Laporan Design 1 Rencana Garis (English)

March 23, 2018 | Author: Miftah Irfan Firdausi | Category: Stern, Hull (Watercraft), Ships, Deck (Ship), Line (Geometry)



CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 1. General The lines plan (lines drawing) consist of projections of the intersection of the hull with a series of planes. The planes are equally spaced in each of the three dimensions. These set of planes are mutually perpendicular or orthogonal in nature. The point of intersection of these planes with the hull results in a series of lines that are projected onto a single plane located on the front, top, or side of the ship. This results in three separate projections, or views, called the Body Plan, the Half-Breadth Plan, and the Sheer Plan. To visualize, place the ship in an imaginary rectangular box whose sides touch the keel and sides of the ship. The bottom, side and front of the box will serve as the basis for three orthogonal projection screens on which lines will be projected onto. The lines to be projected result from the intersection of the hull with planes that are parallel to each of the three orthogonal planes mentioned. Making a lines plan can be applied with some methodes, for example Maxsurf, Scheltema de here methode, and NSP methode. The NSP methode is a methode which uses a diagram to knows the areas of each station. The ship’s length and velocity value are the first data needed. This methode lets us know each Block Coefficient (Cb) value, Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) value, and Midship Coefficient (Cm) value. To use NSP diagram, calculate the speed length ratio first. Then create a horizontal straight line from speed length ratio value so we will know each Block Coefficient (Cb) value, Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) value, and Midship Coefficient (Cm) value. 1 2. Working Steps 1. The beginning data calculation 2. CSA-making 3. Creating A/2T and B/2 4. Creating Bow and Stern Curve 5. Creating Body Plan 6. Creating Half Breadth Plan 7. Creating Sheer Plan 8. Creating Forecastle Deck, Poop Deck, and Bulwark It used some softwares; Microsoft Office Excel 2010 for data calculation and AutoCAD 2007 for drawing the Lines Plan 2 3. Glossaries Pict I.3.1. Stretch Ship A. Length between Perpendicular (LPP) The distance between the aft perpendicular (AP) and the forward perpendicular (FP) a. Aft Perpendicular (AP) The plane (or line) perpendicular to the load waterline that passes through the rudder stock is the aft perpendicular. In case of ships without rudder stock a vertical passing through the intersection of the waterline with the stern is taken as the aft perpendicular. A point to be noted is that once the perpendicular is fixed, the perpendicular does not change with conditions where the waterlines might change. b. Forward Perpendicular (FP) The plane (or line) perpendicular to the load waterline that passes through the intersection of stem and this waterline is the forward perpendicular. Again once the perpendicular is fixed, it does not change with various waterlines. B. Length of Water Line (LWL) The overall length of the waterline from stem intersection to the stern intersection. It is usually referred to a particular waterline, however, if not mentioned it usually means at the load waterline. This length is used for most hydrodynamic calculations where the underwater dimension is relevant. C. Length Overall (LOA) The total length of the ship including plate thickness, fender or bulwark, i.e., from aft extreme end to the forward extreme end. 3 c F. Chamber The rise or crown of a deck. or curved. H. Depth/ Height (H) The depth of the hull is the distance from the keel to the deck. Breadth Overall ( BOA) It is the extreme dimension from side to side of the ship. I.t. Draught (T) The distance from the keel to the surface of the water. It is also called round of beam. athwartship. fender. the depth may be defined as the distance from the keel to the deck at the intersection of the deck and side including thickness of both keel and deck. If the deck is cambered.2 Athward Ship D.Pict I. usually in the midship region. E. e. G. including the plate thickness. Block Coefficient (Cb) The block coefficient gives the ratio of the volume of the underwater body (volumetric displacement) and the product of rectangular beam spanned by length between 4 . Breadth (B) The distance of inter ship’s side measured at the midship. The mean draught is the draught at amidships.3. Am  B. V Cb  LWL.3.3. Midship Area Coefficient Am B.3. It displays the ratio of the immersed volume of the hull to a volume of a prism with equal length to the ship and cross-sectional area equal to the largest underwater section of the hull (midship section).5. Midship Area (Am) Midship Area is an area of midship. Midship Area Coefficient (Cm) One of the coefficients of fineness. Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) Prismatic coefficient (Cp) is the volume (V) divided by Lpp x Am. T . Cm  Pict I.3 Block Coefficient J. and draft(T).T . Look at Pict I.T Pict I.3.4 Prismatic Coefficient V Lpp.T L.B. Displacement Volume (∇) Displacement Volume is the volume of water displaced by the hull. Cb 5 . ∇ = Lwl .Cm M.It is the ratio of underwater are of midship section to that of the circumscribing rectangle.5. B . In general fast ships have a small block coefficient. Cp  Pict I. A vessel with small block coefficient is referred to as slim. breadth moulded(B).perpendicular(L). Midship Area si the hatch area one. Am K. 6 . Vertical dimensions are measured from a horizontal plane through the baseline. Body Plan Each station plane will intersect the ship's hull and form a curved line at the points of intersection. The intersection of the stem of the ship at the design water line is called Forward Perpendicular (FP).N. The intersection of the stern at design waterline(immersed transom) or the rudder stock is called the Aft Perpendicular (AP). Pict I. often called the molded base line. On large vessels it is at the upper surface of the flat plate keel at the center line. There are three important stations. Baseline A fore-and-aft reference line.6. O.3. Station Planes parallel to the front and back of the imaginary box are called stations.extending from stem to stern at any level. P. Centreline The middle line of the ship. Station Q. The station midway between the perpendiculars is called the midships stations. Each plane will intersect the ship's hull and form a line at the points of intersection.7 Body Plan The body plan takes advantage of the ship's symmetry. and the sections aft of the amidships are drawn on the left side. the sections forward of amidships are drawn on the right side. R. usually at every meter. Half Breadth Plan The bottom of the box is a reference plane called the base plane. Hence only half the section is show. 7 . The base plane is usually level with the keel. These lines are called waterlines and are all projected onto a single plane called the Half-Breadth Plan. Pict I. The amidships section is generally shown on both sides of the body plan. A series of planes parallel and above the base plan are imagined at regular intervals.3.These lines are called sectional lines and are all projected onto a single plane called the Body Plan. Pict I. These lines are called buttock or butt lines and are projected onto a single plane called the Sheer Plan. The centerline plane shows a special butt line called the profile of the ship. 8 . The water lines referred to here has nothing to do with where the ship actually floats. Sheer Plan A plane that runs from bow to stern directly through the center of the ship and parallel to the sides of the imaginary box is called the centerline plane.3.Pict I. There waterlines are the intersection of the ship's hull with some imaginary plane above the base plane. A series of planes parallel to one side of the centerline plane are imagined at regular intervals from the centerline.9 Buttock Lines and Sheer Plan Each buttock line shows the true shape of the hull from the side view for some distance from the centerline of the ship. Since ships are symmetric about their centerline they only need be drawn for the starboard or port side S.8 Water lines and Half Breadth Plan Each waterlines shows the true shape of the hull from the top view for some elevation above the base plane. Each plane will intersect the ship's hull and form a curved line at the points of intersection.3. Curve of Section Area ( CSA) The sectional area curve represents the longitudinal distribution of cross sectional area below the DWL. of Figure above represents longitudinal distances along the ship. or abscissa. or volume of displacement. The ordinates of a sectional area curve are plotted in distance squared units. 9 .T. Inasmuch as the horizontal scale. it is clear that the area under the curve represents the volume of water displaced by the vessel up to the DWL. Vs/√L value must be known first (L in feet). After the Vs/√L value found. the LPP must be devided by 6 parts.11 NSP Diagram NSP diagram is used to make CSA. V. To use it. NSP Diagram Pict I. Sheer Sheer is the rise of deck from amidships towards the bow and stern.3. Standard sheer has a calculation. δ. and φ will be found.3. and 3 others behind amidship. First.Pict I. Forecastle Deck 10 . Pict I. Then the value of β. 3 parts in front of amidship.3. make a horizontal straight line from Vs/√L value to the continuous right side.10 Curve of Section Area U.12 Sheer Making Sheer standrd calculation : W. 3.4 .2. Its length is up to reach the collision bulkhead or 5% .13 A Bow Ship X. Pict I.Forecastle is a superstructure fitted at the extreme forward end of the upper deck. It has 2. Poop Deck 11 .5 m height from upper deck side line.8% Lc and placed at the frame. Poop deck is a super structure or deck at the after end of the ship above the main deck.5 m height from upper deck side line equal to the forecastle deck height. Bullwark 12 .14 Stern Deck Y.4 . It has 2. Its length is up to reach the engine room bulkhead.3.2. Pict I. Collosion Bulkhead. 13 . Sterntube Bulkhead. and Engine Room Bulkhead are not at the station. Engine Room Bulkhead. 6) The collision bulkhead is located at 0.Bulwark is fore and aft vertical plating immediately above the upper edge of the sheer strake.20% LPP from AP.85 H. Lc is 96% Lwl or equal to LPP at 0. 3) The distance of the sterntube bulkhead to the end of stern is not to be less than 3 frame spacing (frame space ≤ 600 mm) 4) The length of engine room is depended by the engine size.05 . 2) Stern tube bulkhead as frame number 0.15 Bulwark Z. Sterntube Bulkhead. It has 1 meters height from the deck below. but they are at the frame number. Lc value is the bigger one. 7) Frame spacing at the cargo hold is a0 = L / 500 + 0.(frame space ≤ 1000 mm) 5) If the accommodation room is on the poop deck. the engine room bulkhead is should be at 17% .3. where a0 is not to be greater than 1000 mm. Pict I. The function of bulwark is to prevent the water entered to the ship and prevent the crew or passanger fail over board.0. and Bulwark Rules 1) The position of Collision Bulkhead.08 Lc from FP.48 [m]. 14 . 1 Determine The Type and Size of Ship 15 . The Beginning Calculation 1.CHAPTER II WORKING STEPS AND CALCULATION 1. 6 m : 14 m : 9.992 ton : 160.1 Data of Comparator Ship Based of the data above. 2 SA 7 CY Power : 25. This assignment is used Container Cargo for the ship type and the size is 1700 .517 m Engine type : KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES. The data of the comparator ship as follows.2000 TEUs.211 ton DWT Lpp B H T : 21.96 m : 27.Determining a dimension of ship can be done by compare a comparator ship. The data of the comparator ship is obtained from NkClass website. Type : Container Carrier Ship’s Name : AYUTTHAYA BRIDGE Year of Build : 2007 GT : 17.6knot Table II. Type CONTAINER CARRIER 16 . the designed ship data is follows. LTD.270 KW RPM : 105 Sevice Speed (Vs) : 20 knot Sea Trial Speed (Vt) : 21.1. The comparator ship is selected by reference the type and size of ship. Lpp Breadth (B) 163.9 M 30 M 17 . Depth (H) Draugth (T) 14 M 8.1 m 18 . Cp. Determining Length of Displacement L displacement is an imaginary line.917 = 168.817 m B.817)/2 19 . the Cb. and Cm value will be known. Ldisp = (163.1.9 + 4. The detailed steps using a NSP diagram are below.2 Data of Designed Ship 1.Service Speed (Vs) 20 Knot Table II. Determining Length of Waterline Length of Waterline (Lwl) can be determined by Lwl = Lpp + x . service speed (Vs) and length of displacement (Ldisp) value are needed. It can be obtained by formula Ldisp  Lpp  Lwl 2 So. Lpp Where x is not less than 1% and not gtreater than 5% 1%<x<5% This calculation uses x = 3% Lwl = Lpp + 3% Lpp = 163.2 Using NSP Diagram The first steps to using NSP diagram is knows the value of speed length ratio. After speed length ratio value is obtained.9 + 168. To get the speed tength ratio. A. 28084 ft Ldisp = 166. so Ldisp is converted from meters to feet 1 m = 3.= 166.7956 = 0. 3.3585 .28084 = 545.3585 m The length of displacement unit in NSP diagram is in feet.856081237 20 . Calculating The Speed Length Ratio V L s disp  20 545.7956045 ft C. and φ are found. Pict II. δ. δ is Cb value.9772 0.1 Horizontal Line in NSP Diagram Then the value of β.6428 21 .After the speed length ratio value has obtained. make a straigth horizontal line in NSP diagram from speed length ratio value to the right. β is Cm value. The result is Cm Cb Cp 0. look up at the picture below. and φ is Cp value. For details.6301 0.1. 4 Determining The Volume of Displacement The volume of displacement can be determined if the block coefficient value is found. b.3585 = -0. B . 166. 8. It is -0.3149% or 0.1.3585 .3149% .magenta curve). Lcb = 0.1 Calculating The Area Each Station Making a CSA (Curve of Section Area) is the result of data colecting from NSP diagram.3149% behind amidship.523863 m behind amidsip Pict II. 30 .The Length of Center Buoyancy (Lcb) value also can be determined.86528 m3 2. The Lcb value can be determined from the intersection between the horizontal speed length ratio line and the Lcb curve (the a. T Vdisp = 166. CSA-Making 2. c.523863 m. The formula of Vdisp is Vdisp = Ldisp . Lcb curve use the b curve because the design is a commercial ship. It is the precentage of area each station from midship area.2 Determining %Lcb 1.1 = 25471. To read the NSP 22 .3149% Ldisp = 0. or 0. 8.99 58.diagram. make a vertikal line from each intersection between the horizontal line and the station curves. T .9772 = 237.68% 43.4596 m2 After the area of midship is known.46 Area (A) 0. calculate the midship area.46 237.46 237. The calculation as below. Pict II. Cm Am = 30 .46 237.79% 62.61% Am (m2) 237. to the top of NSP diagram.98 148.00 21. The calculation is using Ms. The formula is Am = B .00% 9.1 Reading NSP diagram Then.26% 24.67 23 .46 237. Station 0 1 2 3 4 % 0. 2.1 . 0. Excel. the area of each station can be calculated.61 103. 46 237.20 24 .5 6 77.81% 88.77 210.52% 237.46 184. 46 224.25% 237.90 233.7 8 94.46 237.71% 98.30 25 . 00% 100.46 237.46 237.9 10 100.00% 237.46 237.46 26 . 46 237.55% 237.00% 98.46 237.46 234.11 12 100.02 27 . 44 28 .66 210.13 14 94.61% 88.46 224.46 237.62% 237. 37 29 .86 138.46 237.90% 58.15 16 74.27% 237.46 177. 67% 23.14 30 .64% 237.17 18 40.46 96.46 237.57 56. 19 20 8.00 31 .46 237.04% 0.46 19.00% 237.09 0. 59 466.40 899.84 10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0.46 237. Station % Am (m2) Luas (A) Fs A x Fs 0 0.54 -1784.00 % 100.71% 98. the volume of displacement and the length of center buoyancy can be calculated with Simpson’s Rules. This assignment uses Simpson 1/3 Rules.77 210.84 2 474.67 184.46 21.00 -791.84 32 .46 237.98 148.93 297.84 1 949.78 -933.68% 43.20 224.46 237.00% 237.00 1 0.68 -2911.22 -949.46 237.92 0 0. The complete calculation is as below.08 -3695.46 237.61 949.46 237.61% 77.46 237.90 233.35 739.61 103.60 -937.81% 88.2.07 420.79% 62.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9.46 237.46 237.00 4 949.46 237.26% 24.59 -2698.46 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 237.00 % 237.46 0.30 237.21 415.00 % 100.46 237.52% 94.96 117.1 The Calculation of Area for Each Station From the the table above.35 -1681.99 58.25% 100.Table II.46 10 11 n A x Fs x n 87. 07 2695.03 898.02 224.93 33 .64 2 3 936.55% 94.46 234.61% 237.12 13 98.66 2 4 468.46 237. 90% 237.14 34 .43 4 5 1683.87 711.14 15 88.62% 74.44 177.49 3557.46 237.46 210.86 2 4 420. 41 2704.57 2 4 276.16 17 58.74 386.09 35 .67% 237.37 96.27% 40.30 6 7 1660.46 138.46 237. 04% 237.46 237.27 76.37 8 9 898.14 19.17 687.18 19 23.09 2 4 112.30 36 .64% 8.46 56. 00 -611.00% 237.46 0.00 10 9169.20 0.22101 37 .36 ∑2 0.00 1 ∑1 0. 317925 = -0.36 / (-611.Table II. Correction The Volume of Displacement | (Vdisp .523863) | 100% .86528) |   100% 25471.018% .35  25471.2 The Complete Calculation of Area for Each Station with Simpson’s Rules Vdisp = 1/3 .554465 m behind amidship 2.5% | 25423.36 . correct .22101) .554465  -0.Simpson  VdispNSP ) | x 100% VdispNSP = 0.190% . 8.317925 = 25423.2 Correction of The Data of NSP Diagram A. where x ≤ 0.Simpson  LcbNSP ) | x  100% LcbNSP = 0.86528  | (-0. 8. correct B.2.554465 m = 0. Correction The Length of Center Buoyancy | ( Lcb.35 m3 Lcb = ∑2/∑1 . ∑1 . h = 1/3 9169.523863 38 .0. h = 9169. 2. 39 .3 Making CSA of Displacement Making CSA using AutoCAD 2007 software. The steps are below. 40 .1) Making horizontal line as long as Ldisp. Then divide in 20 parts. 41 . Pict II. 42 .2.2.2 Dividing a line into 20 parts 2) Making vertikal lines at each station.1 in 1 : 4 scale. The heigth are the value of area each station based on Table II. 43 . Pict II.3 Making Vertikal Lines at Each Station 3) Making a curve which connects the top of each line.2. 44 . with spline command in AutoCAD. 45 . 4 Making a Connecter Curve 46 .Pict II.2. 47 . So.2. CSA of Lpp/Lwl must be made.4 Making CSA of Lpp/Lwl CSA of displacement is only have 20 and use the Ldisp. It means that it can’t representaly the area of designed ship. The detailed steps are below. 48 . Then using mirror command to make the line as same length as Lwl.1) Making a horizontal line equals to half of Lwl. The end point is as a center (placed at station 10). 49 . Then divide into 20 station.5 Making Lwl and Lpp Lines 2) Making a Lpp line from the right end point of Lwl. Also deviding the line which is exclude Lpp line.2.Pict II. Copying a CSA of displacment curve. into two station (station -1 and -2). and place the end points into the end points of Lwl line. 50 . 51 . 52 Pict II.2.6 Dividing for Stations and Put The Curve 3) Making vertikal lines at each station until each reach the curve. Then the new area values of each station have obtained. Put the values to the table for correction. 53 54 00 0.2973 17.81 -1097.19 68.44 237.17 1.3629 56.227 455.1534 28.53 -106.0493 7.00 -51.20 29.76 932.3 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (AreaxFS) x n 0.22 237.52 213.00 949.341 894.2 5.36 59.44 237.3 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 10.974 312.68 2684.757 137.99 156.738 n 10.950 762.68 1.Pict II.56 -1050.2.44 233.656 116.61 113.5559 59.46 -1707.31 -936.3 Area x FS 0.6523 58.82 -1877.093 426. No.36 59.7 CSA of Lpp/Lwl The table is as below.1187 47.36 58.6308 53.2926 55.003 AP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2.61 -2719.437 468.4984 39.9211 8.70 -3810.61 234.000 -1 1.45 226.447 949.0422 4.82 -3191.47 190.21 55 .89 -949.6 10.880 949.76 0.760 474.17 223. Scaled Station Area -2 0 Area Fs 0.903 906.760 466. 34 2 4 417.8357 208.506 701.371 4 5 1670.86 56 .75 175.02 3506.1882 43.14 15 52. 107 6 7 1634.20 95.16 17 34.408 380.7567 136.45 2660.051 23.03 2 4 272.75 57 . 006 8 9 880.7632 4.18 19 13.05 18.84 675.06 58 .106 75.75 2 4 110.6879 55. 000 10 9294.429 ∑2 0.65 59 .00 -1905.FP 0 0.00 1 ∑1 0. 1 (0.2. where h = Lpp/ Simpson’s Rules = 8.195/3 . Ldisp/Lwl) = 168.86528 m3 Volume Lwl with = h/3 (∑1) .65 / 9294.5 Correction of CSA Lpp/Lwl A.554465 m = ∑2 / ∑1 x h = -1905.86528 .429 = 25389.63 . B . 30 . Volume of Lwl Volume Lwl at CSA = Lwl . B .5% | (25389.Simpson  VLwlCSA) | 100% VLwlCSA .86528) | x 100% 25471.324% B.817 . where x≤ 0. 9294.68023 m 60 .3585/168.28276 m3 x = 0. 8.Table II.3 CSA of Lpp/Lwl Data 2. x≤ 0.5% (CORRECT) = -0. 166. CbLWL = Lwl .2876  25471. T . Lcb Lcb NSP Lcb CSA | (VLwl .429 = -1. (Cb .817) = 25471. T . 51 1 7.66 5 47.26 AP 2.68023  -0.00 -1 1.019% .24 3 28.x .4984 113.00 0.80 2 17.2973 29.04 4 39.6308 190.17 0.99 7.47 9.554465) |  100% 163. Scaled Area Area Area / 2T Station -2 0 0.CSA  LcbNSP ) |  100% Lpp | (1.1534 68.19 1.9 = 0.20 0. Making A/2T and B/2 3. x ≤ 0.1% (CORRECT) 3.1 Making A/2T A/2T is a ratio of Area each station and twice of the Draugth. The calculation table is as below.0422 4. where x ≤ 0. No.61 4.52 11.76 61 .0493 8.1187 156.1% x | ( Lcb. 3629 56.18 13.6 7 53.61 13.6523 213.45 226.99 62 . 5559 59.22 237.44 14.46 14.36 234.8 9 58.66 63 . 66 14.44 14.66 64 .10 11 59.36 237.44 237.36 59. 17 223.81 65 .68 14.39 13.12 13 58.2926 55.9211 233. 14 15 52.1882 43.8357 208.75 175.34 12.89 10.82 66 16 17 34.051 23.7567 136.20 95.03 8.41 5.87 67 18 19 13.7632 4.6879 55.05 18.75 3.40 1.16 68 FP 0 0.3.1 A/2T Table 0.00 69 .00 Table II. Then making the vertikal lines each station as the data. 70 . and connecting with a curve. 71 . 3.Pict II.1 A/2T Curve 72 . 73 . these are the steps.3.2 Making B/2 B/2 is mean half of breadth at each station. To determined them. 1) Determining The Angle .φLpp = Cpdis x Ldisp / Lpp 74 . = 0.652 75 .6428 .9 = 0.3585 / 163. 166. 3585 76 .554465 / 166.-e = Lcb simpson / Ldisp = -0. 003 77 .=-0. φLpp) .4 .φf = φLpp + (1.652) x -0.4 .652 + (1.003 78 . e = 0.0. = 0.650 79 . 80 .φf value used for read a diagram below. 2 Determining the Bow Angle 81 .3.Small Cb Big Cb Pict II. 3o 2) Making a curve with 12.3o angle and 15 m height at parallel middle body 82 .The result is the angle = 12. 83 . 57 13.97 14.52 27.Pict II.49 15.89 84 . Station -2 -1 AP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Scaled Area 0 1.55 3.36 58.63 13.07 5.85 60.00 60.3 1.1534 28.0493 7.00 15.36 59.62 7.3629 56.0422 2.00 29.15 14.3 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 0.5559 59.94 FS Coor.59 28.9211 52.76 29.00 14. h x FS 0.000 2.2926 55.06 3.92 15.42 57.21 14.2973 17.6523 58.83 9.44 14. No.3.27 11.1882 Coordinat Heigth 0.4984 39.00 3.3 Making B/2 3) Making a data table for B/2.6308 53.2 1.08 23.66 37.00 30.99 22.00 15.1187 47.14 52. The table is as below.94 58.36 59. 74 85 .15 16 43.051 12.31 10.8357 34.24 20.37 4 2 49. 29 4 2 31.17 18 23.58 86 .7567 13.7632 7.39 10.85 5. 19 FP 4.53 0.6879 0 2.00 4 1 10.00 87 .12 0. 73 = 3702.02 % .2 B/2 Data 662.3.5% (CORRECT) 4.63 m2 x | ( Awl .248 + (0.5% x | (1809.817 .56) | 100% 3702.195 =1809. Modern ships’ bow 88 .778 x 0.3 Correction of B/2 The needed value is Area of Waterline (Awl). 0. α = 0. Making Bow and Stern Curve 4.56 m2 Awl simpson = 1/3 x ∑ 1 x h = 1/3 x 662.63  3702. x ≤ 0.731078706 Awl = Lwl x B x α = 168.46 3.778 x δlwl) = 0. 30 .Simpson  AwlCSA) |  100% AwlCSA .62) = 0.56 = 0.248 + (0.1 Making Bow Curve Before making a body plan. But α value must be known first. make the bow and stern curve first.∑1 = Table II. where x ≤ 0.46 x 8. 33 T = 0. and diameter of shaft.12 T = 0.33 (8. there is the calculation to determine the values of propeler’s diameter.65 (8.curve formed 15o from vertical line at FP.972 m 89 .7 T .1) = 5.6 . this calculation using 0.673 m . Pict II. 4.2 Making Stern Curve Before make a Stern Curve. rudder distance to the boss propeler.1 Bow Curve This curve continued up to reached main deck.1) = 2. The calculation is as below.1) =0.12 (8. Diameter of propeler D = 0.The distance of rudder to boss propeler α = 0. forecastle deck.0.65 T = 0. and bulwark.Diameter of Shaft e = 0.265 m .4. 835 m 90 .35 (8.b = 0.35 T = 0.1) = 2. 91 . And making a line with H+2T at left side and H+T at the right side. The first step of making a body plan is make a body plan box with Breadth (B) as the length. The ship is divided by stations which has same distance. Making a Body Plan Body plan is a ship with front point of view. 92 . Then the box divided by 2 at the center of Breadth line with Centerline. making a line with H+3T at the right side and H+T at the left side at the right box.Pict II. After that.3 Stern Curve Stern Curve Pict II. and the depth (H) as breadth. 93 . 94 . 95 . 4.4 Body Plan Box 96 .Pict II. 10. 97 . Put the curve to the left box for station AP . And the curve must be streamlined. The area of A2 should be as wide as A1. and to the right box for station 11 .Making a curve that intersects the A/2T and ends at B/2 at waterline. The detailed can be seen as picture below.FP. 4.5 Curve Area of Body Plan 98 .Pict II. It is the curve of the parallel middle body which have B/2 maximum value. making the radius of bilge.After that. 99 . Pict II.6 Radius of Bilge 10 0 .4. R R 0.5(( B  T )  Am (1  0.25   ) 0.1)  237.60 m 10 1 .25  3.4596 (1  0.5((30  8.14) = 3. The complete Body Plan is shown at the picture below.Then the body plan is finished. 10 2 . 10 3 . The distance of sent line’s height at a station is equal to the diagonal distance of that station to the intersection between centerline and draught waterline. and a curve at sheer plan.1 m WL. 3) Making a sent line below the half breadth plan’s curves. This design uses 0m WL. Or can be done by rotating the body plan for easier projection work. Then do projection to the half breadth plan as the measurement result.4.1 Making Buttock Lines Buttock line is vertikal lines at body plan. BL 2. Making Sheer Plan 7. 2 m WL.7 Body Plan 6. from centerline to the intersection between WL and each curves. 1) Making some waterline (WL) at Body plan design. 10 4 . 6 m WL. and 8. and BL 3 lines. Making A Half Breadth Plan The steps how to make half breadth plan are belows. The picture of complete half breadth is below. 2) Measuring the curves distance for each station. The steps to make buttock lines are below.Pict II. Or can be done by the way of picture below 4) The half breadth plan has fisnished. 7. horizontal lines at half breadth plan. The example is at the picture below. 4m WL. 1) At Body Plan The Breadth is divided by 8 and it will make BL 1. 1m WL. Determining Sterntube Bulkhead Determining the distance of AP to the shaft propeler (b = 0. This design used 600 mm frame space. It is 2. b should be placed at frame number which frame spacing is not to be greater than 600mm.835 m.1 Determining Sterntube Bulkhead. Engine Room Bulkhead. so b placed on 5th frame number ( 3 m from AP). This design picks 4 frame spacing so the sterntube bulkhead placed on 9 th frame number (5. and 3 other are behind the ship. Making Forecastle Deck. 3 parts are in front of midship.2 Making The Standard Sheer A sheer made is for additional buoyancy. The result is : 8.2) At Half Breadth The B/2 is divided by 4 parts. engine room bulkhead. Making a standard sheer is dividing Lpp into 6 parts. 7. Then the buttock lines can be made as horizontal line. and Bulwark 8. and Collision Bulkhead Before making forecastle deck.4 m from AP). Sterntube bulkhead should be placed not to be less than 3 frame spacing. 3) At Sheer Plan The buttock line is curves which is projection of buttock lines at body plan and buttock line at half bradth plan. and collision bulkhead should be determined first. b value has been obtained from the calculation before. A. Poop Deck. 10 5 . Sterntube Bulkhead.35T). Determining Collision Bulkhead Collision bulkhead shoul be placed 0.195 m . C.0.85H Lc = Lpp Collision bulkhead placed at 8.9 m .08 Lc from FP.48 ≤ 0. Lc value is taken from the bigger value one. This design uses 32 m distance. Determining Engine Room Bulkhead Engine room bulkhead can be determined if the frame spacing on cargo hold ( a0 ).80750498 m 500 a0 = 0.63125 and 188.78 m from AP.863 m and 32. or 96% Lwl = 163.2 m from AP. This design use 194 th frame number or 155. It is between 27. 10 6 .13.16544 m from 0. Lc is taken as 96% of the total Lwl at 85% H measured from top of the keel.8 m The engine room bulkhead should be placed at 17% .485 frame number. Lpp = 163. or as Lpp. placed at 40th frame number.112 m from FP or between 194.B.20% Lpp and should be placed at frame number. The formula of frame spacing is L a0   0.05 . 8.2 Determining 10 7 .
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