LEITZ_Timber construction_en_screen.pdf

May 17, 2018 | Author: Juraj Stanešić | Category: Lumber, Machine Tool, Machining, Wood, Materials



The Leitz full range of productsFor professional production in timber construction industries Explanation of abbreviations A ae ap ABM APL APT AL AM AS = = = = = = = = = dimension A cutting thickness (radial) cutting depth (axial) dimension panel raising length panel raising depth working length number of knives anti sound (low noise design) b B BDD BEM BEZ BH BO = = = = = = = overhang width thickness of shoulder note description tipping height bore diameter CNC = Computerized Numerical Control d D D0 DA DB DFC DGL DIK DKN DP DRI = = = = = = = = = = = diameter cutting circle diameter zero diameter outside Diameter diameter of shoulder Dust Flow Control (optimised chip clearance) number of links thickness double keyway polycrystalline diamond rotation FAB FAT FAW FLD fz fz eff = = = = = = width of rebate depth of rebate bevel angle flange diameter tooth feed effective tooth feed GEW GL GS = thread = total length = plunging edge H HC HD HL HS HW = = = = = = ID IV = ident number = insulation glazing KBZ KLH KM KN KNL = = = = = abbreviation clamping height edge breaker single keyway combination pinhole consists of: 2/7/42 2/9/46,35 2/10/60 L l LD LEN = = = = length clamping length left hand twist Leitz standard profiles height tungsten carbide, coated wood thickness (thickness of workpiece) high-alloyed tool steel high-speed steel (HSS) tungsten carbide (TCT) LL = left hand rotation M MBM MC MD min-1 MK m min-1 m s-1 = = = = = = = = metric thread minimum order quantity multi-purpose steel, coated thickness of knife revolutions per minute (RPM) morse taper metres per minute metres per second n nmax. NAL ND NH NL NLA NT = = = = = = = = RPM maximum permissible RPM position of hub thickness of hub zero height cutting length pinhole dimensions grooving depth P POS PT PG = = = = profile cutter position profile depth profile group QAL = cutting material quality R RD RL RP = = = = S SB SET SLB SLL SLT SP ST = = = = = = = = radius right hand twist right hand rotation radius of cutter STO SW shank dimension cutting width set slotting width slotting length slotting depth tool steel Cobalt-basis cast alloys, e. g. Stellit® = shank tolerance = cutting angle TD TDI TG TK = = = = UT = cutting edges with irregular pitch V vc vf VE VSB = = = = = WSS = workpiece material Z ZA ZF ZL = = = = diameter of tool body thickness of tool pitch reference diameter no. of spurs cutting speed feed speed packing unit adjustment range no. of teeth number of fingers tooth shape (cutting edge shape) finger length laminates and elastomers. developes and produces precision tools and tooling systems for the woodworking and plastic machining industries. thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. Southern Germany in 1876. Leitz is a global player with production plants. Leitz Group Leitz GmbH & Co. KG. a member of the Leitz Group. Leitz offers consultancy services using the company’s 135 plus years experience of supplying tools to its customers. as well as tooling systems and numerous customer specific tools. Tooling plus complex tool services make Leitz a reliable partner for both industry and craft.300 employees at Leitz design. Leitz: facts and figures The Leitz Group has 10 production facilities in Europe. Wigo. mineral materials and non-ferrous metals. America and Asia. BadenWürttemberg. supplies a complementary range of cutting tools for plastics. Wigo brings over 100 years of knowledge and experience in these sectors to the Leitz Group.Leitz founded in Oberkochen. In addition to a comprehensive product program. make and supply precision tools from the standard tool program of over 8. The 3. . Germany is a technological leading manufacturer of precision machine tools and tooling systems for industrial processing of solid wood. with its headquarters in Oberkochen. sales companies and service centres on all continents. Today.000 items. wood derived materials and plastic materials. Leitz sees itself as an industrial partner and trouble shooter and offering first class consultancy services. Austria. tool controlling. 160 service centres around the world Leitz is always close to the customer. The product spectrum encompasses the entire range of precision machine tools for global industrial organisations to craft shops in the wood and plastic processing industries with Leitz tools. Supported by local stocking. reduced processing costs and the environmental impact of the machining solutions are three of the priorities for research and development here at Leitz. Leitz: a producing service provider Leitz has in-house research and development centres at the head office in Oberkochen and at its subsidiaries in Unterschneidheim. project and process engineering. Leitz delivers products rapidly in over 150 countries and offers qualified consultancy support and fast tool maintenance.With many subsidiaries and approx. . implementation and training. Leitz services are individually tailored and give each customer the opportunity to concentrate on his strengths and core business. panel processing and furniture. Leitz engineers work closely with customers and leading machine manufacturers to develop and test innovative and efficient machining and tooling solutions. Germany and Riedau. Used in window. Leitz offers the right solution for every process. Leitz also works closely with the renowned research institutes and universities to be able to offer the best tooling solutions to its customers. procurement. Leitz supplies much more than products: Leitz is a service provider. from traditional tool service to complex tool management. Optimised performance. timber construction. Service within hearing distance Even the best quality tool can only give its best if regularly maintained by experts over its life. The knowledge and the development capability of Leitz.KG of Kapfenberg. Boehlerit GmbH & Co. Leitz offers a global tool maintenance service. Boehlerit and Bilz promises exciting prospects for the three companies and their customers. Bilz’s products influence the economic success of Leitz tools. wood and plastics. The Leitz collection and delivery service complements this professional servicing and ensures customers’ tools are returned within a very short time frame. servicing all tools to a uniform and certified quality standard – service within hearing distance. . Germany work closely together developing and producing innovative tungsten carbide and diamond cutting materials. From the edge to tool – an all in one solution Leitz Group. Austria and Bilz GmbH & Co.KG of Ostfildern. Bilz’s expertise is tool clamping technology and is a leading manufacturer of thermal clamping systems for high speed machining of metal. Here is foundation for the quality and inherent value of Leitz tools. Present times have rediscovered this construction material. Not without good reason people go back to wood since thousands of years.and plastic processing industries and cooperates as a partner both with industry and also with trade. its versatility and its excellent constructive features. Good times for wood construction companies. Engineers appreciate. New challenges through CNC technology The boom in timber construction is accompanied by new technological challenges. wood is the most sustainable construction material solution. The long experience with solid wood applications as well as the comprehensive knowledge about the challenges of technical conditions of production. for example. However. Its fascinating structure and its characteristic smell make the own home an experience for the senses and communicate a feeling of nature affinity. Good times for timber construction companies Wood is an ideal construction material. In many enterprises. As the only renewable raw material. mainly produced for small joinery shops and carpenters. CNC-controlled joinery machines have become the centrepiece of the production.Today Leitz as a producing service provider supports customers from all sectors of the wood. . wall and ceiling structures with millimetre precision. once a small-scale company. The impetus in renovation and traditional carpentry work for new buildings provide many companies with full order books. The high-precision machine technology provides companies with new options: Joinery machines are processing roof. CO2-reservoir and material with excellent insulating values. the Leitz success story started in 1876 with tools for solid wood processing. Also tenants feel attracted to wood. They offer so many processing options and are also very flexible. makes Leitz today the preferred partner of all timber construction companies. Leitz. this experience has a full positive impact. Take advantage of the Leitz service portfolio. Top performance with regard to flexibility and efficiency are core conditions to remain competitive. Especially for the process. The list of new options is impressive. Leitz supports its customers. Special wear characteristics result in long lasting cutting quality up to the end of the tool lifetime. Machining quality. Whether for the CNC joining or for conventional processing machines. however it is no unclouded blessing for timber construction companies as the implementation of modern production technology in the timber construction also has changed the level of expectations of the customers and has intensified competition. Innovations in cutting edges. Already before starting the production. Leitz supports them in the framework of services with its complete experience in the field of hogging processes. Today a new higher quality level is expected.The machines drastically reduce the scrap rate and frequently make cost-intensive reworking on the building-site obsolete. for questions of machine loading and application parameters. Also after receiving a new machine. Shaping the future with Leitz Leitz supports its customers to cope and embrace these new challenges. A special clamping system provides quick knife changes and high flexibility. Shape the future of the construction timber industry together with Leitz! .and project engineering. flexibility and efficiency often depend on the tool. cutting geometry and knife arrangement helps make the tool overcome the critical points of new cutting applications. Leitz supports its customers with High-Tech solutions that meet all of these requirements: The HeliCut cutterhead for example literally allows furniture type quality in the timber construction. So for example the After-Sales-Service in producer quality results in better cutting results of the tools and higher efficiency. Coatings increase the lifetime of the tools significantly and reduce the processing costs. Sawing Pages 10 to 28 Planing and profiling Pages 29 to 52 Routing Pages 53 to 70 Drilling Pages 71 to 85 Clamping systems Pages 86 to 92 Knives and spare parts Pages 93 to 104 Leitz worldwide Pages 105 to 112 7 . 64 11 Pre-planing / jointing HeliPlan planerhead page 30 8 . sizing and grooving Spiral roughing. rebating and sizing page 59 and 65 Routing. adjustable from 18-35 mm on request Jointing.57 Grooving HeliCut 15 grooving cutterhead with fix grooving width for blocking grooves on request 3 4 9 5 6 10 1 1 7 1 5 2 8 Multi-purpose boring Spiral boring bit page 71 . rebating.and finishing router Marathon page 53 . bevelling. profiling Dovetail routing cutterhead page 66 Routing. sizing and grooving Shank router cutter page 53 .79 Routing.Overview of processes used by joinery machines Multi-purpose grooving HeliCut 15 adjustable grooving cutterhead.58 and 60 . copy-shaping HeliCut 15 copyshaping cutterhead for jointing. Jointing.35 or HeliPlan planerhead. rebating.50 Sawing Cross-section sawblades for joinery machines. page 34 . page 34 .20 2 1 Splitting or finish planing HW splitting sawblades on request Hydro-planerhead. bevelling.35 Routing. page 30 profiling tools on request 12 Finish planing.35 or HeliPlan planerhead. width calibrating Hydro-planerhead. page 30 or profiling tools on request Jointing Hydro-planerhead. diagonal and crosswise HeliCut 15 rebate cutterhead for joinery machines page 49 . profiling ProfilCut dovetail cutterhead Dovetail cutterhead with rebate groove on request Thickness-planing Hydro-planerhead. page 30 or profiling tools on request 5 14 16 13 15 Jointing.35 or HeliPlan planerhead. page 34 . lengthwise.and cross cut page 17 .35 or profiling tools on request 9 . page 34 . profiling Hydro-planerhead. page 34 . trimming. 0 4.2 2.5 5.0 8.0 4.5 4.5 3.0 7.0 2.4 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 10.5 2.0 10.8 2.0 7. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals 3.0 6.8 1.0 4.2 2.5 2.6 3.8 2.0 9.0 10.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.0 3.5 1.0 8.0 3.4 2.5 2.8 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 6.5 1.0 4.0 8.0 10.5 2.0 4.5 2.5 2.6 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.5 3.4 4.0 6.0 5.5 2.0 9.0 3. coated ■ Board.0 6.4 2.5 12 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 22 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 36 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 30 24 12 18 12 18 12 18 12 18 12 18 24 48 12 12 18 12                                                     ID Page D SB BO Z mm mm mm ZF 060542 060544 070077 070078 060549 020308 020309 020100 020145 020241 020146 020242 020147 020243 020148 020244 060550 060551 020149 020245 020150 020246 020151 020247 020152 020248 020153 020249 020191 020192 020193 020194 020195 020196 060556 060560 020265 020164 020266 020165 020267 020166 020268 020167 020269 020168 060571 060572 020154 020250 020169 020155 22 22 22 22 22 27 27 27 27 26 27 26 27 26 27 26 22 22 27 26 27 26 27 26 27 26 27 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 22 22 26 28 26 28 26 28 26 28 26 28 22 22 27 26 28 27 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 165 165 167 170 170 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 10 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZFA/FZFA 0 WZ 15 WZ 10 WZ 20 WZ 15 WZ 12 FZ/TR -5 FZ/TR 4 P 5 FZFA/FZFA 0 WZ 15 WZ 10 FZ/TR 8 WZ 15 WZ 10 FZ 15 WZ 15 WZ 15 WZ 10 FZ 15 WZ 15 WZ 10 WZ 10 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 ■ Solid wood ■ Board.5 2.0 2.8 3.5 4.0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 16 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 12 18 12 12 12 12 18 12 12 18 12 12 12 12 18 12 12 12 12 18 48 24 48 12 24 48 56 48 4 48 24 40 56 24 48 18 24 24 48 18 24 30 58 18 18 12 18 12 18 12 ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.1.0 6.5 4.5 2.5 1.0 5.5 3.4 2. thin-walled SW WSS Degree                                                     ID Page 020251 020156 020252 020170 020157 020253 020158 020254 020171 020159 020255 020172 020160 020256 020161 020257 020173 020162 020258 020163 020259 020174 169000 070081 070082 060734 070083 070037 070047 070071 190302 169001 070085 060789 070050 070087 070049 020202 070088 070089 070090 020203 070091 070092 070093 020204 020205 020260 020197 020261 020198 020262 26 27 26 28 27 26 27 26 28 27 26 28 27 26 27 26 28 27 26 27 26 28 25 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 21 25 22 22 24 22 22 28 22 22 22 28 22 22 22 28 28 26 28 26 28 26 .5 2.8 2.5 2.5 4.5 2.0 10.5 2.0 3.0 8.0 5. Sawing Quick search D SB BO Z mm mm mm ZF SW WSS Degree 100 100 105 105 120 120 120 120 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 130 140 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ WZ WZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ WZ WZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ WZ WZ FZ FZ FZ FZ 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 15 15 15 15 10 2.0 7.5 5.0 9.5 2.5 4.0 5.2 1.0 2.6 2. 2 3.0 3.2 2.2 3.2 3.2 2. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals 3.0 3.8 3.8 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.2 2.0 10.4 2.4 3.0 3.4 2.8 3.2 3.4 2.6 3.2 3. thin-walled SW WSS Degree                                                          ●□             ●□           □        □      □        □       ▪ ●□ ●□            ▪ ●□ ●□        □        □       ▪ ●□ ●□            ▪ ●□ ●□      ▫      ▫                  ▫      ▫                    □        □      □        □    ▫      ▫               □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □       ●□             ●□           □        □      □        □       ▪ ●□ ●□       □        □    ▫        □         ▫                 □           ▪ ●□ ●□         ● □                    ● □            ▪             ▪     ID Page 060646 169004 070112 070113 070041 190304 070114 060647 060648 060649 070732 060652 060653 070062 070046 060656 070060 070116 070117 070115 070068 070069 070119 070118 057502 058055 058382 060250 059950 065873 058304 068750 060134 067006 057402 169005 069085 065874 065350 070124 060671 060672 060673 190305 057503 060309 057125 057700 058057 058384 060252 065870 22 25 22 22 24 21 23 23 23 23 24 23 23 24 23 23 23 24 24 24 23 23 24 23 16 23 23 24 24 18.2 3.2 3.6 3.8 3. coated ■ Board.2 4.8 3.2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 16 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 64 64 32 48 68 6 24 12 34 24 54 24 34 80 22 34 48 48 60 24 24 60 80 80 18 40 60 80 80 80 80 20 60 18 18 72 48 60 48 60 28 48 60 8 20 20 28 30 48 72 96 96 ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.6 2.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.6 2.6 2.0 8.8 2.8 2.0 6.4 2.2 3.8 2.2 3.2 3. Sawing Quick search D SB BO Z mm mm mm ZF 180 180 180 180 180 185 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 216 216 216 216 220 220 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 WZ 15 FZFA/FZFA 0 WZ 20 WZ 20 WZ 15 WZ 10 FZ/TR -5 WZ 15 WZ 10 WZ 20 WZ 8 FZ/TR 4 FZ/TR -5 P 5 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 WZ 15 WZ 10 WZ 10 WZ 10 FZ 15 WZ -5 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZ 15 FZFA/FZFA 0 WZ 15 WZ 22 WZ 3 WZ 22 FZ/TR -5 WZ 10 WZ 10 FZ/TR -1 FZ/TR -5 WZ -5 FZ 20 FZ 20 WZ -5 WZ -5 FZ/TR -5 WZ -5 WZ 25 WZ 15 6.0 8.8 2.2 3.2 3.2 2.6 2.5 1.2 3.6 2.5 3.8 2.2 3.0 3.2 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 20 20 20 16 16 30 30 30 30 20 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 35 20 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 18 12 18 12 18 24 54 24 14 24 48 54 24 48 16 48 54 68 4 18 18 18 16 34 48 64 18 72 18 18 18 18 18 60 24 30 40 42 64 64 56 42 60 60 20 16 24 48 64 64 36 34 SW WSS Degree                               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057504 068751 067024 067008 067029 067046 057405 057406 069086 065875 065351 057490 060675 060310 070065 068753 057701 069002 057505 060311 070063 065958 065959 065880 057506 068755 067015 057407 057408 169006 070053 070120 065876 057491 067047 067048 069087 057507 065352 065881 057525 060312 057702 065877 067049 067030 068756 057409 057508 057703 069003 23 16 14 13 13 13 13 16 16 17 18 17 16 23 21 23 14 18 17 16 21 23 17 17 18 16 14 13 16 16 25 23 23 18 16 13 13 17 16 17 18 19 21 18 18 13 13 14 16 16 18 17 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 520 550 550 550 550 600 600 600 600 600 630 630 650 650 700 700 720 720 720 720 720 720 735 735 750 760 760 800 800 800 TR WZ WZ FZ WZ FZ WZ FZ TR WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ FZ WZ WZ WZ FZ WZ WZ WZ WZ FZ WZ WZ WZ FZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ FZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ 12 -5 -5 25 10 20 20 20 12 -5 -5 -5 -5 10 10 20 10 15 20 20 10 10 20 10 20 10 10 15 20 20 15 10 15 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ■ Solid wood ■ Board.5 3.0 3.0 3.6 6.0 4.0 4.4 5.5 3.4 4.0 4.0 4.8 3.5 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.5 4.0 4. coated ■ Board.2 5.5 3.5 3. Sawing Quick search D SB BO Z mm mm mm ZF 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 305 305 305 305 315 315 315 320 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 355 355 355 355 355 380 380 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 WZ 10 FZ 20 WZ 18 FZ 25 FZ 25 FZ 25 FZ 25 FZ 20 FZ 20 WZ -5 WZ -5 WZ -5 FZ 20 WZ 15 TR 12 WZ 20 WZ 18 WZ -5 WZ -5 FZ 20 TR 12 WZ 10 WZ -5 WZ -5 WZ -5 FZ 20 WZ 18 FZ 25 FZ 20 FZ 20 FZFA/FZFA 0 WZ 20 WZ 20 WZ -5 FZ 20 FZ 25 FZ 25 WZ -5 FZ 20 WZ -5 WZ -5 WZ 10 TR 12 WZ -5 WZ -5 FZ 25 FZ 25 WZ 18 FZ 20 FZ 20 WZ -5 WZ -5 12 3.0 4.0 5 5.1.4 2.0 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.0 4.8 3.2 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 3. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals 4.0 4.4 4.2 4.5 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 32 48 72 24 138 28 108 36 36 54 54 54 72 144 144 32 96 60 120 28 144 96 120 160 36 172 96 48 36 120 62 180 54 96 48 72 48 48 48 72 72 72 48 72 60 48 72 48 80 28 ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.0 4.4 3.8 4.2 5.2 3.6 5.2 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.5 3.5 5.0 6.5 3.4 5.2 3.2 5.8 6 6.5 3.0 4. thin-walled                                                        □        □       ▪ ●□ ●□       □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □       ▪ ●□ ●□       □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □      □        □           ▪ ●□ ●□         ● □               ● □            ▪             ▪             ▪ ●□ ●□         ● □               ● □            ▪             ▪     ID Page 060313 065945 065878 067031 057526 057410 057524 057509 060314 057704 065948 069004 065879 057528 057542 057411 057534 057566 057516 057993 057529 057535 057517 057530 057994 057531 057536 057570 057995 057518 57567 057543 057561 057550 057997 057568 057557 057562 057563 057551 057555 057556 057558 057552 057569 057559 057553 057560 057554 057565 21 17 18 13 19 16 19 16 21 18 17 17 18 19 19 16 19 20 19 15 19 19 19 19 15 19 19 20 15 19 20 19 20 20 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 .2 3.4 4.4 4.2 3.4 4. 8 3.1 Cutting along grain 1.0 30 30 30 120 120 120 ■ Solid wood ■ Board. WK 100-2-43 SB FZ SW TDI D mm 250 300 300 300 SB mm 3. Middle cuts WK 100-2-18.2 2.8 2.middle cuts. single and double spindle machines.5 3. coated ■ Board.8 30 30 80 100 100 400 4.0 380 4.5 TDI mm 2.5 2.5 3.2 80 350 4.1 Circular sawblades with wiper teeth FZ Circular sawblades with wiper teeth with internal and external wiper teeth Application: For cutting along grain .5 3. single and multi blade.2 BO BOmax mm mm 30 80 30 80 70 80 300 3. Large lateral tooth overhang for cutting wet and frozen wood.0 450 4. wet.0 400 4. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals DKN mm 21/83 23/90 13/89 13/89 13/89 13/89 19/89 19/89 FLDmax mm 130 110 110 110 Z ZF SW Degree 25 25 25 25 WSS ID 18 20 20 20 FZ FZ FZ FZ 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 067006 067024 067008 067029 140 20 FZ 25 䡲 067046 ● 130 140 140 24 FZ 24 FZ 24 FZ 25 25 25 䡲 䡲 䡲 067015 ● 067047 ● 067048 ● 140 150 160 20 FZ 28 FZ 24 FZ 25 25 25 䡲 䡲 䡲 067049 ● 067030 ● 067031 ● ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel. Machine: Straight line edger.8 2.4 2.0 380 4. Technical information: With two internal and external wiper teeth (over D-280 mm).0 2. dry and long fibre materials (poplar. frozen.8 2. thin-walled ● ● ● ● 13 . balsa etc.1.2 2.2 2.1. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.). Sawing 1. 2 3. Sawing 1.2 Circular sawblades with wiper teeth WZ Circular sawblades with internal and external wiper teeth Application: For cutting along grain .2 2.leitz.2 2. Machine: Straight line edger.6/83 20. Middle cuts . balsa etc.8 BO mm 70 70 70 70 70 BOmax mm 80 80 100 100 DKN mm 20.1 Cutting along grain 1.1.2 3. single and multi blade. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.1.0 TDI mm 2.org Z ZF 20 24 28 28 24 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree 18 18 18 18 18 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 068750 068751 068753 068755 068756 ● ● ● ● ● .2 3. single and double spindle machines.6/83 20.middle cuts.6/83 20.dry WK 150-2-43 SB WZ SW 14 D mm 250 300 320 350 400 SB mm 3. dry up to 15 % wood moisture content and long fibre materials (poplar.6/83 TDI ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Technical information: With two external and two or four internal (over D-350 mm) wiper teeth.6/83 20.) up to 110 mm cutting height.5 4.2 2.5 2. balsa etc. coated ■ Board.). single and double spindle machines. thin-walled 15 .6 4. Circular sawblades with 4 large gullets WK 100-2-07 D mm 500 550 600 700 SB SB mm 5. dry and long fibre materials (poplar. wet.1.1. Machine: Straight line edger.6 3.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 BOmax mm 100 100 100 100 FLD mm 140 140 160 200 Z ZF 28 36 36 48 FZ FZ FZ FZ SW Degree 20 20 20 20 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057993 057994 057995 057997 ● ● ● ● FZ SW TDI ■ Solid wood ■ Board.0 4. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.5 5.0 6. Technical information: With four large tooth gullets. single and multi blade.6 Skip-tooth circular sawblades .0 TDI mm 3.5 6.1 Cutting along grain 1.FZ Square cuts Application: For cross cutting large material heights. Sawing 1. Technical information: Large gullet and large. Technical information: Optimised design for middle cuts.middle cuts.2 3.0 3. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.7 Circular sawblades for universal cuts Middle and shoulder cuts Application: For cutting along grain .8 BO mm 30 30 30 70 30 70 30 30 30 BOmax mm 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 DKN mm FLD mm 100 100 120 21/83 120 120 21/83 120 140 140 140 TDI ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Circular sawblades with large gullet WK 100-2-10 SB FZ SW 16 D mm 210 250 300 300 350 350 400 450 500 SB mm 3.2 3.2 2.2 2.6 3.leitz. Machine: Straight line edger. single and double spindle machines and table saws.2 2.0 TDI mm 2.0 4.2 2.2 BO mm 30 30 30 70 30 30 70 30 30 30 30 BOmax mm 90 90 100 120 100 120 100 100 100 DKN mm FLD mm 100 100 120 21/83 120 120 120 21/83 120 120 140 140 140 Z ZF 16 18 20 20 24 20 20 24 24 28 32 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ SW Degree 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057400 057402 057405 057406 057490 057407 057408 057491 057409 057410 057411 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Middle cuts Application: For cutting along grain . single and multi blade.2 2. Circular sawblades with reinforced tool body and large gullet WK 100-2-01 SB FZ SW TDI D mm 210 250 300 300 305 350 350 355 400 450 500 SB mm 3. wet and dry. Large gullet. Machine: Straight line edger. single and multi blade. dry up to 15 % wood moisture content.2 3.4 4.0 3.2 2.5 2.1.4 5.6 2.5 3.2 3. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.0 4. single and double spindle machines and table saws.0 4.0 3.5 3.6 2.6 2.0 4.4 4.2 2.4 4.4 4.5 3.shoulder and middle cuts.org Z ZF 20 18 20 20 24 24 28 34 36 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ SW Degree 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057500 057502 057503 057504 057505 057506 057507 057508 057509 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . Solid tool body design for middle cuts.0 3.1 Cutting along grain 1. lateral tooth clearance for cuts in wet wood.0 TDI mm 2. Sawing 1.1.8 4.2 2.2 3.0 5. 5 3. recommended for manually operated machines. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.2.8 3. wet and dry.noise reduction during free running by up to 8 dB(A).5 2.Excellent Application: For noise reduced trimming and cross cutting. Technical information: With negative hook angle for cutting with feed.noise reduction during operation by up to 10 dB(A).2 2. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 NLA mm KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL Z ZF 48 54 60 60 48 54 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.1 Trimming circular sawblades WZ negative Trimming cut from the top . mitre cutting and double end tenoners. coated ■ Board. mitre cutting and double end tenoners. Sawing 1.0 2.circular sawblades with negative hook angle WK 180-3-01 D mm 255 305 350 350 400 450 500 SB SB mm 3.2 Cutting across grain 1.0 4. Vibration damped composite tool body with steel foil.1. trim.2 3.2 2. AS OptiCut UT design .8 3.circular sawblades with negative hook angle WK 180-3-51 D mm 255 305 350 400 450 500 SB mm 2.8 3. AS OptiCut UT .2 2.2 3.5 2.2 ■ Solid wood ■ Board.2 3.5 2. recommended for manually operated machines. wet and dry. thin-walled SW Degree -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 069085 069086 069002 069087 069003 069004 ● ● ● ● ● ● 17 .4 TDI mm 2.Premium Application: For noise reduced trimming and cross cutting.8 4.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 NLA mm KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL Foil Z ZF left left left right left left left 48 54 60 60 60 48 54 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 065350 065351 065958 065959 065352 065945 065948 ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ▫ WZ SW TDI Trimming cut from the top .8 2.2 2. AS LowNoise foil design . Machine: Circular sawing machines for cross.5 4.5 3. trim. AS LowNoise foil .2 3.4 TDI mm 2. Tool body with vibration damping laser ornaments and irregular tooth pitch. Technical information: With negative hook angle for cutting with feed.0 2. Machine: Circular sawing machines for cross. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Circular sawblades .5 3.4 4.leitz.org Z ZF 72 80 60 30 96 60 36 108 72 42 72 120 48 72 54 72 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree -5 -5 -5 -5 -6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 065872 065873 065874 057700 065870 065875 057701 065880 065876 057702 065877 065881 057703 065878 057704 065879 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . WK 160-2-10 SB WZ SW 18 TDI D mm 200 250 255 300 300 305 350 350 355 400 400 400 450 450 500 500 SB mm 3.2 3.2 3.8 4.2 2. Technical information: With negative hook angle and medium number of teeth for cutting with feed.5 3.0 3.4 TDI mm 2.8 2. Machine: Circular sawing machines for cross. recommended for manual machines.2 2. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.2 Cutting across grain 1.2 3.6 2.2 3.6 2.0 BO mm 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 NLA mm KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL KNL ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.6 2.8 2. Sawing 1.2.8 2.0 2.4 2.cutting height 90 mm.0 4.1 Trimming circular sawblades WZ negative Trimming cut from the top Application: For trimming and cross cutting.0 3.8 3.8 2.2 2. mitre cutting and double end tenoners.2 2. WK 160-2-01. trim.1. wet and dry.8 2.8 3. with negative hook angle WK 160-2.8 3.8 3.2 3. 0 sec.2 5.Premium Application: For noise reduced trim and cross cutting even in wet wood.5 3.at a high feedrate .0 4.2 4. Sawing 1. wet and dry. trimming and optimising machines. Machine: Trimming. WK 150-2-11 D mm 400 450 500 550 600 SB SB mm 3. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. wet and dry. Circular sawblades WK 150-2.8 5.1. Circular sawblades .2 3. coated ■ Board.AS OptiCut UT WK 150-2 SB WZ SW D mm 450 500 500 500 520 550 550 600 600 630 SB mm 4.8 5.4 5.2.4 3.8 3. AS OptiCut UT design noise reduction during free running by up to 8 dB(A).0 TDI mm 2.0 4.0 5. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.2 5.0 5.0 sec.0 4.6 5. thin-walled 19 .2 3. Machine: Cross cutting.at a high feedrate Application: For trim and cross cutting even in wet wood.3 to 1.4 TDI mm 3.5 3.3 to 1. Technical information: With large lateral tooth clearance and high number of teeth.8 4.5 5. Technical information: With large lateral tooth clearance and high number of teeth.2 3.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 NLA mm 2/15/63 2/15/63 Z ZF 120 108 120 120 120 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree 10 20 20 20 20 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057525 057524 057516 057517 057518 ● ● ● ● ● WZ SW TDI ■ Solid wood ■ Board.2 3.5 3. Cycle times of 0.2 6. Tool body with irregular tooth pitch. cross cutting and optimising machines.2 Cutting across grain 1.2 Trimming circular sawblades for optimising saws Trimming cuts . Cycle times of 0.2 4.4 BO mm 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 NLA mm 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/15/63 2/10/60 Z ZF 138 96 144 144 144 96 160 96 172 180 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057526 057534 057528 057542 057529 057535 057530 057536 057531 057543 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● TDI Trimming cuts . Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.8 4. leitz.0 4.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.5/120 2/8.4 30 720 6.0 4. Sawing 1.8 4.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.2.1/90 2/14/400 8/8.org Z ZF WSS ID WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree 15 15 15 15 60 48 62 54 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 057566 057570 057567 057561 96 WZ 15 䡲 057550 ● 72 48 WZ WZ 15 15 䡲 䡲 057568 ● 057557 ● 48 WZ 15 䡲 057562 ● 48 WZ 15 䡲 057563 ● 72 WZ 15 䡲 057551 ● 72 WZ 15 䡲 057555 ● 72 WZ 15 䡲 057556 ● 48 WZ 15 䡲 057558 ● 72 WZ 15 䡲 057552 ● 60 48 WZ WZ 15 15 䡲 䡲 057569 ● 057559 ● 72 WZ 15 䡲 057553 ● 48 WZ 15 䡲 057560 ● 80 WZ 15 䡲 057554 ● 28 WZ 15 䡲 057565 ● ● ● ● ● .6 4. glulam and glue-laminate constructions or laminated solid wood.0 6.0 30 700 720 6.4 30 720 6.1.3/90 2/15/400 8/8.2 Cutting across grain 1.0 4.3 Cross cut circular sawblades for joinery machines Trimming and cutting across grain Application: For cross cutting. wet and dry.0 3.3/90 2/15/400 8/8.1/90 2/14/400 4/8.0 4.0 4.4 40 30 760 6.4 30 735 6.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.6 4. Technical information: With large lateral tooth clearance.5/120 4/8. trimming and angled cuts on 5-axis machining centres.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.4 30 735 6.1/90 2/14/400 8/8.4 30 800 7.0 4.0 4.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 650 5. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.4 30 750 760 6. trimming and CNC controlled machines.5/120 4/8.5 5.0 5.0 5. Machine: Cross cutting.4 30 30 720 6.5/120 4/8.1/90 2/14/400 4/8.4 30 720 6.0 4.3/90 2/15/400 2/12/60 4/8.0 30 TDI NLA mm 2/10/80 1/10/160 4/8.2 6.6 TDI mm 3.0 4.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.0 4.3/100 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.4 30 800 6.4 30 800 6.3/90 2/15/400 4/8.0 6.4 30 720 6.0 4.5/120 4/8.4 4.3/90 2/15/400 8/8. Circular sawblades WK 150-2-09 SB WZ SW 20 D mm 500 600 630 650 SB mm 5.0 4.0 4. Circular sawblades .5 3.2 TDI mm 2. thin-walled 21 .2 3.2 Construction sawblades Universal sizing cuts Application: For universal and robust use on building sites.8 4. Styrodur slabs.4 BO mm 20 20 30 30 NLA mm 2/10/60 Z ZF 4 4 6 8 P P P P SW Degree 5 5 5 5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲 190302 190303 190304 190305 ● ● ● ● TDI ■ Solid wood ■ Board. wood wool (e. Machine: Circular sawing machines in the building industry.Diamaster PRO WK 808-2-DP SB SW D mm 160 190 225 300 SB mm 3.8 3.2 2.2 3. Circular sawblades WK 903-3 SB TR SW D mm 300 315 350 400 450 500 SB mm 3.7.2 3. Heraklith). Machine: Portable circular sawing machines. gas aerated slabs.2 2.4 2.0 3. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel. Diamaster PRO version with 4. low vibration tool body. sizing sawing machines and radial cross cutting sawing machines.0 4. stable tool body tooth shape.g. close and stable for the tough requirements in construction industy.2 3. Sawing 1. Technical information: Tool body tooth shape round. The tool body with diameter 160 mm has 4 internal cooling slots.4 2. coated ■ Board.4 2. roundwood and squared timbers.0 TDI mm 2.7 Multi purpose / universal 1.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 Z ZF 20 28 24 28 32 36 TR TR TR TR TR TR SW Degree 12 12 12 12 12 12 WSS ID 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 060309 060310 060311 060312 060313 060314 ● ● ● ● ● ● TDI Cutting to size fibre cement building slabs and front panels DP Application: For cutting and sizing.2 3.1. gypsum plasterboard and form work panel of veneer.5 2. Technical information: Stabilised. Workpiece material: Fibre cement building slabs and front panels. Workpiece material: Panels and timbers with small concrete and metal inclusions.5 mm tip height. 6 1.2 2.0 1.0 3.5 2.4 3.6 2.0 1.1. across grain and glued. compound working materials.6 1.6 1.4 2.6 1.5 2. Workpiece material: Solid wood along.8 1.8 2.5 2.6 1.8 3.5 2.6 1.0 2.5 2.8 2. Sawing 1.8 Portable circular saws 1.6 2.0 2.6 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 1. plasterboards etc.8 2.8 BO mm 12 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 16 20 20 30 30 30 20 16 16 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Z ZF 30 30 10 22 24 24 36 30 24 24 48 24 48 12 24 48 24 40 24 48 24 24 48 24 30 58 24 24 48 14 24 48 16 24 48 16 34 48 64 24 30 42 56 64 34 36 64 32 48 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.8 2.8 2.0 2.6 1.8 1.5 2.5 2.org SW Degree 10 10 15 15 15 15 10 12 15 10 10 15 10 20 15 12 15 10 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 10 15 15 10 20 15 10 20 20 8 15 10 10 10 15 22 22 10 10 15 25 10 20 10 WSS ID 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 060542 060544 070077 070078 060549 060550 060551 060556 060560 060571 060572 070081 070082 060734 070083 070037 070085 060789 070087 070049 070088 070089 070090 070091 070092 070093 070094 060606 060607 060790 070096 070097 060742 070095 070036 070121 060627 070122 070123 070100 070101 070103 070106 070104 060644 070109 060646 070112 070113 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .2 2.6 1.5 2.5 2.8 2.6 1.4 2.6 1.5 2.6 1.8 1.6 2. thermoplastics.8 1.4 2.5 2.1 Sawblades Multi-purpose cut Application: For cutting along and across grain and sizing. raw wood derived materials.8 2.8 1.5 2.4 2.4 2.6 1.6 1. gluelam. Tooth shape WZ SB WZ SW 22 TDI D mm 100 100 105 105 120 125 125 130 140 150 150 160 160 160 160 160 165 167 170 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 185 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 200 200 200 200 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 225 225 SB mm 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.0 3.2 1.6 2. veneered.5 2.6 1.6 3.6 2.0 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.6 1.leitz.8 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.8 1.2 2.8 1.8.0 3.6 1.6 TDI mm 1.4 2.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 2.4 2.8 2. plastic and paper coated. plywood (e. Multiplex).g.6 1. 2 3.2 2.2 3.2 2.0 2.2 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.1 Sawblades D mm 230 230 230 235 235 235 240 240 240 250 250 250 250 250 250 260 280 280 280 300 300 300 300 315 315 350 355 355 SB mm 3.2 3. Sawing 1.2 3.5 2.8 Portable circular saws 1.1.2 2. thin-walled SW Degree 15 20 15 15 15 15 20 15 10 25 10 20 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 20 10 10 10 20 15 10 20 20 WSS ID 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲䡲 䡲䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 060647 070114 060648 060649 060652 060653 070046 060656 070060 070068 058055 070069 058382 070118 058304 070124 060671 060672 060673 057125 058057 058384 058311 070065 060675 070063 070053 070120 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 23 .8 3.2 2.0 2.8 2.0 3.2 2.2 3.2 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 2.8 2.2 1.2 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.8.2 3.2 2.5 3.2 3.0 2.2 2.2 2.5 3.2 2.0 3.2 2.2 3.2 ■ Solid wood ■ Board.8 3.8 3. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals BO mm 30 30 30 16 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Z ZF 12 24 34 24 24 34 22 34 48 24 40 60 60 80 80 60 28 48 60 28 48 72 96 28 48 24 16 32 FZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.0 1.2 3.8 2.2 3.0 3.2 2.2 TDI mm 2. coated ■ Board. 4 2. gluelam (HPL.2 2.6 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Z ZF 40 60 24 48 64 24 48 60 80 WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ WZ SW Degree 3 -5 -5 -5 -5 -3 -5 -5 -5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 070102 060717 060688 060684 060685 070115 070116 070117 065873 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Workpiece material: Hollow wall profiles and panels (plastics and non-ferrous metals).6 2.8 3.8 3.8 2.8 2.1. mineral materials (Corian.0 2.2 TDI mm 1.2 TDI mm 1.8 2.8.8 1.0 1.4 1.4 3.0 1.4 2. hollow wall profiles (plastics and non-ferrous metals). trimming and cutting to length.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.8 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.0 3.6 2. plastics (duromers). Workpiece material: Soft and hardwood across the grain.leitz.8 2. Tooth shape WZ D mm 210 210 216 216 216 250 250 250 250 SB WZ SB mm 2.2 2.4 3. Sawing 1.0 2.6 2.2 3.0 2. Tooth shape FZ/TR SW TDI SB WZ SW TDI SB FZ/TR SW TDI D mm 160 160 170 190 190 190 210 210 210 216 225 235 240 250 250 250 250 300 SB mm 2.8 1.6 2. extruded profiles.6 2.6 1.0 2.4 2.1 Sawblades End trimming cut Application: For cross cutting.8 2.0 2.6 2.2 3.5 2.6 3.8 1.6 BO mm 20 20 30 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 Z ZF 48 56 56 54 54 68 42 60 64 64 68 54 80 60 80 80 80 96 FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR FZ/TR SB FZ/TR SW 24 TDI ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.8 2. extruded profiles.8 Portable circular saws 1.8 2.8 2.org SW Degree 4 -5 8 -5 4 -5 -1 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 5 -5 -5 WSS ID 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 䡲 䡲䡲 䡲 070071 070047 070050 060707 070099 070054 070107 070067 070105 060686 070041 070732 070062 060134 070119 059950 060250 060252 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . Varicor).8 3. Trespa).0 2. 6 1.1.0 25.8 1.1 Sawblades Metal sawblade.4 2. dry-cut Application: For splitting. Workpiece material: Flat and angle bar.6 TDI mm 1.8 30 64 0 䡲䡲 254 2.8 Portable circular saws 1. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel. compound materials. pipes.8 1.8.2 20 48 0 䡲䡲 190 1.thickness up to 5 mm WK 357-2 D mm 160 SB mm 1. Sawing 1.4 30 60 0 䡲䡲 225 2.8 30 72 0 䡲䡲 169004 ● 169005 ● 355 2.2 1. thin-walled 25 .2 1. trimming and sizing. sheets.4 30 54 0 䡲䡲 210 1. profiles.2 BO mm 20 Z 48 SW Degree 0 WSS ID 䡲䡲 169000 ● 169001 ● 165 1. Sawblade .4 80 0 䡲䡲 169006 ● 169002 ● 169003 ● SB FZFA/FZFA SW TDI ■ Solid wood ■ Board. coated ■ Board. 0 2.8 1.5 3.5 1.2 1.1.1 Grooving cutters Grooving cutter for manual feed Application: For grooving with (MEC) or against feed (MAN). Technical information: Tool body design with round.0 6. Workpiece material: Solid wood.0 2.0 4.5 4.5 3.13700 6200 .9.4 2.13700 5200 .9500 4300 .0 7.2 2.0 6.0 8.0 2.11400 5200 .0 5.0 2.13700 6200 .org Z 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 n min-1 6200 .9500 ID 020241 020242 020243 020244 020245 020246 020247 020248 020249 020265 020266 020267 020268 020269 020250 020251 020252 020253 020254 020255 020256 020257 020258 020259 020260 020261 020262 020263 020264 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .0 3.0 9.0 10.5 3.0 3.11400 5200 .13700 6200 .8 1.11400 5200 . uncoated.11400 5200 .11400 4300 .13700 6200 .9500 4300 .11400 5200 .0 4.5 5.5 4.2 2.9500 4300 .4 2.0 4.5 4.0 8.0 3.2 1.0 10.5 5.11400 5200 .13700 6200 . coated and veneered wood derived materials.5 7.2 1.11400 5200 .5 3.13700 6200 .13700 6200 .0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 BOmax mm 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. closed tooth shape.5 3. moulders and double end tenoners.leitz.2 2.8 2.13700 6200 .9 Grooving 1.2 1.11400 5200 .0 7. Machine: Spindle moulders.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 TDI mm 0.5 4.11400 5200 .11400 5200 .5 6.11400 5200 .0 6. Sawing 1.9500 4300 .11400 5200 .0 1. Z 12 WF 100-1-05 SB BO D SB Grooving in middle layer BO D Set assembly for lock corner joint 26 D mm 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 SB mm 1.0 1.8 2.0 6.11400 5200 .0 2.2 2.11400 5200 . 0 8.0 3. coated ■ Board.0 3. D mm 120 120 120 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 D BO Z 12 WF 100-2-02 SB TDI mm 2.5 5.2 2.5 4.0 6.0 6. thin-walled 27 .0 BO mm 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 BOmax mm 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 DKN mm 6x25.2 1.0 10. coated and veneered wood derived materials.0 10.6 6x25.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 3.5 5.0 9.5 4.0 7.9 Grooving 1.6 Z 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 nmax min-1 14200 14200 14200 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 13700 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 ID 020308 020309 020100 020145 020146 020147 020148 020149 020150 020151 020152 020153 020191 020192 020193 020194 020195 020196 020154 020155 020156 020157 020158 020159 020160 020161 020162 020163 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● SB Cutting the back panel groove SB mm 4.0 6.5 4.0 3.0 4.4 2.0 2.2 2.8 1.1. Sawing 1. uncoated.8 2.0 6.5 3.5 5.5 7.0 10.5 3.0 6. uncoated ■ Non-ferrous metals ■ Plastics ■ Mineral materials ■ Composites ■ Steel.0 5.5 3.2 1.0 BO D Grooving the narrow edge ■ Solid wood ■ Board.0 0.5 5.0 1.0 9.0 2.2 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.2 Grooving cutters Grooving cutter for mechanical feed Application: For grooving with feed (MEC).9.5 7. Workpiece material: Solid wood.0 4.6 6x25.0 8.5 7.0 7.0 3. Machine: Moulders and double end tenoners.0 6. 2 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 4.0 5.0 4.5 6.leitz.0 7.0 10.0 2.8 1.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.5 6.5 3.0 2.4 2.2 Grooving cutters Grooving cutter for mechanical feed Application: For grooving with feed (MEC).0 2.0 TDI mm 0.0 1. uncoated.2 1.0 4.0 10.2 1.5 4.4 2. Sawing 1.0 1.2 2.0 7.0 8.2 2. Workpiece material: Solid wood.0 2.5 3. coated and veneered wood derived materials.5 6.0 BO mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 BOmax mm 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 BO D Grooving the narrow edge 28 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.0 6.9.5 3.2 1.2 1.5 3.0 6.9 Grooving 1.5 3.1. D mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 D BO Z 18 WF 100-2-03 SB SB Cutting the back panel groove SB mm 1.0 2.5 3. Machine: Moulders and double end tenoners.0 10.0 8.0 2.4 2.0 7.0 3.0 1.5 4.org DKN mm 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 10x45 Z 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 nmax min-1 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 11400 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 ID 020164 020165 020166 020167 020168 020169 020170 020171 020172 020173 020174 020202 020203 020204 020205 020197 020198 020199 020200 020201 020299 020300 020301 020302 020303 020304 020305 020306 020307 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .0 2.5 1.0 5. 218-219 Finish cutterhead 212. 221-222  211+220 Pre-and finish planing 202-207  Wedge-type system 210. 218-219 212. 221-222 213-215 / 223-224 RotaPlan hydro planerhead 213-216 / 225-226 TurboPlan hydro planerhead 214-215 / 227 211+220 Finish planing 202-207  Wedge-type system 210. 218-219 Finish cutterhead 212. 221-222 Hydro planerhead 213-215 / 223-224 RotaPlan hydro planerhead 213-216 / 225-226 TurboPlan hydro planerhead 214-215 / 227 Jointable Hydro clamping Constant diameter                       CentroStar    Hydro planerhead VariPlan   CentroStar VariPlan Resharpenable  Wedge-type system Finish cutterhead Bore Application HeliPlan HSK Lexicon Edition 6 Page Planing systems overview Planerhead Description 3.Pre-planing 197-199 VariPlan 202-207       210. Planing and profiling                      29 . with bore WW 220-2-01 D mm 125 125 125 125 125 140 140 HW turnblade knives SB mm 130 170 210 230 240 170 240 BO mm 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 Z 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 AM PCS 26 32 38 40 42 32 42 nmax min-1 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 10000 10000 ID 030423 030425 030452 030447 030426 030427 030428 ● ● ● ● ● Design with HW cutting edges Further dimensions and inch dimensions available on request.org ABM mm M5x14. Torx® 20 Torx® key ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. surfacing and jointing all types of wood with large chip removal. Technical information: Pre-planing cutterhead with 4 edge HW turnblade knives. Planing and profiling 3. Aluminium tool body.2-8.3.5 QAL HW VE PCS 10 ID 009535 ● Spare parts: BEZ Knives mounted on periphery 30 Countersink screw. segmented edge arrangement. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Aluminium tool body. Smooth finish by radiused cutting edges.8 Torx® 20 ID 007394 ● 006091 ● . Suitable reference cutterheads on page 31. Machine: Four side moulders.2 Planing 3. Low noise and energy efficient due to spiral. Optional with steel reference cutterhead for machines with fence.2.1 Cutterheads for pre-planing Planerhead HeliPlan with 4 edge HW turnblade knives Application: Pre-planing.leitz. Spare knives: BEZ Turnblade knife ABM mm 15x15x2. Also suitable for finish planing if quality demands are less important or in connection with subsequent sharpening. Machine: Four side moulders with fence. Planing and profiling 3.5 QAL HW-F HW-30F 005099 ● 005070 ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM BEM mm Spacer 70x3x40.7x8x1. Torx® 20 M6x0.1 Cutterheads for pre-planing Reference cutterhead Application: For cutting a side reference rebate when surface planing on the first bottom spindle in combination with a planer cutterhead. ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. CentroStar WW 410-2 D mm 145 160 SB mm 15 15 BO mm 40 40 Z V QAL 2 2 2 2 HW HW Z V QAL 2 2 2 2 HW HW nmax min-1 12500 12500 ID nmax min-1 12500 12500 ID VE PCS 10 10 ID 024554 ● 024560 ● For HeliPlan.3. Technical information: Steel tool body with HW turnblade knives. can be combined with pre-planing and finish planing cutterheads on the first bottom spindle. Mounted without spacer.2. Mounted with spacer ID 028617. VariPlan Plus WW 410-2 D mm 145 160 SB mm 15 15 BO mm 40 40 024563 ● 024564 ● Spare knives: BEZ Turnblade spur VS1 Turnblade knife Combined reference cutterhead with wedge type system.org 31 .DTK58 Countersink screw. VariPlan Plus cutterhead. D145 for planerheads D125.5x4. build up system and CentroStar. ABM mm 14x14x2 14. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. build-up system. For wedge-type system.9 Torx® 20 for steel-body Pin 6x20 ID 028617 ● 006243 ● 008619 ● Combination with HeliPlan.leitz.2 Planing 3. D160 for planerheads D140. 2 Planing 3.3 Cutterheads for finish planing Planerhead wedge-type system Application: Multi-purpose applications for pre-planing with large chip removal and finish planing.0 mm.3.2.org 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ID HS 140400 140401 140402 140403 140404 140405 140406 140407 ● ● ● ● ID HW 140450 140451 140452 140453 140454 140455 140456 140457 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ . Technical information: Cutterhead with resharpenable planer knives SB x 30 x 3. Machine: Four side moulders. Pressure springs position the knives to the defined cutting circle by a setting gauge. Steel or aluminium tool body design. Cutting edge qualities HS. build up system and CentroStar. Marathon (MC33) or HW available. Mounted with spacer ID 028617. D mm 125 125 125 125 140 140 140 140 SB mm 130 180 230 240 130 180 230 240 ND mm 130 180 230 240 130 180 230 240 BO mm 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 Suitable reference cutterheads on page 31.leitz. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Combined reference cutterhead with wedge type system. Planing and profiling 3. 32 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Steel tool body WM 200-2-05 D mm 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 SB mm 100 120 130 150 170 180 210 230 240 ND mm 100 120 130 150 170 180 210 230 240 BO mm 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 nmax min-1 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 Z nmax min-1 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Z 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ID HS 140002 140003 140004 140005 140006 140007 140009 140010 140011 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 140052 140053 140054 140055 140056 140057 140059 140060 140061 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Aluminium tool body WM 200-2-07 Correct knife protrusion: max. 2 mm. Spare parts service only by the manufacturer.2.3.3 Cutterheads for finish planing Planerhead CentroStar Application: Especially suitable for finish planing. Combined with reference cutterhead and spacer ID 028617.org 33 . ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.7 mm.2 Planing 3. Aluminium tool body WW 240-2-20 D mm 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 SB mm 100 130 170 180 210 230 240 ND mm 106 136 176 186 216 236 246 BO mm 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 BOmax mm 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Z 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 nmax min-1 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 ID HS 130442 130446 130452 130454 130458 130460 130462 ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 130443 130447 130453 130455 130459 130461 130463 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Further dimensions and inch dimensions available on request Suitable reference cutterheads on page 31.leitz. Integrated chip breaker to prevent pre-splitting. Planing and profiling 3. Aluminium tool body. Machine: Four side moulders. Technical information: Form fit knife clamping system supported by centrifugal force. Axial or radial knife removal. HS or HW turnblade planer knife SB x 12 x 2. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Can also be used for pre-planing with chip removal up to 6 mm. 2.right Arrangement of the grease nipples 34 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.005 mm. the knives are to be sharpened in the tool body to a concentricity of < 0.leitz. Marathon knives (MC33) for high performance. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.2 Planing 3.0 mm. Z 4 . Machine: Four side moulders with jointing device.left Scheme 2 .Z 10 HM 200-2-05 Sharpening groove 4 3 30 D mm 143 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 203 203 SB mm 160 160 230 260 60 100 130 160 230 260 60 100 160 230 230 150 BO mm 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Z QAL Scheme 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 nmax min-1 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 6400 6400 ID 142003 142008 142009 142010 142011 142012 142013 142014 142015 142016 142017 142018 142019 142020 142024 142026 For spare knives of other dimensions and qualities.3. see section 9 Knives and Spare Parts.org ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . Mounted knife Scheme 1 . For jointing. Technical information: Steel tool body with integrated hydro clamping system. Wedge angle 30°.3 Cutterheads for finish planing Hydro planerhead Application: Pre-planing and finish planing at high feed speeds of 24 to 120 m min-1. See Leitz Lexicon Edition 6 page 209 for application data. Activated by grease gun. Resharpenable HS planer knives SB x 30 x 3. especially in softwood. Planing and profiling 3. 3 Cutterheads for finish planing RotaPlan hydro planerhead Application: For pre-planing and finish planing at feed speeds of 60 to 200 m min-1. Marathon knives (MC33) for high performance. Z 10 . counter bearing.005 mm. the knives are to be sharpened in the tool body to a concentricity of < 0. see section 9 Knives and Spare Parts.2. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.2 Planing 3. Resharpenable HS planer knives SB x 35 x 3. See Leitz Lexicon Edition 6 page 215 for application data.leitz.Z 16 HM 200-2-06 Sharpening groove Mounted knife D mm 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 SB mm 100 160 230 320 100 160 230 320 100 160 230 100 160 230 100 160 230 160 ND mm 130 190 230 320 130 190 230 320 130 190 230 130 190 230 130 190 230 190 BO mm 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Z QAL Scheme 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 nmax min-1 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 6400 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 5800 ID 142115 142116 142117 142118 142119 142120 142121 142122 142123 142124 142125 142126 142127 142128 142129 142130 142131 142132 For spare knives of other dimensions and qualities. Wedge angle 30°. jointing device and mechanical workpiece handling. Machine: High performance moulders with precision spindles. Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Scheme 4 Arrangement of the grease nipples ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.org 35 . especially in softwood.0 mm. Activated by grease gun. Planing and profiling 3. For jointing. hydro clamping system.3. Technical information: Steel tool body with integrated. 2. Servicing with spare parts only by the manufacturer. Spare knives: BEZ Aluminium tool body with steel chip breaker ProFix F knife PF 25 R=3 ProFix F knife PF 25 R=5 ProFix F knife PF 25 R=8 ProFix F knife PF 25 R=10 ProFix F knife PF 25 Bevel 45° SB mm 25 25 25 25 25 ABM mm R=3 R=5 R=8 R=10 Bevel 45° QAL HW HW HW HW HW ID LL 011041 011043 011045 011047 011051 ● ● ● ● ● ID RL 011042 011044 011046 011048 011052 ● ● ● ● ● Further profile knives on request.g. VariPlan Plus spare knives in section 9 Knives and spare parts. dimensions and inch dimensions on request.2 Planing 3. Aluminium tool body.4 Combination tools for planing and profiling Planerhead VariPlan Plus/ProFix F system PF 25 Application: For planing and profiling (chamfering) e. VariPlan Plus planerhead with knife seatings for ProFix F profile knives (PF 25) and HW Microfinish turnblade knives. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Planing and profiling 3.org ABM mm SW 4 SW 5 ID 005445 ● 005452 ● . grooving.leitz. Spare parts: 7 BEZ Allen Key Allen Key 7 Use on vertical or horizontal spindles HD = SB . Profile knives: PTmax 25 mm. bevelling. SBmax 100 mm.3. rounding or profiling in common. Technical information: Resharpenable cutterhead system with constant diameter and constant profile.40 mm 36 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Bore 40 mm WW 240-2-07 D mm 125 125 125 SB mm 130 170 240 ND mm 136 176 246 BO mm 40 40 40 QAL HW HW HW nmax min-1 9000 9000 9000 Z ID 2+2 2+2 2+2 131053 ● 131054 ● 131055 ● Further knife types. Machine: Four side moulders. 5 P 6 (8) D mm 160 5 7 (8.5) 4-6 Bevel profile with closed joint (P 5) AF 210-2 15-27 0.5 8.5 30° Profile 4: AF 240-2 30° 20 10.5 6 (8) HD mm 12.org 37 .5– 4.5 4. Profile 3: AF 200-2 4–6 BO mm 40 P 45° D mm 180 180 1 4 BO mm 60 60 HD mm 12 .5 –16 6 3.5 –16 0. HL solid / HS tipped Application: For tongue and groove profiles on wall and ceiling panels.5 – 6.5 2 45° Z 6 NT mm 7 Bevel profile (P1.5 4. Technical information: Tongue and groove cutterset with spacers for adjustment to different wood thicknesses and tongue and groove widths.27 NT mm 7 8 FL mm 6 8. along grain.5 Z 6 Profile 1: AF 240-2 Hydro-Duo clamping element see page 40.5 5. Machine: Four side moulders.27 12 .19 NT mm 10 FL mm 10. HL profile cutter with form ground clearance and large resharpening area.1 Tools for tongue and groove joints Tongue and groove cutter.5-6. HS tipped design with straight clearance.5 4.5 R5 4–6 P6 12 –27 10 14–19 8 10 Profile 6: AF 221-2 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.5 FL mm 8 8 nmax min-1 9000 9000 QAL ID HL HS 021876 ● 022016 ● FL mm 6 nmax min-1 9000 QAL ID HS 021913 ● Z nmax min-1 9000 9000 QAL ID HL HL 021964 ● 021969 ● nmax min-1 9000 QAL ID HL 021883 ● Hydro-Duo clamping element see page 40.leitz.5 R5 10 18 4 5.5 3– 4 10 16 30° Radius profile R5 (P 6) AF 221-2 P D mm 180 30° 6 BO mm 60 HD mm 14 .3.3.5–6.5 .27 15 .5) 4. Straight with closed joint (P 3) AF 200-2 P D mm 180 160 3 3 BO mm 60 40 HD mm 15 .3 Profiling 3.5 6 6 Profile 5: AF 210-2 Hydro-Duo clamping element see page 40. Planing and profiling 3.27 Z 6 6 NT mm 8.16 Hydro-Duo clamping element see page 40. BO 60 for use on hydro sleeve for high feed speeds and machining qualities. P4) AF 240-2 12. Workpiece material: Softwood. 7 (8. P4 8. P1 7 9. 5 20 20 Relief groove cutter with trapezoidal or round profile WF 501-2 Tool Type Trapezoidal groove Round groove Trapezoidal groove Round groove D mm 200 200 200 200 SB mm 20 20 20 20 10 Relief groove cutter with trapezoidal or round profile 38 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. 30° HF 300-2 D mm 240 240 SB mm 30 30 BO mm 60 60 Z nmax min-1 6000 6000 10 12 DRI ID RL RL 023700 023701 Round profile groove side WF 501-2 30° Radius cutter . along grain.3. Workpiece material: Softwood. Machine: Four side moulders.3.leitz. HL solid Application: Profiling of the visible edge on the groove side of tongue and groove panels on a separate spindle.groove side Left: Trapezoidal groove / Right: Round groove R8 .org BO mm 60 60 60 60 Z 6 6 8 8 nmax min-1 8000 8000 8000 8000 ID 023603 023600 023602 023601 ● ● ● ● . Bevel cutter . Planing and profiling 3.3 Profiling 3.groove side D mm 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 SB mm 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 BO mm 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Z R mm 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 nmax min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 023628 023629 023630 023631 023632 023633 023634 023635 R Application: For cutting relief grooves on the back of tongue and groove panels. Bevel groove side. Technical information: HL profile cutter with form ground clearance and large resharpening area suitable to mount on hydro sleeve.1 Tools for tongue and groove joints Bevel / radius profile cutter for tongue and groove joints. bevel profile Shadow groove cutter. chalet style profile for tongue and groove panels ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Machine: Four side moulders.3. Workpiece material: Softwood.org 39 .1 Tools for tongue and groove joints Shadow grooving cutter for tongue and groove panels. along grain. Technical information: HL profile cutter with form ground clearance and large resharpening area suitable for mounting on hydro sleeve. Bevel profile. round profile for tongue and groove panels Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side D mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 SB mm 20 35 20 35 20 35 20 35 20 35 20 35 20 35 20 35 BO mm 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Z R mm 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 nmax min-1 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 ID 023604 023605 023606 023607 023608 023609 023610 023611 023612 023613 023614 023615 023616 023617 023618 023619 Chalet style profile WF 502-2 Tool Type Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side Groove side Tongue side D mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 SB mm 30 45 30 45 30 45 BO mm 60 60 60 60 60 60 Z 8 8 10 10 12 12 nmax min-1 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 ID 023620 023621 023622 023623 023624 023625 Shadow groove cutter.leitz. HL solid Application: For cutting shadow groove profiles on tongue and groove panels on the bottom spindle. Planing and profiling 3.3.3 Profiling 3. tongue 30° WF 741-2 D mm 200 220 SB mm 35 35 BO mm 60 60 Z nmax min-1 8000 7000 10 12 ID 023400 023401 Round profile WF 501-2 Tool Type 24 30° Shadow groove cutter. bevel/radius profile cutters and shadow grooving cutters.and radius profile For shadow grooving cutter chalet style profile For shadow grooving cutter chalet style profile L Mounting example: Shadow groove cutter on Hydro-Duo clamping sleeve.leitz. Planing and profiling 3.and radius profile For shadow grooving cutter bevel.see Leitz Lexicon Edition 6 section 9 Knives and spare parts.3.or radius cutter For shadow grooving cutter bevel.org D mm 60 60 60 60 60 60 BO mm 45 50 45 50 45 50 L mm 80 80 80 80 80 80 ID 030517 030522 030523 030516 030525 030524 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ . Machine: Four side moulders. Technical information: Open clamping system activated by a grease gun.1 Tools for tongue and groove joints Shadow grooving cutter for tongue and groove panels.or radius cutter For bevel. 40 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.3. Attention: Only use high precision spacers . HL solid Application: Hydro-Duo clamping element to mount tongue and groove cutters.3 Profiling 3. Hydro-Duo clamping sleeve PH 130-0 BEM D 80 For bevel. 15/16. TG 3. TG 3.8 mm.org ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 021729 ● 021730 ▫ 021735 ▫ 021731 ▫ 41 .6 28.6 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 7 7 7 HS HS HS ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16. See section introduction for additional information. 20/22 70 5 35 ZL 20/20. continuous machines. Machine: Finger joint machines with / without cut off saw.6 28. Workpiece material: Softwood.6 26.5 120412 ● 120414 ▫ 120413 ▫ 120415 ▫ 120417 ▫ 120419 ▫ ZL 20 mm.8 mm WF 620-2 ZL 15/15. Design with enlarged tip gap suitable for PU adhesives and for finger joint machines without cut off saw and horizontal working spindle. 20/22 35 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 180 260 260 33 33 33 31 31 31 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 5 5 5 HS HS HS ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 021668 ● 021669 ● 021674 ▫ 021670 ▫ 021675 ▫ 120513 ▫ ZL 20 mm. TG 5.2 mm.6 26.6 26.6 28.2 mm WF 620-2 Minifinger joint cutter ZL 15 mm. larger basic clearance WF 620-2 SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 170 260 260 28. HS Application: For self-locking longitudinal joints.6 26. Planing and profiling 3. across grain.8 mm 31 6. Technical information: Reduced risk of breakage from individually brazed finger cutting edges. TG 5.2 62 31 ZL 20/20.6 53.6 26. limited suitability for hardwood. TG 6.4 Finger jointing 3.0 mm D mm D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 180 260 260 33 33 33 31 31 31 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 5 5 5 HS HS HS ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 120515 ● 120516 ● 120510 ▫ 120511 ▫ 120512 ▫ 120514 ▫ ZL 20 mm. Cutting material HS. Resharpening area 12 mm. larger basic clearance WF 620-2 Minifinger joint cutter ZL 20 mm. ZL 15 mm.8 ZL 15 mm.2 26. TG 6.0 mm WF 620-2 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 180 260 37 37 35 35 50 50 2/2 3/3 7 7 HS HS ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.2 Minifinger joint cutters Minifinger joint cutter.4.5 021694 ● 021696 ● 021695 ▫ 021697 ● 120416 ▫ 120418 ▫ 26.2 mm Minifinger joint cutter ZL 20 mm.6 26.5 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 170 260 260 28.6 3.6 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 7 7 7 HS HS HS ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16. TG 3.3.leitz.6 28. TG 6. 2 mm 42 ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16. Technical information: Reduced risk of breakage from individually brazed finger cutting edges. 20/22 Minifinger joint cutter ZL 20 mm. Workpiece material: Softwood. TG 6.5 120709 ▫ 120713 ● 120710 ▫ 120714 ● 120717 ▫ 120719 ▫ ZL 15/15.6 28.2 Minifinger joint cutters Minifinger joint cutter. TG 3.6 26. continuous machines.6 26. also suitable for hardwood.6 28.6 3. larger basic clearance WF 620-2-06 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 180 260 260 33 33 33 31 31 31 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 5 5 5 MC MC MC ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. ZL 15 mm. TG 6.8 mm WF 620-2-06 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 170 260 260 28.8 mm D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 170 260 260 28.6 26.6 26. 15/16. larger basic clearance WF 620-2-06 Minifinger joint cutter ZL 15 mm.org ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 120812 ● 120816 ▫ 120813 ▫ 120817 ▫ 120823 ▫ 120825 ▫ .6 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 7 7 7 MC MC MC ZL 20 mm.8 ZL 15 mm. Marathon Application: For self-locking longitudinal joints. TG 6.6 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 7 7 7 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16.8 mm.4 Finger jointing 3.6 28. Resharpening area 12 mm.6 28. across grain.2 mm. TG 3. Design with enlarged tip gap suitable for PU adhesives and for finger joint machines without cut off saws and horizontal working spindle.5 120711 ● 120715 ▫ 120712 ▫ 120716 ▫ 120718 ▫ 120720 ▫ ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 120810 ● 120814 ▫ 120811 ▫ 120815 ▫ 120822 ▫ 120824 ▫ ZL 20 mm. See section introduction for additional information. TG 3.6 26.leitz.2 26.2 mm WF 620-2-06 D mm SB mm ND mm BO mm Z ZA PCS QAL 180 260 260 33 33 33 31 31 31 50 50 50 2/2 3/3 4/4 5 5 5 MC MC MC 31 6.2 62 31 ZL 20/20.6 26. Machine: Finger joint machines with / without cut off saw.5 26. Planing and profiling 3.3. Marathon coating allows up to 4 times longer tool life compared to HS version.6 53.4. 4 19 50 Bottom final cutter 170 20. ZL 15 mm. Z 4 WF 620-2-06 Tool Type D SB mm mm ND mm BO mm Top final cutter 170 20. Machine: High performance finger joint machines with/without cut-off saws.8 mm.5 121702 ● 121706 ▫ 120706 ● 120708 ▫ 121703 ● 121707 ▫ Final cutter bottom 3 16.5 121700 ▫ 121704 ▫ 120705 ▫ 120707 ▫ 121701 ▫ 121705 ▫ ZL 15 mm.8 mm Real Z4 Basic Final cutter cutter top ZA 5 3 ND 19 16. Assembly of tool set: see section introduction.4 Finger jointing 3. also suitable for hardwood.4.6 HD KLH Cutter Cutter quantity quantity 19 33.6 Cutter quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HD = wood thickness KLH = clamping height ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.6 50 D BO D BO finger pitch 3. Technical information: High number of teeth tool design.4 19 50 Bottom final cutter 170 20.3. Marathon.6 50 Basic cutter 170 35. TG 3.2 10 1 228 242.2 13 1 285 299.2 5 1 133 147.2 6 1 152 166.2 14 1 304 318.2 16.3 High performance minifinger cutters Minifinger joint cutter. Workpiece material: Softwood.8 mm.2 16 1 Z ZA QAL PCS 4 4 4 3 5 3 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16.2 16.2 16.6 50 Basic cutter 170 35.2 15 1 323 337.8 mm finger pitch 3.2 12 1 266 280.5) ZL 10/10 (10/11) Z ZA QAL PCS 4 4 4 3 5 3 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16. Resharpening area 12 mm. across grain.org 43 . larger basic clearance WF 620-2-06 Tool Type D SB mm mm ND mm BO mm Top final cutter 170 20.2 8 1 190 204. Z 4.6 50 ZL 15/15 (15/16. top and bottom final cutters required. TG 3. Version with enlarged tip gap suitable for PU adhesives and for finger joint machines without cut off saws for horizontal spindle.2 3 1 95 109.2 2 1 76 90. real Z 3/4 Application: For self-locking longitudinal joints.2 16.leitz.2 11 1 247 261.2 7 1 171 185.2 1 1 57 71.2 4 1 114 128. Marathon coating allows up to 4 times longer tool life compared to HS version.2 0 1 38 52.2 9 1 209 223. Planing and profiling 3. See section introduction for additional information.8 mm Finger length 10 and 15 mm TG: 3. Assembly of tool set: see section introduction.3 High performance minifinger cutters Minifinger joint cutter. Marathon coating allows up to 4 times longer tool life compared to HS version. Z 3 WF 620-2-06 Tool Type ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 2 BO finger pitch 6. ZL 20 mm. Machine: High performance finger joint machines with/without cut-off saws.6 50 Basic cutter 180 31 18.2 mm Real Z3 Basic Final cutter cutter top ZA 3 2 ND 18.6 50 Finger length 20 mm TG: 6.4 12 1 260 279 13 1 279 297.4 7 1 167 186 8 1 186 204.6 4 1 112 130. See section introduction for additional information. across grain. Technical information: High number of teeth tool design.8 6 1 149 167.6 18.leitz.6 50 Bottom final cutter 180 18.8 1 1 56 74.6 Cutter quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HD = wood thickness KLH = clamping height 44 BO mm Z ZA QAL PCS 3 3 3 2 3 2 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 121800 ▫ 121804 ▫ 120805 ▫ 120807 ▫ 121801 ▫ 121805 ▫ ZL 20 mm.6 18.6 50 Basic cutter 180 31 18. Resharpening area 12 mm.2 mm ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 2 finger pitch 6.6 HD KLH Cutter Cutter quantity quantity 19 37.4 Finger jointing 3.6 9 1 205 223. Workpiece material: Softwood.4 2 1 74 93 3 1 93 111.6 18.6 14 1 298 316.8 11 1 242 260. TG 6.2 15 1 316 334. larger basic clearance WF 620-2-06 Tool Type D ND mm Top final cutter 180 18.org Z ZA QAL PCS 3 3 3 2 3 2 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 20/20 20/22 121802 ▫ 121806 ▫ 120806 ▫ 120808 ▫ 121803 ▫ 121807 ▫ .2 mm.2 5 1 130 148.3. top and bottom final cutters required.6 18.2 mm. Marathon. Planing and profiling 3. TG 6.2 mm BO D SB mm mm ND mm BO mm Top final cutter 180 18.8 16 1 Final cutter bottom 2 18.2 10 1 223 241. also suitable for hardwood.6 50 ZL 20/20 (20/22) D D SB mm mm ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Version with enlarged tip gap suitable for PU adhesives and for finger joint machines without cut off saws for horizontal spindle.2 0 1 37 55. Z 3.6 50 Bottom final cutter 180 18.6 18. real Z 3/4 Application: For self-locking longitudinal joints.4. also suitable for hardwood.6 19 50 Z ZA QAL PCS 6 6 6 4 7 4 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16.6 19 50 Basic cutter 260 49. top and bottom final cutters required.6 1 1 1 80 91.leitz.8 mm Real Z6 Basic Final Final cutter cutter cutter top bottom ZA 7 4 4 ND 26.6 19 50 Basic cutter 260 49.5 121110 ▫ 121112 ▫ 120700 ▫ 120701 ▫ 121111 ▫ 121113 ▫ ZL 15 mm.6 19 50 Z ZA QAL PCS 6 6 6 4 7 4 MC MC MC ID ID ZL ZL 15/15 15/16. See section introduction for additional information.5 121114 ▫ 121116 ▫ 120702 ▫ 120703 ▫ 121115 ▫ 121117 ▫ HD = wood thickness KLH = clamping height ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.4 4 1 1 160 171 5 1 1 186 197. TG 3. across grain.4. ZL 15 mm.8 mm.3 High performance minifinger cutters Minifinger joint cutter. WF 623-5-06 Tool Type D SB mm mm ND mm BO mm Top final cutter 260 26.org 45 .8 mm WF 620-2-06. WF 623-3-06 Tool Type Finger length 10 mm and 15 mm TG: 3. Assembly of tool set: see section introduction. Resharpening area 12 mm.6 50 Bottom final cutter 260 26.4 26. Technical information: High number of teeth tool design.6 50 Bottom final cutter 260 26.4 26.8 8 1 1 266 277.2 2 1 1 106 117. Planing and profiling 3.6 6 1 1 213 224. real Z 6 Application: For self-locking longitudinal joints. Machine: High performance finger joint machines with/without cut-off saws.8 3 1 1 133 144.3. TG 3. Marathon. Marathon coating allows up to 4 times longer tool life compared to HS version. Version with enlarged tip gap suitable for PU adhesives and for finger joint machines without cut off saws for horizontal spindle. larger basic clearance WF 620-2-06.2 7 1 1 239 250.4 Finger jointing 3.4 9 1 1 293 304 10 1 1 D SB mm mm ND mm BO mm Top final cutter 260 26. Workpiece material: Softwood.6 19 19 HD KLH Cutter Cutter Cutter quantity quantity quantity 27 38 0 1 1 53 64. Single sided bevel tooth shape reduces tear outs.steel tool body WZ 210-2-02 D mm 251 251 SB mm 12 12 BO mm 80 80 Z QAL 18 24 HW HW ID ID LL RL 062652 ● 062653 ● 062654 ● 062655 ● Circular sawblade WK 800-2-09.steel tool body without flanged sleeve WZ 210-2-01 FZ ES BEZ Basic hogger Basic hogger ABM mm 251x12x80 301x12x80 QAL Z HW HW 18 24 ID ID LL RL 062602 ● 062603 ● 062604 ● 062605 ● Additional hogger .4 4. WK 801-2. WK 800-2-38. BEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 46 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.4 4.4 4. Tear free sizing along the grain and across the grain.4 4. Workpiece material: Solid wood and wood derived materials. double end tenoner.4 4. Torx® 20 M6x10 Torx® 20 006083 Screw with ISK M8x17 for D = 250/350/305/355 006237 Allen Key SW 6 005494 Torx® key Torx® 20 117503 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: Part-no.4 Finger jointing 3. mounted on flanged sleeve SZ 211-2 D mm 251 SB mm 15.4.leitz. Planing and profiling 3.4 4. WK 801-2-05 D mm 250 250 250 260 260 300 300 300 SB mm 4.6 Scoring sawblades and hoggers Hogger for trimming minifingers Application: Defined trimming in front of the finger cut for adjusting the finger fit.6 BO mm 40 Z BEM QAL 54 (9/9) KNH HW ID ID LL RL 062608 ● 062609 ● Basic hogger .4 4.org . Machine: Finger joint machines with cut off saw. Technical information: Steel tool body with HW circular sawblade and hogger elements mounted on flanged sleeve. Steel hogger set.4 BO mm 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Z ZF QAL 54 54 72 54 72 48 72 48 FZ ES FZ ES ES FZ FZ ES HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW ID LL 061825 061837 061945 061858 061860 061827 061949 062028 ID RL 061826 061838 061946 061859 061861 061828 061950 062029 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ABM BEM ID mm Spacer 115x5x80 028046 Cylindrical screw with ISK M8x20 005946 Countersink screw. Can be extended for larger hogger widths. for working against the feed only with scoring sawblade.3. WK 801-2. Planing and profiling 3.org QAL ZF Z DRI ID HW HW HW HW HW HW FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ 7 9 9 7 10 10 LL RL LL RL RL LL 064958 064961 064960 064959 064963 064962 ● ● ● ● ● ● 47 .3.7 5.6 Scoring sawblades and hoggers Segment hogger for trimming minifingers Application: Defined trimming in front of the finger cut for adjusting the finger fit.4 Finger jointing 3. Technical information: Steel tool body with HW circular sawblade and segment hogging elements.6 BO mm 40 KN 40 KN Z ZF QAL DRI ID 48 48 ES ES HW HW LL RL 064722 064723 ES Steel basic and extension hoggers without flanged sleeve WZ 300-2 D mm 350 300 250 SB mm 36. for working against the feed only with scoring sawblade.2 4.7 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Tear free sizing along the grain and across the grain. Workpiece material: All type solid wood. Machine: Finger joint machines with cut off saw. WK 850-2-45 Spare segments for segment hogger D mm 250 350 300 300 300 260 260 250 250 250 SB mm 4.7 5. uncoated. plastic and paper coated). double end tenoner.7 5. Segment hogging set.4 BO mm 80 30 30 30 30 80 80 80 80 80 Z ZF QAL 48 66 54 66 42 66 48 42 66 48 ES WZ WZ FZ FZ ES ES WZ FZ FZ HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW ID LL 061878 058223 058221 061055 061833 061965 061963 058219 061953 061831 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID RL 061879 058224 058222 061056 061834 061966 061964 058220 061954 061832 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare segments for segment hogger BEZ Hogging segment Hogging segment Hogging segment Hogging segment Hogging segment Hogging segment ABM mm D 250 D 300 D 300 D 250 D 350 D 350 SB mm 5.5 26.leitz. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF ect.4 4.7 5.4 4. mounted on flanged sleeve SZ 301-2 D mm 250 250 FZ WZ SB mm 29.4 3.4 4.4 3.6 29. veneered.4 4. Mounted on flanged sleeve. WK 800-2-45.2 4. Can be extended for larger hogging width. Single sided bevel tooth shape to improve the cutting quality and to reduce tear outs.7 5.2 3.0 BO mm 30 30 80 Z ZF QAL 6x10 6x9 6x7 FZ FZ FZ HW HW HW ID ID LL RL 064414 ● 064415 ● 064412 ● 064413 ● 064410 ● 064411 ● Spare circular sawblade for segment hogging set WK 800-2-46. Staggered cut through six hogger segments.5 31.4. Technical information: HW circular sawblades with high number of teeth. BEZ 1 2 3 4 Spacer Cylindrical screw with ISK Countersink screw. tooth shape single sided bevel 48 D mm 80 80 L mm 59 61 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.0 BO mm 75 75 80 KN 80 KN 80 KN Z ZF BEM QAL DRI ID 80 80 54 54 72 ES ES ES ES ES 6NL TK 95 6NL TK 95 6NL TK 200 6NL TK 200 6NL TK 195 HW HW HW HW HW LL RL LL RL RL 062606 ● 062607 ● 062614 062615 062617 *with shear angle Flanged sleeve for hoggers Sawblade hogger HW circular sawblade mounted on flanged sleeve.4. Single sided bevel tooth shape to improve the cut quality and reduce tear outs.35 8. Planing and profiling 3.0 10.org BO mm 40 KN 40 KN ID 061679 ● 065605 .6 BO mm 40 KN 40 KN 40 KN 40 KN Z ZF QAL 80 54 72 48 ES ES ES ES HW HW HW HW ID LL 062610 062612 064722 ID RL 062611 062613 062616 064723 *with shear angle ES Circular sawblade for sawblade hogger WK 801-2 D mm 250 * 250 * 250 250 350 SB mm 6.35 8.4 Finger jointing 3.6 Scoring sawblades and hoggers continued from page 47 Spare parts: Part-no. For high concentricity mount on flanged sleeve as a unit on the motor spindle. double end tenoners.leitz.0 8. Torx® 20 Screw with ISK ABM mm 115x5x80 M8x20 M6x10 M8x17 5 6 Allen Key Torx® key SW 6 Torx® 20 BEM ID Torx® 20 for D = 250/350/305/355 028046 005946 006083 006237 ● ● ● ● 005494 ● 117503 ● Sawblade hogger for trimming minifingers Application: Defined trimming in front of the finger cut for adjusting the finger fit on exactly right angled cut working pieces.35 6. Machine: Finger joint machine with cut off saw. Workpiece material: Solid wood and wood derived materials. Sawblade hogger mounted on flanged sleeve SK 999-2 D mm 250 * 250 350 250 SB mm 6.0 29.3.0 10. leitz.HeliCut 15 Application: For cutting grooves. The cutting bevels of the HW knives are numbered. Technical information: Carrier body constructed from high strength light metal alloy. Aluminium tool body WW 430-2-05 More dimensions on request.org AM PCS 40 48 48 56 56 24 32 32 40 48 48 24 32 40 40 48 48 56 56 nmax min-1 7000 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 DRI ID LL LL RL LL RL LL LL RL LL LL RL LL LL LL RL LL RL LL RL 132505 132506 132536 132535 132537 132521 132522 132530 132526 132504 132533 132507 132500 132501 132518 132502 132519 132503 132520 49 . hardwood (oak. Planing and profiling 3. rebate grooves. Easy handling of knife change without further mounting aid. jointing.5. spiral-shaped assembled HW turnblades. ash etc. No clamping wedges. Workpiece material: Solid wood.5 Grooving. preferrably softwood for wood construction.3.1 Rebating cutterheads for multi-purpose processing Rebating cutterhead for joinery machines . D mm 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 SB mm 60 80 80 100 100 20 40 40 60 80 80 20 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 BO mm 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 45 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN 55 DKN Z V 3x4 + 3x4 4x4 + 4x4 4x4 + 4x4 5x4 + 5x4 5x4 + 5x4 1x4 + 1x4 2x4 + 2x4 2x4 + 2x4 3x4 + 3x4 4x4 + 4x4 4x4 + 4x4 1x4 + 1x4 2x4 + 2x4 3x4 + 3x4 3x4 + 3x4 4x4 + 4x4 4x4 + 4x4 5x4 + 5x4 5x4 + 5x4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 2 x 4+4 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. as well as special machines for general wood construction with machine-specific adaptors. Machine: CNC-controlled joinery machines. V-grooves as well as for jointing longitudinal and crosscut wood with large hogging depths in the wood construction. rebating (kerving) 3.). With 4-times turnable. direct tangential knife clamping. Application of the same knives as peripheral knives and spurs. rebating (kerving) 3.5. Torx® 20 Torx® key 50 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.org ABM mm M5x18 Torx® 20 ID 114030 ● 006091 ● .5 15x15x2.leitz. Planing and profiling 3.1 Rebating cutterheads for multi-purpose processing continued from page 49 Spare knives: BEZ Turnblade knife Turnblade knife ABM mm 15x15x2.3.5 QAL BEM HW HW-MF HeliCut 15 HeliCut 15 VE PCS 10 10 ID 009549 ● 009543 ● Spare parts: BEZ Countersink screw. jointing.5 Grooving. 6 7.5 3-4 8 3.5 3-4 3.5 Canadian standard profiles 7 7/8 R Nr.3 4.5 3.5-4. 16 3/16 1/8 1/4 23/32 1/8 9/32 3/8 9/32 1/4 3/16 23/32 1/4 1/4 Nr.3 6.3 1 4.6 13. 8.5 8 9.3 6.2 R1 .2 Nr.5 18 3-4 18 8.5 3.5-4. 301 R1 12 4.5 6.3 3¡ R1 6.6 Nr.3.6 Scandinavian standard profiles 6. 3. Planing and profiling Profile examples for tongue and groove joints Australian standard profiles 12 R1 . 302 35 13 12 .5 8 6. 90¡ R1.5 5 11.5-4.5 7. 303 6.3 R1 5. 6.5-16 9.5 4.5 10 R1 1. 18 5/16 5/16 8.3 1 Nr. 14 1/2 Nr.4 13 6 6.2 45¡ 6.5 European country-house profiles 18 51 .8 ¡ 45 1 4. 201 5 7.5 R6 6.5 16 .5 3 13 4. 7 1/4.5 16 18 8 3.5 4.2 ¡ R1 4.5 9. 3 3 9. 10 5/16 9/32 1/4 3/4 3/4 1 1/4 1/8 11/32 5 1/2. 9 1/4 Nr.3 6.5-16 8.2 45 Nr.5 9.6 1. 7 7. ID 100222094 Example 2. ID 100220964 Example 4. ID 100221961 Example 6. ID 100221047 Example 7. customer-specific solutions HeliCut 15 Jointing. Planing and profiling Tooling examples.rebating cutterhead (copyshaping cutterhead) Example 1.3. ID 100224068 HeliCut 15 Rebating cutterhead HeliCut 15 Grooving cutterhead HeliCut 15 Profiling cutterhead (Pre-cutting) 52 . ID 100223426 Example 5. ID 100218178 Example 8. ID 100223444 Example 3. machining centres. special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools.7 12.). Z 2.9 RPM: nmax = 24000 min-1 Ø 10 … Ø 12.1 Sizing and grooving 5. etc. gluelam = 0.1. Recommended for abrasive materials such as HPL/CPL. etc. Chipboard = 1.9 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. NL = 40… 50 ap vf [m min-1] 20 15 11 10 5 0 10 20 30 33 40 ap [mm] 50 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0. HF. duromers. gluelam (plywood. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.3.8.leitz. Z 2.8. tungsten carbide quality and Marathon coating for increased performance time.7x40 12.1 NL in 1 1/8“ 1 1/2“ S mm 12. short design. etc. Technical information: Solid tungsten carbide.2 88.) uncoated.) gluelam (HPL. NL = 25 28 D in 1/2“ 1/2“ GL mm 70 70 100 100 NL mm 25 25 40 50 S mm 10x40 12x40 16x50 18x50 Z Twist DRI ID 2 2 2 2 RD RD RD RD RL RL RL RL 240200 240201 240202 240203 ● ● ● ● RPM: nmax = 24000 min-1 0 10 20 30 40 ap [mm] 50 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0. etc. plastomers. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF. for abrasive materials WO 160-2-15 24 20 GL mm 76.). Chipboard = 1.7x40 S Z Twist DRI ID in 1/2“x1 1/2“ 2 RD RL 240514 ● 1/2“x1 1/2“ 2 RD RL 240515 ● HW. Trespa.6 38. Routing 5. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Gluelam = 0. short design WO 160-2-15 D mm 12. particularly in abrasive materials.2. Varicor.1 Shank cutters Spiral roughing/finishing router cutter Marathon Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving in roughing/finishing quality.5.7 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 32 D mm 10 12 16 18 ap vf [m min-1] 16 12 10 8 4 0 GL in 3“ 3 1/2“ NL mm 28.9 25 Ø 16 … Ø 18.org 53 . mineral working material (Corian. HW. Routing 5. plastomers. laminated wood for window construction.1 Shank cutters Spiral roughing/finishing router cutter Marathon Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving in roughing/finishing quality. machining centres. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control. short design WO 160-2-12 D mm 8 10 10 12 12 14 16 16 18 20 25 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 16 Ø8… Ø10. Marathon coating for increased performance time.18000 min-1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .). gluelam (plywood. etc. NL=25 14 ap vf [m min-1] 12 10 9 8 6 GL mm 65 70 70 70 70 80 100 100 90 100 120 NL mm 20 25 25 25 25 30 40 40 35 45 60 S mm 8x40 10x40 10x40 12x40 12x40 14x45 16x55 16x55 18x50 20x50 25x55 Z Twist 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 RD RD LD RD LD RD RD LD RD RD RD ID LL ID RL 042277 042278 042279 042280 042281 042282 042273 042283 ● 042284 042285 042286 042287 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 4 2 0 5 0 10 12 15 20 ap [mm] 25 32 Ø 12 … 14 NL 25 … 30 Ø 12 … 14 NL 35 … 50 28 ap vf [m min-1] 24 20 18 16 12 8 4 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ap [mm] 32 Ø 16 … 20 NL 40 … 45 Ø 16 … 20 NL 55 … 60 28 ap vf [m min-1] 24 20 16 Z 2 / Z 3. Short design for increased stability. Higher feed speeds than conventional roughing cutters. Quiet running.5.). etc. long design WO 160-2-12 D mm 8 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 20 20 20 20 GL mm 80 80 80 90 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 NL mm 25 35 35 42 50 50 55 55 60 60 60 75 75 S mm 8x55 12x40 12x40 12x40 14x55 14x55 16x55 16x55 18x55 20x55 20x55 20x50 20x55 Z Twist 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 RD RD LD RD RD LD RD LD RD RD LD RD LD ID LL ID RL 042288 042270 042289 ● 042290 042271 042272 042291 042274 042292 ● 042293 042294 042275 042295 ● 042296 042276 042297 ● 15 12 8 4 0 0 54 Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.1 Sizing and grooving 5. plastomers.leitz. etc. laminated wood in window construction.24000 min-1 Plastics: n = 12000 . 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ap [mm] Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0. uncoated. Long design for deep cutting (recommended in several steps). special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. Laminated wood = 0. Varicor.).1. etc. chipboard and fibre working materials (MDF. HF. chipboard and fibre working materials (MDF. gluelam (plywood.).org RPM: Wood / wood derived material: n = 16000 . NL=20 Ø8… Ø10.).8. HF. etc. mineral working materials (Corian. mineral working materials (Corian. Varicor. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Technical information: Solid tungsten carbide. etc. PVC window profiles. Chipboard = 1.).3.9 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Z 2 / Z 3. uncoated. 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap Machine: Milling machines with/without CNC control, machining centres, joinery machines, special milling machines with cutter spindles to hold shank tools. 8.0 vf [m min -1 ] 7.0 standard design fine balanced Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, glulam, glue-laminate cunstructions and laminated wood. 6.0 Technical information: HW-solid, Marathon coating for increased performance times. Long design for large cutting depths. Higher feed rates with conventional roughing cutters possible. Extremely high quiet running. 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 n [min -1 ] Workpiece material: Softwood Working process: Sizing Axial infeed: ap = 20 - 50 mm Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0,7; glulam = 0,8 Z3 WO 160-2-12 D mm 30 40 40 GL mm 195 195 235 NL mm 120 120 160 S mm 30x53 30x53 30x53 Z Twist DRI ID 3 3 3 RD RD RD RL RL RL 240305 ● 240306 ● 240307 ● RPM: 6000 - 12000 min-1 (n max 18000 min-1 through additional fine balancing) Note: Tool shank S30x53 suitable for many conventional joinery machines. Application on machines with automatic tool change in the respective collet chucks. ER 40 through collet d30, ID 679039. ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org 55 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters Spiral roughing/finishing router cutter Marathon Application: Router cutter for sizing, grooving and mortise slots in roughing/finishing quality. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control, machining centres, special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, laminated wood for window construction, chipboard and fibre working materials (MDF, HF, etc.) uncoated, gluelam (plywood, etc.), PVC window profiles. Technical information: Solid tungsten carbide, Marathon coating for increased performance time. Extra long design for deep cutting (in several steps). Higher feed speeds than conventional spiral roughing cutters, quiet running. Z2 / Z 3, extra long design, for mortise slots WO 160-2-13 Application example for mortise slot production Application data: Infeed at: ap 4 - 8 mm per stroke in solid wood; vf 10 - 16 m min-1; n = 12000 - 18000 min-1 ap 8 - 15 mm per stroke in chipboard; vf 12 - 18 m min-1; n = 12000 - 18000 min-1 D mm GL mm NL mm AL mm S mm Z Twist DRI 8 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 80 90 120 120 170 190 170 179 179 205 170 190 170 25 30 35 35 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 50 51 51 80 80 95 120 105 120 120 135 105 120 115 8x25 10x35 12x35 12x35 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x58 20x58 20x50 20x50 20x50 20x50 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LD LD LD RD RD RD RD RD RD RD RD RD RD RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL * * ID ID Set HSK-F 63 240010 ● 240500 ▫ 240011 ● 240501 ▫ 240012 ● 240502 ▫ 240000 ● 240001 ● 240002 ● 240003 ● 240004 ● 240005 ● 240006 ● 240007 ● 240008 ● 240009 ● RPM: Wood / wood derived material: D 10-12 mm: n = 18000 - 24000 min-1 Wood / wood derived materials: D 14-18 mm: n = 12000 - 20000 min-1 Plastics: n = 12000 - 18000 min-1 * with clamping flat for HOMAG/WEEKE latch hole unit Note: HSK-F 63 = tool is supplied mounted in shrink-fit chuck HSK-F 63. Application: Router cutter for sizing and cutting spyholes and keyholes in roughing/finishing quality. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, laminated wood in window construction, chipboard and fibre working materials (MDF, HF, etc.) uncoated, gluelam (plywood, etc.). Z 3, extra long design for cutting spyholes and keyholes WO 160-2-14 GL mm NL mm AL mm Production of keyholes and spyholes by circular cutting 10 11,3 95 105 45 15 55 56 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org ap D mm S mm Z DRI ID 10x40 12x45 3 2 RL RL 240100 ● 240101 ● ID Set HSK-F 63 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters D mm GL mm NL mm AL mm 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 25 120 140 130 170 130 170 170 200 15 20 50 30 75 50 30 120 75 95 75 95 105 95 S mm Z DRI ID 12x40 12x40 14x50 16x60 16x50 16x55 16x60 25x65 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 240102 240103 240104 240108 240105 240107 240106 240300 ID Set HSK-F 63 ● ● ● ● 240601 ▫ ● ● 240600 ▫ ● ● 240800 ▫ RPM: D 10-12 mm: n = 18000 - 24000 min-1 D 14-18 mm: n = 12000 - 20000 min-1 Spiral roughing/finishing router cutter Marathon alternate twist Application: Routers for sizing and grooving in roughing/finishing quality and tear free cutting edges on both sides. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control, machining centres, special router machines with cutting spindles for mounting shank tools. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, chipboard and fibre working material (MDF, HF, etc.) uncoated, gluelam (plywood, etc.), plastomers, mineral working materials (Corian, Varicar, etc.). Technical information: HW solid, Marathon coating for increased performance time. Alternate twist for tear free cut edges on both sides. Higher feed speeds possible than with conventional roughing cutters. Quiet running. Z2+2 WO 160-2-16 D mm 16 20 20 20 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 25 GL mm 100 120 130 140 NL mm 40 45 60 75 S mm 16x50 20x50 20x50 20x50 DRI ID RL RL RL RL 240402 240400 240401 240403 ● ● ● ● Ø 16 … Ø 20, NL = 40… 60 RPM: nmax = 24000 min-1 ap vf [m min-1] 20 15 11 10 5 0 10 20 30 33 40 ap [mm] 50 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.8; Chipboard = 1.2; Gluelam = 0.9 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org 57 24000 min-1 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap Spare knives: BEZ 20 Ø 22 x 45 NL Ø 22 x 55 NL 18 Turnblade knife Turnblade knife 14 ap vf [m min-1] 16 ABM mm 9x12x1.leitz. machining centres. special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. uncoated. HW. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.5 7.5 BEZ 10 9 8 Oval head screw Torx® 15 Torx® 6 4 10 20 30 35 40 ap [mm] 50 Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: MDF = 0.org ABM mm M4x6 Torx® 15 ID 006225 ● 005457 ● .1 Shank cutters Roughing router cutter in turnblade design Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving in roughing quality. Routing 5. With turnblade knife plunging tip.8 58 HW-05 HW-05 VE PCS 10 10 ID 005158 ● 005080 ● Spare parts: 12 0 QAL ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.). Technical information: Tungsten carbide turnblade knives arranged in irregular pitch for quiet cutting. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF.5.1 Sizing and grooving 5. HF etc.5x12x1. gluelam (plywood etc. Z 1+1 WL 101-2 D mm 22 22 22 GL mm 105 115 125 NL mm 45 45 55 S mm 20x50 25x60 25x60 DRI ID RL RL RL 041923 ● 041921 ● 041922 ● RPM: n = 16000 . Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.).1. HW turnblade plunging edge with chipbreakers for good chipflow.0 standard design fine balanced 5. Spare knives: BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Exchange knife Peripheral tip Plunging tip 4. ID 679039. special cutting maschines with cutting spindles to hold shank tools.1 Sizing and grooving 5.HeliCut 11 Application: Router for sizing and grooving in roughing/finishing quality. machining centres. joinery machines. Tangential fixing of the knives in the dust-protected area.0 Note: Tool shank S30x53 suitable for many conventional joinery machines.0 Spare parts: 2. HW.7x2 QAL HW HW VE PCS 10 10 ID 602515 ● 602516 ● 3.12000 min-1 (nmax 18000 min-1 through additional fine balancing) Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 7.1 Shank cutters Roughing router cutter in turnblade design .1. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.7. Routing 5. Use ramp-in cutting to produce mortises. Technical information: Spiral-shaped edge arrangement of the HW turnblades (4-times turnable). Z 2+2 WL 101-2 D mm 40 GL mm 235 NL mm 160 S mm 30x53 DRI ID RL 041927 ● RPM: 6000 .org 59 .0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 n [min -1 ] Workpiece material: Softwood Working process: Sizing and grooving Axial infeed: ap = 20 . Application on machines with automatic tool change in corresponding collet chucks ER 40 through collet d30.5 22x12.leitz. Torx® 15 Countersink screw. Torx® 20 Torx® Torx® ABM mm M4x5 M5x6 Torx® 15 Torx® 20 ID 114039 114040 005457 117520 ● ● ● ● Application notes: Circular pockets and boreholes of a depth > 1xD have to be cut circularily.50 mm Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.0 ABM mm 11x11x1.8 BEZ Countersink screw.0 vf [m min -1 ] 6.5 4. Deep boreholes are to be cut circularily. ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. glulam = 0. glulam and laminated wood.5. org for D mm 25/30 25 30 ID 007037 ● 007038 ● 005457 ● . Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Technical information: Straight cut.5 QAL HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 20 30 33 40 ap [mm] 50 Screw Torx® ABM mm M4x5 (head D7) M4x5 (head D9) Torx® 15 Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Jointing. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF. uncoated. 2 = Sizing 16 GL mm 125 105 125 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.20000 min-1 1 = Jointing.1 Shank cutters Turnblade router cutter Application: Router cutter for sizing. Design with plunging tip for axial plunging.8 60 ID ID LL RL 040857 ● 040858 ● 040854 ● 040853 ● for D mm 25 30 30 VE PCS 10 10 10 ID 005080 ● 005081 ● 005161 ● Spare parts: 10 8 7 6 S mm 25x60 25x60 25x60 Spare knives: 14 12 NL mm 50 30 50 RPM: n = 14000 . Z 2 WL 101-2 D mm 25 30 30 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 1 = Jointing cut ae = 0. sizing Speed: n =18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Machining across grain = 0.5x12x1. machining centres. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.7. gluelam (plywood etc.5 .). Z 2 for increased feed rates. MDF = 0. plastic coated. Routing 5. grooving and finish cutting to finish quality. Suitable for machining the narrow edge of painted or foil coated MDF.2 mm 2 = Sizing cut 18 vf [m min-1] ap 1 BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Plunging tip Plunging tip Peripheral tip BEZ Knife Screw Plunging tip Peripheral tip Peripheral tip 2 Ø 30 x 30 NL Ø 30 x 50 NL 4 2 0 10 ABM mm 7.1 Sizing and grooving 5. HF etc.leitz.).5 30x12x1. special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools.5. HW. Knife tip designed for stepless cut.5 12x12x1.1. veneered etc.. 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters Turnblade router cutter Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving to finish quality. For grooving with constant tool diameter. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control, machining centres, special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, chipboard and fibre materials (MDF, HF etc.), uncoated, plastic coated, veneered etc., gluelam (plywood etc.), duromers, plastomers, mineral materials (Corian, Varicor etc.), gluelam (HPL, Trespa etc.). Technical information: Straight cut. Knife tip designed for stepless cut. Teflon coated tool body for reduced resin and glue build up. With tungsten carbide plunging tip. Suitable for machining the narrow edge of painted or foil coated MDF. HW, Z 1, NL 30 mm WL 101-1 D mm 16 16 16 16 16 18 20 20 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 11 Ø 18… Ø 20 x 30 NL 10 vf [m min-1] ap 9 GL mm 80 85 95 95 105 85 85 95 NL mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ID LL ID RL 040861 040867 040877 ● 040878 040879 040872 040869 040871 040882 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 8 7 RPM: n = 16000 - 20000 min-1 6 Spare knives: 5 BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Plunging tip Plunging tip Peripheral tip 4 3 5 10 13 15 20 25 ap [mm] 30 Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Grooving, sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: MDF = 0.8 Ø 16… Ø 20 x 30 NL QAL HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 for D mm 16 - 18 20 - 24 VE PCS 10 10 10 ID 005080 ● 005158 ● 005161 ● BEZ Knife Screw Screw Screw Screw Torx® Plunging tip Plunging tip Peripheral tip Peripheral tip ABM mm M3,5x4 (head D7) M4x5 (head D7) M3,5x4 (head D9) M4x5 (head D9) Torx® 15 for D mm 16 - 20 22 - 24 16 - 20 22 - 24 ID 006068 007037 006226 007038 005457 ● ● ● ● ● ap 9 ABM mm 7,5x12x1,5 9x12x1,5 30x12x1,5 Spare parts: 11 10 vf [m min-1] S mm 10x35 12x40 16x50 20x50 25x60 12x40 12x40 20x50 8 7 6,5 6 5 4 3 0 5 10 12 15 20 ap [mm] 25 Workpiece material: Hardwood, along grain Working step: Grooving, sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Machining across grain = 0.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org 61 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters Turnblade router cutter Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving to finish quality. For grooving with constant tool diameter. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control, machining centres, special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools or portable routers. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, chipboard and fibre materials (MDF, HF etc.), uncoated, plastic coated, veneered etc., gluelam (plywood etc.), duromers, plastomers, mineral materials (Corian, Varicor etc.), gluelam (HPL, Trespa etc.). Technical information: Straight cut. Knife tip designed for stepless cut. Teflon coated tool body for reduced resin and glue build up. With tungsten carbide turnblade knife plunging edge. HW, Z 1, inch dimensions WL 101-1 D in 5/8“ 3/4“ Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap NL in 1 11/64“ 1 11/64“ GL in 3 5/8“ 3 5/8“ S in 1/2“ x 1 3/8“ 1/2“ x 1 3/8“ DRI ID RL RL 041084 ● 041085 ● RPM: n = 16000 - 20000 min-1 Spare knives: 11 Ø 18… Ø 20 x 30 NL 10 vf [m min-1] ap 9 8 7 BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Plunging tip Plunging tip ABM mm 7,5x12x1,5 9x12x1,5 VE PCS 10 10 ID 005080 ● 005158 ● Spare parts: 4 3 5 10 13 15 20 25 ap [mm] 30 Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Grooving, sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: MDF = 0.8 BEZ Knife Screw Screw Screw Screw Torx® Plunging tip Plunging tip Peripheral tip Peripheral tip ABM mm M3,5x4 (head D7) M4x5 (head D7) M3,5x4 (head D9) M4x5 (head D9) Torx® 15 11 Ø 18… Ø 20 x 30 NL 10 ap 9 vf [m min-1] HW-05 HW-05 for D mm 16 - 18 20 - 24 6 5 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 62 QAL 5 10 12 15 20 ap [mm] 25 Workpiece material: Softwood, along grain Working step: Grooving, sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: Machining across grain = 0.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org for D mm 16 - 20 22 - 24 16 - 20 22 - 24 for D in 5/8“ - 3/4“ 5/8“ - 3/4“ ID 006068 007037 006226 007038 005457 ● ● ● ● ● 5. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.1.1 Shank cutters Turnblade router cutter Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving. For grooving with constant tool diameter. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control, machining centres, special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood, chipboard and fibre materials (MDF, HF etc.), uncoated, plastic coated, veneered etc. Technical information: Straight cut. Teflon coated tool body for reduced resin and glue build up. Limitedly suitable for finish cut. Cutting edge overlap visible on workpiece. With tungsten carbide turnblade knife plunging tip. HW, Z 1+1, with staggered cutting edges WL 101-2 D mm 18 20 NL mm 50 58 BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Plunging tip Plunging tip Peripheral tip Ø 18 x 50 NL ap 9 DRI ID RL RL 040925 ● 040928 ● Spare knives: 11 10 S mm 25x60 25x60 RPM: n = 16000 - 20000 min-1 Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap vf [m min-1] GL mm 125 133 8 7 ABM mm 7,5x12x1,5 9x12x1,5 30x12x1,5 QAL HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 for D mm 16 - 18 20 - 24 VE PCS 10 10 10 ID 005080 ● 005158 ● 005161 ● Spare parts: 6 5,5 5 4 3 0 10 20 30 40 ap [mm] 50 BEZ Knife Screw Screw Torx® Plunging tip Peripheral tip ABM mm M4x5 (head D7) M4x5 (head D9) Torx® 15 for D mm 18 - 24 18 - 24 ID 007037 ● 007038 ● 005457 ● Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: MDF = 0.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.org 63 5x12x1. Z 1+1.5.5 4 3 2 1 0 D mm 18 18 18 GL mm 115 115 125 NL mm 50 50 50 ID ID LL RL 040846 ● 040847 ● 040848 ● 040849 ● 040850 ● RPM: n = 16000 . With tungsten carbide turnblade knife plunging tip. Cutting edge overlap visible on workpiece. For grooving with constant tool diameter. veneered etc. uncoated.1. plastic coated.leitz. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Routing 5.1 Sizing and grooving 5.).5 QAL HW-05 HW-05 VE PCS 10 10 ID 005080 ● 005161 ● Spare parts: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ap [mm] BEZ Knife Screw Screw Torx® Plunging tip Peripheral tip Workpiece material: Plastic coated chipboard Working step: Sizing Speed: n = 18000 min-1 Correction factor for vf: MDF = 0. Technical information: Straight cut. special routers with spindles for mounting shank tools. HF etc. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF. machining centres.5 30x12x1. Limitedly suitable for finish cut. HW.1 Shank cutters Turnblade router cutter Application: Router cutter for sizing and grooving to finish quality. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.8 64 S mm 16x50 20x50 25x60 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. with 50 mm/30 mm turnblade knives WL 101-1 12 11 10 9 8 7 Ø 18 x 50 NL ap vf [m min-1] Feed speed vf depending on grooving depth ap 5.20000 min-1 Spare knives: BEZ Knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Plunging tip Peripheral tip ABM mm 7. Teflon coated tool body for reduced resin and glue build up.org ABM mm M4x5 (head D7) M4x5 (head D9) Torx® 15 ID 007037 ● 007038 ● 005457 ● . leitz. joinery machines.HeliCut 15 Application: For pre-cutting.6 BO mm 20 30 30 30 Z V QAL 4x2 + 3x2 4x2 + 3x2 4x2 + 4x2 5x2 + 5x2 2 2 2+2 2+2 HW HW HW HW AM PCS 16 16 20 24 ID 132600 132601 132604 132605 ● ● ● ● More dimensions on request.2 Jointing. Routing 5. Torx® 20 Torx® ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.org ABM mm M5x18 Torx® 20 ID 114030 ● 006091 ● 65 . For copy-shaping of arched workpieces with template.6 BO mm 20 30 30 30 ID HSK-E 63 132708 132709 132712 132713 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID HSK-F 63 132716 132717 132720 132721 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID SK 40 132700 132701 132704 132705 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Spare knives: BEZ Turnblade knife Turnblade knife ABM mm 15x15x2.5 15x15x2.g. Cutterhead without clamping arbor WW 230-2-07 RPM: D 60 mm: nmax = 20000 min-1 D 85 mm: nmax = 18000 min-1 D 125 mm: nmax = 12000 min-1 D mm 60 85 125 125 SB mm 81. ball bearing and guide ring. Application of the same knives as peripheral knife and spur. double-end tenoner.5. overhead machines with and without CNC control. glulam and laminated wood. direct tangential knife clamping thus easy handling of the knife change without further mounting aid.5 81. Technical information: Noise-reduced design with staggered edges. Machine: Spindle moulders and profile milling machines. window manufacturing plants.5 93. No clamping wedges.5 93.5 QAL BEM HW HW-MF HeliCut 15 HeliCut 15 VE PCS 10 10 ID 009549 ● 009543 ● Spare parts: BEZ Countersink screw. Also applicable for rebating. The cutting bevels of the HW knives are numbered. By default mounted with HW turnblade knives ID 009549.5 81. as well as for the application on CNC controlled overhead machines e.7 116.7 116. rebating and bevelling 5. along and across to the fibre direction. applicable for MAN and MEC. jointing and copy-shaping of large cutting depths. WL 210-2-05 D mm 60 85 125 125 SB mm 81. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Mountable on clamping arbor.2. Cutterhead mounted on clamping arbor.1 Jointing and rebating cutterheads Copy shaping cutterhead . rebating and bevelling 5. BEZ 2 3 Oval head screw Torx® 15 Torx® Spare knives Marathon type A. B. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.5.and frame construction. Routing 5.org ABM mm M4x6 Torx® 15 ID 006225 ● 005457 ● . Machine: Overhead machines with/without CNC control.5 Dovetail cutter Dovetail router cutter with exchangeable knives Application: For producing dovetail joints especially in the wood.leitz.18000 min-1 Spare knives: With threaded shank Part-no. “B” and “C” has to be mounted in the cutter. With cylindrical shank WG 502-2 D mm GL mm SB mm S mm DRI Z 60 60 131 131 38/51 38/51 30x53. Technical information: HW changing knives Z3 with Marathon coating for extremely high performance times. One knife each of knife type “A”.2 Jointing. C 66 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. glulam and laminted wood.2. BEZ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marathon profile knife Marathon profile knife Marathon profile knife Marathon profile knife Marathon profile knife Marathon profile knife SB mm 38 38 38 51 51 51 Type A B C A B C ID LL 602517 602518 602519 602520 602521 602522 ● ● ● ● ● ● ID RL 602509 602510 602511 602512 602513 602514 ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: Part-no.5 M16x1. joinery machines. machining centres.5 30x53. special cutting machines to process frame parts.5 LL RL 3 3 ID without adaptor 250000 ● 250001 ● With threaded shank WG 502-2 Cylindrical shank design D mm GL mm SB mm S mm DRI Z 60 60 108 108 38/51 38/51 M16x1.5 LL RL 3 3 ID without adaptor 250002 ● 250003 ● RPM: n = 6000 . Chipbreakers in roughing/finishing design for small cutting forces and nearly even areas. veneered etc. Z 1 Application: Suitable for V-grooving profiles and for multi-purpose finish cutting (decorative groove.). plastic coated. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. 5 HW HW HW HW 009528 602503 602502 602501 ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ GL ABM mm 19x19x2 59x12x1. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF.5 39x12x1. HF etc. Routing 5.org 67 .4 Tools for multi-purpose profiles Multi-purpose profile cutterhead.5 49x12x1.. 2 or 3 (ID 042932) performance times through turning the knife.leitz.5.).). 90° corner etc. Technical information: Cutterhead with exchangeable turnblades.3. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC-control.3 Profiling 5. Z 1 WL 300-2 GL mm 90 125 115 100 100 NL mm 15 42 35 27 27 S mm 12x40 20x50 20x50 20x50 20x50 FAW Z P DRI ID 68° 45° 60° 90° 91° 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 RL RL RL RL RL 042932 042933 042934 042935 042936 ● ● ● ● ● D d FAW D mm 30 35 42 54 54 Spare knives: BEZ NL GL Turnblade knife triangular Turnblade knife Turnblade knife Turnblade knife d D V-groove cutter V-groove cutter 68° (ID 042932) P QAL ID 1 2 3 4. glulam (plywood etc. special routers with spindles to mount shank tools. Cutting in end grain.5 Countersink screw Screw Torx® ABM mm M5x5 M4x5 Torx® 15 P ID 1 2-5 2-5 007381 ● 007038 ● 005457 ● 68° 15 V-groove cutter in turnblade design with point 68° (ID 042932) ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. uncoated. Routing Tooling examples. ID 130072220 68 Example 5. ID 130065825 .and forming cutter Example 1. ID 041926 Example 2. ID 130061595 Example 3. ID 168100495 Example 6. ID 130047712 Jointing. customer-specific solutions Grooving.and rebating cutter Example 4.5. customer-specific solutions Bevel. ID 130069184 Example 12. ID 165077418 Example 11.and V-groove cutter Example 7. ID 130069195 Dovetail cutter Example 10. ID 130072222 Example 13. ID 170081285 Example 8. ID 130071579 69 . Routing Tooling examples.5. ID 165076069 Example 9. 5. ID 165074065 Example 18. customer-specific solutions Fluting cutter Example 14. ID 130046549 Example 19. ID 168092706 Profile cutting tools Multi-profile cutter Profile countersink 70 . ID 165077394 Example 15. ID 165077533 Example 17. ID 165045319 Example 16. ID 130048418 Example 20. ID 165089563 Example 21. Routing Tooling examples. with single heel Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n D mm 3 4 4. special purpose boring machines. multi-spindle units.5 5 5. glulam (plywood etc. Drilling 6.).6.5x35 6x35 6.5x35 7x40 7.7 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. automatic boring machines. portable drills.1 Twist drills HS solid. d D Shank diameter identical to drill diameter WB 120-0-05 NL l GL WB 120-0-02 / 05 / 06. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Z 2 / V 2 Application: For multi-purpose drilling of tear free blind holes.5x30 5x30 5.5x40 8x40 8.5 8 8.5 6 6.5 7 7. Technical information: Design in HS solid with long centre point and round spurs. Design with single heel to reduce friction in the hole.4000 min-1 4 vf [m min-1] 3 Ø3…8 Ø 8 … 12 Ø 12 … 16 2 1.org 71 .leitz. Machine: Vertical boring machines.5 9 10 11 12 GL mm 70 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 120 130 140 150 155 NL mm 35 45 50 50 55 60 65 65 70 75 75 80 85 90 95 S mm 3x30 4x30 4. plastics (thermoplastic).5x40 9x40 10x50 11x50 12x50 QAL DRI ID HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 035852 035853 035892 035854 035893 035855 035894 035856 035895 035857 035896 035858 035859 035860 035861 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● RPM: n = 1500 .4. Shank diameter identical to drill diameter.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.2 1 0 1000 2000 2500 3000 4000 n [min-1] 5000 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0. portable drills. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. glulam (plywood etc. WB 120-0-06 D mm 10 12 15 16 GL mm 94 93.2 1 0 1000 2000 2500 3000 4000 n [min-1] 5000 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.1 Twist drills SP solid.7 72 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. with single heel Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 4 vf [m min-1] 3 Ø3…8 Ø 8 … 12 Ø 12 … 16 2 1. Technical information: Design in SP solid with long centre point and round spurs. special purpose boring machines. Drilling 6. Shank diameter different from the drill diameter.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.5 185 190 NL mm 60 60 120 125 S mm 8x30 8x30 13x50 16x50 d D RPM: n = 1500 . multi-spindle units. automatic boring machines.).6.org QAL DRI ID SP SP SP SP RL RL RL RL 035982 035983 035762 035763 ● ● ● ● . Machine: Vertical boring machines. Shank diameter different from drill diameter WB 120-0-02. plastics (thermoplastic). Z 2 / V 2 Application: For multi-purpose drilling of tear free blind holes.4000 min-1 NL l GL WB 120-0-02 / 05 / 06.4. Design with single heel to reduce friction in the hole.leitz. Technical information: Design HW tipped.5 6 6. chipboard and fibre materials (MDF.5 9 10 11 12 GL mm 80 85 90 100 100 110 110 120 130 130 140 150 155 NL mm 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 75 80 80 90 95 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● RPM: n = 3000 . Z 2 / V 2 Application: For multi-purpose drilling of tear free blind holes. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. with double heel Long version WB 120-0-25 Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 4 3 vf [m min-1] GL mm 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 d D NL D mm 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 2 1 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 n [min-1] 7000 Workpiece material: Chipboard plastic coated Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Solid wood = 0.5 7 8 8. Drilling 6.1 Twist drills HW.6000 min-1 When drilling holes with a depth greater than 4 x drill diameter interim clearance stroke is recommended! ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. HF etc.7 Glulam = 0. automatic boring machines. special purpose boring machines.5x35 6x35 6. plastic coated. Shank diameter identical to the drill diameter. Machine: Vertical boring machines. multi-spindle units.6.. Design with double heel for improved guidance during drilling and return stroke from the hole. glulam (plywood etc. veneered etc.5x40 7x40 8x45 8. Short version WB 120-0-27 l NL mm 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 S mm 5x35 6x35 7x35 8x35 10x35 11x35 12x35 QAL DRI ID HW HW HW HW HW HW HW RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 035885 035886 035887 035888 035889 035890 035891 S mm 4x25 4.8 D mm 4 4.leitz.).4.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.org 73 .5 5 5.).5x50 9x50 10x50 11x55 12x55 QAL DRI ID HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW HW RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 035882 035883 035872 035873 035874 035875 035876 035877 035884 035878 035879 035880 035881 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● RPM: n = 3000 . uncoated.5x25 5x30 5. portable drills.6000 min-1 GL WB 120-0-27 / 25. modified wood for window production. Marathon Application: For drilling very deep holes without interim clearance strokes. Drilling 6.5 97.8 Glulam = 1.) composites. machining centres.5 123.5 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 10x25 RL RL RL RL LL RL LL RL RL LL RL LL Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n vf [m min -1 ] 5 4 3 2 Along the grain Across the grain 6000 7000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID without adaptor 230000 230001 230020 230002 230003 230004 230005 230006 230007 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GL 130 mm WB 120-0-34 D mm GL mm L mm NL mm S mm DRI 6 6 6. glulam (plywood etc.5 98.5 122. drills HW solid with adaptor 1 ID with adaptor 230121 230122 230123 230108 230109 230110 230111 230124 230112 230113 230114 230115 8000 9000 10000 n [min -1 ] Diameter: < 6 mm Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.5 122.5 4. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control.5 6 6 8 8 8. Extra long centre point for use of the drills at an angle. Z 2 / V 2.leitz. Z 2 / V 2 and centre point.5 123.9000 min-1 WB 120-0-34. drills HW solid M10 Ø11 43 20 25 D mm GL mm L mm NL mm S mm DRI 3 3. automatic boring machines.9000 min-1 74 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. vertical boring machines. multi spindle units. Large gullets for good chip removal especially when boring in cross grain.4.5 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 10x30 10x30 10x25 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 RL LL RL RL LL RL LL RL LL 6 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 4500 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID without adaptor 230021 230022 230023 230008 230009 230010 230011 230024 230012 230013 230014 230015 RPM: n = 3000 .6.5 98.8 10 10 12 12 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 102 102 101 100.1 Twist drills HW solid. Suitable for drilling connecting and dowel holes in timber frame and window constructions.5 99.5 124. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.org ID with adaptor 230100 230101 230120 230102 230103 230104 230105 230106 230107 . special boring machines for frame production.5 125.5 97.5 99.5 124. Technical information: Design in HW solid.8 RPM: n = 3000 . Marathon coating for increased performance time. GL 105 mm WB 120-0-34 d D GL NL l L WB 120-0-34. portable boring machines.5 99.5 100.5 8 8 10 10 12 12 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 125.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.5 125. 4.8 Glulam = 1.6.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.5 3 2 Along the grain 1 Across the grain 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 4500 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 n [min -1 ] Diameter: > 12 mm Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.8 9 8 vf [m min -1 ] 7 6 5 4 3.5 140.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.5 4 3 Along the grain 2 1 Across the grain 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 100001100012000 4500 -1 GL 150 mm WB 120-0-34 D mm GL mm L mm NL mm S mm DRI 14 14 16 16 150 150 150 150 140.org 75 .12 mm Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.9000 min-1 Diameter: 6 .1 Twist drills vf [m min -1 ] 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4.5 140 140 100 100 100 100 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 RL LL RL LL ID with adaptor 230116 230117 230118 230119 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID without adaptor 230016 230017 230018 230019 ● ● ● ● n [min ] RPM: n = 3000 . Drilling 6.8 Glulam = 1.leitz. ). etc. GL 130 / 160 mm WB 101-0-02 d D GL NL l D mm GL mm NL mm S mm DRI 6 7 9 10 12 130 130 160 160 160 90 90 120 120 120 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 10x30 RL RL RL RL RL RPM: n = 3000 . with adaptor Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 9 8 vf [m min -1 ] 7 6 5 3. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.5 4 3 2 1 Along the grain Across the grain 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 4500 n [min -1 ] 76 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring. Z 2 with V point.leitz. through feed hole Correction factor for vf: Hardwood = 0.8 Gluelam = 1.6. Marathon Application: For drilling very deep holes without interim clearance strokes especially in timber frame and window constructions. machining centres.9000 min-1 WB 101-0-02. composites.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6. Marathon coating for increased performance time. multi spindle units. twist drill with V-point.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. glulam (plywood. Drilling 6. modified wood in the window construction. twist drill with V point 20 25 M10 Ø11 43 WB 101-0-02.4. Technical information: Design HW solid.1 Twist drills HW solid. Machine: Overhead routers with/without CNC control. vertical boring machines. special boring machines for the frame production. portable boring machines. Z 2 V point. automatic boring machines.org ID with adaptor 230400 230401 230402 230403 230404 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID without adaptor 230300 230301 230302 230303 230304 ● ● ● ● ● . Large gullet areas for good chip removal. boring aggregates.6. automatic boring machines. machining centres.5 10. Limitedly suitable for hardwood. Workpiece material: Softwood. threaded tip Application: For drilling constructions. GL 235 mm WB 110-0 D mm 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 GL mm 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 NL mm 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 S mm 5.5 7.5 9. Threaded tip for easy boring especially when using portable machines.5 11.2 Levin type drills SP. vertical boring machines. Extremely large gullet areas for excellent chipflow.5 11.4.and joint boreholes especially in the wood. Drilling 6.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.5 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 230517 230518 230519 230520 230521 230522 230523 230524 230525 230526 230527 230528 230529 230530 230531 230532 230533 GL mm 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 NL mm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 S mm 5.5 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 230511 230512 230513 230514 230515 230500 230501 230502 230503 230504 230505 230506 230507 230508 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GL 460 mm WB 110-0 D mm 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. joinery machines. special cutting machines to machine frame parts. Technical information: Z 1 / V 1 design with threaded tip.and frame construction. Hexagon shank from D=8 mm on for excellent transmission of the torque. Machine: Overhead machines with/without CNC-control.leitz.5 10. glued wood.org ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 77 .5 6. Z 1 / V 1.5 9.5 6.5 7. portable boring machines. 6000 min-1 WB 100-0. Suitable for depths up to approx.2 Levin type drills continued from page 77 D mm 28 30 32 GL mm 460 460 460 NL mm 400 400 400 S mm 13 13 13 DRI ID RL RL RL 230509 ● 230510 ● 230516 ● RPM: n = 500 .6. automatic boring machines. Machine: Vertical boring machines.leitz. special purpose boring machines. Drilling 6. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. portable drills. multi-spindle units. Z 1. V-point for producing tear free holes on both sides when drilling through-holes. Technical information: Solid tungsten carbide quality.4. V-point for through-hole drilling WB 100-0 D mm 5 6 8 10 12 GL mm 90 100 120 120 140 NL mm 50 60 80 80 100 QAL Z DRI ID HS HS HS HS HS 1 1 1 1 1 RL RL RL RL RL 036110 036111 036112 036113 036114 RPM: n = 3000 .3000 min-1 HS solid. Z 1 Application: For drilling deep holes.5 1 0.5 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 4500 n [min-1] 7000 Workpiece material: Solid wood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Boring depth > 4 x diameter = 0. Large gullets for good chip removal especially cross grain.org ● ● ● ● ● . with V-point Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 4 3.8 78 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.5 vf [m min-1] 3 2.5 2 1.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6. 4 times the diameter without interim clearance strokes. shank with clamping flat and adjusting screw BEZ Allen screw Anti twist allen screw ABM mm M5x10 M5x10 BEM ID Length adjustment Length adjustment 005802 ● 007438 ● Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 4 3. Drilling 6. Z 1 / V 1 and centre point.5 0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 4500 n [min-1] 7000 Workpiece material: Solid wood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Boring depth > 4 x diameter = 0. Drill point for blind holes WB 110-0 D mm 12 14 16 GL mm 110 110 110 NL mm 80 80 80 S mm 10x25 10x25 10x25 QAL HW HW HW ID ID LL RL 036174 ● 036175 ● 036176 ● 036177 ● 036178 ● 036179 ● RPM: n = 3000 .).leitz. particularly when drilling cross grain. Suitable for depths up to 75 mm without interim clearance strokes.2 Levin type drills HW. multi spindle units. Z 1 / V 1 Application: For drilling deep holes. Technical information: Design HW.org 79 .7500 min-1 GL 25 Spare parts: D ø10 NL WB 110-0. glulam (plywood etc.5 1 0.4.5 vf [m min-1] 3 2. Machine: Vertical boring machines. Large gullets for good chip removal. special purpose boring machines. Suitable for producing joint holes in timber frame constructions. portable drills. automatic boring machines. composites.6. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.5 2 1.8 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Z 2 / V 2 Application: For drilling hinge and furniture hinge holes and for fittings in timber construction. portable drills. 20. Technical information: SP solid. 30. Z 2 / V 2. Reinforced shank for heavy machining in vertical and horizontal boring machines and powerful portable drills. Shank 10 mm WB 310-0-03 d D D mm 15 20 25 30 34 35 40 GL mm 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 S mm 10x55 10x55 10x70 10x70 10x65 10x65 10x65 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 036650 036655 036658 036661 036663 036664 036667 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● RPM: n = 1000 . Workpiece material: Softwood. Drilling 6.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6. Machine: Vertical boring machines.2 RPM: n = 1000 . Z 2 / V 2.6 0. special purpose boring machines.8 0. reinforced shank 13/16 mm Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 1.3000 min-1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 1500 n [min-1] Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Boring 80 4000 Drill set AB 610-0-01 BEM 1 pc each WB 310-0-03 SP ABM mm D = 15.3000 min-1 l GL Technical information: SP solid.leitz.4.org QAL ID SP 036780 ● .4 Shank 13 . reinforced design WB 310-0-02 D mm 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 GL mm 120 120 140 140 140 140 140 S mm 13x50 13x50 13x50 13x50 13x50 13x50 16x50 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 036421 036422 036424 036427 036430 036433 036436 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.6.3 Machine bits SP. 25. Shank 10 mm suitable for stationary boring machines and portable drills.0 0. 35 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.4 Ø 10 … 25 Ø 35 … 50 vf [m min-1] 1.2 1.16 mm. WB 310-0-02. 5 GL WB 310-0-03.1 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Drilling 6.5 2. Machine: Vertical boring machines. portable drills. Technical information: Design HS.4. GL = 90 mm D mm 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 34 35 40 GL mm 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 S mm 10x55 10x55 10x55 10x55 10x55 10x55 10x55 10x70 10x70 10x70 10x70 10x70 10x65 10x65 10x65 DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 036668 036669 036670 036671 036672 036673 036674 036676 036677 036678 036679 036680 036682 036683 036686 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● RPM: n = 1200 . automatic boring machines. multi spindle units. Z 2 / V 2 Application: For drilling hinge and furniture hinge holes. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.3 Machine bits HW. Shank 10 mm suitable for stationary boring machines and portable drills.6.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.4500 min-1 Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n Workpiece material: Hardwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Chipboard = 1.org 81 . Z 2 / V 2. shank 10 mm.leitz. special purpose boring machines. d D Shank 10 mm WB 310-0-03 0.2 Gluelam = 1. 2 Gluelam = 1.16 mm. reinforced design WB 310-0-02 D mm 20 22 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 GL mm 140 140 140 140 140 140 150 150 150 S mm 13x50 13x50 13x50 13x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 RPM: n = 1200 . Shank 13 .leitz. special purpose boring machines. automatic boring machines.4 Multi-purpose drilling 6.4. Reinforced shank for use in vertical and horizontal boring machines and powerful portable drills. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. Technical information: Design HW. Z 2 / V 2. Drilling 6.3 Machine bits HW. Z 2 / V 2 Application: For drilling hinge and furniture hinge holes.1 82 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.4500 min-1 Tungsten carbide tipping with large resharpening area Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n Workpiece material: Hardwood Working step: Boring Correction factor for vf: Chipboard = 1.6.org DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL 036462 036463 036465 036468 036471 036474 036480 036483 036486 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . portable drills. Machine: Vertical boring machines. glulam (plywood etc. Drilling 6. uncoated. Dmax = 18. Machine: Multi-spindle units. Dmax = 12. portable drills.5 Countersink 6.). Special ground for clean and chatter-free cut. Countersink 90° Z 3 HW solid. copper etc. countersunk with a 1x45° bevel: Countersink 90° SP: Dmin = 4.5 GL mm 75 58 S mm 10x50 10x40 QAL DRI ID SP HW solid RL RL 036220 ● 036255 ● d D RPM: n = 2500 .. vertical boring machine. plastics (thermoplastic. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood.).). NE metals (aluminium. Countersink 90° WB 700-0. without clamping flat d min d max The illustrations show the smallest and largest hole diameters possible.00 mm Countersink 90° HW: Dmin = 2.00 mm. plastic coated.6000 min-1 GL 1x45º 1x45º WB 700-0 cylindrical shank. Technical information: Countersink 90° Z 1 SP solid (only for soft and hardwood). chipboard and fibre materials (MDF. veneered etc. HF etc.6.2 One-piece countersinks Shank 10 mm Application: For the additonal countersinking of holes.org 83 . fibre reinforced etc.00 mm.00 mm ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. WB 702-0 D mm 16 20.).5.leitz. 2500 min-1 D d I D Position the edge of the plug cutter at the edge of the workpiece so the cutter is open to the outside.6 Step drilling and plugs 6. portable drills. vertical boring machine. Machine: Multi-spindle units. for handrail joints in stair production or to produce wooden plugs such as knot-hole repairs.5 Ø10 … Ø25 Ø30 … Ø40 1 0. Reinforced shank for use in vertical and horizontal boring machines. This improves chip clearance. e.leitz. Z 2 / V 2 WB 600-0 D mm 10 15 20 25 30 35 GL GL mm 140 140 140 140 140 140 S mm 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 16x50 RPM: n = 1500 .6. Drilling 6. Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood. SP.g.2 Plug cutters Shank 16 mm Application: To produce plugs.6. increases cut quality and the performance time. Technical information: Design SP Z 2 / V 2.55 0. Feed speed vf depending on the spindle RPM n 2 vf [m min-1] 1.org DRI ID RL RL RL RL RL RL 036880 036881 036882 036883 036884 036885 ● ● ● ● ● ● .5 0 1000 84 1500 2000 2500 3000 2400 n [min-1] 3500 Workpiece material: Softwood Working step: Machining plugs ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. ID 130030193 Machine boring bit Example 2. ID 130047171 Example 5. ID 130061127 Countersink and step drill 85 . ID 130070164 Example 4. customer-specific solutions Levin drill Example 1. Drilling Tooling examples.6. ID 130070607 Example 3. 3.1 Shrink-fit chucks 8.3 Collet chucks page 631 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3.2 Arbors Arbors page 628 Shrink-fit chucks 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3.3 Adaptors for sawblades + Shrink-fit chucks page 599 page 600 page 601 8.3 Collet chucks Cutterheads with shank page 592 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3.3 Collet chucks page 602 page 603 page 604 page 605 8.3.3 Collet chucks page 592 8.3.3 Collet chucks page 601 8.3.3 Collet chucks 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3.2 Arbors Circular sawblades page 639 8.3.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 599 page 600 page 601 8.4.3 Collet chucks page 624 page 624 8.3 Collet chucks 8.4.5 Drill chucks page 592 Drills with cylindrical shank with Drill chucks 86 page 592 page 601 page 599 page 600 page 601 Arbors + page 628 8.4.3 Collet chucks page 592 8.3 Collet chucks Tool types Router cutters page 592 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3 Collet chucks page 629 page 630 8.2 Arbors page 639 Drill chucks Note: Page numbers refer to Lexicon 6 .3 Collet chucks 8.2 Arbors + page 604 page 605 8.2 Arbors Drills with cylindrical shank page 592 8.4. Clamping systems Adaptors Clamping systems overview SK 30 ISO 30 SCM/ Morbidelli ISO 30 CMS BT 30 BT 35 SK 40 page 602 page 603 page 604 page 605 page 592 8.3 Collet chucks page 624 page 624 8.3.3 Collet chucks 8.8.3 Collet chucks page 639 page 629 page 630 8.3 Collet chucks Tools with borehole 8.3 Collet chucks Shrink-fit chucks clamping area page 599 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 601 Drill chucks page 602 page 603 page 604 page 605 8.3 Adaptors for sawblades + page 629 page 630 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks Adaptors for sawblades + page 631 page 629 page 630 8.3.2 Arbors page 602 page 603 page 604 page 605 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 601 page 600 page 601 8. 3.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 608 8.5 Drill chucks quick clamping design page 620 8.3 Adaptors for multi purpose saws + page 632 Clamping systems HSK-E 40 Clamping systems overview HSK-F 50 page 606 page 607 Shrink-fit chucks page 608 page 596 Collet chucks page 593 8.3.3 Collet chucks 8.2 Arbors + page 606 page 607 Collet chucks 8.3 Collet chucks 8.3 Collet chucks page 628 8.3 Collet chucks 8.2 Arbors page 631 Adaptors for 1-part saws page 593 8.3 Collet chucks page 593 Hydro chucks page 609 page 610 page 611 8.4.1 Hydro arbors 8.3.1 Shrink-fit chucks HSK-F 63 HSK 85 WS Threaded shank with / without tapered seating page 593 8.3 Collet chucks Collet chucks 8.2 Hydro chucks page 609 page 610 page 611 8.5 Drill chucks Note: Page numbers refer to Lexicon 6 87 .3 Collet chucks page 631 8.4.2 Arbors page 638 8.3 Adaptors for circular saws + page 607 8.2 Arbors 8.2 Arbors + page 628 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 608 page 596 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 609 page 610 page 611 Conventional drill chucks Shrink-fit chucks page 608 Collet chucks 8.3 Collet chucks page 606 page 607 8.3 Collet chucks page 639 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 609 page 610 page 611 8.4.3 Collet chucks page 593 8.3.3 Collet chucks page 624 page 621 8.3 Collet chucks page 624 8.3.3 Collet chucks HSK-E 63 page 593 Arbors 8.1 Shrink-fit chucks page 593 Collet chucks 8.2 Arbors page 626 page 634 page 635 page 639 page 606 page 632 page 593 8.5 Drill chucks page 606 page 607 8. 5 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M22x1. Clamping systems 8.7 ID 037975 037976 037977 037978 679024 679025 679026 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 34/36 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M25x1.10 32 6 . type ER.5 BEZ 21 d 8° ER 20 collet for clamping range 6-13 mm Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) for S mm 6 8 10 12 6.7 15.35 9. ER 16.leitz. DIN ISO 15488).3 Clamping chucks 8. DIN ISO 15488 Application: For collet chucks and multi-spindle units and trimming units with 8° taper angle (type ER. DIN ISO 15488 PM 150-0 31.13 35 6 . DIN ISO 15488 PM 150-0 34 ER 25 collet for clamping range 6-16 mm D Clamping range mm mm 6 . Technical information: Double-slotted design for maximum clamping forces and concentricity.35 9. For clamping range 6-10 mm.5 8° for S mm 6 8 10 6.10 32 6 .5 D Clamping range mm mm 6 .53 12. ER 20.5 BEZ 26 d 8° 88 DRI ID RL LL 005517 ● 006647 ● 006648 ● For clamping range 6-16 mm.35 9.10 DRI ID RL LL 005516 ● 006645 ● 006646 ● For clamping range 6-13 mm.88 ID 037979 037980 037981 037982 037983 037984 679027 679028 679029 679030 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .3.13 35 6 .org for S mm 6 8 10 12 14 16 6.8. DIN ISO 15488 PM 150-0 BEZ Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) 27.13 Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.53 ID 037972 037973 037974 679022 679023 ● ● ● ● ● 17 d Spare parts: ER 16 collet for clamping range 6-10 mm BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 30/32 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M22x1.3 Collet chucks Collets.5 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M25x1. ER 25.53 12. Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M40x1.16 42 6 . DIN ISO 15488 PM 150-0 46 BEZ 41 d 8° ER 40 collet for clamping range 6-26 mm D Clamping range mm mm Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) for S mm 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 6.leitz.05 (3/4“) ID 037439 037440 037441 037442 037443 037444 037445 037446 037447 037509 037510 037511 037507 037506 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 45/50 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M40x1.4 63 6 .20 For clamping range 6-26 mm.35 (1/4“) 9.16 42 6 .3 Collet chucks Spare parts: BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 40/42 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M32x1.7 (1/2“) 15.5 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M50x1.25.53 (3/8“) 12.5 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.88 (5/8“) 19.20 6 .88 (5/8“) 19.53 (3/8“) 12.4 63 6 .3 Clamping chucks 8.4 (1“) ID 037926 037927 037928 037929 037930 037931 037932 037933 679039 037934 037935 037936 037937 037938 037939 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 58/62 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M50x1.16 DRI ID RL LL 005518 ● 006649 ● 006650 ● For clamping range 6-20 mm. ER 40. ER 32.org D Clamping range mm mm 6 .8.5 DRI ID 50 50 RL LL 005491 ● 005718 ● 006631 ● 6 .4 DRI ID RL LL 005458 ● 006639 ● 006640 ● 89 .5 D Clamping range mm mm 6 . Clamping systems 8.35 (1/4“) 9.5 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M32x1.05 (3/4“) 25.7 (1/2“) 15. DIN ISO 15488 PM 150-0 40 d 33 8° BEZ ER 32 collet for clamping range 6-20 mm Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) Collet (8°) for S mm 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 6. 16 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M33x1.7 35 DRI ID RL 005498 ● 006653 ● For clamping range 6-16 mm.7 mm. DIN ISO 10897 PM 150-0 Ø19. For clamping range 6-12.5 d BEZ Collet type 415E for clamping range 6-16 mm Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) for S mm 6 8 9 9.5 43 90 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.3 Collet chucks Collet.88 (5/8“) ID 679005 679032 679033 679034 679006 679035 679036 679007 679037 679008 679009 679010 679011 679012 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM D Clamping range mm mm mm Sickle spanner 40/42 6 .12.35 (1/4“) 9.8 34 d 2°52' BEZ Collet type 407E for clamping range 6-12.3.35 (1/4“) 9.leitz.7 (1/2“) ABM mm 34/36 M27x1. taper ratio 1:10 Application: For collet chucks as well as for multi-spindle units and trimming units with 2°52’ taper angle (taper ratio 1:10).53 (3/8“) 12.53 (3/8“) 12. DIN ISO 10897 PM 150-0 40 Ø25.5 10 11 12 13 14 16 6. type 407E.3 Clamping chucks 8.7 mm Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) Collet (2°52’) ID 679013 679015 679016 679017 679019 679020 679014 679018 679021 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ Sickle spanner Collet chuck nut 2°52' for S mm 6 7 8 9 10 12 6.5 D mm Clamping range mm 6 . type 415E. DIN ISO 10897. Clamping systems 8.org DRI ID RL 005469 ● 005685 ● .8. Technical information: Double-slotted design for maximum clamping forces and concentricity.7 (1/2“) 15. 05 (3/4“) 25.7 (1/2“) 15.org D Clamping range mm mm 6 .4 mm.88 (5/8“) 19.3 Clamping chucks 8. DIN ISO 10897 PM 150-0 52 d Ø35.35 (1/4“) 9.3.4 (1“) ID 037429 037430 037431 037432 037433 037434 037435 037436 037437 037438 037495 037505 037496 037502 037497 037508 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Spare parts: BEZ ABM mm Sickle spanner 58/62 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M48x2 Collet chuck nut with ball bearing M48x2 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.leitz.4 60 60 DRI ID RL LL 005458 ● 005714 ● 006632 ● 91 .3 Collet chucks 2°52' For clamping range 6-25. Clamping systems 8.4 mm Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) Collet (2° 52’) for S mm 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 25 6.25.05 BEZ Collet type 462E for clamping range 6-25.8.53 (3/8“) 12. type 462E. customer-specific solutions Collet chuck Example 1. ID 130054386 Weldon chuck Example 2.8. ID 130047604 Sawblade adaptor Example 3. Clamping systems Tooling examples. ID 100170169 92 . 7 9.5 1.7 9.5 1. Knives and spare parts 9.5 1.org 93 .5 1.leitz.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 KBZ QAL WP 8/8 WP 8/10 WP 8/12 WP 8/15 WP 8/20 WP 8/25 WP 8/30 WP 8/35 WP 8/40 WP 8/45 WP 8/50 WP 8/60 WP 8/70 WP 8/80 WP 8/100 WP 8/120 HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F VE PCS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ID 005068 005197 005069 005070 005071 005198 005072 005073 005074 007679 005075 005076 007680 005077 005184 005185 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ID = 1 piece HW-30F Microfinish TM 410-0 Turnblade knife HW Cutting material: HW fine grain quality Cutting edges with microfinish for high surface quality and cutting performance SB mm 7.5 1.9.5 1.5 1.7 11.5 1.7 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 H mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 DIK mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 H mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 DIK mm 1.5 1.7 14.7 14.7 19.5 1.5 1.1.5 KBZ QAL WP 8/8 MF WP 8/10 MF WP 8/12 MF WP 8/15 MF WP 8/20 MF WP 8/25 MF WP 8/30 MF WP 8/35 MF WP 8/40 MF WP 8/45 MF WP 8/50 MF WP 8/60 MF WP 8/70 MF WP 8/80 MF WP 8/100 MF WP 8/120 MF HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F HW-30F VE PCS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ID 007517 007518 007519 007520 007521 007522 007523 007524 007525 007683 007526 007527 007684 007528 007529 007530 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ID = 1 piece ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.7 19.5 1.7 11.5 1.1 Knives and blank knives 9.5 1.5 1.1 Turnblade knives Knife height 8 mm HW-30F TM 410-0 Turnblade knife HW Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW fine grain quality SB mm 7.5 1.5 1. 1.1 Knives and blank knives 9.5 1.5 1.1 Turnblade knives Knife height 12 mm HW-05 TM 405-0 Knife 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Knife type: Type 1 Type 2 SB mm 7.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 2.2 ID = 1 piece ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.5 9 12 15 20 30 40 50 60 H mm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 DIK mm 1.5 1.7 H mm 12 12 DIK mm 1. wood derived materials Cutting material: HW Knife type: Type 1 Type 2 Knife height 12 mm with bevel HW TM 405-0 Knife 1 2 SB mm 12 19.org QAL HW HW HW VE PCS 10 10 10 ID 005096 ● 005097 ● 005098 ● .leitz.5 FAW QAL ID 1x45° 5° HW HW 602009 ● 602010 ● Turnblade knife Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW Knife height 13 mm HW TM 405-0 Turnblade knife Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW 94 SB mm 80 100 120 H mm 13 13 13 DIK mm 2.5 WP 12/9 WP 12/12 * WP 12/15 WP 12/20 WP 12/30 WP 12/40 WP 12/50 WP 12/60 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 HW-05 VE PCS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ID 005080 005158 005081 005082 005083 005084 005085 005086 005087 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID = 1 piece * = with 4 cutting edges Turnblade knife Workpiece material: Solid wood.5 KBZ QAL WP 12/7.5 1.2 2.5 1. Knives and spare parts 9.9.5 1. Knives and spare parts 9.5 2.leitz.7 DIK mm 2.9.5 2 QAL HW HW-MF HW HW VE PCS 10 10 10 10 ID 009549 009543 602515 602516 ● ● ● ● ID = 1 piece HW turnblade knife Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.org 95 .5 1.1 Turnblade knives Knife height 21 mm with 4 cutting edges HW TM 410-0 Turnblade knife with 4 cutting edges SB mm 21 H mm 21 DIK mm 5.1 Knives and blank knives 9.5 QAL ID HW 009527 ● Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW Turnblade knives for cutterhead system HeliCut HW TM 405-0 BEM HeliCut 15 HeliCut 15 HeliCut 11 (peripheral knife) HeliCut 11 (boring knife) SB mm 15 15 11 22 H mm 15 15 11 12.1. 9.2 Spurs Spurs HW / DP TM 480-0 SB mm 14 14 14 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 H mm 14 14 14 15 DIK mm 2 1.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 KBZ QAL VS 1 VS 4 Holz-Her HW-F HW HW HW HW-F HW-F HW-F HW-F DP* HW-F HW-F VS 2 VS 2MF VS 2R* VS 2L* VS 2 VS 3R VS 3L VE PCS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 ID 005099 005130 602500 005100 005115 009541 006615 006616 006607 005116 005159 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID = 1 piece VS 1 VS 3L * = Spurs with reduced slotting depth. Knives can be used in VS2 knife seating.1.leitz.org QAL ID HS HW 006505 ● 006605 ● . VS 2 VS 4 VS 3R Workpiece material: Solid wood. wood derived materials Cutting material: HW fine grain quality / DP* Spur knives resharpenable HS / HW TM 180-0 Spur knife VS 801 SB mm 22 22 H mm 38 38 DIK mm 7 7 Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HS / HW 96 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. DP* = diamond coated.2 1.1 Knives and blank knives 9. MF = Cutting edge with Microfinish for high surface quality and cutting performance. Knives and spare parts 9. 5 Planer knives Knife height 30 mm For planerhead wedge-type system WM 200-2-05 TM 100-0. TM 100-0-01 Cross section of planer knife (HS / MC33) Cross section of planer knife (HW) Cutting material: HS / MC33 / HW Wedge angle: 40° (HS / MC33) 45° (HW) SB mm 60 80 100 110 120 130 150 170 180 190 210 230 240 250 260 270 310 360 400 410 460 500 510 600 610 630 640 710 810 H mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DIK mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VE PCS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ID HS 027101 027102 027103 027104 027105 027106 027107 027108 027109 027144 027110 027111 027134 027161 027112 027162 027113 027114 027115 027116 027130 027117 027118 027119 027120 027125 027121 027122 027123 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 027277 027278 027279 027280 027281 027282 027283 027284 027285 027322 027286 027287 027323 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 027288 ● 027289 ● 027292 ● 027293 ● 027295 ● 027296 ● 027297 027298 027299 027300 027302 ● ● ● ● ● ID MC33 606700 606701 606702 606703 606704 606705 606706 606707 606708 606709 606710 606711 606712 606713 606714 606715 606716 606729 606730 606731 606732 606733 606734 606735 606736 606737 606738 606739 606740 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID = 1 piece For hydro planerhead HM 200-2-05 TM 100-0-01. Knives and spare parts 9.org 97 .1. TM 100-0-02 Cross section of planer knife (HS / MC33) Cutting material: HS / MC33 Wedge angle: 30° 33 SB mm 60 100 130 150 160 180 210 230 260 310 320 H mm 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DIK mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VE PCS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ID HS 009362 009350 009351 009352 009363 009353 009364 009354 009355 009365 009366 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID MC33 606717 606718 606719 606720 606721 606722 606723 606724 606725 606726 606941 ▫ ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ● ▫ ● ID = 1 piece ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.9.leitz.1 Knives and blank knives 9. 5 Planer knives Knife height 35 mm For long planerheads wedge-type system TM 100-0.1. TM 100-0-01 Cross section of planer knife (HS / MC33) Cross section of planer knife (HW) Cutting material: HS / MC33 / HW SB mm 310 320 330 360 400 410 450 460 500 510 600 610 630 635 640 700 710 740 810 H mm 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 DIK mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VE PCS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ID HS 027351 027352 027353 027354 027355 027356 027357 027358 027359 027360 027361 027362 027363 027364 027365 027366 027367 027368 027369 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 027303 027304 027305 027306 027307 027308 027309 027310 027311 027312 027313 027314 027315 027316 027317 027318 027319 027320 027321 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID MC33 606800 606801 606802 606803 606804 606805 606806 606807 606808 606809 606810 606811 606812 606813 606814 606815 606816 606817 606818 ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ● ● ● ● ● ID MC33 606950 606951 606952 606953 606954 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID = 1 piece Wedge angle: 40° (HS / MC33) 45° (HW) For hydro planerhead RotaPlan HM 200-2-06 TM 100-0-01. TM 100-0-02 Cross section of planer knife (HS / MC33) SB mm 60 100 160 230 320 Wedge angle: 30° Cutting material: HS / MC33 H mm 35 35 35 35 35 DIK mm 3 3 3 3 3 ID = 1 piece 33 ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable 98 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. Knives and spare parts 9.9.leitz.org VE PCS 2 2 2 2 2 ID HS 009342 009343 009344 009345 009346 .1 Knives and blank knives 9. 5 QAL HW VE PCS 10 ID VE PCS 10 ID 009535 ● ID = 1 piece HW turnblade knife Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW Turnblade planing knives CASTOR For cutterhead system CASTOR TM 405-0 BEZ Turnblade knife ABM mm 15x15x2. Knives and spare parts 9.leitz.1.1 Knives and blank knives 9.5 QAL HW 009540 ● ID = 1 piece HW turnblade knife Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HW ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.9.org 99 .5 Planer knives Turnblade planing knives HeliPlan For cutterhead system HeliPlan TM 405-0 BEZ Turnblade knife ABM mm 15x15x2. 7 2.7 2. Knives and spare parts 9.7 2.HS AT 103-0-02. QuickFix . QuickFix .7 2.7 2.7 2.5 Planer knives Turnblade planing knives CentroStar. QuickFix For cutterhead system CentroStar.7 2. CentroFix.7 QAL ID HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 610203 610204 610244 610205 610206 610208 610210 610211 610247 610212 610213 610214 610215 610017 610018 610022 610023 610043 610024 610025 610028 610029 610030 610031 610032 610034 610036 610038 610040 610042 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● For cutterhead system CentroStar.7 2.MC AT 103-0-20 Cutting material recommendation HS MC Solid wood dry ⽧ ⽧ Solid wood wet 〫 ⽧ HW Hardwood dry 〫 ⽧ Hardwood wet ⽧ ⽧ Glulam ⽧ ⽧ Clipboard 〫 MDF 〫 SB mm 100 120 130 150 180 230 240 310 H mm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 DIK mm 2.7 2.7 ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable 100 SET PCS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.7 2.1 Knives and blank knives 9.7 2. CentroFix.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.org SET PCS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 QAL ID MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC 610278 610279 610280 610281 610282 610283 610284 610285 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● .7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2. AT 103-0-20 SB mm 100 120 124.7 2.1.leitz.7 2. CentroFix.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 130 136 150 170 180 186 190 210 230 240 260 310 400 410 410 420 430 500 510 520 530 540 610 630 640 710 810 Turnblade knife CentroFix Cutting material: HS Cutting material: MC H mm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 DIK mm 2.9. 7 3.7 3.7 3.and hardwood Cutting material: HW Cutting material recommendation HS Solid wood dry ⽧ Solid wood wet 〫 HW Hardwood dry ⽧ Hardwood wet ⽧ Glulam ⽧ Clipboard 〫 MDF 〫 ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable SB mm H mm DIK mm SET PCS ID HS ID HS Microfinish 50 60 80 100 120 130 136 150 170 180 190 210 230 240 270 310 330 360 400 410 410 420 430 500 510 520 530 540 600 610 630 640 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.and finish cutting soft.7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.and hardwood Turnblade knife VariPlan HW RipTec resharpenable.7 3.7 3.leitz.7 3.7 3.7 3. AT 103-0-27 Turnblade knife VariPlan HS / HW resharpenable.1 Knives and blank knives 9.7 3.7 3. for finish cutting of soft and hardwood Cutting material: HS / HW Turnblade knife VariPlan HW Integral resharpenable.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.org ID HW Integral 611904 611905 611906 611909 611911 611912 611914 611915 611916 611918 611965 611922 611924 611925 ▫ ▫ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ID HW RipTec 611204 611205 611206 611209 611211 611212 611214 611215 611216 611218 611265 611222 611224 611225 ▫ ▫ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▫ ▫ 101 .1. for pre-cutting soft. for pre.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 610500 610501 610502 610504 610505 610506 610508 610509 610511 610512 610514 610515 610516 610518 610522 610526 610527 610528 610529 610530 610533 610562 610563 610536 610537 610538 610539 610541 610564 ▫ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 617004 ▫ 617005 ▫ 617006 ● 617009 617011 617012 617014 617015 617016 617018 617065 ● 617022 617024 617025 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ID HW Microfinish 610700 610701 610702 610704 610705 610706 610708 610709 610711 610712 610714 610715 610716 610718 ▫ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 610729 610730 610733 610762 610763 610736 610737 610738 610739 610741 610764 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ 617104 ▫ 617105 ▫ 617106 ● ● 617109 ● ● 617111 ● ● 617112 ● ● 617114 ● ● 617115 ● ● 617116 ● ● 617118 ● ● 617165 ● ● 610722 ● 617122 ● ▫ 617124 ▫ ▫ 617125 ▫ 610726 ▫ 610727 ▫ For cutterhead system VariPlan Plus AT 103-0-23. AT 103-0-24 SB mm H mm DIK mm SET PCS 100 120 130 150 170 180 190 210 230 240 270 310 330 360 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.5 Planer knives Turnblade planing knives VariPlan / VariPlan Plus For cutterhead system VariPlan / VariPlan Plus AT 103-0-03. Knives and spare parts 9.9.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3. 3 2.3 2. SAC.g. Martin) Cutterheads with centrifugal force clamping system for four side moulders (e.3 2.3 2.82 2.3 2.3 2.3 2. HS AT 103-0-12 10 2.3 2.3 2.org QAL HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS SET PCS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ID 610900 610901 610902 610903 610904 610905 610906 610907 610908 610909 610910 610911 610912 610913 610914 610915 610916 610917 610918 610919 610920 610921 610922 610923 610924 610925 610926 610927 610928 610929 610930 610931 610932 610933 610934 610935 610936 610937 610938 610939 610940 610941 ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ▫ ● ▫ ▫ ● ● ▫ ● ▫ ▫ ● ● ● ● ▫ ● ● ● ▫ ▫ ▫ ● .3 2. SCM.3 2.3 2.3 2.5 Planer knives Turnblade planing knives TriTec For cutterhead system Tersa. Knives and spare parts 9.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.1.3 2.3 2. HW Hardwood dry ⽧ Hardwood wet ⽧ Glulam ⽧ Clipboard 〫 MDF 〫 ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable 102 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.3 Turnblade knife TriTec Workpiece material: Softwood and hardwood Cutting material: HS For: Long cutterheads on surface planers and thickness planing machines with centrifugal force clamping system (e.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2. SCM.leitz.3 2. Weinig.3 2.9.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 Further dimensions on request.3 2. Panhans.3 2.g.3 2. Leadermac) Cutting material recommendation HS Solid wood dry ⽧ Solid wood wet 〫 SB mm 60 80 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 265 270 300 310 350 360 400 410 420 430 450 460 500 510 520 530 600 610 630 640 660 710 740 810 H mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 DIK mm 2.1 Knives and blank knives 9.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2. org 103 .1 Knives and blank knives 9.1. Knives and spare parts 9.9.leitz.5 Planer knives Turnblade planing knives Centrolock For cutterhead system Centrolock AT 103-0-13 16 SB mm 20 60 80 100 130 150 170 180 190 230 240 260 270 310 460 H mm 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 DIK mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SET PCS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ID HS 611800 611801 611802 611803 611804 611805 611806 611807 611808 611809 611810 611811 611812 611813 611814 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID HW 611860 611861 611862 611863 611864 611865 611866 611867 611868 611869 611870 611871 611872 611873 611874 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ID MC 611830 611831 611832 611833 611834 611835 611836 611837 611838 611839 611840 611841 611842 611843 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 3 Cutting material: HS / MC / HW Cutting material recommendation HS MC Solid wood dry ⽧ ⽧ Solid wood wet 〫 ⽧ HW Hardwood dry 〫 ⽧ Hardwood wet ⽧ ⽧ Glulam ⽧ ⽧ Clipboard 〫 MDF 〫 ⽧ suitable 〫 partly suitable ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www. org .leitz. Knives and spare parts 9.7 Jointing stones Jointing stones for Leitz Marathon planer knife FS 100-0. FS 199-0 BEZ Machine BEM Jointing stone (angular) Jointing stone (round) WACO Weinig Colour: brown Colour: grey ABM mm 20x15x60 12x32 ID 008238 ● 008237 ● Grinding wheels suitable for sharpening Marathon planer knives available on request. 104 ● available ex stock ▫ available at short notice Instruction manual visit www.9. Leitz worldwide Headquarters of the Leitz Group Production centres Sales headquarters Sales partners 105 . riedau@rie. 21 Tradelink Road Hillcrest QLD 4118 Tel.au Austria Sales headquarters Leitz GmbH & Co.leitz.leitz. KG Leitzstraße 80 4752 Riedau Tel. Leitz-Service S. +43 5412/660 55 Fax +43 5412/660 55 20 office.leitz.herramientasleitz. service centres. Industrieweg 15 1850 Grimbergen Tel. Ltd.org Leitz-Service Badstubenweg 62 9500 Villach Tel.org Leitz-Service Johann-Herbst-Straße 23 5061 Elsbethen-Glasenbach Tel.leitz.A. S.com.au Leitz Tooling Systems Pty.o. +43 7764/820 00 Fax +43 7764/820 01 11 office. +32 476 50 52 12 Tel.com.br Bauru – SP Leitz Ferramentas para Madeira Ltda. Rua Anne Frank. +55 41/32 87 29 46 Fax +55 41/32 87 29 46 [email protected] www.A.com Bosnia Herzegovina Sales partners Leitz orodja d.org Leitz-Service Exerzierplatzstraße 33 8051 Graz-Gösting Tel.V. Km 14 Bairro Angico Cep 95760-000 São Sebastião do Cai/RS Tel. +61 89 35 32 442 Fax +61 89 35 32 443 leitzwa@leitz. Santa Cruz Mobil +591 773 15 413 adarredondo@aaprepresentaciones. +43 7752/816 64 Fax +43 7752/816 64 20 office.leitz. +43 4242/905 10 Fax +43 4242/905 10 20 office.be www. +32 22 51 60 47 Fax +32 22 52 14 36 info@leitz-service. +375 17/393 50 11 Fax +375 17/393 50 12 [email protected]. +386 4/238 12 10 Fax +386 4/238 12 22 [email protected] Belgium Sales headquarters N. Leitz-Service S.A. Rue du Parc 48 4432 Alleur (Liège) Tel.com.graz@rie. +32 36 46 34 14 Fax +32 36 46 45 15 Leitz-Service Gasteigstraße 4 6322 Kirchbichl Tel.by N.leitz. Piso Casilla 10224 La Paz Tel.leitz. Ltd 1/7 Tarlington Place Smithfield NSW 2164 Tel. +43 5572/258 17 Fax +43 5572/258 17 20 offi[email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems Pty. prompt delivery services Curitiba – PR Leitz Ferramentas para Madeira Ltda. Savska cesta 14 4000 Kranj (Slowenien) Tel.o. 2-17 Casino Street Welshpool WA 6106 Tel.RS Leitz Ferramentas para Madeira Ltda. 6 de Agosto 2440 5to. service centres.br .V.leitz. Rua Leitz.V. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Systems Pty.org   Leitz-Service Kelsengasse NB 3100 St.holz.org 106 Leitz-Service Löwenzahnweg 7 4030 Linz Tel. 2/55 Barry Street Bayswater Victoria 3153 Tel.org N. 2-53 Bairro: Jardim Contorno Cep 17047-250 Bauru/SP Tel.com.org Sales offices.org www. service centres.org Leitz-Service Schnalla 12 4911 Tumeltsham Tel. +973 17 785 866 Fax +973 17 785 668 [email protected]@rie.org Bahrain Sales partners Technologia P. n° 657 Bairro São Roque Cep 95700-000 Bento Gonçalves/RS Tel. +43 5332/779 31 Fax +43 5332/779 31 20 office. +55 51/363 517 55 Fax +55 51/363 517 55 leitz@leitz. +55 54/2102-0700 Fax +55 54/2102-0700 [email protected]. +32 71 81 31 88 Fax +32 71 81 49 19 Leitz-Service S. Leitz-Service S. Rua Jacy Stevaux Villaca. Rue des Culées 35 6224 Wanfercee-Baulet (Hainaut/Namur/Brabant/Wallon) Tel.be www.ar www. +61 29 75 72 664 Fax +61 29 60 48 771 [email protected] Leitz-Service S. service centres.leitz-service.leitz.tumeltsham@rie. +61 39 76 04 000 Fax +61 39 76 04 099 leitzvic@leitz. +61 73 80 90 711 Fax +61 73 80 90 722 [email protected]@rie.com.br Bento Gonçalve – RS Leitz Ferramentas para Madeira Ltda.si Brazil Sales headquarters São Sebastião do Caí .org Sales offices. Leitz-Service S.com.au www.A.linz@rie. Buenos Aires Tel.bauru@leitz. +43 662/623 201 Fax +43 662/623 201 20 office. +43 1/699 97 63 Fax +43 1/699 976 320 office.com. +43 316/670 999 Fax +43 316/670 999 20 office.A.com Australia Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Systems Pty. Populierstraat 75 8800 Roeselare (West-Vlaanderen/ Oost-Vlaanderen) Tel. +43 732/370 472 Fax +43 732/370 472 20 office.A.A. Ltd.leitz.leitz. Odoevskogo.O. 50 Junto á Rodovia RS 122. +591 22 44 21 24 Fax +591 22 12 45 61 Mobil + 591 777 77 334 Mobil + 591 767 35 555 alarredondo@aaprepresentaciones. prompt delivery services N.org Sales offices. Pölten-Spratzern Tel. 115A . +55 14/3203-3788 Fax +55 14/3203-3788 leitz. +54 4730 1217 Fax +54 4761 3009 [email protected]. Av.A.V. n° 5670 Bairro Boqueirão Cep 81730-010 Curitiba/PR Tel.au www. Industrieweg 1504 3540 Herk-de-Stad (Limburg) Tel.com. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service Hetmanekgasse 18 1230 Wien-Siebenhirten [email protected] Belarus Sales partners IP „HolzInTech“ ul. São Roque. Box 21445 Manama Tel.Leitz worldwide Argentina Sales partners Herramientas Leitz Bethke y Cia.com darredondo@aaprepresentaciones. +32 51 20 75 34 Fax +32 51 24 15 72 Bolivia Sales partners aap representaciones arredondo alberto arredondo/ adrian arredondo/ david arredondo Av.271 220015 Minsk Republik Belarus Tel. Carrettestraat 10 2170 Merksem (Antwerpen) Tel.by www.leitz. +32 61 21 59 11 Fax +32 61 21 65 82 Leitz-Service S. Rue de Centre 690 A 6688 Longchamps-Bastogne (Luxembourg/Namur) [email protected]. Echeverria 1274 1604 Florida Prov.com. +32 476 50 52 10 Fax +32 13 29 06 03 Leitz-Service Hauptstraße 77 6464 Tarrenz Tel. +32 42 46 50 21 Fax +32 42 46 51 25 Leitz-Service Schloßgasse 14 a 6850 Dornbirn Tel.leitz. Ltd. +43 2742/734 77 Fax +43 2742/734 77 20 offi[email protected] Sales offi[email protected] aap representaciones arredondo alberto arredondo/ adrian arredondo/ david arredondo Sucursal Santa Cruz. 8 Phoenix Rd. Jiangning Development Zone 211100 Nanjing Tel. Athalassa Ave.com www.010 Curitiba – PR Tel.cz Leitz nástroje s. +86 51 98 850 96 96 Fax +86 51 98 850 97 77 [email protected]. +385 1/605 53 03 Fax +385 1/605 53 04 [email protected] Chile Sales partners Ortizco S.org Sales partners E.cl www. +86 28 61 62 23 15 Fax +86 28 61 62 23 91 [email protected]. service centre.cn Colombia Sales partners EDIR Herramientas Ltda.br Bulgaria Sales partners Drag-5 Bul.cn www.cn www. +1 80 07 64 96 63 Tel.leitz. sala 32. +1 51 98 94 02 22 Fax +1 51 98 94 02 52 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems Chengdu No.dk Ecuador Croatia Sales partners Rotal d.com. +45 8936/550 0 Fax +45 8936/55 65 [email protected] www.com. +506 223 60404 Fax +506 223 57120 jc@tecnomaderas. District 13. 5640 Boqueião 81730. +42 388 315 347 Fax +42 388 315 348 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems Kunshan No.net Estonia Sales partners EstTech Grupp OÜ Peterburi tee 46-305 11415 Tallinn Tel.com Sales partners JUNGET A/S Sigma 3 8382 Hinnerup Tel.cz www.cn Leitz Tooling Systems Wuhan No. A Street.br Francimar Representações Ltda Rua Ângelo Dias. Ltd.leitz.r.leitz.hr www.r. Edgardo Amariz NIT 900.com www.cz www.com. 4 Dahongmen West Road.cn Leitz Tooling Systems Cuiqiao No.cz Leitz nástroje s. Calle EI Rosal No. +42 495 407 097 Fax +42 495 407 097 servishradeckralove@leitz. South Part of Zhaohuamuju 212310 Danyang Tel.leitz. 286 Shuanggang Furniture Avenue. +42 548 217 102 Fax +42 548 217 102 [email protected]. A Zone Haodi Material market Furniture industry zone. QC J2C 6Y5 Tel.B.com www. Huayuan Road Zhangpu Town 215300 Kunshan Tel.com.Leitz worldwide Sales partners Francimar Representações Ltda Rua Anne Frank. 8 816-818. prompt delivery services Leitz nástroje s. Fengtai District 100068 Peking Tel.com. Unit 13 Kitchener.A.com Egypt Cyprus Sales partners Arizona Trading Co.E. 150 A. Box 21994 1515 Nicosia Tel. No.leitz. +86 27 83 26 30 81 Fax +86 27 83 26 30 83 [email protected] www.o.o.org Sales office. service centre. +42 241 482 699 Fax +42 241 480 786 leitz@leitz. 5063 Huechuraba Santiago P.Rihani Street Cairo 11111 Tel.com www.cn Leitz Tooling Systems Dongguan No. Tel: +57 1 70 43 451 info@leitz. Prumyslová II/974 383 01 Prachatice Tel.ortizco.eea-egypt. Apartado 200 – 1100 Tibàs Costa Rica Tel. service centre.com www.com.cl China Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Systems (Nanjing) Co.drag-5. 27 10000 Zagreb Tel. 8590647 Tel. +86 51 25 77 72 245 Fax +86 51 25 77 72 713 leitzchina@leitz. +562 436 55 00 Fax +562 436 55 55 [email protected] Calle 69 Bis A No.cn Leitz Tooling Systems Changchun B33-105. +86 51 186 98 01 15 Fax +86 51 186 98 01 05 leitzchina@leitz. 207. Wuzhong Impress Jiutai North Road Kuancheng District 130052 Changchun Tel: +86 (0) 43 18 12 46 187 Fax: +86 (0) 43 18 91 79 357 [email protected]. P.rotal. Na Rybárne 1657 500 02 Hradec Králové Tel. [email protected]. 18.leitztooling. +55 41/3286 5665 Fax +55 41/3286 8057 francimar.co Sales offi[email protected] Sales office.com. Egyptian Engineering Agencies 16. Radnicka c. Koprivshtitza 28 4002 Plovdiv Tel. +5932 6035635 Fax +593 0 6035636 andres. [email protected] Sales partners FREIRE Servicios Integrales Mariano Andrade N38-160 y Granda Centeno Planta Baja Quito-Ecuador Tel. Podnásepní 1 602 00 Brno Tel.com Canada Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Systems LP 550 Trillium Drive. Ltd. +55 47/332 271 87 Fax +55 47/332 277 88 francimar.194..hussein@eea-egypt. +86 76 98 59 24 005 Fax +86 76 98 59 24 035 [email protected]. Leitzova 1267/1 150 06 Praha Tel.cn Leitz Tooling Systems Danyang No. Naguib El. Sr. ON N2R 1K3 Tel. S. +20 2/259 132 77 Fax +20 2/259 002 23 m.com [email protected].. +357 22/420 195 Fax +357 22/496 860 arizona. +1 819/472 59 50 Fax +1 819/472 27 81 cmarcotte@leitztooling. +359 32/646 265 Fax +359 32/646 267 sales@drag-5. 37/38.o. Centro 89010. Houjie Town 523948 Dongguan [email protected] 107 .020 – Blumenau – SC Tel. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Systems Peking No. +86 25 52 10 31 11 Fax +86 25 52 10 37 77 leitzchina@leitz. Xinhengcui Road Zhaojia Pond 213101 Changzhou Tel. 68 F 21 Barrio Bellavista Bogotá D.com www. Duoluokou Market Westeast Lake District 430040 Wuhan Tel. Xindu District 610043 Chengdu Tel.cz Denmark Costa Rica Sales partners Tecnomaderas del Caribe. +86 10 87 27 79 11 Fax +86 10 67 27 44 36 [email protected]. +372 613/97 18 Fax +372 613/97 19 info@weinig. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Systems LP 678 Rue Rocheleau Drummondville.A.C.cy Czech Republic Sales headquarters Leitz nástroje s.leitztooling. A. service centres. Colmar 8.r.l.org Sales offices.r.org Leitz S. Fitz-James 4.. Rue Monseigneur Georges Bèjot Actipôle La Neuvillette 51100 Reims Tel.org Leitz-Service Wittekindstraße 48 49134 Wallenhorst Tel. Saint Paul Z. +33 38 43 71 798 Fax +33 38 43 70 066 [email protected] Leitz S..org Leitz S. Val de Reuil Parc d‘activités de la Route des Lacs Chaussée du Parc 27100 Val de Reuil Tel.org Germany South Emil Leitz GmbH Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen Postfach 12 28 73443 Oberkochen Tel. +33 23 16 83 890 Fax +33 23 16 78 358 Vire@leitz.fi www. Gay-Lussac 64140 Lons Tel.l.. Orléans 20 rue des Frères Lumière 45800 St Jean de Braye Tel.leitz.org www.à.I.l. +49 4106/684 00 Fax +49 4106/602 89 [email protected] www. +33 29 62 11 138 Fax +33 29 64 44 309 Guingamp@leitz. +33 38 34 30 973 Fax +33 38 34 30 997 [email protected].à. +33 55 93 28 591 Fax +33 55 93 28 608 Lons@leitz.fi www. Rue Lavoisier/Z. +33 23 25 93 385 Fax +33 23 25 93 455 ValdeReuil@leitz.à.l..org Germany West Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Verwaltung: Industriestraße 12 53842 Troisdorf Tel. +49 73 64/950-0 Fax +49 73 64/950-662 [email protected] Germany West Sales headquarters Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Verwaltung: Industriestraße 12 53842 Troisdorf Tel. +33 54 97 90 644 Fax +33 54 90 92 392 [email protected]. Rue Emile Schwoerer BP 51239 – 68012 Colmar Cedex Tel.à.r.leitz.org Leitz S. Bordeaux 10.. KG Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen/Germany Postfach 12 29 73443 Oberkochen/Germany Tel.à. +33 34 47 81 860 Fax +33 34 45 03 620 [email protected].à.org Leitz S.leitz.à. 60600 Fitz-James Tel.org Leitz-Service Alte Landstraße 37-41 25474 Hasloh Tel.l. +49 2241/947 10 Fax +49 2241/947 132 [email protected] Leitz S. +33 55 62 91 330 Fax +33 55 64 31 463 [email protected] Leitz-Service Hanseatenstraße 48-52 30853 Langenhagen Tel..org Leitz S.org Leitz S.r. +33 32 60 70 650 Fax +33 32 60 20 529 [email protected] Leitz S. +49 2241/947 10 Fax +49 2241/947 132 [email protected].à.l. +33 47 32 68 965 Fax +33 47 32 75 562 [email protected]. +49 3941/601 415 Fax +49 3941/571 067 halberstadt@leitz.à.à.l.leitzkesmetalli.org Leitz-Service Zum Hohlen Morgen 20 59939 Olsberg Tel. J. +33 38 18 02 694 Fax +33 38 15 30 132 Besancon@leitz.à. +33 55 55 05 593 Fax +33 55 50 52 635 [email protected]. +49 5407/810 66 Fax +49 5407/810 67 wallenhorst@leitz. +49 521/924 03-0 Fax +49 521/924 03-10 [email protected] Leitz S. service centres. Route de Rutys 74370 Pringy Tel. +49 561/583 637 Fax +49 561/582 422 [email protected].à.org Leitz-Service Rövershäger Chaussee 3d 18146 Rostock Tel.leitz. +49 511/773 927 Fax +49 511/721 422 langenhagen@leitz. Albi 5.org Leitz S..fr www. +49 421/487 497 Fax +49 421/488 222 bremen@leitz.. +49 3323/16 01 20 Fax +49 3323/16 01 21 [email protected] Leitz-Service Ederweg 4 34277 Fuldabrück Tel.org Leitz-Service Ekernstraße 14a 26125 Oldenburg Tel.r.org Germany Headquarters of the Leitz Group Leitz GmbH & Co.org France Sales headquarters Leitz S. +358 40/18 80 55 0 Fax +358 40/60 33 59 3 [email protected]. Niort 32.org Leitz S. Rue des Artisans 35500 Vitré Tel.r. +33 56 35 54 688 Fax +33 56 35 32 561 [email protected] Leitz S.r. Pau Zi Induspal .l.r.. +33 45 05 75 967 Fax +33 45 05 79 471 Annecy@leitz. +33 47 59 60 029 Fax +33 47 59 60 175 [email protected] worldwide Finland Sales headquarters.à.org Leitz S. Troyes Rue P.r. Rue Blaise Pascal 79000 Niort Tel.à.. Vitré 26. Rue Antonie Becquerel ZI de la Vialette 81150 Marssac sur Tarn Tel. Reims 25.org Leitz-Service Zum Panrepel 19 28307 Bremen Tel. prompt delivery services Leitz S..org Germany North Sales headquarters Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Lübberbrede 13 33719 Bielefeld Postfach 17 02 54 33702 Bielefeld Tel. Avenue du Colonnel Péchot 54200 Toul Tel.org www.org Leitz-Service In den Langen Stücken 16 38820 Halberstadt Tel. +49 441/391 126 Fax +49 441/394 28 [email protected]. Clermont-Ferrand 9 Bis Rue Fernand Forest 63540 Romagnat Tel.org Leitz S.org Sales offices.à.r.. Poligny ZI Rue Denis Papin 39800 Poligny Tel. Nancy 67.org Leitz S.leitz.à.org Germany North Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Lübberbrede 13 33719 Bielefeld Postfach 17 02 54 33702 Bielefeld Tel.r..r.r.org Leitz S. production centre Leitz Kes Metalli Oy Hitsaajantie 7 41230 Uurainen Tel. +49 381/490 62 85 Fax +49 381/493 49 64 [email protected] – ZI Prés de Lyon 10600 La Chapelle St Luc Tel.l.leitz.org www.org .org www.à.l.à.r. de Ker an Feuillen 22540 Treglamus Tel. +49 521/924 03-0 Fax +49 521/924 03-10 [email protected] www. Annecy 596.l. Limoges 20. +49 2962/68 54 Fax +49 2962/32 88 olsberg@leitz. +33 32 57 82 000 Fax +33 32 57 19 569 Troyes@leitz. +49 7364/950-0 Fax +49 7364/950-660 leitz@leitz. du Bois des Lots 26130 Saint Paul 3 Châteaux Tel. des Bruyères/ ZI de Thise 25220 Thise Tel. +33 29 97 58 317 Fax +33 29 97 58 331 [email protected].. Rue André Bablet 87170 Isle Tel. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service Am Rosengarten 6 14621 Schönwalde-Glien OT Wansdorf Tel. Guingamp Z.l.à... rue d’ Arsonval 33600 Pessac Tel.leitz..l. Vire Zone Artisanale 14350 La Graverie Tel.org 108 Leitz S. +33 23 88 62 391 Fax +33 23 88 62 776 [email protected] www.à. +33 38 92 10 800 Fax +33 38 92 31 405 [email protected]. Besancon 14 Rue. Ferry Steps Ind. Nagpur-440016 Maharashtra Tel. +36 76/481 942 Fax +36 76/481 942 Iceland Sales partners Hegas ehf. 43 Kade Avenue. +44 16 16 54 04 94 Fax +44 16 16 54 04 94 [email protected] www. +91 80 28 36 48 98 Tel. +91 80 28 36 48 34 Tel. Ltd.com www.org Guatemala Great Britain Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. +49 2631/355 858 Fax +49 2631/355 689 neuwied@leitz. India Tel. +30 210/975 71 20 Fax +30 210/973 28 76 [email protected]. The Pinnacles Harlow. +49 8331/982 660 Fax +49 8331/982 661 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt.gr Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. ML4 3NQ Tel.org www. Unit 3.hegas.is www. 486 C. 01012 Tel. +91 12 02 42 37 59 Fax +91 12 04 57 51 22 noida@leitzindia. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service Bergener Ring 39 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla Tel. Ing. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service Fritz-Wendt-Str. M24 1AZ Tel. +44 11 32 42 05 67 Fax +44 11 32 42 05 67 [email protected] India Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt. Thane Belapur Road. service centres.com www. +49 6106/222 99 Fax +49 6106/255 58 rodgau@leitz. 20/1.org Leitz-Service Plattlinger Str.com www. Box CT.org Leitz-Service Walkenmühlenweg 38/1 72379 Hechingen Tel. Ltd. +502 2476-2051 +502 5918-7904 tecnocorte_sa@yahoo. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt.com Hungary Sales headquarters Leitz Hungária Szerszám Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.org Leitz-Service Kiryat-Shmona-Straße 11 87700 Memmingen Tel. 1013.R-324 MIDC TTC Industrial Area.O.org Sales offices. North Foreshore Belfast.com www. 5 Middleton Central Ind. Unit 8. 14 40670 Meerbusch-Strümp Tel. Evans Business Centre Albion Park Albion Way Leeds.org www. Essex. Shalimar Road Howrah – 711 103 West Bengal Tel.org Leitz-Service Gottlieb-Keim-Straße 58 95448 Bayreuth Tel. Estate Albert Road Bristol BS2 OXW Tel. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service Békéscsabai u. Gautam Budh Nagar. +49 2241/947 141 Fax +49 2241/947 132 troisdorf@leitz. Navi Mumbai 400 701 Maharastra Tel. Plot No. +233 302 231845-6 Fax +233 302 226783 Mobile +233 24431 50 23 [email protected] Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. +91 7104 232204 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt. +49 721/617 310 Fax +49 721/612 256 karlsruhe@leitz. Ltd. +49 7364/950-0 Fax +49 7364/950-660 leitz@leitz. +49 35205/531 70 Fax +49 35205/531 80 ottendorf@leitz. 73 94527 Aholming-Breitfeld Tel. Fort William Ind Estate Dargan Crescent.leitzindia.leitz. Linsey Park Bowburn (North) Ind.leitzindia.org Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. +91 7104 232203 Tel. Unit 4. Ltd.org Ghana Sales partners TEES Equipment Services Ltd. 2036 Érdliget Postfach 32 2030 Érd. service centres. S021 3BN Tel. LS12 2 EJ Tel.com Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt. Wren Court Grovewood Business Centre Strathclyde Business Park Glasgow. Kanda Estate P.org Leitz Tooling UK Ltd.org Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. +44 12 79 45 45 30 Fax +44 12 79 45 45 09 salesuk@leitz. Estate Bowburn. Hingna. +49 7471/131 36 Fax +49 7471/163 75 [email protected] Leitz-Service Friedenstraße 106 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel.org Sales partners Tecnocorte S. +49 9931/912 981 5 Fax +49 9931/912 983 3 plattling@leitz. Amaliados 1A 153 44 Gerakas – Athens Tel. +49 9081/880 91 Fax +49 9081/233 05 noerdlingen@leitz. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. B-139. The Calvert Centre Woodmancott Winchester. +91 80 28 36 49 28 Fax +91 80 28 36 48 70 [email protected] Leitz-Service Raiffeisenstraße 5 63110 Rodgau Tel. service centres.org Sales offices. K-32.leitz. Durham.A.org Leitz-Service Industriestraße 13 53842 Troisdorf Tel.org Leitz-Service Schweinfurter Straße 21-25 97493 Bergrheinfeld Tel. +49 631/402 63 Fax +49 631/440 27 kaiserslautern@leitz. +44 12 56 39 72 09 Fax +44 12 56 39 72 09 [email protected] Leitz Tooling UK Ltd. Estate Oldham Road Middleton Manchester. MICD.leitz. Behind IPCL. Cantonments-Accra Tel. +49 2159/966 920 Fax +49 2159/966 933 [email protected] Leitz-Service Oettinger Straße 3 86720 Nördlingen Tel.com 109 . +91 33 26 68 60 42 Fax +91 33 26 68 60 43 [email protected] Sales offices. service centres. Unit 5c.org Leitz-Service Greschbachstraße 37 76229 Karlsruhe Tel.com Greece Sales partners Kopi S. 2/a 6000 Kecskemét Tel. Smidjuvegi 1 200 Kopavogi Tel. +91 22 27 64 22 51 Fax +91 22 27 69 19 49 mumbai@leitzindia. Flex Meadow.leitzindia. BT3 9JG Tel. 14th Cross IV Phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560 058 Karnataka.leitz.com www. +44 19 13 77 20 07 Fax +44 19 13 77 20 07 durham@leitz. Basingstoke Unit 4. Zona 12 Guatemala.Leitz worldwide Sales offices.A. Rabale. +44 28 90 77 64 82 Fax +44 28 90 77 64 82 belfast@leitz. service centres.leitzindia. DH6 5AD Tel. +354 5/670 010 Fax +354 5/670 032 [email protected] www.org Leitz-Service Krasnaer Straße 6 56566 Neuwied Tel.org Sales offices. CM19 5TN Tel. Noida 201 301 Uttar Pradesh Tel. +44 16 98 84 31 17 Fax +44 16 98 84 31 17 [email protected] Germany South Sales headquarters Emil Leitz GmbH Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen Postfach 12 28 73443 Oberkochen Tel. Sector 6. Ltd. Lucía Morales 44 Calle 18-30. +36 23/521 900 Fax +36 23/521 909 leitz@leitz. Unit 2. +49 921/418 53 Fax +49 921/462 06 bayreuth@leitz. Kis-Duna 6 Tel.. +44 11 79 77 88 08 Fax +44 11 79 77 88 08 bristol@leitz. +49 9721/996 38 Fax +49 9721/993 88 bergrheinfeld@leitz. Corso Brianza 26 22066 Mariano Comense (CO) Tel. 15. Ltd.nz www.nz www. Khoramshahr (Apadana) Ave. 1533863748 Teheran Tel. George Yacoub Issa Sed EI Bauchrieh – Issa Bldg. +81 45 53 33 020 Fax +81 45 53 33 021 info@leitz. +62 21/53 76 246 Fax +62 21/53 88 302 [email protected] Leitz Service B. +962 6/438 38 95 Fax +962 6/438 38 94 www. +31 492/451 717 Fax +31 492/464 012 [email protected] Leitz Service B. service centre.V.com Latvia Sales partners ARKO GRUPA SIA Bukultu iela 5 A Riga. P.mx www.homagme.il Italy Sales headquarters Leitz Italia GmbH Industriezone 9 39011 Lana (BZ) Tel.org Leitz Service B. +31 318/513 567 Fax +31 318/527 832 veenendaal@leitz-service. +972 72/25555590+91 Fax +972 72/25555592 aia@aiatools. Amperestraat 31 8013 PT Zwolle Tel.O. +39 031/75 70 711 Fax +39 031/74 49 70 mariano@leitz. Via Valvestino 101 25084 Navazzo di Gargnano (BS) Tel.org Leitz Service B. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Co. Kita-Shinyokohama. +62 21/53 88 301 Tel.org Macedonia Sales partners YUGOIMPEX d.A.r. +47 701/728 00 Fax +47 701/728 01 [email protected]. Rahbar St. Industriska Zona Vizbegovo ul.V.L.org Norway Sales partners Lieds Verktoy A/S Postboks 8040. Kacanicki Pat bb 1000 Skopje Tel. Selangor.com.lt Luxembourg Sales office. No.org Sales office.O. +31 26/312 17 02 Fax +31 26/312 17 03 [email protected] Leitz Service B. 1 BSD-Tangerang 15321 – Indonesia Tel. +31 38/465 53 56 Fax +31 38/465 38 52 zwolle@leitz-service. de C.com www. Bhd. service centres.no .ir Israel Sales partners A.jp www. +961 1/880 279 Tel.V.Jawa Timur .leitz.4.be www.leitz.nl Sales offices. S.co.leitz.o.V.lv Lebanon Sales partners Est. Yokohama 223-0059 Tel. Newtonweg 16 J 6101 WX Echt (Echt-Susteren) Tel.V.org Mexico Sales headquarters Leitz México. +31 182/303 030 Fax +31 182/303 031 [email protected] www. Box 940090 Amman 11194 Tel.l. +31 76/571 51 70 Fax +31 76/571 63 19 [email protected]. Jalan TP 3/2 UEP Industrial Park USJ 47600 Subang Jaya. prompt delivery services Leitz-Service S.V. +371 67/387 451 Fax +371 67/387 450 info@arko. Beekerheide 24 5741 HC Beek en Donk Tel.leitz.V.jp Jordan Iran Sales partners Mozafar Amoui Unit 7. prompt delivery services Leitz Italia S.leitz-service. No.leitz. prompt delivery services Leitz Service B. 15 Parque Industrial Bernardo Quintana 76246 EI Marqués Querétaro. +39 473/55 28 00 Fax +39 473/56 21 39 [email protected] Sales offices. +31 513/684 355 Fax +31 513/684 105 nijehaske@leitz-service. Jdeideh-EI-Metn. +31 85/877 07 42 Fax +31 85/876 89 10 echt@leitz-service. Rue de Kleinbettingen 17A L-8436 Steinfort Tel.leitz. Malaysia Tel. Ltd. Mexico Tel.leitztools. +64 800 578 665 Fax +64 800 568 6652 leitz@leitz. service centre. +352 399 550 Fax +352 399 852 [email protected]. Mercuriusweg 5 2741 TB Waddinxveen Postbus 203 2740 AE Waddinxveen Tel.V.org Sales office.A.org Leitz Service B.leitz.Leitz worldwide Indonesia Sales headquarters PT Leitz Tooling Indonesia German Centre Suite 2390-2400 JI Kapt Subijanto DJ Block COA No.l.mk Malaysia Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling (M) Sdn.org New Zealand Sales office. Av.R. Box: 90-2042. Impact 6F 6921 RZ Duiven Tel.org Leitz Service B. Dobben 6 9301 ZB Roden Tel.org www. +98 21 885 364 59 . Kohoku-ku.leitz. service centre. +961 1/880 472 Fax +961 1/883 652 estissa@cyberia. Metn: 1202 2150 Beirut Tel.net. +52 442 296 6870 Fax +52 442 296 6882 [email protected] Lithuania Sales partners UAB Medinis Profilis Savanoriu pr. Charles Petitweg 9 4827 HJ Breda Tel. +370 37/200 461 Fax +370 37/750 208 weinigleitz@takas. Acueducto No. +62 31/870 7548 Fax +62 31/870 7549 Japan Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Co.org Netherlands Sales headquarters Leitz Service B. +31 50/501 77 07 Fax +31 50/501 33 80 roden@leitz-service. 1-6 Blok N 48 Rungkut Surabaya .61 Fax +98 21 887 611 57 [email protected]. De Doelen 3 3905 TA Veenendaal Tel. 73 44208 Kaunas Tel.I. Strengweg 4 1969 MG Heemskerk Tel.r. Box 13318 42379 Netania Tel.leitz. Osaka Branch 2-6-37. service centre.org www.o. +81 72 96 41 780 Fax +81 72 96 41 788 [email protected] Leitz Italia S. Eurolaan 14-05 8466 SM Nijehaske Tel.org Leitz Service B.com info@homagme. +603 80 81 22 26 Fax +603 80 81 12 26 [email protected]. Hamlin´s Hill Commercial Centre Unit 9/930 Great South Road Penrose 1061 Tel.com www. Kali Rungkut No.A.org 110 Sales partners Homag Middle East P. Ltd Hadakar 45 St P.co. +31 251/247 731 Fax +31 251/255 673 [email protected] 60286 Rungkut Megah Raya Tel. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd.co. Nakashinkai Higashi-Osaka Osaka 578-0911 Tel.lu www.leitz-service.leitz.jp www. +389 2/2650 25135 Fax +389 2/2601 858 info@yugoimpex. 2-7-2.com www. LV – 1005 Tel.org www. service centres. +39 365/79 10 57 Fax +39 365/79 10 60 [email protected]. Spjekavik 6022 Aalesund Tel.O. prompt delivery services PT Leitz Tooling Indonesia Jl. C/.com Poland Sales headquarters Leitz Polska Spólka z. Narcis Monturiol 11-15. Makka Road Kilo 1 P.o.es www. Karnataka.pl Serbia Romania Sales headquarters S.C.org Sri Lanka Sales partners Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt.o.sk www.leitz. Goldst P. +91 80/28 36 48 34 Tel.si www. +421 2/52 62 00 24 Fax +421 2/52 62 00 26 [email protected] www.sk Leitz nástroje s. Gauteng Tel. prompt delivery servicesLeitz nástroje s.com www.r.o. service centres. Korczów 50 23-400 Bilgoraj Tel. 486 C. ul. z. +41 26 912 95 10 Fax +41 26 913 95 90 bulle@leitz. +27 11/222 83 00 Fax +27 11/222 85 00 Spain UNI LINE Brace Nikolic bb 31205 Sevojno Tel. service centres.O.o. +65 64 62 53 68 Fax +65 64 62 40 02 +65 64 62 12 09 [email protected]. Leitz Romania S. 5 500152 Brasov Tel.org Sales headquarters Herramientas Leitz S.org 111 . Rostov-on-Don Tel. z o.leitz.omegaprofeks.leitztools. +40 268/422 278 Fax +40 268/422 336 office-brasov@leitz. +966 3/837 42 46 Fax +966 3/837 42 45 [email protected] Russia Sales headquarters OOO Leitz Instrumenti Ul.com.net www.org Sales offices. 12 b 198095 Sankt Petersburg Tel. +7 812/786 161 14 Fax +7 812/786 39 78 OOO Leitz Instrumenti Orskaya str. prompt delivery services OOO Leitz Instrumenti Chimicheskiy per. Loznica Tel.pl Leitz Polska  Sp.o.org www. Box 3880 31952 Damman Tel. +381 31/724 666 Tel.leitz.leitz.leitz. ul.o. z o. +386 4/238 12 12 Fax +386 4/238 12 22 [email protected]. Pražská 33 811 04 Bratislava Tel. RO.leitz.com Philippines Sales partners German Machineries Corporation 122 Timog Ave 1103 Quezon City Tel.r.org www.O. prompt delivery services Leitz-GmbH Centre d’affûtage Champ-Francey 126 1630 Bulle Tel. service centres. Geb.pl Leitz Polska Sp. +34 937/508 417 Fax +34 937/508 072 ventas@leitz. +63 2/928 01 06 Fax +63 2/922 93 02 gemac@mozcom. service centres. Str. Vajnorská 108 836 05 Bratislava Tel.o.L. Dunska 4 97-500 Radomsko Tel. z o.leitzindia.o.L.ru www. +91 80/28 36 48 98 Tel. +41 62 886 39 39 Fax +41 62 886 39 40 leitz@die. +48 12 65 89 317 Fax +48 12 26 47 010 serwis. 14th Cross IV Phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560 058.o.leitz.Leitz worldwide Peru Afiladoria Antonio Lastra Miguelangel Antonio Lastra Jr.pl www.leitz.krakow@leitz. Kotljakovskaja. "M" Lote 15 Parque Industrial Villa El Salvador Lima .simco.com Khaled Industrial Equipment.org Sales offices.co.se Switzerland Sales headquarters Leitz GmbH Werkzeuge und Werkzeugsysteme für die Holz. +381 31/724 448 Tel.r. +421 902 229 935 Fax +421 2/52 62 00 26 servisblava@leitz. ul. 1 Clementi Loop #04-01.com www. prompt delivery services Leitz Polska  Sp.Peru Tel.leitz. Box 9931 21423 Jeddah Tel.o. +48 44 68 30 388 Fax +48 44 68 30 477 [email protected] Singapore Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd. +7 863/271 54 81 Fax +7 863/271 54 99 OOO Leitz Instrumenti Perwomaiskaja Strasse 109 D 620049 Ekaterinburg Tel.pl www. Sabacki put bb 15314 LipnickiI Sor.org Sales offices. 17a Pervomajskij r-n 344065. +48 56 46 50 799 Fax +48 56 46 50 799 serwis. z o.grudziadz@leitz. +48 61 81 45 717 Fax +48 61 81 45 717 poznan@leitz. Pozańska 90 F 18-400 Lomża Tel. +381 31/724 447 [email protected]. +7 495/510 10 27 Fax +7 495/510 10 28 info@leitz. +48 86 21 88 295 Fax +48 86 21 88 295 [email protected] Leitz Polska Sp.Paderewskiego 22 86-300 Grudziadz Tel. z o. +91 80/28 36 49 28 Fax +91 80/28 36 48 70 info@leitzindia. +421 51/758 13 45 Fax +421 51/758 13 44 servispresov@leitz. +966 2/643 60 79 Fax +966 2/643 60 63 SIMCO 21 423 Jeddah Tel.com KSA Sales partners OMEGA PROFEKS Loznica. +48 84 68 71 379 Fax +48 84 68 71 379 bilgoraj@leitz. 3 115201 Moskau Tel.sk ★ ★★ Slovenia Sales headquarters Leitz orodja d. Śledziejowice 222 32-020 Wieliczka Tel.leitz.Ltd. Topolowa 1 62-090 Rokietnica/Poznania Tel. +381 15/811 100 Fax +381 15/811 100 [email protected] Sales offices. Los Artesanos Mz.und Kunststoffbearbeitung Hardstrasse 2 Postfach 448 5600 Lenzburg Tel.o. +46 470/748 890 Fax +46 470/748 899 info@woodtechnique. Mehla 32 45-771 Opole    Tel. +7 343/379 02 37 Fax +7 343/379 02 38 OOO Leitz Instrumenti Uralskaja 126A. 1ª planta 08339 Vilassar de Dalt (Barcelona) Tel. +48 77 46 49 399 Fax +48 77 46 49 409 opole@leitz. Est. Singapore 129 808 Tel.com www. ul.pl Leitz Polska Sp.rs South Africa Sales partners Austro (Pty) Limited Leader Ave Stormill ext 4 1125 Roodepoort.o. India Tel.pl Leitz Polska Sp. Savska cesta 14 4000 Kranj Tel. ul. +511 493 19 23 Mobil +511 981 22 34 40 afi[email protected] Sweden Sales partners LSAB Växjö AB Rådjursvägen 15 352 45 Växjö Tel.org Slovakia Sales headquarters Leitz nástroje s. Bürro 21 350059 Krasnodar Tel: +7 861/210 91 96 Fax: +7 861/210 91 96 Saudi Arabia Sales partners Golden Supplies Trading Est. +966 2/6813068 Fax +966 2/8811656 www.. Budovatelská 38 080 01 Prešov Tel. Turnului No. ua 112 Sales offices. NC 27263 Tel. LP 8607 South 212th Street Kent. +41 62 886 39 39 Fax +41 62 886 39 40 lenzburg@leitz. +1 715/341 55 41 Fax +1 715/341 55 67 Uzbekistan Sales partners EMAN 5. +1 800/548 15 35 Tel. WI 54481 Tel. Nongkaem Bangkok 10160 Tel. LP 4301 East Paris Avenue. +1 812/481 14 92 Fax +1 812/481 25 43 Leitz Tooling Systems. 100057 Tashkent City Tel.O. 35F. +1 800/860 88 48 Tel. Jomiy Str.leitz. LP 401 Interstate Drive Archdale.Leitz worldwide Leitz GmbH Schärfservice Industriestrasse 8 3661 Uetendorf Tel. +41 33 345 21 45 Fax +41 33 345 22 49 [email protected]. PA 17701 Tel. +380 67/328 49 65 Fax +380 3422/635 21 United Arab Emirates Sales partners Homag Middle East LLC P.leitztooling. E. Lingya Dist. +66 2/807 59 92 Fax +66 2/807 59 94 sunee@leitztools. + 99871 120-31-04 s.uyy USA Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Systems.uz Vietnam Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City BO9. No. +66 2/807 59 91 Tel..com www. LP 4925 – A Coye Drive Stevens Point.org Leitz GmbH Schärfservice Wiesentalstrasse  22 9242 Oberuzwil Tel.com www. prompt delivery services Representative in Iwano Frankiwsk Wul. +1 800/253 60 70 +1 616/698 70 10 Fax +1 800/752 93 91 +1 616/698 24 31 info@leitztooling. IN 47546 Tel. +1 570/327 18 94 Fax +1 570/327 18 96 Leitz Tooling Systems. +90 262 677 17 27 Fax +90 262 677 17 30 Ukraine Sales headquarters TOW Leitz Instrumenty Ukraina Petropawlivska Borschagivka Wul.com. A.org Thailand Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Thailand Co. Ltd 6 Phutthamonthon Sai 3 Rd Nongkangplu.aziz@eman. +1 336/861 33 67 Fax +1 336/861 73 92 Leitz Tooling Systems.com . TX 75041 Tel. Uruguay Tel. +598 2/208 52 42 Fax +598 2/203 38 35 mkogan@promet. +66 2/807 59 90 Tel. Kaohsiung City 802 Taiwan [email protected] www.A.leitz. Annex Building Parkroyal Saigon 309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi St. LP 2721 Market Street Garland.leitz.Ş. +41 71 950 03 90 Fax +41 71 950 03 91 [email protected]. +971 43 23 33 51 Fax +971 43 23 33 54 Uruguay Sales partners Promet S. service centres. Taiwan Branch 802 Rm. Lenina 2b 08310 Kiew Tel. MI 49512 Tel. Ho Chi Minh City leitzvietnam@leitztools. CA 92408 Tel.com www. Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi İhsan Dede Cad.org Leitz GmbH Schärfservice und DIA Kompetenzzentrum Hardstrasse 2 5600 Lenzburg Tel..uz www. ve Tic. +380 44/499 20 96 Fax +380 44/499 20 97 [email protected] Ziqiang 3rd Rd. S.org Sales offices. +1 909/799 84 94 Fax +1 909/799 84 99 Leitz Tooling Systems. 1600. Sok. LP 613 East Willow Street Williamsport. LP 3185 Mill Street Jasper.E. WA 98031 Tel. San Martin 3618 11700 Montevideo.org ★ Turkey Sales headquarters Leitz Kesici Takımlar San. Units E&F San Bernadino. Av. +1 214/703 93 14 Fax +1 214/703 93 16 Leitz Tooling Systems. Tan Binh District.com.com www. +1 253/395 10 12 Fax +1 253/395 10 14 Leitz Tooling Systems LP 1145 East Orange Show Road. Box 37 411 Dubai Tel.. service centres. Grand Rapids.leitz.leitzthailand.org Taiwan Sales headquarters Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd. No: 1602 41480 Gebze / Kocaeli Tel. Floor 4. +1 888/638 80 99 Tel.com. Symonenko 11/4 76006 Iwano Frankiwsk Tel. +1 800/743 24 68 Tel.ua www. prompt delivery services Leitz Tooling Systems. plane High-alloyed tool steel Sawing. universal Planing. profiling Profiling Mechanical knife clamping. reversible Alloyed tool steel Sawing across grain Planing Bevelling Mechanical knife clamping adjustable . hogging Drilling. horizontal and vertical Spiral boring Tipped tool Hydro clamping Jointing Plug cutting Light alloy body Resharpenable cutting face Rebating Grooving. resharpenable and constant diameter Highspeed steel Sawing hollow sections Drilling blind holes Mechanical feed Spindle without twist protection Tungsten carbide Scoring. sizing Interchangeable knives Resharpenable clearance face Profiling joints Finish sizing Mechanical knife clamping.Key to pictograms Sawing along grain Profiling tongue and groove Rebating Centrifugal knife clamping.open Polycrystalline diamond (PKD) Hogging Countersinking Solid metal tool Hydro-Duo (bi-directional) clamping Carbide metal coating Grooving. reversible Low noise . through holes Manual feed Hydro clamping system . leitz. Str. +1 80 07 64 96 63 Fax +1 51 98 94 02 52 [email protected]. +61 39 76 04 000 Fax +61 39 76 04 099 leitzvic@leitz. +33 38 92 10 800 Fax +33 38 92 31 405 leitz-france@leitz. +91 80 28 36 48 34 Fax +91 80 28 36 48 70 info@leitzindia. 486 C.leitz.cn www. Mexico Tel.L.org China Leitz Tooling Systems (Nanjing) Co.leitz.leitz.com www.sk www. Bhd.leitz. Ltd.leitz.si www.org France Luxembourg Leitz S.r.leitz.C. +55 51/363 517 55 Fax +55 51/363 517 55 leitz@leitz. Jiangning Development Zone 211100 Nanjing Tel. KG Leitzstraße 80 4752 Riedau Tel. S.org www. +41 62 886 39 39 Fax +41 62 886 39 40 [email protected] Singapore Vietnam Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd. +34 937/508 417 Fax +34 937/508 072 [email protected] Switzerland Mexico Leitz México. Colmar 8.com www.org Leitz GmbH Werkzeuge und Werkzeugsysteme für die Holz.au www.org Great Britain Leitz Tooling UK Ltd.org Brazil São Sebastião do Caí . Rue de Kleinbettingen 17A L-8436 Steinfort Tel.leitz. Leitz-Service S.leitz. +49 521/924 03-0 Fax +49 521/924 03-10 [email protected] North Malaysia Spain Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Lübberbrede 13 33719 Bielefeld Postfach 17 02 54 33702 Bielefeld Tel.3 Ziqiang 3rd Rd.leitz.org Finland Japan Leitz Kes Metalli Oy Hitsaajantie 7 41230 Uurainen Tel. +86 25 52 10 31 11 Fax +86 25 52 10 37 77 [email protected] www. Tan Binh District.be www.org Emil Leitz GmbH Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen Postfach 12 28 73443 Oberkochen Tel. LP 4301 East Paris Avenue. +386 4/238 12 12 Fax +386 4/238 12 22 leitz@leitz. 8 Phoenix Rd.leitz.org www.. +62 21/53 88 301 Fax +62 21/53 88 302 [email protected] Leitz Ferramentas para Madeira Ltda.au www.org www.à. Essex.org India Canada Leitz Tooling Systems LP 550 Trillium Drive.. A.leitz. S. ON N2R 1K3 Tel.leitz.leitz.R.org Romania S.be www.com..com.co.lu www. +32 22 51 60 47 Fax +32 22 52 14 36 info@leitz-service. 1 BSD-Tangerang 15321 – Indonesia Tel. Floor 4..o.o.org Germany South Leitz Tooling Systems Pty. +44 12 79 45 45 30 Fax +44 12 79 45 45 09 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City BO9.leitz.leitz.org www.L. +39 473/55 28 00 Fax +39 473/56 21 39 [email protected]. +421 2/52 62 00 24 Fax +421 2/52 62 00 26 [email protected] www. KG Leitzstraße 2 73447 Oberkochen/Germany Postfach 12 29 73443 Oberkochen/Germany Tel. Pražská 33 811 04 Bratislava Tel.org www. Industrieweg 15 1850 Grimbergen Tel.leitz. Kohoku-ku. +1 800/253 60 70 Fax +1 800/752 93 91 [email protected]. Selangor.R. 3 115201 Moskau Tel. ul.cn www.leitz.-8.org Leitz Tooling Co.org Czech Republic Italy Leitz nástroje s.nl Leitz Tooling Asia Pte Ltd.com www.com.org www. Australia 03/2014EN Leitz GmbH & Co.org Poland Leitz Polska Spólka z.leitz.A. Leitzova 1267/1 150 06 Praha Tel. India Tel.ua www.nz www.be www. +64 800 578 665 Fax +64 800 568 6652 [email protected] www. Narcis Monturiol 11-15.org Leitz-Service S. MI 49512 Tel.es www. Acueducto No.Ş. +43 7764/820 00 Fax +43 7764/820 01 11 office.o.jp www. Kotljakovskaja.hu www.und Kunststoffbearbeitung Hardstrasse 2 Postfach 448 5600 Lenzburg Tel.org Leitz Tooling Thailand Co.leitztooling.leitz.org Slovenia Leitz orodja d.org www.leitz.org www.leitz.leitz-service.org Indonesia PT Leitz Tooling Indonesia German Centre Suite 2390-2400 JI Kapt Subijanto DJ Block COA No.com. Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi İhsan Dede Cad.org Ukraine TOW Leitz Instrumenty Ukraina Petropawlivska Borschagivka Wul.pl www.leitz.tr www.org Hungary Leitz Hungária Szerszám Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. No. 2036 Érdliget Postfach 32 2030 Érd. Lenina 2b 08310 Kiew Tel. Yokohama 223-0059 Tel.leitztooling.com. 1 Clementi Loop #04-01. +49 2241/947 10 Fax +49 2241/947 132 [email protected] www. No.fi www.leitz.fi www. +66 2/807 59 90 Fax +66 2/807 59 94 sunee@leitztools. Ho Chi Minh City [email protected] Netherlands Taiwan Leitz Service B. No: 1602 41480 Gebze / Kocaeli Tel.com www.org Austria Germany West Leitz GmbH & Co. Ltd 6 Phutthamonthon Sai 3 Rd Nongkangplu. +49 73 64/950-0 Fax +49 73 64/950-662 [email protected] www. 14th Cross IV Phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560 058 Karnataka. +7 495/510 10 27 Fax +7 495/510 10 28 [email protected] Leitz Tooling Systems.E. +65 64 62 53 68 Fax +65 64 62 40 02 sales@leitztools. Ltd. +48 44 68 30 388 Fax +48 44 68 30 477 leitz@leitz. de C. Av.co.leitz.com www.o.org Herramientas Leitz S.org Leitz Tooling Systems India Pvt. +40 268/422 278 Fax +40 268/422 336 office-brasov@leitz. Grand Rapids.br www. Km 14 Bairro Angico Cep 95760-000 São Sebastião do Cai/RS Tel.leitz.fr www. Unit 13 Kitchener. Savska cesta 14 4000 Kranj Tel.org Turkey Leitz Kesici Takımlar San.leitztools.leitz-service.org www.com www. Rua Leitz. No.nz www. +49 7364/950-0 Fax +49 7364/950-660 leitz@leitz. 50 Junto á Rodovia RS 122. Turnului No. Nongkaem Bangkok 10160 Tel. 1ª planta 08339 Vilassar de Dalt (Barcelona) Tel. +603 80 81 22 26 Fax +603 80 81 12 26 [email protected] Leitz-Werkzeugdienst GmbH Verwaltung: Industriestraße 12 53842 Troisdorf Tel. Lingya Dist.com www. +36 23/521 900 Fax +36 23/521 909 leitz@leitz. Hamlin´s Hill Commercial Centre Unit 9/930 Great South Road Penrose 1061 New Zealand Tel. +352 399 550 Fax +352 399 852 steinfort@leitz-service. CM19 5TN Tel.com www. Ltd.com www.com. Taiwan Branch 802 Rm. Mercuriusweg 5 2741 TB Waddinxveen Postbus 203 2740 AE Waddinxveen Tel. [email protected] www.leitz.org Belgium N.A. The Pinnacles Harlow.V. +358 40/18 80 55 0 Fax +358 40/60 33 59 3 [email protected] USA Russia OOO Leitz Instrumenti Ul. Jalan TP 3/2 UEP Industrial Park USJ 47600 Subang Jaya.leitz.l.leitz. ve Tic. +52 442 296 6870 Fax +52 442 296 6882 info@leitz. 2-7-2. +380 44/499 20 96 Fax +380 44/499 20 97 [email protected] Thailand New Zealand Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd.leitz. Flex Meadow.com. 35F. Kita-Shinyokohama.com www. Leitz Romania S.leitz-service.leitz.org Leitz Tooling (M) Sdn.leitz. Malaysia Tel.co.o. +42 241 482 699 Fax +42 241 480 786 leitz@leitz. 1600. +31 182/303 030 Fax +31 182/303 031 [email protected] www.org www.A.leitz.leitz. +90 262 677 17 27 Fax +90 262 677 17 30 leitz@leitz. Dunska 4 97-500 Radomsko Tel.leitz. 5 500152 Brasov Tel.com www.co.leitz. Ltd. Kaohsiung City 802 Taiwan leitztaiwan@leitztools. E. C/.leitz.leitz.leitz.com.org Subject to changes prior to technical developments. 2/55 Barry Street Bayswater Victoria 3153 Tel.org Leitz Italia GmbH Industriezone 9 39011 Lana (BZ) Tel.o.cz www. Kis-Duna 6 Tel. 15 Parque Industrial Bernardo Quintana 76246 EI Marqués Querétaro..com.leitz.L.leitzindia. Singapore 129 808 Tel. 15.leitz.com www.com Slovakia Leitz nástroje s.V. Annex Building Parkroyal Saigon 309B-311 Nguyen Van Troi St.pl www. +81 45 53 33 020 Fax +81 45 53 33 021 [email protected] SDZ/MA Headquarters of the Leitz-Group .V. Rue Emile Schwoerer BP 51239 – 68012 Colmar Cedex Tel.
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