Lab Report (Conductometric Titration)

April 2, 2018 | Author: Laila Simpson Blue | Category: Titration, Acid, Chemistry, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Analytical Chemistry



LAPORAN INDUSTRI PROSESLab Report (Conductometry Titration) Oleh: Fitri Nafisa (151424013) Nurlailatush Sholihah(151424021) PROGRAM STUDI DIV-TEKNIK KIMIA PRODUKSI BERSIH JURUSAN TEKNIK KIMIA POLITEKNIK NEGERI BANDUNG 2016 while equivalence point of conductometry titration can be determined from the conductivity of solution that measured and this titration not use indicators. Conductometry titration is also highly correlated with the concentration and temperature of the solution to be determined the power supply. II. it will affect if a great concentration that .2 G =1 ⁄ R = K x 1 ⁄ A Conductometry Titration Conductometry titration is related with electrical conductivity. Introduction Titration is the a method of determining the concentration of an unknown solution (the analyte) by reacting it completely with a standardized reagent that is a solution of known concentration (the titrant). The different between conductometry titration and volumetric titration is how to determine the equivalence point of the solution. the equivalence point is known when it changes color when the substance is in equilibrium. so that the non-electrolyte solution can not conduct electricity. if the temperature is change.1 Conductometry Conductance (G) ease with which current flows per unit area of conductor per unit potential applied & is reciprocal to resistance (R). Indicators are used to make it easier to see the substance has reached the equivalence. G = 1/R Specific conductance (K): conductance of the body of uniform length(l) & uniform area cross section(A) III. So that the temperature of the solution must be kept in a state of constant.I. so will be related with the presence of ions in solution which serves to conduct electric current in the solution. This electric current can not be passed through a solution that is not contained ions. If using volumetric titration. Conductometry titration is one of various types of titration. Principle / Theory of Conductometry Titration 3. Aims  Do conductometry titration  To determine equivalence point  To determine concentrations of solution III. Types of conductometry titration divided into six types. Redox titrations. they are: Acid –base or neutral titrations. So that the ions in solution can not stir freely.should have a great conductivity but it resulting the smaller vealue of the conductivity because the temperature goes down. The example of typical Acid –base or neutral titrations:  Strong acis. Replacement or displacement titrations.weak base ( CH3COOH vs NH4OH ) . Complexometric titrations and Non-aqueous titrations.strong base ( HCl vs NaOH )  Strong acid-weak base ( HCl vs NH4OH )  Weak acid-Strong base ( CH3COOH vs NaOH )  Weak acid. Precipitation titrations. 3 Principle of Conductometry Titration The principle of conductometry titration is based on the fact that during the titration.1 N Beaker Glass 100 mL Hydrochloric Acid 0. IV.1 N Magnetic Stirrer Oxalic Acid Burette Hotplate Stirrer change in conductance as a function of the volume of titrant added. Procedures & Critical Steps during the course of titration.1 M of Solution Electrode of Immersion Cell Natrium Hydroxide 0. one of the ions is replaced by the other and invariably these two ions differ in the ionic conductivity with the result that conductivity of the solution varies Tools Materials Conductometer 660 KCl 0. Tools and Materials V. The equivalence point may be located graphically by plotting the .III.1 N Spray Bottle Asetic Acid 0. specify the specific conductivity which is appropriate to the temperature Put 5 mLinof chloride solution glass Spin “Course” bottom “off” positionacid and change the 0.A. Calibrate electrode and conductometer Press “on/off” bottom on the conductometer Put immersion cell electrode into socket in back of conductometer Set the constant cell which is appropriate with the electrode Set the temperature coefficient at a value of 2 Set “FREQ” in 2 KHz. the temperature and set(the value 1 ) Fill burette with sodium hydroxide Set bottom “COND”.1 N . “RANGE” in fixed Dip the electrode in a solution of 0. wash and dry the electrode B. “TEMP” in Pt 100 . ( write the conductivity types value that shown on the device) If the titrate have done. wash and dry it Titrate until it is finish. press “stand by” bottom.1 valueNofinto “Cellbeaker Constant” until “COND” display show the value that we want (like step 8) Dip electrode to the solution Press “Stand by” bottom (electrode and conductometer have been calibrated) Write the first the specific conductivity ( press “COND” bottom ) before do the titration Lift electrode.1 M KCL SetPress up equipment asread shown in the picture Picture “temp” bottom. Conductometry Titration Make the curve between specific conductivity and volume of sodium hydroxide titrant Specify the equivalence point and then specify the concentrations of solution Repeat step 2 until step 9 for asetic acid 0. Result A.( Picture 1 ) VI. Standardization NaOH . 30 3.96 7.77 3.5 9 9.1 N K (mS/cm) 4.5 20 Konduktivitas (ms/cm) 9.59 7.69 3.5 10 10.5 16 16.00 3.81 8.43 3.05 4.11 4.96 3.60 3.04 8.5 8 8.31 3.89 3.5 11 11.5 15 15.60 3.5 18 18.55 9.20 4.76 9.36 3.5 16 16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NaOH (mL) 7 7.45 3.33 9.5 13 13.Mass of Oxcalic Volume Oxalic acid concentration No.53 3.22 .36 3.49 3.63 gr : 100 mL : 0.93 3.5 17 17.5 17 17.64 9.5 18 18.37 7.5 12 12.5 : 0.18 3.68 3.85 3.84 3. Determination concentration of HCl NO Volume NaOH (mL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15.5 14 14.22 B.5 19 19. 33 5.05 3.99 3.63 C.49 7.71 5.41 5.65 6.5 4 4.01 4.55 4.5 25 25.97 5.04 5. Volume NaOH (mL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.5 Konduktivitas (mS/cm) 6.16 6.5 30 30.5 22 22.17 7.5 7 7.09 7.5 29 29.48 4.1 4.85 6.5 28 28.5 32 32.77 6.55 7.64 4.5 24 24.5 26 26.97 7.5 5 5.35 7.81 6.5 35 8.88 6.1 N No.26 5.5 33 33.5 6 6.27 7.5 34 34.38 5.5 21 21.04 6.57 5.66 5. Determination concentration of CH3COOH 0.94 .5 27 27.5 23 23.53 6.27 6.26 5.11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 20.71 5.42 3.39 6.48 3.5 31 31. 5 3 2.23 4.86 4.43 4.87 3.76 4. Graphic determination concentration of NaOH 4.72 3.81 3.5 1 0.33 3.67 3.55 3.35 3.5 4.03 3.5 17 17.5 11 11.84 A.57 4.5 0 6 8 10 12 14 Volume NaOH (mL) 16 18 20 .28 3.5 4 3.5 14 14.28 3.5 Konductivity (mS/cm) 2 1.48 3.5 12 12.10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 8.5 10 10.5 16 16.5 9 9.5 13 13.65 3.4 3.5 15 15.49 3. Graphic determination concentration of HCl 12 10 8 konductivity (mS/cm) 6 4 2 0 10 15 20 25 30 Volume NaOH (mL) C.B. Graphic determination concentration of CH3COOH 35 40 . 1 N .1275 N c. Vasam oksalat NNaOH . VNaOH NHCl . 20 mL b. Determination concentration of HCl NHCl. 30 mL = 0. 22 mL NHCl . = 0.7 6 5 4 konductivity (mS/cm) 3 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Volume NaOH (mL) Calculation Data a.1739 N . 25mL NCH3COOH NNaOH . Determination concentration of NaOH NNaOH .1739 N = 0. VNaOH = = 0. 13 mL 16 18 20 .1739 N . 11. VHCl = NNaOH . VNaOH = Nasam oksalat .09 N 0. Determination concentration of CH3COOH NCH3COOH .VCH3COOH = NCH3COOH .5 mL = NNaOH 0. because there’s a possibility of NaOH being hygroscopic or easy to catch water vapor and water if it left too long it might change the concentration. But based on the table. Before starting the titration first check the conductivity type of HCl and the result is 0.1 N and CH3COOH 0. because the KCl solution 0.1 N).58 mS/Cm in temperature 26 celcius degree. Cell constant that already determined on the calibrating aren’t changed in the experiment.1 M has conductivity value that are known in various temperature. relation of temperature with the conductivity type at the temperature 260 that the value is 13. then measure the electrolyte solution which the compound capable of ionizing on the solvent.1739 N. obtained the concentration of NaOH 0. Standardization of NaOH with oxalic acid aims to know the sure concentration of NaOH.81 Cm-1 and conductivity of 12. This experiment are used few types of solution such as Oxalic Acid 0. Based on the experiment. mix the solution with magnetic stirrer to get the optimal conductivity type so the ions spread evenly. After standardized the solution of NaOH. From the result of calibration obtained cell constant of 0. solution of HCl 0. .1 N to standardized the NaOH. because the conductivity of the solution depend on the value of cell constant.13 mS/Cm.82 mS/cm. After calibrated. POLBAN 2014). which the titrant was HCl solution 0. The electrode used in this experiment is an immersion cell electrode.1 N. In the calibration process is done by dipping the electrode into the KCl solution 0. Disscusion In this practice of “Conductometry titration” is a method to determine the end point of titration of a solution based on ion capabilities in delivering an electrical charge between two electrodes (HIMATEK. the tools must be calibrated first to set the cell constant in accordance with electrodes that are used and to reduce the error reading to get the accuracy result. In this process. This concentration is different with the concentration that were on the table (0. POLBAN 2012) Before measurement . so the cell constant can be determined. then do the titration with NaOH solution as the titrant. Each material is measured the conductivity to know its ability to generate free ions in the material properties that are known to conduct electricity (HIMKA.VII.1 N.1 M. are bigger. in the solution contain the H + ions and Clthat each of it has their own value of the molar conductivity. While on weak electrolyte solution (CH3COOH) the ionized isn’t going perfectly so resulting the conductivity value smaller than HCL.From the conductometric titration of NaOH – HCl obtained the conductivity solution each added 0. H+ on the solution has reacted completely with OH-. the conductivity tend to increase. resulting the difference of the concentration. do the titration on CH3COOH solution 0. because the molar conductivity of OH.51 mS/cm.1275 N (it different with the concentration that written in the label). The difference that obtained from each solution with concentration on the label might not right. This because before the NaOH added. each solution has different K values. it is 0. the amount of H+ in the solution diminish because it H2O formed by ion OH-. so it can make easier to count the concentration of CH 3COOH solution. so it get the concentration of HCl solution 0. write the date every 0.1 N. on strong electrolyte solution (HCl) obtain a big value of K. Do the calibration on the device before doing the titration of conductometry . Conclusion : 1. On the end point of titration. the first conductivity type of this solution is 0. while the amount of NaOH increases because of the addition. obtained a equivalent point on volume 22 mL. after that make a graphic so the shape of the curve seems like the V letter. After that. From the graphic. This happened because while making the solution then there was something wrong. The result of measure the conductivity value.5 mL of NaOH added then make a curve to know the equivalent point easily. Na + has a molar conductivity value smaller than H+ so the total conductivity value from the solution goes down. This shape signify that at the first of the titration. this because HCl can be ionized perfectly on the solvent resulting the big value on the conductivity.09 N (the concentration is different with the concentration that has written on the label). Equivalent point happened when the volume of NaOH hit 13 mL. the solution conductivity tend to diminish and after passed the equivalent point.5 mL NaOH. by added more NaOH will increase the total conductivity value of the solution. Before the equivalent point. ca/200301/chem34201/3420%20PDF%20Lab%20Manual/Exp5.1739 N on NaOH volume 11.blogspot. “PPT Konduktometri”. 2014. Listiana.pdf http://www.uleth. Sources Aji. “Konduktometri”.tau.t. “Potensiometri dan Konduktometri”.ac. “Pengukuran TDS dan Konduktometri”. Make the curve of conductivity type against the titrant volume of NaOH to get the equivalen point. https://himatekpolban-official. “ Penentuan_konsentrasi_NaOH_HCl_dan_Ka_asam_asetat_menggunakan_metode potensiometri[19 Maret 2016] Wahyudhy. t.pdf N on NaOH volume 13 mL. 5.51 mS/cm 4.5[18 Maret 2016] HIMKA POLBAN. Conductivity value of HCl solution is bigger than the conductivity value of CH 3COOH solution “Konduktometri”.[18 Maret 2016] Lestari.html[31 Maret 2016] http://classes. 2012.t.slideshare. https://aguswahyudhy. Conductivity value of HCl solution and CH 3CHOOH solution are waaji/ppt-konduktometri[11 Maret 2016] HIMATEK konduktometri.blogspot.1275 N on NaOH volume 22 mL and concentration of CH3COOH is 0. David Wibawa. The concentration of NaOH based on the experiment is 0. concentration of HCl is 0.weebly. Agus.academia.pdf . https://www.himka1polban. http://ceulk.k12.82 mS/cm and 0. 2014.
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