Leib All Charts

March 25, 2018 | Author: Jaucafo | Category: Air Traffic Control, Instrument Flight Rules, Airport, Runway, Transport Infrastructure



Airport Information JEPPESENLEIB (Ibiza) JeppView General Info Ibiza, ESP N 38° 52.4' E 01° 22.4' Mag Var: 1.5°W Elevation: 24' Public, IFR, Control Tower, Customs, Landing Fee Pattern Altitude: 1000 feet AGL Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 06-24 9186' x 148' asphalt Runway 06 (62.0°M) TDZE 21' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Right Traffic Stopway Distance 197' Runway 24 (242.0°M) TDZE 24' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Right Traffic Communications Info ATIS 119.8 Ibiza Tower 121.925 Ibiza Tower 121.375 Ibiza Tower 118.5 Ibiza Tower 257.80 Military Ibiza Approach Control 134.825 Notebook Info Power regime settings. SPEED RESTRICTIONS taxiing is being executed under total safety conditions. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.26. Unless ATC advises otherwise. push-back manoeuvres will be carried out heading: To .5.RWY 06: proceed to RWY 06 holding position via TWY B and C.Via TWY B.Jul. Engine tests higher than idle regimes will be allowed in the area enabled for this . end TWY C next to RWY 06 THR.4. 1. reduce to and maintain 210 KT up Pilots will not request clearance for start-up. DEPARTURE Rwy shall be entered via RWY holding positions for RWY 24 or RWY 06 on TWY C. ATIS 1.2. The standard taxi route will be: .RWY vacated and CAUTION: Do not proceed beyond the applicable IAF without ATC clearance.RWY 06: proceed to TWY A via TWY G and C or via TWY C. visibility is below their operational minimums. SPAIN IBIZA 13 JUL 12 10-1P . If the ACFT already has taxiing authorization it will continue the assigned route to the authorized maximum and wait for "Follow me" vehicle. GENERAL 1.es Unless ATC advises otherwise.1. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. TAXI PROCEDURE *ATIS 119. RWY 06. ARRIVAL 1.Eff.0 LEIB/IBZ + JEPPESEN IBIZA.RWY 24: proceed to TWY B via TWY D and C or via TWY C. when RWY 24 is in use or whenever ACFT head for stands 18 or 19. Pilots will be informed via ATIS about the application of LVP. 2012. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES .Eff.The request must include: the East with RWY 24 in use and to the West with RWY 06 in use.6. when RWY 24 is in use.26. OTHER INFORMATION Birds in vicinity of APT. In case of being disoriented MAX 250 KT below FL 100. this chart may no longer be valid.Via TWY A.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. RWY 06: . PREFERENTIAL RUNWAY communication.3.1.BRIEFING.2.1.Estimated duration ATC clearances and instructions must be read back.2. The standard taxi route will be: 3. | JEPPESEN. DEPARTURE 3. When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.Via TWY A.TWY used. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE ACFT with wingspan 171’/52m or greater.3. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR. ACFT.RWY 24: proceed to RWY 24 holding position via TWY A and C. Apron exit: The request for runway engine test must be addressed to: . . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1.6. push-back or taxiing. | JEPPESEN. .2.BRIEFING. and must follow TWR instructions. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. GENERAL 1. 0000-0700LT (Winter 2300-0600LT) do not turn RIGHT before IBA 8 DME.3. when RWY 06 is in use. .2. that have landed will notify: . COMMUNICATION FAILURE LEFT before IBA 8 DME. on arrival or departure. 2012. 2010. Only one ACFT at a time will be authorized to move in the maneuvering area. checking that 2.3. IBIZA 13 JUL 12 10-1P1 .AIRPORT. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ + JEPPESEN IBIZA. ACFT with wingspan less than 171’/52m: 1. OFICINA CEFAL .Engine test starting and ending hours . .Via TWY B. or in doubt. shall notify to ATC in the first 1. They shall enter/exit apron via TWY B.1.1. RWY 24 will be preferential whenever the tail wind component does not exceed 10KT and the RWY surface is dry or wet with braking action good. GENERAL LVP will be applied when RVR or visibility is 550m or below. REVERSE THRUST ARRIVAL Reverse thrust other than idle regime can not be used except for safety reasons Rwy shall be exited via TWY D or TWY C for RWY 24. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. purpose. FAX: +34-971 809 271 E-mail: ibizaoperacionesCPO@aena. and via TWY G or TWY C for 0000-0700LT (Winter 2300-0600LT). . it will comply as follows: RWY 24: Departing ACFT: the ACFT will continue the assigned route to the authorized Immediately after take-off reduce engine power. pilots will contact ATC if otherwise. GROUND MOVEMENT Pilots will proceed to verify at every moment the ACFT position. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.8 ACFT must be ready for towed push-back or taxiing within the next 5 minutes to the approved start-up time.Type of ACFT .Jul.3. .2. when RWY 06 is in use or whenever ACFT head for stand 11. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. . NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE following applies: 2. 1. 1. 2. 2010. when RVR or to 12 NM from THR.2. 1.AIRPORT. pilots must stop the ACFT and notify TWR. .2. Traffic to northwest do not turn 1. Licensed to PILOTS. Immediately after take-off reduce engine power. The 2. this chart may no longer be valid. Traffic to northwest between maximum and wait for "Follow me" vehicle. RUN-UP TESTS Apron entry: Engine test time period will be between 0730-2359LT.2. Arriving ACFT: If the ACFT just has landed it will keep its position after vacating the RWY and wait for "Follow me" vehicle. If an ACFT that operates in the maneuvering area suffers a communication failure. 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. SPAIN or N IBIZA 3500' 1667' .2.30 MJV MAX 2500' 25W Cor Ibiza Sector rid 39-00 CTR (D) 25W LE-R115 39-00 Balearic Islands..50 IBIZA TWR (G) Monitor118. Disc 22-2013 Licensed to PILOTS.ALTITUDES.70 JOA 401 PTC 18 West Zone Sector Sector Palma (D) 118. this chart may no longer be valid. 27 MAX 3500' MALLORCA 9 117. IBIZA LEIB/IBZ CHANGES: New chart.60 MHN 40-00 0 CTR (D) . Disc 22-2013 Licensed to PILOTS. SPAIN 0 BEBES JEPPESEN JeppView 3. INC. IZA NDB 394 IZA MAX 2500' SFC FI R R BOTTLANG AIRFIELD MANUAL ATZ B Sector 18 IBA VOR/DME 117.80 IBA MEDITERRANEAN C LE FIR JEPPESEN JeppView 3.6. 2010. 2007.30 PALMA TWR (G) Monitor120. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.40 POS MHN VOR/DME 1339' 112.8 IBA VOR DME 35 2500 D1 0 IBA 01-30 IBIZA 2000 . Printed on 11 Nov 2013.Eff. JEPPESEN Refer to corresponding VACs.15 PALMA APP FL 195 Menorca LE-D21B 40-00 FL 245 1000' 1000' SFC POS VOR/DME 116. R -0 Ibiza 117. this chart may no longer be valid. ATZ orE 02 NOV 07 LE-P143* Corridor W 27 Corrid 9 3000' Sector 35E SFC 4741' POLLENSA MAX 3500' MENORCA Sector *LE-R145 Menorca ADX NDB 3000'/UNL MN MAX Co 384 ADX Mallorca 0 NDB rr MALLORCA 344 MN 1000' ido 27 0 9 (Son Bonet) CST NDB 10-1V rS 18 351 CST Altitudes in ft Distances in NM XX ATZ D) R( CDP VOR/DME 112.2.70 PALMA CONTROL Palma MAX 4000' (G) Monitor119.Jun. Alt Set: hPa 2500 240 300 TILNO 253^ ^ ^ D2 LARUL 268^ 1 D2 0 3000 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 210 330 28 MAY 10 ^ ^ D1 0 1597' 340^ JEPPESEN D3 10-1R D5 R-2 18 D30 180^ D20 D10 0^ D21 D3 . LE-R30 700' Barcelona TMA (D) Sector 25E SFC Sector 60 MAX 2500' MAX 6000' East Zone Central Zone (D)118.90 CDP Sector 35W CT JOA 0 PALMA DE PTC VOR/DME NDB | JEPPESEN SANDERSON.VAR.MINIMUM. 2004.3. 03-00 (FIS) 02-00 MARSEILLE LFMM FIR Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.6.0 120 D2 ^ 1 060 ^ D3 0 090^ CHANGES: Airspace . IZA NDB IBIZA 030 150 | JEPPESEN.40 119. ^ SELMO ^ R-0 D2 59 IBIZA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 38-30 39-00 Apt Elev 270^ 24' D3 0 01-00 The published minimum altitudes integrate no correction for low temperatures.0 Ibiza Formentera NA AA Corridor S MAX 1000' SEA LO A RCE S D R 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 BA GIE PALMA Km LE-D26 NM A L AREA FL 460 0 10 20 30 40 50 SFC 02-00 03-00 .00 ACC MAX 1000' MJV VOR/DME 113.RADAR. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.20 MENORCA TWR TMA (A)* Sector 4 (D) CTR 118. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. this chart may no longer be valid.6 R3 WARNING Do not proceed beyond CORDA 3N IAF without ATC clearance.0 E002 23.9 E001 28. FL70 39 When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.6 ACFT shall contact or monitor on frequencies as depicted in boxes on Palma 10-1V.1 E002 29. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR. . Palma de Mallorca and Mallorca (Son CORDA THREE NOVEMBER (CORDA 3N) [CORD3N] Bonet) for the according CTR entry and exit procedures.8 2.2 00 IBA 40 IBIZA 0 D44.0 AREA LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. INC. D (L)JOA DE MALLORCA 117.0 18 70 FL240 ^ F 3N 2 173^ D63 L . Licensed to PILOTS.3 JOA D 117. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SPAIN PALMA 10-1VA 02 NOV 07 JEPPESEN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2 .Eff.8 NOT TO SCALE 187^ D47.6 E001 57.3 165TOLSO At or below D66. Menorca. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TOLSO N40 30.4 E001 42. 2002.9 E002 15.2.3 40 32 00 N 1 40 1 X PALMA KA MJV DE MALLORCA (IAF) BA IZAIBIZA D 113. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.9 E002 44.4 .2. 2012. this chart may no longer be valid. CORDA N40 24..May.8 IBA 40103 N39 09. In case of transponder failure.0 0. Pilots have to request an ATC clearance. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 E002 23. 2007. ANDRAITX 384 ADX N39 33.5 (IAF) N38 54. TOLSO THREE NOVEMBER (TOLSO 3N) [TOLS3N] 2 MSA IBA VOR Use of Transponder RWY 24 ARRIVALS The use of SSR transponder is compulsory for all ACFT operating within Palma TMA. SPAIN.0 (L) (IAF) N38 52.1 E002 45.0 BEBES D2 N39 04.STAR. | JEPPESEN.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. BOTTLANG AIRFIELD MANUAL R CHANGES: STARs completely revised.3 MJV 246^ (L) 394 IZA ^ 23 2 N39 26. PALMA 1 BAKAX 1N: for traffic from LEPA only.3.7 JOA N39 33. 45^ FL70 52 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT at or below FL100.1 E001 22.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 2800' VFR Procedures within Palma TMA BAKAX ONE NOVEMBER (BAKAX 1N) [BAKA1N] 1 Note: See also the corresponding Approach Charts of Ibiza. Balearic Islands *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.6.3 E002 31.2 339^ LISAS N40 12. reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.0 ^ 9^ D1 237 22 BAKAX N39 27.8 2 TOLSO 3N: for traffic ADX from LEBL only.8 4 3 00 . JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.2 2^ ^ R05 242 0 300 ^ 000 062 A3 MH 64^ ^ 0 244 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON.6. . 2. CHANGES: None.6.0 MH 4^ A3 (IAF) 06 070^ TILNO (L) D N38 45.4 . | JEPPESEN. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.8 N39 26.STAR. NOT TO SCALE E002 29.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119.0 E002 23. At or below FL T 173^ XO D63 FL240 F SPEED RESTRICTION 8.0 When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.1 E001 22. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.2.1 E001 22.6. 2012.8 E004 13.5 D15. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .4 Do not proceed beyond 249^ RI D . 112.0 BA N39 26.8 IBA IBA IBIZA IBA VOR IBA D18/ 23 D 18. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.5 D D (BRNAV) TOLSO N40 30.3. BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED N39 51.5 BAKAX 246^ MJV DE MALLORCA 113.8 187^ D47.9 CDP IAF without ATC clearance.9 E001 28. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2A .00 2800' D MSA 117. D 2V ^ When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.6 WARNING N39 41.2 D ^ 237 0 400 (L) D 23254 ^ 72 0 BEBES 500 (IAF) 00 .8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' BAKAX ONE VICTOR (BAKAX 1V) [BAKA1V] 1 2800' MORSS TWO NOVEMBER (MORSS 2N) [MORS2N] RWY 06 ARRIVAL POLLENSA TWO NOVEMBER (POS 2N) MORSS E004 40.0 1 L70 MENORCA FL230 70 70 2 N N40 24. N39 55. S2 2 TOLSO 2V: for traffic PO L70 F 4 R0669^ (L) D 3^ from LEBL only. Licensed to PILOTS.0 4000 244 11 250^ 117.0 N39 57.0 E002 23.3 IAF without ATC clearance.1 Do not proceed beyond CDP 112.0 R075^ RIXOT N40 23. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.1 E002 45.6 E003 06.3 CHANGES: STARs completely revised.9 E001 00. this chart may no longer be valid.1 MAX 250 KT at or below FL100. | JEPPESEN.8 PALMA N39 04.5 E004 40. 243 TOLSO70 39 reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.Eff.1 E002 45. 3 R0 ADX ANDRAITX 9^ R02 384 ADX N39 33.6 reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.8 IBA IBIZA (IAF) 4 00 (L) 000 0 0 40 N38 52. 0 7^ 286^ R05 193^ ^ N38 52. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.May. CAPDEPERA 0 400 CORDA 2V R345^ 3^ 72 R05 FL70 52 SPEED RESTRICTION 2 MAX 250 KT at or below FL100. IBIZA 1 JUN 12 10-2B .3 MJV ^ N39 27.RNAV.2 0. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. .3 MJV ^ KA 242 (L) N38 54.3 ^ R05 (IAF) 062 E001 03.9 116.STAR.3 240 E002 31.2 LISAS 339^ WARNING N40 12. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR.4 E001 42. this chart may no longer be valid.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. FL Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR.6 MHN 165^ At or below MHN CORDA D66.4 POS POS POLLENSA 35 0 FL7 1 BAKAX 1V: for traffic 209 ^ N from LEPA only. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.7 NOT TO SCALE 64 00 V 1 PALMA 40 40 X 1 D MJV DE MALLORCA 113.9 E002 15. 2012.9 E003 26.4 CORDA TWO VICTOR (CORDA 2V) [CORD2V] MSA IBA VOR RIXOT TWO NOVEMBER (RIXOT 2N) [RIXO2N] RWY 24 ARRIVALS 2552^N TOLSO TWO VICTOR (TOLSO 2V) [TOLS2V] 2 ^ 233 S 5000 RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVALS MORS 21 .5 D2 IZA 0 394 IZA LASDI 2^ 300 IBIZA N38 56. 8 *ATIS At or below 2800' FL230 D ^ 233 POS POLLENSA Apt Elev D 116. reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Eff. IBIZA LEIB/IBZ CHANGES: Reissue.4 70 70 2V MORSS CDPCAPDEPERA FL OT N39 57. 3^ R0 6 WARNING 250^ Do not proceed beyond IBIZA.0 IAF without ATC clearance. reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR. this chart may no longer be valid.9 CDP X E004 40.6.9 E003 26. IBIZA LEIB/IBZ CHANGES: RNAV STARs established (STARs transferred). JEPPESEN JeppView 3. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT at or below FL100.00 JEPPESEN D18/ JeppView 3.5 ^ 10-2C 243 0 4 0 0 S 2V MHN 35 0 S MENORCA MO R Trans alt: 6000' FL7 D 112.STAR.9 D4 165^ JEPPESEN 253^ D (IAF) 15. MENORCA 119.8 IBA CASOL 1 EVIC 1N 2 (L) N (BRNAV) 0 (IAF) N38 52.6 E002 50.3.3 MAX 250 KT at or below FL100.5 IBA VOR IAF without ATC clearance. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.2 2^ ^ R05 242 0 300 | JEPPESEN. 0 400 400 (IAF) SPEED RESTRICTION 070^ TILNO N38 45.4 D 112.0 RI D Trans level: By ATC Alt Set: hPa NOT TO SCALE N39 41. When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept. D 117.3 MJV R0 5 POLLENSA TWO VICTOR (POS 2V) (L) V 34 72 POFL70 S2 N39 26.3 MJV (L) Apt Elev 24' MSA Do not proceed beyond N39 26. SPAIN 23 D 18.2 NEV BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED ^ 232 Trans alt: 6000' (IAF) 00 54 263^ CASOL IBA 40 5000 IBIZA N39 11. 0 062 ^ 1 CASOL 1N: for traffic A 300 from LEPA only. . MH ^ 2 NEVIC 1N: for traffic 064 244 ^ IBIZA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.5 N1 . NOT TO SCALE When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.1 21 . N40 23.STAR.0 0.5 R075^ 5000 5^ 25 1 JUN 12 MORSS TWO VICTOR (MORSS 2V) [MORS2V] ^ 249^ RIXOT TWO VICTOR (RIXOT 2V) [RIXO2V] 209 PALMA MJV DE MALLORCA 3^ JEPPESEN D 113. MHN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.8 IBA (L) N38 52. 2012.1 E001 22.9 .0 2800' PALMA WARNING D MJV DE MALLORCA 113. RIXOT Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR.4 E001 42. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR.9 E001 28.4 POS (L) 24' MSA IBA VOR N39 55.8 E004 13. Disc 22-2013 Licensed to PILOTS.8 D *ATIS 112.6. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. BEBES D2 N39 04.1 E002 45.9 E003 25.0 119.2.8 E004 13.0 R0669^ R0 D IBA IBIZA 117.1 E002 45. 27 APR 12 N39 19. SPAIN from LEMH only.6 E003 06. Trans level: By ATC Alt Set: hPa 9^ CASOL ONE NOVEMBER (CASOL 1N) [CASO1N] 1 22 NEVIC ONE NOVEMBER (NEVIC 1N) [NEVI1N] 2 4 NEVIC 8.RNAV.0 243 ^ 73 0 400 | JEPPESEN.May. 2012.5 E004 40.9 E001 00.0 29 IZA IBIZA 5000 1N 2 10-2D RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVALS 394 IZA IC N38 54.2.1 E001 22.0 . .6 MHN ^9 RWY 06 ARRIVALS R02 3^ N39 51.6 MHN N39 51. Disc 22-2013 Licensed to PILOTS. this chart may no longer be valid. WARNING D ^ N39 19.0 ^ 295 14 0^ D 347^ N38 52.5 (IAF) PALMA 2 IZA IBIZA 450C 1V 394 IZA ^ 98 0 N38 54. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. D When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept. .0 9^ BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED (BRNAV) 112.RNAV.5 E001 55.0 D 18 R (L) D E001 00. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119.3.4 E001 42.May. | JEPPESEN.3.0 E001 35.9 E003 25. 2012.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119. 2012.8 IBA . this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. .0 300 ^ 000 062 1N A3 24ET MH 64^ IAF without ATC clearance.3 MJV 165^ DE MALLORCA CASOL N39 11.9 TILNO IBA VOR (IAF) 2800' MSA NOT TO SCALE /23 0 4 00 070^ D 18 CHANGES: RNAV STARs established.STAR. CHANGES: STARs completely revised. SPEED RESTRICTION 1 CASOL 1V: for traffic 2 NEVIC 1V: for traffic SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT at or below FL100.2. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2F . SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0 BEBES 1 5000 31 N39 04.4 48 reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.Eff.0 40 117.3 E000 40.1 E000 40.6 MHN 22 MHN MENORCA BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED .May. from LEMH only.2 232 VI (L) D 00 NE 40 VARUT 48 VARUT 1N (IAF) N39 01.9 SURI 8^ 0^ 0 4 34 . 6 2 5 500B0 2N NOT TO SCALE 45 WARNING ^ (IAF) 6 D IBA 22 IBIZA MOLAR 5. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 N39 26.5 D15. reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.6 E002 50. 9 RUXET D (L) 117. this chart may no longer be valid. . STARs transferred.0 250 N38 20.STAR.9 E001 28. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.RNAV.5 N38 52.3 N38 45. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.1 E002 45.8 E004 13.Eff.2 D2 70L 1V D33. MAX 250 KT at or below FL100. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR.1 E001 22.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 2800' CASOL ONE VICTOR (CASOL 1V) [CASO1V] 1 RUXET ONE NOVEMBER (RUXET 1N) [RUXE1N] NEVIC ONE VICTOR (NEVIC 1V) [NEVI1V] 2 SURIB TWO NOVEMBER (SURIB 2N) [SURI2N] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVALS VARUT ONE NOVEMBER (VARUT 1N) [VARU1N] MSA IBA VOR (BRNAV) RWY 24 RNAV ARRIVALS N39 51.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.6.5 ^ MJV 237 113.3 E001 03.8 IBA D7 N38 40.6.1 E001 22. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2E .8 IBA 31 0 4 00 IBIZA SURIB ^ . Licensed to PILOTS.6 286^ ^ O 0 5000 2^ 242 075^ 0 R05 CA 45 LASDI S 286^ 0 N38 56.9 NEVIC 24 2 Do not proceed beyond IAF without ATC clearance. from LEPA only. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR. When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. | JEPPESEN.2. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. ^ X 00 0 244 U Do not proceed beyond R 50 N38 33.5 086^ 0.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. D15. .6 16 4 00 0 07 T^ 0 1 V (IAF) TILNO N38 45. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.6.0 E002 23.1 E001 22.6 4 D34 .8 IBA (L) N38 52.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 2800' 2800' RUXET ONE VICTOR (RUXET 1V) [RUXE1V] CORDA TWO DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER RWY 06 ARRIVAL (CORDA 2DCN) [CO2DCN] SURIB TWO VICTOR (SURIB 2V) [SURI2V] MSA IBA VOR TOLSO TWO DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER MSA IBA VOR VARUT ONE VICTOR (VARUT 1V) [VARU1V] (TOLSO 2DCN) [TO2DCN] RWY 06 RNAV ARRIVALS RWY 24 CONTINUOUS DESCENT ARRIVALS (CDA) (BRNAV) BY ATC BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED USABLE BETWEEN SUMMER: 2300-0700LT WINTER: 2300-0000LT TOLSO WARNING PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED N40 30.9 E001 00.May.3.May.0 D IBA IBIZA 117.2. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.4 E001 42. 2012. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2H . FL240 reduce to and maintain 210 KT up to 12 NM from THR.8 NM to THR 24) CHANGES: STARs completely revised.6. .9 E002 15. | JEPPESEN.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.5 E001 55. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. .5 9^ 5 SU 400 0 22 RI 0 B2 V 14 0^ 4 3 00 D4 40 0.0 250 /23 D 18 R D18 000 . SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2G .2 NM to THR 24) SPEED RESTRICTION At or below 173^ FL702DCN MAX 250 KT at or below FL100. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.8 (102.STAR.8 RUXET RUX E (62.8 IBA WARNING N39 01. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119. Licensed to PILOTS.3 E000 40. revised & transferred).1 E000 40.0 (IAF) BEBES N39 04.3 TOLS (115.1 E002 29.5 N38 52.3 ADX ANDRAITX 384 ADX N39 33. 165^ CORDA N40 24.STAR.8 301 ^ SURIB N38 20.Eff.6 (120. 2012.0 E002 23.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.Eff.0 Do not proceed beyond D33.2 NOT TO SCALE (19.2. CHANGES: New chart (STARs renumbered. FL70 286^ 39 13 5^ VA 22 0 1 V 4 0 UT R 0 ^ . Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.2 NM to THR 24) 187^ CORDA 2D NOT TO SCALE IBA IBIZA FL70 52 D VARUT (L) 117. Reduce to and maintain 160 KT up to 5 NM from THR. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. this chart may no longer be valid. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. | JEPPESEN. CN 6 IAF without ATC clearance. 18 O When receiving vectors to final for LOC intercept.3.1 E001 22.7 NM to THR 24) Do not proceed beyond IAF without ATC clearance.8 NM to THR 24) N38 40.RNAV. LISAS N40 12. this chart may no longer be valid. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. 8 NM to THR 24) 0 400 72 0 54 (L) D 500 BEBES N38 52. this chart may no longer be valid.3 NM to THR 24) N39 55.0 (179.3 NM to THR 06) FL7 1D At or below (145. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119.8 IBA LASDI N38 56.4 NM to THR 06) IAF without ATC clearance.0 173^ FL70 18 T FL240 112.9 CDP CORDA 2D CAPDEPERA 0 SS 3^ 72 R05 MO R FL70 52 WARNING Do not proceed beyond 2DCV IAF without ATC clearance.9 E003 26.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' CORDA TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR 2800' MORSS ONE DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER IBA VOR (CORDA 2DCV) [CO2DCV] (MORSS 1DCN) [MO1DCN] 2800' MSA TOLSO TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR MSA POLLENSA ONE DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER (POS 1DCN) [PO1DCN] (167.1 E001 22. . Printed on 11 Nov 2013.9 NM to THR 06) SUMMER: 2300-0700LT WINTER: 2300-0000LT R075^ CORDA RIXOT N40 23. D Do not proceed beyond 187^ 400 1DCN (108.1 E002 29. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.6 NM to THR 24) N39 41.4 E001 42.Eff.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.3 NM to THR 24) N39 57. .2.6 PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED (158.6. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.2. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2K .3. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.5 IBIZA NOT TO SCALE (28.1 NM to THR 06) CHANGES: New chart (RNAV STARs renumbered.6 NM to THR 06) D IBA IBIZA 193^ (L) 117.STAR.0 NM to THR 24) At or below 165^ N40 24.1 E001 22. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.5 E004 40.0 (IAF) IBA 117.STAR. CHANGES: New chart. revised & transferred). | JEPPESEN.May.2 (19.3.3 PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED FL230 70 0 CN (153. | JEPPESEN.9 E001 00.8 E004 13.1 WARNING CDP NOT TO SCALE 112.3 (18. .9 POS 116.0 E002 23.8 NM to THR 24) N39 51.6 MHN XO 24 9^ MHN MENORCA RI LISAS N40 12.5 (101.4 E004 40. this chart may no longer be valid.RNAV.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.8 IBA (L) D 4000 11 (IAF) N38 52.6.8 (140.0 E002 23.3 E001 03.4 POS POLLENSA 35 0 FL7 ^ 209 1D CN OS L70 F 4 P R0669^ (L) 3^ D 3 ADX R0 ANDRAITX 9^ R02 384 ADX N39 33. 2012. D CV ^ TOLSO70 243 39 FL (107.8 N39 26. 2012.6 E003 06. Licensed to PILOTS. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2J .0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.0 NM to THR 06) (73.9 E002 15.1 E002 45.0 IBA VOR (TOLSO 2DCV) [TO2DCV] RWY O6 RNAV CONTINUOUS DESCENT ARRIVALS (CDA) RIXOT ONE DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER MORSS (BRNAV) (RIXOT 1DCN) [RI1DCN] BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED BY ATC RWY 24 CONTINUOUS DESCENT USABLE BETWEEN ARRIVALS (CDA) ^ 255^ 233 SUMMER: 2300-0700LT BY ATC 5000 WINTER: 2300-0000LT TOLSO USABLE BETWEEN 22 N40 30.May.5 NM to THR 24) 246^ ^ MJV 113.Eff.3 MJV 240 DE MALLORCA PALMA N39 04.0 TILNO N38 45. .3 MJV IBA DE MALLORCA D IBIZA 117.2 VARUT ^ (19.5 ^ 04 RU 243 50002DCN MJV 45 113.0 (214.9 5000 31 POS 116.9 CDP CAPDEPERA 0 SS 3^ 72 R05 WARNING MO R (IAF) BEBES D N39 04.8 IBA PALMA (L) RUXET N38 52.0 N38 40.8 IBA NOT TO SCALE IBA SURIB IBIZA 250^ N38 45.2. 2012.4 POS LASDI 5000 POLLENSA 3570 N38 56.Eff.1 E002 45. (144.5 0 400 (75. CHANGES: New chart (SURIB RNAV STAR renumbered.4 E004 40.3 (18.5 E001 55. 2012.0 MHN 112.3 E001 03. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2L .3 E000 40.RNAV.Eff. 400 2DCV D IAF without ATC clearance.3.5 E004 40.0 (36. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa 119. .May. | JEPPESEN. revised & transferred).0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.9 NM to THR 24) 086^ VARUT 1DCN (143. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0 (64.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.2 NM to THR 06) N39 55.2.5 (67.4 E001 42.1 E001 22. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.9 E003 26.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' MORSS TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR RUXET ONE DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER 2800' IBA VOR (MORSS 2DCV) [MO2DCV] (203. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2M .5 FL ^ 209 (51.2 NM to THR 06) N39 57.1 Do not proceed beyond CDP 112.4 NM to THR 06) N39 26.9 NM to THR 06) At or below SUMMER: 2300-0700LT USABLE BETWEEN FL230 70 0 CV WINTER: 2300-0000LT SUMMER: 2300-0700LT FL7 2D PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED T WINTER: 2300-0000LT XO 24 9^ PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED RI (181. revised & transferred).3. | JEPPESEN.6 MHN MENORCA WARNING Do not proceed beyond IAF without ATC clearance.6 E003 06.1 NM to THR 06) N38 20. .7 NM to THR 06) N39 51.0 (RUXET 1DCN) [RU1DCN] 2800' MSA POLLENSA TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR SURIB TWO DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER MSA MORSS (POS 2DCV) [PO2DCV] (SURIB 2DCN) [SU2DCN] IBA VOR RIXOT TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR VARUT ONE DELTA CHARLIE NOVEMBER (RIXOT 2DCV) [RI2DCV] (VARUT 1DCN) [VA1DCN] ^ 255^ RWY 06 CONTINUOUS DESCENT 233 RWY 24 RNAV CONTINUOUS DESCENT ARRIVALS (CDA) 5000 ARRIVALS (CDA) 22 (BRNAV) BY ATC BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED R075^ USABLE BETWEEN RIXOT BY ATC N40 23.2 NM to THR 24) 73 (L) D 3^ 347^ R0 6 N38 52. this chart may no longer be valid. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.May.1 E000 40.STAR. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.8 E004 13.0 NM to THR 24) 075^ V DC O S 2L70 P F R0669^ 34 (L) 3^ D R0 R02 9^ 24 00 D C N 50 T 1 SURIB 8^ XE (109.1 E001 22.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. this chart may no longer be valid.7 NM to THR 24) 0 (L) D 400 NOT TO SCALE 18 TILNO (IAF) CHANGES: New chart (STARs renumbered.8 NM to THR 24) 48 243 N39 01. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.STAR.6.9 E001 00.1 NM to THR 06) 117.6. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.5 NM to THR 06) N39 41. Licensed to PILOTS. turn LEFT.7 NM to THR 06) KABRE 1E MHN 3E SID 1253' CHANGES: New chart (SURIB RNAV STAR renumbered.Eff.0 RI 00 B2 IBA 117. intercept MJV R-226 inbound via LAMPA to intercept IBA R-077 to KABRE.8 24' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 24' EXPECT close-in obstacles.May. turn LEFT.1 E001 22.8 NM to THR 06) DE MALLORCA D A H N38 52.6 D9.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.5 (34. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-3 .8 E004 13.1 NM to THR 06) V KA AM M H 0. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. 16 V IBIZA N38 33. MOLAR.6. 04 N38 40.0 VA N38 20. turn LEFT. E001 00. PRIOR PERMISSION REQUIRED WARNING to LEMH only. Gnd speed-KT 4% V/V (fpm) R2 VARUT IBA IBIZA 1 D 4 1 1 E 117. B N38 48.May. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.SID.0 E001 35. intercept IBA R-187 to D9.0 IBA. CHANGES: SIDs revised. REN 3 N39 01.8 IBA N39 26. turn LEFT.0 ^ 26 4% up to 1000'. turn LEFT. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-2N .0 K M E001 55.8 D4 ^ L 17 140 1E 070^ 0 RI 0 400 1DCV 2 B ET RUX D7 ^ SU RUXET 9 6 5. intercept IBA R-187 to D9.3.1 PALMA 13 5^ 5 SURIB E001 55.5 ROUTING 8 E 077^ (L) MJV 113. intercept IBA R-187 to D9. intercept MJV R-226 inbound via LAMPA to intercept IBA R-077 to KABRE.2 E001 20. | JEPPESEN. *ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 119. . Licensed to PILOTS. | JEPPESEN. Do not proceed beyond 36 IAF without ATC clearance. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.2 Initial ATC clearance: Climb and maintain 6000' and request flight level change enroute.5 4.1 E002 45.5 E001 55.3 MJV LAMPA of (39.8 IBA DC MOLAR to SURIB.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0 RUXET ONE DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR 2800' KABRE ONE ECHO (KABRE 1E) [KABR1E] 1 MHN 112.5 E 2 N38 45.0 IBA SURIB 1000' N38 20.0 IBA.STAR. 130^ track to WINTER: 2300-0000LT NOT TO SCALE 1 KABRE 1E: for flights 2 LAMPA 1E: for flights Climb on IBA R-244 to 1000'. 2012.3 (18. NOT TO SCALE E002 12.9 21 E 1 1E E 1 BR PA N 3 LEFT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 130^ track to LEPA & LESJ only.6.6 MHN MENORCA (RUXET 1DCV) [RU1DCV] LAMPA ONE ECHO (LAMPA 1E) [LAMP1E] 2 4^ R23 RWY 06 CONTINUOUS DESCENT ARRIVAL (CDA) MSA IBA VOR MENORCA THREE ECHO (MHN 3E) RWY 24 DEPARTURES D SURIB TWO DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR (SURIB 2DCV) [SU2DCV] SURIB ONE ECHO (SURIB 1E) [SURI1E] RWY 24 RNAV DEPARTURE 73 3 E VARUT ONE DELTA CHARLIE VICTOR IBA VOR N (BRNAV) 2800' MH MSA (VARUT 1DCV) [VA1DCV] BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED RWY 06 RNAV CONTINUOUS DESCENT ARRIVALS (CDA) SPEED: MAX 250 KT UNTIL LEAVING FL100 (BRNAV) ^ BRNAV APPROVAL REQUIRED 054 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 75 100 150 200 250 300 BY ATC These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient KABRE N39 08. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. turn LEFT.5 MOLAR. N39 51.6 E002 57.3 E000 40. turn LEFT. intercept MJV R-226 inbound to LAMPA.0 IBA.3. turn LEFT.0 At (67. KABRE & LAMPA SIDs established.7 NM to THR 06) SU 40 50 N38 52.0 IBA.1 E001 22. this chart may no longer be valid.1 E000 40. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. 130^ track via to MOLAR. . SUMMER: 2300-0700LT Climb on IBA R-244 to 1000'. .4 USABLE BETWEEN SURIB 1E Climb on IBA R-244 to 1000' .Eff. this chart may no longer be valid. turn LEFT.2.2 N39 01. intercept IBA R-187 to D9. turn LEFT. turn D76. intercept MHN R-234 inbound to MHN. turn LEFT. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. revised & transferred). 2012. renumbered & transferred.5 (L) 22 00 DC D (IAF) 40 T 1 RU TILNO . Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. 130^ track to LAMPA 1E Climb on IBA R-244 to 1000'.2.9 MOLAR At or above 5000' 301 0^ 187^ ^ 13 ^ 244 (L) D N38 43. 5% V/V (fpm) 494 658 987 1317 1646 1975 N 75 100 150 200 250 300 MH D30.Eff. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. this chart may no longer be valid.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.0 BAVER 1E 271^ 1253' ^ 244 SURIB .0 GODOX ONE ECHO (GODOX 1E) [GODO1E] 112. .2 IZA to LAMPA. At or above 6000' D76.0 F 8 B1 2600' 0. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.4 2800' MSA This SID requires a minimum climb gradient KABRE GODOX 1E NOT TO SCALE 1 KABRE 1R: for flights 2 LAMPA 1F: for flights to LEPA & LESJ only. intercept IBA R-077.3 MJV MJV 18 1RF DE MALLORCA E 3 N38 48. .May.4 D5 N38 20.2 SURIB 1F Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'.9 of N38 54.0 IBA E001 31. CHANGES: SIDs established. 24' EXPECT close-in obstacles. turn LEFT. turn IBA 10. intercept 108^ bearing from IZA to LAMPA. along XOSTA Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'.2. (L) D XOSTA 1E Climb on IBA R-244 to SONTA. to LEMH only. intercept MHN R-234 inbound to MHN.0 E 1 of N39 26. this chart may no longer be valid.0 DME arc.1 E002 45.2 Gnd speed-KT N39 01. . E002 12. turn RIGHT. turn RIGHT.9 N38 53. 077^ N38 52. KABRE & LAMPA SIDs established.9 E001 28.5 D33 36 6.SID.0 DME These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient D8. along IBA 15.3. 2012.3.0 1000' SID ROUTING IBA 117.6 MHN LAMPA ONE FOXTROT (LAMPA 1F) [LAMP1F] 2 MHN MENORCA XOSTA ONE ECHO (XOSTA 1E) [XOST1E] 4^ MENORCA THREE FOXTROT (MHN 3F) R23 MSA SURIB ONE FOXTROT (SURIB 1F) [SURI1F] RWY 24 DEPARTURES IBA VOR SPEED: MAX 250 KT UNTIL LEAVING FL100 D RWY 06 DEPARTURES SPEED: MAX 250 KT UNTIL LEAVING FL100 GODOX N39 22. .8 4 04 4.1 E001 55.5 D32. intercept IBA R-299 to XOSTA. along IBA 15. intercept 108^ bearing from LAMPA 1F Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'.1 E001 22.May. Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 24' EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.0 E000 44.2 4% up to 1000'. turn RIGHT.2. KABRE 1R At MHN 3F GODOX 1E Climb on IBA R-244 to SONTA.7 73 3F 6.8 IBA (L) At or above N38 52. intercept IBA R-077. RI D4 SU 0^ E001 32.0 DME arc.6 E002 57. turn RIGHT. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-3A . turn RIGHT. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. | JEPPESEN. intercept IBA R-077 to KABRE. intercept MJV R-226 inbound. IZA 394 IZA ^ 149 288^ Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 IBIZA 108^ NOT TO SCALE IZA to LAMPA.0 DME arc.5 1 077^ 113.5% up to 6000'.0 IBA.9 Ar c 10.6. CHANGES: SIDs revised & transferred.8 E004 13.4 E001 24. intercept MJV R-226 inbound. intercept IBA R-077 to D8. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.Eff.1 E001 22.1 108^ 14 N38 53. E000 40. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.4 E001 07. turn RIGHT.0 LEFT.8 IBA BAVER 1E Climb on IBA R-244 to SONTA. 4% V/V (fpm) 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 Initial ATC clearance: Climb and maintain 6000' and request flight level 755' hdg 077^ change enroute. D13 MHPNA 1F 1 At or above 3F 2 5000' LAMBRE 1R SONTA IBA IBIZA KA 19 N38 46. turn LEFT. intercept 108^ bearing from Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'. turn RIGHT.0 004^ ^ 26 R2 353^ XO Arc ST D ME A1 5. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ^ 054 SURIB 1F Initial ATC clearance: Climb and maintain 6000' and request flight level change enroute. Licensed to PILOTS. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 D 117.6. | JEPPESEN.SID. intercept 149^ bearing from IZA to SURIB. KABRE ONE ROMEO (KABRE 1R) [KABR1R] 1 BAVER ONE ECHO (BAVER 1E) [BAVE1E] 2800' N39 51. crossing IBA R-108 turn LEFT. along IBA 15. N39 08.5 E001 55. intercept IBA R-077. 2012. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. intercept SID IBA R-004 to GODOX. IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-3B .0 DME arc. SIDs transferred. intercept IBIZA IBA R-271 to BAVER. intercept IBA R-077 to KABRE.3 IBA VOR N39 08. turn RIGHT.4 299 BRHN PALMA At or above ^ KA M LAMPA 5000' BAVER ROUTING 284^ (L) 6^ D N38 52. Standard.4 E001 31. 38-52 XO not to be construed as ATC instructions. approved HUD required below 150m. turn LEFT. turn RIGHT. . | JEPPESEN. along IBA 15.0 014^ D15. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.4 E001 22.6.Eff. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.2 DME A 15 5000' C 15. 24' Apt Elev 26 APR 13 10-9 .92 118.6. from Tower GA 2 C C 22442^ Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 004^ GODOX 1F AIS G Elev 19' 6.2.Eff.6% up to 3000'.0^) 2 RVR 8202' 2500m 45m At or above 2500' 1 HST-F with HSTIL 2 HST-E with HSTIL D IBA IBIZA Arc (L) 117. CL RL. RVR req RL & CL or RL or RL (DAY only) gradient of 4. . TAKE-OFF 1 LVP must be in force RWYS 06.37 121. 24 CONTINGENCY DEPARTURES Approved Operators EXPECT RADAR VECTORING BY IBIZA APP TO JOIN THE ATS ROUTE RCLM (DAY only) RCLM (DAY only) NIL HIRL. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. this chart may no longer be valid. 119. Area not visible Tower MET GA 1 GODOX 1F. GODOX 1F Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.2.9 N38 55.0 E001 38. CHANGES: SIDs established.2 06 HIRL (50m) CL (15m) HIALS PAPI(3. turn RIGHT.0^) 1 8214' 2504m 148' 108^ 24 HIRL (50m) CL (15m) HIALS PAPI(3. | JEPPESEN. . CHANGES: HOT SPOT added.4% V/V (fpm) 334 446 668 891 1114 1337 SEE 10-9A 87' 69' F C m B 00 E 28 354^ ZURDO N39 06.5 077^ hd D8. turn RIGHT.4% up to 5000'.0 IBA LANDING BEYOND BAVER 1R 271^ 077 ^ N38 53.6% V/V (fpm) 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 A 4.May. intercept IBA R-299 to XOSTA.3 Control Stopway BAVER 1R: 6. intercept IBA R-077 to TINEL.0 BAVER 5 ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION g USABLE LENGTHS N38 52.May.S.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. turn and follow the ATC instructions. 1 Operators applying U. N38 54.0 DME arc. intercept IBA R-271 to BAVER. along IBA 10.0 5000' Initial ATC clearance: Climb and maintain 6000' and request flight level change enroute. intercept 354^ bearing from IZA to GODOX. IBIZA N38 52. 2012. turn and follow the ATC instructions. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 10-3C . along IBA 15.7 6 ' XOSTA N39 08.8 IBA E N38 52.2. SID ROUTING BAVER 1R Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'.8 121.SID. SIDs transferred. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.0 DM HOT SPOTS 174^ E VOR Arc 38-52 For information only. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. CL These departures require a minimum climb Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 & mult.Licensed to PILOTS.7 At or above 72' C D 918 ARP HS D3 3.0 DME arc via ZURDO.9 TINEL RWY Threshold Glide Slope TAKE-OFF WIDTH D32.4 Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' *ATIS *IBIZA Clearance Delivery *IBIZA Tower (GND) *Tower 24' EXPECT close-in obstacles.5 rc E001 26. D 150m 200m 250m 300m 24 Climb on runway heading to 3000'. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.2 Feet 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 551' 299 At 1000' ^ ^ 057 Meters 0 500 1000 1500 755' 01-21 01-22 01-23 01-24 D13. turn LEFT.4 E001 24.5% V/V (fpm) 494 658 987 1317 1646 1975 FOR DETAILS 16 A 4. B 125m 150m 200m 250m RWY ROUTING C 400m 500m 06 Climb on 077^ heading to 3000'. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. turn RIGHT.1 E001 22. to ZURDO. this chart may no longer be valid. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m. intercept IBA R-077 to TINEL. intercept IBA R-077 to D8. 2000.0 DM At or above NOT TO SCALE 10.7 No entry GA 3 197' 60m of 75' D30.0 IBA. 2013. turn RIGHT.0 E000 44.3. RVR req & mult. Elev 17' 00662^ IZA ST IBIZA When leaving rwy on twy E or F A1 HS acft shall not stop until 246'/75m F 394 IZA from rwy axis. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. XOSTA 1F Climb on 077^ heading to 1000'. XOSTA 1F: 4.8 E000 40.9 E001 28.5% up to 6000'.5 BAVER ONE ROMEO (BAVER 1R) [BAVE1R] 2800' 01-21 01-22 01-23 01-24 GODOX ONE FOXTROT (GODOX 1F) [GODO1F] XOSTA ONE FOXTROT (XOSTA 1F) [XOST1F] MSA For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages RWY 06 DEPARTURES IBA VOR SPEED: MAX 250 KT UNTIL LEAVING FL100 LEGEND VAR 0^ GODOX 38-53 38-53 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients N39 22.0 DME arc. 25B.7 HS MISSED APCH: Climb on rwy heading to D2.5 E001 22.1 IBI ILS: 2.7 2000 INS COORDINATES 38-45 D12.2 28.2. HOT SPOT added. 15 N38 52.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.4 E001 22.5 38-52. 2800' Refer to from Tower When leaving rwy on twy E or F 111. COORDINATES STAND No. Crossing R-256 IBA turn LEFT to TILNO.3 01-22. 1 Control Simultaneous exit from 32 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Tower stands 20A and 20B 1.2 01-22.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0 LOC: 6.4 ILS: D6.92 LEGEND HOT SPOTS MET TM LOC Final GS ILS For information only. 38-52.3 IBA 20. SPAIN 26 APR 13 10-9A .0 IBI 077^ 2800 t o L O C D1.0 LOC: D6. this chart may no longer be valid.5 121.3 5.1 (GS out) ALTITUDE 1710' 1380' 1050' 730' 14. 17 N38 52.0 IBA. Licensed to PILOTS.9 LOC: 2. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 CIRCLE-TO-LAND ILS LOC (GS out) Not authorized DA(H) A: 239'(222') C: 259'(242') North of runway B: 251'(234') D: 270'(253') DA(H) 510'(493') Max FULL/Limited ALS out ALS out Kts MDA(H) VIS A 100 990' (966') 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 1500m B 1000m 135 990' (966') 1600m PANS OPS 4 RVR C 180 1090' (1066') 2400m RVR 1300m CMV 2100m CMV 2300m D RVR 1100m 205 1200' (1176') 3600m CHANGES: Stands and coordinates. ILS or LOC Rwy 06 *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground 01-21.Eff. 32 Push-back position (MAX 230 KT) to intercept and follow R-077 IBA to D8. 2012. CHANGES: Procedure. 2. . 3. Note. IBIZA IBIZA 27 APR 12 11-1 .0 2.5 E001 22.0IBI 19A thru 20A N38 52.Eff.0 IBI ^ 062^ GS 1356' 19 N38 52.0 IBA APCH FIX 11 N38 52.8 IBA 50 25 38-55 16 1597' 00 38-52.0 IBA.6 2000 D13. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 06 thresh. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.2.0 IBI D1.0 IBA IBA 0 77^ MISSED STAND No.0 LOC IBI DME 5.8 134.4 E001 22. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.4 38-50 D6.5 E001 22.6.9 01-22. then as directed.0 19 LOC: D6.6.2 242^ 3000' 18 N38 52.3 IBA .9 01-22 01-22.0 1.0 IBI 551' D6. then turn RIGHT (MAX 230 KT) 29 to intercept and follow R-077 IBA to D8.6 E001 22.Standard.1 IBI F 277^ IBA 820' 13 D ME A rc IB 21 18 C HS 1253' 1357' D1.1 01-22.4 01-22.3 IBA ILS: D6.0 4.9 D6.0 IBI/D1. VOR and DME required.1 30 thru 32 N38 52. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.4 IBA 242 2^ 20A 19B HS 4 05 00 /2 30 2^ 06 253^ 23 A 20 Y RW ^ 062 20B E BEBES (IAF) D20.1 062^ 1356' (1339') Minimums RWY 17' 20 Parking position acft shall not stop until 246'/75m GA 2 38-52. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.4 E001 22.0 IBA VOR 16. 2006.1 01-22.May.3 IBA D4.2.2 01-22. 29 N38 52.08^ 381 490 545 654 763 872 hdg MAP at D1.2 D11. 2000. and 28 and 29 are not 31 allowed. ILS: No obstacle free zone rwy 06.4 D1. 35 N38 52. 20A N38 52.0 D25. then turn RIGHT from rwy axis. | JEPPESEN.4 E001 22.5 22 thru 24 N38 52.6 TERMINAL 11 1 MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: 12 (IAF) Climb on rwy heading to D2. then turn 35 No entry LEFT on 007^ to intercept and follow R-052 IBA to BEBES climbing to MSA 34 IBA VOR AIS 33 3000' and hold.0 38-52.0 IBI DA(H) Area not visible not to be construed as ATC instructions.5 23 38-52.0 34.0 12. then turn LEFT on 28 A LASDI 27 13 106^ D15.82 118.4 19A B 38-52. 13 N38 52.4 25.1 33 N38 52.3 27 N38 52. COORDINATES 01-00 01-10 01-20 D8.0 ILS GS 3.00^ 372 478 531 637 743 849 PAPI PAPI IBA on RWY LOC Descent angle 3.6 E001 22.5 01-22 119.3 IBA D6.4 IBA 21 N38 52. then turn LEFT 6000' to follow 20 DME Arc IBA. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.5 E001 22. this chart may no longer be valid.3 2800' 062 2000' D4.7 E001 22. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.3 C TILNO IBA ^ ARP 52 A 0 01-21.0 IBA.1 IBI IBI ^ IBA 38-52. Apt Elev 24' BRIEFING STRIP GA 3 IBI Apch Crs D4.5 286^ 873' IBI D2.7 IBI D11. 2013.0 IBA 007^ to intercept and follow R-052 IBA to BEBES.3.May. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.0 TCH 52' 20B N38 52. | JEPPESEN.0 ILS DME 22 17 062^ 111.6 E001 22.1 3.6 E001 22. 14 (IAF) 600 756' 24 25B 26 15 D15 0 /19 286^ 1411' IBA D IBIZA 117. 26 N38 52.4 E001 21.0 RWY 06 17' HIALS Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 D2.5 E001 22.4 01-22.0 3.3 088^ 2 IB R VO 007^ 2800 (IF) 2 ILS: 6.6 30 38-52.6 E001 22.5 E001 21.0 IBA. D15/ 19 IBA IBIZA 39-00 286^ D 117.0 (MAX 230 KT) to intercept and follow R-077 to D8.6 IBZ 242^ 2000' 1 Min 3.Eff. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 06 CIRCLE-TO-LAND ILS LOC (GS out) Not authorized North of runway Not authorized 810'(793') DA(H) A: 302'(283') C: 322'(303') North of runway DA(H) Max B: 314'(295') D: 333'(314') DA(H) 850'(831') Max ALS out Kts MDA(H) VIS FULL Limited ALS out ALS out Kts MDA(H) VIS A RVR 1500m 100 1190' (1166') 1500m A RVR 650m 100 1090' (1066') 1500m B 135 1360' (1336') 1600m RVR 1500m B 135 1090' (1066') 1600m 1870' (1846') PANS OPS 4 C 180 2400m PANS OPS C RVR 750m RVR 1400m 180 1190' (1166') 2400m CMV 2400m RVR 700m CMV 2400m D 205 2120' (2096') 3600m D 205 1450' (1426') 3600m CHANGES: Missed approach. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. then turn RIGHT to BEBES.0 3. ADF and DME required. MSA and hold. Minimums.0 IBZ D7.0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 ILS GS 3. C 20 0 0 D12. ILS or LOC Rwy 24 IBIZA 21 SEP 12 13-1 VOR Rwy 06 *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground 119. this chart may no longer be valid.0.8 064^ 2700'(2683') 810'(793') RWY 17' MISSED APCH: Climb on heading 242^ to D6.82 118. DME required.5 IBZ ^ 600 1970^ 052 0 756' 4. then turn Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' LEFT on 007^ to intercept and follow R-052 to BEBES climbing to 3000' 1.2. IZA NDB Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1 MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: 1.0 3000 t o F i 1 3 D ME A 756' [MD~6] D6. 2000. then turn IBZ 6000' ILS DME 1141' LEFT to follow 20 DME Arc. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.5 D7.8 D2. ^ F (IAF) to intercept and follow R-250 IBA direct to TILNO.0.0 0 ^ hdg MISSED APCH FIX (IAF) 2 70 ^ 551' 52 242 IBA VO R TILNO 5. then D16. 2. CHANGES: Procedure. | JEPPESEN. ILS: No obstacle free zone rwy 24.92 119. then as directed.30^ D2.0 IBA 01-00 01-10 01-20 D8.0 LOC IBZ DME 3.0 IBZ 2050' TCH 52' D7. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. Crossing R-256 turn LEFT to TILNO.5 242^ 1510' (1491') Minimums RWY 19' 117.6. VOR.0 1.3.5 121.2. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.0 250^ 007^ VO ^ (IF) 250 00 30 38-50 IBA D6.0 IBA ^ 070 D18. 2012.7 RWY 06 17' 0.08^ 381 490 545 654 763 872 hdg MAP at D2.1 IBA LOC: D6. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 on 117.0 4.0 VOR 062^ CAT A & B: [FD~6] 3000' 2200' 11 2 Min D6. 22 106^ D15.8 134. 2000.0 6. Licensed to PILOTS.3 085^ A 0 IB R D23.6.0 APCH FIX 01-20 01-30 IBA DME 7.0 [MD~6] ILS: D6.0 GS 1510' CAT C & D: 2700' 064^ [6~VOR] TCH 50' D0. then as directed.Standard.5 LOC: 1.2 IBA 723' 1253' 077^ D2. 1 MSA IBA VOR 3. Racetrack restricted to MAX 210 KT.6 38-50 254^ [FD~6] D8.1 IBZ 242 ^ LO :6 3 ILS : 6.2 IBA 2.0 D13.0 551' 1411' [6~VOR] D25.30^ 409 526 584 701 817 934 PAPI PAPI 117. then turn RIGHT 3 3. 242^ 109.0 4.0 MAP at D0.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.0. then turn 755' LEFT on 007^ to intercept and follow R-052 to BEBES. .0 IBA.0 4.0 963' D7.5 121.1 IBZ RWY 24 19' 3. 1 RIGHT (MAX 230 KT) to intercept and follow R-077 to D8. 4.8 B IBAA IBIZA D0.4 IBZ D13. then turn and hold.0. | JEPPESEN.6 4.0 ALTITUDE 2400' 2050' 1700' 1350' 1000' (GS out) ALTITUDE 1050' 1380' 1710' NDB D8.0 0 30 0 IBA 38-45 TILNO 0 77^ MISSED D6.0 5. then turn RIGHT 2800' 2800' to intercept and follow R-250 IBA direct to TILNO climbing to 3000' MISSED APCH: Climb to VOR. this chart may no longer be valid.0 01-40 D20. 2012. Climb on heading 242^ to D6.00^ 372 478 531 637 743 849 PAPI PAPI IBA on 242^ Descent angle 3. SPAIN IBIZA 27 APR 12 11-2 .May. Final approach track offset 2^ from rwy centerline.8 134.7 232 to I BEBES (IAF) 1 MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: turn RIGHT to intercept and follow 20 DME Arc IBA direct IBA 00 LASDI Climb to VOR.1 IBA LOC: D6.Standard. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS.6 IBZ R-064 .8 LOC Descent angle 3.92 TM TM LOC Final GS ILS DA(H) Apt Elev 24' VOR Final Minimum Alt 24' BRIEFING STRIP BRIEFING STRIP IBZ Apch Crs NDB DA(H) Apt Elev Refer to IBA Apch Crs D8. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 24 threshold. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND .6 0 HIALS HIALS IBA IBA Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 D6. then proceed on R-064 to D2.6/R-062 IBA 277^ 1357' 820' 064 ^ D2.0 5.0 873' 1597' D I117.9 ILS: 1.0 109. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.82 118.8 IBA 50 722' 38-55 1411' (IAF) (IF) 1597' 00 .0 05 2^ 00 30 2^ nal rc IBZ ^ 23 062 ^ 064 1357' 820' BEBES 5 . then proceed on R-064 to D2.4 IZA IBIZA 394 IZA ILS: D6.0 IBA. 2. 0 250 ^ 250 ^ 080^ (MAX 220 KT) 38-50 D6.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.40^ 421 541 602 722 842 963 PAPI PAPI 2200' 117.0 4.6.8 134. CHANGES: Procedure transferred from 13-2. 2000.0 HIALS HIALS Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 D6.0 D2. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' MSA Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' MSA 1. 2.0 3. IBA VOR 1. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. Final approach track offset 2^ from rwy centerline.0 ^ [MD24] 0^ 1400' [MD24] 0^ 1400' 240 3.0 IBA DME 3. 2012.0 4. SPAIN IBIZA 21 SEP 12 13-2 VOR Z Rwy 24 IBIZA 27 APR 12 13-3 .2.May. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3. I394ZIZAA IBIZA ^ 240 19. IBA VOR 1141' 1 MISSED APCH WITH COMM FAILURE: .0 1411' 873' 1597' [FD24] ^ D2. this chart may no longer be valid.0 hdg MAP at D2.5 121.8 240^ 1400'(1376') 680'(656') Apt Elev MISSED APCH: Climb on heading 242^ to D6.3.51^ 1141' ^ 963' 3 052 722' (IAF) 723' I117.0 2200' [FD24] 240^ 2200' D5. | JEPPESEN.0 064 ^ 551' 820' [MD24] 240 ^ 1 067^ (MAX 110 KT) 1357' 38-50 24 4 068^ (MAX 120 KT) 01-40 MHA 069^ (MAX 140 KT) ^ hdg MISSED APCH FIX 3000 071^ (MAX 160 KT) 242 551' IBA V OR 074^ (MAX 185 KT) D23.0 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z.0 D2.8 240^ 1400'(1381') 680'(661') RWY 19' 117.82 118. Final approach track offset 2^ from rwy centerline.4 TCH 50' TCH 50' [FD24] RWY 24 19' 0.92 119.0 ALTITUDE 730' 1090' ALTITUDE 730' 1090' VOR VOR D10.4 3.0 0 30 0 TILNO D6. then turn RIGHT to 2800' 2800' intercept and follow R-250 direct to TILNO climbing to 3000' MISSED APCH: Climb on R-240 to 2200'. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. 2000. .0 DA(H) IBA Apch Crs D5. DME required. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 5.Standard.0 D5.0 D13.8 134.Standard. SPAIN LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA.6 APT 24' 0. this chart may no longer be valid.0 RT R-240 . 2012. then turn LEFT to VOR and hold. then turn 23020 to 39-00 722' RIGHT to intercept and follow 20 DME Arc direct to 22 755' D16.0. 1 climbing to 3000' and hold. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND Not authorized North of runway Not authorized North of runway DA(H) 680'(661') Max DA(H) 680'(656') Max ALS out Kts MDA(H) VIS ALS out Kts MDA(H) VIS A 100 920' (896') 1500m A 100 920' (896') 1500m RVR 1500m RVR 1500m B 135 920' (896') 1600m B 135 920' (896') 1600m PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS C 180 1020' (996') 2400m C 180 1020' (996') 2400m CMV 2400m CMV 2300m CMV 2400m D 205 1250'(1226') 3600m D 205 1250'(1226') 3600m CHANGES: None. VOR Y Rwy 24 *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground 119.0 I394ZIZAA IBIZA (IF) D5.Eff.92 TM TM VOR Final Minimum Alt DA(H) Apt Elev 24' VOR Final Minimum Alt BRIEFING STRIP BRIEFING STRIP IBA Apch Crs D5.8 B AIBA 39-00 IBIZA D (IF) ^ 756' 240 D13.6 3000' 1 D10. | JEPPESEN.0 756' D10.5 121.8 on on MAP at D2.8 3.0 01-30 0 70 ^ D18. then turn RIGHT to 1350' 4 ^ IF BEBES intercept and follow R-250 direct to TILNO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND .0 D IBA IBIZA 117.6 D10.0.82 118.0 24' 117. DME required. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. Licensed to PILOTS.2. 2.0 01-20 01-20 01-30 01-40 IBA DME 3.0 1411' 873' 963' 1597' [FD24] 723' D2.8 IBA D5. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 IBA Descent angle 3.0 5.0 BEBES.8 3. then as directed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.40^ 421 541 602 722 842 963 PAPI PAPI 242^ Descent angle 3.0 (IAF) Climb on heading 242^ to D6.6.0 1253' 1357' 820' [MD24] 1 D10. | 2007 AND Data Solutions B.50* (sp. SFC [RW24] 1400' 242^ CAT C & D: 1 Min 6 TCH 50' 2.OBST. 142' IZANDB 394 IZA 10 24 1357' 0 9 545' 06 01-10 01-20 01-30 18 DIST to RW24 Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. NDB Rwy 24 Within VFR Sectors: LEIB IBIZA *ATIS *IBIZA Approach *IBIZA Tower *Ground PALMA CONTROL 118.2.4 1070'(1046') E001 25. < ^ ^ Distances in NM N-1 CAS CURREDþ 24 1 062 10 1357' 820' N38 55.82 118.0 16 I b i z a MAX 3500' San E001 18.Standard. Licensed to PILOTS.80 IBA 38-50 2200' 11 2 Min Forest: | WorldSat International Inc.8 B IBAA IBIZA 5 .80 MISSED APCH: Climb on heading 241^ to 2000'.6.V. 91 ^ 241^ APT 24' www. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IZA NDB GROUND 121.00 (sp. this chart may no longer be valid. Espalmador | 2007 AND Data Ireland Limited. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 24 CIRCLE-TO-LAND S-1 Sector Ibiza Not authorized North of runway N38 46. Racetrack restricted to MAX 210 KT. 2002 342^ All Rights Reserved. . 2011. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. | JEPPESEN. | JEPPESEN.8 NM SW Ibiza 394 241^ 1400' (1376') 1070'(1046') (TWR) *VDF 2800' ATIS 119. this chart may no longer be valid.Eff. SPAIN JEPPESEN 15 MAR 13 19-1 IBIZA IBIZA 27 APR 12 16-1 .2 1270' (1246') PANS OPS 4 C 180 2400m E001 25.8 134.. 2013.92 1141' 722' N 01-20 01-30 39-00 Sector 35W N38 59. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.REPs & Routes . then turn LEFT to 20 IBIZA TOWER 118. 2000. DME reads zero at THR. Printed on 11 Nov 2013.3 1318' San Jos¨ E001 20. 38-50 981' IBIZA D I117.8 1253' [RW24] Puig Gros 928' 12 38-55 1411' 38-55 hd g 551' 1597' .4 3.VAR .91^ 360 463 515 618 721 824 PAPI PAPI 2000' 241^ 80' I.May.6 Digital Geography CMV 2400m *(G) VFR Sectors La Sabina D 205 1510' (1486') 3600m Illa de Es Pujols 01-20 Formentera 01-30 Europe: NM CHANGES: None.ca 4.50 IBZ 242= 1. 2004. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.92 (APP) SPAIN TM NDB Final Minimum Alt N38 52. RWY ILS RWY ILS Alt Set: hPa Apt Elev: 1 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' MSA 06* 111. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .worldsat. en) Elev 24' /7m Balearic Islands 119. JEPPESEN Licensed to PILOTS. en) *ILS/DME freq paired.7 (IAF) 15 San Antonio Abad Antonio IZA IBIZA 394 IZA 336 963' ^ San Rafael 723' 242 Port ^ 756' d'es Torrent 14 1411' 963' 0 873' MHA Sector Ibiza Sa 156 1597' Roca Llisa 5 3000 MAX 1000' Altitudes in ft 756' 4.5 3:51 3:00 2:42 2:15 1:56 1:41 hdg I.10 IBI 062= 24* 109.3. Final approach track offset 1^ from RCL.0 LEIB/IBZ JEPPESEN IBIZA. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. NDB climbing to 3000' and hold. Espardeli on 4 NDB to MAP 4.4 DA(H) BRIEFING STRIP IZA Apch Crs NDB Apt Elev 24' IBIZA APPROACH 134.5 162^ 0 99' Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 HIALS Descent angle 2.5 121. 2.0 MAX 1000' 348^ DA(H) ALS out Max TMA (A)* S' Espalmador Kts MEDITERRANEAN SEA MDA(H) VIS Palma 2 A 100 1130' (1106') 1500m 168^ RVR 1500m FL 195 B 135 1170' (1146') 1600m S 1000' SFC N38 44.0 551' 8 ALTITUDE 1250' 492' km IBA NDB CTR (D) VOR/DME 3000' 062^ CAT A & B: 38-50 2500' 117. ^ 348' 241 873' . CHANGES: ILS .82 E001 22. in sight traffic. CHANGES: QFU .PAPI . 2003.RL .Text. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.92 RWY Incursion Hot Spots Area not visible from TWR 01-24 HS When leaving RWY via TWY 'E' or 'F'.2. because of environmental reasons. The call may be recorded and this line must not be used for any other purposes. ACFT . C TWR MET AIS C 22442 Terminal 3 1 C Elev 2 G 19' A Apron F C B GA Aprons 1 to 3 E C ARP Feet 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 ' D 86 91 Meters 0 500 1000 1500 m HS 800 C 38-52 Elev 2 38-52 00662 17' 01-22 01-24 TAXI ALS .shall enter apron via gate B/exit apron via gate A. will be preferential whenever the tail wind component does not exceed 10 kt and the RWY surface is dry or wet with braking action good. RWY No Dimension (m) .shall enter apron via gate A/exit apron via gate B. requesting clearance and instructions to enter the CTR.RCLL . pilots shall make a TEL call to the TWR as in the communications failure procedure. | JEPPESEN. pre-flight information. when RWY 24 is in use.TWYL . . NOTE: See also PALMA 10-1V. Radio Communication Failure Enter CTR via REPs N-1 or S-1. ACFT shall proceed in front of the TWR making 360⁄ turns in the opposite direction of the RWY in use (the segment nearest to TWR must coincide with the 'tailwind' direction) at 500' SFC or below. NO ENTRY do not stop less than 75m away from RCL. Sat and Sun. JEPPESEN Notice: After 15 Nov 2013 0901Z. etc. when holding time does not exceed 20 MIN.OBST .Surface TORA (m) LDA (m) Strength Lights 06 PCN 132/F/A/W/T 1 2800 x 45 Asphalt 1 2800 2800 24 PCN 125/R/B/W/T 1 RWY 06/24: Respective first 104m hydraulic concrete. this chart may no longer be valid. Licensed to PILOTS. TWR may establish holdings over the REPs N (San Antonio) and S (La Sabina) before authorizing the entry in the CTR. Follow me service only AVBL for GA positions. Printed on 11 Nov 2013. 2013. HEL operating on heliports inside the CTR must request clearance to TWR prior to enter the CTR and before departing from the heliports. until receiving light signals from TWR. . From 01 MAY until 15 OCT (both included). The TEL number +34 971 30 43 38 is also AVBL to contact the TWR by means of mobile phone.APRON .6. ATC will not provide Expected Approach Time information to ACFT holding on APCH. Disc 22-2013 JeppView 3.OBSTL.WDI . always without crossing the RWY. Arrivals Contact TWR before reaching REP N-1 (Puig Gros) and S-1 (S' Espalmador). observing which RWY is in use by using AVBL resources like ATIS. 01-22 89' 38-53 38-53 SWY CAUTION: T 60m Bird concentration at AD. Unless ATC advises otherwise. training and school flights are not allowed during Fri. Balearic Islands ATIS 119.THRL . when RWY 06 is in use. RWY 24.0 IBIZA 19-2 15 MAR 13 JEPPESEN IBIZA SPAIN. Afterwards. If it is not possible to establish radio contact with TWR before TKOF from those heliports.80 IBIZA GROUND 121.
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