Legendary Unofficial FAQ Errata Clarifications 3.0

March 26, 2018 | Author: Armand Guerre | Category: Marvel Comics, Marvel Comics Characters, Leisure



1Legendary and Legendary: Dark City FAQ, Clarifications, and Errata – Version 3.0 Errata Domino: Lucky Break – Hero – There should be a printed RECRUIT icon behind the top “0+” on the side of the card. This is consistent with heroes that have the “Versatile” keyword. (For clarity, compare this card to the other Domino cards.) (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/12968092#12968092) – Devin Low Emma Frost: Diamond Form – Hero – There should be a RECRUIT icon on her card that reads “0+”. Emma Frost: Shadowed Thoughts – Hero – Her ATTACK should read “2+” instead of “2”. Nick Fury: High Tech Weaponry – Hero – His ATTACK should read “2+” instead of “2”. Vertigo – Marauders – Villain – Text box is a “Fight” effect, and should read: “Fight: Each player discards their hand then draws as many cards as they discarded.” (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/12598741#12598741) – J Brenner Timing of Resolution of Fight Effects Page 13 – Fight effects occur after defeating the enemies and placing them in the Victory Pile, not before comparing Attack Totals as the rulebook states. (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/10584472#10584472) – Devin Low FAQ General Rules Questions Q: Do card effects that refer to drawing “extra cards” include cards that you draw and then discard or return to the deck? What about cards that are drawn to replace cards you are forced to discard, such as Kingpin’s Master Strike? For example: If I use Gambit: Stack the Deck to draw two cards and then return one to the top of my deck, does Wolverine: Berserker Rage’s superpower give me +2 ATTACK for drawing two cards, or only +1 ATTACK because even though I drew two cards initially, I had to put one of them back for a net of +1 card? A: Yes. Cards that count how many extra cards you have drawn this turn don't care how many cards you discarded or put back. They only care how many extra cards you have drawn this turn. In this case, for example, Wolverine: Berserker Rage would gain +2 ATTACK because the player drew two cards, even though he put one card back on top of his deck. (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/11404385#11404385) – Devin Low (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: How many times can I Reveal a card from my hand for its ability? For Example: Captain America: Diving Block says “If you would gain a Wound, you may reveal this card and draw a card instead.” who Always Leads the Doombot Legion with the Organized Crime Wave. which states “Look at the top five cards of your deck.com/article/12785904#12785904) – Devin Low Q: If I prevent a discard from the top of my deck with an effect such as Ice Man: Impenetrable Ice Wall.” you gain +6RECRUIT. if you gain a Wound from a Master Strike at the beginning of your turn.boardgamegeek. If you were playing with 4 or 5 players you would then use both Doombot Legion and Maggia Goons. So in this case. then play a Hero that requires you to gain a wound.” and defeat the Mastermind Tactic Apocalypse: Immortal and Undefeated. Example 2: If you have played Jean Grey: Read Your Thoughts. which one takes priority? For example. then fight a villain in the City who causes you to gain a wound. in what order do the cards return to the top of the deck? A: The cards remain in the same order they were revealed. which says I have to use Maggia Goons as one of the Henchmen groups.com/article/10625892#10625892) – Devin Low Q: If a card effect causes a player to gain/discard/draw more than 1 of a card or effect all at once.boardgamegeek. if you were playing with 1. can the players react to each instance of gaining/discarding/drawing that card or effect individually? A: Yes. which states “If this is not the final Mastermind Tactic. (http://boardgamegeek. then reveal Ice Man to prevent the discard and return the remaining 4 cards to the top of your deck in the order you drew them. +1 for each Bystander you rescued. Put one in your hand and discard the rest. which states “Whenever you rescue a Bystander this turn. For example.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: If a Scheme’s “Special Rules” and a Mastermind’s “Always Leads” effects conflict. rescue six Bystanders…. or does paying a Focus cost just trigger the ability once no matter how many copies of that card I have in play? . 2 A: You can reveal a card for its effect as many times per turn as its trigger occurs. and the setup only says to use one Henchmen group. 2. which group do I use? A: The Scheme always takes priority over the “Always Leads” ability on Masterminds. (http://boardgamegeek. you may reveal Captain America: Diving Block and carry out the card draw for each of those circumstances for a total of three times that turn.com/article/12653573#12653573) – Devin Low Q: If I have multiple copies of a card with a Focus ability in play does paying the Focus cost of one of those cards trigger the effect for all of them. Doom’s Organized Crime Wave you would only use the Maggia Goons. In this example.” you first put one of the cards in your hand. for example. you get +1RECRUIT. (http://www. and would not randomly select a different Henchmen group. Example 1: If you are playing against the Scheme Unleash the Power of the Cosmic Cube and draw the 7th Scheme Twist from the Villain Deck. (http://boardgamegeek. or 3 players to defeat Dr. if you defeat the Mastermind Tactic Stryfe: Psychic Torment. which causes the effect “Each player gains 3 Wounds. Doom.” you can play Captain America: Diving Block. in response to each Wound individually. if I am playing Dr. and thus draw a total of three cards.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low (http://www. deck. Playing the last card from the Villain deck means that at the end of that turn the game will end in a draw unless the players can pull off a victory before the end of the turn. Put any that cost 2 or less into your hand.com/article/10950713#10950713) – Devin Low Q: If the players play the last card from the Villain Deck (assuming it does not fulfill an Evil Wins condition of the current scheme) and then defeat the final Mastermind Tactic that turn does the game end in a draw or do the players pull off a last turn victory? A: The players achieve a last turn victory. which defeating the final Mastermind Tactic triggers immediately. For Example: If you play 3 copies of Invisible Woman: Disappearing Act. and doesn’t tell me where to put the card after revealing it where do I put the revealed card? A: Unless the effect tells you to put the revealed card somewhere else. “Put a card in your hand” is not the same as “Draw a card” for cards that ask if you have drawn cards. you only get +3 ATTACK for Berserker Rage for . etc.” Wolverine: Berserker Rage says “Draw three cards. you may reveal your two Instinct Heroes to activate the Cosmic Threat on each Morg individually. then any [INSTINCT] Hero (without card draw). You get +ATTACK equal to that card’s cost. (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/13781725#13781725) – Devin Low Q: If a card effect says to “put a card” into your hand. which has the ability “Focus 2 RECRUIT  You may KO a card from your hand or discard pile. is that considered “drawing a card” for interaction with other cards. for example cards that ask if you have “drawn a card” that turn? A: No. not three. For Example: If you have two Instinct Heroes in your hand and there are two copies of Morg in the City.” If you play The Amazing Spider-Man. (http://boardgamegeek. but you can’t pay once and trigger all of the copies of a Focus effect. Revealing cards for Cosmic Threat does not use them up or otherwise prevent you from revealing the same cards for a different Enemy’s Cosmic Threat. then Berserker Rage. 3 A: You can play the Focus effect individually for each card you play. subtracting 6 from each of their ATTACK values. After you reveal the top card of your deck and add its cost to Gambit’s ATTACK you return the revealed card to the top of your deck because the card does not say to put it anywhere else. resulting in putting two cards into your hand. you return the card to wherever it was revealed from. discard pile. (http://boardgamegeek. (http://boardgamegeek. For Example: Spider-Man: The Amazing Spider-Man says to “Reveal the top three cards of your deck.” Each time you pay 2 RECRUIT for this effect you only get to KO one card from your hand or discard pile.com/article/11047741#11047741) – Devin Low Q: When I reveal cards for one Enemy’s Cosmic Threat to reduce its attack can I use those same cards for another Enemy’s Cosmic Threat as well? A: Yes. [INSTINCT]: You get +1 for each extra card you’ve drawn this turn.com/article/13781938#13781938) – Devin Low Q: If a card effect tells me to reveal a card from my hand. For Example: Gambit: High Stakes Jackpot says “Reveal the top card of your deck. com/article/10616303#10616303) – Devin Low Q: If I play Thor: God of Thunder. or must I choose one or the other? . if you play Ice Man in response to Kingpin’s Master Strike ability. do I still draw the cards if I prevent the discard with Ice Man’s ability? A: Yes. For example. (http://boardgamegeek. 4 the three cards drawn by its own text since the 2 cards from The Amazing Spider-Man were not considered “drawn. (http://www.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: Does Rogue: Copy Powers keep the X-Men Affiliation when it copies another card.com/article/14664653#14664653) – Devin Low Heroes Q: If I play Bishop: Firepower from the Future to discard cards from the top of my deck and one or more of those cards has card text that says “When a card effect causes you to discard this card.boardgamegeek. she would no longer be an X-Men card for things such as Superpowers. can I use some of my RECRUIT Points for ATTACK and some for RECRUIT. A Demon Queen becomes a grey Hero with no text and ATTACK equal to the ATTACK literally printed on the Jean Grey card. You may still complete the effects of these cards even if you chose to KO them since they were discarded first before being KO’d. except that she retains the COVERT icon. including the new Affiliation. being able to defeat The Blob. what does the Killbot Villain become when Professor X’s ability places it into the player’s deck? What about on a Demon Queen card in the Scheme Transform Citizens into Demons? A: A Killbot Villain becomes a grey Hero with no text and 0 ATTACK. (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: If I play Professor X: Mind Control on a Killbot Villain in the Scheme Replace Earth’s Leaders with Killbots.” does the discarded card’s effect go off? A: Yes. then complete the effects of any discarded cards.” (http://boardgamegeek. or does it simply gain the new Team Affiliation and lose the X-Men Affiliation while it is in play as the copy? A: She becomes a copy of the card in every way. or for defending against Magneto’s Master Strike. This means that unless she copied another X-Men card. but would be whatever the new affiliation is for similar effects and Superpowers. which states “Each player reveals a [MARVEL KNIGHTS] Hero or discards their hand and draws 5 cards.” you prevent the discard of your hand and still draw the 5 cards.com/article/12653802#12653802) – Devin Low Q: If I play Ice Man: Impenetrable Ice Wall in response to cards with effects that require me to “discard then/and draw” cards. (http://boardgamegeek. You first complete Bishop’s card text completely. including the Superpower. If you do. a Bystander. a player can still play Colossus for his ability. If that card had an ATTACK icon. This card is intentionally designed to work well with other Domino cards. Dracula gets +ATTACK equal to that card’s COST.com/article/12967365#12967365) – Devin Low Q: Domino: Specialized Ammunition states “You may discard a card from your hand. Any bonuses gained that were dependent upon the KO’d Hero are lost. or do I have to choose one? A: You get both.com/article/12968092#12968092) – Devin Low Masterminds Q: Does a player get to play another turn if they defeat the Dr. 5 A: You may split up your RECRUIT Points however you wish between RECRUIT and ATTACK. Further. discarding it and drawing two cards. his attack . Doom: Secrets of Time Travel Tactic and it is the final Tactic card? A: Yes. For example. what happens to that Villain’s statistics that were affected by the captured hero? A: The statistics revert to the printed values on the card. If I discard a card that has both a RECRUIT and an ATTACK icon. (http://www. you get +4 RECRUIT. but since this extra turn occurs after the final Mastermind Tactic is defeated the Heroes still won the game. you may discard this card instead. the players have already won by defeating the fourth Mastermind Tactic so any effect that would cause evil to win during the extra turn is too late: the Heroes have already won. Colossus: Invulnerability states “If you would gain a Wound. while playing a game with the Portals to the Dark Dimension a player defeats Secrets of Time Travel as the final tactic to play another turn.” occurs.com/article/10619431#10619431) – Devin Low Q: Can cards that allow you to do something “instead of” gaining a card such as a Wound. who states “Ambush: Dracula captures the top card of the Hero Deck. For example. (http://www. and he has captured Black Widow: Dangerous Rescue (COST=3). you get +4 ATTACK. For example. which states to “KO all heroes captured by enemies…. draw two cards.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Schemes Q: If I am playing the X-Cutioner’s Song Scheme and there is a Villain that captures heroes in the City when the Scheme Twist effect. for example. which would normally cause evil to win the game. the card drawn from the Villain Deck is the Seventh Scheme Twist.” is in the city. still use their “instead of” ability even if the relevant stack of cards is empty? A: Yes.boardgamegeek.” In this case. During that extra turn.boardgamegeek. if Dracula (ATTACK=3+). (http://boardgamegeek. (http://boardgamegeek. or a SHIELD Officer. do I get both +4 ATTACK and +4 RECRUIT. if the Wound stack were empty. but also works well with cards such as Thor: Surge of Power. If that card had a RECRUIT icon . when Twists 2. so you place the Dark Portal in the leftmost city space that has not been destroyed by Galactus. never rescued. then place any Scheme Twists that occur in the KO pile. (http://www. If he captures a Hero by any other means it is not via his Ambush effect so he does not gain the Ambush’s attack bonus. Black Widow is KO’d and Dracula reverts to his printed ATTACK of 3+. (http://boardgamegeek. or does the Scheme only affect actual purchases from HQ and fights against enemies? A: The Scheme’s effects only affect purchasing Heroes and fighting Enemies. Killbot Villains. The Evil Wins condition for Portals to the Dark Dimension does not change. but are Killbot Villains in all other locations and at all other times. Focus effects still cost RECRUIT to use as normal. or both? A: They count as Bystanders once they are in your Victory Pile. once the Killbots are in your Victory pile do they count as Bystanders. for Schemes 2-6 it says to “Put the Dark Portal in the leftmost city space that doesn’t yet have a Dark Portal. (http://boardgamegeek. 4. and 6 are in effect do Focus abilities cost ATTACK instead of RECRUIT. 6 is 6. and still occurs when the seventh Scheme Twist occurs. Note: Dracula’s captured Hero bonus per his Ambush text only occurs when he is first played from the Villain Deck.boardgamegeek. Once the Scheme Twist effect of X-Cutioner’s Song occurs. (http://www.” What do I do if some city spaces have been destroyed by Galactus’ Master Strike? A: The city spaces affected by Galactus’ Master Strike no longer exist.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: In the Scheme Replace Earth’s Leaders with Killbots.com/article/13781818#13781818) – Devin Low Villains Q: Are Henchmen cards Villains? A: Yes. are they considered destroyed or rescued for the purpose of setting off their special abilities? A: The Killbots are destroyed.com/article/14521556#14521556) – Devin Low Q: When playing the Scheme Pull Reality into the Negative Zone. If all non-destroyed city spaces already have a Dark Portal on them.boardgamegeek. but still become Bystanders again once they are in your Victory Pile. (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/12735235#12735235) – Devin Low . They all say “Henchmen Villain” underneath their card title.com/article/13043659#13043659) – Devin Low Q: In the Scheme Portals to the Dark Dimension.com/article/10726335#10726335) – Devin Low Q: In the Scheme Replace Earth’s Leaders with Killbots. if you defeat one of the “Unique Bystanders” from the Dark City expansion. (http://boardgamegeek. Dr. (http://boardgamegeek. do I still get to draw those extra cards after drawing up to 8 cards for Dr. discarding a card if he had a Bystander) he becomes a Master Strike card in every way. Octopus.com/article/10639890#10639890) – J Brenner and (http://boardgamegeek. Octopus essentially changes your standard card draw at the end of that turn from whatever it is supposed to be (6 normally. Chimera captures all the Bystander cards you revealed. Octopus in one turn. Octopus? A: Yes. As soon as he escapes. (http://www. if I get to draw Extra cards at the end of my turn from other card effects. so Chimera’s Ambush ability does not affect Killbot Villains. so she reverts back to a Villain card until such time as she escapes again. and goes wherever the Scheme instructs you to place Master Strikes (default is the KO Pile). (http://boardgamegeek. and goes wherever the Scheme instructs you to place Scheme Twists (default is the KO Pile). and after resolving any other escape effects (KOing a Hero from HQ.” count the Killbot Villains as Bystander “cards?” A: No. The Bystanders are considered Killbot Villain cards while in the Villain Deck. this is 8). not Bystander cards. or does she revert back to a Villain? A: Cards do not have memory that would allow Mystique to remain as a Scheme Twist while in the Villain deck. (http://boardgamegeek. does her Ambush ability. but 5 for the Gimpy Hand variant) to 8. See Mystique above. does she go to the “Escaped Villains” pile or is she placed solely as a Scheme Twist? A: She never goes to the Escaped Villains pile.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Q: If Mystique escapes.com/article/12735170#12735170) – Devin Low Q: If Mystique becomes a Scheme Twist during the Scheme Steal the Weaponized Plutonium and is subsequently shuffled back into the Villain deck. do I still only draw up to 8 cards? Also.com/article/14671378#14671378) – Devin Low . (http://boardgamegeek. Any other effects that allow you to draw extra cards allow you to draw those extra cards after drawing up to your hand size (on turns where you defeat one or more Dr. which states “Reveal the top three cards of the Villain Deck. does he go to the “Escaped Villains” pile or is he placed solely as a Master Strike? A: He never goes to the Escaped Villains pile. does she become a Scheme Twist when revealed from the Villain Deck going forward. As soon as she escapes.com/article/12905148#12905148) – Devin Low Q: If I defeat two copies of Dr.com/article/12735170#12735170) – Devin Low Q: If Reignfire escapes. and after resolving any other escape effects (KOing a Hero from HQ. 7 Q: If Chimera is drawn from the Villain Deck while fighting against the Scheme Replace Earth’s Leaders with Killbots.boardgamegeek. discarding a card if she had a Bystander) she becomes a Scheme Twist card in every way. ” the effect still occurs. but would not draw cards for the 2 Bystanders you rescued before playing Jean Grey. add that Hero to your hand as a seventh card. who states that “Whenever a player gains a wound. you are playing a game versus Mephisto. who states “You may gain a Wound to your hand.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low “Whenever [A] happens this turn. Example 2: If you are playing the Scheme Transform Citizens into Demons and reveal a “Demon Queen” while resolving Punisher’s card effect. 8 Q: Magneto: Electromagnetic Bubble says “Fight: Choose one of your X-Men Heroes.com/article/12783849#12783849) – Devin Low Priority of Card Effects: If two card effects conflict with each other. (http://boardgamegeek. it refers to any of effect [A] that happens after the card with that text is played. (http://boardgamegeek. For example. you get +ATTACK equal to its printed VP. do [B].” and then you play Deadpool: Random Acts of Unkindness. It does not look backward to before the card was played.com/article/12735015#12735015) – Devin Low . then play Jean Grey – Mind Over Matter. When you draw a new hand of cards at the end of this turn. and reveal a “Killbot Villain” while resolving Punisher’s card effect. it always means that it looks for statistics literally printed on the card. For Example. since a Bystander card has “1VP” printed on it. put it on top of that player’s deck.com/article/14671378#14671378) – Devin Low Clarifications “Printed” statistics on cards: When a card effect checks for a “printed” statistic. (http://boardgamegeek. do you still add that card to your hand if the card wouldn’t be your “seventh card?” A: Yes. you would draw 2 cards. Then each player passes a card from their hand to the player on their left. then defeat another Villain with 2 more Bystanders.” If a card effect or rules variant changes your base card draw at the end of the turn.” (http://boardgamegeek. not any other statistics a card may have gained from Scheme or other game instructions. since a Jean Grey card does not have a VP value printed on it.”: When a card effect uses this format. It should really just say “add that Hero to your hand as an extra card. For example. (http://boardgamegeek. Punisher gets +1 ATTACK. If It’s a Villain.” If you are playing the Scheme Replace Earth’s Leaders with Killbots. so his ability takes priority and the Wound gained from Deadpool goes directly to your hand. This means that even if you choose to discard a card that says “makes you discard. Example 1: Punisher: Hail of Bullets states “Reveal the top card of the Villain Deck. one for each of the 2 Bystanders you rescued after you played Jean Grey. you could then return Cyclops to your hand. and that the less confusing “Causes you to discard” has been implemented in Dark City (so presumably also going forward). the most recent card effect that came into play takes priority. Punisher gets +0 ATTACK. if you rescue 2 Bystanders by fighting a Villain in the city.com/article/12735069#12735069) – Devin Low “Makes you discard” and “Causes you to discard”: Devin has clarified that these two wordings are functionally equivalent.” Deadpool’s effect came into play most recently. if you play Angel: Drop Off a Friend and then choose to discard Cyclops: Unending Energy to trigger Angel’s card text. com/article/14669026#14669026) and (http://www. The imagery here is of a round table.com/article/12213612#12213612) – J Brenner When does the game end? It depends on whether you are using the Final Showdown rules or not. 9 “Discard a card”: When a card says “discard a card. immediately reshuffle your discard pile and continue carrying out the effect.e.com/article/10965277#10965277) – Devin Low . (i. and it simply has 9 ATTACK (7 COST + 2 ATTACK) because of the Secret Invasion card text.” the discarded card must be a card from your hand unless the effect specifies to discard from somewhere else (e. etc.boardgamegeek. draw.com/article/11324767#11324767) – Devin Low Multiple Versions of Heroes: You can have two of the “same” Hero in a game if there are multiple versions. Gambit: High Stakes Jackpot has 4+ ATTACK and states that you “Reveal the top card of your deck. You get +ATTACK equal to that card’s COST.com/article/10773569#10773569) – Devin Low Solo games and Player to your right/left: In a solo game. around which the card checks for a player to your right/left until it ultimately lands on yourself. (http://www.boardgamegeek. you only use the card’s COST.” You ignore this card’s text and printed ATTACK while it is a Skrull Villain.g.com/article/10615857#10615857) – Devin Low and Dark City Rule Sheet Replacement Effects and Timing: Cards that use the framework “Whenever A would happen. If you are not using the Final Showdown rules. (http://boardgamegeek. (http://www. (http://www.) (http://boardgamegeek.com/article/12735227#12735227) – Devin Low Wounds Cost: Wounds have a Cost of “0”.com/article/12910208#12910208) – Devin Low You never have to play every card in your hand during your turn: You can choose not to play the cards in your hand during your turn.) and your deck is empty or becomes empty while resolving its text and you still need to interact with more cards from your deck.com/article/12653802#12653802) – Devin Low Secret Invasion of the Skrull Shapeshifters and Hero card text ATTACK bonuses: When you add a Hero card to the City space as a Skrull Villain. look at. (http://boardgamegeek. the player who defeated the last Mastermind Tactic finishes his turn as normal. the game ends immediately after you follow through with the text on the final defeated Mastermind Tactic. For example. but you do still have to discard them at the end of your turn. If you are using the Final Showdown rules.com/article/12967259#12967259) – Devin Low Interacting with your deck when you have no deck: If a card tells you to interact with your deck in any way (KO. ignoring any card text on the Hero Card. you may do B instead" are the only effects that can occur in the middle of another card effect. X-Force Wolverine and X-Men Wolverine could both be chosen as Heroes in a game. (http://boardgamegeek. “discard a card from the top of your deck”).boardgamegeek. (http://boardgamegeek. if a card refers to the player to your right or left. then the Final Showdown occurs. (http://boardgamegeek.boardgamegeek. the card effect occurs on you instead. reveal. If you do not have any cards in your discard pile either (all your cards are in your hand or in play) then you would not have any cards on which to carry out the effect. if you have already played the appropriate prerequisite cards to trigger a Superpower. (http://boardgamegeek. 10 Superpowers are not optional if their prerequisites have been played: Unless a Superpower says “May” in front of its ability.com/article/14664852#14664852) – Devin Low The “Scoring” section on Page 20 of the Rulebook only applies to Solo Games: On Page 20 of the Rulebook.com/article/14664918#14664918) – Devin Low . (http://boardgamegeek. that Superpower will go off when the card is played. the section titled “Scoring” is meant to be applied only during Solo games. In Multiplayer games the players are competing against each other so subtracting from each score equally would be meaningless.
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