
March 25, 2018 | Author: larraq01 | Category: Orc (Middle Earth), Leisure, Nature



________________________________________________KVATCH REBUILT__________________ _______________________________ __________________________________________________Walkthrough___________________ _________________________________________________________________Written by Harry Gilpin, AKA captainwolfos____ _______________________________ ============================== 0. Contents: ============================== 1. Credits and Legal 2. Notes 3. Walkthrough I. Kvatch Rebuilt: Sticks and Stones II. Kvatch Rebuilt: Blood on the Road III. Kvatch Rebuilt: Falling Flowers IV. Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows V. Kvatch Rebuilt: A Sanguine Howl VI. Aftermath 4. Side Quests i. Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows - A Knife in the Dark ii. Kvatch Rebuilt: Hero of Prosterity iii. Kvatch Rebuilt: The Roar of Blood 5. Added NPCs and Their Equipment 6. New Armour/Weapons/Items Etc. 7. Locations Added by this Mod 8. Useful Information/Console Codes ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 1. Credits and Legal ============================== I make no claim to the fantastic mod that is Kvatch Rebuilt. It was created by a very talented group of modders (Kvatch Rebuilt Team), and uploaded by Elessar_VPR. I am simply writing this wa lkthrough due to popular demand for one. That and I'm bored. While I have created a walkthrough for this mod, it was written without permissi on. Should the creators of the mod decide that they do not want this walkthrough distributed on the Internet, I shall graciously remove it. I do not appreciate people taking other people's work and claiming it as their o wn, so I will not be very happy if this walkthrough has been claimed by someone else as their own work, on this site or another. You have been warned. Redistribution is fine, as long as I'm credited. That's all I ask. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is owned solely by Bethesda Softworks. Etc. Etc. This file will only be hosted by me on the Elder Scrolls Nexus site. http://www .tesnexus.com/ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 2. Notes ============================== Starting the questline does not require starting any of the Main Oblivion Questl ine. It does, however, require that you complete the optional quest 'The Battle For Castle Kvatch'. Also, afte r the quest 'Falling Flowers', the MQ does need to be at least started. To completely finish the KR questline, the MQ also needs to be completed. A lot of characters added by this mod are Essential, so it is not advisable to a ttack them. Most only have low quality, easily affordable equipment on them, anyway, so it is not worth attempt ing to loot them. It is strongly recommended that you do not wait anywhere near Kvatch when waitin g for the next quest, as things in or around the city may not move or appear as they are supposed to. An exampl e of this is when the architects arrive, their tents are supposed to appear for the second quest. Sometimes this doesn't happen, and you may be forced to use movetoqt to find one of the required quest characters. As great as this mod is, like all other massive mods, bugs and clipping are very likely, especially when used in conjunction with other mods. There are a few bugs (some potentially quest break ing) in later quests. Loading previous saves may be necessary in some places. On that note, one quest in particular has several different options. Some of th e given options are bugged, and may work on one attempt but on others. You may have to persist, or try a differ ent option to continue. Most have more or less the same outcome overall, regardless of which you pick. I have played through the quest several times to ensure the amount of time you n eed to wait is correct, but have had different amounts of 'waits' each time. On one play I've had to wait 10 day s, while on others I've had to wait just 7 days. Be patient between quests, but also be realistic. Waiting 100 str aight days either means you may have missed something, or the quest has bugged out. All timescales given are therefo re purely estimates, as it is difficult to give an exact time if the amount of time you have to wait is more o r less random. I am Welsh, and therefore use British English, and so I will say 'Armour' instea d of 'Armor' in some places. However, considering I have an American English version of the game, if the item description says 'Armor', I will refer to it as such in the walkthrough. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 3. Walkthrough so taking stuff is considered stealing). Loot the Goblin War Chief if you want the key to the . he will ask you to find a man named Somu tius Entius and ask him what the hold up is. He asks you to go to Skingrad in the east and ask Count Hassildor for so me architects to get the ball rolling. Outside th ere are two Night Blood goblins. Reading the message is not compulsory. depending on your level. Find Savlian. The next room has two/three goblins. Head on over to Castle Skingrad. they were stolen by goblins. he will inform you that he is looking to start rebuilding the city. It is a goblin dungeon. so you will encounter goblins. you will be approached by a Breton named Arnand. Head over to Kvatch and you may notice some things have been moved around. linear silver mine. In the courtyard. but they may already have been killed by the time you get there by bandits. there are two goblins. In the next 'room'. go inside and talk to Ent ius. When you find Savlian. there is a silver vein. The next. injuring him in the process. a silver vein and a chest containing random loot. Entius will tell you that the reason the goods haven't been delivered yet is because he doesn't have them. if you're having trouble with this he usually hangs around at the front of the castle or in his t ent (his tent is still labelled as being owned by Savlian. Kvatch Rebuilt: Sticks and Stones Requirements: The Battle For Castle Kvatch Time after previous quest: ~7 days A week after the battle is over. Head inside Green Fall Mine. but it does add a quest marker making Savlian easier to find. The Entius Farm is a small farmhouse west of Skingrad. and needs your help to do so. and there are a few notable valuables here. Directly in front of you as you enter the mine. so there is little chance of get ting lost. Green Fall Mine is a small. as t he mine is right next to the Cursed Mine with a bandit or two outside. He will tell you that there is no chance of an audience with the Cou nt. He says if you go and retrieve the goods. bigger room has two/three goblins. one chest containing random loot and tw o Wisp Stalk plants. the people are starting to clear the city. Head slightly to the north east of the farmhouse to Green Fall Mine. Likewise.============================== I. He is easy t o point out as he is wearing a monk robe. a silver vein. he will give you a ring in return. two chests and a loc ked cell (lock level: hard) containing a dead captive. as his 'dinner' has not yet arrived. you will be approached by a Nord man named Igna r Rodblock with a message from Savlian Matius. After accepting his proposal. In the next room. He requests that you come to Kvatch to see him as soon as possi ble. there are two lockpicks on top of a broken crate and a chest containing random loot. the bandits may have been k illed by the goblins. The next room is not compulsory now that you have the goods. you will have a very long wait until the next one starts) Leave Kvatch and go about your world saving business. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ II. Arnand will stay in the castle courtyard for the remainder of the game. Wait un til 10:00.) Talking to the Count will reveal that he has no problems with sending architects to help rebuild Kvatch. Return to Arnand at the castle to give him the good news. and he will give you The Free Hand Ring. Return to Kvatch. Note: if you happen to miss Hassi ldor. return to Entius at his farm. Ignar will fi nd you with another note. see Notes). then ta lk to Savlian who will thank you for your help. so you will have to start the conversation. although he will not actively seek you out. he will continue leaving his quarters every evening at 10:00pm until you talk to him. and more tents have been pitched (if this doesn't happen. but makes finding Procius easier. as well as some random clutter. the quest will not prog ress or finish. You DO have to wait. a vial of 'Strange Red Liquid'. reading the note isn't necessa ry. When you head to Kvatch you will notice that more ruins and debris have been removed. notice a few more NPCs wandering around and 'working'. Now that you have the goods. three empty Petty Soul Gems and one empty Lesser Soul Gem. but contains a Gobl in Shaman. and everything in it is labelled as owned by him. Procius Douarus. He will tell you that he will pull some strings to get Hassildor to meet you. Again. (Note: DO NOT break into his quarters. (Note: occasionally. Note: th e Count will meet you outside his quarters in the castle courtyard. although this does not happen often).cell (Green Fall Mine Cell Key). Don't panic. three Cairn Bolete plants. which has a constant Fortify Block 7pts enchantment. this time from the head architect. at 10:00pm the next evening. if you do not talk to Savlian. the Count will come out of his quarters to meet you at 10:0 0pm the same day. but will not reward you. Procius' tent is one of the first ones you will see as you enter the city. taking things is considered stealing. (Note: this is important. The chest next to the entrance of that room contains the goods you're looking fo r. Kvatch Rebuilt: Blood on the Road Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: Sticks and Stones Time after previous quest: ~16 days Two weeks after you complete your first little errand for Savlian. and this will not continue the quest. as well as 8 Wisp Stalk plants in the small 'hallway' before it. and the Count will come out of his quarters to talk to you. . and not in the great hall as is his regular me eting place. He will simply have a random generic con versation with you. some of the ir required supplies have not been delivered from Anvil. At the entrance to the main 'room' of the cave there is a tripwire triggering tw o swinging wooden mace traps. and from the re walk. a flax tunic and a copy of the Guide to Anvil. one chest and another table w ith an iron cuirass. prepare for a fight. and next to the table is a chest containing random loot. with a bandit. Head into Laughing Stand Cave. there is a small chance that these bandits will be replaced by dogs and/or bandit hedge wizards. there should be a p ool of blood on the road. which bandits may walk through. or through the city to the north gate. Going right leads you to a dead end. two Apples. crab meat. a torn sack of grain (which is usually empty) and a chest (lock l evel: average). a leek and a corn cob. The next section contains a lone bandit. and a skeleton directly underneath it.Talking to Procius will reveal that there has been a supply problem. 3 tents. a torn sack of grain and two ba rrels. a c hest containing random valuables. Either walk around the city. The room contains a bonfire. . As soon as you enter. and he would like you to go and find out why. Talk to him. one of the bandits will trigger the trap and kill him/herself) I n here are seven bandits. Head west t o Anvil Docks. but that there was obvious ly something wrong with the setup. a sack. 3 barrels containing random food. a Ham. a fire (which the bandit is often stupid enough to try and walk through). Vibl e himself usually carries a fair amount of gold. 2 chests containing random valuables. Laughing Stand Cave is a fairly linear cave containing bandits and a fair bit of (mostly loose) loot. to a cave surrounded by bandits who didn't die. including three named bandits. 4 loose gold pieces. At the end of the docks. depen ding on how many spawn. There are ~7 bandits. Following the blood leads past a few dead merchants and a dead bandit. are some of the supplies which should have gone to Kvatch. 5 sacks containing food. Outside the cave. so the supplies have clearly been stolen. run or ride along the road to Kvatch. (Occasionally. The next section of the cave contains two bandits. but either way. As this is a bandit cave. outside of the Fo'c's'le. Going to the left of the table will lead you to a tripwire which triggers a swin ging mace trap. 8 crates containing either random loot or torches. tw o cupboards containing food and Beer. to find out that the supplies have already been shipped. He suggests checking the road between Anvil and Kvatch. three (normally empty) barrels. eight Beer bottles. He thought that there were too many people at the dock for a simple deli very. you will find a Redguard name d Staron Hawker. called the Laughing Stand Cave. two Vible's Bodyguards and Vible the Cruel. Shortly after you pass the Brina Cross Inn. Directly ahead is a t able with an iron claymore and a food sack. as well as some lower class clutter. you will be greeted by two bandits. with the exception of all ks. as this time you do not need to go to Kvatch for your instructions. with naught but a floating broken chapel on the ground. two sharpened cutlasses.some lower class clutter. so feel free e entire of the house. to loot th this may m of the sac quest. It is not considered trespassing to enter it at any time of the day. Without the console. but he would like you to leave as you have dredged up some bad memories. you will discover that he doesn't remember much it happened. you may bypass this part completely and go straight to Belwen by the lighthouse. a dead merchant. and the chest labelled 'Flora Ingredients'. you will have to typ e setstage KRUninstall 10 into the console. if small.) he is grie about how Go into the city. reading the note is required to progress the quest . Head over to Sapling Manor to the west of A nvil (there is no map marker). either. however. at least for long enough to pretty up the new Kvatch. a silver cla ymore and nine Bodkins of Damaging Illumination. return to Kvatch and talk to Procis. He directs you to a master gardener near Anvil. Reading the note will reveal that the rebuild is coming along well. and THEN remove it's bits and pieces from the Data folder to fully remo ve the mod. He will tha nk you and tell you that you may be needed again sometime in the future. enchanted arrows added by the mod (see: Added Armour/Weapons/Items Etc. After killing Vible the Cruel.). and ask anyone about his wife. player home after the quest is over. Unlike the previous quests. so ake a decent. (Note: all containers in the house respawn. or to the docks. ****************************** After this quest ends. should you decide to remove the mod. Belwen. who has unfortunately suddenly g one into retirement for absolutely no reason. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ III. After talking to him. so if you want to . but he is currently in depression as ving for his dead wife. Procis would like you to try to convince this master to come out of his retirement. Kvatch Rebuilt: Falling Flowers Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: Blood on the Road Time after previous quest: ~20 days Like the other quests. you will eventually be approached by Ignar again and give n a message from Procis. Taking the flora ingredients may be useful for a later Inside is a Bosmer named Godras. (Note: clicking the same option repeatedly may give different responses from the same person. Nothing in Sapling Manor is considered to have an owner. returning to Kvatch with the mod partially uninstalled will remove Kvatch from t he map. but it needs some flora to spruce up the place. If it is alre ady Sundas. The note itself is rather vague. and be greeted by two of Molvirian's former brothers.you do not need to report to anyone in Kvatch. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ IV. The quest ends here . Head to the east of Cheydinhal to Molvirian's Cottage. He may be wandering the city. it is important that he be found and restored to the throne. but he is more likely to be at the top floor of th e refugee housing near the north of Kvatch. Talk to him to see what's troubling him so. Reading the book starts the si . and agree to go to Kvatch and perform his services. Savlian will tell you that a book and a note were found amongst some rubble at t he castle. She will tell you that Ilnori is also known as 'Molvirian'. As this person is the h eir to the throne of Kvatch. Ho wever. Wait until Sundas and talk to the ghos t. and Molvirian's Journal on the broken bookshelf. Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: Falling Flowers. as reading the book will show that he has had quite a troubled past and has been hu nted down by his 'brothers' for a long time. They think it may be her. RIP) near the fireplace.finish this quickly. so it's time once again to pay Savlian a visit in Kvatch. but there is Adria's body (Molvirian's ladyfr iend. She will give you her pendant to give to him. as is his birthright. Arenar. simply talk to the same person until he/she gives up the re sponse you're after. Miscarcand Time after previous quest: ~18 days The city build is running quickly. and has a house and ladyfriend just outside the city. Asking the Cheydinhal townsfolk will reveal that Arenar (or Ilnori. She will tell you exactly what happened on the day she died. you simply have to wait for the next message from Ignar. but he does not know how old this information is. he may not even be alive. Kill them. the Shades. but Ignar comes to you again with another message from Savlian. Savlian will tell you that there may be further clues in Cheydinhal. which may be clues regarding the late Count Goldwine's lost child. head inside the cottage. and you will discover that it was actually partial ly Godras' fault. and kill two more of the Shades. and he will suddenly rememb er everything that had happened. and the flowers are put into place. as is his pe nname) recently went to Mach-Na regarding getting his book published. He will thank you. T here is little of value in Molvirian's (now ransacked) house. Return to Sapling Manor and give Godras the pendant. so go to Mach-Na's bookstore and ask her a bout him.) Talking to the townsfolk will eventually lead to hearing about the ghost of a wo man who appears by the lighthouse every Sundas. and then get up and leave for Kvatch. Travel to Cheydinhal and ask around. This section is the place yo u will start if you chose to instead enter through the hole guarded by the lone Shade. i f you try to jump into the hole. there are two Rats. one Shades Chiller. (Note: the Shades Kingpin has some pretty decent armour and a formidable weapon. Talking to Molvirian will reveal that Molvirian is quite a wimp. as the Shades are part of the Marauder Faction. you will be greeted by a Rat and a Shades Smuggl er. and another a bit further south. There is also a chest on the far right of the room containing random loot. No matter which entrance you pick you will find yourself on the first floor of the cavern. If you fall into the water. (Note: in this chamber there is a bridge over a small body of water. but he is the h . Tread carefully. Taking the passage to the right will take you to the main room. one Sh ades Smuggler and one Shades Reaver. Use the br idge. simply take the note from one of th e Shades' body and read it. one Shades Chille r and the Kingpin of the Shades. In the next room are three Rats. (See: Side Quests. Take the Shades Cell Key from the Kingpin to unlock the cell where Molvirian is being held. Entering through the main door. Ta king the passage to the left will lead you to a chest containing random loot and four Wisp Stalk Caps.) In the room. There are three Clouded Funnel Caps and three Wisp Stalks in this room. The main room contains one Shades Brother. low level players. you will instantly die. a sack containi ng random food and three bedrolls.) Salt Marsh Cavern is a fairly linear cave with two floors. I would advise the mai n entrance. and it is slightly too shallow to jump out of it. (Note: be warned that you will only be prompted to enter the hole once. the only way out of it is to use tcl. it will direct you to a nearby cave .Salt Marsh Cavern. There is a Dead Farmer on one of the rocks. as you cannot leave back through the hole. one down a hole with a waterfall over the top of it. The hole is guarded by a lone Shades brother.) If you do not wish to persue the side quest. but there are also several Rats which t he Shades do not attack. two Clouded Funnel Caps and three Wisp Stalk Caps. and behind the massive boulder there is a chest containing random loot. while the door is being guarded by two. a sack containing three Flour. at the far right is a chest containing random loot. as well as being an incredibly high level. two Shades Reavers. and there are several other enemies you have to fight whe n you leave if you choose to enter through the hole. In the centre of the room are two chests containing random loot. There are two entrances into t he cavern. as there are no passages or anything else to get out of the water. this one is an ac tual door into the cave. In the next room. Also. It is technically cl assed as a Marauder dungeon.de quest A Knife in the Dark. three Shades Smugglers and a Shades Chille r. two Shades Brothers. In this small corridor you will immediately find a Rat and a Shades Brother. Salt Marsh Cavern Depths.) Use the door in this room to the next Zone. you must pick up the Exquisitely Crafted Ring off the floor on the right hand side of Molvirian's bed . Talk to him a second time after the quest has updated and he w ill say that he had forgotten about the ring. you can then go and collect the ring and the amulet. You have several options from this conversation. This ends the quest. After killing him. His name changes to Count Arenar Goldw ine. and he then finally travels to Kvatch to take up his throne. boiling down to either killing him right there. He thanks you for letting him rediscover who he is. it is easier to do so when you first meet hi . and you do not need to go back to Savlian. added by the mod. ****************************** Convincing Molvirian to Become Count Getting Molvirian to see who he is takes some time. if you decide to kill him. but had hoped that someh ow he was alive. you must wait outside of Molvirian's Cotta ge for three days. This coffin is generally guard ed by several Feral Alpine Wolves. and that he misses his wolf. Savlian will say that he had figured as much. and doesn't question or object to it. You must also go to the 'Frozen Grave' west of Bruma and collect Arenar's Amulet. he will tell you he has been think ing about it. it makes the quest go far more quic kly. ****************************** Killing Molvirian. He thanks you for going on this wild goose chase and says that he needs some time to think abo ut what will happen next. ****************************** Killing Molvirian. and then go to Savlian with or without the ring and amulet (it doesn't matter if you have them or not. then go inside to talk to him. he's clearly desperate for someone to rule. The first time you talk to him. or trying to convince him to take his place as Count Kvatch. There is a quest marker for this if the grave is difficult to find. then lie to Savlian. the quest will still continue). and therefore heir to the Kvatch throne. then Telling Savlian He Had Died You can kill Molvirian when you meet him. and he becomes Essential. If you tell Sav lian that you found him. Arenar's Amulet and a few random bones. He will completely buy your story. And resources. then Lying to Savlian If you decide to kill him when you meet him. but he still needs some convincing. telling him th at in fact you are Goldwine's son/ daughter.eir to the throne. The grave contains Molvirian's Frostbitten Finger (required i n the Knife in the Dark side quest). but he had died. After you have collected these items. ****************************** Overall. In order to do this. m. Head back to Kvatch. considering he believes that Kvatch has seen enough death. Sanguine Howl of the Arena. and asks you to go over to Gaban Sele of the Kvatch Mages Gui ld to see about getting combatants. either by telling him you are there to kill him. imp. it will not be open until the city is completely finished. and he wishes to ask your advice. Kvatch Rebuilt: A Sanguine Howl Requirement: Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows. is a scripted spell. he loves it.) Rats and Wolves are easy to come across more or less anywhere in Cyrodiil. It is also a hostile spell. (Note: if you yourself become Count/ess. and talk to Gaban. After a bit of convincing. He will say that it's about time Procis has come around to the idea of t he Arena. (Note: the spell. He tells you th at he will oversee the building of the Arena himself. Head over to the Arena District of the Imperial Cit y. as it takes far less time. and asks you to go and collect some 'combatants' for the Arena. Procis will tell you that he has no idea why he had any doubts about the Arena. Go through the door on the right to watch the fight. as well as three Daedra Hearts for some 'exotic' creatures. or that you are there on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood (if y ou are a member of the Dark Brotherhood yourself). Make sure you talk to him while still in the box. so be careful not to use it on p eople. you are not immediately allowed into th e castle. Using the spell he teaches you. Go into the Mages Guild. if you decide to kill h im after you 'scare' him. Procis writes to tell you that there may be a probl em with the Arena. Ignar will approach you again with another letter from Procis. Also. regular Soul Trap spells will not work for this part of the quest. he agrees to accompany you to the Imperial City to watch a match at the Arena there. In a hilariously expressionless face. Head over to find Procis in Kvatch. and wait until the match has finished and talk to Procis again while still in the spectator box. and M udcrabs are found almost anywhere . he will be inside the Wolf's Head Inn. which is in between the gatehouse and the Fighters Guil d by the main gate.) ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ V. boar. mudcrab. using a unique Soul Gem he had created called a Soul Cage. if he not wandering the city. and talk to the doorman to bet on a match. minus the statues in the courtyard. you must collect the souls of a rat. Talking to Procis will reveal that he is quite reluctant to rebuild the Arena at all. wolf. Battle of Bruma Time after previous quest: ~7 days A week after either you or Molvirian have settled into the new role as Count/ess . or else you will have to bet on another match and do this again. troll. it will not work as he then becomes an Essential character. bear and mountain lion. and therefore cannot be kill ed. Trolls are slightly more difficult to find. (If in doubt see: Useful Information/Console Comma nds. He will tha nk you. The Arena is now up and running. Savage Trolls. as with the Imperial City Aren a.) After all of both the Kvatch Rebuilt Quest and the Main Quest are complete. while the latter until level 16. He will give you a message from Savlian. and is playable. and thanking you for everything you have done. and the castle gatehouse by the main gate. I highly recommend using the mod Imperial Furniture for furnishing your new house. and the quest will end. so feel free to spruce it up a bit with furniture or whatever. Aftermath (Note: This is not technically a quest. you will fight monsters.) (Note: Starving Mountain Lions encountered during the Fighters Guild quest do no t count as Lion Souls. Arenar.) When you have collected the souls and the hearts. I don't think t here is any quest related to this. If you killed Arenar and became Count/ess yourself. Mountain Lions do not start spawning until level 12. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ . so just take it if you really want it. though it is rather bare. Black Bears and Brown Bears count toward the Bear Soul. abou t two weeks later Ignar will approach you one last time (this usually coincides with you being able to collec t your Imperial Dragon Armor from the Imperial Armory). the former does not start spaw ning until level 9. saying that the rebuild is complete. go back to Gaban. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ VI. then you have almost the ent ire run of the castle to yourself. Bears and Lions can be found in all places where Wolves and Rats spawn. Ignar or Procis say that you or anyone else has any claim to this house. The only places you can't enter without trespassing are into people's locked houses (obvi ous). A place where Imps are guaranteed to spawn is Robber's Glen Cave. Azhklan Trolls. however. Daedra and wild animals. near the entrance to Pale Pass is a good place to look. but can be fou nd anywhere wolves spawn. probably by design so that you can put your own s tuff in it. Boars do not start spawning until level 5. n orth of Bravil. and neither Savlian. but can be found practically anywhere where Imps spawn. Kalperklan Trolls and the Uderfrykte Matr on do not count as Troll Souls. If you had decided to let Arenar rule Kvatch. Painted Trolls. then you may claim Honeydew Manor (just west of the castle) for your own. Instead of fighting people. as well as the ability to claim Honeydew Manor if you're feeling especially gree dy and/or materialistic. as it is not mentioned in your journal. The castle is also quite bare. Feel free to contact me to say otherwise. the barracks in the castle. people's locked shops (also obvious).near water. Then simply find somewhere to sleep. after three days.============================== 4. There is a Shovel in Molvirian's b . The grave contains Molvirian's Frostbitten Finger. Side Quests ============================== i.A Knife in the Dark Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows Time after previous quest: N/A. Be sure to be in a place with noone around. With the Effigy on the ground (it's shown in th e game world as a miniature. With everything in your inventory. despite what the lore says. and a Dark Brot herhood Speaker will come to you. but you will not be able to do so without a Shovel in your inventory. as well as a prompt to exhum e the body. strike it with your blade three times. For the 'Flesh' part of the ritual mentioned in the journal. Activating her headstone will show you the epitaph. Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows . With the body buried and if you have not removed the body parts. then you're already set. you will need a Shovel in your inven tory to dig up the body and loot it. Arenar's Amulet (which you wi ll need to convince Molvirian to take his place as Count if you do not decide to kill him) and a few random bones . then you should already have the Monkshood. Cup Caps and Nightshade. then you will need to remove the Skull. and Green Cup Caps are found around the Blackwood re gion and Nibenay Valley. while Nightshade is commonly found in the West Weald region. some Nightshade. there are two bolts on the floor in Molvirian's Cottate). You will also need a bladed weapon. If you already use a dagger or sword to fight. Molvirian's basement is a suitable enough place for this. otherwise. you will need to go west of Bruma to a lone stone coffin labelled 'Frozen Grave'. heart o r skull in your inventory to create a Dark Sacrament Effigy. added by the mod. unmoving zombie). If you looted the Flora Ingredients chest from Sapling Manor . the pulp of 4 Monkshood p lants. When the quest is over. the ritual is over and the effigy returns to your inventory in case you need it again. If you choose to follow this quest. Molvirian will bury A dria's body. the Effigy and Candles will be removed from your invento ry. which doesn't necessarily have to be a dagge r. as the Black Sacrament is illeg al. and take the candles from the chest in the basement (there is a trapdoor hidden unde r a crate by the fire). Hear t and Ribs from Adria's body. You will need to find a bolt of cloth (Folded Cloth doesn't work. If you decide to start this quest later. and click it again to drop it. This coffin is generally guarded by several Fer al Alpine Wolves. it's the 4lb Cloth rath er than the 2lb. Several Lavender a nd Monkshood plants are dotted around Molvirian's Cottage. 3 Green Stain Cup Caps and 2 Lavender Sprigs. you must click on the either ribcage. Click the Effigy for a prompt to rub Nightshade on your blade. Monkshood is found in abundance i n the Heartlands and Nibenay Basin. you can opt to either let the Dark Brotherhood Agent do her work. but they will do it for 2500 Gold. he will take up his place as Count. Light the Dragonfires/Imperial Dr agon Armor Time after previous quest: N/A On entering the completed new Kvatch. the Speaker will say that this is an unusual contract. Option 3 will be to scare someone. ****************************** Overall. or kill her while she breaks in to kill him. Option 2 will be to kill a man named Ilnori. Neither of these options req uire the ring or the amulet.asement on top of the two crates. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ii. but regardless the Brotherhood will take out the contract for 1000 Gold. either by telling him you are there to kill him. When she has finished. he will agree with you. the Speaker will mention that he did not know there was an heir. you will likely see Lenka Valus with an ea sel and a mat on the ground. after being scared. after returning to Kvatch to talk to Savlian. Molvirian becomes an Essential characte r and the quest does not progress. or that you are there on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood (if y ou are a member of the Dark Brotherhood yourself). and the choice of who becomes Count out of your self and Molvirian becomes up to you. it will not work as he then becomes an Essential character. Kvatch Rebuilt: Hero for Posterity Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: A Sanguine Howl. s o I shall label this option as quest breakingly bugged. (Any information to the contrary shall be welcomed. However. the Speaker will say that they have had several contracts for this man. then this counts as 'scaring' him. Also. if you decide to kill h im after you 'scare' him. She will tell you to stand near the mat (you will know when you're in th e right place as you will no longer be able to move until she has finished and starts another conversation with you) . and therefore cannot be kill ed. Talk to her and she will ask you if you would let her paint your portrait for the tow nspeople to erect a statue in your honor. if you say that Kvatch needs their leader. and you will be presented with two options. no matter how long you wait. This has been confirmed by several other people. if you decide to kill him. The Speaker will come to you at around 6am the next time you sleep. If you decide to kill the Agent. and thus they will 'deal with him' for free. she will ask you what pose you would like your statue to be in.) If you pick either of the 'kill him' options. as it takes far less time. from these choices: Kneeling . If you tell him that it's no good fleeing. and you will be presented with three options: Option 1 will be to kill the heir. it is easier to do so when you first meet hi m. Kolfhe serves as the Blademaster here. sometimes they are bugged. you are not limited to wearing . monsters and/or wild animals. and could potentially br eak the quest and render you unable to enter the cell at all. Unlike the Imperial City Arena. It has been reported that some people with custom rac es or equipment have had CTDs. the Bloodworks here is a might devoid of other c ombatants. If you plan to enter the Arena. Sometimes they may carry working torches. next to the doors to the spectator boxes and the Bloodworks. occasionally they move or c hange their equipment every time you reenter the cell. Kvatch Rebuilt: The Roar of Blood Requirements: Kvatch Rebuilt: A Sanguine Howl. Sometimes they sway from side to side when in the fighting stance. can sometimes be quite useful. when you reac h the rank of 'Scavenger'. You may be able to s tart a conversation with them (although they won't actually have anything to say). like how the hell do they plant fully gr own trees into the ground between each fight? Or how do they keep all that water in there? From Rank of 'Ranger' . as with the Imperial City Arena. you have the option to watch matches or fi ght in the Kvatch Arena. 200. Light the Dragonfires/Imperial Dr agon Armor After the city is completely rebuilt. go into the Bloodworks and c hoose your Battle Raiment. ****************************** When the statues are completed. Talk to Kolfhe Ice-Heart. though instead of other people. Also. 500 and 1000 Gold. the statues of both yourself and Savlian Matius will be in the castle courtyard for all to see. The rules of the Arena are more or less the same as in the Imperial City. Your available bets are 50. and a script on the door to the fighting pi t which won't let you in without one of the Kvatch Battle Raiments. w ho has now taken over the Arena. Removing the Raiment during a fight will dis qualify you.Praying Standard Heroic On the next cell reset. He will be outside of the Arena. and doesn't have the Blademaster or the Battle Matron. 100. as wel l as the doorman. Be warned that custom races and/or equips may also bug. while a quirky bug. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ iii. you will be able to fight in different environments called 'settings'. The Bloodworks contains a working Basin of Renewal. which. Be warned. Settings have no real effect on the battle. to either watch or enter a fight. but it does create some interesting questions. either Light or Heavy. and you cannot loot opponents' corpses. you will be facing off against Daedra. you talk to Kolfhe. the Raiment.no choice given .Imp 2nd Fight .50 Gold for winning 1st Fight .you get to choose .Clannfear 3rd Fight .no setting . but anything caught in the blast will als o be burned First Rank: Prey .Brown Bear 4th Fight . On top of whatever you're fighti ng. and can wear whatever you want. all creatures are the same regardless of which setting you pick .Arena contains a stable (left) and a ruined building (right) Forest . Sadly none of the headstones have any interesting epitaphs Oblivion .no setting .Mountain Lion and Giant Mud Crab 3rd Fight . Or nothing at all.you get to choose . not any of your opponents.Wolf and Scamp Fourth Rank: Trapper .you get to choose .no choice given .Scamp Third Rank: Scavenger .Daedrot h and Giant Mud Crab 2nd Fight .200 Gold for winning 1st Fight .Oblivion setting .Wolf Second Rank: Herder . There is a shipwreck to the right.you get to choose .Giant Mud Cra b Fifth Rank: Hunter .Arena contains a tomb (left).You start to choose different 'settings'. sorry to disappoint you. an open grave (right) and several head stones dotted around.300 Gold for winning * 1st Fight .Arena is completely filled with water.500 Gold for winning 1st Fight .Arena contains several trees. and there are two platforms op posite each other Farmyard . Settings: Docks .Troll and Sc amp 2nd Fight . which makes ranged attacks slightly more difficult Graveyard .100 Gold for winning 1st Fight .Dock setting Slaughterfish ** 2nd Fight .you get to choose .you get to choose the setting .Clannfear Bru te .Rat 2nd Fight . T here is no Kvatch Raiment of Valor.Spriggan 4th Fight . Either way.no choice given .you get to choose .Wolf and Troll 3rd Fight . there is always a Slaughterfish in the water.you do not get to choose .Boar 3rd Fight .Arena contains four Oblivion-esque stone claws surrounding a Fire Tur ret. The Fire Turret will only target you. or using the console command tcl is very useful. Kolfhe will tell you that you can talk t o him if you wish to participate in any more matches.Wolf and Brown Bear .750 Gold for winning 1st 2nd 3rd 4th h Avenger Seventh Rank: Master Ranger . up until when he g oes to sleep at around midnight. You can continue fighting again at aro und 9am.1500 Gold for winning 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ntuan Land Dreugh 5th Fight . even if you have not killed the Slaughterfish.Spriggan and Boar .Ionis the Bea r and 2 Giant Black Bear Cubs After this match. ****************************** Unfortunately. ** As of this point.Daedrot . * The first time you enter the Dock setting. you are actually able to continue fighting for as long as you can find Kolfhe. he goes for a drink or two at The Wolf's Head. and tr y to return to the Bloodworks. Either that. then at 8pm wanders aroun d the Arena Bloodworks until he goes to one of the bedrolls at midnight. the only option you are given as a response is 'Not now'.Sixth Rank: Ranger . while he has the the option of 'Fight' in his dialog ue.no setting . assuming you haven't already gotten the highest rank.Land Dreugh and Wolf Oblivion setting . and this does not change. At 7pm. but there will be the Slaughterfish.Imp and Garga Fight Fight Fight Fight you get to choose you get to choose you get to choose no choice given . You can bet on matches un Fight Fight Fight Fight you get to choose you get to choose you get to choose no choice given . you have to fight!'. the door will say 'No time for second thoughts now. it is better to stay behind the gate. you may notice that you enter the Arena with the gate alrea dy down. If this happens.Land Dreugh . as after a minute or so the gate will close rega rdless of whether or not you are still fighting. All you have to do is wait for a bit and you will be teleported back to the Bloodworks. After gaining the rank of Grand Ranger. If you manage to kill all of your opponents before the gate goes back up. While the mod claims that you can only fight or bet on matches between the hours of 9am and 7pm.Troll and Spriggan no setting . The Roar of Blood is perhaps the most buggy quest in the entire m od. you are given the title of Grand Ranger of Cyrodiil and there are no more opportunities to fight at all.Spriggan and Boar . However. there will be no official opponent to fight. You have t o wait for a message confirming that the fight is over before the door will unlock.no choice given . Wandering around Imperial City Marke t District Steel Boots Steel Cuirass Steel Gauntlets Steel Greaves Silver Claymore Doeskin Shoes Tan Linens Quilted Doublet 3 Gold Coins Black Horse ii.Essential . and you will be stuck in the spectator box with no way of getting out. taking things is considered s tealing. When fighting.Essential .Essential . the only way around this is by reloading a previous save.Nord Male . As you c annot fast travel from the inside of the Arena. but this makes it incredibly easy. Added NPCs and Their Equipment ============================== i. County Skingrad Quilted Doublet Tan Linens Doeskin Shoes Everything in his house is marked as owned by him. Night Blood Goblins (x11) Night Blood Goblin Night Blood Goblin War Chief Night Blood Goblin Skirmisher Night Blood Goblin Shaman Night Blood Goblin Berserker v.til your heart's content. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 5. iv. Betting on matches occasionally bugs.Skingrad Castle Courtyard Monk Robe Fur Gauntlets Fur Boots Skingrad Castle Key Skingrad Silver Key 2 Gold Coins iii. though.Essential . Somutius Entius . This still counts as a win for you.Imperial Male .Entius Farm.Imperial Male . all matches will say that the fight is over. if the betting match goes to the Dock sett ing. there will be no actual fight. Arnand .Breton Male .Kvatch Burgandy Linen Shirt Tan Linens Oiled Linen Shoes 37 Gold Coins . Procis Douarus . Entering the house at any time of day is not considered trespassing. even if you haven't so much as touched your opponent. Ignar Rodblock . Non-Essential .Imperial Males .Kvatch Belted Braies Stitched Leather Shoes Bagamu Azorku's Key Pickaxe x.Laughing Stand C ave. County K vatch Iron Helmet Iron Greaves Iron Gauntlets Iron Mace Iron Boots Potion of Might Weak Potion of Dispel Gold Nugget 157 Gold Coins xiii.Non-Essential .Orc Male . takes over the Arena on completion of the city Coarse Linen Shirt Coarse Linens Huntsman Moccasins Shovel 6 Gold Coins vii. taking things is considered st ealing vi.Non-Essential . Kolfhe Ice-Heart . J'Ram-Ku .Anvil Docks Forester's Shirt Oiled Linen Shoes Belted Braies xii. Staron Hawker . Sadean .Nord Male .Kvatch Green Felt Linens Sack Cloth Sandals viii.Kvatch Braided Leather Sandals Brass Ring Green Felt Linens Open Shirt with Suspenders Sadean's Key Hoe 5 Gold Coins ix. Vible the Cruel .Essential until end of related quest .Kvatch Belted Braies Brown Shirt Buckled Shoes Fenand's Key xi.Argonian Male .Everything in his tent is marked as owned by him.Laughing Stand Cave. County Kvatch Iron War Axe Iron Warhammer Breeches Laced Leather Pants Fur Boots Fur Boots Fur Cuirass Fur Cuirass .Redguard Male .Breton Male .Non-Essential .Non-Essential .Redguard Male . Bagamu Azorku .Wandering Kvatch.Nord Male .Non-Essential . Fenand .Non-Essential . Vible's Bodyguard (x2) . Non-Essential . xv. Godras . Dark Sacrament Effigy .Disab led during related quest xviii. County Anvil. Joncis Lamberte . Shades Chiller (x3) . non-aggressive .Molvirian's Cottage. Adria . Belwen .Non-moving. Salt Marsh Cavern Random Iron weapon Heavy/Light Shadow Armor Random amount of Iron Arrows (when carrying Iron Bow) Random Lockpick Random amount of Gold Coins Random Silver Nugget xxii.Bosmer Female . Molvirian's Cottage . Shades Brother (x5) .Breton Female .Non-Essential .Essential .Essential .Molviria n's Cottage.Wherever you happen to be sle eping .Fur Gauntlets Fur Greaves Weak Poison of Apathy Weak Potion of Healing Fur Gauntlets Fur Greaves Fur Shield xiv.Non-Essential . Kvatch Dark Shirt Tan Linens Doeskin Shoes Rake Everything in his house is unowned.Breton Male . replaced by a charred body with a different inventory Brown Shirt Tan Linens Oiled Linen Shoes xxi. Feral Alpine Wolf Wolf Pelt Random amount of Gold Coins xvii.Bosmer Male .Non-Essential .Disabled after rel ated quest Shrouded Armor Shrouded Hood Shortsword of Depletion 5 Gold Coins xx. Salt Marsh Cavern Random Enchanted Ring Up to ten random potions/poisons .Khajiit Males and Females .Cheydinhal.Khajiit Males .Anvil Lighthouse Blue Collar Shirt Burgandy Linens Oiled Linen Shoes xvi. E ntering the house at any time of day is not considered trespassing.Disabled after related quest Black Hand Robe Black Hand Hood Vampire's Fang xix.Essential .Sapling Manor. Dark Brotherhood Agent .Ghost .Essential .disabl ed during related quest.Bosmer Female . taking things is not considered stealing. Salt Marsh Cavern Heavy/Light Shadow Armor Random Potion Random empty Soul Gem (usually Petty) Random Iron Weapon xxiv.Dunmer Female . Kvatch Castle Brown Shirt Tan Linens Oiled Linen Shoes Silver Bow Steel Arrow Shortsword of Voltage Colovian Signet Ring (if appointed Count) xxvii.Imperial Male . Danielle Ancois .Essential depending on quest choices .Random Gold/Silver Nugget Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon Lockpick Random amount of Gold Coins xxiii.Non-Essential . Kvatch.Molvirian's Cottage. Molvirian .Non-Essential .Khajiit Male . Molvirian's Cottage.Salt Marsh Cavern The Hammer of Secunda Secunda's Ward Brass Ring 505 Gold Coins Shades Cell Key Pearl xxvi.Khajiit Males . Shades Reaver (x4) .Non-Essential . Gaban Sele . Miaren Arendu .Essential .Kvatch. Kingpin of the Shades . Arendu's Essential Supplies Blue Suede Shoes Blue Velvet Outfit 3 Bread Loaves .Salt Marsh Cavern Random Enchanted Ring Heavy/Light Shadow Armor Up to ten random potions/poisons Random Gold/Silver Nugget Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon Lockpick Random amount of Gold Coins xxv.Non-Essential .Breton Female .Kvatch Mages Guild Mages Robe Mages Hood Ebony Ruby Ring Manual of Spellcraft Greater Staff of Damage Health xxviii.Non-Essential .Salt Ma rsh Cavern.Kvatch Mages Guild Mage's Robe Russet Felt Shoes Journeyman Calcinator Journeyman Mortar & Pestle xix. Shades Smuggler (x5) .Khajiit Males .Breton Male . Essential .Imperial Male .Kvatch Fighters Guild Steel Cuirass Steel Greaves Silver Longsword Orcish Boots xxxi. Solding .Kvatch Steel Longsword Iron Cuirass Iron Gauntlets Leather Boots Leather Greaves Ring of Fire Shield Short Britches Expert Mortar & Pestle Akaviri Pale Ale Potion of Cure Disease Potion of Cure Paralysis Potion of Cure Poison Stron Potion of Health Solding's Key xxxvi.Redguard Female . Purple Team Combatant (x2) .Kvatch Fighters Guild Dwarven Arrow Elven Bow Mithril Cuirass Chainmail Gauntlets Chainmail Boots Chainmail Greaves Ebony Shield Ebony Axe xxxii.Kvatch Blacksmith's Pants Dark Green Shirt Oiled Linen Shoes Caccia Macrin's Key Pickaxe xxxiv.Bosmer Female . Caccia Macrin .Kvatch Blue Suede Shoes Blue Velvet Outfit 3 Bread Loaves Borwen's Key 10 Gold Coins xxxv.Essential .Kvatch Fighters Guild Silver Arrow Silver Shortsword Steel Bow Chainmail Greaves Fur Boots Fur Cuirass Fur Gauntlets Light Iron Shield xxxiii.Miaren Arendu's Key 14 Gold Coins xxx.Non-Essential . Hallfred . Nalion .Non-Essential .Imperial Females .Bosmer Male .Non-Essential . Respawning .Non-Essential. Borwen .Non-Essential .Nord Male . Shardie .Nord Male . Non-Essential. pants and shoes Random amount of Gold Coins xxxix.Imperial Males . Kvatch Guards (x26) . respawning .Kvatch Arena Kvatch Arena Heavy Raiment Random Iron Weapon xxxvii.Non-Essential. respawning . Dead NPCS Dead Captive . Kvatch Arena 'Combatants' Black Bear Brown Bear Boar Clannfear Clannfear Runt Daedroth Ionis the Bear Giant Black Bear Cub Clannfear Brute Daedroth Avenger Gargantuan Land Dreugh Giant Mud Crab Great Abecean Slaughterfish Greater Slaughterfish Imp Land Dreugh Mountain Lion Mud Crab Rat Scamp Slaughterfish Spriggan Troll Wolf Timber Wolf .Imperial Males . 1 inside xxxx.Green Fall Mine Dead Bandit .Kvatc h Kvatch Cuirass Kvatch Shield Silver Longsword Chainmail Boots Chainmail Gauntlets Chainmail Greaves Guard Helmet Random Lower/Middle Class shirt.2 Outside Laughing Stand Cave.Kvatc h Dungeon Kvatch Cuirass Kvatch Shield Silver Longsword Chainmail Boots Chainmail Gauntlets Chainmail Greaves Guard Helmet Random Lower/Middle Class shirt.. Kvatch Jailor (x2) . pants and shoes Random amount of Gold Coins xxxviii.Outside Laughing Stand Cave Dead Merchant (x3) . New Armour/Weapons/Items Etc. given by Belwen Total added: 1 Value: 85 Book: Letter From Savlian Matius Location: Wherever you happen to be. given by Ignar Rodblock Total added: 1 Value: 0 Book: Letter from Procius Douarus Progresses quest: Kvatch Rebuilt: Blood on the Road Location: Wherever you happen to be. given by Ignar Rodblock Total added: 1 Value: 0 Ammunition: Bodkins of Damaging Illumination Light 10ft for 20 seconds Damage Health 5pts for 5 seconds Damage Magicka 5pts for 5 seconds Base item: Silver Arrow Location: Laughing Stand Cave Total added: 9 Value: 4 Apparel: The Free Hand Ring Fortify Block 9pts Base item: Ebony Emerald Ring Location: Given by Somutius Entius after completing his task Total added: 1 Value: 180 Book: Note from Procius Douarus Progresses quest: Kvatch Rebuilt: Falling Flowers Location: Wherever you happen to be. given by Ignar Rodblock Total added: 1 Value: 0 Apparel: Belwen's Pendant Quest item: Give to Godras No Enchantment Base item: Jade Amulet Location: Anvil Lighthouse. given by Ignar Rodblock Total added: 1 Value: 0 Book: Count's notes on the Trials of Ilnori Location: Given by Savlian Total added: 1 Value: 0 Book: Trials of Ilnori . ============================== Book: Note from Savlian Matius Progresses quest: Kvatch Rebuilt: Sticks and Stones Location: Wherever you happen to be.________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 6. Molviran's Cottage. sold in bookstores around Cyrodiil.Location: Kvatch. bookstores around Cyrodiil Total added: Several.A Knife in the Dark Location: Molvirian's Cottage Total added: 1 Value: 0 Apparel: Exquisitely Crafted Ring Quest item: Various uses during related quest Fortify Speechcraft Base item: Ring of Namira Location: Molvirian's Cottage Total added: 1 Value: 200 Apparel: Arenar's Amulet Quest item: Various uses during related quest Resist Magicka Base item: Anora's Amulet (Fake) Total added: 1 Value: 300 Misc: Adria's Ribcage Quest item: Used to create Dark Sacrament Effigy Base item: Ribs Location: Adria's body. given by Savlian Value: 50 Book: Molvirian's Journal Starts Quest: Kvatch Rebuilt: From the Shadows . Molvirian's Cottage Total added: 1 Value: 0 Misc: Adria's Heart Quest item: Used to create Dark Sacrament Effigy Base item: Human Heart Location: Adria's body. given by Savlian. Basement Total added: 1 Value: 0 . Molvirian's Cottage Total added: 1 Value: 0 Misc: Adria's Skull Quest item: Used to create Dark Sacrament Effigy Base item: Skull Location: Adria's body. County Bruma Total added: 1 Value: 0 Misc: Set of Candles Quest item: Used in Dark Sacrament Base item: Candle Location: Chest. Molvirian's Cottage Total added: 1 Value: 0 Misc: Molvirian's Frostbitten Finger Quest item: Used to create Dark Sacrament Effigy Base item: Finger of Adamus Phillida Location: Arenar's Coffin. Salt Marsh Caverns. click it to see which s ouls you have collected Base item: Eye of Nocturnal Location: Given by Gaban Sele of Kvatch Mages Guild Total added: 1 Value: 0 Book: Note from Savlian Matius Location: Wherever you happen to be. worn by Shades members Value: 1500 Armour: Secunda's Ward Forify Sneak 10pts Resist Frost 75% Resist Paralysis 100% Fortify Acrobatics 10pts Base item: Shrouded Armor Location: Salt Marsh Cavern. given by Ignar Rodblock . crafted by you with correct items Total added: 1 Value: 0 Book: Damp note Location: Carried by one of the Shades at Molvirian's Cottage Value: 0 Armour: Heavy Shadow Armor Base item: Shrouded Armor Location: Molvirian's Cottage. worn by Shades members Value: 4000 Armour: Light Shadow Armor Base item: Shrouded Armor Location: Molvirian's Cottage. worn by the Shades Kingpin Total added: 1 Value: 10000 Weapon: The Hammer of Secunda Fire Damage 5pt for 5 seconds Shock Damge 5pt for 5 seconds Burden 2pts for 10 seconds Weakness to Fire 50% for 5 seconds Weakness to Shock 50% for 5 seconds Fortify Magicka 25pts for 10 seconds Base item: Ebony Warhammer Location: Salt Marsh Caver. worn by Shades members Total added: Several. wielded by the Shades Kingpin Total added: 1 Value: 4500 Book: Letter from Procis Location: Wherever you happen to be.Misc: Dark Sacrament Effigy Quest item: Used in Dark Sacrament Base item: Zombie Location: Wherever you happen to be. Salt Marsh Cavern. worn by Shades members Total added: Several. given by Ignar Rodblock Total added: 1 Value: 0 Misc: Arena Soul Cage Quest item: Used for collecting souls for the new Arena. Total added: 1 Value: 0 Armour: Kvatch Arena Heavy Raiment Location: Kvatch Arena Total added: 4 Value: 0 Armour: Kvatch Arena Light Raiment Location: Kvatch Arena Total added: 4 Value: 0 Book: Fall of Kvatch Location: Wolf's Head guest rooms.NPC farmhouse . Locations Added by this Mod ============================== The Entius Farm .Bandit dungeon .west of Skingrad Green Fall Mine . Kvatch Castle Great Hall Total added: 2 Value: 100 Book: Guide to Kvatch (4 different versions.west of Anvil .west of Skingrad. depending on quest choices and play er gender) Location: Kvatch Castle Total added: 1 Value: 1 Keys Kvatch Dungeon Key Maniel's Key Green Fall Mine Cell Key Shades Cell Key Miaren Arendu's Key Athrelor's Key Bagamu Azorku's Key Boldon's Key Borwen's Key Caccia Macrin's Key Fenand's Key Guilbert Selone's Key Lenka Valus' Key Sadean's Key Sigrid's Key Solding's Key Stenar Rulis' Key Tavia's Key Weedum-Ja's Key ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 7.north east of Anvil Sapling Manor .Goblin dungeon . practically on top of Curse d Mine on the map Laughing Stand Cave .NPC house . 000352CD Kvatch Cuirass .Marauder dungeon .00033688 Monkshood .00097A17 Mountain Lion .000251A8 .west of Cheydinhal .considered trespassin g to enter prior to related quest Salt Marsh Cavern .000A792E Troll .0002DBC Boar .Molvirian's Cottage .0001E5FA Black Bear .00097A16 Wolf .NPC farmhouse .south west of Cheydinhal ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ============================== 8. Useful Information/Console Codes ============================== Kvatch Shield .0002767A Nightshade .0006E912 Imp .00097A15 Brown Bear .00025314 Mudcrab .0001E649 Rat .00000B7F Daedra Heart .0001EC8F Shovel .
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