Ladderized Education Program

May 31, 2018 | Author: Michael V. Magallano | Category: Academic Degree, University And College Admission, College, Postgraduate Education, Vocational Education



What is Ladderized Education?Ladderized Education is a new system of education in the Philippines that allows learners to progress between Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and College, and vice-versa. Ladderized Education opens opportunities for career and educational advancement to students and workers. What is Executive Order 358? Executive Order 358, promulgated by the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on September 15, 2004, provides the mandate and legal framework for wider-scale and accelerated implementation of Ladderized Education nationwide. Why Ladderized Education? Traditionally, a College Degree Program is viewed as independent of Tech-Voc courses. Hence, when a TechVoc graduates decides to continue on to College, previous Tech-Voc courses that he has completed do not learn him credit units for an on-coming College Degree Program (CDP) of his choice. Thus, the Tech-Voc graduate often squanders time and resources to repeat portions of his learning that should have already earned him appropriate credit unit(s) for an on-coming College Degree Program. Ladderized Education is the answer then to this wasteful duplication. Ladderation provides the Tech-Voc graduate with Gateways or entry points to a College Degree Program where he can earn appropriate, equivalent credits for previous learning acquired in Tech-Voc. It also allows learner to obtain a Tech-Voc National Certificate that will enable him to arrive at successively ascending Job Platforms. The money he earns from his job(s) will help to finance and complete his College Education Under the system, what are the different ways by which a student can transfer or move between tech-Voc and College Education? For School Year 2006-2007 the following modalities shall initially be used: 1. Credit Transfer from Tech-Voc to College and Articulation This refers to the recognition and carrying forward of overlapping learning from Tech-Voc to College. A Credit Transfer System allows the Tech-Voc graduate to earn credit units for his Tech-Voc courses. Thus, the Tech-Voc graduate readily articulates to a College Degree Program with ease. 2. Embedded Tech-Voc Qualification in Ladderized Degree Programs (Credit Units given from College to Tech-Voc) This refers to Tech-Voc contents that are already included in a College Degree Program. Such contents are mapped out and identified, and the curriculum is restructured to allow a student of a Ladderized College Degree Program to earn Tech-Voc credits and qualifications without having to repeat the same Tech-Voc subjects for which he has already acquired knowleged and competence. In this way, a student of Ladderized College Degree Program can earn full Tech-Voc qualifications, and obtain National Certificate(s) for such qualification(s), when he exist from a College Degree Program to proceed to a Tech-Voc career. Therefore, at the time a student completes the Ladderized College Degree Program (LCDP), he earns double qualifications - one is his College Diploma, and the other is his National Certificate(s). I know Ladderized Programs being implemented in the past, even before E.O. 358. What is the status of these programs? Can they continue? Yes those Ladderized Programs were in exixtence and use even before E.O. 358. Those Programs can go to a College or University that has been authorized to offer Ladderized College Degree Program to apply for enrollment. Therefore. 1. Maritime. Ladderization under E. they all enjoy academic the case of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs). The list of the authorized institutions may be obtained from TESDA and CHEd Regional and Provincial Offices. from TESDA and CHEd Regional as well as Provincial Offices 2. If you are a Tech-Voc graduate or worker who already has full National Certificate (NC) qualifications based on Training Regulations. Lists of authorized institutions may be obtained from TESDA and CHEd Regionaland Provincial the case of Private Colleges and Universities. including other information on ladderization. you can apply for admission in a College or University authorized to offer the Ladderized College Degree Program of your choice. The College or University should have existing CHEd-Recognition Programs-. you may need to take such subjects as Math. Although all educational institutions fall under CHEd's ministerial coverage. For SY 2006-2007. or Board-Approved Programs-. Education. History. 358 is only voluntary on the part of each College or University. atleast until the end of School Year 2006-2007. and I am interested to offer Ladderized Programs. all such other Ladderized Programs should be aligned to conform with the framework and parameters of E. In the Ladderized College Degree Program.O. In both cases. you may apply for admission in a College Program of your choice. depend on your satisfying the requirements of the college or University. which has been set as a transition period by TESDA and CHEd. your Tech-Voc course(s) can be credited in the College Degree Program you wish to enroll in. however. However. Some Colleges and Universities will implement Ladderization more extensively and more liberally than others. it will be necessary for you to check the individual Ladderization Programs of a College or University. and admission standards vary among them. Thus. 358. If the College Degree Program is included in the list of Ladderized Programs. the following guidelines should be observed by Colleges and Universities apllying for authorization to operate Ladderized Programs: 1. How do I qualify? As agreed by TESDA and CHEd. You will find lists of authorized institutions that operate Ladderized Programs. I operate or manage a College or University that provides College Degree Programs. then you need to undergo competency assesment in the relevant area of your expertise. to meet the full requirements of a particular year level. I just graduated from High School and I am interested in enrolling in a Ladderized Program this coming school year. Ladderized Education will be implemented in eight (8) disciplines. Business Tourism and Criminology should select course or program that is included in this initial list of eight (8) Ladderized disciplines. your admission will.O. you will be granted credit recognition that corresponds to your acquired NC level. and obtain a national Certificate. Information and Communication Technology. namely: Agriculture. Once you pass the assessment. What if I am a previous Tech-Voc graduate who intends to go back to school and enroll in a College Degree Program? Can I have my Tech-Voc course(s) credited in the Degree Program I am enrolling in? How do I apply? Yes. Humanities and other major subjects that are not normally part of a Tech-Voc course. By School Year 2007-2008. If you are a Tech-Voc graduate or worker who does not hold a National Certificate (NC) yet. .continue as they are. Engineering. 2. Health. What should I do? 1. if I cannot afford a College Education? Scholarship opportunities in Tech-Voc and College Education are available at TESDA and CHEd. Adopt the model curricula approved by CHEd and TESDA for Ladderized Programs. Caregiving or Food and Beverage Servicing. 3. Under Ladderization. 358 will also be allowed to operate. e) Education. The Ladderized College Degree Program should have full Tech-Voc qualifications should be contained in the Training Regulations issued by TESDA. get a job in that Job Platform. Your institution may opt to: a. the minimum eligibility is prior "recognition" of the traditional program. Applications for Ladderization should be in the eight (8) identified priority disciplines. Private Colleges and Universities and SUCs thatb will offer "new" Ladderized College Degree Programs under E. For Private Colleges and Universities. local government units. CHEd shall evaluate the existing traditional program to determine if they are still in compliance with the Policies. Also. an equivalent authorization from the Board of Regents is required. c) Health. you can now proceed to CHEd and submit your Ladderized Curriculum. University or any other College Degree-Granting Institution authorized to offer Ladderized Programs. and have your previously completed Tech-Voc coures credited fro equivalent units in the College Degree Program you want to take. You need to submit to TESDA all the requirements for Tech-Voc Program Registration under the Ladderized System. you can still be part of the Ladderized Education System by following this procedures: 1.2. say. f) Criminology. How can a Ladderized Education Program benefit me. 5..O. you may enroll first in a Tech-Voc course to learn a specific occupation or trade. i. and have been unable to get any scholarship for the smaller cost of a six-month Tech-Voc course. and earn an income. foundations and others. Then you can follow the procedures and guidelines in the application for Permit / Authority to Operate Ladderized Programs. namely: a) Agriculture. 8. The Tech-Voc qualifications in the Ladderized College Degree Program should be registered with TESDA under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS). 4. The College or University should develop and align its proposed Ladderized College Degree Programs. and h) Engineering. They will have to submit their application to the CHEd Regional Office nearest the College or University. 6. according to standards set by TESDA and CHEd. Information about these programs can be sourced from the nearest TESDA and CHEd office in your area. and will be included in the official list of accredited institutions offering Ladderized College Degree Program What if I am an educational institution that offers purely Tech-Voc Programs? Can I still be included in the Ladderized Education System? How? Yes. your College or University will be granted a Certificate of Approval or Authority to Offer the Ladderized Program. d) ICT. or b. Training Regulations (TR) and UTPRAS for TVET programs. For SUCs. Standards and Guidelines (PSG) set for the course offering. 7. Develop your own Ladderized Curricula. You should develop the proposed Ladderized Programs with your partner institution. You may enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with a College. you can eventually pursue and complete your College Education with income from your job. private companies. if you cannot afford College Education. New Ladderized College Degree Programs are defined as those which do not have prior permit / recognition from CHEd. 3. how can TESDA help me? . b) Maritime. Upon approval and issuance of a Certificate of Program Registration (CoPR). In summary. together with the CoRP. g) Tourism / HRM. and PSG for Degree Programs. When all requirements are satisfied.e. Provided that the standards prescribed are satisfied. who will be your package partner in the delivery of Education. 9. 2. S. be of good moral character. or for a small fee. not have taken any post-secondary or College units after High School graduation. then you should choose to go through a Ladderized Program. degree Program. TESDA and CHEd have worked together to map out competency equivalents in many of these programs to develop possible credit equivalency matrices in selected disciplines. which are open to High S chool graduates who meet the following qualifications: y y y y y y y y Must Must Must Must Must Must Must Must be a Filipino citizen. However. have had a general grade average in High School of 80% or above. What College Disciplines have been ladderized? Are all College Degree Programs covered? In what regions. namely: Agriculture.000 pesos. Maritime. plus s College Degree. Engineering. units of competencies earned in Tech-Voc courses are given equivalent units in a relevant. eventually you emerge from the system a better qualified. Degree Program? The decision is yours.TESDA can help you in many ways. TESDA and CHEd have mapped out a system of equivalent units and credits between Tech-Voc courses and College Degree Programs in selected disciplines. as certified by the school principal. Ladderized Education will be implemented in eight (8) disciplines which are among the most popular. Poor but deserving students.S. through its Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) and Technical Education and Skill Development Project-Asian Development Bank (TESD-ADB) Programs. not have any pending administrative or criminal charges. be physically and mentally fit to undergo training / education. Ladderized curricula have also been . without having to earn money throughout that period. as you work up your way to College. With Tech-Voc skills and competencies in hand. If you have the financial means to directly pursue a four or five-year College Degree Program. at the schools owned and operated by your Government. Under this credit matrix. Helping you acquire the skills for a job TESDA has a network of 121 TESDA Technology Institutions all over the country that provide mostly tradebased training courses. including: a. cities and municipalities? Initially. provinces. Education. Providing you credit units earned in Tech-Voc courses that Colleges and Universities may recognize as equivalent credit units for their College Degree Programs. Ladderized College Degree Program Im about to enter College this school year. can avail of these financial subsidies. then well and good. depending on your financial situation. The main advantage of Ladderized Education is that a National Certificate affirming your Tech-Voc qualification can assure your job-readiness in successively higher Job Platforms. you will have arrives on a Job Platform that can already provide you occupation work for a lifetime. Should I enroll in the Ladderized Program or in the regular B. who do not have the means to get an education. But if you are unsure that you have the resources. belong to a family whose annual gross income is not more than 120. more experienced and more competent person who is far more desirable for better jobs and careers. to complete a College Degree Program straightaway. and not be a recipient of any other government scholarship grant of similar scheme b. Health. you can enroll in the regular B. TESDA also provides scholarship and student assistance to those who wish to attend Private Institutions. Business Tourism and Criminology. for SY 2006-2007. These courses are usually offered for free. Information and Communication Technology. plus work experience acquired at each Job Platform. or the time. developed in some of the identified Tech-Voc and College Degree Programs. We have merely started to institutionalize Ladderized College Degree Programs in our Educational System. This will be continuing work in progress. Lists of Disciplines / College Degree Programs will expanded to widen the scope and coverage of Ladderized Education.O. you may get a certificate in a technical course become employed and. Health Care Services. however. The approach in education today is to provide Filipinos with employability given the shortest time and least resources. Thus. later come back to finish your 4-year course. To get a certification in a technical course. Housekeeping. The skill assessment is conducted either at their offices or at certified assessment centers. Thus. Fernandez Colleges has been a pioneer with regards to ladderized courses. TESDA and CHEd are working closely together with their respective institutional partners to achieve this progressively. This is unlike traditional education where you could only become employed after 4 years thus making those who stopped after only 2 or 3 years highly unemployable. Where can I get more details and information about Ladderized Education? All other details and information on Ladderized Education are available at the nearest TESDA and CHEd field office in your area. Ladderized Education Program . if you choose. Fernandez Colleges is one such venue for assessment: it has complete facilities and equipment used in the assessment of Caregiver. Will Ladderized Education also cover other Disciplines and other College Degree Programs? Oh yes. you must pass a final skill assessment to be given by TESDA (This is required for POEA and PDOS applicants). 358 will be implemented nationwide in institutions with authorized Ladderrized Programs that have already been approved by TESDA and CHEd in eight (8) popular disciplines. the Ladderized Education System under E. Executive Order 358 was promulgated which concerns the ladderized interface between technical education (6 month to 2 year courses) and higher education (4 year courses). which allow the student to take TESDA skills courses and later on continue their education leading up to 4-year degrees. on an ongoing process of never-ending development. definitely. Bartending and Food and Beverage. Ladderized courses are those. Beginning this school year 2006-2007. The framework shall include the following mechanisms: y y y y y y y y y National System of Credit Transfer Post TVET Bridging Programs System of Enhanced Equivalency Adoption of Ladderized Curricula/Program Modularized Program Approach Comptency-based Programs Network of Dual Sector Colleges and Universities Accreditation/Recognition of Prior Learning List of TVIs under EO 358 .President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed the Executive Order No. 358 in September 15. 2004 which mandates TESDA and CHED to develop and implement a unified national qualifications framework that establishes equivalency pathways and access ramps for easier transition and progression between TVET and higher education.
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