Lesson 3 and 4.Doc (Nihonggo)



Lesson 3: I am Japanese.The word for Japan in Japanese is Nihon. (Or Nippon) Ni means sun and hon means root. So, Nihon means "origin of the sun" thus Japan is also known as the "Land of the Rising Sun." There are se eral words for !person! in Japanese. "ito is the noun !person.! #f $ou wanted to sa$ "%ho is that person&" $ou would sa$ "'no hito wa dare desu ka&" 'no means !that o er there.! (This will (e dis)ussed more in Lesson *.) Likewise, one sa$s onna no hito for !woman! and otoko no hito for !man.! These mean !female person! and !male person! and are mu)h more polite than +ust sa$ing onna or otoko whi)h sound insulting alone. The other two wa$s of indi)ating people are the suffi,es -nin and -+in. 'dding the suffi, -+in to the name of a )ountr$ makes the name of the nationalit$ of that )ountr$. Nihon-+in means !Japanese person.! %e will dis)uss the use of -nin later. Similarl$, one )an add the suffi, -go to the end of a )ountr$ word and it (e)omes the language of the )ountr$. Note that there are e,)eptions to this as some )ountries share )ommon languages. English Name Japan The ..S. 0erman$ 2ran)e #tal$ 'ustralia 3anada /ngland 6e,i)o Spain 7ortugal 8ra9il 4orea, S. Japanese name Nihon 'merika 1oitsu 2uransu #taria Oosutoraria 4anada #girisu 6ekishiko Supein 7orutogaru 8ura+iru 4ankoku People Nihon+in 'merika+in 1oitsu+in 2uransu+in #taria+in Oosutoraria+in 4anada+in #girisu+in 6ekishiko+in Supein+in 7orutogaru+in 8ura+iru+in 4ankoku+in Language Nihongo /igo 1oitsugo 2uransugo #tariago /igo /igo52uransugo /igo Supeingo Supeingo 7orutogarugo 7orutogarugo 4ankokugo Lesson 3 Vocabulary: nihon hito -+in -go nihongo eigo Japan person suffi, added to )ountr$ to des)ri(e nationalit$ suffi, added to )ountr$ to des)ri(e language Japanese language /nglish language JEDALYN A. RA AEL Lesson ; Translate the following into Japanese <= 're $ou Japanese& >= #!m Spanish. ;= #!m not 'meri)an. *= 6$ )at!s name is not Tama. ?= Japanese language @= /nglish language A= 0erman language B= Spanish language C= #s it m$ pen& !ransla"e "he #ollo$ing in"o: English <D= Onamae wa nan desu ka. <<= Takashi-san no hon desu ka. <>= Neko desu. <;= 1are no desu ka. <*= #ie, "ana-san +anai desu. <?= %atashi no enpitsu desu. Lesson %: &ere an' !here #n this lesson, we will dis)uss identif$ing one!s general lo)ation as well as the lo)ation of o(+e)ts (eing spoken a(out. 2irst let!s start with some general lo)ation o)a(ular$. koko soko asoko doko here, ne,t to me there, ne,t to $ou o er there, awa$ from us where 2rom here on out !here! will (e koko, !there! will (e soko, and !o er there! will (e asoko, (ut don!t forget that the words are in referen)e to the speaker and who is (eing spoken to. Now we )an instert our lo)ation words into the !E wa F desu! patterns. /,amples: "on wa doko desu ka& "on wa koko desu. /npitsu wa doko desu ka& /npitsu wa asoko desu. %atashi no pen wa doko desu ka& 4oko desu. %here is the (ook& The (ook!s here. %here is the pen)il& The pen)il is o er there. %here is m$ pen. #t!s here. One )an also des)ri(e o(+e)ts gi en their lo)ation. a. #f $ou want to indi)ate a pen)il $ou are holding or one near to $ou !this pen)il! (as opposed to a pen near someone else) $ou sa$ (ono enpi"su. (. #f $ou are indi)ating a pen)il near the person $ou are speaking to (and not $ourself) $ou sa$ sono enpi"su. ). 'nd finall$, if $ou are indi)ating a pen)il awa$ from (oth of $ou, $ou sa$ ano enpi"su. d. To ask whi)h pen)il (out of more than one indi)ated pen)il), $ou sa$ 'ono enpi"su. NOT/: 4ono, sono, ano, and dono must (e followed ($ a noun that the$ are des)ri(ing. The$ )annot stand alone. kono sono ano dono this GGG (ne,t to me) that GGG (ne,t to $ou) that GGG o er there (awa$ from us) whi)h GGG 'no hito wa dare desu ka& Sono enpitsu wa dare no desu ka& 1ono hon desu ka& %ho is that person o er there& %hose pen)il is that& %hi)h (ook is it& #f the su(+e)t is alread$ understood, one )an simpl$ sa$ !this!, !that,! or !that o er there.! )ore is !this!, sore is !that!, and are is !that o er there.! Dore is !whi)h! (of se eral things). /,amples: 4ore wa nan desu ka& Sore wa hon desu. 're wa nan desu ka& 1ore desu ka& Lesson % Vocabulary: koko soko asoko doko kono sono ano dono kore sore are dore hon enpitsu here (here ne,t to me) there (there ne,t to $ou) o er there (awa$ from us) where this GGG (ne,t to me) that GGG (ne,t to $ou) that GGG o er there (awa$ from us) whi)h GGG this (ne,t to me) that (ne,t to $ou) that o er there (awa$ from us) whi)h (ook pen)il %hat is this& That is a (ook. %hat is that o er there& %hi)h is it& JEDALYN A. RA AEL Lesson % Translate the following into Japanese: <= %hat is this& >= #s that person o er there 2ren)h& ;= %here is m$ (ook& *= #s it this (ook& ?= No, it!s not that (ook. @= #t!s here. A= That pen)il is mine. B= %hat is that& C= %hat!s that o er there& !ransla"e "he #ollo$ing in"o English: <D= "ai, watashi no enpitsu desu. <<= 4ono inu no namae wa nan desu ka. <>= 'merika+in desu. <;= 'no hito wa dare desu ka. <*= Sa$a desu. <?= 4ono hon wa dare no desu ka.
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