Ldce Questions 2001

March 25, 2018 | Author: mikegrace02 | Category: Business, Accounting And Audit, Transport, Economies



LDCE QUESTIONS 2001 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 14th June 2001 PAPER I Important; this papercontains two sections A and B. both sections have to be answere. Sectin A carries 50 marks and Section B carries 100 marks Section A (max marks 50) GK I Expand the following abbreviations (i) CBEC (ii) ICICI (iii) IRCON (iv) PAC (v) LIBOR (vi) SAIL (vii) TRAI (viii) BOLT (ix) UNESCO (x) SEBI 5 marks GK II write short notes onANY FIVE I. BALCO disinvestment II. Dabhol power project III. External commercial borrowing IV. Moody’s rating V. Narmada river valley project VI. Green house effect VII. Public distribution system 10 marks GK III. write short notes in not more than 200 words on ANY ONE of the following i. Official language policy ii. Renewable energy sources iii. Information technology 10 marks GK 4 name the authors of the following books i. God of small things ii. Discovery of India iii. Malgudi days iv. Das capital v. War and peace 5 marks GK 5 name the sports associated with the following i. Ranji trophy ii. Durand cup iii. Rangaswamy cup iv. Thomas cup v. Wimbledon 5 marks GK 6 Use the following pairs of words in sentences of your own i. Poll – pole ii. Adept – adapt iii. Excepted – expected iv. Opposite – apposite v. Cite – site 10 marks GK 7 Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition The cabinet __________ Wednesday decided _________ form a sub-committee _____ draw ______ a white paper __________ the financial position _____ the state. The Government wanted ________ place the factual position _____ the people ______ the white paper 5 marks SECTION B max marks 100 This section contains two parts A and B. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. All questions carry equal marks BA 1. Indian railways are required to fund not only commercially viable projects but also non-viable but socially relevant projects over the few decades. The massive investment requirements of the shelf of pending projects need innovative measures for funding. Outline some of the specific initiates taken by the railways in this direction and suggest further measures to over come the problem of resource crunch. BA 2 how is parliamentary control over railway’s finances exercised? What is the role of various parliamentary committees in this process? BA 3 writes short notes on ANY FOUR i. Ways And Means Advances ii. Rakesh Mohan Committee iii. Railway Safety Fund iv. Action Taken Note’ v. Commercial Exploitation Of Land vi. Amortization BA 4 what is zero based budgeting. What are the steps taken by the railways in the last five years to adopt this system? BA 5 what is the role of statutory audit on the Indian railways? Is it possible to dispense with the organization if the internal auditing system is strengthened? PART B BB 1 what is appropriate accounts? Annexure J is the index of efficiency of accounts department. Discuss BB2 there is urgent need to simplify the procedure and speed up the realization and accountal of traffic earnings. Discuss duly explaining the present system in detail BB3 railways operate a large number of suspense heads. Discuss the need the context and the method of operation of any THREE of them selecting one each from earnings, revenue and expenditure and works expenditure BB4 the delay in making available the acutals and the wide variation between the approximate and actual render the present system of closing of accounts ineffective and liable for criticism. Give concrete suggestions to make tangible improvements in this area BB5 physical performance and financial results do not go in tandem so far as earnings are concerned. What are the factors responsible for such a divergence? &/&/&/ WWW LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 15th June 2001 PAPER II This paper contains two sections A and B. both sections have to be answered .Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries maximum of 50 marks. Section B which carries maximum of 100 marks has two parts A and B. candidates should attempt either of the two parts depending on their optional subject SECTION A (max marks 50) A1 There is an overwhelming view that cross-subsidisation of passenger fare by freight rate should be given up and there should be alignment of tariff with the costs. How far our traffic costing system can be relied upon to take decisions in such important aspect? Do you have any suggestions to make? A2. What are financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them and examine their applicability to railway working A3. With the computerisation of accounts is should be possible to determine the cost activity wise. Do you agree? What further measures are required to have meaningful data? A4. What is the meaning of life cycle costing? What are the areas where it can be employed? Is it an improvement over the normal costing system? Or What is marginal costing? Explain the scope for adopting this concept for maximising the intensity of use of railway assets SECTION B Important: This section contains two parts A and B. Either part A or part B should Write short notes on: (i) risk purchase (ii) profroma on cost (iii) “make” or “buy” decision (iv) completion reports (v) variation in quantities in a works contract BB3. Workmen’s compensation II. Pension fund BA 5. Discuss BA3. ESTABLISHMENT) Answer any three questions. AND STORES ACCOUNTS) Answer any THREE questions. Transport allowance III. WORKSHOP. How effective is the internal check mechanism of passenger reservations (PRS) and Advanced Railway Ticketing System (ARTS)? Is the system fool proof and free from frauds? BA2. ‘Recommendation of V pay commission has thrown railway finances out of gear do you agree? Or Elaborate the procedures of internal check of establishment claims in a computerised environment as distinct from manual bills PART B (GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS. Operating ratio V. (i) What are the important operating statistics relating to goods operations? (ii) What is Specific Fuel Consumption? How it is computed for diesel and electric traction? BA 4 writes short notes on: I. All questions carry equal marks BA 1. Annual statistical statement No 40 IV. The magnitude of outstanding under Traffic Suspense reflects the efficiency of traffic accounts office. What are the latest instructions from Railway Board regarding (1) award of contracts n single tender basis for execution of works and (2) post tender negotiation? BB2. “The workshop out-turn statements truly and effectively reflect shop .be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional Part A (TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS. All questions carry equal marks BB1. There has been a spurt in the cases referred to for arbitration on this railway.activities and efficiency of workshops accounts office”. Posted by gracemugil at 9:27 AM LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 11TH JUNE 2008 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH. Write short notes on any two of the following (10 marks) a) Narmada Bachao b) VAT c) Organ Transplant d) Right to Information Act 2. if any. How far stock verification can contribute to better material management? What improvement. WMS and Revenue Budget BB6. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RAILWAYS. How far is this attributable to the recent changes in the arbitration act? Are there deficiencies in contract formulation and management? Suggest remedies. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important this paper contains two sections – A B & C both sections have to be answered section A carries 50 marks and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (MAX MARKS-50) 1. would you suggest to make it more effective? BB5. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks – ½ marks each) a) LPG b)CAT c)PAC d)SPV e)ONGC f) UPSC g)SPCA h) PERT g) IMF h) IRCTC 3. Explain the concept of Raj Bhasha how it is implemented in your office (Please . Discuss with particular reference to checks to be exercised in the preparation of statement BB4. Explain the linkage between stores. Fill in the blanks (5 marks) a) Veni ______ vicci b) A Stitch in time _____________ ____________ c) Ignorance is _____________ d) Rise and Fall of _________ __________ e) Few and ________ between f) I came. Briefly explain the difference between the following (10 marks) a) Fundamental rights and directive principles b) bonafide and malafide c) BOLT & BOT d) Limited tender an d open tender e) Concurrence and sanction 7. Name the authors of the following books ( 5 marks) a) God of Small Things b) Malgudi Days c) As You Like It D) My Experiments With Truth E) Arthashastra F) Who Moved My Cheese G) Anand Math H) The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari I) Discovery of India J) Harry Potter and Order Of Phoenix 5. I saw and I __________ g) Jai Jawan Jai ____________ h) A thing of ________ is a joy forever i) if they don’t have bread let them ear ____________ j) a ___________ measures earthquake 6. Briefly state the reason ( 10 marks) a) E Sreedharan b) INDIRA Nooyi c) Barack Obama d) J K Rowling e) Sunita Williams f) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw g) Dalai Lama h) Ratan Tata i) Asif Ali Sardari j) Hillary Clinton .restrict your note to 250 words) 5 marks 4. The following personalities have been newsworthy. Write short notes on any five a) Konkan Railway Corporation b) Canons of Financial Propriety c) Delegation of powers d) reappropriations e) Charged and voted expenditure f) Railway Board g) Dedicated freight corridor 3. What is the purpose of “accounts office balance sheet. Briefly discuss “CAPITAL FUNDS” 4. Discuss relative advantages and disadvantages. 2. What action would be taken for realisation of old outstanding? 2. PART B 1. How is the “operating ratio” calculated? What the limitations of this ratio in assessing the financial viability of the railway. Write short notes on any five a) Zero based budgeting b) Suspense heads c) Apportionment of earnings d) M & P Programme e) Approximate account current f) Railway Act . can c& AG Audit can be dispensed with discuss in detail giving pros and cons.SECTION B MAX MARKS 100 This section contains two parts A & B Attempt four questions taking any two from each All questions carry equal marks of 25 each 1. What are your suggestions to bring down the operating ratio of Southern Railway? 5. What is the need for separate audit by representatives of comptroller and auditor general with effective internal auditing within the system. is this concept still relevant today. Briefly indicate the nature of debit and credit entries. “Railway finances were separated fro general finances primarily to secure stability for civil estimates by providing for an assured contribution from railway revenues and also to introduce flexibility in the administration of railway finances. In the present set up of Indian railways what are the different “FUNDS” In brief describe the nature of each fund and their operation. working expenses). Critically examine the procedure of monthly. LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 12TH JUNE 2008 PAPER II TOTAL SIX QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED – TWO FROM PART I AND TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR III B ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS PART I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE and TRAFFIC COSTING . What is “appropriation accounts” annexure J is an index of the efficiency of the accounts department. “Traditional Budgeting is functionally oriented and accounting oriented but not result oriented. Discuss how we can on southern railway minimise the number of instances brought under annexure J 4. Even then the booked expenditure do not reflect the actual and correct picture. the closure of accounts take considerable time. quarterly and annual closing and give your suggestions for improving the existing system. Zero based budgeting is an improvement over traditional budgeting” dicusss this statement in detail in the context Indian railways and also explain how zero based budget can be applied for revenue budget (i.e. Also indicates whether approximate account current should continue 5.3. In the existing systems. Discuss in detail the concept of performance of budgeting and its application in railway working PART III MAX MARKS 50 Important answer any two out of questions 9 to 12 or any two out of questions 13 to 16 PART III A 9. Write short notes on any five: a) Management Audit B) Profit Volume Ratio C) Wagon Turn Around D) Variance Analysis E) Net Tonne Kilometres F) Standard Costing 7. Write short notes on any five (maxi marks 5 each) a.(MAX MARKS 50) ATTEMPT ANY TWO OUT OF QUESTIONS 1 TO 4 1 In the context of railway operations. Define Break Even Analysis how it is calculated and what are the uses of Break-Even Analysis as a management tool 6.) Out of Turn Works C) Special Limited Tenders D) Throughput Enhanced Works E) Terminal Charges F) Orange Book and Pink Book G) Specific Fuel Consumption 3. How would you apply this to a proposal for a new line project? PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (MAX MARKS 50) ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS OUT OF QUESTIONS 5 TO 8 5. What is the basis on which such costs are apportioned among various services? 2. What is meant by financial ratios illustrate any two ratios can operating ratio be taken as a financial ratio give reasons 8. What is meant by apportionment of earnings how is it done in respect of goods earnings of through traffic? .) Uneconomic Branch Lines b. explain the cost of joint costs. Highlight the importance of Sensitivity Analysis in evaluating investment proposals. What is meant by productivity test and how it is applied to new projects? Do they serve the purpose as intended? 4. Engine Hours ii.10. Write short notes on any five a) Leave Not Due B) Staff Benefit Fund C) Foreign Service Contribution D) Supernumerary Post E) Ex Gratia Payment F) Special Casual Leave 12. Write short notes on any five a) Completion Estimates and Completion Reports B) Risk and Cost C) Non-Schedule Items D) Final Location Survey E) Fall Clause f) EFT and ECS Posted by gracemugil at 7:34 AM 0 comments Labels: QUESTIONS LDCE QUESTIONS 2007 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 2007 SOUTHERN RAILWAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2007 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH. Occupation Ratio PART III B WORKSHOP STORES ACCOUNTS AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE 13. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY: . (a) what is stock adjustment accounts (b) What are the various items adjusted through this account C. Gross Tonne Kilometres iii. discuss how the POH of a Locomotive is worked out and explain how direct and indirect costs are taken into accounts 14. Route Kilometres iv. What are the essentials of a good inventory control system? Discuss ABC analysis and its advantages 16. (a) Briefly describe the organisational set up of the statistical department And (b) Define the following i. Who is the competent authority to sanction the clearance of balance under this head 15. What is traffic suspense what are the items that constitute traffic suspense give your suggestions to reduce traffic suspense on Southern Railway? 11. use the following idioms In your own sentences ( 5 marks) a. Find the difference in meaning and usage of the following pairs of words( 5 marks) a. Raj Bhasha policy implementation on IR 2. SEBI i.5 marks) a. Wangari Maathai d. Dedicated Freight Corridor b. Search in Secret India b. Savitri 6. GM Crops d. Nawjot Singh Siddhu c. Dr Raja J Cheeliah b. Petronas Towers e. jeans & genes d. Effect of information technology on employment – is it positive or negative? c. inter-alia 10. write a short essay on any of the following (10 marks) a. Match the following ( 2 marks 0. Shane Warne 5. write a paragraph on any two of the following ( 4 marks each) a. RDSO d. The World is flat d. in the same breath d. Buland Darwaza b. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important this paper contains two sections – A & B. b. Ombudsman c. CDROM c. LIBOR f. hallmark & bench mark c. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks – 0. Rolland Garros Ground f. where are the following situated ( 3 marks 0. de-novo c. Raja Tarangini c. effluent & affluent b. RVNL d. pay through the nose SECTION B MAX MARKS 100 This section contains two parts A & B Attempt four questions taking any two from each . PSLV g. ultra wires b. Wax Museum of Madam Tussaud 7. If there is poverty anywhere. strike a balance c. cast the first stone e.5 marks) Uber cup Cricket China man Tennis Check mate Badminton Deuce chess 8.5 marks ) a. why have these persons been in the news ( 5 marks) a. Both sections have to be answered section A carries 50 marks and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (MAX MARKS-50) 1. Ignited Minds e. GDP b. Hawa Mahal c.GPS e. bite the dust b. Garib Rath 9. suo-moto d. interpret & interrupt 4. Mohammed Ynus e. use the following in sentences of your own ( 6 marks 1 ½ marks each) a. give the name of the authors of these books (5 marks) a. BOLT j.GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RAILWAYS. ASEAN 3. affect & effect e. it affects prosperity every where. GSLV h. From your angle. Can the approximate be dispensed with the actuals submitted at an earlier date? Suggest steps for this. Discuss the issue of dividend payment to the central revenue in this context. a.All questions carry equal marks Part A 1. Integrated Budget b. Suggest appropriate steps to eliminate their recurrence 3. Raiwlay Board (FC) have recently appointed a committee to explore the reasons for the delay in submission of monthly actual expenditure and also the variations between the approximates and the actuals. there is always competing demands between remunerative tariffs and societal needs. do you agree with the statement the magnitude of outstanding under traffic suspense reflects the efficiency of traffic accounts office? Discuss with your suggestions to bring it to the optimal levels. Performance Budgeting d. 10. write shot notes on any two of the following : a. Do you have any suggestion? 2. There is a plethora of suspense heads in railway accounting. specifically focussing on one suspense head each from Earnings. exchequer control c. demands payable b. Discuss the need for continued operation of these suspense heads. Present an analysis of the causes for these problems. Write short notes on the following a. Annual Debt head Report 8. SRS F d. in a developing country like India on the threshold of the take-off. the public accounts committee of parliament has repeatedly criticised the increasing trend of misclassifications ain accounts and mistakes in budgeting. This calls of new ways of resource rising and innovative revenue measures. what are the various types of statistical information generated from a . Corporate Plans Part B 5. revenue expenditure and works expenditure 7. 4. Discuss how the twin-need of Govt and commercial accounting are satisfied in railway accounting process. railways are at once a Govt dept and commercial enterprise. What is the accounting mechanism for recording the traffic earnings of a railway under various heads and their progressive realisation? Also describe the procedure for the apportionment of traffic earnings amongst railways ANSWER ANY TWO out of questions 9 to 12 or ANY TWO out of questions 13 to 16 (25 each) PART III A TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS STATISTICS AND ESTABLISHMENT ( 50 MARKS) 9. Zero Based Budgeting c. Describe the recent steps taken by IR in the regard. analyze the causes for these delays and variations. 6. leave not due b. VED b. How would you take make or buy decision based on cost data? 14. Describe the steps/stages involved in preparing a project report for new line . wagon kilometres per wagon per day b. a. write short notes on a. scale check register d. how is inventory turn over ratio calculated? Can it be termed as a reliable index of inventory management 16. transfer pricing 15.repeat order c. net tonne kilo meters c. net tonne kilo meters per engine hour Part III B WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE 13. stores exception reports d. combine train reports 12. describe the various techniques used for reducing the material cost through various stages in the purchase. occupation ratio d. the objective and procedure for job costing in a railway workshop. Explain how the system helps the management in decision making. recent changes in the haulage charges of postal traffic c. issue and disposal b. b. Elucidate a. discuss the management information system with special reference to material management. Give significance of the following statistical results a.storage. what are the constituent elements of workshop manufacturing suspense? b. what is the reason for the continued difference between accounts office figures and statistical figures in monthly earnings? 11. LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2007 PAPER II TOTAL SIX QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED – TWO FROM PART I AND TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR III B ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS PART I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE and TRAFFIC COSTING (MAX MARKS 50) 1. Write short notes on a.goods invoice? Explain in detail how any three of them are calculated. green book e. a. Break even quantity b. specific fuel consumption c. AFRES d. social cost benefit analysis b. How is the project-appraisal and sensitivity analysis done for assessing the viability of the project? Assume your own data 2. discuss cost volume-profit analysis . what is meant by Product Life Cycle Costing? Also explain the purpose of the .00 Quantity : 3000 bags Calculate the following a. write short notes on any three of the following a. PERT 8. Discuss the schemes like BOLT. fund flow analysis c.00 Variable cost per bag: Rs 16.project. continue or drop a product. Assume increase in variable cost to Rs 20 per bag and calculate the new break even point 7. 30. risk and cost tender 4. Assume 50 % increase in fixed cost and calculate the new break even point d. PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ( Max marks 50) 5. predominantly for carrying iron ore. Discuss the use of at least four ratios to assess the comparative performance of a railway in different periods as well as with other railways 6. Assume 10 % increase in fixed cost and calculate the new break even point c. Discuss any three of the following in brief a. there is a section of opinion which holds that cross-subsidisation in fares between passenger and goods in railways should be abandoned and the fare structure should align costs with tariff. make or buy decisions etc b. two packet system of tendering f. Describe the utility of break-even analysis for profit planning. zenith company manufactures a special cement which is sold in bags of 20 kgs its financial data is given below Selling price per bag: Rs. Answer the following a.00 Fixed cost : Rs 100000. apportionment of joint costs d. variance analysis b. BOT and projects under PPP in furthering this purpose. Does the present traffic costing system provide adequate and reliable data to discuss the opinion? b. Explain the concept and utility of financial ratio analysis. Railways need alternative sources for plan expenditure. discuss the methodologies of costing EMU services 3. southern railway c) Chairman railway board d) Mixed doubles’ champions of Australian open 2003 e) Venue of Olympics 2004 f) Currency of Bangladesh g) Firs president of India h) Batsman to score the fastest century in cricket world cup i) The author of the column “with malice towards one and all” j) Secretary of state USA 3. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks half marks each) a) BCCI b) KRCL c) RITES d) IRSSE e) GNP f) MFN g) CCRS h) FEMA i) CD-ROM j) IVRS 2. Name the following (5 marks each half marks each) a) First Indian woman to win an Olympic medal b) General manager. In which cities would you find the following ( 5 marks half marks each) a) Leaning Tower b) Statue Of Liberty c) Lotus Temple d) Hutatma Chowk e) Louvers Museum f) ‘Petronas’ Towers g) Gate Way Of India h) Popes’ Residence i) Vidhan Soudha j) Wimbledon .same. What step you would recommend to reduce the life cycle cost in a railway production unit? Posted by gracemugil at 7:33 AM 0 comments Labels: QUESTIONS LDCE QUESTIONS 2003 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE MAY 2003 PAPER I PART I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH 1. motor racing c. Name the authors of the following books ( 2 marks half mark each) a) Interpreter Of Maladies b) Discovery Of India c) A Suitable Boy d) Madhushala 6. deuce 4. touch down 5. little slam 5. USE THE FOLLOWING to bring out the difference in meaning ( 5 marks 1 mark each) a) Bear and bare b) Lose and loose c) Break and brake d) Severe and persevere e) Genes and jeans 9. Write a para of not more than SIX sentences on ANY TWO of the following (10 marks 5 marks each) a) Child is the father of the man b) There is many a slip between the cup and the lip c) Brevity is the soul of wit . castle 2. chess d. use the following in your own sentences ( 10 marks 1 mark each) a) Suo moto b) Fight shy of c) De facto d) Let sleeping dogs lie e) Lingua franca f) Take to heart g) Ad infinitum h) At the eleventh hour i) Par excellence j) Laughing stock 10. What are the following ( 3 marks half mark each) a) East coast railway head quarters b) Rail coach factory c) Diesel component works d) Garden reach e) Baroda house f) IRIATT ENGLISH LANGUAGE 8. Match the following ( 3 marks half mark each) 1. golf b.4. eagle 6. rugby a. tennis e. contract bridge f. pole position 3. write short notes on ANY THREE of the following a. if the route between Madurai and Tutucorin is to electrified how will you work out the justification? What are the major data required? PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (50 MARKS) 4. Write briefly about the various funds now in operation in Indian railways (10) 12. misc advance revenue 3. productivity test c) Distinguish between ANY TWO of the following 1. material modification d. Is it necessary to prepare both? c) What are the various components of traffic suspense? How can we control each of them? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 2003 PAPER II SIX QUESTIONS ARE TO ANSWERED (TWO FROM PART I TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR PART III B) (each question carries 25 marks) Part I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION AND TRAFFIC COSTING ( 50 MARKS) 1. urgency certificate b. Answer ANY TWO of the following a) How are the earnings apportioned between zonal railways? Is apportionment necessary? b) Distinguish between approximate and actual account current. Sundry earnings and miscellaneous earnings PART III BOOKS & BUDGET (INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK) (50 MARKS) 13. How are Suburban cost worked out in the railway? Is the methodology adequate? 2. wagon turn round 3. appropriation accounts 2. TC and JV 3. What are the various sources of non-traditional earnings that have been and can be exploited by railways? Comment on the success or failure of the efforts to southern railway in this area in 2001-02 and 2002-03 5. What steps would you suggest to reduce cash handling by railway (10) 14. Operating ratio and PEI 2. What is ratio analysis? Discuss any two major ratios used in railways vis-à-vis companies . Answer ANY TWO of the following (20 each) a) Trace briefly the various stages from survey to completion report of a new line b) Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following 1.PART II GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING (50 marks) 11. debits under demand no 9 c. 8 and 9 or ANY TWO out of questions 0.6. How would you check the following proposals? a. OCTOBER 05. station to station rate for moving sponge iron b. 2009 LDCE QUESTIONS 2001 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 14th June 2001 PAPER I . Introduction of PRS. proposal under volume discount scheme c. Discuss the use of computers in railway financial management. explain the concept of part estimates b. Write shot notes on ANT THREE of the following a) LPC b) Combined/joint train report c) NTKM d) Classification of commodities e) Leave not due 9.11 and 12 (25 each) PART III A TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS STATISTICS AND ESTABLISHEMENT ( 50 MARKS) 7. What steps can be taken by traffic accounts office and TIAs to detect these frauds? Illustrate your answer with at least two types of frauds 8. opening of a halt station PART III B WORKSHOP &STORES AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE (50 marks) 10 a. is there any need for accounts office to vet tender schedule in works tenders? Write in detail bringing out Board’s orders on the subject 11. Write short notes on ANY THREE of the following a) Turnover ratio b) Letter of credit c) Basic schedule of rates d) Material at site accounts 12 how are POH debits settled between two zonal railways? What are the reasons or wide variation in POH costs in different workshops and what can be done to bring about uniformity? Posted by gracemugil at 7:32 AM 0 comments Labels: QUESTIONS MONDAY. ARTS machines and other modernisations hve led to newer types of frauds. What are the areas that should be covered in computerised financial management information system? ANSWER ANY TWO out of questions 7. Poll – pole ii. Green house effect VII. Official language policy ii. Opposite – apposite v. write short notes in not more than 200 words on ANY ONE of the following i. Dabhol power project III. both sections have to be answere. Thomas cup v. Sectin A carries 50 marks and Section B carries 100 marks Section A (max marks 50) GK I Expand the following abbreviations (i) CBEC (ii) ICICI (iii) IRCON (iv) PAC (v) LIBOR (vi) SAIL (vii) TRAI (viii) BOLT (ix) UNESCO (x) SEBI 5 marks GK II write short notes onANY FIVE I. External commercial borrowing IV. War and peace 5 marks GK 5 name the sports associated with the following i. BALCO disinvestment II. Malgudi days iv. God of small things ii. Public distribution system 10 marks GK III. Narmada river valley project VI. Wimbledon 5 marks GK 6 Use the following pairs of words in sentences of your own i. Renewable energy sources iii. this paper contains two sections A and B.Important. Cite – site 10 marks GK 7 Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition The cabinet __________ Wednesday decided _________ form a sub-committee _____ draw ______ a white paper __________ the financial position _____ the state. The Government wanted ________ place the factual position _____ the people ______ the white paper 5 marks . Adept – adapt iii. Das capital v. Durand cup iii. Excepted – expected iv. Rangaswamy cup iv. Moody’s rating V. Information technology 10 marks GK 4 name the authors of the following books i. Discovery of India iii. Ranji trophy ii. revenue and expenditure and works expenditure BB4 the delay in making available the acutals and the wide variation between the . All questions carry equal marks BA 1. Action Taken Note’ v. What are the steps taken by the railways in the last five years to adopt this system? BA 5 what is the role of statutory audit on the Indian railways? Is it possible to dispense with the organization if the internal auditing system is strengthened? PART B BB 1 what is appropriate accounts? Annexure J is the index of efficiency of accounts department.SECTION B max marks 100 This section contains two parts A and B. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. Discuss the need the context and the method of operation of any THREE of them selecting one each from earnings. Discuss duly explaining the present system in detail BB3 railways operate a large number of suspense heads. BA 2 how is parliamentary control over railway’s finances exercised? What is the role of various parliamentary committees in this process? BA 3 writes short notes on ANY FOUR i. Rakesh Mohan Committee iii. Discuss BB2 there is urgent need to simplify the procedure and speed up the realization and accountal of traffic earnings. The massive investment requirements of the shelf of pending projects need innovative measures for funding. Ways And Means Advances ii. Commercial Exploitation Of Land vi. Outline some of the specific initiates taken by the railways in this direction and suggest further measures to over come the problem of resource crunch. Railway Safety Fund iv. Amortization BA 4 what is zero based budgeting. Indian railways are required to fund not only commercially viable projects but also non-viable but socially relevant projects over the few decades. What are financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them and examine their applicability to railway working A3. ESTABLISHMENT) Answer any three questions. What is the meaning of life cycle costing? What are the areas where it can be employed? Is it an improvement over the normal costing system? Or What is marginal costing? Explain the scope for adopting this concept for maximising the intensity of use of railway assets SECTION B Important: This section contains two parts A and B. How far our traffic costing system can be relied upon to take decisions in such important aspect? Do you have any suggestions to make? A2. What are the factors responsible for such a divergence? &/&/&/ WWW LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 15th June 2001 PAPER II This paper contains two sections A and B.approximate and actual render the present system of closing of accounts ineffective and liable for criticism. All questions carry equal marks . Do you agree? What further measures are required to have meaningful data? A4. Either part A or part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional Part A (TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS.Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries maximum of 50 marks. both sections have to be answered . Section B which carries maximum of 100 marks has two parts A and B. Give concrete suggestions to make tangible improvements in this area BB5 physical performance and financial results do not go in tandem so far as earnings are concerned. candidates should attempt either of the two parts depending on their optional subject SECTION A (max marks 50) A1 There is an overwhelming view that cross-subsidisation of passenger fare by freight rate should be given up and there should be alignment of tariff with the costs. With the computerisation of accounts is should be possible to determine the cost activity wise. (i) What are the important operating statistics relating to goods operations? (ii) What is Specific Fuel Consumption? How it is computed for diesel and electric traction? BA 4 writes short notes on: I. Workmen’s compensation II. All questions carry equal marks BB1. What are the latest instructions from Railway Board regarding (1) award of contracts n single tender basis for execution of works and (2) post tender negotiation? BB2. if any. ‘Recommendation of V pay commission has thrown railway finances out of gear do you agree? Or Elaborate the procedures of internal check of establishment claims in a computerised environment as distinct from manual bills PART B (GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS. How effective is the internal check mechanism of passenger reservations (PRS) and Advanced Railway Ticketing System (ARTS)? Is the system fool proof and free from frauds? BA2. Pension fund BA 5. Annual statistical statement No 40 IV.BA 1. Discuss with particular reference to checks to be exercised in the preparation of statement BB4. Write short notes on: (i) risk purchase (ii) profroma on cost (iii) “make” or “buy” decision (iv) completion reports (v) variation in quantities in a works contract BB3. The magnitude of outstanding under Traffic Suspense reflects the efficiency of traffic accounts office. Operating ratio V. AND STORES ACCOUNTS) Answer any THREE questions. Transport allowance III. “The workshop out-turn statements truly and effectively reflect shop activities and efficiency of workshops accounts office”. Discuss BA3. would you suggest to make it more effective? . How far stock verification can contribute to better material management? What improvement. WORKSHOP. Explain the linkage between stores. Posted by gracemugil at 9:27 AM 0 comments Labels: QUESTION PAPER LDCE QUESTIONS 1996 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 6th September 1996 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND ENGLISH.BB5. Section A carries 50 maximum. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. Expand the abbreviations in any five 5 marks a) CTBT b) ICRISAT c) NABARD d) ECAFE e) PSLV f) WTO g) SEBI h) MAT i) ILO j) BIFR GK2. (I) Write short notes on any five 10 marks a) Alamatti Dam b) CHIPKO Movement c) Medha Patkar d) Damodhar Valley Corporation e) Vote On Account f) Atlanta g) Solar Energy Or (ii) Write the main features of the official language Act 1963 (Act 19 of 1963) GK3. both the sections have to be answered. There has been a spurt in the cases referred to for arbitration on this railway. How far is this attributable to the recent changes in the arbitration act? Are there deficiencies in contract formulation and management? Suggest remedies. Write a note in not more than 200 words on any one of the following 15 . WMS and Revenue Budget BB6. and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A GK1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAILWAYS. Bokaro. Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition 5 marks Coming back _______ the Eastern Railway. GK 5. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. Dehardun. operations were _____ its peak efficiency and ____ February and March 1969. Amritsar. “In the wake of economic reforms and liberalisation policies Indian railway’s . Bhopal. All questions carry equal marks of 25 PART A BA 1. _____ loading figures ____ coal and general goods set new records. Name the four highest civilian awards given in our country naming atleast two recipients of the highest award 5 marks SECTION B (MAXIMUM MARKS 100) This section contains two parts A and B. ___ far ____ general goods loading is concerned the figures obtained _____ those months have never been reached subsequently. Kalka. and Bangalore GK 7.marks a) Public sector disinvestment programme b) Amarnath yatra c) SAARC GK 4. What is common to the following railway stations from the point of view of fast travel 5 marks Lucknow. Name the authors of the following books 5 marks a) Discovery of India b) My experiments with truth c) Passage to India d) As you like it e) Ivanhoe GK 6. What are the various committees of parliament relating to railway financial performance? Explain in detail the working of any one of the committees BA4. What are the various instruments through which the Indian railway finance corporation raises funds? How are these deposited to meet the capital requirement of railways ? how does the Indian railways discharge its liability to the corporation? BA 2. write short notes on any four a) Amortisation b) Capital Fund c) Railway Fare And Freight Enquiry Committee d) Activity Based Costing e) BOLT Schemes f) Budgetary Reports BA3. Ahmedabad. Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries 50 marks maximum Section B which carries 100 marks maximum has two parts A and B. What are your suggestions for improving the promptness of accountal? BB3. TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS: ESTABLISHMENT (OR) GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. What are the areas in which this can be improved upon? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 7th September 1996 PAPER II FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE AND TRAFFIC COSTING: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. BB5. What do you understand by zero based budget? How is this improvement over the conventional system of budgeting in railways? BB2. How is the earnings budget of a railway formulated? What is the usefulness of various statistical data in this exercise? BB4. Section A maximum marks 50 A – 1. Explain the present system of remittance of earnings into government account. both the sections have to be answered. Within the appropriations voted by parliament. The present system of closing of accounts and transfer adjustments delay the availability of accounting information for decision making.system and procedures require fundamental change” discuss BA 5. (a) What is the purpose of different funds in the set up of the existing railway’s financial system? (b) What are the implications in financial terms and nature of justification between charging of works to capital fund and capital-at-charge? PART B BB 1. rolling stock and machinery and plant. candidates should attempt either of the two papers depending on their optional subjects. what is meant by financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them. a work costing Rs 75 Lakhs and not included in the sanctioned budget is . what do you understand by “life-cycle” costing? What are the important areas where it can be employed? How is it an improvement over the normally known costing system? A – 2. Can the operating ratio be considered as a financial ratio? Give reasons for your answer A – 3. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. relays should be free to prioritise their investments on works. required to be executed urgently. What is the procedure to be followed in the zonal railway before the work can be commenced? A- 4. in regard to goods traffic what is the traffic costing information available? How are they helpful in investment formulation? Section B Important: this section contains two part A & B. either part A or Part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional. Each part contains a maximum of 100 marks. Part A Traffic accounts and statistics establishment Answer any three questions All questions carry equal marks BA 1. What is the impact and consequential changes on the traffic accounts office due to introduction of passenger reservation system (PRS) and advanced railway ticketing system (ARTS)? Has this contributed to the efficiency of internal check? BA 2. Write short notes on a) Cash in transit b) Leave not due c) Ex- Gratia bonus d) Demands recoverable e) Charges for haulage of postal traffic BA 3. What are the types of statistical information generated from a goods invoice? Explain in detail how any three of them are calculated. BA 4. How far can the procedure relating to internal check in the accounts code be dispensed with in respect of computer prepared pay bills? BA 5. The performance of the accounts dept in recovering dues to the administration from the employees requires improvement. Can you suggest any system improvement? Part B General Expenditure accounts workshop and stores accounts BB1. Higher inventory levels are preferable to “out of stock” situations. What are the economic and financial implications? BB2 what are the existing safe guards for effective control over expenditure? Can you suggest any improvement? BB 3. What do you understand by the “two envelope system” in a works tender? How is this an improvement over the existing open tender system? BB4. The existing system of incentive payment encourages inefficiency and dilutes quality. Can you suggest any alternative system to improve productivity in the workshops? BB 5. an item was simultaneously ordered on two sources after an open tender – A at Rs 2.00 per unit and B at Rs 2.05 per unit. B completes his supply within the delivery period of 90 days and A fails to even commence supply. In this back ground a proposal is received from the COS for enhancing the quantity on B, arguing that the item is regularly required and stocks will last only 15 days. B is agreeable for the enhancement. What will be your recommendations on the proposal? Give reasons for your answer. Posted by gracemugil at 9:26 AM 0 comments Labels: QUESTION PAPER LDCE QUESTIONS 1994 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE MAY 1994 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLDEDGE AND ENGLISH; GENERAL PRICIPLES OF GOVERNEMNT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAILWAYS; BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. both the sections have to be answered. Section A carries 50 maximutm, and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (Max marks 50) GK1. Expand the abbreviations in any five 5 marks i. GATT ii. IMF iii. ANC iv. ASEAN v. SLV vi. NPT vii. CAT viii. RBI ix. ADB x. UPSC GK 2. Write short note on any five 10 marks i. Isobar ii. Dunkel iii. Territorial waters iv. Wind farms v. Bosania vi. Telugu ganga vii. Nelson Mandela viii. Yasser Arafat ix. Narmada project x. Hazarat bal mosque GK 3. Match the following 5 marks i. Lara a. Jhansi ii. Rabindranath Tagore b. Atomic Energy iii. Lakshmi Bai c. Cricket iv. Homi Baba d. Chess v. Anand e. Geethanjali GK 4. Use any five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own 10 marks i. coarse – course vi. Prey - pray ii. wise - vice vii. Brake - break iii. call – cavail viii. Tall – toll iv. rain – rein ix. Foil - fail v. sell - cell x. Naval – Novel GK 5. Fill up the blank with suitable prepositions 5 marks The absence _____ census data is taken advantage of ____ various persons ____ each state ____boost the estimates _______ persons speaking their language. GK 6. Write a note in not more than 250 words one of the following 10 marks a. national literacy programme b. rail road coordination c. public sector undertaking GK 7. Give one word for any five of the following 5 marks i. one who sells flowers ii. doctor treating children iii. specialist in heart disease iv. documents issued by authority to its citizens who wants to travel abroad v. the presiding authority over Lok Sabha who generally conducts its proceedings vi. one who writes dramas vii. the highest point of a mountain viii. a person who knows a number of languages ix. science dealing with study of animals and birds SECTION B This section contains two parts A and B. Attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. All questions carry equal marks PART A BA 1. Discuss the committee system introduced for ________ of the budget and examine whether this in any way rendered any of other already existing instrument/procedure for financial control of railway by parliament redundant. BA 2. What is the purpose of different “funds” in the set up of existing financial system of railways? Has there been any change in the last two years? Discuss the pros and cons of the change if any BA 3. In what way the present set up and systems and procedures in railway help or hinder the railway in coping with the recent liberalisation policy initiated by the Government? Discuss BA 4. Write short notes on any four a. Railway Convention Committee Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries 50 marks maximum Section B which carries 100 marks maximum has two parts A and B. Discuss whether it is necessary to have Annual Works Programme. both the sections have to be answered. “The present system of monitoring and accountal of remittance of earnings is not effective In preventing frauds”. Discuss BB 5. “The present procedure of apportionment of earnings and expenditure is not fair to the southern railway with limited lead”. Plan Heads c. TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS: ESTABLISHMENT (OR) GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS Important: this paper contains two sections A and B.b. How far the present traffic costing been effective in determining . Section A maximum marks 50 Attempt any two questions. Konkan Railway Corporation e. Canons Of Financial Propriety BA 5. and M&P as at present? What are the alternatives/improvements you would suggest and why? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE May 1994 PAPER II FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE AND TRAFFIC COSTING: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. Do you consider the present procedure method of assessing earnings effective and realistic? Suggest any improvements / innovations you feel necessary BB 2. How far the principles of zero based budgeting and management accounting been adopted I n railway in assessing the requirement as also reasonableness and need of inputs and analysis and presentation? Discuss BB 3. candidates should attempt either of the two papers depending on their optional subjects. What is the need for separate audit by representatives of the Comptroller and Auditor General? With more effective organisation or internal auditing system can it be dispensed with? Discuss PART B BB 1. Discuss. Do you suggest any procedural changes? BB 4. Indian Railway Finance Corporation d. Each questing carries 25 marks A – 1. Has the computerisation of reservation system helped in improving the earnings. diet charges. BA – 4. Division as profit center knows its expenditure and not its earnings. Wage Period e. How far the present method of compilation and presentation of statistical data helped in effective management decision and control on railway? BA – 2. A – 3. How far the principle of zero based assessment of inputs and innovation in management accounting principles utilised to further the objective of change over to unigauge system? Discuss. Discuss whether the system for recovery is effective and suggest any improvement felt necessary BA – 6. Firms Credit Notes (FCNs) b. What are the steps you would suggest to control the expenditure on establishment – which has almost doubled over the last few years – for improving . Either part A or part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional Each part contains a maximum of 100 marks Part A (TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS. plug loopholes? Discuss the effectiveness of passenger reservation system (PRS) and advance railway ticketing system(ARTS) introduced in current booking. How often the principle of marginal costing used in capturing / retaining the customer while protecting and furthering the financial interest of railways? Illustrate A – 4. electricity charges from the staff. “Traffic costing like statistics is often used not for enlightenment in taking correct decision but for supporting decisions one wants to take”. ESTABLISHMENT) Answer any three questions. Special Casual Leave c. How far divisionalisation of traffic accounts help in ensuring effective informed participation nad mobilisation in bettering the financial performance of the division? BA – 3. SECTION B Important: This section contains two parts A and B. effecting analysis of passenger profile to maximise the earnings/utilisation of seats. How far is this statement well founded or unfounded.realistically the financial viability of introduction of new trains/augmentation of service? A – 2. Write Short Notes On a. Discuss the present method of accountal and recovery of advances and dues like festival advances. Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) BA – 5. All questions carry equal marks BA – 1. Discuss with specific cases if any illustrating your stand. National Holiday d. Is risk purchase effective in our system? If not why not and what is the procedural/policy correctives you would suggest? BB -2. more attractive than “buys” and reverse the trend? LDCE QUESTIONS 1994 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE MAY 1994 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLDEDGE AND ENGLISH.the competitiveness of the railways and its viability? PART B (GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS AND WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS) Answer any THREE questions. There is growing feeling that “we should better privatise. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. Discuss the effectiveness of prevailing system of incentive payment in railway workshop. and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (Max marks 50) GK1. IMF iii. How far the system of purchase through open tenders ensured quality with economy and reliability? Should railway change over to a system of identifying reliable suppliers with long term commitment in the interest of ensuring quality and reliability? BB – 5. ANC iv.3. Why is this so? What role can stores and workshop accounts play to rationalise and ensure “makes”. SLV . All questions carry equal marks BB – 1. With the cost of finance the inventory carriage is increasingly becoming costly. GENERAL PRICIPLES OF GOVERNEMNT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAILWAYS. GATT ii. Expand the abbreviations in any five 5 marks i. better buy than make”. How can railways reduce inventory without compromising on effectiveness of its service and also ensure economy? BB . procuring and inducting machines as replacement or for modernisation cost effective? What are the improvements you suggest to ensure the investments slim. both the sections have to be answered. How is it an instrument for improving productivity with quality commensurate with investment for modernisation of the workshop? BB – 4. is the present procedure/method of planning . ASEAN v. Section A carries 50 maximutm. strictly need based and improvement is productivity commensurate with investment is ensured? BB – 6. Narmada project x. Geethanjali GK 4. wise . Chess v. Nelson Mandela viii. Write short note on any five 10 marks i. rain – rein ix. Telugu ganga vii. specialist in heart disease . Match the following 5 marks i.fail v.break iii. Isobar ii. Foil . Dunkel iii. one who sells flowers ii. Use any five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own 10 marks i.pray ii. public sector undertaking GK 7. Tall – toll iv. call – cavail viii. Lara a. Brake . Wind farms v. ADB x. Homi Baba d. Write a note in not more than 250 words one of the following 10 marks a. doctor treating children iii.vi.cell x. RBI ix. Bosania vi. Prey . GK 6. coarse – course vi. Hazarat bal mosque GK 3. Lakshmi Bai c. CAT viii. Rabindranath Tagore b. rail road coordination c. sell . national literacy programme b. Jhansi ii. Give one word for any five of the following 5 marks i. Naval – Novel GK 5. Yasser Arafat ix. NPT vii.vice vii. Atomic Energy iii. Anand e. Territorial waters iv. Cricket iv. UPSC GK 2. Fill up the blank with suitable prepositions 5 marks The absence _____ census data is taken advantage of ____ various persons ____ each state ____boost the estimates _______ persons speaking their language. iv. All questions carry equal marks PART A BA 1. a person who knows a number of languages ix. the highest point of a mountain viii. “The present system of monitoring and accountal of remittance of earnings is not effective In preventing frauds”. Discuss. Railway Convention Committee b. Write short notes on any four a. Indian Railway Finance Corporation d. one who writes dramas vii. science dealing with study of animals and birds SECTION B This section contains two parts A and B. documents issued by authority to its citizens who wants to travel abroad v. Discuss BB 5. Discuss whether it is necessary to have Annual Works Programme. Konkan Railway Corporation e. Canons Of Financial Propriety BA 5. What is the need for separate audit by representatives of the Comptroller and Auditor General? With more effective organisation or internal auditing system can it be dispensed with? Discuss PART B BB 1. BA 2. How far the principles of zero based budgeting and management accounting been adopted I n railway in assessing the requirement as also reasonableness and need of inputs and analysis and presentation? Discuss BB 3. What is the purpose of different “funds” in the set up of existing financial system of railways? Has there been any change in the last two years? Discuss the pros and cons of the change if any BA 3. “The present procedure of apportionment of earnings and expenditure is not fair to the southern railway with limited lead”. Plan Heads c. Attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. the presiding authority over Lok Sabha who generally conducts its proceedings vi. In what way the present set up and systems and procedures in railway help or hinder the railway in coping with the recent liberalisation policy initiated by the Government? Discuss BA 4. Discuss the committee system introduced for ________ of the budget and examine whether this in any way rendered any of other already existing instrument/procedure for financial control of railway by parliament redundant. Do you suggest any procedural changes? BB 4. Do you consider the present procedure method of assessing earnings effective and realistic? Suggest any improvements / innovations you feel necessary BB 2. and M&P as at present? What are the alternatives/improvements you would suggest . Either part A or part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional Each part contains a maximum of 100 marks Part A (TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS. How far the present method of compilation and presentation of statistical . How far the principle of zero based assessment of inputs and innovation in management accounting principles utilised to further the objective of change over to unigauge system? Discuss. How far the present traffic costing been effective in determining realistically the financial viability of introduction of new trains/augmentation of service? A – 2. A – 3. Discuss with specific cases if any illustrating your stand. “Traffic costing like statistics is often used not for enlightenment in taking correct decision but for supporting decisions one wants to take”. TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS: ESTABLISHMENT (OR) GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. Section A maximum marks 50 Attempt any two questions. How often the principle of marginal costing used in capturing / retaining the customer while protecting and furthering the financial interest of railways? Illustrate A – 4. both the sections have to be answered. How far is this statement well founded or unfounded. ESTABLISHMENT) Answer any three questions. Each questing carries 25 marks A – 1. SECTION B Important: This section contains two parts A and B. candidates should attempt either of the two papers depending on their optional subjects.and why? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE May 1994 PAPER II FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE AND TRAFFIC COSTING: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries 50 marks maximum Section B which carries 100 marks maximum has two parts A and B. All questions carry equal marks BA – 1. Has the computerisation of reservation system helped in improving the earnings. Special Casual Leave c.3. How far the system of purchase through open tenders ensured quality with economy and reliability? Should railway change over to a system of identifying reliable suppliers with long term commitment in the interest of ensuring quality and reliability? BB – 5. diet charges. How can railways reduce inventory without compromising on effectiveness of its service and also ensure economy? BB . effecting analysis of passenger profile to maximise the earnings/utilisation of seats. plug loopholes? Discuss the effectiveness of passenger reservation system (PRS) and advance railway ticketing system(ARTS) introduced in current booking. Discuss the present method of accountal and recovery of advances and dues like festival advances. With the cost of finance the inventory carriage is increasingly becoming costly. Discuss whether the system for recovery is effective and suggest any improvement felt necessary BA – 6.data helped in effective management decision and control on railway? BA – 2. Wage Period e. All questions carry equal marks BB – 1. National Holiday d. procuring and inducting machines as replacement or for modernisation cost effective? What are the improvements you suggest to ensure the investments slim. How far divisionalisation of traffic accounts help in ensuring effective informed participation nad mobilisation in bettering the financial performance of the division? BA – 3. is the present procedure/method of planning . Is risk purchase effective in our system? If not why not and what is the procedural/policy correctives you would suggest? BB -2. Division as profit center knows its expenditure and not its earnings. BA – 4. Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) BA – 5. strictly need based and improvement is productivity commensurate with investment is ensured? . How is it an instrument for improving productivity with quality commensurate with investment for modernisation of the workshop? BB – 4. electricity charges from the staff. Discuss the effectiveness of prevailing system of incentive payment in railway workshop. What are the steps you would suggest to control the expenditure on establishment – which has almost doubled over the last few years – for improving the competitiveness of the railways and its viability? PART B (GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS AND WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS) Answer any THREE questions. Firms Credit Notes (FCNs) b. Write Short Notes On a. There is growing feeling that “we should better privatise. Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition 5 marks . Expand the abbreviations in any five 5 marks a) CTBT b) ICRISAT c) NABARD d) ECAFE e) PSLV f) WTO g) SEBI h) MAT i) ILO j) BIFR GK2. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A GK1. Write a note in not more than 200 words on any one of the following 15 marks a) Public sector disinvestment programme b) Amarnath yatra c) SAARC GK 4.BB – 6. (I) Write short notes on any five 10 marks a) Alamatti Dam b) CHIPKO Movement c) Medha Patkar d) Damodhar Valley Corporation e) Vote On Account f) Atlanta g) Solar Energy Or (ii) Write the main features of the official language Act 1963 (Act 19 of 1963) GK3. better buy than make”. Why is this so? What role can stores and workshop accounts play to rationalise and ensure “makes”. more attractive than “buys LDCE QUESTIONS 1996 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 6th September 1996 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND ENGLISH. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAILWAYS. both the sections have to be answered. Section A carries 50 maximum. “In the wake of economic reforms and liberalisation policies Indian railway’s system and procedures require fundamental change” discuss BA 5. operations were _____ its peak efficiency and ____ February and March 1969. Bhopal. Dehardun. Name the authors of the following books 5 marks a) Discovery of India b) My experiments with truth c) Passage to India d) As you like it e) Ivanhoe GK 6.Coming back _______ the Eastern Railway. Name the four highest civilian awards given in our country naming atleast two recipients of the highest award 5 marks SECTION B (MAXIMUM MARKS 100) This section contains two parts A and B. What are the various committees of parliament relating to railway financial performance? Explain in detail the working of any one of the committees BA4. write short notes on any four a) Amortisation b) Capital Fund c) Railway Fare And Freight Enquiry Committee d) Activity Based Costing e) BOLT Schemes f) Budgetary Reports BA3. and Bangalore GK 7. (a) What is the purpose of different funds in the set up of the existing railway’s financial system? (b) What are the implications in financial terms and nature of justification between . ___ far ____ general goods loading is concerned the figures obtained _____ those months have never been reached subsequently. _____ loading figures ____ coal and general goods set new records. Amritsar. Kalka. GK 5. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. Bokaro. What are the various instruments through which the Indian railway finance corporation raises funds? How are these deposited to meet the capital requirement of railways ? how does the Indian railways discharge its liability to the corporation? BA 2. Ahmedabad. All questions carry equal marks of 25 PART A BA 1. What is common to the following railway stations from the point of view of fast travel 5 marks Lucknow. Can the operating ratio be considered as a financial ratio? Give reasons for your answer A – 3. The present system of closing of accounts and transfer adjustments delay the availability of accounting information for decision making. TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS: ESTABLISHMENT (OR) GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. Within the appropriations voted by parliament. What is the procedure to be followed in the zonal railway before the work can be commenced? A. What are the areas in which this can be improved upon? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 7th September 1996 PAPER II FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE AND TRAFFIC COSTING: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING. BB5. How is the earnings budget of a railway formulated? What is the usefulness of various statistical data in this exercise? BB4. Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries 50 marks maximum Section B which carries 100 marks maximum has two parts A and B. in regard to goods traffic what is the traffic costing information available? How are they helpful in investment formulation? Section B . relays should be free to prioritise their investments on works. both the sections have to be answered. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. What are your suggestions for improving the promptness of accountal? BB3. candidates should attempt either of the two papers depending on their optional subjects. What do you understand by zero based budget? How is this improvement over the conventional system of budgeting in railways? BB2. Explain the present system of remittance of earnings into government account. a work costing Rs 75 Lakhs and not included in the sanctioned budget is required to be executed urgently. what do you understand by “life-cycle” costing? What are the important areas where it can be employed? How is it an improvement over the normally known costing system? A – 2. Section A maximum marks 50 A – 1.4. rolling stock and machinery and plant. what is meant by financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them.charging of works to capital fund and capital-at-charge? PART B BB 1. Write short notes on a) Cash in transit b) Leave not due c) Ex. an item was simultaneously ordered on two sources after an open tender – A at Rs 2. Part A Traffic accounts and statistics establishment Answer any three questions All questions carry equal marks BA 1. What are the types of statistical information generated from a goods invoice? Explain in detail how any three of them are calculated. B is agreeable for the enhancement.Gratia bonus d) Demands recoverable e) Charges for haulage of postal traffic BA 3.00 per unit and B at Rs 2. What are the economic and financial implications? BB2 what are the existing safe guards for effective control over expenditure? Can you suggest any improvement? BB 3. What is the impact and consequential changes on the traffic accounts office due to introduction of passenger reservation system (PRS) and advanced railway ticketing system (ARTS)? Has this contributed to the efficiency of internal check? BA 2. What will be your recommendations on the proposal? Give reasons for your answer LDCE QUESTIONS 2001 . BA 4. Each part contains a maximum of 100 marks. The existing system of incentive payment encourages inefficiency and dilutes quality. arguing that the item is regularly required and stocks will last only 15 days.05 per unit. What do you understand by the “two envelope system” in a works tender? How is this an improvement over the existing open tender system? BB4. In this back ground a proposal is received from the COS for enhancing the quantity on B. Can you suggest any alternative system to improve productivity in the workshops? BB 5. The performance of the accounts dept in recovering dues to the administration from the employees requires improvement.Important: this section contains two part A & B. B completes his supply within the delivery period of 90 days and A fails to even commence supply. Can you suggest any system improvement? Part B General Expenditure accounts workshop and stores accounts BB1. How far can the procedure relating to internal check in the accounts code be dispensed with in respect of computer prepared pay bills? BA 5. Higher inventory levels are preferable to “out of stock” situations. either part A or Part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional. Wimbledon 5 marks GK 6 Use the following pairs of words in sentences of your own i. Das capital v. both sections have to be answere.LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 14th June 2001 PAPER I Important. Information technology 10 marks GK 4 name the authors of the following books i. this paper contains two sections A and B. Excepted – expected iv. Thomas cup v. God of small things ii. Sectin A carries 50 marks and Section B carries 100 marks Section A (max marks 50) GK I Expand the following abbreviations (i) CBEC (ii) ICICI (iii) IRCON (iv) PAC (v) LIBOR (vi) SAIL (vii) TRAI (viii) BOLT (ix) UNESCO (x) SEBI 5 marks GK II write short notes onANY FIVE I. Public distribution system 10 marks GK III. Opposite – apposite v. Adept – adapt iii. Rangaswamy cup iv. War and peace 5 marks GK 5 name the sports associated with the following i. Green house effect VII. Ranji trophy ii. Narmada river valley project VI. write short notes in not more than 200 words on ANY ONE of the following i. Official language policy ii. Dabhol power project III. External commercial borrowing IV. Discovery of India iii. BALCO disinvestment II. Renewable energy sources iii. Poll – pole ii. Durand cup iii. Cite – site 10 marks GK 7 Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition The cabinet __________ Wednesday decided _________ form a sub-committee . Moody’s rating V. Malgudi days iv. Commercial Exploitation Of Land vi. Ways And Means Advances ii. What are the steps taken by the railways in the last five years to adopt this system? BA 5 what is the role of statutory audit on the Indian railways? Is it possible to dispense with the organization if the internal auditing system is strengthened? PART B BB 1 what is appropriate accounts? Annexure J is the index of efficiency of accounts department. Action Taken Note’ v. All questions carry equal marks BA 1. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. The massive investment requirements of the shelf of pending projects need innovative measures for funding. Outline some of the specific initiates taken by the railways in this direction and suggest further measures to over come the problem of resource crunch. Discuss duly explaining the present system in detail BB3 railways operate a large number of suspense heads. Indian railways are required to fund not only commercially viable projects but also non-viable but socially relevant projects over the few decades. Railway Safety Fund iv. Amortization BA 4 what is zero based budgeting. BA 2 how is parliamentary control over railway’s finances exercised? What is the role of various parliamentary committees in this process? BA 3 writes short notes on ANY FOUR i. Discuss BB2 there is urgent need to simplify the procedure and speed up the realization and accountal of traffic earnings._____ draw ______ a white paper __________ the financial position _____ the state. Discuss the need the context and the method of operation of any THREE of them selecting one each . The Government wanted ________ place the factual position _____ the people ______ the white paper 5 marks SECTION B max marks 100 This section contains two parts A and B. Rakesh Mohan Committee iii. Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries maximum of 50 marks. What are the factors responsible for such a divergence? &/&/&/ WWW LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 15th June 2001 PAPER II This paper contains two sections A and B. Do you agree? What further measures are required to have meaningful data? A4. Section B which carries maximum of 100 marks has two parts A and B. What are financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them and examine their applicability to railway working A3. How far our traffic costing system can be relied upon to take decisions in such important aspect? Do you have any suggestions to make? A2. With the computerisation of accounts is should be possible to determine the cost activity wise. revenue and expenditure and works expenditure BB4 the delay in making available the acutals and the wide variation between the approximate and actual render the present system of closing of accounts ineffective and liable for criticism. candidates should attempt either of the two parts depending on their optional subject SECTION A (max marks 50) A1 There is an overwhelming view that cross-subsidisation of passenger fare by freight rate should be given up and there should be alignment of tariff with the costs. both sections have to be answered . Either part A or part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional . Give concrete suggestions to make tangible improvements in this area BB5 physical performance and financial results do not go in tandem so far as earnings are concerned. What is the meaning of life cycle costing? What are the areas where it can be employed? Is it an improvement over the normal costing system? Or What is marginal costing? Explain the scope for adopting this concept for maximising the intensity of use of railway assets SECTION B Important: This section contains two parts A and B.from earnings. Annual statistical statement No 40 IV. (i) What are the important operating statistics relating to goods operations? (ii) What is Specific Fuel Consumption? How it is computed for diesel and electric traction? BA 4 writes short notes on: I. ‘Recommendation of V pay commission has thrown railway finances out of gear do you agree? Or Elaborate the procedures of internal check of establishment claims in a computerised environment as distinct from manual bills PART B (GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS. The magnitude of outstanding under Traffic Suspense reflects the efficiency of traffic accounts office. How effective is the internal check mechanism of passenger reservations (PRS) and Advanced Railway Ticketing System (ARTS)? Is the system fool proof and free from frauds? BA2. Pension fund BA 5. Transport allowance III. Discuss BA3. All questions carry equal marks BB1. All questions carry equal marks BA 1. Write short notes on: (i) risk purchase (ii) profroma on cost (iii) “make” or “buy” decision (iv) completion reports (v) variation in quantities in a works contract BB3. What are the latest instructions from Railway Board regarding (1) award of contracts n single tender basis for execution of works and (2) post tender negotiation? BB2. AND STORES ACCOUNTS) Answer any THREE questions. “The workshop out-turn statements truly and effectively reflect shop activities and efficiency of workshops accounts office”. WORKSHOP. Operating ratio V. Workmen’s compensation II. ESTABLISHMENT) Answer any three questions. Discuss with particular reference to checks to be exercised in the preparation of statement .Part A (TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICS. How far stock verification can contribute to better material management? What improvement. There has been a spurt in the cases referred to for arbitration on this railway. Explain the linkage between stores. southern railway c) Chairman railway board d) Mixed doubles’ champions of Australian open 2003 e) Venue of Olympics 2004 f) Currency of Bangladesh g) Firs president of India h) Batsman to score the fastest century in cricket world cup i) The author of the column “with malice towards one and all” j) Secretary of state USA 3. LDCE QUESTIONS 2003 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE MAY 2003 PAPER I PART I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH 1. if any. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks half marks each) a) BCCI b) KRCL c) RITES d) IRSSE e) GNP f) MFN g) CCRS h) FEMA i) CD-ROM j) IVRS 2.BB4. In which cities would you find the following ( 5 marks half marks each) a) Leaning Tower b) Statue Of Liberty c) Lotus Temple . How far is this attributable to the recent changes in the arbitration act? Are there deficiencies in contract formulation and management? Suggest remedies. WMS and Revenue Budget BB6. Name the following (5 marks each half marks each) a) First Indian woman to win an Olympic medal b) General manager. would you suggest to make it more effective? BB5. chess d. Name the authors of the following books ( 2 marks half mark each) a) Interpreter Of Maladies b) Discovery Of India c) A Suitable Boy d) Madhushala 6. eagle 6. deuce 4. rugby a. touch down 5. motor racing c. tennis e. golf b. pole position 3. use the following in your own sentences ( 10 marks 1 mark each) a) Suo moto b) Fight shy of c) De facto d) Let sleeping dogs lie e) Lingua franca f) Take to heart g) Ad infinitum h) At the eleventh hour . USE THE FOLLOWING to bring out the difference in meaning ( 5 marks 1 mark each) a) Bear and bare b) Lose and loose c) Break and brake d) Severe and persevere e) Genes and jeans 9. contract bridge f. castle 2.d) Hutatma Chowk e) Louvers Museum f) ‘Petronas’ Towers g) Gate Way Of India h) Popes’ Residence i) Vidhan Soudha j) Wimbledon 4. What are the following ( 3 marks half mark each) a) East coast railway head quarters b) Rail coach factory c) Diesel component works d) Garden reach e) Baroda house f) IRIATT ENGLISH LANGUAGE 8. little slam 5. Match the following ( 3 marks half mark each) 1. How are Suburban cost worked out in the railway? Is the methodology adequate? 2. wagon turn round 3. Answer ANY TWO of the following a) How are the earnings apportioned between zonal railways? Is apportionment necessary? b) Distinguish between approximate and actual account current. TC and JV 3. Is it necessary to prepare both? c) What are the various components of traffic suspense? How can we control each of them? LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 2003 PAPER II SIX QUESTIONS ARE TO ANSWERED (TWO FROM PART I TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR PART III B) (each question carries 25 marks) Part I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION AND TRAFFIC COSTING ( 50 MARKS) 1. write short notes on ANY THREE of the following a. Write briefly about the various funds now in operation in Indian railways (10) 12. What steps would you suggest to reduce cash handling by railway (10) 14. Write a para of not more than SIX sentences on ANY TWO of the following (10 marks 5 marks each) a) Child is the father of the man b) There is many a slip between the cup and the lip c) Brevity is the soul of wit PART II GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING (50 marks) 11. if the route between Madurai and Tutucorin is to electrified how will you work . appropriation accounts 2. debits under demand no 9 c. urgency certificate b. Operating ratio and PEI 2. material modification d. Sundry earnings and miscellaneous earnings PART III BOOKS & BUDGET (INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK) (50 MARKS) 13.i) Par excellence j) Laughing stock 10. misc advance revenue 3. Answer ANY TWO of the following (20 each) a) Trace briefly the various stages from survey to completion report of a new line b) Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following 1. productivity test c) Distinguish between ANY TWO of the following 1. ARTS machines and other modernisations hve led to newer types of frauds. Write shot notes on ANT THREE of the following a) LPC b) Combined/joint train report c) NTKM d) Classification of commodities e) Leave not due 9.out the justification? What are the major data required? PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (50 MARKS) 4. Introduction of PRS.11 and 12 (25 each) PART III A TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS STATISTICS AND ESTABLISHEMENT ( 50 MARKS) 7. station to station rate for moving sponge iron b. What are the various sources of non-traditional earnings that have been and can be exploited by railways? Comment on the success or failure of the efforts to southern railway in this area in 2001-02 and 2002-03 5. What is ratio analysis? Discuss any two major ratios used in railways vis-à-vis companies 6. 8 and 9 or ANY TWO out of questions 0. What are the areas that should be covered in computerised financial management information system? ANSWER ANY TWO out of questions 7. How would you check the following proposals? a. What steps can be taken by traffic accounts office and TIAs to detect these frauds? Illustrate your answer with at least two types of frauds 8. is there any need for accounts office to vet tender schedule in works tenders? Write in detail bringing out Board’s orders on the subject 11. proposal under volume discount scheme c. Write short notes on ANY THREE of the following a) Turnover ratio b) Letter of credit c) Basic schedule of rates d) Material at site accounts 12 how are POH debits settled between two zonal railways? What are the reasons or wide variation in POH costs in different workshops and what can be done to bring about uniformity? . Discuss the use of computers in railway financial management. explain the concept of part estimates b. opening of a halt station PART III B WORKSHOP &STORES AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE (50 marks) 10 a. 5 marks) a. Wax Museum of Madam Tussaud 7. Both sections have to be answered section A carries 50 marks and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (MAX MARKS-50) 1. b. Effect of information technology on employment – is it positive or negative? c. interpret & interrupt 4. Wangari Maathai d. Rolland Garros Ground f. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks – 0.5 marks) Uber cup Cricket China man Tennis Check mate Badminton Deuce chess 8. LIBOR f. give the name of the authors of these books (5 marks) a.5 marks ) a. effluent & affluent b. CDROM c. write a short essay on any of the following (10 marks) a. Dr Raja J Cheeliah b. GDP b. it affects prosperity every where. Petronas Towers e. Match the following ( 2 marks 0. use the following in sentences of your own ( 6 marks 1 ½ marks each) . Raja Tarangini c. Shane Warne 5. Savitri 6. PSLV g. Mohammed Ynus e. SEBI i. affect & effect e. where are the following situated ( 3 marks 0. Hawa Mahal c. BOLT j. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RAILWAYS. hallmark & bench mark c. Ombudsman c. ASEAN 3. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important this paper contains two sections – A & B.GPS e. Raj Bhasha policy implementation on IR 2. Buland Darwaza b. Nawjot Singh Siddhu c. Garib Rath 9. If there is poverty anywhere. The World is flat d. RVNL d. GSLV h. Find the difference in meaning and usage of the following pairs of words( 5 marks) a. RDSO d.LDCE QUESTIONS 2007 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE 2007 SOUTHERN RAILWAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2007 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH. why have these persons been in the news ( 5 marks) a. jeans & genes d. GM Crops d. write a paragraph on any two of the following ( 4 marks each) a. Search in Secret India b. Ignited Minds e. Dedicated Freight Corridor b. Write short notes on the following a. From your angle. This calls of new ways of resource rising and innovative revenue measures. specifically focussing on one suspense head each from Earnings. there is always competing demands between remunerative tariffs and societal needs. Raiwlay Board (FC) have recently appointed a committee to explore the reasons for the delay in submission of monthly actual expenditure and also the variations between the approximates and the actuals. strike a balance c. Performance Budgeting d. 6. What is the accounting mechanism for recording the traffic earnings of a railway under various heads and their progressive realisation? Also describe the procedure for the apportionment of traffic earnings amongst railways ANSWER ANY TWO out of questions 9 to 12 or ANY TWO out of questions 13 to . ultra wires b. in the same breath d. write shot notes on any two of the following : a. use the following idioms In your own sentences ( 5 marks) a. railways are at once a Govt dept and commercial enterprise. Discuss the need for continued operation of these suspense heads. There is a plethora of suspense heads in railway accounting. Can the approximate be dispensed with the actuals submitted at an earlier date? Suggest steps for this. analyze the causes for these delays and variations. Annual Debt head Report 8. Integrated Budget b. Do you have any suggestion? 2. pay through the nose SECTION B MAX MARKS 100 This section contains two parts A & B Attempt four questions taking any two from each All questions carry equal marks Part A 1. Discuss how the twin-need of Govt and commercial accounting are satisfied in railway accounting process. in a developing country like India on the threshold of the take-off. inter-alia 10. Zero Based Budgeting c. the public accounts committee of parliament has repeatedly criticised the increasing trend of misclassifications ain accounts and mistakes in budgeting. SRS F d. Present an analysis of the causes for these problems. 4. bite the dust b. Suggest appropriate steps to eliminate their recurrence 3. exchequer control c. revenue expenditure and works expenditure 7. demands payable b. de-novo c. cast the first stone e. suo-moto d.a. Describe the recent steps taken by IR in the regard. Corporate Plans Part B 5. Discuss the issue of dividend payment to the central revenue in this context. wagon kilometres per wagon per day b. a. b.storage. net tonne kilo meters per engine hour Part III B WORKSHOP AND STORES ACCOUNTS AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE 13. Explain how the system helps the management in decision making. what is the reason for the continued difference between accounts office figures and statistical figures in monthly earnings? 11. recent changes in the haulage charges of postal traffic c. Give significance of the following statistical results a. how is inventory turn over ratio calculated? Can it be termed as a reliable index of inventory management 16. do you agree with the statement the magnitude of outstanding under traffic suspense reflects the efficiency of traffic accounts office? Discuss with your suggestions to bring it to the optimal levels. issue and disposal b. combine train reports 12. How would you take make or buy decision based on cost data? 14.repeat order c. discuss the management information system with special reference to material management. net tonne kilo meters c. VED b. describe the various techniques used for reducing the material cost through various stages in the purchase. write short notes on a. what are the various types of statistical information generated from a goods invoice? Explain in detail how any three of them are calculated. 10. transfer pricing 15. scale check register d. what are the constituent elements of workshop manufacturing suspense? b.16 (25 each) PART III A TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS STATISTICS AND ESTABLISHMENT ( 50 MARKS) 9. a. stores exception reports d. occupation ratio d. LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2007 PAPER II TOTAL SIX QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED – TWO FROM PART I AND TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR III B ALL QUESTIONS . leave not due b. Elucidate a. Write short notes on a. the objective and procedure for job costing in a railway workshop. Answer the following a. Railways need alternative sources for plan expenditure. specific fuel consumption c. Discuss the use of at least four ratios to assess the comparative performance of a railway in different periods as well as with other railways 6. make or buy decisions etc b. Discuss the schemes like BOLT. Discuss any three of the following in brief a. PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ( Max marks 50) 5. Describe the steps/stages involved in preparing a project report for new line project. risk and cost tender 4. predominantly for carrying iron ore.CARRY EQUAL MARKS PART I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE and TRAFFIC COSTING (MAX MARKS 50) 1. there is a section of opinion which holds that cross-subsidisation in fares between passenger and goods in railways should be abandoned and the fare structure should align costs with tariff. discuss cost volume-profit analysis . Describe the utility of break-even analysis for profit planning. discuss the methodologies of costing EMU services 3. zenith company manufactures a special cement which is sold in bags of 20 kgs its financial data is given below Selling price per bag: Rs. continue or drop a product. Assume 10 % increase in fixed cost and calculate the new break even point . BOT and projects under PPP in furthering this purpose. Break even quantity b.00 Fixed cost : Rs 100000. 30. Explain the concept and utility of financial ratio analysis. How is the project-appraisal and sensitivity analysis done for assessing the viability of the project? Assume your own data 2. social cost benefit analysis b. Does the present traffic costing system provide adequate and reliable data to discuss the opinion? b. a.00 Quantity : 3000 bags Calculate the following a. apportionment of joint costs d.00 Variable cost per bag: Rs 16. green book e. two packet system of tendering f. Expand the following abbreviations ( 5 marks – ½ marks each) a) LPG b)CAT c)PAC d)SPV e)ONGC f) UPSC g)SPCA h) PERT g) IMF h) IRCTC 3. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RAILWAYS. AFRES d. PERT 8. Write short notes on any two of the following (10 marks) a) Narmada Bachao b) VAT c) Organ Transplant d) Right to Information Act 2. Assume increase in variable cost to Rs 20 per bag and calculate the new break even point 7.c. BOOKS AND BUDGET INCLUDING TRAFFIC BOOK Important this paper contains two sections – A B & C both sections have to be answered section A carries 50 marks and section B carries 100 marks SECTION A (MAX MARKS-50) 1. Explain the concept of Raj Bhasha how it is implemented in your office (Please restrict your note to 250 words) 5 marks 4. What step you would recommend to reduce the life cycle cost in a railway production unit? LDCE QUESTIONS 2008 LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 11TH JUNE 2008 PAPER I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ENGLISH. what is meant by Product Life Cycle Costing? Also explain the purpose of the same. Assume 50 % increase in fixed cost and calculate the new break even point d. write short notes on any three of the following a. variance analysis b. Name the authors of the following books ( 5 marks) . fund flow analysis c. I saw and I __________ g) Jai Jawan Jai ____________ h) A thing of ________ is a joy forever i) if they don’t have bread let them ear ____________ j) a ___________ measures earthquake 6. Briefly state the reason ( 10 marks) a) E Sreedharan b) INDIRA Nooyi c) Barack Obama d) J K Rowling e) Sunita Williams f) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw g) Dalai Lama h) Ratan Tata i) Asif Ali Sardari j) Hillary Clinton SECTION B MAX MARKS 100 This section contains two parts A & B Attempt four questions taking any two from . The following personalities have been newsworthy. Briefly explain the difference between the following (10 marks) a) Fundamental rights and directive principles b) bonafide and malafide c) BOLT & BOT d) Limited tender an d open tender e) Concurrence and sanction 7. Fill in the blanks (5 marks) a) Veni ______ vicci b) A Stitch in time _____________ ____________ c) Ignorance is _____________ d) Rise and Fall of _________ __________ e) Few and ________ between f) I came.a) God of Small Things b) Malgudi Days c) As You Like It D) My Experiments With Truth E) Arthashastra F) Who Moved My Cheese G) Anand Math H) The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari I) Discovery of India J) Harry Potter and Order Of Phoenix 5. “Railway finances were separated fro general finances primarily to secure stability for civil estimates by providing for an assured contribution from railway revenues and also to introduce flexibility in the administration of railway finances. Write short notes on any five a) Konkan Railway Corporation b) Canons of Financial Propriety c) Delegation of powers d) reappropriations e) Charged and voted expenditure f) Railway Board g) Dedicated freight corridor 3. Discuss relative advantages and disadvantages. What is the purpose of “accounts office balance sheet. Write short notes on any five a) Zero based budgeting b) Suspense heads c) Apportionment of earnings d) M & P Programme e) Approximate account current f) Railway Act 3. is this concept still relevant today.each All questions carry equal marks of 25 each 1. 2. What are your suggestions to bring down the operating ratio of Southern Railway? 5. Discuss how we can on southern railway minimise the . What is the need for separate audit by representatives of comptroller and auditor general with effective internal auditing within the system. Briefly discuss “CAPITAL FUNDS” 4. In the present set up of Indian railways what are the different “FUNDS” In brief describe the nature of each fund and their operation. How is the “operating ratio” calculated? What the limitations of this ratio in assessing the financial viability of the railway. Briefly indicate the nature of debit and credit entries. What is “appropriation accounts” annexure J is an index of the efficiency of the accounts department. can c& AG Audit can be dispensed with discuss in detail giving pros and cons. PART B 1. What action would be taken for realisation of old outstanding? 2. In the existing systems. Zero based budgeting is an improvement over traditional budgeting” dicusss this statement in detail in the context Indian railways and also explain how zero based budget can be applied for revenue budget (i.number of instances brought under annexure J 4. quarterly and annual closing and give your suggestions for improving the existing system. LDCE QUESTION PAPERS YEAR WISE SOUTHERN RAILWAY 12TH JUNE 2008 PAPER II TOTAL SIX QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED – TWO FROM PART I AND TWO FROM PART II AND TWO FROM EITHER PART III A OR III B ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS PART I FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION FOR EXPENDITURE and TRAFFIC COSTING (MAX MARKS 50) ATTEMPT ANY TWO OUT OF QUESTIONS 1 TO 4 . Even then the booked expenditure do not reflect the actual and correct picture.e. “Traditional Budgeting is functionally oriented and accounting oriented but not result oriented. Also indicates whether approximate account current should continue 5. Critically examine the procedure of monthly. working expenses). the closure of accounts take considerable time. What is meant by apportionment of earnings how is it done in respect of goods earnings of through traffic? 10.) Out of Turn Works C) Special Limited Tenders D) Throughput Enhanced Works E) Terminal Charges F) Orange Book and Pink Book G) Specific Fuel Consumption 3. Highlight the importance of Sensitivity Analysis in evaluating investment proposals. Discuss in detail the concept of performance of budgeting and its application in railway working PART III MAX MARKS 50 Important answer any two out of questions 9 to 12 or any two out of questions 13 to 16 PART III A 9. explain the cost of joint costs. How would you apply this to a proposal for a new line project? PART II MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (MAX MARKS 50) ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS OUT OF QUESTIONS 5 TO 8 5. Write short notes on any five (maxi marks 5 each) a. What is the basis on which such costs are apportioned among various services? 2.1 In the context of railway operations.) Uneconomic Branch Lines b. Define Break Even Analysis how it is calculated and what are the uses of Break-Even Analysis as a management tool 6. What is meant by productivity test and how it is applied to new projects? Do they serve the purpose as intended? 4. Write short notes on any five: a) Management Audit B) Profit Volume Ratio C) Wagon Turn Around D) Variance Analysis E) Net Tonne Kilometres F) Standard Costing 7. What is traffic suspense what are the items that constitute traffic suspense give your suggestions to reduce traffic suspense on Southern Railway? . What is meant by financial ratios illustrate any two ratios can operating ratio be taken as a financial ratio give reasons 8. Write short notes on any five a) Completion Estimates and Completion Reports B) Risk and Cost C) Non-Schedule Items D) Final Location Survey E) Fall Clause f) EFT and ECS APRIL 15. Engine Hours ii.11. Route Kilometres iv. (a) what is stock adjustment accounts (b) What are the various items adjusted through this account C. discuss how the POH of a Locomotive is worked out and explain how direct and indirect costs are taken into accounts 14. Occupation Ratio PART III B WORKSHOP STORES ACCOUNTS AND GENERAL EXPENDITURE 13. Write short notes on any five a) Leave Not Due B) Staff Benefit Fund C) Foreign Service Contribution D) Supernumerary Post E) Ex Gratia Payment F) Special Casual Leave 12. Objects of traffic accounts office 5. Gross Tonne Kilometres iii. Elements of passenger classification 4. Role of TIAs in preventing leakage of revenue 6. 2010 SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR APP IREM 3A TRAFFIC ACCOUNTS 1. Who is the competent authority to sanction the clearance of balance under this head 15. Accounts office balance sheet . What are the essentials of a good inventory control system? Discuss ABC analysis and its advantages 16. (a) Briefly describe the organisational set up of the statistical department And (b) Define the following i. Cash in transit/stores in transit 3. Traffic book and its parts 2. Apportionment of traffic earnings 15. SLT. Sundry earnings 13. Deposit Works 10. Estimates: A. Various Funds – Capital. CF. Measurement Book 6. Initial Records At XEN’s Office 16. OLWR. SRSF 19. Way lease charges GENERAL EXPENDITURE 1.Global. Dynamic pricing policy 9. Maintenance of ROB/RUB 23. Completion Report 13. material modification GENERAL EXPENDITURE SHORT NOTES 1. DF . Traffic classification 19. Pilgrim tax 17. Labour Pay Sheets 15.7. Check Of Estimates 3. RSF. FOIS 10. Various types of frauds 22. Maintenance Of Land And Buildings 12. Duties Of Works Accountant 17. Tenders. Surveys 2. Withdrawal from station earnings 21. Contractor’s Ledger And Check Of Contractor’s Bills 7. Revised Classification 18. Sidings – Private 11. Journey of traffic earnings from station to cash office and accounts at RBI/Nagpur 14. Contracts And Agreements 5. Non issued ticket NI statement 18. Wagon turn round 20. Terminal charges 16. COIS 11. ST. UTS 12. Traffic suspense 8. DRF. 4. Parliamentary Control Over Expenditure 20. Feasibility Report . Material At Site Accounts 9. Objectionable Item Register 14. Works Registers And Revenue Allocation Registers 8. LT. Annexure to appropriation accounts – what is annexure J 13. Deposits 11. Techno Economic Survey 3. Demands For Grants 20. Tender Committee 8. Final Modification 18. Buffer Stock 25. Capital and Capital fund 5. Differentiate between want of sanction/excess over sanction 27. Internal audit and audit checking 14. Revenue and Capital PUs 4. Plan heads and revenue heads 3. Features of Focal Point 9. Departmental Expenditure 4. Apportionment of earnings . Pink Book 23. RBI and PSB suspense 8. Deposit Miscellaneous Receipts / Expenditure 11. Terminal Tax 9. differentiate between want of estimate/excess over estimates 26. Reconciliation of Cheques and bills 10. Revised Estimate 17. traffic. Late And Delayed Tender 7. Ballast 24. Differentiate DATC/DATD and TWFA 6. capital. Completion Statement 13. Works Programme 22. DF OLW-R. stores and gen accounts 12. Divisional Schedule Of Rates 5. Final Financial Review 15. Budget Order 21. Final Grant 19. workshop. August Review 16. Suspense heads for revenue. Performance guarantee bonds 28. Various funds in railways DRF. Distinguish between appropriation accounts and approximate accounts 2. Remittance transactions and transfer transactions 7. Exchequer Control 14. Bank guarantee BOOKS 1. Muster Sheet 12.2. Financial Propriety 6. Earnest Money Deposit And Security Deposit 10. Capital budgeting in railways – RSP. Structure of Govt accounts 19. Financial reviews 7. Appropriation accounts and Annexure to 24. Integrated budget. Allocation structure – capital and revenue 17. Stock adjustment accounts 5. Purchase accounts 6. Half yearly arrear report 21. Cash budgeting 16. Cash estimates/requirement/cash authorization/ 15. Performance budget and the performance units 3. Link cell 26. Budget grant 10. Focal point 25. 14-16 16. BUDGET 1. ZBB 5. Distinguish between gross budget and net budget 2. FM/Final Modification 9.15. COPPY 17.FWP and M&P 6. Budget order 14. ABC analysis 2. Debt head report 22. Debit/credit scroll 23. Parliamentary control 18. Inventory control 3. Stores suspense 7. PEI STORES ACCOUNTS 1. Proportionate budget grant 11. 1-2. Voted and charged expenditure 21. Revised estimates/revised grant 19. Stock verification 4. LC opening . Controllable PUs 13. RE/BE 18. Link heads between finance and commercial accounts 20. deficit budget 4. Demands for grants 03-13. August review 8. SL/ISL 12. Operating ratio 20. AHR . DGS&D and import policy 26. Idle time . Surplus stores/ dead surplus 32.8. Lorry challans 31. Turn over ration 21.SN 8. Total Quality control. WMS debit / credit sides. Combined receipt cum issue note 17. Modernization. Labour suspense . What is a work order? Essential features of WO system types of work orders 9. shop on cost and proforma on cost 5. ISO. how to keep it efficient 12. EAR/AAC Quantity vetting 25. Out turn statements are the monthly progress card of a workshop 13. Accountal of labour and stores in the WGR SN 14. List out the various documents related to production in shops 10. Minima and maxima WORKSHOP ACCOUNTS 1. Role of finance member in stores tender committee 14. Receipt note 30. CFI 28.SN . How the tender system has ensured the transparency in Govt transactions? 20. EMD and SD 23. FOR destination 29. Distinguish late and delayed tender 13. green licensing 16. Make or buy decision in railway workshop 11. LD 22. Types of tenders 12. Computerization of stores accounts 10. Job costing 4. EOT 18. AIC 27. GA Cards Tally sheets – time Records SN 2. Reconciliation of time records with financial records 3.SN 7. Purchase order/ indent/stock and non stock 11. On costs general on cost. Survey committee 16. Rate / running contract 33. MAC – 9. Sources of supply 19. SFC 24. Purchase policy 15. Compare CLW and CRS patterns of incentive schemes 15. Role PCO and allowed time in workshops 6. Batch costing in Production Units . Family pension 5. Cadre/lien 6. Staff cost on deputation 12.04. Cycle. BOS 7. PPO/PPA 9. MCA. Railway recoveries and non Railway Bodies (NRB) 10. production and process 18.SN ESTABLISHMENT 1. Elements of internal check 5.17. LPC 2.2004 8. Civil grants (HBA. . Exgratia pension 7. MOD 3. Qualifying service 2. Scale check register 8. Costing system for POH. PRIME and AFRES PENSION & SETTLEMENT 1. NPS wef1. DCRG 4. RCS of Loco POH 19. FSC 9. Dies non 3. RELHS 10. OI REGISTER 4. fan) 11. Enhanced family pension 6. it will be possible to control the inventory quiet effectively both in the way of cost control and lessening the risk of ‘stock out’. Of the various techniques. Without proper material health personnel cannot work effectively. B & C items less frequently. On the other hand. By concentrating on controlling A.items represent low cost centres. Inventory control is basically a scientific system which indicates as to what to order. if we have a smaller inventory. as orders have to be repeated more often. and therefore the total costs are kept at the minimum. Inventory control Inventory control it is an important aspect of material management. supplies and equipment needed by health personnel to deliver health services. ABC analysis ABC analysis is the analysis of the store items cost criteria. A very close control is exercised over A items while less stringent control is adequate for those in the category B. the next 20% for 20% of value and the last 70% account for 10% of value. and in the right quantity in order that health personnel deliver health services. at the right time. when to order. and to a lesser degree on B items. and how much to stock so that purchasing costs and storing costs are kept as low as possible. ABC classification is the most important technique. In so far as inventory control is concerned the following guidelines will help in keeping the system optimum (i. It has been seen that a large number of items consume only a small percentage of resources and vice. and C. A – Items represent the high cost centre. turn-over is greater requiring lesser carrying charges but more of procurement costs.versa. It will be seen that first 10% of items approximately account for 70%. The cost of each item is multiplied by the number used in a given period and then these items are tabulated in descending numerical value order. they feel frustrated and the community lacks confidence in the health services and unless appropriate materials are provided in proper time and are required quantity. Tight controls .e. and less attention for category C. By inventory control we could find out the optimum quantities to be stocked so that the two costs. which avoids being penny wise and pound foolish. The right drugs. supplies and equipment must be at the right place. It is a simple approach. B items represent the immediate cost centres.items. productivity of personnel will not be up to expectation. Since A items are of the highest value and are required in large numbers they could be purchased more frequently and the others.Introduction Material Management is concerned with providing the drugs. Healthy balance between financial constraints and purchase of required quantity of materials) AItems: on 1. and how much to order. If the level of inventories goes up the carrying charges also increase but the procurement cost decreases. Fast moving Slow moving Non. 4. This after doing a cost analysis. This method is based on the fact that some stock items have a much higher annual usage value than others.moving Obsolete An understanding of the movement of items helps to keep proper levels of inventories by deciding a rational policy or reordering. 3. 5. 3. 4. Class A B C Number of items 10% of total items 20% of total items 70% of total items Rupee value in items 70% 20% 10% Steps in computing A-B-C analysis: procedure of A-B-C analysis • First we are trying to prepare a list of items and calculate their annual usage in rupees. 2. B- Rigid estimates of requirements Strict and close watch ( monitoring) Safety stocks should be low Management of items should be done at top management level. 4. 2. Safety stocks high Management be done at lower levels. Moderate control Purchase based on rigid requirements Reasonably strict watch and control Safety stocks moderate Management be done at middle level C- Items 1. Rate of consumption: Close study of each item from the point of view of movement of store or consumption rate is a strong tool for proper inventory control. The items can be classified into: 1. 3. . 5. 2. stock items are separated into three classes with the following characteristics. 5. 3.2. This can be obtained by multiplying the quantity ( number of units) of the item consumed in one year by its unit price. Ordinary control measure Purchase based on usage estimates Controls exercises by store keeper. Items 1. 4. 20 0.05 0.50 2.000 500 50.• • • Arranging all these items in the descending order of their individual dosage in rupees.000 30.30 0. the second item the second maximum. Table: 2 A-B-C ranking Ranking Item Annual Cumulative Cumulative Category usage annual percentage . Those items which together form about 70% of the total annual usage may be total annual usage may be categorized as A items.40 1. Similarly. Items which contribute the next 20 to 25 % of the aggregate are listed as B items. After having done this the total of annual usage in rupees is put at the bottom of the list.850 3 6 9 2 8 1 7 5 10 1 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Total Table :1 shows a representative ABC analysis where 10 items have been studied and annual usage extended by unit cost to get annual usage in rupees.00 6000 1000 150 10000 400 24000 700 4500 100 Rs: 51.00 0.20 .25 5000 4 0.000 10.000 700 9000 50 Unit cost in Annual usage Ranking rupees Rs: (2)×(3) 3 4 5 0. Placing of the orders on the basis of this classification. Table: 1 A-B-C analysis usage in rupees Items Annual usage units 2 20. That means the first item in the list will now show the maximum annual usage in rupees. The rest which contributes 5 to 10% of the total percentage of annual usage are called C items. Example: The company has 10 items mentioned in the table .000 8000 60.10 0. the third item the third maximum and so on. 22 % of annual usage.57 11000 6850 21.57 77.104 106.e.14 86.39 98.105 102. Without A-B C analysis. 24000 34000 40000 45000 49500 50500 51200 51600 51750 51850 46. A items are ordered more frequently and I small quantities ( i.21 13.110 Table 3 shows a summary ABC analysis showing that 20% of the items represent 65.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 107 105 102 101 109 103 108 106 104 110 Rs. B and C categories of items.108. Table 3: Summary of A-B-C analysis: Class Item % of items 20 20 60 Rs: (per Cumulative group) percentage of Rs.00 A A B B C C C C C C Table 2 shows the ranking and assignment of A.14 99. 24000 10000 6000 5000 4500 1000 700 400 150 100 usage Rs.78 95.101 109. the ordering policy of an undertaking may be to order all items once a quarter and position would be somewhat represented by: TABLE 4 Table 4: .22 A B C 107.21% of annual usage and 60% of the items represent only 13.103.81 100.47 97.51 99.57 % of annual usage 20 percent of the item represent 21. few weeks requirements) while C items are ordered just once or twice a year to obtain the entire year’s requirement.28 65. 34000 65. Desirable: items whose non availability can be tolerated for a long period. essential items are 40% and desirable items make 50% of total items available. 1. which is 3540 lower than the corresponding cost in the first instance. Category No. essential and desirable stores. Based on the estimation of the time length for which non availability can be tolerated.Category No. The stores when subjected to analysis based on their criticality can be classified into vital. This analysis is termed as VED analysis.000 10000 4000 400 1000 100 Average inventory in Rs.000 4000 2000 B C TOTAL 5 1 4000 400 800 400 400 200 2600 Average total inventory is now Rs: 2600 and adding 20% inventory carrying cost the total inventory cost works out to be 2600+ 520= 3120. 2. Vital: items without which treatment comes to standstill: i. essential and desirable items varies from hospital to hospital depending on the type and quantity of workload.availability can not be tolerated. non. VED ANALYSIS ABC analysis does not tell anything about the criticality of the items. Now .e. . 5000 500 50 5550 The average total inventory in the above case is 5550 and adding 20% carrying cost the total inventory cost works out to be 5550+ 1110= Rs: 6660. Although the proportion of vital. there are three categories. thought the total number of orders placed during the year is the same as before. year in rupees A 10 40. if A-B-C analysis is applied the ordering policy would be different . 3. of Annual Quantity Average orders requirement ordered inventory per in Rs: each time in Rs. on an average vital items are 10%. of orders per year A 4 B C TOTAL 4 4 Annual Quantity requirement ordered in Rs: each time in rupees 40. This is an important variant in patient care services. because similar or alternative items are available. Essential: items whose non availability can be tolerated for 2-3 days. and desirable items we stocked in small amounts. a) b) c) d) e) Thoughtless continuation of previous purchase. Findings of ABC and VED analysis can be coupled and further grouping can be done to evolve a priority system of management of stores: Coupling matrix model Cat I V A B C Av Bv Cv Cat II E Ae Be Ce Cat III D Ad Bd Cd An example for the coupling matrix model for equipment between criticality and cost V Defibrillator 1 E X-ray machine 2 D Air. i. they are not expensive. The vital items are stocked in abundance. These unnecessary items get purchased due to the following reasons. A. vital and essential items are always in stock which means a minimum disruption in the services offered to the people. there is a peculiar category of ‘U’ items which can be grouped as unnecessary. By stocking the items in order of priority.curtains 3 H . It should be realized that vital.C categories. Domestic examples of salt and matchbox proves that though these items are vital. in some public organizations which are static or inefficiently managed.B. It is possible to conduct a two dimensional analysis taking into consideration cost on one hand . All the vital items are not expensive and all the expensive items are not vital. but they are not essential. essential items are stocked in medium amounts. similarly microwave oven and air conditioning unit are expensive.V items and A items are not the same. Indifferent attitude towards hospital formulary Fear of change Poor supervision and control Unfair practice due to vested interest. and critically VED on the other.e.Although not included in scientific VED analysis. Managerial accounting for hospitals. Kumar R& Goel SL. 5. Pai P. but required in small quantity (A) should receive highest priority. keeping them safely and in working order. 2003 4.( First edn). Ghei P N. Nursing administration. Items with low criticality (D) and which are required in big quantity should receive least priority. Category III items: these items are of least importance which can be left under the control of the store keeper. Mumbai: the national book depot. References: 1. The grouping will essentially depend upon the strategy of management and the environment of functioning. Effective hospital management. This also prevents chances of non availability of equipments and drugs as being out of stock of these reduces the usefulness of the hospital system.New Delhi: Deep & deep publications. Conclusion A thorough understanding and use of the techniques of materials management would help in ordering the supplies when needed. 3. Basavanthappa B T.( 2 nd edn). New Delhi: Indian hospital association. 2. Kulkarni G R. Hospital stores management. Vol 1 ( first edn). Newdelhi: Jaypee brothers medical publishers (p) ltd. Selected reading in hospital administration. controlling their use. Category II items: these items are of intermediate importance and should be under control of the officer in charge of the stores. New Delhi: Jaypee brothers. Hospital administration and management. 2003. ( oxygen regulator) Category I items: these items are the most important ones and require control by the administrator himself. Gupta S& Kanth S. It must be noted that a material manager has to comprehensively supervise category 1 items since an item may be a low cost one but critical for patient care. 2004. Mumbai: Ridhiraj enterprise. However these simple techniques can be effective in material management system. an integrated approach. 20 . Items with high criticality (V). and also motivating the personnel in the best use of equipment and drugs. ( Ist edn). 6.M Ventilator L Electric cautery Ultrasonic wash machine 4 5 6 Oxygen regulator Patient trolley Electronic BP machine 7 8 9 Matrix module: criticality Vs cost NB: 1-9 is cell no • • • • • • Cell 1 contains vital and high cost items like defibrillator. 1990. Slow Moving There following steps in doing the FSN analysis Calculation of average stay and the consumption rate of the material in warehouse FSN Classification of materials based on average stay in the inventory FSN Classification of the material based on consumption rate Finally classifying based on above FSN analysis.Normal Moving S. Items are classified based on consumption and average stay in the inventory. Process .How to do FSN/FNS analysis By doing FSN analysis materials can be classified based on their movement from inventory for a specified period. Higher the stay of item in the inventory.Slow Moving N. where F – Fast Moving N.Non moving Sometimes the terms FNS is also being used. the slower would be the movement of the material F – Fast Moving S. Period of analysis is 15 days Calculation of consumption rate and average stay of the material in the inventory Opening Balance : 50 Average stay of the material = Cumulative No of Inventory Holding Days/( Total quantity received + Opening Balance) =1161/115 =10.09 Days Consumption Rate = Total Issue Qty/Total Period Duration =46/15 =3.06 Nos/Day Now list down the materials with average stay and consumption rate .Let’s take 10 materials for analysis. Following is the analysis of SKU01. Now Carry out the FSN analysis on the basis of Average Stay only as below in MS Excel as below by sorting down in descending order of Average stay. Here FSN has been taken as F--10%. the free encyclopedia . S-20%. Every company has its policy for defining FSN . and N -70% Now carry out the FSN classification only on the basis of consumption rate similarly as above Now carry out final classification by combining both as under mm Pareto principle From Wikipedia. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency.g. who observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.. i. which was also introduced by the same economist. search The term "Pareto principle" can also refer to Pareto efficiency. for many events. he developed the principle by observing that 20% of the pea pods in his garden contained 80% of the peas. The number k may vary from 50 (in the case of equal distribution.[1] the law of the vital few. Mathematically. there must be a number k between 50 and 100 such that "k% is taken by (100 − k)% of the participants".e. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. There is nothing special about the number 80% mathematically.Jump to: navigation. "80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients". e. Pareto developed both concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population. where something is shared among a sufficiently large set of participants. roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule.[3] It is a common rule of thumb in business. .[2][3] Business management thinker Joseph M. 100% of the population have equal shares) to nearly 100 (when a tiny number of participants account for almost all of the resource). and the principle of factor sparsity) states that. but many real systems have k somewhere around this region of intermediate imbalance in distribution.
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