Kunyaza or Kakyabali

March 22, 2018 | Author: Njenga Albert | Category: Sexual Intercourse, Intimate Relationships, Genitourinary System, Reproduction, Sexual Acts



ORIGINAL ARTICLEAnother way for lovemaking in Africa: Kunyaza, a traditional sexual technique for triggering female orgasm at heterosexual encounters N. Bizimana !h"# $rainauer %trasse &', " ( &)*** Berlin, $ermany K+,-./"% Kunyaza; $e!ale or as!; &exual techniques; &exual trou#les; Africa %ummary Kunyaza is a traditional sexual technique used in Central Africa, which has the reputation of tri erin fe!ale or as! durin heterosexual encounters" The author descri#es and criticall% anal%ses the characteristics of this technique, which see!s to stron l% sti!ulate fe!ale or as! and expulsion #% the wo!an of lar e quantities of liquid" ' ())* Else+ier ,asson &A&" All ri hts reser+ed" 0ntroduction The ai! of this article is to present an unco!!on sexual technique used, as far as we 1now, onl% in .urundi, Rwanda, the Eastern 2e!ocratic Repu#lic of Con o, 3estern 4 anda and 3estern Tan/ania -this area will #e na!ed Central Africa in the rest of the text0 for tri erin fe!ale or as!s durin heterosexual encounters" $or the first ti!e, it is presented in a detailed and in depth !anner to sexual health profes5 sionals" This sexual practice ter!ed in Rwanda and .urundi as kunyaza and in 4 anda as kacha1ali has alread% #een pu#lished in two popular #oo1s 3e %ecret de l4amour 5 l4Africaine -.i/i!ana, ())60 and Kunyaza. 6ulti7le .rgasmen und wei1liche +2akulation mit afrikanischer 3ie1eskunst -.i/i!ana, ())*0" In this article, we repeat onl% the !atters that in our opinion are essential for sexual health professionals" The data presented here are essentiall% #ased on infor5 !ation collected fro! B6 wo!en and !en durin our inter+iews in Central Africa and fro! C) readers of our pop5 ular #oo1s" 3e i+e onl% a su!!ar% of the results of our research, without oin into the details re ardin the exact nu!#er and the percenta e rate of the infor!ants fro! who! we o#tained the data" 9ow is kunyaza 7ractised: 2urin the si!ple practice of kunyaza, the !an rh%th!icall% and continuousl% stri1es the lans of the clitoris with the lans of his erect penis, which he ta1es in his hand or #etween the index and the !iddle fin er -$i s" 8 and (0, !o+in in the sa!e !otion fro! top to #otto! and +ice +ersa or fro! left to ri ht and +ice +ersa" E+entuall%, he can !a1e circular !o+e!ents, also wor1in in the 2OI of ori inal article78)"8)89:;"sexol"())*"8("))<" = ale!ent en +ersion franc>aise dans ce nu!?ro 7 .i/i!ana N" 4ne +ariante africaine de l@a!our 7 Le kunyaza, technique sexuelle traditionnelle de d?clenche!ent de l@or as!e f?!inin lors des ren5 contres h?t?rosexuelles" Adresse e8mail : ;!+#i/iA%ahoo"de 88B658C9):D 5 see front !atter ' ())* Else+ier ,asson &A&" All ri hts reser+ed" doi78)"8)89:;"sexol"())*"8("))C Elease cite this article in press as7 .i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza, a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0, doi78)"8)89:;"sexol"())*"8("))C igure < Eenis #etween the index and !iddle fin er" -illus5 tration #% &i!on E" &chrie#er0" Elease cite this article in press as7 ."sexol"())*"8("))C . a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0. the !an introduces his erect penis into the +a ina to practice the technique of con+entional penile +a inal penetration -EHE0. doi78)"8)89:.igure ' &ti!ulation of the perineo5+ul+al ero enous /ones #% the penis #% +ertical !o+e!ents" -illustration #% Guan Ea#lo GI!e/0" sa!e !o+e!ent cloc1wise and then countercloc1wise" Alternati+el%. in the course of which he !o+es his penis #ac1ward and forward in the +a ina. the +esti#ule. he re!o+es it fro! the +a ina and ta1es it into his hand or #etween the index and !iddle fin er. one can stri1e #oth the lans and the #od% of the clitoris in a si!ilar !anner as the lans.oth parts of the clitoris !a% also #e sti!ulated #% usin a /i /a in !otion fro! the root of the #od% to the #otto! of the lans and #ac1 a ain" Initiall% the stri1in !a% #e painful #ecause the area is not %et lu#ricated" In this case. #% !o+in fro! the #e in5 nin of the #od% of the clitoris to the inferior !ar in of the +a inal openin . • finall%. la#ia !inora. +a inal openin 0 and the perineu!. No" of Ea es 9 +Model ARTICLE IN PRESS N" . the followin is perfor!ed7 • followin +a inal lu#rication throu h forepla%. +esti#ule. as done durin the practice of the si!ple for! of kunyaza.i/i!ana ( . he perfor!s si!ilar !o+e!ents in the area of the internal surfaces of the la#ia !inora and the +esti#ule. actions which are respec5 ti+el% na!ed gucuga and gucumita in Rwanda" Je can also sti!ulate the +a inal walls !ore directl% than with the si!5 ple use of the EHE" To do this. includin the external urethral openin .igure & Eenis in the hand" E" &chrie#er0" -illustration #% &i!on . !o+in fro! the root of the #od% to the #otto! of the lans and #ac1 a ain" . wor1in in the sa!e !o+e!ent fro! top to #otto! and +ice +ersa. • the next step consists of sti!ulatin . the wo!an should !oisten it with her sali+a" 2urin the co!plex practice of kunyaza. the la#ia !inora and the +a inal openin " The !an proceeds in a !anner si!ilar to that descri#ed a#o+e. !o+5 in fro! the #e innin of the #od% of the clitoris to the perineal area and +ice +ersa -$i s" C and <0" This is the !ost co!!onl% used for!" 2urin all sta es of external sti!ulation.&EFOL5(B(. as done durin the external sti!ulation.i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. and then he rh%th!icall% and repeatedl% stri1es the external surfaces of the la#ia !inora with the lans of his penis. al!ost si!ultaneousl% he sti!ulates all the or ans of the +ul+a -#od% and lans of the clitoris. the clitoris. and #ac1 a ain in a si!ilar !anner as with the sti!ulation of the lans and #od% of the clitoris. alwa%s in the sa!e !o+e!ent. each throu h a pro ression fro! the +a inal openin towards the nec1 of uterus and #ac1 a ain" . he ta1es his penis in the hand or #etween the index and !iddle fin er. the !an !a% chan e to internal sti!ulation #% loosenin his penis to prac5 tice coitus #efore returnin to external sti!ulation" Je can render the coital thrusts !ore sti!ulatin #% alternatin superficial and deep penetrations. • when there is intu!escence and openin of the la#ia !inora due to the increasin sexual arousal of the wo!an. and !a1es the #od% of his penis perfor! +ertical and hori/ontal !o+e!ents fro! one wall to another and +ice +ersa or circular !o+e!ents alon the +a inal walls. fro! left to ri ht and +ice +ersa or fro! top to #otto! in a /i /a in !otion. • after the penis has #eco!e !oist enou h. odern position7 wo!an l%in on her #ac1 and !an sittin #etween her spread and #ent le s" -illustration #% ."sexol"())*"8("))C .atthias Knapp0" Elease cite this article in press as7 . al!ost without interruption. she can also spread the! apart with the fin ers until the area #etween the! is laid out" The opened la#ia are released when it co!es to internal sti!ulation" 0n which 7ositions is kunyaza 7ractised: Kunyaza is perfor!ed in !an% different positions" These positions ha+e in co!!on that the% allow the !an to. the followin characteristics7 The wo!an !a% reach or as! within C to B !inutes and this can hap5 pen #efore the !an has an or as!" The external sti!ulation alone is enou h to #rin #oth wo!an and !an to or as!" Kunyaza ena#les wo!en to ha+e !ultiple or as!s. whereas the !odern positions are eas% to use for people of conte!porar% societ% who are less sporti+e than their ancestors" O+erall. -d0 standin positions and -e0 positions used durin pre nanc%" $i s" B to * show so!e exa!ples of these positions" . and the% increase in accordance with the sexual arousal of the wo!an and the hu!idification of the areas in+ol+ed" Eain to the penis durin perineo5+ul+al sti!ulation can #e a+oided #% re!o+in the wo!an@s pu#ic hair" The wo!an participates in the practice of kunyaza #% cooperatin with her partner durin the choosin of the for!s of kunyaza and the intensit% of the rh%th! to #e used and #% showin hi! the /ones of her enital area that #est respond to the sexual sti!ulation" &hould the !an tire #efore the end of the sexual encounter. which is wh% the% prefer it to the EHE" . which the people ha+e alwa%s used in the practice of kunyaza. whether or not he tal1s to other !en" This question is an indirect and tactful wa% of ca. No" of Ea es 9 +Model ARTICLE IN PRESS Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. she can ta1e his penis in her hand and continue the process until he is rested" If he has difficulties sti!ulatin the +esti#ule. the rh%th! and the force of the !o+e!ents are slow and sensiti+e. this African technique has.&EFOL5(B(. she can help hi! #% spreadin apart the la#ia !inora with her fin ers until the whole +esti#ular area is accessi#le to the penis" To allow hi! to co!forta#l% sti!ulate the area #etween the la#iu! !inus and the la#iu! !a.i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. alternate fro! the external to the internal sti!ulation and +ice +ersa" Two t%pes of posi5 tions can #e differentiated7 the traditional positions and the !odern positions" The traditional positions are the classical positions.igure = Classical sittin position -kwicaza07 wo!an sittin on the #ent le of the !an" -illustration #% &i!on E" &chrie#er0" Kunyaza and triggering of female orgasm Kunyaza is #elie+ed in Central Africa to #e a ood technique for tri erin fe!ale or as!" It was de+eloped after the people e!piricall% realised that onl% few wo!en are a#le to reach or as! throu h the use of EHE alone" Accordin to these people in Central Africa. -c0 position fro! #ehind. a!on others. for exa!ple.an% wo!en as1 their partner to use it if the% are not sexuall% satisfied #% the use of the EHE" The% do not as1 it directl%" The% as1 hi!.igure > &ti!ulation of the perineo5+ul+al ero enous /ones #% the penis #% hori/ontal or /i /a in !o+e!ents" -illustra5 tion #% Guan Ea#lo GI!e/0" .us. -#0 l%in positions. doi78)"8)89:. fi+e roups of positions can #e distin uished7 -a0 sittin positions. a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0.olin hi! into tal1in with other !en to as1 the! how kunyaza is 2urin #oth internal and external sti!ulation. a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encountersC .igure ? . igure A Traditional position durin pre nanc%7 wo!an l%in on her #ac1 on the traditional #ed and !an sittin #etween her #ent and spread le s" -illustration #% &i!on E" &chrie#er0" !roduction and ex7ulsion of large quantities of liquid 1y the woman into the 7erineo8 vulval region during the 7ractice of kunyaza 2urin the practice of kunyaza.atthias Knapp0" practised" The sti!ulation of the clitoris. is considered to #e indis5 pensa#le for tri erin fe!ale or as!" Thus.urundians answer that it consists of stro1in or stri1in the rugongo" . the wo!an enerall% produces and expels lar e quantities of liquid into the perineo5+ul+al re ion" This is wh% this 1ind of sex is called kunyaza. No" of Ea es 9 +Model ARTICLE IN PRESS N" . since in Rwanda urine is ter!ed as inkari.ected liquid is urine.&EFOL5(B(.an% !en o#ser+e the increase in dia!eter and len th of this or an durin the sexual arousal of the wo!an when positions are used which expose the +ul+a to the !anLMs +iew" .esides the differin ter!s used to desi nate #oth liquids. doi78)"8)89:. . which is called rugongo in Rwanda and . for the traditional users of this technique. the% are also descri#ed as ha+in differin properties" The liq5 uid expelled durin kunyaza is descri#ed as colourless to !il1%.igure @ Traditional standin position7 .i/i!ana < . there are so!e wo!en who do not respond to the sti!ulation of kunyaza with liquid production" The% are ter!ed in Rwanda as rwasu1utare. which literall% !eans to make urinate" The en5 ital area of the !ale often also ets wet and so!eti!es the wetness reaches the u!#ilical area due to the stro1in !o+e!ents" The !en report that the% et war! liquid on their penis" Thou h the literal translation of kunyaza see!s to su 5 est that the e."sexol"())*"8("))C .an standin and holdin up the wo!an with his ar!" -illustration #% &i!on E" &chrie#er0" Elease cite this article in press as7 . whereas the liquid secreted dur5 in kunyaza is ter!ed as amavangigo or i1inyare" . whereas concentrated urine is %ellowish or #rownish" It is descri#ed as ha+in a thic1 consistenc%.urundi.i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. whereas that of urine is alwa%s aqueous" Its odour is descri#ed as not #ein particular. when as1ed to #riefl% explain the !eanin of kunyaza.odern position7 wo!an sittin on the #ed@s ed e and !an 1neein in front of her #etween her spread le s" -illus5 tration #% . it is not urine. whereas urine has the t%picall% stron odour of a!!onia" The quantit% of expelled liquid is esti!ated to #e up to one litre and !ore" Jowe+er. a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0.igure * . Rwandese and . &EFOL5(B(. 3i!pissin er et al". 8*6(. there are also those who expel enor!ous quantities of liq5 uid durin this sexual practice fro! the !o!ent the !an penetrates the +a ina with his penis" 3o!en who are not sexuall% experienced !a% initiall% thin1 that there is so!e5 thin wron with the!" .aculation -Addie o et al". the la#ia !inora. which are also considered to #e ero enous. the !an can sti!5 ulate al!ost all enital ero enous /ones of the wo!an" The clitoris. also referred to as kingindo1o or shami ryBCikivu in Rwanda. • durin sex with the kunyaza technique. hori/ontal and /i /a in !o+e!ents of the lans of the penis" which !eans granite s7litter. No" of Ea es 9 +Model ARTICLE IN PRESS Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. an expression which insinu5 ates that ha+in sexual encounters with this 1ind of wo!en is as hard as splittin ranite" Contrar% to rwasu1utare wo!en. it would not still #e in practice toda%. 8*68. con5 fir!ed that their randparents also used this technique" This !eans that it has #een used for at least 8B) %ears" Jad it not pro+en to #e #eneficial to sexual pleasure. the La1e Ki+u #ein the lar est la1e in Rwanda" The% are praised for their stron response to sexual sti!ulation" . the external urethral sphincter -possi#le G5spot accordin to O@Connell et al". hori/ontal and /i /a 5 in !o+e!ents of the lans of the penis -$i s" C and <0. • !ost data collected in our inter+iews ha+e confir!ed that !ost wo!en reach or as! when this unco!!on sexual technique is applied and that it is the !ain reason wh% it is used and wh% !an% wo!en as1 their partner to use it. na!el% the +esti#ule. the &1ene@s lands and the periurethral lands -G5spot accordin to so!e adepts of fe!ale e.ecause of lar e quantities expelled durin kunyaza. 8*68. Ladas et al". the two first or ans #ein directl% sti!ulated. the external urethral openin . the distal urethra and the distal +a ina. the +a inal openin and the perineu! -Kinse% et al". 8*BC0. which respecti+el% !eans 7ut a 1ucket under her and 1ranch of 3ake Kivu. the last one indirectl%" The internal parts of the clitoris -+esti#ular #ul#s and clitoral crura0 are sti!ulated when the !an uses stron !o+e!ents" The other /ones of the perineo5+ul+al re ion.en in Central Africa li1e to ha+e sex with these wo!en. ())B0. this t%pe of sex is often characterised #% a noise that is e+ocati+e of the sound of so!eone splashin water with his hands" That is wh% people in Rwanda use the expression the dog that drinks water to insinuate this particular noise or this African sexual technique" "iscussion Kunyaza seems to 1e a good technique for triggering female orgasm in the traditional African milieu The followin ar u!ents see! to confir! it7 • the use of kunyaza has a lon tradition" The persons a ed N) %ears and a#o+e that we inter+iewed in 8*69. are sti!ulated #% +ertical. Eerr% and 3hipple. ())N0 are also sti!ulated #% . ())B0. which are re arded as the focus of female orgasm func8 tion and which for! a common tissue cluster -O@Connell et al". a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encountersB +ertical. a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0.i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza. ())B0" Is it reall% a fe!ale e. the distal urethra. it is !ost li1el% that this liquid has se+eral sources" It can co!e.aculationP $or the adepts of fe!ale e. one cannot exclude that it is. the periurethral lands. he can sti!ulate se+eral ero e5 nous /ones si!ultaneousl% and. held in Ki ali fro! (< to (6 Gul% ())B. ())B0" The pheno!enon of expellin lar e quantities of liquid durin the practice of kunyaza is considered in so!e writ5 ten infor!ation on this 1ind of sex as fe!ale e. and the data collected durin our inter+iews and fro! the readers of our popular #oo1s. the . further confir!ation can #e found in so!e of the li!ited written infor!ation on this African sexual tech5 nique" Ta!ale -())B0 reports. the periurethral lands.aculation -Ta!ale. thus.acu5 lation until I !et !% current lo+er" It wor1s #etter with the .ected durin kunyaza is descri#ed as colourless to !il1%.artholin@s lands and the se#aceous lands of the la#ia !inora.aculation. ()))0" As there are so!e reports that esti!ate the quan5 tit% of expelled liquid durin the practice of kunyaza to #e up to one litre and !ore. specialised in the 4 andan traditional practices. the external ure5 thral sphincter and the deep5l%in erectile tissues of the perineu!" 2urin #oth internal and external sti!ulation.ected #% so!e wo!en at the !o!ent of or as! or . doi78)"8)89:. which are directl% sti!ulated durin this sexual practice" The +a ina !a% also contri#ute to it throu h a stron secretion of lu#rication fluid" Thou h this liq5 uid e. that durin a wor1shop on sexualit% a sexual teacher. used to descri#e this characteristic of this t%pe of sex. at least Elease cite this article in press as7 .Intra+a inal +ertical. for exa!ple. fro! the &1ene@s lands. %ou@ll pour ri+ers and experience !ultiple or as!s at the sa!e ti!e"@@ Another confir!ation is to #e found in the report fro! the 8)th International Conference of the &ociet% for 3o!en and AI2& -&3AA0 in Africa. it is theoreticall% possi#le to tri er or as! #% indi+iduall% sti!5 ulatin each ero enous /one" If the !an perfor!s rapid and stron !o+e!ents.an%an1ore kacha1ali technique" If %ou lo+er 1nows what he is doin . which are ter!ed #% the! as the fe!ale prostate" That liquid !a% +ar% in a!ount fro! a few drops to N) !l -Chal1er. told other participants the followin 7 OOI !%self was trul% i norant a#out fe!ale e. the source of the liquid e. hori/ontal and circular !o+e!ents sti!ulate !ore directl% the +a inal walls than the EHE does and the% directl% sti!ulate the inferior parts of the +esti#ular #ul#s and clitoral crura. for exa!5 ple. in which kunyaza was translated as wet sex -&3AA. the &1ene@s lands. tri er se+eral or as!s whose effects !a% accu!ulate resultin in one intense or as! or appear one after another to allow the wo!an to experience !ultiple or as!s" Dan the 7henomenon of ex7elling large quantities of liquid 1y the woman during the 7ractice of kunyaza 1e considered as female e2aculation: It is reported that sex with kunyaza is enerall% charac5 terised #% the production and expulsion of lar e quantities of liquid #% the wo!an" . so!eti!es of a thic1 consistenc% and with no par5 ticular odour."sexol"())*"8("))C .esides the ter! kunyaza.ust #efore is a roup or the total of the lands surround5 in the urethra. el/er Gr EG. Ga non GJ. &an. 3hipple . .ichael RT.eston C. Grin 3.RJ. kunyaza.o er 3. Le+in RG. Jill C" The hi h pre+alence of sexual concerns a!on wo!en see1in routine %naecolo ical care" G $a! Eract ())).urundi. wo!en@s secrets@ a!on the . and #ecause of the lac1 of written docu!ents a#out it" This article and our popular #oo1s are the first docu!ents that deal with it in a detailed and in depth !anner" . .<78C66Q*C" Donflict of interest statement None" Elease cite this article in press as7 . doi78)"8)89:. &tac1li 3" The fe!ale prostate re+isited7 Eerineal ultrasound and #ioche!ical studies of fe!ale e.ultiple Or as!en und wei#liche E. Eerr% G2. ())B" Ta!ale &" Eroticis!.B7*QC9" 3i!pissin er $.i/i!ana N" Kunyaza" . !an% of the! e+en #ein sti!ulated si!ultaneousl%" The a#ilit% to achie+e or as! is the second !ost fre5 quent sexual co!plaint for wo!en -Lau!ann et al". this has not %et #een o#ser+ed !ore precisel% #% the people in Central Africa" This pheno!enon should #e scientificall% +erified and in+es5 ti ated" Acknowledgements 3e wish to than1 all persons who contri#uted the data on which this article is #ased" Donclusion 3e ha+e . 8**<." Eel+ic !uscle stren th of fe!ale e. . to tri er fe!ale or as! durin heterosexual encounters" Orall% trans!itted fro! eneration to enera5 tion. Jull E. Ge#hard EJ" &exual #eha+ior in the hu!an fe!ale" Ehiladelphia and London7 &aunders.8N<7886*Q*B" Eerr% G2. Nus#au! et al". No" of Ea es 9 +Model ARTICLE IN PRESS N" ." Anato!% of the clitoris" G 4rol ())B. 3hipple .. 8**<" . . Eo!ero% 3.. 3hipple .ed ())N.a anda7 A critical anal%sis" $e!inist Africa Q &exual Cultures ())B.i/i!ana N" Le secret de lLMa!our R lLMafricaine Q La caresse !a ique que chaque ho!!e de+rait connaStre" Earis7 Leduc"s =ditions.<*7((*QC(" O@Connell JE. Jei!an GR" 3o!enLMs or as!" Annu Re+ &ex Res ())<.8N78CQ(8" .8N7((QC*" &3AA" Eopulari/in fe!ale condo!s7 Tr% tellin the truth" http7::healthde+"net:site:post"phpPsU*)*."sexol"())*"8("))C .aculate" G &ex . which is apparentl% e.ichaels &" The social or a5 ni/ation of &exualit% Q &exual practices in the 4nited &tates" Chica o7 4ni+ersit% Eress. priorit% should #e i+en to su#stances that characterise urine to e+entuall% put at ease !en who would hesitate to use kunyaza out of concern that their partner !a% urinate durin sexual encounters of this 1ind" /eferences Addie o $.aculation7 A case stud%" G &ex Res 8*68.ected durin kunyaza and to anal%se its che!ical constituents" 2urin the che!ical anal%ses. Ga!#ie G." $e!ale e. &ips1i ..a1ulation !it afri1anischer Lie#es1unst" $rei#ur 7 Jans5Nietsch5Herla .L. sensualit% and. ())<0" This is a serious issue and we would reco!!end the e+aluation of the or as5 !ic effects of this unco!!on technique in wo!en see1in help fro! specialists" It would also #e interestin as to +er5 if% the existence of the liquid. 8*6(" Lau!ann EO. &tifter K. to our 1nowled e onl% in Central Africa. has re!ained un1nown to other peoples #ecause of the wea1 !o#ilit% in Africa #ut also elsewhere. ()))" p" *(" Kinse% AC.artin CE.. Jei!an G.ee+an KH. ())*" Chal1er R" The clitoral truth Q The secret world at %our fin ertips" New Tor17 &e+en &tories Eress. . Co!olli G. 8*BC" Ladas AK.&EFOL5(B(. . Rinehart and 3inston. ())).eston et al". Jutson G.i/i!ana N" Another wa% for lo+e!a1in in Africa7 Kunyaza.ust presented an African sexual technique prac5 ticed for at least the last 8B) %ears. Eerr% G2" The G5spot7 And other recent dis5 co+eries a#out hu!an sexualit%" New Tor17 Jolt. a traditional sexual technique for tri erin fe!ale or as! at heterosexual encounters" &exolo ies -()8)0.an% ar u!ents see! to support the popular opinion in Central Africa that this African sexual practice is a ood technique for tri erin fe!ale or as!" The !ost con+inc5 in ar u!ent is in our opinion the fact that al!ost all enital ero enous /ones of the wo!an are sti!ulated. &1inner . ())6" .8B78NCQ(BN" Nus#au! .i/i!ana 9 in so!e cases..acula5 tion7 E+idence in support of a new theor% of or as!" G &ex Res 8*68. as this technique is ter!ed in Rwanda and . urine" Eerhaps.
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