Leds Datasheet

March 19, 2018 | Author: Thiago Cordeiro | Category: Power Supply, Light Emitting Diode, Rectifier, Electromagnetism, Electronics



LED-TECH.DE 3mm LEDs Site 2 Standard LED (white) Nichia LEDs are the most popular, high quality and reliable light emitting diodes to buy on the market since many years. Skilled eyes quickly recognise the solid leadframe, clear edges and unique dome. These high performance LEDs for highest demands are convincing by features like long lifetime, true colors and processing quality. Perfected manufacturing sequences guarantie a steady top production standart up to the last detail that no second manufacturer provides that way. Part Number: LT-0002 Diameter: 3mm Applications with Nichia LEDs maybe more cost intensive than applications with low Viewing Angle: 60° budget LEDs of course but a lot more reliable and brilliant, too. If it is not a low cost Housing Color: clear project and your name stands for the quality you are making the best choice with Emitting Color: white these LEDs. X: 0,310 Y: 0,310 Regularly released lifetime tables and manifold selection possibilities proof that Nichia MCD min.: 4610 mcd is no manufacturer who rounds up datasheet values or delivers bad selected products. MCD typ.: 6200 mcd With Nichia you pay it safe! MCD max.: 6510 mcd mA test.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 30 mA V typ.: 3,2 V V max.: 3,5 V Site 3 Standard LED (white) Nichia LEDs are the most popular, high quality and reliable light emitting diodes to buy on the market since many years. Skilled eyes quickly recognise the solid leadframe, clear edges and unique dome. These high performance LEDs for highest demands are convincing by features like long lifetime, true colors and processing quality. Perfected manufacturing sequences guarantie a steady top production standart up to the last detail that no second manufacturer provides that way. Part Number: LT-0004 Diameter: 3mm Applications with Nichia LEDs maybe more cost intensive than applications with low Viewing Angle: 70° budget LEDs of course but a lot more reliable and brilliant, too. If it is not a low cost Housing Color: diffused project and your name stands for the quality you are making the best choice with Emitting Color: white these LEDs. X: 0,310 Y: 0,310 Regularly released lifetime tables and manifold selection possibilities proof that Nichia MCD min.: 1260 mcd is no manufacturer who rounds up datasheet values or delivers bad selected products. MCD typ.: 1560 mcd With Nichia you pay it safe! MCD max.: 1840 mcd mA test.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 30 mA V typ.: 3,6 V V max.: 4,0 V Site 4 Superbright LED (blue) Nichia LEDs are the most popular, high quality and reliable light emitting diodes to buy on the market since many years. Skilled eyes quickly recognise the solid leadframe, clear edges and unique dome. These high performance LEDs for highest demands are convincing by features like long lifetime, true colors and processing quality. Perfected manufacturing sequences guarantie a steady top production standart up to the last detail that no second manufacturer provides that way. Part Number: LT-0008 Diameter: 3mm Applications with Nichia LEDs maybe more cost intensive than applications with low Viewing Angle: 15° budget LEDs of course but a lot more reliable and brilliant, too. If it is not a low cost Housing Color: clear project and your name stands for the quality you are making the best choice with Emitting Color: blue these LEDs. X: 0,130 Y: 0,130 Regularly released lifetime tables and manifold selection possibilities proof that Nichia MCD min.: 2760 mcd is no manufacturer who rounds up datasheet values or delivers bad selected products. MCD typ.: 3200 mcd With Nichia you pay it safe! MCD max.: 3880 mcd mA test.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 30 mA V typ.: 3,6 V V max.: 4,0 V Site 5 Superbright LED (green) .Excellent quality .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 8000 mcd mA test.: 3.Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0059 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 30° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: green Nanometer: 525 MCD typ.Long lifetime .4 V .: 2.Brightest selections .: 20 mA V typ.8 V V max. Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0060 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 34° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 640 MCD typ.8 V V max.Excellent quality .: 2500 mcd mA test.: 2.Long lifetime .Brightest selections .Site 6 Standard LED (red) .5 V .: 20 mA V typ.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 1. : 2.: 20 mcd mA typ.2 V .: 2.Site 7 Standard LED (yellow) .0 V V max.Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0061 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 30° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 588 MCD typ.Excellent quality .: 20 mA V typ.: 1500 mcd mA test.Brightest selections .Long lifetime . Site 8 Standard LED (yellow) .8 V .: 20 mA V typ.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 2.Brightest selections .: 2.Long lifetime .Excellent quality .Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0062 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 34° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 589 MCD typ.3 V V max.: 1500 mcd mA test. Very good quality .Long lifetime .Unbeatable price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0073 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: green Nanometer: 568 MCD max.Site 9 Classic LED (green) .: 30 mcd mA test.: 2.5 V .Excellent quality product .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 20 mA V typ.: 2.2 V V max. : 20 mA V typ.: 2.: 2.Excellent quality product .Very good quality .Unbeatable price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0074 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 625 MCD max.: 20 mcd mA typ.Site 10 Classic LED (red) .5 V .0 V V max.Long lifetime .: 30 mcd mA test. : 20 mA V typ.5 V .: 2.1 V V max.: 25 mcd mA test.Very good quality .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 2.Excellent quality product .Unbeatable price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0075 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 588 MCD max.Site 11 Classic LED (yellow) .Long lifetime . Ideal for modelling or industry use. The microcircuit has been integrated into the epoxy already.: 5.: 22 mA V typ.: 3.5 V V max. Frequency: 1-2Hz Part Number: LT-0293 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 625 MCD typ.Site 12 Blink LED (red) Light emitting diodes with integrated microcircuits are currently most wanted.: 20 mcd MCD max. This blinking LED has best benchmark data to be supplied to every kind of use.0 V .: 30 mcd mA typ. Site 13 Blink LED (red) Light emitting diodes with integrated microcircuits are currently most wanted.: 220 mcd mA typ. The microcircuit has been integrated into the epoxy already.0 V .: 3. Ideal for modelling or industry use. This blinking LED has best benchmark data to be supplied to every kind of use.: 22 mA V typ. Frequency: 1-2Hz Part Number: LT-0294 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 640 MCD typ.: 5.: 200 mcd MCD max.5 V V max. : 3.0 V . Frequency: 1-2Hz Part Number: LT-0295 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 588 MCD typ. The microcircuit has been integrated into the epoxy already. Ideal for modelling or industry use. This blinking LED has best benchmark data to be supplied to every kind of use.: 5.: 22 mA V typ.: 20 mcd mA typ.5 V V max.: 10 mcd MCD max.Site 14 Blink LED (yellow) Light emitting diodes with integrated microcircuits are currently most wanted. The microcircuit has been integrated into the epoxy already.: 15 mcd MCD max.: 22 mA V typ.5 V V max.: 25 mcd mA typ. Frequency: 1-2Hz Part Number: LT-0296 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: green Nanometer: 568 MCD typ. Ideal for modelling or industry use.Site 15 Blink LED (green) Light emitting diodes with integrated microcircuits are currently most wanted.: 5.0 V . This blinking LED has best benchmark data to be supplied to every kind of use.: 3. Frequency: 1-2Hz Part Number: LT-0297 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: blue Nanometer: 466 MCD typ. Ideal for modelling or industry use.: 45 mcd MCD max. The microcircuit has been integrated into the epoxy already.: 50 mcd mA typ.: 15 mA V typ.: 3.0 V . This blinking LED has best benchmark data to be supplied to every kind of use.Site 16 Blink LED (blue) Light emitting diodes with integrated microcircuits are currently most wanted.5 V V max.: 5. : 1800 mcd mA test. Their new LEDs are a harmonical alternative to common (cold) white LEDs.: 3.: 20 mcd mA typ.2 V .: 1500 mcd MCD max.Site 17 Superbright LED (golden white) The name YolDal is currently resounded throughout every land. Part Number: LT-0325 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: transparent Emitting Color: golden white MCD typ. Qualified for modelling and ambience of living space.: 30 mA V typ. If you have any questions regarding alternative indoor and outdoor lighting please let us know. : 20 mcd mA typ.: 1800 mcd mA test. Qualified for modelling and ambience of living space. Their new LEDs are a harmonical alternative to common (cold) white LEDs.: 30 mA V typ.: 1500 mcd MCD max. If you have any questions regarding alternative indoor and outdoor lighting please let us know.Site 18 Superbright LED (sunny white) The name YolDal is currently resounded throughout every land. Part Number: LT-0326 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: sunny white MCD typ.: 3.2 V . : 8000 mcd Kelvin typ.: 20 mcd mA typ.6 V .: 3.: 3.Long lifetime .Brightest selections .2 V V max.Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0330 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 26° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: white MCD typ.: 6000 mcd MCD max.Excellent quality .: 20 mA V typ.Site 19 Superbright LED (white) .: 6500 mcd mA test. : 20 mA V typ.2 V .: 2.Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0332 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 28° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 590 MCD typ.: 3000 mcd mA test.: 1.Brightest selections .Site 20 Superbright LED (yellow) .: 20 mcd mA typ.8 V V max.Long lifetime .Excellent quality . : 1. The capacistance is 90pF at f = 1 MHz.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 20 mcd mA test.: 7 mcd MCD typ.6 V .: 20 mA V typ. Part Number: LT-0427 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 30° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: infrared Nanometer: 880 MCD min.: 1.3 V V max.Site 21 IR LED (infrared) The new infrared LED with 50mA (max). Excellent quality .Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0465 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 35° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 635 MCD typ.0 V V max.Site 22 Superbright LED (red) .: 2.: 20 mA V typ.5 V .Brightest selections .Long lifetime .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 3500 mcd mA test.: 2. : 5000 mcd mA test.0 V V max.Brightest selections .: 35 mcd mA typ.: 3500 mcd MCD max.Long lifetime . Its new chip with doubled brightness and a real Orange (and not light red!) provides a full range of possibilities and applications.: 2.Site 23 Superbright LED (orange) The new generation superbright LED.: 20 mA V typ.4 V V sperr.: 5.Excellent quality .: 2. .Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0550 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 20° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: orange Nanometer: 610 MCD typ.0 V . Site 24 Low Current LED (green) For extra energy saving applications.2 V V max.: 5. Low current LEDs need only 1-2mA to emitt light.0 V .: 20 mcd mA typ. This is a new and exciting possibility for every designer to keep the energy management as low as possible.: 2.: 30 mcd mA test. Part Number: LT-0666 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 40° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: green Nanometer: 568 MCD typ.5 V V sperr.: 2 mA V typ. Even very usefull for applications that run on batteries or accumulators for long lifeand light times of the whole application. Of corse low current LEDs are not as bright as ultrabright diodes but they serve their purpose very well at very good quality and price.: 2. Part Number: LT-0667 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 40° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: yellow Nanometer: 588 MCD typ. Low current LEDs need only 1-2mA to emitt light.: 2.Site 25 Low Current LED (yellow) For extra energy saving applications.1 V V max.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 2. Of corse low current LEDs are not as bright as ultrabright diodes but they serve their purpose very well at very good quality and price.0 V .: 25 mcd mA test. This is a new and exciting possibility for every designer to keep the energy management as low as possible. Even very usefull for applications that run on batteries or accumulators for long lifeand light times of the whole application.: 5.5 V V sperr.: 2 mA V typ. This is a new and exciting possibility for every designer to keep the energy management as low as possible. Part Number: LT-0668 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 40° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 625 MCD typ. Of corse low current LEDs are not as bright as ultrabright diodes but they serve their purpose very well at very good quality and price.: 2.: 5.: 2.5 V V sperr.Site 26 Low Current LED (red) For extra energy saving applications.: 2 mA V typ.: 30 mcd mA test. Low current LEDs need only 1-2mA to emitt light.0 V V max.0 V . Even very usefull for applications that run on batteries or accumulators for long lifeand light times of the whole application.: 20 mcd mA typ. : 2. Even very usefull for applications that run on batteries or accumulators for long lifeand light times of the whole application. Low current LEDs need only 1-2mA to emitt light. This is a new and exciting possibility for every designer to keep the energy management as low as possible.: 2 mA V typ.: 5.00 V .Site 27 Low Current LED (red) For extra energy saving applications.50 V V sperr.: 1.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 60 mcd mA test.85 V V max. Part Number: LT-0669 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 40° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red Nanometer: 640 MCD typ. Of corse low current LEDs are not as bright as ultrabright diodes but they serve their purpose very well at very good quality and price. 0 V .: 3.5 V V max.: 25 mA V typ.8 V V sperr.Site 28 UV LED (UV) .Long lifetime .: 5.: 5 mcd mA test.: 20 mcd mA typ.Very good price-performance ratio Part Number: LT-0842 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 30° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: UV Nanometer: 395 Lumen typ.Excellent quality .: 3.Brightest selections . : 3.: 20 mcd mA typ.0 V V sperr.0 V .: 5.5 V V max. real colors and quality of course.: 5200 mcd mA test. Part Number: LT-0849 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 20° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: blue Nanometer: 470 MCD typ.: 4.Site 29 Superbright LED (blue) Selected high performance LED for every application range.: 35 mA V typ. too! This LED generation ais characterized by long lifetime. Very good choice for all applications where the price is important. : 5000 mcd mA test.6 V V max. too! This LED generation ais characterized by long lifetime.Site 30 Superbright LED (blue) Selected high performance LED for every application range.0 V .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 3.: 4.: 5.: 35 mA V typ. Very good choice for all applications where the price is important.0 V V sperr. Part Number: LT-0850 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 35° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: blue Nanometer: 470 MCD typ.: 3500 mcd MCD max. real colors and quality of course. : 3.: 35 mA V typ.31 MCD typ.31 Y: 0.0 V .: 5. Very good choice for all applications where the price is important.: 4. too! This LED generation ais characterized by long lifetime.Site 31 Superbright LED (white) Selected high performance LED for every application range. real colors and quality of course.: 12000 mcd mA test.0 V V sperr.: 20 mcd mA typ.6 V V max. Part Number: LT-0851 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 20° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: white X: 0. : R=2.: 20 mcd mA typ.: R=2.5 .5 .Nanometer: R=625 / G=568 .Easy use because of 3pin design Part Number: LT-0926 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red / green mA test.V typ.: 30 mA . .MCD typ.Long lifetime .: R=40 / G=35 .V max.Site 32 Duo LED (red / green) 3pin 3mm Double LED with common cathode with two main colors and one mix color.2 / G=2.0 / G=2. : R=2. .Easy use because of 3pin design Part Number: LT-0927 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red / green mA test.5 .0 / G=2.V typ.: 30 mA .Long lifetime .Nanometer: R=625 / G=568 .5 .: R=2.2 / G=2.V max.Site 33 Duo LED with common Anode (red / green) 3pin 3mm Double LED with common anode with two main colors and one mix color.: 20 mcd mA typ. Easy use because of 3pin design Part Number: LT-1061 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red / yellow mA test.5 .: 20 mcd mA typ.: 30 mA .2 / Y=2.V typ.Site 34 Duo LED with common Anode (red / yellow) 3pin 3mm Double LED with common anode with two main colors and one mix color.0 / Y=2.Long lifetime .1 .V max. .Nanometer: R=625 / Y=588 .: R=2.: R=2. V typ. .0 / Y=2.V max.: R=40 / Y = 20 .1 .Nanometer: R=625 / Y=588 .2 / Y=2.mcd typ.Easy use because of 3pin design Part Number: LT-1093 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 60° Housing Color: diffused Emitting Color: red / yellow mA test.: 20 mcd mA typ.: R=2.5 .Long lifetime .: R=2.: 30 mA .Site 35 Duo LED (red / yellow) 3pin 3mm Double LED with common cathode with two main colors and one mix color. : 3. Part Number: LT-1106 Diameter: 3mm Viewing Angle: 26° Housing Color: clear Emitting Color: UV Nanometer: 400 mA test.: 3.Site 36 UV LED (with Cree Chip) (UV) High efficiancy UV LED with high quality chip and long lifetime.: 20 mcd mA typ.: 25 mA V typ.8 V .5 V V max. 3 + 38.Drop voltage: 3. This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs. .Contacts: Soldering pads . The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1183 mA typ.8) till 38V (10. 38V = Max.Input: marked with IN (equal polarity) . voltage: 38V DC oder 26V AC .2 + 38.0mm .2 + 3. Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3. A=Anode (+).Output: wrong polarity &amp.Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: . The forward voltage is secundary.0 -&gt.: 10 mA The usage is really very simple. tested How to connect: .2V (3.8) till 38V (7. What is new? .Output: Marked with A/K.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp. power consumption: 500mW .5V).5 x 3.: 38 V voltage is 3.3V (3.Dimensions: 16.Smaller housing for bigger range of applications .5 + 3.With bridge rectifier to protect from wrong polarity . K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3. The input voltage can change from 10.Max. of power supply). Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples.8V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 38V above the minimum input voltage.Site 37 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (10mA. You only have to check that the minimum input V typ.2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets). up to 38V) with rectifier 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current.Input: protection against wrong polarity . of power supply).Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C .2 + 3. The input voltage can change from 7. voltage: 3V DC oder 2V AC .0-&gt. 38V = Max.8V .0 x 7. short circuit protected .Max.Min. The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1184 mA typ.2 + 27. The forward voltage is secundary.5V).8V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 27V above the minimum input voltage. Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples.2 + 3.Output: Marked with A/K. The input voltage can change from 7.Max.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp.5 + 3.0). Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3.8) till 34. up to 38V) with rectifier 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current.2V (10.: 20 mA The usage is really very simple. What is new? .Input: marked with IN (equal polarity) . short circuit protected .0).: 38 V voltage is 3. tested How to connect: .Drop voltage: 3. voltage: 3V DC oder 2V AC .Input: protection against wrong polarity .2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets).Output: wrong polarity &amp. K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3.0 x 7.Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C . You only have to check that the minimum input V typ.0mm .8) till 37.Min.Max.Dimensions: 16.Site 38 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (20mA.5 x 3.3 + 27. .3V (3. The input voltage can change from 10.Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: .With bridge rectifier to protect from wrong polarity . This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs.Contacts: Soldering pads .3V (7. power consumption: 500mW . A=Anode (+). voltage: 38V DC oder 26V AC .2V (3.2 + 3.Smaller housing for bigger range of applications .8V . The input voltage can change from 10.Dimensions: 16.0 x 7.8V .Contacts: Soldering pads . up to 38V) with rectifier 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current.Max.With bridge rectifier to protect from wrong polarity . This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs.3V (7.2 + 3.2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets).0).8) till 25.Smaller housing for bigger range of applications . short circuit protected . Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3. The input voltage can change from 7.: 38 V voltage is 3.Output: wrong polarity &amp.Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C .0mm . What is new? . Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples. A=Anode (+). K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3.Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: . The forward voltage is secundary.5 + 3.Output: Marked with A/K. voltage: 3V DC oder 2V AC .Input: marked with IN (equal polarity) .Max.: 30 mA The usage is really very simple. tested How to connect: .3 + 18.3V (3.Site 39 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (30mA.5 x 3.8) till 28. voltage: 38V DC oder 26V AC .Drop voltage: 3.2V (3.2 + 3.Input: protection against wrong polarity . power consumption: 500mW . The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1185 mA typ.2 + 18. You only have to check that the minimum input V typ.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp. .2V (10.Min.0).5V).8V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 18V above the minimum input voltage. K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3.Min. This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs.(watch polarity) . The forward voltage is secundary. short circuit protected . .5mm .Drop voltage: 2. Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3.Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: . The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1212 mA typ. What is new? .Output: Marked with A/K. The input voltage can change from 8.Dimensions: 16.5 x 2.9V (3. up to 37V) 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current.5 + 2.0-&gt.5V DC . of power supply).: 37 V voltage is 2.2 + 2.Max.5V). of power supply).5V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 37V above the minimum input voltage.5) till 37V (8.5) till 37V (6.Site 40 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (10mA.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp.2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets).0V (3.0 x 5.5V . power consumption: 500mW . Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples. 37V = Max.Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C . A=Anode (+).2 + 3.Max. tested How to connect: .Smaller housing for bigger range of applications . You only have to check that the minimum input V typ. voltage: 1. 37V = Max. The input voltage can change from 6.0 -&gt.: 10 mA The usage is really very simple. voltage: 37V DC .9 + 37.Contacts: Soldering pads .0 + 37.Output: wrong polarity &amp.Input: marked with + and . Smaller housing for bigger range of applications .0 + 27. What is new? .0V (3.5V . short circuit protected .5mm .5) till 35.2 + 3.0).(watch polarity) .Output: wrong polarity &amp.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp.9V (8. Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3. tested How to connect: .: 20 mA The usage is really very simple. This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs. K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3.5V DC . A=Anode (+). power consumption: 500mW .0V (6.5V). .Output: Marked with A/K.5 + 2.Max. voltage: 1. The input voltage can change from 6.5 x 2.Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C . Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples.9 + 27. The input voltage can change from 8.Dimensions: 16.0 x 5.Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: .Input: marked with + and .5V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 27V above the minimum input voltage. The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1213 mA typ.5) till 33.: 37 V voltage is 2.2 + 2.Min.Drop voltage: 2.9V (3.Site 41 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (20mA. You only have to check that the minimum input V typ. up to 37V) 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current. The forward voltage is secundary.0).2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets). voltage: 37V DC .Max.Contacts: Soldering pads . The input voltage can change from 8.: 37 V voltage is 2. K=Cathode (-) Example 1: You are going to connect 2 LEDs with 3.Output: wrong polarity &amp. A=Anode (+).9V (3.: 30 mA The usage is really very simple.9V (8.(watch polarity) . You only have to check that the minimum input V typ.0V (3.5 + 2. voltage: 37V DC .Operating temperature: -25°C up to +125°C . What is new? .2 forward voltage each (mostly mentioned as Vf in common datasheets).2 + 3.Max.0 x 5.Input: marked with + and .5mm .0).Thermal protections: Self adjusting when too hot Further Data: .0).5V DC .2 + 2. . up to 37V) 2008 Edition with many innovations! This new and unbelievable small constant current power supply for your LEDs works with the above mentioned output current.Drop voltage: 2.Site 42 Mini Constant Current Power Supply (30mA.Contacts: Soldering pads . Example 2: You are goint to connect one white LED (3.Smaller housing for bigger range of applications .Min.Output: Marked with A/K.Delivery: Completly mounted &amp.5) till 24. short circuit protected .9 + 18. This garanties a homogeneous brightness through the whole forward voltage range and a maximum lifetime to the connected LEDs. power consumption: 500mW .Max.5 x 2.5V .0V (6. tested How to connect: .0 + 18.Dimensions: 16. Please also have a look at the below mentioned examples. The forward voltage is secundary. The input voltage can change from 6. The usage and operating range: Part Number: LT-1214 mA typ.5) till 26.5V higher than the common LED forward voltages and the maximum input voltage should not be more than 18V above the minimum input voltage.5V). voltage: 1. If it is not a low cost X: 0.: 30 mA With Nichia you pay it safe! V typ. These high performance LEDs for highest demands are convincing by features like long lifetime.Site 43 Ultrabright LED (white) The top version with new DS chip ! The NSPW-300DS is the follower of the BS version and comes with a multiple of brightness of the former modell. true colors and processing quality. new materials and the well known production quality of Nichia products.: 22000 mcd Regularly released lifetime tables and manifold selection possibilities proof that Nichia mA test.: 3. MCD min.310 these LEDs.: 15500 mcd MCD max. Perfected manufacturing sequences Part Number: LT-1401 guarantie a steady top production standart up to the last detail that no second Diameter: 3mm manufacturer provides that way.5 V .2 V V max.: 3. mA typ. This is possible because of an advanced chip. too.310 project and your name stands for the quality you are making the best choice with Y: 0.: 20 mcd is no manufacturer who rounds up datasheet values or delivers bad selected products. Viewing Angle: 20° Housing Color: clear Applications with Nichia LEDs maybe more cost intensive than applications with low Emitting Color: white budget LEDs of course but a lot more reliable and brilliant. Mistakes and changes in prices are always reserved. Delivery times are to be understood from date of receipt of order. Every offence will be prosecuted.Site 44 Imprint LED-TECH.DE optoelectronics Showroom Director: Stefan Lenz Am Schürmannshütt 38B D-47441 Moers Phone: (+49) 2841 / 97 91 7-0 Fax: (+49) 2841 / 97 91 7-29 Further we want to point at pictures. All offers are subject to prior sales and without commitment. . graphics and descriptions as well as the pagelayout itself which are all subject to copyright. All mentioned prices are to be understood as gross prices including the value added tax (TAV). Seite 45 Notizen .
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