Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II) Teacher(s) Name: Zach Anderson, Dana Davidson, Sara Lucas, Tara Miller Word Processed by: Tara Miller Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Maptastic Map Concepts! 3rd Grade Weebly address: Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 1 “Me on the Map!” Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal: What will students accomplish be able to do at the end of this lesson? Be sure to set significant (related to SSS/CCSS), challenging and appropriate learning goals! NCSS Themes Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) List each standard. Cutting and pasting from the website is allowed. Assessment How will student learning be assessed? Authentic/Alternative assessments? Does your assessment align with your objectives, standards and procedures? Informal assessment (multiple modes): participation rubrics, journal Students will be able to identify and use basic map elements. Learning Objectives: 1. The student will be able to identify himself or herself on a map. 2. The student will recognize why maps are important. 3. The student will identify the vocabulary associated with map concepts. 4. The student will recall the history of mapmaking. 5. The student will demonstrate “bird’s eye view” in regards to maps. NCSS theme(s): Individual Development and Identity People, Places, and Environments Language Arts Florida Standard(s): LAFS.3.W.2.4 – With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. LAFS.3.RI.2.4 – Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. LAFS.3.RI.3.7 – Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). LAFS.3.SL.1.1 – Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneonone, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. b. Follow agreedupon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). c. Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others. d. Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards: SS.3.G.1.2 – Review basic map elements (coordinate grid, cardinal and intermediate directions, title, compass rose, scale, key/legend with symbols. SS.3.G.1.4 – Name and identify the purpose of maps (physical, political, elevation, population). SS.3.A.1.3 – Define terms related to the social sciences. VA.3.C.1.1 – Use the artmaking process to develop ideas for selfexpression. Unit PreAssessment: Attached to Monday’s lesson plan. Will be given 2 weeks in advanced to test prior knowledge. Unit PostAssessment: Attached to Monday’s lesson plan. Informal assessment imbedded into a Day 5’s treasure mapmaking activity (see day 5 lesson plan). Ongoing daily (progressmonitoring) Assessment: Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II) entries, collaborative On Monday, students will create a flipbook. Every day the students will planning/presentation notes, etc. Design for Instruction Student Activities & Procedures What best practice strategies will be implemented? How will you communicate student expectations? What products will be developed and created by students? Consider Contextual Factors (learning differences/learning environment/learning styles) that may be in place in your future classroom. Exceptionalities What accommodations or modifications do you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented students, Learning/Reading disabilities (SLD), etc. review the flipbook and will add to it during and after the daily lesson. Review with probing questions through a class discussion, students are encouraged to look at their flipbooks. Selfassessment scale check with Comprehension Compass at the beginning and end of the lesson (Scale of 14). Scale is divided as follows: a. Level 1: I don’t understand yet. b. Level 2: I need more practice. c. Level 3: I understand and can do this by myself. d. Level 4: I can do this and explain it to someone else. Reading Block – Introduction to Maptastic Concepts 1. Students will listen to a read aloud of select passages from Where Am I? The Story of Maps and Navigation written and illustrated by: A.G. Smith. 2. Students will be asked probing questions to discuss with their shoulder partners: What is a cartographer? Why do we use maps? Have you ever used a map? Why have you used a map? Why are maps important? (ESOL/ESE – partner work. These students will be given photocopies of the passages with highlighted text.) 3. During the discussion, the Interactive White Board will be utilized to pull up maps and/or pictures that are relevant to the conversation. The class will create a virtual flipchart on ActiveInspire Studio on the Interactive White Board. (ESOL/ESE – the use of photos and maps will aid in comprehension) 4. After the discussion, students will write a double entry journal. They will chose two to three interesting facts we discussed and will react to it in their Language Arts Journal. Randomly selected students will add to their Double Entry Journal thoughts on the class virtual flipchart on the Interactive White Board. (ESOL/ESE – students will be allowed to draw pictures to express their thoughts) 5. Students will listen to a read aloud of Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney illustrated by Annette Cable. 6. After the read aloud and with a shoulder partner, students will be given a photo and a map of the photo. Students will be provided with a top hat organizer to compare and contrast the difference between a photo and a map. (ESOL/ESE accommodation – partner work and use of a graphic organizer) 7. Students will be brought together for a whole group discussion on the similarities and differences of photos and maps. During the discussion, there will be a top hat organizer on the interactive white board that students will be able to add their ideas to the class virtual flipchart. 8. During the discussion, the concept of a “bird’s eye view” will be discovered. When this happens, a prop of a bird will be used to explain how cartographers use bird’s eye view. (ESOL/ESE accommodation – use of prop to show bird’s eye view) 9. At the end of the whole group discussion, students will use their Comprehension Compass (Marzano Scales) to show their understanding between maps and pictures. Social Studies Block – Me on the Map 1. On the previous Friday, students will be given a small brown bag and asked to bring 34 treasures from their room for an assignment on Monday. 2. On Monday, students will be asked to share their 34 treasures at their table Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Resources/Materials and will discuss where these items are in their bedroom. (ESOL/ESE accommodation – group work and using props) Students will be reigned in for a class discussion and several students will share where their items are in their bedroom. They will be asked how they could show these items using a bird’s eye view. (ESOL/ESE accommodation – students will be provided with flash cards of the basic map concepts that have been covered. The front will have a photo(s), a label, and the back will have a short description) The instructor will share her own 34 treasures from her bedroom and where they reside in her bedroom. Using the interactive white board on the class’s virtual flipchart, the class will help the instructor draw a map of her bedroom. Together, they will brainstorm a title, what furniture is in her bedroom, how many doors and windows there are, and where the 34 treasures belong. Next, the class will help the teacher create a map of her bedroom. The instructor will draw the furniture, items, and doors/windows, but she will have students come up and label the furniture and her 34 treasures. Students will be prompted to make a map of their bedroom with 4.5”x4.5” paper with the following criteria: a title, a bird’s eye view of their bedroom, furniture drawn and clearly labeled, and the items from their bedroom drawn and clearly labeled. Students are encouraged to be colorful and/or color code their bedroom. (Gifted students will create their map in scale. On the previous Friday, they took home a tape measure to measure and record the length and width of their room and bedroom furniture in inches. Today, they will use a scale ruler to create the map of their room. In their flipbook, they will also have to provide what scale they used for their map and the dimensions of their room and furniture.) When students are finished they will create a flipbook that they will use all week. There will be premade stencils, construction paper, scissors, and staplers provided in order for them to create their flipbooks. When students are done creating the flipbook, they will glue the map of their bedroom on the top flip and will write their name on the cover. While the flipbooks are being constructed, students will be asked to use their Comprehension Compass (Marzano Scales) to show their understanding of bird’s eye view to create a map. Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney illustrated by Annette Cable Where Am I? The Story of Maps and Navigation written and illustrated by: A.G. Smith Language Arts Journal Top Hat Organizer ELL/ESE Map Concept flash cards Scale Ruler Construction Paper Flipbook stencils, premade before the lesson Printer paper Crayons, markers, colored pencils Scissors Stapler and staples Markers Glue Interactive White Board Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II) ActivInspire Studio Discussion Notes: Make comments here related to ideas for assessment measures, parent involvement, field trips, or extension to the unit plan ideas. Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II) Top Hat Organizer Picture Map Similarities