Lesson Plan in English 6

May 30, 2018 | Author: Divina Arena | Category: Grammatical Number, Plural, Verb, Morphology, Semiotics



Department of EducationRegion III Division of Bulacan District of Angat SULUCAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sulucan, Angat, Bulacan A Detailed Lesson Plan In English VI (Nouns that are Plural in form but Singular in meaning) Prepared by: ______________________ DIVINA S. ARENA Student Teacher Approved by: _________________________________ MA. LOURDES T. ALVAREZ Cooperating Teacher Noted by: _________________________________ LYDIA T. VELUNTA Ed. D Principal III August 14, 2015 A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH VI pp 120-121 English for Grade Six. pictures flash cards. show me card III. Subject Matter: Nouns that are Plural in form but Singular in meaning References: PELC II 5.) leader will report their . Prayer Stand up and let us pray. 3. 96 Materials: sentence strips/chart.1 PELC 6. Greetings Good morning class! Pupil’s Activity (The pupils will pray. Objectives:  Use nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning Values: Working well with others. Checking of Attendance Let us check your attendance by (The group group attendance. 2.) Good morning Ma’am Divina.23 Growing in English (Language) pp. Patience II.I. Good morning Classmate! It’s nice to see you. 87-89 Mastering Communication Skills English 6. pentel pen. Preparatory Activities 1. p. p. Good morning Visitors. cartolina. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity A. Pronunciation Drill Class I will divided you into four groups. 6. And made tea in his hat. ) correct pronunciation. Select all the nouns and write their plural form. Math is necessary in our day-to-day activities because math we always Let the pupils sing the song .teas hat – hats border. and clear. But the weatherman say (The pupils will sing.4. (Thu pupil will raise their hand.skies b.men cat. Review Read the limerick.” I enjoy Mathematics b. Checking of Assignment Do we have an assignment? Yes. c.cats tea. a. /z/ /s/ winds cars brooks leaves trains pets birds sirens roofs newsboys airplanes beliefs peddlers sounds cats 7. (The pupils will sing.borders     chick . There was an old man on the border Who lived in the utmost disorder.chicks rooster – roosters weatherman – weathermen sky. our picnic is today.) “That the sky will be sunny a. Motivation d. I like Mathematics. Which vexed all the folks on the border. Ma’am. Math is an interesting subject. Each group need to (The group of student will pronounce the pronounce the given nouns with given nouns with correct pronunciation.) 5. (The pupil will read the limerick. Energizing Song Let us sing “It our English time”. A chick and rooster whom I happened to hear was complaining sadly “Oh dear. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES 1.)      man .) B. He danced with the cat. Mother is a Mathematics teacher. What is the main idea of Francis’ talk? (The pupil will read the sentences.) Difficult? d. . Well I think I have the best teachers at home. Mr. and. Then now. This is Francis of Marbel Elementary School. Even before I went to school. Father is in aeronautics. use math in our daily routine. In school. Spend extra time in studying math. my eldest brother is a computer analyst. “How did I develop such wonderful and speedy computational skills? I believe it’s a matter of deep interest and constant correct practice. I usually do extra exercises in other books aside from my assignments. Yes. Listen as your classmate delivers a portion of Francis’ talk. Why? c. Why is this subject necessary in our day-to-day activities? 2. Who believe that Math is easy? (The pupils will listen attentively. b. How many like and enjoy Mathematics? b. how did Francis develop such wonderful and speedy computational skills. Mathematics”. What can you do to improve The underlined nouns are ending with –s. Be able to tell what the main idea is. The main idea of the talk is.“Mathematics.” a. Did you learn something from his talk? c. a. has taught me how to develop concentrations in analyzing problems and solving them. my teacher and coach. ANSWER a. I don’t miss the mathematics portion of the newspapers of magazine.)  b. Advance reading of the book. Presentation 1. c. Lim. Father would teach me how to work with numbers patiently. ) sentences:  How do underlined nouns end?  Explain to pupils that plural nouns usually ends in –s or – es. Discussion and Analysis Let the pupils read  Is and makes (The pupil will read and let them read each word pronouncing the –s ending correctly the as /s/ or /z/. third person and singular in number of the verb BE. of the verb make. and makes.your skills in Mathematics?  Display these sentences ( in sentence strips) and focus pupils’ attention to the underlined nouns. The nouns Mathematics and news are only two of the few nouns that are plural in form (-s/-es form) but singular in meaning. The news makes us glad. Mathematics is an interesting subject. gymnastics. Is. Billiards is a game which connects mathematics and football.   Acrobatics –flexibility. is the present form.  Show more of these nouns (on flashcards) and let them read each word pronouncing the –s ending correctly as /s/ or /z/. pilot (The pupil will answer.  Notice the verbs after Mathematics and news. 2. Aeronautics –air. Some nouns are plural in form but . Acoustics is the study of sounds.)  No. What verb form in the present tense is used to these nouns?  Is and makes are in the present tense and singular in number. airplane. news) important to know? 4. WOW. 1. Generalization Do all plural nouns ending in –s or –es mean also plural? 1. but they are singular in meaning and ask the pupils to tell something about each picture. 2. CORRECT 9. Measle) is a common illness among seven-year-old children and below. WOW. They agree with the –s or –es form of verbs on verb in the plural tense. CORRECT 5. Physics) is a difficult . (Economics. Economic) is Alfred’s best-liked subject. WOW. What are you reminded of if you come across the word acrobatics? Aeronautics? C. WOW. CORRECT For example: Acrobatics develops flexible bodies. E. Encourage them to make the noun the subject for their sentences. Is the (new. Acrobatics Civics Philippines Aeronautics Athletics Physics Billiards Series  Everyone Tonsillitis Mumps Measles Ethics   Study harder Patience United Nations The Netherlands  Brainstorm on each word. CORRECT 4. WOW. WOW. CORRECT 7. CORRECT 2. arms and legs. Valuing   How much work can be done if all work cooperatively? What value did you learn from Francis’ talk which we ANSWER (Measles. (The pupils will do the activity. 3. WOW. singular in number.) D.singular in meaning. CORRECT 6. (Physic. CORRECT 3. CORRECT 8. Fixing Skills  Show some pictures of nouns ending in –s or –es. CORRECT 10. WOW. WOW. WOW. scissors 7. The United States (is. Economics 2. Economic) is Alfred’s best-liked subject. a.need to practice? subject. (Physic. 1. Netherland) is having a serious problem on population. pants 9. are) the top project Each will underline the correct of the Science Adventure Club. b. Independent Choose the correct verb form. Aeronautics (interest. nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning. 2. news) important to know? 4. Physics) is a difficult subject. (Measles. interests) my brother a lot. tongs ANSWER 2. 5. 3. The first 4. 1. Practice Exercises The (Netherlands. management (is. linguistics wrong. stairs 5. The (Netherlands. Say “ WOW Correct” if the given noun is plural in form but singular in meaning and “WOW. (The pupils will do the activity. Is the (new. 5. . are) the study of right and 3. F. Measle) is a common illness among seven-year-old children and below. Civics (deal. Guided 3. physics 10. Give demonstration on waste each group1/4 manila paper. Netherland) is having a serious problem on population. measles 6.) WOW” if it is not. 4. receives the most recognition. are) one of the richest countries in the world. gymnastics 8. pliers 1. A series of lecture and Divide the class into four. deals) with good group to post on the board citizenship. 5. (Economics. Ethics (is. 4. (Economic. 1. EVALUATION Underline the correct answer. Mathematic)? 9. interests) my brother a lot. news 3. The United States (is. Civics (deal. economics 2. Have you studied (Physic. 3. dramatics)? V. 5. (Physic. 2. 3. 2. Aeronautics (interest. ASSIGNMENT Use the following nouns in good sentences. 1. Civics 5. new) is interesting to students. Ethics (is. Is the (new. Dramatics) gives a pleasant experience. are) the top project of the Science Adventure Club. How do you find (Mathematics. United States 4. (Mathematics.1. Physics) in high school? 8. electronics . Mathematic) is liked by few students. (Dramatic. are) one of the richest countries in the world. Have you joined the (dramatic. Physics) is a difficult subject. news) important to know? 10. (Measles. 4. Measle) is contagious. 7. IV. Economics) deals with financial knowledge. 5. deals) with good citizenship. 6. The (news. A series of lecture and demonstration on waste management (is. are) the study of right and wrong. 17. new) is interesting to students. Measle) is contagious. 15. Mathematic)? 9. Economics) deals with financial knowledge. (Economic. (Economic. Physics) in high school? 8. 7. Physics) in high school? 18. Economics) deals with financial knowledge. news) important to know? 10. (Measles. 5. (Dramatic. 3. (Physic. The (news. dramatics)? Name: Date: Underline the correct answer. Is the (new.Name: Date: Underline the correct answer. Measle) is contagious. Have you joined the (dramatic. Physics) is a difficult subject. (Physic. (Measles. new) is interesting to students. 1. (Dramatic. Have you joined the (dramatic. Have you studied (Physic. 6. Mathematic)? 19. 11. 14. Mathematic) is liked by few students. news) important to know? 20. Mathematic) is liked by few students. Dramatics) gives a pleasant experience. The (news. Have you studied (Physic. Is the (new. Physics) is a difficult subject. (Mathematics. 4. 13. dramatics)? . (Mathematics. How do you find (Mathematics. 12. Dramatics) gives a pleasant experience. 16. 2. How do you find (Mathematics.
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