math. the lower the scores in English. A.Which statement holds TRUE to grades? 64 Grades __________. Are exact measurements of intelligence and achievement B. Are a measure of achievement . Are intrinsic motivators for learning D. Are necessarily a measure of a student’s intelligence C. Test results can easily be assessed. C. All of the above . 65 What is the advantage of using computers in processing test results? A. B. D. Its statistical computation is accurate. Its processing takes a shorter period of time. Select the type of test items to use. 1 Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an achievement test? A. . Go back to the instructional objectives. C. B. Set-up a table of specifications. D. Determine the length of the test. The language used in the question is not precise. I and II . I and III B. The blank is near the beginning of a sentence. Why is this test item poor? 2 I. The test item does not pose a problem to the examinee. There is a variety of possible correct answers to this item. II.__________________ is an example of a leafy vegetable. I and IV D. A. IV. II and IV C. III. placement test C. diagnostic test B.On the first day of class after introductions. criterion-referenced test D. She explained that she wanted to know what the class as a whole already knew about the Philippines before the Spaniards came. The Misconception/Preconception Check is a form of a A. achievement test . the teacher administered a Misconception/ 3 Preconception Check. Revise the item.13. C. What should the test constructor do? A.A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and a 4 discrimination index of . Reject the item. . Make it a bonus item. D. Retain the item. B. ” C.If a teacher wants to measure her students’ 5 ability to discriminate. “Group the following items according to shape. B. “Summarize the lesson yesterday. “Outline the chapter on The Cell”.” D.” . which of these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction? A. “State a set of principles that can explain the following events. C. more from the lower group got the item correctly. the test item has low reliability. more from the upper group got the item correctly. the test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups. B.A positive discrimination index means that 6 A. D. . Which tool must have helped her discover her pupils’ strength? A. Journal Entry D.Teacher Ria discovered that her pupils are 7 very good in dramatizing. Pen-and-Paper test . Portfolio Assessment B. Performance Assessment C. To run a 100-meter dash C.Which among the following objectives in the 8 psychomotor domain is highest in level? A. To distinguish distant and close sounds D. To contract a muscle B. To dance the basic steps of the waltz . Concurrent B. Content D. it can be said that LET possesses __________ validity.If your LET items sample adequately the 9 competencies listed in education courses syllabi. Construct C. Predictive . A. It utilizes so much time. . It lacks reliability. what is one weakness of the pen-and-paper test? A. D. 10 In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences. B. It is not easy to administer. C. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage. 11 Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength? A. Objective Test B. Essay D. Problem Type . Short Answer Test C. 12 Quiz is to formative as periodic is to ________? A. criterion-referenced B. summative test C. norm-referenced D. diagnostic test 13 What does a negatively skewed score distribution imply? A. The score congregate on the left side of the normal distribution curve. B. The scores are widespread. C. The students must be academically poor. D. The scores congregate on the right side of the normal distribution. The criterion of success in Teacher Lyn’s objective is that “the pupils must be able 14 to spell 90% of the words correctly”. Ana and 19 others correctly spelled 40 words only out of 50. This means that Teacher Lyn: A. attained her objective because of her effective spelling drill B. attained her lesson objective C. failed to attain her lesson objective as far as the twenty pupils are concerned D. did not attain her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention C. percentile rank of the examinee is: A. B. 15 In group norming. . affected by skewed distribution. D. independent on his batch of examinees. unaffected by skewed distribution. dependent on his batch of examinees. is very valid B. is not highly reliable D. this implies that the test item: A. is highly reliable . is not very valid C. 16 When a significantly greater number from the lower group gets a test item correctly. The mean will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency. 17 Which applies when there are extreme scores? A. D. B. . The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency. There is no reliable measure for central tendency. C. B. They emphasize merely process. 18 Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE? A. . They stress on doing. Essay tests are examples of performance-based assessments. D. C. not only knowing. They accentuate on process as well as product. Why most of the scores are high C. A. what should you do? Find out_________________. Why your items were easy B. Why most of the scores are low D.If the scores of your test follow a negatively 19 skewed distribution. Why some pupils scored high . Distance D. Volume C. A. Area B. 20 Median is to point as standard deviation is to __________. Square . Teachers must adhere to it no matter what. which statement on the normal curve is FALSE? 21 A. When all pupils achieve as expected of their learning. C. D. The normal curve may not be achieved when every pupil acquires targeted competencies. B. The normal curve is sacred.Referring to assessment of learning. curve may deviate from the normal curve. The normal curve may not necessarily apply to homogeneous class. . She is better in spelling than in arithmetic. C.Aura Vivian is one-half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic 22 and one standard deviation above in spelling. B. She excels both is arithmetic and spelling. D. What does this imply? A. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic. . and 91. 91. the mean B. an average of the median and mode D. 23 while the other 22 students in the class make scores ranging from 33 to 67. the median . the mode C. respectively.You give a 100-point test. three students make scores of 95. The measure of central tendency which is apt to best describe this group of 25 is: A. 24 NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against a set of mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under: A. Criterion-referenced test B. Achievement test C. Aptitude test D. Norm-referenced test 25 Which of the following is the MOST important purpose for using achievement test? To measure the_______. A. Quality & quantity of previous learning B. Quality & quantity of previous teaching C. Educational & vocational aptitude D. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring. 26 What should be AVOIDED in arranging the items of the final form of the test? A. Space the items so they can be read easily. B. Follow a definite response pattern for the correct answers to ensure ease of scoring. C. Arrange the sections such that they progress from the very simple to very complex. D. Keep all the items and options together on the same page. It does away with establishing clear distinctions among students. 27 What is an advantage of point system of grading? A. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring. C. It is precise. B. It is qualitative. D. . The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s scores. . 28 Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT? A. A raw score by itself is meaningful. B. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness. C. D. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability. Which method is questioned for its reliability due to practice and familiarity? A. Test-Retest D. Equivalent Forms C. Split-half B. 29 Below is a list of methods used to establish the reliability of the instrument. Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 . 49th percentile . 50th percentile D. 25th percentile C. 30 Q3 is to 75th percentile as median is to: A. 40th percentile B. Wrist A. Hand B. Fingers C. Short answer type D. Analogy B. Rearrangement type C.What type of test is this? 31 Knee is to leg as elbow is to __________. A. Problem type . Arm D. the more spread the scores are. C. D. the more spread the scores are. It is a measure of central tendency. B. the less spread the scores are. The higher the SD. 32 Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT? A. The higher the SD. The lower the SD. . Test items that are a bit difficult. 33 Which test items do NOT affect variability of test scores? A. Test items that every examinee gets correctly. B. Test items that are a bit easy. Test items that are moderate in difficulty. D. C. . Portfolio Assessment B. Paper-and-pencil Test . Journal Entry C. Which tool is most appropriate? A. 34 Teacher B wants to diagnose in which vowel sound(s) her students have difficulty. Performance Test D. Gained mastery over the item. What does this mean? My students __________.10. A. Found that the test item was either easy nor difficult. C. Performed very well against expectation. Find the test item difficult. 35 The index of difficulty of a particular test is 0. D. . B. Physics and Math B. English C.Study this group of test which was administered with the following results. then answer the question 36 that follows: SUBJECT MEAN SD RONNEL’S SCORE Math 56 10 43 Physics 41 9 31 English 80 16 109 In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform best in relation to the group’s mean performance? A. Math D. Physics . Bell curve B. 37 Which applies when the distribution is concentrated on the left side of the curve? A. Positively skewed C. Leptokurtic D. Negatively skewed . range D. mode C. Pearson r . A. quartile B. 38 Standard deviation is to variability as _________ is to central tendency. Validity D. Reliability C. The test is said to possess __________. Objectivity B. 39 Danny takes an IQ test thrice and each time earns a similar score. A. Scorability . shelve the item for future use C. 40 The test item has a discrimination index of -0.38 and a difficulty index of 1. reject the item D. recast the item B. retain the item .0. What does this imply to test construction? Teacher must __________. A. The test item is quoted verbatim from a textbook. . The test item was vague. The test item contains trivial detail. C. B. D. A specific determiner was used in the statement.Here is a sample TRUE-FALSE test item: All women have a longer life-span than men. 41 What is wrong with the test item? A. 10 .50 C. .0 B. . .90 D. 1. 42 In which competency do my students find greatest difficulty? In the item with the difficulty index of: A. 43 “Describe the reasoning errors in the following paragraph” is a sample thought question on __________. synthesizing B. analyzing D. A. summarizing . applying C. He got a score above the mean. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score. C. He got 70 items correct. D. 44 In a one hundred-item test. what does Ryan’s raw score of 70 mean? A. B. . The letter marked with an asterisk in the correct answer. which is the most effective distracter? A. Option B D. Option D . Option A B. Option C C.Study the table on item analysis for non- attractiveness and non-plausibility of distractors 45 based on the results of a multiple choice tryout test in math. A* B C D Upper 27% 10 4 1 1 Lower 27% 6 6 2 0 Based on the table. 93. 12. 90. 85. 18. 34. Skewed to the right D. Tri-modal C. 46 Here is a score distribution: 98. 1. 6. 8. 15. Bi-modal B. 88. 20. 87. 70. 51. 3. 9. 34. 93. 85. 34. 93. No discernible pattern . Which is a characteristic of the score distribution? A. 85. Mean . Mode B. Median D. 47 Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is badly skewed? A. Mean and mode C. D. this will court a lot of complaints later. C. No. . grades and how they are derived are highly confidential. Yes. so that from the very start. students and their parents know how grades are derived. but orientation must be only for our immediate customers. the students. B. Yes. No. 48 Is it wise to practice to orient our students and parents on our grading system? A. Paper-and-Pencil Test C. Scoring Rubric . which is indispensable? A. 49 With the current emphasis on self-assessment and performance assessment. Numerical grading B. Transmutation Table D. A. what is most likely to happen when…?” is a sample thought question on __________. justifying . synthesizing D. generalizing C. 50 “In the light of the facts presented. inferring B. Tends to look down on students’ answers B. A. what is meant by teacher’s severity error? A teacher __________. Gives unannounced quizzes . Uses tests and quizzes as punitive measures C. Tends to give extremely low grades D. 51 With grading practice in mind. Rubric B. Semantic Differential Scale . What kind of instrument was given? A. 52 Ms. Ramos gave a test to find out how the students feel toward their subject Science. Rating Scale D. Likert-scale C. Her first item was stated as “Science is an interesting _ _ _ _ _ boring subject. . 53 Which holds true to standardized tests? A. They are used for assigning grades. They are used for comparative purposes. D. They are administered differently. C. B. They are scored according to different standards. 54 What is simple frequency distribution? A graphic representation of: A. raw scores D. means B. lowest and highest scores . standard deviation C. 55 When points in a scattergram are spread evenly in all directions this means that: A. The correlation between two variables is positive. B. The correlation between two variables is low. C. The correlation between two variables is high. D. There is no correlation between two variables. 56 Which applies when skewness is 0? A. Mean is greater than the median. B. Median is greater than the mean. C. Scores have 3 modes. D. Scores are normally distributed. 57 Which process enhances the comparability of grades? A. Determining the level of difficulty of the test B. Constructing departmentalized examinations for each subject area C. Using table of specifications D. Giving more high-level questions A large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades D. what does the normal curve mean? A. A large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades. 58 In a grade distribution. B. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high grades . All students having average grades. C. which is a source of teacher performance? A. Student’s evaluation D. Peer evaluation . 59 For professional growth. Supervisory evaluation C. Self-evaluation B. EXCEPT: A. conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed C. 60 The following are trends in marking and reporting system. indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement B. supplementing subject grade with checklist on traits . raising the passing grade from 75 to 80 D. “Diligence is the mother of good fortune.” . never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes. its opposite. And idleness.Miguel de Cervantes . Contact Details  E-mail address: [email protected] . Stress on summative tests B. Emphasis on self-assessment D. C. Absence of formative tests. Emphasis on grades and honors . 1 Which goes with the spirit of “assessment for learning?” A. Scoring rubric C. Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and student D. Public display of results of self- evaluation B. External monitor . 2 Which must go with self-assessment for it to be effective? A. keep adequate records . A. measure the value of the material taught C. measure gains in learning D. accustom the students to frequent testing B. 3 The main purpose in administering a pretest and a posttest to students is to_________. III. I. Give specific feedback to students IV. I. I. II. II and III D. formative and summative tests. II. II. A. II and IV . Teach based on pre-test results. Conduct a pre-test. III and IV C. which will I do more most likely? I. Conduct peer tutoring for students in need of help. 4 If I favor “assessment for learning”. III and IV B. 5 A teacher would use a standardized test ___________. A. to compare her students to national norms D. to engage in easy scoring B. to serve as a final examination C. to serve as a unit test . Norm-referenced evaluation D. What is Teacher K interested to do? A. Criterion-referenced evaluation . Formative evaluation B. 6 Other than finding out how well the course competencies were met. Authentic evaluation C. Teacher K also wants to know his students’ performance when compared with other students in the country. C. Administer the posttest. Go through the lesson quickly in order not to skip any. B. Go through the unit as usual because it is part of the syllabus. Go on to the next unit. 7 If all of your students in your class passed the pretest. . D. what should you do? A. gives valid and reliable paper-and pencil test C. gives students real-life tasks to accomplish D. includes parents in the determination of assessment procedures . considers students’ suggestions in testing B. 8 Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher ____________. A. Content validity D. Objectivity B. Reliability . Her check-up quiz was a written test on the steps of cross stitching. 9 Teacher Bing wanted to teach the pupils the skill of cross-stitching. What characteristics of a good test does it lack? A. Predictive validity C. Terms of Specifications C. 10 In the parlance index of a test construction. Team of Specifications B. Table of Specifications D. Table of Specifics . what does TOS mean? A. 11 The difficulty index of a test item is 1. nobody got the item correctly D. the test item is quality item B. the test is very difficult . the test is very easy C. This means that ____________. A. 76. 78. Cutoff score C. 12 Students’ scores on a test were 72. 85. Mean B. Median D. 73. 81. A. 74. 83. 72. The score 76 is the __________. Average . C. The scores are low. The group tested has two different groups. The scores are neither high nor low . 13 Which is TRUE of a bimodal score distribution? A. D. The scores are high. B. 75 SD C. A. 14 Which group of scores is most varied? The group with __________.50 SD .10 SD B. . . .90 SD D. . Teaching or learning was very good. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right. I and II D. What conclusion/s can be drawn? I. 15 A number of test items in a test are said to be non-discriminating. II. II and III . The item is so difficult that nobody could get it. III only C. II only B. A. III. 16 An examinee whose score is within X + 1 SD belongs to which of the following groups? A. Above average D. Needs improvement B. Average C. Below average . Almost all students had average performance. Most students performed poorly. D. A few students performed excellently. 17 What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution? A. C. . B. Most students performed well. 18 What does a percentile rank of 62 mean? A. C. The student’s scores is higher than 62 percent of all students who took the test. It is the student’s score in the test. . The student answered sixty-two percent (62%) of the items correctly. D. Sixty-two percent (62%) of those who took the test scored higher than the individual. B. Student A has 50-50 percent chance to be admitted. Student A will not be admitted. Student A will be admitted. 19 In an entrance examination. Student A has a 75-percent chance to be admitted. C. which is likely to happen? A. B. student A’s Percentile is 25 (P25). D. . Based on this percentile rank. 68? A. 68.88 D. 54.88 B. 50. 51. 68 . 42. 45. 50. 20 What is the mean of this score distribution: 40. 50 C. 48. 52. Most of the scores are on the upper end of the curve. D. Most of the scores are on the lower end of the curve. 21 What does a skewed score distribution mean? A. C. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end of the normal curve. B. . The scores are normally distributed. Most of the elementary teacher examines obtained a score of 44. None of the elementary teacher examines got a score below 44.3.3. What does this mean? A. .3 is the best single value that represents the performance of the elementary teacher examinees as a whole. C. 44. 50% of the elementary teacher examinees got a score of at least 44. 21 Suppose that in the April 2008 LET the mean in the professional education test for the elementary group was 44. B. D. Poor D. What descriptive rating should his teacher give him? A. Soc obtained a score of 16. Below Average C. Above Average . Average B. 22 In a 50-item test where the mean is 20 and the standard deviation is 8. Which statement is TRUE of the score distributions? A. D.2. Majority of the scores in Set A are clustered around the mean. Majority of the scores in Set are clustered around the mean.7 while Set B has an SD of 3. The scores of Set B has less variability than the scores in Set A. B. . C. Scores in Set A are more widely scattered. 23 The score distribution of Set A and Set B have equal mean but with different SDs. Set A has an SD of 1. A student mark compares his achievement to his effort. What does this 24 expression refer to? A. B. A student mark tells how closely he is achieving to his potential.Principal A is talking about “grading on the curve” in a faculty meeting. . D. C. A student grade determines whether or not a student attains a defined standard of achievement. A student grade or mark depends on how his achievement compares with the achievement of other students in a class. “A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. the smaller the fraction. The larger the denominator.” . com .Contact Details  E-mail address: unaygelo@gmail.
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