Learn Drawing and Digital Painting From Beginner to Advanced

March 24, 2018 | Author: Decean Ioan | Category: Drawing, Paintings, Communication Design, Art Media



Learn Drawing and Digital Painting from Beginner to AdvancedList Made by Pixaroma Hi, my name is Ioan Decean, I am from Romania and I want to share with you what I learned so far about drawing and digital painting. I still learn new stuff every day . You can find me on http://pixaroma.com/ I also made a group for people who use Photoshop: https://www.facebook.com/groups/photoshoplove/ If you have questions you can send me a private message on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pixaroma/ Anyone can draw and paint, it takes time and lots of practice and must be learned in a certain order. You have to start with the basics in drawing and then you can move to digital painting. I made this list to help you advance more quickly. Drawing Basics Before you start drawing read this articles: 10 Drawing Myths That Block Your Progress http://design.tutsplus.com/articles/10-drawing-myths-that-block-your-progress--cms23892 10 Quick Tips on Drawing http://thevirtualinstructor.com/QuicktipsDrawing.html To be able to draw your hand need some training. Drawing its like learning to write, you began with shapes, circles, lines, then you did letters, then you combined all to do words, then you can write without thinking about lines and circles. Drawing its the same, you start learning to do basic shapes like circles, triangles, lines, squares, then you learn to do it 3D with the help of perspective, so you do spheres, cubes, cylinders, pyramids and those shapes are combined to make the rest of the things that surround us. For digital painting you can start directly in your program. I use Photoshop but you have other options like Corel Painter, Sai, Gimp, Manga Studio, etc. If you want to draw and paint on your computer you need a graphic tablet. I use Wacom Intuos 5 M (medium). There are other option more cheaper and other more expensive like Cintiq from Wacom. youtube.com/watch?v=WzszH9BN_hI Shading Light and Form .How to Shade .com/watch?v=7K2yaBfaVhk Draw Basics: PART 2 .Fine Art-Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmhgEV593ks How To Draw In Two Point Perspective | Easy https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=S1d4VxkyZ8A Shading Lessons: Learn How to Draw Shades .youtube.Shadows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3WmrWUEIJo Structure Basics .youtube.You can also do sketches on paper then scan the drawing or make a photo of it and upload it on computer then you paint on top of it or use it as guide for digital painting.youtube.com/watch?v=3971zJW9VHI Intro To Perspective With Derek Kosol https://www.com/watch?v=3uEtdDvK6Xo .Two Point Perspective https://www.com/watch?v=A3Svw_Gttho Dynamic Sketching 2 https://www.com/watch?v=t_VCgvrhv30 How to Draw a Room in 1-Point Perspective https://www.com/watch?v=o1lleIBzn3A How To Draw In One Point Perspective | Easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFE8X6vqIbA How To Draw Shapes in 1-Point Perspective https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=29-bPAhvzFI TWO POINT PERSPECTIVE (unique method) https://www.youtube.One Point Perspective https://www. Start with this: Dynamic Sketching https://www.com/watch?v=2mjSDIBaUlM Draw Basics: PART 1 . any paper (i use printer paper).youtube.Basics https://www. What you need for drawing and sketching: a normal pencil HB or 2HB.com/watch?v=jfvTGb1igZ4 Draw Basics: PART 3 -Three Point Perspective . an eraser hard and soft (kneaded eraser).Making Things Look 3D https://www. youtube.Drawing 101 .youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=AaZmwHU7vZo Drawing Made Easy Online Book (click on the page in the right or have download options below the book) https://archive.com/watch?v=RtmzFSEazH8&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPmmExxVUUwZINQx AYzhVNvY How to draw fun stuff Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qdz8pFUaoc&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPnkGNKKu_G3_AxF_ n_oVBnc Drawing Male Characters Playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qdz8pFUaoc&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPkKyp1fL0dxHIpReL3n5sZ Cartoon Animals Playlist https://www.com/watch?v=TntR8sb-UMc Freehand ellipses https://www.Simplify Your Drawings https://www.org/details/drawingmadeeasyh00lutz You Can Draw in 30 Days The Fun. Easy Way to Learn to Draw in One Month or Less (click on the page in the right or have download options below the book) https://archive.youtube.com/watch?v=IVhhTCb5W0w&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPlDYh1qloTQvOW3 74vGtooD Head and Body Playlist https://www.org/details/YouCanDrawin30DaysTheFunEasyWaytoLearntoDrawinOneMon thorLess-MarkKistler9780738212418 Drawing Characters and Objects Drawing Cartoon – Getting Started Playlist https://www.com/watch?v=DCjerLDG1Eo&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPkUz1JGV6wD74f0Bi vm6yeF .com/watch?v=jLE1t9S_jj8&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPkc1yNN95YREugeOPC ALf2h Eyes and Expressions Playlist https://www.youtube. org/details/MangaManiaRomance How to Add Shadows to a Drawing (& Where to Place Them) https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=GsP51RirZxA How to Draw Glasses https://www.com/watch?v=gWjbQV36-3I 100 Ways to Draw Manga Eyes https://www.com/watch?v=K9L-FEfCukI How to Draw Braids (Narrated Step by Step) https://www.Tips and Tricks https://www.youtube.org/details/andrew-loomis-fun-with-a-pencil Drawing the Head & Hands Online Book (click on the page in the right or have download options below the book) https://archive.com/watch?v=1SwOcKFMStg Cartoon Hippopotamus https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=NVmjQf1UmAY Fun With a Pencil Online Book (click on the page in the right or have download options below the book) https://archive.com/photos/taffeta/sets/72157618009562834 How to Draw A Nose .org/details/andrew-loomis-drawing-the-head-hands Draw Manga Online Book (click on the page in the right or have download options below the book) https://archive.com/watch?v=h1hNe7jF4JM .com/watch?v=9wNSquVUG04&list=PLQGuVHrSgLPksPwUjli8A1JyTrzWgYjl How to draw simple animals step by step Images https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=-dslyiHqeL0 How to Draw Manga Hair https://www.Draw Female Characters Playlist https://www.com/watch?v=KYHzcM32f1I How to Draw a Mermaid https://www.com/watch?v=9wIq2X2M72s How to Draw a Wolf (Narrated) https://www.flickr. com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-draw-a-cartoon-facecorrectly--vector-15792 Cartoon Tips https://www.com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-draw-cartoon-hands-vector-21315 Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Create Movement and Action http://design.tutsplus.com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-draw-the-female-form-vector-22024 Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw Cartoon Hands http://design.com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-create-emotions-from-simplechanges-in-the-face--vector-16278 Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw a Cartoon Face Correctly http://design.For anatomy you can check proko videos https://www.tutsplus.tutsplus.tutsplus.org/instruction-preston-blairs-advanced-animation/ .tutsplus.tutsplus.com/tutorials/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-create-movement-andaction--vector-19904 Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw a Cartoon Body http://design.youtube.tutsplus.tutsplus.com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-draw-a-cartoon-body-vector-18651 Cartoon Fundamentals: The Secrets in Drawing Animals http://design.com/articles/cartoon-fundamentals-the-secrets-in-drawing-animals-vector-17361 Cartoon Fundamentals: Create Emotions From Simple Changes in the Face http://design.com/CartoonTips/ Cartoon animations by Preston Blair http://animationresources.com/user/ProkoTV/videos Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw Children http://design.com/tutorials/cartoon-fundamentals-how-to-draw-children--cms21954 Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw the Female Form http://design.facebook. com/watch?v=i7lkAUePXt4&list=PLjZ8ePITBc0J6CYsnqCxYC2vqnObc QvJk Scratchboard Illustration Technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrtICmpYf9o How to Draw Everything: Tree Demo https://www.youtube.ctrlpaint. a graphic tablet like wacom.youtube.com/user/scratchboardart/videos Digital Painting Basics (watch this after you know drawing basics) You need a program like Photoshop.youtube.com/watch?v=4mlGzOgmim4 Sketching objects playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWIocfsiLo0 .youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=6VX-wujJbbk Light and Shadow: Value and Form https://www.ctrlpaint.com/watch?v=dtmlWNJql2g Fundamentals: Value Shading https://www. and basic brushes.com/watch?v=Bx5V6WvI3kc Working with Color: Properties of Color https://www.com/user/5PencilMethod/videos How to Draw the Mouth & Lips [Narrated Step by Step] https://www.com/watch?v=-DZLkEZV3DM How to draw shadows https://www.youtube. I really recommend to start from this site it have a lot of videos in order from simple to advanced http://www.For Realistic Pencil Drawings check this https://www.com/library/ as you can see have a lot of videos you can download Basic 3 Brushes from here http://www.com/downloads/ and here are other resources from simple to advanced Brushes https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=tmWAEtj7UpE https://www.com/50129764 Gold https://www.youtube. what colors.youtube. Stone https://www.com/watch?v=vv6700dODys Basics Shapes and Forms https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=s_er-Yw1vGY .com/watch?v=e2cJNUdR8FA Metal https://www. how its texture and all the properties that it have that material.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef5ac5dRTG4 Digital Painting .youtube.youtube.Blending and Color Shading Basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTy7KZOJf-g Lightning Basics https://www.com/watch?v=hPZ0RGTjhdc Shiny and Chrome https://www.com/watch?v=SG-k8jxA2gQ Drawing with Digital Pencils: Traditional Pencil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QGjj_dMHGQ https://www.com/watch?v=QURQRVmxncs https://vimeo. Also use reference images and study different materials to see what shapes it have.youtube.com/watch?v=-j7dp5M5wic Rocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGgvSqpIyds Lighting Fundamentals for Digital Painting https://www.com/watch?v=wGqVGYMcEN0 Ice https://www.com/watch?v=UcNmLz24Cf8 https://www.youtube.youtube.Materials Learn to paint different materials so it will be more easily for you to paint when you invent some new stuff. youtube.com/watch?v=1gZ3Nmj8G3w https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry-FG8rxglA Rock and grass https://www.com/watch?v=-fbRQcO4UKY Medieval Armor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SriEv2JG5Fs https://www.com/watch?v=GG7wOw2sQ1c Lava https://www.com/watch?v=iC4Xd10eV88 Glass Bottle https://www.Leather https://www.com/watch?v=lPAf2O8u16w Fairy Wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgdDHuDD19Y https://www.com/watch?v=TA3nJ-XkBBU https://www.com/watch?v=AO_B4Au1GuE .youtube.com/watch?v=7juWm5srN9g Wood https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=22NovX6wLCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ6UXldPTuc Crystals https://www.com/watch?v=H5HbOuahhcM Hair and Fur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg1yrYxjQpg Ocean Water https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=_s5RQ1rAAU8 Clouds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka7eW0Rnq-Q https://www.com/watch?v=7W7MhKqfvVg Jelly https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=sU3zIqIxUY0 Feathers https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=REwAapUmyck Liquid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ8RGB1nfV0 Critique Hour! How to paint subsurface scattering! https://www.com/watch?v=ewHDW2bUFt0 Critique Hour! How to draw fabric and folds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-M0NL2D278 Material and Light Studies https://www. how the light affect colors.com/watch?v=766Wdexxo_4 Sand https://www.youtube.youtube.Grass https://www.com/watch?v=Em8jPB6UNtM Dirt and Grass https://www.com/watch?v=zjvA6WiAOUM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj1FK8n7WgY .com/watch?v=88NlyLcX25I Critique Hour! Texture Studies--How to Render Textures https://www. Understanding Colors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrCPlRUqE5g https://www.youtube. how colors look in nature to be able to make more realistic paintings and with better colors that make your illustrations to look great.com/watch?v=BJV3eTrPFXo Critique Hour-Material Studies https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=TLAOBeeD4Fc Studying Texture in your digital painting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwVMLv8UFsM Material Studies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSJorD8VpDc About Colors and Lights (Must Watch) Learn as much as you can about colors and light.youtube.youtube.youtube. youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=8YHL7po10Ug Warm Lighting https://www. Environments Environment Lecture with Sam Nielson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arUmoz0unps About Colors https://www.What Are Warm & Cool Colors? https://www.youtube. Objects.com/watch?v=R4s2aj4Vn-o Digital Painting – Props. Backgrounds.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=j-FgFZLgSEo Egyptian Scarab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC5tsDQDCp0 https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=K47tQG5KcpI The art of color and light https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=476s3I3GsBw Fundamentals Of Architecture Design https://www.com/watch?v=7SfaSYguBGw https://www.com/watch?v=dGkOYLQnkCU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7vYUc1hq-k Painting Color and Light: Warm and cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEU5NUICzFY Digital Painting Demo https://www.com/watch?v=iemcI0t096I https://www. Items.youtube.com/watch?v=i2H0QM5Hp6Q https://www.com/watch?v=c0LyCPDs0bM https://www. Icons.com/watch?v=griCsvvRTQM https://www.com/watch?v=aDZMiALtGCQ Drawing and painting weapons https://www.com/watch?v=SrEvgTuYL1U https://www.com/watch?v=lL9DzWSFfz0 Atmosphere Painting with Sam Nielson https://www.com/watch?v=cT1EZiZkqqM .youtube. salt weathering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHlOl4g4FN0 vehicle lighting strategy https://www.com/watch?v=nm4BinbabS8 Magic Hat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYBCxDEmKG8 rendering form with value https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIaQAK4UPSM shiny car rendering: layering strategy https://www.com/watch?v=_RYAwz9SzZ0 colorizing + weathering a greyscale sketch in Photoshop https://www.com/watch?v=OZlpcrpA5u0 Evil robot https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=VzRzgoprx4o&list=PLrbZb5UgXYxqzGGbAPpgqDfZICVA H5iOK mech rendering https://www.com/watch?v=_RxREAeknXk Cupcake https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=TJuyJJDXv1Y introduction to rendering chrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsELi7OC-U0 Fish https://www.com/watch?v=p-XcIYatJEw .com/watch?v=2O98QUA7Iho ship rendering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4uJpHaHZTc hot rod.youtube.youtube.Magic Book https://www.com/watch?v=OQxjNxRpgGU Draw and paint for games Playlist https://www.com/watch?v=8i2ksDRapO4 golden ship rendering process https://www.youtube. The Ocelots https://www.com/watch?v=bNC6iKzssOU Basic to Advanced Color Theory and Illustration Techniques for Photoshop http://www.com/watch?v=BTmvFsy9-FQ Creating Worlds https://www.youtube.com/tutorials/2d/digital-painting-tutorials/ http://www.youtube.com/ICG/artvalues.carbodydesign.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=fvRHCw_SaHw Digital coloring and painting Movie Monsters in Manga Studio 5 https://www.com/watch?v=40GRreltCck Robot https://www.carbodydesign.com/watch?v=rjagaQo42Rc Vehicle Sketching https://www.com/blog/category/tutorials/ .com/watch?v=7C7WJxFKA2g Tree https://www.com/navagation/tutorials.youtube.youtube.html Car/Vehicles Digital Painting Tutorials http://www.com/watch?v=exz7tWpgod8 iRaphahell | Wallpaper | Speedart https://www.Creepy pumpkin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4emOkN-fwdI https://www.com/watch?v=iRON7yGuiEI https://www.com/tutorials/2d/car-digital-drawing-painting-tutorials/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCpM-UFIYqU color T-Shirt Artwork in Manga Studio https://www.youtube.designertechniques.com/watch?v=3Rv-DFIlMlQ HD Minecraft Wallpaper Artwork .com/watch?v=fww9L7XH8Qg Creature Design https://www.htm Daarken Digital Painting http://enliighten.youtube.youtube.floobynooby.youtube. youtube.com/watch?v=MPRk2AxPK78 Garrosh Hellscream Warrior https://www.com/watch?v=VC-UfyXvO4Q Intro To Character/Creature Design https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/user/Toonboxstudio/videos Character Painting Process Demonstration with Sam Nielson https://www.com/watch?v=lXB23PmiWo8 Scifi Soldier https://www.com/31306389 Cartoon Characters https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=3PN4AWOJIM0 .youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=1qYQeULfjIs https://www.com/watch?v=wMR_0KIshOg Painting Cartoon Elephant https://www.com/52586118 Basic Lights and reflections https://vimeo.com/watch?v=ogqGTSSyUx0 https://www.com/watch?v=XtEUO4Ju4bY Olaf https://www.com/watch?v=uQZeIUfoQm0 https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=flE7nd5PsH4 Epic Croc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvLaykDP34k Little Character https://www.com/watch?v=dnkMOyynuus Drawing facial expressions https://www.com/watch?v=bVFzSF4Yavs Character design painting https://www.Digital Painting – Character Design Intro to digital painting https://vimeo.com/watch?v=IXG9WTZXk84 Coloring over line drawing digital painting tutorial https://www. youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=g3ULGk9s978 Drawing Exercises: Female Portraits https://www.youtube.youtube.Creature Design https://www.com/user/levelupsessions/videos Dragons and Creatures http://original.com/watch?v=BGHRyTeiX2k Business man mascot https://www.com/watch?v=i378uC4XERo Character Design For Production https://www.com/watch?v=JjQFlEH_XuM Drawing Exercises: Woman's Head 3/4 view https://www.com/watch?v=5mRLDcA6c-E https://www.com/watch?v=6ocGms3cElg Trio of Worms https://www.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=5L6PPzZEYok Gremlin https://www.Mythological Creatures https://www.com/neondragonart/folder Creatures and monsters https://www.com/watch?v=ogwQy5fbOkA Realistic Characters a lot of videos also you can watch live events (Stanley Artgerm) http://livestream.com/watch?v=bFJMgSGev5w Design Cinema .youtube.youtube.youtube.livestream.youtube.com/watch?v=jiqEkyL7dFE Level UP sessions with different artists https://www.com/user/fxlaflamme/videos Drawing Exercises with Bobby Chiu Drawing Exercises to Start Your Day https://www.com/stanleyartgermlau Cartoon Render https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id8z1o91wI4 Drawing Exercises: Man's Head 3/4 view .EP 85 . youtube.com/watch?v=2cbjtyl0Few --If you are interested in traditional painting check this videos https://www.com/user/AaronBlaiseArt/videos .youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=qngGWhC-WUw Drawing Exercises: Freestyle https://www.com/watch?v=juJTNd--EBA Drawing Exercises: 20 min Portrait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUc2IRAhrnw Drawing Exercise with Shapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eHoO-tMhHw Drawing Exercises: Monochromatic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjPH5xMcu3Y https://www.youtube.com/user/BobRossInc/videos More complex Digital Paintings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTcoRvkl5aM Drawing Exercises: Portraits https://www.com/user/TamplierPainter/videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fIq03CLwQk Drawing Exercises: French Bulldog https://www.youtube.https://www.com/watch?v=TPoiJ6D_RD4 Painting Exercise with Compositions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7iDtulcnwA Drawing Exercises: Monochromatic Compositions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtqLEajb5DORGv4qXWzVSmA https://www.com/watch?v=DwiWxufKfr8 Drawing Exercises: 20 min stylized portraits https://www.youtube.youtube.youtube.youtube.com/watch?v=qDQLct6TJdI Drawing Exercises: Profiles https://www.com/user/webang111/videos https://www.com/watch?v=JtUZ6ldoftA Drawing Exercises: Composition https://www.youtube. com/pixaroma/tutorials/ Resources A lot of Photoshop Brushes from different artists http://digitalbrushes.youtube.pinterest.youtube.Speedpainting .html I post from time to time tutorials on youtube https://www.com/ -Character design references https://ro.com/results?search_query=lol+art+spotlight Interview With The Masters | Featuring Tyson Murphy https://www.pinterest.com/watch?v=bIAnIVeNSwU Circle of Life .behance.com/c/PixaromaDesign Digital Painting Process in images https://ro.behance.ro/ Check the process behind different digital paintings http://www.cgarena.youtube.net/ make a free account and your work.https://www.net/pixaroma . You can follow me on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3NUYcYdq7g Interview With the Masters | Featuring Patrick Ballesteros https://www. tips and tricks from different artists) http://characterdesign. works.com/characterdesigh/ -Websites online where you can upload your work or watch other artists work: https://www.youtube.blogspot.youtube.com/watch?v=imlMA_I026Y Interview With the Masters Featuring Tyler Carter https://www.com/watch?v=29SKtHxCeNI Study other artists (on this blog you can find interviews.com/freestuff/tutorials/pshoptutorials. or check others.youtube.youtube.com/user/iamjokatube/videos League of Legends cool digital paintings https://www.com/user/Bib0un/videos https://www.tumblr.Fantasy Deers https://www. com/pixaroma/ If you want to learn more there are also some premium alternatives -A lot of artists have courses and tutorials on patreon and you can pay like 10-20$ on month and get rewards like video tutorials or drawings depending on artists.com/Zeronis?ty=h -- .patreon. check mine https://www.deviantart.com Make a free blog on https://www.com/creativemints https://dribbble.patreon.com/ Make a free page on facebook.tumblr.facebook.com/ check my boards there https://ro.pinterest.com/ Pinterest http://pinterest.com/ you need invitations from other artists to be able to post work there.com/pixaroma And also some really amazing artists there that i like: https://dribbble.com/pixaroma/ Drawcrowd http://drawcrowd.com/warrenlouw?ty=h Zeronis https://www.com/Foundation?ty=h Waren Louw https://www. Here are some examples: Sakimi Chan https://www.com/Artua Deviantart http://www. but you can still follow others and check their work Follow me there https://dribbble.com/inkration https://dribbble.com/sakimichan?ty=h Foundation Group https://www.patreon.https://dribbble.patreon. com/courses/?fwp_division=concept https://cgcookie.com/flow/introduction-to-digital-art/ https://cgcookie. -CGMA Cgma also have some awesome courses but more expensive. Stephen Silver.skillshare. etc.schoolism. -- . Nathan Fowkes.com/classes -Skillshare have all kind of classes online https://www.html Have all kind of courses from beginners like Dynamic sketching 1 and 2 to more complex character design and environment design. Price now its about 144$ / year and you can change from one course to other after you finish with a few dolars.myshopify. There courses are around 8 weeks or so and you can click on course outline button to see what it contains and prices are around 699$ / course.cgmasteracademy.SVS have courses between 20-300$ drawing and digital painting with instructors like Will Terry. http://2d.com/school.php?id=26 some big teachers and designers there: Sam Nielson.com/profile/Denis-Zilber/6556755/teaching -CtrlPaint have a few premium tutorials around 10$ http://ctrlpaint.com/resources/ also it have some exercises too https://cgcookie.com/ -Concept Cookie it have some free plan and also monthly and yearly plan for more things https://cgcookie.com/exercises/ -Schoolism it have awesome teachers (some of them work for disney and other movies and games) Here are classes that they teach online (one course have around 9 weeks ) http://www. https://svslearn. Jake Parker.skillshare. etc.com Denis Zilber have some interesting tutorials there https://www.com/learn-concept/ https://cgcookie.com/masterclasses. is the easiest way to learn  The End for now.com/product-category/tutorials-lessons/photoshop-tutorials/ What can you do next? You have some basic knowledge. Ioan Decean .If you want to draw anatomy then proko have also courses and books http://www.tutsplus. You can be freelancer and take projects from different clients.tutsplus.tutsplus. you can sell it on markets like creative market. So You Want to Be a Game Artist? http://design.proko. shutterstock. you know how to paint.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-comic-artist--cms-25141 So You Want to Be a Freelance Illustrator? http://design.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-print-designer--cms-24078 So You Want to Join an Art Contest? http://design. istock. then practice more. you can make games.tutsplus.tutsplus.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-convention-artist--cms-24924 So You Want to Be a Comic Artist? http://design. now you can try to sell your work.tutsplus.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-freelance-illustrator--cms-23239 So You Want to Be a Print Designer? http://design. fotolia.com/store-drawing-and-painting-resources/ -Aaron Blaise Animals painting between 5-55$ https://creatureartteacher.com/articles/so-you-want-to-join-an-art-contest--cms-24255 Study and practice.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-an-apparel-designer--cms-24491 So You Want to Be a Convention Artist? http://design. you can sell prints of your paintings on sites like society6 you can participate on contests like 99designs.tutsplus.Pixaroma .com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-childrens-illustrator--cms-25401 So You Want to Be an Apparel Designer? http://design.com/articles/so-you-want-to-be-a-game-artist--cms-24719 So You Want to Be a Children's Illustrator? http://design.tutsplus.
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