LECHER Antenna

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ferna Robert | Category: Antenna (Radio), Alternative Medicine, Electromagnetic Radiation, Resonance, Acupuncture



1LECHER DR.M.G. ANNADURAI. PHONE-9444889162, NO.10, GOPALAKRISHNA IYER STREET, ANTENNA D.E.H.M., PH.D.. (MAG). & KEASAV. A. B.Sc., D.E.H.M., D.ACU. HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS, PONDYBAZAAR, T. NAGAR, CHENNAI-600 017. (044)-28155568, 25735207. Ernst Lecher discovered the principle of measuring energy in 1890. The Lecher Antenna was developed By a group of German physicists in 1975 based on Dr. Lecher’s principle. In ancient days “Intuition” only the way to find the body vibration. It cannot be proven. But now there is an instrument measures the Energy fields surrounding the physical body. To determine the physical health of clients, all fields, that is organs, parts of the body, diseases in the body have different frequencies. The energetic field should properly centered with our physical body. The mis alignment causes into mental discomfort and suffering. It leads into nervousness, lack of energy, tiredness, even after a complete rest, Sorrowfulness, cannot control emotional, fearfulness towards trouble some situations. If the energetic and physical body alignment is corrected then you can recover your full potential, healthful sleep, able to face properly personal situations, attain your goals, turned to the right changes : Love, progress, Prosperity, Health, Satisfaction, Empowerment, Money, Happiness. Are your fields surrounding your body at their favourable point of your physical body? There are four fields surrounding your body the thermic, magnetic, electric & chromatic. Thermic fields relates to the heat surrounding the body. If the magnetic field is inside the thermic field. Your creativity will spoil. The magnetic field relates to the YIN principle. If the electric field is inside the magnetic field, if you have creativity in the mind but you can’t take any action. Even you can’t have desire to do that action. The electric field relates to the YANG principle. If chromatic fields is too close to your body even you are unable to overcome your discomforts and diseases. If it is far away you can over come the sick and can heal your body. Chromatic fields relates to the mental & spiritual body. In the sessions: you are taught how to fix your own energy, you are given detailed notes so that you will remember how to fix your own energy. The rest is up to you. The principle of Lecher’s wire It is more an attempt of explanation of an absolute truth. It highlights the sinusoidal way of the electrical current with bellies of tension and nodes of intensity. Any metal conductor in the space constitutes an antenna, which collects and emits at least half of what it collects. The Lecher antenna corresponds to a closed line with the one of its ends. The position of the cursor will give a specific indication: In quarter of wave (phy/4) = parallel resonant circuit (or open) In half-wave (phy/2) = resonant circuit series (or short-circuit) A NN TE T AN A NO.10, GOPALAKRISHNA ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAI-600 017. PHONE-9444889162, (044)-28155568, 25735207 4. Sleeves 7 8 6. 5. movable 4. A NN TE T AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. the two small holes in the bottom of the antenna should directed towards the subject whether human. Right side hole 4 6 8. Left side hole 9.10. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. Lecher Antenna is functioning in the Scaning & Vibration method. (044)-28155568. The cursor. Do not unfold handle sticks without detaching the locking sleeves. 25735207 . Centimeter scale 3 11 4 3. Hold it very strongly. Mass (This instrument gives contact between the antenna and the patient) 10. Unfold the handling stick and set in gently the locking sleeves 2. PHONE-9444889162. Socket 11. Thumb and small finger towards the internal side (chest side) of the handle stick middle three fingers towards the external side of the handle sticks. is able to select information with the lower part of the electromagnetic background noise. thanks to the antenna of Lecher. Bottom of the antenna • oo • 5 • • 7. T. which does not allow the apparatus. the hand skin being used as cushion. measurements objectify subliminal. PARTS OF LECHER ANTENNA 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 1. The cent metric scale of the antenna also makes it possible to appreciate harmonies with organic resonance in the electromagnetic spectrum. the correspondence on the antenna of Lecher can be checked. space or object. The human body. Antenna wire 9 2. animal. CHENNAI-600 017. NAGAR. The scale readings are facing the operator. emitting in the cent metric waves. Wire (One end of the wire should be connect to the MASS & the other end to the antenna) HOW TO OPERATE THE LECHER ANTENNA 1. The two palms should turned skyways ready to receive the handling sticks 3. Handle 10 5.2 With a generator of Gigahertz. ( You should repeat this for three times. 2. When You are saying like this you should imagine that your favorite colours are entering into your body ) 3. Interest.k. 25735207 .1. HOW TO EXAMINE THE OBJECT: First keep the object going to examine. animals etc. (044)-28155568. T.3 To get quick action with Lecher Antenna Users of lecher antenna should have the following qualities:. Before starting the Lecher antenna’s action it is better to do energy meditation. Faith. Then ask the antenna if the object’s quality is good. If the antenna scale moves in front or behind then your question is o. You have to put the Antenna’s wavelength to 17. Energy Meditation: We should think in mind as below 1. If Antenna does not move then your question is not o. If the scale does not move the quality is not good. You have to put the Antenna wavelength to 17. PHONE-9444889162. 3. Clear Mind. If the scale moves the quality of the object is good.6 cm. You should imagine like the negative vibrations are released from you in the form of smoke) 2. 4.k. NAGAR.) It is good if you can do this energy meditation at every time before you are start working with the Lecher antenna. A NN TE T AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL V A HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. Try your best. The negative thoughts were removed from my soul & the negative energy was removed from my body. 5. I have got positive thoughts & good energy level in my body.) ( You should pray this meditation for three times. Ask positive questions to the antenna. Wisdom.6 cm. First of all you should keep your lucky God or the most lovable person in your family or your Guru in mind for one miniute. At the mean time you should imagine as you treat all successfully with lecher antenna. HOW TO EXAMINE WITH THE ANTENNA: It is just like the Pendulam Dowsing but in advance & accurate method.10. CHENNAI-600 017. under the bottom portion of the antenna. ( You should repeat this for three times. I gave my successful service to the people and all living things in the universe ( including plant. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. 5.6 ( Negative energies ) Step-4: Scan all Seven chakras by 2.6 by Lecher Antenna. (044)-28155568.4 HOW TO DO SELF EXAMINATION WITH LECHER ANTENNA Step-1: Scan The Four corners of the room in 17. Step-3: Check your self. Check 15.2.0 for cosmic energy.3 SttStep 4:ep External elements can be checked without index finger placing on body parts.5 (Human Cell Harmony) top to Bottom. 3. GOPALAKRISHNA PHONE-9444889162. T. If Block open it. It removes the confusions in mind and makes it clear.4 ( Karmic problems ) & 6. is it from inside the body or from outside. If Blocked open it. NAGAR. holding the antenna. 4. Step-2: Check room ceiling by 12. 4. career and economical condition. A NN TE T AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS STREET. 3. Scan all seven Chakras by Cosmo Telluric energy 15.0 Telluric or Earth.33 ( Block Magic ). It brings harmony and unity in family. CHENNAI-600 017. Check room floor at 8. if blocked open. on the client’s Forehead Middle of chest Organic dis-order Environmental aggression.3 Lecher reading. It gives improvement in business. Stand infront of the mirror or wall.10.follow all organic protocol to measure the disease. Use Lecher antenna and check value at 15.3 . By this understanding we can organize the protocol we need to follow for the further analysis: StSStep 1: Ask the patient to hold mass in Right hand and to place index finger on suspected area for identifying problem. THE BENEFITS OF SELF HEALING WITH LECHER ANTENNA 1 . NO. 4. 2.3 your self. Check the Entities 13. Our body gets energy and healthy. 25735207 . HOW TO TREAT WITH BIO ENERGY TO THE PATIENT The First step is to understand the aggression on the human body. It removes the negative attacks in our life and gives life improvement. StSStep 2: 3. S Step 3:ep For environmental aggression check ask the client to make a rough plan of his house or office or working place on paper and place it on left hand .0. Use Lecher Antenna to check the tension on chest and forehead again at 15. (044)-28155568.Reconnect using Lecher Antenna.bio-dynamics Step 5:eCheck 8 at Root level – Reconnect using Lecher Antenna. Follow same protocol for Side axis (Mental) Step 5. Check at 15. Do the 7 levels check to measure Front axis (Physical) Step 4. CHENNAI-600 017.3 by holding Lecher Antenna at clients forehead Step 2. PHONE-9444889162. Step 1. A NN TE AT N A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. WHICH NEEDS TO BE BALANCED THROUGH ORGANIC BALANCING. DOXAL AND SIDAL AXIS WILL SHIFT FROM THE BODY. Step 2:eCheck Personal channel on 15.6 all four corners.1 at 3 side of the chest bilaterally for Lymphatic readings ORGANIC BALANCING – WE HAVE DEEP ORGANS AND SURFACE ORGANS IN CASE OF IMBALANCED CENTRIPETAL AND CENTRIFUGAL ENERGY THE FRONTAL.10.5 at all 7 levels. Check at all 7 chakra level at 5. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. Step 8:epCheck organic elimination blockages with 2.3 if any 8 and 12 is missing.bio-dynamics Step 6:pCheck 15. 12 on ceiling and 8 on floor.8 for Centrifugal force. Step 3:eCheck 2.5 is weak or absent that means blockage of governor vessel meridian. NAGAR. 25735207 . if any where 2.6 at chest level. Step 6. T. Check at all 7 chakra levels moving the Lecher Antenna at those points Step 3.3 on chest and re-connect. Step 4:pCheck 12 at Head level . Step 7:p Check 17. it check capacity of the body eliminate its vibratory toxins. Check at all 7 levels at 7.7 for Centripetal force.5 VIBRATORY BALANCE Step 1:eCheck the room channel with Lecher Antenna at 17. food. With the cosmic radiation 12.6 measurement four corners should be identified. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET.3 must be set in the antenna and ask if the environment is o. cosmic and telluric energy are affected. NAGAR. the soil examination should be done by the 8. But they haven’t any peace of mind. TO REMOVE THE DEFECTS IN BUILDINGS. Digestive part. Depression.6 THE COMBINATION BETWEEN OUR HOUSE AND OUR BODY: If the north east of our house is affected then our upper chest portion Neck. ENERGY TREATMENT FOR VASTHU DEFECTS. (044)-28155568. After finishing the building we should identify the bad eye. growth in financial condition. and then the people’s health and wealth are also affected. 25735207 EAST . karmas (4. To know the quality of brick. In some families they have all wealth and facilities. A NN TE T AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. Head. we should set the water radiation 5 and examine to identify the water level. When we examine. the antenna shouldn’t move.0 towards the earth we should examine. The treatment SOUTH with Antenna is a scientific technique. By asking questions we can identify the defects in the places and we can get correct solutions by keeping the symbols in correct places.0 measurements.6 should set-up If it is okay (antenna scale move) we can use it. Environment. Environmental radiation 15.6) & Block Magic ( 3. Before going into the construction. If for all the questions the antenna says yes (antenna scale move) then that sight can be selected for construction. black magic power by 13th no of antenna. If center portion is affected heart and it’s function will be affected. The cosmic energy should be measure by 12 and the earth’s energy should be by 8. Before the construction of the sight. RESEARCH IN SIGHTS BEFORE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. sand. The correct radiations in correct counting can be correct the body condition. CHENNAI-600 017. antenna 17. This is mainly due to bad eye. and constancy in life can be affected. sets of animals (4.0 towards the sky and the telluric radiation 8.4). negative forces (6. iron rods and wood things. The parts of our body consist of various radiations. block magic and evil force. T. water. memory power and concentration also been affected.10.k. break up in our growth can also been occurred. confusion and disorder of health.33) with lecher antenna.2). The living place is very important for all living beings in the world. stones. If southwest is affected.6 radiation of the Antenna. Then with the 17.0). Relationship with others can also been affected. lower part of our body. If air. unwanted thoughts. If moves there must be some bad energy. NORTH N EA OR ST TH WEST By the use of Lecher Antenna we can identify the symbols. PHONE-9444889162. First of all we should open the constant (13. 6. 9. or master bedroom. 2. 3. Surgery. 8. put dhoopam with mooligai powder. 4.If we keep repaired & unwanted items in our house the negative vibrations from these items will affect our health & mind level. In any one of the direction if the antenna does not move then we can give that power by the antenna to the direction in the same radiation. 8. 4.More expenses.Southwest level is lesser than the other parts of the building.7 By the use of 17. 6. SOUTH WEST SOUTH EAST 1. 3. 10.Well in South west. 1.Septic tank.Toilet. 7. 7.Lower level than other places.If there is no windows or doors in the North & east side. 2. 2. Problems in the family.Mental stress.Waterflow. 3.Tall trees. 3.Suicides.Higher level than other places. 2. 5.If there is no sufficient gap between North & East. To remove negative energy keep thrishti pumpkin near the main entrance. 5. 3.Murders. .Problems in the family.Well. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789 VASTHU DEFECTS DEFECTS IN LIVING PLACES NORTH EAST 1. 4. 3.There will not be peace of mind & harmony. When we measure the four corners with 17.water tank.Court case.It may cause piles & obesity. 4.The head of the family may get mind depression & bad name.0 radiations. Keep the inner and outer places of the house clean and tidy. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1.If there is heavy weight or unwanted things. NEGATEVITIES DUE TO DEFECTS 1. 6.If there is staircase. the people being there will be healthy and peacefully. 5. 2.Digestive problems. 1.Pits.If there is septic tank. 5.Play devotional songs for atleast one hour daily. In the same manner the cosmic energy can be improved by 12 radiations and the earth energy by 8. 3.Misunderstandings between couple.Main enterance in Southwest.If there is no kitchen. 6.Student’s education may be affected. 6. 3.If there is more gap in Southwest than Northeast.6 measurement. Weekly once clean your house with crystal salt & raw camphor mixture Water.Debts. 2.Affecting the health of women & children. toilet. They can’t live in the own house. 4.At every Saturdays donate food to the disabled beggars. 4. Keep a bowl with water in the Northeast.If newly married couple sleep in this direction.By these openings the Sunrays and Cosmic power will enter into the house. 3. 7. 4.If there is kitchen. 1. 2. 5.Financial loss. 6.Diseases of head face and neck.Septic tank.Fire accidents.Obstacles in auspicious aspects 2. 2.The health condition of the head of the family can be affected.Main enterance towards the Northwest road. 5.Higher level than other places. 6.6 radiation we can select the symbol and by asking questions in which place we should keep the symbols and can do it. 5. 1. they may not give birth to a child.The windows of Northeast and East should be kept open.To remove negativities and evil eye. 4.Uterus problems. By this method. 7. WEST NORTH 1.In North east corners of every room don’t keep heavy weight things. 1 Lymphatic System 2.6 Forehead .35 Stagnant Water – Oedema 2 Death 2. Computer (9 Scannings ) Aggressed Electric Beam ( 12 Sacnnings) Aggressed Hertzian Beam ( 19 Scannings) 8 Earth Telluric Channel 8. Like this with electric field 7. (044)-28155568. 25735207 .7 Mineral 3.White Magic Entity 14 Gold Pure 15. In this process the body becomes the water detect and the antenna exteriorities the information. If we put in the pant pocket impotential and pain in legs can be occurred.5 wavelength can be used especially for the misunderstanding between the husband & wife and to bring harmony in their relationship. can affect by eye defect.Physical and Mental Balance Electromagnetic State of the Organism 17. we can empower the part. with 17. NAGAR. PHONE-9444889162..9 Curry Line 7.6 Questioning & Broadcasting A NN TE T AN A NO.1 2. esophagus disorders. CHENNAI-600 017.0 radiation.8 the stomach portion can be examined and empowered.8 THE AGGRESSION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENTS: Because of improvement in science.5 2. GOPALAKRISHNA ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS STREET.8 Vegetal 4. To cure the aggressions made by IT equipments we should examine the affected parts with antenna. Very few people only get this. To cure all this we should examine with antenna.0 2.6 we can examine the center part. computer etc. For example if we put the cell phone in the shirt pocket the heart and lungs will be affected.0 IMPORTANT WAVE LENGTH 1. If antenna does not move.Cosmo Telluric Channel 15. we can improved the head region then with the telluric radiation 17. (From the neck to the upper abdomen) of the body. T.6 Underground Subterranean 9 Higher Vegetal 9.10. wavelength resounds the organic toxins in the lymphatic circuits. wavelength measure the communication between the cells. 7.2 Animal 5 Water 5.6.7 Magnetic North 5.Internal Leakage 10 Hartmann Cross Line 12 Cosmic Channel 13 Phenomenal Energy .Global Organic Synergy Centrifugal vitality 17.Internal Polarity 1. If there is any break.8 Body Electric Field.7 the center part can be examined and empowered. Because of the ring tone vibration there are many diseases that affect the people. in call centers. If any break we should give power by 2. With the magnetic field 5. disease and mental stress are also going worse. wavelength measure the vibration of the minerals. 2. in the same way the affected person should examine by the universe power number 12. The person work in computers.0 radiations.7 Body Magnetic Field or Human Centripetal Field — Destructive Negative Energy 6. We can use this for many other measurement beyond the above lists. Migrane.1 Sacred .5 Human Cell Harmony 2. The lower abdomen part can be examined and empowered by 8. tiredness and hip pain.6 is the king of wavelengths. wavelength discovered the water level. it is multipurpose wavelength.6 Chest . 3 Chest .1 Static Electricity . Human Centrifugal Field Aggressed by Running Water ( 5 Scannings ) Aggressed T.V.7 5.5 radiations. 3 Forehead . This is due to the cell phone. Microwaves. 17. ABOUT THE WAVELENGTH: wavelength resounds the departure of the internal force from the body.Global Vibratory Synergy Internal Elimination 17. 7 Jaw————————————— 3. 9 Uterus——————————————3. 8 . 7 th Chakra 7 —————————— 12. 6 “ Red ————————————6. 5 Eyes—————————————3.10. 3 (Chest) Chakra —————-—— 17. Arthritis————— 9. 6 Diagonal Field———————————8. NAGAR. 3 Curry Field————————————6. Coronary———————— 4.1 Sinus———————————— 3. Diabetes—————— 4. 5 Spine———————————— 8.9 WAVE LENGTH OF TREATMENT Stomach—————————————4. 45 Entities——————————————13. 2 Thyroid——————————————4. 7 Body Heat. 6 “ Green———————————7. 00 Liver———————————— 3. 75 Ovary———————————— 3. 48 Electrostatic Energy————————9. 5 Dreams————————————— 7. 25 Spiritual Energies————————— 2. 3 Antenna Neutralisation———————3. 6 Aura———————————————5. 00 Nuro Vegetative System———— 3. 4 Mucous Membrane———————3. 7 “ Orange—————————— 8. 2 Sclerosis———————————4. 1 Angel Guide——————————— 16. 6 Hearing System———————— 6. 0 Black Magic. 9 Varicose Vines———————————2. 0 Gall Bladder————————— 4. 2 Peaceful Mind———————————9. 1 Antenna Neutralisation———————3.0 Dream ————————————7. 25 Ache. 35 ENVIRONMENT Osteo Arthritis—————————2. 65 Bones & Skeleton—————— 2. 8. 0 Chronic Illness———————— 2. 5 Bladder——————————— 4. 8 . 7 TE T NO. 5 Nerve System———————— 4. 8 Small Intestine———————— 4. 5 “ Brown———————————8. 5 Rheumatism. 0 7 Illness. 1 Karmic Problems————————— 4. (044)-28155568. 2 Tiredness—————————————2. 3 Physical & Mental Balancer—— 15. 5 “ Yellow———————————12. 4 Cosmic Energies—————————12. 4 Ears—————————————3. 9 & 2. 75 th Chakra————————————12. 8 & 2. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. Bewitchment————— 3. 85 Colours Black——————————8. 3 Cardinal Points——————————6. 7 Parasite——————————— 9. 2 Haemoglobin————————— 3. Pain—————————— 4. 6 Large Intestine———————— 3. 1 Prostate——————————— 3. 3 Pancreas.1 Appendix —————————— 3. 15 Third Eye—————————————2. 8 Skin—————————————3. 4 Lungs———————————— 3. 9 MAGNETS & CRYSTALS A HEALING NN Spleen————————————3. 25735207 . 75 Dimention (others)—————————14. CHENNAI-600 017. 6 Divinity——————————————17. 3 Cosmo Telluric Channel———— 15. 1 Tear———————————————7. 15 Earth Energies———————— 7. 2 Lymphatic System——————— 2. 5 Kidney———————————— 4. 0 Parkinson Disease—————— 4. AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV PHONE-9444889162. 2 Epiphysis———————————3. 2 Negative Energies—————————6. 7 “ Blue————————— 7. 33 Diaphysis———————————1. 0 Alchemic Metal ——————————7. 7 Vagina——————————————3. T. 9 (Fore Head) Copper——————————————2. 4 Death ——————————— 1. 25 White Magic———————————13 . 9. 7 Immune System———————— 3. 75 SPECIAL WAVE LENGTH Cancerous Cells ——————— 4. 7. 9. 25 Spiritual Harmony between two persons— 7. Serious———————— 6. 7. 4 “ White——————————— 7. 8 Nostrils——————————— 3. 5 Peaceful Mind————————— 9. 3 Duodenum—————————— 3. 4 Lymph———————————— 7. 15 Cosmo Telluric Channel (Chest)———15. 9 Heart. 6 Electrical Energy—————————7. 0 “ Purple———————————7. Dimensional Gateway————8. 4 Hair————————————— 3. 6 Entities Animals——————————4. 65 Adrenal Gland—————————4. 3 Cellar. Energies the cells—— 2. 6 & 6. 9 & 4. 5 “ Pink————————————9. 1 Trance——————————————4. 5 Nerve System Inflammation——— 4. 00 Underground Subterranean————8. The benefits of Lecher antenna. Beam. 1 Leylines———————————— 16. 4 Moon————————————— 13. To identify the obstacles & to get improvement in Career & Business.. To improve our life style To identify the witchcraft. In pendulam the mind level of the dowsers will reflect on the results. To identify the Positive & negative energy in the Precious & Semiprecious stones. 0 Guide————————————— 16. 2 Holes—————————————10. CHENNAI-600 017. 2 Water Stagnant————————1. 3 Hollow Cavity——————————12. 5 Sun——————————————16. In a pendulam three dowsers dowsing a same concept at a time may get diffrent results. 9 Mercury———————————— 5. we can get exact results. But the Lecher antenna we can scan & also we can rectify & energise the defects. evil eye. PHONE-9444889162. mobile phone etc. But in the antenna the mind level will not come into the results. Radon———————3. hold the handle tightly and ask “Can I check through the antenna?. 75 Oil. 75 Uranium————————————3. T. 9 Radio Activity. 0 & 12. 2 Global Field——————————— 7. So. Because the Lecher antenna has hundreds of frequencies with it. If It doesn’t move then the answer is “Don’t check it now”. 3 Minerals in Bulk————————— 2. A NN TE AT N A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. 00 Positive Surroundings—————— 5.6. Steel——————————— 5.10 Fuel Tank———————————— 9. 00 Water Canal——————————7. 25 Hartmann Field———————10. To stimulate the Acupuncture point. So in this way we should start the practice. PHILOSOPHER AND GUIDE: You should treat your antenna as a best friend and a good guide. computer. 6 Water—————————————5.10. 3 Magnetic North————————— 5. Electromagnetic Wave—9 Truffle————————————— 4. We can only know the facts with the pendulam. 35 LECHER ANTENNA FRIEND. 5 Lead. So. NAGAR. 75 T. The Lecher antenna is modified under nano techonology. For Precaution & Prevention of diseases.V. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. 7 Magnetic South————————— 7. To identify the negative energy in the electronic & electrical equipments Like television. 5 Iron. Lecher antenna is better than Pendulam? Why?. 4 Gaz Pipe————————————10. To identify the vaasthu defects in the building. Petroleum——————————4. negativities & remove it. fridge. 6 Gold Harmony Number—————— 1. But in an antenna all persons will get 80% same results. scientifically we can get more accurate results than the Pendulam. 5 Stones—————————————2. 618 Gold——————————————14. 3 Spiritual Harmony between two persons—7. 25735207 . 9 Pollution———————————— 2. To identify the exact medicine & treatment in all therapies.” If scale moves front or back then the answer is yes. Because The antenna works with the vibration of your voice only. To identify the Geopathic stress & to get remedy for it. Liquid Crystal——————— 5. When you use the antenna you should say your commands loudly with deep concentration. 2 Pipe with water flow——————— 1. For example: you fix the wavelength of the antenna at 17. (044)-28155568. Above this we can use the antenna to check various aspects like person’s body condition.6 frequency in the antenna. If it is between 40% to 70% is fair. 20% to 30%. 78%. Example: When we ask about the percentage level. If it is between 1% to 40% it is not good. . 80% to 90%. Strength of Horoscope. 77%.Fix the 17. 4. If it moves then that place must be affected. The power percentage of medicines. If the antenna moves in front or back then we can measure the energy level power of the area.6 frequency in the antenna and move it to front & back with saying “I am getting divine & positive energy from the cosmic”. You should do some remedies to increse the energy level. Repeat saying this for 2 to 15 mininutes (with antenna shaking). 80% like that. First cleanse the area.6. Entities (Animals) .2 When you are checking the above frequencies with antenna it should not move. then that percentage level is the energy level of that area.4. Set 17. How to increase the energy level:Keep the antenna connected with mass on sight or human body. keep the mass on the examination place or on the sketch. 10% to 20%. Quality percentage of things. Entities . Mind level. 40% to 50%. it is better.Make the antenna move in front & back while moving say “Remove the negatives”. 60% to 70%.4. if the antenna moves at 70% to 80% then we can decide that the energy level must be between 70% to 80%. This method should be continued for 10 to 120 days. Then ask whether it is 71%. Some Important factors which can be examine with Lecher Antenna:1. If the antenna does not move then we can conclude that this is not the correct time to measure the area. Negative Force . 76%. 72%. “Can I check the energy level of the area?”. 0% to 10% In any percentage level the antenna moves.6. the quality of the machineries & more. To get a perfect percentage result we have to check it for 2 to three times again and again. then we can get good energy level. Energising:. 2. The Method of Examination:Connect the antenna and the Mass with the wire guard. One end in the hole of antenna and the other end in the hole of the mass. How to measure with Lecher Antenna:Check the percentage level of the area as follows: Ask the antenna whether the percentage level of the area is between 90% to 100%. Karmic Problems . 74%.33. 5. 75%. 70% to 80%. Block Magic. Bewitchment -3. if the result is betwen 70% to 80%.4. 30% to 40%. 50% to 60%.11 EXAMINATION AND REMEDY WITH LECHER ANTENNA Living & Environment Place:We can examine a place with lecher antenna directly in the sight or with the model sketch of the sight. In the examination. Ask loudly to the antenna. In point 73% antenna moves then 73% is the correct energy level in the area. Cleansing:.13. 3. Health level. 79%. 73%. DISTANT HEALING ( TELE THRAPY): Take a photograph of the patient or his Name and address.6 in the antenna. say loudly to the antenna “The LI 4 point is getting energy to relieve the pain”. T. LI11.Energise the affected part with the antenna.6 frequency in the antenna. Otherwise write the name & address of the patient in a paper & keep mass on the paper. NAGAR. Energising the affected parts:. Example: Connect the mass to the antenna. GOPALAKRISHNA STREET. Repeat saying this for 2 to 15 mininutes (with antenna shaking). Set the wavelength 17. (044)-28155568. Repeat this process for 2 to 5 minutes twice daily for 10 to 120 days. LI 4. ). “ All toxins from the body has been eliminating out”. Fix 4. One end of the wire should be connected to the mass and the other end to the left hole of the antenna. say loudly. CHENNAI-600 017. keep mass on the photo. 25735207 . Keep mass on the LI 4 point. Like this you can treat any affected parts of the body.2 frequency to strengthen the stomach. Keep the mass on the particular acupuncture point or important points. shake the antenna front & back & say “This place is getting cleansed from the Block Magic”.10. 17. or 80% and goes on. then you fix frequency & do like the above example. Say to the antenna “The Stomach is getting the energy”. Telethrapy with Acupuncture points:. A NN TE T AN A ER LE CH AB LE AIL AV HEALING MAGNETS & CRYSTALS NO. Example: If there is Block Magic then fix 3.33 frequency. after that say to the antenna “Stomach pain is releiving”. Keep mass on the affected part of the body. To heal the disease. Shake the antenna front & Back & say loudly.1 frequency & do the cleansing first. shake & say to the antenna the important acupuncture points ( DU20. Lecher Antenna use in Acupuncture method:In Acupuncture method we can use antenna instead of needles.6 ( Multipurpose frequency ) If you can’t get any wavelength related to the parts & the problems you want to know. Fix the 17. Check with antenna that what type o f treatment method will be suitable to the person ( Allopathy or Ayurveda or Siddha or Homoeopathy or Unani etc. change the wire of antenna to the right hole from the left. ENERGY TREATEMTNT . To scan the patient ask questions to the antenna about the percentage of his health. for 2 to 5. Fix 4. than we have to fix the particular frequency and have to do energising daily. Do the remedies as in the heading “GUIDELINES TO DO REMEDIES” in page number 11 or as your wish. How to give treatment to human body:Fix the 17. Example: For stomach pain keep the mass on the stomach portion. ST36) and also say “These points are getting energy ”. Repeat saying this for 2 to 15 mininutes (with antenna shaking).12 If we detect that the place is affected. Symbols of Reiki & Holy symbols. “ The point is getting stimulated”.We can also do teletherapy acupuncture with the Lecher antenna. Also we can select the correct medicines of the selected method & dosage. Keep the mass on the photograph or Name & address. Connect the mass to the antenna. PHONE-9444889162. Repeat this for 2 to 15 minutes. Like this check the colours. Ask if is it 90%. Flow the energy of the selected medicines or colours or symbols to the person’s photograph with your antenna. shake the antenna front & back and say loudly “This part is getting full of energy”.6 frequency in the antenna. 2533. Kumaraswamy Layout 2nd Stage. M. V. Kumaran Nagar. Jayagowri had mis understanding for several years with her parents. Bangalore-560 097. one of my patient hospitalised for vomiting & can’t take even diluted food. Chennai-600 053. Anupam sringeri. M. Mr. their environment & their life is now harmonious. Venkatraman. 7 th Street.Chrompet. Kamath. Dr. Maria Stanislus. 18Th main 80 Feet Road. Manapakkam.31/1. Date:16-11-2008 My client D. Dr.Sreyas. C. Venkatesan. Kumaran Nagar.13 Some valuable experiences of practitioners with our product LECHER ANTENNA.No.Janarthanan. without no result I treated with lecher antenna & cured her severe chronic headache. Date:30-01-2007 I healed my wife’s severe ear pain within 15 mins. of canara bank of Bangalore had hip pain & posture of walking was slightly slanting. Annadurai & A. 7th Street. Plot No.51B. I gave teletherapy to my daughter’s cold & fever. Bangalore 560078. I gave enrgy treatment and the patient came within contact with her parents. Dr.The lecher antenna plays a very important role in detecting & harmonising. Pondycherry-605 008. Electrical Contractor. M. Vidyanarayanapura. Date:07-01-2009 Thanks to Dr. Aalternative therapist 52. Ist Main.B. Chennai – 600 044. Vinodha Cumarie. . Ambattur. Mr.600 11 Date:15-02-2006 I treated a prolonged tumour in throat within ten days for about 60% with lecher antenna and also bring back harmony in some families with lecher antenna. R. Advocate had immunse body pain and arterial block in legs. I found out the causes for his problems with antenna & treated him. They helped her with fourty thousand rupees within a week of tratment.N. My another client Mr. I made vasthu corrections to my son’s house in USA with lecher antenna from my house in Bangalore. New No.4. with lecher antenna. Dr. With lecher antenna I scanned that his liver is in problem and I energised the liver with antenna. Radha Nagar. Pondycherry-605 008.B. Under ground water channel radiation intersect the lay lines like X . Date:30-03-2006 Mr.4. I healed an acupuncture doctor’s severe stomach pain with three sitting with lecher antenna is an important one case for me. Date:07-01-2009 It is an innovative instrument for healers & Building correction people. Doctors can’t identify the cause. B. Then he is okay within nine days. I have healed many people’s diseases. keasav to brought this lower cost real worth lecher antenna to reach all level people. Mr. I controlled it by directional elements selected by lecher antenna. REIKI GRAND MASTER & Alternative therapist. Nagar. Manohar’s daughter had severe head ache. Pranic & Acupunturiest 4/33A. Chennai. Mr. Back of T. BEL Layout. Ambedkar Street. Date:21-03-2006 I gave bio-feed distance healing to my mother’s ill health with the photo within one hour she was recovered. I scanned & treated with lecher antenna for the growth of the cell & also detect that there is imbalance of carbon in his body. I gave him good results with pasting a charcoal carbon in his bed room. Krishna Nagar.E. Rajaji Street. Social Servicer O. Reiki Grand Master No.15.K. Manohar. Now his pain & block reduced considerably. After trying Allopathy. Charles Nicholas Keniel Reiki Grand Master No. Suresh. I checked the vastu of one retired officer in Jaya nagar. Mr. 6 th Block.. S. . G. Vijayakumar even if he is out of station. white chestnut g. Date:10-01-2009 Lecher antenna is doing an important role in Alternative therapy. is 9976688850.Vijayakumar are greatful to you for given us a such potential things and apart from general training you even gave us lots of good things like right brain activation. given Bio . LI 11. Tamil nadu.Vijayalakshmi from OOTY. every day with 3. His no. teletheraphy. 13. 3. Kanchipuram District. and colours Y 17 NE corner wall of his bed room . flower medicine training has given us all potential and I can not explain each case bcos i am using lecherantenna every day with critical cases. pendulam drowsing.6 frequency we can check & remove blocks of the organs. Earth telluric energy 8 and like that. Zaheer Hussain. (your student). LIV 3. once they start eating properly they are becoming very active.1 ( 3minutes alternate days for 5 days) B. check the cosmic energy with 12. rescue remedy . In general for my children counselling i scan the children with lecher antenna and suggest them colours . One patient named Nelson aged 26 was sleeping for 16 hours and was not able to do anything.15( 2 minutes for 2 days) C. bio. is 9942636809. f. For pain — 4.M. I scanned him with lecherantenna as per the treatment chart given by you sir.it reduces over weighted children . Ganges hip. My chitti Mrs. Prof. he had headache.neck.com> Date: Tue. We are life time thankful to you sir. with warm regards vijayalakshmi. I am your student for Energy treatment and Flower medicine. We can select the suitable tretment for the patient in Alternative therapy with lecher antenna. In Acupuncture treatment I used this lecher antenna successfully. 2. I gave him energy treatment with flower medicine with in 20 days he has gone to coimbatore and start going for job his no. 1. DU14.3 we neutalise the antenna 5.medicine no. scarlanthus b. Vishukthi chakras are not opened.09448065956. For example for diabetes patient we can select the points ( SP 6.Her no. Lecher antenna. 4.clematis c. I am verymuch pleased to give my feed back about the courses I learnt under You and Your father Dr. IMr. GB 21 ) with lecher antenna then we can stimulate the particular points with antenna. ruby gem and R7 colour in teletheraphy box for 9 days and she thanked me for making her sit for 3 hours at the function and now also she is doing better. ear pain and sahasrahara. knee pain.9 (3 minutes every day for 10 days) Kept Raiki symbols Viswa . Thyroid problem —— 4. Nehru Nagar. mostly used flower medicines are a.10 . throat pain. 2. Dr. raiki symbols and flower medicines. For Nerve __ 4. 6.14 Ananthakrishnan vijaiyalukshimi <softtechcomputers94@gmail. 20. nervous weakness. If one patient can be cured within 30 days in our Alternative therapy then we can cure them within seven days combined with lecher antenna. walnut d.Savithri is staying in Bangalore and she had a knee problem and was not able to sit down. With 17. tiredness.ooty. important remedies especially on saturday giving food to 5 people before we have food to relieve from our karma.E.it is working out very well for a dull headed students. Aug 12. self scanning is done everyday and I am doing scanning Mr. we treated him A. now he is escaped from operation. 12. Achirapakkam-603 301. Thank you . We can conclude the correct herbals & suitable yogas for the patients. We are running a organisation in the name of Sivasakthi Divine Centre focusing on Astrology. Myself and my husband Mr. I scaned and kept 5 tabs of scarlanthus. Vasthu and Brain Activation Centre for children from age 4 to 16. ST 36. Ramaiah aged 77 came to me for energy treatment and he had severe throat pain.AnnaDurai Avargal. chestnutbut e. 2008 I am Dr. Numerology. crab apple . 18. She requested me to do something bcos she has to sitdown for the function of her Bhimaratha shanthi 70th birthday celebration of my chittappa.A.
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