
March 23, 2018 | Author: Alex Fuss | Category: Advertising, New Media, Mass Media, Television, Online Advertising



Technology Innovations Powering 21st Century BusinessLeading Edge Forum 2008 Digital Disruptions new wave s ren a sp c new media t la p makeover orm y f orm n tio a t sm rld ) wo er art( ran ne er pow social inf w re al i t y DIGTAL TRUST | LEADING ABoUT THE VoL. 8 EDGE FoRUM LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M As part of CSC’s Office of Innovation, the Leading Edge Forum (LEF) is a global community whose programs help participants realize business benefits from the use of advanced IT more rapidly. LEF members work to spot key emerging business and technology trends before others, and identify specific practices for exploiting these trends for business advantage. Members enjoy access to a global network of thought leaders and leading practitioners, and to a powerful body of research and field practices. LEF programs give CTOs and senior technologists the opportunity to explore the most pressing technology issues, examine state-ofthe-art practices, and leverage CSC’s technology experts, alliance programs and events. LEF programs and reports are intended to provoke conversations in the marketplace about the potential for innovation when applying technology to help advance organizational performance. For more information about LEF programs, visit www.csc.com/lef. The LEF Executive Programme is a premium, fee-based program that helps CIOs and senior business executives develop into next-generation leaders by using technology for competitive advantage in wholly new ways. Members direct the research agenda, interact with a network of world-class experts, and access topical conferences, study tours, information exchanges and advisory services. For more information about the LEF Executive Programme, visit lef.csc.com. In this ongoing series of reports about technology directions, the LEF looks at the role of innovation in the marketplace both now and in the years to come. By studying technology’s current realities and anticipating its future shape, these reports provide organizations with the necessary balance between tactical decision making and strategic planning. To receive these reports, subscribe to the LEF RSS feed: www.csc.com/lefpodcast LEF LEADERSHIP WILLIAM KoFF PAUL GUSTAFSoN Director, Leading Edge Forum Paul Gustafson is an accomplished technologist and proven leader in emerging technologies, applied research and strategy. As director of the Leading Edge Forum, Paul brings vision and leadership to a portfolio of programs that make up the LEF and directs the technology research agenda. Astute at recognizing technology trends, how they interrelate, and their implications for business, Paul brings his insights to bear on client strategy, CSC research, leadership development and innovation strategy. He has published numerous papers and articles on strategic technology issues and speaks to executive audiences frequently on these topics. [email protected] Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Office of Innovation Bill Koff is a leader in CSC’s technology community, providing vision and direction as vice president and chief technology officer for the office of Innovation. Bill plays a key role in guiding CSC research, innovation, technology thought leadership and alliance partner activities, and in certifying CSC’s Centers of Excellence and Innovation Centers. He advises CSC and its clients on critical information technology trends, technology innovation and strategic investments in leading edge technology. A frequent speaker on technology, architecture and management issues, Bill’s areas of interest include system architecture, digital disruptions, innovative uses of data, and the open source movement. [email protected] L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGTAL TRUST | VoL. 8 Digital Disruptions Technology Innovations Powering 21st Century Business Leading Edge Forum 2008 CoNTENTS 2 4 Why Digital Is More Disruptive New Media We have met the new media, and it is us. 15 Living in a New Reality We will blend physical and virtual reality, improving both. 27 Social Power The power inherent in connected people surges. 36 Information Transparency What is observed by one will be known to all. 47 New Wave of Waves The sky is not the limit as spectrum goes digital. 59 Platform Makeover This is not your father’s computing platform. 69 Smart(er) World Smarter everything makes us smarter everywhere. 80 82 93 Thriving on Disruption NoTES ACKNoWLEDGMENTS Get all LEF reports by subscribing to the LEF RSS feed: www.csc.com/lefpodcast 1 and ultimately become part of the foundation of a new economy. Though these unstoppable and. When the Writers Guild of America went on strike to obtain royalties for digital viewings. new entrants may swoop in and take over. not a technology standpoint. trigger new business models. alter behaviors. self-created content and broad participation. like the music industry transformation. Prime time and media-controlled broadcast and distribution are things of the past.” including the Industrial Revolution. These digital disruptions are completely reshaping industry. disruptive technologies need to be considered from a market standpoint (what market values the new technology’s characteristics?). the Internet Revolution. so firms find themselves facing a dilemma: if they listen to their customers and bypass the innovation. The seven disruptions identified in this report are all at various stages of maturation and. and ultimately become part of the foundation of a new economy. New Media is about flexible distribution channels. alter behaviors. Distribution channels vary and overlap. they will raise questions. enables existing customers as something they need currently. Content moves from isolation to interaction. introduces a very different value proposition than was previously available.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M Why Digital is More Disruptive over the centuries we have experienced at least a few principal disruptions to “business as usual” and “life as we know it. they will raise questions. 2. for the most part. and most recently. These disruptions. The seven digital disruptions that will reshape 21st century Clayton Christensen first introduced the notion of disruptive technologies in his seminal book The Innovator’s Dilemma. As these disruptions play out. Therefore. and often shockingly. Digital disruptions are about information and communication technologies that change business models deeply. Living in a New Reality — We can break free of the physical world’s constraints by venturing into the virtual world. in contrast to a sustaining technology. big-studio creators and power brokers. This report focuses on the latest disruptive technologies in information and communication technologies. reruns ran aplenty — showed that progress with new media will not necessarily move from business model A to business model B. Augmented reality. a blending of the virtual and real. are works in progress. As these 2 . often appealing to a different market first but then gradually taking over the original market. This is likely to be true for all the digital disruptions. Creators are you and me. irreversible disruptions have brought unprecedented economic growth. business are: 1. the digital disruptions begun with the Internet’s launch at the end of the 20th century and responsible for a tremendous spike in global productivity promise a second-round impact in the 21st century that we can only begin to imagine. on par with the telephone and automobile. Disruptive technologies are often not recognized by 1 disruptions play out. but more likely from A to chaos to B. A disruptive technology. New Media — old media was about stiff distribution channels. transform the marketplace and society so completely that it can take decades for their full effects to be realized. much the way the music industry has been rocked in the last decade by the advent of digital media. trigger new business models. so that TV comes over the Internet and vice versa. the Computer Revolution. the chaos ignited by the strike — TV shows were cancelled. With social networks infiltrating the enterprise as well as becoming the hub of one’s Internet experience. A general purpose communications utility has formed that obliterates the limited products and services of telephony. optical computing — they will challenge silicon-based business models and markets. Host a town hall meeting for 100. one key disruption will be in cryptography. and with many more purposes than today’s computers. but within corporate guidelines for acting responsibly. The ability to visualize data from numerous sources in 3D will enhance learning and productivity beyond what we can imagine today. lend money and even listen to music. Semantics can be put to work to find expertise in the enterprise. A smart(er) technology landscape that understands language and can reason is in the works. This sets up a perfect storm for innovation. and experience things like never before. 3. so it is only natural that new methods are being explored to provide next-generation computation power. When that day comes. Social Power — Leveraging the power inherent in connected people is disrupting how we locate and retain expertise. Enterprises need to “let people be people” and flex their social muscle at the office (with blog posts. will be wide open and unprotected until new security techniques are created. solving problems faster and averting crises. everything that depends on encryption. Virtual worlds are the next frontier for social networks. As the new methods emerge — nanotechnology. A quantum computer can do it in seconds. New Wave of Waves — The communications infrastructure is undergoing a major overhaul as the Internet and new radio waves that are extending the Internet create platforms that challenge the old regime. advertise.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS us to move effortlessly in time and space. quantum computing. Smart(er) World — It doesn’t take long to point out what is “dumb” about our current technology landscape: applications that don’t understand what we mean. since they can develop applications and manage change faster. from credit card transactions to e-mail. disrupting labor-intensive call centers. Participate in a real-world event like a NASA spacecraft landing. systems that crash for no known reason. decision making and predicting. etc. triggering new and more powerful disruptions. the air waves become fertile ground — some say “beachfront property” — for a vast array of new services from new players. software applications and more. we examine each disruption and its potential to redefine 21st century business. interact in new ways. major disruptions are afoot. social networks. This is an exciting time. processes and things. computers that you “talk” to by typing.000 employees without anyone having to travel. This leads to more efficiency and fewer surprises.). collaborate. shedding light on previously opaque people. driving patterns and. Smart virtual assistants are the future of online customer service. overseas hiring. and tap the viral capability of social networks as distribution channels for advertising. and this force will be disruptive as enterprises and government agencies work to respond. With that comes innovations in knowledge gathering. thanks to ubiquitous cameras. not just traditional operators. and can redefine activities such as criminal investigations. where it is not clear who the ultimate winner will be except for the consumer. 5. As spectrum opens up. Control your data center remotely. Quantum computing blows apart current encryption techniques. In the pages that follow. product comparisons. Social networks have a strong influence on new media. Information Transparency — Information that was once cloaked in darkness — inaccessible or nonexistent — is now available in droves. People are demanding access to more data. Fly across a weather map of the country to see where it’s raining. 7. in many more places. which are effective because it takes a long time (hundreds of years) to factor a large number and break an encryption scheme. New waves are a key enabler of information transparency. Platform Makeover — Silicon has its limits. Many of the digital disruptions overlap. molecular computing. New platforms will turbocharge all the other disruptions. Forewarned is forearmed. TV and radio that used to ride on 20th century infrastructures. and spectrum allocation eventually falls by the wayside. on their terms. 3 . they can operate more safely and effectively. 6. rapidly-changing technologies that don’t work well together. Information transparency is a prerequisite for a smart(er) world. Semantics at the IT infrastructure level make services more shareable and organizations more agile. Learn from life-size virtual guides at a historic tourist site. explore with us what lies ahead and plan accordingly. New business strategies harnessing social power put a premium on relationships and what others say and do. 4. When enterprises know where their employees and assets are in real time. CNN iReports and other forms of citizen journalism. video is a very important part of the story. Are we returning to our roots? Some say that the new media is renewing the art of personal storytelling. audio and text — delivered for personal consumption and customization. and proviewers are becoming as facile with video as they are with text. following. newspapers and magazines. shares and evaluates. typically on a laptop. Video is becoming just another data type: ordinary. the podcaster. for they are designed around the consumer. diversifying and enlarging the content mix. Apple’s Garage Band and cell phone novels. breaking down the strong-hold grip that Big Media — traditional TV. Video is often considered the best way to tell a story or convey information.com. New technologies continue the new media revolution. as the content itself also changes. There are many examples: youTube. Whoever anticipates and meets the needs of the consumer best will win. In conjunction with this. It is professional talent freed from the vise of Big Media. not the producer. yesterday’s consumer has become today’s “proviewer. with consumers wresting more control from media titans and enjoying entirely new ways of experiencing entertainment and news. and on their terms — their content. their place. the basement musician. It is the citizen journalist. The proviewer has become a new source of content and a potential threat to traditional media sources. 4 . customized and personal. game box or hand-held device. allowing others — you and me — to play. currenttv. mobile phone. radio stations. video is exploding. This starts with recognizing that “consumer” has become an anachronism. the cell phone author. These new media put the individual in charge of creating content. This new media world.” a producer and a proactive viewer. Some call this mass social media. New media is consumer-driven. not unlike how people communicated hundreds of years ago. and it is us. The Internet has become a global channel for new media.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M neW MeDia We have met the new media. The Internet levels the playing field. you’re looking new media in the eye.2 We are entertaining each other individually and informing each other personally. requires a new way to navigate it all. modifies. People want to participate. Let us examine the story by exploring the disruptions in content and distribution that are driving the new media revolution. The new media is the ordinary person — you and me — creating and sharing life experiences through videos. TV (AND EVERyTHING ELSE) oN My TERMS Created by Me Content is no longer the sole purview of big TV and film studios. where we can interact with artists and journalists and even be the artists and journalists. interactive. These changes will be of huge importance. The proviewer actively creates. at once personalizing. So although new media is not just about video. film and news producers — have on their content and their audiences. radio. New media is about entertainment and news — digital video. this is “lean forward” rather than “lean back” media. if narrow. depicted in Figure 1. Enterprises can convey more of their corporate messages in video. six million blogs. their schedule. and the Internet and related technologies have lowered the barrier to widespread video. the blogger. The proviewer is prolific and garners an enthusiastic. social. The entire access experience is changing and will continue to change. When you’re on youTube. Proviewers generate content and are an entirely new source of creativity and competition. plentiful and expected. Content can include advertising. in video (it involved broadcasting or DVD manufacturing). makes the video proposition cost-effective.” notes Gary Spangler. different and relevant way. Brightcove’s technology enables further distribution through syndication and viral video sharing. Video can more readily be part of a mixedmedia marketing campaign. and get corporate messages to large audiences through video. DuPont hired advertising agency Denuo.0 Unported License.com In the enterprise. Denuo worked with Brightcove to place these “Science Stories” on blogs such as BoingBoing and SEED Network’s ScienceBlogs. embedded in a blog or put in an RSS feed. as with Funnyordie.socialcomputingmagazine. e-business leader. audio and imagery rather than standard text.com. blog blog blog blog blog Blogosphere blog empty center blog pull blog blog blog Shift push Source: Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2. video content can be e-mailed.) DuPont made a positive impact on its target audience — 90 percent indicated the videos were interesting and informative — using new media to reach that audience directly. 5 . exciting ways and enable these audiences to share the content they view easily with others. http://web2. so the message gets out much further. The program generated tremendous word of mouth. and metrics can be analyzed such as number of views. etc. If enterprises can bypass big studios. “The emergence of new digital media channels has created opportunities for any marketer to reach audiences in new. Brightcove provides an Internet TV platform for enterprises to publish on-demand video and other digital media assets online. streaming the stories in dedicated players. with this effort Denuo helped DuPont connect with a new audience in a very targeted. companies are enjoying similar freedom to become content creators. Social Computing Magazine. Professional. DuPont Electronic and Communication Technologies. it turned to video storytelling and used Brightcove to deliver the message. viewers could easily spread the videos in a viral manner. average ge ed Though DuPont has a long-established brand. delivered as a hosted turnkey service. Traditional Media Television observe Media Outlets centralized mediation Does Old Media Matter? Institutional Control When DuPont wanted to educate a younger audience about DuPont science and innovation and encourage conversation. with 25 percent of views generated from word of mouth and 75 percent of those aged 18-24 (60 percent of those aged 18-44) indicating they would tell an average of five people about the videos. (For more on word of mouth. IM. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. a unit of Publicis Group.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 1 T HE E ME R GE N C E A N D R I S E oF MASS S o CIAL ME DIA view time and most popular clips. Brightcove’s platform.0 Blog. especially for those serving niche markets. if at all.0 Platforms Consumer Control k Us network effects Social Consumption via commments. Whereas in the past it was cost-prohibitive for enterprises to communicate extensively. trackbacks. Enterprises can build and launch their own TV channels. a comedy video site that combines proviewer content with original exclusive content from professionals.) Movies Radio Print publi sh distributed mediation Social Media Syndication ne tw or con t ribu te Podcasts Vlogs Forums Wikis Enterprise 2. feedback. acclaimed talent can create their own material uninhibited by producers and release it to a global audience. to create shortform videos describing the relevance of DuPont’s science innovations to everyday life. (See Figure 2. artists can too. In this way. see Social Power. amplifying the marketer’s voice. 3 Video is becoming a first class citizen. Employees will bring video into the enterprise without CIO consent. Traditionally. with video becoming a prevalent and preferred mode of communication on the Internet. HP Uncut. little if any video has been allowed on corporate networks because it slows the network down and consumes so much storage. video. video is poised to infiltrate the enterprise and do an end-run around IT. where employees post selfmade videos about best practices and experiences at HP — so you can see and learn from the engineers themselves. where video will become more popular for such activities as training. oTHER oPTIoNS ACCESSIBLE VIA PLAyER MENU E-mail to a Friend Access Direct Link to Player Add to Blogger or Typepad Blog Access Embed Code to Post Player to Any Site Source: Brightcove NEw KId oN ThE BLoCK: VIdEo There is a new kid on the block. an engineer might use a home laptop with a built-in camera to take footage for a project and post that video on an internal blog. This extends to the enterprise as well. 6 .DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M Figure 2 BRI GH TCoV E ’S P L Ay E R E NAB LE S VIE WE RS To S PRE AD T H E Wo RD A Bo UT D UP o NT ’S S C I E NC E STo R I E S Start of video features “freeze screen” that encourages users to initiate video play. For example. IT’s unfriendly attitude must change. and IT needs to help this new citizen feel at home and prosper. Just like instant messaging (IM) and browsers. that IT needs to befriend. Although video had many false starts with video e-mail. marketing and internal messaging. just as IT had to ready itself for IM and the browser. HewlettPackard has a YouTube-like site. Enterprises need alignment between IT and new media like video. However. the ascent of YouTube signals that video is here to stay. and chronicles corporate history in a lasting. Microsoft had a chance to put its viewer control on full display during the 2008 olympics in Beijing. is in televised political debates. Boeing and General Motors are two major corporations that have leveraged blogging to build customer ties and even influence product direction. Joost.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Similarly. a form of citizen journalism.6 Though this type of reporting might seem superficial. works with TNT and Showtime to let proviewers choose which TV camera angle they want when viewing sports. but they will become important business tools. proviewers can create their own TV experience. inserting itself directly into the discussion. “Businesses can be bloggers too. clipped novels on a cell phone and publishing them on a Web site. These new authors are creating a new genre — stories that are created a few lines at a time. text or a mix. This idea puts forth the notion of informed media. vice president of Six Apart. 7 Proviewers can also create their own TV and radio channels. which were later published as books. Microsoft’s Mediaroom. often thin on plot and character development but appealing to a younger audience raised on cell phones. Content is being served up more like raw data to alter for one’s personal consumption. “We Need Girlfriends. five of the 10 best-selling novels in Japan were originally cell phone novels. it can spread like kudzu and have real impact. and customers and strategic partners can comment back (or create their own blogs). in their own words. independent musicians can be heard and gain a following without a studio at sites like strayform. pictures. provided over 3. presidential debates in 2007 sponsored by CNN and youTube. Minute-by-minute details that would not make the 6 o’clock news are now on full view in video. stopping the action. (See “Microblogging Makes Its Mark” in Social Power. camera phones and blogs. and controlling replays.S. CNN took questions people submitted via youTube and made them the basis of the two-hour televised debates. In many cases cell phone novels. vendor of blogging software Moveable Type. These were not prepared questions read by a professional moderator but personal questions coming from ordinary citizens. to controversial remarks by political candidates.” which was released on its own Web site. though the network is still in charge of much of the action. literally. (See Social Power. Internet technologies and new media improve the ability to reach out to constituents and hear first hand what people are saying. searchable fashion.com. from pushing and shoving 5 Making It Mine In addition to creating original content from scratch. Twitter. Democracy does scale. and later released on MySpace and youTube. With this new format the public becomes part of the national political dialogue. the Internet and comic books. In 2007. popular in Japan. fosters innovation through these frank conversations. For instance. one low-budget mini-series. no one’s actions are private. where a program such as a sports telecast can be enhanced by statistics.) Another area where proviewers are being given a voice. uncorks information and ideas as employees are given a voice to communicate their views and expertise directly.” Then there is the cell phone novelist. promoted on MySpace. builds loyalty and interest in the enterprise. digital cameras. are by first-time authors. in an exclusive partnership with NBC. when MSN. online chatting with friends. For instance. with their emotions and faces on full display for the candidates. “It’s still early stage for enterprise blogs. Aspiring producers and actors can release short-form Web videos that attract big audiences. like a music playlist. Move Networks and others deliver TV over the Internet so proviewers can slice-and-dice programs to create their own channels. like which angles are available to choose from. this is not just a tool for the media. This is a major departure from having the network decide. the nitty gritty of a political campaign can be captured for all to see. proviewers are manipulating and modifying once-untouchable content. This was a new form of questioning: by the general public. This is giving rise to a new grass roots voice and an audience the candidates 7 . Blogging encourages a reciprocal exchange of ideas.” says Anil Dash. uncontrolled by the TV broadcaster or the candidates. who does an end-run around traditional publishing houses and authors by banging out short. an Internet TV platform that telcos can sell. Indeed.000 hours of live on-demand coverage of the games. has been picked up by CBS to develop as a pilot TV series.) Blogging in the enterprise. for better or worse. BlogTalkRadio lets you broadcast your own radio station.4 The notion of citizen journalism and “microjournalism” is alive and well in an age of youTube. all the presidential candidates were pumping the Internet and social network sites like never before (most of these sites didn’t even exist in the last election). In the U. TypePad and Vox. LastFM is like a portal into music and artists that provides a shared experience built on opinion. When an artist adds a new title. Microsoft’s shared TV experience lets proviewers in different locations chat online while watching the same show. In the movie world. influence and ‘blowtorch’ content made just for them. this business decision requires a significant change in mind set and artistic values. studios could increase their revenues by offering different versions themselves (rather than consumers or third parties doing it). As for redefining the experience.8 This highly targeted audience “will help to create. It is safe to say the arrival of youTube.) I DEMAND oN-DEMAND Having media on my terms includes not only content but also distribution. Technology by ClearPlay lets you filter out objectionable content while playing a DVD without altering the actual content. one of the most powerful aspects of new media is that it is a social experience — the audience shares its opinion of a work readily and can easily invite others to view or listen. In fact. and create communities around an artist. you could turn an R-rated movie into a PG13 version for your kids.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M Internet technologies and new media improve the ability to reach out to constituents and hear first hand what people are saying. This is another area of opportunity for the studios. cannot ignore. TiVo and Sling were pioneers in opening up TV access so that proviewers had more control. Having a better on-demand distribution model is imperative because proviewers decide not only what to watch or listen to but when and where. and the more flexible the movie industry is in addressing a variety of values. This is a powerful new capability that studios oppose. New media is about not only making it mine but also extending and redefining the experience. listeners can find it via similar music. the higher the viewership. which typically offer a few translations for a few movies but not many translations for all movies. making the content more shareable globally. this attitude fails to recognize that one-size-fits-all will no longer do. Today there are many signs of media distribution opening up 8 . proviewers are gaining a bit of control over the most sacred of untouchable media. young adults are invited to meet online before. from a top-down broadcast model to a bottom-up community model. on LastFM people come together united by similar tastes in music. The individual chooses what to listen to and uses that to connect to other fans as well as discover similar music based on what the community has recommended. The fun has just begun. democracy does scale. Social power redefines the media experience. However. delivering low-budget films to a college audience wrapped in a social experience. (See Social Power. the movie. MySpace. So. to send comments to friends and producers about what they like or don’t like about a particular film. context and relationships. These activities are impossible to do on a traditional radio station. a new company. Facebook and other video and social network sites is changing the face and voice of politics. Another sign of extending media content to others is the ability to add subtitles to a work. giving artists a new channel for having their work discovered. Technology from DotSUB lets anyone add subtitles to movies and video clips in any language. connect with others also listening to their station. during and after a showing. Home is where people can express their personal values. Sites like LastFM are changing the radio listening experience. LastFM turns the radio industry on its head. Blowtorch Entertainment. as it changes the finished product that is viewed.”9 This is a completely new movie-going experience. is one of the most powerful aspects of new media is that it is a social experience — the audience shares its opinion of a work readily and can easily invite others to view or listen. Redefining the Experience Listeners on LastFM can build their own radio station. 12 9 . (See Information Transparency. digitizes video content so it is easily searchable “inside” and matches that content to context-appropriate ads. digital cameras have given pictures time stamps. IntelliVid’s intelligent video analysis software uses object-based searching to enable store personnel to “camera surf” to track a suspect or an object in real time. which plans to add the Netflix service to a new line of HDTVs with wireless connections to the Internet. as distribution opens up. geo tagging and expression detection become commercialized. In the world of closed circuit television. it is happening at near zero cost to the distributor. as advances in facial detection. and even cut down on shoplifting. video content.10 You’ll be able to find Aunt Sally or search for someone who is smiling or crying. Its contextual ad placement technology is based on matching ads to consumer searches. Instead. audio and photographs. available to paying subscribers of its Web site. and even their expression. Digitalsmith’s technology. (now Delve Networks) and Digitalsmiths are two of many companies working on contextual ad placement using advanced video and audio search techniques. movies and radio be available for anytime. enables people to quickly find the content they want within a video or audio clip using a special concept-search technique. Pluggd Inc. The software also enables the user to assemble critical video evidence in minutes to manage an investigation and share critical information — video clips. Getting Out of the Box Netflix. advertisers long for an automatic way to match ads to technology from IntelliVid is helping store owners cut down on shoplifting over open networks like the Internet and alternative networks like cellular. where they are. to the living room TV via the Internet. SeeHere and HearHere. New technologies are making it easier to search images and sounds to find what you need. still images and case notes all integrated in a single electronic file — with store personnel and law enforcement. The new media vision is that TV. as the Brightcove-DuPont example showed. Pluggd’s search technology. or have TV or radio broadcast infrastructure.11 Netflix’s goal is to be seen as a movie channel that can be accessed from numerous devices. The company’s first partnership is with LG Electronics.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS PICTurE ThIs: FINdINg IT As more content is rendered in video. through better analysis of CCTV footage. you don’t have to press DVDs or CDs. VideoSense. anywhere consumption and interaction. search techniques originally designed for text need to keep pace. The act of shoplifting becomes more transparent. Further. and thus preventable. in the future it may be possible to search by who is in the picture. reaching broader audiences. who moved DVD rentals from the store to our mailboxes and then our computers. everyone can play.000 movies and TV shows.) That is the beauty of better search and analysis: understanding processes and leveraging the data at hand. including specific keyword searches. match ads to content. making it possible to search by date. For years. has now pledged to deliver that content directly to our TV screens. Netflix is bringing some 6. On the Internet. Either way. (See Figure 4. If Netflix.000 movies accessible on the TV screen via the Internet. spurred further movies available for download to computers and iPods. and Sony. (See Figure 3. Soccer fans around the world can watch the latest soccer on Indonesia’s StarTV channel.) Source: TVU networks 10 . The youTube-TiVo partnership is the Source: CSC Figure 3 RENT MoVIES DIRECTLy FRoM yoUR TV SCREEN USING VUDU AND THE INTERNET result of youTube opening its platform to outside developers. VIA ITS WEB SITE oR THE DoWNLoADABLE TVUPLAyER (SHoWN HERE) getting movies and other video content to TV. VUDU’s appliance does not require a computer or cable or satellite TV — just a broadband Internet connection. who is bringing its Internet video content to TV via a partnership with TiVo. Also in the video content shuffle is youTube. whose VUDU Box makes over 6. TVU networks lets you get foreign TV stations and other video content live over the Internet. From TVU’s Web site. content will be streamed (rather than downloaded) via broadband connection. VUDU’s system stores the movies and TV shows you rent or buy in your own personal digital library.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M Another player in the movie rental shakeup is VUDU.13 Viewers will be able to access youTube content through their TiVos. and immigrants in the United States can watch Taiwan TV.) TV and video content is getting out of its original box. others are focused on getting TV content to the Internet. that is making movies and videos downloadable to the Sony Playstation 3 game console.14 TiVo users will also be able to subscribe to Internet video feeds using RSS. or Arca from Brazil. a movie maker itself. people in Pakistan were able to watch CNNi when that station was banned there. expanding the role of RSS from text to video and providing flexibility for accessing Internet video. TV5 Telugu from India. TV and video content is getting out of its original box. by players like Amazon and Apple (iTunes) that are making The writing has long been on the wall for traditional video rental companies to digitize distribution. VUDU and youTube are about Figure 4 TVU NETWoRKS BRINGS LIVE TV oVER THE INTERNET FRoM ARoUND THE WoRLD. Many others are working to get TV to the Internet.” a British television series. Online advertising is a nascent area. but one thing is sure: advertising will continue to grow and evolve online. Continued on the following page > 11 . Both aim to make it easier and more cost-effective than traditional broadcasting for organizations to get their video to a large audience.” as its slogan says. to segments from well-known U. roughly 300 TV channels are broadcast daily. Hulu is a joint venture between NBC and News Corp.” explains Paul Shen. we are another transmission medium. advertisers can recommend a shop near the hotel for purchasing a gift and send that ad. as the number of viewers grows the transmission does not degrade. to provide prime time shows from NBC. where the audience is and the metrics are better.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS The platform uses peer-to-peer real-time packet replication so that.” “Grey’s Anatomy” and CNN. that you are probably in a certain income bracket. Both offer broadcast quality programming ranging from programs like “The Gadget Show. including amateur self- broadcasters. Placecast’s software can let advertisers know that you are attending a conference. Through Placecast. TVU has content from over 200 countries. and there is no need to account for additional traffic or boost infrastructure. and can broadcast up to HDTV quality.” TVU provides global distribution of TV programming at low cost. Connecting the Dots The more relevant the ad. Targeting online ads through location and context is growing. Fox and other TV networks on the Internet. CEo of TVU. to your mobile phone or laptop. called a PlaceAd. stores content on its central servers and releases it (once) into the peer-topeer network. If you are at a hotel in Manhattan. Placecast gives anonymous location information context that can be converted into a revenue stream. TVU had 4. There is much experimentation and creativity taking place as companies seek to optimize advertising in a world of new media. Placecast combines location information with contextual information to “put audience in place. As of May 2008. “To broadcasters. and that it is almost Valentine’s Day.” TVU shares profit with the broadcaster from revenue generated from advertising on the TVU platform.S. TVU has sustained over 150. from the founders of Skype. It connects the dots to help advertisers target their audience. the more it is perceived as content and welcomed by the consumer. TVU manages the overall network performance. so does advertising. for as content takes on new forms. Joost and Move Networks use peer-to-peer technology but with different strategies. Here is Hollywood taking the bull by the horns to control online distribution of its content. coverage. shows like “CSI: Ny. in contrast to traditional streaming. The site is intended NEw MEdIA ChANgEs ThE FACE oF AdVErTIsINg New media is changing the face of online advertising. where it is shared among users. TVU is bundled into Hewlett-Packard’s Pavilion laptops and expects to have a global viewer base of 40 million by the end of 2008. and schedule for their content.5 million unique viewers per month who watched over 11 million hours of programming monthly. Joost. such as mobile and video. “The broadcaster determines what to broadcast and whether or not to charge viewers. Move delivers video as a standard Web object that is cached in small bits for easier transmission. Called “the ultimate in multicast TV. with broadcasters controlling the rights.000 simultaneous viewers on a single Internet connection. the first site to offer free downloads of prime time TV shows. so offering mobile ads on an opt-in basis will no doubt be required. CBS Mobile is testing cell phone advertising in a partnership with the social network service Loopt. which lets families and friends keep track of each other on their cell phones. of course. If you are walking down the street past a department store. which frame the content on your screen with an advertiser’s logo YuMe is one company offering these kinds of ad services. are ads sent to you on a mobile device. which let you click to a Web site or video for more information • branded video players. online ads go video Like content on the Web. Video ads take on a new look and feel as they are incorporated into video content in different ways: • viral ads. what stores are nearby in your state) • interactive overlays. Source: ICE Innovative Technologies Continued on the following page > 12 .DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M NEw MEdIA ChANgEs ThE FACE oF AdVErTIsINg (continued) Mobile ads.15 Members of Loopt who have GPS-equipped cell phones and have chosen to participate might receive an ad for a nearby restaurant or movie theater. another form of targeting. which are appended to video BUy THE JACKET yoUR FAVoRITE TV CHARACTER IS WEARING WHILE yoU WATCH THE SHoW content that is e-mailed around • geo-targeted overlays. There are privacy issues. Advertisers are salivating at this form of advertising because they get much closer to the customer and the point of sale than if using mass advertising outlets like TV and newspapers. you might get an ad on your cell phone that jackets are on sale.16 its ad platform will also power NBC Direct. which are additions to video ads that reflect your location (for example. as people may find this form of advertising highly intrusive. Still. location-based mobile ads put advertisers a huge step closer to the customer purchase. customized to your location. advertisements are evolving from text to images (banners) to video. cell phones or other mobile devices — dynamic video ads can be part of the downloaded content. has given way to a new ad network supporting Internet content that features wildly irregular 13 . and advertising must follow suit. if any. The traditional (TV) ad network. not wholesale. lets you manipulate individual objects in a video frame. Technology from i3media. Key questions are: Who is in charge of IPTV channel programming. presented as a menu next to the show. spots and breaks.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS NEw MEdIA ChANgEs ThE FACE oF AdVErTIsINg (continued) As downloadable video content increases — whether TV shows. The ICE technology provides a standard format for listing products. and whether to laptops. or will advertising follow an entirely different business model? How do we get IPTV.18 shop the show There may be ads aplenty. Internet content is flexible and interactive. the Web and television to accept and display each other’s ads when proprietary. New technology lets people “shop the show” and buy products they see on a TV program right from their TV screen. and will be available for TV content on the Web. advertisers are gearing up for this and for being able to track these offline views for their ad metrics. but there still lurks the age-old question: How effective is the ad? Especially in a world of time shifting and ad skipping? If advertisers fear their ads are being ignored. you can buy them instantly with a few clicks of your TV remote. that you navigate through to make a purchase. Poddadies helps advertisers do that and has a system to change ads on the desktop once the video file has been downloaded. you could change a bottle of wine from a Monte Rosso Vineyard label to a Seven Springs Vineyard label if that grower is sponsoring the show. producers can change the products in the show based on its sponsors. On the belief that most people would rather have ad-supported content than pay for content.19 The proviewer can click on the wine bottle to obtain more information and purchase it. If you like the shoes the actress is wearing. it is clear that advertisers are moving from a scattershot approach to. to change ads in its new Media Player. The ICE technology works on standard TV (cable. with neatly delineated spots and breaks. Adobe also has a system 17 clicking and shopping is a major distraction from watching the show. using technology from ICE Innovative Technologies. Further. and thus advertising? Will there be a bidding system for ad time. prices. they can try an ad-less approach. For instance. 1-to-1 marketing and buying direct from the ad itself (no more Web page redirects). ultimately. audience and technology work out these and other online ad issues. short clips or movies. incompatible video players and formats make integration — and therefore an effective overall ad strategy — difficult? Stay tuned as industry. While it’s not clear if new ad age Though online advertising is in its infancy. satellite) and IPTV. a consortium of media companies in Spain. it’s sure to satisfy impulse buying — and the product company is selling direct to the consumer at retail. downloaded. on-demand is a powerful model that is pressuring old thinking about ownership and rights to change. on-demand is a powerful model that is pressuring old thinking about ownership and rights to change. who went on strike for three months and forced many shows off the air. As you use VeohTV. succeeds.000 writers from film. The business models that will flourish are those that invite participation and give individuals more control. it learns what you like and makes video recommendations to you. Internet and other non-traditional formats. The new media vision for on-demand content will be in the making for some time. TV and radio. The producers argued that the digital arena is not mature enough to make a compensation decision. wanted stronger compensation for their works in digital.20 VeohTV comes at Internet TV from a different angle. youTube. Google. customization and personalization are the way of the future.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M to be used for marketing purposes and revenue generation. VeohTV has been described as TiVo for the Internet. In February 2008 a three-year deal was struck giving writers a percentage of the gross from digital distribution. yahoo and thousands of other sources. streamed to a Web site.21 The growing pains of new media are being felt by content creators and producers alike as media industries continue to calibrate against an increasingly digital future. whether DVD. The 12. it will give networks more leverage in negotiating distribution deals with Apple and others. or transmitted over LoSE To WIN Enterprises need to recognize that new media shifts power to proviewers. NBC had removed its shows from iTunes in a pricing dispute with Apple. Digital distribution was a major factor in the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike. VeohTV integrates video sources across the Internet. making money from ads on the site and in the videos. NBC. openness. serving as a video browser that captures. so you can watch full-length episodes from CBS. stores and sorts free online video content. Challenging Old Thinking cellular networks. which launched in october 2007. if Hulu. ownership is not the way to win. with a similar DVR-style interface that lets you find video you want and watch it when you want (save video streams as downloads to watch later if desired). Before Hulu. though this could be mostly “symbolic” if revenue from digital distribution is relatively low. 14 . MySpace. Today’s virtual worlds magnify this layering we do. co-executive producer of Forest Rose Productions. and how the physical world is being enhanced with virtual reality. Virtual worlds. sounds. with their origins in online games. According to philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).” says Jan C.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. The new reality is that we live in a blended reality that combines physical reality and virtual reality. virtual worlds and virtual reality will play an increasingly significant role in our personal and professional lives.” Many virtual world environments resemble and operate similar to a game. Put another way. 8 living in a neW reality We will blend physical and virtual reality.J. smells. interact. We are. In other words. Virtual worlds and blended-reality worlds are powerful but not yet fully understood. However. avatars. all the time. because virtual worlds present data on our terms: visual. How this story plays out is still unknown. We can detect and analyze more. by design. objects — and collaboration. people can never know reality directly. we examine how virtual reality is taking on properties of the physical word. and ultimately make better decisions. virtual worlds offer the promise of “all media. life-like. a virtual world is worth 1. However. are not new. being applied to business and personal uses that go far beyond games. The world becomes a 15 . with our brains synthesizing external stimuli — sights. augmented worlds and telepresence. tastes and touches — and creating a coherent experience. Although In this chapter we explore virtual worlds and other expressions of virtual reality including simulations. Jones. new levels of sophistication in virtual worlds. pre-digesting data (stimuli) and feeding it to us as a new layer of perception that helps us understand the world in new ways. one layer removed from reality. improving both. This is far more compelling and comprehensible than if data was rendered simply as text.000 pictures and more. improving both. For example. particularly what can be done in a virtual world that was never before possible. experience the weather as a weather balloon as your avatar flies over a weather map. acquire land. it started as a social site. but with more people populating virtual worlds and experiencing virtual reality in everyday situations. the poster child of virtual worlds. where the notion of a game per se may be subtle or nonexistent. mimics the real world in that people (avatars) meet in Second Life. The new reality is that we live in a blended reality that combines physical reality and virtual reality. progress is being made as the story unfolds. VIRTUAL REALITIES INCoRPoRATE PHySICAL REALITIES Second Life. As virtual worlds approach commercialization — some estimate there will be over 50 million participants in virtual worlds by 201122 — they leverage their “game DNA. improving both. If a picture is worth 1. LLC. involving rich visualization — 3D settings. what’s different today is that virtual worlds are making their way into the mainstream. build houses and use currency (Linden dollars). We are seeing real markets for virtual worlds.000 words. interactive and 3D. and more real-world data being incorporated that delivers new experiences or addresses previously unsolvable problems. but people familiar with games will know right away how to participate. This helps lay the groundwork for mass participation in virtual worlds. we experience the world through a layer of perception. To probe this. Second Life is fast being adopted for business use as organizations explore its potential. where students can learn about weather in a wholly new way: by flying their avatars through weather patterns as they unfold across the country. build collabora- Through virtual worlds we can experience the rarely possible and the impossible. Source: NASA different venues. Coordination activities can be simulated. Figure 6 shows a virtual trade show hosted by the Everything Channel.24 MIT used software from Veodia to deliver TV-quality streaming video to Second Life. In a virtual world. make changes jointly. involving people. “one person on Explorer Island cried because they were so happy to be part of a NASA event. Several members of Second Life sat on the lander after it touched down. information directly from the Mission Controller’s blog.” said Tom Soderstrom. Virtual worlds remove obstacles to participation — you can now experience a Mars landing first hand — and give JPL a personal connection to the public it never had before. 2008. hospitals. the California Institute of Technology and the University of Arizona. and pictures as they came in. conferences. where attendees could participate and interact in four Figure 5 The Phoenix spacecraft landed on Mars in Second Life. helicopters and people. If you need to attend a meeting or view a presentation. At NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The engineers could see the model in the context of the larger system it fits in. where it was watched by over 120 people on a virtual screen. Another Second Life project. (See Figure 5.) People watched the landing in Second Life while engineers watched at JPL. and save the new model on Explorer Island. it has its eye on engineering tive networks on the fly. and had a replica of the spacecraft in Second Life. the impossible includes providing a real-time experience of the Phoenix spacecraft landing on Mars. As JPL experiments with Explorer Island for public outreach. For the Phoenix landing on May 25. hovering. its property in Second Life. 8 LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS science fiction playground where we are now in the simulation. they could see where the controls of a spacecraft would be and open up a control panel to see where the part ultimately belongs. complete with buildings. MIT broadcast a portion of the conference live to Second Life. Second Life is being used to simulate disaster preparedness and response activities by the Idaho Bioterrorism Awareness and Preparedness Program.23 organizations can also leverage learning by hosting a conference in a virtual world. training and collaboration. facilities. by the University of Denver. National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NoAA) into a large map of the United States. increasing your awareness of peer activities.S. incorporates real weather data from the U. (That’s a second lander in the background. This is very different from watching a video of the event after-the-fact and alone (or attending the event in person). you do so in the context of the environment and with others.L E A D IN G E D G E| Fo RU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. For example. Elsewhere. as MIT did during its Emerging Technologies Conference in September 2007. and provide context for the exercises. material. In addition to being a testing ground for learning and training. JPL streamed realtime video from NASA TV to Explorer Island. IT chief technology officer at JPL. descent and landing maneuvers in real time. Second Life is being 16 . 2008. people can navigate a conference or other live event through a 3D experience that enables them to interact with others via avatars. What if we were a tile on the space shuttle? Through virtual worlds we can experience the rarely possible and the impossible. in the future. seeing video from Mission Control. Engineers could put a CAD model of a part on Explorer Island. coinciding with the actual landing on May 25.) The Second Life audience watched the lander go through its entry. What’s different about this versus other virtual reality simulations is the ability to construct objects and environments with others. movement and routes. so the current state of a project remains intact. media room — from a template and customize it for meetings or projects. This allows users to adopt different working styles. see “BlendedReality Entertainment” later in this chapter. marketing. testing floor layouts and designing dream kitchens. Linden Lab. By linking rooms.26 (This virtual-real detective work was taken to a whole new level on a TV show. conference room. and reporting on the real world to Second Life. Qwaq Forums. The trade show environment was created using InXpo. working together. and vice versa. minimal hardware requirements. With Qwaq Forums. meaning easy viewing and editing of Microsoft office documents and other formats such as PDFs. Being able to edit documents in real time. media center and the CopaCabana. hang out at the CopaCabana. you can hear presentations and gather conference materials (documents) in your virtual briefcase. “We are opening the door to a new way for teams to collaborate and learn virtually by providing a highly contextual Reuters has reporters in Second Life reporting on Second Life to the real world. the British police used Second Life in the highly-publicized case of Madeleine McCann to help search for the missing four-year-old by posting virtual pictures of her. which can then be collaboratively viewed and updated.org and the Mozilla Firefox browser and allows desktop sharing. and can review files in 2D and 3D. with 90 percent agreeing that Qwaq Forums is a viable technology for learning and business purposes. like going from one meeting to another. — 17 . for example. Also seizing on the interplay between virtual and real for news. and interoperable worlds that can be linked and traversed as easily as moving from one Web page to another. By visiting each area. they can leave work for each other to review or meet interactively to review together. Importantly. and business orientation. overall reaction was positive.) To expand virtual worlds for business use. orientation. is a core feature. CSC developed a proof-of-concept with Qwaq Forums. another virtual environment. focusing on solution selling (how to sell and what to sell).27 Whereas Second Life is an open platform inviting anyone’s participation. is working with IBM to create open standards for virtual worlds that help advance the vision of a 3D Internet for commerce. spreadsheet. When you need a break. that was tested with 80 CSCers representing a variety of roles within the sales and business development community.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. 25 to be started by dragging and dropping files onto the walls. an open source toolkit for building collaborative 3D virtual worlds. Qwaq Forums runs a version of openoffice. Source: Everything Channel used for other real-world activities such as recruiting. This work includes having protocols and standards for such things as universal avatars that can traverse different virtual worlds (instead of having to create a separate avatar for each world). Second Life’s creator. the rooms persist. is designed specifically for secure business collaboration. whiteboard. Each building in the middleground represents an area of interest (from left): conference center. users can move between them. all while discussing topics using built-in text and voice chat. allowing applications — document editor. co-designing products with customers. where you can chat with attendees. Users can drag and drop documents from their local desktops to the applications running on the room walls. users can quickly create a virtual room — team room. Qwaq Forums was chosen for its security. etc. Each room comes with smart walls. exhibits. 8 Figure 6 Welcome to this virtual trade show. wikis.. “Intel envisions using the desktop visualization edition of Qwaq Forums to dramatically enhance the productivity of our global distributed workforce. check equipment and distribute workloads. “Virtual worlds are an important way to engage the new generation entering the workforce and help global.g. providing hands-on collaboration (e. (Second Life does this also. “There’s a real shock value when people first see it because it’s such a compelling use of virtual worlds technology. it can be delivered through simplistic avatars that connote a “get the job done” environment. Use your avatar to roam server rooms in different cities. According to Intel chief technology officer Justin Rattner. CSC’s global chief learning officer who sponsored the project. a virtual data center might be the way to go. A neat feature of Qwaq Forums is its distance-sensitive voice capability. Qwaq Forums is not an “either/or” but an addition to e-mail. with the exception of wikis. IM and telepresence. Source: Qwaq Figure 8 Manage real data centers using IBM Labs’ virtual 3D Data Center. Source: IBM 18 . a person can sound near or far away depending on where his avatar is in relation to yours. an open source virtual worlds platform.” CSC is exploring roll-out options for Qwaq Forums as a new platform for learning to support key communities and other enterprise development programs.” says Holly Huntley. do not.”28 (See Figure 7.” says Michael osias. especially if the company is IT oriented. but conference calls do not. environment. The result will be a new desktop visualization edition of Qwaq Forums that integrates 2D desktop applications and shared 3D information work spaces for large numbers of users across the enterprise. “It’s a practical entree into virtual worlds. architect of the 3D Data Center. Users don head sets and speak through them as if their avatar is talking. meaning you don’t need to spend a lot of time on your avatar’s appearance. phone.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL.v. you can also run simulations of space. Right display: Video feed by Clarity Creative Group LLC.) Intel is partnering with Qwaq to integrate Intel’s Miramar 3D information space technology with Qwaq’s technology. Cleft patient model by BioDigital Systems LLC in collaboration with NyU Medical Center. Qwaq Forum’s presence (feeling like you are in the same place with someone) is stronger than IM but not as strong as telepresence. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Virtual worlds are an important way to engage the new generation entering the workforce and help global. power and cooling planning as well as disaster recovery scenarios. IBM Labs has created a 3D Data Center using openSim. IBM provides the 3D Data Center application as part of its virtual worlds services. n. matrixed teams ramp up quickly to increase their productivity.) If the enterprise is looking for a focused application for getting started in virtual worlds. Virtual auditorium design by E-spaces.” Figure 7 A Qwaq Forums virtual auditorium is used to present a surgical procedure. Left display: Miramar by Intel Corp. matrixed teams ramp up quickly to increase their productivity. jointly editing documents) that the others. Tapping Location. IBM intends to add voice in the future. The islands have a learning center. you can identify hot spots (represented by a flame) and take action: move virtual machines to other machines that have available capacity. stores and buildings you can walk into. Both are running their data centers more efficiently as a result. (See Figure 8. operating system. (See Figure 10. parks. A sample of virtual world platforms is shown in Figure 9. Movement and Expression Virtual realities about places are improving with an influx of real-world data. telecommunications wiring and building data — into an accurate. 3D project mapping arena and other business facilities. for use behind the firewall). which manages commercial real estate. Shell’s GameChanger innovation group teamed with Unfrozenmind to create an archipelago of 3D virtual islands in Second Life to stimulate internal and external collaboration.) The city of Barcelona.. restaurants. electrical data.. or even move workloads to another geographic site. Google Earth gives a 3D rendering of the planet that can be manipulated. build an enterprise architecture (e. Many enterprises dabble in Second Life and then progress to a platform that addresses their specific needs. has incorporated city data — waterworks. move machines to a cooler spot. working with Barcelona Media. provides virtual streetscapes that give a photorealistic view of a city at ground level. ideation area. tourist sites and geographic features of a particular place. other companies.) For example. the 3D Data Center simplifies complex processes and data. working with concepts jointly developed by Shell’s GameChanger group. are focusing on collaboration to drive innovation across the organization. virtual city that you traverse by moving your arm in front of a large projected display of the 3D city. By rendering computer equipment in 3D and combining it with monitoring information like the temperature of a CPU rack. Figure 9 V I RTUAL Wo RLD PLAT Fo RMS — A SAMPLE TA R GET USE HoSTED By oP EN SoU RCE S ECo ND LIFE o P ENS IM (BE TA ) Wo NDERLAND (BE TA) Entertainment/Multipurpose Entertainment/Multipurpose Enterprise/Multipurpose Vendor Self Vendor/Self No yes yes Enterprise/Collaboration Enterprise/Training Multipurpose Development Platform Multipurpose Development Platform Vendor/Self Vendor/Self Self Self No No yes No Multipurpose Development Platform Self yes Entertainment Entertainment Vendor Vendor No No Source: CSC which believes being there is more important than getting there. including hardware data. 8 Through sophisticated visualization. is also an early user. IBM’s Dallas Global Solutions Center was the first production user of the 3D Data Center. the 3D Data Center presents a hybrid visualization that is easy to understand. Unfrozenmind designed and developed the islands as part of its BrandNewPlanet 2. learning and QWAQ Fo RU M S P RoToS P H E RE M U LTIVE RS E 3DVIA VIRTo o LS CRo QUET (BE TA) TH E RE TW INITy (BETA ) P LATFo RM creativity among Shell employees. middleware) in a 3D environment and hook it to a real system. monitoring data and financial data.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. IBM started the 3D Data Center in Second Life and switched to openSim for security and control purposes (i. mashed up and drilled into as the user searches for driving directions.g. laboratory. Longer term. All this can be done without being physically present. including monuments. your avatar zipping 19 . the Swiss firm Implenia. EveryScape. IBM is targeting enterprise architecture for virtual worlds. Collaboration in the 3D Data Center is done via avatars and instant messaging. that is. large-scale.e.0 collaborative offering. like energy giant Shell. shops. architects and other workers can see and study an area of the city before they start ripping up streets or laying concrete. so you always know where you are. Source: EveryScape through the streets or sewers of Barcelona.” Source: TTI/Vanguard 20 . Barcelona Media straps reflectors to a person’s arms. which provides technology to create enriched avatars that incorporate reallife features such as facial expression and voice. and is the leading provider of weather forecasts in Spain.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. draws people to information they might otherwise ignore. CSC’s Alex Fuss demonstrates at Barcelona Media during a site visit in conjunction with a TTI/Vanguard conference in Barcelona on “New Form/New Content. legs. Reality helps virtual reality.com. using your mouse to advance or change direction (360-degree turns possible). The map at right tracks your position as you move. the term “user-generated reality” to define the broad spectrum of creative.) Sam’s realism. In addition to map and infrastructure data. an avatar from Activa Multimedia who delivers weather reports on the Internet. Sam the Weatherman. another neat boost to the virtual from the real comes in movement data for avatars. self-expressive.29 has a catalog of movements that are based on data from real movements by real people. captures the person’s motions via camera. cell phones and TV. The city is starting to use the technology to coordinate contracting work. enhanced by his movements. (See Figure 11. Figure 11 Another approach to avatar creation comes from Fix8. and maps the movements to an avatar. Virtual realities about places are improving with an influx of real-world data. torso and head. engineers. Here. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 10 Explore the real world online using Everyscape. user-generated animation it enables. collected and processed by Barcelona Media. Fix8 has coined To bring life-like movement to avatars. travel down West 43rd Street in New york City to check out the Times Square area. We know to expect rain today. which ultimately improves our reality. and only the most costly simulators could provide credible motion cues. The UAV is operated remotely and serves as a virtual sentinel on the battlefield. this section focuses in between but towards the physical world. to see how virtual reality enhancements to it are making improvements.33 (See Figure 12. engineering and research about driver response behavior. “our goal is to create much more natural and easy-to-learn interfaces to educational experiences. In the military. If virtual reality is one end of the reality spectrum. is a powerful capability. which adjusts the scene accordingly. organizations are adding virtual reality to physical reality where physical reality alone cannot get the job done. Both let you experience music by feeling it as you play the music with a nearlife-size guitar or other instrument as the controller. it provides a brand new way to learn about and take in the physical site. In the past. so too the physical world is getting a boost by adopting virtual reality characteristics. vehicle simulators have been too expensive for everyday drivers. yearning to play a new song in order to experience it. associate professor in the School of Interactive Computing and director of the Augmented Environments Lab in the GVU (Graphics. first-row seat). A mobile vehicle operation and encounter simulator helps drivers see potential obstacles and avoid them. describing a site or tourist attraction in narrative detail in situ.31 This experiment in fun is serious business. Having this advance information in near-real time is significant for readiness and something soldiers cannot do themselves. an unmanned aerial vehicle can see over the next hill. like a grave or a room. Seeing Is Believing character you can see and hear explains the site’s significance and what it was like to live there 150 years ago. Some say this will change how people get to know music. which takes advantage of recent advances in computer processing and image generation speeds. player.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. People interact by moving 21 . In cars. so it tapped into the user’s motion and haptics. or virtual reality can do it better. The driver sees the obstacle and responds to avoid hitting it. and what brought her to oakland Cemetery in Atlanta. you play music by following color-coded patterns on screen that match the color-coded buttons on your guitar or other instrument. not more realistic graphics or sound. Being able to see ahead.. or see something rather than read about it. IBM set up the virtual stadiums and provided a unique viewer experience such as being able to watch live matches from different perspectives (eg. complete with near-real-time data from the tournament. “These interfaces align graphics and sound with real locations in the world.” Second Life played virtual host to the 2006 Grand Slam tennis matches to give fans a new way to experience the tournaments. being able to see a virtual obstacle and successfully drive around it can improve driver training and safety. to make Wii games more lively and real. and the physical world is the other. The simulator was awarded a patent in 2006 and can be used to improve training. umpire. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working on experiences that incorporate full-scale virtual characters that move and talk.) Augmented reality makes the experience much richer than reading Sarah’s story on a plaque. The hit video game “Guitar Hero” and its offspring “Rock Band” mimic playing music in real life. Don your special glasses to see and hear the 3D Sarah Dye tell her tale about the Civil War.30 The Nintendo Wii echoes this idea of “feeling” the game with its motion-sensitive controllers that resemble the real world. or business conducted in a virtual space. Really! In entertainment. organizations are adding virtual reality to physical reality where physical reality alone cannot get the job done. or virtual reality can do it better.32 The simulator uses a head-mounted display worn by the driver to show virtual obstacles against a real-world background. and a life-size virtual PHySICAL REALITIES INCoRPoRATE VIRTUAL REALITIES As virtual spaces adopt physical world characteristics. earning points (like a game) for how well you play. 8 More Fun. you can stir your virtual soup in the game “Cooking Mama: Cook off” or do real push-ups with your virtual trainer in “Wii Fit. Visualization and Usability) Center at Georgia Tech. creates a cost-effective and realistic vehicle-in-motion environment. this invention.” says Blair MacIntyre. as you and Sarah walk the cemetery grounds. IBM calls it v-business. the car generates motion and visual feedback to the display. Imagine you are a tourist at a historic site. such as a pool stick or cooking utensils. helping troops decide whether or not it is safe to proceed. virtual reality is incorporating reality to give us new experiences. Nintendo understood that players wanted a more dynamic experience. invade cells and cause disease. has created an immersive visual display that surrounds the user. The U.” Another historical site getting a boost from the virtual is the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. D.S. the satellite tobacco mosaic virus. It’s not the same as being at the real wall. which has less fidelity and in the past has Figure 12 An artist’s rendering of a historic tourist site augmented with virtual reality story-telling. for it “may even shock them to the extent that they come back to reality. Researchers at Georgia Tech are working on this. Source: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Modeling.000 others when visiting the real wall).37 Hewlett-Packard. year of death and many other categories.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Better Science The science lab is being enhanced by powerful simulations that are able to process enormous quantities of data. Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute and Vcom3D.S. hometown. Source: David Stuart around the location. in conjunction with DreamWorks. government uses virtual people in 3D simula- tions to help teach foreign languages such as Arabic. been notoriously hard to use. sharing them with others globally. Using Halo studios technology set up in a conference room. facial expressions. with life-size displays and real-time audio. in realistic timeframes. visual cues and lip-synchronized speech. the smallest natural organisms known.”36 In the future. is now part of HP’s Halo Collaboration Studio. companies can hold face-to-face meetings with people in various locations. all key to learning the language. longer simulations will reveal how viruses. showing in intricate molecular detail “how each of the million or so atoms in the virus and a surrounding drop of salt water was interacting with almost every other atom every femtosecond.com in conjunction with the National Archives. Inc. The Panoply display. or millionth of a billionth of a second. The virtual scenarios demonstrate gestures. These and The virtual is being used to enhance the real for many other educational purposes. At the digital wall. government is using virtual reality to enhance foreign language skills training. This scenario simulates interaction at an Iraqi checkpoint. researchers hope that bigger. Structure magazine reported on the first simulation of a whole biological organism. The digital memorial is searchable by name. Collaborating “in” the Office Advances in telepresence help people in different locations feel like they are in the same room. going beyond traditional video conferencing. (See Figure 13. first used to view car races. such as from the Human Genome project. stories and photos. 34 Figure 13 The U.” says one veteran. People have a much better understanding of where they are in real space versus virtual space. but it encourages learning and can be cathartic for veterans. action. An interactive Vietnam Wall has been created at Footnote. changing the dynamics of ordinary video conferencing. particularly when learning Arabic for use at Iraqi checkpoints.) 22 . making it easy to find a person (and then easily locate their name among over 58.35 Understanding gestures is critical to understanding the meaning of spoken words. and we want to leverage this.C. visitors can post tributes. California and one at CSC’s Pasadena Innovation Center. LifeSize systems deliver telepresence-quality video communications (1280 x 720 resolution at 30 frames per second. “Telepresence is not so much about saving on travel costs as it is about having more effective meetings and solving problems right away. The idea is to encourage use through simple operation. which results in better collaboration throughout the engineering ranks. other NASA centers and JPL vendor partner sites are being considered for systems. IT chief technology officer at JPL. The pilot involves three rooms. Some 30 other locations at JPL. The pilot uses LifeSize systems that support up to four continuous presence locations and large. CSC is working on a pilot project with NASA’s JPL to explore high definition video conferencing.” says Todd Lucas. telepresence addresses a different paradigm. on the receiving end.000 employees scattered in over 100 buildings on its Pasadena campus. The rooms are outfitted with systems from LifeSize Communications that provide 90 percent of the telepresence experience of high-end systems (such as those offered by HP and Cisco) at a fraction of the cost.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. (other telepresence vendors include Polycom and Tandberg. effective manner. can benefit from using telepresence.” observes Tomas Soderstrom. Figure 14 Telepresence technology is being deployed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to promote more meaningful dialogue and participation while minimizing the costs. not just for senior staff. connecting small groups of 1-4 people per room for remote face-to-face collaboration. which has 5. 8 similar displays are used extensively by outsourcing firms in India to communicate with their clients in the United States and elsewhere. The pilot emphasizes “always on. (See Figure 14. with as little as one megabit per second of bandwidth.” meaning the monitor “sleeps” and is activated by JPL.) This enables more personal interaction than phone calls or audio conferencing. not just senior staff. The solution from LifeSize Communications enables many rooms to be outfitted so that rank-and-file employees. and more timeliness and efficiency than meeting in person. thus avoiding the high cost of dedicated lines. simply pushing a button and selecting your call.” — Tomas Soderstrom “The LifeSize solution serves the most people in the most costWhereas traditional (standard definition) videoconferencing typically connects larger groups of 10-30 people per room. Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory and LifeSize Communications 23 . rooms can be set up to answer calls automatically or manually. two at JPL offices in Pasadena. including the Internet. which is typical for high definition videoconferencing) over existing broadband networks.) The lower price point allows organizations to outfit many more rooms and achieve the network effect of having enough systems to connect with to make the technology more valuable. 61-inch monitors that provide a face-to-face experience even in multipoint calls. director of CSC’s Pasadena Innovation Center who is heading the project. down time and environmental impact associated with travel. has purchased four systems since the pilot began. in contrast to more complicated videoconferencing technology that often sits dormant and requires more time-consuming activation. “Telepresence is not so much about saving on travel costs as it is about having more effective meetings and solving problems right away. factory. Shoppers can use the avatars to try on clothing when shopping online. Animetrics is also working with a company that will provide virtual hair styles for your face as a service at hair salons. At the Manhattan Bloomingdale’s. patterns are sized. If you’d rather shop in the store than by catalog but you’re too busy to try outfits on. most advanced full body avatar for the consumer world. Try on a virtual dress and show your friends at home via the Internet. in the Lanette Lapore department. 24 . via text chat that appears on the mirror. or room at home for telecommuting or watching the kids remotely. has been using since 1998 and enhanced in 2003 with 3D models (My Virtual Model) based on the self-reported measurements.39 (See Figure 15. you can try them on virtually. (See Figure 16.) This is a big step forward from self-reported measurements. In addition. which converts 2D pictures to 3D facial models. the real world meets the virtual when it comes to trying on clothes. and people try on clothes.” says Paul Schuepp. Animetrics technology is also being used for national security and law enforcement. which Lands’ End. “iFashion is by far the The key to the Animetrics “GotFace” technology. having submitted measurements and your photo via the Web. the company’s Giraffe robot technology is designed to bring telepresence into the mainstream. The ultimate goal is to be able to try clothes on your customized avatar in a virtual shopping mall. lobby. to better identify people of interest from photo libraries. Be wherever you need to be. for one. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Another twist on telepresence is mobile telepresence via a robot. TC2’s Intellifit body scanner. could redefine the fashion industry in terms of how bodies are measured. that you “try on” by positioning yourself behind it. HeadThere believes telepresence is the “killer app” for robotics.) The virtual fitting — the real you in the virtual dress — can be beamed to friends via the Internet. slim machine with a video screen and camera as its “head” and an adjustable-height base that extends more than five feet tall. you might want to have an avatar that looks like you try on the virtual dress. if you look good in red. Face creation and face recognition technologies from Animetrics are being used in Korean department stores so you can try clothes on an avatar that resembles you and see how you look. The scanner uses cylindrical holographic imaging technology to take a full body scan and create 3D avatar images detailing a person’s precise measurements. who can tell you.38 Clothes that Fit Figure 15 SHoPPING MEETS VIRTUAL REALITy In fashion. an interactive mirror can show you a life-size image of a virtual dress. The idea that you can go shopping and interact with friends who can’t be there — show them what you’re trying on and get immediate feedback — is something that wasn’t possible before. The Giraffe is a tall. a walk-in booth that does a 360-degree body scan in less than 10 seconds. center for daycare or elderly care. The base is on wheels. Source: Andrea Mohin/The New York Times/Redux The idea that you can go shopping and interact with friends who can’t be there — show them what you’re trying on and get immediate feedback — is something that wasn’t possible before. The focus is not on virtual worlds but rather on visualization for better intelligence about a person. is being able to work in suboptimal lighting and with angled rather than straight-on poses. president and CEo of Animetrics. (Send your avatar specifications to a 3D printer and you’ll have a perfect mini-you! See “Platform Magic: 3D Printing” in Platform Makeover. like a hologram.) This is a big benefit when working with photographs or surveillance video. so the Giraffe can be rolled to wherever you need it: an office. Animetrics is working with Korean company iFashion to personalize its avatar software.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. This is becoming a real market. In an added twist on the interplay between real and virtual. Virtual clothing and virtual appearances make a neat statement for virtual reality augmenting physical reality. maybe. investigating the real crime as an avatar. Reliving Your Vacation Another unique experience could be showing how you spent your vacation. and being attacked by a real computer virus inflicted by an avatar. 8 Figure 16 G oT FAC E ? Animetrics’ “GotFace” software converts the 2D photo on the left to a 3D facial model. Source: Animetrics Blended-Reality Entertainment club. which is added to an avatar to create the “real you. technical lead on CSC’s Qwaq Forums project. When asked if I was bringing my avatar with me via my laptop — the club has free Wi-Fi — I decided I needed to sit down and have a nice cup of tea.” A bit perplexing. The result is many twists and turns as characters weave in and out of reality and virtual reality. you could relive a conference or trade-show experience the same way. in virtual online stores. 25 . viewers could log onto Second Life during the broadcast and investigate the clues. If you take digital photographs on vacation and upload them to Flickr or another photo sharing site. The plot involved impersonating avatars in the real world. Another case of blended reality was opening night at a UK nightclub. Relive the experience and share it with your friends. “CSI: Ny” aired an episode in october 2007 in which crime investigators turned to Second Life to help solve a murder. getting real leads in the virtual world. Back at work.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. Notes Ben Machin. The music in Second Life was streamed live from the real The TV show dramatized the tension between the real and the virtual and delivered a unique viewer experience through a blended reality. virtually. searching for real suspects by finding their avatars. “I was invited to the club. which was also hosting an opening night of itself in Second Life. and the real club had screens up showing the corresponding event in Second Life. but what about when virtual reality is the star of a TV show? Here we have the real TV show (though some question if a TV show is real) being improved with virtual reality in the plot. The TV show dramatized the tension between the real and the virtual and delivered a unique viewer experience through a blended reality. ultimately. Microsoft Live Labs’ Photosynth software can combine them into a 3D visualization that can be navigated like a virtual world.” Such personalized avatars are being used for trying on clothes virtually in real stores and. but certainly a way to broaden participation. C R E AT Io N W ILL INCRE AS E . communication.Co L L A Bo RATIVE WoRK SKILLS W IL L B E PA R AM o U NT. explore and experiment. S U P E R . As in the early days of the Web. Source: CSC 26 . mobbability (working well in large groups) and influency (being persuasive in multiple social contexts and media spaces) will be key. Enterprise teams will form and disband based on the skills needed at the time (similar to online games). Wo R K W I L L B ECo ME Mo RE LIKE A G A M E . both business and personal. We will continue to see a blending of physical and virtual reality. and the virtual world gets closer to the physical. Early indications are that virtual worlds can provide a better understanding of reality and bring us closer to our real selves. While some question the relevance of the virtual world to the real — will virtual marketing and sales translate to real sales? — there seems to be a connection that will only grow stronger as both sides. a new reality is born. learning and new virtual worlds themselves. Collaborative gaming skills like ping quotient (connecting with others when requested). Figure 17 T HE N E W R E A L I T I E S A N E W L E A D E RSHIP Mo DEL WILL E M E R G E B AS E D M o RE o N MERIT THAN H IE R A R C H y. That’s having the best of both worlds. This blended reality has important implications for organizations. where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. where skills are more important than seniority. virtual and real. of this uncharted territory. and the virtual world gets closer to the physical. organizations will experiment with product development. IT E R AT I V E D E VELo PMENT AND Co . a new reality is born.40 V I RT UA L Wo R LDS WILL ENABLE NEW M o D E S o F IN T ERAC TIo N.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. The barrier to entry is low. as shown in Figure 17. more flexible organizational structures. protovation (experimenting rapidly despite risks). V I RT UA L Wo R LDS WILL FACILITATE E X P E R IM E N TATIo N. Look for flatter. we are in the formative stages of virtual worlds. more collaborative. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS THE RESULT: A NEW REALITy As the physical world is augmented by the virtual. People are fascinated by the possibilities. 41 Expect more life-like characters like Sam the Weatherman and smart avatars to personify information and interact with us. you don’t have to pack up and move West with uncertainty but can pioneer with safety and relative ease. As the physical world is augmented by the virtual. Think scenarios and engaging with others to accomplish a specific goal. Virtual worlds will provide collaborative development and testing environments for enterprises and customers to create products together. Google made it searchable 2007 . make phone calls. social networks are becoming the hub of the Internet. surf. but the Internet is unleashing it in new ways with considerable force. As the Internet becomes more socialcentric. share photos. presidential primary race. As the Internet continues to evolve. both internally among employees and externally in business strategies. to become part of an interest group and work together — are even lower now. We have always had a social side. keep in touch with friends. We see social power in action when new artists are discovered on MySpace. In the 2008 U. software applications and more.Facebook made it social Source: SocialMedia Networks 27 . Why the sudden surge in social power? Didn’t the Internet enable us to connect like never before? And then the browser? yes. or coordinated online shareholder activism ousts a CEo. MySpace co-founder Chris De Wolfe declares that “evolving online social destinations are laying the groundwork for the new social web which we believe is becoming infinitely more personal. old friends are discovered on Facebook.Yahoo organized it 2003 . showing that much can be accomplished by networked individuals with similar interests once they find each other. Sign on to your social network and do everything from there: e-mail. SoCIAL NETWoRKS BECoME THE HUB Social networks are becoming the hub of the Internet — the place you start out at. like the portals of the 1990s. New strategies harnessing social power put a premium on relationships and what others say and do.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. Barriers to entry — to get on the Internet and find friends and colleagues. Later in the campaign. and more collaborative. it is revealing the power of our social side — our inherent drive to connect with others and share. Figure 18 E Vo LUT Io N o F S o CIAL ME DIA o N T H E IN TER NET 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1995 . social sites are becoming the starting point or hub of our cyber experience. news organizations were citing the number of people on MySpace and Facebook linked to the candidates. but social network sites are making it even easier to connect. A new grass-roots political dialogue has emerged online. MySpace held the first-ever online pre-primary right before the January 3 Iowa caucuses that launched the official election season. 8 soCial poWer The power inherent in connected people surges.S. Enterprises are earnestly attempting to leverage social power. and tap the viral capability of social networks as distribution channels for advertising. connect with business people. music and ideas. more portable. experts from around the world contribute to the Encyclopedia of Life.AOL got people onto the Internet 1999 .”42 Figure 18 shows a timeline of the socialization of the Internet. Facebook’s release of the Facebook Platform in May 2007 opened up Facebook to outside developers’ applications. he had to do a lot of explaining to executives about the importance of social networks. In addition to social networks per se. Ten years ago.com lets you track your personal expenses so you can see where your money is going and how your spending compares to others. women. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Everything Gets “Socialized” social power has revenue power. to create an open platform for social networks on the Web (an open Web API). organizations seek Cross’s help with that to improve leadership. strengthen the weak ties. photo sharing.g. men. Applications written to the open Social standard can run on any social network supporting openSocial (e. Microsoft opened up MySpace to create an independent non-profit openSocial Foundation. For instance.com is a social site for music distribution. Being able to make more informed decisions faster can save manufacturers millions in annual operations. are becoming socialized.46 In March 2008 Google joined with yahoo and Around the same time. and learn from others. having an effective social network delivered a hard. Salesforce.com). Connecting the right experts.org is an online community that inspires young people to get involved in their local as well as global community. Expensr. Tagged and Hi5). he says. Friendster. Bebo. and communities of support are built around artists. LinkedIn. residents of Atlanta). Having leaders think about their personal connections helps with succession planning and knowledge retention as people retire. And leveraging social for altruistic purposes. measurable return to the company. TakingITGlobal. engineers. gets a decidedly community twist from Shutterfly. using social network analysis. Hotmail address book) with five of the top social networks (Facebook. and later that year Facebook opened its development platform to outside social networking sites. applications outside the social network. from expense tracking to healthcare to fitness to music distribution.” Cross says. Patientslikeme. either. and leverage your colleagues’ ties. So the social structure of the organization can be optimal.. you can invite friends and become part of different groups to compare against (e. and that social networks — those informal connections we create internally and externally — must be cultivated and managed. an oil well expected to be shut down for four days was up and running in two days because an engineer working on the problem was able to identify an expert to help him fix it. Leadership. compare symptoms and treatments.” says Rob Cross. LinkedIn. orkut. assistant professor at the University of Virginia and an expert in social network analysis. and that structure can be modified to improve performance by increasing productive interactions and decreasing unproductive ones.g. Even an old standby. can often lead to new product ideas. The latter came in the wake of Google’s launch of openSocial in october 2007.g. or it can hamper the company’s ability to get things done. What once may have been considered a “soft” topic relegated to HR is moving into mainstream business discourse as companies realize that Social networks keep the strong ties strong.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. one multinational petrochemical company reported that a single network of 60 people contributed $5 million in savings a year by transferring best practices effectively within the company.. who may not be interacting. 44 Windows Live so users can share their contact lists (e. In one situation. 43 social power has revenue power. organizations just “get it. Here. AWare Technologies Health’s FitAWare activity monitoring service taps social networking and friendly competition to encourage participation in corporate fitness programs.com welcomes people with medical conditions who wish to share their experiences with similar patients. revenue growth and change in the organization. cutting in half the number of production days lost. giving access to as many as 100 million users or more. Ning. where fans are compensated for referring music to friends in the network (if their friends buy it). in contrast to less than half that for Facebook at the time. There are many signs of the emerging social Internet.” “People understand the importance of identifying and managing their informal social connections — how the work really gets done. Innovation. Revenue “organizations readily see the importance of social networks today.45 These moves aim to expand social networks and reinforce their prominence as hub destinations teeming with functionality and people of interest to you. In social networks 28 . Hi5. The Ties that Bind PoWER To THE ENTERPRISE Social power is not lost on the enterprise. It is important to understand that social networks have a structure. Surrge. innovation. those in their thirties.. Today. WorkLight. offers a secure overlay for Facebook. many more connections disappear. many more connections disappear. director of CSC’s Leading Edge Forum. The content and expertise already exist in the enterprise. This could be the salve corporations need to take a serious look at leveraging the popular social networking technology for collaboration. Figure 19 CUT T ING A FE W T IE S CUTS DE E PLy External Connectivity in Pharmaceutical research and development Therapeutic Area Scientists in Company External Research Community removal of Top 4 scientists reduces Connectivity Therapeutic Area Scientists in Company External Research Community To harness the power of social networks in the enterprise. you’re only six people away from anyone else. there are security concerns with consumer sites since they operate on the public Internet. Links between network clusters are critical. Who your colleagues and friends know — not necessarily who you know — will be key. the top figure shows that 12 scientists in a therapeutic area of a pharmaceutical company hold the bulk of the connections to academia. many ties are lost. Similarly. This recalls the idea of six degrees of separation: no matter how large the network gets. making management concerned not with whom the scientists are connected but with how to manage these critical sources of knowledge should key scientists leave. companies are looking at sites like Facebook and MySpace to establish corporate groups. but there is very limited insight into it. In Figure 19. Social network analysis illustrates how when a few strong connections in a social network are severed.” observes Paul Gustafson. “It’s all about bringing social visibility and connection to stovepiped communities and content. as you’ll be able to reach them much more easily than in the past. you only need a few strong ties to reach the person you seek. The bottom figure shows how the removal of the top four scientists cuts external connectivity by half (72 out of 142 interactions). The top figure shows that 12 scientists in a therapeutic area of a pharmaceutical company hold the bulk of the connections to academia. However. Source: Rob Cross 29 . 8 it is important to know a lot of people. but not necessarily well. Social network analysis illustrates how when a few strong connections in a social network are severed. The bottom figure shows how the removal of the top four scientists cuts external connectivity by half (72 out of 142 interactions). to enable organizations to use Facebook from behind the corporate firewall. if a few strong ties break. making management concerned not with whom the scientists are connected but with how to manage these critical sources of knowledge should key scientists leave. Some 80 percent of the organization’s interactions with academia are one-on-one. one company. Some 80 percent of the organization’s interactions with academia are one-on-one.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. Bringing Social to the Enterprise called WorkBook. the global media communications agency. helping people discern what’s most relevant to whom” states J. rapid-fire updates of a situation in real time via text messages from cell phones or PCs — became a life-saving proposition.48 JPL is seizing on the social movement as a way to transfer knowledge to younger employees who are more familiar with social networking environments. CEo of NewsGator Technologies. UM wanted its employees to have their fingers on the pulse of what’s happening in their market segments and throughout the media industry. for example. By tagging an item with a tag from a community (e. Alzheimer’s Research). which launched Twitter in 2006. according to obvious Corp. RSS feeds. evacuation details. subscriptions and management. “We are at the intersection of content and people. microblogging. (See sample profile in Figure 20. notifications. Twitterers protested a live interview of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at the South by Southwest Interactive Conference 30 . To encourage technology adoption. JPL is using “reverse mentoring. the leading microblogging service. At least two residents and one news service. advanced tagging and tag clouds. Here a social networking tool for keeping in constant touch — you give short. documents he has contributed to or added. to get up-tothe-minute details of the fires.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. important UM requirements that consumer-based solutions lacked. to amplify the power of smart mobs. as writer and critic Howard Rheingold would say. The solution integrates well with existing infrastructure and security protocols. a form of social networking. social network graphs. is using NewsGator Social Sites and Microsoft office SharePoint to improve communication and information flow across the agency’s 90 offices in 66 countries.) It is easy to see. Holston.49 and to promote collaboration across NASA’s far-flung groups. there will be many architectural considerations as social computing becomes a core part of the IT infrastructure. his expertise and communities of interest. residents used Twitter. were publishing Twitter feeds that Twitter users could subscribe to for the latest on where the fires were. and how he tags content.000 Twitter users.g. During the California wild fires in 2007.51 Figure 20 This NewsGator profile provides a tacit view of a person through the content they create and the activities they perform in the organization.50 There are more than 50. And behind the scenes.B. communities. Microblogging Makes Its Mark As social networking spreads to the enterprise. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Another approach is to deploy social networking software specifically designed for the enterprise. Tags alone are a great clue for discovering others with similar interests. “The view of the person is central to social computing. doubling every two to three weeks.” where a younger person mentors an older person on the technology. Source: NewsGator Technologies Microblogging reminds us to never underestimate the power of the social network to wreak havoc instantly — or. and colleague tracking. Universal McCann. a colleague’s recent blog posts and subscriptions. is also making its mark in organizations. KPBS News.. that item can be found easily by community members or visitors. and supplies needed.47 Social Sites features include tacitly built profiles.” NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is experimenting with social networking software from Socialcast to retain and share knowledge as NASA employees retire and a new crop comes in. electronic funds transfers.com. where short snippets of video by citizen journalists or journalists with digital Microblogging’s immediate communication ushers in a new age of “microjournalism. a year-end tax summary.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. easier. such as on Facebook. empowered by the ad-hoc Twitter network that had formed. VirginMoneyUS. demanding — while the interview was taking place — that the interviewer not cut Zuckerberg off or inject her own views. PEEr-To-PEEr BusINEss ModELs Here’s a simple idea: match those with money to those who need it. match-making approach to lending and borrowing money. 8 and Festival.” in which journalists can recount an event second by second. While obviously not the same as the full cameras — i.com facilitates loan renegotiations and offers flexibility. microjournalism is a new media form that brings immediacy and. CEO of Virgin Money USA. VirginMoneyUS.) VirginMoneyUS. Although in general the sites limit the amount that can be borrowed. personal. without the overhead of a traditional financial institution and with more flexibility to extend credit. 55 the concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) lending makes sense given the laws of supply Continued on the following page > 31 . is part of Richard Branson’s Virgin empire. and it can be used to create community discussion by distributing those snippets to a community of friends.53 Microblogging reminds us to never underestimate the power of the social network to wreak havoc instantly.” explains Asheesh Advani. Zannel. Sounds like the basis of a social network and a business. reporting colorful. paradoxically.000 loan from his aunt in 1972 to build a recording studio. lets you post video.. which eventually became Virgin Records. the crowd had grown vocally hostile. text and photos via cell phone to share with friends on the Web. one veteran ad industry journalist twitters religiously on the nascent online ad industry. This includes providing legally-binding documents. Microjournalism can be used to seed longer-form journalism by posting the short snippets to a blog or Web site. and typically there are more borrowers than lenders. facilitating the transaction between borrower and lender. Using a slightly different model. e-mail statements. he got his start with a $10. which lends itself (if you will) to cutting out intermediaries. Prosper. structured repayment terms. (See “Created by Me” in New Media.com (formerly CircleLending). “If based.com take a peer- and demand and the P2P nature of the Internet. education and business loans between family and friends. so you can miss a payment now and then and you can restructure a loan.) A new microblogging service. not a full camera crew — can be shared on youTube and other sites. Zopa.com do. All three models speak to the same impulse: cut the bank out of the picture. behind-the-scenes observations and making a name for himself as a microblogger. which often makes for quicker.”52 reportage offered by news articles.e. detail that traditional journalism does not. and ongoing customer support to both parties for the life of the loan. launched in October 2007 and developed and hosted by CSC. The sites match those who have with those who need.com manages loans between relatives and friends — people who already know each other. “By the midway point.com and VirginMoneyUS.com and Prosper. more affordable access to capital.56 (Branson is predisposed to P2P lending. in clipped 140-character bursts (the limit of a text message).54 A counterpart to microblogging is microvideo.com provides real estate. This is what Zopa. “Our loans are a lot more flexible. VirginMoneyUS. managing loans between family and friends. a research firm.S. There’s going to be a grace period for you to get back on your feet. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS PEEr-To-PEEr BusINEss ModELs (continued) you default. your parents aren’t going to foreclose on you. P2P lending is in its infancy but is expected The idea across all the P2P lending sites is that borrowers receive lower interest rates and lenders earn a better return than if dealing with traditional financial institutions. This is a new type of added value: a middle man that deals with the social intricacies. VirginMoneyUS. Zopa and Prosper also help individuals lend and borrow without a bank via a Web platform. Advani says that loans among family and friends are typically at least to grow.5 trillion in U. two percentage points lower than what a bank would charge.com 32 . but it’s bound to expand as social networks continue to grow.57 That may be a drop in the bucket. consumer debt. According to Celent. Source: VirginMoneyUS.com manages the relationship and takes the awkwardness out of it.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. P2P loans in 2007 were estimated to be $647 million. VirginMoneyUS.com is a peer-to-peer lending site that capitalizes on people’s social networks.” As a third party to the transaction. but most participants do not know each other personally. versus $2. 229 2. the more likely word-of-mouth will be generated.622 12. 8 WHAT oTHERS SAy (oR Do) MATTERS In an interconnected world. magnified by the likes of Facebook.991 1.) (Fox Sports and MySpace are part of what people say. What people say.398 24. According to Nielsen online.59 Figure 21’s traffic data shows why online word-of-mouth has such potential. who you know. and Facebook unique visitors skyrocketed 98 percent in March 2008 from the previous year. MySpace alone had over 60 million unique visitors in March 2008. Although word-of-mouth is a growing component in marketing I Bought It Based on Word-of-Mouth campaigns. S. recommend and buy online can influence more people more quickly than traditional word-of-mouth ever could. a market research firm specializing in word-of-mouth.877 7. The more lasting the experience. matters.58 brand marketers have become actively involved in online word-of-mouth marketing via new media.717 Unique Audience (000) March 07 55.246 3. Keller Fay Group.60 That is one reason why Super Bowl ads were officially placed on MySpace in 2008. incidentally.” says Patrick Quinn. Fox Sports.822 % Change 8% 98% 5% 319% -13% 14% -37% 33% -30% 49% Source: Nielsen Online advancement of new word-of-mouth technologies is creating crosscurrents among alternative media strategies. it is not fully understood online yet.852 5. metrics and word-of-mouth specialists.217 9.940 13. That is why word-ofmouth advertising and accreditation systems have become so important online.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. “The continued Word-of-mouth advertising via social networks is taking off. who your colleagues and friends know. and more importantly. Clearly.878 9. For the first time. The Super Bowl is the preeminent TV advertising event of the year in the United States.937 12.com Unique Audience (000) March 08 60. Beacon looked promising but crossed the line in terms of privacy. recommend and buy online can influence more people more quickly than traditional word-of-mouth ever could. the National Football League and the TV broadcaster. indicates that although 90 percent of word-ofmouth conversations take place offline (face-to-face or over the phone). 61 Figure 21 To P 10 S o CIAL NETWo RKING SITES FoR MARCH 2008 ( U. went for $2.640 1.623 3. see Information Transparency.599 7.com AOL Hometown Club Penguin AOL Community Buzznet. included MySpace space as part of the advertising.com Facebook Classmates Online LinkedIn Windows Live Spaces Reunion. MySpace and consumergenerated media like blogs.62 This is a reference to Facebook’s botched launch of Beacon.785 4. Facebook did an about-face and made Beacon opt-in rather than opt-out after strong user protest. (For more on privacy and transparency.940 5. CEo of PQ Media. which automatically shared Facebook members’ Web surfing activities with their friends and family — a sort of forced word-of-mouth. 33 . as evidenced by Facebook’s recent attempt to bridge the gap between social networking and WoM marketing. What they say or do has real bearing on you actions.482 4. News Corporation.7 million). .076 5. H o ME AND WoRK ) Site Myspace.) The online destination extended the TV audience to the online community and provided a more interactive and lasting experience than a 30-second TV spot (which. word-of-mouth is a potent force to be used with care. especially in vertical social networks (i. Additionally. it’s all about giving and receiving advice in a trusted group.com was successfully challenged by its members when Digg tried to ban them from posting a software code that helps people illegally download certain HD DVD movies. will be critical. Although many benefit from such collective wisdom.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. Members can organize their recommendations into something akin to a playlist called a shopcast.) Digg withdrew its ban (not clear if for better or worse — that depends on your point of view about fair rights use). benefit from an immediate and already established employee network. This includes guidelines for appropriate use. • Does the work-life balance lose balance? With the social network as the hub. and the will of the populace — the social network — may not always be right. regulatory compliance and legal discovery. there is always the risk that myopia could set in. organizations consider- WHERE Do WE Go FRoM HERE? Though social networks are here to stay. will they stay on Facebook? Does the social network phenomenon have longevity or is it primarily for a younger demographic? While certain sites may target a younger audience. there are some questions to consider: • What happens if the social network turns against you? The outcome could go either way. ning. but lose the power of the immediacy of the consumer sites and force people to maintain yet another social networking profile. • Whither the 20-year-olds? When 20-somethings leave college. or (3) follow a hybrid strategy that merges consumer and corporate social networks in ways useful to the individual. transparency. and manage the risk with secure overlays and enterprise governance programs.e.. It all started with commercial ventures like Amazon’s “friends and favorites” and eBay’s reputation system rating sellers. to improve what or who was being rated. and good ideas may not always filter through.”64 But we are not perfect. In the end. The Beacon faux pas showed the power of the social network to change a Facebook policy (for the better. the power and reach of social networks will continue to grow. see Smart(er) World. Finally. once the organization has decided which approach to pursue. and supporting tools. (For more on collective wisdom. (The entertain- 34 . or they can defer to the collective wisdom of the community. This is especially important for companies with employees in Europe. the drive to connect socially is inherently human and won’t go away. organizations will need to consider and create provisions to protect employee privacy. Be careful to think for yourself and weigh your thoughts against those of the group. ostensibly. reputation system or social network in general is that people become insular and don’t think outside the group. you might have a shopcast for remodeling or cooking or golfing. “a perfect society would be controlled by the ‘general will’ of its populace.) Thus. Though 20-somethings may migrate to a different platform. The danger of an accreditation system. members rate articles on their quality. (2) implement an internal corporate social network and eliminate many of the security risks inherent with consumer sites. Now we have systems like those from Slashdot and Digg that take community-generated accreditation to a new level. Digg. most would say). personal and professional activities could be so intermingled that you can’t relax or give quality time to either. Members recommend products and services to each other. These systems act as filters. organizations have a choice: (1) leverage consumer social networking sites. with the highest-rating entries rising to the top of the site. These systems provide context and relevance to information based on how people in a related group act. Related to this. In both systems. People with similar interests can see what you recommend.com. the group may be inherently biased. those geared to specific groups like triathletes — see Mosaic co-creator Marc Andreessen’s latest undertaking. How Do Others Rate Me? ment industry had threatened to sue Digg. Time management. Social Power and Enterprise Responsibility Formal rating systems that vouch for someone or something online take full advantage of the power of social networks.com). it will need to establish a governance model to ensure responsible use of the social networking tools. where privacy laws are stricter than in the United States. from jewelry to sports equipment to books to toys. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS A site dedicated to word-of-mouth shopping is ThisNext. organizations need to explore and leverage social power for their benefit.63 As Jean-Jacques Rousseau theorized in 1762. proprietary and confidential information. People would rate products (Amazon) and their purchase experience (eBay) for the benefit of others and. But what exactly is unauthorized use? NewsGator believes organizations embarking on a social networking project need to get early buy-in on what will be accepted. and being social in Similarly. Depending on how widespread use of the network is. This has a lot to do with the management team getting comfortable with social networking. This raises issues about access for non-employees who have been added to a corporate group.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS M L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU LEA DI NG EDGE |FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. no high-resolution graphics hardware is required. a couple of sentences should suffice to point out that (1) the tools are provided to make the company better and (2) employees should use their best judgment. The challenge is to strike a balance that satisfies employees without detracting from organizational performance. they are the logical next step for social networks. nature. organizations improving their social literacy must consider virtual worlds as well.B. partners and clients against the backdrop of global sourcing and distributed teams. Many workers already use company systems like e-mail for non-work activities. “Successful initiatives will be those where the newly-created social networks vibrate with activity and positive performance.” Virtual Worlds: The Next Social Frontier As organizations test how to leverage social power among organizations need to establish a governance model to ensure responsible use of social networking tools. employees. The hybrid strategy raises additional questions such as: Can employees add widgets (self-contained pieces of code) from outside the company to their behind-the-firewall personal pages? This can make the personal page more relevant and fun. 35 . once employees have an easy way to create content that is visible to all other employees.” predicts J. the management team should come to grips with the “fun” side of a social networking project. Some companies are considering managing their own widget galleries (or relying on third parties to perform this function) to address these sorts of issues. but there are security and appropriate content considerations. Will it be acceptable for users to form communities around non-work topics? Will this be encouraged? Will non-work content be emphasized or discouraged? Successful social networking projects always need some element of enjoyment for the end user. no avatar needs to be created and manipulated. is virtual worlds. this can range from a member of the security team reviewing content online to setting up tools to monitor performance and unauthorized use. it’s too late to decide what will be done about an inappropriate blog post. in terms of technology platform. they must also realize that social networks are a moving target. Another question is: Can employees import external groups into their corporate social network? you might want to create a “bike to work” community on the corporate site but invite some non-work friends to join. But virtual worlds are coming in force to the Internet (See Living in a New Reality). This is going to happen with social networking systems too. Deciding on the appropriate level and means is an important step to take consciously in the beginning of the project and adjust as needed over time. This doesn’t mean that companies should write 20-page “appropriate use” policies that they e-mail to every employee. 8 ing the use of social networking need to create a monitoring capability. “We will evolve towards some sort of ‘return on attention’ to measure these initiatives. The reality today is that work and personal life intertwine heavily for most employees. The next frontier for social networks. Holston of NewsGator. In general. Right now a Facebook or a MySpace is easier to join than a Second Life — for instance. Sametime • What you are working on: oDesk • What you are holding: RFID tags. In May 2008 a stolen laptop was found and the criminals were caught when the owner realized she could operate the laptop’s camera remotely to see who was using it. our processes and our things. ICQ. are being revealed (glassdoor. ID cards • Where you are: GPS. and the devices and applications connected to it.com/dirtyhotels) is on the Web for public consumption. Everything from price comparisons (farecast. the most sacrosanct of information. AIM.com) to hidden home-buying costs (feedisclosure.com). gait analyzers. and software tools themselves are becoming more transparent. MSN Messenger. powered by the Internet. but the law is also an important factor. “There are no secrets in a wired society. technology evangelist for the Educational Testing Service and former chief technology officer of DuPont. because of the Internet and information transparency. typing analyzers. yet ironically. voice analyzers. Democracies in general favor information transparency. it is almost like we’re living in a small town.com) to company organization charts (orgchart. China’s Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and Russia’s attempted coup in 1991 were not reported on state news outlets but reached the world nonetheless via the Internet. QR bar codes • What you are sharing: social networks • What others are collecting: data aggregator sites • What others think: opinion Web sites • What’s in your house: eBay • What’s in the world’s knowledge repository: Google • What’s the price: bot sites that compare prices • What’s the code: open source • What’s the application: Web Services. MoRE INFoRMATIoN MoRE AVAILABLE A vast collection of consumer applications and technologies.” Information transparency is largely driven by technology. face recognition. iris scans. Today we operate in a global marketplace. Regulations like Sarbanesoxley mandate stronger financial disclosure and “transparency” of financial dealings.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M inforMation transparenCy What is observed by one will be known to all. Even salaries. is delivering an information ecosystem that yields transparency about ourselves. As John Taylor. whereas repressive governments with a history of censorship do not. and how that information is shedding light on previously opaque people. expectations about information availability are rising. More information more available is yielding new insights. The standard-issue camera. What is observed by one will be known to all. mash-ups • What are my resources: peer-to-peer Source: CSC Such information transparency has powerful implications for individuals and organizations. visibility into enterprise operations is improving performance. (See Figure 22. Today there are countless examples of how information that was once not available is. cameras • What you are doing: Twitter. was key to identifying the suspects. China and Russia have gone on to open up communications and their markets.forbes. DNA tests. processes and things. has said for years.) Figure 22 T H E INFo RMAT Io N E CoSySTEM yIE LDS T RANS PARE NCy 36 .com) to the dirtiest hotels (tripadvisor. to gather information about the suspects and crack the case. intended for business and recreational use. • Who you are: fingerprints.65 The owner leveraged the power of the Internet. where everyone knows everything about everyone. Tyranny made transparent is tyranny defeated. drawing from its database of over five billion records from 20. the iReport page). Just like these unfiltered opinions. iReport. companies are using cameras to monitor and record daily activities of employees. record. index and share their lives online to see better and benefit from increased personal safety and reduced crime.000 data sources. routes and airports. Mann has experimented with having first responders use the technology (see the building I’m going in and give me orders) and even shoppers (which bananas do you want?). His wearable computer functions like a “black box” flight recorder in that it captures physiological readings such as ECG (electrocardiogram). photos of the car over time. EEG (electroencephalogram) and the like. Telling It Like It Is them — not unlike using surveillance cameras and security locks in a store or home to reduce risk. in real time via your cell phone. who know the history of their car’s parts and whether or not a part is an original. who for 30 years has been inventing.” — John Taylor Mann’s cyborglogger system (“glogger” for short) has more than 28. oDesk Corporation.com stories are available immediately when iReporters post them. 37 . Russia and around the world to jobs.g.” and shows the story on TV or CNN. In addition to healthcare applications. and history of the car’s owners (bachelor or family with two kids and a dog) could be tied to the VIN number and accessed via a social network site dedicated to cars. as has been done with airplanes for years. and check their cyborglogs to see what caused the spike. This “man on the street” feedback puts pressure on corporations to tell the truth and rectify problems quickly. who can access it flightby-flight as they prepare to buy tickets. In the future. service records. Users can get cheaper life insurance rates because they can collect evidence of wrongdoing directed at The result of this transparency is better maintenance and more confident buyers. Web designers and project managers from India. the only place build records exist is on the vehicle sticker at the dealership.com are unfiltered and unedited. historical and other research. CARFAX provides vehicle history reports so buyers can know if a car or truck has been in an accident before they buy it. Users can review their ECG data. Flightstats. Seeing It Like It Is Also making the world a little more transparent is research by University of Toronto professor Steve Mann. If CNN uses an iReport. Shorter term and less all-encompassing. information that was not previously readily available — including Farecast. Data that existed but was unavailable is now readily available to consumers.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Look at Web sites that provide detailed product information. it is very difficult to recreate the car’s history in terms of components and features. see a spike. “There are no secrets in a wired society. Competitors are working with auto manufacturers to tag every part of the car at birth and relate it to the car’s VIN.. CARFAX generates reports on demand based on the vehicle identification number (VIN). This takes transparency to a new level because the airlines may not yet be reporting what you are experiencing. allows employers to audit employee activities on orbitz you can report what you actually see at the airport. designing. Without that sticker. Currently. It is not unlike the idea of retail stores having complete video footage of a person’s shopping experience to mine for marketing purposes. For used car buyers. (Was the person talking to an in-law?) Everything the user sees and experiences can be captured and shared on the Internet for all to see (with controls). But on iReport. Travelocity and orbitz. such as flight delays and long security lines. Air travelers can make more informed ticket decisions and purchase their tickets from any number of sites that compare prices and find the lowest fares — again. building and wearing cyborglogging devices that capture one’s every movement and conversation. Computer pioneer Gordon Bell’s digital archive at Microsoft Research is an example of a cyborglog that builds on Mann’s ideas of a life-long health record that could be combined with others’ life-long data for scientific.com gives on-time percentages for each plane flight you consider. Mann wears special electric glasses (his EyeTap invention) that capture his life as it happens. everything from parts. making the car’s parts traceable through the car’s life.com is about reporting all the news that doesn’t make the news. stamps it “on CNN. stories by citizen journalists on CNN’s iReport. it vets the story first. which assigns contract programmers. Expedia.com (e. as well as current flight status for particular flights. Ditto for the countless consumer opinions on the Web. and in so doing makes the world a little more transparent.000 users who capture. providing 100 times more information than conventional glucose monitoring and thus helping diabetics avoid high and low glucose levels. Inc. government demanded that Google withdraw images from Google Street View that it took from public streets near U.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M in real time via screen shots and Webcam shots that let you see. what your team members are working on. Individuals and organizations need to strike a balance between transparency and the following: • Privacy: Constant surveillance and constant data collection may at some point cross the privacy line. These cameras are making people and processes more transparent and providing better public safety. We accept sensors in hotel refrigerators that automatically collect precise information about our drinking habits. Diabetics can keep close track of their blood sugar level. literally. 66 Figure 23 Medtronic’s continuous glucose monitoring system. However. Though on-the-job privacy will increasingly be a concern as more data about workers is collected. the U. Employers use this visibility to spot-check code. fearing this would reveal players slowing down over their careers and thus hamper contract negotiations. We accept cameras in stores and on street corners. see when the contractor is working. military bases. However. Source: Medtronic. sensors serving as cameras for the body are making our bodily processes more transparent. as well as cameras in public spaces and on roads. providing benefits at a cost. A continuous glucose monitoring system from Medtronic that uses a sensor under the skin reports glucose levels every five minutes.) More information means better decision making because we can “see” what the body is doing in a timely manner. avoiding high and low levels. whether against Continued on the following page > 38 . In addition.67 Privacy takes a subordinate role when it’s a matter of safety. called the Guardian REAL-Time System. this level of transparency gives employers added confidence to hire and manage remote teams from a global workforce. and find out if the contractor is getting stuck on any tasks. but transparency can be a double-edge sword. the National Basketball Association Players Association refused to allow TV broadcasters to put RFID chips in players’ sneakers. FINdINg BALANCE: TrANsPArENCy VErsus PrIVACy Transparency is here to stay. uses a sensor under the skin and a transmitter (top) to send data every five minutes to a monitor (bottom).S.S. (See Figure 23. claiming threats to national security. All this comes against the backdrop of a proliferation of cameras on the Internet (recall the beginning of this chapter). comments and Web site content created in their salad days. even though putting off knowing can hurt much more later. ENTERPRISE VISIBILITy: ILLUMINATING oPERATIoNS In the future. Still. • Fraud: It may be true that on the Internet there are no secrets. as computers collect sensitive information from us and even begin to decipher our emotions and what our words mean (see Smart(er) World). so beware of what you say on Facebook. it’s an easier decision to want your information shared. from employees escaping a fire in the workplace.69 • Managing your own transparency: This will be increasingly important but difficult. to equipment moving underground. everyone and everything will be tracked. Thus people may avoid getting tested to keep their medical records clean (and insurers or employers unaware). In the future.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS FINdINg BALANCE: TrANsPArENCy VErsus PrIVACy (continued) terrorism or healthcare errors. creating tension for government agencies and others who operate there. director at the Institute for the Future. It includes monitoring. to equipment moving underground. transparency is good — more knowledge. it may be possible to know too much. bringing new levels of safety.68 Further. Such enterprise visibility (transparency) will illuminate operations. In this case knowing too much can hurt. where and when. insurers may not cover you or employers may not hire you if they know you are sick or at risk. in (near) real time. to widgets coming off the assembly line. 39 . to oil flowing through a pipeline. believes we will have to pay for what we want to keep private. Companies search the Internet to vet prospective employees. more innovation — but you have to manage it and stay vigilant. It could be that a certain amount of deception is necessary to maintain privacy in a transparent environment. to oil flowing through a pipeline. For example. Information will be presented visually. candidates entering the workforce may find themselves trying to explain away embarrassing blogs. MySpace and elsewhere. more informed decisions. efficiency and innovation to the organization. Internet content often remains long after the user has gone dormant or even closed an account. to widgets coming off the assembly line. • Knowing too much: With transparency. but there may also be more lies. Paul Saffo. accurately. Enterprise visibility is the ability to “see” all the organization’s assets: who and what. everyone and everything will be tracked.70 Overall. we know this information can be compromised or lost. If it’s a matter of saving my life versus my privacy. from employees escaping a fire in the workplace. we will have to relinquish any expectations of privacy in public places. DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M CSC has created such a system to track employees both inside and outside, integrating RFID technology (inside tracking) and GPS technology (outside tracking). The system uses accurate 3D depictions of geospatially-located buildings and infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, transmission lines, rail lines), which you can fly over and through to locate employees in real time, be they inside conference rooms or outside taking a break. (See Figure 24.) The system, which also tracks assets, uses latitude, longitude and altitude to pinpoint a subject’s location. Knowing where people and assets are is critical for safety, especially in dangerous or harsh environments. This is particularly true in the mining industry, where enterprise visibility of mobile equipment is sorely needed. In underground Figure 24 This visualization shows exactly where employees are mining, vehicles and people have been difficult to track. This is because technologies such as RFID have not worked well in subterranean areas. However, technology advances in RFID devices have now improved dramatically, enabling systems to be designed and developed that were not possible in the past. CSC has deployed an underground RFID system in a mine in Cannington, Australia for BHP Billiton, the world’s largest producer of silver and lead. The Underground Traffic Information System is the first system of its kind using RFID in an underground environment to inform vehicle operators about where nearby vehicles are moving in real time. (See Figure 25.) The system, which received the CSC Chairman’s Award for Excellence in 2008, is helping BHPB eliminate underground traffic accidents, as well as determine more efficient routes and reduce bottlenecks. Above ground, vehicle safety is being addressed through a different transparency angle: track truckers using GPS and sensors on the truck to ensure that truckers don’t drive longer than they should, which can result in fatigue and accidents. Truckers typically record their mileage manually and can “cook the books” to hide the fact that they have driven more hours than mandated by federal law. Digital surveillance eliminates this, making driver activity completely transparent.71 Visibility also improves efficiency. Imagine a 3D visualization of a hospital, where you can fly through the facility (in their cubicles) using CSC’s enterprise visibility real-time tracking technology. Part of the building has become transparent so you can see the people or things being tracked. The technology integrates RFID (for tracking the people inside) and GPS (for exterior location) into a single presentation platform. Source: CSC tracking, identifying, classifying and assigning attributes to a person, vehicle, fixed asset or infrastructure — whether stationary or moving. In general, enterprise visibility systems combine RFID, GPS and imagery to track assets visually in mapped locations. Knowing Exactly Where You Are Knowing where your employees are at all times is always a challenge. But what if you had a 3D digital model of your enterprise building or campus and could track employees using avatars? Figure 25 In this underground silver, lead and zinc mine in Cannington, Australia, the small truck on the right needs to get out of the way of a large front-end loader approaching. The truck needs to reverse until the front-end loader can safely pass. The inset shows a collision between a light vehicle and a haul truck. The difficult traffic conditions in the mine are being addressed with an RFID system that works underground and lets drivers know when vehicles are approaching. Since the installation of the system, designed by CSC, there have been no accidents recorded in the defined underground zones. Source: BHP Billiton 40 L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS and see all its assets. you can know when an ambulance is expected in the emergency room and the condition of the patient. you can have better information about organs being transplanted. CSC has introduced omniLocation to provide such enterprise visibility to clients. omniLocation is CSC-developed middleware that integrates location and sensor technology with Web Services to create a real world visualization of enterprise operations. It integrates location with relevant attributes about people, vehicles, assets and infrastructure, creating a fourdimensional visualization of the client’s enterprise on a Web platform. This augmented reality combines data about physical business operations onto a real world visualization that is physically correct, accurately mapped, and continuously updated. omniLocation delivers an unprecedented level of insight into operations to improve safety, security and efficiency. It provides an interactive interface to the user and an operations communication tool to the client. Visualization Tools Are Key RISING EXPECTATIoNS ABoUT TRANSPARENCy Indeed, once people have tasted transparency, they want more. Information can no longer be hidden. People are increasingly demanding that data be available to them, particularly public data. In the United States, there is a strong cry for federal agencies to make their data more transparent. A Princeton University study observes that federal agencies are falling behind in presenting data to the public.73 The study suggests that if agencies provided easier Web access to raw data, private companies and organizations could present the data in new ways. once people have tasted transparency, they want more. Visualization tools are key to enterprise visibility systems. Tools such as Google Maps, Google Earth, Google SketchUp and Google Sketchy Physics provide highly accurate, free maps. Further, the maps are getting more realistic. “Google Earth visualizes the real world, not a virtual replica,” notes Dan Munyan, chief technologist for CSC’s Global Security Solutions Identity Labs. “We are almost at near real-time updates with satellite imagery. In the past, updates were on the order of every 28 days; now they are just a few seconds.” To showcase its enterprise visibility tracking technology, CSC provided real-time tracking for the 2008 Amgen Tour of California professional cycling race. Riders wore small RFID devices and were represented as moving avatars on a digital map, rendered via Google Maps or Google Earth. The Location object Field Tracking (LoFT) solution let users predict what would happen next since they had access to historical data as well as elevation and route data. The LoFT mash-up could be displayed on a handheld as well as a laptop or desktop.72 As enterprise visibility takes hold, it is moving from exotic and harsh environments to the mundane, such as monitoring passport queues at airports to ensure that enough border control agents are on hand. When technology is applied to ordinary jobs, it’s a sure sign it’s going mainstream. For example, if the Environmental Protection Agency could make more raw data more accessible to the public, then interested parties, including consumers, could analyze and interpret the data in creative ways useful to them. Many interested parties already do this; for instance, USA Today taps Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data to publish a national map of mercury emission sources.74 But if more data were more readily accessible, more analyses leading to improved understanding would be possible. The demand for better data transparency, along with problems such as natural disasters that require collaboration, heightened public awareness about protecting the environment, and the explosion of the Web, are driving EPA to seek new ways to serve its data to the public. To this end, EPA launched a National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information,75 which sought input from citizens and organizations alike on what information they look for, how they use it, search terms and delivery formats. “The American people have a real thirst for environmental information,” says Molly o’Neill, EPA chief information officer and assistant administrator for the office of Environmental Information. “That’s a major reason we launched the National Dialogue. People expect to find information not in days or hours or minutes, but rather in seconds.” Input from the National Dialogue, which ran from January through June 2008, will shape EPA’s strategy for access to environmental information. 41 DIGITAL DISrupTIonS LEA DI nG EDGE Foru M Similarly, in healthcare people have been demanding better access to information so they can analyze it and make decisions. Making the healthcare system more transparent is an enormous challenge, but work is well underway. DrIvInG TrAnSpArEncy: MASh-upS AnD MorE As information becomes more transparent, the software tools themselves are becoming more transparent, from mash-ups to (further out) attentional software and intentional software. TransparenT HealTHcare: THe DocTor and Your InformaTIon are In As anyone who has been to the doctor’s office in the United States knows, U.S. healthcare is ripe for an IT transformation. Every time you fill out an intake form describing who you are, what medications you are on, and who your insurance carrier is, you are reminded of how paper-based the healthcare system still is. But healthcare is poised to become more transparent as longitudinal electronic health records, intelligence systems and improved connectivity help deliver better information for better decisions. in U.S. hospitals as a result of medical errors.76 U.S. healthcare as a percentage of GNP continues to grow and exceeds that of any other industrialized country. (It was 16 percent in 2006 and estimated to be 16.6 percent in 2008 and 19.5 percent in 2017.77) Better information that makes patient and disease data more transparent and reduces administrative costs and time will help reverse these statistics. the person changes jobs, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals or state of residence. In 2004 President Bush issued an executive order that the majority of Americans have electronic health records by 2014. Two initiatives helping realize the goal by setting data standards are the Health Information Technology Standards Panel, at the government level, and SNOMED, a Key technology enablers include: privately-led taxonomy of some 300,000 medical terms. One state-of-the-art Longitudinal Electronic Health Records — “Transparent healthcare is about improving the quality of care with better information for better decisions, saving lives and money,” says Dr. Robert Wah, CSC’s chief medical officer. An individual’s personal health information must be standardized and integrated into an electronic health record that lasts a lifetime. This record would include information from doctor visits, hospital stays, pharmacies, lab tests and the It is estimated that there are anywhere from 44,000 to 98,000 deaths per year supporting medical and pharmacy claims. The record must remain active whether prototype based on SNOMED terms is a visualization tool developed by IBM that maps a person’s electronic health record data to a 3D image of the human body. The Analytic and Symbolic Mapper Engine, described as Google Earth for the body,78 brings dry medical data to life and makes it easy to understand. Continued on the following page > 42 L E A D In G E D G E Fo ru M DIGITAL DISrupTIonS TransparenT HealTHcare: THe DocTor and Your InformaTIon are In (continued) At the same time. Connectivity — The Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) is key to vote for a presidential candidate who Continued on the following page > Intelligence Systems — Once you have the data. for example. four architecture prototpyes have been developed. Revolution Health (backed by AOL co-founder Steve Case) and ActiveHealth Management’s ActivePHR. including Google Health (in beta). The engine generates communications for doctors and patients. These services are an effort to give people tools to manage their own health information. Although the NHIN will not be in place for years. These examples underscore 79 tying together islands of information. or to reinforce to the patient the importance of taking a medication by explaining the adverse consequences of not doing so.000 Americans polled indicated they would be more likely to the desperate need to correlate health information and make it available in a timely. This is a major issue for Americans. Microsoft’s HealthVault. In a 2008 survey commissioned by CSC. Source: CSC All Patients with same diagnosis 1 Non-responders and Toxic Responders Remove 2 Treat Responders and Patients Not Predisposed to Toxicity 43 . unique characteristics. paving the way for personalized medicine based on an individual’s specific. to warn the doctor that two drugs could interfere. public record management services are emerging. database of patient information and medical research and flags potential conflicts in an individual’s medication or treatment. intelligence algorithms (rules) are needed to apply against the data to yield insights. comprehensive manner. similar to how they manage their bank information online. as a result of its analysis. including one by CSC. ActiveHealth Management has compiled a large Stratifying patients by genotype lets researchers predict who will respond favorably (or not) to a drug. Am I getting better or worse? Are two drugs interfering with each other? Resolution Health has created a rules engine that answers such questions. 70 percent of 1. It’s a matter of life and death. The ultimate goal of a transparent healthcare system is personalized medicine. a catalog of global real estate offerings. Mash-ups can be created by novices. longitudinal clinical patient data must be integrated with molecular data (e. researchers will know the one molecule to to reveal the complex underlying causes and outcomes of diseases can effective. Making the inner workings of applications. where the modern Web functions as an operating system and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. nurses. searchable 44 .g. or which patients will respond negatively to a new drug before it is administered. it’s about making the entire healthcare system smarter: patients. much the same way blogging systems put Web publishing into the hands of millions of ordinary nontechnical people. proteomics). Similarly.” This innovation stems from a broader pool of non-technical people who can now create applications: With mashups. hospitals. an entire mash-up ecosystem is emerging. Based on genetic information. the barrier to developing applications and turning creativity into innovation is so low that there’s a vacuum into which an entire new class of developers will be sucked. to be sure. more transparent leads to application innovation. Then there are mapping mash-ups that incorporate pictures and video. director of cSc’s Leading Edge Forum.” asserts paul Gustafson.com/speedtrap).’ giving individuals full freedom to represent information any way that pleases them. now software (applications) is open enough to be easily combined with other software (applications) to yield new applications. In the end. As one blogger wrote. Instead of relying on three general criteria — gender. insurance companies. It’s already happening.com) and automobile speed traps (njection. care is customized for the individual. why not add pictures and video of not just the property but the surrounding area. target with a new drug.300. they do not require sophisticated programmers. so can healthcare. along with application information. most notably in the form of mash-ups.DIGITAL DISrupTIonS LEA DI nG EDGE Foru M TransparenT HealTHcare: THe DocTor and Your InformaTIon are In (continued) supports the creation of a nationwide health information network. “The result is potentially endless innovation. but if the financial services and travel industries can become digitally transparent. weight and height — to develop a treatment plan. maximizing effectiveness and thus minimizing side effects. government payors. Your insulin dosage can be fine-tuned so there is no need to prick yourself every 20 minutes to check your blood sugar level. family background and your DNA. It’s a complex system.81 Mashup Feed is reporting an average of three new mash-ups per day and total mash-ups at over 3.org). pharmaceutical To fully realize the vision of personalized medicine. suppliers. such as viewr. Only by seamlessly integrating these data types companies and life science researchers. As shown in Figure 26. doctors. genomics. property values in your neighborhood (zillow. “Mash-ups disrupt the former culture that ‘someone else knows best. as shown in Figure 27.. 80 doctors can analyze detailed individual attributes to create a custom plan.82 clever mash-ups have been created to show correlations between political contributions and votes cast (maplight. personalized treatments be realized. Figure 27 This mash-up lets you find speed traps in your area. and Google Mashup Editor (in testing).0 Blog.htm across city maps. for both novice and power users. and add social networking that allows residents and prospective buyers to chat. For example.84 others include MapBuilder. When you hover your cursor over a speed trap.83 The possibilities are endless. detailed information and advertising appear.U P E CoSyST E M: FLo URIS H ING IN AN INCRE AS ING Ly N URT URI N G E N V I R o N ME N T HTML RIA Mobile Hybrid Web commerce site online application feed aggregator media storage P Enterprise of the Edge ublic search engine content site Tolerance Continuum discovery mash-up aw int kwa ers r ect d ion Database Browser content security Private Services and Information Mash-up Drivers: service En p ter ris e Great Content is Hard to Recreate Increasing Developer and User Skills The Benefit of Building on the Shoulders of Giants Widespread Availability of Good Tools Lightweight Data and Service Models Easy to Reuse Services Right to Remix Spreading SOA Source: Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2. from government to e-commerce to telephony.86 In the enterprise. shown in Figure 28. more dynamic and more secure than spending days pulling data from different sources into a presentation and e-mailing it.com/the_web_20_mashup_ecosystem_ramps_up. depending on severity level.socialcomputingmagazine. the U. http://web2. you can also add speed traps to the map using a simple form Source: Njection 45 . This is far faster.0 Unported License. mash-ups are being used in a variety of areas. enables end users to create a current. one tool for creating mash-ups is Intel Mash Maker. overwatch is browser-based and uses drag-and-drop techniques and bookmarks. The overwatch platform. Have commentary about the neighborhoods using “wiki-fied pop-ups” in the mash-up. Speed traps appear as yellow or red dots on the map.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 26 T HE MAS H . customized view of a particular situation based on multiple intelligence data sources.S.85 for mashing Google and yahoo maps. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. Social Computing Magazine. Defense Intelligence Agency created a mash-up called overwatch to make intelligence gathering and analysis more timely. As Internet technologies and cultural norms continue to evolve. there is no end in sight to transparency and the innovations it can yield. creating a faster. “Mash-ups address the IT bottleneck by empowering business users to easily assemble their own situational applications in response to ever-changing business requirements. Data adds value and drives sales.” says Luis Derechin. user self-service. Source: JackBe Corporation overwatch was created using JackBe Corporation’s Presto enterprise mash-up software. even if the business is selling hard goods like cars. CEo of JackBe. and tracking research citations (Thomson Scientific). sent to co-workers or customers. other applications of Presto include providing current inventory data to field sales people (Tupperware). amplified by Web 2. mashlets can be put into a blog or portal. Key benefits of the approach are empowering end users to assemble the data they need on the fly. The objective of mashlets is to share their mash-up results easily and safely. and improving information sharing and real-time access to critical information. gives U. Defense Intelligence Agency staffers the ability to create an informational view of a situation quickly. savvy enterprises will leverage a data-operational strategy that puts information at the core of the business.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M Figure 28 This mash-up. 46 .S. portable micro applications that present a “face” to enterprise mash-ups. called overwatch. ubiquitous connectivity. or viewed in a browser or nextgeneration mobile phone.0. more flexible shopping cart for e-commerce applications (Nutrisystem). even if the business is selling hard goods like cars. new on the scene for JackBe are mashlets. Savvy enterprises will leverage a data-operational strategy that puts information at the core of the business. and a culture that demands information. mash-ups. In addition. data adds value and drives sales. The Internet was founded on transparency and we are feeling the effects. right from their browser. using suitable receivers and transmitters. not just slightly shorter as depicted pictorially. broadcast TV. microwaves. can somehow separate out and interpret. it will take time to revise U. Amidst this cacophony. new hardware and software tools are refining our ability to control radio wave signals. 8 neW Wave of Waves The sky is not the limit as spectrum goes digital. wireless is a new frontier that is completely up for grabs. Change is in the air. we are immersed in a sea of waves (mostly invisible) that surrounds us with a tremendous amount of potential information. AM/FM radio or Wi-Fi. The game has changed. the current contrivance of spectrum allocation will be shattered altogether.S. with spectrum as valuable a resource today as oil was in the Industrial Age. a result of radio communication mishaps that contributed to the sinking of the Titanic. Source: NASA’s “Living With a Star” program and the Center for Science Education at Space Sciences Laboratory. Eventually. New technologies render spectrum allocation obsolete. For example. whether cellular. while the waves shown in this “cartoon” do not. heat waves. with spectrum as valuable a resource today as oil was in the Industrial Age. the electromagnetic spectrum. radio waves and more. as shown in Figure 29. The game has changed. and to one day do away with spectrum allocation entirely thanks to cognitive radio. visible light waves. Note that the range of wavelengths varies by many orders of magnitude. This is enabling us to reallocate spectrum to a host of new digital applications.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL.88 Change will be introduced gradually as some spectrum bands are reallocated and others are opened for general purpose rather than proprietary use. Figure 29 This depiction of electromagnetic spectrum shows several objects with size scales comparable to the wavelengths of the waves of different types of electromagnetic radiation. To paraphrase Nobel-prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. 47 .87 This sea of waves. However. University of California at Berkeley. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and business models that profit handsomely from the regulated spectrum bequeathed to us in 1912. These waves present a cacophony of signals that we. includes X-rays. We are no longer held back by old technologies that led to the creation of spectrum allocation to avoid interference. visible light waves are typically 100 time shorter than infrared waves. wireless is a new frontier that is completely up for grabs. This is a key point. added at the urging of Google (which did not pick up any licenses). GSM.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. and start-ups. not just your carrier’s network. and access restrictions. police. which spent $6.e. transition to digital TV (which will be completed in 2009).” a valuable scarce resource providing a foundation for building innovative new products and services. To say wireless will become the norm is one thing. wireless will become the norm and wired the exception. cable and satellite broadcasters.1 – 10. The wireless arena. and AT&T Mobility.”) The FCC has called the 700 Mhz band “beachfront property. The 700 MHz band’s five blocks (A-E). the auction earned $20 billion. which must by definition be open to compatible applications and devices. As the battle plays out and the demand for wireless communications increases.S. B.and A-block licenses.g. HSDPA. unlike the Internet. Sprint AT&T Mobility Verizon Wireless 700 MHz Wi-Fi T-Mobile a hodge-podge of incompatible protocols (e. CDMA. radio.91 During the time leading up to the March 2008 auction.6GHz A M G ro un d FCC auctions off the C Block for $20 billion for a new open access industry. licensed and unlicensed spectrum). TDMA. the National Guard and others seamlessly and reliably. Verizon Wireless predicts “a new wave of consumer electronics and applications” using Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology in its C block. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS The race to stake out the wireless frontier is precipitating a spectrum battle between the established telcos. depicted in Figure 30. which spent roughly $9. the C block received the most attention because it contained open access elements. Source: CSC . WiMAX). will be freed up as a result of the U.90 In total. were auctioned off for a mix of commercial and public safety uses. EVDo. GPRS. originally assigned to analog TV. unlicensed applications. proprietary frequency bands (i. but getting there — having ubiquity and seamless connectivity — is quite another. Internet service providers. Figure 30 SPECTRUM oPENS UP IN THE 700MHz BAND (C BLoCK) R ad io C B R FM ad R io ad io S ho rt w av e N ex t A el ir / Tr ES affi M c R Sa C on te tr lli ol te R ad io 5-600MHz 700MHz 800MHz 900MHz 1200MHz 1900MHz 2400MHz SPECTRUM oPENS UP Imagine a day when your mobile phone works on any wireless network. or emergency responders can carry one radio that communicates with firefighters. 48 to Sp lu ac et e C o Ph ord oth le on e ss W U SB B 3. Slowly this is changing as spectrum opens up and the traditional licensing models fall by the wayside.” a valuable scarce resource providing a foundation for building innovative new products and services. The FCC has called the 700 MHz band “beachfront property. The 700 MHz auction is a major step towards opening up spectrum and introducing innovative business models.92 (LTE is discussed in “The Race Towards Broader Coverage and Speed.4 billion for C-. Wi-Fi. is not based on one unifying protocol and universal access but rather A B CDE AWS AWS UWB Unused “white space” is available for low-power... The big winners were Verizon Wireless. UWB. that opened the door to companies other than traditional phone companies to win licenses and create a host of new wireless services. both proprietary and open.89 The 700 MHz band. federal emergency responders.6 billion for B-block licenses. 95 Anything that increases Web traffic improves Google’s position as an advertising platform.94 Google has given suggestions to the FCC for how white space could be deployed for unlicensed use. but with today’s transmitters and receivers that is no longer needed. radio. Radio over the Internet. such as through LastFM or Internet radio streaming. who need to strike a balance in deciding “which wave to ride” at any one time. This on-ramp takes consumers to an endless array of applications. 49 . With Wi-Fi operating in an unlicensed band.4-5 GHz for licensed Wi-Fi). Even Apple opened its iPhone platform to outside developers. Just as wireless Internet connectivity breaks the cellular juggernaut. it also breaks the radio juggernaut. voice). in contrast to the single applications of the licensed bands (e. In addition. enabling capabilities such as Wi-Fi telephony. there is no need to have allocated radio spectrum and no need to tune into a radio station’s frequency. vendors are opening up in the meantime. with Wi-Fi being slower and shorter range but less expensive to deploy. Thus we have conditions setting up the demise of radio as we know it: new networks accessible by new devices that put radio in new places. The Chumby.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. is many years away. Once you can get radio over the Internet. gives you more choices and control. comes with Internet radio too. the portion of unused spectrum that separates licensed TV bands. Another area of spectrum ripe for opening up is TV white space. Having the additional spectrum available for unlicensed devices would be a major win for innovation. Just navigate to the station you want via your mobile or laptop. from proprietary to open. The model shifts from licensed to unlicensed. considered “a golden technological opportunity” for broadband services for those without broadband and for consumer applications such as smart homes and mobile TV.93 (Wi-Fi versus WiMAX is primarily about speed/ distance versus cost. disrupting traditional radio the way music and TV are being disrupted.) Though the prospect of a nationwide wireless network. dashing the value once inherent in having a proprietary hold on spectrum. 700 MHz Wi-Fi sets up an alternative to PCS or WiMAX for a nationwide wireless network. So it’s not just Internet radio per se but all the devices that can tune into Internet radio that will make traditional radio obsolete. companies that already have hotspots could become “super hotspots. a Wi-Fi gadget that looks like an alarm clock..) With the new iPhone 3G. 700 MHz Wi-Fi has broader reach. In the past. there are complaints about the performance of Wi-Fi due to access point overlap and whIThEr ThE rAdIo? With wireless Internet connectivity providing more flexibility and choice. Estimates put the price of building a national Wi-Fi network at $2 billion. 8 An early sign of innovation in the 700 MHz band is 700 MHz Wi-Fi. Already in multi-tenant buildings. it is easy to see that traditional AM/FM radio will eventually become obsolete. (See New Media.g. Verizon Wireless has opened its network to other devices and applications. The FCC is deciding whether and how to free up this vacant spectrum. Google is developing an open platform for mobile phones (Android) in conjunction with the open Handset Alliance it is leading for third-party applications. white space served as a buffer to prevent interference. meaning fewer towers are required. However. Internet radio streaming hits a growing population.” delivering an on-ramp to the Internet and providing a host of new innovations and disruptions in the spirit of the open C block. for it sets up more potential disruptions for the carriers and device manufacturers. another sign of spectrum opening up. in contrast to $4 billion for a national 1900 MHz PCS network and $5 billion for a WiMAX network. particularly mobile Web access. open spectrum does have its challenges. TV. The opening up of the platform by Apple is very strategic. Because it operates at a lower frequency (700 MHz in contrast to 2. currently the system has been deployed on three train sets. if you are Figure 32 Internet access from a moving.. Amsterdam or cologne. enabling streaming video and data on high-speed transit systems. Trains and Planes: Connecting in Motion Trains. airlines (e. you would use Wi-Fi at port. it is designed for use in cars. maintains connectivity over vast geographic areas. Belgium. is a Wi-Fi modem for vehicles. high-speed Thalys International train works as follows: From the passenger’s laptop. or. trains and boats. trains and other public transportation systems.000 kilometers above or to 3G ground networks. Internet connectivity is a differentiator that its competitors (other trains and airlines) do not offer yet. With its advanced algorithms. For example. satellite and other networks. For Thalys. cSc helped Thalys choose the provider. and on to a central server before transmission through a rooftop antenna. Germany and the Netherlands. it is important to see where Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies are making inroads in terms of new applications and new techniques. The PepWave MAX mobile router. satellite and cellular technologies. on planes. Source: PepWave WIRELESS IN NEW PLAcES As spectrum opens up and wireless eventually becomes the norm. If you are on a Thalys train going from Paris to Brussels. WiMAX and other networks to provide seamless. which connects to a satellite 36. allows for seamless failover across Wi-Fi. bandwidth sharing. which serves over six million passengers per year. PePWave TrainFi. though efforts are underway. In the past. where Thalys operates. 3G around the coast. with service expected to start on some U. buses. Virgin America) in 200896 and movement Figure 31 The PepWave MAX mobile router works with Wi-Fi. (However. you can enjoy broadband Internet connectivity for the entire duration of the journey at an average cruise speed of 300 kilometers per hour (187 miles per hour). say you are a passenger on a high-speed Thalys train in Europe. Aircell and onAir offer Wi-Fi connectivity in the cabin. This allowed Thalys International to become the first European commercial passenger rail service provider to offer passengers Internet connectivity using Wi-Fi. to be announced in fall 2008. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS a passenger on a ship. it is able to provide a stable Wi-Fi connection in a moving vehicle at speeds up to 75 miles per hour. Internet connectivity while in flight is becoming a reality. WiMAX. planes and automobiles are getting online with Wi-Fi. getting away from microwave ovens will no doubt enhance the performance of these new networks!) The solution provides continuous coverage across France. connections to the Internet have been difficult if not impossible in moving vehicles. But advances in roaming and network access are making it possible to provide continuous coverage. data is transmitted to one of two hotspots in the passenger’s train car.g. negotiate. which uses a different way to provide connectivity. housed in a ruggedized enclosure. trains and boats. Figure 32 shows the high-level design. and manage the implementation of the wireless service. American Airlines. buses. shown in Figure 31. Source: CSC 50 .DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. The MAX mobile router. 3G. The Thalys project won the cSc chairman’s Award for Excellence in 2008. 3G. with plans for full deployment by 2009. high-speed connectivity on cars. and satellite at sea.S. caller forwarding). Consumers set up a femtocell. essentially a mini cell tower. femtocells work with existing cellular handsets. “This would substantially reduce the need to use multiple networks to lower costs. and past calls to you (which you can listen to or read as text). in the house.97 Nokia is currently the leading dualmode handset manufacturer. According to a study by Infonetics Research. Ribbit (acquired by BT in July 2008) is an open platform that bridges the worlds of cellular and the Web using VoIP.” So as dual mode disrupts. Fring also offers file transfer (limited) and supports multiple languages. (Cable companies may also get into the act. it drives home the power of spectrum while also presenting new platforms and possibilities that take us well beyond what dial tone delivered in the past. not expensive cell phone minutes. as with dual mode services. Ribbit’s Caller ID 2. which require a special handset. unlicensed mobile access (UMA) network controllers and multi-access convergence gateways. and AT&T is exploring femtocells as well. and in so doing upstage cellular (and wireline). 8 ExTENdINg CoVErAgE AT hoME: CoMBININg CELLuLAr ANd wI-FI As more phone calls are made via wireless rather than wireline phones.) There is some serious money at stake. the worldwide fixed-mobile convergence market. call waiting. With voice as just another data type on the Internet. including his latest blog posts.3 billion by 2010. Dual mode gets us one step closer to the vision of open access. You can make and take calls from your cell phone or browser and manage voicemail as text. as has happened with long distance wireline. Of note: Our history with bandwidth suggests that as networks get faster. followed by HTC and Sony Ericsson. it too could one day be disrupted.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. The trick is to make Wi-Fi calling as reliable and accepted as cellular. Cell phone disruptions are also coming from services such as fring and Ribbit. essentially obliterating the voice stovepipe. using WiMAX femtocells to provide wireless service to consumers. 51 . sharable and actionable. enterprise chief strategy officer and vice president of network architecture at Nortel. As consumers experience disruption with the mobile phone first hand.98 For those who want to dispense with cellular altogether. services that are linear in growth (versus exponential) become priced at a flat fee rather than a per-minute fee. Callers operate these phones over Wi-Fi networks at home. the advent of higherspeed wireless will rapidly erode the need to meter wireless voice minutes. Unlike dual-mode services. “If this is true. service is much less expensive than cellular (or wireline) and comes with features you’d expect (voice mail. shifts traffic off the cellular network. Among the carriers in the game is T-Mobile. without boundaries and regardless of device or telco service. Femtocells are an alternative way to improve coverage at home. The femtocell provides coverage where existing cell coverage is poor. making it searchable. caller ID. photos. Fring is a mobile VoIP service that lets users talk. The social Web meets telephony. chat and interact with each other from their mobile phones using Internet connectivity. there are Wi-Fi only phones powered by services from companies like Vonage. cellular carriers are competing to grab hold of the sizeable “home zone” market by employing dual-mode handset services and femto-based systems in the home. in the office or at hotspots.” says Phil Edholm. which has launched HotSpot @Home. will climb to $46. and leverages infrastructure and service already in use by the customer at home. including dual-mode phones.0 feature let’s you see a Web page of information about a caller before you take the call. videos. a service that offers unlimited calling via dual-mode (Wi-Fi and cellular) handsets using customers’ home WLANs. Sprint is testing the waters with its Airave femtocell. whose Wi-Fi service has been tested by Alaska Airlines. less roaming) through broader reach. Wi-Fi in flight (with or without voice) is a new revenue opportunity for the airlines. portable and mobile wireless broadband connectivity without the need for a direct line-of-sight to a base already underway in Europe.4 Kbps 64-144 Kkbps 384 Kbps3 Mbps 10-20 Mbps 25-30 Mbps 70 Mbps 100 Mbps Data Rates Source: CSC 52 . A central feature of the onAir service is that the crew can disable the voice feature at any time. Figure 34 depicts LTE and WiMAX on their respective paths to 4G networks. A Wi-Fi at 700 Mhz 802. Feeling threatened. Attackers WiMAX Trials LTE Demos 2007 WiMAX OFDM/ MIMO + Flat IP Network spectrum & regulatory considerations Rollout Trials Early Adopters Rollout 2008 2009 2010 Evolved Edge: Bridge for GSM operators to leapfrog to LTE WiMAX: Differentiated offering for new entrants LTE: Natural evolution path for 2G/3G operators fixed.. WiMAX is expected to accommodate Source: Nortel Greenfield Licenses. Asia and Australia. which becomes a hotspot inside the cabin. Although not as powerful as WiMAX.11b ire W In contrast to the more limited bandwidth and range of Wi-Fi. Aircell uses cellular and onAir uses satellite technology to beam signals to the plane. similar to the traditional cellular phone network. The path that operators choose regarding LTE and Cellular Operators CDMA GSM UMTS/ HSPA 4G LTE WiMAX is shown in Figure 33. the GSM camp developed LTE in response. for fixed wireless.11a/b/g/n WiMAX 802.) In any event.16-2005 Wi-Fi 802. IEEE standards 802. LTE is a counterstrike to WiMAX for large.11a/g Mobile WiMAX 802.16-2004 Wi-Fi 802..16e-2005. technologies like LTE >14. offering service on Dubai-based Emirates and Qantas Airways (trial). 8 LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 33 M o B I L E B R oADB A N D T E C H No Lo Gy PAT H and WiMAX deliver high speeds and more seamless connectivity (i.5G HSDPA HSUPA LTE NexGen Wi-Fi 802. Wireless operator Xanadoo launched one of the first commercial mobile WiMAX networks Figure 34 LT E AND WiMAX ARE THE TWo MA J o R PAT H S To 4 G NE T Wo RKS All IP and Mobile 4G 3G 3. at least in the U.99 and AeroMobile. Ryanair) are already testing and offering in-flight cell phone service. WiMAX requires new infrastructure but has broad range. LTE will succeed HSDPA and can be used with existing GSM networks. for mobile wireless.) A major issue. (Satellite technology is required for coverage on trans-oceanic flights. note that U. at least.100 The Race Towards Broader Coverage and Speed les s Device Movement station.S.L E A D IN G E D G E| Fo RU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. (Meanwhile. metro area networks. New Entrants. Air France.. other players include Row 44. LTE works on existing GSM infrastructure so is less expensive to roll out.g. nomadic. Will social etiquette win out? Probably not in Europe. is whether to allow voice calls or not.11n 2G Cell ular CDMA GSM TDMA 2.5G GPRS EDGE CDMA2000 W-CDMA 1xEV-DO Rev. where airlines (e.S. have been ratified and interoperable products are now emerging from many vendors.16-2004. airlines have removed their in-flight phones.16e/802. who are hurting over sky-high fuel prices.e. and 802. Intel hopes WiMAX becomes just as popular as Wi-Fi and a viable alternative to 4G mobile phone networks. MXtv is a way for WiMAX operators to provide TV and other video services. another WiMAX competitor is NextWave.105 Ultrawideband: Connecting Close In A really interesting potential of ultrawideband is the ability to have peripherals become public and shared in a private-use sense. PCs. Wi-Fi. and developing separate infrastructures to utilize specific assigned frequencies.107 (If this technology reaches the enterprise. Indeed.) Intel plans to include both WiMAX and Wi-Fi in its next chipset for laptops (Centrino 2). WiMAX plans are underway. we will see a complete breakdown of spectrum as software defined radio. take hold and spectrum allocation is shattered. Alactel-Lucent has signed on. the system has been sold to armies and police forces around the world. we can get rid of most of those unsightly wires in our offices and homes. the hotel display can become the large display for a PDA. With UWB. Juniper Research forecasts that mobile WiMAX will take off from 2010-2013. It is useful indoors. PDAs).DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. as with WiMAX. Time Warner. Clearwire. The vision of a dynamic digital spectrum is possible because we are no longer bound by old technology. along with partners Sprint Nextel and Clearwire. a partnership was announced among Sprint. and its child. consumer electronics and PC peripherals.” This approach would not require deploying new infrastructure. begins field tests of WiMAX networks and technology in 2008. or every seat at a conference table can have a display that becomes the display for the seated individual.g. Google and Intel to create a new WiMAX company bearing the Clearwire name. was originally done Ultrawideband offers the promise of being ultra-connected at close range. such as for connecting home networks. an Internet company and a chip maker a stake in shaping the future of mobile wireless Internet access. (See Platform Makeover. whose MXtv is a mobile multicast and broadcast technology for WiMAX operators. The partnership is unique in that it gives cable operators. just the way night vision technology has. which was introduced in July 2008.16e) in North America in April 2008. and whether they are alone or with someone else. Dividing up and allocating spectrum. Comcast. As short-range wireless connections take off. was never intended to handle seamless hand-offs between cells. The result: a dynamic and completely digital spectrum. Designed for military and search and rescue operations.106 UWB 53 . and is hoped to become a general-issue tool for all military units one day. WiMAX could start making its move when Intel. Essentially. 101 combined with wireless USB provides even more flexibility and reliability. Use the entire spectrum and let software find the signals you need. Despite these challenges and some false starts. Surely there is a business in creating jamming equipment for this!) SPECTRUM SHATTERS CoMPLETELy Eventually. topping 80 million subscribers worldwide by then. entertainment centers..104 As the new Clearwire competes with Verizon Wireless and AT&T. which is a unique feature of WiMAX. A unique hand-held radar system designed by Camero uses UWB to detect hidden objects on the other side of a wall and display them as images on screen. In May 2008. cognitive radio. which are just beginning their plans for next-generation wireless networks. We may also be able to see through walls. the battle for wireless broadband is on. 8 (802. imagine being able to see if someone is in the office if the door is closed. followed by consumer electronics and applications in volume in 2010. the company released a dedicated WiMAX chipset (Intel WiMAX Connection 2250) in 2006. and over 400 million UWB-enabled devices shipped in 2011. however. 102 A really interesting potential of UWB is the ability to have peripherals become public and shared in a private-use sense.103 While some are moving to LTE. UWB is a very low-power technology that sends signals in quick bursts across a wide spectrum of frequencies. This opens the door to carrying intelligence and using displays where needed. The first UWB-enabled notebook PCs shipped in late 2007. with a range of approximately 300 feet. PC peripherals will show up in 2008. others say it is more cost effective to upgrade Wi-Fi to approximate WiMAX functionality that is “good enough. versus today’s model of carrying different devices and intelligence for different displays (e. despite many other wave broadcasts in the same frequency. unaltered original signal could be distinguished from its wayward siblings. They include a handset being able to locate itself with GPS. to avoid signal interference. automobile and personal computer. The receiver sports multiple antennae to catch all wave types and corresponding algorithms to analyze them. and contain and manage a database of nations and regulations. which have yielded extremely powerful. mountains or buildings and 54 . Perhaps the ultimate in SDR is when devices can negotiate spectrum intelligently as needed. SDR is a major game-changer. and cognitive radio allows negotiating spectrum on the fly as needed. Today. The With SDR. Cognitive radio can detect unused spectrum and share it without harmful interference to others. software defined radio is a major game-changer. waves do not generally interfere with each other. Software defined radio (SDR) enables moving to different frequencies and modulations via software. up until recently. But this is no longer necessary. the signal from the noise — so we legislated frequency separation. interference becomes a plus. SDRs can identify out-of-phase rogue waves and shift them into phase. • Regulators don’t understand SDR technology well enough to regulate it well. The government will need to get involved to undo its allocation “solution” of the past. at the lowest level of power consumption. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS use the entire spectrum and let software find the signals you need. automatically adjusting transmission and reception parameters.108 arriving at the antenna slightly out of phase with the original signal was overcome by increasing the power of the broadcasting node so that the stronger. In the past. you need. Physics does not dictate that we divide up the spectrum to avoid interference. transmitters comprising small.” GoVERNMENT ’ S Ro LE (Or Challenges Facing Software Defined Radio) Despite the promise of software defined radio and cognitive radio. sense and analyze nearby spectrum. as well as capture the best spectrum to meet quality-of-service requirements. reverse spectrum regulation. know the date and time. Interference is no longer a liability but actually a redundant signal asset called “multi-path gain. powerful computer chips can use a slew of software algorithms to carve information into a wave that can be picked out by a similarly-equipped receiver. we must be willing to embrace the new technology of SDR. multi-path interference from the reflection and refraction of transmitted waves bouncing off the atmosphere. and selects and transforms the waves of interest. thereby increasing the signal strength of the direct transmission while reducing the power required of the transmitter.e. A cognitive radio would detect Inside Software Defined Radio user needs based on context and provide the appropriate wireless service.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. Rather... Some say the technologies needed for cognitive radio already exist. the government plays a pivotal role in their success: • Broadcast license holders have little incentive to support the opening of the electromagnetic spectrum for general use.e. on par with the telephone. • The government’s prohibition of the use of open source code109 in the development of SDR will undoubtedly slow the advancement of this groundbreaking technology. our radio technology was incapable of separating out the waves of interest — i. on par with the telephone. and only those signals. automobile and personal computer. and resolve turf wars that impede progress in the vast radio space. Additionally. Today this approach is largely an anachronism given the hardware and software advances of the last 50 years. miniature processors capable of running sophisticated wave transformation algorithms in real time — i. extracting the signals. detect patterns and biometric information from users. noise. enabling troops on the move to make decisions quickly.113 More than 100 JTRS Ground Mobile Radios (GMR) are being tested across the United States.S.000 tactical radios carried by soldiers or mounted on vehicles. The SDR will support swappable hardware components and software upgrades for a family of 180. and multiple base stations. NASA is moving towards using the Internet Protocol (IP) to improve interoperability among its spacecraft. The GMR system has four channels that can be configured with multiple simultaneous waveforms. Meanwhile. Motorola’s fourth generation spacecraft transceiver is an SDR. CSC’s operating Missions as Nodes on the Internet (oMNI) project has been the world leader in this area for nine years.” 114 JTRS is considered a pivotal program because current radio systems lack interoperability across the military’s wide variety of environments. SDRs are making inroads on spacecraft. This mobile connected battlefield is in contrast to having stovepiped radios and an Internet based at fixed sites. allowing one groundstation to be easily shared between multiple missions. 2001 and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. SDRs at groundstations could be reprogrammed between contacts (communications with the spacecraft) for different waveforms. As the JTRS GMR program director at Boeing. Some of them. “Multiple legacy radios would be needed to deliver the same throughput capability of just one WNW channel on the GMR system. This ends up requiring one-off designs for flight systems. low bandwidth. successful commercial solutions to many of these constraints have become widely deployed. and demonstrated on-orbit117 IP spacecraft communications in early 2000. This allows for not only flexible flight radio designs. Spacecraft designers have long had to pay special attention to radio communications. data. The protocol must still be carried over a host of different frequencies and waveforms. which will eventually replace the 750. The importance of seamless mobile communications was driven home by the terrorist attacks of September 11. government agencies and first responders. In March 2008 Thales Communications introduced the first SDR based on JTRS for U. 112 SDR is being used in space as well. But IP is only part of the interoperability equation. A CSC technology grant titled “Software Defined Radio” describes the construction of a prototype SDR-based The goal is to provide real-time voice. in response to evolving standards and interoperability requirements. JTRS uses a new IP-based wideband networking waveform (WNW). a single radio can support different standards. but also the possibility of on-orbit modification of the waveforms used. the large number of incompatible options in the standards has resulted in virtually all space missions being unique and unable to interoperate. The space environment imposes many difficult constraints. many specialized waveforms and protocols have been developed for space. and have insufficient bandwidth to meet present and future communication needs. This “Internet-in-Space” transition has been extremely disruptive to the “old guard” of the world’s civil space agencies. put it. not multiple radios for different bands. and dedicated ground systems for each mission. SDRs are starting to be used to implement the radio modem technologies used to send and receive spacecraft telemetry and commands. frequencies. such as low power. aircraft and ships.S. Department of Defense that is developing an SDR for war fighter communications. 115 JTRS uses SDR to crack the confines of the spectrum not only for warfighters but also for public safety personnel. image and video communications to commanders and soldiers to improve situational awareness. are unique to space. In addition.” have cognitive features. 8 biggest challenge will be “designing clever algorithms that will take all that information and make decisions about where in the spectrum to operate at any given moment. and is compatible with existing waveforms used by the DoD. With JTRS. significantly increasing capacity to deliver critical information to the warfighter. Currently. while others. The waveform enables ad hoc mobile connectivity across the battle space and different service branches. such as potentially long propagation delays. 111 110 Now people in different frequency bands can communicate using a single portable radio.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. but must ultimately succeed. Although some have been standardized by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS).116 Spacecraft Communications: An Industry in Transition Many experts believe that a typical cell phone in 10 or 20 years will JTRS: Using Software Defined Radio to Crack the Spectrum SDR is already being put into play by the military. over the years. mobility. which is building the initial units. bandwidths and waveforms via software controls that are adapted to the mission and intended platform.000 interoperable devices. from backpacks to ships. are shared by earthbound applications. 55 . The Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) is a multi-billion dollar program of the U. GPRS and Wi-Fi (for connecting to the Internet). Users sign up by offering their own home or office Wi-Fi hotspot as part of the community. signed a deal with British Telecom in october 2007 to create BT FoN.5/ 56 . Dash uses GPS.5. Source: One Laptop Per Child. will mean that spacecraft can be modified after the fact to use widely deployed commercial waveforms and protocols. As noted in a Wi-Fi Planet article. meaning its devices should work indefinitely no matter what other communications enter the environment and no matter how the underlying technology evolves. Nodes can be strung together to extend the network to places where traditional wireless networks have been ineffective and wired networks have been prohibitive. FoN. instead of “special for space” ones. A person’s driving data is transmitted over the Dash network to nearby Dash drivers.org/licenses/by/2. the Xo. Google is a FoN Game Changer: Viral Radio investor. The more drivers participating in the Dash network. the advanced capabilities of SDR (transmitters and receivers). The Xo creates a self-organizing mesh network with other Xos. lending credence to the initiative. Another example of a viral network is the one Laptop Per Child computer. such as stairwells and elevators. an in-car navigation system from Dash Networks. Elsewhere in the world. such as schools and homes in Africa. and in return get free (or nearly free) access to all participating hotspots worldwide.” Viral radio architecture mirrors the architecture of the Internet.S.) The network deliberately extends connectivity to places that were previously unconnected. along with their reduced size and cost. the more accurate the traffic reports are. the notion of a grand Wi-Fi mesh network linking Wi-Fi hotspots around the world is talking hold. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS groundstation for the U. to meet their requirements easily and cheaply while enjoying almost universal interoperability. sdrs on spacecraft are a kind of Trojan horse that have the potential to completely disrupt the status quo of civil space agencies. providing traffic updates based on real-time traffic flow. and the network strengthens as Xos are added. based on transmission protocols that allow nodes to selforganize in an ad hoc fashion into infinitely scalable networks with no central backbone. “While Earthlink and other vendors struggle to Having finer control of waves using SDR has led to a rethinking of not only spectrum but radio infrastructure. http://creativecommons. Dash reports traffic conditions and — here’s what’s new — up to three routing Figure 35 ME S H WIT H FRIE NDS one Laptop Per Child’s Xo computer interface shows “my neighborhood” and the mesh network — ad hoc networks that link to the Internet — at work.119 An example of a viral network is Dash Express. 118 options with travel times based on the speeds and locations of other Dash drivers at the moment. Whereas traditional radio is point-to-point or point-to-multipoint. the Madrid-based company creating this network. (See Figure 35. digital improvements in spectrum utilization. have led to a completely new communications architecture dubbed “viral radio. The network becomes faster and more reliable as more nodes join. to create the world’s largest Wi-Fi community. A viral network should be future-proof. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2. and the SDR’s reprogrammability. Naval Academy’s MidStar-1 Spacecraft that can be easily modified for use by NASA’s CHIPSat spacecraft. SDRs on spacecraft are a kind of Trojan Horse that have the potential to completely disrupt the status quo of civil space agencies. Ultimately.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. coupled with historic road data for every time and day of the year. a joint venture. The battle of Wi-Fi versus WiMAX versus cellular (be it GSM or CDMA) will be irrelevant when software takes over to unite the spectrum. they need not be provided by traditional communications companies. and can be both secure and multi-party. pioneers in viral communications. Eventually. Nortel helped a hospital integrate communications into the patient discharge process. 8 find the magic beans that will sprout into profitable. efficient process that can accommodate more patients more quickly. though it is not at the scale it would like to be (there were 340. enabling doctors to sign off on paperwork electronically rather than in person. focusing on marketing and customer acquisition while the underlying carrier focuses on infrastructure. enables organizations to be their own mobile carrier. In the meantime. . personalized. affordable.123 We will see more business means airlines can reduce the cost of in-flight entertainment dramatically while improving customer service. or consider mobile entertainment. Workers in the field will increasingly have the information they need at a job site or customer’s office. Enterprises could become mobile carriers to establish a preferred mobile network for their employees’ use.121 Still. . airport check-in124). needed primarily for power distribution. All this reflects a mounting shift to mobile markets (see the LEF report “Connected World”). communications are being more tightly integrated into the business. and read books and listen to recorded lectures and radio stations via mobile devices.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. to smart parking meters that can download a movie to your car while billing you for parking.000 FoN hotspots worldwide as of May 2008). marketing.” Because they can grow virally. Instead of being merely a conduit for voice and text. or even just practical municipal Wi-Fi.” for example using CSC’s Emergency Digital Communications “Because they [applications] can grow virally. Andrew Lippman and David P. The result is a more streamlined. digital. networks and applications. Three-year-old FoN is still pursuing this vision. . All these changes point to integrating the opportunities of new waves into the business. we see many steps today towards convergence. for example. mobility and integration of terminals. These emergent communicators need not require traditional “accounts” nor exist as centrally created services — they can be unlicensed. BT FoN is trying a distinctively UK version that actually makes some sense — at least in cultures inclined to share. and automatically notifying staff when rooms and beds are freed up. bottom-up viral alternative to cellular and WiMAX. describe applications and emphasize the innovative.122 being done via mobile phone (banking. We anticipate a time when wires are the special case. we view it as the norm. renegade and “below the noise floor. Instead of reserving wireless for special applications that require mobility. competing approaches will converge as SDR enables islands of connectivity to come together. Reed Solutions (a trailer-mounted tower towed by a vehicle)125 or a book-size cell phone base station such as the GSM nanoCELL by RIVA Networks. FoN presents an interesting. enjoy TV and other entertainment via mobile phone. for passengers 57 . they need not be provided by traditional communications companies. They can extend radio service into elevators.126 Such networks bring connectivity to disaster areas. . Reed. basements and stairwells. you can even become a reseller of a carrier’s network. from dual-mode phones to quad-band phones to data-rich mobile services (à la the iPhone and Google Phone) to soon-to-come 4G networks that emphasize video. There are many other possibilities for viral networks. rather than having to go back to the office computer. buying. In-flight Internet access NEW WAVES = NEW oPPoRTUNITIES our irrepressible demand for wireless broadband is driving us towards a wireless-only world.” — Andrew Lippman and David P. Sonopia.”120 The idea is to provide more connectivity to more people through a federation of hotspots. Wireless networks can be set up “on the fly. international waters and other places where public infrastructure does not exist. disruptive nature of viral communications: Applications range from wearable health monitors that find the nearest doctor. Groups like the National Wildlife Federation can sell their own branded phone service and help strengthen grass roots support in the process. Random searching and manual network selection will be replaced by contextaware searching and your phone knowing which device to call your colleague on. blown away by the onslaught of the cell phone. books. expands). articles — from the riches of the Internet. services and business models. 58 . upending traditional ways of doing business. Companies and consumers alike need to prepare for this new wave of electromagnetic waves. with one person’s use rivaling another person’s use. Eventually. out on this question until the technology gives us real choices to consider. not hardware. in a wireless world context will be key. This move to individual entertainment started some time ago with movies (DVDs) on laptops and ubiquitous personal game players. This mirrors the demise of hotels’ phone service as a major revenue source. Hotels no longer can count on pay-per-view movies as a rich revenue source since people bring their own movies and videos on their laptops and cell phones. spectrum shifts from what cyberlaw expert Lawrence Lessig calls a rivalrous to a non-rivalrous good. but a resource that is not depleted with use (and. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Instead of being merely a conduit for voice and text. and can be done over the air (if so programmed). AM/FM radio) thanks to SDR. we won’t need multiple devices (cell phone. expands). podcasts. and affects other industries like hospitality as well. in fact. Where you are and what you are doing will be relevant to how you connect and what information you access. To this end. The question is. will we want the Swiss Army knife of communication devices or will we prefer having a few specialized devices? The jury is As spectrum goes digital and the vision of viral communications takes hold. one thing seems certain: SDR will provide a more efficient infrastructure as upgrades are made via software. with one person’s use rivaling another person’s use. depleted with use (and. This will be faster. though. easier and cheaper than having to climb a tower and install a new part. will be able to select their own entertainment — movies. Going forward.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. in fact. but a resource that is not spectrum is no longer a scarce resource. hotels. airlines and others will have countless new wave opportunities to leverage. communications are being more tightly integrated into the business. This sets the stage for new products.127 Spectrum is no longer a scarce resource. Wi-Fi receiver. and increased flexibility to change applications and services or experiment with new ones. Let’s look at changes to today’s platform and then examine the new materials in the pipeline. infrastructure services like Amazon Web Services and Google’s App Engine application hosting service. 8 platforM Makeover This is not your father’s computing platform. another source of radical platform change is coming in new materials that will eventually replace today’s silicon and microelectronics materials. multicore chips are increasing speed and efficiency. application and processing activities. anywhere accessibility for users and applications. It has a strong start from virtualization capabilities. improved collaboration across distributed business groups. pushing Moore’s Law with silicon to the limit. specialized “cloud” hardware such as IBM’s iDataPlex systems. storage. which furthers the move to virtualization and cloud computing. Today’s computing paradigm is being turned on its head as the platform as we know it transforms into a virtual instantiation of itself or disappears into the network cloud. Environmental pressures are driving the platform to be greener. software-as-a-service applications like Salesforce.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. In the never-ending quest to make computing faster and cheaper. As software and services migrate from local hardware to the Although these changes are radical on their own. ToDAy’S TACTICS Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a completely new paradigm for computing that centralizes data center resources on the Internet (the cloud). At the same time. software platforms like Microsoft’s Live Mesh. As another step in the evolution of “netcentric” computing. Nanotechnology. the ability to scale applications quickly as needed. Inside the cloud are all data.com and Google docs. which must be orchestrated and monitored (no mean feat). with the desktop or laptop typically the focal point. grid computing. bringing awesome levels of speed and miniaturization and making a host of new applications possible. if successful.” Cloud computing is a radical change from today because every enterprise has its own data center. desktops. the Internet becomes the “world data center. Internet. ultimately. the Internet becomes the “world data center. quantum computing and optical computing use new materials that. laptops and handhelds. molecular computing. the computing platform is undergoing an extreme makeover. other benefits include anytime. outside the cloud. cloud computing will take 5-10 years to play out. the data center footprint shrinks. hardware inventory changes.” 59 .0 technologies. Web 2. will dramatically alter the platform landscape. users need only an input and output device. Ultimately. Amazon Web Services offer Web-scale computing services that free software developers and businesses from the heavy Today’s computing paradigm is being turned on its head as the platform as we know it transforms into a virtual instantiation of itself or disappears into the network cloud. and IT can shift focus from maintenance (now handled in the cloud) to the immediate needs of the business. and super-fast network switches. operations. The real green IT opportunities will be found in using information technology to address the other 98 percent in the wider economy — in areas such as product development. IT has to look at the full life cycle energy costs of its devices. IT-intensive Reduced energy usage Aligned financial incentives Reengineered data centers Fresh air and warmer cooling Virtualization. fewer servers More laptops and flat panels PC power management and thin clients Green buying. CSC Green IT is not just about building more efficient data centers and using lowpower personal computers. Green to Gold 2% green hygiene • • • • • • • • • • 98% green Business • • • • • • • • • • on goals and progress. IT needs to build relationships with other parts of the business. IT itself consumes only about two percent of total energy (in the United States). author. globalization and regulatory compliance. and the information systems required for support and verification. power supplies Longer life cycles and recycling Best practices and metrics Less office and store space More efficient buildings Green manufacturing Smart products and sensors Reduced commuting and flying Improved supply chain and logistics Reduced printing/paper/mail Ease of disposal and recycling Environmental dashboards Measurements and compliance Continued the on following page > 60 . In many of these areas.” To do this. For example. Examples of both green efforts are shown below. IT and all the employees of the enterprise need to take a holistic approach towards green that encompasses the company’s core business strategy. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS grEEN IT: MoVINg BEyoNd ThE 2% soLuTIoN DAVID MOSCHELLA AND DOUGLAS NEAL. such as facilities. its impact on the entire supply and demand chain ecosystem. who frequently have data and sensors that can be an important part of a corporate energy dashboard. IT also needs to get its own house in order — demonstrate sufficient green computing hygiene — before it can creditably seek a wider role in its firm’s environmental strategy. IT can play a leading role that will attract board-level attention and support. brand support. supply chain. so that we can protect the brand and preempt any accusations of “green washing. In fact.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. This approach needs to be backed up with hard numbers Business/IT Strategy Green IT operations Market Life Cycle Perspective Source: CSC with Dan Esty. logistics. utility computing. not just the energy to use them. However. from component construction through end-of-life disposal. a new layer of software.” is appearing to orchestrate all the various technology David Moschella is Global Research Director and Douglas Neal is a Research Fellow. how people interact with the computer will change. • • • Like the space program. For example. secure and scalable infrastructure. called a “fabric. The project was high profile and had a short deadline. a subscription-based online service. going back to 1851. the network plays a pivotal role in orchestrating virtual IT resources and scaling workloads. for the Times was eliminating TimesSelect. and making most of its articles. TimesMachine. both for the LEF Executive Programme. 8 lifting typically associated with launching and growing a successful Web business.129 Since then. which they can use to build and grow any business. and generating 1.130 Reduce power consumption across the enterprise. can download 90. whether it means carrying an “ultra-thin” device that accesses everything off the network (e. Green the business on as many fronts as possible.5 terabytes of data. In its January 2008 announcement. using Amazon Web Services. This highlights the importance of end-to-end supply chain energy monitoring.g. Improve reuse and recycling beyond just PCs. This makes it possible for any business to reach the scale of major Internet players such as Amazon.128 (Some four terabytes of source data were uploaded to S3 to start the project. and Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2) to create 11 million PDFs of past articles. the CherryPal PC 61 . To help enterprises get started. available free of charge.”131 Further. The time to get greener is now. Amazon Web Services enable organizations to address unpredictable scaling needs. “As the data center transitions to a more servicescentric model. or there is a one-time project with a tight deadline.132 on the user’s end. This was done in just under 24 hours.” remarked Jeff Barr. using 100 EC2 instances. involving everyone.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. “going green” could ignite widespread innovation in many fields such as energy. transportation and communications. Most companies are in very early stages. in the cloud (network. Amazon Web Services give software developers the keys to Amazon’s back-end infrastructure. This will be a long-term effort. the Times has completed another digital archive project. servers. as the cloud’s capabilities expand. IT has a great opportunity to demonstrate leadership across the firm. Network giant Cisco is pushing a netcentric view of the platform through new high-speed switches. which was stored on S3. Amazon’s senior Web Services evangelist. storage and applications).) “A single developer commands 100 servers remotely and charges it to his expense account! No formal budgeting was needed.000 movies in 38 seconds or copy the entire searchable Web in 7. in 2007 a developer at The New york Times used Amazon Web Services (Simple Storage Service or S3. designed for the data center..com but without the expensive price tag needed to build and maintain such a reliable. such as the “success disaster” that happens when an application suddenly becomes immensely devices such as mobile phones may require twice as much energy to build as to use. Cisco’s Nexus 7000 Series Switches. we recommend a four-step approach: • grEEN IT: MoVINg BEyoNd ThE 2% soLuTIoN (continued) popular. The two are leading an in-depth study of green IT. Cisco explained.5 minutes. Services can be scaled up or down in minutes and are billed on a pro-rated basis. Measure and comply — only IT can do this. introduced in 2006. such as games that require visual computing or scientific software applications that require intensive graphics capabilities. Larrabee will have numerous x86 processor cores and will be able to run existing games and software requiring high-end graphics. though it is not expected to be commercialized until sometime around 2012. “find me all the sales figures from last week”). breaking down a problem and coding its solution as a series of steps. Multicore Chips With Moore’s Law reaching its twilight years in silicon due to cooling issues.140 More recently. is already turning walls into displays.. rather than sequentially.g. getting closer to how people think. called the memory resistor or “memristor.g. RapidMind offers a hardwareindependent Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) platform whose APIs integrate with ordinary code (e. programmers think serially. like a wall or table. parallelizing them. using the memristor. 134 University of Illinois. Intel and Microsoft have funded a $20 million research grant over five years that will create independent laboratories at the University of California. which would then be projected onto an ordinary object.142 Intel hopes that Larrabee will “usher in a new era of parallel computing by offering developers a way to create highly specialized applications. that would double as a display. The memristor would load start-up data faster and could one day lead to systems that remember. Typical consumer-oriented microprocessors have up to eight cores on a chip. parallelize the processing). or graphics processors from NVIDIA or ATI. and unifying the results have been slow in coming. as we have all become members of the HPC community since our everyday devices boast so much power.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. Now parallel processing must go mainstream. to work on the problem. engineers could develop a new kind of computer memory that would enhance and eventually replace today’s dynamic random access memory (D-RAM).) Indeed. more parallelism is on the way. But they are coming. Although games written and tuned for multiple cores distribute game layers across the cores (i. Eventually. designed for mobile phones. . capacitor and inductor as the fourth fundamental component of electrical circuits.” The memristor joins the resistor. Intel or Sony. laptops and other mobile devices. . . based on data parallelism. Though programmers’ brains (and our brains) process via a massively parallel set of neurons. In June 2008.137 Intel has built a prototype 80-core processor. is the equivalent of roughly 40 Cray-1 supercomputers circa 1976. depicted in Figure 36. Berkeley and the one company addressing the multicore software challenge. though this presents a challenge because advances in parallel processing software have not kept pace. the Los Alamos National Laboratory set the world record for supercomputer processing speed by combining more than 12.. parallel processing was exclusive to the high performance computing (HPC) community. putting multiple processors (cores) on a single silicon chip. whether multicore processors from AMD. most standard software on general purpose machines takes. Larrabee.139 In the past.. only limited advantage of the multiple cores and processors available due to the complexity of parallel programming.e. M EM o Ry BRE AKT H R o U GH : T H E ME MRISTo R A new component for chips has been discovered. is RapidMind. C++) and leverage the potential of all the processors. The eight-core Sony Playstation 3 (PS3). Advances in automatically taking these serial solutions. The RapidMind platform. targeting the PC graphics market initially. Urbana-Champaign. the chip industry has focused on improving chip performance through multicore chips — that is. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS is entirely cloud-based133) or simply wearing a microphone to ask the network to retrieve data (e.136 (See Smart(er) World. the industry is moving to chips with 100 or more cores. with certain common functions shared.”143 Bringing Parallelism Into the Mainstream Embedded projector display technology from 135 Microvision.141 Larrabee will compete with high-end graphics processors. understand patterns of data and make decisions.138 In an effort to help create the parallel processing software that is desperately needed to keep all these chips busy simultaneously. at best. meaning silicon chips cannot continue their stunning improvements in performance forever (beyond throwing more chips into the hardware). Intel announced its first multicore graphics capable processing unit. Multiple computer functions can be done in parallel. has been used to improve 10-fold the performance of an Elastography Contrast Enhancement medical imaging and 62 .000 IBM cell processors originally designed for the PS3. along with the move to multicore. As the virtualization trend continues. which constructs a blood flow model to account for anomalies found in an image of the brain or correlates ultrasound data to produce a clearer image. ToMoRRoW’S NEW MATERIALS In the long-term — 10 or more years from now — the silicon chips of today’s platform will be replaced with new materials. As Moore’s Law comes to an end. along with the move to multicore. As the virtualization trend continues. is particularly well-suited to parallelism. which lets any application tap into the vast gigaflops of GPU computing power previously available only to graphics applications. both should pull parallelism along with them. creating a capability gap. electron spins and light. Source: RapidMind analysis system.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. two. . not really. “The way the processor industry is going is to add more and more cores. four. Virtual software runs multiple operating systems and application stacks. new materials must be harnessed to increase processing speed and efficiency.”144 At the heart of Apple’s new 2009 operating system. with no more power able to be eked out of a silicon chip. . increasingly popular in the infrastructure. Apple CEo Steve Jobs said. I mean. At the outset of the company’s 2008 Worldwide Development Conference. “Snow Leopard further extends support for modern hardware with open Computing Language (openCL). all in real time. there Instead of chips and their associated microelectronics. there will be far smaller. . dNA. making it easy for developers to create programs that take full advantage of the power of multicore Macs. 8 Figure 36 T HE MU LT I Co R E S o F T WA R E CH ALLE NG E Quad Core Quad Core 8-Core Terascale Hardware Potential 8-Core Fusion PERFORMANCE PowerPC CellBE Capability Gap Multicore # cores Single Core GHz Software Performance Today’s software does not take full advantage of multicore hardware. Another company tackling the problem is a household name: Apple. lighter materials at work: atoms. both should pull parallelism along with them. 63 . which have natural functional boundaries that can be distributed across processors and cores. is a technology code-named Grand Central that will provide support for multicore processors. Snow Leopard.”145 Virtualization software. forget it. eight. yeah. Instead of chips and their associated microelectronics. but nobody knows how to program those things. representing a significant break with the past 45 years of siliconbased processing. University of Illinois researchers are creating a combat helmet for the U.149 Longer term. DNA. and equipment that self-repairs. enables unprecedented levels of control with incredibly small parts. the use of nano-sized materials is enabling exciting innovations that could pave the way for revolutionary applications in such areas as medicine. Impact sensors in the helmet will relay blast-injury data to first responders in real time. electron spins and light. The sensors will continuously record data about the helmet wearer’s physical condition. Source: Georgia Institute of Technology 64 . hikers and others on foot. you would have to move a Post-It note half-way around the earth for it to appear three nanometers in size to you. this is key to detecting and treating TBI. The nanogenerator is being woven into shirts to harvest electrical energy from the wearer’s movement to power portable electronic devices.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL.S.147 The sensors are being designed to be small. Similar systems could be used to monitor neurological patients in intensive care. Nano parts are on the order of 100 nanometers (billionths of a meter) or less. Although viable commercial solutions may be some time away. smart materials (see Smart(er) World) and energy. exaflop laptop Figure 37 Georgia Tech Regents’ Professor Zhong Lin Wang holds a prototype microfiber nanogenerator. curtains and other materials to harness energy from the wind. sound vibrations or other mechanical energy. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS will be far smaller. 146 Although atomically-precise manufacturing and self-assembly are quite a ways off. or motorcycle riders so that first responders would know what happened to the rider if there was a crash. For example. because soldiers experiencing a blast sometimes do not realize they have sustained a brain injury until hours or days later. This includes innovations such as precisely-targeted agents for cancer therapy. Nanotechnology: Making Things Super Small sensors to help detect traumatic brain injury (TBI) early on. Army containing nanotechnology a “power shirt” that uses textile fibers covered with zinc oxide nanowires to generate electric current from the wearer’s movement that could power a range of portable electronic devices — great for soldiers. the building of things atom by atom.148 The fibers. artificial blood. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are creating Nanotechnology. lighter materials at work: atoms. but it is not science fiction — labs are busy perfecting these materials now. not centuries. the most advanced nanotechnology applications envisioned include artificial organ systems. This may sound futuristic. could also be woven into tents. the horizon is decades. low power and light weight. called nanogenerators (see Figure 37). were the first 3D printers (by our definition). lower-cost machines using technologies such as fused-deposition modeling (FDM) and powder binding began to be available in the $30. a biochemist can “print” accurate models of DNA molecules. 3D printing brings it full circle.000 in five years. we are on the verge of the introduction of new systems that will cost less 65 . However. innovation soars Additive rapid prototyping machines were first introduced over 20 years ago.com. Michael Berman.150 Print anything you need. “3D Printing: Making the Virtual Real. they will spring up across campuses. California. the “printed” object is being cleared of powder that forms during the printing process. an architect can “print” a scale model of a building to help understand and communicate his design. As 3D printers get cheaper. moving from bits to atoms. by holding and examining things like blocks. Now imagine that a laptop designer can “print” a 3D model to examine her design. enlarged by orders of magnitude. That’s the vision of 3D printing: consumers using 3D printers at home to print design specs off the Web. Once started. they will spring up across campuses. offices and homes and be used for applications yet to be imagined. The printer is driven by data from commercial 3D CAD software that is used to design the object.000. like Baking a Cake Most 3D printers are additive in that they produce the object layer by layer. Michael Berman.pdf). Most 3D printers use a powder or soft material to build the model. If the dawn of the digital age was about moving from atoms to bits. offices and homes and be used for applications yet to be imagined. Source: Z Corporation Stratasys and 3D systems. in contrast to a 2D printer that yields a flat image on paper. technology spreads. computer lab or home. with permission.edu/ir/library/ pdf/DEC0702. ideal for prototype designs. and include an adhesive material for bonding the layers. though. to help students and researchers better understand nature.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. This piece was developed. Berman can be contacted at amichaelberman@gmail. Leaders in the field include Z Corporation. At least one vendor has the ambition of producing 3D printers for less than $1. expensive and difficult to operate. but they were large. new entrants include Desktop Factory and Fab@Home. Depending on the size of the object. These machines.” October 2007 (http://www. In this picture. “As these printers achieve lower price points and accessibility. while interesting familiar story: Costs Drop. Hence they were of limited interest to most organizations except for a few well-funded labs. and are capable of being operated in a typical faculty office. from toys to parts to landscape and furniture designs. the job can be left unattended — like baking a cake.” envisions A. which can be used without special environmental controls and with a modest amount of training. require very little training. and artists can create unique works using the new 3D techniques. from However. layer by layer. And with that comes some platform magic: Who would have thought you could manufacture a toy from your home printer? A 3D printer yields a solid object that you can hold in your hands. than $10. 8 PLATForM MAgIC: 3d PrINTINg Imagine if you could print out a real toy for your child to play with.educause. The implications for education are enormous. it can take anywhere from one to 12 hours to complete a job. Dr. from an article by A. as children we learn kinesthetically. the bottom up. 151 A 3D printer produces a physical object you can hold in your hands. chief technology officer at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. as the print head moves back and forth.000 to $50. in the late 1990s.000 range. though one may be optimal (e. instead of silicon chips. its millions of molecules serving as natural supercomputers that have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than today’s supercomputers. including: extremely dense information storage.159 In addition to DNA computing. What makes quantum computing so powerful is that qubits can store much more information than binary bits. Israeli researchers developed a molecular computer that uses enzymes to perform calculations from within the human body and monitor the release of drugs. a team of UCLA and California Institute of Technology chemists reported successfully demonstrating a large-scale. the focus is not on computational power per se. In contrast to traditional computing’s serial processing. DNA computing is similar to parallel processing. The human body is a marvel of creation. including implants that release drugs according to conditions sensed in the body. Both achievements are important steps towards building molecular computers. fashion. Inc. the molecules can produce billions of potential answers simultaneously. The computer can perform 330 trillion operations per second. not serial. removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. enormous parallelism and extraordinary energy efficiency. DNA is a plentiful. In 2006. As the number of qubits in these computers scales. 156 bits (qubits) and perform computation. but rather on medical applications that require autonomous 66 . 155 Though DNA computing is still in its infancy — the field was initially developed in 1994 — it is particularly suited for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. IBM scientists reported a possible breakthrough when they created a molecular switch that could turn itself on and off without altering its geometric shape. That is. DNA computing has many strong features.. A qubit can assume the values 0. and it can be produced cleanly. and qubits can be used together to perform calculations on that information in a parallel. 1 or both simultaneously — very different from the rigid 0 or 1 (on or off) of a binary bit. and almost certainly in the 21st century. chief scientist at Nanorex. Israeli scientists demonstrated a limited but functioning molecular computing machine that used DNA molecules and enzymes. for both data storage and processing — a major achievement. Also in 2007. Quantum computers make direct use of natural quantum mechanical phenomena such as spins of electrons or currents in superconducting circuits to store information as quantum In 2003. 152 computation in a biomolecular environment. according to J. progress is being made in molecular electronics. Storrs Hall.g.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL.160 Quantum Leap Though these applications are far in the future. its millions of molecules serving as natural supercomputers that have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than today’s supercomputers. this capability will enable extremely fast solutions to a wide However.153 Molecular Computing: Channeling Mother Nature The human body is a marvel of creation. and protégé of Eric Drexler. one pound of DNA has the capacity to store more information than all the electronic computers ever built. more than 100. ultra-dense memory device that stores information using reconfigurable molecular switches. efficient solar-based fuel production.154 DNA computing (a form of molecular computing) attempts to discover the computational power of molecules and design computers based on this new model of computation. nanotechnology is coming: possibly in the next decade. But the key advantage is being able to make computers far smaller than today that are able to hold much more data. making DNA computing suitable for solving “fuzzy logic”158 problems that have many solutions.157 The progress continues. the traveling salesman problem). Maintaining a constant shape is important for being able to link molecules together to form logic gates.000 times the speed of the fastest PC — all from something that looks like a drop of water. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS computers. probably in the next 25 years. In 2007. and manufacturing based on productive nanosystems. considered the father of nanotechnology. cheap source of processing power. In the future there may be hybrid machines that use silicon for normal processing tasks and DNA co-processors for tasks they are more suited for. quantum computing can process and evaluate many possible permutations of a problem simultaneously. ” D-Wave expects to have a 512-qubit system running by the end of 2008 and a 1. D-Wave is leveraging the properties of quantum devices that are buildable today to create special purpose analog computers. a federally funded R&D center. quantum computing is closing in on a time when small quantum computing machines comprised of a few qubits will appear on the research scene. But with all the attention being given to quantum computing. Until then. constraint satisfaction and pattern matching. D-Wave’s quantum processors are arrays of 67 . D-Wave is working with Google to test a proof-of concept structured classification application using a quantum computer running at 28 qubits. already used in fiber optics for high-speed telecommunications. “once the technology scales. This means that calculations that currently take hours will be able to be done in seconds. seemingly intuitive for humans. This problem is of significant interest not only because of the obvious economic importance of image search. They use quantum physics to do the math. director of product marketing at D-Wave. At first. people. scheduling and complex database search. A technology that can recognize and label objects in images will be able to solve many of the outstanding problems standing in the way of true machine intelligence. An additional benefit is that quantum processors are extremely low power (power consumption and heat generation are reduced by factors of thousands) when compared to current state-ofthe-art systems. Adiabatic quantum computers leverage the deep connection between hard math problems and the fundamental laws of nature. they will potentially be able to solve in a few days problems that would otherwise require millions or even billions of CPU years using today’s computers. the security of current banking codes can be maintained. “our computers will be able to solve a Quantum computing can process and evaluate many possible permutations of a problem simultaneously. As the quantum computers scale. Photons have two unique properties that give them a boost: entanglement (instantaneous communication no matter what the distance) and superposition (the D-Wave Systems is pioneering the development of quantum computers for commercial applications. cars. 161 wide range of high-value structured classification problems in applications such as image matching. remains beyond the reach of any current automated image labeling system.” says Jonathan Silverman. Using photons instead of electrons is theoretically much faster because photons travel much faster than an electric current. it will be able to solve very hard problems significantly beyond the scope of traditional HPC systems. traditional computing may soon be in store for some mighty stiff competition. with the peripheral used only for specialized tasks. to power computers. optimization. Consider the following example. but leading researchers expect them to achieve quadratic speed-ups over existing classical computing. as noted in a February 2008 MITRE newsletter (MITRE.024-qubit system available commercially in 2009. but also because it is mathematically related to a wide range of tasks at which humans currently outperform machines. “We are currently testing prototype versions of the hardware but we will need to get to 1. This task. Rather than wait for general purpose quantum computing to become commercially feasible.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. Let There Be Light Ah. landmarks. Special purpose adiabatic quantum processors can be ordersof-magnitude faster than classical digital processors. is doing joint research with Princeton University on quantum computing): Still a work in progress. including learning and automated reasoning. Researchers are working on tapping light.000 qubits or more to be com-mercially viable. 8 range of problems that are currently considered intractable even on the fastest available supercomputers. D-Wave uses a well known technique called Adiabatic Quantum Computation (AQC) to solve a wide variety of complex problems in search.” Silverman asserts. to have computers that operate at the speed of light — or close to it. machine learning. Given an image. they’ll probably come as quantum peripherals tied to classical computers. magnetic flux qubits. etc. a human can easily recognize and label a large range of interesting objects in the image — trees. Largescale adiabatic quantum computers have not yet been built so it is not yet possible to know empirically how well they will perform. General purpose quantum computing is still in the research stage. NEC Corporation announced an advance in optical connections between chips that will pave the way for supercomputers to reach speeds of 10 petaflops. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS ability to process multiple options simultaneously). Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). not running software you don’t need. if successful.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. Expect new levels of high performance computing and a wealth of new applications and solvable problems. other benefits include lower cross talk. optical computing is in early stages in the lab. The technology. eliminate data transfer bottlenecks in supercomputers where hundreds or thousands of processors are involved. Luxtera and Kotura. though in 2007 researchers at Harvard University announced they had developed a workable approach that uses only one photon rather than large bursts of photons to switch states. it would be possible to create smaller machines that are 1.162 IBM announced a prototype optical interconnect technology in February 2008 that could enable very large file transfers in seconds with extremely low power. Around the same time. the five-year project was announced in March 2008 and includes partners Stanford University. better signal integrity at high frequencies. and lower power requirements at higher transmission rates. which will take us well beyond Moore’s Law.164 Funded by the U. the platform makeover is about optimizing performance: getting the right power to the right applications. a big step towards commercialization. The research involves precisely aligning chips to make it possible to transmit light across the surface of the chips in ultra-narrow channels called wave guides. 68 .163 The technology puts optical chips and optical data buses in a single package and uses standard components.000 times faster than today’s computers. the University of California at San Diego. Such an optical transistor is a key step towards building a practical optical computer. would. Sun Microsystems has launched a high-risk project to use light instead of wires between chips to speed data transfer. The next generation of new materials. The “green optical link” could enable speeds as high as eight terabits per second using power equivalent to one 100-watt light bulb. A key challenge is that it is very difficult to use light to control the state of a beam of light (on or off).S. If the idea proves successful.165 overall. roughly 20 times faster than the world’s fastest computer. is on its way. part of a field called silicon photonics. not wasting hardware or energy. ”167 Although we are decades from the Singularity. The cybertwin technology is being used by PBL Media and Fairfax Media. knowledge and models of the world (including other entities and self). Extrapolating from trends that show accelerating CPU power and decreasing memory and storage density. WHAT IS SMART? Though the philosophical debate over whether computers can ever be said to think may never be resolved. combined with accelerating advances in biology. Kurzweil predicts that by 2029 we will have reverse-engineered the brain and produced for $1.000 a computer version 10 times as smart that passes the Turing Test. • proactively associates and correlates data based on grasped meaning • leverages real-world background information to assimilate new data — i. powerful. which can be supplemented with voice output from the avatar. speaking and acting on your behalf and fooling many humans into thinking it’s you.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. which Kurweil puts at 2045. leveraging small. HoW To GET SMART(ER) With an understanding of what constitutes smart. there is general agreement on what it means for technology to be smart. learns to be even more accurate with use. two large media companies in Australia. Smart technology approaches human cognition when it: • senses and recognizes patterns as humans do • appreciates the semantics — the meaning — of the patterns it perceives. letting you create a virtual assistant (avatar) and train it to be your proxy. Smarter Assistants Kurzweil predicts that by 2029 we will have reverse-engineered the brain and produced for $1. Today many technologies are becoming smart. is 95 percent accurate. learns • reasons from what it learns • makes common-sense recommendations and predictions • makes decisions and acts on behalf of humans To put it another way: “A working definition of intelligence is the This will lead to what Kurzweil calls the Singularity: “technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. knowledge mining and knowledge representation. he can be proud of his predictions to date.” 166 ability to acquire. special or situational Technology from MyCyberTwin is closing in on Kurzweil’s goal. 8 sMart(er) WorlD Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil has long been predicting a smart(er) world. The technology. this section discusses some of the key building blocks for making things smarter. speech. a unique blend of heuristic algorithms. and use them productively to solve novel problems and deal successfully with unanticipated circumstances.e. that converses so fluently it fools most humans into thinking it is human. takes less than six weeks to train and test. inexpensive processors and communications technology to take on tasks once accomplished only by humans.000 a computer version 10 times as smart that passes the Turing Test — that is. Smarter everything makes us smarter everywhere. be they text. as well 69 .. through experience. A cybertwin communicates via text chat. and can actually analyze the mood (are you angry?) and personality (are you an agreeable person?) of the person communicating with it and modify its own communication style accordingly. . one company has been able to cut its call center staff in half. Indeed. what kind of response is best suited for this kind of user?” The InteliWISE technology applies “just the right amount” of intelligence rather than a heavy-handed approach. news feeds and dictionary sources of definitions (e. avatars will be the only way to handle growth and provide individual attention.) Each cybertwin is designed with the enterprise’s specific goals in mind. across several areas of expertise. “What products do you offer?” The customer has typed her next question. 8 LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS as several banks and an airline to handle customer inquiries and transactions.0. Bringing Understanding to the Web Figure 38 This demonstration of a cybertwin for ANZ Bank in Australia shows the cybertwin answering the customer’s initial question.mycybertwin. “Do you have any credit cards that earn air miles?”. airline procedures). given an avatar’s welldefined problem space (e. In the future. smart avatars will be the primary way to handle customer service. co-founder of MyCyberTwin. InteliWISE intends to create exact user profiles that will help answer such questions as “Is the user satisfied with our solutions?” and “If we identify the user’s knowledge level. (See Figure 38. That is why MyCyberTwin is targeting search as the next frontier for its technology. InteliWISE solutions have automated up to 70 percent of call center queries. Wikipedia). though progress is being made.g. to be accessed via telephone. InteliWISE has also seized on this opportunity. which would enable its technology. digitized voice by the avatar. it is not clear that the more general problem of getting them to understand natural language will be solved soon. However. whether it’s getting people to sign up for a credit card or simply keeping them on the site as long as possible. The Crowley Group. dubbed the Semantic Web by Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1998. “The only way to scale our physical limits into virtual infinity is through virtual assistants. The technology has been deployed at LoT Polish Airlines (see Figure 39). is semantic technology that helps make sense of external client databases.com/demo/anz/ Source: MyCyberTwin The Web itself is gaining a more human-like. See demo at: http://www. and context-dynamic video. providing smart avatars — it calls them conversational agents — for online customer care and electronic sales. Web 3. Beneath the InteliWISE Conversational Agent.L E A D IN G E D G E| Fo RU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. kiosks. says Liesl Capper. A smart avatar will be able to find what you want through a conversational-style set of questions that enable you to narrow the search. in the chat box. which already uses voice synthesis. As more business is done online and consumers seek a personal experience. devoid of meaning. For the future. A single cybertwin can handle millions of inquiries simultaneously. Carolina Medical Centre and Public TV (all in Poland). what’s really exciting about this technology is it gives enterprises the ability to scale in a digital environment. which communicates via chat by the user. bank policies. be it a Web site or a virtual world. As a result of deploying cybertwin technology. focuses on representing meaning and providing reasoning 70 .g. including customized CRM feeds.” says Paul Gustafson. Engaging with an avatar will be much more appealing than clicking through a virtual space or poring over a FAQ.. semantic understanding of the information it has traditionally compared using keyword matching. InteliWISE is working on making its avatars more autonomous and deploying voice recognition. mobile phones and as a widget on a PC. The technology can be deployed on Web sites. director of CSC’s Leading Edge Forum. making it simple but effective. with over 80 percent of them answered correctly. not merely the keywords we used to ask. rich media interaction and autonomic behavior. Source: LOT Polish Airlines capabilities. avatars will be the only way to handle growth and provide individual attention. a smarter. In May 2008 Powerset launched a beta of its namesake product. models and behaviors. more automated environment is needed to manage and make sense of the web’s treasure trove of data and transaction opportunities. “glass box” transparent semantic agents rather than “black box” 71 . baggage transport. With Web 3.0. 8 objects and procedures. As more people.0. unified platforms rather than separate technologies for documents. and it lays the foundation for Web 4. When information on the Web is encoded in semantic form. devices. security. and federated stores rather than large local databases.171 (See Figure 40.) Semantic Search Web 3. and travel to other countries. with tools to help extract. Information-centric patterns of computing have reached their limits in terms of coping with scale. Said to be in beta now. As more business is done online and consumers seek a personal experience. frequent flier program. information and com- Figure 39 LoT Polish Airlines uses a conversational agent from InteliWISE to provide merce rush to the Web. the market for semantic technologies and applications is expected to exceed $50 billion in 2010. check-in.169 Broadly speaking. extract embedded and intrinsic knowledge.170 This shift emphasizes enduser rather than IT development. more automated environment is needed to manage and make sense of the Web’s treasure trove of data and transaction opportunities. Semantic search is appearing in a number of places. its meaning laid bare. Web 3. a smarter.0 will be big business. tickets and reservations. Web 3. reason automatically. external knowledge structures rather than embedded. devices. 168 issues by connecting knowledge. systems that can learn at run time from user input and system learning about the environment. solve more complex problems. the Holy Grail of the Semantic Web is semantic search: giving the Internet the ability to find what we meant to ask for. mobility. The net result is being able to find relevant information. complexity. information and commerce rush to the web.0 addresses these information about on-board services.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. a semantic search layer atop Wikipedia and Freebase. organize and navigate content by meaning.0 promises to expose much information that has escaped our attention and will make the Web work more effectively for us. the Web that connects intelligence in an environment where people and things reason and communicate together. it becomes transparent and accessible to a variety of reasoning engines. the Internet shifts from information-centric to knowledge-centric computing. hard-coded reasoning. and manage computer systems autonomically. As more people. John Breslin. prompting the Powerset engine to try to specifically answer the question. collaboratively-edited “database of the world’s knowledge. Their services use semantics to discover information of interest to individual employees and to locate expertise in the organization.com (images). 72 . Hakia also connects you with people who asked the same question you did. and puts summaries of the most important concepts into a database. Freebase would store the concepts “bridge earns name” and “winds prevent operation. such as Search Wikia. including Twine.com. another contender. Some vendors focus on relevance matching in the enterprise. learn and reason as humans do Semantic Communities Semantic Enterprise Connects Knowledge Semantic Search The Ubiquitous Web Semantic Website & UI Semantic Desktop 4 Connects Intelligence Semantic Wiki Semantic Blog Semantic Email Thesauri & Taxonomies Knowledge Bases Bots Semantic Social networks Context-Aware Games Wiki Multi-user Gaming Marketplaces & Auctions Community Portals Search Engines Content Portals Enterprise Portals Web Sites Mash-ups Connects Information Databases Desktop “Push” Publish & Subscribe File Servers Email Conferencing P2P File Sharing The Web 1 Blogs RSS PIMS The Social Web Connects People 2 Social Bookmarking Social Networks Instant Messaging Increasing Social Connectivity Source: Nova Spivak. language processing Vast. Radar Networks. Powerset leverages Freebase to build and query these tables. (The fifth result had the letters “w” “o” “n” highlighted in the word “won’t. though the answer was the seventh result. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 40 EVo LU T I o N o F T H E W E B To 2020 Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agents Personal Assistants Natural Language Autonomic Intellectual Property Spime Semantic Agent Ecosystems Smart Markets Increasing Knowledge Connectivity & Reasoning The Semantic Web Ontologies 3 Blogjects Agent webs that know. such as IBM’s acquisitions this year or all primary election results. Hakia. For example.com (entities and attributes). Topicle and ChaCha. other sites. Pandora (music). Llesiant and Tacit Software. DERI.”172 Freebase analyzes data sources such as Wikipedia sentence by sentence.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL.”) Cleary the technology is still in beta. uses semantic technology to deliver search results backed by credible sources.” Freebase users can upload tables of data by domain and type. But unlocking the meaning hidden in words promises a big payoff. so they are available to answer queries. When the query “Who won the Republican nomination?” was entered in May 2008. when processing the entry on the Golden Gate Bridge. Powerset had the answer (John McCain). use people to manually refine search results. and Mills Davis. Metacarta (location) and Kayak (travel) are designed to understand a specific area. is hard. and is available on mobile phones. Highly specialized search sites including Like. and asserts that queries with linguistic structure better leverage the technology. such as those recommended by librarians rather than popular rankings. Project 10X Freebase (free database) is an open. ” Recall that the W3C “Semantic Web” working group was originally called the “Metadata” working group. information and events. In the past. When the Space Shuttle takes off. Semantics enable the organization to build connections between people.” says Jeanne Holm. the software reveals the person’s strengths and areas of interest. chief knowledge architect at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The PoPS (People. and other digital objects might be members of that collection. working with CSC. breaking down stovepiped information to search it more effectively and find what you need fast. a diagram of Monticello. Through word parsing and statistical techniques that simulate semantics. and people and organizational data) and used the Swoop ontology editor to create an oWL ontology for the federation.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. CEo of Tacit Software. 8 “Knowledge is not necessarily digital. locating an expert involved e-mail queries or word-of-mouth. To do this. with the person’s permission). no matter how minor. “As libraries provide more information resources to the public An interesting application of semantics in the enterprise is being able to locate expertise quickly. any malfunction. NASA offers a good example. Skills) system draws on databases throughout NASA to integrate information about its nearly 70. whether for dealing with mission-critical situations or for staffing projects in general. to find a foam specialist. they bring their strong heritage of cataloging — that is. so it knows what kinds of information would be relevant to this person (and delivers it). for organizing science and other project information from the individual’s perspective. and a document about the construction of Monticello. Tacit’s Illumio software draws out employee interests by creating a special user profile based on where the person browses and his e-mail messages and documents. a photo of a painting of Jefferson. is exploring an open source digital content repository tool. This richness in describing resources makes the resources easier to find or discover when someone is searching for them. whereas with PoPs it takes just minutes.” that indexes all the relationships in the repository and supports the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C’s) new SPARQL semantic query language. a document about the artist. the ideas are closely related.000 civil service and contractor workers. NASA is using Semantic Web technologies to quickly locate expertise throughout the agency when it is required. The National Library of Medicine. “There is lots of information out there but it’s only useful when it addresses your particular problem or when it’s analyzed from your perspective.) This ontology relates relevant information in the federation. articles published. principal systems architect at CSC who is on assignment at the National Library of Medicine. Semantics in the Enterprise In addition to locating expertise. NASA is also using Science organizer. taking hours if not days. for example. organizations.173 This information includes projects worked on. PoPs would search the code of accounts database to see who had charged time to a related area. Searching the repository using these types of relationships will help users drill down more quickly to the specific content they seek. often. describing resources using very formal methods. Fedora. and then would search other databases to narrow the field to one or a few people. one digital object might represent a collection of materials. that provides semantic capabilities to contextualize and interrelate digital content from many sources. competency information. The latest release of Fedora uses Mulgara. For example. must be dealt with immediately by a team of specialists. or. it’s often tacit — in our heads. one of its interesting features is that it uses RDF to represent the relationships between digital objects stored in the repository. So. a network of relationships might exist between a set of digital objects about Thomas Jefferson: a scanned letter penned by Jefferson. Libraries typically don’t call this ‘semantics’ although most of the rest of us would. a scalable open source RDF database. controlled vocabularies to describe resources. and they are being applied more widely to real-world problems today. and code of accounts (time reporting) information. a semantic hypermedia system. “In information systems and on the Web.” observes Ed Luczak. which can be queried by users dynamically to find the expertise they needed quickly. on the Web. contact information. Projects. libraries are using very well-defined XML-based metadata schemes and. and when this person would be suitable to respond to a query or provide information (and arranges the response. It is using Swoop to correlate ontologies across multiple groups inside and outside NASA to create an international standard for planetary data. skills information. NASA is using semantics in other ways.” says David Gilmour. (RDF and oWL are fundamental tools underpinning the Semantic Web. 73 . or “semantic triplestore. NASA created an RDF federation of three core databases (project data. president of Zepheira. Indeed. SSoA is also very powerful for compliance management and corporate mergers. Reasoning techniques are used to infer connections between trips. as important as the data itself. a phone. one company.174 With ontologies. In SSoA. scientific publications. Zepheira builds software for semantic SoA (Service oriented Architecture). which involves identifying complicated sequences of events and unraveling webs of personal connections. With semantic SoA (SSoA). Trading is enhanced by making connections between evolving news events and publicly traded companies or commodities. wish lists and favorite itineraries. including relationships across services. and the meaning of everything touched by services. and even more crucial when that problem space is particularly complex. establishing relationships — via ontologies. “We’re surfacing the meaning of services. The descriptive information is technical — about message data structures and network protocol require- with ontologies. Then. Mondeca’s technology has been used to classify legal terminology. College Park are building a terrorism ontology using new techniques to help the intelligence community examine information from many angles and surface relationships. relationships become a firstclass citizen. Consider the very real problem of terrorism. HTML is a kind of document. Researchers at the University of Maryland. Classifying content in this way improves navigation and search and is an important step towards the larger semantic enterprise. focuses on classifying documents and other content to determine how the data relates. In a typical SoA environment there is very little descriptive information about the business nature of the service. “We’re adding business vocabulary to the specifications for services. not confined to the local system. and what the service does. information systems must be adaptable 74 . That’s what the Semantic enterprise is all about.” explains Eric Miller. and e-tourism information. resources and services are wrapped with semantic identifiers so they can be shared across the enterprise. By clearly identifying and describing all resources relevant to a service. These connections are facilitated by the effective integration of private data from analysts. TripBlox stores all content in RDF and uses an oWL ontology to make sense of it. when an application needs a service for transferring HTML to a mobile phone. hotels and trip authors. increasingly. namely TripBlox. relationships become a first-class citizen. Mondeca’s Intelligent Topic Manager works with structured and unstructured text and multimedia data to identify topics and create a network of content related to a particular topic. using Semantic Web standards. vendors are busy injecting semantics into foundational services and processes. For example. activities. Travel bloggers and enthusiasts can publish their travel plans and information using the TripBlox publishing standard. as important as the data itself. Many of the existing service interfaces used for specific applications of this data can be wrapped in a SSoA architecture so the service and even the related data can be leveraged for additional uses beyond their original purpose. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Cataloging the data — building an ontology — is crucial to describing a problem space that can be semantically searched.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. ments rather than the characteristics of the document and the mobile phone that would be relevant to the business. A vcard uses a microformat for exchanging business cards. Defining the context of the data makes it much easier to understand and leverage. publicly available information on the Web. Also on the road to the semantic enterprise and the Semantic Web are microformats. and rapidly create new ways to connect them to support more effective data integration and analysis enables more effective trading and creates competitive advantage. has developed a microformat for publishing trip ideas. The ability to wrap existing services. simple open data standards that make it easy to exchange information and enable agents on the Web to work on your behalf. Mondeca. now the travel industry. use them in new ways. and the environment makes the connection. for example. you wrap the service with information that describes a document. so you can use services and integrate with services in ways not originally anticipated by the designers. Semantics have no value until the connections Semantics Meet Services At the infrastructure level.” one example of how a SSoA can help the enterprise is financial trading. it can find the “document to phone” service because are made. licensed third party content and. enterprises can begin to create automated tools and dashboards to manage change and adapt quickly to new business opportunities. Imagine a service called “document to phone” for transferring a document to a mobile phone. cataloging or other means — is what enables the beauty of semantics to be fully realized. 175 one financial services firm using the Metatomix platform • Identify criminals based on background checks and other data. Remix is a Webbased application platform from Zepheira that allows people to combine Web content with data sources ranging from databases to desktop office application files. This activity 75 . respectively. Resources and services are identified using the language of the business.) “We empower employees to stitch services together the way they need to. to yield greater insight. The key is in direct expression of business context within the information systems. connect data sources. The Metatomix platform provides a suite of tools to create an ontology. and being able to make decisions in real time (e. using semantics has the potential to remove many of the tasks traditionally associated with application implementation projects. virtual view of the data. and determines whether or not the funds are in compliance with their specific regulations. Enterprises are using the Metatomix Semantic Platform to: • Determine mutual funds’ net asset value and compliance status daily. like an airplane.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. For example. you can create a simple infrastructure that wraps existing services such that they connect to other services as needed — they can establish the link. By identifying relationships across data. and either persist the data in an RDF data store or provide a real-time. (Remix is the tool for this. generates their net asset value. semantically integrate them. documents. as defined in an ontology. • Calculate the cost of a product. customers and accounts. In the past. top-down view. such as three people applying for a credit card from the same company. and record those stitchings for future use. do not accept this person’s credit card application). fraud detection could take six to nine months as banks collected data and searched for patterns of fraud after the fact. • Compare results of scientific studies to see how they impact other studies. and trigger a “possible money laundering” alert when the event occurs. a policy would look for an event. Zepheira intends to have its entire infrastructure ready by the end of 2009. services) across all information systems so the resources remain intact amidst social or organizational change. Metatomix’s differentiator is applying rules and policies on top of the ontology reasoning. aggregates data from over 6. but SSoA takes it a step further. Traditional SoA helps break down stovepiped applications and data. banks can save millions. so enterprises can move from prototype applications to full-scale implementation. This gives the enterprise flexibility rather than imposing a single. Persistent URLs (PURLs) are an open industry convention for establishing unique identifiers for resources (data.000 mutual funds daily. Without such models. there does not need to be agreement up front on terms and definitions. When creating an ontology. and publish the results internally or externally on the Web. before it is built. The SSoA supports many different policies and the fact that they might change. SSoA can help organizations react quickly to regulatory changes and adopt new strategies fast.. losing millions in bad debt in the process. Companies can make the connection between stovepiped data sources and detect fraud faster.g. Like Zepheira. 8 to policy changes and merger requirements.” says Miller. so that IT and managers can collaborate closely to translate business changes into systems. SSoA lets you create enterprise-wide models for policy management or for coordinating separate processes from corporations after a merger. Metatomix focuses on enterprise infrastructure to connect existing systems and access them semantically. The SSoA infrastructure includes two key components. changes established by the business are not reflected rapidly in the services. • Stop anti-money laundering and other types of fraud. and deliver systems that provide business processes that can adapt and evolve as users explore business process efficiencies. automatically notifying an analyst and creating a fraud case in the system. Europe and Asia. New technologies and techniques are helping predict outcomes. the firm can analyze data on the fly and look for anomalies or trends for its mutual fund clients without having to hard code the work. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS Figure 41 Delaycast. Integrated Project SUPER (Semantics Utilised for Process Management within and Between Enterprises). Using semantic technology. Source: Delaycast. focuses on creating a semantic user interface to business application development. end-to-end business process. The firm estimates it is saving over 100. like the proverbial crystal ball. The right column shows predicted minimums and maximums.com uses predictive modeling to forecast flight delays and cancellations.000 person-hours a year using this revamped process. Ultimately this would shift control from IT to business people. semantics enable the business person to understand how the process step he or she is responsible for fits into the overall. enabling them to describe requirements. From a business change point of view.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. The potential for disruption comes if you give business people (end users) the ability to define business processes and system requirements in ways that IT systems can understand. with the semantic platform the firm can create new value-added services for its clients quickly. systems set-up and modifications in standard English. CSC is exploring how to use semantic BPM to accelerate application delivery. without needing IT consultants to interpret the requirements.com is done in a one-hour window and includes aggregating data from other sources in North America. putting prediction power in the hands of consumers and addressing areas as fickle as a sales person’s behavior. we think of it as smart. Peering into the Crystal Ball When something can predict well. Using semantics has the potential to remove many of the tasks traditionally associated with application implementation projects. and deliver systems that provide business processes that can adapt and evolve as users explore business process efficiencies. 76 . led by the European Union. identify gaps and issues. and specify configurations and customizations. Another opportunity for semantics is connecting business process management (BPM) services with semantic capability. Additionally. are never 100% accurate. the insight will help travelers avoid known troubles. As Delaycast notes on its Web site: “All of our predictions and profiles are based on forward-looking models. of course. the sales person is not well aligned. airline. air transportation system that analyze flight delay and cancellation patterns and project them into the future. Source: Spring Lake Technologies 77 . but what about predicting something less tangible like behavior? Predicting how a sales person will perform and improving his or her performance is the focus of Spring Lake Technologies. as shown in Figure 41.S. airports. the grounding of a fleet of MD80s or the landing of Air Force one. and for how long. Figure 42 Predictive software gives a sales person tips for an upcoming presentation to a prospective client based on an analysis of the sales person and the prospect. The company has built mathematical models of the U. flight time and time of day and get an estimate of whether and for how long a flight will be delayed before it happens. Enter the departure and arrival airports.”176 Delaycast is a free Web service that makes powerful predictive technology an everyday consumer tool.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. predicting the future is not an exact science.com uses predictive modeling to let consumers know if flights will be delayed or cancelled at certain U. Nevertheless. The stronger the score. increasing the sales person’s effectiveness. The goal is to help the sales person be more aligned with the prospect’s behaviors and motivations. when. the system predicts how the prospect will act in the presentation and gives selling recommendations for the sales person.S. we cannot predict foul weather. the more positive the alignment. Delaycast. This illustration shows that for the upcoming presentation. and as such. Predicting flights is one thing. 8 For instance. Looking forward. The company’s SmartSeries software analyzes profiles of individual sales people. The meter reflects the alignment strength between the sales person and the prospect. By merely concentrating on moving an object. is significant. As the sales person has additional interactions with the client. (See Figure 43. Primavera Software and Advent Software have reported improved effectiveness with years intelligent brain-computer interfaces that let people communicate mentally with objects and other people will be available commercially. which Spring Lake Technologies’ clients have reported. which gets smarter about the client’s tendencies. but how about tapping the brain directly? Heavy machinery operators in mines in Australia can wear a “Smart Cap” that senses fatigue by reading brain waves. the cap transmits a fatigue rating (a single digit number) wirelessly to a computer in the vehicle’s cab or to a mobile phone.179 If mind reading gets your attention.) AngloCoal trialed the Smart Cap in February 2008. Players can control action in a game by wearing a special headset from Emotiv Systems. (See Figure 42. available at the end of 2008. applies predictive algorithms to behavioral targeting. There are many ways to be smart. improving safety and productivity. not guesswork. At Duke University. that reads brain waves. and provides customized recommendations for how to improve performance. The software integrates predictive technologies. The predictive power of the software gives organizations new tools to hone employee skills and get everyone closer to being peak performers. launched in July 2008. ValueClick Media’s Precision BT software suite. The cap could potentially be used by drivers of all kinds of vehicles.178 In the lab. the player moves the object. applied behavioral science and the art of selling into an engine that predicts how sales people will behave. to walk a robotic dog by merely thinking about it.000 seller and buyer behavioral attributes. and the software self-learns with every interaction. operations and other areas.” Predictive behavioral software is also being used to help marketers better understand consumer actions and target advertising accordingly. Individuals can also be analyzed for how they will perform with a particular client (too structured for the client? not structured enough?) based on an analysis of the client’s profile and how the individual’s behavior and traits map to it. including cars. RightNow Technologies. Another brain-savvy system entering the market targets video gamers. sales. The sensor technology in the cap is extremely precise. The software uses regression analysis and mathematical formulations to analyze profiles and generate individual recommendations for selling more effectively. The SmartSeries software is based on research from over 25. outfitted with electrodes in her brain. Brain Power It is difficult to assess behavior without sophisticated instrumentation. It’s all about working smart by leveraging what you know — the characteristics of your top sales people — and using metrics.000 sales profiles that measure characteristics of effectiveness.000 behavioral tendencies and sales best practices. often just a 10-15 percent increase in sales. allowing the operator to be warned by a flashing display or an alarm. Recommendations are situation specific. over 240. reading electrical scalp activity of just a few microvolts. over 8. researchers have enabled a monkey. researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are exploring how to tap brain waves to control a cursor (“BrainBrowser”) or operate a wheel chair (“Aware Chair”) by sensing certain wave activities as the user gazes at the computer or control screen. Tired drivers can be given a rest break. against a composite profile of the optimal sales person. M LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS consisting of 20 behavioral attributes and 14 dominant traits. the technology. The system gets smarter as people are added to (or subtracted from) the optimal profile composite. to maximize performance and minimize the cost of hiring the “wrong person. helping marketers identify the best prospects from hundreds of consumer interest segments based on the marketer’s objectives and the consumer’s likelihood to take action in the future. get this: researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have created software 78 . and 144 complex buyer behaviors modeled by type. he answers additional questions about the client for the system. The prediction is that in 10 The predictive power of the software gives organizations new tools to hone employee skills and get everyone closer to being peak performers. prospective hires can be analyzed to predict the likelihood of their success before they join a new company.177 Better predictors of behavior will find many uses in marketing.) Similarly.DIGTAL TRUST E Fo RU8 L E A D IN G E D G | VoL. if we can understand protein folding. 180 “wisdom” itself. how diseases operate. 8 moving full force in that direction. phrases or pictures to determine whether or not they are familiar to you.g. There are many possibilities for innovation between now and the Singularity. Having bots that can troll for data and not only find it but parse through it to bring meaning and understanding is the goal. smart(er) will beat fast — and everything is getting smart(er).182 That’s really. Computers will get smarter because of their ability to aggregate information from so many sources and minds. GET SMART(ER) NoW Although we still have decades to go on Kurzweil’s vision of a super-smart world — if it even materializes — we are nonetheless 79 . of course. Along these lines. Computers will get smarter because of their ability to aggregate information from so many sources and minds. a problem scientists have been working on for 30 years. that do not require a lot of experimentation..DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE| FoRU M DIGTAL TRUST VoL. Collective wisdom depends on the crowd you are drawing from. there is still the challenge of the quality of the (a decoder) that predicts brain activity based on what you are looking at. The mobile phone shows the feedback display (a fatigue rating of 3). 181 where “do you know the person in this picture?” could elicit a different response through brain wave detection than what the person says. creating a collective wisdom like never before. getting smart(er) is about being better informed and. Collective wisdom draws strength from the tenet that more brains are better than one. The decoder’s smarter understanding of what you are looking at or focusing on could eventually lead to mind reading. having greater potential to make better decisions. and how to create exact drugs in days. as a result. one application is lie detection. Source: CRCMining Australia wisdom like never before. the Hollywood Stock Exchange) are one example of this. In the end. For one thing is sure: Although fast will beat big. It is like information transparency on steroids. Hopefully that crowd is sharp. diverse and well-intentioned. creating a collective Figure 43 The Smart Cap (prototype on top) senses if you are tired. no matter what form it takes. we can understand how life works. Even with all the data in the world. not everyone applies good wisdom or judgment. virtual markets that aggregate data from thousands and make predictions (e. However. really smart. “brain fingerprinting” is a contro- versial proposed investigative technique that measures brain wave responses to words. not years. acquiring and assimilating information from a broad range of sources is generally a very slow process. the finished cap with the circuitry concealed is below. To take just one example. organizations need to prepare for a smart(er) world. ”185 That growth will come from what Arthur calls new “arrangements-of-use”186 for the technologies. Benkler argues that we are rapidly exiting the Industrial Information Economy. virtual worlds are providing a global. movies. The same holds true with data networking in the enterprise. These disruptions are forming the foundation for a new economy. and social practices of production in this environment has created new opportunities for how we make and exchange information. Brian Arthur of the Sante Fe Institute writes that “beneath the surface storms and uncertainties. science. The digital disruptions we have described will be coupled with new “arrangements-of-use” so that enterprises and individuals can take full advantage of the disruptions. “The change brought about by the networked information environment is deep. the digitization of business is steadily transforming the economy. and the next two decades will see continually rising productivity. cable TV and mobile voice are rapidly converging into a unified experience enabled by the Internet.. knowledge. identified by Harvard professor yochai Benkler in his book The Wealth of Networks. and indirectly to the other digital disruptions. and the inception of new industries. enhancement and sharing of information (e.g. In Living in a New Reality. in New Wave of Waves we are already seeing a complementary infrastructure mature. growth. finds value predominantly in the production. data and other enterprise resources — a strong indicator that infrastructures are aiming at higher levels of service and interoperability. “It is structural. increasing growth. or. Brian Arthur 80 . These digital disruptions are powering the Networked Information Economy and may be the biggest challenge to the status quo the world has ever seen. software. increasing For example. What used to be independent infrastructures supporting telephony. which merely placed an information layer atop the hard-goods-based industrial economy. and culture. designs. No one would dream of standing up a network based on proprietary protocols or e-mail systems that can’t communicate outside the enterprise. opinions) and cultural content (e.” writes Benkler. and the next two decades will see continually rising productivity. It goes to the very foundations of how liberal markets and liberal democracies have coevolved for almost two centuries. and hurtling full-force into the Networked Information Economy. books. These changes have increased the role of nonmarket and nonproprietary production. economic organization. music). This is an entirely new infrastructure for remote collaboration. financial services.g.”184 This speaks directly to the New Media. the Networked Information Economy. accounting.. ideas. but this was exactly the case in the early 1990s. and the inception of new industries. Living in a New Reality and Social Power disruptions. This economy. both by individuals alone and by cooperative efforts in a wide range of loosely or tightly woven collaborations. “The digitization of business is steadily transforming the economy.”183 Benkler continues: “A series of changes in the technologies. The overall impact of today’s digital disruptions may take years to be felt. consider how the Platform Makeover trend towards cloud computing completely changes how we provision applications. sensory-filled fabric for people to participate in regardless of time and place. W. as complementary infrastructure is built to make full use of the new digital technologies.DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M thriving on Disruption The 21st century will be laden with digital disruptions.” — W. Platform Makeover will especially help a Smart(er) World as new materials beyond silicon provide enormous computational power that gets machines much closer to emulating the brain. what’s needed for the [information] 81 . . Their arrival takes time. places and things and can reason and predict better from these connections. Both draw strength from unified communications — we know more about people. agile platforms that can analyze and make sense of enormous amounts of information rapidly. a Smart(er) World. and architectures that adapt us to the new technologies and them to us.L E A D IN G E D G E Fo RU M DIGITAL DISRUPTIoNS These new infrastructures are the basis for Information Transparency and its successor. revolution to fully blossom are the 1. and it defines the buildout period as one that creates the arrangements and subtechnologies that bring the new possibilities into full use. Building out these infrastructures in full will take time and work.001 subtechnologies. . Arthur declares: “. Today’s digital disruptions lay down important foundations and principles for the new economy to build and thrive on. arrangements. Both benefit from more powerful.”187 So put today’s digital disruptions on your radar and realize they are a work in progress as supporting technologies and new behaviors take hold. ” The New York Times.com/id/23599036/ “youTube Coming to TV. Mobile Ads Find Users.cnn.beet. 10. 8. http://www.” Beet. Blowtorch. http://money.” Fortune.com/2008/02/06/technology/06mobile. 6. 2.TV.com/2008/01/20/world/asia/20japan.DIGTAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M notes 1.html.” The New York Times. 82 .” MSNBC.cnn.nytimes.com/watch?v=Uf9aE3Toepo&feature=related “youTube effect felt beyond debates.” The New York Times. 17.fortune/6.nytimes. Center for Digital Storytelling. 20 January 2008. 3 January 2008.nytimes.youtube.msn. 4. http://www. http://www.” The New York Times. 26 December 2007. See video at http://www.com/2007/PoLITICS/11/26/youtube. 15. http://www.html “In CBS Test. 13 March 2008. 14.com/2008/01/03/technology/03netflix. 12 March 2008. “TiVo.msnbc. 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Australia and South Africa.html?_r=1&oref=slogin 52.” press release.” press release. An interesting analysis showing tweets integrated into a video of the keynote is at http://www.com/blog_tags/drm Social Contract (Rousseau).mediapost. 25 December 2007. DIGTAL DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M notes 66. “Medtronic Launches New Guardian Real-Time System with Miniature Transmitter and Carelink Personal Software,” press release, 19 March 2007. http://wwwp.medtronic.com/Newsroom/NewsReleaseDetails.do?itemId=1174306815850&lang=en_US “Google Caves to Pentagon Wishes,” InformationWeek’s Google Weblog, 7 March 2008. http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2008/03/google_caves_to.html InfoWorld Futures Project Interview with Paul Saffo, 1997, http://www.saffo.com/aboutps/interviews/infoworld.php “Insurance Fears Lead Many to Shun DNA Tests,” The New York Times, 24 February 2008. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/24/health/24dna.html?_r=1&oref=slogin “you Are What you Post,” BusinessWeek, 27 March 2006. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_13/b3977071.htm “Technology and the tired trucker: Why the trucking industry resists onboard recorders,” Computerworld, 17 March 2008. http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=313196 “CSC Launches New Location Awareness Solution at the 2008 Amgen Tour of California,” press release, 12 February 2008. http://www.csc.com/newsandevents/news/12529.shtml David Robinson, Harlan yu, William P. Zeller and Edward W. Felten, “Government Data and the Invisible Hand,” draft, to appear in final form in the Yale Journal of Law and Technology, Volume 11, Fall 2008, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1138083; and “Study says Uncle Sam should get out of Web publishing business,” Computerworld, 5 June 2008, http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9093938&source=NLT_PM&nlid=8 See the “Who’s emitting mercury?” map at http://www.usatoday.com/news/mercury-emitter-map.htm See video and additional information at http://www.epa.gov/nationaldialogue/index.html Linda T. Kohn, Janet M. Corrigan and Molla S. Donaldson, Editors, Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000), Executive Summary, p. 1. http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=9728&page=1 “Health Care Costs 101, 2008 Edition” California Healthcare Foundation, slide 3. 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Transparent Real Estate, http://transparentre.com/2007/01/02/new-ideas-for-2007.aspx http://mashmaker.intel.com http://www.mapbuilder.net/ http://googlemashupeditor.blogspot.com/ Richard Feynman explains in this brief video: http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/~masmith/media/feynman_long.mov Dwight A. Johnson, “The Radio Legacy of the R.M.S. Titanic,” 28 December 1998, http://www.avsia.com/djohnson/titanic.html “700 MHz Explained in 10 Steps,” GigaOM, 14 March 2007. http://gigaom.com/2007/03/14/700mhz-explained/ “700 MHz to be LTE heavy,” RCR Wireless, 4 April 2008. http://www.rcrnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080404/SUB/581566019 Ibid. 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Adrew Lippman and David p. reed, “Viral Communications,” MIT Media Laboratory white paper, 19 May 2003. Gnu radio, http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki; and Gnu radio suggested reading, http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/suggestedreading “radios Get smart,” IEEE Spectrum, 1 February 2007, p. 4. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/feb07/4892 Ibid. 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It is used to distinguish from a spacecraft that is in a lab, in a test facility, on the launch pad, or in its ascent phase. It also implies that the spacecraft is in the correct orbit, not just any orbit. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 88 com/aboutus/leadingedgeforum/knowledgelibrary/uploads/1139_1. 128. 5.blogs.microvision.com/tag/s3/ “Cisco unveils nexus 7000 series Data Center-Class platform. http://www. “Viral Communications. 18 March 2008.nytimes. to Any Flat surface near You. http://www. 2001). 133.” open — All the Code That’s Fit to print.nytimes. http://www.com/2008/03/30/business/30novelties.businessweek. new York Times Blog. Cellphones Are In. http://www. http://newsroom. 122.html 119. 26.htm Lawrence Lessig.cisco.nytimes.com/aboutus/leadingedgeforum/mds/mds435/843. 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Brian Arthur. 182.org/papers/Terrorontologyfinal. http://www. 177.” Fortune. p.com/2008/06/08/technology/08novel.nytimes. University of Queensland Todd Lucas. D-Wave Systems Tomas Soderstrom. Six Apart Mills Davis. JackBe Richard Mandelbaum. WiseWindow Travis Durick. CSC Ben Machin.B. Environmental Protection Agency David Gilmour.S. Tacit Software Michael Greene. InteliWISE John Taylor. Mondeca Kobus Du Plessis. CSC Dennis Franklin. CSC Rajiv Dulepet. Brightcove Gregory Hilton. now MetaRAM Eric Miller. CSC John Zakos. Zepheira Michael I. Nortel Jon Pilkington. Project10X Jean Delahousse. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jeff Holmes. He resides in New york City. CSC Dan Munyan. CSC Debra o’Grady. Weizmann Institute of Science Paul Shen. Forest Rose Productions Peter Knights. formerly D-Wave Systems. CSC Jan C. to be published by Sys-Con Media. Denuo Group Brian Arthur. University of Toronto Neil Martin. Alex received a B.com The LEF thanks the many others who contributed to the Digital Disruptions report. BP David P. GigaSpaces Ehud Shapiro. CSC Rob Cross. Anisha Ahluwalia. Special thanks to Lisa Braun. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Nati Shalom. CRCMining Australia Liesl Capper. CSC Chris Warner. CSC Ed Luczak. The fantastic technology advances in computing platforms and wireless communication are laying the groundwork for new media. CSC Josh Hawkins. Nortel Dan Foltz. CSC Paul Lever. CSC Marcin Strzalkowski. in computer science and philosophy from Columbia University and is a PMI-certified project manager. Animetrics Kenneth Senne. Reed. Ishto Paul Schuepp. Xynetics Group Steve Mann. IBM Maniam Palanivelu. Holston. Brightcove Jay Bolter. senior writer. social networks and better information transparency. The end result is a smarter world. DuPont Peter Steinlauf. CSC Uche ogbuji. ICE Innovative Technologies Jeanne Holm. CSC NIls Magnus Haldorsen. U. Alex has returned to CSC’s Financial Services Sector (FSS) office of the CTo. Alex feels smarter already. With his LEF assignment complete. CSC Blair MacIntyre. CSC Harriet Schabes. Jones. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Gary Spangler. TVU networks Jonathan Silverman. He presents frequently at conferences and is currently co-authoring a book. all of which will change how we do business. Metatomix Brian Ralphs. Amazon. NewsGator Technologies Patrick Sautin. PePWave Phil Edholm. As a director of technology he has led many technology and technology governance client engagements. University of Queensland Bill Koff. Miller.DIGITAL G E D G E Fo RU M L E A D IN DISRUPTIoNS LEA DI NG EDGE FoRU M DIGTAL DISRUPTIoNS aCknoWleDgMents Alex Fuss conducted the research for this LEF report as the 2008 LEF Associate. Real-World SOA. afuss@csc. Spring Lake Technologies Anil Dash. Alex specializes in researching and leveraging leading edge technologies to build enterprise architectures for innovative products and services. MyCyberTwin Ed Criscuolo. CSCS Paul Gustafson. CSC Scott Fraser. primarily in the financial services industry. having worked on Digital Disruptions with countless experts and luminaries forging our digital world.A. Georgia Institute of Technology Dan Malks. Santa Fe Institute Jeff Barr.J. where he is helping shape FSS’s open source software strategy. Georgia Institute of Technology Daniel Bongers. Zepheira Michael osias. Virgin Money Carl Wu. MyCyberTwin 93 . CSC J. Animetrics Regina Moldovan. A seasoned technologist with over 25 years of domestic and international experience. with machines aiding humans like never before. Swisscom Simon Stokes.com Michael Berman. CSC Steve D’Angelo. NewsGator Technologies Holly Huntley. CSC Douglas Neal. virtual worlds. Edmunds Walter Steinlin. Nortel David Moschella. Art Center College of Design Adam Berrey. MIT Media Lab Ashley Roach. Working on Digital Disruptions has deepened Alex’s appreciation for the accelerated speed of innovation and the unprecedented impact it promises to have on all aspects of our lives. Educational Testing Service Robert Wah. JackBe Helen Payne Watt. for bringing the ideas together. University of Virginia Corre Curtice. Printed in USA.3000 Asia 139 Cecil Street #06-00 Cecil House Singapore 069539 Republic of Singapore +65. With the broadest range of capabilities. delivering solutions that best meet each client’s unique requirements. focus on core businesses.534000 Australia 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park. 10/08 WH714 . Africa The Royal Pavilion Wellesley Road Aldershot. CSC is vendor-independent.876.1000 Europe. collaborate with partners and clients.” Copyright © 2008 Computer Sciences Corporation. NSW 2113 Australia +61(0)29034. and improve operations. The company trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CSC. All rights reserved. Virginia 22042 United States +1. systems integration and consulting needs. CSC makes a special point of understanding its clients and provides experts with real-world experience to work with them.9095 About CSC The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing tehnology enabled business solutions and services.703. For more than 50 years. Middle East. Hampshire GU11 1PZ United Kingdom +44(0)1252.6221.Worldwide CSC Headquarters The Americas 3170 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church. clients in industries and governments worldwide have trusted CSC with their business process and information systems outsourcing. CSC offers clients the solutions they need to manage complexity.
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