Lanci Snabdevanja - Definisanje i Per for Manse



The International Journal of TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS Međunarodni časopis TRANSPORT I LOGISTIKA UDC: 65.012.21:65.012.34 SUPPLY CHAINS - DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES LANCI SNABDEVANJA - DEFINISANJE I PERFORMANSE Jelena VLAJIĆ, Milorad VIDOVIĆ, Momčilo MILJUŠ Faculty of transport and traffic engineering, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Abstract: There are many papers in literature about supply chain, but these papers treated supply chain from several aspects. Describe supply chain as a system, network of organizations, sequence of activities, integrated process etc., which includes material and/or informational and financial flows. These aspects differ among themselves from several reasons – different philosophical or managerial approach, different view on activities, processes or flows through supply chain. Hence, right question is: what is the supply chain at all? Supply chain modeling, design or analysis depends on answer to previous question. Naturally, next question might be: what is most important performance of supply chain and how to measure it? Is there one important performance or there are several important performances? Many contradictory opinions can be found in relevant literature. Some authors pointed out financial performance, and some other criticizes this opinion as it is not enough. They say that financial performance can not show qualitative or some other elements of supply chain as customer service and flexibility are. Therefore, purpose of this paper is to give comprehensive overview of supply chain management, theirs characteristics, performances and typical performance measures for supply chain performance given in the relevant literature. Key words: supply chain, performance, performance measures Apstrakt: U literaturi se mogu naći mnogobrojni radovi o lancima snabdevanja, ali, ti radovi tretiraju lanac snabdevanja sa različitih aspekata. Oni opisuju lanac snabdevanja kao sistem, mrežu organizacija, niz aktivnosti, integrisani proces itd. u kojem se sadrže materijalni i/ili informacioni i finansijski tokovi. Ovi različiti stavovi postoje iz mnogih razloga – usled različitih filozofskih ili menadžerskih pristupa, različitih shvatanja aktivnosti, procesa ili tokova u lancu snabdevanja. Sledi da bi pravo pitanje bilo : Šta je u stvari lanac snabdevanja? Modeliranje, projektovanje ili analiza lanca snabdevanja zavisi od odgovora na prethodno pitanje . Naravno, sledeće pitanje bi moglo biti: Koja je najvažnija performansa lanca snabdevanja i kako je meriti? Da li postoji samo jedna, najvažnija peformansa u pitanju ili je u pitanju skup performansi? U postojećoj literaturi moguće je naći mnogo suprstavljenih teorija. Neki autori ističu finansijsku komponentu, ali drugi kritikuju to stanovište ističući da ono samo za sebe nije dovoljno. Oni ističu da finansijske performance ne ističu kvalitet ili neke druge elemente lanca snabdevanja kao što su opsluga korisnika i fleksibilnost. Stoga, svrha ovog rada je da pruži širi pregled problematike upravljanja lancima snabdevanja, njihovih karakteristika, performansi i najćeščih mera performansi lanca snabdevanja u relevantnoj literaturi. Ključne reči: lanac snabdevanja, performanse, mere performansi 85 J. Vlajić, M. Vidović, M. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS - DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L - 09/05 1 INTRODUCTION A great popularity of supply chain management as well as fields that are covered by supply chain exists nowadays not only in scientific and professional community, but also in practical domains as well. In spite of that, the fact that this large field has not been jet defined clearly, makes difficult supply chains overview, which is a necessity for their design and analysis. Applying even the best methods and techniques can not give good results if the supply chain itself has not been defined at the very beginning (i.e. what participants, which resources, how big their potentials are, their locations, process types, the way in which goods, information and financial flows are realized etc): the way supply chain is managed (who makes decisions, which management strategies are used, what impact could be made on certain chain members etc), how to estimate efficiency of supply chain (which performances should be observed, how and where their quantification should be made, in which way final performances are settled, a manner in which benchmarking is carried out etc). Having in mind a great number of published scientific papers covering this domain, the importance of questions mentioned so far is obvious. In the same time, another problem arose: having no standards or wider accepted rules and definitions, literature, although comprehensive, gives different answers on questions made. 1 UVOD Upravljanje lancima snabdevanja i uopšte oblast koju pokrivaju lanci snabdevanja danas uživa veliku popularnost u naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti, kao i u praksi. Uprkos tome, ta velika oblast još uvek nije jasno definisana, što u mnogome otežava sagledavanje lanaca snabdevanja u cilju njihovog projektovanja ili analize. Primena i najboljih metoda i tehnika ne može dati dobre rezultate ukoliko na samom početku nije definisano šta sačinjava sam lanac (koji učesnici, šta su njihovi resursi, koliki su njihovi potencijali, gde se oni nalaze, koji se procesi odvijaju u njemu, na koji način se realizuju robni, informacioni i finansijski tokovi i dr.), na koji način se upravlja lancem (ko donosi odluke, koje upravljačke strategije se koriste, koliki uticaj se može vršiti na pojedine članove lanca i dr.), kako odrediti uspešnost funkcionisanja lanca (koje performanse pratiti, kako i gde izvršiti njihovu kvantifikaciju, kako postaviti ciljne performanse, kako sprovoditi benchmarking i sl.). Očigledna važnost navedenih pitanja se vidi u velikom broju objavljenih naučnih i stručnih radova u ovoj oblasti. Tu nastaje drugi problem – iako obimna, prisutna literatura daje različite odgovore na postavljena pitanja, jer ne postoje standardi niti opšte prihvaćena pravila i definicije. SUPPLY CHAIN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Which are the key participants? Na kakvom tržištu posluje? Which are the key bussines processes? Koje se upravljačke strategije primenjuju? Koje su ključne performanse? Koje mere performansi? Kako merenje sprovoditi kod učesnika? Figure 1 Crucial questions from supply chain domain slika 1 Suštinska pitanja u domenu lanaca snabdevanja ... 86 However. Otuda. characteristics and their purpose can be still found. and ways of their quantification were pointed out. dok se funkcionisanje kompanija u kasnijim fazama razvoja u kojima započinje upravljanje lancima snabdevanja. were in fact modified seminars of production and logistics (Cooper at all. informacija i finansija. DEFINISANJE LANCA SNABDEVANJA I UPRAVLJANJA LANCEM SNABDEVANJA Proces razmene je započeo od trenutka kada su ljudi počeli da trampe različite proizvode međusobno. Today. whose subject was supply chain management. 2. Naime. many world congresses. Also. ovakva situacija predstavlja veliki problem za modeliranje lanca snabdevanja. in scientific and vocational literature numerous papers concerning supply chains can been found. kao i u ranim fazama razvoja naziva se tradicionalnim lancem.J. na različitim geografskim lokacijama. are being involved.e. Pored toga. final user. is called supply chain. performances. Connecting these companies.09/05 Hence. Vidović. preko stalnog razvoja procesa proizvodnje.). 1997. još uvek se mogu naći različiti radovi i podeljena mišljenja o definisanju. Vlajić. karakteristikama. whereas their functioning afterwards. and different geographical regions. upravljanja. different approaches to defining. lancem zahteva ili lancem vrednosti. and symposiums. obuhvatnosti. tj. Naravno. SUPPLY CHAIN AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT DEFINING From the moment when people have started with exchanging different products till nowadays. Od tada pa do danas. u osnovi su predstavljali modifikovane seminare iz proizvodnog ili logističkog domena (Cooper-ova i ostali. this situation makes a huge problem for supply chain modeling. u radu je učinjen pokušaj da se kroz kraći prikaz referentne literature iz ove oblasti ukaže na moguće pristupe definisanja koncepta lanca snabdevanja. but much earlierfrom the place of raw material supply till the place of demand. U proces razmene uključuje se sve veći broj kompanija iz različitih delatnosti. has been getting more and more complex. krajnjeg korisnika se naziva lancem snabdevanja.. Danas se u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi mogu naći brojni radovi čija se tematika odnosi na lance snabdevanja. shodno određenim fazama razvoja. supply chain.1 Tradicionalan versus savremeni lanac snabdevanja U većem broju radova može se naći kategorizacija lanaca snabdevanja na tradicionalni i savremeni. as well as different attitudes about basic elements.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . funkcionisanje kompanija u periodu pre nastanka lanaca snabdevanja. demand chain or value chain. osnovnim elementima. scope. Uprkos tome. performansi i mogućih načina njihove kvantifikacije i da se tako. and more and more companies from different areas. Namely. as it makes more difficult the answer on the question: «What should be modeled in fact?». the way in which companies were functioning in the period before supply chains arose. jer otežava odgovor na pitanje: «Šta zapravo treba modelirati?». cilju lanca snabdevanja i slično. već mnogo ranije – od početnog mesta snabdevanja sirovinama pa do mesta potražnje. in this paper the authors have tried to give contribution in highlighting of problems being mentioned. koliko je to bilo moguće. 87 . Naturally. not only from places of origin. i. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . with permanent development of production processes. 1997. 2. information and financial flows. M. and through short review of referential literature indicate possible ways of defining supply chain concepts. as well as in early stages of supply chains is called traditional. transportation system and other processes related to material. Povezivanje ovih kompanija ne samo od mesta ponude. transportnog sistema i ostalih pratećih procesa u tokovima materijala. 2.).1 Traditional versus modern supply chain In numerous papers one can find categorization onto traditional and modern supply chain what is connected with certain development phases. doprinese rasvetljavanju pobrojanih problema. M.. upravljanju. managing. when supply chain management 2. proces razmene je dobijao sve veći stepen kompleksnosti. mnogi svetski stručni i naučni skupovi čija se tematika odnosila na upravljanje lancima snabdevanja. administrative strategy Supply chain management. Service Slow logistics process. Quick transport time. Full capacity load. tretira kao (savremen) lanac snabdevanja. Karakteristike tradicionalnog i savremenog lanca snabdevanja se mogu sagledati shodno promenama pristupa u upravljanju materijalnim tokovima (Lambert. storing. Characteristic of traditional and modern approach to supply chain management Tabela 1. konfliktnih ciljeva između samih podsistema u jednoj takvoj kompaniji. Functional specialization. technologies with low production costs and full production capacities are used without having in mind their influence on logistic systems.). realizaciju narudžbine. Low costs. manji asortiman i proizvode sa dugim životnim vekom. Large number of suppliers. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . Low competition. hierarchical. a i između učesnika u tom “lancu snabdevanja“ su se mogle sagledati kroz (Vlajić. High service level. Information Paper administration. Electronic data processing. Vlajić. Production Low costs. where assortment is small and product life long. Small assortment. The consequences of that approach. Pri tome. u tradicionalnom lancu snabdevanja dominiraju gurani tokovi. management. a ne uzima se u obzir uticaj ovih proizvodnih karakteristika na logističke sisteme – transport. Classic. Enterprise Process oriented.J. High service level. Posledice ovakvog pristupa. Full capacity load. M. level Slow transport time. Long life cycle. Short life cycle. Production oriented. Wide assortment. “Static” market.a) (Tabela 1. “Dynamic” market. Product price domination. primenjuju se tehnologije koje obezbeđuju niske troškove proizvodnje i potpuno iskorišćenje proizvodnog kapaciteta. Small lot sizes. conflict objectives in a such company’s subsystems. too. but high flexibility. Product quality domination. Keen competition. Products High technology. and even between participants themselves in that «supply chain» may be observed through (Vlajić. Electronic way of data transfer. Global oriented. In the same time.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . 1998. Vidović. such are transportation. Manual data processing. In traditional supply chains pushed flows dominate: producers launch mass series of the same product. Karakteristike tradicionalnog i savremenog pristupa upravljanja lancem snabdevanja Aspects Traditional Modern (Supply chain management) Seller's market. Quick logistics process. 2005): 88 . Paperless. Market Moistly national oriented. independent work and tendency of local optimum achievement. Make instead of buy. but high inventory.). skladištenje. technology Classic way of data transfer. Large lot sizes. u kojima proizvođači lansiraju velike serije proizvoda. Small number selected suppliers. niti stvarne želje korisnika. but low flexibility. but low inventory. Long lead times. is denoted as modern. order realization. M. Stock i Ellram. Low technology. and even without thinking about consumer wishes. nezavisnog poslovanja i težnje za postizanjem lokalnih optimuma. Market oriented. Traditional and modern supply chain characteristics can be seen accordingly to changes in material flows management (Lambert. Buyer's market.09/05 has begun. 1998a) (Table 1. Stock and Ellram. Short lead times. Table 1. Buy instead make. 2005): Naime. a veći kvalitet proizvoda i usluge). − visoke troškove administracije i prenosa informacija (prikupljanja. Vlajić. time and quantity) − slow response on user complains and claims etc. inventories updating etc).). M. − Large percent of errors in products delivery (quantity. a samim tim i visoke troškove tih zaliha sa jedne strane. informacija i finansija. assortments and services creates higher competition on national markets.09/05 company/supply chain's competitively level on marketplace. − malu fleksibilnosti i spor odziv celokupnog lanca na promene na tržištu. reklamacija korisnika itd. a posebno na svetskom tržištu što omogućava veći izbor korisnicima. . obrade. orders fulfilling. Vidović. and particularly on global market. u pravo vreme. koji postavljaju sve kompleksnije zahteve ne samo pred proizvođače. − slabe mogućnosti za poređenje performansi i među samim učesnicima lanca snabdevanja i između lanaca snabdevanja u istim tipovima industrija. asortimana i usluga se pojavljuje sve veća konkurencija na nacionalnim tržištima. mesta i vremena isporuke). that gives as a result at one side high inventories’ expenses. ili česte nedostatke zaliha koje imaju veliki obrt. − a large number of chain participants. − absence of adequate information systems for identification of locations with product inventories in the supply chain and their quantification. − low flexibility and slow response of whole chain to market changes. M. ažuriranje zaliha i sl. − veliki broj zastoja u tokovima materijala. − veliki procenat grešaka u isporuci proizvoda (sa aspekta količine.) sa ostalim učesnicima i sprovođenjem upravljanja lancem snabdevanja mogu da se ostvare veće koristi (naročito ako se redukuje broj snabdevača na one koji mogu obezbediti niže cene. strategic unions etc. which as a consequence gives wider selection opportunities to the users. place and time of delivery aspects). Company management realizes that: -Decreasing -opadanje konkurentnosti kompanija/lanca snabdevanja na tržištu. asortimana. naročito snabdevača sa malim stepenom pouzdanosti (u domenu dostave proizvoda na pravo mesto.J. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS .DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . processing. and at another provoke frequent shortage of products with high turn over. razmene podataka) i veliki broj grešaka u dokumentaciji (vezano za procese prijema/otpreme proizvoda. − odsustvo adekvatnog računovodstvenog sistema koji bi identifikovao stvarne troškove proizvoda. − Absence of adequate accounting system that could identify real product producing expenses − High levels of inventories with small turn over in the chain. 89 − bližim povezivanjem (ostvarivanjem partnerskih odnosa.). However. especially suppliers with low reliability level (in sense of exact product delivery: right place. − visoke nivoe zaliha sa malim obrtom u lancu. and their demand towards producers and supply chains becomes more and more complex. − odsustvo adekvatnog informacionog sistema za praćenje lokacija na kojima se nalaze zalihe proizvoda u lancu snabdevanja i njihovu tačnu kvantifikaciju. exchanging data) and numerous errors in documentation (connected to product receiving/shipping. Menadžment kompanija uviđa da: − closer connection with other participants (by making partner relations. − a huge number of deadlocks in material. and also between supply chains in the same industry types. Međutim. nego i pred lance snabdevanja. − veliki broj učesnika u lancu. and information transfer costs (collecting. realizacije narudžbine. information and financial flows. strateških saveza. sa druge strane. − high administrative. − week possibilities for benchmarking performances between supply chain actors themselves. u pravoj količini) − sporo rešavanje žalbi. assortment. i sl. and supply chain managing may give more benefits (especially if number of supplier is decreased to those that can assure lower prices and higher product/service level). augmentation of producers. povećanjem broja proizvođača. sinhronizaciju i koordinaciju tokova materijala unutar i van same kompanije. product type. and that is necessary to concentrate on key processes whereas others can be outsourced to other service providers (for instance logistic service providers). controlling and management it is necessary to have right information on right time and at right place i. specific industry branches. tipa proizvoda. Proctor & Gamble. there are many companies such as Wal Mart. − all processes from the raw material supply to final product delivery can not be held under control. or in certain parts wont give global optimum (in such situation whole chain performance could become too low).) i od smanjenja profita (kompanije koje ulažu mnogo u zalihe vezuju svoj kapital). for which adequate information system and supportting technology at the chain level is necessary etc. da dobijena informacija mora biti aktuelna. understandable. M. konkretne grane industrije. Takođe.). taktičkim i operativnim problemima. razumljiva. synchronization and coordination in and out the company itself − it is necessary to develop adequate strategies by which supply chain management would be easier and by which demanded chain performances would be achieved (strategies must respect final user demand characteristics. One can find more and more papers devoted to this area (chain models. zalihe proizvoda koji se ne prodaju ili se sporo prodaju i sl. needs more flexible supply chain − turning to global supply chain.). tačna i istinita. potpuna i javna (Vešović. − achieving local optimum in company’s sectors. Sve ovo je uticalo sve veću popularnost upravljanja lancem snabdevanja – kako u teoriji. inventories that stay unsold or which are sold slow).09/05 − frequent changes in user demands. već da je potrebno da se koncentrišu na svoje ključne procese. complete and transparent (Vešović. blagovremena. augment risk of investing in inventories (product old fashioning. − postizanje lokalnih optimuma u pojednim delovima kompanija ili kod pojedinih članova lanca ne daje globalni optimum (u takvoj situaciji može da se dogodi da performanse čitavog lanca budu jako niske). shortening product life cycle. − sve procese od početnog snabdevanja sirovinama do isporuke gotovog proizvoda krajnjim korisnicima ne mogu efikasno držati pod kontrolom. davaocima logističkih usluga). strategic. 1998). proizvodnih procesa. All that have been said has rose higher supply chain management popularity both in theory and practice. M. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . a ostale procese prepuste drugim davaocima usluga (na primer. Vidović. demands finding more effective ways for material flaws managing. kontrolu i upravljanje lancem snabdevanja neophodno imati pravu informaciju. and a large product and service offering. Vlajić.J.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . production process type. − for efficient supply chain functioning. tako i u praksi. skraćenje životnog veka proizvoda i sl. − okretanje ka globalnom snabdevanju zahteva pronalaženje efikasnijih načina za upravljanje. and growing products’ differentiation. strateškim. 1998). različitim strategijama čiji je cilj minimiziranje troškova i/ili povećanje kvaliteta usluge korisnicima i njihovim efektima i dr. tj. mogućnosi snabdevanja itd. i u praksi se mogu naći mnoge kompanije sa formiranim lancima 90 . − korisnik postaje generator zahteva za proizvodnjom i da povećana proizvodna diferencijacija. − je za efikasno funkcionisanje. − user becomes production demand generator. zahteva veću fleksibilnost lanca snabdevanja. za šta je neophodna podrška odgovarajućeg informacionog sistema i tehnologije na nivou lanca itd. u pravo vreme i na pravom mestu. that information which is got must be up to date on time. exact and true. different strategies whose aim is to minimize expenses and/or increasing user service quality and their effects etc). supplying possibilities etc). AT − stalna promena zahteva korisnika i veliki izbor proizvoda i usluga povećavaju rizik od ulaganja u zalihe (zastarevanje proizvoda. tactical and operational problems. Coca-Cola. U literaturi se sve više mogu naći radovi posvećeni ovoj problematici (modelima lanaca. − je potrebno razviti odgovarajuće strategije kroz koje će se olakšati upravljanje lancima snabdevanja sa jedne strane i postići željene performanse lanca sa druge strane (strategije moraju respektovati karakteristike zahteva krajnjih korisnika. and risk of profit decreasing (companies that invest in inventories capture their capital).e. Also. production facilities.2 Pregled definicija lanca snabdevanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja u literaturi Mada se u literaturi od 1982. and for defining management concept itself. Benneton. Sears. M. kao što su Wal Mart. 2000). in and out the company. Original use of these terms. Campbell Soup. Georgia-Pacific Corp. its describing from theoretical aspect has begun just in ninetieth of previous century. 2. ali je taj početni opseg danas dosta proširen.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Sara Lee.09/05 & T. Authors have even conceptualized SCM differently within the same article: as a form of integrated system and as a management philosophy (Mentzer. Sara Lee. 2001). Barilla etc that have created and manage supply chains by different strategies. Prvobitna upotreba ovih izraza se odnosila na smanjenje zaliha unutar i van organizacija. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . Lanci snabdevanja se definišu sa različitim stepenom obuhvatnosti. distribution services and customers linked together via the feed-forward flow of materials and the feedback flow of information (source – Angerhofer and Angelides. different approaches are used – by some authors they are observed through operational activities in material flaws. Georgia-Pacific Corp. 91 snabdevanjima. Johnson & Johnson. which is far wider today. Heineken. pojavljuju definicije lanca snabdevanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja. Cilj upravljanja lancem snabdevanja je da se sinhroniziraju zahtevi korisnika sa tokom materijala od snabdevača kako bi se izvelo balansiranje između onoga što se često vidi kao konfliktan cilj između visokog nivoa opsluge korisnika. Hewlett-Packard. Reynolds Wrap. Heineken. Različitost tumačenja ovih pojmova može se videti kroz neke citiranije definicije iz naučnih radova: Prema Stevens-u (1989) lanac snabdevanja predstavlja sistem čiji su sastavni delovi snabdevači materijala. Coca-Cola. 2001). . proizvodni objekti. AT & T. U literaturi se danas može naći mnoštvo definicija lanca snabdevanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja. a neki ga sagledavaju sa aspekta upravljačkih procesa. Reynolds Wrap. Vidović. Diversities in interpretation can be seen from following definition quotation from scientific papers: According to Stevens (1989) supply chain is a system whose constituent parts include material suppliers. Johnson & Johnson. godine. Određeni autori čak u istom radu tretiraju upravljanje lancem snabdevanja na različit način – i kao oblik integrisanog sistema sa jedne strane i kao upravljačku filozofiju (Mentzer. Sears. Numerous definitions of supply chain and supply chain management can be found in literature. 2.J. 2001). Barilla i dr. koje njima upravljaju na bazi različitih strategija. Benneton. tek devedesetih godina prošlog veka se pristupilo njegovom opisivanju sa teorijskog aspekta u cilju razjašnjavanja razlike u odnosu na tradicionalnije pristupe upravljanja tokom materijala i odgovarajućih tokova informacija. niskog nivoa zaliha i niskih jediničnih troškova (izvor – Mentzer. with the objective to clarify differences with traditional approach to material flaw management and related information flaws.. lowinventory management. Whirpool. by others it is seen as managing philosophy. M. was related to decreasing inventories. 2001). 2000). and there are authors by which it is observed from process management aspect. Whirpool. a za definisanje njegovog upravljanja se koriste različiti pristupi – neki autori ga posmatraju kroz operativne aktivnosti u tokovima materijala. neki ga vide kao upravljačku filozofiju. Supply chains are defined with different scope level. distributivne službe i korisnici. Proctor & Gamble. The objective of managing the supply chain is to synchronize the requirements of the customer with the flow of materials from suppliers in order to effect a balance between what are often seen as conflicting goals of high customer service. povezani zajedno preko toka materijala i povratnog toka informacija (izvor – Angerhofer i Angelides. and low unit cost (source – Mentzer. Warner Lambert. Vlajić. Warner Lambert.. Hewlett-Packard. Campbell Soup.2 Supply chain and supply chain management definitions – literature overview Although supply chain and supply chain management defining one could follow from 1982. a u njih spada snabdevanje sirovinama i delovima. distributors.e. lanac snabdevanja predstavlja mrežu organizacija koje su povezane dvosmerinim vezama. M.09/05 According to Christopher (1994). kao što su trgovački. order entry and order management. According to Lummus and Vokurka (1999) supply chain can be stated as: All the activities involved in delivering a product from raw material through to the customer including sourcing raw materials and parts. Upravljanje lancem snabdevanja koordinira i integriše sve ove aktivnosti u jedan proces. Lummus i Vokurka (1999) smatraju da se lanac snabdevanja može definisati kroz sve aktivnosti koje se odnose na isporuku proizvoda do korisnika. lanac snabdevanja obuhvata sve kompanije koje učestvuju u proizvodnji/preradi. Po Christopher-u (1994). According to Chow at all (1994). Supply chain management coordinates and integrates all of these activities into a seamless process. različitim procesima i aktivnostima koje stvaraju vrednost u obliku proizvoda i usluga za krajnjeg korisnika. manufacturing and assembly. This chain is traditionally characterized by a forward flow of materials and a backward flow of information. It links all of the partners in the chain including departments within an organization and the external partners including suppliers. at the other end. distribucija duž svih kanala. (2) pretvaraju te sirovine u određene gotove proizvode i (3) isporučuju ove gotove proizvode trgovcima. According to Stewart (1995). distribution across all channels.J. supply chain comprises all companies that participate in transforming. proizvođači. Vlajić. M. carriers. selling and distributing the product from raw material to the final consumer.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Prema Thomas-u i Griffin-u (1996) upravljanje lancem snabdevanja se definiše kao upravljanje materijalnim i informacionim tokovima i unutar i između objekata. Ovakav lanac je tradicionalno okarakterisan tokom materijala i povratnim tokom informacija. manufacturing and assembly plants and distribution centers. (2) convert these raw materials into specified final products. lanac snabdevanja se sastoji iz onih logističkih i informacionih elemenata koji su prožeti agregiranim zahtevima tržišta sa jedne strane i isporukom određenog proizvoda/usluge korisniku sa druge strane. and information systems providers. such as vendors. Vidović. distributeri i trgovci) koji rade zajedno u cilju da: (1) nabavljaju sirovine. unos narudžbina i upravljanje realizacijom narudžbine. Ono povezuje sve partnere u lancu uključujući odeljenja unutar organizacije i spoljne partnere. and (3) deliver these final products to retailers. and retailers) work together in an effort to: (1) acquire raw materials. davaoci usluga i kompanije u oblasti informacionih sistema. and by specific product/service delivery at the customer site. supply chain is the network of organizations that are involved. prevoznici. According to Beamon (1998). prodaji i distribuciji proizvoda od izvorišta sirovina do krajnjih korisnika. a supply chain may be defined as an integrated process wherein a number of various business entities (i. According to Thomas and Griffin (1996) supply chain management is the management of material and information flows both in and between facilities. proizvodni i montažni objekti i distributivni centri. warehousing and inventory tracking. third-party companies. and the information systems necessary to monitor all of these activities.. supply chain consists of those logistical and informational elements which are bounded by the aggregate demands of the marketplace at one end. skladištenje i praćenje zaliha. Prema Beamon-u (1998). suppliers. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . lanac snabdevanja se može definisati kao integrisani proces u kome se nalaze brojni različiti poslovni entiteti (kao što su snabdevači. kao što su snabdevači. in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer. Prema Stewart-u (1995). delivery to the customer. proizvodnja i montaža. Prema Chow-u i ostalima (1994). through upstream and downstream linkages. manufacturers. 92 . isporuka korisnicima i informacioni sistemi koji su neophodni za praćenje svih ovih aktivnosti. suppliers. (5) olakša razmena informacija između različitih poslovnih entiteta (kao što su snabdevači. Vlajić. (5) facilitate information exchange among various business entities (e. and information that add value for customers and other stakeholders. aviona i okeanskih plovila) i logističkih informacionih sistema koji su povezani preko snabdevačevih snabdevača i korisnikovih korisnika. trains. Prema Simchi-Levi i ostalima (2000). logistički davaoci usluga i maloprodaja). for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole. Mentzer (2001) defines supply chain is defined as a set of three or more entities (organizations or individuals) directly involved in the upstream and downstream flows of products. According to Frazelle (2002) supply chain is the network of facilities (warehouses. Mentzer (2001) definiše lanac snabdevanja kao niz od tri ili više entiteta (organizacionih ili pojedinačnih) koji su direktno uključeni u dvosmerne tokove proizvoda. Min i Zhou (2002) posmatraju lanac snabdevanja kao integrisani sistem koji sinhronizuje niz međuzavisnih poslovnih procesa u cilju da se: (1) nabavljaju sirovine i delovi. Hensher and Brewer (2004) think that supply chain management comprises all business and management activities that are used for transforming input resources in products and services. vozova. (3) dodaje vrednost ovim proizvodima. so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right time. distributors.g. and/or information from a source to a customer. (4) distribute and promote these products to either retailers or customers. (3) add value to these products. In their work Lambert and Cooper (2000) used following definition: Supply chain management is the integration of key business processes from end user through original suppliers that provides products. stores and homes). Hensher i Brewer (2004) smatraju da upravljanje lancem snabdevanja obuhvata celokupan niz poslovnih i upravljačkih aktivnosti koje se koriste za pretvaranje ulaznih resursa u proizvode i usluge. transportnih sredstava (kamiona. (4) ovi proizvodi distribuiraju i promovišu bilo prodavcima bilo korisnicima. M. Lambert i Cooper (2000) definišu upravljanje lancem snabdevanja kao integraciju ključnih poslovnih procesa od krajnjeg korisnika do početnih snabdevača koji obezbeđuju proizvode. in order to minimize system wide costs while satisfying service level requirements. services. na pravu lokaciju i u pravo vreme. vehicles (trucks. sa svrhom dugoročnog poboljšanja performansi kako samih kompanija tako i celokupnog lanca snabdevanja. Upravljanje lancem snabdevanja definiše kao sistemsku. terminals. luka. strategijsku koordinaciju tradicionalnih poslovnih funkcija i taktika koje se primenjuju u ovim poslovnim funkcijama unutar određene kompanije i unutar lanca snabdevanja. proizvođača. strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain. finansija i/ili informacija od izvorišta do korisnika. upravljanje lancem snabdevanja predstavlja niz pristupa koji se koriste za efikasno integrisanje snabdevača. distributeri. (2) transform these raw materials and parts into finished products. factories. usluga. skladišta i maloprodajnih objekata. Min and Zhou (2002): “supply chain“ is integrated system which synchronizes a series of inter-related business processes in order to: (1) acquire raw materials and parts. and ocean vessels) and logistics information systems connected by an enterprise’s supplier’s suppliers and its customer’s customers. planes. 93 . sa ciljem da se minimiziraju troškovi u sistemu dok se zadovoljavaju zahtevi za opslugom. manufacturers. Frazelle (2002) smatra da lanac snabdevanja predstavlja mrežu objekata (skladišta.J. fabrika. tako da se roba proizvodi i distribuira u pravoj količini. ports. M. (2) ove sirovine i delovi transformišu u gotove proizvode. maloprodajnih objekata i domaćinstava).DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L .09/05 According to Simchi-Levi at all (2000). and stores. usluge i informacije koje dodaju vrednost za korisnike i ostale ulagače. manufacturers. services. terminala. supply chain management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers. Vidović. third-party logistics providers and retailers). warehouses. Supply chain management is defined as the systemic. proizvođači. finances. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . org). Cooper and Pagh (1998). (2005). pa do Definition of supply chain management differ across authors. koji razmatraju razlike između oblasti i definisanja logističkog upravljanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja i daju osnovne komponente njegovog upravljanja. može se zaključiti da još uvek ne postoji opšte prihvaćena definicija lanca snabdevanja. Mentzer at all (2001. M. Tan (2001) gives a list of definition connected with supply chain management and its scope from the supply aspect (the emphasis is on strategic supplier selection). as well as examples of companies with real supply chains. According Vlajić. target market (national or global). Ipak. way of information flow realization. motives and development phases. politics and supply resources. a da se upravljanje lanacem snabdevanja odnosi na integraciju. in literature there is relatively small number of papers that discuss this subject directly. broj članova i njihov uticaj na rad lanca. niti njegovog upravljanja4. kao i primere kompanija sa realnim lancima snabdevanja. Cooper. and supply chain management. coordination and synchronization. 2 Even definition of supply chain.). u literaturi je relativno mali broj radova koji konkretno razmatraju ovu tematiku.09/05 Although difficulties in terminology defining concerning supply chains still exist. dimension. number of members and their influence on chain functioning. Lummus and Vokurka (1999) give supply chain definitions overview. veličinu. proposed by Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals isn't official nor wider accepted (www. on different levels from strategically. to je posledica kompleksnosti i raznovrsnosti lanaca snabdevanja – u odnosu na vrstu i karakteristike proizvoda/industrije. motive i faze razvoja. Prema Vlajić. geographical position. Vlajić. implementation of a management philosophy.). and a set of management processes. its defining and supply chain management. Vidović. they can be classified into three categories: a management philosophy. pa do krajnjeg korisnika. načine realizacije informacionih tokova. based on direct suppliers resoutces’ capacity and technology). Pagh (1998). and transport and logistic aspects in retail and gross sale (the emphasis is on physical distribution and integrated logistic). their management. njihove klasifikacije i aspekte povratnim tokom materijala. Iz datog pregleda. From the given review. M. Yet. kategorija implementacije upravljačke filozofije i niz upravljačkih procesa. 1 Iako još uvek postoje problemi definisanja termina vezanih za oblast lanaca snabdevanja. it can be concluded that supply chain management is related to all members activities and processes integration. their classifications and points of view1.J. sa aspekta snabdevanja (akcenat na strateškom izboru snabdevača). from production aspect (the emphasis is laid on producer efficiency and competitiveness. give overview and comments concerning supply chain definitions given by different authors. 3 94 . koji su povezani: tokom materijala. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . 4 Čak ni definicija lanca snabdevanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja koju je dala organizacija Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals nije zvanična. Tan (2001) daje pregled definicija vezanih za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja i njegove obuhvatnosti. Also. opšte prihvaćena (www. it can be concluded that there is no generally accepted supply chain definition neither its management definition2. it can be concluded that supply chain comprises all participants from starting supplier to final user. njihovu geografsku poziciju. and they give management basic. može se zaključiti da lanac snabdevanja obuhvata sve učesnike od početnog snabdevača. definicije upravljanja lancem snabdevanja se mogu klasifikovati na tri kategorije: kategorija upravljačke filozofije. preko taktičkih. (2005). ciljno tržište (nacionalno ili svetsko). Lummus i Vokurka (1999) daju pregled definicija lanaca snabdevanja i njihovog upravljanja. that is a consequence of supply chain complexity and diversity – concerning product/industry type and characteristics. information flaw (managing and controlling). discuss differences between scope of logistic management. Neki od osnovnih su: Lambert. and financial flaw. comprising or not comprising financial and reverse goods flows etc. Some of basic: Lambert.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . cscmp. Mentzer i ostali (2001. tactical to operational activities. koordinaciju i sinhronizaciju aktivnosti i procesa kod svih učesnika lanca na različitim nivoima – od strateških. Prema njima. informacionim tokovima (upravljačkim i kontrolnim) i finansijskim tokovima. cscmp. obuhvaćenost ili neobuhvaćenost finansijskih i povratnih robnih tokova i sl. all connected by material and reverse material flaw. sa aspekta proizvodnje (akcenat na poboljšanju efikasnosti i konkurentske prednosti proizvođača oslanjajući se na kapacitete i tehnologiju neposrednih snabdevača) i sa aspekta transporta i logistike u oblasti veleprodaje i maloprodaje (akcenat na fizičkoj distribuciji i integrisanoj logistici). daju pregled i komentare vezane za definicije lanaca snabdevanja od strane različitih autora. politiku i izvore snabdevanja. information. Ključnih poslovnih procesa6 u lancu snabdevanja. cilj upravljanja lancem snabdevanja je podizanje njegove profitabilnosti. There are also papers in which the emphasis is given on configuration. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . Naravno. or on particular flow (goods. realizacija informacionih i robnih tokova. and the chain is defined in narrow and broader sense. informacija i finansija i takav tip lanca se često naziva interorganizacioni lanac snabdevanja. Lanac snabdevanja u užem smislu se odnosi na veliku kompaniju sa poslovnicama koje se nalaze na različitim lokacijama. according to Lambert (1998). u nekim radovima se. adequate overview is not possible without having in mind all mentioned facts. product development etc. procurement. complete overview of supply chain is not possible without analysis of three key components: Supply chain network structure. nivo opsluge korisnika. However.3. 2. Supply chain in broader sense consist from two or more legally independent organizations which are connected by material.e. Vlajić. in some papers. production. by raising the user service level on one side and by lowering total chain expenses on another side. Za postizanje zadatog cilja neophodno je ispuniti niz preduslova vezanih za neometano funkcionisanje robnih. ili organizacija. information and finance flows. lanci snabdevanja sagledavaju sa aspekta vlasništva. and that can be done by raising or maintaining its competitiveness level i. pri sagledavanju lanca snabdevanja se naglašava njegova konfiguracija. adekvatno sagledavanje lanca snabdevanja nije moguće bez uzimanja u obzir svih navedenih činilaca. utvrđuje se strukturna dimenzije mreže i tipovi poslovnih veza u procesima. by which key supply chain members are identified. U drugim radovima. informacioni ili finansijski) i slično. structural dimensions of the network and types of process links across supply chain are determined. načini saradnje. Supply chain in narrow sense is related to big company with agencies on different locations. and such chain is often called interorganisational supply chain. proizvodnja. informacionih i finansijskih tokova. Vidović. Komponente lanca snabdevanja Obuhvatnost i konfiguracija lanaca snabdevanja su u bliskoj korelaciji sa različitim definicijama samog lanca. management strategy. kojom se identifikuju ključni članovi lanca. prema Lambert-u (1998).) 95 .DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Supply chain key business processes5. Međutim. for instance.3. customer service level. pri čemu se stalno mora respektovati činjenica da svaki član lanca utiče na visinu ukupnih troškova i na vrednost proizvoda/usluge za krajnjeg korisnika. preko podizanja nivoa opsluge korisnika sa jedne strane i snižavanja ukupnih troškova lanca sa druge strane. snabdevanje i plasman. M. overview of supply chains is given from the aspect of ownership. što se može ostvariti samo preko podizanja ili održavanja nivoa konkurentnosti tj. 1998. ili procesi. operativnih aktivnosti.09/05 always respecting the fact that any chain's member has influence on total expenses and on product/service value for final user. potpuno sagledavanje lanca snabdevanja nije moguće bez sagledavanja njegove tri osnovne komponente: Strukture lanca snabdevanja. Hence. by which relationships with customers are defined . Lanci snabdevanja u širem smislu se sastoje iz dve ili više pravno nezavisnih organizacija. and such chain is called intraorganisational supply chain. information and capital. For achieving aim has been defined. Seven key bussiness processes in supply chain are identifyed by members of Global Supply Chain Forum (Lambert. Tako. the aim of supply chain management is raising its profitability. finance) etc. Pored navedenih definicija. razvoj proizvoda i sl. na primer. it is necessary to fulfill series of prerequisites that are connected with smooth flows of goods. često u različitim državama i takav tip lanca se naziva intraorganizacioni lanac snabdevanja. Apart from definitions mentioned. often in different countries. Naturally. ways of cooperation. pa se definiše lanac snabdevanja u užem i u širem smislu. processes. Components of supply chain Supply chains scope and configuration are in close correlation with different definitions of the chain itself. 1998) 5 6 Članovi Global Supply Chain Forum-a identifikovali su sedam ključnih poslovnih procesa u lancu snabdevanja (Lambert. organization. 2. ili upravljačka strategija iIi samo jedna vrsta toka (robni. information and goods flows realization. M.J. koje su povezane tokovima materijala. kojima se definišu odnosi sa korisnicima. placement. 3. information and financial flaws. measure and a pointer which describes relevant criteria in a precisely defined way. and by which it is possible to develop chain concept. a na bazi kojih je moguće razviti koncept lanca. but there is only a small number of researches dedicated to supply chain performances measures (Lamber and Pohlen. 2001). parametara. Vlajić. 3. According to Beamon (1999) performance Upravljačkih komponenti u lancu. M. 3. can be found in literature. parameters. Ovakav pristup sagledavanju lanaca snabdevanja omogućava potpuno sagledavanje najvažnijih elemenata iz kojih se sastoji lanac. define its scope from the aspect of participant as well of goods. Jedna perfomansa može imati više različitih mera. The very value of the performance is represented by performance's measurement. pokazateljem koji opisuje relevantni kriterijum na jasno definisan način. Vidović. to jest pojavljuju u radovima koji su posvećeni teorijskoj problematici izbora performansi i adekvatnih mera performansi. etc. Sama vrednost performanse se predstavlja merom performanse. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . 2001). This approach to supply chain overview enable complete overview of the most important elements that create supply chain. koje se definišu kroz vidljive i merljive komponente preko koji se realizuje upravljanje i kontrola (fizička i tehnička grupa) i komponente koje opisuju organizaciono ponašanje (upravljačke i behaviorne komponente). performances in generalized sense represent a term which meaning can be used as a common denominator of various ratios.1 Aspects of supply chain performances defining and categorization Many papers dedicated to performance analysis and classification (mostly at single company level) can be found in available literature. ali je malo istraživanja bilo posvećeno merama performansi lanaca snabdevanja (Lambert i i Pohlen. which are defined through visible and measurable components by which management and control are realized (physical and technical group) and components that describe organizational behavior (managerial and behavioral components).1 Pristupi definisanju i kategorizaciji performansi lanca snabdevanja U raspoloživoj literaturi se može naći mnogo radova posvećenih analizi i klasifikaciji performansi (najčešće na nivou jedne kompanije. što predstavlja polaznu tačku za modeliranje. kvantifikacije i slično. dok u tehnici predstavljaju pojam kojim se opisuju određene osobine (karakteristike) elemenata i sistema. their categorization. characteristics and measurers. According to Vidovic (1997). definisati njegovu obuhvatnost sa aspekta učesnika i robnih. PERFORMANSE LANACA SNABDEVANJA U literaturi se mogu naći različiti pristupi definisanju performansi lanaca snabdevanja. Prema Vidoviću (1997). namely units which appear in papers dedicated to theoretical problems of performances’ selection and adequate performance measurement. M.J. while in techniques they represent a concept used to describe specific properties (characteristics) of elements and systems. izmeriteljem. njihove kategorizacije. karakteristika i izmeritelja. A single performance can contain more than one different measure. subject of key chain performances selection will be presented with overview of performances and performance measures which are being tracked on chain level. In this section. quantification. that is modeling process starting point. 3 SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCES Various approaches to defining supply chain performances. informacionih i finanskijskih tokova. U ovoj tački biće ukratko predstavljena problematika izbora ključnih performansi lanca sa pregledom performansi i mera performansi koje se najčešće prate na nivou lanca. Prema Beamonu (1999) mere performansi (ili sistem mera performansi) se 96 .DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . performanse u uopštenom smislu predstavljaju termin čije značenje se može koristiti kao zajednički imenitelj različitih koeficijenata.09/05 Supply chain management components. then can be classified on soft and hard. odnosno. where: Soft performance measures usually represents customer perception about customer service and they are related to effectiveness and efficiency.): internal (they represent "inner" characteristics of logistic subsystems and relate to technicaltechnological. economical and other relevant characteristics of this systems). Prema njemu. organizacione. eksterne perfomanse su kompleksne višeatributne funkcije internih performansi). According to him. logističke performanse se mogu klasifikovati na (Vidović. sa aspekta logističkog sistema. in other words. In papers where logistic systems are viewed from the aspect of system theory. external (they represent a "result" of logical system functioning and a reflection of quality level and economy of realization of logistical processes. tačno i sa malim troškovima. pojmovi internih i eksternih performansi zavise od nivoa posmatranja i obuhvatnosti sistema kao celine. by determining the values of the decision variables that yield the most desirable level(s) of performance. Prema Chow-u i ostalima (1994). this author categorizes main performances in logistical systems into four groups: safety of koriste za utvrđivanje efektivnosti i/ili efikasnosti sistema. U odnosu na posmatrani sistem. Istovremeno. they are multi-dimensional and. u literaturi se mogu naći različite klasifikacije performansi i njihovih mera. or to compare competing alternative systems or to design proposed systems. Concerning this aspect. so they should be perceived provisory.09/05 measures (or performance measurement system) is used to determine the efficiency and/or effectiveness of an existing systems. Therefore. various performance classifications and their measures can be found in literature. U radovima u kojima se logistički sistemi posmatraju sa aspekta teorije sistema. conceptually. ili za poređenje alternativa ili za projektovanje datih sistema kroz određivanje vrednosti varijabli odlučivanja koje daju najpoželjniji nivo (najpoželjnije nivoe) perfomansi. navedeni autor kategorizuje osnovne performanse u logističkom sistemu na četiri grupe: bezbednost 97 . Isto tako. eksterne (predstavljaju "rezultat" funkcionisanja logističkog sistema i odraz nivoa kvaliteta i ekonomičnosti realizacije logističkih procesa. Simultaneously. a potom i eventualno porede sa performansama ostalih kompanija (najčešće se radi o elementima finansijske statistike i elementima statistike troškova). ekonomske i druge relevantne karakteristike ovih sistema). te ih treba shvatiti krajnje uslovno. logističke performanse se mogu tretirati kao podskup jednog šireg pojma performansi na nivou kompanije ili u okviru organizacije. konceptualno. they are the reflection of logistic system and a way it functioning in an environment. Gledajući sa tog aspekta. pri čemu: meke performanse najčešće predstavljaju percepciju korisnika o realizovanoj usluzi i govore o efektivnosti i efikasnosti. 1997. one su odraz logističkog sistema i načina njegovog funkcionisanja u okruženju. 1997. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . In regard to the observed system. tvrde performanse mogu da se prikupe lako. external performances are complex multi-attribute functions of internal performances). Vidović. from the logistical system aspect. Hard performance measures can be easy. različiti autori opredeljuju za različite definicije i klasifikacije. According to Chow at all (1994). the ideas of internal and external performances depend on observation level and closure of system as a whole. M. accurate and inexpensive to collect. organizational.): interne (predstavljaju "unutrašnje" karakteristike logističkih podsistema i odnose se na tehničko-tehnološke. logistic performances can be classified on (Vidović. M. Likewise. and than they can be eventually compared with other companies performances (in most cases they are represented by financial statistic and cost accounting elements). one su multidimenzionalne i kao takve se mogu klasifikovati na meke i tvrde.J. Iz tog razloga se.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . different authors choose different definitions and classifications. Vlajić. as such. logistic performances may be viewed as a subset of the larger notion of firm or organizational performance. a ne samo jednog učesnika u lancu. defining and monitoring performances on supply chain level. M. distribucija i skladištenje. načina proračunavanja. service level7 and logistical costs. mere performansi moraju biti tako definisane da odražavaju zajedničke ciljeve svih. transportation and warehousing. supply. computing method. Besides. Problem which arises when. kvalitet opsluge korisnika itd.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . techno-exploitation performances. 98 . Vidović.09/05 logistical processes and their relation to the ecosystem. 3. and measurement conducting pursuant to needs of individual companies. Problem of identification and performance measures definition. 2005): 1. 10 Osnovni logističke aktivnostii procesi su: odziv na zahteve korisnika. and that the focus should be put on the final customer. potrebno je razmotriti i definisati performanse i njihove mere koji će odgovarati prirodi lanca. 2005): 1. it is not possible to apply only one performance measure. Pored toga.J. koji proizilazi iz različitog definisanja lanca snabdevanja. which comes from different definitions of supply chain. njegovih članova ili grupacija članova sa aspekta značenja.gubi se iz vida da svaki učesnik dodaje vrednost proizvodu/usluzi za krajnjeg korisnika i da fokus treba biti na krajnjem korisniku. a samim tim i procesa koji se u njemu realizuju. but corresponding system of performance measurements has to be applied (like logističkih procesa i odnos prema ekosistemu. and therefore the processes which are realized in it. 4. 2. planiranje i upravljanje zalihama. definisanja i praćenja performansi na nivou lanca. tehno-eksploatacione performanse. 4. Izabrane mere za vrednovanje performansi se moraju posmatrati sa istog aspekta u celom lancu i kod svih učesnika. Frazelle (2002) kategorizuje performanse prema logističkim aktivnostima10 i to na performanse u finansijskom i kvalitativnom domenu. već se mora primeniti odgovarajući sistem mera performansi (kao što su proračunske šeme. due to the complexity of process which is being realized in the supply chain. However. postoji više problema koji se dotiču ove oblasti (Vlajić. but not for supply chains. service quality. Problem izbora mera za vrednovanje performansi lanca snabdevanja. performance measurements must be defined so that they reflect common goals of all. inventory planning and management. Problem identifikovanja. S obzirom da je lanac snabdevanja širi sistem u odnosu na logistiku. servis stepen9 i logistički troškovi. 8 Basic logistic activity are: customer response. many techniques and measures described in literature are designed for performance measurement development in companies. Measures selected as performance measures must be viewed from the same aspect in the whole chain and with all members. not only one chain member. where their results (most often) are not shared with other chain members – it is overlooked that every member adds value to a product/service for the final customer. 3. a ne za lance snabdevanja. 7 Servis stepen se još naziva nivo opsluge korisnika. there are many problems related to the field: (Vlajić. Concerning the fact that supply chain is a broader system than logistics. mnoge tehnike i mere koje su opisane u literaturi su namenjene za razvoj mera performansi za kompanije. domenu produktivnosti i performanse koje se mere u odnosu na vremensku komponentu. data gathering and likewise. Problem identifikacije i definisanja mera performansi. pri čemu se njihovi rezultati (najčešće) ne dele sa ostalim učesnicima lanca . Frazelle (2002) categorize performances according to logistic activities8: financial. Problem of selection performances measures for evaluation of supply chain. etc. it's members or member groups from the aspect of meaning. Problem of identifying. 2. quality and productivity performance measures and cycle time performance measures. Problem koji nastaje kada usled kompleksnosti procesa koji se realizuju u lancu snabdevanja nije moguće primeniti samo jednu meru performansi. M. kao i sprovođenja merenja shodno potrebama individualnih kompanija. snabdevanje. performances and their measures which will match the nature of the chain should be considered. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . sakupljanja podataka i sl. 9 Service level is also denoted as customer service level. Vlajić. Međutim. transport. kako bi se omogućilo poređenje sa konkurentskim sistemima. . Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . 5. in local performance optimization of a single chain member or a single group in a company. supply chain performance measurements must have following characteristics: Inclusiveness: all supply chain pertinent aspects should be enclosed by performance measures. and rarely viewing performance measures in context of future supply chain management development. in missed possibilities for boosting chain competivity and in conflicts in supply chains. (Lambert and Pohlen. definisanja i praćenja performansi i njihovih mera u lancu snabdevanja usložnjava kompleksnost samog lanca. Problem of retrospective performance measures treatment (usually just for control purposes). 2001. Problem retrospektivnog tretiranja mera performansi (obično samo u kontrolne svrhe). Univerzalnost: mere performansi treba da budu poredive u različitim uslovima rada sistema. schemes based on rules. Prema Beamon-u (1999). or targeted schemes). 5. Universality: performance measures should allow comparison under various operating conditions. so that an accurate and forehand evaluation of performances can be enabled. Measurability: all data on which performance measurement is based on have to be measurable. and material flows may be perceived) 6. Problem of frequent use of only financial performances in practice which do not give the whole picture of supply chain functioning quality (only when some no financial measures are applied relations with physical processes. 6. It can be concluded that a lack of adequate performance measures in supply chains. so that comparison by concurrent systems can be achieved.2 Defining of supply chain performances and performance measures – literature review Besides traditional question of "what to measure". "when to realize the measuring" and "how to realize the measurement". materijalnih tokova u lancu snabdevanja). M. M. problematiku utvrđivanja. defining and tracking in the supply chain complicates even more the complexity of the chain. 99 šeme bazirane na pravilima ili ciljne šeme). so that the similar performance level can be achieved in the chain itself and at its members. Vlajić. results in mistakes in fulfilling consumer demands and/or consumers expectations.09/05 computation schemes.) 3. According to Beamon (1999). mere performansi lanca snabdevanja moraju imati sledeće karakteristike: Sadržajnost (obuhvatnost): merama performansi treba da budu obuhvaćeni svi relevantni aspekti lanca snabdevanja. a ređe razmatranje mera perfomansi u kontekstu budućeg razvoja lanca snabdevanja itd. kako bi se omogućilo tačno i pravovremeno vrednovanje performansi. 2001.2 Definisanje performansi i mera performansi lanca snabdevanja – pregled literature Pored tradicionalnih pitanja »šta treba meriti«. sistem mera performansi se sastoji iz više različitih mera performansi koje su povezane različitim relacijama. lokalnom optimizacijom performansi jednog učesnika lanca ili jedne celine u kompaniji. the problem of performances and performance measures identification.) 3.J. wrong or different way of their quantification.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . etc. »kad realizovati merenje« i »kako realizovati merenje«. Merljivost: svi podaci na kojima se bazira merenje performansi moraju biti merljivi. kako bi se osigurao sličan nivo performansi i u samom lancu i kod njegovih članova. ispuštenim mogućnostima za podizanje konkurentnosti lanca i konfiliktima u lancu snabdevanja (Lambert i Pohlen. performance measurement system consists of several different performance measures which are connected with various relations. Problem česte primene samo finansijskih performansi u praksi koje ne daju sveobuhvatnu sliku kvaliteta funkcionisanja lanca snabdevanja (tek sa primenom nekih nefinansijskih performansi se može uočiti povezanost za realizacijom fizičkih procesa tj. Može se zaključiti da nedostatak odgovarajućih mera performansi u lancu snabdevanja. pogrešnog ili raličitog načina njihove kvantifikacije rezultuje greškama u ispunjavanju zahteva korisnika i/ili njihovih očekivanja. Vidović. in which individual performances and performance measures are presented.J. Of course. Performance and performance measures Tabela 3 Performanse i mere perfomansi (izvor: Stadler i Kilger. Beamon (1999). Stadler-a i Kilger-a (2002). Delivery Performance Assets and Inventories Time of activity realization Flexibility * * * Capacity utilization Order lead time Author/performance Stewart (1995) Beamon (1999) Stadler and Kilger (2002) Gunasekaran at all (2004) * * * * * * * * * * Costs * * * * * * Accents on different individual performances can be seen from table 2. Beamon-a (1999). dok se samo u jednom radu iskorišćenje kapaciteta resursa tretira kao bitna performansa). 2002. (i. (Table 3): Iz tabele 2. Stadler and Kilger (2002). to je posledica samog definisanja lanca snabdevanja i njegovih konkretnih karakteristika. while resource capacity usage is treated as a significant performance in only one paper). a kao značajniji se mogu izdvojiti radovi Stewart-a (1995).DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . by authors Tabela 2 Pregled klučnih performansi u lancu snabdevanja prema autorima Supply Chain Responsiv. Vidović. some performances and performance measurements can be applied in most of cases. Mada je svaki lanac snabdevanja jedinstven. Lambert-a i Pohlen-a (2001). Table 2 Key supply chain performances overview. and can be grouped in four categories according to matching performance measurements. where the most important papers come from Stewart (1995). Lambert and Pohlen (2001). it is a consequence to the very definition of the supply chain and its characteristics. Naravno. Vlajić. u kojima se ističu pojedine performanse i mere performansi (Tabela 2).e. (Tabela 3): Table 3. so that an overview of the whole supply chain performances can be achieved with organization goals in mind There is a small number of papers in available literature dedicated to this subject. (source: Stadler and Kilger. u svim razmatranim radovima se naglašavaju troškovi i odziv lanca snabdevanja.09/05 Consistency: performance measures must be consistent with organization goals. Although every supply chain is special. 2002. Gunasekarean at all (2004). kako bi se omogućio uvid u performanse celog lanca snabdevanja sa uvažavanjem organizacionih ciljeva U raspoloživoj literaturi postoji manji broj radova koji su posvećeni ovoj problematici. se može videti različito naglašavanje pojedinih performansi (na primer. Gunasekarean-a i ostalih (2004). Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS .. M. in all of the presented papers supply chain costs and response are emphasized.) Performances Performance measures Delivery On time Forecast Service level Order fill rate Performance delivery accuracy Supply Chain Planning cycle Order lead Flexibility Responsiveness time time Assets and Inventory Asset turns Inventory turns Inventories age Cost of goods Warranty costs Costs sold 100 . M. neke performanse i mere performansi se mogu primenjivati u većini slučajeva i mogu se grupisati u četiri kategorije u skladu sa odgovarajućim merama performansi. Konzistentnost: mere performansi moraju biti konzistentne sa ciljevima organizacije.). in Table 2. . It can be noticed from table 4.. Source .Capacity flexibility . fleksibilnost sistema da ispuni zaheve korisnika.Quality of delivered goods.Planning process cycle time. produktivnost radne snage.. Iz tabele 4.Supplier pricing against market . .Order lead time. proizvodnja/montaža i isporuka) i u odosu hijerarhijski nivo odlučivanja (operativni. (Table 4). according to Gunasekarean at all (2004).Flexibility of service system to meet customer needs.. 101 . Make/Assemble Deliver . flexibility of service system to meet customer needs.. taktički. .Information processing cost... . . .Effectiveness of enterprise distribution planning schedule . . . .Efficiency of purchase order cycle time.Quality level . . .. ....Flexibility of service system to meet customer needs..Supplier pricing against market.Effectiveness of enterprise distribution planning schedule . . . Vlajić. that some of the performance measurements can be treated as strategically as well as tactical (for example.Percentage of finished goods in transit. . strateški). human resource productivity.Efficiency of cash flow method.Customer query time.Accuracy of forecasting techniques. percentage of defects).. Vidović.Variances against budget. . prema Gunasekarean-u i ostalima (2004).Range of products and services Performance Measures Tactical level . . cene snabdevača u odnosu na tržište) odnosno i kao taktičke i kao operativne (na primer. . snabdevanje.Product development cycle time. .Delivery reliability performance . source. ... . while current results (performance control levels) are tracked from the lower level.... M. . Table 4 Supply chain performance metric Tabela 4 Mere performansi u lancu snabdevanja Supply Chain Processes Plan Strategic level . supplier pricing against market) or as tactical and operating (for example.Percentage of defects.Human resource productivity . .Supplier lead-time against industry norm.Cost per operation hour. Sa druge strane. dok se sa nižeg nivoa prate i kontrolišu trenutno postignuti rezultati (kontrolne mere performansi). performance measures can be seen in context of the supply chain processes (plan.J. procenat oštećenja).DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L .Percentage of urgent deliveries..Percentage of defects.Product development cycle time . .. M.. .Delivery reliability performance .Human resource productivity . .. . Operational level .Supplier lead-time against industry norm.. The reason for dual qualification of performance measures lies in the fact that the targeted performances (results that a supply chain is trying to reach) are most often defined on a higher level..On time delivery of goods.. .Adherence to developed schedule . Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . .Order entry methods...Ability to avoid complaints . tactical and strategic).. (Tabela 4).. .Capacity utilization. se može primetiti da se pojedine mere performansi mogu tretirati i kao strateške kao i taktičke (na primer.Cost saving initiatives... ..09/05 At the other hand.Planning process cycle time . .Order entry methods.Cost per operation hour. .Supplier pricing against market.. mere performansi se mogu klasifikovati u odnosu na procese u lancu snabdevanja (planiranje.Human resource productivity index . Razlog dvojakoj pripadnosti mera performansi leži u tome što se na višem nivou obično definišu ciljne performanse (rezultati koje lanac snabdevanja teži da ostvari).Level of customer perceived value of product. . . make/assemble and delivery) and hierarchical level (operational.. . 2002). Significance of this performance can be seen through impact on sales to customers and therefore on competitive position of the supply chain on the one hand and through possibility to affect on delivery quality by supply chain management. Service level can be seen as: Event oriented measure (α-service level). it can be considered that the customer randomly finds a systems in given time interval (upper definition). Delivery Performance Delivery performance is one of most important measure for total supply chain performance. total supply chain costs and warranty cost. 2002). Obzirom na dati pregled perfomansi. logističke troškove i upravljanje kapitalom. u daljem tekstu će biti ukratko date osnove definicije i mere ključnih performansi – performanse isporuke. performansa isporuke se mora meriti kroz odstupanje stvarnog trenutka isporuke od trenutka isporuke koji zahteva korisnik. godine. za potrebe benchmarking-a lanaca snabdevanja. On the other side. Stadler i Kilger. Tempelmeier (2000) dodatno navodi u svom radu da postoje dve verzije tretiranja ove mere. 2000. with different respect to the time interval within which the customer arrives. tačnost prognoze. performanse troškova i performanse kapitala. 2000. Sa druge strane. 102 Sličnu podelu daje i Stewart još 1995. order lead-time etc. for the needs of supply chain benchmarking. može se smatrati da korisnik . 3. Vidović. In the first case. On posebno izdvaja i ukupne performanse lanca snabdevanja. Vlajić. pravovremenost isporuke. basic definitions and key performances measurements will be presented further in the text – delivery. U literaturi se mogu naći različite mere za ovu performansu. order fill rate. on the other hand. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . M. which is based on probability that incoming order can be fulfilled completely from stock in predefined period length (day. slično kao i Stadler i Kilger (2002) ovaj autor izdvaja četiri glavne performanse – performansu isporuke.2. stepen ispunjavanja narudžbina korisnika. Considering given performance overview.09/05 Similar classification was given by Stewart as early as 1995. source. kao što su: opsluga korisnika. he emphasizes supply chain response (customer's aspect). koja se bazira na verovatnoći kompletnog ispunjavanja zahteva korisnika u datom periodu sa postojećih zaliha u određenom vremenskom periodu (dan. Prema Stadleru i Kilger-u (2002). According to Tempelmeier (2000). Značaj ove performanse se može videti kroz njen uticaj na prodaju korisnicima. on time delivery. make and deliver). U prvom slučaju. costs and asset performance.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Kvantifikacija navedenih mera se može izvršiti na više načina. proizvodnja i isporuka) daje mere performansi iz perspektive korisnika i učesnika u lancu snabdevanja. who gives performance measurements from both customers and supply chain member perspective by identified processes in supply chain (plan. se može izraziti kao: Mera orijentisana na događaj (α-nivo opsluge). this author isolates four main performances – delivery performance. week. fleksibilnost i odziv lanca. koji po identifikovanim procesima u lancu snabdevanja (planiranje. snabdevanje. Opsluga korisnika.1. nedelja. there are two versions of this measure. while. delivery performance has to be measured in terms of the actual delivery date compared to the delivery date requested by the customer. forecast accuracy. koje se razlikuju po tome kako se tretira period u kome se posmatra nailazak korisnika. ciklus narudžbine i drugo.2.J. flexibility. as key measures. He also isolates the total supply chain performance. flexibility and responsiveness. pri čemu kao glavne mere izdvaja odziv lanca snabdevanja (korisnički aspekt). These measures can be quantified in several ways. ukupne troškove lanca snabdevanja i troškove garancije. etc) (Tempelmeier. ciklus narudžbine i sl) (Tempelmeier. logistic costs and asset management. M. a samim tim i na konkurentnost lanca snabdevanja sa jedne strane. similar to Stadler and Kilger (2002). performanse fleksibilnosti. Stadler and Kilger.. i kroz mogućnost da se upravljanjem lancem snabdevanja deluje na njen kvalitet. In literature can be found different measures of that performance. According to Stadler and Kilger (2002). like: service level.1. order cycle. Performansa isporuke Performansa isporuke je jedna od najvažnijih performansi lanca snabdevanja. 3. Quantity oriented measure (β-service level). 1995. 2000) Some studies shows (Stewart. while it is selected in regard of customer demands probability distribution during delivery term in the second case. identifikovana je korelacija između nivoa zaliha u sistemu i performanse isporuke . reserve backup level must be selected in the way that it satisfies variable α. a koje mogu biti ispunjene sa postojećih zaliha (Tempelmeier. Stadler and Kilger. too (demand that is delivered without delay). defined as the proportion of incoming order quantities that can be fulfilled from inventory on hand (Tempelmeier. koja se bazira na količinama koje su tražene. but he respect time component.J. Pravovremenost isporuke je takođe jedna od mera performansi isporuke. Mera orjentisana i na vreme i količinu (γ-nivo opsluge). Stadler i Kilger. Time and quantity oriented measure (γservice level). 1995). koja se definiše kao procenat količina robe koje zahtevaju korisnici. 1995) that exist correlation between inventory and delivery-torequest performance – high inventory level enable high customer service level (MasonJones and Towill. Način proračunavanja α nivoa opsluge trazi i adekvatno tretiranje nivoa zaštitnih zaliha – u prvom slučaju se zaštitni nivo zaliha mora tako izabrati da zadovolji određenu vrednost α. The way of computing α level of service calls an adequate backup reserve level treatment – in the first case. This measure is rarely used in practice (Tempelmeier. Then α can be treated as a probability of a stock out within an order cycle.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Mera orjentisana na količinu (β-nivo opsluge). 2000). 2000. Nizak procenat pravovremenih isporuka ukazuje na nesinhronizovanost obećanog roka isporuke . 1995. Stadler i Kilger. 2002). Tada se α može tretirati kao verovatnoća nedostatka zaliha unutar ciklusa naručivanja korisnika. Ova mera se retko se koristi u praksi (Tempelmeier. Vidović. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . Prema sprovedenim studijama (Stewart.) Stepen ispunjavanja narudžbine korisnika se može tretirati slično kao i i α nivo opsluge korisnika. According to Stadler and Kilger (2002). dok se u drugom slučaju određuje u odnosu na raspodelu verovatnoće zahteva korisnika tokom roka isporuke. 2000. Ova mera pruža uvid u nedostatak zaliha. this measure can be described as the percentage of ship-to-stock orders shipped within 24 hours. a ne mogu se isporučiti sa postojećih zaliha i vremenu potrebnom da se zahtevi korisnika realizuju(Stadler i Kilger.visokim nivoima zaliha se obično postiže željena opsluga korisnika (Mason-Jones i Towill. M. A low percentage of on time deliveries indicates that the order promising process is not synchronized with the execution process in transport and/or production (Stadler and 103 proizvoljno nailazi u sistem u datom vremenskom intervalu (gornja definicija). 2002). ali uz respektovanje i vremenske komponente (zahtevi koji mogu biti ispunjeni bez odlaganja). 1999) Order fill rate is measure similar to α-service level. 2002). the time interval can be treated as a customer order cycle. Vlajić. Tempelmeier (2000) define this measure in the same way. dok se u drugom slučaju taj vremenski interval može tretirati kao ciklus naručivanja korisnika. 2002). 1999. a koja se može tretirati sa dva aspekta: Korisnički aspekt – pravovremenost isporuke se definiše kao procenat narudžbina koje se mogu isporučiti pre ili u vremenskom trenutku koji je zahtevao korisnik (Stewart. This measure can be used to determine stock out event. Prema Stadler-u i Kilger-u (2002) ona predstavlja procenat isporuke traženih proizvoda sa zaliha u toku 24h. Tempelmeier (2000) na isti način definiše ovu meru. ali isto tako i u broj korisnika koji nisu opsluženi ili su delimično opsluženi. but also for determine number of customers who is not serviced or partially serviced. On time delivery is another measure of delivery performance and this measure can be seen from two aspects: Customer’s aspect – on time delivery (Delivery-to-request date) is defined as the proportion of orders delivered on or before the date requested by the customer (Stewart. which is based on quantity that cannot be met from stock and the time it takes to meet the demand (Stadler and Kilger. 2002). Stadler and Kilger 2002).09/05 while in the other case. M. uopšteno gledajući fleksibilnost predstavlja karakteristiku sistema koja omogućava stabilnost performansi u uslovima promena tj. utvrđivanjem dužina tih ciklusa može se utvrditi sposobnost lanca da se prilagodi promenama na tržišu. order lead-time represent average time interval from the date the order is placed to the date the customers receives the shipment (Stadler and Kilger. Fleksibilnost lanca snabdevanja Assignment of different process cycles in the supply chain represents a prerequisite for defining and quantifying delivery performances. 2005). 2002. Time span of order cycle can influence the supply chain concurrency in many ways. generally speaking of flexibility represents a characteristics of the system that enables performance 104 Određivanje ciklusa različitih procesa u lancu snabdevanja predstavlja preduslov za definisanje i kvantifikovanje performanse isporuke tj. Sa aspekta performansi. postavlja se pitanje – da li prevremena isporuka uvek odgovara i korisniku? Prema Vlajić (2005). Besides that. prema Stewart-u (1995). S obzirom na karakteristike savremenog tržišta. ova situacija je pogodna za isporučioca (ako je to posledica njegove organizacije i planiranja). one can ascertain ability of the chain to accommodate to changes on the market. Vidović. ona se definiše kao procenat narudžbina koje su ispunjene pre ili po predviđenom rasporedu/obećanom trenutku isporuke. concerning the characteristics of the modern market. pojava Bullwhip efekta Vlajić. new performance which would encapsulate all cycles in supply chain and therefore present chain flexibility has been developed. neke od njenih mera. klasifikovanja i merenja. need and introducing can be found in literature.on time delivery (Deliveryto-commit date) is defined as is the percentage of orders that are fulfilled on or before the original schedule or committed date (Stewart. 2005). but it doesn’t mean that it is good for customer. For that reason. M. Niska tačnost prognoze ima mnogobrojne posledice po rad lanca snabdevanja (na primer. Sa korisničkog aspekta. 2004). Pored toga. Supply Chain Flexibility sa samim planom realizacije isporuke (u transportu i/ili proizvodnji).2. 2002. razvijena je nova performansa koja bi obuhvatila sve cikluse u lancu snabdevanja i koja bi zapravo pokazivala fleksibilnost lanca. Bullwhip effect appearance – Vlajić. što je danas jedan od najvažnijih uslova za opstanak samih kompanija i celih lanaca snabdevanja u poslovnom okruženju. this situation can be convenient for vendor (if this situation is vendor organization and planning result). Tačnost prognoze meri tačnost prognoziranja budućih zahteva i sagledava se iz odnosa prognoziranih količina i stvarnih količina (Stadler i Kilger. Gunasekaran at all. 1995).DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . in other words some of its measures. 2002). dužina ciklusa narudžbine može u mnogome uticati na konkurentnost lanca snabdevanja. Vendor's aspect . U literaturi se mogu naći brojni radovi koji razmatraju fleksbilnost sa aspekta njenog definisanja.2. 2002).09/05 Kilger 2002). Gunasekaran i ostali. 2004). a ne mora da znači da odgovara i korisniku. Vlajić. Za tu svrhu. neodređenosti (Barad i . 3.2. which is one of the most important requirements for survival of the companies themselves and the whole supply chains in a working environment today. Međutim. 3. by identifying length of the cycles. classification and measurement. ciklus narudžbine predstavlja prosečan vremenski interval od trenutka plasiranja narudžbine do trenutka isporuke robe korisniku (Stadler i Kilger. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . Forecast accuracy measures the ability to forecast future demands and it relates forecasted quantities to actual quantities (Stadler and Kilger. Low forecast accuracy have different consequences on supply chain (for example.J. potrebe i uvođenja. Many papers that consider flexibility from aspects of its definition. However. From the customer point of view. there is a question – is orders delivery before date requested convenient for customer? According to Vlajic (2005).2. M. too. From the aspect of performances. Gledano sa aspekta isporučioca. Sapir. Vremenski period potreban za prenos podataka o prognozi do internih snabdevača koji dostavljaju neophodne materijale do proizvođača (ako ih ima).) and in area of planning and management (i. Both flexibility aspects can be used for determination supply chain flexibility. a koja se može izraziti kroz vreme reakcije ili troškove reakcije (povezuje se sa efikasnošću sistema). changes in transport network. [dana]. comprises several periods: Days to communicate new forecast to endproduct plants. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . alternatives can be related to possibility of change in the elements of system themselves (i. promene u transportnoj mreži i sl. while different types of flexibility can be observed – in regard to quantity (the ability to change the output level of products produced). fleksbilnost se može meriti kroz broj različitih varijanti preko kojih se sistem može adaptirati (povezuje se efektivnošću sistema) (Barad i Sapir. etc. u domenu zahtevane proizvodnosti sistema i sl. in terms of the reaction time or cost needed to respond to the change that occurred (associated with the system efficiency). Prema Stewart-u (1995). M. [days]. in the area of reaching needed productivity. fleksibilnost gledana kroz vreme odziva lanca snabdevanja obuhvata zbir sledećih vremenskih perioda: Vremenski period potreban za prenos prognoze do proizvođača gotovih proizvoda.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . 2002 define the supply chain response 12 Stadler i Kilger. isporuku (mogucnost promene planiranih datuma isporuke). supply chain response time. fleksibilnost12 se može meriti kroz brzinu kojom se može realizovati adapatacija sistema na novonastale uslove. Oba aspekta fleksibilnosti se mogu primeniti za odredjivanje fleksibilnosti lanca snabdevanja. indeterminacy (Barad and Sapir.). Vidović. [days].e. 11 This is the way how Stadler and Kilger. Range dimension of flexibility measures the variety of available alternatives for the system adaptation (associated with the system effectiveness) (Barad and SAPI. as one aspect of flexibility. to changes of equipment. mix (the ability to change the variety of products produced) and new product (the ability to introduce/modify and produce new products). Flexibility alone can be viewed from this aspect as a strategy for improving system response on changes and can be looked at against supply chain range and response (source – Beamon. Prosečan vremenski period potreban za realizaciju snabdevanja i proizvodnje (pod pretpostavkom da je početni nivo zaliha jednak nuli).. M. Vlajić. proizvodni miks (mogucnost promene proizvodnog miksa) i razvoj proizvoda (mogucnost uvodjenja/modifikacije i proizvodnje novog proizvoda). izvor – Beamon (1999). u domenu marketinga za zadatke uvođenja novog proizvoda na tržište. 2003. i.) The response dimension of flexibility11 measures the easiness with which the adaptation can be carried. Days to communicate new forecast implications to internal feeder plants. alternative se mogu odnositi na mogućnosti promene u samim elementima sistema (na primer. delivery (the ability to change planned delivery dates)..) i u domenu planiranja i upravljanja (na primer u domenu rutiranja proizvoda sa aspekta mašina u proizvodnom pogonu. Sama fleksibilnost se sa tog aspekta može posmatrati kao strategija za poboljšanje odziva sistema na promene i može se posmatrati u odnosu na obuhvatnost lanca i brzinu odziva (izvor – Beamon.e.e. 2003). in routing of products from the aspect of machines at production plant. Average days required to source and make product (assuming zero starting inventory).) Sa aspekta odziva. in marketing for placing a new product to market. promene tehnoloških elemenata. [dana].). etc. [days]. [dana]. 2003. 2003). pri cemu se mogu posmatrati razlicite vrste fleksibilnosti – u odnosu na kolicine (mogucnost promene obima proizvodnje). 1999). Sa aspekta obuhvatnosti.09/05 stability in changing conditions. According to Stewart (1995). 2002 na ovaj način definišu odziv lanca snabdevanja 105 . if any. 1999).J. source – Beamon (1999). . Barad and Sapir. Stadler i Kilger. For example. Identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom tih vremena se mogu uočiti problemske tačke. 2002).J. a great impact of modern informatics technology on supply chain response can be seen here. jer se na taj način mogu rešiti problemi u domenu isporuke i fleksibilnosti lanca snabdevanja. a opisuje prosečan broj dana potreban da se izvrši 106 . postiže se veća brzina odziva lanca tj. 1999. there are others – for instance. Odziv lanca se može pratiti i kroz identifikaciju putanje narudžbine. u ovom domenu se može videti veliki uticaj primene savremenih informacionih tehnologija na odziv lanca snabdevanja. which is defined by the division of revenue by total assets (Stadler and Kilger.e. povećava se njegova fleksibilnost. and by their removal the chain response grows on one side. . koja predstavlja izvedenu meru. Na primer.. koja predstavlja vreme koje narudžbina provede u različitim kanalima (Gunasekaran i ostali. kao što su strategija direktne isporuke. when the flexibility is set as a goal which should be accomplished by deploying various strategies (Alfredsson and Verrijdt. M. Besides listed aspects of supply chain flexibility observation. Supply chain responsiveness can be monitored through customer order path. Stadler and Kilger. Obrt novca. Assets and Inventories Number of authors has a opinion that asset management is the final key to successfully managing the supply chain (Stewart.09/05 Average lead time in days required to fill a customer’s order [days]..).DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . 2003). for example: direct shipping. which is a composite metric describing the average days Prosečan vremenski period roka isporuke neophodan za realizaciju narudžbine korisnika. 1995. This measure is common for determining the efficiency of company to operating its assets. 2002. property and equipment. 1995. [dana]. 2002). mogu se identifikovati aktivnosti koje ne dodaju vrednost. 3. Pored navedenih. 3. By identification and quantification of those times we can detect problem areas. strategija postponement-a. kada se fleksibilnost postavi kao cilj koji se treba postići sprovođenjem različitih strategija (Alfredsson i Verrijdt. and system costs cut on the other side.3. M.. uz respektovanje grane industrije kojoj kompanija pripada. a prema njemu. because in that way. transshipment and postponement strategy.2. with respect to industry characteristics. kao najvažnije mera perfomansi upravljanja kapitalom se obično izdvajaju: Obrt kapitala. Influencing on reduction of any of listed times. as the most important capital management performance measure usually emerge: Asset turns.2.). greater speed of chain response is gained.3.. 1999. Naravno. which can be defined as time spent in different channels by customer order (Gunasekaran at all. Vlajić. postoje i drugačiji aspekti posmatranja fleksibilnosti lanca snabdevanja – na primer. Prema Stewart-u (1995) kapital lanca snabdevanja obično obuhvata potraživanja. Barad i Sapir. Uticajem na smanjenje bilo koje od navedenih vremena. non-value adding activities can be identified. inventories. problems related to supply chain delivery and flexibility can be solved. a njihovim otklanjanjem se povećava odziv lanca sa jedne strane i smanjuju troškova u sistemu sa druge strane. According to Stewart (1995) supply chain assets include accounts receivable. 2004.). and selected plant. Cash-to-cash cycle time.). Vidović. i. koji se definiše kao odnos prihoda i ukupnog kapitala (Stadler i Kilger. . and. 2003). its flexibility grows. zalihe i objekte i opremu u vlasništvu lanca. 2002.. according to him. Of course. strategija transshipment-a. Ova mera peformansi se najčešće koristi za utvrđivanje efikasnosti kompanije pri radu sa kapitalom. 2004. Kapital i zalihe Više autora smatra da upravljanje kapitalom predstavlja glavni ključ za uspešnost upravljanja lancem snabdevanja (Stewart. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . ) i detaljna analiza komponenti zaliha sa aspekta njihovog mesta u lancu snabdevanja. 1995. 1995)13. costs and more. management strategies and parameters. has to be conducted in order to find an optimal reserve level. third party engagement for certain processes realization. and likewise). Prosečan nivo zaliha. 2002.. using ABC analysis) and detailed analysis from the aspect of their place in the supply chain. funkcije. koji se određuju u skladu sa poslovnom politikom kompanije tj.). structure. identification of unnecessary and obsolete stocks etc. Vukićević. primenjenih upravljačkih strategija. This performance measurement is crucial for supply chains in which the products with limited duration can be find (i. lanca snabdevanja. or supply chain policy. upravljačkih strategija i parametara. u prehrambrenoj industriji). function.). ABC analize.J. Vukićević.. which can be defined by the average time goods are residing in stock (Stadler and Kilger. inventory management strategies. koja se definiše kao prosečno vreme koje proizvodi provedu na zalihama (Stadler i Kilger. M. 1995.09/05 required to turn a dollar invested in raw material into a dollar collected from a customer (Stewart. Ova mera peformansi je jako bitna za lance snabdevanja u kojima se mogu naći proizvodi sa ograničenim vekom trajnja (na primer. troškova i sl.. strukture.e. ali i proizvodi koji imaju sezonsku potrošnju (na primer. vrednosti. 2002. way of functioning of production. preko na pr. used management strategies. which can be defined as the ratio of total material consumption per time period to the average inventory level of the same time period14 (Stadler and Kilger. Moment when user realizes his obligations to supplier depends on payments conditions. when changing chain structure. koji se definiše kao odnos ukupne potrošnje materijala u određenom vremenskom periodu i srednjeg nivoa zaliha u istom vremenskom intervalu16 (Stadler i Kilger.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . 2002. value. identifikaciju zaliha koje su zastarele i nisu neophodne i sl.. in food industry).e. Considering the fact that the inventories represent a part of supply chain capital which largely influence the effectiveness and efficiency of functioning of the supply chain itself.. information or financial flow. pri promenama u operativnom upravljanju.. i. M. Starost zaliha. when making changes in operative management. za određivanje optimalnog nivoa zaliha u lancu snabdevanja se mora sprovesti odgovarajuća analiza zaliha (na bazi relevantnih kriterijuma.e. which represents a good performance measurement when comparing supply chain functioning in different scenarios (i. Inventory age can be used for high inventory level detection (with respect to product type and characteristic). S obzirom da zalihe predstavljaju deo kapitala lanca snabdevanja koje u velikoj meri utiču na efektivnost i efikasnost funkcionisanja samog lanca. and also the products with seasonal consumption (i. pri promeni strukture lanca. which are defined accordingly to company's policy. informacionog ili finansijskog toka i slično). u modnoj industriji i slično). in fashion industry). adequate inventory analysis (based on relevant criteria. 107 . Vlajić.. obrt novca od trenutka kada je novac investiran u sirovine do trenutka kada je korisnik izvršio plaćanje15 (Stewart. Starost zaliha se može iskoristiti za utvrđivanje visokog nivoa zaliha (ali uzeta sa respektom na vrstu i karakteristike proizvoda).e. 14 There are also other approaches to inventory turns in literature 13 15 Trenutak u kome korisnik izvršava svoje obaveze prema snabdevaču zavisi od uslova plaćanja. strategija upravljanja zalihama. pri razmatranju promene odnosa između učesnika u lancu.).). 2002. načinu funkcionisanja robnog. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . angažovanja trećih lica za realizaciju određenih procesa. Usual performance measures in domain of inventories from the physical aspect are: Inventory turns. Inventory age. 1995. 16 U literaturi se mogu naći i drugačiji pristupi određivanju obrtu zaliha.). koji predstavlja dobru meru performansi pri poređenju funkcionisanja lanca snabdevanja u različitim scenarijima (na primer. Vidović. Average inventory level. Uobičajene mere performansi u domenu zaliha sa fizičkog aspekta su: Obrt zaliha. when considering changing relations between chain members. overall supply chain costs consist of various cost components. demanding. Ballou (2004) međutim pod ukupnim troškovima lanca snabdevanja smatra sumu troškova kod svih članova lanca. so he does not count the production costs in it. Vidović. bez obzira na njihovu organizaciju i upravljanje. inventories. In overall supply chain costs. This means that larger and companies with high level of profitability can compare with other companies. Overall supply chain costs typically consist of sum of costs by processes which appear in supply chains. Vlajic (2005) does not contest importance of costs that he lists. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . In overall logistical costs he recognizes he recognizes order management cost. and/or only certain cost groups are recognized. However. jer je cilj svake kompanije i lanca snabdevanja sticanje profita i podizanje konkurentske prednosti. he defines total cost pursuant to defining the chain itself (section 1. in those papers overall costs are observed in different ways. transporta. as a part of total logistics costs. Ukupni troškovi lanca snabdevanja se tipično sastoje iz sume troškova po procesima koji se u lancu snabdevanja pojavljuju. Troškovi Troškovi predstavljaju veoma bitnu performansu. Na primer. as well as costs of shortage of inventories. Stewart (1995) recognizes infrastructure costs and overall logistical costs. transport. pa u njih ne ubraja i troškove proizvodnje.J.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Jansen at all (2001) look at overall costs in the supply chain. According to them. naručivanja i obrade narudžbina. post-delivery. has to be discussed. inventory carrying cost and supply chain finance. i naknadne isporuke. Jedan od prvenstvenih načina za postizanje postavljenog cilja je snižavanje ukupnih troškova lanca snabdevanja. because the goal of every company and supply chain is making profit and raising competitiveness value. . One of the first ways to getting to specified goal is lowering of overall supply chain costs. Jansen i ostali (2001) posmatraju ukupne troškove u lancu snabdevanja. Naime. and management information system cost. Ballou (2004). Stewart (1995) u ukupnim troškovima lanca snabdevanja respektuje troškove infrastrukture i ukupne logističke troškove. distributivnog sistema). Međutim.4. but by the logistical unit. regardless of theirs organization and management. one can find significant difference from previously presented cost structure in overall chain costs. Vlajić. troškove nabavke materijala. material acquisition cost. Isti autor navodi da postoji mala međuzavisnost između nivoa vertikalne integracije u sistemu i logističkih troškova/prihoda za kompanije koje ostvaruju prihod veći od 200 miliona dolara. M. those 108 3. U ukupnim logističkim troškovima on respektuje troškova upravljanja narudžbinama. He claims that there is little relationship between the level of vertical integration and logistics costs/revenue for companies with revenue levels of $200 million. u raspoloživoj literaturi ukupni troškovi lanca snabdevanja se sastoje iz različitih troškovnih komponenti.2. Međutim. Namely. ali i troškova nedostatka zaliha kao dela logističkih troškova. by overall supply chain costs considers the sum of costs of all the chain members. a za njega su to troškovi proizvodnje. demand processing.2. Vlajić (2005) ne osporava važnost troškova koje on navodi.4. on definiše ukupne troškove shodno definisanju samog lanca (tačka 1. U mnogim drugim radovima čiji je cilj simuliranje rada lanca snabdevanja mogu se sresti i značajna odstupanja od prethodno navedene strukture troškova u ukupnim troškovima lanca. which are for him costs of production. troškova držanja zaliha i troškova finansija.2). ali ne uzima u obzir troškove skladištenja. Costs The costs represent a significant performance. as can be found in available literature. but he does not consider storage costs. but indicates that the question of warehouse and transport costs (concerning the fact that the consumer service level does depend on reliability of transport-distribution system). ordering. zaliha. planning. u tim radovima se i ukupni troškovi posmatraju na različit načina i/ili se respektuju samo pojedine grupe troškova.09/05 3. In many other papers which goal is simulation of supply chain performances. planiranja i upravljačkog informacionog softvera u lancu snabdevanja. što znači da se za veće i profitabilne kompanije mogu porediti samo logistički troškovi. ali ukazuje da se mora razmotriti i pitanje skladišnih i transportnih troškova (obzirom da nivo opsluge korisnika u značajnoj meri zavisi i od pouzdanosti transportnog tj. For instance.2). M. however. But. JIT and similar strategies is a choice between reliable suppliers with which one commonly gets partner relationships). troškovi formiranja i unosa narudžbenice/linija po grupama proizvoda i grupama naručioca). Njene mere performansi su obično bazirane na varijaciji cena usluge/proizvoda.J. used very often is Supplier performance measures which is typically applied for supplier selection.. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . different accounting methods.2. Vlajić. J 18 Jako bitna mera pri primeni određenih strategija u lancima snabdevanja koje zahtevaju redukovanje broja snabdevača (na primer. transportni troškovi/km. costs of logistical units receiving. Besides listed performances. M. but their supply chain contains only production part. inventoryrelated costs. troškove vezane za zalihe. troškove skladišnih procesa. Supplier performance measures are 17 Very imoportant measure in applying certain strategies in supply chains which call for a reduction of supplier number (i. distribution costs/km. like costs of warranty. M. it may help to identify problem areas (because superior product quality is not a typical supply chain feature. but a driving business principle in general). loading and unloading costs.e. . 2002).5. fiksni troškovi prikupljanja i obrade narudžbine. troškovi utovara/h. broju otkazanih isporuka i 3. papers that treat performances and performances measures that can not be directly assorted in previously list can be also found in literature17. potrebno je pratiti ukupne troškove lanca.2. storage processes costs. kojima se ukazuje na kvalitet proizvoda. costs to input orders/lines by product groups and ordered groups). (Stadler i Kilger. Persson i Olhager (2002) posmatraju ukupne troškove u lancu snabdevanja. distributivni troškovi/km. kao što su na primer troškovi garancije. Ostale performanse i mere performansi Pored navedenih performansi. ti troškovi predstavljaju zbir troškova u robnom toku (troškovi transporta. ali njihov lanac snabdevanja obuhvata samo proizvodni deo.. production costs. different cost carriers. a prerequisite to applicing Vendor Managment Inventory. 3. etc. Although warranty costs depend highly on how warranty processing is carried out. while the overall costs consist of inventories keeping costs and product quality control costs. which indicate the product quality. u literaturi se mogu naći radovi koji obrađuju performanse i mere performansi koje se ne mogu direktno svrstati u prethodno navedene. različite nosioce troškova. troškove proizvodnje. Persson and Olhager (2002) look at overall supply chain costs. troškove transporta i distribucije. Troškovi se mogu iskazati preko različitih mera performansi (respektujući različite vrste troškova. 2002). The costs can be presented through different performance measures (regarding to different cost types. različite načine obračunavanja.).e. koja se tipično primenjuje pri izboru snabdevača18. material handling and processing – i. Jedna od često korišćenih je performansa snabdevača.) For supply chains. ali po logističkoj jedinici. transport costs/km. dok se ukupni troškovi sastoje iz troškova čuvanja zaliha i troškova kontrole kvaliteta proizvoda. for specific supply chain types it is relevant to monitor some other costs too. 109 . On the other hand. Besides these cost groups. rukovanja materijalima i prerade – na primer. troškove informacionih tehnologija..09/05 expenses are the sum of expenses in product flow (costs of transport. itd) i informacionom toku (troškovi koji se odnose na prenos narudžbina. preduslov primene Vendor Management Inventory. . nego vodeći poslovni principi uopšteno). Sa druge strane.. (Stadler and Kilger. Prema njima. supply chain overall costs should be tracked. Pored navedenih grupa troškova. ali se mogu koristiti za identifikaciju problemskih tačka (naročito zato što tipična karakteristika lanca snabdevanja nije superioran kvalitet proizvoda. but business process costs (which depend on supply chain structure) should not be forgotten – in general: costs of supply (purchase)..DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . Za lance snabdevanja. troškovi prijema/logistička jedinica. Vidović.5 Other performances and performance measures One performance. fixed costs of gathering and processing orders.) and information flow (costs which relate to orders movement. information technologies costs. ali i troškove po poslovnim procesima (koji zavise od strukture lanca snabdevanja) – generalno gledano: troškove snabdevanja (nabavke). za određene tipove lanaca snabdevanja relevantno je pratiti i neke druge troškove. troškovi istovara/h. Oni u velikoj meri zavise od uslova garancije. transport and distribution costs. JIT i sličnih strategija je izbor pouzdanih snabdevača sa kojima se obično stupa u partnerske odnose). supplier selection can be viewed in a context of supply chain performance efficiency. response. Of course. Najčešće se razmatraju različiti oblici partnerskih odnosa22 (videti: Lambert i ostali. every school derives its own chain definition and establishes its aspect of looking at problem. 2004) itd 21 110 .a.Lambert i ostali. 1998. logistics. Pri tome. customer service. dodaju još i da je to oblik strateškog partnerstva (Simchi-Levi i ostali. u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi se mogu sresti različiti pristupi lancima snabdevanja. 1998a). izbor snabdevača se može posmatrati i u kontekstu efikasnosti rada lanca. so that the abilities of the supplier to fulfill its customers' demands in near and further future could be noticed forehand19. M. kao što su na primer. 2004. 2000). Paralelno sa analizom performansi snabdevača. rezultujući višim poslovnim performansama u odnosu na one koje bi kompanije individualno postigle (izvor . In the context of the supply chain. Drugi autori. Other authors. logistike. svaka škola izvodi sopstvene definicije lanca i postavlja svoj aspekt sagledavanja problema ističući određene karakteristike lanca kao primarne. system dynamics. The choice og the supplier represents a special problem in supply chain management scope. otvorenosti. the relations of supply chain members and the influence of relations on performance of the chain itself are often considered in the papers. pouzdanost snabdevača i slično (Gunasekaran i ostali. strategically plan. etc.). One of the reasons for this lies in the fact that there are several schools which are doing researches in this field. modeling. odziva. dok Izbor snabdevača predstavlja posebnu problematiku u domenu upravljanja lancima snabdevanja. Simultaneously to supplier performance analysis. čvršće i centralizovano upravljanje itd. that some degree of interdependence exists between partners (Gunasekaran at all. periodical analysis of supplier performance has to be conducted (from short to long period of observation – development aspects. where strong connections exsist between partners who are most often characterized by different levels of common ownership. economy.) usled njihovog uticaja na efikasno i efektivno snabdevanje. reliability. M. 2000. reliability etc (Gunasekaran at all. ali se ređe koriste neke druge mere. etc. etc. but some other measures are rarely used. informacione tehnologije i sl. Neki autori definišu partnerstvo kao ustanovljen poslovi odnos baziran na zajedničkom poverenju. Various forms of partner relationships20 (source: Lambert at all. besides accepting this kind of bussiness relations. add that it is a form of strategic partnership (Simchi-Levi at all. 1998a). Some authors defines partnership as a tailored business relationship based on mutual trust. 2004). u radovima se obično razmatraju i odnosi između učesnika u lancu snabdevanja i uticaj takvih odnosa na rad samog lanca. CONCLUSION Defining.). modeliranje. performances choice and supply chain performances measurement represent just a few of many problems concerning supply chain field. ZAKLJUČAK Definisanje. 4. pouzdanosti i sl.). gde postoje jake veze između partnera koje najčešće karakterišu različiti stepeni zajedničkog vlasništva. pored priznavanja takvog poslovnog odnosa. Jedan od razloga za takvo stanje leži u tome što postoji više škola koje izučavaju ovu oblast i koje je tretiraju shodno njihovom usmerenju – sa aspekta menadžmenta.09/05 typically based on product/service price variation. stateško planiranje i sl..DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . before the selection. kako bi se pravovremeno uočile mogućnosti snabdevača da ispuni zaheve svojih korisnika u bližoj i daljoj budućnosti21. 22 U literaturi se opisuju različiti oblici partnerskih odnosa – od odnosa koji počivaju samo na transakcijama koje se realizuju između partnera u lancu. ekonomije. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . kvalitet opsluge korisnika. nivoa opsluge korisnika. 2004.). 4. da između partnera postoji određeni stepen medjuzavisnosti (Gunasekaran i ostali. Naime. 2000). Namely. shared risk and shared rewards that yields a competitive advantage. opennes. 20 Various forms of partner relationships are described in literature – from the relations that only reside on transactions which are realised between partners in the chain. Simci-Levi at all. U kontekstu lanca snabdevanja. etc.Lambert at all. podeli rizika i podeli nagrada koji daje konkurentsku prednost. etc. Simci-Levi i ostali. Further on. like quality. 19 vremenu realizacije isporuka. different approaches to supply chains can be found in scientific and professional papers. pa do vertikalne integracije. izbor perofmansi i mera performansi lanaca snabdevanja predstavljaju samo neke od brojnih problema vezanih za oblast lanaca snabdevanja. 1998a. information technologies. and which treat it according to their aspiration – from aspect of management. Vlajić. rejects on receipt and on time delivery. its integration. stronger and centralized management.J. njegove integracije. Vidović. neophodno je sprovoditi periodičnu analizu rada snabdevača (od kratkoročnog do dugoročnog posmatranja – aspekti razvoja. resulting in business performance greater than would be achieved by the firms individually (source . 2000) are being considered most often because of their influence on efficient and effective supply. pre samog izbora. to the vertical integration. sistemske dinamike. Naravno. supply chain management on one hand. also.J.e. Međutim. Problem definisanja lanaca snabdevanja otežava njegovo modeliranje. chain members connection. customer service level. se ostale manje uvažavaju ili zanemaruju. Većina autora se izjašnjava da su. capital and reserves. The solutions to this problems lie in future research and studies on this subject. navedeni su i neki od preduslova koje je neophodno ispuniti da bi se uopšte omogućilo upravljanje lancima snabdevanja. which will develop a standard definition of supply chain. while many advantages which come from application of modern approach were listed. only some of the most cited supply chain and their management definitions were presented. U radu je sažeto ukazano na tri glavna pristupa modeliranju. It should be noted that the identification of key performances and method of their quantification depends on characteristics of the very chain (its structure. the market that the chain works in. i. while having less or none appreciation for others. on global level. i jasna razlika između klasičnog. Vlajić. The paper indicates some of the problems in the field of supply chains. and on the other hand. Pored toga.) as emphasized in many papers which are more directly dealing with analysis of certain supply chains. number and types of business relationships and processes in the chain. 111 . supply chain management. etc. nivo opsluge korisnika. za poslednjih nekoliko godina menjala je definicije lanca snabdevanja i upravljanja lancem snabdevanja. Besides. Rad ukazuje na nekoliko problema u oblasti lanaca snabdevanja. traditional and modern way of chain functioning. Besides. a sa druge strane proizvela jasnu. Besides. In an attempt to indicate on the true size of problem. ”Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals” . globalno gledano. M. Pored toga. develop a clear. and indirectly influencing on performance and performance measurement choice. ključne performanse lanca snabdevanja: ukupni troškovi lanca. a clear distinction between classical. changed supply chain and supply chain management definitions. upravljanja lancem snabdevanja. povezanosti učesnika u lancu. tradicionalnog i savremenog načina funkcionisanja lanca snabdevanja tj upravljanja lancima snabdevanja. u brojnim radovima koji se direktnije bave analizom rada određenih lanaca snabdevanja se ističe da identifikacija ključnih performansi i način njihove kvantifikacije zavisi u mnogome od karakteristika konkretnog lanca (njegove strukture. Miljuš: SUPPLY CHAINS . tipova i karakteristika proizvoda. u radu su prikazane samo neke od citiranijih definicija lanaca snabdevanja i njihovog upravljanja. striving to make a key difference between this and other related fields. opštu metodologiju modeliranja lanaca snabdevanja i preporuka za izbor odgovarajućih performansi i načina njihove kvantifikacije. uz malo detaljniji pregled literature koji se odnosi na izbor ključnih performansi lanca snabdevanja i opis njihovih mogućih mera. Pored toga. M. a napravljena je.zvanična organizacija koja je promovisala upravljanje lancima snabdevanja i koja okuplja stručnjake u ovoj oblasti.DEFINING AND PERFORMANCES … T&L . kapital i zalihe. broja i tipova poslovnih veza i procesa u lancu. tržišta na kome posluje lanac. chain flexibility. pri čemu su navedene brojne prednosti koje proizilaze iz primene savremenog pristupa. U pokušaju da se ukaže na veličinu problema. Majority of authors agree that. with a bit more detailed overview of literature related to the key supply chain performances choice and the description of their possible measurements. The problem of chain definition complicates its modeling. a indirektno utiče i na izbor performansi i mera performansi lanca. generic methodology of supply chain modeling and references for the selection of adequate performances and ways of their quantification. upravljačkih elemenata. product types and characteristics. so that supply chain management can be enabled in the first place were also listed.09/05 accenting certain characteristics of the chain as primary. pokušavajući da napravi suštinsku razliku između ove i drugih srodnih oblasti. posebno pitanje se vezuje za sam način modeliranja. a single question is related to the very approach to the modeling. some of the prerequisites which should be achieved. industrije itd). key performances include: total chain costs. ”Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals” – official organization which has promoted supply chain management and that gathers experts in the field. Vidović. 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