


LIST IN NUMERICAL ORDERStandards No Page /Gr ICS No 1 MS 1-1:2011 + A1:2013 15 p Gr 8 03.160; 59.080.99 National Flag – Part 1: Specifications This standard covers the materials, design and make of the three types of the National Flag of the Republic of Mauritius: (i) Mast Flag (ii) Desk Flag (iii) Handheld/ Car Flag 2 MS 1-2:2011 5 p Gr 3 03.160; 59.080.99 National Flag – Part 2: Flag Code of Mauritius This code of practice lays down the recommendation for correct display and restrictions in the use of the National Flag. 3 MS 2:1988 4 p Gr 2 67.160.10 Specification for rectified spirit. Specifies requirements and methods of tests for bulk rectified spirit. 4 MS 3:2010 + A1:2011 + A2:2013 19 p Gr 10 87.040 Emulsion paints for interior and exterior use - Specifications Specifies requirements for synthetic polymer-based emulsion paints for interior and exterior use. MS 4:1985 (withdrawn) 29.220.20 Specification for starter batteries for internal combustion engines Replaced by MS IEC 60095 Series 5 MS 8:1985 2 p Gr 1 71.100.70 Specification for pure soap for laundry Specifies requirements for two grades of pure soap for laundering purposes excluding built and filled soaps MSB catalogue 2015 1 6 MS 9:1981 9 p Gr 5 13.300 Standard for wooden safety matches Specifies requirements for wooden safety matches packed in wooden or cardboard boxes, excluding cover book matches. 7 MS 10:2015 77.140.60 (BS 4449:2005+ 2009 Specification for the reinforcement of concrete – Weldable reinforcing steel – Bar, coil and decoiled product - Specification This standard specifies requirements for ribbed weldable reinforcing steel used for the reinforcement of concrete structures. It covers steel delivered in the form of bars, coils and decoiled products. The standard contains provisions for three steel grades, all of 500 MPa characteristic yield strength, but with different ductility characteristics. The three grades are B500A, B500B and B500C. The weldability requirements for all grades of steel are specified in terms of the chemical composition, and in particular the carbon equivalent value. Steel bars produced by re-rolling finished products, or by rolling material of which the metallurgical history is not fully documented or not known, are not covered by this standard. 8 MS 11:2008 20 p Gr 10 71.100.40 Synthetic laundry powder detergent for household use- Specification and test methods Specifies requirements for synthetic laundry detergents in powdered form for use in domestic washing machines and for hand laundering. 9 MS 12:2009 9 p Gr 5 71.100.70 Toilet soaps – Specifications and test methods Specifies requirements and gives corresponding test methods for two types of toilet soap. The standard is not applicable to carbolic soap or speciality soaps such as medicated soap, sea-water soap, transparent soap, liquid soap or floating soap. MS 13:1981 (Withdrawn) 87.040 Standard for red lead based primers for iron and steel structures 2 MSB Catalogue 2015 10 MS 14:1980 3 p Gr 2 71.100.40 Standard for hard laundry soap - Built type Specifies requirements for built hard laundry soap of two grades, grade 1 and grade 2, excluding pure and filled soaps. MS 15:1984 11.060.10 (Superseded by MS ISO 11609:2010) Specification for toothpaste 11 MS 16:1980 11 p Gr 6 29.220.10 Primary cells Specifies requirements for primary cells of designations R 6, R 14 and R 20, having diameters 13.5 mm, 24 mm, 32 mm for general industrial, domestic and other relevant applications. 12 MS 17:2014 MUR 4 740.00 (34 29.060.20 (BS 6004:2012) p) Electric cables - PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables for voltages up to and including 300/500 V, for electric power and lighting Specifies requirements for the construction, dimensions and mechanical and electrical properties of non-armoured polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated cables for operation at voltages up to and including 450 V a.c to earth and 750 V a.c. between conductors, intended for electric power, lighting and internal wiring. MS 19:1985 (Withdrawn) 77.140.50 Hot dip zinc coated (galvanized) steel sheet and coil (replaced by MS ISO 3575 and MS ISO 4998) 13 MS 20:2009 (incorporating 10 p Gr 5 67.100.10 A1:2011) Dried milk – Specifications Specifies the requirements for dried milk or milk powders made from the milk of cow intended for direct consumption or further processing. It does not cover dried milk specially prepared for feeding infants MSB catalogue 2015 3 unbleached.080.040 Specification for decorative high gloss enamel paint for interior and exterior use Specifies requirements for decorative high gloss enamel paint for interior and exterior use on primed wood.10 Standard for margarine Specifies requirements for margarine.080. Concentrated Fermented Milks and composite milk products based on these products. bend test. bleached or dyed. finish. 19 MS 26:2011 12 p Gr 6 67. workmanship.200. Heat Treated Fermented Milks. 14 MS 21:2010 14 p Gr 7 67. dimensions and tolerances.50 Standard for plain round steel wire nails Specifies the materials used in the manufacturing of nails. 15 MS 22:1980 2 p Gr 1 59.060. that is Fermented Milk including. general requirements and the modes of packing recommended. 4 MSB Catalogue 2015 . metal. for direct consumption or further processing. It is not applicable to any product containing less than 80% (m/m) fat and which is not labelled as margarine.20 Standard for cotton sewing threads Deals with the constructional details and other properties of 100% cotton sewing threads.100 Fermented milks – Specifications Applies to fermented milks. 16 MS 23:1981 7 p Gr 4 59. concrete and related materials. 17 MS 24:1994 + A1:1997 10 p Gr 5 87. 18 MS 25:1982 5 p Gr 3 21. Sampling procedures and methods of marking are also included.01 Standard for universal system for designating linear density of textiles (Tex system) Defines the linear density of textile yarns by the use of the Tex System and includes conversion tables for calculating the tex values of numbers or counts in other systems. 20 Standard for edible sunflower seed oil/ sunflower oil Specifies the quality criteria. The type of finish or the degree of whiteness of the bleached embroidery threads or the colour of the dyed embroidery threads are excluded. sampling.200. 24 MS 31:1984 4 p Gr 2 59. 25 MS 32:1984 5 p Gr 3 61. unbleached. MSB catalogue 2015 5 . preparation of test sample. Excludes criteria for shade. labelling prohibitions and methods of tests. sampling plan for inspection and criteria for compliance.080.020 Specification for men’s dress shirts Specifies requirements for fibre composition of fabric. feel or the constructional particulars of the fabrics used. 22 MS 29: 2012 9 p Gr 5 67.20 Standard for olive oils and olive pomace oils This Mauritian Standard specifies requirements for olive oils and olive-pomace oils* presented in a state for human consumption. 20 MS 27:2011 9 p Gr 5 67. appearance. packing and marking requirements. including the list of ingredients and date marking and manner of labelling.230 Labelling of prepackaged foods Specfies the requirements for the labelling of prepackaged foods. 26 MS 33:2010 6 p Gr 3 61.100.20 Specification for cotton embroidery threads Specifies the constructional details and requirements for 100% cotton embroidery thread. marking and labelling. compliance with the standard.020 Specification for knitted outerwear Specifies the general requirements for all weft knitted outerwear garments.200. the physical characteristics of shirts.10 Standard for edible fats and oils Applies to edible fats and oils and mixtures thereof 21 MS 28:2012 10 p Gr 5 67. bleached or dyed. 23 MS 30:2016 13 p Gr 7 67. MS 36-1:2006 91. 30 MS 37:1984 + A1:2007 7 p Gr 4 67. 6 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 27 MS 34:2015 77.140. requirements.99 (BS 4483:2005+ A1:2007) Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete . based on mechanical properties. 31 MS 38:1983 7 p Gr 4 67.10 Superseded by MS EN 197-1:2011 29 MS 36-3:2007 4 p Gr 2 91.Specification This standard specifies requirements for plain. 28 MS 35:2015 77. Grade 500 is specified for plain. Grade 250 is specified as an option for plain wires only. testing and methods of test. manufactured from ribbed bars conforming to MS 10. packing and marking and methods of test.100. It covers manufacture.140.Specification This standard specifies requirements for sheets of factory-made machine-welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. specifications and conformity criteria for cements for tropical use. indented and ribbed wires. requirements. MS 10 covers bar or coil for this purpose.10 Cement. indented and ribbed steel wire used for the reinforcement of concrete products. The standard contains provisions for two grades.Part 3: Composition.100. sampling. inspection. essential and optional ingredients. sampling.15 (BS 4482:2005+A1:2007) Steel wire for reinforcement of concrete . manufacture.080 Standard for canned processed peas Sets out requirements for canned mature processed peas. Bar or coil for the manufacture of structural welded fabric to MS 35 is not covered by this standard. Sets out definitions and product definition. or manufactured from wire conforming to MS 34 for wrapping fabrics D49 and D98.060 Specification of white and wholemeal wheat bread Sets out requirements for the manufacture of bread from white wheat flour and wholemeal wheat flour. etc. 35 MS 42:2000 37 p Gr 16 91. Does not cover the products that are highly seasoned and of varying concentrations containing characterizing ingredients. in quantities that materially alter the flavour. methods of test. aroma and taste of tomato component.080. sugar. Gr 3 67. sampling. jellies and marmalades. States the requirements.060.10 Standard for jams (fruit preserves or label conserves).20 Standard for canned tomato concentrates Sets out requirements for canned tomato concentrates. MSB catalogue 2015 7 . Sampling and methods of tests.30 Specification for precast concrete building blocks Specifies tolerances and minimum performance levels for cellular concrete blocks not exceeding 450 mm in any manufacturing dimension. for automotive type internal combustion engines.50 Specification for paper pins Sets out requirements for paper pins for office use and general purpose. 33 MS 40:1988 4 p Gr 2 67. (fruit preserves or fruit conserves). 32 MS 39:2016 6 p Gr 3 67.10 Specification of superfine alcohol Applies to the requirements and test methods of bulk superfine alcohol 34 MS 41:1983 6 p. onions. such as pepper. meeting and exceeding the API service classification “SE” for gasoline engines and meeting or exceeding the API service classification “CC” for diesel engines.060. 36 MS 43:1986 4 p Gr 2 21.. with the addition of carbohydrate as sweetener. Packing and marking. jellies and marmalades Applies to a class of fruit products commonly known as jams.160. Packing and marking.080. vinegar.30 Specification for engine lubricating oil (for API services SE and CC) Covers crankcase lubricating oils.100. which may be prepared from single fruit. or from two or more fruits. 37 MS 44:1984 10 p Gr 5 43. 060. high output. 41 MS 48:1984 (for revision) 10 p Gr 5 91. supercharged compression-ignition engines operating under API services classification CD.220. 40 MS 47:2008 12 p Gr 6 67.30 Specification for diesel engine lubricating oil (for API service CD) Covers engine lubricating oil suitable for the crankcase lubrication of high speed. diameter. strong.140.C to earth with power inputs not exceeding 7 kW and intended for domestic or similar use. length. single-ply. 38 MS 45:1985 10 p Gr 5 43. transverse breaking strength. 39 MS 46:1989 6 p Gr 3 35. moisture and calcium sulphate content. as a carrier of food additives and/or nutrients.080 Specification for toilet paper Covers three grades of creped toilet paper: single-ply. writing properties. soft.60 Specification for fixed electric instantaneous water heaters Covers fixed electric instantaneous water heaters (of capacities not greater than 3 L) fitted with elements of the sheathed or bare type for heating water to a temperature below boiling point. suitable for operation at voltages not exceeding 250 V A.260. 42 MS 49:2006 (incorporating Amd 1) 10 p Gr 5 85. finish. The standard does not apply to low sodium salt. soft. intended primarily for writing on blackboards.20 Specification for food grade salt Applies to salt used as an ingredient of food.20 Specification for school chalks (white and coloured) Specifies requirements for school chalks. both white and coloured. Also specifies the shape. 8 MSB Catalogue 2015 . double-ply. fertilizer grade.080 Specification for potassium chloride (muriate of potash). fertilizer grade Specifies requirements. sampling and test methods for ammonium sulphate.140. 47 MS 54:1984 6 p Gr 3 65. fertilizer grade Specifies requirements. 46 MS 53:1984 6 p Gr 3 65. fertilizer grade Specifies the requirements. inclusive. inclusive.080 Specification for potassium sulphate. fertilizer grade. 44 MS 51:2008 10 p Gr 5 65. 43 MS 50:1988 6 p Gr 3 71. sampling and test methods for potassium chloride (muriate of potash). packing and marking. bulbs clear or internally frosted and caps. sampling and test methods of compound fertilizers.20 Specification for tungsten filament lamps for general services Applies to ordinary incandescent lamps for general lighting purposes having a nominal life of 1000 hours.40 Specification for scouring powder Specifies requirements for two types of synthetic household detergent scouring powder for the removal of tenacious soil from hard surfaces and kitchen utensils.080 Specification for superphosphates Specifies the requirements. 45 MS 52:1983 4 p Gr 2 65.080 Solid compound fertilizers – Specification and test methods Specifies requirements. 48 MS 55:1985 4 p Gr 2 65. a rated voltage between 100 volts and 250 volts. 49 MS 56:2008 11 p Gr 6 29. fertilizer grade. normal bayonet or Edisonscrew MSB catalogue 2015 9 . methods of test. sampling and test methods for single superphosphate and triple superphosphate. sampling and test methods for potassium sulphate.a rated wattage between 15 watts and 1500 watts.080 Specification for ammonium sulphate.100. Sampling and compliance with the standard. 060. 55 MS 63:2012 (BS 7671:2008) MUR 2 500. selection.50 (incorporating Amd 1:2011) Requirements for electrical installations Sets out regulations for application to the design.140. 51 MS 58:1988 3 p Gr 2 71.7 mm (Screw Gauge No. packing and marking.060 Soles. silicon bronze and 18/8 stainless steel in nominal sizes of screws from 1. tolerances and material properties of slotted- head type.160. 10 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 53 MS 60 – Pt I: 1991 14 p Gr 7 83. wood screws made of steel. aluminium alloy.Materials and products- Specifications Specifies requirements for six types of vulcanized moulded rubber and two types of moulded plastics. sewage and general purposes.4mm to 2220 mm outside diameter for the conveyance of water. 50 MS 57:2004 22 p Gr 11 61.00 91. 54 MS 62:1984 7 p Gr 4 23. heels and heel top-pieces for footwear.10 Specification for arc welded steel pipes and specials.10 Specification for wood screws Sets out requirements for dimensions. heels and heel top pieces used for footwear.70 Specification for liquid shampoo Specifies requirements for two grades of liquid shampoo based on synthetic detergents. Sets out requirements for arc welded carbon steel pipes in sizes 406. recessed-head type. erection. 0-32). methods of test.10 Specification for the reconditioning of tyres Sets out minimum requirements for the reconditioning of car and commercial vehicle tyres by the use of a hot moulding process and by the use of a labeling tread process. brass. Sampling and compliance with the standard.40. soles.100.52 mm to 12. 52 MS 59:1988 14 p Gr 7 21. inspection and testing of electrical installations in buildings. 020 Specification for men’s raincoats Specifies requirements for material.20 Specification for raw chicken This standard specifies requirements for raw chicken (Gallus sp) carcasses and cuts (or parts). It does not cover the requirements for shade. general appearance and feel of the raincoat.060 Specification for full grain side upper leather Specifies requirements for full grain chrome-tanned bovine leather and intended for use as an upper material for footwear. Also includes test methods for the determination of crude fat. 59 MS 72:1991 8 p Gr 4 61.120 Specification for poultry feeds Specifies the basic requirements for poultry (layer. dispersible powders.120. man-made fibres and blends used for the manufacture of fabrics for uniforms and workwear. MS 68:1988 (Withdrawn) 95.100 Specification for insecticidal diazinon Specifies requirements for insecticidal diazinon for agricultural use. 56 MS 65:2014 20 p Gr 10 67.080 Methods of tests for compound and mixed fertilizers (Replaced by MS 51:2008) 58 MS 70:1988 7 p Gr 4 65. Product designation. 61 MS 75:1993 p Gr 61. emulsifiable concentrates and granules. sampling. cut. 57 MS 67:1986 6 p Gr 3 65. MSB catalogue 2015 11 . make and trim of waterproof raincoats for men. It also caters for the inspection of the processing of raw chicken. It does not specify requirements for colour. solutions. 60 MS 73:1988 6 p Gr 3 61. salt and available phosphorus. broiler and breeder) feeds. requirements. It also covers diazinon dust.020 Specification for fabrics for uniforms and workwear Specifies constructional requirements and minimum performance requirements for a range of varieties of cotton. packing and marking. 100. 68 MS 82:1989 4 p Gr 2 61. 64 MS 78:1988 4 p Gr 2 71.040 Specification for lime paint Specifies requirements for non-washable lime paint for the interior decoration of ceilings. synthetic fibres and their blends. etc.100.060 Specification for side upper leather (with a smooth corrected grain) Specifies requirements for full chrome-tanned bovine leather with a corrected grain. It does not specify requirements for colour. 12 MSB Catalogue 2015 . and intended for use as an upper material for footwear. friezes.. 63 MS 77:2006 p Gr 97. 66 MS 80:2010 12 p Gr 6 71. 65 MS 79:1990 4 p Gr 2 59. wall. wool.40 Hand dishwashing liquid detergent – Requirements and test methods Specifies requirements for liquid detergent for household hand dishwashing and not for machine dishwashing. which induce water resistance.160 Bed blankets – Specifications Specifies requirements for bed blankets manufactured from cotton. where the film will not be required to resist washing. and a smooth finish.020 Specification for PVC raincoats Specifies minimum requirements for unsupported polyvinyl chloride raincoats. 67 MS 81:1989 3 p Gr 2 87. man-made fibres.40 Specification for PVC-coated synthetic fibre fabric tarpaulins Specifies minimum performance requirements for fabric coated on both sides with a suitable plasticized coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) intended for use in the manufacture of tarpaulins.080.40 Specification for sodium hypochlorite solution (AMD 1 – 1997) Specifies requirements for dilute solutions of sodium hypochlorite intended for domestic use. 62 MS 76:1990 7 p Gr 4 61. 30 Specification for canned sardines and sardine-type products Specifies the basic requirements for canned sardines and sardine-type products. 70 MS 84:1999 26 p Gr 12 13. white and black but does not cover reflectorized paint.20 Amd No 1 of 2007 & Amd No 2 of 2014 Specification for bottled drinking water Specifies the requirements and the method of tests for bottled drinking water (other than bottled natural mineral water) for human consumption.120. Sampling. It makes provision for yellow. packing and marking. 72 MS 88:1993 4 p Gr 2 65. It does not apply to speciality products where the fish products constitute less than 50% m/m of the net contents of the can.20 Specification for sanitary towels Specifies manufacturing. also called pilchards. 69 MS 83:1988 p Gr 67.060. dimensions performance and microbiological requirements for two types of sanitary towels. MSB catalogue 2015 13 . 73 MS 89:1989 5 p Gr 3 11. packaged in water or oil or other suitable packaging medium.100 Specification for diuron water dispersible powder and wet flowable concentrates Specifies physical and chemical requirements for diuron water dispersible powder and wet flowable concentrates.040 Specification for road marking paint Specifies requirements for quick drying road marking paint for use on bituminous and concrete road surfaces.120. 71 MS 87:1991 8 p Gr 4 87. 77 MS 101:2008 MUR 4 000.140 Specification for penetration grade bitumen Specifies the requirements for penetration grade bitumens which are suitable for use in road construction and maintenance MS 96:2008 27. 78 MS 104:1992 5 p Gr 3 35. general appearance and feel of raincoat.060.20 (BS 6346:1997.020 Specification for women’s raincoats Specifies requirements for material. Incorporating Amd 1 & 2) Electric cables – PVC insulated. 75 MS 93 – Pt 1:1988 3 p Gr 2 75.160 Specification for corrugated board containers Covers the general requirements the method of inspection and all methods of test applicable to corrugated board containers. armoured cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V Specifies requirements for construction and describes methods of test for armoured cable for PVC insulation of rated voltages 600/ 1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V. MS 106:1993 12 p Gr 6 67.260.060 (Replaced by MS ISO 7301:2011) Specification for rice MS 108:1993 Superseded by MS ISO 2253:1999 Specification for curry powder 14 MSB Catalogue 2015 . The cables specified are intended for use in fixed installations in industrial areas and buildings and similar applications. It does not cover the requirements for shade. make and trim of waterproof raincoats for women.00 29.160 Withdrawn replaced by MS EN 12976-1:2006 Solar water heaters – design and construction 76 MS 98:1991 9 p Gr 5 61.20 Specification for black lead pencils Specifies requirements for black lead pencils for general writing purposes. cut. 74 MS 91:1991 p Gr 55. 200. except for materials not accessible.50 (ISO 8124-2:1994) Safety of toys – Part 2: Flammability Specifies the categories of flammable materials which are prohibited in all toys and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are submitted to a small source of ignition. contents list. Specifies requirements for the maximum amount of certain substances and preparations used in experimental sets for chemistry and related activities. 83 MS 111 Pt 6:1999 21 p Gr 11 97. It also specifies requirements for marking.200.50 (EN 71-5:1993) Safety of toys – Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets. MSB catalogue 2015 15 . 80 MS 111 Pt 3:1998 21 p Gr 11 97. 82 MS 111 Pt 5:1999 21 p Gr 11 97. Specifies the requirements for substances and materials used in chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets. polymeric and similar materials. 81 MS 111-Pt 4:2003 21 p Gr 11 97. paper and paper board. It also includes the general requirements relating to all toys and specifies requirements and methods of test relating to toys. pliable labeling materials. 79 MS 111 Pt 2:1998 5 p Gr 3 97. etc.50 (ISO 8124-3:1997) Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements Specifies maximum levels and methods of sampling and extraction prior to analysis for the migration of certain elements from toy material such as coatings of paints.200.200. which present the greatest hazards.50 (EN 71-4:1990) Safety of toys – Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities.200. instructions for use and for equipment intended for carrying out the experiments. natural or synthetic textiles.50 (EN 71-6: 1994) Safety of toys – Part 6: Graphical symbol for age warning labeling Specifies requirements for the use and design of a graphical symbol for age warning labelling on toys not suitable for children under 3 years of age. or any other heating appliance.040.100 Standard for soya bean oil/ soybean oil Specifies requirements for edible soya bean oil but does not apply to soya bean oil that must be subject to further processing in order to render it suitable for human consumption. between conductors intended for use with appliances and equipment in domestic/ or similar environments for light or ordinary duty. 88 MS 129:2006 25 p Gr 12 91.060.c. for use with appliances and equipment intended for domestic.040. This standard does not include requirements for cooking performance of domestic pressure cookers. operation and safety-related performance requirements for domestic pressure cookers. 85 MS 113:2010 MUR 5 160.60 Specification for domestic pressure cookers Specifies the materials. manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for use in mortar.60 Performance of handles and handle assemblies attached to cookware – Specification Specifies safety related performance requirements for the handles and knobs on items of cookware for use on the top of a stove. 86 MS 126:1998 17 p Gr 9 97. construction. office and similar environments Specifies requirements for construction.20 (BS 6500:2000 incorporating amds 1 & 2) Electrical cables – Flexible cords rated up to 300/500 V. 87 MS 128:1998 17 p Gr 9 97. dimensions & mechanical and electrical properties of PVC insulated flexible cords for operation at voltages up to and including 300 V to earth and 500 V a.00 29. including the fixing systems used for attachment to the cookware.100.15 (EN 13139:2002) Aggregates for mortar Specifies the properties of aggregates and filler aggregates obtained by processing natural. 84 MS 112:2012 p Gr 13. 16 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 89 MS 131:2001 20 p Gr 10 97.020.Parts 3. MS 132 Part 1:2003 71.122 mm and 10.040.30 (BS 7114 Part 1:1988) Fireworks Part 1: Classification of fireworks Superseded by MS EN 15947:2010.0 mm diameter or equivalent cross-sectional area for general engineering purposes. implementation and maintenance of a HACCP system as a preventative system to enhance the safety of food. 91 MS 134:2003 10 p Gr 5 97. of round and other cross-sectional shapes. 4 & 5 90 MS 133:2010 14 p Gr 7 67.040. between 0.100.30 (BS 7114 Part 2:1988) Fireworks: Part 2: Specification for fireworks Superseded by MS EN 15947:2010. Specifies requirements for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or screwing to BS 21 pipe threads.100.Parts 3. Parts 1 & 2 MS 132 Part 2:2003) 71.60 Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or screwing to BS 21 pipe threads. 35. 4 & 5 MS 132 Part 3:2003 71.30 (BS 7114 Part 3:1988) Fireworks Part 3: Methods of test for fireworks Superseded by MS EN 15947:2010.60 Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes Specifies the requirements for mild steel wire. MSB catalogue 2015 17 .100.040 The implementation and management of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Specifies the requirements for the development. in environments between a minimum ambient temperature of –30oC and a maximum ambient temperature of +60oC.40 (EN 374-2:2003) Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 2: Determination of resistance to penetration Specifies test method for the penetration resistance of gloves against chemicals and/or micro-organisms 96 MS 138-3:2006 12 p Gr 6 13. 18 MSB Catalogue 2015 .40 (EN 374-3:2003) Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 3: Determination of resistance to permeation by chemicals Determination of the resistance of protective glove materials to permeation by potentially hazardous non-gaseous chemicals under the condition of continuous contact.340.70 Rubber and plastics tubing and hoses for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG ) – Specification Specifies the properties and performance requirements for flexible rubber and plastics tubing and hoses for use with liquefied petroleum gases in the vapour phase in appliances.040. Part 1: General rules 93 MS 137:2006 22 p Gr 11 23.140.65 (EN 10245-1:2001) Steel wire and wire products-Organic coatings on steel wire.220.340. 94 MS 138-1:2006 9 p Gr 5 13. 77. 92 MS 136-1: 2008 20 p Gr 10 25.40 (EN 374-1:2003) Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements Specifies the requirements for gloves to protect the user against chemicals and/or micro-organisms and defines terms to be used 95 MS 138-2:2006 11 p Gr 6 13.60.340. 340. information to be supplied and marking for protective gloves against heat and/or fire. 97 MS 139:2006 21 p Gr 11 13. It does not cover requirements for accessories such as visors. 100 MS 143:2006 8 p Gr 4 13.340. radiant heat. detachable peaks and detachable face covers. cutting and allied processes.20 (BS 6658:1985) Specification for protective helmets for vehicle users Specifies the requirements for helmets to be worn by riders and passengers of motorcycles/auto cycles including participants in competitive events.40 Replaced by MS EN 659:2003 + A1:2008 MSB catalogue 2015 19 . goggles.340.40 (EN 388:2003) Protective gloves against mechanical risks Specifies requirements. test methods.340. blade cut. for protective gloves against the mechanical risks of abrasion.00 13. convective heat. contact heat. small splashes or large quantities of molten metal. Applies for all gloves which protect the hands against heat and/or flames in one or more of the following forms: fire. 99 MS 142:2006 15 p Gr 8 13. marking and information to be supplied. MS 140:2006 (withdrawn) Replaced by MS EN 420:2003 + A1:2009 98 MS 141:2007 MUR 3 720.340.40 (EN 12477:2001) Protective gloves for welders Specifies requirements and test methods for protective gloves for use in manual metal welding. MS 144:2007 (Withdrawn) 13. test methods. tear and puncture.40 (EN 407:2004) Protective gloves against thermal risks (heat and/ or fire) Specifies requirements. 080. cut. cut. make and trim of girls’ dresses and tunics.Girls’ skirts Specifies the materials. make and trim of girls’ skirts. 105 MS 145-5: 2008 4 p Gr 2 61.101 MS 145-1:2008 8 p Gr 4 61.080.30 Schoolwear fabrics – Part 1: Basic requirements Covers the basic requirements of woven fabrics that are suitable for use in the manufacture of school clothing. 107 MS 146-2:2008 4 p Gr 2 59.General requirements for school clothing Specifies the general requirements of school clothing.020 School Clothing .020 School Clothing . 102 MS 145-2:2008 4 p Gr 2 61. cut. make and trim of girls’ of shirts and blouses 104 MS 145-4:2008 4 p Gr 2 61. of three weave structures.020 School Clothing . 106 MS 146-1:2008 9 p Gr 5 59.30 Schoolwear fabrics – Part 3: Basic requirements Covers the requirements for polyester and viscose fabrics.Shirts and blouses Specifies the materials.Dresses and tunics Specifies the materials.020 School Clothing . make and trim of boys’ trousers and shorts.Trousers and shorts Specifies the materials.020 School Clothing .080. 103 MS 145-3:2008 4 p Gr 2 61. cut.30 Schoolwear fabrics – Part 2: Requirements for polyester and wool fabrics Covers the requirements for polyester and wool fabrics suitable for use in manufacture of school clothing 108 MS 146-3:2008 4 p Gr 2 59. suitable for use in the manufacture of school clothing 20 MSB Catalogue 2015 . Part 2: Specification for 13 A switched and unswitched socket-outlets Specifies requirements for 13 A switched and unswitched shuttered socket-outlets for household. for household.120. 110 MS 146-5:2008 3 p Gr 2 59.Part 1: Specification for rewirable and non-rewirable 13 A fused plugs Specifies requirements for 13 A fused plugs having insulating sleeves on line and neutral pins.30 (BS 1363-1:1995 + A4:2012) 13 A plugs. commercial and light industrial purposes. This standard does not include the installation rules for regulators and their possible associated safety devices. socket-outlets. with particular reference to safety in normal use.30 Schoolwear fabrics – Part 5: Schoolwear fabrics – Requirements for polyester and cotton for shirts and blouses Covers the requirements for polyester and cotton fabrics suitable for use in the manufacture of school shirts and blouses 111 MS 147:2008 62 p Gr 20 23. with particular reference to safety in normal use.00 (59 p) 29. suitable for use in the manufacture of school clothing.120. socket-outlets.00 (62 p) 29. 112 MS 148-1:2013 MUR 6 150.30 Schoolwear fabrics – Part 4: Requirements for polyester and cotton fabrics Covers the requirements for polyester and cotton fabrics.40 Low-pressure.080. non adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas) LPG)-Specifications The regulators covered by this standard are designed for a maximum outlet pressure of up to and including 200 mbar and a maximum rate of up to and including 4 kg/h.060. It also applies to the safety devices which are supplied as part of the regulators. MSB catalogue 2015 21 . adaptors and connection units . of two weave structures. commercial and light industrial purposes. 113 MS 148-2:2013 MUR 5 750.080.109 MS 146-4:2008 3 p Gr 2 59. adaptors and connection units .30 (BS 1363-2:1995 + A4:2012) 13 A plugs. 120.20 (EN 30-1-1:1998) Domestic cooking appliances burning gas fuel .00 (84 p) 29.30 (BS 1363-4:1995 + A4:2012) 13 A plugs.040.120. fused. The scope of the standard covers two-pole plus earth conversion plugs that are either reusable or non-reusable. socket-outlets. 116 MS 148-5:2013 MUR 6 150.Part 4: Specification for 13 A fused connection units switched and unswitched Specifies requirements for 13 A fused fixed connection units for household. 114 MS 148-3:2013 MUR 5 750. dimensions. adaptors and connection units – Part 3: Specification for adaptors 115 MS 148-4:2013 MUR 4 740. the preferred current ratings are 3 A and 13 A. For use in plugs complying with BS 1363. with particular reference to safety in normal use. commercial and light industrial purposes. tests for fuse links of any current rating not exceeding 13 A at 250 V a.120.Part 5: Specification for fused conversion plugs Specifies requirements. socket-outlets. conversion plugs for household. incorporating Amdts No 1 and 2) Specification for general purpose fuse links for domestic and similar purposes (primarily for use in plugs) Performance. marking. adaptors and connection units .Part 1: Safety-General Specifies the construction and performance characteristics as well as the requirements and methods of test for the safety and marking of freestanding and built-in domestic cooking appliances.c. 118 MS 150-1:2008 119 p Gr 23 97.00 (24 p) 29. commercial and light industrial purposes.30 (BS 1363-4:1995 + A4:2012) 13 A plugs.50 (BS 1362:1973. adaptors and connection units . 117 MS 149:2008 MUR 3 950.30 13 A plugs.00 (44 p) 29.120.00 29. socket-outlets. 22 MSB Catalogue 2015 . for 13 A. with particular reference to safety in normal use. -Construction.040. wholesome fish flesh of a quality fit for human consumption. It specifies material. where the pressure developed by the contents of the cartridge at 50 oC does not exceed 12 bar. The products covered by this standard are foods that remain solid at a temperature of 20 0 C. designed to contain stenched liquefied petroleum gas or stabilized mixtures of liquefied petroleum gas with propadiene and/or methyl acetylene.20 Specifaction for fat spreads Applies to vegetable fat products. It also defines test methods and the requirements for marking and the information to be given in the instructions. 120 MS 152:2008 66 p Gr 20 27.060. (EN 521:2006) 97. for use with portable appliances. 97.130 (EN 417:1992) Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gas.20. intended primarily for use as spreads. with or without a valve. The standard applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at vapour pressure and designed to be used with (non refillable) cartridges as complying with EN 417 or any types of gas cylinders other than cartridges. 121 MS 153: 2009 + Amd 1:2012 14 p Gr 7 67. 123 MS 155:2008 32 p Gr 14 13.120.100. 122 MS 154:2008 11 p Gr 6 67. containing not less than 10 % and less than 80% fat and not more than 16 % water.20 Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas-Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances Specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure with the gas container. inspection and marking requirements for cartridges with a total capacity of between 50 ml and 100m ml.340. construction. for use with portable appliances.50 (EN 15090:2006) MSB catalogue 2015 23 .100.119 MS 151:2008 15 p Gr 8 55. inspection. prepared from sound. testing and marking Covers “non-refillable metallic cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases.20.30 Specification for Tuna and Bonito in hermetically sealed containers Applies to heat processed Tuna and Bonito in hermetically sealed containers. with or without a valve. having a car designed for the transportation of persons or persons and goods suspended by ropes or chains and moving between guide rails inclined not more than 15 o to the vertical. fitted with atmospheric burners. This standard does not cover special personal protective equipment used in high-risk situation (for example. Footwear for firefighters Specifies minimum requirements and test methods for the performance of three types of footwear for use by firefighters for general-purpose rescue. fire rescue and hazardous materials emergencies.060. artificial leather. serving defined landing levels. the conditions described in ISO 15538). 127 MS 161:2013 6p Gr 4 13. It does not apply to natural mineral waters sold or used for other purposes.50 Casual shoes – Specification This Mauritian Standard specifies requirements for casual shoes manufactured by different processes. with traction or positive drive. 126 MS 158-1:2008 161 p Gr 25 91.340.It is applicable to general casual shoes whose upper is made of natural leather.140.65 (EN 26:1997) Gas-fired instantaneous water heater for the production of domestic hot water.90 (EN 81-1:1998) Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Part 1: Electric lifts Specifies the safety rules for the construction and installation of permanently installed new electric lifts. textiles and multiple materials.140. synthetic leather. This standard is applicable for casual shoes with footwear size as from (French 21)(English 3).20 Specification for natural mineral water This standard applies to all packaged natural mineral waters offered for sale as food. 24 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 125 MS 157:2008 142 p Gr 24 91. 124 MS 156:2009 10 p Gr 5 13. escalators and passenger conveyors. of the Solanaceae family. 129 MS 163:2009 20 p Gr 10 Standard for fresh tomatoes This Standard applies to commercial varieties of tomatoes grown from Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. to be marketed or supplied fresh to the consumer.128 MS 162:2009 19 p Gr 10 91. It does not cover instructions for installation and the dismantling.020 General principles of food hygiene This Mauritian Standard follows the food chain from primary production to the final consumer.90 (EN 13015:2001) Maintenance of lifts and escalators – Rules for maintenance instructions Specifies the elements necessary for the preparation of the instructions for the maintenance operations which are provided for new installed passenger lifts. after preparation and packaging throughout the supply chain. good passenger lifts. methods of test and marking requirements for industrial safety helmets. MSB catalogue 2015 25 .40 Specifications of composted materials This standard applies to organic products or mixtures of organic products that are to be used to amend the physical and chemical properties of natural or artificial soils and growing media. accessible goods only lifts. 131 MS 165:2015 20 p Gr 10 03.90 (EN 397:1995) Specification for industrial safety helmets Specifies physical and performance requirements.100.200 Sustainable tourism – Requirements 132 MS 167:2011 22 p Gr 11 67.140. Tomatoes for industrial processing are excluded. setting out the necessary hygiene conditions for producing food which is safe and suitable for consumption 133 MS 168:2011 14 p Gr 7 67. 130 MS 164:2010 34 p Gr 15 71. service lifts. mechanics and heat. Carrots may be marketed with or without leaves. 17.20 Standard for potatoes This Mauritian Standard applies to ware potatoes of the varieties grown from Solanum tuberosum L.020 (BS 350:2004) Conversion factors for units This standard provides conversion factors for units of measurement for a number of quantities.060. armoured cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V This standard specifies requirements for construction and describes methods of test for armoured cable with thermosetting insulation of rated voltages 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V.060. which are or have been.20 BS 5467:1997+A3:2008 Electrical cables – Thermosetting insulated. Cables specified in this standard are intended for use in fixed installations in industrial areas. This standard specifies requirements for a system of grading and classifying potatoes.134 MS 169:2011 10 p Gr 5 67. The standard does not deal with purely electrical units. carrots for industrial processing being excluded.080. industry and trade.00 (40 p) 29. 26 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 137 MS 172:2011 MUR 4 740. buildings and similar applications. in general use in engineering.20 Standard for fresh carrots This standard applies to carrots of varieties (cultivars) grown from Daucus carota L. of the Solanaceae family to be marketed or supplied fresh to the consumer after preparation and packaging. broadly metrology. of family Umbelliferae to be supplied fresh to the consumer.080. The subjects covered are. 136 MS 171:2011 01. 135 MS 170:2011 10 p Gr 5 67. 140 MS 175: 2011 12 p Gr 6 55.060.138 MS 173:2013 MUR 4 115. to earth and 750 V a.c.2. 139 MS 174:2011 MUR 6 150. between conductors. distributor. Cables specified in this standard are intended for use in fixed installations in industrial areas. MSB catalogue 2015 27 . 1) Electric cables – Flexible cables rated up to 450/750 V.00 (78 p) 29. for fixed installation This standard specifies requirements for construction and describes methods of test for unarmoured single-core cables with thermosetting insulation of rated voltage 600/1 000 V. intended for use with appliances and equipment in industrial or similar environments for ordinary or heavy duty. dimensions and mechanical and electrical properties of insulated flexible cables for operation at voltages up to and including 450 V a. packer. This standard specifies requirements for the construction.20 (BS 7919:2001 incorporating Amendments 1.20 (BS 7889:2012) Electric cables .060.00 (32 p) 29. buildings and similar applications but not for direct burial in the ground. importer or retailer and c) the net quantity of the product. b) the name and place of business of the manufacturer.020 (OIML R 79) Labelling requirements for prepackaged products This Standard covers requirements for the labeling of prepackaged products with constant nominal content with respect to: a) the identity of the product. for use with appliances and equipment intended fkor industrial and similar environments.c.3 and Corrigendum No.Thermosetting insulated. non-armoured cables with a voltage of 600/1000 V. milled white rice (raw) and milled parboiled rice suitable for human consumption.0: General requirements This standard specifies mechanical. brown parboiled rice.2: Radar speed measuring equipment This standard specifies mechanical. 144 MS 178-1:2012 Gr 3 Road speed measuring systems – Part .1: Laser speed measuring equipment This standard specifies mechanical. brown (cargo rice).141 MS 176:2011 19 p Gr 9 55. and  Sampling plans and procedures for use in verifying the quantity of product in prepackages. volume. electrical and operational requirements for speed measuring equipment and associated speed measuring systems that are intended for measuring the speed of road vehicles. linear measure.020 (OIML R 87) Quantity of product in prepackages This Standard specifies the:  Metrology requirements for prepackaged products (also called prepackaged commodities or prepackaged goods) labeled in predetermined constant nominal quantities of weight. 142 MS 177:2011 21 p Gr 11 67.060 Basmati rice – Specifications This Mauritian Standard lays down the minimum specifications for Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L) of the following types: husked rice. This Standard applies to prepacked as well as non-prepacked Basmati rice 143 MS 178-0:2012 Gr 10 Road speed measuring systems – Part . and which is the subject of international trade. or count. electrical and operational requirements for radar speed measuring equipment that is intended for measuring the speed of road vehicles 146 MS 178-3:2012 Gr 3 28 MSB Catalogue 2015 . directly or after processing. electrical and operational requirements for laser speed measuring equipment that is intended for measuring the speed of road vehicles 145 MS 178-2:2012 Gr 3 Road speed measuring systems – Part . area. Road speed measuring systems – Part – 3: Distance-over-time speed measuring equipment (fixed distance/variable time) This standard specifies mechanical, electrical and operational requirements for distance- over-time speed measuring equipment (fixed distance/variable time) that is intended for measuring the speed of road vehicles 147 MS 178-4:2012 Gr 3 Road speed measuring systems – Part – 4: distance-over-time speed measuring equipment (variable distance/ variable time) This standard specifies mechanical, electrical and operational requirements for mobile speed measuring equipment that is installed in an observer vehicle, that calculates speed based on measurements of distance and time and that is intended for measuring the speed of road vehicles 148 MS 178-5:2012 Gr 6 Road speed measuring systems – Part - 5: Data capturing and recording for measuring speed of vehicles This standard specifies mechanical, electrical and operational requirements for data capturing and recording equipment that is intended for road traffic law enforcement and prosecution purposes 149 MS 179:2012 33 p Gr 15 23.020.10; 91.140.60 Polyethylene storage tanks for water and chemicals This Standard specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of polyethylene storage tanks that are rotationally moulded in one-piece seamless construction. The tanks are for non-buried, vertical installation and capable of containing water, liquids used in food and beverage manufacture and chemical solutions at atmospheric pressure. 150 MS 180:2012 67.080.20 9 p Gr 5 67.080.20 Standard for onions This Mauritian Standard applies to varieties of onions (Allium cepa L) of family Alliaceae to be supplied to the consumer in the natural state after preparation and packaging. 151 MS 182:2013 53 p Gr 19 35.240.99; 97.200.99 MSB catalogue 2015 29 Technical standard for limited payout machine This Standard specifies the general hardware and software requirements and the list of significant events for gaming equipment to be used in premises licensed to operate for limited payout machines. This equipment will be attached to a central electronic monitoring system (CEMS) as from the date as may be notified in writing by the Authority. 152 MS 183:2014 15 p Gr 8 Specification for poulet champagne This Mauritian Standard specifies requirements for the production of chilled, vacuum packed or normal packed 'poulet campagne' (whole and cuts). It covers animal husbandry, feeding, processing and labelling of this type of chicken. This standard will be used for verification such as inspection and certification of the product. 153 MS 184-1:2015 30 p Gr 14 Specification for Good Agricultural Practices for Crop Production – MauriGAP – Part 1 – Basic requirements This Standard establishes basic requirements for sustainable crop production, focusing on Good Agricultural Practices for food safety, environmental stewardship and farmer/worker welfare. This Standard applies to open and protected field cultivation as well as to hydroponics. This standard will be used for inspection and certification purposes of the crop production process. 154 MS 186: 2015 49 p Gr 18 01.080.10, 13.220.01 (BS 5499-4:2013) Safety signs: Code of practice for escape route signing This part of BS 5499 gives recommendations for the selection and use of escape route signs conforming to BS EN ISO 7010 to be provided within buildings. This part of BS 5499 gives further recommendations on the use of appropriate escape route signs conforming to BS EN ISO 7010:2012, E001 and E002, the use of supplementary text to assist in the interpretation of signs and the use of arrows to provide additional directional information. 30 MSB Catalogue 2015 155 MS 187: 2015 49 p Gr 18 01.080.10; 13.200 (BS 5499-10:2014) Guidance for the selection and use of safety signs and fire safety notices This part of BS 5499 provides guidance on how to select, install, position and maintain safety signs conforming to BS ISO 3864-1 and BS EN ISO 7010, excluding escape route signs, to present specific safety information. MS 188: 2016 Criteria for ecolabeling for textile products 156 MS 190-1:2015 32 Gr 14 (OIML R 35-1:2007) Material measures of length for general use - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements This standard specifies the technical, metrological and administrative conditions which are mandatory for these measures. 157 MS 190-2:2015 38 Gr 16 (OIML R 35-2:2011) Material measures of length for general use - Part 2: Test methods This standard is applicable to the type evaluation and initial verification testing of material measures of length for general use This Standard sets out details of the test program, principles, equipment and procedures to be used for type evaluation and initial verification testing. 158 MS 190-3:2015 48 Gr 17 (OIML R 35-3:2011) Material measures of length for general use - Part 3: Test report format This standard shows the required format of a type evaluation report for a measure of length. This Standard also shows some examples of tables for presenting the test results for measures and ancillary devices for initial verification reports. MSB catalogue 2015 31 120 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Household air conditioners This standard establishes requirements for the labelling and the provision of supplementary product information for electric mains-operated air conditioners with a rated capacity of ≤ 12 kW for cooling.120.040. including those sold for non. 161 MS 202:2012 18 p Gr 9 13.030. or heating. The Standard shall apply to electric mains-operated household refrigerating appliances.159 MS 200:2013 12 Gr 6 23. including those sold for non-household use or for the refrigeration of items other than foodstuffs and including built-in appliances. 97. if the product has no cooling function. 160 MS 201:2012 24 p Gr 12 97. 97.household use and built-in household washing machines. It shall also apply to electric mains-operated household refrigerating appliances that can be battery-operated. 32 MSB Catalogue 2015 .30 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Household refrigerating appliances This Standard establishes requirements for the labelling of electric mains-operated household refrigerating appliances with a storage volume between 10 and 1 500 litres.060 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Household washing machines This standard establishes requirements for the labelling of electric mains-operated household washing machines and electric mains-operated household washing machines that can also be powered by batteries. (d) LED lamps and LED modules.20 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Domestic ovens and range hoods This standard establishes requirements for the labelling and the provision of supplementary product information for domestic electric and gas ovens (including when incorporated into cookers) and for domestic electric range hoods.30 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Electric lamps and luminaires This Standard establishes requirements for labelling of and providing supplementary product information on electrical lamps such as: (a) filament lamps. including those sold for non-household use and built-in household dishwashers. 29. including when sold for non-domestic purposes. 165 MS 207:2013 57 p Gr 19 23. This Standard also establishes requirements for labelling luminaires designed to operate such lamps and marketed to end users.140. MSB catalogue 2015 33 .120 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Household tumble driers This standard establishes requirements for the labelling of and the provision of supplementary product information on electric mains-operated and gas-fired household tumble driers and built-in household tumble driers.040. 164 MS 205:2011 15. 163 MS 204:2015 (2nd edition) 40 p Gr 16 97. including those sold for non- household use. including when they are integrated into other products that are not dependent on energy input in fulfilling their primary purpose during use (such as furniture). (c) high-intensity discharge lamps.20.162 MS 203: 2014 23 p Gr 11 29.30 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Household electric dishwashers This Standard specifies the requirements for the labelling of electric mains-operated household dishwashers and electric mains-operated dishwashers that can also be powered by batteries.140.040.p Gr 8 97. (b) fluorescent lamps. 25 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements –Televisions This standard establishes requirements for the labelling of televisions.060.060. 29.6) and corrosive gases when subjected to relevant tests compared with corresponding PVC cables conforming to BS 6004. 169 MS 217:2014 MUR 4 (BS 7211:2012) Electric cables .Thermosetting insulated and thermoplastic sheathed cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V for electric power and lighting and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire This Standard specifies requirements and test methods for the construction and performance of cables that: a) have a thermosetting insulation of rated voltage up to and including 450/750 V. c) are intended for electric power and lighting. including hybrid vacuum cleaners. 167 MS 210:2015 29 p Gr 13 97. hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device 168 MS 216:2014 MUR 4 740. b) emit limited amounts of smoke (see 16.20 (BS7629-1:2008) 34 MSB Catalogue 2015 .00 (36 p) 29.00 (30 p) 13.220.080 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Vacuum cleaners This Standard establishes requirements for the labelling and the provision of supplementary product information for electric mains-operated vacuum cleaners. MS 212:2016 Energy efficiency and labelling requirements – Water heaters.166 MS 208:2012 16 p Gr 8 33. • emit limited amounts of smoke and corrosive gases as measured by standard tests. fire detection and fire alarm system circuits. as measured by performance in a standard test or tests. • are primarily intended for use in emergency lighting. Electric cables . including with mechanical shock and with water. • provide resistance to fire (circuit integrity).Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant screened cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire – Part 1: Multicore and multipair cables This Standard specifies requirements and test methods for the construction and performance of cables which: • have a thermosetting insulation of rated voltage 300/• 500 V. MSB catalogue 2015 35 . 29.20 (BS 7846:2009) Electric cables . having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - Specification This Standard specifies requirements for construction and performance. 36 MSB Catalogue 2015 . that operates within a given time if the cable is penetrated by a nail or similar fixing.220.Specification for 300/500 V screened electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire.Multicore cables This Standard specifies requirements and test methods for the construction and performance of cables that: • have a thermosetting insulation of rated voltage 300/500 V.00 (28 p) 13. fire‑resistant cables with thermosetting insulation and of rated voltage 600/1 000 V and low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. for armoured. partitions and building voids. for use in walls.99.060.20 (BS 8436:2011) Electric cables . 29.170 MS 218:2014 MUR 5 755. fire-resistant cables of rated voltage 600/1000 V.Thermosetting insulated. partitions and building voids .220. 171 MS 219:2014 MUR 4 120.99. armoured. • are primarily intended for use in walls.060. • emit limited amounts of smoke and corrosive gases when subjected to relevant tests. • have a screen that can carry the fault current required for a selected size and type of protective device. and describes methods of test.00 (56 p) 13. irrespective of the level of measurement uncertainty and irrespective of the field of application. involved in planning or performing measurements. trade associations. This introductory document also outlines the recent evolution of thinking regarding measurement uncertainty.080. accreditation bodies.Part 1: Introduction to the expression of uncertainty in measurement Provides a brief introduction to the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” (GUM) in order to indicate the relevance of that fundamental guide and promote its use. ISO/IEC International Standards Adopted Standards No Page /Gr ICS No 1 MS ISO/IEC Guide 98-1:2009 21 p Gr 11 17. Additional information is given in the form of examples and notes under many definitions.17 International vocabulary of metrology . 01. MSB catalogue 2015 37 .040.020. together with concept diagrams to demonstrate their relations. it covers the need to characterize the quality of a measurement through appropriate statements of measurement uncertainty. It also outlines documents related to the GUM that are intended to extend the application of that guide to broader categories and fields of practical problems.020 Uncertainty of measurement -. It is also meant to be a reference for governmental and inter- governmental bodies.01 Textiles – Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing This Standard defines the characteristics and use of a standard atmosphere for conditioning. in English and French. 3 MS ISO 139:2005 + Amd 1 6 p Gr 3 59. for determining the physical and mechanical properties of textiles and a standard alternative atmosphere that may be used if agreed between parties. 2 MS ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 92 p Gr 22 17. regulators and professional societies. This Vocabulary is meant to be a common reference for scientists and engineers. for a system of basic and general concepts used in metrology. as well as teachers and practitioners.Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) This guide provides a set of definitions and associated terms. alpha and beta particles.Dimensional measuring equipment -- Design and metrological characteristics of mechanical dial gauges This Standard specifies the most important design and metrological characteristics of mechanical dial gauges. materials or combinations of materials which emit ionizing radiation. This Standard specifies the trimmed sizes of writing paper and certain classes of printed matter. published books. high-speed electrons.10 Correspondence envelopes – Designation and sizes Specifies the designations and the sizes of correspondence envelopes intended for postal purposes and does not apply to the way of closing them 6 MS ISO 463:2006 + Cor 1:2007 + 14 P Gr 7 17. and also to certain classes of printed matter.280. commercial and technical use.080.080. devices. or visible.060 (Withdrawn) SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units Replaced by the ISO 80000 series 38 MSB Catalogue 2015 .10 Writing paper and certain classes of printing matter – Trimmed sizes A and B series.20 Basic ionizing radiation symbol This Standard specifies the symbol to be used to signify the actual or potential presence of ionizing radiation and to identify objects. 4 MS ISO 216:2007 9 p Gr 5 85. neutrons. MS ISO 269:1985 (Withdrawn) 2 p Gr 1 85. It does not necessarily apply to newspaper. but not sound or radio waves. catalogues. It applies to trimmed sizes of paper for administrative.040.080. 5 MS ISO 361:1975 1 P Gr 1 13. MS ISO 1000:1992 22 p Gr 11 01. infra- red. etc.30 Cor 2:2009 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) -. and indication of machines direction. posters or other special items. such as forms. protons and other nuclear particles. or ultra-violet light. 01. Ionizing radiation includes gamma and X-rays. 025 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 1: General Specifies the general aspects of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) solid-wall piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure.080. e.60. 7 MS ISO 1139:1973 5 p Gr 3 59. cabled or multiple wound.60.45. MSB catalogue 2015 39 .45. 9 MS ISO 1452-2:2009 23 p Gr 11 23. 8 MS ISO 1452-1:2009 11 p Gr 6 23.025 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 2: Pipes Specifies the characteristics of solid-wall pipes made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure.45.20. fancy yarns. folded.140.20 Textiles – Designation of yarns Describes two methods of indicating the composition of yarns. 93. 91.040. 23.20. textured yarns.040. 91.60.025 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 3: Fittings Specifies the characteristics of fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above- ground drainage and sewerage under pressure. 10 MS ISO 1452-3:2009 38 p Gr 16 23.140. 93. number of filaments in filament yarns of all kinds except special kinds of yarns. 23. bulked yarns or yarns produced by wrapping a textile or non-textile material round a core.g.040. 93. 91. The notation comprises linear density indicated in the Tex System. whether single.040.140. 23.140.g.60. 11 MS ISO 1452-4:2009 11 p Gr 6 23.20. 91. 23.140. 91.025 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) ( PVC-U) – Part 4: Valves Specifies the characteristics of valves made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above- ground drainage and sewerage under pressure. fasteners) for which specific standards exist and which might include additional requirements or requirements which are different from those of MS ISO 1461:2009.45. 2. 93. 12 MS ISO 1452-5:2009 13 p Gr 7 23. hot dip galvanized products (e.025 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system Specifies the characteristics for the fitness for purpose of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above- ground drainage and sewerage under pressure.20.040. 3.040.040. It also specifies test parameters for the test methods. sheet. 93. 13 MS ISO 1461:2009 16 p Gr 8 25.50 (Superseded by ISO 20344:2011) Rubber Footwear – Lined industrial vulcanized rubber boots – Specification 40 MSB Catalogue 2015 .60. wire and woven or welded mesh products that are continuously hot dip galvanized. tube and pipe that are hot dip galvanized in automatic plants. MS ISO 2023:1994 14 p Gr 7 13.340.220.40 Hot dip galvanized coatings of fabricated iron and steel articles – Specifications and test methods Specifies the general properties of coatings and test methods for coatings applied by dipping fabricated iron and steel articles (including certain castings) in a zinc melt (containing not more than 2 % of other metals). It does not apply to the following: 1.040.45. 020 Information technology -.Vocabulary -.340. with consequent exposure to ionizing radiation. recovery of data and information. care and maintenance of clothing designed to provide protection against heat and flame. especially where protection against the release of radioactive material. performance tests.35.10 Curry powder – Specification This Mauritian Standard specifies the requirements for curry powder.280 Radiological protection -.140. 14 MS ISO 2253:1999 12 p Gr 6 67.50 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities MS ISO 3575:2005 applies to carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities coated by the continuous hot-dip zinc-coating process. production tests. 17 MS ISO 2919:2012 19 p Gr 10 13. cryptography. which is used as a flavouring ingredient in the preparation of foods 15 MS ISO/IEC 2382-8:1998 38 p Gr 16 01.10 Clothing for protection against heat and flame . is concerned. 16 MS ISO/TR 2801:2007 20 p Gr 10 13.General requirements and classification This Standard establishes a classification system for sealed radioactive sources that is based on test performance and specifies general requirements. use. and security violation. 18 MS ISO 3575:2011 15 p Gr 8 77. 35. MSB catalogue 2015 41 . marking and certification.Part 8: Security This Standard defines terms and concepts related to protection of data and information. including. This International Standard can also serve as guidance to regulating authorities. It provides a set of tests by which manufacturers of sealed radioactive sources can evaluate the safety of their products in use and users of such sources can select types which are suitable for the required application.220.Sealed radioactive sources .040. information classification and access control. care and use of protective clothing This Technical Report sets out guidance for the selection.General recommendations for selection. providing information to prevent irreversible damage to the article during the textile care process. It is applicable to PVC-U pipes and fittings. intended for use in the marking of textile articles.Dimensional measuring equipment: Micrometers for external measurements -. Professional textile care treatments in dry and wet cleaning. 21 MS ISO 3758:2012 22 p Gr 11 59. 91. 19 MS ISO 3611: 2010 18 p Gr 9 17. but excluding industrial laundering. 2. ironing. rainwater pipework inside the building.30 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -. bleaching.30. intended to be used for the following purposes: 1. drying.01 Textiles – Care labeling code using symbols This standard  Establishes a system of graphic symbols. The following domestic treatments are covered: washing. However. are also covered. ventilation pipework associated with it is recognized that information imparted by the four domestic symbols will also be of assistance to the professional cleaner and launderer. 3. as well as the system itself.80 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings – Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings.  with digital indication: mechanical or electronic digital display. 20 MS ISO 3633:2002 29 p Gr 13 83.Design and metrological characteristics This standard specifies the most important design and metrological characteristics of micrometers for external measurements:  with analogue indication. as well as assemblies of such pipes and fittings. and drying after washing. soil and waste discharge pipework for the conveyance of domestic waste waters (low and high temperature).140. It does not include buried pipework.  Specifies the use of these symbols in care labeling. The standard applies 42 MSB Catalogue 2015 . It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods referred to in this International Standard. 10. it is recognized that information imparted by the four domestic symbols will also be of assistance to the professional cleaner and launderer. MSB catalogue 2015 43 . 01.080. it is not applicable to safety labels used for chemicals. 23 MS ISO 3864-2:2004+Amd 1 22 p Gr 11 01. MS ISO 3864-2:2004 is applicable to all products in all industries where safety-related questions can be posed. health hazard information and emergency evacuation.  Specifies the use of these symbols in care labeling.20 Graphical symbols-safety colours and safety signs . providing information to prevent irreversible damage to the article during the textile care process. drying. i.10 Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas This standard establishes the safety identification colours and design principles for safety signs to be used in workplaces and in public areas for the purpose of accident prevention.080. 01. any items manufactured and offered for sale in the normal course of commerce. fire protection. Professional textile care treatments in dry and wet cleaning. It also establishes the basic principles to be applied when developing standards containing safety signs.e. The standard applies to all textile articles in the form in which they are supplied to the end user. including but not limited to consumer products and industrial equipment. are also covered.Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels This standard establishes additional principles to MS ISO 3864-1 for the design of safety labels for products. The purpose of a product safety label is to alert persons to a specific hazard and to identify how the hazard can be avoided. for the transport of dangerous substances and preparations. and drying after washing. However. However. but excluding industrial laundering. intended for use in the marking of textile articles.070. 22 MS ISO 3864-1: 2011 17 p Gr 09 01. ironing. The following domestic treatments are covered: washing.  Establishes a system of graphic symbols. and in those sectors subject to legal regulations which differ from certain provisions of this document.070. bleaching. It provides the colorimetric and photometric specifications for the named safety and contrast colours prescribed in ISO 3864-1.140. and for the safety sign element of product safety labels as defined in ISO 3864-2. 01. based on electrical or electronic principles and to water meters based on mechanical principles incorporating electronic devices.24 MS ISO 3864-3:2012 30 p Gr 14 01. technical characteristics. It applies to water meters that can withstand maximum admissible working pressures (MAP) at least 1 MPa (0. metrological characteristics and pressure loss requirements for cold potable water and hot water meters. 44 MSB Catalogue 2015 . either physical or chemical.20 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 4: Colorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign materials This standard establishes the colorimetric and photometric requirements and test methods for the colours of safety signs to be used in workplaces and public areas.10. used to meter the actual volume flow of cold potable water and hot water. 25 MS ISO 3864-4:2011 23 p Gr 11 01. It also applies to electronic ancillary devices. Generally ancillary devices are optional. 26 MS ISO 3925:2014 3 p Gr 2 13.01 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 3: Design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signs This standard gives principles. It also applies to water meters.6 MPa for meters for use with pipe nominal diameters. DN at least 500 mm) and a maximum admissible temperature. Requirements for radiopharmaceuticals and standard sources are not covered. MAT.080.280 Unsealed radioactive substances -. criteria and guidance for the design of graphical symbols for use in safety signs as defined in MS ISO 3864-1. Specifies terminology. depending on class.080.080. for cold potable water meters of 30 ºC and for hot water meters up to 180 ºC.60 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water-Part1: Metrological and technical requirements.Identification and documentation This standard establishes the requirements for the identification and documentation of unsealed radioactive substances issued commercially by suppliers and which are intended for further handling or processing. 27 MS ISO 4064-1:2014 42 p Gr 17 91. closed conduit. used to meter the volume flow of hot water and cold potable water. 28 MS ISO 4064-2:2014 10 p Gr 5 91. based on electrical or electronic principles and to water meters based on mechanical principles incorporating electronic devices. It also applies to electronic ancillary devices. MSB catalogue 2015 45 .140. 29 MS ISO 4064-3:2014 71 p Gr 21 91. It also applies to electronic ancillary devices. It also applies to water meters.Part 2: Tests methods. These water meters incorporate devices which indicate the integrated volume.60 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water .60 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water . In addition to meters based on mechanical principles. It is applicable to cold potable water and hot water concentric and combination meters. depending on the class 30 MS ISO 4064-4:2014 26 p Gr 91.6 MPa (6 bar) for meters greater than DN 500 and a maximum admissible temperature for cold potable water meters of 30 °C and for hot water meters of up to 180 °C. which can withstand maximum admissible working pressures equal to at least 1 MPa (10 bar) (0. national or international regulations may make some ancillary devices mandatory in relation to the utilization of the water meter. As a rule ancillary devices are optional.Part 3: Test report format Specifies the test methods and means to be employed in determining the principal characteristics of water meters.Part4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1 This standard applies to water meters used to meter the volume of cold potable water and hot water flowing through a fully charged. The standard specifies criteria for the selection of single.60 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water . and to water meters based on mechanical principles incorporating electronic devices. However. installation.140. combination and concentric water meters. associated fittings. used to meter the actual volume flow of cold potable water. MS ISO 4064-4:2014 also applies to water meters based on electrical or electronic principles.140. special requirements for meters and the first operation of new or repaired meters to ensure accurate constant measurement and reliable reading of the meter. 60.45.60 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water-Part5: Installation requirements This standard applies to water meters used to meter the volume of cold potable water and hot water flowing through a fully charged.Requirements and test methods Specifies the minimum requirements and the test methods to be used for condoms made from natural rubber latex which are supplied to consumers for contraceptive purposes and to assist in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections MS ISO 4225:1994 Air quality General aspects Vocabulary MS ISO 4422-1:1996 3 p Gr 2 91. 23.140.040. 93. 23. It also applies to electronic ancillary devices. 23. These water meters incorporate devices which indicate the integrated volume. 32 MS ISO 4074:2015 p Gr 11.60. 93. However.140.040. national or international regulations may make some ancillary devices mandatory in relation to the utilization of the water meter.040.140.20 (withdrawn replaced by 1452 -1:2009) Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply – Specifications – Part 1: General MS ISO 4422-2:1996 7 p Gr 4 91. MS ISO 4064-5:2014 also applies to water meters based on electrical or electronic principles. 23.31 MS ISO 4064-5:2014 12 p Gr 91. closed conduit.20 (withdrawn replaced by 1452 -2:2009) Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply – Specifications – Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets) MS ISO 4422-3:1996 4 p Gr 2 91.025.025. used to measure the volume of cold potable water and hot water.45. In addition to meters based on mechanical principles.040.140. and to water meters based on mechanical principles incorporating electronic devices. 23. 23.200 Natural rubber latex male condoms . 93.20 (withdrawn replaced by MS ISO 1452 -3:2009) Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply – Specifications –Part 3: Fittings and joints 46 MSB Catalogue 2015 . Ancillary devices are optional. an operating temperature of 20 °C as the reference temperature.20. intended to be used under the following conditions: a maximum operating pressure (MOP) up to and including 25 bar.040.20 (withdrawn replaced by MS ISO 1452 -4:2009) Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply – Specifications –Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment MS ISO 4422-5:1997 8 p Gr 4 23. an operating temperature of 20 °C as the reference temperature. 91.040. to joints with components of PE and to mechanical joints with components of other materials. 23. In conjunction with the other parts of MS ISO 4427.Part 1: General Specifies the general aspects of polyethylene (PE) piping systems (mains and service pipes) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption. It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods to which it refers. 23. fittings.60. including raw water prior to treatment and water for general purposes.Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply .140. 91.20. it is applicable to PE pipes.025 (withdrawn replaced by MS ISO 1452 -5:2009) Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply – Specifications –Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system 33 MS ISO 4427-1:2007 14 p Gr 7 23.140.Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply -.040. 91.025. It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods to which it refers In conjunction with the other parts of MS ISO 4427. it is applicable to PE pipes. MS ISO 4422-4: 1997. 93.20.025 Plastics piping systems -. their joints and to mechanical joints with components of other materials.140.60.040. 12 p Gr 6 91. 93.025 Plastics piping systems .45.140. MSB catalogue 2015 47 .60. including raw water prior to treatment and water for general purposes. 93. 23. 34 MS ISO 4427-2:2007 18 p Gr 9 23. 93. intended to be used under the following conditions: a maximum operating pressure (MOP) up to and including 25 bar.Part 2: Pipes Specifies the pipes made from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption.45.040. their joints. 50 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated and zinc-iron alloy-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality Applies to continuous hot-dip zinc. it is applicable to PE fittings. It is applicable to PVC-U pipes with or without an integral socket.040. 93.and zinc-iron-alloy-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality 48 MSB Catalogue 2015 .20.025 Plastics piping systems -.Part 3: Fittings Specifies the general aspects of fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption. an operating temperature of 20 °C as the reference temperature 36 MS ISO 4435:2003 22 p Gr 11 23. as well as surface water. 91. intended to be used under the following conditions: a maximum operating pressure (MOP) up to and including 25 bar. 37 MS ISO 4998:2014 13 p Gr 7 77. 93. including raw water prior to treatment and water for general purposes. their joints. to joints with components of PE and to joints with mechanical fittings of other materials.60. It covers buried pipework but does not apply to piping systems buried within the building structure.35 MS ISO 4427-3:2007 31 p Gr 14 23. It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods to which it refers.Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply -.140.040. fittings and piping systems intended for use for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage for the conveyance of soil and waste discharge of domestic and industrial origin.140. In conjunction with the other parts of ISO 4427.030 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage -- Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes. 020 +Tech Cor 1:1998 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -.30. provides a detailed practical description of the basic method for routine use in estimating the precision of measurement methods. May be applied to a very wide range of materials.020 Cor 1:2002 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -. Annex B provides practical examples of estimating the precision of measurement methods by experiment 40 MS ISO 5725-3:1994 +Tech 25 p Gr 12 03. provides guidance to all personnel concerned with designing.120. performing or analysing the results of the tests for estimating precision.120. 39 MS ISO 5725-2:1994 +Tech 42 p Gr 17 03.38 MS ISO 5725-1:1994 17 p Gr 9 03. manufactured or naturally occurring. 17. Is concerned exclusively with measurement methods which yield measurements on a continuous scale and give a single value as the test result.30.020 Cor 1:2001 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 3: Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method 41 MS ISO 5725-4:1994 23 p Gr 11 03.020 MSB catalogue 2015 49 . 17. and to establish practical estimations of the various measures by experiment.Part 1: General principles and definitions The standard outlines the general principles to be understood when assessing accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. powders and solid objects. and in applications. 17.30. provided that due consideration is given to any heterogeneity of the material.Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method The standard amplifies the general principles to be observed in designing experiments for the numerical estimation of the precision of measurement methods by means of a collaborative interlaboratory experiment. including liquids.120. 17.30.120. It describes the use of robust methods for analysing the results of precision experiments without using outlier tests to exclud e data from the calculations. describing how to compare alternative measurement methods. e. namely the split-level design and a design for heterogeneous materials. it is important that the measurement method has been standardized.Part 4: Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method The standard provides basic methods for estimating the bias of a measurement method and the laboratory bias when a measurement method is applied. 17.120. describing how to assess whether a given laboratory is able to use a given standard measurement method in a satisfactory way. In order that the measurements are made in the same way.Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy values The standard gives some indications of the way in which accuracy data can be used in various practical situations by: giving a standard method of calculating the repeatability limit. 42 MS ISO 5725-5:1998+Tech 23 p Gr 11 03.30. 50 MSB Catalogue 2015 . Can be applied only if the accepted reference value can be established as a conventional true value. 43 MS ISO 5725-6:1994+Tech 41 p Gr 17 03. describing how to assess the stability of results within a laboratory over a period of time. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -.020 Cor1:2001 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -. the detailed use of one such method.g. providing a way of checking the acceptability of test results obtained under repeatability or reproducibility conditions. by measurement standards or suitable reference materials or by referring to a reference measurement method or by preparation of a known sample. 17. the reproducibility limit and other limits.Part 5: Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method The standard provides detailed descriptions of alternatives to the basic method for determining the repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations of a standard measurement method.120.020 Cor1:2005 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -.30. and in particular. It is neither applicable to other products derived from rice.220. intended for direct human consumption. It is applicable to the following types: husked rice and milled rice.Specification. nor to waxy rice (glutinous rice). The standard does not address the method of fabrication of the garment.Specification Gives the minimum specifications for rice (Oryza sativa L. Subject to local acceptance.080. 46 MS ISO 8096:2005 23 p Gr 11 59. parboiled or not.40 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics for water resistant clothing.) which is subject to international trade. MSB catalogue 2015 51 .060 Rice . reliability and performance of portable fire extinguishers.10 Fire fighting – Portable fire extinguisher – Performance and construction This standard specifies the principal requirements intended to ensure the safety. 45 MS ISO 7301:2011 19 p Gr 10 67. It is applicable to a fully charged extinguisher having a maximum mass of 20 kg. application to extinguishers having a total mass of up to 25 kg when fully charged is permitted. MS ISO 8096:2005 specifies the requirements for water vapour permeable and non water vapour permeable coated fabrics suitable for use in the construction of water penetration resistant clothing.44 MS ISO 7165:2009 58 p Gr 19 13. 10 Quality management systems. calendar month and calendar day of the month.  recurring time intervals.  week dates expressed in terms of calendar year. including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. which form the subject of the ISO 9000 family and defines related terms.10 Quality management systems – Requirements This standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.47 MS ISO 8601:2004 33 p Gr 15 01. calendar week number and calendar day of the week. times in the 24-hour timekeeping system.30 Data elements and interchange formats -.03.Representation of dates and times It is applicable whenever representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar.  time intervals. 48 MS ISO 9000:2015 p Gr 01. 49 MS ISO 9001:2015 29 p Gr 03.040. time intervals and recurring time intervals or of the formats of these representations are included in information interchange. It includes calendar dates expressed in terms of calendar year.140.  ordinal dates expressed in terms of calendar year and calendar day of the year.  local time and the difference from Coordinated Universal Time.  Coordinated Universal Time of day.Information interchange -. and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system.  local time based upon the 24-hour timekeeping system. 52 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Fundamentals and vocabulary Describes fundamentals of quality management systems.  combination of date and time of day. 03.120.120. present a potential hazard to users. being flame-producing devices. and pipes. Describes test methods by radioactive means and non- radioactive means.Leakage test methods Gives terms and definitions. strain testing. leak testing (hydraulic pressure tests excluded).Sealed radioactive sources -. ultrasonic testing. It is applicable to any organization. Tabulates threshold detection values and limiting values for different test methods.120. cigars. magnetic particle testing. eddy current testing. regardless of size. 53 MS ISO 9994:2005 +A1:2008 26 p Gr 12 97. cigar lighters and pipe lighters. type and Activity.10 Managing for the sustained success of an organization — A quality management approach Provides guidance to organizations to support the achievement of sustained success by a quality management approach. can. It does not apply to matches.50 MS ISO 9004:2009 46 p Gr 18 03.280 Radiation protection -. radiographic testing. infrared thermographic testing. nor does it apply to other flame-producing products intended solely for igniting materials other than cigarettes. but is intended to reduce potential hazards to users. The safety specification given in this International Standard cannot eliminate all hazards. MSB catalogue 2015 53 .180 (+ 16 CHF) Lighters – Safety specification Establishes requirements for lighters to ensure a reasonable degree of safety for normal use or reasonably foreseeable misuse of such lighters by users. as do all flame sources. 52 MS ISO 9978:1992 10 p Gr 5 13. The safety specification given in this International Standard applies to all flame-producing products commonly known as cigarette lighters.100. 51 MS ISO 9712:1999 22 p Gr 11 03. penetrant testing.30.100 Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of personnel Specifies the qualification and certification of personnel involved in non-destructive testing (NDT). It is applicable to proficiency in one or more of the following methods: acoustic emission testing. Lighters. visual testing (direct unaided visual tests and visual tests carried out during the application of another NDT method are excluded. 19. 54 MS ISO 10001:2007 18 p Gr 9 03.120.10 Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations Provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving customer satisfaction codes of conduct. It is applicable to product-related codes containing promises made to customers by an organization concerning its behaviour. Such promises and related provisions are aimed at enhanced customer satisfaction. Annex A provides simplified examples of components of codes for different organizations. 55 MS ISO 10002:2014 26 p Gr 12 03.120.10 Quality Management- Customer satisfaction- Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations. Provides guidance on the process of complaints handling related to products within an organization, including planning, design, operation, maintenance and improvement. The complaints-handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system. It is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes. 56 MS ISO 10003:2007 34 p Gr 15 03.120.10 Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations Provides guidance for an organization to plan, design, develop, operate, maintain and improve an effective and efficient dispute-resolution process for complaints that have not been resolved by the organization. It is applicable to:  complaints relating to the organization's products intended for, or required by, customers, the complaints-handling process or dispute-resolution process;  resolution of disputes arising from domestic or cross-border business activities, including those arising from electronic commerce. 57 MS ISO 10004:2012 32 p Gr 14 03.120.10 Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for monitoring and measuring This standard provides guidance on engaging. It can help address specific clauses in ISO 9001:2008 related to customer satisfaction. 54 MSB Catalogue 2015 58 MS ISO 10005:2005 23 p Gr 11 03.120.10 Quality management – Guidelines for quality plans Provides guidelines for the development, review, acceptance, application and revision of quality plans. It is applicable whether or not the organization has a management system in conformity with ISO 9001. It is applicable to quality plans for a process, product, project or contract, any product category (hardware, software, processed materials and services) and any industry. It is focused primarily on product realization and is not a guide to organizational quality management system planning. It is a guidance document and is not intended to be used for certification or registration purposes 59 MS ISO 10006:2003 32 p Gr 14 03.120.10 Quality management – Guidelines to quality in project management Gives guidance on the application of quality management in projects. It is applicable to projects of varying complexity, small or large, of short or long duration, in different environments, and irrespective of the kind of product or process involved. This can necessitate some tailoring of the guidance to suit a particular project. It is not a guide to "project management" itself. Guidance on quality in project management processes is discussed in this International Standard. Guidance on quality in a project's product-related processes, and on the "process approach", is covered in ISO 9004. Since It is a guidance document, it is not intended to be used for certification/registration purposes 60 MS ISO 10007:1995 13 p Gr 7 03.120.10 Quality management – Guidelines for configuration management Gives guidance on the use of configuration management in industry and its interface with other management systems and procedures. It amplifies the configuration management elements found in MS ISO 9004-1 while Annex B provides a correlation between the guidance found in this Mauritian Standard and the quality system standards MS ISO 9001, MS ISO 9002, MS ISO 9003 and MS ISO 9004-1. MSB catalogue 2015 55 61 MS ISO 10008:2013 29 p Gr 13 03.120.10 Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transactions Provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving an effective and efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction (B2C ECT) system within an organization. It aims to enable organizations to set up a fair, effective, efficient, transparent and secure B2C ECT system, in order to enhance consumers’ confidence in B2C ECTs and increase the satisfaction of consumers. It is aimed at B2C ECTs concerning consumers as a sub-set of customers. 62 MS ISO 10012:2003 19 p Gr 10 17.020, 03.120.10 Measurement management systems -- Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment Specifies generic requirements and provides guidance for the management of measurement processes and metrological confirmation of measuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliance with metrological requirements. It specifies quality management requirements of a measurement management system that can be used by an organization performing measurements as part of the overall management system, and to ensure metrological requirements are met. MS ISO 10013:1995 12 p Gr 6 03.120.10 Guidelines for developing quality manuals ISO already revised ISO/TR 2001 Guidelines for quality management system documentation 63 MS ISO/TR 10013:2001 14 p Gr 7 03.120.10 Guidelines for quality management system documentation 56 MSB Catalogue 2015 implementing. and is not intended for certification. maintaining and improving a quality management system in compliance with MS ISO 9001.10. regulatory or contractual use 65 MS ISO 10015:1999 14 p Gr 7 03.Guidelines for training. It consists of guidelines and recommendations. The justification for using statistical techniques is that their application would help to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.120.64 MS ISO 10014:2006 25 p Gr 12 03. It is not intended to be used as a mandatory checklist for compliance with MS ISO 9001:2000 requirements. It is directed to top management of an organization and complements MS ISO 9004 for performance improvements. The list of statistical techniques cited in MS ISO/TR 10017:2003 is neither complete nor exhaustive.10 Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000 Provides guidance on the selection of appropriate statistical techniques that may be useful to an organization in developing. 03. It is not intended for contractual. Provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits from the application of the MS ISO 9000 quality management principles. nor does it attempt to advise on how the technique(s) are to be implemented.120. 66 MS ISO/TR 10017:2003 26 p Gr 12 03. and then identifying and describing the statistical techniques that can be useful when applied to such data. and does not preclude the use of any other techniques (statistical or otherwise) that are deemed to be beneficial to the organization. Furthermore. It provides examples of achievable benefits and identifies management methods and tools that are available to assist with the achievement of those benefits. MSB catalogue 2015 57 .30 Quality Management.100.120.30. regulatory or certification/registration purposes.Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits. it does not attempt to prescribe which statistical technique(s) are to be used.10 Quality Management.120. This is done by examining those requirements of MS ISO 9001 that involve the use of quantitative data. 03. 080. It is intended to assist organizations when selecting a quality management system consultant. with relevant test methods. which are widely used in international trade.100. 58 MSB Catalogue 2015 . and on enhancing their involvement and competence within it. 03.67 MS ISO 10018:2012 23 p Gr 11 03.10 Quality management – Guidelines on people involvement and competence This standard provides guidance on engaging people in an organization’s quality management system. to be applied in describing single spun grey cotton yarns. 69 MS ISO 10282:2014 11 p Gr 5 11. packaging.30 Guideline for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services Provides guidance for the selection of quality management system consultants and the use of their services. 83. The standard is intended as a reference for the performance and safety of rubber surgical gloves.120.20 Textiles – Cotton yarns – Specifications Specifies criteria. The safe and proper usage of surgical gloves and sterilization procedures with subsequent handling.99 Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves – Specification This standard specifies requirements for packaged sterile rubber gloves intended for use in surgical procedures to protect the patient and the user from cross-contamination.100.140. It is applicable to single-use gloves that are worn once and then discarded. 03. It gives guidance on the process for evaluating the competence of a quality management system consultant and provides confidence that the organization's needs and expectations for the consultant's services will be met. 70 MS ISO 10290:1993 4 p Gr 2 59. and storage procedures are outside the scope of ISO 10282:2014.30. 68 MS ISO 10019:2005 13 p Gr 7 03. It does not apply to examination or procedure gloves.120.140.10. It covers gloves with smooth surfaces and gloves with textured surfaces over part or the whole glove. It also covers rubber gloves intended for use in handling contaminated medical materials and gloves with smooth surfaces or with textured surfaces over all or part of the glove.170 Dentistry – Dentifrices – Requirements. 73 MS ISO 11193-2:2006 10 p Gr 5 83. It applies to dentifrices.Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly(vinyl chloride) This standard specifies requirements for packaged sterile. It also covers poly(vinyl chloride) gloves intended for use in handling contaminated medical materials. poly(vinyl chloride) gloves intended for use in medical examinations.5 l up to and including 150 l. It also specifies requirements for marking.99. or bulked non-sterile. destined to be used by the public on daily basis with a toothbrush to promote oral hygiene. including toothpastes. Specific qualitative and quantitative requirements for freedom from biological and toxicological hazards are not included in the standard MSB catalogue 2015 59 . test methods and marking This standard specifies requirements for the physical and chemical properties of dentifrices and provide guidelines for suitable test methods.99. 75. 11. or bulked non-sterile.71 MS ISO 10464:2004 15 p Gr 8 23. labeling and packing of dentifrices.140. rubber gloves intended for use in medical examinations and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to protect the patient and the user from cross-contamination.020.Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution This standard specifies requirements for packaged sterile.30. 11.140 1:2012 Single-use medical examination gloves -. to protect the patient and the user from cross-contamination. 72 MS ISO 11193-1:2008/Amd 9 p Gr 5 83. and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.140. 74 MS ISO 11609:2010 20 p Gr 10 97.140 Single-use medical examination gloves -.Refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) -- Periodic inspection and testing Specifies the intervals and inspection and testing procedures for the periodic inspection of refillable welded steel dedicated LPG cylinders of water capacity from 0.200 Gas cylinders -. 03.010 Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources -.Common international terminology -- Part 1: Energy efficiency This standard contains transverse concepts and their definitions in the subject fields of energy efficiency.080.75 MS ISO/TR 11610:2004 94 p Gr 22 01. 60 MSB Catalogue 2015 . It applies to activities that will include participants being taken into an open water environment.13. This horizontal standard is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108. and definitions of these terms 76 MS ISO 12439:2010 14 p Gr 7 91.Common international terminology -- Part 2: Renewable energy sources This standard contains transversal concepts and their definitions in the subject field of renewable energy sources. 78 MS ISO/IEC 13273-2:2015 10 p Gr 5 27. including hand and arm protection and lifejackets. It does not apply to activities that are exclusively conducted in a confined water environment. 77 MS ISO/IEC 13273-1:2015 14 p Gr 7 27.340.30 Recreational diving services – Requirements for the conduct of snorkelling excursions This standard specifies minimum requirements for service providers offering supervised recreational snorkelling excursions.200. pools.040. 79 MS ISO 13289:2011 9 p Gr 5 03.g. This horizontal standard is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108. e.100.10 Protective clothing – Vocabulary This document contains a list of terms which are frequently used in the standardization of protective clothing and protective equipment worn on the body.010 Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources -.30 Mixing water for concrete Specifies requirements for water that is suitable for making concrete in accordance with ISO 22965 (all parts) and describes methods for assessing it suitability. 13. Dimensional measuring equipment -. MSB catalogue 2015 61 . It introduces the concept technosphere and its division into two sectors. 03.Energyware supply and demand sectors This standard specifies a structure that shall be used to describe and analyse technical energy systems.040.100.3. It prescribes the input-output model and the consolidation principle applied to technical energy systems. 83 MS ISO 13600:1997 10 p Gr 5 27.Part 2: Calliper depth gauges.30 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -. Design and metrological characteristics This standard provides the most important design and metrological characteristics of callipers with analogue indication [vernier scale or circular scale (dial)] and with digital indication (digital display).200.30 Recreational diving services – Requirements for the training of recreational snorkeling guides This standard specifies requirements for snorkelling guide training programmes and the criteria to be met that permit a training organization to award a snorkelling guide qualification indicating that the requirements specified in the standard have been met.Part 1: Callipers. 82 MS ISO 13970:2011 8 p Gr 4 03. 81 MS ISO 13385-2:2011 16 p Gr 8 17. It defines subsectors of the energyware supply and demand sectors and furthermore defines a model structure for each subsector. 84 MS ISO 13601:1998 36 p Gr 16 27.Structure for analysis -.040.010 Technical energy systems -.30 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -.010 Including Cor 1:1998 Technical energy systems – Basic concepts This standard gives the basic concepts needed to define and describe technical energy systems. Design and metrological characteristics This standard provides the most important design and metrological characteristics of calliper depth gauges with analogue indication [vernier scale or circular scale (dial)] and with digital indication (digital display).080.80 MS ISO 13385-1:2011 21 p Gr 11 17. 0.30.Dimensional measuring equipment -. 85 MS ISO 13602-1:2002 16 p Gr 8 27. 88 MS ISO 13970 8 p Gr 4 03. It also specifies the particular conditions under which the training is provided.Part 1: General This standard provides methods to analyse. 87 MS ISO 13688:2013 22 p Gr 11 13. Specifies requirements for snorkelling guide training programmes and the criteria to be met that permit a training organization to award a snorkelling guide qualification indicating that the requirements specified in this standard have been met.10 Protective clothing -.010 Technical energy systems -.General requirements This International Standard specifies general performance requirements for ergonomics.Methods for analysis -.010 Technical energy systems -.340. It contains rules and guidelines for the methodology for such analyses 86 MS ISO 13602-2:2006 12 p .200.30 Recreational diving services – Requirements for the training of recreational snorkeling guides.100. 03.080.30. compatibility and marking of protective clothing and the information to be supplied by the manufacturer with the protective clothing.Gr 6 27.Part 2: Weighting and aggregation of energywares This standard establishes guiding principles for the weighting and aggregation of energywares to ensure that energyware statistics at different levels of aggregation are transparent and comparable. size designation. characterize and compare technical energy systems (TESs) with all their inputs. outputs and risk factors. ageing. innocuousness. 03. 62 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Methods for analysis -. which provide value for the environment. This standard helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system.89 MS ISO 14001:2015 35 p Gr 13. the organization itself and interested parties. maintenance and improvement of an environmental management systems and its coordination with other management systems. regardless of size or type. 90 MS ISO 14004:2004 (Under 39 p Gr 16 13. The guidelines are applicable to any organization. the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include:  enhancement of environmental performance.10 Environmental management systems – Specification with guidance for use This standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. They are intended for use as a voluntary internal management tool and are not intended to be used as EMS certification/registration criteria. systems and support techniques Provides guidance on the establishment. Consistent with the organization's environmental policy. implementation.  fulfilment of compliance obligations. It is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.  achievement of environmental objectives.020. MSB catalogue 2015 63 .020.10 revision) Environmental management systems – General guidelines on principles. It also includes advice on the integration and use of environmental performance evaluation techniques.50 Environmental labels and declarations – General principles Establishes guiding principles for the development and use of environmental labels and declarations. It is applicable to any organization.10 Environmental management .10 Environmental management systems -. documenting. regardless of its level of development. It is not intended for use as a specification for certification and registration purposes. 93 MS ISO 14015:2001 19 p Gr 10 13. maintaining and continually improving their management of ecodesign as part of an environmental management system (EMS). MS ISO 14006:2011 is intended to be used by those organizations that have implemented an EMS in accordance with MS ISO 14001.020. 94 MS ISO 14020:2000 5 p Gr 3 13.91 MS ISO 14005:2010 70 p Gr 20 13. 92 MS ISO 14006:2011 30 p Gr 13.020. but can help in integrating ecodesign in other management systems. 64 MSB Catalogue 2015 . The guidelines are applicable to any organization regardless of its size or activity. but particularly small. on the phased development.and medium- sized enterprises. implementation.Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign This standard provides guidelines to assist organizations in establishing. their business consequences.020. if appropriate. implementing.Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system.Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO) Provides guidance on how to conduct an EASO through a systematic process of identifying environmental aspects and environmental issues and determining. the nature of the activities undertaken or the location at which they occur.020. maintenance and improvement of an environmental management system.10 Environmental management systems -. including the use of environmental performance evaluation The standard provides guidance for all organizations. product environmental criteria and product function characteristics.Environmental performance evaluation .95 MS ISO 14021: 1999 + Amd 1 23 p Gr 11 13. 97 MS ISO 14025:2006 25 p Gr 12 13.50 Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) Specifies requirements for self-declared environmental claims. MSB catalogue 2015 65 . 96 MS ISO 14024:1999 12 p Gr 6 13.020. It specifically establishes the use of the ISO 14040 series of standards in the development of Type III environmental declaration programmes and Type III environmental declarations. but their use in business-to-consumer communication under certain conditions is not precluded.Type III environmental declarations -. symbols and graphics.120. regardless of type. It also establishes the certification procedures for awarding the label.020.Guidelines Gives guidance on the design and use of environmental performance evaluation within an organization. MS ISO 14025:2006 establishes principles for the use of environmental information.50 Environmental labels and declarations – Type I environmental labelling – Principles and procedures Establishes the principles and procedures for developing Type I environmental labeling programmes. size. 98 MS ISO 14031:2013 38 p Gr 16 13.50 Environmental labels and declarations -. regarding products.020. and for assessing and demonstrating compliance. It is applicable to all organizations. in addition to those given in MS ISO 14020:2000 Type III environmental declarations as described are primarily intended for use in business-to-business communication.Principles and procedures Establishes the principles and specifies the procedures for developing Type III environmental declaration programmes and Type III environmental declarations.10 Environmental management. location and complexity. including the selection of product categories. including statements. 10 Environmental management -. the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase.020.020.Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis 66 MSB Catalogue 2015 .10. policy. and conditions for use of value choices and optional elements. reporting and critical review of the LCA.020. MS ISO 14041:1998 (Withdrawn) 13. 99 MS ISO/TS 14033:2012 37 P Gr 16 13. the life cycle interpretation phase. 13. the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase.120. It provides guidelines on how to acquire quantitative environmental information and data and implement methodology.50 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment. limitations of the LCA. It gives guidelines to organizations on general principles.60 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework Describes the principles and framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) including: definition of the goal and scope of the LCA. 100 MS ISO 14040:2006 20 p Gr 10 13. strategy and activities necessary to obtain quantitative environmental information for internal and/or external purposes.Guidelines and examples Supports the application of standards and reports on environmental management. the relationship between the LCA phases.Quantitative environmental information -. Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems -- Principles. limitations of the LCA. 102 MS ISO 14045:2012 38 p Gr 13.10. It covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies. 105 MS ISO 14050:2009 169 p Gr 25 13.13 Environmental management – Vocabulary MSB catalogue 2015 67 .– Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines Specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including: definition of the goal and scope of the LCA. 13.60 Environmental management -. requirements and guidelines for eco-efficiency assessment for product systems.020.10.Life cycle assessment -.Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations Provides examples to illustrate current practice of life cycle impact assessment according to MS ISO 14044:2006.020. 13. They offer "a way" or "ways" rather than the "unique way" of applying MS ISO 14044.10.020.020. and conditions for use of value choices and optional elements. 103 MS ISO/TR 14047:2012 85 p Gr 85 13. They offer "a way" or "ways" rather than the "unique way" for the application of MS ISO 14044. 01. reporting and critical review of the LCA. the life cycle interpretation phase. 13.60 Environment management . the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase.101 MS ISO 14044:2006 46 p Gr 18 13.040. relationship between the LCA phases.020. These examples are only a sample of all possible examples that could satisfy the provisions of MS ISO 14044.Life cycle assessment -. requirements and guidelines This standard describes the principles.10.020.020. 104 MS ISO/TR 14049:2012 48 p Gr 48 13.Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis Provides examples about practices in carrying out a life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) as a means of satisfying certain provisions of MS ISO 14044:2006.10.020. 13. the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase.60 Environmental management -. These examples reflect only portions of a complete LCI study. These examples are only a sample of the possible cases satisfying the provisions of MS ISO 14044.020.60 Environmental management -. documenting and reporting GHG project performance and managing data quality 108 MS ISO 14064-3:2006 33 p Gr 15 13.020.40 Greenhouse gases – Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals Specifies principles and requirements at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. management. It includes requirements for the design.106 MS ISO 14064-1:2006 20 p Gr 10 13.40 Greenhouse gases – Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification. monitoring and reporting of activities intended to cause greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or removal enhancements. monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements. identifying and selecting GHG sources. 68 MSB Catalogue 2015 .020. It includes requirements for planning a GHG project.020. development. monitoring and reporting carried out in accordance with ISO 14064-1 or ISO 14064-2 109 MS ISO 14065:2013 27 p Gr 13 13.40 Greenhouse gases – Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition Specifies principles and requirements for bodies that undertake validation or verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) assertions. Specifies principles and requirements and provides guidance at the project level for quantification. monitoring.40 Greenhouse gases – Part 3: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions Specifies principles and requirements and provides guidance for those conducting or managing the validation and/or verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) assertions. quantifying.020. reporting and verification of an organization's GHG inventory 107 MS ISO 14064-2:2006 28 p Gr 13 13. sinks and reservoirs relevant to the project and baseline scenario. It can be applied to organizational or GHG project quantification. including GHG quantification. 040. Specifies the required properties and test methods for mechanical fittings intended to join polyethylene pressure pipes of nominal outside diameters not greater than 160 mm.45.40 Greenhouse gases -. 112 MS ISO/TS 14072:2014 27 p Gr 13.Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication This specification specifies principles.Carbon footprint of products -.020. 23.20. competence requirements of that GHG programme are additional to the requirements of MS ISO 14066:2011 111 MS ISO/TS 14067:2013 52 p Gr 19 13. It complements the implementation of MS ISO 14065. used in water supply systems conveying potable water and water for general purposes at temperatures up to and including 40oC.Life cycle assessment -.040.Requirements and guidelines for organizational life cycle assessment This specification provides additional requirements and guidelines for an effective application of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 to organizations. requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of the carbon footprint of a product (CFP).040. MSB catalogue 2015 69 .110 MS ISO 14066:2011 25 p Gr 13 13.020. It is not linked to any particular greenhouse gas (GHG) programme.020. 91.40 Greenhouse gases – Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams This standard specifies competence requirements for validation teams and verification teams. 113 MS ISO 14236:2000 16 p Gr 8 23. If a particular GHG programme is applicable. ISO 14024 and ISO 14025) for communication. based on International Standards on life cycle assessment (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044) for quantification and on environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14020.60 Environmental management -.60 Plastics pipes and fittings – Mechanical-joint compression fittings for use with polyethylene pressure pipes in water supply systems. 30 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -.General concepts and requirements for GPS measuring equipment This standard specifies the general requirements. terms and definitions of characteristics of simple GPS measuring equipment. 70 MSB Catalogue 2015 .100.10. e. but not necessarily excluding more complicated equipment. 03.01 Medical laboratories – Particular requirements for quality and competence Specifies requirements for quality and competence particular to medical laboratories.30 Tourist information offices – Tourist information and reception services – Requirements It establishes minimum quality requirements for services provided by tourist information offices (TIO) of any type and size. 115 MS ISO 14785:2014 11p Gr 5 03. 11.020 Food irradiation — Requirements for the development.040.120. validation and routine control of the process of irradiation using ionizing radiation for the treatment of food Specifies requirements for the development. It forms the basis for standards defining and describing the design characteristics and metrological characteristics for measuring equipment. 118 MS ISO 15190:2003 39 p Gr 16 11. validation and routine control of the process of irradiation using ionizing radiation for the treatment of food.080. 116 MS ISO 14978:2006 + Cor 1:2008 37 p Gr 16 17.200. height gauges. dial gauges.01 Medical laboratories -. It also gives guidance for the development and content of standards for GPS measuring equipment. whether publicly or privately operated.100. gauge blocks. surface plates.120.g. MS ISO 15161:2001 03.10. callipers. micrometers. and establishes guidelines for meeting the requirements.Requirements for safety This standard specifies requirements for safe practices in the medical laboratory.020 (Withdrawn) Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2000 for food and drink industry 117 MS ISO 15189:2012 50 p Gr 18 03. in order to satisfy visitors' expectations. 114 MS ISO 14470:2011 20 p Gr 10 67. 67. MSB catalogue 2015 71 . and provides general recommendations for inclusion in material standards.Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus This standard specifies requirements for in vitro glucose monitoring systems that measure glucose concentrations in capillary blood samples.01 Plastics – Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste Provides guidance for the development of standards and specifications covering plastics waste recovery.040 Information Technology-Security techniques-Evaluation criteria for IT security- Part1:Introduction and general model This standard establishes the general concepts and principles of IT security evaluation and specifies the general model of evaluation given by various parts of ISO/IEC 15408 which in its entirety is meant to be used as the basis for evaluation of security properties of IT products. The standard establishes the different options for the recovery of plastics waste arising from pre-consumer and post-consumer sources. test standards and product specifications. It gives guidelines for the specification of Security Targets (ST) and provides a description of the organization of components throughout the model. These systems are intended for self-measurement by lay persons for management of diabetes mellitus.50. 83. requirements. recommendations and terminology presented in the standard are intended to be of general applicability.080.10 In vitro diagnostic test systems -. 120 MS ISO 15270:2008 14 p Gr 7 13. Consequently. including recycling. the process stages.119 MS ISO 15197:2013 46 p Gr 11. 121 MS ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009 64 p Gr 35. for specific design verification procedures and for the validation of performance by the intended users.030. It also establishes the quality requirements that should be considered in all steps of the recovery process.100. 040 Information Technology. It contains a comprehensive catalogue of predefined security functional components that will meet most common security needs of the marketplace.122 MS ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008 218 p Gr 35.040 Information Technology. thereby establishing a basis for shared understanding of the concepts and principles central to MS ISO/IEC TR 15443 across its user communities. families and components. 123 MS ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008 174 p Gr 35. the individual assurance components from which the assurance levels and packages are composed. It also provides guidance on the specification of customized security requirements where no suitable predefined security functional components exist.Security techniques-Evaluation criteria for IT security . 72 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Part 2: Security functional components This standard defines the content and presentation of the security functional requirements to be assessed in a security evaluation using MS ISO/IEC 15408.Part 3: Security assurance components This standard defines the assurance requirements of the evaluation criteria. and the criteria for evaluation of protection profiles and security targets. the composed assurance packages that define a scale for measuring assurance for composed TOEs. 124 MS ISO/IEC TR 15443-1:2012 51 p Gr 19 35. These are organized using a hierarchical structure of classes. It provides information fundamental to users of MS ISO/IEC TR 15443- 2. and supported by comprehensive user notes. It includes the evaluation assurance levels that define a scale for measuring assurance for component targets of evaluation (TOEs). Security techniques-Security assurance framework- Part1:Introduction and concepts This standard defines terms and establishes an extensive and organised set of concepts and their relationships for understanding IT security assurance.Security techniques-Evaluation criteria for IT security.040 Information Technology. MSB catalogue 2015 73 . this standard provides a discussion of the attributes of security assurance conformity assessment methods that contribute towards making assurance claims and providing assurance evidence to fulfil meeting the assurance requirements for a deliverable. associated safety accessories and connections to the boilers involved in services such as draining. It is intended that the criteria can be used to describe and compare any SACA method whatever its provenance.125 MS ISO/IEC TR 15443-2:2012 18 p Gr 9 35. 127 MS ISO 16528-1:2007 18 p Gr 9 23. It does not address operation. It does not apply for nuclear components.080. maintenance and in-service inspection of boilers and pressure vessels.30. turbine and machinery casings.060. including all inter- connecting tubing that can be exposed to a risk of overheating and cannot be isolated from the main system.020. In relation to the geometry of pressure-containing parts for boilers. it includes welding end connection for the first circumferential joint for welded connections.10. where necessary. desuperheating. In relation to the geometry of the pressure-containing parts for pressure vessels. first sealing surface for proprietary connections or fittings and safety accessories.30 Boilers and pressure vessels – Part 1: Performance requirements Defines the performance requirements for the construction of boilers and pressure vessels. flanged connections. e. first threaded joint for screwed connections.080. gas cylinders or piping systems or mechanical equipment. 01.Part 2:Analysis Build on the concepts presented in MS ISO/IEC TR 15443-1. face of the first flange for bolted. 126 MS ISO 16069:2004 51 p Gr 19 01.20 Graphical symbols — Safety signs — Safety way guidance systems (SWGS) This Standard describes the principles governing the design and application of visual components used to create a safety way guidance system (SWGS).Security assurance framework . It proposes criteria for comparing and analysing different SACA methods. 27. etc. venting.g.040 Information Technology-Security techniques . it covers feedwater inlet (including the inlet valve) to steam outlet (including the outlet valve). railway and marine boilers. 01.  to assess the proposed design with rational criteria for indoor air quality. graphical symbols and units of measurement This International Standard is applicable to respiratory protective devices.30 Boilers and pressure vessels – Part 2: Procedures for fulfilling the requirements of ISO 16528-1 Provides a procedure and a standard format for standard-issuing bodies to demonstrate that their standards fulfill the performance requirements of MS ISO 16528-1. 27.040.  to make iterations between decisions and evaluations of the design throughout the design process.30. MS ISO16813:2006 promotes an approach in which the various parties involved in building environmental design collaborate with one another to provide a sustainable building environment aims:  to provide the constraints concerning sustainability issues from the initial stage of the design process.30 Respiratory protective devices — Terms. visual comfort. in order to instruct the person(s) using the RPD about its operation.060.Energy efficiency – Terminology This standard gives terms and definitions for use in the design of energy efficient buildings. 129 MS ISO 16813:2006 15 p Gr 8 91.040.01 Building environment design — Indoor environment — General principles Establishes the general principles of building environment design taking into account healthy indoor environment for the occupants. acoustical comfort. definitions. including building and plant life cycle together with owning and operating costs to be considered at all stages in the design process. 74 MSB Catalogue 2015 . It indicates graphical symbols that may be required to be placed on respiratory protective devices (RPD) or parts of RPD or instruction manuals. thermal comfort. It defines commonly used terms and specifies units of measurement to achieve a uniform interpretation and to prevent ambiguous use.020. 130 MS ISO 16818:2008 32 p Gr 14 91.128 MS ISO 16528-2:2007 7 p Gr 4 23. It is applicable to new buildings and retrofitted existing buildings.340. and protecting the environment for future generations.91 Building environment design -. energy efficiency and HVAC system controls at every stage of the design process. 131 MS ISO 16972: 2010 37 p Gr 16 13.040. 120.10 Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles Specifies general terms and definitions relating to conformity assessment.03.General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies This standard specifies general requirements for accreditation bodies assessing and accrediting conformity assessment bodes.20 Conformity assessment – Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment Provides principles and guidance for developing normative documents that contain: specified requirements for objects of conformity assessment to fulfil. 134 MS ISO/IEC 17011:2004 21 p Gr 11 03.Principles and requirements MS ISO/PAS 17004:2005 Conformity assessment .Disclosure of information .120.Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection This standard specifies requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.120.20 MSB catalogue 2015 75 .20 Conformity assessment -.132 MS ISO/IEC 17000:2004 47 p Gr 18 01.040. 135 MS ISO/IEC 17020:2012 18 p Gr 9 03.Complaints and appeals -.120.20 Conformity assessment . including the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies.Impartiality . specified requirements for conformity assessment systems that can be employed when demonstrating whether an object of conformity assessment fulfils specified requirements. 136 MS ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 48 p Gr 03.Principles and requirements 133 MS ISO/IEC 17007:2009 13 p Gr 7 03.Principles and requirements MS ISO/PAS 17005:2008 Conformity assessment . It is also applicable for peer evaluation process for mutual recognition arrangements between accreditation bodies.Principles and requirements MS ISO/PAS 17002:2004 Conformity assessment . 03.120.Confidentiality . and to the use of conformity assessment to facilitate trade MS ISO/IEC PAS 17001:2005 Conformity assessment .Use of management systems .Principles and requirements MS ISO/PAS 17003:2004 Conformity assessment . Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management system – Part 1: Requirements This standard contains principles and requirements for the competence. 76 MSB Catalogue 2015 . Conformity assessment -. consistency and impartiality of bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems. 120.20 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems This technical specification specifies additional competence requirements for personnel involved in the audit and certification process for EMS and complements the existing requirements of ISO/IEC 17021.20 Conformity assessment -.Part 4: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of event sustainability management systems This specification complements the existing requirements of ISO/IEC 17021:2011.137 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-2:2012 9 p Gr 5 03.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -.20 Conformity assessment -.20 Conformity assessment -. It includes specific competence requirements for personnel involved in the certification process for quality management systems (QMS). 139 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-4:2013 8 p Gr 4 03. It specifies additional competence requirements for personnel involved in the certification process for asset management systems MSB catalogue 2015 77 .120.Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management systems This specification complements the existing requirements of ISO/IEC 17021.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -.120.Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of management systems This technical specification complements the existing requirements of MS ISO/IEC 17021:2011. It specifies additional competence requirements for personnel involved in the audit and certification process for event sustainability management systems (ESMS).Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -. 138 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-3:2013 6 p Gr 3 03.120. 140 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-5:2014 4 p Gr 2 03. 120. 144 MS ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013 7 p Gr 4 03. to the bodies providing audit and certification of management systems and to those that develop and maintain certification schemes. and includes the development and maintenance of a certification scheme for persons. It includes specific competence requirements for personnel involved in the certification process for business continuity management systems (BCMS).Requirements and recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems This technical specification contains requirements and recommendations to be addressed in a third-party management system certification audit report based on the relevant requirements in MS ISO/IEC 17021.120. 143 MS ISO/IEC TS 17022:2012 5 p Gr 3 03.120.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 7: competence requirements for auditing and certification of road traffic safety management systems This technical specification complements the existing requirements of MS ISO/IEC 17021:2011.20 Conformity assessment -.20 Conformity assessment -.120.General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons This standard contains principles and requirements for a body certifying persons against specific requirements. 145 MS ISO/IEC 17024:2012 21 p Gr 11 03.Guidelines for determining the duration of management system certification audits ISO/IEC 17023:2013 provides guidelines for determining the duration of management system certification audits. 142 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-7 :2014 6 p Gr 3 03.20 Conformity assessment -.20 Conformity assessment -.20 Conformity assessment -.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 6: competence requirements for auditing and certification of business continuity management systems This technical specification complements the existing requirements of MS ISO/IEC 17021:2011. It includes specific competence requirements for personnel involved in the certification process for road traffic safety (RTS) management systems. 78 MSB Catalogue 2015 .141 MS ISO/IEC TS 17021-6 :2014 6 p Gr 3 03.120. 150 MS ISO/IEC 17065:2012 27 p Gr 13 03. and laboratory-developed methods. processes and services This standard contains requirements for the competence.120. processes and services.146 MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 28 p Gr 13 03. consistent operation and impartiality of products. 151 MS ISO/IEC 17067:2013 13 p Gr 7 03.20 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products.20 Conformity assessment – Example of a certification scheme for tangible products This technical report provides an example of a type 5 product certification scheme for tangible products as described in MS ISO/IEC 17067.120.20 Conformity assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing This standard specifies general requirements for competence providers of proficiency testing schemes and for the development and operation of proficiency testing schemes.20 Conformity assessment -. process and service certification bodies.20 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations. developing. non- standard methods. operating or maintaining certification schemes for products.120. and especially by certification scheme owners. 147 MS ISO/IEC TR 17026:2015 27 p Gr 13 03.120.120. 148 MS ISO/IEC 17043:2010 39 p Gr 16 03. including sampling.Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes This standard describes the fundamentals of product certification and provides guidelines for understanding. MSB catalogue 2015 79 . It covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods. It is intended for use by all with an interest in product certification. aims to enhance the trust and confidence of citizens. It does not include terms related to graphical symbols for diagrams [technical product documentation (tpd) symbols]. b) within the established legal framework.152 MS ISO 17088:2012 8 p Gr 4 83. free and fair results that comply with electoral requirements. transparent. principal materials. photometric properties. 155 MS ISO 17724:2003 14 p Gr 7 01.080. including processes for continual improvement.040. performance and durability of safety signs This standardspecifies requirements for a performance-related classification system for safety signs according to expected service environment.120. fixing methods and surface.01 Graphical symbols – Vocabulary This standard defines terms relating to graphical symbols. and other electoral interested parties through the effective implementation of the electoral quality management system.080. means of illumination. 01. that are suitable for recovery through aerobic composting 153 MS ISO 17398:2004 21 p Gr 11 01. and products made from plastics. 154 MS ISO/TS 17582:2014 43 p Gr 03. which provide reliable.040. 80 MSB Catalogue 2015 .10 Quality management systems–Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for electoral organizations at all levels of government This Technical Specification specifies requirements for a quality management system where an electoral organization a) needs to demonstrate its ability to manage elections by secret ballot. candidates. political organizations.10.080. 01.01 Specifications for compostable plastics This standard specifies procedures and requirements for the identification and labelling of plastics. principally symbols for public information and use on equipment and safety signs.20 Safety colours and safety signs -.01.Classification. and cities. These guidelines do not. It does not incorporate calculation of energy efficiency and energy savings in energy supply sectors.040 Information technology .). industry. however. calculation and verification of energy savings of projects 156 MS ISO 17742:2015 53 p Gr 19 27. 158 MS ISO 18513:2003 22 p Gr 11 01.120. 13. such as power plants. regions and cities This standard provides a general approach for energy efficiency and energy savings calculations with indicator-based and measure-based methods for the geographical entities countries. etc.040. add. MS ISO 17741: 2016 General technical rules for measurement. and transport. 159 MS ISO 18589-1:2005 13 p Gr 6 17.240. 03. regions.Security techniques – Code of practice for information security management (replaced by MS ISO 27002) MS ISO 18065: 2015 Tourism and related services-Tourist services for public use provided by National Protected Areas Authorities-Requirements 157 MS ISO 18091:2014 57 p Gr 03. refineries.080. change or modify the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. and coal mines.01 MSB catalogue 2015 81 . It considers all end-use sectors. tertiary (services.10 Quality management systems –Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in local government The objective of this International Standard is to provide local governments with guidelines for achieving reliable results through the application of ISO 9001:2008 on an integral basis. agriculture.080. MS ISO/IEC 17799:2005 115 p Gr 23 35.010 Energy efficiency and savings calculation for countries.03.30 Tourism services – Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation – Terminology Defines terms used in the tourism industry in relation to the various types of tourism accommodation and other related services. such as households. Measurement of radioactivity in the environment . including sampling.Part 1: General guidelines and definitions This Standard specifies the general requirements to carry out radionuclides tests on soil sample.Soil . 82 MSB Catalogue 2015 . the presentation of general sampling methods and equipment.10. including the person managing the audit programme.10 Guidelines for auditing management systems Provides guidance on auditing management systems.01 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment -.Part 2: Guidance for the selection of the sampling strategy. 161 MS ISO TR 18690:2012 23 p Gr 11 13.120. It includes the selection of the sampling strategy. auditors and audit teams.50 Guidance for the selection.340. use and maintenance of personal protective equipment and safety and occupational footwear. 162 MS ISO 19011:2011 44 p Gr 17 13. as well as guidance on the evaluation of competence of individuals involved in the audit process. the outline of the sampling plan.03. including the principles of auditing. use and maintenance of safety and occupational footwear and other personal protective equipment offering foot and leg protection Provides guidance for the selection.Soil -. managing an audit programme and conducting management system audits. .080. MSB catalogue 2015 83 . as well as the methodology of the pre-treatment of samples adapted to the measurements of the activity of radionuclides in soil. for all steps in the planning (desk study and area reconnaissance) of the sampling and the preparation of samples for testing. 13. It is applicable to all organizations that need to conduct internal or external audits of management systems or manage an audit programme.240. sampling and pre-treatment of samples Specifies the general requirements. based on ISO 11074 and ISO/IEC 17025.160 MS ISO 18589-2:2015 26 p Gr 13 17.120. It can be applied to all software and related assets.Software asset management -. dictionaries.Part 5: Overview and vocabulary 166 MS ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 26 p Gr 12 35. divided into tiers to allow for incremental implementation.080.Part 1: Processes and tiered assessment of conformance This standard establishes a baseline for an integrated set of processes for Software Asset Management (SAM).080 Information technology -. transition. assessment and recognition. implement. audio and video recordings. delivery and improvement of services to fulfil agreed service requirements. templates. it can be applied to executable software (such as application programs.99 Information technology — Service management — Part 1: Service management system requirements This standard is a service management system (SMS) standard. It applies to SAM processes and can be implemented by organizations to achieve immediate benefits. The requirements include the design.020. For example. 84 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Part 2: Software identification tag 165 MS ISO 19770-5:2013 17 p Gr 9 35. virtualized software applications. documents and data). 164 MS ISO/IEC 19770-2:2009 99 p Gr 22 35.g.080 Information technology -. It specifies requirements for the service provider to plan. graphics. 03. where related assets are all other assets with characteristics which are necessary to use or manage software. MS ISO/TS 19408:2015 Footwear – Sizing – Vocabulary and terminology 163 MS ISO/IEC 19770-1:2012 80 p Gr 21 35. operating systems and utility programs) and to non-executable software (such as fonts.Software asset management -. regardless of the nature of the software. It can be applied to all technological environments and computing platforms (e. maintain and improve an SMS. establish.080 Information technology -.Software asset management -. operate. review. it is equally relevant in cloud computing as it is in older computing environments). monitor. on-premises or software-as-a-service. service management processes. At a minimum this includes service management policies. ISO/IEC 15504-1 describes the concepts and terminology used for process assessment. documentation and resources. greater effectiveness.99 Information technology — Service management .020. 170 MS ISO/IEC TR 20000-5:2010 31 p Gr 14 35. process interfaces.Part 5: Exemplar implementation plan for ISO/IEC 20000-1 This standard is an exemplar implementation plan providing guidance to service providers on how to implement a service management system to fulfil the requirements of MS ISO/IEC MSB catalogue 2015 85 .020. 03. It enables organizations and individuals to interpret MS ISO/IEC 20000-1 more accurately. applicability and demonstration of conformance for service providers aiming to meet the requirements of MS ISO/IEC 20000-1.080. 03. The SMS provides ongoing control. transition.020. 03. It can also assist service providers who are considering using MS ISO/IEC 20000-1 for implementing a service management system (SMS) and who need specific advice on whether ISO/IEC 20000-1 is applicable to their circumstances and how to define the scope of their SMS. design.99 Information technology – Service management – Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems This standard provides guidance on the application of service management systems (SMS) based on the requirements in MS ISO/IEC 20000-1.080. ISO/IEC 15504-2 describes the requirements for the conduct of an assessment and a measurement scale for assessing process capability.99 Information technology — Service management . plans. objectives. 168 MS ISO/IEC TR 20000-3:2009 24 p Gr 12 35. 03. efficiency and opportunities for continual improvement of service management and of services.080.080.99 Information technology — Service management — Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1 This standard provides guidance on scope definition. and therefore to use it more effectively. delivery and improvement of the SMS and services. It enables an organization to work effectively with a shared vision. or for service providers who are planning service improvements and intending to use MS ISO/IEC 20000 as a business goal.020.Part 4: Process reference model This standard is to facilitate the development of a process assessment model according to ISO/IEC 15504 process assessment principles. This includes guidance on the use of an SMS for the planning.1 169 MS ISO/IEC TR 20000-4:2010 23 p Gr 12 35.167 MS ISO/ IEC 20000-2:2012 85 p Gr 22 35. ISO 20121:2012 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:  establish.01 Event sustainability management systems — Requirements with guidance for use Specifies requirements for an event sustainability management system for any type of event or event-related activity.  ensure that it is in conformity with its stated sustainable development policy.340. 13. for example. ergonomic behaviour.  demonstrate voluntary conformity with ISO 20121:2012 by o first party (self-determination and self-declaration).020.50 Personal protective equipment – Test methods for footwear Specifies methods for testing footwear designed as personal protective equipment. or o an independent third party (e.340.100. and provides guidance on conforming to those requirements. thermal risks.g. o second party (confirmation of conformance by parties having an interest in the organization. 175 MS ISO 20347:2012 28 p Gr 13. such as clients. It could also be useful for those advising service providers on how to best achieve the requirements of MS ISO/IEC 20000-1.50 Personal protective equipment. maintain and improve an event sustainability management system.Protective footwear This Standard specifies basic and additional (optional) requirements for protective footwear used for general purpose. It includes.50 Personal protective equipment.50 Personal protective equipment. implement. 86 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 20000-1 or for service providers who are planning service improvements and intending to use MS ISO/IEC 20000 as a business goal. or by other persons on their behalf). 174 MS ISO 20346:2014 30 p Gr 14 13.340. 173 MS ISO 20345:2011 30 p Gr 13. 172 MS ISO 20344:2011 78 p Gr 13. mechanical risks.Safety footwear Specifies basic and additional (optional) requirements for safety footwear. 171 MS ISO 20121:2012 42 p Gr 03.340.01. a certification body). slip resistance.Occupational footwear Specifies basic and additional (optional) requirements for occupational footwear. 178 MS ISO 20712-1:2008 60 p Gr 19 01.080. and to indicate the location of swimming and other aquatic activity zones extending from the beach into the water.50 Personal protective equipment — Footwear protecting against thermal risks and molten metal splashes as found in foundries and welding — Requirements and test method Specifies requirements and test methods for footwear protecting users against thermal risks and molten iron or aluminium metal splashes such as those encountered in foundries. 177 MS ISO 20471:2013 22 p Gr 11 13. It is intended for use by owners and operators of aquatic environments and by manufacturers of signs and equipment.080. 179 MS ISO 20712-1:2007 7 p Gr 4 01.340. meaning and performance This standard specifies requirements for the shape and colour of beach safety flags for the management of activities on coastal and inland beaches.Part 1: Specifications for water safety signs used in workplaces and public areas This standard prescribes water safety signs intended for use in connection with the aquatic environment. to be used for giving information on wind and water conditions and other hazardous conditions.340. including strength and colour fastness.10 Water safety signs and beach safety flags -. welding and allied process.176 MS ISO 20349:2010 16 p Gr 8 13. It also specifies the colorimetric and photometric properties and the physical properties.10 High visibility clothing — Test methods and requirements This International Standard specifies requirements for high visibility clothing which is capable of visually signalling the user’s presence. of the materials from which beach safety flags are to be made. shape.Part 2: Specifications for beach safety flags -.10 Water safety signs and beach safety flags -. The high visibility clothing is intended to provide conspicuity of the wearer in any light condition when viewed by operators of vehicles or other mechanized equipment during daylight conditions and under illumination of headlights in the dark. However.Colour. it is not applicable to signalling used for maritime traffic. MSB catalogue 2015 87 . during and after adventure tourism activities. mounting positions. 2.  to support compliance with applicable legal requirements.10 Water safety signs and beach safety flags — Part 3: Guidance for use This standard gives guidance for the selection and use of water safety signs as specified in ISO 20712-1 and beach safety flags as specified in ISO 20712‑2. 181 MS ISO 21101:2014 22 p Gr 11 03. 03.30 Adventure tourism – Safety management systems – Requirements This standard can be used by adventure tourism provider for the following:  to enhance safety performance.10 Guidance on the selection.080. use. It provides guidance on their location. lighting and maintenance.200.200.  to meet expectations for participant and staff safety.340.Supplementary symbol This standard specifies the symbol to warn of the presence of a dangerous level of ionizing radiation from a high-level sealed radioactive source that can cause death or serious injury if handled carelessly. care and maintenance of PPE designed to provide protection for firefighters while carrying 88 MSB Catalogue 2015 . care and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to provide protection for firefighters This Technical Report sets out guidance for the selection. use. These sources are defined by the IAEA as having the ability to cause death or serious injuries. and 3 sealed radioactive sources.180 MS ISO 20712-3:2014 28 p Gr 13 01. This symbol is recommended for use with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Category 1. It also provides guidance on the design and location of multiple signs.280 Ionizing-radiation warning -. 183 MS ISO 21482:2007 10 P Gr 5 01.  to demonstrate safe practice.30 Adventure tourism – Information for participants This standard specifies minimum requirements for information to be provided to participants before. 13. 182 MS ISO 21103:2014 6 p Gr 3 03. in aquatic environments.080.20.080. 184 MS ISO/TR 21808:2009 15 p Gr 8 13.080. 03. It does not prescribe a particular process or sequence.020.040 Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain Specifies requirements for a food safety management system where an organization in the food chain needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption.040 Information technology -. out their duties 185 MS ISO/IEC 21827:2008 144 p Gr 24 35. 189 MS ISO/TS 22002-3:2011 22 p 67.Part 3: Farming This standard defines the rules applicable for the audit and certification of a food safety management system (FSMS) complying with the requirements given in MS ISO 22000:2005 (or other sets of specified FSMS requirements).020 Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 1: Food manufacturing This Technical Specification specifies requirements for establishing. 186 MS ISO 22000:2005 32 p Gr 14 67. implementing and maintaining prerequisite programmes (PRP) to assist in controlling food safety hazards.040 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -.Capability Maturity Model® (SSE- CMM®).Part 2: Catering This Technical Specification specifies the requirements for the design.040 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -. and maintenance of prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in controlling food safety hazards in catering. 35. 188 MS ISO/TS 22002-2:2013 18 p Gr 9 67.Systems Security Engineering -- Capability Maturity Model® (SSE-CMM®) specifies the Systems Security Engineering . 187 MS ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 19 p Gr 9 67. which describes the essential characteristics of an organization's security engineering process that must exist to ensure good security engineering. and provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of MSB catalogue 2015 89 .Security techniques -. but captures practices generally observed in industry. implementation. 190 MS ISO/TS 22002-4:2013 17 p Gr 9 67.Guidance on the application of MS ISO 22000 Provides generic guidance that can be applied in the use of MS ISO 22000. 191 MS ISO/TS 22003:2013 26 p Gr 12 03. 193 MS ISO 22005:2007 8p Gr 4 67. implementing and maintaining prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in controlling food safety hazards in the manufacture of food packaging.040 Traceability in the feed and food chain . 192 MS ISO 22004:2014 13 p Gr 7 67.General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Gives the principles and specifies the basic requirements for the design and implementation of a feed and food traceability system.020 Food safety management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems This Technical Specification defines the rules applicable for the audit and certification of a food safety management system (FSMS) complying with the requirements given in ISO 22000 (or other sets of specified FSMS requirements). 0312.040 Prerequisite programmes on food safety -.020. It also provides the necessary information and confidence to customers about the way certification of their suppliers has been granted. The traceability system is a technical tool to assist an organization to conform with its defined objectives. 67. their suppliers has been granted. It can be applied by an organization operating at any step in the feed and food chain. It is intended to be flexible enough to allow feed organizations and food organizations to achieve identified objectives. and is applicable when necessary to determine the history or location of a product or its relevant components 194 MS ISO 22006:2009 63 p Gr 20 67.020 Food Safety Management Systems.120.Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing This Technical Specification specifies requirements for establishing.20.10 Quality management systems – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in crop production 90 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 01 Societal security – Business continuity management systems –Guidance This standard for business continuity management systems provides guidance based on good international practice for planning. monitoring. prepare for. perennial crops that are managed over a period of time. and ornamental flowering plants to perennial shrubs and trees. monitor. implementing.100. maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against. implement. fruit and vegetables). establish. review.Video surveillance – Export interoperability This standard specifies a common output file format that can be extracted from the video-surveillance contents collection systems (stand alone machines or large scale systems) by an exchangeable data storage media or through a network to allow end-users to access digital video-surveillance contents and perform their necessary processing for societal security purposes 198 MS ISO 22313:2012 46 p Gr 18 03. vegetables.100. 195 MS ISO 22300: 2012 12 p Gr 06 03.100. respond to and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. 197 MS ISO 22311:2012 29 p Gr 03.100. pulses. and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. and wild crops that are not formally planted or managed.01 Societal security. 196 MS ISO 22301: 2012 24 p Gr 12 03. oilseeds. operating.01 Societal security – Terminology This standard contains terms and definitions applicable to societal security to establish a common understanding so that consistent terms are used.01 MSB catalogue 2015 91 . maintaining and continually improving a documented management system that enables organizations to prepare for. operate. row-planted crops that are cultivated. Horticultural crops provide an even broader range of types from annual and perennial fruits. establishing. The term "crop" includes seasonal crops (such as grains. reviewing. and root crops. spices. Gives guidelines to assist crop producers in the adoption of ISO 9001:2008 for crop production processes. 199 MS ISO 22315:2014 24 p Gr 12 03. respond to.01 Societal security – Business continuity management systems – Requirements This standard for business continuity management specifies requirements to plan.100. reduce the likelihood of occurrence. 204 MS ISO 22398:2013 35 p Gr 15 03. management and interoperability.Guidelines for planning This Standard provides guidelines for mass evacuation planning in terms of establishing.Requirements for incident response This standard specifies minimum requirements for effective incident response and provides the basics for command and control.01 Societal security – Guidelines for exercises 92 MSB Catalogue 2015 . implementing. reviewing and improving preparedness. implementing and reviewing partnering arrangements. monitoring. developing. 202 MS ISO 22324:2015 11 p Gr 6 01.01 Societal security – Emergency management – Public warning This Standard provides guidelines for developing.100. evaluating.01 Societal security – Emergency management – Colour. It includes command and control organizational structures and procedures.01 Societal security-Guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements This Standard provides guidelines for establishing partnering arrangements among organizations to manage multiple relationships for events impacting on societal security. 203 MS ISO 22397:2014 13 p Gr 7 03. 03. and after incidents. operational information. during.100.100.01 Societal security – Emergency management . decision support. managing. 201 MS ISO 22322:2015 12 p Gr 6 03. traceability.nnel about danger and to express the severity of a situation. It establishes a framework for each activity in mass evacuation planning for all identified hazards. and implementing public warning before.070.Mass evacuation -. It is applicable to all types of hazard in any location. information.coded alert This Standard provides guidelines for the use of colour codes to inform people at risk as well as first response perso. 200 MS ISO 22320:2011 21 p Gr 11 03. coordination within an incident response organization. It incorporates principles and describes the process for planning.100.100. Societal security -. MS ISO/PAS 22399:2007 31 p Gr 14 03. including line width. It specifies requirements for the design of public information symbols for submission for registration as approved public information symbols. It is for use by all those involved in the commissioning and the creation and design of public information symbols. It contains requirements for the specification of concrete and guidance for the exchange of information between specifier and supplier. and improve its exercise projects which may be organized within an exercise programme.100.080. pre-cast structures and structural pre- cast products for buildings and civil engineering structures. conduct. the use of graphical symbol elements and how to indicate negation.30 Concrete — Part 1: Methods of specifying and guidance for the specifier Applies to concrete for structures cast in situ.01 Societal security.Guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity management (withdrawn) 205 MS ISO 22727:2007 25 p Gr 12 01. 206 MS ISO 22965-1:2007 22 p Gr 11 91. ready-mixed concrete or produced in a plant for pre-cast concrete products.10 Graphical symbols — Creation and design of public information symbols — Requirements This Standard specifies requirements for the creation and design of public information symbols. The concrete can be mixed on site.100. MSB catalogue 2015 93 . It also specifies templates to be used in the design of public information symbols. This Standard recommends good practice and guidelines for an organization to plan. and statistical analysis of inter-laboratory studies for assessing the variability of a standard measurement method and on the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of data obtained in inter-laboratory testing.207 MS ISO 22965-2:2007 41 p Gr 17 91. The concrete can be mixed on site.020.01 Building environment design -.30 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -. implementation.30.30 Concrete — Part 2: Specification of constituent materials.040. The objectives of MS ISO 23045:2008 are to assist designers and practitioners when collecting and providing the useful data that are required at different stages of the design process and to fulfill the definitions of the building as prepared by building designers. procedure and test at manufacture of transportable refillable welded steel liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders of water capacity up to and including 150 l. pre-cast structure and structural pre- cast products for buildings and civil engineering structures. 94 MSB Catalogue 2015 . construction and workmanship. implementing and statistically analysing interlaboratory repeatability and reproducibility results This standard provides users with practical guidance to the use of ISO 5725-2:1994 and presents simplified step-by-step procedures for the design. design.Guidelines to assess energy efficiency of new buildings Gives guidelines related to energy efficiency in buildings as introduced in ISO 16813. 210 MS ISO 23045:2008 20 p Gr 10 91. This International Standard applies to new buildings and is applicable to space air- conditioning equipment and the heating plant in new buildings.100.Practical guidance for the use of ISO 5725-2:1994 in designing.120.200 Gas cylinders -. ready-mixed concrete or produced in a plant for pre-cast concrete products. 209 MS ISO 22991:2004 31 p Gr 14 23. exposed to ambient temperatures. 208 MS ISO/TR 22971:2005 33 p Gr 15 17. production of concrete and compliance of concrete Applies to concrete for structures cast in situ.020.Design and construction Specifies minimum requirements concerning material. 75. 03.Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) -. and the guidance for ICT DR service providers to continuously improve their ICT DR services MSB catalogue 2015 95 . Additionally.  the guidance for selection of recovery site.140. evacuation and rescue of the facility's occupants. 83. applicable to both “in-house” and “outsourced” ICT DR service providers of physical facilities and services. integrity and renewability/revocability during storage and transfer.211 MS ISO 23560:2008 9 p Gr 5 55. requirements and methods of test for woven polypropylene (PP) sacks.10 Safety identification – Escape and evacuation plan signs This International Standard establishes design principles for displayed escape plans that contain information relevant to fire safety.99 Woven polypropylene sacks for bulk packaging of foodstuffs Specifies the general characteristics. so as to provide basic secure operating environments and facilitate organizations' recovery efforts. escape.080. having a capacity of 50 kg or 25 kg.Security techniques -. and  the capabilities which outsourced ICT DR service providers should possess and the practices they should follow.040 Information Technology-Security techniques-Biometric information protection This standard provides guidance for the protection of biometric information under various requirements for confidentiality. It specifies:  the capabilities which outsourced ICT DR service providers should possess and the practices they should follow.040 Information technology -. intended for the transport and storage of foodstuffs. It provides requirements and guidelines for the secure and privacy-compliant management and processing of biometric information. sugar and pulses.080. 212 MS ISO 23601:2009 13 p Gr 01.  the guidance for selection of recovery site. These plans may also be used by intervention forces in case of emergency.Guidelines for information and communications technology disaster recovery services Provides guidelines on the provision of information and communications technology disaster recovery (ICT DR) services as part of business continuity management. such as cereals. 213 MS ISO/IEC 24745:2011 50 p Gr 35. 214 MS ISO/IEC 24762:2008 67 p Gr 20 35. so as to provide basic secure operating environments and facilitate organizations' recovery efforts. It is applicable to woven PP sacks. 080. synthetic rubber latex or rubber solution. 216 MS ISO 24801-2:2014 15 p 03. 217 MS ISO 24801-3:2014 03.200 Recreational diving services — Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers —Part 3: Dive leader This part of MS ISO 24801 specifies the competencies required of a scuba diver in order to obtain a scuba diver qualification from a training organization attesting that he/she has met or exceeded scuba diver level 3 (“Dive leader”).200 Recreational diving services — Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers —Part 2: Autonomous diver This part of MS ISO 24801 specifies the competencies required of a scuba diver in order to obtain a scuba diver qualification from a training organization attesting that he/she has met or exceeded scuba diver level 2 (“Autonomous diver”).Requirements for the training of scuba instructors .30.Part 2: Level 2 MS ISO 25518:2009 6 p Gr 3 83. and specifies evaluation criteria for these competencies. and specifies evaluation criteria for these competencies.Supervised diver This part of MS ISO 24801 specifies the competencies required of a scuba diver in order to obtain a scuba diver qualification from a training organization attesting that he/she has met or exceeded scuba diver level 1 (“Supervised diver”).30.Requirements for the training of scuba instructors . 03.080.99 Single-use rubber gloves for general applications – Specification This standard specifies the physical requirements and methods of sampling and testing for single-use rubber gloves.140. MS ISO 26000:2010 106 p Gr 22 03.215 MS ISO 24801-1:2014 03.080. and specifies evaluation criteria for these competencies. 03. made from natural rubber latex.30. 03.100. intended for general applications.Part 1: Level 1 MS ISO 24802-2:2014 Recreational diving services . 218 MS ISO 24802-1:2014 Recreational diving services .01 Guidance to social responsibility This standard is intended to assist organizations in contributing to sustainable 96 MSB Catalogue 2015 .200 Recreational diving services — Requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers —Part 1: Level 1. 040.040 Information technology – Security techniques – Code of practice for information security management This standard establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating. development. It contains best practices of control objectives and controls in several areas of information security management 221 MS ISO/IEC 27003:2010 68 p Gr 20 35. It is intended to encourage them to go beyond legal compliance. maintaining. political and organizational diversity. defines a project to implement an ISMS (referred to in ISO/IEC 27003:2010 as the ISMS project).Security techniques -.Security techniques -. In applying MS ISO 26000:2010. it is advisable that an organization take into consideration societal. implementing.35 Information technology -.Information security management system implementation guidance It describes the process of obtaining management approval to implement an ISMS. and to complement other instruments and initiatives for social responsibility. It is intended to promote common understanding in the field of social responsibility. not to replace them. 01.Information security management systems -. which form the subject of the information security management system (ISMS) family of standards. 219 MS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 23 p Gr 35. environmental.040 MSB catalogue 2015 97 . as well as differences in economic conditions.040 Information technology -. and improving information security management in an organization. legal.040 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems . and defines related terms. resulting in a final ISMS project implementation plan.040. and provides guidance on how to plan the ISMS project. while being consistent with international norms of behavior MS ISO/IEC 27000:2016 19 p Gr 10 35. recognizing that compliance with law is a fundamental duty of any organization and an essential part of their social responsibility. cultural.Requirements 220 MS ISO/IEC 27002:2013 80 p Gr 21 35.Overview and vocabulary Provides an overview of information security management systems. 222 MS ISO/IEC 27004:2009 55 p Gr 19 35. The objectives outlined provide general guidance on the commonly accepted goals of information security management. The requirements contained in MS ISO/IEC 27006:2007 need to be demonstrated in terms of competence and reliability by any body providing ISMS certification.Security techniques -. in addition to the requirements contained within MS ISO/IEC 17021 and MS ISO/IEC 27001. It is primarily intended to support the accreditation of certification bodies providing ISMS certification. 223 MS ISO/IEC 27005:2011 68 p Gr 20 35.Security techniques -.040 Information technology .040 Information technology -.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems Specifies requirements and provides guidance for bodies providing audit and certification of an information security management system (ISMS). and the guidance contained in MS ISO/IEC 27006:2007 provides additional interpretation of these requirements for any body providing ISMS certification. 98 MSB Catalogue 2015 . It supports the general concepts specified in ISO/IEC 27001 and is designed to assist the satisfactory implementation of information security based on a risk management approach. as specified in ISO/IEC 27001. Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management — Measurement It provides guidance on the development and use of measures and measurement in order to assess the effectiveness of an implemented information security management system (ISMS) and controls or groups of controls.Information security risk management ISO/IEC 27005:2011 provides guidelines for information security risk management. 224 MS ISO/IEC 27006:2015 35 p Gr 35. Security techniques -. including technical compliance checking of information system controls.Security techniques -.225 MS ISO/IEC 27007:2011 27 p Gr 13 35. It is not intended for management systems audits. 226 MS ISO/IEC TR 27008:2011 36 p Gr 16 35. implementing. 227 MS ISO/IEC 27010:2015 p Gr Information technology -.040 Information technology -.Security techniques -.Guidelines for auditors on information security controls provides guidance on reviewing the implementation and operation of controls. MSB catalogue 2015 99 . maintaining. and improving information security in inter-organizational and inter- sector communications. including public and private companies. government entities.040 Information technology -. is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations.Information security management for inter-sector and inter-organizational communications This standard provides guidelines in addition to guidance given in the MS ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards for implementing information security management within information sharing communities. It is applicable to those needing to understand or conduct internal or external audits of an ISMS or to manage an ISMS audit programme. in addition to the guidance contained in ISO 19011. and not-for-profit organizations conducting information security reviews and technical compliance checks. It provides controls and guidance specifically relating to initiating. and on the competence of ISMS auditors. in compliance with an organization's established information security standards.Guidelines for information security management systems auditing This standard provides guidance on managing an information security management system (ISMS) audit programme. on conducting the audits. 228 MS ISO/IEC 27011:2008 44 p Gr 17 35. integrity.99. c) integrate existing ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 management systems. 35. b) implement both ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 together. maintaining. implementing. MS ISO/IEC 27013:2015 Information Technology Security techniques Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 229 MS ISO/IEC TR 27015:212 18 p Gr 9 03.Security techniques -. 35040 Information technology -. 35.Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 This Standard provides guidelines on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 for those organizations which are intending to either: a) implement ISO/IEC 27001 when ISO/IEC 20000-1 is already implemented. or vice versa.Security techniques -. 230 MS ISO/IEC 27013:2015 38 p Gr 16 03. and improving information security within organizations providing financial services.Mapping the revised editions of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 100 MSB Catalogue 2015 . The adoption of this standard will allow telecommunications organizations to meet baseline information security management requirements of confidentiality.Information security management guidelines for telecommunications organizations based on ISO/IEC 27002 Defines guidelines supporting the implementation of information security management in telecommunications organizations.Security techniques -.Information security management guidelines for financial services This Standard provides information security guidance complementing and in addition to information security controls defined in ISO/IEC 27002:2005 for initiating.040 Information technology -. availability and any other relevant security property.020.040 Information technology -.080.040 Information technology -. MS ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Information technology Security techniques Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services 231 MS ISO/IEC TR 27023:2015 19 p Gr 10 35.060.Security techniques -. This standard is to show the corresponding relationship between the revised versions of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. MSB catalogue 2015 101 . ISO/IEC TR 27023:2015 will be useful to all users migrating from the 2005 to the 2013 versions of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. Part 1: Overview and concepts This standard provides an overview of network security and related definitions. irrespective of size) developing its ICT readiness for business continuity program (IRBC).Network security -. that could affect continuity (including security) of critical business functions.) 102 MSB Catalogue 2015 . and provides a framework of methods and processes to identify and specify all aspects (such as performance criteria. 234 MS ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015 48 p Gr 16 35. It also enables an organization to measure performance parameters that correlate to its IRBC in a consistent and recognized manner. applications/services. design. — internet security. governmental.Security techniques -. (Network security applies to the security of devices.232 MS ISO 27031:2011 36 p Gr 16 35. in addition to security of the information being transferred across the communication links. and related disruptions. and end-users. security of management activities related to the devices.040 Information technology -. 233 MS ISO 27032:2012 50 p Gr 18 35. It defines and describes the concepts associated with.040 Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity This standard describes the concepts and principles of information and communication technology (ICT) readiness for business continuity. It applies to any organization (private. and implementation) for improving an organization's ICT readiness to ensure business continuity. drawing out the unique aspects of that activity and its dependencies on other security domains. and — critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP).040 Information technology -. and provides management guidance on. and requiring its ICT services/infrastructures to be ready to support business operations in the event of emerging events and incidents. in particular: — information security. network security. — network security. It covers the baseline security practices for stakeholders in the Cyberspace. and non-governmental.Guidelines for cybersecurity This Standard provides guidance for improving the state of Cyber security.Security techniques -. Application security -. assess and manage information security vulnerabilities. principles and processes involved in application security. respond to and manage information security incidents. it includes references to ISO/IEC 27033-4 to ISO/IEC 27033-6 to avoid duplicating the content of those documents.Part 1: Overview and concepts This Standard provides guidance to assist organizations in integrating security into the processes used for managing their applications.040 Information technology -.Security techniques -. 238 MS ISO/IEC 27035:2011 78 p Gr 21 35. and 4. design. report and assess information security incidents. applications acquired from third parties. This Standard is applicable to in-house developed applications. design techniques and control issues This standard describes the threats.Security techniques -. it provides detailed guidance on the security threats and the security design techniques and controls required to mitigate the associated risks. concepts.Information security incident management This standard provides a structured and planned approach to: 1.040 Information technology -. 236 MS ISO/IEC 27033-3:2010 30 p Gr 14 35. and where the development or the operation of the application is outsourced. For each scenario.Threats. MSB catalogue 2015 103 .Network security -.040 Information technology -. implement and document network security. 3. detect.Part 3: Reference networking scenarios -. 2. detect.Part 2: Guidelines for the design and implementation of network security This standard gives guidelines for organizations to plan.Network security -. It introduces definitions. design techniques and control issues associated with reference network scenarios.Security techniques -. This Standard presents an overview of application security. 237 MS ISO/IEC 27034-1:2011 67 p Gr 20 35. Where relevant.Security techniques -.040 Information technology -. continuously improve information security and incident management as a result of managing information security incidents and vulnerabilities.235 MS ISO/IEC 27033-2:2012 28 p Gr 13 35. 239 MS ISO/IEC 27037:2012 38 p Gr 16 35.040 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence This standard provides guidelines for specific activities in the handling of digital evidence, which are identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of potential digital evidence that can be of evidential value. It provides guidance to individuals with respect to common situations encountered throughout the digital evidence handling process and assists organizations in their disciplinary procedures and in facilitating the exchange of potential digital evidence between jurisdictions. 240 MS ISO 27065:2011 18 p Gr 9 13.340.10 Protective clothing — Performance requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying liquid pesticides This International Standard establishes minimum performance, classification, and labelling requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying liquid pesticide products diluted in water. 241 MS ISO 27799:2008 58 p Gr 19 35.240.80 Health informatics -- Information security management in health using ISO/IEC 27002 This standard defines guidelines to support the interpretation and implementation in health informatics of MS ISO/IEC 27002 and is a companion to that standard. It specifies a set of detailed controls for managing health information security and provides health information security best practice guidelines. By implementing this International Standard, healthcare organizations and other custodians of health information will be able to ensure a minimum requisite level of security that is appropriate to their organization's circumstances and that will maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal health information. 242 MS ISO 28000:2007 16 p Gr 47.020.99 Specification for security management systems for the supply chain Specifies the requirements for a security management system, including those aspects critical to security assurance of the supply chain. Security management is linked to many other aspects of business management. Aspects include all activities 104 MSB Catalogue 2015 controlled or influenced by organizations that impact on supply chain security. These other aspects should be considered directly, where and when they have an impact on security management, including transporting these goods along the supply chain. 243 MS ISO 28001:2007 27 p Gr 47.020.99 Security management systems for the supply chain — Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans — Requirements and guidance Provides requirements and guidance for organizations in international supply chains to  develop and implement supply chain security processes;  establish and document a minimum level of security within a supply chain(s) or segment of a supply chain;  assist in meeting the applicable authorized economic operator (AEO) criteria set forth in the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards and conforming national supply chain security programmes. 244 MS ISO 28002:2011 55 p Gr 47.020.99 Security management systems for the supply chain — Development of resilience in the supply chain — Requirements with guidance for use Specifies requirements for a resilience management system in the supply chain to enable an organization to develop and implement policies, objectives, and programs, taking into account legal, regulatory and other requirements to which the organization subscribes; information about significant risks, hazards and threats that may have consequences to the organization, its stakeholders, and on its supply chain; protection of its assets and processes; and management of disruptive incidents. 245 MS ISO 28003:2007 43 p Gr 47.020.99 Security management systems for the supply chain — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems Contains principles and requirements for bodies providing the audit and certification of supply chain security management systems according to management system specifications and standards such as MS ISO 28000. 246 MS ISO 28564-1:2010 60 p Gr 19 01.080.10 Public information guidance systems -- Part 1: Design principles and element requirements for location plans, maps and diagrams This part of ISO 28564 specifies requirements and principles for the design and MSB catalogue 2015 105 application of location plans, maps and diagrams used in public areas and workplaces to assist users to understand the environment, locate facilities and determine appropriate routes to reach those facilities. 247 MS ISO 31000:2009 24 p Gr 12 03.100.01 Risk management -- Principles and guidelines Provides principles and generic guidelines on risk management. It can be used by any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individuals and can be applied to any type of risk. It is not intended for certification. 248 MS ISO 31010:2009 176 p Gr 26 03.100.01 Risk management -- Risk assessment techniques Provides guidance on selection and application of systematic techniques for risk assessment. It introduces a range of techniques with references to International Standards where the concept and application are described in detail. It is a supporting document to ISO 31000 on Risk Management. 249 MS ISO 39001:2012 37 p Gr 16 03.220.20 Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems — Requirements with guidance for use Specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can influence. It includes development and implementation of an appropriate RTS policy, development of RTS objectives and action plans, which take into account legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about elements and criteria related to RTS that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence. 106 MSB Catalogue 2015 whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy performance. MSB catalogue 2015 107 .010 Energy audits-Requirements with guidance for use This standard specifies the process requirements for carrying out an energy audit in relation to energy performance. consistency and impartiality in the auditing and certification of energy management systems (EnMS) for bodies providing these services. maintaining and improving an energy management system. 251 MS ISO 50002:2014 22 p Gr 11 27. implementing. and deliverables for energy audits. energy use and consumption. 252 MS ISO 50003:2014 18 p Gr 9 27. It specifies the principles of carrying out energy audits. It is applicable to all types of establishments and organizations.Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems This standard specifies requirements for competence. requirements for the common processes during energy audits. competence requirements for personnel involved in the certification process for energy management systems. design and procurement practices for equipment. In order to ensure the effectiveness of EnMS auditing. It specifies requirements applicable to energy use and consumption. including measurement. including energy efficiency.250 MS ISO 50001:2011 22 p Gr 11 27.010 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use This standards specifies requirements for establishing. systems. the duration of audits and multi-site sampling. ISO 50003:2014 addresses the auditing process.010 Energy management systems -. processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance. and all forms of energy and energy use. documentation and reporting. ISO 50015:2014 can be used independently. use and maintain energy performance indicators (EnPIs) and energy baselines (EnBs) as part of the process of measuring energy performance.010 Energy management systems -. implementing. Edition 5.253 MS ISO 50004:2014 42 p Gr 17 27. 254 MS ISO 50006:2014 33 p Gr 15 27. or in conjunction with other standards or protocols. Edition 2. 255 MS ISO 50015:2014 19 p Gr 10 27. Edition 4.600 108 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Guidance for the implementation.0 (2015-03) Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations-Part 1: General requirements MS IEC 60947-1. maintenance and improvement of an energy management system This standard provides practical guidance and examples for establishing.General principles and guidance This standard establishes general principles and guidelines for the process of measurement and verification (M&V) of energy performance of an organization or its components. regardless of its size. type.Measuring energy performance using energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) -.Part 2: Circuit-breakers 256 MS ISO 80000-1:2009 41 p Gr 17 01. type.General principles and guidance This standard provides guidance to organizations on how to establish. MS IEC 60670-1.010 Energy management systems -. location or level of maturity. The guidance in ISO 50004:2014 is applicable to any organization. location or level of maturity in the field of energy management. and can be applied to all types of energy. The guidance in ISO 50006:2014 is applicable to any organization.010 Energy management systems -.2 (2013-01) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.Measurement and verification of energy performance of organizations -. regardless of its size.2 (2014-09) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: General rules MS IEC 60947-2. maintaining and improving an energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with the systematic approach of ISO 50001. conversion factors are also given. quantity and unit symbols. MSB catalogue 2015 109 .060 Quantities and units – Part 4: Mechanics Specifies the names. 258 MS ISO 80000-3:2006 19 p Gr 10 01. symbols. ISQ.060 Quantities and units – Part 5: Thermodynamics Gives names. SI. especially the International System of Quantities. symbols and definitions for quantities and units of classical mechanics. Quantities and units – Part 1: General This standard gives general information and definitions concerning quantities. Where appropriate. conversion factors are also given. verbal equivalents and applications. symbols and definitions for quantities and units of thermodynamics. their meanings.060 Quantities and units – Part 6: Electromagnetism This standard gives names. and coherent unit systems. and the International System of Units. 257 MS ISO 80000-2:2009 40 p Gr 16 01.060 Quantities and units – Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology This standard gives general information about mathematical signs and symbols. systems of quantities. but also apply to other areas where mathematics is used. 261 MS ISO/IEC 80000-6:2008 58 p Gr 21 01. The principles laid down in this standard are intended for general use within the various fields of science and technology and as an introduction to other parts of the Quantities and units series. and definitions for quantities and units of electromagnetism. The recommendations in the standard are intended mainly for use in the natural sciences and technology. Where appropriate. Where appropriate. conversion factors are also given.060 Quantities and units – Part 3: Space and time Gives names. 259 MS ISO 80000-4:2006 24 p Gr 12 01. symbols and definitions for quantities and units of space and time. units. 260 MS ISO 80000-5:2007 22 p Gr 11 01. 060 Quantities and units – Part 7: Light This standard gives names.262 MS ISO 80000-7:2008 44 p Gr 17 01. symbols and definitions for quantities and units for light and other electromagnetic radiation 110 MSB Catalogue 2015 . symbols and definitions for quantities and units used in information science and technology. conversion factors are also given 268 MS IEC 80000-13:2008 34 p Gr 15 01. 266 MS ISO 80000-11:2008 9 p Gr 5 01.Part 12: Solid state physics ISO 80000-12:2009 gives names. Where appropriate. conversion factors are also given.060 Quantities and units – Part 13: Information science and technology Gives names. 267 MS ISO 80000-12:2009 29 p Gr 13 01.060 Quantities and units – Part 8: Acoustics This standard gives names. symbols and definitions for quantities and units of solid state physics. 264 MS ISO 80000-9:2009 + 37 p Gr 16 01. conversion factors are also given. MSB catalogue 2015 111 . 265 MS ISO 80000-10:2009 67 p Gr 20 01.060 Quantities and units -. symbols. Where appropriate.060 Quantities and units – Part 10: Atomic and nuclear physics Gives the names.060 A1:2009 Quantities and units – Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics This standard gives names. symbols and definitions for quantities and units of acoustics. Where appropriate. symbols and definitions for characteristic numbers used in the description of transport phenomena.263 MS ISO/IEC 80000-8:2007 13 p Gr 7 01.060 Quantities and units – Part 11: Characteristic numbers Gives the names. symbols. and definitions for quantities and units used in atomic and nuclear physics. and definitions for quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics. It covers non-invasive blood pressure measurement devices with a pressure-sensing element and display used in conjunction with means of detecting blood flow. 270 MS ISO 81060-2:2013 41 p Gr 17 11. each giving the characteristics of a specific lamp type. Gives testing methods to be used for checking quality and interchangeability for type testing. including effectiveness and labelling.269 MS ISO 81060-1:2007 37 P Gr 16 11. recording or reproduction respectively of audio. operated with or without a starter from a. Consists of a series of standard data sheets.Part 2: Clinical validation of automated measurement type This standard specifies the requirements and methods for the clinical validation of medical equipment used for the intermittent non-invasive automatic estimation of the arteria blood pressure by utilizing a cuff. from a SUPPLY APPARATUS. mains.040.140. 271 MS IEC 60065:2005 as per IEC price 97.10 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 1: Requirements and test methods for non- automated measurement type This standard specifies requirements for the safety and essential performance. including test methods to determine the accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure measurement. for individual lamp batches or for a manufacturer's entire production. video and associated signals. It also applies to apparatus designed to be used exclusively in combination with the above-mentioned apparatus. for non-automated sphygmomanometers and their accessories.10 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers . It is applicable to all types of sphygmomanometers that sense or display pulsations. 112 MSB Catalogue 2015 . generation.c.30 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance Specifications This standard gives technical requirements for tubular fluorescent lamps with preheated cathodes for general lighting service.040. also describes tests for the lamps with non-preheated cathodes operated without the use of a starter. display or recording of blood pressure. video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements Applies to electronic apparatus designed to be fed from the MAINS. from batteries or from REMOTE POWER FEEDING and intended for reception. Introduces new co-ordinates for the standard colours together with a new standard 'white' colour.020 Audio. 272 MS IEC 60081 +A4:2010 as per IEC price 29. flow or sound for the estimation. busses and agricultural trucks.20.10 Lead-acid starter batteries – Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks This standard is applicable to lead-acid batteries used for starting.10 Lead-acid starter batteries – Part 1: General requirements and methods of test This part of MS IEC 60095 is applicable to lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V. used primarily as a power source for the starting of internal combustion engines. All batteries in accordance with this standard can be fastened to the vehicle either by means of the ledges around the container or by means of a hold-down device engaging with the lid. 43.273 MS IEC 60095-1:2006 as per IEC price 29. MSB catalogue 2015 113 .10 Lead-acid starter batteries – Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and marking of terminals This standard is applicable to lead-acid batteries used for starting.20.220.040. commercial vehicles.20.220. in light industry and on farms (such as catering equipment. lighting and ignition of passenger cars and light vehicles with a nominal voltage of 12 V. It deals with the common hazards presented by appliances that are encountered by all persons in and around the home.040. It also covers appliances used by laymen in shops.030. and industrial and commercial cleaning appliances).220. This standard is not applicable to batteries for other purposes.120 Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety .040. 276 MS IEC 60335-1:2013 as per IEC price 97. 275 MS IEC60095-4:2008 as per IEC price 29. 43. 13. lighting and ignition of heavy trucks. such as the starting of railcar internal combustion engines 274 MS IEC 60095-2:2009 as per IEC price 29. lighting and for auxiliary equipment of internal combustion engine vehicles. 43.Part 1: General requirements Deals with safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes. The rated voltage of the appliances are not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. use by laymen in shops. motorized cleaning heads and current-carrying hoses associated with a particular vacuum cleaner.060. 114 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Safety . hobs. It also applies to centrally-sited vacuum cleaners. 279 MS IEC 60335-2-5:2012 as per IEC price 97.Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons Deals with the safety of electric dry irons and steam irons.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . It covers household use. nor special conditions such as explosive atmospheres. It includes those with a separate water reservoir or boiler with a capacity less than 5 L.Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances Deals with the safety of electric vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances for household and similar purposes. 13. and 480 V for other appliances. This standard does not cover industrial appliances. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. including vacuum cleaners for animal grooming. hobs ovens and similar appliances.277 MS IEC 60335-2-2:2012 as per IEC price 97.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . 13.080. 13. ovens and similar appliances Applicable to the safety of stationary electric cooking ranges.120 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety .080. 278 MS IEC 60335-2-3:2012 as per IEC price 97.Safety .120 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety . their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between one phase and neutral.Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges. 13.Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers 280 MS IEC 60335-2-6:2014 as per IEC price 97.040. 13. This standard does not apply to deep fat fryers having a recommended maximum quantity of oil exceeding 4L or commercial multi-purpose cooking pans.120 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety .120 Household and similar electrical appliances . for drying textile material. This standard also applies to the drying function of washing machines having a drying cycle.Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines Deals with the safety of electric washing machines for household and similar purposes. as well as the safety of tumble dryers that use a refrigerating system incorporating sealed motor-compressors.060. These appliances may use flammable refrigerants.040.Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers.Safety . 282 MS IEC 60335-2-9:2012 as per IEC price 97. 284 MS IEC 60335-2-13:2009 as per IEC price 97.040. 283 MS IEC 60335-2-11:2012 as per IEC price 97. 13.120 Household and similar electrical appliances .060.Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills.120 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety .Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers Deals with the safety of electric tumble dryers intended for household and similar purposes. toasters and similar portable cooking appliances Deals with the safety of electric portable appliances that have a cooking function. roasting and grilling. 13. The rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. It includes washing machines for communal use in blocks of flats and in laundrettes. 13. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. intended for washing clothes and textiles. The rate voltage is not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. frying pans and similar appliances Deals with the safety of electric deep fat fryers. such as baking. and intended for household use only.281 MS IEC 60335-2-7:2012 as per IEC price 97. MSB catalogue 2015 115 .Safety . frying pans and other appliances in which oil is used for cooking. 116 MSB Catalogue 2015 .040.30 Household and similar electrical appliances . refrigerating appliances and ice- makers for use in camping. knive-sharpeners.50. churns. 287 MS IEC 60335-2-23:2012 as per IEC price 97.Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances. The rated voltage of the appliance being not more than 250 V.170. ice-cream appliances and ice makers Deals with the safety of refrigerating appliances for household and similar use. Some examples of appliances that are within the scope of this standard are bean-slicers.Safety . their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. mincers. potato peelers and slicing machines.040.c for appliances when battery operated. These appliances may be operated from the mains.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . 286 MS IEC 60335-2-15: 2012 as per IEC price 97. can openers.Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids Applicable to the safety of electrical appliances for heating liquids for household and similar purposes.Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or haircare Deals with the safety of electric appliances for the care of skin or hair of persons or animals. 480 V for other appliances and 24 V d. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. knives. noodle makers.50.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . blenders.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . touring caravans and boats for leisure purposes.Safety .040.Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines Deals with the safety of electric kitchen machines. food processors. intended for household and similar purposes.Safety . ice- makers incorporating a motor-compressor and ice-makers intended to be incorporated in frozen food storage compartments. 13. 13. food mixers.285 MS IEC 60335-2-14:2012 as per IEC price 97. 13. The rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances. for household and similar purposes.Safety . 288 MS IEC 60335-2-24:2012 as per IEC price 97. for household and similar purposes.50.120 Household and similar electrical appliances .120 Household and similar electrical appliances . It also deals with combination microwave ovens. 13. including combination microwave ovens Deals with the safety of microwave ovens for household use.120 Household and similar electrical appliances . 292 MS IEC 60335-2-80:2008 as per IEC price 23. light industry and on farms are within the scope of this standard.Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable immersion heaters Deals with the safety of portable electric immersion heaters. Appliances intended for use in shops.Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans Deals with the safety of electric fans. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V.Safety .Safety . It also includes appliances intended for use by laymen in shops. It also applies to electric heat pumps.Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps. air conditioners and dehumidifiers containing flammable refrigerant.Part 2-25: Particular requirements for microwave ovens. air conditioners and dehumidifiers incorporating motor-compressors and hydronic room fan coils. air conditioners and dehumidifiers Deals with the safety of electric heat pumps. The rated voltage is less than 250 V.120 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety . The maximum rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single- phase appliances and 600 V for other appliances. 291 MS IEC 60335-2-74:2009 as per IEC price 97. 290 MS IEC 60335-2-40:2013 as per IEC price 23. 13. intended for household and similar purposes.289 MS IEC 60335-2-25:2010 as per IEC price 97. including sanitary hot water heat pumps.040.040. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase and 480 V for other appliances. in light industry and on farms. MSB catalogue 2015 117 .Safety .20. 293 MS IEC 60432-1:2012 as per IEC price 29.060 Clothes washing machines for household use – Methods for measuring the performance Specifies methods for measuring the performance of clothes washing machines for household use.140. This International Standard also covers washing machines which specify the use of no detergent for normal use.20 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1. with or without heating devices utilising cold and/or hot water supply.2 kV) and 3 kV (Um = 3. It also deals with appliances for water extraction by centrifugal force (spin extractors) and is applicable to appliances for both washing and drying textiles (washer-dryers) with respect to their washing related functions.20 Incandescent lamps – Safety specifications – Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes 294 MS IEC 60432-2:2012 as per IEC price 29.6 kV) 297 MS IEC 60502-2:2014 as per IEC price 29. 295 MS IEC 60456:2010 as per IEC price 97.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) This standard specifies the construction. It covers those tungsten halogen lamps that are used as direct replacements for conventional tungsten filament lamps as well as new tungsten halogen lamps which have no correspondence in MS IEC 604332-1. 118 MSB Catalogue 2015 .060. dimensions and test requirements of power cables with extruded solid insulation from 6 kV up to 30 kV for fixed installations such as distribution networks or industrial installations.140. 296 MS IEC 60502-1:2009 as per IEC price 29.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) . but for which the safety and interchangeability requirements are treated by this standard in conjunction with MS IEC 60432-1.Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV (Um = 1.20 Incandescent lamps – Safety specifications – Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes Specifies the safety and the related interchangeability requirements of tungsten halogen lamps for general lighting service.060.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) – Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7.20 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1. Part 2-20 Particular requirements . other than hand lamps.40 Luminaires .20 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1. intended for household and similar fixed installations. for use with tungsten filament.140.Part 1:General requirements and tests Specifies the general requirements for luminaries. with the exception of mounting boxes for flush type switches. tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamps on supply voltages not exceeding 250V. 300 MS IEC 60598-2-4:1997 as per IEC price 29.40 Luminaires .Part 2:Particular requirements .140.Part 1: General requirements Applies to manually operated general purpose switches for a. only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A.Lighting chains Specifies requirements for lighting chains fitted with series or parallel connected incandescent lamps for use indoors or outdoors on supply voltages not exceeding 250 V.Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires Specifies requirements for portable general purpose luminaries.060. For switches provided with screwless terminals the rated current is limited to 16 A.40 Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations . 301 MS IEC 60598-2-20:2010 as per IEC price 29.c.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) 299 MS IEC 60598-1:2008 as per IEC price 29. MSB catalogue 2015 119 .140.140.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) – Part 4: Test requirements on accessories for cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7. The standard also applies to boxes for switches.298 MS IEC 60502-4:2010 as per IEC price 29.40 Luminaires . 302 MS IEC 60669-1:2007 as per IEC price 29. incorporating electric light sources for operation from supply voltages up to 1000 V. either indoors or outdoors. 30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes .110. 305 MS IEC 60884-2-1:2006 as per IEC price 29.120.120. or mechanical system. intended for household and similar purposes. 120 MSB Catalogue 2015 . electrical.303 MS IEC 60825-1:2007 as per IEC price 13. 304 MS IEC 60884-1:2006 as per IEC price 29. either indoors or outdoors.c. 31. with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A. with a rated voltage greater than 50 V but not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 32 A.30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes .30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes .Part 1:.Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements Applicable to safety of laser products emitting laser radiation in the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm.260 Safety of laser products .Part 2-2: Particular requirements for sockets-outlets for appliances This standard applies to socket-outlets for a. with or without earthing contact.c. which are integrated or intended to be incorporated in or fixed to appliances.General requirements This standard applies to plugs and fixed or portable socket-outlets for a. A laser product may consist of a single laser with or without a separate power supply or may incorporate one or more lasers in a complex optical. only.Part 2-1: Particular requirements for fused plugs This standard applies to fused plugs where the fuses are primarily intended to protect the flexible cable or cords 306 MS IEC 60884-2-2:2010 as per IEC price 29.120. The rated current is limited to 16 A maximum for fixed socket-outlets provided with screwless terminals. with or without earthing contact. only. c. with or without earthing contact.307 MS IEC 60884-2-3:2011 as per IEC price 29.Part 2-3: Particular requirements for switched sockets-outlets without interlock for fixed installations This standard applies to switched socket-outlets without interlock. and to socket outlets for appliances from 6 V up to and including 48 V d.30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes -Part 2-6: Particular requirements for switched sockets-outlets with interlock for fixed installations This standard applies to switched socket-outlets with interlock for a.c. only. intended for household and similar purposes. fixed or portable socket-outlets. only.120.120. MSB catalogue 2015 121 .30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes . intended for household and similar purposes. with rated voltage above 50 V but not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 32 A.Part 2-5: Particular requirements for adaptors This standard applies to shuttered and non-shuttered. (50/60 Hz) SELV with rated current 309 MS IEC 60884-2-5:2004 as per IEC price 29.c.120. with or without earthing contact. only. or a. fused and non-fused adaptors for a. for a.c. 310 MS IEC 60884-2-6:2009 as per IEC price 29. for fixed electrical installations.30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes -Part 2-4: Particular requirements for plugs and sockets-outlets for SELV This standard applies to plugs. for fixed installation.c.120. either indoors or outdoors.30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes . with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 32A. either indoors or outdoors 308 MS IEC 60884-2-4:2007 as per IEC price 29. Safety requirements This standard specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements. disconnectors. with a rated voltage greater than 50 V but not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A. intended for household and similar purposes.311 MS IEC 60884-2-7:2011 as per IEC price 29.120. together with the test methods and conditions. required tos how compliance of tubular fluorescent and other gas-discharge lamps with integrated means for controlling starting and stable operation (self-ballasted lamps). switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units 313 MS IEC 60968:2012 as per IEC price 29.30 Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services . Particular requirements for cord extension sets This standard applies to cord extension sets. rewirable and non rewirable.120.30 Plugs and sockets-outlets for household and similar purposes .140.Performance specifications MS IEC 60947-3:2008 (+ Amd 1:2012+Amd 2:2015) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 3: Switches.Performance requirements This standard specifies the performance requirements together with the test methods and conditions required to show compliance of tubular fluorescent and other gas- discharge lamps with integrated means for controlling starting and stable operation (self-ballasted lamps). intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. with or without earthing contact.140.Part 2-7:. intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes 315 MS IEC 61008-1:2013 as per IEC price 29. 312 MS IEC 60901 Amd 4:2007 as per IEC price 29.30 Single-capped fluorescent lamps . either indoors or outdoors.140.30 Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services .50 122 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 314 MS IEC 60969:2001 as per IEC price 29. for household and similar uses. not incorporating overcurrent protection (hereafter referred to as RCCBs). Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) – Part 1: General rules Applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers functionally independent of.c. line voltage. intended principally for protection against shock-hazard. for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V a. and rated currents not exceeding 125 A. MSB catalogue 2015 123 . or functionally dependent on. and other fluorescent lamps for high-frequency operation.316 MS IEC 61009-1:2013 as per IEC price 29.c. 124 MSB Catalogue 2015 . This standard has to be used in conjunction IEC 61347-1. supplies upto 250 V and/or a.99 Lamp controlgear .140. 318 MS IEC 61347-1:2012 as per IEC price 29.120. as defined in IEC 60721-2-1.c. supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V a.160 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules . 319 MS IEC 61347-2-3:2011 as per IEC price 29.Design qualification and type approval Lays down requirements for the design qualification and type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable for long-term operation in general open-air climates.. associated with fluorescent lamps as specified in IEC 60081 and IEC 60901.99 Lamp controlgear . that the module is capable of withstanding prolonged exposure in certain climates.Part 1:General and safety requirements Specifies general and safety requirements for lamp controlgear for use on d. or functionally dependent on.c. line voltage for household and similar uses (hereafter referred to as RCBOs).140. supplies up to 1000 V 50 Hz or 60 Hz with operating frequencies deviating from the supply frequency.c.c supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps Specifies safety requirements for electronic ballasts for use on a. rated currents not exceeding 125 A and rated short-circuit capacities not exceeding 25 000 A for operation at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. 317 MS IEC 61215:2005 as per IEC price 27.Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a. as far as possible.50 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) – Part 1: General rules Applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection functionally independent of. Determines the electrical and thermal characteristics of the module and shows. associated with fluorescent lamps with or without pre-heated cathodes operated with or without a starter or starting device and having rated wattages.Part 21: Particular requirements – Rigid conduit systems This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for rigid conduit systems 324 MS IEC 61386-22:2002 as per IEC price 29. MSB catalogue 2015 125 .c. supplied electronic controlgear foe LED modules 322 MS IEC 61386-1:2008 as per IEC price 29.120. including conduits and conduit fittings. This standard applies to metallic.Part 1: General requirements This part of IEC 61386 specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems.Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps Specifies safety requirements for ballasts. for the protection and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in electrical installations or in communication systems up to 1 000 V a.120.140. This standard does not apply to enclosures and connecting boxes which come within the scope of IEC 60670. 321 MS IEC 61347-2-13:2006 as per IEC price 29. for use on a.10 Conduit systems for cable management . supplies up to 1000 V 50 Hz or 60 Hz. and/or 1 500 V d.320 MS IEC 61347-2-8:2006 as per IEC price 29.c.10 Conduit systems for cable management . 323 MS IEC 61386-21:2002 as per IEC price 29. including threaded and non-threaded entries which terminate the system.c.10 Conduit systems for cable management . or a. non-metallic and composite conduit systems.c. excluding resistance types.120.c.99 Lamp controlgear .Part 22: Particular requirements – Pliable conduit systems This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for pliable conduit systems including self recovering conduit systems.99 Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d. dimensions and characteristics as specified in IEC 60081 and 60901.140. 10 Conduit systems for cable management . power supplies. This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61386-1:2008 328 MS IEC 61558-1:2005 as per IEC price 29.10 Conduit systems for cable management . reactors and similar products such as electrical.Part 25: Particular requirements – Conduit fixing devices IEC 61386-25:2011 specifies requirements and tests for conduit fixing devices used for support and/or retention of conduit for cable management.180 Safety of power transformers. power supply units and similar. 326 MS IEC 61386-24:2004 as per IEC price 29. It covers the following types of dry-type transformers.Part 24: Particular requirements – Conduit systems buried underground This standard specifies requirements and tests for conduit systems buried underground including conduits and conduit fittings for the protection and management of insulated conductors and/or cables in electrical installations or in communication systems.Part 1: General requirements and tests Deals with safety aspects of power transformers. including switch mode power supplies.10 Conduit systems for cable management .120. 327 MS IEC 61386-25:2011 as per IEC price 29. thermal and mechanical safety. non-metallic and composite systems including threaded and non-threaded entries which terminate the system. and reactors. 126 MSB Catalogue 2015 . power supplies. the windings of which may be encapsulated or non- encapsulated.325 MS IEC 61386-23:2002 as per IEC price 29.Part 23: Particular requirements – Flexible conduit systems This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for flexible conduit systems. This standard applies to metallic.12.120. 16 kVA for polyphase transformers. 330 MS IEC 61558-2-16:2013 as per IEC price 29. air-cooled: separating transformers.Part 2-17:Particular requirements for transformers for switch mode power supplies Applies to associated power transformers for switch mode power supplies.Part 2-16: Particular requirements and tests for switch mode power supply units and transformers for switch mode power supply units 331 MS IEC 61558-2-17:1997 as per IEC price 29. The windings may be encapsulated or non- encapsulated. isolating transformers. thin-film photovoltaic modules suitable for long-term operation in general open-air climates as defined in IEC 60721-2-1.180 Safety of transformers. power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V . MSB catalogue 2015 127 .Part 2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers Applies to stationary or portable. 332 MS IEC 61646:2008 as per IEC price 27. 10 kVA for single-phase transformers. reactors. air-cooled safety isolating transformers. reactors. It is applicable to dry type transformers. single-phase or polyphase.180 Safety of transformers. associated or otherwise.329 MS IEC 61558-2-6:2009 as per IEC price 29.160 Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval This standard lays down requirements for the design qualification and type approval of terrestrial.160 Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic (PV) pumping systems This standard defines predicted short-term characteristics (instantaneous and for a typical daily period) of direct coupled photovoltaic (PV) water pumping systems. 333 MS IEC 61702:1995 as per IEC price 27. power supply units and similar products for voltages up to 1 100 V .180 Safety of power transformers. safety isolating transformers. single- phase or polyphase. power supply units and similar . This standard applies to all terrestrial flat plate module materials not covered by IEC 61215. c. supplies up to 250 V or a.140. 337 MS IEC 62031:2012 as per IEC price 29.080.31. constant current or constant power.c.160 Amd 1:2011 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 1: Requirements for construction This standard describes the fundamental construction requirements for photovoltaic modules in order to provide safe electrical and mechanical operation during their expected lifetime. It addresses the prevention of electrical shock.99. fire hazards.self-ballasted LED modules for use on d.180 Photovoltaic system performance monitoring – Guidelines for measurement. data exchange and analysis This standard recommends procedures for the monitoring of energy-related photovoltaic (PV) system characteristics. and personal injury due to mechanical and environmental stresses. supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz 128 MSB Catalogue 2015 . The purpose is the assessment of the overall performance of PV systems.99 LED modules for general lighting – Safety specifications This Standard specifies general and safety requirements for light –emitting diode (LED) modules: ‫٭‬ . 336 MS IEC 61730-2:2012 as per IEC price 27.160 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 1: Requirements for testing This standard describes the testing requirements for photovoltaic modules in order to provide safe electrical and mechanical operation during their expected lifetime. 335 MS IEC 61730-1:2004 + as per IEC price 27. It also outlines the requirements of testing and is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61215 or IEC 61646. . and personal injury due to mechanical and environmental stresses. fire hazards. and for the exchange and analysis of monitored data.334 MS IEC 61724:1998 as per IEC price 27.LED modules without integral control gear for operation under constant voltage. It also pertains to the particular requirements of construction and is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61215 or IEC 61646. It addresses the prevention of electrical shock. 25 Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T system This standard specifies both Standard Definition and High Definition receivers for the DVB-T system. and thermal characteristics of the CPV modules and assemblies and shows that the CPV modules and assemblies are capable of withstanding prolonged exposure in climates described in the scope. It determines the electrical. The test procedure and criteria described are minimum requirements that will allow repeatability. the autonomy and ability to recover after periods of low state-of-charge of the battery. mechanical.Design qualification and type approval This standard specifies the minimum requirements for the design qualification and type approval of concentrator photovoltaic modules and assemblies suitable for long-term operation in general open-air climates.160.160 Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules and assemblies . The performance test consists of a check of the functionality.338 MS IEC 62108:2007 as per IEC price 27.160 Photovoltaic Stand-Alone Systems – Design verification This standard verifies system design and performance of stand-alone photovoltaic systems. 341 MS IEC 62216:2009 as per IEC price 33. 340 MS IEC 62124:2004 as per IEC price 27. Subtitling and teletext are considered to be components of TV services MSB catalogue 2015 129 . 339 MS IEC 62116:2008 as per IEC price 27. The testing conditions are intended to represent the majority of climatic zones for which these systems are designed. and hence gives reasonable assurance that the system will not fail prematurely.160 Test procedure of islanding prevention measures for utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters This standard describes a guideline for testing the performance of automatic islanding prevention measures installed in or with single or multi-phase utility interactive PV inverters connected to the utility grid. Is written for grid connected PV systems only. 130 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 344 MS IEC 62471:2006 as per IEC price 29. which are lighting systems consisting of a lamp.140 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems 345 MS IEC 62560:2011 + as per IEC price 29. commissioning tests and inspection This standard defines the minimal information and documentation required to be handed over to a customer following the installation of a grid connected PV system.342 MS IEC 62446:2009 as per IEC price 27. inspection criteria and documentation expected to verify the safe installation and correct operation of the system. It also describes the minimum commissioning tests. factory-assembled and cooled by internal natural convection or forced air circulation.030 Household refrigerating appliances Characteristics and test methods This standard specifies the essential characteristics of household refrigerating appliances. and establishes test methods for checking the characteristics. all placed in a suitable housing made of durable material such as metal or plastic and an integrated or separate PV module.30 Cor 2012 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V – Safety specifications 346 MS IEC PVRS 11A + as per IEC price 27. 343 MS IEC 62552:2007 as per IEC price 97. a lead-acid or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery and electronics.Minimum requirements for system documentation.160 Amd 1:2006 Portable solar photovoltaic (PV) lanterns– Design qualification and type approval This standard covers the specifications.140.160 Grid connected photovoltaic systems . test methods and procedures for indoor tests of portable solar photovoltaic (PV) lanterns. 13. This OHSAS Standard is intended to address occupational health and safety. operation and maintenance of computer software and related support services. property damage or environmental impacts.01.Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software Provides guidance for organizations in the application of ISO 9001:2000 to the acquisition. development. supply. to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance.10 Software engineering -. 348 MS OHSAS 18001:2007 MUR 1 600.080. ISO/IEC 90003:2004 does not add to or otherwise change the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.347 MS ISO/IEC 90003:2004 as per IEC price 35. 13. It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria.100.100 Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. The guidelines provided in MS ISO/IEC 90003:2004 are not intended to be used as assessment criteria in quality management system registration/certification.100. and is not intended to address other health and safety areas such as employee wellbeing/wellness programmes.100 Occupational health and safety management systems – Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007 MSB catalogue 2015 131 .00 03.00 03.120.01. nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system. 03. 349 MS OHSAS 18002:2008 MUR 1 600. product safety. 2 MS EN 81-3: 2000 94 p Gr 22 91.Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods.90 (incorporating Amdt No 3:2009) Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Part 2: Hydraulic lifts This standard specifies the safety rules for the construction and installation of permanently installed new hydraulic lifts serving defined landing levels.90 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts — Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods.90 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. installation.140. maintenance and dismantling of electrically powered vertical lifting platforms affixed to a building structure intended for use by persons with impaired mobility: 132 MSB Catalogue 2015 . moving in an inclined plane and intended for use by persons with impaired mobility. 4 MS EN 81-41: 2000 91. Part 40: Stairlifts and inclined lifting platforms intended for persons with impaired mobility This standard deals with safety requirements for construction. ropes or chains and moving between guide rails inclined not more than 15° to the vertical.140. Part 41: Vertical lifting platforms intended for use by persons with impaired mobility This standard deals with safety requirements for construction. 3 MS EN 81-40: 2000 91.90 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Part 3: Electric and hydraulic service lifts This standard specifies the safety rules for the construction and installation of permanently installed new electric service lifts with traction or positive drive. having a car designed for the transportation of persons or persons and goods. 1 MS EN 81-2:1998 165 p Gr 25 91. EUROPEAN STANDARDS ADOPTED Standards No Page /Gr ICS No. standing platform and wheelchair platform) affixed to a building structure. suspended by jacks.140. maintenance and dismantling of electrically operated stairlifts (chair.140. manufacturing. or hydraulic service lifts with rated load not exceeding 300 kg and which are not intended to move persons. manufacturing. installation. machine room and the pulley room and any authorised persons 6 MS EN 131-1:2007 25 p Gr 97. marking This standard specifies the general design features. mobile ladders and ladders used for work on or near live electrical systems or installations.145 Ladders – Part 1: Terms. 8 MS EN 131-3:2007 22 p Gr 11 97. This standard also covers the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods lifts for users.145 Ladders – Part 3: User instructions This standard advises on the safe use of ladders covered by the scope of MS EN 131- 1and fulfilling the requirements of MS EN 131-1.145 Ladders – Part 2: Requirements.90 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Existing lifts — Part 80: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts This standard gives the rules for improving the safety of existing lifts with the aim of reaching the same level of safety to that of a newly installed lift and is applicable for permanently installed electric lifts with traction or positive drive and hydraulic lifts.140. testing. roof ladders. 7 MS EN 131-2:2010 38 p Gr 16 97. EN 131-2 and single or multiple hinged-joints ladders used as standing or leaning ladders. 9 MS EN 131-4:2007 17 p Gr 9 97. functional sizes This standard defines terms and specifies the general design characteristics of portable ladders. types. It does not apply for stepped stools or ladders for specific professional use such as firebrigade ladders.5 MS EN 81-80: 2003 33 p Gr 15 91. tests and marking of hinged combination ladders with one or several hinge joints It is not applicable to hinge-joints of combination and standing ladders as defined in MSB catalogue 2015 133 .145 Ladders – Part 4: Single or multiple hinge-joint ladders This standard specifies the requirements. roof ladders and mobile ladders. It does not apply to ladders designed for specific professional use such as firebrigade ladders. person outside the well. requirements and test methods for portable ladders. specifications and conformity criteria This standard specifies the definition and composition of masonry cement as commonly used for the production of mortar for bricklaying and blocklaying and for rendering and plastering. together with associated characteristics. water retention and air content. It also includes mechanical. It gives the tests on fresh mortar for consistence. this standard states the conformity criteria and the related rules. The definition of each cement includes the proportions in which the constituents are to be combined to produce these distinct products in a range of nine strength classes. 7 sulfate resisting common cements as well as 3 distinct low early strength blast furnace cements and 2 sulfate resisting low early strength blast furnace cements and their constituents. 12 MS EN 413-1:2011 26 p Gr 12 91. physical. frozen storage cabinets. and chemical requirements. Furthermore. specification and conformity criteria for common cements This standard defines and gives the specifications of 27 distinct common cements. 11 MS EN 197-1:2011 91.10 Cement . 134 MSB Catalogue 2015 . frozen freezers and their combinations.10 Masonry cement – Part 1: Composition.100.100. together with associated characteristics This standard specifies the methods for measuring the energy consumption of electric mains operated household refrigerating appliances.10 Masonry Cement – Part 2: Test methods This standard describes reference and alternative test methods to be used when testing masonry cements to assess their conformity to MS EN 413-1.Part1:Composition. Necessary durability requirements are also given. It is not concerned with safety. The definition also includes requirements which the constituents have to meet.040. MS EN 131-1. 13 MS EN 413-2:2005 17 p Gr 9 91. 10 MS EN 153:2006 16 p Gr 8 97.30 Methods of measuring the energy consumption of electric mains operated household refrigerators.100. Testing conditions. MSB catalogue 2015 135 . Thermal resistance. Impact testing. Protective clothing. comfort and efficiency. This standard does not address the protective properties of gloves and therefore should not be used alone but only in combination with the appropriate specific standard(s). Compression testing.14 MS EN 420:2003 + A1:2009 13. Instructions for use.20 Helmets for fire fighting in buildings and other structures Firemen’s helmets.40 incorporating Corrigendum 2009 Protective gloves for firefighters This standard defines minimum performance requirements and test methods for firefighters' protective gloves. Hazards 16 MS EN 659:2003 + A1:2008 14 p Gr 7 13. but provide some protection against accidental contact with chemicals. Electrical testing. Protective gloves for special operations within firefighting service are excluded from the scope of this standard. It applies only to firefighters' protective gloves which protect the hands during normal firefighting. Strength of materials. resistance of glove materials to water penetration.340. 15 MS EN 443:2008 44 p Gr 17 13. Rigidity. Industrial safety helmets. Fire resistance. marking and information supplied by the manufacturer applicable to all protective gloves. including search and rescue.340. Field of vision. Test equipment.40 incorporating Corrigendum November 2006 Protective gloves – General requirements and test methods This standard defines the general requirements and relevant test procedures for glove design and construction. These gloves are not intended for deliberate handling of liquid chemicals. innocuousness. Helmets (protective). Fire tests. Ultraviolet radiation. Penetration tests. Thermal testing. Electrical insulation. Performance. Artificial ageing tests.340. Mechanical testing. Marking. It also specifies requirements for their accessories and gives test methods.Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges . metrology. by means of an inflatable cuff are used for non-invasive measurements of arterial blood pressure at the upper arm. 136 MSB Catalogue 2015 .Dimensions. 19 MS EN 837-3:1996 22 p Gr 11 17. metrology.100 Pressure gauges . vacuum gauges and combined vacuum and pressure gauges (compound gauges). 20 MS EN 1060-3:1997 + A2:2009 28 p Gr 13 11. efficiency and safety requirements for electro- mechanical blood pressure measuring systems that. requirements and testing This Standard specifies requirements for diaphragm and capsule (designated by D and C respectively) indicating pressure gauges. the wrist and the thigh.55 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 3: Supplementary requirements for electro- mechanical blood pressure measuring systems This standard specifies performance.Dimensions.100 Pressure gauges – Part 2: Selection and installation recommendations for pressure gauges This standard applies only to those pressure gauges whose pressure responsive element measuring system is a metal part which deforms under the effect of the pressure measured.100 Pressure gauges . The standard applies to gauges suitable for industrial use with common industrial fluids. from 50 to 250 nominal size with ranges up to 25 bar for the measurement of gauge pressure. It does not apply to pressure gauges for oxygen or acetylene use nor gauges with electrical contacts. spiral or coiled forms from 40 to 250 nominal size and with ranges up to 1600 bar for the measurement of gauge pressure. 18 MS EN 837-2:1996 6 p Gr 3 17.040.17 MS EN 837-1:1996 21 p Gr 11 17.Part 3: Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges . vacuum gauges and combine vacuum and pressure gauges with circular. requirements and testing This standard specifies requirements for Bourdon tube indicating pressure gauges. 100. Non-portable ladders for fire and rescue service use are excluded from this standard. 24 MS EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 56 p Gr 19 91. This standard does not cover filler aggregates to be used as constituent in cement or as other inert filler aggregates for concrete.040.e.30 Aggregates for concrete Specifies properties of aggregates and filler aggregates obtained by processing natural. designed for the indirect measurement of blood pressure 22 MS EN 1147:2010 37 p Gr 16 13. It also specifies that a quality control system is in place for use in factory production control and it provides for evaluation of conformity of the product. It covers other grammages and sizes of ISO-A series as long as the requirements specified in the standard are fulfilled. 97. test methods and performance criteria for portable ladders for fire and rescue service use and associated purposes.100.220.10. 23 MS EN 12281:2002 18p Gr 9 85. 91. in 80 g/m² and in A4 format based on ISO 216.145 Portable ladders for fire service use This standard specifies requirements.080 Printing and business paper – Requirements for copy paper for dry tones imaging processes Specifies the performance requirements for uncoated cut-size paper for dry toner imaging processes (i.15.55 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 4: Test procedures to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-evasive sphygmomanometers This standard describes test procedures for investigations to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers. MSB catalogue 2015 137 .21 MS EN 1060-4:2004 36 p Gr 16 11. manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for use in concrete. copy paper). Metrology. for the storage. above ground. polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – Part 1: General requirements and performance characteristics This standard is applicable to: a) structured-wall pipes and fittings.160. 27 MS EN 12976-1:2006 16 p Gr 8 27. of cold water 29 MS EN 13476-1:2007 29 p Gr 13 23. 43. 138 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 83.10 Pressure gauges .020.Factory made systems . reflected by the marking of products by “U”. It establishes in the context of motor vehicles tyres. 93. requirements and testing This standard defines requirements of pressure gauges for inflation of tyre. 28 MS EN 13280:2001 35 p Gr 15 23.180.160 Thermal solar systems and components .Apparatus for inspection of pressure and/or inflation of tyres for motor vehicles . 26 MS EN 12811-1:2003 60 p Gr 19 91. reliability and safety for Factory Made thermal solar heating systems. which are to be used buried in the ground outside a building structure only.20.Part 1: General requirements Specifies requirements on durability. the minimum characteristics of the chain of measurement of mechanical apparatus intended to increase.140.100. 91.220 Temporary works equipment – Part 1: Scaffolds – Performance requirements and general design This standard specifies performance requirements and methods of structural and general design for access and working scaffolds. inspect or adjust the pressure of tyres inflated by air or nitrogen.25 MS EN 12645:1998 7 p Gr 4 Specification for glass fibre reinforced cisterns of one-piece and sectional construction.030 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). It also specifies structural design rules when certain materials are used and general rules for prefabricated equipment. reflected in the marking of products by “UD”. which are to be used buried in ground both outside (application area code “U”) and within a building structure (application area code “D”). 93. polypropylene (PP). polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system.20. polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – Part 1: Specifications for ancillary fittings including shallow inspection chambers This standard specifies the definitions and requirements for ancillary fittings of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U).25 m. The ancillary fittings covered by this standard are the following: — sealed access fittings. 93. and Polyethylene (PE) intended to be used in non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage systems.roadway applications to a maximum depth of 1. 32 MS EN 13598-1:2010 16 p Gr 8 93. MSB catalogue 2015 139 .030 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). — rodding tees. polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system. designated as Type A. Type B This part is applicable to pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surfaces. — inspection chambers for shallow non. b) structured-wall pipes and fittings. 31 MS EN 13476-3:2007+A1:2009 47 p Gr 18 23.040. 30 MS EN 13476-2:2007 44 p Gr 17 23. — rodding point covers. — mechanical saddles.20. Type A This part is applicable to pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surfaces.040. This part specifies general aspects and gives guidance concerning a national selection of requirements levels and classes. designated as Type B.030 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U).020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). 70.30 Fireworks – Part 2: Categorisation Specifies a system for the categorisation of fireworks. primary packaging and testing of fireworks.33 MS EN 13598-2:2009 24 p Gr 12 93.100. designated as manholes providing man access to the drainage or sewerage system. MS EN 14035-2:2003 10 p Gr 5 71.040.020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U).100. polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) – Part 2: Specifications for manholes and inspection chambers in traffic areas and deep underground installations This standard specifies the definitions and requirements for buried manholes and inspection chambers installed to a maximum depth of 6 m from ground level to the invert of the main chamber and manufactured from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). MS EN 14035-5:2006 44 p Gr 17 71.30 Fireworks – Part 6: Bengal flames – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-7:2004 27 p Gr 13 71. 71.100. . These products are intended for use in pedestrian or vehicular traffic areas. polypropylene (PP). construction.30 Fireworks – Part 7: Bengal matches – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-15:2003 34 p Gr 15 71. inspection chambers providing access to drainage or sewerage system by means of inspection and cleaning equipment.30 140 MSB Catalogue 2015 .100. MS EN 14035-1:2003 15 p Gr 8 01.100. polypropylene with mineral modifier (PP-MD)or polyethylene (PE).30 Fireworks – Part 5: Batteries and combinations – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-6:2004 34 p Gr 15 71.30 Fireworks – Part 1: Terminology Defines various terms relating to the design. chambers. The inspection chambers covered by this standard comprise the following: .100. 30 Fireworks – Part 35: Throwdowns – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-36:2004 27 p Gr 13 Fireworks – Part 34: Table bombs – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-35:2004 23 p Gr 11 Fireworks – Part 19: Hand-held sparklers – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-22:2004 37 p G 16 71.30 Fireworks – Part 25: Party poppers – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-27:2003 36 p Gr 16 71. Fireworks – Part 15: Fountains – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-19:2003 26 p Gr 12 71.30 Fireworks – Part 29: Serpents – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-34:2003 29 p Gr 13 71.30 Fireworks – Part 22: Mines – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-23:2003 25 p G 12 71.30 Fireworks – Part 24: Novelty matches – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-25:2005 30 p G 14 Fireworks – Part 27: Rockets – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-28:2004 39 Gr 16 71.30 Fireworks – Part 28: Roman candles – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-29:2004 20 p Gr 10 71.30 Fireworks – Part 23: Non-hand-held-sparklers – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-24:2004 30 p G 14 MSB catalogue 2015 141 . 120.30 Fireworks – Part 38: Shot tubes– Specification and test methods 34 MS EN 14511-1:2007 13 p Gr 7 01.040. liquid chilling packages. water-to-air.100. 142 MSB Catalogue 2015 . 23. 35 MS EN 14511-2:2007 16 p Gr 8 23. air-to- air. system reduced capacities and the capacity of individual indoor units of multisplit systems. This standard does not specifically apply to heat pumps for sanitary hot water. water-to-air.120 Air conditioners. It also specifies test conditions for heat recovery operation of multisplit systems. air-to-water and water-to-water heat pumps with electrically driven compressors when used for space heating and/or cooling. liquid chilling packages. air-to-water and water- to-water heat pumps with electrically driven compressors are covered. although certain definitions can be applied to these. air-to-water and water-to-water heat pumps with electrically driven compressors when used for space heating and/or cooling. liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 2: Test conditions This part of MS EN 14511 specifies the test conditions for the rating of air and water cooled air conditioners.120 Air conditioners.040. Specifically. air and water-cooled air conditioners. liquid chilling packages. 01. liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 3: Tests methods This part of MS EN 14511 specifies the test methods for the rating and performance of various types of space heaters and coolers. where applicable. water-to-air. It also specifies the method of testing and reporting for heat recovery capacities.23 Air conditioners. air-to-air. air-to-air. liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 1: Terms and definitions This part of MS EN 14511 specifies the terms and definitions for the rating and performance of air and water cooled air conditioners. 36 MS EN 14511-3:2007 43 p Gr 17 23. Fireworks – Part 36: Wheels – Specification and test methods MS EN 14035-38:2006 38 p Gr 16 71.23. construction. Categories 1. Categories 1.Part 1: Terminology This standard defines various terms relating to the design.100.30 Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks.020.190 Safety of children’s clothing — Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing — Specifications Specifies requirements for cords and drawstrings on children's clothing.30 Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks. 37 MS EN 14511-4:2007 13 p Gr 7 23. It is applicable to fireworks of categories 1. 2 and 3 T 40 MS EN 15947-2:2010 12 p Gr 6 71. 39 MS EN 15947-1:2010 29 p Gr 71. 2 and 3 – Part 3: Minimum labelling requirements This standard specifies minimum labelling requirements for the article and primary or selection packaging of fireworks MSB catalogue 2015 143 . liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Part 4 – Requirements This part of MS EN 14511 specifies minimum requirements which ensure that air conditioners.100.120 Air conditioners. up to the age of 14 years. 2 and 3 . 38 MS EN 14682:2007 29 p Gr 13 61. including disguise costumes and skiwear. 97. primary packaging and testing of fireworks of categories 1. heat pumps and liquid chilling packages with electrical driven compressors are fit for the use designated by the manufacturer when used for space heating and/or cooling.100. 2 and 3 41 MS EN 15947-3:2010 20 p Gr 10 71. 2 and 3 – Part 2: Categories and types of firework This standard establishes a system for dividing fireworks into categories and types. Categories 1.30 Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks. 100. all forms of energy and uses of energy. 42 MS EN 15947-4:2010 37 p Gr 16 71. 27. It applies to all forms of establishments and organisations. common methodology and deliverables for energy audits and corresponding obligations within the energy auditing process.10. 2 and 3 – Part 4: Test methods This standards specifies test methods for the testing of fireworks.40 60436:2008 Electric dishwashers for household use – Methods for measuring the performance This standard applies to electric dishwashers for household use that are supplied with hot and/or cold water. 45 MS EN 16247-1:2012 20 p Gr 10 03. 2 and 3 – Part 5: Requirements for construction and performance This standard specifies requirements for the construction.100. 2 and 3 44 MS EN 15900:2010 9 p Gr 5 01. performance and primary packaging of fireworks of category 1. 43 MS EN 15947-5:2010 26 p Gr 12 71.040. 47 MS EN 50285:1999 8 p Gr 4 29. The object is to state and define the principle performance characteristics and to describe the standard methods of measuring these characteristics.120. Categories 1.Definitions and requirements This standard specifies the definitions and minimum requirements for an energy efficiency service.040. 03. 46 MS EN 50242/EN 73 p Gr 21 Energy audits – Part 1: General requirements This standard specifies the requirements.10.10 Energy efficiency services .91. 01.30 Energy efficiency of electric lamps for household use – Measurement methods This standard specifies the test conditions and method of measurement of luminous 144 MSB Catalogue 2015 .30 Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks.30 Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks. This standard is concerned neither with safety nor with performance requirements.03. excluding individual private dwellings.120. Categories 1.080. 140. 91.040. lamp wattage and lamp life as given on a label on the lamp packaging. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V. 51 MS EN 50525-2-12:2011 22 p Gr 11 29. MSB catalogue 2015 145 .12: Cables for general applications .Flexible cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation This Standard applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and PVC sheathed flexible cables.11: Cables for general applications . hobs. together with a procedure for verification of the declared values.20. used in power installations and with domestic and industrial appliances and equipment.060. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V.Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 1: General requirements This Standard gives the general requirements for rigid and flexible energy cables of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 450/750 V a. 50 MS EN 50525-2-11:2011 22 p Gr 11 29.035. ovens and grills for household use – Methods for measuring performance This standard defines methods for measuring the performance of electric cooking ranges. 29.040. flux.060. hobs.. 48 MS EN 50304/ 65 p Gr 20 97.c. 49 MS EN 50525-1:2011 38 p Gr 16 29. Circular cables and flat cables are included.Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V (U0/U) – Part 2 .30 EN 60350:2009 Electric cooking ranges. The maximum conductor operating temperatures for the cables in this standard are 70 °C (VV types) and 90 °C (V2V2 types).20 Electric cables .Cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation for extensible leads This Standard applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and PVC sheathed extensible leads. ovens and grills for household use.20 Electric cables . The cables are intended for the connection of domestic appliances to the fixed supply.Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 .20 Electric cables .060. 52 MS EN 50525-2-21:2011 46 p Gr 18 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 - 21: Cables for general applications - Flexible cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation This Standard applies to flexible cables, insulated with crosslinked elastomeric compound, and sheathed with either crosslinked elastomeric compound or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 450/750 V. 53 MS EN 50525-2-22:2011 14 p Gr 7 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 - 2 - 22: Cables for general applications - High flexibility braided cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation This Standard applies to crosslinked EPR insulated and textile braided flexible cables. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The cables are intended for the connection of domestic appliances to the fixed supply, where an extra flexible connection is required. The maximum conductor operating temperature for the cables in this standard is 60 °C. NOTE HD 516 contains extensive guidance on the safe use of cables in this standard. 54 MS EN 50525-2-31:2011 20 p Gr 10 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 31: Cables for general applications - Single core non- sheathed cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation This Standard applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with thermoplastic (PVC) insulation. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 450/750 V. The cables are intended for fixed wiring applications. 55 MS EN 50525-2-41:2011 18 p Gr 9 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 - 2 - 41: Cables for general applications - Single core cables with crosslinked silicone rubber insulation This Standard applies to cross-linked silicone rubber insulated single core cables. The types included are either insulated only, or insulated and braided, or insulated and 146 MSB Catalogue 2015 sheathed. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V. The cables are intended for use in fixed installations within high temperature zones. The maximum conductor operating temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 180 °C. 56 MS EN 50525-2-42:2011 16 p Gr 8 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 42: Cables for general applications - Single core non- sheathed cables with crosslinked EVA insulation This Standard applies to crosslinked elastomeric insulated single core non-sheathed cables. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 450/750 V. NOTE 1 Cables rated 450/750 V may be used at 600/1 000 V when this cable is used in fixed installations with mechanical protection, within switchgear and control gear. The cables are intended for use in fixed installations within high temperature zones. The maximum conductor operating temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 110 °C. 57 MS EN 50525-2-51:2011 p Gr 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 51: Cables for general applications - Oil resistant control cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation This Standard applies to oil resistant polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed flexible cables. Screened and non-screened types are included. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U 300/500 V. The cables are intended for the interconnection of manufacturing machines. The maximum conductor operating temperature for the cables in this standard is 70 °C. 58 MS EN 50525-2-71:2011 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 71: Cables for general applications - Flat tinsel cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC insulation This Standard applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated flexible flat tinsel flexible cables. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The cables are intended for the connection of small appliances to the fixed supply. The maximum conductor operating temperature for the cable in this standard is 40 °C. MSB catalogue 2015 147 59 MS EN 50525-2-72:2011 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 72: Cables for general applications - Flat divisible cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC insulation This Standard applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated flat divisible flexible cables. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The cables are intended for use indoors as internal wiring or direct supply connection to luminaires. The maximum conductor operating temperature for the cables in this standard is 60 °C. 60 MS EN 50525-2-81:2011 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 2 – 81: Cables for general applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric covering for arc welding This Standard applies to single core, crosslinked elastomer covered arc welding cables. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 100/100 V. The cables are intended for connections between the welding power source and the electrode holder and the work piece. Two types of cable are included, with respectively Class D and Class E conductors. 61 MS EN 50525-2-82:2011 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 - 2 – 82: Cables for general applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation for decorative chains This Standard applies to polychloroprene, or other equivalent synthetic elastomer, sheathed cables. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V. The cables are intended for use as decorative chains and with designated lampholders. 62 MS EN 50525-2-83:2011 29.060.20 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 2 – 83: Cables for general applications - Multicore cables with crosslinked silicone rubber insulation This Standard applies to multicore cables insulated and sheathed with heat resistant crosslinked silicone rubber. Types with or without an overall textile braid, and with or without a strain-bearing element, are included. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U 300/500 V. The cables are intended for use within high temperature zones, either: - in fixed installations with mechanical protection; or - for flexible use under low mechanical stress. The maximum conductor operating temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 180 °C. 148 MSB Catalogue 2015 The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V.20 Electric cables .Flexible cables with halogen-free crosslinked insulation. The cables are intended for the connection of domestic appliances to the fixed supply. The cables are intended for the connection of equipment and machinery to the fixed supply.Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 3 – 41: Cables with special fire performance .060. and low emission of smoke This Standard applies to flexible cables. 66 MS EN 50525-3-41:2011 29. insulated and sheathed with halogen-free thermoplastic compound and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to fire. 63 MS EN 50525-3-11:2011 29. and low emission of smoke This Standard applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with halogen-free cross linked compound and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to fire.Single core non- sheathed cables with halogen-free cross linked insulation.060. The maximum conductor operating temperature for each of the cables in this standard is 90 °C.Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 3 – 31: Cables with special fire performance .Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 3 – 21: Cables with special fire performance . Low emission of corrosive gases is checked as part of the check for absence of halogens. and low emission of smoke\ This Standard applies to flexible cables.Flexible cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation. 64 MS EN 50525-3-21:2011 29. and low emission of smoke This Standard applies to non-sheathed single core cables insulated with halogen-free thermoplastic compound and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to fire.060.20 Electric cables .060. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 450/750 V. Low emission of corrosive gases is checked as part of the check for MSB catalogue 2015 149 .20 Electric cables .20 Electric cables .Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U) – Part 3 – 11: Cables with special fire performance .Single core non- sheathed cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation. 65 MS EN 50525-3-31:2011 29. insulated and sheathed with halogen-free crosslinked compound and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to fire. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 450/750 V.Part 2:Specific guidance related to EN 50525 cable types 150 MSB Catalogue 2015 . absence of halogens. 67 MS EN 50565-2:2014 Electric cables-Guide to use for cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V(U0/U) .
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