Lesson 3- Butuanon Dialect

March 17, 2018 | Author: Charina May Lagunde | Category: Syntax, Languages, Language Mechanics, Style (Fiction), Cognitive Science



BUTUANON GRAMMAR SYLLABUS(Dr. Joey P.Dacudao, an Ilongo and the neuro-surgeon to practice full-time in Butuan, led the efforts of SOLFED-Butuan Chapter in preparing and presenting the Butuanon Grammar Syllabus. It took at least three months of nearly daily labor to complete eleven chapters of the Butuanon syllabus, from about May 2005 to August 2005. Dr. Dacudao was faced with seemingly insurmountable problems starting with the fact that he was not a Butuanon; nor was he a linguist. With the help of native Butuanon speakers among the younger members of SOLFEDButuan, who provided the correct Butuanon words, the problem was solved. Following the style of linguists in the USA who are trying to preserve Native American languages, Dr. Dacudao also taped the whole syllabus, recording it in the voices of the same young Butuanon native speakers who helped in the syllabus’ making.) Lesson Three POSSESSION AND OWERNSHIP POSSESSION and/or OWNERSHIP are/is expressed: 1. by the pronouns (possessive, preposed and postposed) 2. by kang (plus personal name) and kanong (plus non-personal name) 3. by certain sentence constructions with yaon/yaoy/yaton/ngaton, yadto/ ngadto Ex: He has a pencil. (The pencil is there with him.) Yaon disaon kaniya ang lapis. He has a pencil. Yaoy lapis niya. The pencil is with him. Yaton/Ngaton kaniya ang lapis. The pencil is with him (far away). Yadto/Ngadto kaniya ang lapis. The POSSESIVE PRONOUNS that are used as comments in Non-Verbal sentences are: MINE OURS OURS YOURS YOURS HIS/HERS THEIRS MINE OURS OURS YOURS YOURS HIS/HERS THEIRS AKO ang lapis. The pencil is mine. (plural exclusive) AMO ang lapis. The pencil is ours. (plural inclusive) ATO ang lapis. The pencil is ours. (singular) IMO ang lapis. The pencil is yours. (plural) IYO ang lapis. The pencil is yours. IYA ang lapis. The pencil is his/hers. ILA ang lapis. The pencil is theirs. Ang lapis.KANAKO. The pencil is mine. (plural exclusive) Ang lapis KANAMO. The pencil is ours. (plural inclusive) Ang lapis KANATO. The pencil is ours. (singular)Ang lapis KANIMO. The pencil is yours. (plural) Ang lapis KANIYO. The pencil is yours. Ang lapis KANIYA. The pencil is his/hers. Ang lapis KANILA. The pencil is theirs. KANG + PERSONAL NAME is used as a comment in Non-Verbal sentences to express possession or ownership of definite thing. Iyan nga lapis kang Katy. That pencil is Katy. / That pencil belongs to Katy. Ang baay kanong tao. That pig does not belong to the old Sentence constructions using the possessive pronoun. Ang bola kanong bata. kang + personal name Kang Ador iyan nga awto. Dii kang Ador iyan nga awto. and the kanong + non personal name answer the question kanin-o? (the commonly used contraction of kang sin-o) Kanin-o ba iyang awto? possessive pronoun Ako iyan nga auto. The ball is owned by the child. the kang + personal name. The child is the owner of that ball. man. Iyan nga awto ang ako. The car is owned by the old man. The cat is owned by the man. That car is Ador’s. Imo ini lapis? Kanin-o ba ini lapis? Kain ba sani ang lapis mo? Kang Ryan ba iyan nga awto? Ako iyan nga awto. Whose car is that? That car is mine. Iyan ba ang awto ni Ryan. man.) That is my car. Iyan nga awto dii kang Ador. That pencil is not mine. Ang bata ang tag-iya saon nga bola. Dii ako iyan nga auto. Ang maas ang tag-iya hong apik. Ang tao ang tag-iya saong baay. Iyan nga baboy dii kanong tao. That car is not Ador’s. Is this pencil yours? Whose pencil is this? Which of these is your pencil? Is that car Ryan’s? That’s my car. DII expresses the negation of the possession and/or ownership of definite thing. Iyang baboy kanong tao. That car is not mine. Dii kanong maas ang auto. In Visayan languages. The house is owned by the man. the word being emphasized is placed in the beginning of the sentence. Ang apik kanong maas. Therefore ownership or possession of an object denoted by an impersonal name is expressed by TAG-IYA or KANONG. (Whose car is that. The man is the owner of that pig.Kang Ador ba ini nga awto? Is this car Ador’s? / Does this car belong to Ador? SA (used in other Visayan languages) does not exist in Butuanon. The car is not owned by the old EMPHASIS depends on what is asked is stressed. Lesson Three That’s my car. That car is not Ador’s. Observed the following pairs of sentences and their English equivalents. (Which one is your car?). Is that Ryan’s car? . Kanong + non personal name Kanong maas ang auto. Iyan nga lapis dii kon ako. The old man is the owner of the cat. The man is the owner of that house. That pig is owned by that man. Ako iyan awto. Ang tao ang tag-iya saong baboy. Waa nay saapi niya. Cory has money yesterday. Iya ini lapis. There are sentences where the topic can be the thing possessed or owned. use YAON/YAOY. He does not have money anymore. Yaoy lapis niya kagaina. or waa and +y. but it is joined to the word before the indefinite thing or objective possessed. Waa toni trabaho mo? Waay bisita ni SOL doon. He had a pencil a while ago. These can be expressed by using: POSTPOSED PRONOUNS (Singular) KO MO Niwang ang tito ko. Waay saapi niya. Kanin-o ba ini nga lapis? Kang Cris ini lapis. Your shoes are white. Examples Sin-o bay yaoy lapis? Yaoy lapis ni Boyet. He has a pencil. NOTE ON THE +Y. Waay saapi niya. I had money yesterday. My puppy is skinny. Examples (interjection with nay): Yaoy trabaho niya. Ang bata yaoy lapis. Yaoy kawdaa ni Cory. Yaoy saapi ni Cory kagahapon. Puti ang sapatos mo. This is the girl’s pencil. Yaon nay trabaho niya. The child has a pencil. other words can come between yaon and +y. The +Y is moveable. Whose pencil is this? This is Cris’ pencil. The sentence constructions are as follows: YAON/YAOY Yaoy lapis niya. He already has a job. He has no money. Waay saapi ni CORY. NOTE: also that sentences above using yaon+y and waa+y are considered ‘Existential’ sentences (discussed in the next lesson) for they express the existence of someone or something. Possession or ownership of indefinite things can be asked by using questions sin-o ba and kanin-o ba (a contraction of kang sin-o ba). Cory has no money. This is her pencil. Yaon bay saapi mo? Do you have money? Yaoy saapi ko kagahapon. He has a job. . Thus. Who has a pencil? Boyet has a pencil.To express possession or ownership of indefinite things. Kanong daaga ini lapis. Cory has money. He has no money. Yaon bay saapi mo hadtong duum? Did you have money last night? WAA+Y is the negation of the above sentences. Don’t you have work? Sol doesn’t have a visitor now. Dii isug ang maestro ni Ryan. Dii Bisaya ang uyab ni Sol. His child is beautiful. that are used in other Visayan languages. Sol’’s boyfriend is not Cory’s dog is not native. the Cebuano or Ilonggo sentence ‘Bag-o ang ilang (ila nga) balay’ is translated as ‘Bag-o ang baay nila’ in Binutuanon. Butuanon ang ina ni Cris. Our basket is heavy. Cris’ mother is a Butuanon. Dii mangilì ang panyo hong bata. HONG with NON-PERSONAL NAMES Mangilì ang panyo hong bata. ilang that are used in other Visayan languages. Cory’s dog is native. Thus. Butuanon. Bisaya ang ido ni Cory. among. Our yard is clean. Ryan’s teacher is courageous. delicious Ryan’s teacher is not Ador’s brother is unkind. Visayan. Note: Binutuanon does not have the pre-posed pronouns akong. Lamî ang pagkaon hong tao. Mayumô (sweet) kadiyaw ang kape hong maas. courageous. Their house is new. Cris’ mother is not a The child’s handkerchief is The person’s food is not . The child’s handkerchief is dirty. Your work is easy. not dirty. the Cebuano or Ilonggo sentence ‘Ang imong (imo nga) sapatos puti’ is translated as ‘Puti ang sapatos mo’ in Binutuanon. Dii bisaya ang ido ni Cory. Dii Butuanon ang ina ni Cris. The old man’s coffee is very sweet. Sayon ang trabaho niyo. Dii buotan ang suon ni Ador. Thus. DII expresses the negation of the above sentences. iyang. Buotan ang suon ni Ador. Bag-o ang baay nila. Note: Binutuanon does not have the pre-posed pronouns atong. inyong. Ador’s brother is kind. Sol’’s boyfriend is Visayan. Dii lamî ang pagkaon hong tao. NI with PERSONAL NAMES Isug ang maestro ni Ryan.NIYA Gwapa ang anak niya. imong. Limpyo ang talibongan namo. Bisaya ang uyab ni Sol. Lesson Three POSTPOSED PRONOUNS (Plural) NATO/TA NAMO NIYO NILA Bug-at ang bukág nato/ta. The person’s food is delicious. Ang estudyante . Yaoy lapis ni Jo. Sin-o ba ang yaoy kawdaa? Ako . Ang estudyante yaoy lapis Yaoy libro ni Jose gahapon. Si Cory ang yaoy kawo. Iyo ini awto. Sin-o bay yaoy kawo? Ang tawo_______. Kanin-o ba iyang libro? Kang Jo . Siya ang yaoy bolpen. Iya iyan kawo. Kanong estudyante ini lapis. Sin-o bay yaoy kawò? Si Cory . Ako ang yaoy libro.far) libro? Imo . Sin-o bay yaoy bolpen? Siya . Ang dagah yaoy kawo. . Sin-o ba ang yaoy saging? Sila . Say out loud your answers.Dii mayumô (sweet) kadiyaw ang kape hong maas. Kanin-o ba ining baay? Amo . gahapon. Yaoy libro niya. Yaoy kawdaa ko. Kanin-o ba ining lapis? estudyante . Yaoy papel namo. Amo ini baay. Sin-o bay yaoy libro? Siya . Kanong daagah ini paypay. Sin-o bay yaoy lapis? Sin-o bay yaoy libro? Ako . Kanin-o ba iyang (that. Sin-o bay yaoy papel? Imo idto libro. Yaoy saging nila. Ila idto mga libro. Sin-o bay yaoy lapis gahapon. RESPONSE DRILL Answer the following questions asking for possession or ownership. Sin-o bay yaoy libro gahapon? Si Jose . The old man’s coffee is not very sweet. Kanin-o ba ining awto? Iyo .near) kawo? Iya . Tubag/Answer Kanin-o ba idtong (that. Kang Jo iyan libro. Use the cues given to form your answers. The English equivalents of the questions are given on the right side of the page. before you listen to and repeat the answers provided by the tape. Kanin-o ba ining paypay? dagah . Ato ini awto. Kanin-o ba ining awto? Ato. Sin-o ba ang yaoy libro? Si Marlon . Kanin-o ba idtong mga libro? Ila . Sin-o ba ang yaoy kawo? Ang dagah . Ang tawo yaoy kawo. Yaoy libro ni Marlon. Si Ryan ang yaoy bisita. Ako iyan libro. Sin-o ang yaoy lapis? Iyan nga kawo kanong bata. Sin-o bay yaoy bisita? Si Ryan . Not Jo’s. Kanin-o kaaba iyan? Yaoy libro niya. Give complete answers. The English equivalents of the sentences ar given on the right side of the page. Say out loud your answers before you listen to and repeat the answers provided by the tape. Does the book belong to Jo? . Sin-o ang yaoy saapi? Yaoy lapis ang bata. Kanin-o ba iyan piya? Kang Sol . Kang Jo ba ining libro? Dii kang Jo. Yaoy piya ni Sol. Kanin-o ba iyan bisita ngaton baay? NEGATION TRANSFORMATION Answer the following questions in the negative using dii or waa. Sin-o yaoy piya? Si Sol . Sin-o ang yaoy lapis? Yaoy libro ni Jose gahapon. Kanin-o lapis ang yaton libro? Iya ining libro ngani lamesa. Sin-o bay yaoy libro? Yaoy bisita ni Jose kagahapon. Sin-o ang yaoy libro gahapon? Yaoy saapi ni Tiron kagahapon. The English equivalent of the sentences are given on the right side of the page. Kanin-o baay iyang yadto baybay? Yadto baay nila ang bisita. Sin-o ang yaoy bisita gahapon? Yaoy bisita ni Tiron. Kanin-o ba iyan lapis? Iya . Iya iyang lapis. Tubag/answer Yaoy saapi ni Tiron. Sin-o ang yaoy saapi? Yaoy lapis niya.Kami . Kanin-o ba iyan kawo? Iyang tao ang tag–iya saong kaaba. Sin-o ang yaoy bisita? Kang Badi iyang libro ngaton lamesa. Kanin-o ba iyan bisita? Kang Ryan . Kanin-o ang mga lapis ining yani lamesa? Amo iyang baay ngaton baybay. Kanin-o libro iyang yaon lamesa? Kang Jo iyang lapis ngaton libro. Is the book his? Not his. Iya ining libro? Dii kung iya. Say out loud your questions before you listen to and repeat the questions provided by the tape. Sin-o ang yaoy saapi gahapon? Yaoy saapi ko. Kanin-o ba iyan libro? Ako . Kang Sol iyan piya. QUESTION DRILL Ask questions either with kanin-o ba or sin-o ba whose answers are the sentences given. Kang Ryan iyan bisita. Kanin-o libro ining yani lamesa? Iya ining mga lapis ngaton lamesa. Yaon bay libro ni Jose? Waay libro ni Jose. May father is not a farmer. Yaon bay libro niya? Waay libro niya. Is that car ours? That car is not ours. Do you have a pencil? I don’t have a pencil. Kang Kora ining lapis? Dii kang Kora iyang lapis. Did Bobit have a visitor? Bobit didn’t have a visitor. Yaon bay bisita ni Jo? Waay bisita ni Jo. Does Badi have a hat? Badi doesn’t have a hat. Is your father a farmer. Does Jose have a book? Jose doesn’t have a book. Ila iyan baay? Iyan nga baay dii kon ila. Is the fan of the old lady . Does he have a book? He has no book. Yaon bay libro niya? Waay libro niya. Is the book yours? The book is not mine. Is this pencil Kora’s. Yaon bay libro niya? Waay libro niya. Anak mo ba si Cory? Dii ko anak si Cory. Is Cory your daughter? Cory is not my daughter. Yaoy lapis mo? Waay lapis ko Imo ining libro? Dii ini ako libro Ato ba iyang awto? Dii kon ato iyan awto. Did the child have a banana? The child did not have a Did he have a book? He didn’t have a book. Does the child have a bread? The child doesn’t have bread. Is Jona’s house big? Jona’s house is not big. Do you have a visitor? I don’t have a visitor. Imo ba iyang awto? Iyan nga awto dii kon ako. Yaon bay bisita mo? Waay bisita ko. Does the child have a pencil? The child doesn’t have a pencil. Does Jo have a book? Jo doesn’t have a book. Magabasakay ba ang ama mo? Dii magabasakay ang ama ko. Does he have a book? He has no book. Iya ining bolpen? Ining bolpen dii kon iya. Yaoy awto ni Felix? Waay awto ni Felix. Yaon bay pan hong bata? Waay pan hong bata. Yaon bay libro ni Jo? Waay libro ni Jo. Is that car yours? That car is not mine. Yaoy bisita ni Bobit? Waay bisita ni Bobit. Does Jona have a visitor? Jona does have a visitor. Yaoy kawo ni Badi? Waay kawo ni Badi. Is that house theirs? That house is not theirs. Is this ballpen his? This ballpen is not his. Yaon bay bisita ni Jona? Yaoy bisita ni Jona. That pencil is not Kora’s. banana. Mahalon ba ang paypay hong maas? expensive? Does the car belongs to the Not the man’s. Yaon bay saging hong bata? Waay saging hong bata. Does Felix have a car? Felix doesn’t have a car. Yaon bay lapis haning bata? Ang bata waay lapis. Dakwa ba ang baay ni Jona? Dii kon dakwa ang baay ni Jona.Ang tag iya ba saning awto ang tao? man? Dii ang tao. Did Joe have a visitor? Joe didn’t have a visitor. Her watch is not expensive. Is Sol’s watch expensive? No. That’s not mine. Does Jamjam have a ball? (ba) No. Is Poypoy’s hat nice? Poypoy’s hat is not nice. That’s not mine. Yaon bay bola ni Jamjam? . Jamjam doesn’t have a ball. is your umbrella big? No. Is your test hard? Our test is not hard. Lisud ba ang test niyo? Dii kon lisod ang test namo.Whose car is this? Is this your car.Whose car is that? Is that yours? No. .Kanin-o ba ini awto? Imo ba ini nga awto. 3.We (incl. Waa.Cris. Waay saapi mo. No. That’s Jo’s. Idtong puwa amoy ako. Is your visitor tall? Our visitor is not tall. My umbrella is not big. The lady’s plate is not dirty. 2.The watch of Cory is not expensive. Dii iyan kang Poypoy. dakwa ba ang payong mo? Dii. Dondon’s letter is not long.Dii kon mahalon ang paypay hong maas. Is Lino’s helper lazy? Lino’s helper is not lazy. The child’s father is not a teacher.Kanin-o bay iyan nga awto? Imo ba yan? Dii. Luag ba iyang kabaa niya? Is his shirt loose? Dii ba luag ang kabaa niya His shirt is not loose. Pero dakwa ang paying ni Ann. 5.Whose book is this? Is this Poypoy’s.The red one (over there) is mine. Waay bola ni Jamjam. Sin-o taya ang yaoy saapi? Yaoy saapi ni Etel. expensive. But Ann’s umbrella is big. But your watch is expensive. The fan of the old lady is not Is your umbrella small? My umbrella is not small. Express the following sentences in Butuanon. Mahab? ba ang suwat ni Dondon? Is Dondon’s letter long? Dii ba mahaba ang suwat ni Dondon. Dii iyan ako. 7. 4.I don’t have money. Dii iyan ako. Mangilì ba toni ang plato saong dagah? Is that lady’s plat dirty? Dii mangili ang plato hong dagah. Some cues are given to help you form your sentences. Tambok ba ang anak ni Tata? Dii kon tambok ang anak ni Tata. Who has money? (may) Etel has money. Waay bola namo. Asido ba iyang payong mo? Dii kon asido ang payong ko. 1. 6. Kang Jo iyan. Maestro ba toni ang ama saong bata? Is that child’s father a teacher? Dii maestro ang amâ hong bata . Dii dakwa ang payong ko. Jo? Dii. Is Tata’s son fat? Tata’s son is not fat. No. But Katy has a ball. Kanin-o ba ini libro? Kang Poypoy ini? Dii. Pero ang relo mo amoy mahal. Jo? No. Maaslag ba ang bisita niyo? Dii kon maaslag ang bisita namo. Ang relo ni Cory dii kun mahal. Kanong tao iyan.Waay saapi ko. Ang kang Sol nga relo ba mahal? Dii.Cris. You don’t have money. Putahaw toni ang katabang ni Lino? Dii kon putahaw ang katabang ni Lino. Pero yaoy bola ni Katy. Patsada ba ang kawo ni Poypoy? Dii kon patsada ang kawo ni Poypoy. That belongs to the man. Ang relo niya dii kun mahal. That’s not Poypoy’s.) don’t have a ball. K. 2.Her house is big.These toys belong to them. Kanin-o ba ini? Kanong daagah iyan.They had a party yesterday.Bag-o ba ang awto ni Felix? Dii bag-o ang awto ni Felix. 7.Si Jefbert ba yaoy saapi ngani pitaka ko? Si Jefbert waay saapi ngani pitaka ko.8.The towel over there is his. Ang mga bata yaoy klase kun sabado. Ang bag hong daga ba bug-at?Ang bag hong daga dii bug-at. Katy: Katy: Etel: Etel: Katy: Katy: Etel: Etel: Katy: kanin-o ini awto nga gapaiyan ngadto Babag? Whose car is going to Babag? Kang Jose idtong awto kaamo mahawag pa.The woman’s bag is heavy.The Butuan Medical Center belongs to the Butuan City government.Ang Butuan Medical Center kanong gobyerno hong Siyudad hong Butuan. Si Jefbert yaoy saapi ngani pitaka ko.Ang kang Lina nga mga buwak ba presko?Ang kang Lina nga mga buwak dii presko. Bag-o ang awto ni Felix. your classmates and hers.Ang kang Lina nga mga buwak presko.Jefbert has money in my wallet. Na hala. After mixing them all together. Ang mga bata ba yaoy klase kun sabado? Ang mga bata waay klase kun sabado. Ang bag hong daga bug-at. do the following: Give the Butuanon equivalent Ask a ba question Answer2 by negating 1. Ini nga mga duwaan kanila. moiban kita kaniya. 6. Iya ining puwa nga bolpen kaamo ako sab ining itom. The teacher gathers objects belonging to you. Yaon bay sawu-sawo nila kagahapon? Waay sawu-sawo nila kagahapon. 10. E.Ang tualya ba nga yadto ngadto iya?Ang tualya nga yadto ngadto dii kun iya.Kanin-o ba ining puwa nga awto? Dii iyan imo. 5. Jose’s car and it’s still roomy Kayna na. construct sentences using the patterns of this lesson.Ini ba nga mga duwaan ila? Dii ini ila. Ang baay niya dakwa.Ang Butuan Medical Center ba kanong gobyerno hong Siyudad hong Butuan? Ang Butuan Medical Center dii kanong gobyerno hong Siyudad hong Butuan. . 9. By the way. Yaoy sawu-sawo nila kagahapon. Whose is this? That belongs to the woman.g. you have many things with you? Are all those yours? Eh… these mangos are mine but the rest belong to the teachers. 3.Felix’s car is new. Taod toni daa mo nga butang? Imo idto tanan? O. Let’s go with him. For each sentence.The children have classes on Saturday.To whom does this red car belong? It is not yours. Ang tualya nga yadto ngadto iya. Ang baay ba niya dakwa? Ang baay niya dii dakwa. 4. 8.Lina’s flowers are fresh. kay kabug-at gid hani para kanako! Katy: That’s better. Name + Topic Possessive Pronouns + Topic Kanin-o ba + Topic? Possessive Pronouns + Topic Kang + Personal Name + Topic Kang + Personal Name + ba + Topic? Hu-o/Dii kang+ Per. Name + Topic Kanong+NonPerName+Topic Kanin-o ba + Topic? Kanong + Non Per. DEFINITE POSSESSION (BELONGS TO SOMEONE) BASIC PATTERN QUESTION PATTERN ANSWER PATTERN Kang + Personal Name + Topic Kanin-o ba + Topic? Kang + Per.Katy Betty: Ini nga mga mangga ako. Katy: Madiyaw pa. Name + Topic Kanong+NonPerName+Topic Kanong +NonPerNam+ba+Topic Huo/Dii+Kanong+NonPerName+Topic Possessive Pronouns + Topic Possessive Pronouns + ba + Topic? Hu-o/Dii Possessive Pronoun + Topic INDEFINITE POSSESSION (TO HAVE SOMETHING) BASIC PATTERN QUESTION PATTERN ANSWER PATTERN Yaoy + Indefinite Topic Possessed Sin-o + ang yaoy + + Topic Topic Possessed? Si + Personal Name Or Ang + Non Personal Name Or Topic Pronoun INDEFINITE POSSESSION (TO HAVE SOMETHING) BASIC PATTERN QUESTION PATTERN ANSWER PATTERN Yaoy + Indefinite Topic Possessed Yaon + Indefinite Topic Possessed Huo. yaoy (Waay) + Indefinite Topic Possessed Topic Pronoun (pronouns have the same forms as Postposed pronouns) . pero ang iban kanong mga magtutudlo. for all these are really heavy for me! Useful expression to use: Mahawag pa Tuod ba Amo toni? Madiyaw pa SUMMARY PATTERN CHART POSSESSION Equivalent of the sentences are given on the right side of the page. Etel: Is that so? Give me the rest so it’s not so heavy for you. yaoy (Waay) + Topic + Topic? +Indefinite Topic Possessed +Ni + Personal Name Or Huo. Etel: Amo toni? Ambe ang iban hastang dii kaw bug-atan. For example. Name + Yaoy + Indefinite Topic Possessed does not occur in Binutuanon. Children are born with the ability to learn any language. Language also has another role that is often overlooked. waay katilingban hong mga tao. Tungod hong linguahe. yaoy (Waay) + Indefinite Topic Possessed +Ang Non Personal Name Note: The answer pattern Si + Per. there will be no Butuanon ethnolinguistic people. human society and culture would not exist at all.Or Huo.000 distinct languages and peoples of the world. Without language. Ang tagsa lin-guahe pigabahin hong isa ka katilingban hong mga tao. Each week. one or two of them die out. There are at present more than 6. nga pigatawag nga katawhang etno-lin-guistik. Translate the English essay into Butuanon: Language is the main medium by which humans communicate ideas and feelings to each other. Each language is shared by a cultural community. usually due to years of discriminatory policies of . Yaon pay isa ka gamit ang lin-guahe nga pirme malipatan. kun waa nay makalitok hong Binutuanon. ini sab ang kina-importantehan nga bahin hong kultura. in contrast to other Visayan Languages such as Cebuano or Ilonggo where such a pattern using cognate affixes occurs. Consequently. Kaamo ang linguahe dii lang amo ang paagi hong pagduho hong kultura ngadto sunod nga mga kaliwatan. so does this people. mahatlok sab ang katawhan. if no can speak the Butuanon language. Possessive Pronouns Postposed Pronouns ako ko imo mo iya niya ato nato/ta amo namo iyo niyo ila nila Translation exercise. waay sab kultura. which is called an ethnolinguistic people. katsaong amo sab hani ang migapakilaa saning katilingban. waay na sab hong Butuanon nga katawhang etno-lin-guistik. and forms the main basis for the existence of such a community. If the language of an ethnolinguistic people dies. but they usually first learn their parents' first language—a language that has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. Kun kanato pa. but it also forms the most important part of culture. language is not only the main transmitter of human culture. mapaabot nato ang mga pigahuna-huna katsaong pigabati nato ngadto iban nga tao. Kun mahatlok ang lin-guahe hong isa ka katawhang etno-lin-guistik. Kun waay lin-guahe. nga lahi hong iban nga mga lin-guahe. Ang tagsa lin-guahe migakalain-lain hong litok.governments that promote only the language of their capitals and centers. pulong. and grammar.nga pigapasa-pasa hong katawhan hong katilingban nila pila ka gatus nga tuiga na. Each of them is priceless and irreplaceable. Ang tagsa lin-guahe yaoy kaugalingon nga mga huna-huna katsaong mga paagi nga mapahayag ini sila. Each language offers unique concepts and ways of expressing them. Kada semana. Kada bata pigatao nga mahimo mag-anad hong bisan ngaan nga linguahe. and thus unique perspectives (points of view). mga bahandi nga dii hong katawhan mahimo lang iwagtang. Ang kada isa ka lin-guahe waay presyo nga katupong. gawas nga kada isa kanila migapakilaa hong kaugalingon nga katawhang etno-linguistik ngani kalibutan. kaamo dii pa masili-an. isa o duwa kanila ang mahatlok. kasagaran tungod hong mga mangil-ad nga pagdumaa hong mga gobyerno nila. nga gusto lang pakanaton ang lin-guahe hong mga capital katsaong sentro. katsaong paagi hong paglitok. kaamo kaugalingon nga pag-atud hong kalibutan. a treasure that humanity can hardly afford to lose. vocabulary. pero ang kasagaran una nga masayran nila amo ang linitukan hong mga ginhikanan nila. End of Lesson Three . Doon. These languages differ in pronunciation. besides defining the very peoples of the world. yaoy labaw hong 6000 ka mga lin-guahe katsaong katawhan hong kalibutan.
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