Lesson Matchup Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1

March 24, 2018 | Author: roh009 | Category: Physics & Mathematics, Mathematics, Science



Singapore Math and Rod and Staff Match-upUnit 1 numbers within 10 Read the story of the Gnomes here: http://ebeth.typepad.com/serendipity/2007/10/gnomes-and-gnum.html Each day introduce a new number: #1 on a piece of white paper, write “1, one, I.” Then draw a few things that there are only 1 of such as your nose, the sun, a circle, etc. Rod and Staff lessons 1 and 2 #2 new paper write “2, two, II.” Then draw some items to represent 2 such as eyes, ears, a pair of shoes, a line, etc. Rod and Staff lesson 3 #3 write “3, three, III.” Then draw items such as a triangle, the Trinity, etc. Rod and Staff lesson 4 #4 write “4, four, IV.” Then draw items such as a square. Rod and Staff lesson 5 #5 write “5, five, V.” Then draw items such as a pentagon, five pointed star, etc. Rod and Staff lesson 6 #6 write “6, six, VI.” Then draw items such as a star of David, etc. Rod and Staff lesson 7 #7 write “7, seven, VII.” Then draw a rainbow. Rod and Staff lesson 8 #8 write “8, eight, VIII.” Then draw an octopus, octogon, etc. Rod and Staff lesson 9 nine. X. Rod and Staff lesson 10 #10 write “10.” Then trace your child’s hands for 10 fingers.” Then draw the planets including Pluto. Rod and Staff lesson 12 Singapore Math Primary Math 1a Text workbook 6-11 7-8 n/a 9-10 12-13 11-12 14-15 13-14 . IX. ten.Singapore 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 1 continued #9 write “9. typepad. 19 Make addition ladder for 3 Addition within 4 Rod and Staff lessons 20.html Addition within 1 Rod and Staff lesson 11 For each number we will be making a page.com/serendipity/2007/11/addition. You can make numbers from index cards as well. 14. Addition within 2 Rod and Staff lesson 13. draw 1 gem.typepad.Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 2 Addition You will read the next two stories for continuity and the third to introduce the topic of addition.com/serendipity/2007/10/gnomes-and-gn-3.html And check out these activities: http://ebeth.html Talk about odd/evens and do a few activities. 25 . 18. On the front you will write the number 1. make one out of a file folder to practice place value concepts.html Make a paper rainbow for your notebook to go with the number pages from the last unit. 21 the number 11 make a number page for this number like we did for the numbers 1-10 Rod and Staff lessons 22. 15 Make addition ladder for 2 Addition within 3 Rod and Staff lessons 16.com/serendipity/2007/10/in-which-the-gn.typepad.com/serendipity/2007/11/gnomes-and-gnum. 17. 23 the number 12 make a number page Rod and Staff lessons 24.typepad. Read this story: http://ebeth. To the side of the ladder write the equations and on the backside of the paper make number bond bubbles. Also. and make a ladder. On the sides of the ladder will be the numbers that add up to the larger number joined together by rungs. Read this story: http://ebeth. Read this story: http://ebeth. 31 the number 15 make a number page Rod and Staff lessons 32 the number 16 make a number page Rod and Staff lesson 33 the number 17 make a number page Rod and Staff lesson 34 the number 18 make a number page Rod and Staff lesson 35 the number 19 make a number page Rod and Staff lesson 36 Singapore Math 1a Text 16-17 workbook n/a Addition within 6 make a ladder for 6 Rod and Staff lessons 37. 29. 30. 38 .Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 2 continued the number 13 make a number page Rod and Staff lessons 26 Addition within 5 make a ladder for 5 Rod and Staff lessons 27 the number 14 make a number page Rod and Staff lessons 28. 44 numbers in the 30's play with the rainbow Rod and Staff lesson 45 Singapore Math 1a Text 18 workbook 15 Addition within 7 make a ladder for 7 Rod and Staff lessons 46. 52.Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 2 continued pennies bring out some pennies Rod and Staff lessons 39. 42. 53 Singapore Math 1a Text 19 workbook 16 . 47 story problem foundation Rod and Staff lessons 48 numbers in the 40's play with the rainbow Rod and Staff lessons 49 Add 3 numbers Rod and Staff lesson 50 story problems Rod and Staff lessons 51. 43. 40 numbers in the 20's play with the rainbow making numbers to 100 Rod and Staff lessons 41. Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 2 continued Addition within 8 SM 1a T 20 wb 17 Make an addition ladder for 8 R&S Lessons 102 facts for 8 103-106. 108-111 front sides Addition within 9 SM 1a T 21 wb 18 Make an addition ladder for 9 R&S Lessons 112 facts for 9 113-121 front sides Addition within 10 SM 1a T 21 wb 19 Make and addition ladder for 10 R&S Lessons 122 facts for 10 122-131 front sides Addition number stories SM 1a T 22 23 wb 20-22 23-24 24-29 25-26 n/a 27 n/a 28-30 32 36-37 33-35 38-39 36-37 40 R&S Lessons 55 both sides Addition SM 1a T 30-31 wb 31-33 n/a 34-35 . 80. 69 nickels 70. 74. 75.typepad.html SM 1a T 38-43 wb 41-42 n/a 43-44 n/a 45-47 1 minus family R&S Lessons 56. 72 5 minus family R&S Lessons 73 introduce barn place value Reread the Gnome place value story and the rainbow. place value 76. 63 begin review of o’clock lessons 64. 62.Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 3–Subtraction Read this story: http://ebeth. dimes. clocks R&S Lessons 61. count by 10's. 77.com/serendipity/2008/04/take-away-sum-f. 60 both sides work with counting dimes as well. 67 count by 5's 68. learn the word penny/pennies counting by 10's 3 minus family. 78 introduce ½ 79. . 81. 71. 65 4 minus family R&S Lessons 66. count by 10's R&S Lessons 58. dimes. 59. pennies. 57 both sides 2 minus family. 109. 138. 101 8 minus family R&S Lesson fronts 132.Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 3 continued 6 minus family R&S Lesson 82. 141 lesson backs 102. 144. 143. 90. 86. 83. 119 . 134. 106. 93 count by 2's Reread the Gnome story about odds/evens. 145. 148. 133. 97 number words & mixed review 98. 91 7 minus family R&S Lessons 92. 114. 88. 136. 117. 112. 95. 84. 113. 115. 105. 107 (both) draw butterfly problems for 2 column addition 108. 116. 146. 110 9 minus family R&S Lesson fronts 142. 85. 87. 89. 103. 104. 135. 150. 96. 151 lesson backs–measurement 111. 99 temperature 100. 140. 118. 147. 137. 94. 163. 160. 132. 168. 155. 159. 122 nickels and count by 5's 123. 124 (both sides). 138. 158. 130. 121. 137. 161. 162. 133. 166. 153. count by 25's and quarters 134. 126 dozen 127. 157. 129 (both sides). 167. 169. 170 lesson backs 120. 125. 131. 165. 136. 128. 135. 164. 156. 139 (both sides) .Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 3 continued 10 minus family R&S Lesson fronts 152. 154. Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 4–Methods of Subtraction SM 1a T 44-46 wb 48-49 n/a 50-51 47 52-53 T wb n/a 60-62 n/a 63-65 51 59 n/a 54-55 R&S backs 1/4 140. 147. 145. 146. 143. 144. 149 (both sides) 48-49 56-57 50 58 . 148. 142. 141. SM 1a T 52-53 wb 66-67 R&S backs 150. 152 n/a 68 53 69-70 .Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 Match-up Unit 5--Ordinal numbers Run races with small toys and declare placing and awards. 151. 164. 170 n/a 115 60-61 92-94 67 108-109 62-64 95-96 n/a 110-111 . 156. 155. 162. 157. 158. 160. pints & cups 159.Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 6--Addition within 20 SM 1a T 54-56 n/a wb 83-85 86-87 57-58 88-89 58-59 90-91 T wb n/a 97-98 65 65-66 66 99-101 102-104 105-107 T wb n/a 112 n/a 113-114 R&S backs 153. 161. 154. quart 165. 168. 169. 167. 163. 166. n/a 127-129 71-73 130-132 n/a 133-134 74-75 135-136 76-77 137 .Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 7--Shapes SM 1a T 68-70 wb 124-126 SM & R&S cont. Singapore Math 1a and Rod and Staff Math 1 match-up Unit 8--Length T 78-81 wb 138-139 n/a 140-141 T wb n/a 155-158 n/a 151-154 82-83 142-144 84-86 145-146 87-88 147-148 n/a 149-150 .
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