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Explain whether the members of any schedule tribe coming within the clause (25) of Article 366 of the constitution are governed by the codified Hindu Law? ANSWER: INTRODUCTION : The word Hindu is extremely popular and famous term. Generally every person is known to it. But the term of Hindu has not been defined till now. A person may be called as Hindu, but only few knew why they are Hindu? Sh. Radha Krishnan in his book ‘Hindu View of Life’ at one place said that there was a time when a person was identified as a Hindu on the basis of region i.e. a person who resided in India was called as Hindu, it also represented the nationality. A time also came in the middle when a person was called Hindu who believed in Hindu religion or followed it. But this identity of Hindu also did not remained for too long, because it was not required for Hindu o believe in Hindu religion. It is said that though several codified Hindu Laws were enacted in 195 and 1956 but the term Hindu was not defined. Today it can be said broadly that a person who is not Muslim, Christain, Parsi or Jew shall be Hindu. The Supreme Court in the case “Dr. Ramesh Yashwant Prabhu v/s Prabhakar Kashinath Kunta” 1996 and Manohar Joshi v/s Nitia Bhausher Patil1996 explain the term Hinduism related to Hindu as the life style and mentality of this continent. Now the term Hindu can be widely defined the person to whom Hindu Law applies shall be Hindu. http://kuklawnotes.blogspot.in/p/hindulaw_11.html 4/56 1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.B Notes): Hindu Law PERSON TO WHOM HIDNU LAW APPLIES: The following person can be kept in categories mentioned against each : 1. Those persons who are Hindu, Jain, Buddhist or Sikh by birth: i) A person is called Hindu by birth who is the child of Hindu Parents i.e. whose parents are Hindu but such person is also considered Hindu whose either of the parent is Hindu and has been brought up under Hindu traditions. A case : Maya Devi v/s Uttram 1861, this view was proved. Another case of Sh Devavasan v/s Jaya Kumari 1991, Kerala High Court held that male of Nadar caste of Travancore marry any nonHindu female and a child born out of such marriage shall be Hindu Here pertinent to mention that according to ancient Dharamshashtras, a child born between Hindu parents only can be called Hindu, there was no such thing of Hindu conversion of religion. Therefore it was said that, “A Hindu is born not made” Application of Hindu Law over Schedule tribes : Several times a question arose that a codified Hindu Law does not apply to those persons which belongs to schedule tribe under article 366 clause (25) of the constitution. Section 2(2) of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and the case of Dashrath v/s Guru 1972 Orrisa and Kadam v/s Jeetan 1973 of Patna given the answer of this question. According to them a codified Hindu Law shall apply to such persons only when the Central Government notifies in the official Gazette by a notification. CHILD FROM HINDU FATHER & CHRISTAIN MOTHER A question also arosed that whether such person shall be considered to be Hindu whose father is Hindu and mother is Christain? A case Commissioner of Income tax v/s Sridharan 1976 : a positive answer http://kuklawnotes.blogspot.in/p/hindulaw_11.html 5/56 It was held in this case that the Hindu Law applies not only to those who are Hindu by birth but also applies to those persons who have become Hindu by conversion.html 6/56 . Chistain. Case: Abrahim v/s Abrahim. Parsi Or Jew. In other words. Jain. Another case Morarji vs Administrator General 1929 Madras: It was said that persons becoming Hindu by conversion are also Hindu and the Hindu Law applies over them too. is an important case in this respect. Modern Hindu Law includes both Hindu by birth and Hindu by religion under the term Hindu. Buddhist or Sikh by religion:The Hindu Law also applies to those persons who are not Hindu by birth but have accepted Hindu religion by conversion. Case : Rajkumar v/s Warwara1989: Calcutta: The Calcutta High Court held that this category includes all those person who donot believe in any religion. 1863. In wider sense Hindu Law applies to all those who are not Mussalman.blogspot. who are i) atheist or ii) believes in all religion. or iii) believes in religion which is maximum of all. Christain. it can be said that all persons different from Mussalman. Christain. Those persons who are not Mussalman. Those persons who are Hindu.in/p/hindulaw_11.B Notes): Hindu Law was given and said that if either of the parent is Hindu and child born out of them is brought up under Hindu traditions then that child shall be considered as Hindu. Also in our society the religion of father applies over the son In a case Sapna v/s State of Kerala : 1993: It was held that if a child is brought up as a member of Christain famiy then in that situation the child shall be christain instead of being Hindu. Parsi or Jew.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.Parsi or Jew are Hindu and the Hindu Law applies over them. Another case: Yagyapurushdasji v/s Mooldas 1966: The Supreme Court held that the followers of Narayan Swami section as http://kuklawnotes. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS ARE HINDU. Jain or Sikh religion : Cases : Perumal v/s PunnuswamiAIR1971 & Durga Parsad v/s Sudarshan Swami AIR1940 Madras. iii) Who are resident of territory to which enacted law applies and are not mussalman. Parsi or Jew and has not been proved that in the absence of enactment.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. (b) Any child legitimate of illegitimate whose either of parent is Hindu.html 7/56 . ***************** http://kuklawnotes. APPLICATION OF ENACTED LAWS The enacted laws applies over the following: i) Who are the followers of Veer Shav.B Notes): Hindu Law Hindu because though they may be governed by their views or rules but finally are related to the Hindu religion. Buddhist. whose both parents are Hindu.in/p/hindulaw_11. Lingayat or Braham samaj. Buddhist or Sikh by religion. they would not have been governed by Hindu Law or a custom or practice of its part. Christain. Buddhist. BUDDHIST OR SIKH BY RELIGION (a) Any child. Prathna Samaj or Arya Samaj and are Hindu by religion. Jain or Sikh by religion. Jain or Sikh by religion and has been brought up a member of that tribe community or group to which that parents was or is member. This was proved. legitimate or illegitimate. ii) Who are Jain. Buddhist. (c) Any person who has converted or reconverted to Hindu.blogspot. 2: Under the Hindu Law. Custom and Usages. “Clear proof of usage will outweigh the written text of Law.” Comment and state whether custom is still a source of modern Hindu Law? OR What are the various sources of Hindu Law? To what extent custom still continuous to be important source of Hindu Law? Illustrate your answer. ANCIENT SOURCES : According to Manu there are four sources of Hindu Law as per following details.in/p/hindulaw_11.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. in addition to these four there was also that what is agreeable to one’s conscience: 1.B Notes): Hindu Law Question No. Smriti 3. Digest and Commentaries 4. 2. 1. Shruti 2. 2. Precedents 3. The sources of Hindu Law can be kept under two headings: 1. Equity. Modern Sources. 2 MODERN SOURCES: Following are the modern sources of Hindu Law : 1. Sources of Hindu Law http://kuklawnotes. Legislation. Ancient or original sources.blogspot. Answer : INTRODUCTION: The Hindu Law is credited to be the most ancient law system which is approximately 6000 years old.html 8/56 . justice and good conscience. Apastamb. SMRITIS :Means .html 9/56 . because it is era when well organised dependant on the remembrance of saints and the era of creation of and serial wise development of Hindu Law started. Manu smritis made of 12 chapters and 2694 shlokas. Smritis are divided into two : i) Dharam Surtra : Dharam sutra are famous of Gautam.” If we want to see religion(Law) in a proper way. “History of Dharamshashtra” said that. Harit. SHRUTI : The name “shruti” is derived from the word “sru” which means to hear and it signifies what is heard. Shruties are considered as the primary and paramount source of Hindu Law. P. Narad Smriti etc.B Notes): Hindu Law _________________________________________________________ _ Ancient Sources Modern Sources Shruti Smriti Digest & commentaries Custom and Usage _________________________________________________________ Equity. Justice and Good conscience Precedent Lagislation 1.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Dr. Yagyavalkya Smriti.in/p/hindulaw_11. then we should analysis Shruti and Smritis. It is the second Important source of Hindu Law.Kanne in his book. ii) Dharam Shashtra : Are famous for Manu Smriti.blogspot.”What was remembered” thus smritis were Smritis is known as golden era. The shruti consist of the four Vedas and Upanishads dealing with the religious rites that contain the meaning of attaining true knowledge and moksh as salvation. brief http://kuklawnotes. Buddhyan. It is of two types first is prose style and the other is of poetry style. Yagyavalkya smriti is divided into 3 parts and is extremely clear.V. Vishnu and Vasith.” 2. Case : Atmarao v/s Bajirao 1935: It was held that Digest writers and commenter’s has given the statements of Smritis which can fulfil the present requirements & ahead from smrities. D. The commentaries through professing and purporting the rest on the smrities explains modified and enlarged tradition recorded there to bring them into harmony and accordingly to prevent practices of the day. Custom under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 can be applied over two topics : http://kuklawnotes.B Notes): Hindu Law and organised. “ Custom is a step of generally followed conducts As a way is created over gress by repeated walking similarly custom is created in accordance to the conduct of everyday life.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. “ the custom is family or particular class or area owing o a long tradition.blogspot. but it is limited. Narad Smriti being the last smiriti is such first legal code which mentions subjects related to Judicial process.F. The period of the commentaries and digest is between 700 AD 1700Ad.” Case: Collector of Madurai v/s Mottaramlingam 1868: Privy Council held that in Hindu Law the clear proof of customs shall be more relevant then the basic epics of law. CUSTOMS AND USAGES : These are considered an important source of Hindu Law. “Customs are powerful” they are above the religion.” Case: Harparsad v/s Shiv Daya 1816: It was said that. Narad Smriti says that.html 10/56 . The last commentary was Vajanty written by Nand Pandit.Mulla says that. Digest and Commentaries : These are the third important source of Hindu Law. 3. Codified Hindu Law recognises custom only when it has been expressly given a place. “ Among the three sources of Hindu Law Custom and Usage are the one.” According to Holland. courts and Judiciary.” Although codified law has given place to custom. 4.in/p/hindulaw_11. Actually Britishers not only established a judicial system in India but also facilitated though the High Court charters that wherever their is lack of lawful rules. EQUITY. there court should pronounce their decision on the basis of principle of equity. “ In memorial is transcendent Law. The Judicial Committee explained that.blogspot. Hindu sages have recognised good custom binding on the Hindu. In view of the above observations and its practical application it will not be incorrect to mention equity justice and good conscience as the next source of Hindu Law. justice and good conscience. justice and principles of equity. Case : Gurmukh Singh v/s Kamla Bai 1951: It was held that. “ Where their is lack of rules of Hindu Law over any subject.html 11/56 . http://kuklawnotes. Manu says. their the decision should be on the principles of equity. justice and good conscience.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. JUSTICE AND GOOD CONSCIENCE: In India the origin of equity is traced the Hindu period when jurists explained the old law and gave new rules of interpretation and equitable solutions in cases of conflict between the rules of various law. In case of a conflict between the rules of smrities that should be followed which is based on reasons. 5.in/p/hindulaw_11. obtained the force of law. “ Custom is a rule which in a particular family or in particular district has from long usage.” Custom is divided in three parts: i) Local custom ii) Class custom iii) Family custom. ii) Divorce can be obtained be prevailing custom or usage and a married male of female above the age of 15 years can be adopted as customary rules.B Notes): Hindu Law i) Any Marriage may be solicited by the customary tradition of the parties. Case: Pandurang Kalu Patil v/s State of Maharashtra2002. Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856. 1929. Prevention of Child Widow Act. there were amended too. High Court. 2.in/p/hindulaw_11. it is pertinent to mention here that there are certain rules for the application of precedent like : i) The decision of Supreme Court is binding over all the subordinate courts. 3. ii) The decision of Supreme Court is binding to its subordinate courts. http://kuklawnotes. Today most of the subjects of Hindu Law has been codified. iii) The decision of Privy Council is binding over all High Courts provided that it has not be over ruled by the Supreme Court. Some of the important Acts in this respect are : 1. LEGISLATION : The last important source of Hindu Law is the legislation. when English rulers started enacting several laws. Privy Council have the effect of precedent over the subordinate court. 1930. PRECEDENT : It is an important source of law.html 12/56 . It means he Judicial decision over any disputed matter which shall be guideline for the disposition of future similar disputed matters. The importance of Precedent as a source of Hindu Law can be understood from the example that if we have to look into the importance of custom and Usages in Hindu Law. Generally the decision of Supreme Court.B Notes): Hindu Law 6. time and circumstances. 7. Hindu Women’s right to Property Act. Their source has originated after the establishment of English State in India.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Laws were enacted in accordance to the state.blogspot. then we shall have to analyse the case : Collector of Madurai v/s Mottaramlingam. Question No.html 13/56 . Uncodified Hindu Law. Hindu Succession Act 1956 6. DAYABHAGA SCHOOL The Mitakshara school has further the following sub schools : a) Banaras or Varanasi sub school.3: Discuss the main principles on which Mitakshara and Dayabhaga schools of Hindu Law differ from each other. OR What are the various schools of Hindu Law? Differentiate between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools. Hindu Marriage Act.in/p/hindulaw_11. As per the context of schools. 5. Answer : INTRODUCION: As we know that Hindu Law is two types : 1. c) Maharashtra or Mumbai sub school. b) Mithila Sub school. Hindu Law is of two types : 1.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. 1956 8. 1.blogspot. Hindu Women’s right to Seperate Residence and Maintenance Act 1946. The application of Un codified Hindu Law depends upon the context of different schools. http://kuklawnotes. Codified Hindu Law 2. Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act. MITAKSHARA SCHOOL 2. Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956.B Notes): Hindu Law 4. 1955 7. The codified Hindu law applies to all Hindu equally whereas the un codified Hindu Law the situation is different. d) Dravid or Madras sub school. Veer Mitrodaa and Niranaya Sandhu of Mitr Mishra. http://kuklawnotes. It was held that the effect of mitakshara school is so strong that it also applies to even undescribed subjects in Bengal and Assam. These different areas are governed by different Digest and Commentaries. Case : Rohan v/s Laksman – 1976. rural area of Punjab.html 14/56 .Different Customs and Usages prevail in different parts of the country. The important books concerning to this are Mitakshara of Vigyaneshwa. but due to different beliefs of Digest and its commentaries several schools and sub schools of Hindu Law have developed. b) Mithila sub school : Area= Tirhut and few districts of North Bihar.B Notes): Hindu Law e) Punjab sub school. MIKAKSHARA SCHOOL The name of this school came from the Digest Mitakshara of Vigyaneshwa.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. SCHOOLS OF HINDU LAW MITAKSHARA SCHOOL DAYABHAGA SCHOOL Banaras Mithila Maharashtra Dravid Punjab Case : Collector of Madrai v/s Mottaramlingam 1868: It was said that. “ There is only one remote source among the various schools of Hindu Law.2. Orissa and few parts of Madhya Pradesh. The area of its application is whole India excluding the Assam State.”There are mainly two causes to differentiate between several schools of Hindu Law :1 .in/p/hindulaw_11.blogspot. SubSchools of Mitakshara a) Banaras SubSchool : The area of Banaras sub school is complete North India. Books are Vivadh Chintamani and Vivadh Ratnakar. south Bihar. in/p/hindulaw_11. d) Dravid sub school : The whole south of India. JammuKashmir. No coparcenary can http://kuklawnotes. Books are Vyavhar Mayuk. Women have been excluded in succession. 1.D. Mysore. This sub school emphasized on Customs and Usages. Saurashtra. Dayabhaga is mainly on essay on partition and succession. Rajasthan. saraswati Vilas. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MITAKSHARA DAYABHAGA SCHOOLS The above two schools has the principally differences on two subjects: 1. JOINT FAMIY & COPARCENARY. e) Punjab sub school : Area of the school is Punjab. Agnates supersedes the cognates. Madhya Pradesh and few parts of Andhra Pradesh.e. Madras. Property over which all coparceners have similar ownership. Kerala. MITAKSHARA SCHOOL: i) : I) Inheritance in Mitakashaara is based on relation by blood.blogspot. Area of this sub school is Maharashtra. i. The period of writing of Dayabhaga is considered to be 10901130 A.html 15/56 . Mitakshara & Veer Mitrodaya. DAYALBHAGA SCHOOL Its name came from the Digest Dayabhaga of Jimuthvahan. Veer Mitradaya and Nirnaya Sandhu. Vyavhar Niranaya.B Notes): Hindu Law c) Maharashtra sub school: It is also called as Mayuk sub school. 3. The area of its application is Bengal and Assam. 4.5. 2. 5. Books are Smriti Chandrika.The area of its application is whole India except Assam State. The coparcenary evolves with the birth of a son. Books are Digest on Yagyavalkya Smriti written by Aprak.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Parashar Madhviya. INHERITANCE 2. A relative by blood receives succession in property which is the basic principle of Hindu succession law. *********** Question : 4 Discuss the essentials of a valid Hindu Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act. 4 The coparcenary evolves after the death of the father. In this school successor of property is such person who earns maximum peace and religious profit for the soul of deceased by performing ‘Pindadaan’ & religious rituals etc. 2. The succession of property in Dayabhaga school based on spiritual principles. The relation of husband & wife is considered to http://kuklawnotes.5. 2.html 16/56 .blogspot. but after passing of Hindu Succession Act this has been ceased. OR What is the nature of Hindu Marriage? What are the essential conditions of a valid Hindu Marriage? Answer : INTRODUCTION : Marriage in Hindu culture is considered to be a sacred ritual. DAYABHAGA SCHOOL : i) 1.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. 3.B Notes): Hindu Law say before partition that he is the owner of that particular property. Coparcenary has been recognised by this school. 1955.6. This law is liberal because few women and cognates can also receive property in succession. Coparcenary has been recognised by this school. In Dayabhaga school the son has no right during the lifetime of the father. On the death of a Hindu Person his property shall devolve among his heirs on the basis of succession.in/p/hindulaw_11. Both have to spend their lives with each other. ii) Either of the parties at the time marriage shall not be unsound mind effected or retarded of mental development. iv) Unless both the parties are governed by their custom or usage the marriage shall not occur between parties under degrees of prohibited relationship.html 17/56 . Swami because he maintains his wife and wife is his responsibility. Once a person enters into marriage it cannot then be easily dissolved. It is reason that wife is called the second half.B Notes): Hindu Law made far several life times.blogspot. marriage shall be solemnised according to customary http://kuklawnotes. Every person is required to marry not only for child birth but also for the performance of religious and spiritual duties and to release the father from his dept. Section 7 of the Act also mentions another condition for valid marriage.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS OF VALID HINDU MARRIAGE Section 5 of Hindu marriage act 1955 mentions essential conditions of marriage. which are as under : i) Either of the parties at the time of marriage shall not have a living husband or wife. Wife is also called ‘Lakshmi’ she is the best friend of husband. iii) Male shall be of 21 years and female of 18 years of age at the time of marriage.in/p/hindulaw_11. Similarly wife is called ‘Jaya’ because child is born through her. According to it. He is also called the ’Parmeshwar’ because the greatest duty of wife is the service of her husband. v) Unless both the parties are governed by their custom or usage the marriage shall occur between parties related to each other by sapinda. husband is also known as ‘Bhartar’. There are several synonyms in Hindu Dharamshashtras far husbandwife. Where Saptpadi is necessary it has to be performed. 2. Saptpadi not necessary.B Notes): Hindu Law tradition and rituals. Marriage not allowed among sapinda prohibited relations. The law & procedure of dissolution of marriage is not simple. However there are certain provision of Hindu Marriage Act. 3. 2. 6. male should be above 21 years of age and female should be above l8 years of age. Unsoundness shall not be the ground of void marriage. 5. 3. Provision of dissolution of marriage. Section 8 of the act is provides for the registration of marriage but it is not necessary although Kangawai v/s Saroj 2002. Case : Sujeet Kaur v/s Garja Singh 1994. 1955 which makes it sacred in its nature : 1. 4.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.e. Caste based customs and usage in marriage are recognised. Both parties should be of sound mind. Now there are some slight changes have been made in the Hindu Marriage Act. it was held that where saptpadi is not necessary according to tradition and rituals there a marriage solemnised without Saptpadi shall also be valid. http://kuklawnotes.html 18/56 .in/p/hindulaw_11. The parties of marriage shall be major i. it was proved. 4. Where saptpadi is necessary it required to be performed compulsoryily. But in the case of Nilabba Somnath Tarapur v/s Divisional Controller KSRTC Bijapur 2002. rather shall be for voidable marriage. It was recommended to make the registration of Marriage necessary. 1955 and certain conditions has been imposed far a valid marriage which gives it a farm of agreement : 1. Marriage of minor shall not be considered to be void or voidable.blogspot. If essential condition of age as to marriage has been violated then it shall be punishable under section 18 of the Act. 3.html 19/56 . then a decree of dissolution of marriage could be passed on http://kuklawnotes. ARYA SAMAJ MARRIGE Such marriages have been recognised under Arya Samaj Marriage Validification Act 1937. 2.in/p/hindulaw_11. When parties of marriage fall within Sapinda reation. then such marriage shall be void. but such marriage shall neither be void nor voidable.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. SECOND MARRIAGE IN CASE OF LOST PARTY Several times a question arrises that if any party to marriage has been lost then whether second party can enter into second marriage? Section 13(1)(vii) of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 has to be analyzed in this respect. It provides that it nothing has been heared about the living or non living of any party to the marriage during the period of seven years or more. ii.B Notes): Hindu Law As to the question of marriage when there is already living husband or wife.blogspot. It was held in the case of Rampyari v/s Dharamdas 1984: “that if any one performs second marriage when there is already living husband or wife. If at the time of marriage if any one is unsound mind effected or retarded of mental growth then such marriage shall be voidable. When parties of marriage fall within degrees of prohibited relationship. i) When at the time of marriage there is living husband or wife of any party. iii.” EFFECT OF VOILATION OF CONDITIONS If the conditions of valid marriage are violated then it shall have the following effects : 1. It consist of both.blogspot. 3. It contain certain such conditions which if violated shall result into a void marriage. Thus at present circumstances the nature of marriage is neither completely ‘sacred’ nor completely ‘agreement’. 2. Where at the time of marriage any party has a living husband or wife. In fact a person unknown far a period of seven years or more is considered to have civil death. It is a mixture of both. Where parties to the marriage come with degrees of prohibited relationship A case: Rampyari v/s Dharamdas 1984: It was said by Allahabad High Court that an application for declaring a marriage void is not required to be presented by the victim only. No.html 20/56 . http://kuklawnotes. Q. 1955 provides far void and voidable marriage respectively: VOID MARRIAGE Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 mention about the essential conditions of a valid marriage.in/p/hindulaw_11.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Thus a second marriage could be performed after obtaining the decree of dissolution of marriage on above ground. Section 11 of the Act had considered following marriage to be void: 1. 5 Distinguish between void and voidable marriage? OR What is meant by Void and Voidable Marriage? Answer: INTRODUCTION: Section 11 & 12 of Hindu Marriage Act.B Notes): Hindu Law this ground. Where parties to the marriage fall within sapinda relationship. 4. Where the consent of guardian is necessary for the marriage and such consent has been obtained by force or by fraud as to nature of rituals or any actual facts or circumstances as to the respondents.in/p/hindulaw_11. 3. in case of marriage being voidable. 2. the court may decae it Null under following conditions : 1. Similarly if the marriage is voidable due to the pregnancy of wife then such marriage shall be declared null only when the court is satisfied that : http://kuklawnotes. Here is important that if marriage is voidable on the ground of consent obtained by fraud as force.blogspot.B Notes): Hindu Law Another case : Leela v/s Lakshmi 1968: It was held that void marriage does not require even the decree of a court. or suffers from frequent insanity or is insane. Where marital cohabitation has not occurred due to impotency of the respondent.html 21/56 . Where at the time of marriage any party failed to give valid consent due to unsoundness or has been effected by mental retardness to such extent that he is incapable to marriage and giving birth to child. then such marriage shall be declared null only when: (a) The applicant is presented within one year from the date of knowledge of fraud as force used. VOIDABLE MARRIAGE Section 12 of the Act mention about voidable marriage. (b) The parties have not lived as husband and wife after the knowledge of force used or fraud.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. According to it. Where the respondent is pregnant at the time of marriage from a person other than the applicant. .1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.blogspot. are good example of fraud. (c) The applicant has not voluntarily cohabitated after the knowledge of pregnancy of wife. IMPOTENCY Impotency means the incompetency of any party to cohabit due to any physical or mental situation. (d) Wife had been pregnant from a person other then the applicant.in/p/hindulaw_11. then the application shall be presented within one year from the date of enforcement of the Act or if the marriage has been solemnised after the act came into force then the application shall be presented within one year from such marriage. (b) If the marriage has been solemnised before this Act came into force.B Notes): Hindu Law (a) The applicant was unaware of the pregnancy of the wife at the time of marriage. FRAUD OR FORCE : Concealment of caste religion or misrepresenting a mother as a vingin or false praising or concealing prior marriage etc. Section 16 says : “ Where any decree of nullity has been passed regarding marriage under section 11 & 12 then any http://kuklawnotes.html 22/56 . According to it. A case Digvijay v/s Partap Kumai 1970 and Bibi v/s Nath 1970: It was held that nullity of marriage requires the existence of impotency at the time of first cohabitation. UNSOUNDNESS : A case of Ratneshwari v/s Bhagwati 1950: It was said that unsoundness insanity or lunacy for the purpose of marriage means: The incompetency of any party to marriage to understand the rituals of marriage. it can be said that such children are considered legitimate. LEGITIMACY OF CHILD BORN IN VOIDABLE AND VOID MARRIAGE Section l6 provides for the legitimacy of child born in void and voidable marriages. (e) She was pregnant before the marriage. Anantrao Shivram.html 23/56 . 1988. A case of Yamuna Bai Anantrao v. Parties to voidable marriage cannot remarry till the prior the marriage has not been declared null by a decree. No marital rights and obligation arrised between the parties of void marriage. if the marriage instead by decree of nullity to declare null or void would have been breached shall have been the legitimate child of the parties to marriage. shall be deemed to be legitimate even after passing of decree of nullity. It is valid marriage until it has not Been declared null by a decree. All marital rights and obligation exists till the marriage is valid.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.in/p/hindulaw_11. A case : Bansidhar v/s Chabi 1967 : It was held that the children from void and voidable marriage shall be deemed to be the legitimate children of their parents. Voidable marriage can be declared null only by the decree of court. Such children does not obtain any right in the property of persons other than his own parents i. VOID MARRIAGE VOIDABE MARRIAGE It is void ab initio. Void marriage does not require the decree of court to declare it null. Parties to void marriage can remarry again.e such children shall not inherit property from any other relative other than the parents. Wife can claim maintenance in voidable marriage.blogspot.B Notes): Hindu Law child having born or being in mother’s womb before the decree. Wife is not entitled to get maintenance under section 125 of CCP in a void marriage. http://kuklawnotes. no marital relationship exist between husband and wife. It is pertinent to mention here that although the grounds of Judicial separation and dissolution of marriage may be the same but they are different. Answer: INTRODUCTION :Judicial Separation and dissolution of marriage are two important matrimonial remedies.html 24/56 . Dissolution of Marriage terminates the marriage. Grounds: Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 mentions the ground for Judicial separation and divorce. GROUNDS OF JUDICIAL SEPARATION &DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Section 10 of the Act provides for judicial separation whereas section 13 of act provides for dissolution of marriage (divorce).blogspot. 1955.6 : Discuss the grounds for obtaining a decree of divorce. Both these have been mentioned in section 10 and 13 of Hindu Marriage Act 1955. Whereas in Judicial Separation neither marriage terminates nor matrimonial relationship ceases only the relations get suspended. Any party of the marriage can present an application for judicial separation and dissolution of marriage. These grounds can be divided into three such as : http://kuklawnotes. Their duties & matrimonial rights also ceased.B Notes): Hindu Law Question No. Earlier grounds for above purposes were different but after the amendment of Hindu Law Act 1976 made the grounds of both as same. It means suspension of marriage relation and dissolution means suspension of termination.in/p/hindulaw_11. On what special grounds a Hindu Wife can claim a decree of divorce against her husband under the provision of the Hindu Marriage Act.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. They can remarry also. had behaved with cruelty with husband or wife. Grounds available to both husband and wife (Section 13(i). x) When the cohabitation has not resumed between the parties to marriage after the expiry of one year or more from the date of decree of judicial separation. who would have heared naturally if that party would have been living. xi) When the conjugal rights has not been resituated within one year or more from the date of decree of restitution of conjugal right. GROUNDS TO BOTH HUSBAND & WIFE Section 13(1) of the Act mentions the following grounds on which both husband and wife can present an application for divorce: i) When other party after the solemnisation of the marriage had sexual intercourse voluntarily with person other than husband or wife. 13(2).B Notes): Hindu Law 1. vi) When the other party is suffering from incurable leprosy. Ground of mutual consent ( sec.in/p/hindulaw_11. ii) When other party after the solemnisation of the marriage.html 25/56 . 2. http://kuklawnotes. viii) When the other party has declared Renunciation of world. 3.blogspot. Grounds available to wife only ( sec. has not been heared by those for a period of 7 years or more. v) When the other party is of unsound mind or is frequently or regularly and upto such limit. 13B). iv) When the other party does not remain Hindu due to conversion. ix) When the other party is living or not. affected by mental retardness that the applicant cannot reasonable be believed to live with the respondent. vii) When the other party is suffering from veneral discease.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. iii) When the other party prior to two or more years from the date of presentation of application had deserted the applicant. http://kuklawnotes. According to it both the parties to the marriage can jointly present an application for divorce on the ground of mutual consent in the situations mentioned below : a) When husband & wife had been living separately for a period of more than one year.B Notes): Hindu Law GROUNDS AVAILABLE TO WIFE FOR OBTAINING DIVORCE Under section 13(2) of Act which provides those grounds on which wife only can present an application for divorce. When in a suit under section 18 of Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act. 1956. When after the solemnisation of marriage the husband had been guilty of rape solomy or bestiality. a degree or a order had been passed against the husband for the payment of maintenance to the wife even when she lived separately and after the time of issuing such degree or order the cohabitation had not been resumed between the parties with in a period of one year or more. These are as under : 1. 2. DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Act 1976 added another section 13A to Hindu Marriage Act 1955 to provide mutual consent as a ground for divorce. had repudiated the marriage.blogspot.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. or in a proceeding under section 125 of CPC1973. When wife had married at a time when her age was below 15 years and she after attaining the age of 15 years before attaining the age of 18 years. In case of marriage solemnised prior to the passing of Hindu Marriage Act.in/p/hindulaw_11. b) They are incapable of living together.html 26/56 . the husband had remarried and living second wife with whom he had married prior to such passing provided that in both cases the second wife was living at the time of presentation of application. 3. The provisions have been made in section 13(1)(ii) for cruelty and section 13(1)(iii) provides desertion.7: Explain the terms ‘Desertion’ & ‘Cruelty’ as ground of divorce? Ans : INTRODUCTION : Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 mentions the various grounds of divorce. This also include ignoring of one party by the other. **************** Question No. but is of http://kuklawnotes. Thus desertion is not abandonment of place.in/p/hindulaw_11.html 27/56 . DESERTION Means a party to a marriage permanently leaves the other party without any reason and without his consent.blogspot.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Out of these grounds Desertion and Cruelty are also the grounds for divorce.B Notes): Hindu Law c) They have accepted divorce by mutual consent. One of the important thing that desertion requires guilt by one of the parties i. desertion shall not be by consent. Actual desertion 2. A case of Savtri Pandey and Premchand pandey 2002: The Supreme Court held that.html 28/56 . Wife was ready to live with husband but the husband was not willing to live together. Desertion requires existence of cohabitation between the parties earlier.B Notes): Hindu Law situation. Actual desertion mainly requires two essential things: Respondent abondous matrimonial home and there is intention of desertion. d) Desertion without the consent of applicant.blogspot. “ the desertion means ignorance from matrimonial duties. When situation of desertion continues for more than two years. Constructive desertion. then it shall be the ground of divorce. instead of leaving any place. In a case of Vipin Chandra V/s Prabhawati – 1957: is a good example in this context. b) Intention of desertion. e) Desertion continues for two years.” Desertion is mainly of two types : 1.e.in/p/hindulaw_11. Case: Vishwanathdas v/s Maya bala Das 1994: the court held that there should be intention of desertion. This is also called physical separation and Animus desertion. c) Desertion without any reasonable cause.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Case Gurubachan Kaur v/s Pritam Singh1998. The husband also send a telegram to the father of wife that read : “ Do not send Prabha” court did not held desertion by Prabha because she was willing http://kuklawnotes. ACTUAL DESERTION: Actual desertion consist of the following elements: a) Fact of desertion. Resume Marital Life; 2. then it shall be considered to be desertion by the first party. (Jyotish Chandra v/s Meera 1977. desertion shall not be by consent as stated by the Court in the case of Gurbachan Kaur V/s Pritam Singh 1998. rather is abandonment of situation.” Here it is important that desertion requires guilty by one of the parties i.html 29/56 .1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. The Court held that It to be desertion by the wife. 1997) The desertion may terminate in following three situation : 1. rather is ignoring the cohabitation. It was held desertion. it can be said that desertion means not abandoning the place. Resume Cohabitation. desertion does not mean abandonment of place. Desertion is required to be without reasonable cause. She wanted that the husband should live separately leaving the parents for which husband was not ready. In other words. Anil Kumar v/s Shefali 1977.blogspot. CONSTRUCTIVE DESERTION As we have seen above.B Notes): Hindu Law to return to her husband. Wife went to her parents.in/p/hindulaw_11. http://kuklawnotes. If any party to marriage devoids the other party from cohabitation even with living in one house. Thus in all. Another case of Roshan Lal v/s Basant Kumari 196768 Punjab: The wife does not agree to live with the husband alongwith his parents. it is important that if any party to marriage behaves in such manners with the party that it becomes difficult for the other party to live in matrimonial home or is compelled to leave the matrimonial home. Express willingness to return back to home. or 3.e. It is constructive desertion. Here. it shall be desertion. desertion requires abandonment of matrimonial home and a permanent intention of such abandonment. Omprakash v/s Madhu. Husband was working somewhere else. Court held this behaviour of husband to be cruelty because such circumstances arose that it became difficult for wife to live with the husband. Husband never wanted to keep wife along with him. Sarita.B Notes): Hindu Law Cruelty: it is an important ground for judicial separation and divorce. Types of Cruelty: http://kuklawnotes.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. it shall show that any party to marriage may behave with other party in such manner that it shall be difficult for other party to live with him. then the other party can present an application for divorce against the first party on this ground. If any party to marriage behaves with cruelty to the other party. Fatherin law physically misconducted with her. If the definition is understood in matrimonial context. Similar case is Yadhister Singh v/s Smt. There are several cases of cruelty. Court held it to cruelty.in/p/hindulaw_11. 2002 it has been held that husband along with his parents use to regularly beat the wife. He used to come at his ancestral home once a week. but he did say that she should live only with the other members of family at the ancestral property. Actually the definition of cruelty depends upon the circumstances of the case. Vinod Biswal v/s Tikli Urf Padmini Biswal.blogspot. this shall be cruelty. It depends upon the circumstances of the case and the country and time. Russel v/s Russel. Husband neve went to bring back wife nor made any attempt towards it. 1897 Cruelty has been described as such characterial behaviour or conduct which may put life and body under physical or mental form of danger or may arise apprehension of such danger.html 30/56 . 2002 – wife used to live at ancestral home of husband. Definition of Cruelty: Cruelty has not been universally defined till now. He did not used to say his wife that he did not liked her. wife refused intercourse form the first day after marriage.in/p/hindulaw_11. Shobha Srinivas v/s Srinivas Veranna. 2002.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. the Supreme Court said that Mental Cruelty is a state of mind and feelings. Ques:Valid Adoption under Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act.html 31/56 . 1965.blogspot. She used to charge husband with adultery and making constant demand of dowry. The person adopting has the capacity and also the right to take in adoption. Court did not considered such a single act of wife as cruelty in which the illiterate wife emotional anger threw the Mangal Sutra. In this case. 1956 Introduction: Section 6 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act. Physical Cruelty. 1956 provides the requisites of a valid adoption. Mental Cruelty. the person adopted is capable of being taken in adoption and the adoption made in http://kuklawnotes. 2002 Wife left the matrimonial home without the permission of the husband. Court held it to be a conduct of mental cruelty towards husband. She also left her matrimonial home. Rakesh Sharma v/s Surbhi Sharma. it was said that the definition of cruelty is so wide that it includes both physical and mental type of cruelty. it means that cruelty is determined by the facts and circumstances of every matter. She used to misbehave always with her husband. She also refused to undergo medical examination.B Notes): Hindu Law a. Praveen Mehta v/s Indrajeet Mehta. The person giving in adoption has the capacity to do so. Kusum v/s Kamata. In all. Court held it to be cruelty by wife towards husband. 2002. b. or • the wife has ceased to be Hindu. he shall not adopt except the consent of his wife. The person adopted is capable of being taken in adoption: and 4. But the consent of the wife of a male Hindu is not necessary in the following three conditions: • the wife has completely and finally renounced the world. The person adopting has the capacity and also the right to take in adoption. or http://kuklawnotes. In Jai Singh v/s Shakuntla. The person giving in adoption has the capacity to do so. According Section 5 of the Act. 2. an adoption made in contravention of the provisions of Chapter II of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act. 2002 the Supreme Court opined that Section 16 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. 1956.blogspot. 1956. 3. adoption would be presumed to have been made according to law. No adoption shall be valid unless: 1.B Notes): Hindu Law compliance with the other conditions mentioned in Chapter II of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. 1956 any male Hindu who is of sound mind and is not a minor has the capacity to take a son or a daughter in adoption. But if the male Hindu has a wife living at the time of adoption. 1. 1956 is void. 1956envisages a statutory presumption that in the event of there being a registered pertaining adoption. The adoption made in compliance with the other conditions mentioned in Chapter II of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act.html 32/56 .in/p/hindulaw_11. Capacity of a male Hindu to take in adoption According Section 7 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. The man is required to take consent of the wives or wife. • Capacity of the mother to give in adoption : The mother may give the child in adoption if the father is dead or had completey and finally http://kuklawnotes.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. The Act has given two qualification for a male Hindu to capable to taka a child in adoption i.html 33/56 . the consent of all the wives must be obtained.in/p/hindulaw_11. The unmarried and widow woman has also the right to take in adoption any child. whose married has been dissolved or whose husband is dead has the capacity to take a son or daughter in adoption.blogspot. 3. if the husband not suffering with any of the disabilities mentioned in Section 8 of the Act. he shall alone have the right to give in adoption but such right shall not be exercise save with the consent of the mother. Capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption Now a female has also the capacity to adopt any child. The woman has no right to adopt. Section 8 of the Act provides that any female Hindu who is of sound mind. who may give the child in adoption to another. • Capacity of the father to give in adoption : If the father is alive. who is not minor and who is not married or if married. No persons except the father or mother or the guardian of the child shall have the capacity to give in adoption.B Notes): Hindu Law • the wife has been declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unsound mind.e. during the subsistence of the marriage. If a man has more than one wife living at the time of adoption. Person capable of giving in adoption Section 9 of the Act down the capacity of person. Without the consent of wife or wives the adoption will be void. before adoption. A woman who is of sound mind and is not a minor can take child in adoption. 2. the person must be of sound mind and he must not a minor. 1956 the following person who fulfil the conditions are capable for adoption: a) He should be Hindu. o That the applicant for permission has not received any payment in consideration of the adoption. c) He or She has not been married unless there is a custom applicable which permits being can adopt. Who can be adopted: Section 10 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. • Capacity of the guardian to give in adoption : Where both the father and mother are dead and to be unsound mind and finally renounced by the world declare by the court then the guardian of a child may give the child in adoption with the following conditions laid down by the courts: o That the adoption will be for welfare of the child. The father has preferential right to give the child in adoption. The guardian may give the child in adoption with the prior permission of the court.in/p/hindulaw_11.html 34/56 . d) He or She has not completed the age of fifteen years which is to be considered being taken for adoption.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. 5.blogspot.B Notes): Hindu Law renounced the world or has ceased to be a Hindu or has been declared by a court jurisdiction to be unsound mind. o That no person has given any payment to the applicant for consideration of the adoption of child. If he is unsound mind or suffering from chronic disease has the right to give a child in adoption. (ii) Only after the transfer of a boy from one family to another with a ceremony will be valid. 4. b) He or She not already be adopted any child adopted. http://kuklawnotes. Formalities of Adoption: (i) The child to be adopted must be actually given and taken in adoption by the parents/guardian. Question: Explain the powers of Karta in a joint Hindu Family? Whether he can mortgage the undivided shares of other coparceners in the property. http://kuklawnotes. There is no binding over him that how much he shall spend over any coparcener. Answer : INTRODUCTION: The position of karta n a joint hindu family is unique. Rup Kuwar.blogspot. It has been said regarding the position of karta that no one else is equivalent to him in the family. He has the complete control over the family.html 35/56 . 3.in/p/hindulaw_11. 1961 the court held that under the Hindu Law there can not be a valid adoption unless the adoptive boy is transferred from one family to another by doing the ceremony of given and taken. No one can claim accounts from him nor can say to him to spend less. He is that person who takes care of the whole family and its property and admininsters it and all the members of family remained disciplined under him.B Notes): Hindu Law Refer a case of Lakshman Singh Kothari v/s Smt. The position and powers of the karta are more wide than anyone POWERS OF THE KARTA 1. 2.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. He has to move alongwith all the members. Refer a case to this effect Mann V/s Jayani1918 it was held that such a person till he lives continues as the karta of the family although he may be aged.B Notes): Hindu Law 4. it was held t hat a junior coparcener can be the karta with the consent or agreement of all the coparceners. WHO CAN BE A KARTA 1. handicapped. Generally it does not happen but in a case of Narendera Kumar V/s Intcome Tax Commissioner1976. Any coparcener becomes Karta of family because of his seniority not because of anyone appointed him. 3.html 36/56 . WHETHER A JUNIOR MOST COPARCENAR BECOMES KARTA. However any karata becomes unsound mind then the seniormost coparcener would become the karta. 1. But this does not mean that he is dictator. In case of Pandurang V/s Pandurang 1947 it was held by the Nagpur High Court that the mother can become Karta if their is no other adult http://kuklawnotes. In another case of Harihar Sethi V/s Ladu Kishore Sethi 2002. week or ill. His position is extremely sensitive.in/p/hindulaw_11. It is within his power to whom he may educate and whom he keeps illiterate. Hindu Law believes that the seniormost coparcener is the Karta of the family. Thus the position of the karta is mixture of rights and duties. it was held by the Orisa High Court that junior coparcenar can be the karta when the senior most coparcener waives his right of karta then a junior member can become Karta. He has to maintain the control between rights and duties. Refer case of Ram v/s Khera 1971.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Whether mother can become the Karta.blogspot. 2. but with the consent of other coparcener there can be more than one Karta: refer a case of Mudrit vs Ranglal 1902 and Shankar v/s Shankar 1943. 3.religious. Right to debt. 4. Right of arbitration : He has right to solve the disputes of family through arbitration see a case of Jangan Nath v/s Mannu Lal 1894 of Allahabad.. Such debts shall be taken for legal requirements of the family.blogspot. Right of Alienation : He has the right to alienate the property of family and take debt for the family with the following conditions : http://kuklawnotes. Right of Representation : He can represent the family in all types of social. Right over Income : The income of the family remains under his control. THE RIGHTS OF KARTA 1. The karta can mortgage or pledge the property of family for this purpose.html 37/56 . The Karta of Joint Hindu Family at a time can only one not more. legal and matrimonial matters.If any settlement is made not in good faith it can be challenged refer a case of Nayathambi v/s Vijay1972. 8. Right of settlement: Karta has the right to make an honest settlement on behalf of family. The decision of karta is binding over all. 7. 2. : He can any debt for the requirement of the family. Right of managemnt: He has the right to manage all the duties trade. He can file suit. business industry etc.B Notes): Hindu Law coparcener here the Supreme Court does not agree to this view in case of Commissioner of Incometax Vs Seth Govind Ram 1986.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Right of Acknowledgement: Karta has the right to acknowledge the debts and making payment of interest but he cannot acknowledge the timebarred debts.in/p/hindulaw_11. no one can challenge him. Refer a case in this regard: Fatimanisa v/s Raj Gopalacharya 1977. 5. 6. He may spend as per the requirements. ii) He is major. http://kuklawnotes. ii) Debt over property already mortgaged. Competency if Hindu Male to adopt.in/p/hindulaw_11. Person competent to give adoption.blogspot. iii) Must have the consent of his wife.8. 2. Competency of Hindu Female to adopt.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.B Notes): Hindu Law i) For the benefit of the family. 3.9 and 10 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 provides the following terms for adoption: 1. 4.WHO CAN ADOPT : Section 7 and 8 mention those person who can adopt. Person who can be adopted. All these above can be studied under the following heads: 1.html 38/56 . Question : Who can give child in Adoption? Or Who can give and take in adoption? Answer : Section 7. but the following may not be legal necessaities : i) Debt for child marriage violating child marriage prohibition Act. Refer a case in this regard Devi Kishan v/s Ram Kishan 2002 It was held by the Rajasthan High Court that the karta can Mortgage the property of joint family for legal necessities. ADOPTION BY MALE: Section 7 provides that an adoption by male requires the following three conditions : i) Such male shall be of sound mind. These section has two types of methods of adoption by male and adoption by female. ii) For the fulfilment of the legal necessaties. ii) The husband is not more a Hindu. iii) The husband has been declared unsound mind by a court. Is unmarried or widow.B Notes): Hindu Law Thus such Hindu male can adopt a child who is major. WHO CAN GIVE ADOPTION http://kuklawnotes. It is pertinent to mention that the consent of wife is not necessary in all circumstances i. 2. Female can adopt a child even when the husband living only when: i) The husband had renounced the world. It is clear that a female cannot adopt until the husband is living.html 39/56 . Is of sound mind. 3. Here are some important things that if male wants to adopt a female or viceversa then the age difference between the two shall be atleast 21 years. When she is no more Hindu. If the adoption is performed without the consent of wife then such adoption shall be void.in/p/hindulaw_11.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. the consent of wife is not necessary in the following conditions : 1.blogspot. It has been held that if any male has more than one wife then the consent of all wives are required. When wife had renounced the world. When she has been declared unsound by the competent court. Is a major 3.e. Refer a case of Bhola v/s Ram Lal 1989. sound mind and has obtained the consent of his wife. If any wife attend the adoption ceremony it shall be deemed to have given the consent refer a case of Praful Kumar v/s Shashi Bewa 1990. ADOPTION BY FEMALE Section 8 provides that any female can also adopt a child only when such female fulfil the following conditions : 1. 2. A mother can give a child in adoption only when the following occur: 1. 3. Father 2.html 40/56 . 2.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. The followings are eligible for giving a child in adoption : 1. When they have renounced the world. When the mother is renounced the world. 4. When they do not remain Hindu. 3. Knowledge of the child. Father is renounced the world. When they have been declared unsound mind by a competent court. 4. It is further to submit that the court will consider the following points while permission for the adoption: 1. When the mother is no more Hindu. The father has been declared unsound mind by a competent court. Generally a mother cannot give a child in adoption till the father is living. 3. 2. 2. 2.blogspot. The father is no more Hindu. The consent of mother shall not be required in following situations : 1. Mother 3 Guardian appointed by the court. If a father gives a child in adoption the consent of mother shall be required. Step mother cannot give a child in adoption. When both father and mother had died. The father had already died. The age of child.in/p/hindulaw_11. A guardian appointed by the permission of court can give a child in the following conditions : 1. When the mother has been declared unsound mind by a court. Refer a case of Dharamraj Jain v/s Suraj Bai1973. Mother means only the natural mother not the step mother. http://kuklawnotes.B Notes): Hindu Law Section 9 mentions those persons who can give a child in adoption. 5. According to the provisions such person may be adopted or may be given in adoption : 1. Who is Hindu.blogspot. ************* Question : Describe the rules of succession in the case of intestate Hindu female dying intestate? http://kuklawnotes. 4.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. another case of Mayaram vs Jai Naraian 1989 and Kodippa Rama Papal urf Shirke v/s Kannappam 1990. It was held that where customs or traditions allow there a person above 15 years of age or married can be adopted. Section 10 mentions that those persons who may be adopted. Another case of Dev Gonda v/s Sham gonad 1992. 3. 4. Who is not above the age of 15 years where it has not been permitted by the custom or traditions.html 41/56 . Interest and welfare of the child. No consideration by the guardian etc. Who has not already been adopted. 2.in/p/hindulaw_11. Further any orphan found child or abandon child may be adopted. WHO MAY BE ADOPTED. Who is not married where it has been permitted by the custom or traditions. Where as among Maharashtra School and Jains a person of any age can be adopted refer case of Bishan v/s Girish1986.B Notes): Hindu Law 3. the Bombay High Court held that any insane can also be adopted. Intention of the child. The case of Balakrishna v/s Sadashive1977. Similarly it includes adopted sons and daughters but does not include stepsons and stepdaughters a case may refer in this context Gurbachan v/s Khechar Singh1971.A.html 42/56 . 2. d) Heirs of Father. it was held that such possession may be actual or constructive.in/p/hindulaw_11.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. e) Heirs of Mother. Answer : INTRODUCTION : Section 14 of the Hindu succession Act 1956 had brought drastic change in concept of property of a female. It is pertinent to mention here that son and daughter includes illegitimate sons and daughters refer a case of R.B Notes): Hindu Law OR Explain the various rules regarding the distribution of the property of Hindu female dying intestate. b) The heirs of husband. She is living 3. The property is in her possession. She is Hindu. http://kuklawnotes. SUCCESSION OF PROPERTY OF FEMALE Section 15 of the Act provides for the succession of Hindu female dying intestate. Section 15(1) distributes the heirs of deceased Hindu female in the following five classes : a) Sons and daughters ( which includes the children of predeceased son or daughter) and husband. As regard to question of possession is concerned the cases of Mangal Singh v/s Smt Ratnu 1967 and Monomayi v/s Upeshwari1994. c) Father and mother.blogspot. Now a female being considered to be complete owner of his property provided that at the time of implementation of this act: 1.Patil v/s AB redekar – 1969. the Supreme Court held that if any female receive property in succession from her mother then such property shall after her death go to her sister but not to the heirs of her husband.B Notes): Hindu Law When a Hindu female dying intestate does not have any heirs then her property shall devolve with the State refer a case of Punjab v/s Balwant Singh 1991. and if the sons and daughters does not exists then it shall devolve among the heirs of father. Refer a case of Mahadevappa v/s Goraaamma1973 And another case of Bhagat Ram v/s Teja Singh1999. Other property. A very good example in this content a case of Taramani v/s Narender Kumar 2002. SUCCESSION OF PROPERTY OBTAINED FROM HUSBAND AND FATHER IN LAW. Section 15(2) (B) of the act provide that if any female receives property in succession from her husband or fatherinlaw then such property shall firstly devolve among her sons and daughters and in case of non http://kuklawnotes. rather shall devolve to the married sister. 3. However the property of female can be divided into three categories in respect of succession: 1.blogspot.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.in/p/hindulaw_11. SUCCESSION OF PROPERTY OBTAINED FROM PARENTS Section 15(2) says that if any female had received property in succession from her father or mother then such property shall devolve firstly within her sons and daughter. at the time implementation of the act the unmarried daughter became the absolute owner of the property.html 43/56 . Property obtained in succession from father or mother. 2. the court held that. Property obtained in succession from husband as father in law. Therefore after her death the property shall not devolve among the brothers of father. SUCCESSION OF OTHR PROPERTY Excluding the property received in succession from parents and husband or fatherinlaw all other properties shall devolve according to the mentioned heirs of section 15(1).in/p/hindulaw_11. METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION Section 16 of the act mentions the method of distribution of property among the heirs of Hindu female dying intestate.html 44/56 . On what grounds can a Hindu wife claim maintenance from her husband even while living separate form him. 2. 3.Sons and daughters of predeceased sons and predeceased daughters shall receive that share which the predeceased would have receive if alive.Son daughter and husband each shall receive one share.B Notes): Hindu Law existence of her sons and daughters it shall devolve among the heirs of husband.The heirs of the branches of predeceased son or predeceased daughter shall receive share equally among themselves.blogspot.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. When her right to maintenance is lost? Ans: Introduction: Under the Hindu society and culture its is the duty of husband to maintain his wife. According to it. the following method could be expressed in simpler words in the following way : 1. ******************** Q. ILLUSTRATION : The property received in succession from brother gifts at time of marriage other gifts etc shall dissolve under this category. The general rule of preference is that prior class shall have preference over the subsequent class. These duty is not legal only but moral http://kuklawnotes. it was held that a wife is not entitled for maintenance when she leaves the house without the consent of her husband. 1956 the duration of the desertion need not be a period of two years. Whoever according to Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. A case in this regard of Jayanti v/s Alamellu.in/p/hindulaw_11. wife and minor children even after doing 100 wrong acts. It may be less than two years. Another case Mutyal v/s Mutyal. Under Section 13 (1) of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. a person has to maintain his parents. Cruelty: If the husband treated his wife with cruelty and the wife apprehension in her mind that it will be harm full or injurious to live with him. Section 18 of HA&M Act.html 45/56 .1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.blogspot. Desertion: Desertion as a ground for separate residence and maintenance means the abandoning of the wife without reasonable cause and without her consent or against her wish. Ground of maintenance while living separately It is pertinent to mention here that the wife is entitled for maintenance only when she is living with her husband but she is not entitled to maintenance if she is living separately from her husband. 1956 also makes a provision that a Hindu wife may also obtain a decree for separate residence and maintenance from her husband under the following grounds: 1. 1904. 2. it was held that it is the duty of husband to maintain his wife without any excuse of shortage of funds. The duty has to prove the following facts: http://kuklawnotes.B Notes): Hindu Law also. 1956 accept this system and provides that a Hindu wife whether married before or after the enforcement of this act shall be entitled for maintenance from her husband during her lifetime. According to Manu. 1958. It will be a ground of separate residence and maintenance. The duration of leprosy is not material. Leprosy: If the husband suffering a virulent form of leprosy it will be a ground for wife to claim maintenance and separate residence. 6.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. In a case Siraj Mohammad Khan v/s Hafizunnis. to claim separate residence and maintenance. However. 1956 makes monogamy compulsory and abolished bigamy once for all. 4. • The cruelty was of such nature which she apprehended in her mind that it will be harm full or injurious to live with him.blogspot. it was held by the Court that the impotence of the husband amounts to mental cruelty for the wife. 3. It was. a Jain converted to Sikh it is not a ground for wife to claim separate residence and maintenance. Conversion: If the husband has ceased to be a Hindu and conversion to another religion also a good ground for the wife to live separate and claim maintenance form his husband. Another Wife: Under prior Hindu Law polygamy was allowed.B Notes): Hindu Law • That the husband treated her with cruelty. Keeping a concubine: If the husband keeps the concubine in the same house in which his wife living with a concubine then the wife may claim separate residence and maintenance. 5. Whether a daughter who wants to remain unmarried can claim partition in the coparcenary property? http://kuklawnotes. Any other cause: If the wife is of immature age and is living with her parents she will claim maintenance form her husband.html 46/56 . Who are coparceners and what are there rights. A man might marry more than one wife. just ground under section 125 of CR. therefore.in/p/hindulaw_11. But in Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. 1981. P. C. 7. in/p/hindulaw_11. In a case Dashrath Rao v/s Ram Chandra Rao. of one ancestor their mother. grandson’s son. Whereas coparcenary is created by father.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Coparcenary may exists even with Grandfather. 2005 it is now considered that daughter as coparceners and they shall have the right in coparcenay property by birth. Joint Hindu Family is created by successors. Coparcenars can demand partition of the coparcenary property. Father ii. b. Joint Hindu family is a wide concept. son. A B (Son) C (Son) M (Grandson) N (Grandson) P (Grandson) Q (Grandson) R (Grandson) X (Grandson’s son) Y (Grandson’s son) Right of Coparcenars: The Coparcenars following rights: a. Thus the following persons are coparcener: i. unmarried daughter etc. wives. http://kuklawnotes.html 47/56 . 1961. Coparcenars have right by birth in the property of coparcenay. Grandson.blogspot. Son iii.B Notes): Hindu Law Ans: Introduction: In Hindu Law joint Hindu family and coparcenay are two different subject. Whereas coparcenary is limited. Grand Son iv. the Court held that the last member of coparcener should not be more than 4 degree away form the ancestor. grandson or grandfather’s father and grandson’s son. Grandson’s son. After the amendment of Hindu Succession Act. Coparcenar is entitled to maintenance from the coparcenary property. unmarried daughter entitled to maintenance form the joint family property.blogspot.in/p/hindulaw_11. g. f. The right of coparcener is base on survivorship. e. Coparcenars have joint ownership and possession over the coparcenary property. the expenses of unmarried daughter is also charged on the property of joint property. Q. Who are the natural guardian of Hindu minor? What are the powers of such guardian? Answer: Introduction: Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act. d.B Notes): Hindu Law c.html 48/56 . no woman can claim the partition of such property. 1956 is for such person who minor that is below the age of Eighteen years and a guardian has been appointed for the care of his body and his property. b. c. not on succession. Right of unmarried Daughter: Whether any woman who decides to live unmarried can claim partition of coparcnary property? No woman can be the member of coparcenary but she can be a member of joint family in such situation it is clear that a. http://kuklawnotes. No coparcener can transfer the coparcenary property. This act lays down four types of guardian: (i) Natural guardian (ii) Testamantary Guardian (iii) Defects Guardian (iv) Guardian appointed by court. any woman does not have right by birth in the property.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Coparcenar has the right to see accounts of the property form the Karta. d. (ii) When he has renounced the world.B Notes): Hindu Law Who are the natural guardian: Under Section 4 (c) of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act. it was held that when father converts to be non Hindu then mother shall be natural guardian. In case of Vijaylakshmi v/s Police Inspector. The natural guardian of minor wife is her husband. The guardian of illegitimate boy or illegitimate unmarried girl shall be firstly the mother and later the father. In case of Chandra v/s Prem Nath.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. 1992. The guardian of married of girl is husband but here in the case of minor the stepmother and stepfather can not be guardian. In case of E.html 49/56 . 1991.blogspot. it was held that the guardian below the age of 5 years is mother.M. it was held by the court that the father is guardian of minor even if living separately. 1956 the meaning of natural guardian is the father of and after him the mother. But several decision with the time it has been considered that if the father is unable and do not have sufficient fund then the natural http://kuklawnotes. 1969. mother and husband and according to it: In case of a boy or unmarried girl firstly the father and later mother is the guardian of a minor upto age of five year is generally mother. The guardianship can be terminates in the following situations: (i) When such person that is guardian is no more Hindu. Section 6 of Act provides that the natural guardian consists of the three types of person: (i) Father (ii) Mother (iii) Husband Thus the natural guardian can only be father. Nadar v/s Shri Haran.in/p/hindulaw_11. Kamalamma. 1999. Lease of Propert: Section 8 (2) (b) of the Act lays down that any natural guardian cannot lease the immovable property of minor for more than 5 years or not more than one year after the minor attains the majority. As said by the Court in the case of Narindra Singh v/s Devendra Singh. Geeta Hariharan v/s Reserve Bank of India.html 50/56 . Transfer of property: Section 8(2) of Act says that the mortgage. Venkat Subaiya v/s M. but cannot enter into a contract which makes the minor personally liable held by the court in case Waghla v/s Shiekh Masaluddin and Mir Sarwae v/s Fakruddin. sale.blogspot. Right to Contract: The guardian may contract for the minor. The power of Natural Guardian The power of Natural Guardian can be kept under two heading: 1. Right regarding the body of Minor 2.in/p/hindulaw_11. Keeping in the view of the importance of above lines the body of minor under Section 8 (i) that the natural guardian can perform all the function regarding care of the minor which are in his benefits. The Power of Natural Guardian Property of Minor are as under: 1. 1982 and Vishwan Nath v/s Damodar . In the http://kuklawnotes. gift. If the permission is not obtained it will be voidable. 3.B Notes): Hindu Law guardian shall be mother as described by the court in the following cases: (i) R. 1982. Minor cannot the guardian of another minor: As described in Section 10 of the Act that no minor can not be guardian of another minor. Right regarding the property of Minor. 1992 (ii) Smt. 2.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. exchange of immovable property of the minor shall be made only prior permission of the court. 1912. Samveda. http://kuklawnotes. Yujurveda.html 51/56 . the whole Veda or Shruti is the first and paramount source of Hindu Law. 4. it was held the minor can be the guardian of his wife but cannot be guardian of her property. The God gave birth to Hindu Law and whatever was heard by the saints. Rigveda. Vedas are of four types: 1. Artarveda These are the concept of life.B Notes): Hindu Law case of Ibrahim v/s Ibrahim. Shruti is the synonym used for ‘Veda’ and it means what was heard from God. 2. religious belief etc. was provided as Shruti. traditions.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. of our ancestors.blogspot. 1899 it was held by the Privy Council that the adoption of only son is valid with reference to the story of Atri Aurva. Source of Hindu Law Ancient or Original Source Modern Sources Shruti Legislations Smriti Precedents or Judicial Decisions Commentaries and Digests Customs Definition of Shruti: According to Manu. 3. 1916. It is such level that they came in direct contact with the God. living style. In a case of Balusu v/s Balusu.in/p/hindulaw_11. Shruti: It is most ancient source of Hindu Law. The Veda here means that not only the direct texts themselves are authoritative but also those rules are deducible from them. 1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. The literal meaning of Smriti is whatever was remembered. Smritis are divided into two parts: a. DharmaShastra writers tried to reconcile these conflicting texts of Smritis or laws contained in those Smritis. The era of creation of Smriti is also known as Golder era because it is era when well organised and serial wise development of Hindu Law started. Smrities are many. Narad Smriti being the last smriti.in/p/hindulaw_11. Narad Smriti etc. is such first legal code which mentions subjects related to judicial process. Yagyavalkya Smriti is divided into 3 parts and is extremely clear. in part by mean of their own reasoning and in part in the light of usages that had grown up. Dharam Sutras b. These Commentators and Digestwriters purport to expound the law almost http://kuklawnotes. brief and organised. Yagyavalkya Smriti.B Notes): Hindu Law Smritis: It is the second important source of Hindu Law. smritis were dependent on the remembrance of saints. Commentaries and Digests: Commentaries are the third important sources of Hindu Law. Sometimes there are inconsistencies between the provisions of one smritie and the provision of other smriti. Thus. But all the laws are not mentioned in every smriti. courts and judiciary. These learned commentators and digest writers either commented on particular Smritis or made digests of the entire body of Smriti material. Vishnu and Vasisth and Dharam Shastras are famous of Manu Smriti. Harit. Aapstamb. Manu Smiriti made of 12 chapters and 2694 Shlokas fulfilled the requirement of substantive epic of law. Budhyan. These writers modified and supplemented the rules in the Smritis. DharamaShastras Dharam Sutras are famous of Gautam.html 52/56 .blogspot. The principal commentaries are: 1.blogspot. their they shall share the property equally.in/p/hindulaw_11. c.B Notes): Hindu Law exlusively with reference to texts of the Smrities which are supposed to be only interpreted by them. the Privy Council emphatically laid down that in the case of a conflict between the ancient text writers and the commentators. case Atmaram v/s Bajirao. their that heir shall receive property whose degrees of descending order is less or do not exist. That their shall receive the property whose degree of ascending order is less or do not exist. the opinion of the latter must be accepted. The Commentators and Digest writers of Southern India support the validity of the marriage of maternal sister. 1956 determines the series of succession among Agnates and cognates in following way a. These commentators while professing to interpret the law as laid down in the Smritis introduced changes in order to bring into harmony with the usage followed by the people governed by that law. http://kuklawnotes. Vivada Ratnakara by Chandeshwara.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. Where the degrees of ascending order are same or do not exist. b. Dayabhaga by Jimutavahana 2.html 53/56 . Smriti Chandrika by Devananda Bhatta 4. Mitakshara a commentary of Yajnavalkya by Vijaneshwara 3. Agnates and Cagnates : Section 12 of the Hindu Succession Act. Where are heir is not entitled to receive property in comparison to others as pert the Rule (1) and (2). On the death of the newly born son his share would devolve on his nearest heir. Illustration A male dies on 1st July. leaving his widow W and his daughter D. D=1/3. i. 1992 widow W gave birth to a normal son. 1956. “ A Child who was in the womb at the time of death of an intestate and who is subsequently born alive shall have the same right to inherit to the intestate as if he or she has been born before the death of the intestate and the inheritance shall be deemed to vest in such a case with effect form the date of death of the intestate. The son dies next day. His heir will be his mother W.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL.B Notes): Hindu Law Child in womb: Section 20 of the Hindu Succession Act. A child in womb is presumed to be born before the death of the intestate although born subsequently.e.html 54/56 . or any other property in furtherance of the succession to which he or she committed or abetted the commission of the murder. An unborn child in the womb. http://kuklawnotes. recognizes posthumous child as an heir. Son=1/3 because the son was heir of the intestate male Hindu. This rule recognises old Hindu Law. The Section lays down. 1992. if born alive is treated as actually born for the purpose of conferring on him benefits of inheritance. It is by fiction of law that the rights of a child born in justo martrimonio are regarded by reference to the moment of conception and not of the birth.blogspot. What will be the share of W and D? At the first the property will be distributed in three equal shares. On 1. Disabilities of a murderer for succession Murderer : Section 25 of the Hindu Succession Act provides that A person who commits murder or abets the commission of murder shall be disqualified form inheriting the property of the person murdered. W=1/3.in/p/hindulaw_11. The brother of the deceased raised the objection that she was not entitled to inherit the property as she was charged with the murder of her husband.html 55/56 . 1977. +2 Recommend this on Google No comments: Post a Comment http://kuklawnotes. principles of justice. 1956 that the Civil Court should again examine the charge of murder and hold an enquiry or trial independently after acquittal from the criminal Court.blogspot. The Court observed that it was not the scheme of Hindu Succession Act.in/p/hindulaw_11. a widow was prosecuted for the charge of murder of her husband and finally acquitted of the charge by the court.B Notes): Hindu Law In Kenchova v/s Gilimallappa. 1924 the Privy Council held. even apart from Hindu Law.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. equity and good conscience exclude a murdered from succeeding to the murdered person and that it must be regarded as a paramount rule of public policy. The Delhi High court held that as the widow had been acquitted so she would not be disqualified from inheriting. In Chaman Lal v/s Mohan Lal. .in/p/hindulaw_11.1/10/2017 Law Notes (LL. http://kuklawnotes. Powered by Blogger. Comment as: Publish Unknown (Google) Sign out Notify me Preview Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Picture Window template.html 56/56 ..blogspot.B Notes): Hindu Law Enter your comment.