Kuliah Gastro Dr-BM(Jan 2013)

March 24, 2018 | Author: Alminsyah | Category: Esophagus, Peptic Ulcer, Medical Imaging, Colorectal Cancer, Crohn's Disease



Bachtiar MurtalaDept.of Radiology Medical Faculty Hasanuddin University General Objective To provide basic understanding about the role of radiological imaging in diagnosing gastroenterohepatologic diseases Specific objectives Imaging modalities and techniques/examination procedures Radiological appearances of some GIT and hepatobiliary diseases Organs scope  Plain Abdomen  Esophagus-rectum  Liver  Biliary tract  Pancreas In general  Plain abdominal radiography  Conventional radiography with contrast media  Imaging (US, CT-Scan, MRI, Nuclear medicine) peritonitis. Erect 2. blunt or penetrating trauma. LLD ( left lateral decubitus) 4. ileus (dynamic or adynamic).etc  Usually needed 3 standard positions : 1.Plain abdominal radiography  Commonly used in emergency cases such as . free-air/fluid. Cross table ( optional ) . Supine 3. colon carcinoma .Diverticulitis .Volvulus .Large bowel obstruction  Less commonly than small bowel obstruction  Three main causes : . . . Colon cancer . Small bowel obstruction . Radiological signs  Bowel distended filled by gas++  Lack gas in the distal part  Air fluid level (“step ladder appearance”)  Valvula conniventes appears as herring bone (“herring bone appearance”) . . . . . . . . invaginasi . . . Necrotizing enterocolitis ( NEC)  Pneumatosis intestinalis ( Gas within bowel wall ) . Peritonitis Bowel wall thickening Properitoneal fat line disappear/ obliterate Paralytic ileus sign . Adynamic or paralytic ileus Bowel distended until distal part Air fluid levels (+) . longer Herringbone appearance(-) . . Radiography with contrast  Barium Sulphate (BaSO4) suspension  Iodine . Sialography .Salivary glands : Consist of : .Plain Foto .Submandibular glands Indications : Stones.MRI . neoplasm Technique : .Parotic glands .CT . inflamation. 5 ml contrast medium (water soluble/lipiodol) injected slowly & then taking a series pictures  Give a few drops of lemon juice  make an “after lemon” film 10’ later to evaluate the remaining contrast Abnormalities :  Chronic obstructive Sialectasis .5 – 1.Sialography :  Duct orifice. is located & intubated by a blunt needle/abbocath  0.strictures  Chronic non-obstructive Sialectasis (chronic inflamation)  Tumours (mostly mixed salivary type) .stone . . . Haematemesis/melena .Esophagus : It should be visualized with contrast media (Barium Sulfat)  Esophagography Indications : .Dysphagia .Dyspepsia .Congenital anomalies ? Technique of Examination : • The patient is asked to swallow a thick Barium Sulphate (1:1) or Iodine ( for baby) and followed by fluoroscopy & taking radiography . Duplication Traumatic Disorders  rupture Abnormalities in density  foreign bodies Abnormalities in Size (length & diameter) Abnormalities in architecture .Esophageal atresia .B. Abnormalities : Congenital malformation .Short esophagus with a thoracic stomach (Brachy-esophagus) . Left atrium .AP .Left Anterior Oblique projection (LAO) .Spot Film (optional) Radiological Signs : A.Right Anterior Oblique projection (RAO) .Hiatus hernia .Knob aorta .Left main bronchus .• Radiography positions : . Normal Indentations : . . . Esophageal atresia . . commonly seen in cirrhosis hepatis “cobble stone appearance” .Esophageal varices Caused by portal hypertension. . Esophageal stricture Narrowing and irregularity due to corrosive materials (corrosive stricture) . . Benign : • Filling defect with smooth border • Forked stream appearance (Fluoroscopy) .Malignant : • Filling defect with irregular border • Spasticity .Tumours : . . . . . .ACHALASIA  Aganglionic of the distal part of esophagus  Distal smooth narrowing with dilatation of the proximal segmen--“mouse tail app”. MOUSE TAIL APPEARANCE . GASTRODUODENOGRAPHY (= Maag Duodenum/MD Foto) Is a radiographic evaluation of the stomach & duodenum by introducing contrast media inside [Barium sulfat (+) & air/gas (-) Indication : - Dyspepsia - Epigastric pain - Vomiting - Haematemesis/melaena Procedure Of Examination 1. Prone. Usually in Supine. Erect. Prone oblique. The patient swallows contrast Barium Sulfat (& air) followed by fluoroscopy and taking radiography in various position 3. Spot-Film Compression (recommended) . Preparation : fasting ± 4-6 hours 2. Normal Anatomic Radiography . Radiographic Abnormalities of Gastroduodenal Disease. enrlargement/widening. It can be classified as changes in :  Position  Size (redundancy. narrowing/shrinkage)  Contour  Rugae abnormalities  Filling defect  Function . . 28-14.Fig. Left lateral erect film of the stomach . Pyloric stenosis = Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis . Protrution of mucosa and submucosal outward .Additional shadow .DIVERTICLE . Gastritis  Mucosal atrophy  Mucosal hypertrophy-hypersecretion “ three level density” . . En profile (lateral view)—additional shadow . globular shape (active ulcer).Peptic ulcer Mostly seen in pyloric antrum and duodenal bulbus Primary Signs : . conus (inactive) .En face (frontal view)—barium spot with halo (active ulcer) and star sign ( inactive) . . Secondary signs  Contralateral/opposite spastic insicura  Hypersecretion  Bulb deformity . . . . . TUMOR BENIGN Filling defect with smooth border Polip . Exophytic ( fungating type ) .Annular ( infiltrating type ) .Malignant Types : 1. filling defect + ulcer . Early gastric cancer Limited in mucosa/submucosa mimicking ulcer 2. Advance gastric cancer Filling defect – irregular border .Linitis plastica ( schirrus type) .Ulcer type. . . .DUODENUM  Congenital : Stenosis post bulbar  duodenal atresia “Two bubbles app”. . SMALL INTESTINE (JEJENUM & ILEUM)  Normal size: .2. 1.5 cm (jejenum).± 20 feets (length) .75 cm (ileum) in diameter  Indications: Anemia (unclear origin) Persistent diarrhoe Abdominal pain Palpable mass Excessive protein loss Malabsorbtion . followed by taking pictures 30-60 minutes interval until contrast seen in caecum . Plain abdominal radiography 2. Follow Through Patient is asked to swallow 200-300 cc Barium sulfat (1:2-3 water). Contraindication: Obstruction signs Perforation Paralytic ileus Peritonitis  Technique of Examination 1.  Abnormalities Crohn’s Disease = Regional ileitis Adhesion Fistula . COLON Indication : • Haematochesia • Persistent diarrhea • Abdominal mass • Obstructive symptoms • Congenital abnormalities Contraindication : • Ileus (Paralytic) • Suspect Bowel Perforation • Peritonitis . .Picture taken in many positions/ views.Technique of Examination : • Barium enema (colon inloop) • Mostly Double-Contrast method Preparation is the most important to remove faecal material from the colon Colon inloop : .Contrast should fill colon entirely (rectum-caecum) . 2 L .Using a thin Barium sulfat (1:3-6) aprox. Kongenital 1. Atresia Ani (Imperforate anus) . Foto polos abdomen terbalik (Invertogram) 2.COLON A. Hirschsprung’s disease ( megacolon congenitum ) . Atresi ani Radiographically : Technique of examination for atresia ani: • Inverted or Wangesteen position • Knee-chest position Aim : to identify the lowest end of air in colorectal . Lower level High level . mostly males  Abscent of ganglion cells in the mesenteric plexus in the narrowing segment (mostly sigmoid colon.Barium enema/colon inloop  . Radiographically : .Hirschsprung’s disease (megacolon congenital) Disease of childhood. ± 40%)  Marked dilatation above the area of aganglionosis.Dilatation/Distension : .Idiopathic symptomatic megacolon (older age) .Plain abdominal films  veriable degrees of distension of GIT above the obstruction . might be associated with irregularity/sawtoothing/ulcerative Colitis Narrowing of the Colonic Lumen : ..Colon in loop : • Narrowing along the site of aganglionosis • Dilatation above the narrowing. Obstruction of colon Obstruction to the flow of Barium can be caused by :  Spasm  Annular Carcinoma  Intusussception  Volvulus  Diverticulitis . . Tumor Carcinoma of Colon 3 types : • Fungating type • Polypoid type • Annular type . . Complication: Bleeding. fistula Polypoid type : . Ascending Colon.usually medullary Ca. .Sites: Caecum.Fungating type : .Complications: Intussusception . Rectum .Sites: usually Descending Colon . . Descending Colon.Sites: Sigmoid.10% mucoid adeno Ca.Annular type : . obstruction Pathology : .20% fibro Ca.50 – 75% adeno Ca. Metastasis : Liver or regional nodes Radiographically : Filling defect with Obstruction signs . . flexures .Complication: Fistula. “Coiled spring “ or “cupping sign” -proximal bowel dilatation -absence of gas in dist segment .Intussusception = Invagination A proximal segment of bowel (intussusceptum) into lumen of a distal segment (intussuscepiens) Location : Ileoileal > ileocolic > colocolic Radiographic sign : . Cupping sign Coiled spring . US findings : -Target sign.pseudokidney sign ( longitudinal scan) . doughnut sign or bull’s eye sign (transverse scan ) . Crohn’s Disease .Ulcerative colitis .Inflammation : . Saw-toothing/ulceration .“Stringiness/String sign” .• Ulcerative Colitis .Contracted.Loss of haustra .shortened & small calibre . . Diverticle . physical examination & laboratory studies. (↑) to 5% in small children & elderly. Helical CT scan & graded compression US – powerful imaging methods in appendicitis . Mortality rate in developing countries : ± 1%. Imaging is useful and advisable in patients with atypical symptoms. Diagnosis – clinical history.Acute appendicitis  Acute appendicitis – acute appendiceal inflammation due        to luminal obstruction and superimposed infection Most common abdominal surgical emergency. Surgical aim – to operate early before complications such as appendiceal rupture & peritonitis developed. IMAGING IN APPENDICITIS  ABDOMINAL PLAIN FILMS  APPENDICOGRAPHY  ULTRASOUND  CT SCAN  MRI (MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING) . . HEPATOBILIER & PANCREAS  Imaging modalities : .Nuclear Medicine . Durante operatif .CT scan : Computerized Tomography .T-Tube Cholangiography.MRCP : MRI for Cholangiopancreatography. Post operatif .PTC(D) : Percutaneus Transhepatic Cholangiography ( Drainage ) .MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging .USG : Ultrasonografi / Ultrasound . . Gallstones/cholelithiasis .Echogenic/hyperechoic structure dengan acoustic shadowing .Soliter / multiple . Acute Cholecystitis * Gallbladder wall thickening > 3 mm * Sludge . Cholangitis . Cholangiocarcinoma . Increasing echogenecity.Portal hypertention . .Liver atrophy . .Splenomegaly .CIRRHOSIS HEPATIS .Irregular of the surface . fibrotic.Ascites. .  Well defined .HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA/HCC HEPATOMA  USG : Iso  hipo or hiperechoic mass  Ill-defined TUMOR METASTASIS  Noduler” bull-eye”. usually multiple. . . . well defined.Liver abscess • Hypoechoic mass • Irregular and thicken wall Liver cyst • Free-echoic mass. • Solitary or multiple . . Strictur cholangitis.Biliary obstruction Causes : . cholangiocarcinoma . such as Panreatic cancer. etc .Stone .Tumor intra/extraluminer. Biliary obstruction due to cancer of caput pancreas .
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