Learn Cantonese 1

March 21, 2018 | Author: fwooby | Category: Languages Of Macau, Languages, Linguistics, Beverages



LEARN CANTONESE 1DIALOGUES AND VOCABULARY 学 广 东 话 by ELIZABETH LATIMORE BOYLE, PAULINE NG DELBRIDGE BRIAN KING HANYU PRESS TORONTO This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Hanyu Press 238-1170 Bay St Toronto, ON M5S 2B4 CANADA http://www.hanyu.com isbn: 978-1-897367-19-3 Printed in the United States of America Table of Contents 1 Good Morning.........................................................................................................................................9 Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................11 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................13 dialogue 1.1.....................................................................................................................................13 Good Morning, Mr Ho............................................................................................................... 13 dialogue 1.2.....................................................................................................................................14 Good Morning, Mr Chan........................................................................................................... 14 dialogue 1.3.....................................................................................................................................14 Good Morning, Miss Chan........................................................................................................ 14 dialogue 1.4.....................................................................................................................................15 Good Morning, Miss Cheung.....................................................................................................15 dialogue 1.5.....................................................................................................................................15 Good Morning, Mr Ho............................................................................................................... 15 dialogue 1.6.....................................................................................................................................16 Good Morning, Mr Cheung....................................................................................................... 16 dialogue 1.7.....................................................................................................................................17 Good Morning, Miss Chan........................................................................................................ 17 2 What's your name?................................................................................................................................ 19 Vocabulary ..........................................................................................................................................21 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................24 dialogue 2.1.....................................................................................................................................24 What's your name, miss? (polite)...............................................................................................24 dialogue 2.2.....................................................................................................................................24 What's your name? (informal)....................................................................................................25 3 Do you speak Mandarin?.......................................................................................................................27 Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................29 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................31 dialogue 3.1.....................................................................................................................................31 Does Mr Lee speak Japanese?................................................................................................... 31 dialogue 3.2.....................................................................................................................................32 Do you speak Mandarin?........................................................................................................... 32 dialogue 3.3.....................................................................................................................................33 Who are you teaching Cantonese to?......................................................................................... 33 4 What time is it?..................................................................................................................................... 35 Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................37 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................39 dialogue 4.1.....................................................................................................................................39 Your watch is ten minutes slow................................................................................................. 39 dialogue 4.2.....................................................................................................................................40 My watch is 5 minutes fast........................................................................................................ 40 dialogue 4.3.....................................................................................................................................40 What time is it, Mr Wong?........................................................................................................ 40 5 What would you like to drink?............................................................................................................43 Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................45 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................47 ..........................................47 dialogue 5....................................................63 I'd like to buy some beer...................................................................................................................................................................................................................71 dialogue 8............................................................................................................................................................. 67 Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................2....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................63 dialogue 7..........56 This one is only $20........................................89 .........................................................................................................49 What time will you be having dinner......................................................................................................................2............................................................. 71 dialogue 8............................................................................................................................................................................79 Dialogues.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2............................................................................................................................................64 How much is this cloth a yard?..................................1............................................................................4..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................dialogue 5.......................... .....................................................................................................87 Dialogues........................................................................................................................................................................72 Do you have anything cheaper? ....3........82 I'm sorry...........................................................................................................................................................................61 Dialogues.............................................................................................................................................................3..............................................................................................................................................................................................................3.............................................................................. 49 6 How much are the pants?...........64 I'd like to buy some pork................................................................................................................................................... 63 dialogue 7.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1...........................................................................................................................................55 I'd like to buy some pants......74 9 Who would you like to speak to?........................................................................ 73 dialogue 8.......1................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 55 dialogue 6..........................82 dialogue 9......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................64 8 What size do you take?.............74 I don't need that much! ....................... 81 dialogue 9...............................................................................................................................................55 dialogue 6.......83 He's gone to the office................3..............................71 Is it for you?.2........................ 51 Vocabulary...................................... ...........77 Vocabulary....................85 Vocabulary.......................................................................73 What size do you take? ....................................................................................81 dialogue 9..................64 dialogue 7.......... 59 Vocabulary.......................55 Is this shirt $24?....................................................................3.............1............................................................................................................83 10 Talking about location..................................................................................................................................47 Tea or coffee?.............................53 Dialogues.................................. he's gone out......................................81 I'd like to speak to Mrs Ho.......48 Have some tea............ 56 7 I'd like to buy some.................................................................................................................. 72 dialogue 8.........................1 .................................55 dialogue 6..................................................................................................................................2.....................69 Dialogues............................................................................................................................................. 48 dialogue 5.. then?................................................................................ ............................114 Who are you having Yam Cha with?.......................................................................................2.......................................... please.................. 131 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 119 Vocabulary................let's have lunch!....3.......97 dialogue 11..........128 15 Asking directions... ................................................................................................................................................................... 90 dialogue 10.........................................2...........................................................................................................................................................................................................128 It's nearly 12:30 .........1............................................123 Miss Lee! So...............98 How would you like that? .I'll go get some change......................1....................................................................................................................................1.......105 What's the problem? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................107 13 Going places..................................... 98 dialogue 11.................................................99 12 Talking about immediate plans ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................99 I'm really sorry......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................111 Dialogues..............................3.........................................................................116 524 Nathan Road.107 I'm going shopping.......................................................................................................................................... 125 dialogue 14... isn't that your friend in that black car behind us?...........................................................................................................................................................................................I forgot..........................................................................105 dialogue 12.................................................................................................................................................................................................................2........123 dialogue 14.................90 Where did you buy that sweater?...................113 dialogue 13.............1.............3.................90 Do you know where the Mandarin Hotel is?.................. is this Queen's Road Central?..................127 What kind of food do you like to eat?................................................................................................................................................................................................................93 Vocabulary.....................................................................3................................................................................................1...................................................................................................127 dialogue 14.........................................................................................................121 Dialogues...........105 dialogue 12..........................................................113 Hey............................................................................................................................ 115 dialogue 13.............4........... then?..........................................116 14 Eating at a restaurant....................115 Excuse me.......... 89 dialogue 10. 113 dialogue 13.................125 What kind of soup would you like?..............................................................4.................................. 97 dialogue 11................................................................................................109 Vocabulary.................................... ............................................................ 90 11 Doing things for others..............................................................................................................................dialogue 10.............................................................................. .....................97 Just a moment ...........................................................................................106 Off home.........................................................3........................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................103 Dialogues......................................................................................................................................................................................................95 Dialogues............................................................................................................................................................................................ 123 dialogue 14.............2......................................... .. 106 dialogue 12................................89 Is your office on the Hong Kong side?..................................... where are you off to?................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114 dialogue 13.......................................... 101 Vocabulary...............................................................................2................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Vocabulary.........................................................................................................................................133 Dialogues...........................................................................................................................................135 dialogue 15.1.................................................................................................................................135 How do I get there?.................................................................................................................. 135 dialogue 15.2.................................................................................................................................136 Which department does she work in? ..................................................................................... 136 dialogue 15.3.................................................................................................................................137 Excuse me, is Mr Wong at home?........................................................................................... 137 dialogue 15.4.................................................................................................................................138 Who's teaching you Cantonese these days?............................................................................. 138 GLOSSARY...........................................................................................................................................141 CANTONESE - ENGLISH............................................................................................................... 143 1 Good Morning 早 晨 . . woman. Làuh 劉 Láu 11. Joigin 再見 Goodbye 9. Jóusàhn 早晨 Good morning 10. 5. 15. Sīnsàang 先生 Mr. 17. sing 姓 have the surname 20. Jèung 張 Cheung 8. sīnsàang 先生 man (see notes). Léih 李 Li 12. are. Never mind. Taaitáai 太太 Mrs. mhgányiu 唔緊要 That's all right. were. ngóh 我 I. mh- 唔 not 14. (see notes) 19. etc. Deuimhjyuh 對唔住 sorry 4. my 16.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. lady 21. Síujé 小姐 Miss 22. teacher 18. haih 係 is. Máh 馬 Ma 13. Táai 太 Mrs. It doesn't matter. a 呀 sentence suffix 2. Sàang 生 Mr. Hòh 何 Ho (surname) 6. taaitáai 太太 married woman (see notes) 24. Chàhn 陳 Chan 3. (see notes) 25. síujé 小姐 unmarried woman. Wòhng 黃 Wong 11 . 23. hohksāang 學生 student 7. am. me. . 對唔住. A: Goodbye. ngóh mhhaih Léih Táai. Mrs Lee. A: Deuimhjyuh. excuse me. I'm not Mrs. A: Good morning. My name is Chan. A: 何生. Ngóh sing Chàhn. B: Joigin.1 Good Morning. Mr Ho. B: Oh. B: Good morning. Lee. Chàhn Síujé. A: Joigin. 我唔係李太。 我姓陳。 B: 呀. A: That's all right. jóusàhn. deuimhjyuh. 陳小姐。 A: 唔緊要。 B: 再見。 A: 再見。 A: Hòh Sàang. 早晨。 A: 對唔住. Mr Ho. jóusàhn. Miss Chan. B: Goodbye. B: A. 13 . A: Mhgányiu. B: Léih Táai. A: Excuse me. 早晨。 B: 李太.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 1. 對唔住 . A: Mhgányiu. 我唔係陳小姐。 我姓黃。 A: 呀. 14 .3 Good Morning. Jèung Sàang. B: Deuimhjyuh.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 1. excuse me. deuimhjyuh. 對唔住.2 Good Morning. B: A. dialogue 1. Chan. I'm not Mr. deuimhjyuh. jóusàhn. A: That's all right. 早晨。 B: 對唔住. A: Good morning. B: Excuse me. Mr Chan. Miss Chan. 早晨。 B: 對唔住. ngóh mhhaih Chàhn Síujé. A: 陳小姐. B: Oh. Mr Chan. Wòhng Síujé. Ngóh sing Jèung. jóusàhn. Mr Cheung. B: Deuimhjyuh. 黃小姐。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Chàhn Síujé. My name is Cheung. A: 陳生. 我唔係陳生。 我姓張。 A: 呀. Ngóh sing Wòhng . 張生。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Chàhn Sàang. B: A. ngóh mhhaih Chàhn Sàang. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: Mhgányiu. 我唔係張小姐。 我姓李。 A: 呀. A: 何生.5 Good Morning. I'm not Miss Chan. B: Oh. A: That's all right. B: Mhgányiu. A: 張小姐. My name is Wong. deuimhjyuh. Miss Wong. Mr Ho. ngóh mhhaih Jèung Síujé. I'm not Miss Cheung. Ngóh sing Léih. Miss Lee. excuse me. A: Good morning. My name is Lee. B: Excuse me. Miss Cheung. B: Oh. A: Good morning.4 Good Morning. 早晨。 B: 對唔住. B: Deuimhjyu. B: Excuse me. 對唔住. Miss Cheung. excuse me. Miss Chan. dialogue 1. A: A. 早晨。 15 . Léih Síujé. dialogue 1. 李小姐。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Jèung Síujé jóusàhn. A: That's all right. A: 張生. A: That's all right. B: Excuse me.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: 對唔住. Ngóh sing Léih. I'm not Mr Ho. B: Deuimhjyuh. A: Good morning. 早晨。 B: 對唔住. 李生。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Jèung Sàang jóusàhn. Mr Wong. deuimhjyuh. Mr Ho.6 Good Morning. 對唔住. dialogue 1. B: Mhgányiu. ngóh mhhaih Jèung Sàang. deuimhjyuh. I'm not Mr Cheung. My name is Wong. Mr Lee. 黃生。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Hòh Sàang jóusàhn. excuse me. 我唔係何生。 我姓黃。 A: 呀. ngóh mhhaih Hòh Sàang. A: A. B: Excuse me. B: Deuimhjyuh. A: A. Léih Sàang. B: Mhgányiu. A: Good morning. A: That's all right. Ngóh sing Wòhng. B: Oh. My name is Lee. excuse me. Mr Cheung. Wòhng Sàang. Mr Cheung. 16 . 我唔係張生。 我姓李。 A: 呀. B: Oh. 對唔住. 7 Good Morning. excuse me. ngóh mhhaih Chàhn Síujé. 劉小姐。 B: 唔緊要。 A: Chàhn Síujé jóusàhn. A: That's all right. 17 . Ngóh sing Làuh. A: A.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 1. Miss Chan. I'm not Miss Chan. 對唔住. Miss Lau. B: Mhgányiu. 我唔係陳小姐。 我姓劉。 A: 呀. Làuh Síujé. My name is Lau. B: Deuimhjyuh. Miss Chan。 B: Excuse me. B: Oh. deuimhjyuh. A: Good morning. A: 陳小姐. 早晨。 B: 對唔住. . 2 What's your name? 贵 姓 . . a 呀 final particle 4. pàhngyáuh 朋友 friend 14. to "and what about?". kéuih sing Máh ge 佢姓馬嘅 he is named Ma 23. Also used to soften a question. his etc) mīyéh? 12. síusing 小姓 My (sur)name is. 2. Máh 馬 Ma (surname) 18. gwaising? 貴姓 What's your (sur)name? (polite) 3.. sing mīyéh a? (sur)name (informal) 13. ge 嘅 grammatical focus marker similar to sing mīyéh? Mandarin "de" 的 20. Gwóngdùng 廣東 Guangdong (Canton) 21 .. Làuh Sàang 劉生 Mr. sir? 8. Ngóh sing Wòhng 我姓黃 My (sur)name is Wong 5. sing Máh 姓馬 to have the surname Ma 19. néih pàhngyáuh 你朋友姓乜嘢? What's your friend's name? 17. 7. Wòhng Síujé 黃小姐 Miss Wong 6. sing Máh ge 姓馬嘅 to be (sur)named Ma 21. Lau 11. nē? 呢 final particle roughly equiv. néih 你 you 15. Sīnsàang 先生 Mr. kéuih 佢 he 22.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. néih pàhngyáuh 你朋友 your friend 16. mātyéh?/mēyéh?/ 乜嘢 What? 姓乜嘢呀 What's (your. Sīnsàang nē? 先生呢 And you.(polite) 9. síusing Làuh 小姓 劉 My (sur)name is Lau 10. kéuih haih mhhaih 佢係唔係廣東人呢 Is he Cantonese? Gwóngdùngyàhn nē? 28. also 34. Méihgwokyàhn 美國人 American (person) 38. 你呢? so. Tòihsāanyàhn 台山人 Taishanese (person) 42. Gwóngdùngyàhn 廣東人 Cantonese (person) 26. haih mhhaih ya? 係唔係 isn't it? 27. person 25. how about you? 33. dōu haih Seuhnghóiyàhn 係上海人 to be a Shanghainese too 35. Seuhnghóiyàhn 上海人 Shanghainese (person) 30. Yahtbúnyàhn 日本人 Japanese (person) 43. dōu 都 too. mhhaih ya. Seuhnghói 上海 Shanghai 29. kéuih 唔係佢係上海人 No. néih nē? 咁. sīnsāang 先生 teacher haih Seuhnghóiyàhn Seuhnghóiyàhn 22 . hohksāang 學生 student 45. then 32. ngóh dōu haih 我都係上海人 I'm Shanghainese too 36. yàhn 人 man. néihdeih 你哋 you (plur) 41. kéuihdeih 佢哋 they 40.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 24. gám. ngóhdeih 我哋 we 39. Yìnggwokyàhn 英國人 English (person) 44. gám 咁 so. he's Shanghainese 31. Jùnggwokyàhn 中國人 Chinese (person) 37. . Miss? Woman: Chan. I am.2 24 . And yours. Néih nē? Néih haih mhhaih Méihgwokyàhn a? Man : Haih a.1 What's your name. Chàhn síujé haih mhhaih Gwóngdùngyàhn a? Woman: Mhhaih a. Sir? Man: Ho. Sīnsàang gwaising a? Man : Síusing Hòh. miss? (polite) Man : 小姐貴姓呀? Woman: 我姓陳。 先生貴姓呀? Man : 小姓何。 陳小姐係唔係廣東人呀? Woman: 唔係呀。我係上海人。 你呢? 你係唔係美國人呀? Man : 係呀。我係美國人。 Man : Síujé gwaising a? Woman: Ngóh sing Chàhn. Ngóh haih Méihgwokyàhn. How about you? Are you American? Man: Yes. Are you from Guangdong? Woman: No. dialogue 2. Man: What's your name. Ngóh haih Seuhnghóiyàhn. I'm from Shanghai.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 2. too? S2: No.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 What's your name? (informal) S1: 你姓乜嘢呀? S2: 我姓黃。 S1: 你朋友呢? S2: 佢都係姓黃嘅。 S1: 你係唔係廣東人呀? S2: 係。 S1: 你朋友係唔係都係廣東人呀? S2: 唔係呀。 佢係上海人。 S1: Néih sing mēyéh a? S2: Ngóh sing Wòhng. S1: Néih pàhngyáuh haih mhhaih dōu haih Gwóngdùngyàhn a? S2: ̀hhaih a. Kéuih haih Seuhnghóiyàhn. 25 . S1: Néih pàhngyáuh nē? S2: Kéuih dōu haih sing Wòhng ge. S1: So. S1: Is your friend from Guangdong. what's your name? S2: Wong. S1: Are you from Guangdong? S2: Yes. too. S1: Néih haih mhhaih Gwóngdùngyàhn a? S2: Haih. S1: And your friend? S2: His name's Wong. he's from Shanghai. . 3 Do you speak Mandarin? 唔 识 . . sèsíu 些少 a little 26. 19. sé 寫 write 25. occasion 3.. only. jē 啫 sen. suf. some 6.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1.. merely. suf. góng 講 speak 12. Gwokyúh 國語 Mandarin spoken language 13. mē 咩 particle indicating surprise 21. dím? 點 how? 7. that's all 16. learn 15. gaau 教 teach 9. ńgh 五 five 23. chi 次 time. geui 句 sentence 11.. would like to 29 . for matter of fact assertion 10. dōu 都 both 8. 22. ga/ge/g 㗎 sen.. sei 四 four 27. mhgòi néih 唔該你 Please. Gwóngdùngwá 廣東話 Cantonese spoken language 14. séung 想 wish to. sàam 三 three 24.. joi 再 again 18. jì(dou) 知道 know (something) 17. chìngchó 清楚 clear 4. dī 啲 a little.. Jùngmàhn 中文 Chinese (written) language 20. hohk 學 study. joi góng yātchi 再講一次 Say it again. want to. Would you please. Seuhnghóiwá 上海話 Shanghainese (spoken language) 28. bīngo 邊個 who? 2. daahnhaih 但係 but 5. . yāt chi 一次 once [onetime] 40. Yahtbúnwá 日本話 Japanese (spoken) language 36. yauh V. yih 二 two 43. tèng 聽 hear.. wá 話 spoken language. yauh 又 also (connects Verb Phrases) 41. P Adv: 又 . dialect 35. Yìngmán 英文 English language 30 . Yahtmán 日文 Japanese (written) language 37. sīk 識 know how (to do something) 31. yāt 一 one 39. 42.. listen 32. Yìngmàhn 英文 English language 44. sīk 識 to know someone 30. Yahtmàhn 日文 Japanese (written) language 38...又 both. tùhng 同 and (connects nouns) 34... Tòihsāanwá 台山話 Toishan dialect 33.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 29.. and . yauh V. 1 Does Mr Lee speak Japanese? A: 李生識係識講日本話呀? B: 識些少。 A: 咁. 佢識係識講英文嘅呢? B: 都識些少。 A: 邊個教佢講英文呢? B. 31 . too. A: Does he speak English. A: Does Mr Lee speak Japanese? B: A little. A: Bīngo gaau kéuih góng Yìngmán ge nē? B: Haih Wòhng Sàang gaau kéuih ge.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 3. A: Who taught him English? B: Mr Wong. then? B: He speaks a little English. A: Gám. 係黃生教佢嘅。 A: Léih Sàang sīk mhsīk góng Yahtbúnwá a? B: Sīk sèsíu. kéuih sīk mhsīk góng Yìngmán nē? B: Dōu sīk sèsíu. please? A: Do you speak Mandarin? B: Just a little. but I can't write. néih sīk mhsīk Yīngmàhn nē? B: Sīk góng. three". A: Do you speak English. mhsīk sé.三".LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 3. "Yāt yih sàam" dōu mhsīk góng.2 Do you speak Mandarin? A: 你識唔識講國語呀? B: 對唔住。我聽唔清楚。 唔該你再講一次。 A: 你識唔識講國語呀? B: 識些少啫。 A: 咁. I can't even say "one. I didn't get that. 都唔識講。 A: Néih sīk mhsīk góng Gwokyúh a? B: Deuimhjyuh. A: Néih sīk mhsīk góng Gwokyúh a? B: Sīk sèsíu jē.二. then? B: I can speak it. Ngóh tèng mhchìngchó mhgòi néih joi góng yātchi. two. Can you repeat it.你識唔識英文呢? B: 識講唔識寫。你呢? A: 我都唔識。"一. A: Gám. How about you? A: I don't know any English at all. 32 . A: Do you speak Mandarin? B: Sorry. Néih nē? A: Ngóh dōu mhsīk. She's just learning to speak. A: Kéuih hohk mhhohk Gwokyúh nē? B: Ngóh mh jìdou a.但係唔學寫。 A: 佢學唔學國語呢? B: 我唔知道呀。 A: Néih gaau bīngo hohk Gwóngdùngwá a? B: Ngóh gaau Wòhng Táai. A: Is she American? B: No.3 Who are you teaching Cantonese to? A: 你教邊個學廣東話呀? B: 我教黃太。 A: 佢係唔係美國人 B: 唔係呀。佢係英國人。 A: 佢識唔識寫中文呢? B: 唔識。 佢學講. A: Can she write Chinese? B: No. Kéuih hohk góng. Kéuih haih Yìnggwokyàhn. A: Who do you teach Cantonese to? B: I teach Mrs Wong. not write.. 33 .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 3. A: Is she learning Mandarin? B: I don't know. she's British. A: Kéuih sīk mhsīk sé Jùngmàhn nē? B: Mhsīk. A: Keui haih mhhaih Méihgwokyàhn ne? B: Mhhaih a. daahnhaih mh hohk sé. . 4 What time is it? 几 点 . . go 個 measure for nouns 21. daahp bun 搭半 half past 10. géi? 幾 which number? 19. suf. géidím(jūng) 幾點鐘 What o'clock? What time? 20. hóu 好 OK. suf. 26. chàmhhdō 差唔多 approximately 7. dím(jūng) 點鐘 o'clock 14. faai 快 fast 15. gwāt 骨 quarter (hour) 22. daahp géi? 搭幾 how many five minutes past the daahp hour? 11. for polite suggestion 27. lā 啦 sen. gáu 九 nine 17. āamāam 啱啱 exactly 2. bīu 錶 watch 4. jéun 準 accurate. fānjūng 分鐘 minute(s) 16. chāt 七 seven 8 搭 tread on 9. bun 半 half 6. suf. dāk meih? 得未 ready? 12. suf. indicating change from 37 . for certainty 5. baat 八 eight 3. jìh 字 written figure. dáng 等 wait (for) 13. right 24. la 啦 sen. la for change + raised doubt. word 25. All right 23. géi 幾 several 18.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. bo 噃 sen. lā 啦 sen. . 33. or 41. waahkjé 或者 maybe. sahp 十 ten 36. sàam go gwāt 三 three quarters after the hour 35. more 39. yāt go jìh 一個字 five minutes 43. yìhgā 而家 now 38 . i. wá 話 interrogative sen. calling for repeat of preceding sentence. léuhng 兩 two 29. meih 未 not yet 32. It's embarassing. sahpyāt 十一 eleven 37.e. mhhóu yisi 唔好意思 I'm sorry. yāt go gwāt 一個 a quarter after the hour 42. suf. did you say? 40.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 condition 28. sahpyih 十二 twelve 38. ngāamngāam (var: āamāam) 啱啱 exactly 34. tìm 添 in addition. also. luhk 六 six 30. maahn 慢 slow 31. Man: Ngóh go bīu yìhgā haih sahpyāt dím daahp sahp. 而家幾點鐘呀? Woman: 而家啱啱十二點。 Man: 我個錶而家係十一點 搭十。 Woman: 咁. Woman: Yours is ten minutes slow. Ngóh go haih jéun ge. yìhgā géidímjūng a? Woman: Yìhgā ngāamngāam sahpyih dím. Man: So. How about yours? Woman: Mine's right. then. Man: My watch is a bit slow. Woman: Gám. Man: 我個錶慢些少。你個係唔係呀? Woman: 唔係。我個係準嘅。 Man: 咁. 39 .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 4. Man: My watch says ten to twelve.1 Your watch is ten minutes slow. 你個慢兩個字。 Man: Ngóh go bīu maahn sèsíu. Man: Gám. néih go maahn léuhnggojìh. what time is it? Woman: It's 12 'o'clock right on the dot. Néih go haih mhhaih a? Woman: hhaih. 黃生。你知唔知而家幾點鐘呀? Man: 呀. Woman: Is your watch right? Man: Yes. 早晨. dialogue 4. Woman: 而家係唔係八點三個骨呀? Man: 唔係。我個錶而家係八點搭八啫。 Woman: 你個錶準唔準呀? Man: 準。唔快唔慢。 Woman: 咁. hfaai mhmaahn.2 My watch is 5 minutes fast. Woman: Mine's five minutes fast. Mr Wong? Woman: 早晨.3 What time is it. ngóh go faai yāt go jìh. My watch says it's only 8:40. Woman: Gám. It's neither fast or slow.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 4. Man: Maybe it is. Woman: Is it 8:45 right now? Man: No. Woman: Néih go bīu jéun mhjéun a? Man: Jéun. Man: Waahkjé haih. 我個快一個字。 Man: 或者係。 Woman: Yìhgā haih mhhaih baat dím sàamgo gwāt a? Man: hhaih. 陳小姐。 我個錶而家係九點搭一。 40 . Ngóh go bīu yìhgā haih baat dím daahp baat jē. then. Woman: Néih jì mhjì Léih Táai géidímjūng hohk Gwóngdùngwá a? Man: Ngóh jìdou. Haih sahp dím bun. Woman: Néih go bīu haih mhhaih faai sèsíu a? Man: Waahkjé haih. Ngóh go bīu yìhgā haih gáu dím daahp yāt. Wòhng Sàang.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Woman: 你個錶係唔係快些少呀? Man: 或者係。我唔知。 Woman: 你知唔知李太幾點鐘學廣東話呀? Man: 我知道。係十點半。 Woman: Jóusàhn. jóusàhn. 41 . Chàhn Síujé. Néih jì mhjì yìhgā géidímjūng a? Man: A. Ngóh mhjì. . 5 What would you like to drink? 饮 咩 . . jáu 酒 alcoholic beverage 19. suf. la (change) + sen. Response indicating agreement. chóh 坐 sit 10. chèuihbín 隋便 As you wish. laak 嘞 sen. indeed 18. aak sen. such 13. chàh 茶 tea 7.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. At your convenience 8. jīu 蕉 banana 21. béng 餅 cake 5. gam 咁 so. heiséui 汽水 soft drink 16. -k (liveliness) 45 . giving sentence a lively air. chèuihbín chóh lā. depart 20. cháang 橙 orange 6." 9. jyúyàhn 主人 host. suf. Hóu aak 好呃 OK. a to soften abruptness + k 呃 for liveliness 2. hostess 22. suf. -k a glottal stop ending to certain sentence suffixes. bējáu 啤酒 beer 4. Aiya! 哎呀 exclamation of consternation 3. 23. suf. 隋便坐啦 "sit anywhere you like. haakhei 客氣 polite 14. Agreed. indicating potential change 24. 17. la 啦 sen. háh 吓 Verb suffix for casual effect 15. gafē 咖啡 coffee 12. jànhaih 真係 really. jáu 走 leave. faahn 飯 rice (cooked) 11. [not necessary] Polite response when someone thanks you for doing him a service [don't need to be polite. smoke 44. [seldom-smoke] 41. 唔使唔該 "No thanks." non-smoker's response in refusing a cigarette. need. suf. yàhnhaak 人客 guest 42. si 試 try 37. mhhóu haakhei 唔好客氣 "Don't be polite. mhsái mhgòi. yám 飲 drink 43. yiu 要 must. sihk yīn 食煙 to smoke 40.) 33." 29. mhsái la 唔使啦 No thanks (when offered something) [not necessary now] 31. séui 水 water 36. mhsái haakhei 唔使客氣 You're welcome. not necessary 30. mhhóu 唔好 don't (as a command) 28. léh 咧 sen." (to an offer) 32. have to 46 . pìhnggwó 蘋果 apple 35. yīn 煙 tobacco. mhsái 唔使 no need to.]"You're welcome. for definiteness 26. Síu sihk 少食 "I don't smoke. ngàuhnaaih 牛奶 milk 34. sihk 食 eat 39." (when someone thanks you.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 25. mhgòi 唔該 Thank you (for service) 27. siháh 試吓 give it a try 38. How about you? A: I'm having tea. A: You really have to go so soon? 47 . A: What would you like to drink? B: I'll have a coffee. Néih nē? A: Ngóh yám chàh. A: Néih géidímjūng yiu jáu a? B: Sei dím. A: Jànhaih gam faai yiu jáu mē? B: Haih a. A: What time do you have to leave? B: At 4.1 Tea or coffee? A: 你飲乜嘢呀? B: 我飲咖啡。你呢? A: 我飲茶。食唔食餅呀? B: 好呃。 A: 你幾點鐘要走呀? B: 四點。 A: 真係咁快要走咩? B: 係呀.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 5. Do you want a pastry? B: Sounds good. Sihk mhsihk béng a? B: Hóu aak. jànhaih. 真係。 A: Néih yám mēyéh a? B: Ngóh yám gafē. Guest: Hóu. 唔該。 Hostess: 食煙啦。 Guest: 少食。唔使客氣。 Hostess: 你客氣啫。 Hostess: Yám chàh lā. thanks. Hostess: You're welcome. Hostess: Néih haakhei jē . mhgòi. Hostess: Sihk yīn lā.2 Have some tea. Guest: Síu sihk. 48 . Hostess: Have some tea. Hostess: 飲茶啦。 Guest: 好. Guest: I don't smoke. Thanks anyway. Guest: Ok. Hostess: Have a pastry. Hostess: Have a cigarette. Guest: Thanks a lot. Hostess: Sihk béng lā. dialogue 5.唔該。 Hostess: 食餅啦。 Guest: 好呃. Guest: Hóu aak. hsái haakhei. I'm afraid so. mhgòi.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: Yes. Wong: 八點啦。 Servant: 好呃。 Mrs. then? Mrs. Servant: Fine. Wong at 3:30. Wong: At 8. Wong: 些少啦。 Servant : 咁.3 What time will you be having dinner. 49 . Wong: A few. Servant: Are you having pastries? Mrs. then? Mrs.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 5. Servant: What time will you be having dinner. 幾點鐘食飯呀? Mrs. Wong: 我同黃生三點半要飲茶。 Servant : 食唔食餅呀? Mrs. Wong: I'm having tea with Mrs. . 6 How much are the pants? 几 钱 . . ? 24. bottles 18. chín 錢 money 5. fu 褲 trousers 9. jūng 鐘 clock 19.. such as 把 umbrellas 2.. go 個 general M. for pen. group measure for shoes.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. dáifu 底 underpants. maaht 襪 socks 22. béi 俾 give 4. petticoat 7. socks. 唔知道. géi(dō) 幾多 how much? how many? 11. guhaak 顧客 customer (restricted use) 15. bāt 筆 writing implement. deui 對 pair. hàaih 鞋 shoes 16.呀? I wonder. máaih 買 buy 21.. gihn 件 for clothes 12. undershorts 6. bá M. mhjì(dou).. gó 嗰 that 13. gau 夠 enough 10.. jē 遮 umbrella 17. sauhfoyùhn 售貨員 Salesclerk [sellgoodspersonnel] 53 . dáikwàhn 底裙 slip. nī 呢 this 25. pen or pencil 3. chopsticks 8. pencil.. for nouns 14. mān 蚊 dollar 23. for things with handles. kwàhn 裙 skirt 20. jì 支 M. roads 31. yàhn 人 person 33. ties. sēutsāam 裇衫 shirt 27. yúhlāu 雨褸 raincoat 35.) 34. woman 29. yùhnjíbāt 原子筆 ball point pen 54 . for persons 32. sīnsàang 先生 man 28. yiu 要 + money expression V: wants X amount.e the asking price is X amount. tìuh 條 M. wái 位 polite M. for trousers. (i. síujé 小姐 lady.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 26. yùhnbāt 鉛筆 pencil 36. táai 呔 tie 30. costs X amount. then. Customer: Ok. I'll buy these. Clerk: 早晨. How may I help you? Customer: I'd like to buy some pants. Nī léuhng tìuh yiu géidò chín a? Clerk: Nī tìuh sahpbaat mān. How much are these two pairs? Clerk: These are 18 dollars.2 Is this shirt $24? Customer: 呢件裇衫係唔係廿四蚊呀? Clerk: 唔係。係廿九蚊。 55 . Clerk: Good morning. séung máaih mēyéh a? Customer: Ngó séung máaih tìuh fu. gó tìuh yahyih mān.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 6. and those are 22 dollars. 嗰條廿二蚊。 Customer: 咁. dialogue 6. Customer: Gám. 我買呢條啦。 Clerk: Jóusàhn.1 I'd like to buy some pants. 想買乜嘢呀? Customer: 我想買條褲。呢兩條要幾多錢呀? Clerk: 呢條十八蚊. ngóh máaih nī tìuh lā. haih mhhaih nē? Clerk: Haih. mhmáaih gó gihn. Nī gihn géidò chín a? Clerk: Nī gihn sahpyih mān jē. How much is that one? 56 . dialogue 6. then? Customer: No. Do you want both. Néih haih mhhaih léuhng gihn dōu máaih nē? Customer: hhaih. 唔買嗰件。 Customer: Nī gihn sēutsāam haihmhhaih yahsei mān a? Clerk: hhaih. 係唔係呢? Clerk: 係。你係唔係兩件都買呢? Customer: 唔係。我買呢件. Clerk: How can I help you? Customer: I want to buy a shirt. Ngóh máaih nī gihn. Clerk: 買乜嘢呀? Customer: 我想買裇衫。呢件幾多錢呀? Clerk: 呢件十二蚊啫。買幾多件呢? Customer: 俾一件我啦。 Clerk: Máaih mēyéh a? Customer: Ngóh séung máaih sēutsāam. Máaih géidò gihn nē? Customer: Béi yāt gihn ngóh lā. right? Clerk: Right. Customer: Is this shirt 24 dollars? Clerk: No. it's 19 dollars.3 This one is only $20. as well. Haih yahgáu mān. Customer: Gó gihn dōu haih yahgáu mān.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Customer: 嗰件都係廿九蚊. I just want this one. Customer: That one's 19 dollars. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Clerk: This one's only 12 dollars. 57 . How many would you like? Customer: Give me one. please. . .7 I'd like to buy some. 啤 酒 .. . ngàuhyuhk 牛肉 beef 20. want to have 22.làih ge 係. dī 啲 some. jek 隻 M.(grammatical structure giving emphasis to enclosed noun) 11. of oi. want. yātyeuhng 一樣 same 61 . . want to possess 23. bohng 磅 pound 3. hòuh(jí) 毫子 dime 12. for book 5. nī dī 呢啲 these (in reference to unit nouns) this (in reference to mass nouns) 21. for cigarette 14.. for chicken. 13. jyùyuhk 豬肉 pork 15. gāi 雞 chicken 8.. oi 愛 want. bun 半 half 6. shoe. bàau 包 package. ship. M. jì 支 M. máh 碼 yard (in length) 18. bún 本 M...làih ge 16. unit of weight ca 1 1/3 lb 9. gó dī 嗰啲 those (in reference to unit nouns). haih. syù 書 book 24. tòhng 糖 sugar 25.嚟嘅 is. maaih 賣 sell 17. for cigarette pack 2. bou 布 cloth 4. gàn 斤 catty.... want to have..LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. that (in reference to mass nouns) 10.làih ge 嚟嘅 see: haih. the 7.. ngoi 愛 var. ngàhnchín 銀錢 money [silver money] 19. sock. yú 魚 fish 62 .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 26. yīnjái 煙仔 cigarette 27. Clerk: 買乜呀﹖ Customer: 我想買啤酒。幾多錢支呀﹖ Clerk: 個八銀錢。愛幾多支呀﹖ Customer: 愛兩支。 Clerk: 使唔使買煙仔呀﹖ Customer: 好。俾包我啦﹗ Fógei: Máaih mēyéh a? Customer: Ngóh séung máaih bējáu. How many would you like? Customer: Two.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 7. as well? Customer: Ok. Fógei: Sái mhsái máaih yīnjái a? Customer: Hóu. then.1 I'd like to buy some beer. Géidò chín jì a? Fógei: Go baat ngàhnchin. How much is it a bottle? Clerk: $1. please. Clerk: Would you like some cigarettes. Oi géidò jì a? Customer: Oi léuhng jì. béi bāau ngóh lā! Clerk: How can I help you? Customer: I'd like some beer. 63 . give me a pack.80. Clerk: 買乜呀﹖ Customer: 我想買啲豬肉.2 How much is this cloth a yard? Clerk: Clerk: 呢啲布幾多錢碼呀? 廿三個半。你要幾多碼呀﹖ Customer: 我唔要嘞。嗰啲呢?幾多錢碼呀? Clerk: 嗰啲十三個半銀錢碼呀。你買唔買呀? Customer: 好。我愛兩碼。 Clerk: 廿七蚊兩碼啦。 Customer: Nī dī bou géidò chín máh a? Clerk: Yahsàam go bun.點賣 Clerk: 呢啲四個八銀錢斤。 Customer: 俾三斤嗰啲我。 Clerk: 三斤廿二個半。 Customer: 我都想愛兩斤呢啲。 Clerk: 好呃。九個六銀錢啦。 64 . Clerk: Yahchāt mān léuhng máh lā. Gó dī nē? Géidò chín máh a? Clerk: Gó dī sahpsàam go bun ngàhnchin máh a? Néih máaih mhmáaih a? Customer: Hóu. dialogue 7. Ngóh oi léuhng máh.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 7.3 I'd like to buy some pork. Néih yiu géidò máh a? Customer: Ngóh mhyiu laak. too. Clerk: Ok. Customer: I'll take 3 catties of that. How much is it? Clerk: This is $4. gáu go luhk ngàhn chín lā. Gó dī chāt go bun ngàhnchín gàn. Clerk: Sàam gàn yahyih go bun.60. That is $7.50 Customer: I'd like 2 catties of this. Clerk: That'll be $22. Clerk: Hóu aak. Clerk: How may I help you? Customer: I'd like to buy some pork. Customer: Béi sàam gàn gó dī ngóh lā. Dím maaih nē? Clerk: Nī dī sei go baat ngàhnchín gàn. Customer: Ngóh dōu séung oi léuhng gàn nī dī.80 a catty. that'll be $9.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Clerk: Máaih mēyéh a? Customer: Ngóh séuhng máaih dī jyùyuhk. 65 .50 a catty. . 8 What size do you take? 几 号 . . hāak 黑 black 20. jeuk 着 wear. jaak 窄 narrow 27. dò 多 much. ge 嘅 one(s) = (noun substitute) 17. suf. gwai 貴 expensive 19. daaihdī 大啲 a little larger 10. 12.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. hóu 好 good 22. wellfitting 2. géi 幾 rather. quite 18. Hóu mhhóu a? 好唔好呀? OK? Is (that) all right? 23. àh 呀 sen. chèuhngsāam 長衫 cheongsāam 7. júng 種 type 69 . gauh 舊 old (not new) 16. Adj—er". tasty 25. fut 闊 wide 15. āamjeuk 啱着 fits well. daaih 大 large 9. dyún 短 short 14. hóusihk 好食 good to eat. houh 號 number 24. baahk 白 white 4. tasty 26. dā 打 dozen 8. put on (clothes) 28. dáisāam 底衫 underwear 11. dī 啲 attaches to adjectives to mean "a little Adj. bīn? 邊 which? 5. somewhat adj. hóuyám 好飲 good to drink. chèuhng 長 long (in length) 6. with force of "I suppose" 3. many 13. hóu 好 very 21. 34. nice (for foods) 32.. not. fits well 37. wah 話 say. sīk 色 colour 42. mhhaih géi 唔係幾 not very. ngāamjeuk (var. good. leng 靚 pretty.. lāangsāam 冷衫 sweater 31.. Máaihsaai laak 買嗮嘞 All sold out. móuh 冇 not have... pèhng 平 cheap 38. yáuh 有 have. sài 細 small 40. 33.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 29. opine 43. there isn't (aren't) 36. prefer. saai 嗮 completely 39. jùngyi 鐘意 like. goodlooking. sàn 新 new 41. āamjeuk) 啱着 well fitting (for clothes). mhhaih hóu 唔係好 not very 35. there is (are) 70 . like to 30. Clerk: This one is 36.1 Is it for you? Clerk: 早晨。想買乜呀? Customer: 有冇白裇衫呀? Clerk: 係唔係你著㗎? Customer: 係。 Clerk: 你著幾多號呀? Customer: 三十六. 或者三十八。 Clerk: 呢件係三十六。 Customer: 呢件唔夠大。有冇三十八嘅呢? Clerk: 對唔住 Customer: Yáuh móuh baahk seutsāam a? Clerk: Haih mhhaih néih jeuk ga? Customer: Haih. Clerk: Nī gihn haih sàamsahpluhk. Yáuh móuh sàamsahpbaat ge nē? Clerk: Deuimhjuh .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 8. waakjé sàamsahpbaat. Customer: Do you have any white shirts? Clerk: Is it for you? Customer: Yes. Clerk: Néih jeuk géidò houh a? Customer: Sàamsahpluhk.sàamsahpbaat ge maaihsaai laak. Clerk: What size do you take? Customer: 36 or 38. Customer: Nī gihn mh gau daaih. - 三十八嘅賣嘞。 71 . the 38 is sold out. Clerk: Hóu aak. Chāt'ahgáu mān deui. Customer: Do you have any white shoes? Clerk: Yes. Yahńgh mān deui jē. Néih jùng mhjùngyi nī deui nē? Customer: Géi leng. Géi(dò) chín deui a? Clerk: Nī deui haih Méihgwok hàaih. Customer: Yáuh móuh pèhngdī ge nē? Clerk: Yáuh. Customer: Yáuh móuh baahk hàaih maaih a? Clerk: Yáuh. How much are they? 72 .2 Do you have anything cheaper? Customer: 有冇白鞋買呀? Clerk: 有。你鐘唔鐘意呢對呢? Customer: 幾靚呀。幾多錢對呀? Clerk: 呢對係美國鞋。七十九蚊對。 Customer: 有冇平啲嘅呢? Clerk: 有。嗰對係日本鞋。五蚊對。 Customer: 唔該你俾對日本我啦。 Clerk: 好呃.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Customer: This is too small. Gó deui haih Yahtbún hàaih. dialogue 8. Customer: Mhgòi néih béi deui Yahtbún ge ngóh lā. Do you have a 38? Clerk: Sorry . What do you think of these? Customer: Really nice. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Clerk: These are from the US.00. They're only $25. dialogue 8. Customer: Do you have anything cheaper? Clerk: These are from Japan. Customer: I'll take a pair of the Japanese ones.00. Néih jeuk géi houh a? Customer: Mhji . gáu houh lā. Customer: Do you have any socks? 73 . Néih séung máaih géidò deui a? Customer: Béi sàam deui ngóh lā. Clerk: Ok. then. Mhgòi. Dím maaih a? Clerk: Luhk go bun ngàhnchin deui.3 What size do you take? Customer: 有冇襪呀﹖ Clerk: 有。你鐘唔鐘意呢﹖ Customer: 幾鐘意。點賣呀﹖ Clerk: 六個半銀錢對。你著幾號呀﹖ Customer: 我著六號美國鞋。 Clerk: 九號啦。你想買幾多對呀﹖ Customer: 俾三對我啦。 Clerk: 好呃。愛唔愛鞋呢﹖ Customer: 唔愛嘞。唔該。 Customer: Yáuh móuh maht a? Clerk: Yáuh. Oi mhoi hàaih nē? Customer: Mhoi laak. Clerk: Hóu aak. Nī dī néih jùng mhjùngyi nē? Customer: Géi jùngyi. They're $79.Ngóh jeuk luhk houh ge Méihgwok hàaih. Clerk: Gám. How much are they? Clerk: $6. Customer: Do you sell sugar? Clerk: Sure. Customer: Béi yāt gàn ngóh lā. dialogue 8.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Clerk: Sure. Clerk: Ok. How many pairs do you want? Customer: Give me three pairs. Clerk: Hóu. dím maaih a? Clerk: Sei go baat ngàhnchín gàn. How about these? Customer: Not bad. 我想愛牛肉﹐ 點賣呀﹖ Clerk: 四個八銀錢斤。 Customer: 俾一斤我啦。 Clerk: 好。 Customer: Yáuh móuh tòhng maaih a? Clerk: Yáuh. Clerk: Well.50. that'll be a 9. Máaih géidò bohng nē? Ńgh bohng gau mhgau a? Customer: Mhsái gam dò. A! Ngóh séung oi ngàuhyuhk. I wear a US size 6 shoe. Léuhng bohng gau laak. Do you need any shoes? Customer: No thanks. What size do you take? Customer: I don't know. How much do you need? Is 5 pounds enough? 74 .4 I don't need that much! Customer: 有冇糖賣呀﹖ Clerk: 有。買幾多磅呢﹖ 五磅夠唔夠呀﹖ Customer: 唔使咁多。兩磅夠嘞. I want some beef. Oh. Clerk: Ok. How much is it? Clerk: $4.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Customer: I don't need that much! Two pounds will do. 75 .80 a catty. Customer: I'll take one catty. . 9 Who would you like to speak to? 电 话 LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. aan (var: ngaan) 晏 noon, midday 2. chēut gāai 出街 go out (from one's own house) 3. cho 錯 mistake, make a mistake 4. Daaihsèngdī 大聲啲 Speak louder! 5. dáng yātján (also dáng yātjahn) 等一陣 wait awhile 6. Daap cho sin! 搭錯線 Wrong number! [caught mistake line] 7. dá 打 hit 8. dá dihnwá 打電話 make a telephone call 9. dáng 等 wait 10. dáng 等 allow, let Person do something; wait while Person does something. 11. dihnwá 電話 telephone 12. dím bun 點半 1:30 o'clock 13. fàan 返 return (to/from a place you habitually go to) 14. fàan gùng 返工 go [return] to work 15. fàan hohk 返學 go to school 16. fàanlàih 返嚟 come back, return (here) 17. fàan (ng)ūkkéi 返屋企 go [return] home 18. gamseuhnghá 咁上下 approximately 19. ge 嘅 mark of the possessive, joins with preceding personal noun (or pronoun) to form possessive. 20. géidō houh? 幾多號 what number? 21. géisí? or géisìh? 幾時 when? 22. giu 叫 instruct, tell, order, call 23. góng Person jì 講知 tell someone 24. góng Person tèng 講聽 tell someone 25. gùngyàhn 工人 servant, laborer 79 tèng 聽 hear.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 26. matter 35. indicating accomplishment of the action 28. ngaan 晏 noon. ūkkéi or ngūkkei 屋企 home 41. sihk (ng)aan 食晏 eat lunch 36. tèng dihnwá 聽電話 talk [listen] on the telephone 40. heui gāai 去街 go out (from one's own house) 27. to go get (something) 32. wán yàhn 搵人 look someone up 80 . wah yàhn jì 話人知 tell someone 44. ló 攞 fetch. midday 33. listen to 39. sin 線 line. sih 事 business. wán 搵 look for. wah ngóh jì 話我知 tell me 42. sìn 先 first 37. líhng 零 zero 31. affair. jó 咗 verb suf. lèhng 零 "and a little bit" in a number phrase 30. search 45. ngūkkéi or ūkkéi 屋企 home 34. thread 38. wah yàhn tèng 話人聽 tell someone 43. joi dálàih 再打嚟 call back (on the phone) 29. jóusàhn. Mrs. 早晨。 Mrs. Ho: 喂。 Mr. Wong: 七三零四五零。係唔係呀﹖ Amah: 係。邊呀? Mr. Wong: 好。唔該。 Mrs. Ho: 早晨。 Mr. Wong: 係唔係七三零四五零呀﹖ Amah: 唔該你大聲啲。我聽唔清楚。 Mr. Wong: 唔該你叫何太聽電話啦。 Amah: 好。等一陣。 Mrs.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 9. Wán bīngo a? Caller: Mhgòi néih giu Hòh Táai tèng dihnwá lā. Caller: Haih mhhaih chāt-sàam-lìhng-sei-ńgh-lìhng a? Amah: Mhgòi néih daaihsēngdī.1 I'd like to speak to Mrs Ho. Caller: Chāt-sàam-lìhng-sei-ńgh-lìhng. Ho: Wéi. Wong: 何太. 81 . Ngóh tèng mhchìngchó. Ho: 唔使唔該。 Amah: Wéi. Wong: 我係黃生呀。你知唔知陳先生電話幾多號呀﹖ Mrs. Dáng (yāt)ján. Ho: 啊。知。佢電話係五四三二一零。 Mr. Amah: Hóu. haih mhhaih a? Amah: Haih. Amah: 喂。 Mr. Caller: Hòh Táai. thanks. Amah: Hello. he's gone out. Caller: Is that 7-3-0-4-5-0? Amah: Yes. Ho: Sure. Caller: Is this 7-3-0-4-5-0? Amah: Can you speak up. Ho: You're welcome. Mrs. mhgòi.2 I'm sorry. Ho: Good morning. Mrs. Caller: Ngóh haih wòhng Sàang a. Secretary: 喂。 Caller: 喂。係唔係三八六零五九呀﹖ Secretary: 係。搵邊位呢﹖ Caller: 我想搵李生聽電話。 Secretary: 對唔住嘞。佢出咗街噃。 82 . dialogue 9. Ho: Jóusàhn. Who would you like to speak to? Caller: Mrs Ho. Do you know Mr Chan's number? Mrs. Mrs. Ho: Hello. Ho: Mhsái mhgòi. I can't hear. Amah: Ok. Caller : Ok. Mrs Ho. Caller: Good morning. Kéuih ge dihnwá haih ńgh sei sàam yih yāt lìhng.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Mrs. Mrs. Just a minute. Ho: A! Jì. please. Néih jì mhjì Chàhn Sīnsáang ge dihnwá géidò houh a? Mrs. Caller: This is Mr Wong. Caller: Hóu. His number is 543210. Mhgòi néih. Amah: 喂. dialogue 9. 貴姓搵佢呀? Caller: 姓何嘅. Secretary: You're welcome. 搵邊個呀? Caller: 喂. Secretary: Hello Caller: Hello. Caller : Hóu.3 He's gone to the office. then? Secretary: Around 2:00. 佢幾時返嚟呢? 83 . 唔該你叫陳先生聽電話啦。 Amah: 佢返咗工噃. Caller : Gám. Secretary: Mhsái mhgòi. thanks. Haih mhhai sàam baat luhk lìhng ńgh gáu a? Secretary: Haih. Kéuih chēutjó gāai bo.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Caller : 咁. Caller: Ok. Secretary: I'm sorry. who would you like to speak to? Caller: Mr Lee. Is this 386059? Secretary: Yes.佢幾點鐘返嚟呢? Secretary: 兩點零鐘咁上吓啦。 Caller : 好。唔該你。 Secretary: 唔使唔該。 Secretary: Wái. Secretary: Deuimhjyuh laak. but he's out of the office right now. kéuih géidímjūng fàanlàih nē? Secretary: Léuhng dím lèhng jùng gamseuhnghá lā. Caller : Wái. Caller: So when will he be back. Wán bīnwái nē? Caller : Ngóh séung wán Léih Sàang tèng dihnwá. I'll tell him to call you. My number is... Amah : Just a minute. néih ge dihnwá haih. May I ask who's calling. Who would you like to speak to? Caller: Hello. 佢返咗嚟.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Amah: 唔知噃. 84 . please? Caller: My name's Ho. Amah: Hóu lā. Caller: Chāt-yāt-yāt-yih-lìhng-chāt. your number is.. Amah: Wái. Gwaising wán kéuih a? Caller: Sing Hòh ge. Kéuih fàanlàih. Amah: Kéuih fàanjó gùng bo. please.. 我嘅電話係. Mhgòi néih giu Chàhn Sīnsàang tèng dihnwá lā. ngóh giu kéuih dá béi néih lā. Ok. What time will he be back? Amah: I don't know. Caller: 七一一二零七. Caller: 7-1-1-2-0-7. Wéi.. Caller: When he comes back can you tell him to call me.. 我叫佢打俾你啦. 我攞支筆先.. 喂. Kéuih géisìh fàanlàih nē? Amah: Mhjì bo. Amah: Ok. Amah : Mhgòi néih dáng yātján. Mr Chan. Wán bīngo a? Caller: Wái. Amah : 唔該你等一陣. Ngóh dihnwá haih. I'll get a pen. When he comes back.... Amah: Hello. Amah: 好啦.. Caller: 等佢返嚟唔該你叫佢打電話俾我啦. Caller: Dáng kéuih fàanlàih mhgòi néih giu kéuih dá dihnwá béi ngóh lā. 你電話係... ngóh ló jì bāt sin.. Amah: He has gone to work. 10 Talking about location 边 度 . . jógán 左近 nearby. chéng mahn 請問 "May I ask. gódouh 嗰喥 there 17. máhtàuh 碼頭 pier 87 . chàhlàuh 茶樓 Cantonese style teahouse 7. for buildings 15. chē 車 vehicle: car. 14. lóchín 攞錢 withdraw money (from bank) 26. Hèunggóng 香港 Hong Kong 21. Jùngwàahn 中環 Central District 25. deuimihn 對面 opposite side 13. bīnbihn? 邊便 which side? 2. dóu 到 verb suffix indicating successful accomplishment of the action of the verb. stop (as train station. chāansāt 餐室 western style restaurant 6. gūngsī 公司 department store. Daaih Douh Jùng 大道中 Queen's Road Central 11.. on that side 18. hereabouts 24. gaaklèih 隔籬 next door 16. bīndouh? 邊喥 where? 4. bus stop) 22. office (of a commercial company) 19. gàan 間 M. chē jaahm 車站 car stop (bus or tram stop) 9.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. jaahm 站 station. búndeihyàhn 本地人 a native of the place under discussion 5. hái 喺 location verb..?" 10. bihn 邊(便) side 3. bus. jáudim 酒店 hotel 23. translated as: is in/at/on 20. Dākfuh Douh Jùng 德輔道中 Des Voeux Road Central 12. or tram 8. gó bihn 嗰便(邊) over there. ngàhnhòhng 銀行 bank 37. séjihlàuh 寫字樓 office 39. Tīnsīng Máhtàuh 天星碼頭 Star Ferry Pier 44. tái syù 睇書 read (a book) 43. ngūk (or ūk) 屋 house 38. táimhdóu 睇唔到 can't see 40. yàhnhaak 人客 tourist 88 . the Hong Kong Hilton) 30.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 27. hereabouts 36. Méihgwok Jáudim 美國酒店 American Hotel. Nē! 呢 "there!" an exclamation used when pointing out something to someone 33 nībihn 呢便(邊) this side 34. mùhnháu 門口 doorway 32. Màhnwàh Jáudim 文華酒店 Mandarin Hotel 28. (in HK. táidóu 睇到 see [look successfully] 41. ūk (var: ngūk) 屋 house 46. táimhtáidóu? 睇唔睇到 can you see? 42. nīdouh 呢喥 here 35 nījógán 呢左近 closeby. tòuhsyùgwún 圖書館 library 45. Méihgwok Ngàhnhòhng 美國銀行 Bank of America 31. mahn 問 ask 29. 1 Is your office on the Hong Kong side? A: 你寫字樓喺唔喺香港呢邊呀﹖ B: 係。喺大道中。 A: 嗰喥左近有冇好個茶樓呀﹖ B: 有。我寫字樓隔離有間好好。我好鐘意喺嗰喥飲茶。 A: 我寫字樓左近嘅茶樓都唔係幾好 . There's a fairly good Western-style restaurant there where I like to eat lunch. 但係有間幾好嘅餐室。我鐘 意嗰喥食晏。 A: Néih séjihlàuh hái mhhái Hèunggóng nī bihn a? B: Hái. A: Is your office over here in Hong Kong? [as opposed to Kowloon etc] B: Yes. A: Gódouh jógán yáuh móuh hóu ge chàhlàuh a? B: Yáuh. A: Are there any good restaurants [Chinese-style] around there? B: Yes.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 10. It's on Queen's Road Central. but it's not too good. daahnhaih yáuh gàan géi hóu ge chāansāt. I really like to go there for yam cha. Ngóh hóu jùngyi hái gódouh yám chàh ga. A: There's one near my office. There's a really good one right across from my office. 89 . Ngóh jùngyi hái gódouh sihk ngaan. A: Ngóh séjihlàuh jógán ge chàhlàuh dōu mhhai géi hóu. Hái Daaih Douh Jùng. Ngóh séjihlàuh gaaklèih yáuh gàan hóu hóu ga. Hái bīndouh máaih ga? Miss Wong: Hái Jùngwàahn yāt gàan gūngsī máaih ge. Mrs Ho: Is it the one opposite the bus station? Miss Wong: Yes. Haih gó gàan.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dialogue 10. Mrs Ho: Which store? Miss Wong: It's just across from my office. Ho: Bīn gàan nē? Miss Wong: Hái ngóh séjihlàuh gaaklèih gó gàan. dialogue 10. Mrs. Ho: That's a nice sweater. Ho: 係唔系喺車站對面呀? Mrs. Ho: 你件冷衫好靚。喺邊喥買㗎。 Miss Wong: 喺中環一間公司買嘅。 Mrs. That's the one. Ho: Haih mhhaih hái chèjaahm deuimihn a? Miss Wong: Haih. Ho: 喺邊間呢? Miss Wong: 喺我寫字樓隔離嗰間。 Mrs. Ho: Néih gihn lāangsāam hóu leng. Mrs. Where did you buy it? Miss Wong: At a store in Central. Mrs.2 Where did you buy that sweater? Mrs.3 Do you know where the Mandarin Hotel is? Léih Sàang: 喂。 Hòh Sàang: 李生呀? 90 . bīn wái a? Hòh Sàang: Ngóh haih Hòh Yaht-sīn a. Léih Sàang: Méihgwok Jáudim mhhai hái Seuhnghói Ngàhnhòhng gaaklèih. ngóh jì laak. Do you know where the Mandarin Hotel is? There's a friend who's supposed to meet me there at 3 'o'clock He told me the Hilton was next to the Shanghai Bank. Léih Sàang: Hello. Néih jì mhjì Méihgwok Jáudim hái bīndouh a? Yáuh go pàhngyáuh yātján sàam dím hái gódouh dáng ngóh. who's speaking? Hòh Sàang: This is Yat Sin Ho. Néih jì mhjì Jùnggwok Ngàhnhòhng hái bīndouh a? Hòh Sàang: O. Néih jì mhjì Jùnggwok Ngàhnhòhng hái bīndouh a? Hòh Sàang: Oh. daahnhaih ngóh wán mhdóu. Hòh Sàang: Is that Mr Lee? Léih Sàang: Yes. Hòh Sàang: Léih Sàang àh.我知嘞。唔該嗮。再見。 Léih Sàang: Wái. Léih Sàang: Méihgwok Jáudim mhhaih hái Seuhnghói Ngàhnhòhng gaaklèih. 91 . Thanks. but I can't find it. I know now. Hái Jùnggwok Ngàhnhòhng deuimihn.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Léih Sàang: 係呀。邊位呀? Hòh Sàang: 我係何日先呀。你知唔知美國酒店喺邊喥呀? 有個朋友一陣三點等我。佢話我知美國酒店喺上海銀行隔離. Hái Jùnggwok Ngàhnhòhng deuimihn. Bye. Mhgòisaai. Léih Sàang: Haih a. Kéuih wah ngóh jì Méihgwok Jáudim hái Seuhnghói Ngàhnhòhng gaaklèih. Léih Sàang: 但係我搵唔到。 美國酒店唔係喺上海銀行隔離。喺中國銀行對面。你知唔知中 Hòh Sàang: 國銀行喺邊喥呀? 哦。咁. Joigin. Gám. . 11 Doing things for others 唔 该 . . ) is here.... paper 23. cheung 暢 change money into smaller denomination 4.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. "nowhere to be seen" 26. hóudò 好多 a lot 16. jáaufàan 找返 V: give back change 19. fu 副 M.. lost.. daai. it.along 8. daai... cheunghōi split. is at (this) place 15. dāk. she.. etc. can 11. dāk 得 all right. break up large banknote or coin to 暢開 exchange for ones of lesser denomination. hái douh 喺喥 (he. jáau 找 give change 18. dāk 得 in yáuhdāk . for banknotes 22. 得 only have . will do 10.along 9..嚟 bring. daai 帶 carry 7. jyuh 住 temporarily. je 借 lend..lai 帶.. baak 百 hundred 3. hóusíu 好少 very little 17. mhginjó 唔見咗 lose. chīn 千 thousand 6.. 5. OK... for eyeglasses 13. jèung 張 M. jejyuh 借 lend or borrow temporarily 21.heui 帶去 take.. borrow 20. = available.. agō 阿哥 elder brother 2. móuhdāk 冇得 not have available for V-ing 95 . jí 紙 banknote. géidò 幾多 quite a lot 14. for a short time 24. mhgeidāk 唔記得 forget (not remember) 25. 12. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 27. móuhgéidò not much. not many 冇幾多 96 . 唔該你等陣. mhgau sáanjí tìm. 我搵人暢開佢啦.I'll go get some change. Clerk: Gám.. néih séung yiu géidò nē? 97 . luhk jì heiséui. mhgòi néih dáng jahn. Customer: 好啦。 Clerk: 呢喥找返八十六個八俾你。 Customer: 你有冇一蚊銀呀? Clerk: 有﹐你想要幾多呢? Customer: 唔該你暢十蚊我啦。 Clerk: 好。 Customer: 唔該嗮。 Clerk: Sei jì bejáu.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 11.sahpsàam go yih lā. Clerk: Nīdouh jáaufàan baatsahpluhk go baat béi néih. Clerk: Hóu. Customer: Nàh. nīdouh yāt baak mān. 呢喥一百蚊。 Clerk: 好﹐等我找返俾你啦。哎呀﹐對唔住唔夠散紙添。你有冇散紙 Customer: 呀? 我都冇噃。 Clerk: 咁. ngóh wán yàhn cheunghòi kéuih lā. Clerk: 四支啤酒六支汽水﹐十個橙。。。十三個二啦。 Customer: 嗱. Aiya.. Customer: Hóu lā. Customer: Néih yáuh móuh yāt mān ngán a? Clerk: Yáuh.1 Just a moment . Néih yáuh móuh sáanjì a? Customer: Ngóh dōu móuh bo. deuimhjyuh. sahp go cháang. dáng ngóh jáaufàan béi néih lā. Clerk: Hóu. sorry. Customer: Do you have any dollar coins? Clerk: Sure. Do you have anything smaller? Customer: No.. Clerk: Four beers. Customer: Thanks. six pop.that'll be $13. Customer: Here's $100. Clerk: Well. 好唔好﹖ Mr.20. ten oranges. Customer: Ok. let me get your change. how many do you need? Customer: Can you give me ten? Clerk: Ok. hang on a minute and I'll go get some change. Darn. Customer: Mhgòisaai.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Customer: Mhgòi néih cheung sahp mān ngóh lā. dialogue 11. Clerk: Ok. I don't have enough change. Wòhng: 好﹐愛啲散銀都好。 Mr.. I'm afraid not.80 change.2 How would you like that? Mr. Clerk: Here's your $86. Wòhng: 唔該你同我暢開佢啦! Teller: 暢開幾多呀? 係唔係愛嗮十蚊紙呀? Mr. Wòhng: 唔係。愛四張一百蚊紙十張十蚊。 Teller: 唔夠十蚊紙噃。愛九張十蚊紙﹐十個一蚊銀. Wòhng: Mhgòi néih tùhng ngóh cheunghòi kéuih lā! Teller: Cheung géidò a? Haih mhhaih ngoisaai sahp mān jì a? 98 . Teller: How would you like it? Do you want all tens? Mr. Wòhng: That's fine. Wòhng: Mhhaih. 我而家返屋企攞俾你啦. Yātján ngóh hohk Yìngmán móuh syù tái. Oi sei jèung yāt baak mān jí. I can give you nine tens and ten one dollar coins. Teller: Mhgau sahp mān jí bo. How about that? Mr. A: 要返屋企攞呀﹖ 唔好嘞。你知唔知呢喥邊個有呢本書可以接住 俾我先㗎? B: 啊﹗陳生都用嗰本書學英文﹐等我叫佢接俾你啦。 A: 好呃﹗唔該嗮。 A: Néih gàmyaht mhgeidāk daai gó bún syù fàanlàih béi ngóh a? B: Aiya! Mhgeidāk tìm! Jànhaih deuimhjyuh laak! Néih géisìh (géisi) yiu yuhng a? A: Ngóh dáng jahn yiu ga. I don't mind some coins.. Wòhng: I'd like to change this. dialogue 11. Wòhng: No. Teller: It looks like I don't have enough tens. oi dī sáangán dōu hóu. sahp jèung sahp mān. hóu mhhóu a? Mr. Mr. Oi gáu jèung sahp mān jí. Mhdāk ge bo! 99 . sahp go yāt mān ngán.. Wòhng: Hóu. I'd like four $100 bills and ten tens. A: 你今日唔記得帶嗰本書返來俾我呀﹖ B: 哎呀﹗唔記得添﹗ 真係對唔住嘞。你幾時要用呀﹖ A: 我等陣要㗎。一陣我學英文冇書睇唔得嘅噃! B: 咁.I forgot.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Mr.3 I'm really sorry. A: No need to do that!. A: Yiu fàan ūkkéi ló àh. It'll be a real pain if I have to go to English class without a book! B: Well. A: Great! Thanks. Mhhóu laak. dáng ngóh giu kéuih je béi néih lā. Néih jì mhjì nīdouh bīngo yáuh nī bún syù hóyíh jejyuh béi ngóh sìn ga? B: A! Chàhn Sàang dōu yuhng gó bún syù hohk Yìngmán.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: Gám. Let me ask him to lend it to you. Do you know somebody who has a copy they can lend me? B: Oh. did you? B: Oh. 100 . I'll go home and get it for you. I didn't. yeah! Mr Chan uses that book for his English class. ngóh yìhgā fàan ūkkéi ló béi néih lā. When do you need it? A: I need it pretty soon. A: You didn't remember to bring that book back today by any chance. darn! No. I'm really sorry. A: Hóu aak! Mhgòisaai. 12 Talking about immediate plans 咩 事 . . have a job 20. storey of a building 23. jáinéui 仔女 children (of a family). làih 嚟 come 22. behind 11. heui 去 go 12. 25. fetch. hauhbihn 後便(邊) back (back side). vivid. jouh sih 做事 to work. jái 仔 son 15. gà 架 M. douh 道 road. jouh sāam 做衫 make clothes. Gáulùhng 九龍 Kowloon 10. chìhnbihn 前便(邊) front (front side) 3. hohkhaauh 學校 school 13. restricted to use following named road 6. Móuh cho 冇錯 That's right. nàahmpàhngyáuh 男朋友 boyfriend 26. láu 樓 floor. have clothes made 19. gànjyuh 跟住 follow. come behind 8. jouh 做 do. chìngchó 清楚 clear. sons and daughters 16. néui 女 daughter 103 . daai 帶 take/bring (someone/something) along 5. Nèihdēun Douh 彌敦道 Nathan Road 27. come behind 9. for vehicle 7. houh 號 number 14. clearly 4. bàhbā 爸爸 father 2. màhmā 媽媽 mother 24. jyuh 住 live 21. gàn 跟 follow. pick up (a person) 17. jìp 接 meet. work 18.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. sih 事 piece of business.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 28. néuihpàhngyáuh 女朋友 girlfriend 29. yīsāng 醫生 doctor 104 . taam 探 to visit 34. yéh 嘢 things. tái yīsāng 睇醫生 see the doctor 35. stuff 37. affair. matter 30. married woman 33. taaitáai 太太 wife. sīnsàang 先生 husband 31. tùhng 同 with 36. sung 送 deliver 32. Wòhng Táai: Gám.1 What's the problem? Mrs Wong: 李太﹐同個女去邊呀? Mrs Li: 我帶佢睇醫生呀。 Mrs Wong: 乜嘢事呀? Mrs Li: 佢唔想食飯咯。 Mrs Wong: 你帶佢去睇邊個醫生呀? Mrs Li: 我先生叫我帶佢睇張醫生。佢係我哋個朋友。 Mrs Wong: 邊個張醫生呀? 係唔係上海銀行嗰個呀? Mrs Li: 冇錯。係佢嘞。 Mrs Wong: 咁. Mhgòisaai bo. Mrs Li! So. Wòhng Táai: Bīngo Jèung Yīsāng a? Haih mhhaih Seuhnghói Ngàhnhòhng gó go a? Léih Táai: Móuh cho. Ngóh ngāamngāam yiu heui ngàhnhòhng ló chin. Léih Táai. Kéuih haih ngóhdeih ge pàhngyáuh. Mrs Wong: Hello. Léih Táai: Hóu aak. Wòhng Táai: Mēyéh sih a? Léih Táai: Kéuih mhséung sihk faahn lòh. haih kéuih laak. Wòhng Táai: Néih daai kéuih heui tái bīngo yīsāng a? Léih Táai : Ngóh sīnsàang giu ngóh daai kéuih tái Jèung Yīsāng. tùhng gó néui heui bīn a? Léih Táai : Ngóh daai kéuih heui tái yīsāng a. 我送你哋去。我啱啱要去銀行錢。 Mrs Li: 好呃。唔該嗮。 Wòhng Táai: A.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 12. ngóh sung néihdeih heui lā. where are you off to with your daughter? 105 . A: Kéuih màhmā yáuh mēyéh sih a? B: Móuh mēyéh sih. I'll take you there.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Léih Táai: I'm taking her to the doctor. I'm just off to the bank. A: 佢媽媽有乜嘢事呀? B: 冇乜嘢事。佢叫我去佢哋喥食飯咧。 A: 哦—佢哋住喺邊呀? B: 佢哋啱啱住你後邊。 A: 係咩? 咁.ngóh yìhgā yiu heui ngóh néuipàhngyáuh ūkkéi taam kéuih màhmā. He's a friend of ours. dialogue 12.2 Off home. Léih Táai: Ok.我而家要去我女朋友屋企探佢媽媽. Kéuih giu ngóh heui kéuihdeih douh sihk faahn lē. 我送你去。 B: 唔該嗮。 A: Néih haih mhhaih fàan ūkkéi a? B: Mhhaih . Mrs Wong: What's up? Léih Táai: She doesn't feel like eating. Mrs Wong: Well. then? A: 係唔係返屋企呀? B: 唔係 . 106 . Mrs Wong: Which doctor are you taking her to? Léih Táai: My husband told me to take her to see Dr Cheung. Mrs Wong: Which Dr Cheung? Is it the one by the Shanghai Bank? Léih Táai: Right! That's the one. A: O—kéuihdeih jyuh hái bīn a? B: Kéuihdeih ngāamngāam jyuh hái néih hauhbihn. Thanks a lot. 我要等何太電話。 Wong Sàang: 咁.Ngóh yiu dáng Hòh Táai dihnwá bo. Ngóh ngāamngāam séung heui ngàhnhòhng ló chín. Wong Sàang: Gám..... hóu mhhóu a? 107 .3 I'm going shopping.Ngóh yihgā heui ngàhnhòhng ló chín sin. B: Thanks.. She invited me over for dinner. Wong Táai : 我一陣要去公司買。你有冇錢呀? Wong Sàang: 我得些少喳。 我啱啱想去銀行攞錢。你幾點出街呀? Wong Táai : 哼.我而家去銀行攞錢先。你一陣來我寫字樓攞錢﹐好唔好呀 Wong Táai : 好! 呀﹐ 你有冇嘢要買呀? Wong Sàang: 冇嘞。 Wong Táai : Ngóh yātján yiu heui gūngsī máaih yéh.. Néih yáuh móuh chín a? Wong Sàang: Ngóh dāk sèsíu ja. ngóh sung néih heui lā. A: Really? I'll take you there.. A: Oh.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: Haih mē? Gám. I'm off to my girlfriend's to visit her mother? A: What's wrong with her mother? B: Nothing.. Néih yātján làih ngóh séjihlàuh ló chín. A: Going home? B: No. then. dialogue 12. B: Mhgòisaai... where do they live? B: Just behind where you live. Néih géidímjung chēutgāai a? Wong Táai : Hmmm.. A... Wong: No. Do you have any money? Mr. I'm planning to go to the bank. Do you need me to get you anything? Mr. 108 .néih yáuh móuh yéh yiu máaih a? Wong Sàang: Móuh laak. Wong: Not much.. I'll go to the bank first and then you can come to my office and get some money. Ok? Miss Chan: Ok. Wong Well. Miss Chan: I'm going shopping in a while. .. I'm waiting for Mrs Ho to call. That's ok.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Wong Táai : Hóu! . When are you going out? Miss Chan: Not sure. Mr. 13 Going places 泊 车 . . fàanjyun tàuh 返轉頭 turn (the car) around and go back [return turn head] Make a U-turn. Gwodītìm 過啲添 Go further on. as (1) be permitted. soon. giu(jouh) 叫做 is called. gives connotation of friendly advice 21. gwaisingmìhng? 貴姓名 what is your surname and given name? (polite) 8. a little farther on 10. 5. go 過 over to (a place) 9. suf. hóyíh 可以 can.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. jóbihn 左便(邊) left side 18. la 啦 as sen. given name 名 111 . jà chē 揸車 to drive a car 14. and 15. cross (a street). (2) be willing to 13. jósáubihn 左手便(邊) lefthand side 19. dou 到 arrive 4. is named 7. gwo pass by (a point). gwodī 過啲 beyond. jyun 轉 turn 20. Keep going (said to taxi driver) 11. daaphaak 搭客 passenger 2. jó 左 left (direction) 17. walk. as clause connector = then. allowed to. drive 12. to imperative sentence. gāai 街 street 6. hàahng 行 go. jauh 就 immediately. diuhtàuh 調頭 turn (a car) around [reverse head] 3. méng name. jihk 直 straight 16. yahpbihn 入便(邊) inside 29. paak chē 泊車 park a car 23. yauhbihn 右便(邊) right side 33. yātjihk 一直 straight a) direction b) without being diverted: straight 31. tìhng 停 stop 25. wái 位 place. Wíhngōn Gūngsī 永安公司 Wing On Department Store 27. enter 30.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 22. seat 26. tanhauh 蹆後 back (a car) up. yauhsáubihn 右手便(邊) right hand side 112 . yahpheui 入去 go in. yauh 右 right (direction) 32. yahp 入 enter 28. move back 24. A: Chàhn Gwokwàh... it's Chan... it is! Do a U-turn I've got something to tell him. A: Hey! Isn't that guy in the black car behind us your friend? B: Hey. 113 .Hmm... Kéuih haih mhhaih sing Jèung gà? B: Mhhaih. kéuih sing Chàhn ge.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 13.. A: Hóu aak. A: Kéuih giujouh mēyéh méng a? B: Kéuih giujouh Gwokwàh. A: Ok.. Is his last name Cheung? B: No.1 Hey. 唔係嘞。 B: 唔係乜嘢呀? A: 佢唔係李小姐嘅男朋友嘞。 A: Hái hāak sīk gó gà chē hauhbihn gó go yàhn haih mhhaih néih pàhngyáuh a? B: Haih bo! Mhgòi néih fàanjyuntàuh lā.哼. Ngóh yáuh dī yéh séung wah kéuih jì ge. B: Mhhaih mēyéh a? A: Kéuih mhhaih Léih Síujé ge nàahmpàhngyáuh laak.咁. mhhaih laak.Gám. isn't that your friend in that black car behind us? A: 喺黑色嗰架車後邊嗰個人係唔係你朋友呀? B: 係噃! 唔該你返轉頭啦。我有啲嘢想話佢知嘅。 A: 好呃。佢係唔係姓張㗎? B: 唔係. 佢姓陳嘅。 A: 佢叫做乜嘢名呀? B: 佢叫做國華。 A: 陳國華. 我就嚟嘞。 Wòhng Táai: Wei! Siu Yīng: Wei. 使唔使我揸車嚟呀? 呢左近好少位泊車嘅噃。 你叫的士嚟啦。 好啦. màhmā. dialogue 13. màhmā àh? Ngóh hàih SíuYīng a. Síu Yīng: Làih lā. ngóh mhlàih la. Nīdouh dī béng hóu leng gà.. 媽媽呀? 我係小英呀。我而家喺 文化酒店飲茶。你嚟唔嚟呀? 你同邊個飲茶呀? 我同何美華。呢喥啲餅好靚。 你嚟啦。 你有朋友喺喥. Wòhng Táai: Néih yáuh pàhngyáuh hái douh.Hmm.. 我想你一陣同我 去買嘢呀。 咁呀. 114 . Wòhng Táai: Gám áh.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: What's his first name? B: Kwok Wah. Néih giu dīksí làih lā. Néih làih mhlàih a? Wòhng Táai: Néih tùhng bīngo yám chàh a? Siu Yīng: Ngóh tùhng Hòh Méi Wàh. A: Kwok Wah Chan.. Ngóh yìhgā hái Màhnwàh 黃太: 小英: 黃太: 小英: Jáudim yám chàh.2 Who are you having Yam Cha with? 黃太: 小英: 黃太: 小英: 黃太: 喂! 喂.So it's not. sài mhsái ngóh jà chē làih ā? Síu Yīng: Nījógán hóu siu wái paak chē ge bo. 媽媽. Néih làih lā. ngóh séung néih yātján tùhng ngóh heui máaih yéh a.. 我唔嚟啦。 嚟啦. B: Not what? A: It's not Miss Li's boyfriend. Siu Ying.. You'd better take a cab.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Wòhng Táai: Hóu lā. 你喺呢喥一直去. Mom. I'm having yamcha at the Màhnwàh Hotel. Mrs Wong: Shall I drive over. 行到第三個街口嗰條就係嘞。 A: 哦. 大道中五百零四號喺唔喺呢左近呀? C: 五百零四號呀。呢. Are you coming? Mrs Wong: Who are you with? Siu Ying: I'm with Mei Wah Ho.3 Excuse me. Never mind. Siu Ying: Come on.前邊右手邊第三間就係嘞。 A: 嗰喥有冇位泊車? C: 好似冇噃。 A: 好。唔該嗮。 A: Chéng mahn nī tìuh haih mhhaih Daaih Douh Jùng a? B: Mhhaih. Mom? It's me. then? Siu Ying: There aren't too many parking spaces around here. The pastries are great here. Mrs Wong: Ok. I want to go shopping with you later. is this Queen's Road Central? A: 請問呢條係唔係大道中呀? B: 唔係. 115 . háahng dou daih sàam go gàaiháu gó tìuh jauh haih laak. I'm on my way. Come and join us! Mrs Wong: You're with your friend. néih hái nīdouh yātjihk heui..) A: 請問. ngóh jauh làih laak. 唔該。 (He goes on. dialogue 13. Mrs Wong: Hello? Siu Ying: Hello. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: O, mhgòi. (He goes on...) A: Chéng mahn, Daaih Douh Jùng ńgh baak lìhng sei houh hái mhhái nījógán a? C: Ńgh baak lìhng sei houh àh. Nē, chìhnbihn yauhsáubihn daih sàam gàan jauh haih laak. A: Gó douh yáuh móuh wái paak chē gà? C: Hóu chìh móuh bo. A: Hóu. Mhgòisaai. A: Excuse me, but is this street Queen's Road Central? B: No. Just go another 3 blocks and you'll see it right there. A: Oh, thanks. (He goes on) A: Excuse me, is 504 Queen's Road Central around here? C: 504, eh? Yes, it's the third building over there on the right. A: Is there any parking there? C: Looks like there isn't. A: Ok, thanks. dialogue 13.4 524 Nathan Road, please. A: 唔該彌敦道, 五百二十四號。 B: 好。 (They ride for awhile) A: 過咗第二 個街口右邊,停車啦。嗨! 過咗 B: 啦, 唔該你蹆後些少啦。 哦, 唔得噃, 後邊有車嚟, 唔可以蹆後。 A: 咁, 再駛過啲, 返轉頭啦。 B: 得。 116 LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 (The driver makes a U-turn at the intersection and goes back) A: 好。喺喥停。 (He pays the driver $3 for the $2.70 ride) 唔使找啦。 B: 多謝。 A: Mhgòi Nèih Dèun Douh, ńgh baak yihsahp sei houh. B: Hóu. (They ride for awhile) A: Gwojó daih yih go gàaiháu yauhbihn, tìhng chē lā. Ei! Gwojó la, mhgòi néih tanhauh sèsiu lā. B: O, mhdāk bo, hauhbihn yáuh chē làih, mhhóyih tanhauh. A: Gám, joi sài gwodī, fàanjyuntàuh lā. B: Dāk. (The driver makes a U-turn at the intersection and goes back) A: Hóu. Hái douh tìhng. (He pays the driver $3 for the $2.70 ride) Mhsài jáau la. B: Dòjeh. A: 524 Nathan Road, please. B: Ok. (They ride for awhile) A: Just past the second street on the right. Whoops! You went past it. Just back up a bit, can you? B: No, I can't. There's a car coming up behind. A: Well, go on a bit and turn round, then. B: Ok. (The driver makes a U-turn at the intersection and goes back) A: Ok. Stop here. (He pays the driver $3 for the $2.70 ride) Keep the change. 117 LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: Thanks. 118 14 Eating at a restaurant 食 饭 . . hā 蝦 shrimp 23. Hóu ma? 好嗎 Is that OK? 24. gāng 羹 spoon 20. choi 菜 food.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. to have done something before 21. introduce 19. gwo 過 indicates experience. for cup. a dish 9. Dòjehsaai. 多謝嗮 Thank you very much. dím 點 to order (food) 11. really 16. have a job 121 . jáugā 酒家 Chinese style restaurant 25. 15. jek 隻 M. jouh yéh 做嘢 do chores. dōdī 多啲 more (in addition) (follows V) 13. cháau faahn 炒飯 fried rice 7. bātgwo 不過 however. gaaisiuh 介紹 recommend. for spoon 26. Gwóngdùng choi 廣東菜 Cantonese food 22. (for a gift) 14. baahk faahn 白飯 boiled or steamed rice 2. bill of fare 10. glass 5. 6. as in scrambling eggs. although 3. fógei 伙計 waiter in restaurant 18. bùi 杯 M. Dòjeh 多謝 Thank you. glass 4. dò 多 additional. but. as modifier in Noun phrase 12. dōuhaih 都係 always. cháau 炒 to sautee or toss fry in small amt of oil. cháau mihn 炒麵 fried noodles 8. a particular food. faaijí 筷子 chopsticks 17. būi 杯 cup. choipáai 菜 menu. (when offered a choice). Whatever.. a bowl of. also (+ verb) 28. Sihdaahn lā.都 Not even one.heui 拎去 take. "not yet" 33. wún 碗 bowl 47. yāt chi dōu meih. in addition.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 27.. 42. jùngchoi 中菜 Chinese food 29. not bad 34. 46. nìng . Sāichāan 西餐 Western meal 39. Seuhnghói choi 上海菜 Shanghai food 40.. yāt M dōu Neg V 一. 一次都未 not even once.. tòng mihn 湯麵 soup noodles 45. táiháh 睇吓 have a look 43. making a question of the sentence it attaches to 31.here 38. jùnggwok choi 中國菜 Chinese food 30.. yeuhng kind.. 50.làih 拎嚟 bring (something). nìng 拎 carry (something) 36. 51. nìng . tòng 湯 soup 44.. type 樣 122 .. ma? 嗎 sen.. suf. can't V. No preference. meih 未 negative. 是但啦 Either one. Màaihdāan! 埋單 The check please! 32. carry off (something) 37. séui būi 水杯 water glass 41.. juhng 重 still. ngoihgwokyàhn 外國人 foreigner(s) 35.. Yahtbún choi 日本菜 Japanese food 49. mhcho 唔錯 good.. wún 碗 M.. As you wish.. even one M .. yéh 嘢 work (as in jouh yéh) (with restricted use) 52. wúnjái 碗仔 small bowl 48. Wòhng Sàang.. 我哋去試吓啦。 (They arrive at the restaurant) 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 李小姐: 伙計. hóu mhhóu a? 123 .. 我哋食唔嗮. 黃生。 我啱啱返工。 你呢? 我啱啱喺銀行攞錢返嚟。 食飯未呀? 未呀! 你呢? 我都未呀. 我都要帶我媽媽嚟試吓。 (They finish eating) 黃生: 伙計: 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 伙計. 唔使找嘞。 黃先生.哼。. Sihk faahn meih a? Léih Síujé : Meih a! Néih nē? Wòhng Sàang: Ngóh dōu meih a. 哼.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 14. ngóh chéng néih heui sihk faahn lā. 再點個西洋菜湯。 好唔好呀? 呀。 好.1. Miss Lee! So. 埋單。 先生.李小姐. Ngóh ngāamngāam fòng gùng. 多謝嗮噃。 唔使客氣。 Wòhng Sàang: A. 我哋想要隻 鹽焗雞. 仲要乜嘢菜添呢? 芥蘭炒牛肉啦. 李小姐。 去邊喥呀? 哦. 去邊間呢? 廣州酒家啲鹽焗雞好靚.一隻 雞太多. 你食過未呀? 未食過。 咁. 我請你去食飯啦. where are you off to? 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 李小姐: 黃生: 呀. 要半隻 就 夠啦. 廿三蚊啦! 呢喥廿五蚊. 好唔好呀? 好呃. Heui bīndouh a? Léih Síujé : O. 李小姐 真係識點菜嘅嘞。 伙計唔該你快啲噃。 呢喥啲菜真係唔錯. Néih nē? Wòhng Sàang: Ngóh ngāamngāam hái ngàhnhòhng lóchín fàanlaih.. Léih Síujé. LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Léih Síujé: Hóu aak, heui bīn gàan nē? Wòhng Sàang: Gwóngjàu Jáugā dī yìhm guhk gāi hóu leng gà, néih sihkgwo meih a? Léih Síujé: Meih sihkgwo. Wòhng Sàang: Gám, ngóhdeih heui siháh lā. (They arrive at the restaurant) Wòhng Sàang: Fógei! Ngóhdeih séung yiu jek yìhm guhk gāi, mm...Léih Síujé, juhng yiu mēyeh choi tìm nē? Léih Síujé: Gaailáan chaau ngàuhyuhk lā, mm...yāt jek gāi táai dò, ngóhdeih sihk mhsaai, yiu bun jek jauh gau la, joi dim go sài yéuhng choi tòng. Hóu mhhóu a? Wòhng Sàang: A. Hóu, Léih Síujé jànhaih sīk dím choi ge laak. Fógei mhgòi néih faai dī bo. Léih Síujé: Nīdouh dī choi jànhaih mhcho, ngóh dōu yiu daai ngóh màhmā làih siháh. (They finish eating) Wòhng Sàang: Fógei, màaihdāan. Fógei: Sīnsàang, yahsàam mān lā! Wòhng Sàang: Nīdouh yah ńgh mān, mhsái jáau laak. Léih Síujé : Wòhng Sīnsàang, dòjehsaai bo. Wòhng Sàang: Mhsái haakhei. Mr. Wong: Oh, Miss Lee. Where are you going? Miss Lee : Oh, Mr. Wong. I just got off work. How about you? Mr. Wong: I'm just on my way back from the bank to get some money. Did you eat yet? Miss Lee : No. Did you? Mr. Wong Me neither. I'd like to treat you, ok? Miss Lee: Sounds good, where shall we go? Mr. Wong The Salt-Baked Chicken at the Guangzhou Restaurant is good. Have you had it? Miss Lee: No. Mr. Wong Well, let's go try it!. (They arrive at the restaurant) Mr. Wong Waiter, we'd like a Salt-Baked Chicken. Mm...Miss Lee, what other 124 LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dishes do you want? Miss Lee: Sauteed Chinese Broccoli with Beef, mm...a whole chicken is too much for the two of us. A half will do. Let's have some Watercress Soup, shall we? Mr. Wong: Ok. You really know how to order dishes. Waiter, can you bring it as soon as possible, please. Miss Lee: It's really good here. I'll have to bring my mother along some time. (They finish eating) Mr. Wong Waiter, the bill, please. Waiter: That'll be 23 dollars, please! Mr. Wong: Here's 25 dollars, keep the change. Miss Lee : Thanks Mr. Wong, I really appreciate it. Mr. Wong You're welcome. dialogue 14.2. What kind of soup would you like? A: 呢間酒家唔錯。啲嘢又平又靚。 B: 哦。係咩? A: 喂, 伙計! 唔該你拎個菜牌嚟睇吓啦。 W: 好。就嚟。 A: 呢喥有廣東菜, 上海菜。你想食邊樣呢? B: 我想試吓廣東菜。唔該你介紹吓啦。 A: 咁, 點個乳豬, 再要個大蝦。好唔好呀? B: 好呃。叫個揚州炒飯試吓啦。 A: 哼...你想愛個乜嘢湯添呢? B: 西洋菜湯啦. A: 呀, 伙計, 唔該攞多兩支汽水嚟啦。 B: 哼, 啲炒飯同大蝦真係唔錯嘞。 A: 食多啲添啦! 唔好客氣呀。 125 LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: 夠啦! 多謝嗮。 A: 伙計! 埋單! A: Nī gàan jáugā mhcho gà. Dī yéh yauh pèhng yauh leng. B: O. Haih mē? A: Wái, fógei! Mhgòi néih nìng go choipáai làih táiháh lā, W: Hóu. Jauh làih. A: Nīdouh yáuh Gwóngdùng choi, Seuhnghói choi. Néih séung sihk bīn yeuhng nē? B: Ngóh séung siháh Gwóngdùng choi. Mhgòi néih gaaisiuhháh lā. A: Gám, dím go yúhjyù, joi yiu go daaih hā. Hóu mhhóu a? B: Hóu aak. Giu go Yèuhngjàu cháau faahn siháh lā. A: Mmm...Néih séung oi go mēyéh tòng tìm nē? B: Sàiyèuhngchoi tòng lā. A: A, fógei, mhgòi lódò léuhng jì heiséui làih lā. B: Mmm, dī cháau faahn tùhng daaih hā jànhaih mhcho laak. A: Sihk dōdī tìm lā! Mhhóu haakhei a. B: Gau la! Dòjehsaai. A: Fógei! Màaihdāan! A: This is a pretty good restaurant. The food's great and it's not too expensive. B: Oh, really? A: Waiter! Can we have a menu? W: Sure. I'll get you one. A: They have Cantonese and Shanghainese food here. Which would you prefer? B: I'd like to try Cantonese food. Can you suggest some dishes? A: Well, let's have a Roast Suckling Pig, and then Prawns, shall we? B: Ok. Let's try a Yangzhou Fried Rice, too. A: Hmm...what soup would you like? B: Watercress. A: Waiter, and please bring us two bottles of pop. B: Mmm, the fried rice and prawns are really great. 126 A: Gam. A: 咁. 好唔好呀? B: 好! 你知唔知邊喥嘅廣東菜好食呀? A: 中國茶樓嘅幾好。去嗰喥. What kind of food do you like to eat? A: 你鐘意食乜嘢呢? B: 你話啦. 我哋去食廣東菜. ngóh mēyéh dōu sihk gé.3. B: I've had enough.你話啦。 A: 咁.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: Have some more! Don't be polite. A: Gám. please! dialogue 14. Jà mhjà chē heui nē? A: Mhsái la. néih wah lā. A: Waiter. Jùnggwok Chàhlàuh hái deuimihn jē. néih séung sihk Jùngchoi yìkwaahk sāichāan nē? B: Dōu dāk. 127 . Ngóhdeih háahng heui lā. Heui gódouh. hóu mhhóu a? B: Hóu! Néih jì mhjì bīndouh ge Gwóngdùng choi hóusihk a? A: Jùnggwok Chàhlàuh ge géi hóu. 好唔好呀? B: 好呃。揸唔揸車去呢? A: 唔使啦。中國茶樓喺對面啫。我哋行去啦。 A: Néih jùngyi sihk mēyéh nē? B: Néih wah lā. Thanks a lot!. 你想食中菜抑或西餐呢? B: 都得. bill. I can eat anything. 我乜嘢都食嘅. ngóhdeih heui sihk Gwóngdùng choi. A: What do you like to eat? B: It's up to you. hóu mhhóu a? B: Hóu aak. 好唔好呀? A: 好呃! 伙計. shall we? B: Ok.let's have lunch! A: 呀! 而家就快十二 點啦。 我哋去食晏先 . 都要細嘅。 再要一個豬肉湯. A: Let's have Cantonese food. 你鐘意食啲乜嘢呀? B: 我唔識點。 你介紹幾樣就得啦。 A: 咁. 好嗎? B: 好呃。 A: 伙計! 埋單。 (She pays the bill. 食多啲啦。 B: 夠啦—呢喥啲菜真係唔錯噃! A: 係呀。 呀! 而家就快一點半呀. Let's go there.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: Would you like to eat Chinese food or Western food. It's nearly 12:30 . 我哋走呀.我點幾樣呢喥有名嘅畀你試吓啦。 伙計. Shall we drive? A: No need. shall we? B: Ok. 一 B: 個大蝦 . then? B: Either is fine. dialogue 14. 仲要一個豬肉湯添。 快啲噃。 伙計: 好。 A: 黃太. Do you know a good place for Cantonese food? A: The China Tea House is pretty good. 好唔好呀? B: 好呃! A: 呢喥左近有間好有名嘅廣東酒家。 我帶你去試吓啦。 B: 好呀。 (In the restaurant a waiter gives them a menu card:) 伙計: 兩位想點啲乜嘢菜呢? A: 黃太. leaving a tip. We can walk there. then.) 伙計: 多謝嗮。㗎㗎 128 . The China Tea House is just over there.4. 要個咕嚕肉. yāt go daaih hā. yiu go gùlòu yuhk. (In the restaurant a waiter gives them a menu card:) W: May I take your order? A: Mrs Wong. Fógei: Hóu. Néih gaaisiuh géi yeuhng jauh dāk la. B: Hóu a. ngóh dím géi yeuhng nīdouh yáuh méng ge béi néih siháh la. a Sweet and Sour Pork. and an order of Prawns . hóu mhhóu a? A: Hóu aak! Fógei. Ngóhdeih heui sihk aan sìn . A: Well. A: Gam.30! Let's have lunch.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 A: A! Yìhgā jauh faai sahpyih dím la. Please go ahead. I'll order some well-known dishes for you to try. A: Fógei! Màaihdāan (She pays the bill. then. B: Ok.) Fógei: Dòjehsaai. shall we? B: Sure! A: There's a really famous Cantonese restaurant around here I'd like to take you to.make those 129 . Fógei. hóu mhhóu a? B: Hóu aak! A: Nīdouh jógán yáuh gàan hóu yáuh méng ge Gwóngdùng jáugā. ngóhdeih jáu la. what do you like to eat? B: I don't know how to order. B: Gau la—nīdouh dī choi jànhaih mhcho bo! A: Haih a. A! Yìhgā jauh faai yāt dím bun la. Ngóh daai néih heui siháh lā. Faaidī bo. A: It's nearly 12. hóu ma? B: Hóu aak. B: Joi yiu yāt go jyùyuhk tòng. dōu yiu sàige. leaving a tip. A: Wòhng Táai. néih jùngyi sihk dī mēyéh a? B: Ngóh mhsīk dím gà. (In the restaurant a waiter gives them a menu card:) Fógei: Léuhng wái séung dím dī mēyéh choi nē? A: Wòhng Táai. juhng yiu yāt go jyùyuhk tòng tìm. sihk dōdī lā. Waiter. please. B: Let's have some Pork Soup.30. it is. have some more. (She pays the bill. B: I've had enough. thanks. Hurry. Let's go. can we have the bill. shall we? A: Sure! Waiter. as well.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 small dishes. please. add a Pork Soup to that. A: Mrs Wong. W: Ok. leaving a tip. A: Waiter.) W: Thank you. Oh. The food here is really good! A: Yes. 130 . shall we? B: Ok. it's almost 1. 15 Asking directions 街 市 . . indicating direction away from speaker 22. indicating direction towards the speaker 25. hái 喺 from 21. th.. chēut 出 out 4. chéng. invite 3.. dá dihnwá giu chē 打電話叫車 phone for a cab 8. dou 到 suffix to verbs of motion.. chēutheui 出去 go out 5. daihyāt 第 一 the first 11.. chēutbihn 出邊 outside. 10. Jùngwàahn Gàaisíh 中環街市 Central Market 24.. làih 嚟 V suf: attaches to verbs of motion. 請 please (+ verb). indicating "accomplishment" 23. ground floor 12. under 20. gàaisíh 街市 food market 18. exterior 7.e. nd. fo 課 lesson 16. hàahng 行 walk. làuhseuhng 樓上 [floor above] upstairs 133 . heui 去 attaches to verbs of motion. daih 第 ordinal number marker: st. dáhòi 打開 open (as of a book) 9.. deihhá 地下 ground. hahbihn 下便(邊) below. 讀到 read to. gàaiháu 街口 street opening. go 19. rd. intersection 17. bouhfahn 部分 department (in a store) 2. jó 咗 verb suf. duhk 讀 read 14. làuhhah 樓下 [floor below] downstairs 26. 15.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Vocabulary 1. i. chēutlàih 出嚟 come out 6. duhkdou. indicating arrival at goal 13. on top 32.first. .. yihn(jì)hauh 然後 afterwards. 然後 .. louhyàhn 路人 pedestrian 30. lohk 落 descend 28..LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 27. 34.sìn . yihnhauh... 先. yàhn 人 someone 36. lohkheui 落去 go down 29. wuhn sàam 換衫 change clothes 35. seuhngchi 上次 last time 33. yihp 頁 page 134 . seuhngbihn 上邊 above.. seuhng 上 ascend 31.. then 38. then.. yàuh 由 from 37. then turn right. A: What then? 135 .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Dialogues dialogue 15. A: Yàuh nīdouh dím heui a? B: Hái nīdouh yātjihk hàahng. yìhnhauh jyun yauh. gwojó daih yih go gàaiháu. A: Excuse me. A: Jyun yauh jìhauh nē? B: Joi yātjihk hàahng. néih jauh táidóu ga laak. A: Hóu. Méihgwok Gūngsī hái bīndouh a? B: Hái Dāk Douh Jùng. mhgòi. gwojó gàaisíh. A: How do I get there? B: Go two blocks. B: Mhsái mhgòi. jauh haih Dāk Douh Jùng. where is the American Company? B: It's on Des Voeux Rd Central. Heuidou gódouh.1 How do I get there? A: 請問你﹐美國公司喺邊喥呀﹖ B: 喺德道中 A: 由呢喥點去呀﹖ B: 喺喥一直行﹐過咗第一個街口﹐然後轉右。 A: 轉右之後呢﹖ B: 再一直行﹐過咗街市﹐ 就係德道中。 去到嗰喥﹐ 你就睇到㗎 㗎嘞。 A﹕ 好。唔該。 B﹕ 唔使唔該。 A: Chéng mahn néih. A: Mhgòisaai. A: Gám. ngóh hái bīndouh yahpheui a? B: Hmm. Kéuih wah ngóh jì yáuh wái sīnsàang yiu wán kéuih. kéuih hái bīn go bouhfahn jouh sih ga? A: Hái maaih lāangsāam gó go bouhfahn. where is Miss Siu Ling Lee? B: Which department does she work in? A: She's in the sweater department. B: O. 136 . then you'll see it. haih laak. thanks. B: Mhsái mhgòi. yìhnhauh jyunchēut jósáubihn. B: You're welcome. dialogue 15. A: Ok..2 Which department does she work in? A: 請問﹐李小玲喺邊喥呀﹖ B: 李小玲﹐佢喺邊個部份做事㗎。 A: 喺賣冷衫嗰個部份。 B: 哦﹐係嘞﹐佢話我知有位先生要搵佢﹐而家佢喺入邊等你。 A: 咁﹐我喺邊入去呀﹖ B: 哼﹐你喺呢喥一直行﹐然後轉出左手邊﹐李小姐就喺嗰喥嘞。 A: 唔該嗮。 B: 唔使唔該。 A: Chéng mahn.Néih hái nīdouh yātjihk hàahng.. yìhgā kéuih hái yahpbihn dáng néih. A: Excuse me. Léih Síujé jauh hái gódouh laak. Léih Síu-lìhng Síujé hái bīndouh a? B: Léih Síu-lihng.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: Carry on past the market. 你行返落去啦。 A: 好. A: So where do I go in? B: Well. A: Thanks. B: Mhhái nīdouh bo. 佢話黃永葉住喺四樓嘅噃。 C: 哦! 黃永葉! 佢係唔係教廣東話㗎 ? A: 冇錯. Chéng néih séuhngheui sei láu mahnháh lā. I know. Wòhng Sīnsàang hái mhhái douh a? B: Bīn wái Wòhng Sīnsàang a? A: Wòhng Wíhng-yihp Sīnsàang.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: Oh. go straight ahead and turn left. Wòhng Wíhng-yihp Sīnsàang hái mhhái douh a? 137 . She's inside waiting for you.唔該嗮。 A: Chéng mahn néih. 係佢。 C: 佢住喺三樓. B: You're welcome. You'll find her there. 黃先生喺唔喺喥呀? B: 邊位黃先生呀? A: 黃永葉先生。 B: 唔喺呢喥噃。請你上去四樓問吓啦。 (Goes up) A: 請問. is Mr Wong at home? A: 請問你. She told me that a gentleman would be coming to see her. (Goes up) A: Chéng mahn.3 Excuse me. dialogue 15. 黃永葉先生喺唔喺喥呀? C: 你搵邊個呀? 我哋呢喥冇姓黃嘅噃 A: 係咩? 對唔住噃。但係我啱啱問過二樓 一個人. C: He lives on the third floor. Try the fourth floor.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 C: Néih wán bīngo a? Ngóhdeih nīdouh móuh sing Wòhng ge bo. A: Excuse me. haih kéuih laak. A: Ok. mhgòisaai. A: Haih mē? Deuimhjyuh bo.4 Who's teaching you Cantonese these days? A: 而家邊個教你講廣東話呀﹖ B: 都係張生。 A: 學到第幾課呀﹖ B: 第十五課嘅啦。 A: 第十五課講乜嘢㗎。 138 . But I just asked the guy down on the second floor and he said Wing Yip Wong lived on the fourth floor. Is Wing Yip Wong there? C: Who are you looking for? There's nobody called Wong here. Daahnhaih ngóh ngāamngāam mahngwo yih láu yāt go yàhn. C: Oh! Wòhng Wíhng-yihp! Kéuih haih mhhaih gaau Gwóngdùngwá ga? A: Móuh cho. (Goes up) A: Excuse me. B: He's not here. You'd better go back down there. dialogue 15. kéuih wah Wòhng Wíhng-yihp jyuh hái sei láu ge bo. C: Kéuih jyuh hái sàam láu. A: No? I'm sorry. That's him. néih hàahng fàan lohk heui lā. A: Hóu. Is Mr Wong in? B: Which Mr Wong? A: Wing Yip Wong. thanks. C: Oh! Wing Yip Wong! You mean the Cantonese teacher? A: Right. nī fo jànhaih hóu yáuh yuhng. A: That's right. 139 . After this lesson. A: Haih a. Néih ge Gwóngdùngwá haih mhcho aak. I'll really be embarassed. A: Yes. I'll be able to speak Cantonese with the store clerk. A: Hohkdou daih géi fo a? B: Daih sahpńgh fo ge la. B: Haih a! Go fógei juhng wah ngóh ge Gwóngdùngwá hóu hóu tìm. Your Cantonese is really good. Hohkjó nī fo ngóh jauh hóyíh tùhng gūngsī ge fógei góng Gwóngdùngwá laak. It's really useful. A: Daih sahpńgh fo góng mēyéh ga? B: Haih góng heui gūngsī máaih yéh gé. A: Haih àh. A: What's lesson 15 about? B: It's about going shopping. B: Néih gám góng. Cheung.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 B: 係講去公司買嘢嘅﹐ 呢課真係好有用。 學咗呢課我就可以同 A: 公司嘅伙計講廣東話啦﹗ 係呀。 B: 係呀。個伙計仲話我廣東話好好添。 A: 係呀。你嘅廣東話係唔錯呃。 B: 你咁講﹐我就真係唔好意思啦。 A: Yìhgā bīngo gaau néih góng Gwóngdùngwá a? B: Dōu haih Jèung Sàang. B: If you say that. B: Yes. and the clerk also said my Cantonese was very good. A: Which lesson are you up to? B: Lesson 15. A: Who's teaching you Cantonese now? B: It's still Mr. ngóh jauh jànhaih mhhóu yisi la. . GLOSSARY 生 词 . . fits well 晏 哎吔 noon. but. suf.. right exactly 啱着 well-fitting (for clothes).ENGLISH ā 啊 A a agō [go] àh aak āam (var: ngāam) āamāam (var: ngāamngāam) āam jeuk (var: ngāam jeuk) aan (var: ngaan) Aiya! 呀 呀 阿哥 呀 呃 啱 啱啱 sen. midday exclamation of consternation bá 把 baak baahk baahk faahn [wún] [dī] baat bàau bàhbā [go] bāt [jì] bātgwo béi béi bējáu [ji] [bùi] [jèun] béng [go] [dī] [faai] bīn-? bīnbihn? bīndouh? bīngo 百 白 白飯 八 包 爸爸 筆 不過 俾 俾 啤酒 餅 邊 邊便 邊度 邊嗰 Measure for things with handles. allow beer cake which? which side? where? [which place?] whomever. although give let. ah. Measure for cigarette pack father writing implement. such as umbrellas hundred white boiled or steamed rice eight package.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 CANTONESE . to somen abruptness elder brother sen. a (QV) + raised intonation for liveliness oh. whoever. whichever 143 ." sen. a (QV) + -k (QV) fitting. suf. proper. (a mild exclamation) sen. with force of "I suppose. suf. suf. either pen or pencil however. glass cupful.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 bīngo? -bihn bīu [go] bo bohng bou [fàai] [fāt] bouhfahn [go] būi [jek] [go] bùi bun bún búndeihyàhn [go] 邊嗰 邊(便) 錶 噃 磅 布 部分 杯 杯 半 本 本地人 who?.. invite "May I ask.. as in scrambling eggs. wristwatch sen.." Polite phrase used by host to guest.. fried rice fried noodles cháau faahn [wún ] [dihp] 炒飯 cháau mihn [wún ] [dihp] 炒麵 chāt chē chē jaahm chéng. expressing certainty pound (weight) cloth department (in a store) a cup. Chéng mahn 七 車 車站 請. "Sit anywhere you like.. 隋便 隋便坐啦 cheung 暢(唱) seven vehicle: car. which person? side watch. change money into smaller denomi-nation (followed by denomination desired) 144 ...?" Polite form used to preface a question equivalent to English "Could you please tell me. glass-full (measure of volume) half Measure for book a native of the place under discussion [thisplace-person] chàm̀hdó chàh [bùi] [wùh] Chàn chàhlàuh [gàan] chāansāt [gàan] cháang [go] cháau 差唔多 茶 陳 茶樓 餐室 橙 炒 approximately tea Chan (surname) Cantonese style tea-house western style restaurant orange to toss-fry in small amount of oil. bus. At your convenience. suf. ? " As you wish. 請問 chèuihbín Chèuihbín chóh lā... or tram car stop (bus or tram stop) please (+ verb). .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 cheunghòi 暢(唱)開 chèuhng chèuhng sāam [gihn] 長 長衫 chēut chēutheui chēutlàih chēutbihn chēut gāai chi chīn chìhnbihn chín [dī] chìngchó chìhngyìhng cho chóh choi [dihp] [go] choidāan [jèung] choipáai [go] 出 出去 出嚟 出邊 出街 次 千 前邊 錢 清楚 split. bring/take something along.. with high collar and slit skirt out.. bill of fare 情形 錯 坐 菜 菜單 菜 dā dá dá dihnwá dá dihnwá giu chē dáhòi daai 打 打 打電話 打電話叫車 打開 帶 daai. bring/take someone along take. Chinese style dress for women.. in front.. a particular food.lai daaih daaihdī Daaih Douh Jùng daaihsēng Daaihsēngdī! 帶去 帶嚟 大 大啲 大道中 大聲 大聲啲! dozen hit make a telephone call phone for a cab open (as of book) carry. break up a large banknote or coin for ones of lesser denomination (followed by denomination held) long (in length) cheongsaam.heui daai.along bring. emerge go out come out outside.along large a little larger Queen's Road Central loud (voice) Speak louder! 145 .. exterior to go out (from one's own house) time.. at the front money clear circumstances. a dish menu of a specific dinner menu. conditions mistake (v/n) sit food.. occasion thousand front side. ground floor pair. in a little while ground." "can .. in time expression daahp combines with the numbers on the clock face to indicate the 5-minute subdivisions of the hour. forms a phrase: "have (or not have) available for V-ing. things that come in two's Excuse me. let Person do something.. 地下 對 146 . group measure for shoes.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 daahnhaih daap Daap cho sin 但是 答 搭錯線 daaphaak [dī] daahp 搭客 搭 daahp bun daahp géi? 搭半 搭幾 daih daihyāt dáifu [tìuh ] dáikwàhn [tìuh ] dáisāam [gihn] dāk dāk. undershorts slip. all right have only.) ready? wait (for) allow. etc. -th. (used between the verb yáuh (or its negative móuh) and a second verb... can.) available." Des Voeux Road Central Are you (Is he. daahp yāt = 5 after. etc. 第 第 一 底褲 底裙 底衫 得 得 yáuh dāk 有得 Dākfuh Douh Jùng Dāk meih? dáng dáng Person Verb 德輔道中 得未 等 等 dáng (yāt)ján or dáng yātjahn deihhá deui 等一陣 Deuim̀hjyuh 對唔住 but to answer Wrong number. half past (the hour) how many five minutes past the hour? [tread on-which number?] ordinal number marker: -st. only have. etc the first underpants.. Thus. -rd.V. I beg your pardon. petticoat underwear OK. socks. (dāk with a quantity phrase as object implies that the quantity is insufficient. I'm sorry. chopsticks. [connected the wrong line] (said over the phone) passenger tread on. -nd. daahp yih = 10 after. wait while Person does something wait awhile. .. and really not even V arrive verb suf. recite.. also both.. indicating successful accomplishment of the action of the verb.. across the street the. some. indicating arrival at goal Road (restricted to use following named road) place. (precedes Number + M phrase) Thank you (for gift) Thank you very much. by pointing out your choice from a list. read read to. Adj-er. to verbs of motion. many additional. to mean: a little Adj. another. (plural M for individual nouns) a little.. facing. some. what is attempted read aloud.) how? 1:30 o'clock o'clock. also see: hái douh verb suf. the. (general M for mass nouns) suffixed to Adj. somewhat Adj. duhk syù 讀 讀 到. 讀書 opposite side. more. means: a little too Adj. telephone to order (food.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 deuimihn dī dī 對面 啲 啲 -dī 啲 dihnwá [go] dím 電話 點 dím? dím bun dím (jūng) 點 點半 點鐘 diuhtàuh dōdī dò dò 掉頭 多啲 多 多 Dòjeh Dòjehsaai dōu dōu dōu haih dōu + neg. (represents the hour place in a time phrase) turn (a car) around [turn-head] more (in addition). to study 147 . Attached to predicate Adj. V dou -dou 多謝 多謝嗮 都 都 都係 都 到 到 Douh 道 -douh -dóu 喥 到 duhk duhkdou . (follows Verb) much.. i. for matter of fact assertion: "that's a fact" M. for eyeglasses wide ga 㗎 sen. a (QV) ga (var: ge.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 dyún 短 short faahn [wún] [túng] fàan fàan gùng fàanheui fàan hohk fàanjyuntàuh 飯 返 返工 返去 返學 返轉頭 fàanlàih 返嚟 fàan (ng)ūkkéi faai faaijí [deui] [jek] [sēung] fānjūng fànbiht fo fógei [go] fógei [go] fu [tìuh] fu fut 返屋企 快 筷子 分鐘 分別 課 伙計 伙計 褲 副 闊 rice (cooked) return (to/from a place you habitually go to) go [return] to work go back. adjacent M. for buildings 148 . suf. [gə] ) 㗎 ga gāai [tìuh] gaaisiuh gàaiháu [go] gàaisíh [go] gáai(sīk) gaaklèih gàan 架 街 介紹 街口 街市 解(釋) 隔籬 間 sen. return go to school turn (the car) around and go back in the direction you had been. do a U-turn coming. long pants pair. M. suf: a fusion of noun-forming boundword ge and sen. slacks.. intersection food market explain next door.e. introduce street opening. [return-turn-head] come back. for vehicles street recommend.suf. return (here) go [return] home fast chopstick(s) minute(s) difference lesson clerk in a grocery store waiter in a restaurant trousers. preface. such a way "Well then.. joins with preceding personal noun or pronoun to form possessive.. 教 教到 咖啡 雞 繼續 咁 咁上下 咁 咁 gàn 斤 gàn gànjyuh gāng [jek] gau gauh gáu Gaulùhng -ge 跟 跟住 羹 夠 舊 九 九龍 嘅 -ge ge 嘅 嘅 teach teach to. coffee chicken continue so ( Adj.) approximately that way. how many? rather. added to Verb Phrase makes it a Noun Phrase as noun substitute possessive marker. foundation several which number?.. come behind follow.. unit of weight equalling 600 gms." (Sen. ca. dress...... thus.."say. raincoat gèibún 基本 géi 幾 géi-? 幾 géi 幾 géidím? (var: géidímjūng?) 幾點 géidō? 幾多 géidò 幾多 géidō houh? 幾多號 géisí? (var: géisìh?) 幾時 geui 句 géui 舉 gihn 件 149 .LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 gaau gaaudou gafē [bùi] [wùh] gāi [jek] gaijuhk gám gamseuhnghá gám Gám.. 1 lb 5 oz. come after spoon enough old (not new) nine Kowloon noun-forming boundword. basic. quite what time is it? [which number -o'clock?] how much?. resuming the thread of previous discussion) catty. for clothes. such as shirt.. follow. how many? quite a lot what number? when? sentence give (an example) M. this way. (said to taxi driver) Mandarin spoken language [National language] Kwangtung. to have done something before. province in SE China Cantonese food Cantonese spoken language Cantonese person. is named general M. for many nouns M. on that side those (in reference to unit nouns). person from Kwangtung 150 .e. call call a cab is called.. go over (to a place) V. suf. those over there. a little farther on Go further on..知 講. office (of a commercial company) servant.. tell (someone to do something). beyond. i.聽 顧客 公司 gùngyàhn [go] gwai gwaising? gwaisingmìhng? 工人 貴 貴姓 貴姓名 gwāt gwo 骨 過 -gwo 過 gwodī Gwodī tím 過啲 過啲添 Gwokyúh 國語 Gwóngdùng Gwóngdùng choi Gwóngdùngwá Gwóngdùngyàhn [go] 廣東 廣東菜 廣東話 廣東人 instruct. laborer expensive what is (your) surname? (polite) what is your surname and given name? (polite) quarter (hour) pass by (a point). order. for dollar. represents the dollar place in a money phrase that. indicating experience. Keep going.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 giu 叫 giu chē giu(jouh) go go 叫車 叫(做) 個 個 gógó bihn gódī 嗰 嗰便(邊) 嗰啲 gódouh góng góng PERSON jì góng PERSON tèng guhaak [dī] gūngsī [gàan] 嗰喥 講 講.. that (in reference to mass nouns) there [that-place] speak tell sb something tell sb something customer department store. cross (a street). at the back soft drink go attaches to verbs of motion.. is at (this) place back side. downstairs verb suf. grammatical structure emphasizing enclosed noun from PW location verb.làih ge 鞋 黑 客氣 行 係 係. walk. learn school student number. giving casual effect to the verb it is joined to. were. shoes black polite go. is. behind. are. she. good 151 . quite well. allowed to study.. translated as "(is) in/on/at" (requires PW following) (he.... it) is here.. "size" (for some articles of clothing) number (for street number in giving an address) dime (represents the dime place in a money expression when the figure is less than a dollar) very.嚟嘅 hái PW hái PW 喺 喺 hái douh hauhbihn heiséui [ji] [jèun] [bùi] heui -heui 喺喥 後便(邊) 汽水 去 去 heui gāai Hèunggóng Hòh hóyíh hohk hohkhaauh [gàan] hohksāang [go] houh houh 去街 香港 何 可以 學 學校 學生 號 號 hòuh(jí) 毫子 hóu hóu 好 好 shrimp below. is. was. in the back.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 province hā [jek] hahbihn -háh 蝦 下便(邊) 吓 hàaih [deui] [jek] hāak haakhei hàahng haih haih..) be permitted. etc. indicating direction away from the speaker go out (from one's own house) Hong Kong Ho (sur. drive am. 好呃 hóudò Hóu ma? hóu m̀hhóu a? hóusihk hóusíu hóuyám 好多 好嗎 好唔好呀? 好食 好少 好飲 ja 喳 jà jà chē jaak jaahm jáau jáaufàan jái [go] jáinéui [dī] 揸 揸車 窄 站 找 找返 仔 仔女 jànhaih jauh jáu jáu [jèun] [bùi] jáudim [gàan] jáugā [gàan] jē jē [bá] je jejyuh jek 真係 就 走 酒 酒店 酒家 啫 遮 借 借住 隻 jeuk jéun Jèung 著 準 張 OK. Agreed. suf. and. station. that's all umbrella lend. suffixes jē and a. (Response phrase indicating agreement. suf: a fusion of sen. tasty very little good to drink. merely. tasty sen. sons and daughters of a family really. cup. Fine. ship. implying not much." 'train station" give change give back change [change-return] son children of a family. immediately. right Cheung (surname) 152 . put on (clothes) accurate.) OK.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Hóu 好 Hóu aak. indeed then. depart alcoholic beverage hotel Chinese style restaurant sen. for shoe. grab to drive a car narrow stop. soon leave. (Lively response phrase indicating agreement. borrow lend or borrow temporarily M. spoon. chicken and others wear.) a lot Is that OK? OK? Is (that) all right? good to eat. merely. All right. as in " bus stop. to clutch in the hand(s). only. sock. Agreed. and other things that are small. table. paper M. character jìhauh 之後 after jihgéi 自己 self jip 接 meet. act as jouh sāam jouh yéh jóusàhn jūng [go] 做衫 做嘢 早晨 鐘 make clothes. chair. fetch. have clothes made do chores. for pens. repeat goodbye lefthand side to do. work. and other sheet-shaped objects banknote. pick up a person jīu [jek] [sō] 蕉 banana jó 咗 verb suf.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 jèung 張 jí [jèung] jì 紙 支 jì jì(dou) jídou jih 知 知 指到 字 M. in addition. for banknote. thin and striplike in size to know know (something) point to five minutes. newspaper. pencils. have a job good morning clock juhng Jùngchoi Jùnggwok choi Jùnggwokyàhn Jùngmàhn Jùngwàahn 仲 (or 重) 中菜 中國菜 中國人 中文 中環 still. bottles. (t)hereabouts again call back (on the phone) say it again. written figure. indicating accomplishment of the action jó jóbihn jógán joi joi dá làih joi góng yātchi joigin jósáubihn jouh 左 左便(邊) 左近 再 再打嚟 再講一 次 再見 左手便(邊) 做 left left nearby. also (+ verb) Chinese food Chinese food Chinese person Chinese (written) language Central District (in Hong Kong) 153 . sen. or is about to occur. she/her. polite suggestion. suf. hostess turn 中環街市 鍾意 種 住 住 jyùyuhk [gàn] [bohng] [dī] 豬肉 jyúyàhn [wái] [go] 主人 jyun 轉 -k kàhmyaht kámmàaih kéuih kéuihdeih kwàhn [tìuh ] 琴日 冚埋 佢 佢哋 裙 lā 啦 lā 啦 glottal stop ending to certain sen. or may occur) sen. indicating temporarily. to imperative sentence. for a short time pork host. it they. giving sentence a lively air yesterday to close.. indicating change— (that change has occurred. shut (as of books) he/him. suf. for polite imperative. suf.. indicating direction towards the speaker see: haih. like to type. prefer. suf.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Jùngwàahn Gàaihsíh jùngyi júng jyuh -jyuh Central Market (in Hong Kong) like. la for change + raised intonation for casualness sen.. suffixes. giving connotation of friendly advice sen.làih ge 嚟嘅 154 . their skirt sen. suf. kind live. la indicating change or potential change + suffix -k indicating lively mood (la + -k = laak) sweater example example. reside V.. suf. them.làih ge la la laak 嘞 lāangsāam [gihn] laih laihgeui làih làih -làih 冷衫 例 例句 嚟 嚟 (來) 嚟 . example sentence for the purpose of to come attaches to verbs of motion. suf. close bill (in a restaurant) maahn 慢 slow mān mahn mahntàih [go] [dī] 蚊 問 問題 dollar ask question 155 . good. meaning together. suf. go get (something) withdraw money (from bank) to go down. drill zero fetch. for definiteness "and a little bit" in a time phrase following dím. quay buy to sell All sold out. thus: -dím lèhng júng = a little after the hour Li (surname) pretty. pier. to get off/out of a vehicle go down pedestrian six ma? 嗎 question marker màhmā 媽媽 mother máh Máh máhtàuh [go] máaih maaih maaihsaai laak màaih màaihdāan 碼 馬 碼頭 買 賣 賣嗮嘞 埋 埋單 yard (in length) Ma (surname) dock. a couple exercise. nice (for foods) two.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 láu Làuh làuhhah làuhseuhng léh lèhng 樓 劉 樓下 樓上 咧 零 Léih leng 李 靚 léuhng lihnjaahp [go] lìhng ló ló chín lohk lohkheui louhyàhn [go] luhk 兩 練習 零 攞 攞錢 落 落去 路人 六 floor. V. good-looking. story of a building Lau (surname) downstairs upstairs sen. ] "No thanksI" (to an offer) "You're welcome.. for persons = given name (in contrast to surname) not good. It doesn't matter. "not bad" [not-mistake] (said in commenting favourably about something) That's all right.呀 唔使 唔使客氣 m̀hsái la 唔使啦 m̀hsái m̀hgòi. not Adj not very Adj don't V (as a command) [not good to." Polite phrase used by host to urge guest to have something that he has just politely declined. forget (not remember) lose. not necessary [don't need to be polite.. 唔緊要 唔記得 唔見咗 唔該 唔該你 m̀hhaih géi Adj m̀hhaih hóu Adj m̀hhóu V V dāk m̀hhóu m̀hhóu haakhei 唔係幾 唔係好 唔好 得唔好 唔好客氣 m̀hhóu yisi 唔好意思 m̀hjì(dou).. [Not necessary to (say) thanks] 156 . Would you please..... I'm sorry. It's embarrassing. indicating surprise what? neg: not yet American Hotel (in HK." (when someone thanks you) [Not necessary] No thanks... polite phrase used in declining a courtesy or a gim. Never mind. not well "Don't be polite. preface preceding a request) not very Adj. suf. (sen.... "nowhere to be seen" Thank you (for a service) Please. 唔使唔該 Mandarin Hotel what? socks interrogative sen. lost. another name for the Hong Kong Hilton) Bank of America American person name.a? m̀hsái m̀hsái haakhei 唔知道..LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 Màhnwàh Jáudim mātyéh? maht [deui] [jek] mē? mēyéh? meih Méihgwok Jáudim 文華酒店 乜嘢 襪 咩 乜嘢 未 美國酒店 Méihgwok Ngàhnhòhng Méihgwokyàhn méng [go] 美國銀行 美國人 名 m̀hm̀hcho 唔 唔錯 m̀hgányiu m̀hgeidāk m̀hginjó m̀hgòi m̀hgòi néih..? no need to.] badly.. (used in apologizing for social gaffe) I wonder. . aan) ngàhnchín [go] ngàhnhòhng [gàan] ngán ngáhngéng [fu] ngáhngéngdói [go] ngahp táu ngàuhnáaih [dī] 彌敦道 你 你哋 女 女朋友 五 啱 啱著 啱啱 boyfriend Here! (expression accompanying giving something to someone) interrogative sen. V there's none to not have available to . fits well exactly. There! (expression accompanying pointing out something to someone) Nathan Road you. your you (plu. just 宴 銀錢 銀行 銀 眼鏡 眼鏡袋 頷頭 牛奶 noon. not have available for V-ing. Polite response when someone thanks you for something you have done for him.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 You're welcome.. proper. (used in combination with following verb) not much. midday money [silver-money] bank coin eyeglasses eyeglasses case nod the head milk [cow-milk] 157 . right well-fitting (for clothes). what? not have. there isn't (aren't) That's right. suf. not many doorway mīyéh? móuh Móuh cho móuhdák V 乜嘢 冇 冇錯 冇得 móuhgéidò mùhnháu [go] 冇幾多 門口 nàahmpàhngyáuh [go] Nàh! 男朋友 嗱 nē? Nē! 呢 呢 Nèihdēun Douh néih néihdeih néui [go] néuihpàhngyáuh [go] ńgh ngāam ngāamjeuk ngāamngāam (var: āamāam) ngaan (var.) daughter girlfriend five fitting. my we. carry something away bring something here oi (var: ngoi) 愛 want. me. this (in reference to mass nouns) here [this-place] close by... small change Mr. Western meal small younger sister new 158 . nìng.làih 呢喥 呢左近 擰頭 拎去 拎去 拎嚟 I . want to possess paak paak chè pàhngyáuh [go] pèhng pìhnggwó [go] 泊 泊車 朋友 平 蘋果 park (a car) to park a car friend cheap apple -saai sàam sàam go gwat sáanngán [dī] Sàang Sāichāan [go] sai saimúi [go] sàn 嗮 三 三個骨 散銀 生 西餐 細 細妹 新 completely three three quarters amer the hour small coins. want to have. want to have. this word refers to Caucasians only) house home this this side these (in reference to individual nouns). want to possess foreigner [outside-country-person] (in practice. hereabouts shake the head carry (something) take. nìng. ngūkkéi (var: ūkkéi) nī nī bihn nī dī 屋 屋企 呢 呢便 呢啲 nīdouh nījógán nihng táu nìng nìngheui...heui nìnglàih.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 ngàuhyuhk [gàn] [bohng] [dī] ngóh ngóhdeih ngoi (var: oi) ngoihgwokyàhn [go] 牛肉 beef 我 我哋 愛 外國人 ngūk (var: ūk) [gàan]. our. us want. upstairs last time. affair. Either one. would like to. matter Phrase used when offered a choice. meaning: As you wish. the previous time Shanghai Shanghai food Shanghainese (spoken language) Shanghainese (person) be of a mind to. wish to. chauffeur try give it a try business. Both equally preferable.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 sahp sahpyāt sahpyih sauhfoyùhn [go] sáudói [go] sèsíu sé séjihlàuh [gàan] sei seuhngbihn seuhngchi Seuhnghói Seuhnghói choi Seuhnghóiwá Seuhnghóiyàhn [go] séung 十 十一 十二 售貨員 手袋 些少 寫 寫字樓 四 上便(邊) 上次 上海 上海菜 上海話 上海人 想 séuhng séui [bùi] [dī] séui būi [jek] sēutsāam [gihn] sīgēi [go] si siháh sih Sihdaahn lā 上 水 水杯 裇衫 司機 試 試吓 事 是但啦 sìhhauh sīk sīk sīk sihk sihk (ng)aan sihk yīn sīnsàang [go] 時候 識 識 色 食 食宴 食煙 先生 ten eleven twelve salesclerk [sell-goods-personnel] (woman's) handbag a little write office [write-words-building] four above. (always followed by Verb) ascend water water glass shirt taxi driver. time to know someone know how (to do something) colour eat eat lunch to smoke [eat-tobacco] husband 159 . want to. considering. calling for repeat of the preceding sentence maybe say. indicating speaker is taken by surprise by a situation contrary to his expectation in addition.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 tèng dihnwa tìm 聽電話 添 tìm Tīnsīng Máhtàuh tìhng tìuh 添 天星碼頭 停 條 Tòihsāan 台山 Tòihsāanwá Tòihsāanyàhn tòng [go] [wún] tòng mihn [go] [wún] tòhng Tòhngchoi tòuhsyùgwún [gàan] tùhng tùhng tùhng 台山話 台山人 湯 湯麵 糖 唐菜 圖書館 同 同 同 talk [listen] on the telephone sen.. also.... ties. suf. for persons a place. and certain other objects long and narrow in shape Taishan. i-ii someone ICll . polite M.. opine tell me tell someone (any personal noun or pronoun can fill posxtxon. west of Hong Kong Taishan dialect person from Taishan soup soup noodles sugar Chinese food library and (connects nouns) on behalf of. suf. dialect interrogative sen. for with ūk (var: ngūk) [gàan] ūkkei (var: ngūkkei) 屋 屋企 house home wá wá? 話 話 waahkjé wah wah yàhn jì 或者 話 話我知 話人知 wah yàhn tèng wái wái [go] 話人聽 位 位 spoken language. more Star Ferry Pier to stop M.. seat 161 . a county in Southern Kwangtung about 100 mi. for trousers. .. a quarter after the hour five minutes. to exchange one national currency for another (followed by currency desired) change clothes bowl (n... (followed by denomination of money desired). enter one together once. re money.. 一個骨 一個字 一個一個 一直 to drink person someone guest enter inside go in... one time not even once not even one..都. (in) small bowl yám yàhn [go] yàhn [go] yàhnhaak [wai] yahp yahpbihn yahpheui yāt yātchàih yātchi yāt chi dóu meih. search look someone up come see someone go see someone (on telephone:) "Who do you wish to speak to?" Hello! (telephone greeting) Wéi! 喂 Wíhng Ōn Gūngsī Wòhng wuihwá wuhn 永安公司 王/ 黃 會話 換 wuhn sāam wún [go] [jek] wún wúnjái [go] [jekj 換衫 碗 碗 碗仔 Wing On Department Store Wong (sur. five minutes after the hour one by one straight a) in a straight direction b) without 162 .... yāt M dòu Neg. to change into.) a bowl of..LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 wānjaahp wán wán yàhn làih wán yàhn heui wán yàhn wán bīnwái a? 溫習 搵 搵人 嚟搵人 去搵人 搵邊位呀 to review look for. V yāt go gwāt yāt go jih yāt go yāt go yātjihk 飲 人 人 人客 入 入便[邊] 入去 一 一齊 一次 一次都未 一.) conversation to change. 又.....LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 yātyeuhng Yahtbún choi Yahtbúnwá Yahtbúnyàhn Yahtmán Yahtmàhn yauh yauh yauh V yauh V yauhbihn yauhsáubihn yàuh..... stuff kind.. right side right hand side from PW tourist has/have... and..? yīn [bāau] [dī] yīnjái [jì] yìhn(jì)hauh Yìngmán Yìngmàhn Yìnggwokyàhn [go] yihp 嘢 嘢 樣 醫生 二 而家 噫 抑或 煙 煙仔 然(之)後 英文 英文 英國人 葉 being interrupted or diverted. or.? (connects two verbal expressions) tobacco a cigarette then.. chores things.... business work..PW yàuhhaak [go] yáuh yáuhdāk V 一樣 日本菜 日本話 日本人 日文 日文 右 又 又. there is/are to have available to V. have available for Ving. at this moment Exclamation of distress . person from England page 163 . (used in combination with following verb) What is it you want? (on the phone: May I take a message?) have something to attend to... 右便(邊) 右手便(邊) 由 遊客 有 有得 (Yáuh) mēyéh sih a? 有乜嘢事呀? yáuh sìh 有事 yéh yéh yeuhng yīsāng [go] yih yìhgā Yì! . have errand.yìkwaahk. type doctor two now. immediately afterwards English language English language Englishman.. same Japanese food Japanese (spoken) language Japanese person Japanese (written) language Japanese (written) language right (direction) also (connects Verb Phrases) both.. ..... a quarter after the hour five minutes. yāt M dòu Neg.. 一個骨 一個字 一個一個 一直 yātyeuhng Yahtbún choi Yahtbúnwá Yahtbúnyàhn Yahtmán Yahtmàhn yauh yauh yauh V yauh V yauhbihn yauhsáubihn yàuh.又.. one time not even once not even one.. have available for Ving. business work. chores things. stuff 163 . there is/are to have available to V. and. enter one together once.. same Japanese food Japanese (spoken) language Japanese person Japanese (written) language Japanese (written) language right (direction) also (connects Verb Phrases) both. (used in combination with following verb) What is it you want? (on the phone: May I take a message?) have something to attend to..PW yàuhhaak [go] yáuh yáuhdāk V 一樣 日本菜 日本話 日本人 日文 日文 右 又 又.... 右便(邊) 右手便(邊) 由 遊客 有 有得 (Yáuh) mēyéh sih a? 有乜嘢事呀? yáuh sìh 有事 yéh yéh 嘢 嘢 guest enter inside go in..LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 yàhnhaak [wai] yahp yahpbihn yahpheui yāt yātchàih yātchi yāt chi dóu meih.都.... five minutes after the hour one by one straight a) in a straight direction b) without being interrupted or diverted. V yāt go gwāt yāt go jih yāt go yāt go yātjihk 人客 入 入便[邊] 入去 一 一齊 一次 一次都未 一.. right side right hand side from PW tourist has/have. have errand... ? (connects two verbal expressions) tobacco a cigarette then.e... the asking price is X amount) going to... immediately afterwards English language English language Englishman. (i. person from England page want.LEARN CANTONESE 学广东话 yeuhng yīsāng [go] yih yìhgā Yì! . costs X amount. need.yìkwaahk. require must... intend to fish roast suckling pig raincoat pencil ballpoint pen use 164 .? yīn [bāau] [dī] yīnjái [jì] yìhn(jì)hauh Yìngmán Yìngmàhn Yìnggwokyàhn [go] yihp yiu yiu yiu + money expression 樣 醫生 二 而家 噫 抑或 煙 煙仔 然(之)後 英文 英文 英國人 葉 要 要 要 yiu yú yúhjyù [jek] yúhlāu [gihn] yùhnbāt [jì] yùhnjíbāt [jì] [dī] yuhng 要 魚 乳豬 雨褸 鉛筆 原子筆 用 kind... type doctor two now.. or. at this moment Exclamation of distress . have to want X amount..
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