KST UserTech 31 En



KUKA System TechnologyKUKA.UserTech 3.1 For KUKA System Software 8.2 Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en KUKA Roboter GmbH KUKA.UserTech 3.1 © Copyright 2010 KUKA Roboter GmbH Zugspitzstraße 140 D-86165 Augsburg Germany This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH. Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work. We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition. Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function. Translation of the original documentation KIM-PS5-DOC 2 / 81 Publication: Pub KST UserTech 3.1 en Bookstructure: KST UserTech 3.1 V1.1 Label: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en Contents Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 7 1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 7 1.4 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 8 1.5 Trademarks ................................................................................................................ 8 2 Product description ..................................................................................... 9 2.1 Overview of UserTech ............................................................................................... 9 3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 11 4 Installation ................................................................................................... 13 4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 13 4.2 Installing or updating UserTech ................................................................................. 13 4.3 Uninstalling UserTech ................................................................................................ 13 5 Operation ...................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Refreshing UserTech ................................................................................................. 15 6 Programming ............................................................................................... 17 6.1 Overview of KFD syntax ............................................................................................ 17 6.2 Symbols and fonts ..................................................................................................... 17 6.3 Important KFD terms .................................................................................................. 18 6.3.1 Special characters ................................................................................................ 18 6.3.2 Strings ................................................................................................................... 19 6.3.3 Parameter reference placeholder ......................................................................... 19 6.3.4 Naming conventions and keywords ...................................................................... 20 6.3.5 Simple data types ................................................................................................. 20 6.3.6 Areas of validity .................................................................................................... 20 Programming a technology package ......................................................................... 21 6.4.1 Designing the technology ..................................................................................... 21 6.4.2 Creating a KFD file ............................................................................................... 22 6.4.3 DEFTP ... ENDTP ................................................................................................. 22 6.4.4 DECL PARAM ...................................................................................................... 23 6.4.5 Field types ............................................................................................................ 24 Static field type ..................................................................................................... 24 Free field type ....................................................................................................... 24 Field type Name .................................................................................................... 24 Field type Number ................................................................................................ 25 Field type REAL .................................................................................................... 26 Field type List ........................................................................................................ 27 Field type BOOL ................................................................................................... 29 6.4.6 DECL FOLD .......................................................................................................... 30 6.4.7 Generating KRL code ........................................................................................... 31 6.4.8 DECL INLINEFORM ............................................................................................. 31 6.4.9 Format types ......................................................................................................... 32 Format type WYSIWYG ........................................................................................ 32 6.4 Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 3 / 81 KUKA.UserTech 3.1 Format type SUB .................................................................................................. 33 Format type DSUB ............................................................................................... 33 Format type FCT .................................................................................................. 34 Format type DFCT ................................................................................................ 35 Format type ASS .................................................................................................. 35 Format type ASSAGG .......................................................................................... 36 Programming parameter lists .................................................................................... 36 6.5.1 DECL PARAM PL_ ............................................................................................... 37 6.5.2 Defining the structure data type ............................................................................ 37 6.5.3 DECL PLIST ......................................................................................................... 38 Programming technology keys .................................................................................. 39 6.5 6.6 6.6.1 Designing the technology keys ............................................................................. 39 6.6.2 DECL STATKEY ................................................................................................... 39 Required image sizes ........................................................................................... 42 Determining the decimal value for activation options ........................................... 43 6.6.3 DECL STATKEYBAR ........................................................................................... 44 6.6.4 SET ...................................................................................................................... 44 Programming scripts .................................................................................................. 45 6.7.1 DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT ............................................................................... 45 6.7.2 SETVAR ............................................................................................................... 45 6.7.3 SHOWVAR ........................................................................................................... 45 6.7.4 REDECL ............................................................................................................... 46 6.7.5 DO ........................................................................................................................ 46 6.7.6 MESSAGE ............................................................................................................ 47 6.7.7 SWITCH … CASE (ELSE) … ENDSWITCH ........................................................ 47 6.7.8 SWITCH DIALOG … CASE … ENDSWITCH ...................................................... 48 6.7.9 Predefined scripts ................................................................................................. 49 6.7 6.7.10 Language system keys for messages and buttons .............................................. 49 Integrating a technology into KUKA smartHMI .......................................................... 49 6.8.1 Configuration file SmartHMI.User.Config ............................................................. 50 6.8.2 Defining menu elements ....................................................................................... 51 7 Archiving ...................................................................................................... 53 7.1 Archiving files ............................................................................................................ 53 7.2 Restoring files ............................................................................................................ 53 8 Examples ...................................................................................................... 55 8.1 LASER technology .................................................................................................... 55 8.2 Example program for a parameter list ....................................................................... 56 8.3 6.8 Calling scripts via actions .......................................................................................... 59 8.3.1 Script call after the inline form is opened and closed ........................................... 60 8.3.2 Script call after the inline form is modified and created ........................................ 61 8.3.3 Script call after switching to an inline form ........................................................... 62 8.4 4 / 81 Examples of integration of technology packages ...................................................... 63 8.4.1 TWINKLE technology ........................................................................................... 63 Integrating the TWINKLE technology in a menu .................................................. 63 Integrating the TWINKLE technology in a submenu ............................................. 64 8.4.2 GLUE technologie ................................................................................................ 66 Integrating the GLUE technology in a menu ......................................................... 66 Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en .....................................3 DISPSET technology ........1 Requesting support ......................... 71 Index ........................................................4.......................1 V1 en 5 / 81 ...................Contents 8............12..........................................................................................................................2 KUKA Customer Support ............................................. 71 9.................1 Integrating the DISPSET technology in a menu .........................................4............................................................................... 69 9 KUKA Service ................3...2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.... 71 9................... 79 Issued: 13.................. 68 8.... 2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 6 / 81 Issued: 13.12.KUKA.1 V1 en .UserTech 3. Tips to make your work easier or references to further information. Notes Notes marked with this pictogram contain tips to make your work easier or references to further information. 1.3 Safety Representation of warnings and notes Warnings marked with this pictogram are relevant to safety and must be observed.2 Industrial robot documentation The industrial robot documentation consists of the following parts:  Documentation for the manipulator  Documentation for the robot controller  Operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software  Documentation relating to options and accessories  Parts catalog on storage medium Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document. severe physical injury or substantial material damage may occur.1 Target group This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:  Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system  Advanced KRL programming skills For optimal use of our products.kuka.com or can be obtained directly from our subsidiaries. Caution! This warning means that minor physical injuries or minor material damage may occur.1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1. if no precautions are taken.1 V1 en 7 / 81 .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. Warning! This warning means that death. we recommend that our customers take part in a course of training at KUKA College. 1. severe physical injury or substantial material damage will occur. Information about the training program can be found at www. Danger! This warning means that death. if no precautions are taken. if no precautions are taken.12. Issued: 13. 5 Teach pendant for the industrial robot Trademarks Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 8 / 81 Issued: 13.1 V1 en .12.UserTech 3.4 Terms used Term Description KFD KUKA form description KFD file File format used to describe technologies KRL KUKA Robot Language KUKA robot programming language KUKA smartHMI Smart human-machine interface User interface of the KUKA System Software KUKA smartPAD 1.KUKA.1 1. 12.2 Product description 2 Product description 2.1 Overview of UserTech Functions UserTech is an add-on technology package with the following functions:  Definition of user-specific inline forms  Definition of user-specific messages  Definition of user-specific technology keys and buttons  Definition of user-specific scripts for inline forms and technology keys  Definition of user-specific folds for inline forms  Integration of user-defined inline forms and technology keys into the KUKA smartHMI user interface Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 9 / 81 . UserTech 3.1 V1 en .1 10 / 81 Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.KUKA.12. Death to persons.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 11 / 81 . severe physical injuries or considerable damage to property may otherwise result. Issued: 13. Warning! The “Safety” chapter in the operating and programming instructions must be observed. The fundamental safety information for the industrial robot can be found in the “Safety” chapter of the Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators or the Operating and Programming Instructions for End Users.12.3 Safety 3 Safety This documentation contains safety instructions which refer specifically to the software described here. UserTech 3.1 12 / 81 Issued: 13.1 V1 en .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.12.KUKA. Installation is resumed and completed.4 Installation 4 Installation 4. Select the entry UserTech and press Uninstall. Expert user group Precondition  Procedure 1. Reboot the robot controller. Confirm with OK and reboot the robot controller. Expert user group Precondition  Procedure 1. Select the entry UserTech and press Install. In this case. A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG. 3. 3.3 Uninstalling UserTech It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a software package. depending on the additional software. It may be necessary to reboot the controller. Select Start-up > Install additional software in the main menu.2 4. 7. Select Start-up > Install additional software in the main menu. Reply to the request for confirmation with Yes. The files are copied onto the hard drive. If a software package on the USB stick is not displayed. 2. 6.12.1 System requirements Hardware  KR C4 robot controller Software  KUKA System Software 8. Issued: 13. a corresponding prompt is displayed. 5.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. All additional programs installed are displayed. Press New software.1 V1 en 13 / 81 . 2. Preparation  Copy software from CD to KUKA USB stick Caution! The only USB stick that may be used is the KUKA USB stick. Data may be lost or modified if any other USB stick is used. Connect the KUKA USB stick. LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG. Uninstallation is prepared. Reply to the request for confirmation with Yes.2 Installing or updating UserTech It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software package. press Refresh. 4. Uninstallation is resumed and completed. Repeat step 4 if another software package is to be installed from this stick. LOG file 4. Remove the KUKA USB stick. KUKA.UserTech 3.1 14 / 81 Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en .12. 1 Refreshing UserTech Description This function allows UserTech to be refreshed while the robot controller is running. Precondition  Expert user group Procedure  In the main menu. select the menu sequence Configuration > Miscellaneous > Reinitialize UserTech.12. UserTech is reinitialized without rebooting the system. to display inline forms that the user has redefined.5 Operation 5 Operation 5.1 V1 en 15 / 81 . The progress of the reinitialization is indicated in the message window.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. e. Issued: 13.g. UserTech 3.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.KUKA.1 V1 en .1 16 / 81 Issued: 13. "SETVAR" Page 45) SHOWVAR (>>> 6.5. ENDTP" Page 22) Inline forms DECL FOLD (>>> 6.1 "DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT" Page 45) DO (>>> 6.7.3 "DECL STATKEYBAR" Page 44) SET (>>> "DECL PLIST" Page 38) Technology keys DECL STATKEY (>>> 6. OFFSET Elements that must be replaced by program-specific entries Issued: 13.7.7 "SWITCH … CASE (ELSE) … ENDSWITCH" Page 47) SWITCH DIALOG … CASE … ENDSWITCH (>>> 6.1 "DECL PARAM PL_" Page 37) DECL PLIST (>>> 6.6 "MESSAGE" Page 47) REDECL (>>> 6.4 "REDECL" Page 46) SET (>>> 6..2 "DECL STATKEY" Page 39) DECL STATKEYBAR (>>> 6.6..5 "DO" Page 46) MESSAGE (>>> 6.4. Time.12.8 "SWITCH DIALOG … CASE … ENDSWITCH" Page 48) ACCEPTINLINEFORM (>>> V1 en  Italics  Upper/lower-case letters Examples: Distance.9 "Predefined scripts" Page 49) CANCELINLINEFORM END NOTHING 6.6.4 "SET" Page 44) Scripts DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT (>>> 6.3 "DEFTP .5.4.2 Symbols and fonts The following symbols and fonts are used in the syntax descriptions: Syntax element Representation KRL code  Courier font  Upper-case letters Examples: GLOBAL.4.4 "DECL PARAM" Page 23) Parameter lists DECL PARAM PL_ (>>> 6.8 "DECL INLINEFORM" Page 31) DECL PARAM (>>> 6.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.4.1 Overview of KFD syntax Technologies DEFTP … ENDTP (>>> 6.3 "SHOWVAR" Page 45) SWITCH … CASE(ELSE) … ENDSWITCH (>>> 6.6 Programming 6 Programming 6. Format 17 / 81 . ANIN ON.6.6 "DECL FOLD" Page 30) DECL INLINEFORM (>>> 6.4 "SET" Page 44) SETVAR (>>> 6.6. " character for designating a comment is canceled.1 Special characters  Separated by the "|" symbol Example: IN |OUT The following special characters are used in the KFD code: Character Description .: Function of the ".1 Syntax element Representation Optional elements  In angle brackets Example: <STEP Increment> Elements that are mutually exclusive 6.  /. Designates a comment Example:  _ . Issued: 13. The character "/" itself is not displayed in the string.1 V1 en . Examples: 18 / 81  /%: Function of the "%" character for designating a parameter reference placeholder is canceled.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. Example:  decl _ int _ number (= Program line: decl int number) / Cancels the special function of a subsequent character. "_" is used to continue a program line despite an intervening line break.3 Important KFD terms 6.12.UserTech 3.This is a comment A statement in KFD must be contained in one continuous program line. There must be a space between the preceding program line and the "_" character.3.KUKA. (>>> 6. a second space must be inserted if a further character or expression follows after the parameter reference placeholder.g.  If the quotation mark is intended to be part of the string.5. A space used to terminate a parameter reference placeholder is not displayed in the string.3. i. Additional rules apply when programming fields of type BOOL. If a space is used. e.3. Example: #  %INLINEFORM/  %INLINEFORM Designates a value assignment Examples: 6.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. its meaning as a special character must be canceled using the "/" character. "This is a string".  Strings are always enclosed in double quotation marks.6 Programming Character Description % Designates a parameter reference placeholder (>>> 6.2  #%INLINEFORM  #TOGGLE Strings A string is a sequence of alphanumeric characters of fixed or variable length. The following rules apply in KFD:  Strings must not include any commas.3. The following parameter reference placeholders are predefined: Name Description %TP Name of the technology First parameter in every inline form %INLINEFORM Name of the inline form Second parameter in every inline form %MODULE Name of the program in Navigator Issued: 13.4. they must be contained within one line. The percent sign causes the name of the parameter to be output not a text but as as a value. e.3 Parameter reference placeholder A parameter reference placeholder consists of a percent sign and a parameter name.1 V1 en 19 / 81 .g. "The character /"".7 "Field type BOOL" Page 29) 6.12.e.3 "Parameter reference placeholder" Page 19) The "/" character or a space must be inserted after the parameter reference placeholder.  Strings must not include any line breaks. in a defined technology package.9) and the special characters “_” and “$”.43.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.50.e. in all technology packages.3. For this reason. CASE must not be used in any other way..KUKA.4 Naming conventions and keywords Examples of names in KFD: variable names. To avoid confusion. 38. i.1 6.25 Boolean Character BOOL CHAR Logic state  TRUE  FALSE 1 character  ASCII character Examples: "A". do not begin the names of user-defined variables with this sign. A keyword remains valid irrespective of the way in which it is written.  Names in KFD can consist of letters (A. if they are declared outside the DEFTP and ENDTP statements. 300.. i.3. The names of all system variables begin with the “$” sign.Z). 20 / 81 Issued: 13. function names. "1". 6. numbers (0.UserTech 3..4E+38 Examples: 1.1 V1 en . The use of keywords reserved for KRL is not permitted. 345 Real REAL Floating-point number  +1. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase letters.3.  Names in KFD must not begin with a number. Further information about keywords is contained in the “Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators”.g. Variables and data objects have global validity.  Names in KFD must not be keywords.5 Simple data types The following simple data types are predefined: Data type Keyword Description Integer INT Integer  -2³¹-1 … 2³¹-1 Examples: 1. 32. as a variable name.e. Keywords Keywords are sequences of letters having a fixed meaning. "q" 6.12.1E-38 … +3. e. Example: The sequence of letters CASE is an integral part of the KRL syntax SWITCH…CASE…ENDSWITCH.6 Areas of validity Variables and data objects have local validity. subprogram names Names  Names in KFD can have a maximum length of 24 characters.. if they are declared between the DEFTP and ENDTP statements. They must not be used in programs in any way other than with this meaning. 6 "DECL FOLD" Page 30) 8 Generate KRL code.4 "DECL PARAM" Page 23) (>>> 6. (>>> 6.4.8 "Integrating a technology into KUKA smartHMI" Page 49) 6. (>>> 6. e.4 Programming a technology package Overview Step Description 1 Design the technology.1 "Designing the technology" Page 21) 2 Create KFD file. number.1 V1 en 21 / 81 .3 "DEFTP .12. (>>> 6.  Define the technology keys (e.4.g.7 "Programming scripts" Page 45) 12 Integrate the technology into the graphical user interface.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.4.5 "Programming parameter lists" Page 36) 6 Prepare the scripts. conditions for activation and layout). (>>> 6.  Press Touch-Up. (>>> 6.2 "Creating a KFD file" Page 22) 3 Define the technology.  Define the program lines (= folds) to be inserted. Actions include:  Open or close an inline form. 6.4.1 Designing the technology  Define the structure of the inline forms. (>>> 6.g. functions.4. or hold down a technology key. release.6 "Programming technology keys" Page 39) 11 Program the scripts.  Define the parameters in the inline form and their respective value ranges and parameter lists.7.. Issued: 13.8 "DECL INLINEFORM" Page 31) 10 Program technology keys.4. 5 Define parameter lists.7 "Generating KRL code" Page 31) (>>> 6.6 Programming We recommend combining all global variables and data objects in a KFD file. (>>> 6.1 "DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT" Page 45) 7 Create folds. 9 Define inline forms. ENDTP" Page 22) 4 Define the parameters. type and layout of the input boxes.  Define the scripts to be called by user actions.  Press.4. (>>> 6.4.. (>>> 6. (>>> 6. > <SOT Bool>}> ENDTP Explanation of the syntax Element Description DEFTP Name of the technology SOC Defines whether the inline forms for a technology can be selected via a list box in the inline form. The name of a technology may only appear once within the system. enter the new key: %InstallationDir%\TP\TPName\Template 7. 4. 2.  The KFD file must be saved in ASCII format. Creating a KFD file Description Technologies created with UserTech are described as KFD files and saved by default in the directory C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE. 6. A key must be created in the registry database of the Windows operating system for the folder TPName.3 DEFTP . Create a new folder: Right-click and select the menu sequence New > Key > String.1  6. 6.  TRUE: Selection is possible. Default.  The KFD file can contain one or more technologies. Under "Value". Place the cursor on the folder.  Any editor can be used to edit the KFD file. if SOT is not defined: TRUE 22 / 81 Issued: 13.. Select the path \HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\KUKARoboterGmbH\Options\KFD. Default.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.12.UserTech 3. Procedure 1. Open the registry editor.. Give the folder the name TPName. if SOC is not defined: TRUE SOT Defines whether technologies can be selected via a list box in the inline form.  The name of the KFD file can be freely chosen within the conventions of the Windows operating system. With complex technologies it is recommended that the KFD files belonging to a single technology are saved in the directory C:\KRC\TP\TPName\TEMPLATE.4.1 V1 en .4.  FALSE: Selection is not possible. 5. ENDTP Description Defining a technology Syntax DEFTP Name <= {<SOC Bool.  TRUE: Selection is possible.KUKA. right-click and select the menu item Change: The Edit String window is opened.2 Display a technology key. Confirm the key with OK. 3.  FALSE: Selection is not possible. STEP 2. Fig. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0.> <ENABLE[]Bool. Fig. Issued: 13. UNIT[] "mm".12. if ENABLE[ ] is not defined: TRUE VALUE Type of box (field) (>>> 6.4.5 "Field types" Page 24) Example DECL PARAM FieldNumber = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ".4.> <UNIT[]"String".> VALUE {Field type}} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DECL PARAM Name of the box SHORTNAME[] Name displayed before the box UNIT[] Unit displayed after the box ENABLE[ ] Activation of an input box TRUE: Input box is activated. FALSE: Input box is deactivated. 6-2: MyTech technology 6. Default.4 DECL PARAM Description Declaration of a box (field) in the inline form Syntax DECL PARAM Name = {<SHORTNAME[]"String".2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.6 Programming Example 1 DEFTP MyTech ENDTP DEFTP OtherTech ENDTP The technologies MyTech and OtherTech can be selected via a list box in the inline form.1 V1 en 23 / 81 . MAX 100. The box is of type Number. 6-1: List box for selecting a technology Example 2 DEFTP MyTech = {SOT FALSE} ENDTP DEFTP OtherTech ENDTP The technologies MyTech and OtherTech cannot be selected via a list box in the inline form. DEFAULT 50}} An integer value from 0 to 100 can be entered. 6-3: Example of field type Number The value in the input box can be increased or decreased in steps of 2 using the cursor keys on the keyboard.5.4.5 Field types 6. function name or subprogram name is displayed in the input box.1 V1 en .3 Field type Name Only input fields with field type Name can be linked with parameter lists. Issued: 13. Description 24 / 81 A variable name.2 Free field type Description A text is displayed in the input box.4. which cannot be edited.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.UserTech 3. 6-5: Example of free field type 6.5.1 Static field type Description A static text is displayed in the inline form. which can be edited.4. which can be edited.5.1 Fig.12. 6-4: Example of static field type 6. Syntax VALUE {STATIC: DEFAULT[]"String"} Explanation of the syntax Example Element Description DEFAULT[] Text displayed in the inline form DECL PARAM FieldStatic = _ {VALUE {STATIC: DEFAULT[] "Field cannot be edited"}} Fig. 6. the input box is empty. Example DECL PARAM FieldFree = {SHORTNAME[] "Programmer: ". _ VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[] " Name "}} Fig.KUKA. Syntax VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[]"String"} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DEFAULT[] Default text that is displayed in the input box when you first open the inline form If no string is defined.4. The syntax of the name is checked. Syntax VALUE {NUMBER: MIN minimum value.  DWORD=00000001: Number is incremented.4 Field type Number Description An integer value is displayed in the input box. If you do not want the number to be incremented. must be created in the registry database. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "WPT1"}} Fig. the number is incremented by one every time an inline form of this type is created.12. 6-6: Example of field type Name No IncOnOpen key is created in the registry database. <STEP Increment. Further information about keywords is contained in the “Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators”. function or subprogram that is displayed by default in the input box when the inline form is first opened If the last character of a name is a number (0…9) then by default.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.5. Syntax VALUE {Name: DEFAULT[] "Name"} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DEFAULT[] Name of the variable.4. The counter is reset if the inline form is canceled after it is opened. which can be edited using the numeric keypad on the keyboard. MAX maximum value. When the inline form is first opened.6 Programming The use of keywords reserved for KRL is not permitted.: ". the number is incremented by one and the value WPT2 is displayed. 6.1 V1 en 25 / 81 . type DWORD.> <DEFAULT Default value. DECL PARAM FieldName = {SHORTNAME[] "Welding-Point-Nr. Path in the registry database: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KUKA Roboter GmbH\Options\KFD IncOnOpen: Example  DWORD=00000000: Number is not incremented. the value WPT1 is displayed by default.> <AUTOLIMIT Bool>} Issued: 13. The next time the inline form is created. the key IncOnOpen. STEP 2.1 V1 en . Default.1 Explanation of the syntax Element Description MIN Type: INT Minimum input value Note: This value must always be specified.4.KUKA. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. DEFAULT 50}} An integer value from 0 to 100 can be entered.  Entered value > maximum value: Value is set to maximum value.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.12.5. STEP Type: INT Increment for the cursor keys on the keyboard that can be used for increasing and decreasing the value in the input box. (= default if AUTOLIMIT is not defined)  Entered value < minimum value: Value is set to minimum value. if STEP is not defined: 1 DEFAULT Type: INT Default value that is displayed when you first open the inline form. MAX Type: INT Maximum input value Note: This value must always be specified.> <AUTOLIMIT Bool>} 26 / 81 Issued: 13. <STEP Increment. MAX maximum value.5 Field type REAL Description A floating-point number is displayed in the input box. Example DECL PARAM FieldNumber = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". Syntax VALUE {REAL: MIN minimum value. Fig.> <DEFAULT Default value.UserTech 3. 6-7: Example of field type Number The value in the input box can be increased or decreased in steps of 2 using the cursor keys on the keyboard. MAX 100. which can be edited using the numeric keypad on the keyboard. UNIT[] "mm". if DEFAULT is not defined: 0 AUTOLIMIT TRUE: A value that is too large or too small is automatically set to the minimum or maximum input value. Default. 6. 6.5. Fig.5.6 Field type List Description A list box is displayed in the inline form. Default.  Entered value > maximum value: Value is set to maximum value. You can use the list to select a parameter. STEP Type: REAL Increment for the cursor keys on the keyboard that can be used for increasing and decreasing the value in the input box.0 AUTOLIMIT TRUE: A value that is too large or too small is automatically set to the minimum or maximum input value. DEFAULT 2}} A value from 0.>|<POS Number. 6-8: Example of field type REAL The value in the input box can be increased or decreased in steps of 0. STEP 0. Example DECL PARAM FieldReal = {SHORTNAME[] "Delay: ".2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.5. _ VALUE {REAL: MIN 0. if STEP is not defined: 0. MAX 5. MAX Type: REAL Maximum input value Note: This value must always be specified. Syntax VALUE {LIST: <DEFAULT[] "String". (= default if AUTOLIMIT is not defined)  Entered value < minimum value: Value is set to minimum value.5 using the cursor keys on the keyboard.> ITEM[1] List parameter 1. UNIT[] "sec".6 Programming Explanation of the syntax Element Description MIN Type: REAL Minimum input value Note: This value must always be specified. The parameters in the list cannot be edited.1 V1 en 27 / 81 .1 DEFAULT Type: REAL Default value that is displayed when you first open the inline form. <ITEM[2] List parameter 2.> <ITEM[n] List parameter N>} Issued: 13. if DEFAULT is not defined: 0.12.4. Default.> < … .5 to 5 can be entered. (VALUE[] or DISP[]) POS Type: INT Default list parameter number [n] that is displayed when you first open the inline form.  DISP[]: This value is displayed. DISP[] "Triangle"}. Example 1 DECL PARAM FieldList = {SHORTNAME[] "Weave pattern:". ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Triangle"}.KUKA. 6-9: Example of field type List Example 2 DEFTP MyTech = {SOC TRUE} DECL PARAM FieldList = {SHORTNAME[] "Weave pattern:".MyCmd The value Triangle selected in the list box WeavePattern is not the value actually processed. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} Fig. In the fold. _ VALUE {LIST: POS 1. PARAM[1] FieldList} ENDTP Fig.12. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL FOLD MyFold[1] MyFold[1] = "Model = %FieldList" DECL INLINEFORM MyCmd = {FOLD[1] MyFold.1 Explanation of the syntax Element Description DEFAULT[] Default list parameter value that is displayed when you first open the inline form. if DISP[] is not defined: the displayed value corresponds to the processed value.UserTech 3. the global variable Model is assigned value 3.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 6-10: Example of field type List . _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "3".inline form MyTech. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. This parameter must correspond to one of the defined list parameters. ITEM[1] … ITEM[n] Values of list parameters [1] to [n] Complete syntax of the list parameters: {ITEM: VALUE[] "StringX" <. DISP[] "StringN">}  VALUE[]: This value is processed. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}.1 V1 en . Default. 28 / 81 Issued: 13. Note: For BOOL type fields. TRUE[] "EIN". _ VALUE {Name: DEFAULT[] "VAL1"}} . FAlSE[] "AUS"}} .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. additional rules apply when creating strings. PARAM[2] FieldBool ENDTP Issued: 13...> <FALSE[] "String">} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DEFAULT Default check box value that is displayed when you first open the inline form. Note: For BOOL type fields. TRUE[]  TRUE: Check box active.12. Syntax VALUE {BOOL: DEFAULT Bool.7 Field type BOOL Description The inline form displays a checkbox that can be activated and deactivated.. "FALSE" is inserted into the program by default as KRL code.5.4. (>>> "Rules for strings" Page 29) FALSE[] Text that is inserted in the program as KRL code if the check box is inactive.1 V1 en 29 / 81 . DECL INLINEFORM ILF_With_ParamList={FOLD[1] PFold.  FALSE: Check box inactive. DECL PARAM FieldBool = {SHORTNAME[] "Laser". <TRUE[] "String". _ PARAM[1] ParamList. Text that is inserted in the program as KRL code if the checkbox is active.on" (comma)  "Las"on" (quotation marks) " (only space) DEFTP MyTech DECL PARAM ParamList = {SHORTNAME[] "Val: "... (>>> "Rules for strings" Page 29) Rules for strings The string can have a maximum length of 16 characters.. "TRUE" is inserted into the program by default as KRL code. If FALSE[] is not defined and the check box is inactive. DECL FOLD PFold[1] PFold[1] = "ParamList" . _ VALUE {BOOL: DEFAULT TRUE. If TRUE[] is not defined and the checkbox is active. additional rules apply when creating strings.6 Programming KRL code in the program: 6. The following notations or characters are not allowed in the string: Example  "" (empty string)  "  "Las. 6 DECL FOLD Description Declaring a fold Folds make programs more transparent. The hidden program sections are processed during program execution in exactly the same way as visible program sections. 6-11: Example of field type BOOL (check box active) KRL code in the program (check box active): Fig.UserTech 3.1 V1 en ..%DataSet/. NAME [n] = "StringN" Explanation of the syntax Element Description NAME Name of the fold [n] Number of lines in the fold String1 … StringN Contents of the fold All parameter reference placeholders in a string are replaced in the program by the values selected in the inline form.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.STEP) TRIGGER WHEN PATH=210 DELAY=0 DO LASER_ON=TRUE 30 / 81 Issued: 13. .%Pattern/)" MyFold[2] = "TRIGGER WHEN PATH=%DistanceWay/ DELAY=0 _ DO LASER_ON=TRUE" The following values are selected in the inline form:  DataSet = DataSet6  DistanceWay = 210  Pattern = STEP  INLINEFORM = ON KRL code in the program: Laser(#ON. Folds are used to hide sections of the program. Syntax DECL FOLD NAME[n] NAME [1] = "String1". 6-12: Example of field type BOOL (check box inactive) KRL code in the program (check box inactive): 6.4.KUKA.DataSet6.1 Fig.12.. Example DECL FOLD MyFold[2] MyFold[1] = "Laser(#%INLINEFORM/. define the required subprograms and functions with the corresponding transfer parameters.> <ONTOUCHUP Script. In the program.> <ONACCEPT Script...  The technology in which the inline form is declared is defined as follows: DEFTP Name = {SOC FALSE.. Procedure 1. Create a program in folder KRC:\R1\TP.12.4.> <FOLD[n] NameFoldN.1 V1 en 31 / 81 .4.4 "DECL PARAM" Page 23) Issued: 13.7 Generating KRL code Description Subprograms or functions which are also to be inserted in selected programs on closing an inline form must be defined globally.6 Programming 6.> <PARAM[n]NameParamN.4. PARAM[1] … PARAM[n] Names of the boxes displayed in the inline form (>>> 6..8 DECL INLINEFORM Description Declaration of an inline form Syntax DECL INLINEFORM Name = {<FOCUS Position. 6.> <FOLD[1]NameFold1.> <ONOPEN Script>} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DECL INLINEFORM Name of the inline form FOCUS Type: INT Number of the input box that is focused on by default the first time the inline form is opened Precondition for this function:  The inline form was called via the Commands menu..6 "DECL FOLD" Page 30) If no fold is assigned to the inline form.> <.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.> <ILF_TYPE IN_SPLINE|OFF_SPLINE|ALL.> <PARAM[1]NameParam1.> <.> <SPLINE Bool. its contents will be inserted into the program in accordance with the setting made under STYLE. SOT FALSE} ENDTP FOLD[1] … FOLD[n] Names of the folds assigned to the inline form (>>> 6..4. 2.> <STYLE WYSIWYG|SUB|DSUB|FCT|DFCT|ASS|ASSAGG. 1 "Script call after the inline form is opened and closed" Page 60) 6.  TRUE: Interpretation as inline form with SPLINE control structure  FALSE: Interpretation as inline form without SPLINE control structure Default.UserTech 3.1 Element Description SPLINE Specifies whether the inline form of technology packages is interpreted as an inline form containing a SPLINE control structure.  OFF_SPLINE: Fold cannot be inserted into a SPLINE fold.9 "Format types" Page 32) ONACCEPT Name of the script that is run when you press Command OK (>>> 8.3.9 Format types 6.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.  IN_SPLINE: Fold can be inserted into a SPLINE fold. if STYLE is not defined: WYSIWYG (>>> 6.4. Whether the inline form actually contains a SPLINE control structure is defined when the fold is created.4.3. Issued: Format type WYSIWYG Description 32 / 81 The formatting of the KRL code corresponds exactly to the text of the inline form.  ALL: Fold can be inserted into any fold.1 V1 en .KUKA. Default. if no value or an invalid value is entered for ILF_TYPE: OFF_SPLINE STYLE Formatting of the KRL code  WYSIWYG  SUB  DSUB  FCT  DFCT  ASS  ASSAGG Default. if no value or an invalid value is entered for SPLINE: FALSE ILF_TYPE Specifies whether the fold of the inline form can be inserted into a fold with SPLINE control structure.1 "Script call after the inline form is opened and closed" Page 60) ONTOUCHUP Name of the script that is run when you press Touch Up ONOPEN Name of the script that is run when you open the inline form (press Change or select via the Commands menu) (>>> 8.4. MAX 500. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". MAX 500.9. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. Issued: 13. separated by commas and contained within brackets. PARAM[2] DistanceWay.  The parameters are reduced to the contents of the boxes. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Triangle"}.2 Format type SUB Description The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to a subprogram call. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Triangle"}. _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig.4. separated by commas and contained within brackets.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist.9. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname. 6-13: Inline form Laser.  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed. PARAM[2] DistanceWay. DEFAULT 200}. 6-14: Inline form Laser.On (example 1) KRL code in the program: 6.  The parameters are reduced to the contents of the boxes.6 Programming Example DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ". STYLE SUB} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ". _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. DEFAULT 200}.1 V1 en 33 / 81 .4. Example DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ". _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ". _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0.On (example 2) KRL code in the program: 6. Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname.3 Format type DSUB Description The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to a subprogram call.12. Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname.KUKA.9. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist. _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist. the value of the first parameter is used as the name of the function. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "3". MAX 500.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. DISP[] "Triangle"}.  The following parameters are reduced to the contents of the boxes. STYLE FCT} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig. DEFAULT 200}. Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname.1  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed.12.  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed. DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ".1 V1 en . STYLE DSUB} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig. 6-16: Inline form Laser.On (example 3) 34 / 81 Issued: 13.4. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". Example DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ". DEFAULT 200}. separated by commas and contained within brackets.  An equals sign is inserted between the inline form name and the parameter list. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. PARAM[2] DistanceWay.  Parameter names and units are inserted as a comment. PARAM[2] DistanceWay.On (example 2) KRL code in the program: 6. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ". MAX 500. 6-15: Inline form Laser. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Triangle"}.UserTech 3.4 Format type FCT Description Example The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to a function call:  Irrespective of its format. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ". 5 Format type DFCT Description The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to a function call:  Irrespective of its format. STYLE DFCT} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig.6 Format type ASS Description The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to an assignment:  The parameters are reduced to the contents of the fields and separated by commas. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "3". Issued: 13. the value of the first parameter is used as the name of the function.  The following parameters are reduced to the contents of the boxes.On (example 3) KRL code in the program: 6. Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname.1 V1 en 35 / 81 . MAX 500. DEFAULT 200}. Example DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ". _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist.  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed.12.  Parameter names and units are inserted as a comment. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ".4.  An equals sign is inserted between the inline form name and the parameter list.6 Programming KRL code in the program: 6.9. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}.9.  An equals sign is inserted between the inline form name and the parameter list.  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed. separated by commas and contained within brackets. DISP[] "Triangle"}. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ". 6-17: Inline form Laser. PARAM[2] DistanceWay.4. STYLE ASS} DECL INLINEFORM Off ENDTP Fig. DEFTP SEARCH DECL PARAM XDir = {SHORTNAME[] "X=". This data set is displayed in an option window. DISP[] "Triangle"}.On (example 4) KRL code in the program: 6. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "3".12. MAX 500. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Trapezoid"}. 6-18: Inline form Laser. VALUE {NUMBER: }. VALUE {NUMBER: }.1 Example DEFTP Laser DECL PARAM Fieldlist = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern: ". 36 / 81 Issued: 13.UNIT[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM Direction = {PARAM[1] XDir. DEFAULT 200}.KUKA.7 Format type ASSAGG Description Example The formatting of the KRL code corresponds to an aggregate assignment:  The parameters are reduced to the parameter name and the content of the fields.Direction KRL code in the program: 6. STYLE ASSAGG} ENDTP Fig.  An equals sign is inserted between the inline form name and the parameter list. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet0"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance: ".UNIT[] "mm"} DECL PARAM ZDir = {SHORTNAME[] "Z=".5 Programming parameter lists An input box of field type Name can be linked to a parameter list.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. Every parameter list contains a data set.  The dot separating the name of the technology and the name of the inline form is suppressed. PARAM[2] YDir. PARAM[2] DistanceWay. The structure and the properties of the data set must be programmed. _ ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "Sinus"}}} DECL PARAM Fieldname = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet: ".UNIT[] "mm"} DECL PARAM YDir = {SHORTNAME[] "Y=".4. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0.UserTech 3.1 V1 en . _ PARAM[3] ZDir. Unit[] "mm"} DECL INLINEFORM On = {PARAM[1] Fieldname. _ PARAM[3] Fieldlist. VALUE {NUMBER: }.  The parameters are separated by commas and enclosed in braces.9. 6-19: Inline form SEARCH. 2 "Defining the structure data type" Page 37) 4 Define the parameter list and assign it to the input box.5.5.DAT.1 DECL PARAM PL_ Description Declaration of the structure of the data set Syntax DECL PARAM PL_Name = {<SHORTNAME[]"String".5.4.2 "Example program for a parameter list" Page 56) Example 6.3 "DECL PLIST" Page 38) (>>> 8.5. (>>> 6. Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 37 / 81 .> VAR[]"String".2 UNIT[] System name of the data set VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[] "_"} Placeholder for the default values of the data set (>>> 6.2 "Defining the structure data type" Page 37) 6. UNIT[]"String". in section "User-defined types" of the USER GLOBALS fold. 3 Define the structure data set and default data set in $CONFIG. VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[] "_"}} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DECL PARAM PL_ Name of the data set (>>> 6.5.1 "DECL PARAM PL_" Page 37) (>>> 6.2 "Defining the structure data type" Page 37) SHORTCUT[] Prefix of the default data set (>>> 6.4 "DECL PARAM" Page 23) 2 Define the structure of the data set. SHORTCUT[]"String".5.3 "DECL PLIST" Page 38) SHORTNAME[] Name of the data set that is displayed in the option window VAR[] Name of the structure data type of the data set (>>> 6.DAT. (>>> 6.5. (>>> 6.5.6 Programming Overview Step Description 1 Define the parameters of the parameter list.2 "Defining the structure data type" Page 37) Defining the structure data type Description The structure data type of a data set and the default values of the structure data type must be defined in C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\R1\SYSTEM\$CONFIG.12.5. Name[n] = NameParamN Explanation of the syntax Element Description DECL PLIST Name of the data set [n ] Number of parameters in the data set -> Name of the input box in the inline form to which the data set is linked (>>> "DECL PARAM PL_" Page 37) Note: Parameter lists can only be linked with input boxes with field type Name. ….1 "DECL PARAM PL_" Page 37)  INT  REAL  BOOL StructureNameParam1 … StructureNameParamN Structure names of the parameters of the data set Prefix Prefix of the default data set (>>> 6.1 "DECL PARAM PL_" Page 37) Default1 … DefaultN Default values of the parameters of the data set The default values are freely selectable.1 Syntax Structure data type:  STRUC Name Type1 StructureNameParam1. V1 en . StructureNameParamN DefaultN} Explanation of the syntax Element Description Name Name of the structure data type Type1 … TypeN Data types of the parameters of the data set (>>> 6. 6.KUKA.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. ….. TypeN StructureNameParamN Default values:  DECL Name PrefixDEFAULT= {StructureNameParam1 Default1..3 DECL PLIST Description Declaration of the parameter list Syntax DECL PLIST Name[n] -> Assignment of input box Name[1]= NameParam1 . 38 / 81 Issued: 13.UserTech 3. (>>> 6. release.  Define layout of the technology keys.2 "DECL STATKEY" Page 39) (>>> 6.> <PICTURE[] "String".g.6.1 "DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT" Page 45) 3 Define technology keys.6. (>>> 6.2  Define functions of the technology keys.> <BOTTOMTEXT[] "String".> <ENABLE Bool.> <KEYDOWN_PICTURE[] "String". (>>> 6.1 V1 en 39 / 81 .> Issued: 13. functions can be assigned to the 4 technology keys on the left of the smartPAD.> <NEED_DRIVESOK Bool. DECL STATKEY Description Declaration of a technology key Syntax DECL STATKEY Name = {<TOPTEXT[] "String".  Define size of the technology keys.7. press.> <CENTERTEXT[] "String". (>>> 6.6.6 Programming Element Description [1] … [n] Sequence of parameters in the data set (= sequence in the option window) NameParam1 … NameParamN Names of the parameters of the data set The layout and range of values of the parameters must be defined with DECL PARAM.> <KEYDOWNMINUS_PICTURE[] "String".1 Designing the technology keys With UserTech.6 Programming technology keys Overview Step Description 1 Design the technology keys.  Define scripts called by user actions (e.> <NEED_SAFETYSWITCH Bool.7 "Programming scripts" Page 45) 6.3 "DECL STATKEYBAR" Page 44) 5 Program the scripts.4.1 "Designing the technology keys" Page 39) 2 Prepare the scripts.12.4 "DECL PARAM" Page 23) 6. or hold down technology key).  Define the conditions for activating the technology keys.6. 4 Define technology key bar. 6. (>>> 6.6.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 1 <NEED_PROSTATEO Activation value.> <ONKEYDOWN Script.6.12.> <ONKEYDOWNMINUS Script.> <ONKEYSHOW Script.UserTech 3.> <NEED_PROSTATE Activation value.> <NEED_MODEOP Activation value.2.2.> <ONKEYUP Script.1 "Required image sizes" Page 42) If no path is given here.6.> <ONKEYREPEATMINUS Script. 40 / 81 Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.> <ONKEYUPMINUS Script.KUKA.> <ONKEYREPEAT Script. the graphic specified under PICTURE[ ] is displayed.> <STYLE #SWITCH|#TOGGLE.1 V1 en .> <USERMODE Identification number.1 "Required image sizes" Page 42) (>>> 6.> <NEXT Name>} Explanation of the syntax Element Description DECL STATKEY Name of the technology key … NEXT Name of the next technology key Layout: Element Description TOPTEXT[] Text displayed next to the technology key (top) CENTERTEXT[] Text displayed next to the technology key (centered) BOTTOMTEXT[] Text displayed next to the technology key (bottom) PICTURE[] Path for the graphic displayed next to the technology key KEYDOWN_ PICTURE[] Path for the graphic displayed next to the technology key if the key with the PLUS function is pressed (>>> 6. 12.6.2 "Determining the decimal value for activation options" Page 43) Issued: 13. The bottom key takes the PLUS function.2 "Determining the decimal value for activation options" Page 43) NEED_PROSTATE Type: INT Activation of the technology key is dependent on the operating state of the robot interpreter.2. the graphic specified under PICTURE[ ] is displayed.2.2. Default value: 32 (= technology key is active if the Submit interpreter is running) (>>> 6.6. Default. Default value: 30 (= technology key is active if the Start key is released. if ENABLE is not defined: TRUE NEED_SAFETYSWITCH TRUE: Technology key is active if the enabling switch is pressed. Default.6 Programming Element Description KEYDOWNMINUS_ PICTURE[] Path for the graphic displayed next to the technology key if the key with the MINUS function is pressed (>>> 6. The top key takes the MINUS function. The key always has the PLUS function. if STYLE is not defined: #SWITCH Activation options: Element Description ENABLE Activation of the technology key TRUE: Technology key is activated.  #TOGGLE: Double technology key Two keys are assigned to a double technology key. STYLE Format of the technology key  #SWITCH: Single technology key One key is assigned to a single technology key. NEED_PROSTATEO Type: INT Activation of the technology key is dependent on the operating state of the Submit interpreter.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.6. NEED_DRIVESOK TRUE: Technology key is active if the drives are switched on.1 "Required image sizes" Page 42) If no path is given here. FALSE: Technology key is deactivated.) (>>> 6.1 V1 en 41 / 81 . icons (*. ONKEYREPEATMINUS Name of the script that is run when the key with the MINUS function is held down for longer The script is repeatedly triggered until the key is released. (>>> 6.  0: Active in every user group  10: User  20: Expert  30: Administrator Default.bmp) can be used.12. Default value: 7 (= technology key is active in the operating modes T1.) Example: For the technology key to be active in all operating modes and when the keyswitch is set to in an invalid position. The use of icons is recommended.1 Element Description NEED_MODEOP Type: INT Activation of the technology key is dependent on the operating mode.1 V1 en .2.UserTech 3.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. The interval between repetitions becomes shorter and shorter.6.1 Required image sizes For the graphics. 6. T2 and AUT.6. The following image sizes are required:  42 / 81 34 x 48 pixels for a single technology key Issued: 13.2 "Determining the decimal value for activation options" Page 43) USERMODE Type: INT Identification number of the lowest user group for which the technology key is active. if USERMODE is not defined: 0 Call scripts: Element Description ONKEYDOWN Name of the script that is run when the key with the PLUS function is pressed ONKEYUP Name of the script that is run when the key with the PLUS function is released ONKEYSHOW Name of the script that is run when the technology key is activated via the main menu ONKEYDOWNMINUS Name of the script that is run when the key with the MINUS function is pressed ONKEYUPMINUS Name of the script that is run when the key with the MINUS function is released ONKEYREPEAT Name of the script that is run when the key with the PLUS function is held down for longer The script is repeatedly triggered until the key is released. the value 31 must be programmed. The interval between repetitions becomes shorter and shorter.2.ico) or bitmaps (*.KUKA. Examples Operating mode Bit number Binary value Power Decimal value ACTIVE 5 1 25 = 32 32 END 4 0 0 RESET 3 0 0 STOP 2 0 0 FREE 1 0 0 UNKNOWN 0 0 0 NEED_PROSTATE: Technology key is active if the Start key is released (default). In the case of a bit number with the binary value 1. Add the resulting values. Operating mode Bit number Binary value Power Decimal value ACTIVE 5 0 0 30 END 4 1 24 RESET 3 1 23 = 8 STOP 2 1 22 = 4 FREE 1 1 21 = 2 UNKNOWN 0 0 0 = 16 NEED_MODEOP: Technology key is active in T1.2 34 x 128 pixels for a double technology key Determining the decimal value for activation options A technology key can be activated in accordance with the operating states of the Submit interpreter or robot interpreter and the operating modes: Description  NEED_PROSTATEO (Submit interpreter)  NEED_PROSTATE (robot interpreter)  NEED_MODEOP (operating modes) 1.12. raise 2 to the power of that number. Procedure 2. T2 and AUT (default).6. NEED_PROSTATEO: Technology key is active if the Submit interpreter is running (default).2.6 Programming  6. Operating mode Bit number Binary value Powe r Decimal value INVALID 4 0 0 7 AUT EXT 3 0 0 AUT 2 1 22 = 4 T1 1 1 21 = 2 T2 0 1 20 = 1 Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 43 / 81 . 12. placeholders that have had their value assigned before execution of the script are allowed. Syntax Explanation of the syntax SET Name= … Element Description SET  Name of the technology key The remaining syntax is identical to the syntax following "DECL STATKEY Name =".> <STATKEY[2] Name2.1 NEED_MODEOP: Technology key is active in T1.3 "DECL STATKEYBAR" Page 44) 44 / 81 Issued: 13. AUT and AUT EXT.4 Element Description DECL STATKEYBAR Name of the technology key bar STATKEY[1] … STATKEY[4] Name of the technology keys  [1]: First technology key from the top  …  [4]: Last technology key from the top SET Description Setting a technology key or a technology key bar SET can be used within or outside scripts.6.6.6. (>>> 6.UserTech 3. %INLINEFORM.> <STATKEY[4] Name4> } Explanation of the syntax 6.KUKA.> <STATKEY[3] Name3. as well as for an invalid keyswitch setting. Operating mode Bit number Binary value Power Decimal value INVALID 4 1 24 = 16 31 AUT EXT 3 1 23 = 8 AUT 2 1 22 = 4 T1 1 1 21 = 2 T2 0 1 20 = 1 6. Within scripts.1 V1 en . e.6. T2 .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. (>>> 6.2 "DECL STATKEY" Page 39)  Name of the technology key bar The remaining syntax is identical to the syntax following "DECL STATKEYBAR Name =".3 DECL STATKEYBAR Description Declaration of a technology key bar Syntax DECL STATKEYBAR Name = {<STATKEY[1] Name1.g. VALUE[] "TRUE") ENDSCRIPT ENDTP After running the script. or hold down a technology key.12.2 Element Description DEFSCRIPT Name of the script SETVAR Description Setting a variable in the kernel system Syntax SETVAR (FULLPATH[]"String".7 Programming scripts 6.  Press.3 $OUT[20]==TRUE SHOWVAR Description Reading a variable from the kernel system Syntax SHOWVAR (FULLPATH[] "String". The string is interpreted as a variable name with path specification. release.7.  Change or create an inline form.1 DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT Description Definition of a script Scripts can be linked with the following actions:  Open or close an inline form.7.  Press Touch-Up. Example DEFTP MyTech DEFSCRIPT Example SETVAR(FULLPATH[] "$OUT[20]".  Toggle between the inline forms of a technology package. Scripts must not be nested.1 V1 en 45 / 81 .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. VALUE Value of the variable The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. VALUE[]"String") Explanation of the syntax Element Description FULLPATH Name of the variable The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. the following applies:  6. PARAM Name) Issued: 13.7. Syntax DEFSCRIPT Name Statements ENDSCRIPT Explanation of the syntax 6. The string is interpreted as a target value.6 Programming 6.  Display a technology key. 5. the variable "HOME" is created in the corresponding data list.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. DEFDAT TEST EXTERNAL DECLARATIONS DECL AXIS HOME={A1 5.KUKA.5 DO Description Calling a script Syntax DO Name Explanation of the syntax 46 / 81 Element Description DO Name of the script Issued: 13. DEFTP MyTech DECL PARAM MyParam ={VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[]""}} DEFSCRIPT Example SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "MODE_OP". The string is interpreted as a variable name with path specification. the following message is displayed in the message window:  6. DECLARATION[] "String") Explanation of the syntax Element Description PATH[] Path name of the new variable The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values.UserTech 3. A4 0. A5 5.5. A2 -95. DECLARATION[] "DECL AXIS HOME= _ {A1 09.1 Explanation of the syntax Element Description FULLPATH Name of the variable The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. DECLARATION[] Example Declaration of the new variable The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values.5.1 V1 en . The string is interpreted as a variable name with path specification. The string is interpreted as a target value.5. A4 5. A6 0}") ENDSCRIPT ENDTP After running the script with a program selected. A6 5. A5 0.5.12. A3 90. DEFTP MyTech DEFSCRIPT Example REDECL(PATH[] "%MODULE/".7.7. PARAM Example Name of the parameter into which the read value is written. A3 95. PARAM MyParam)VALUE[] "TRUE") MESSAGE "$MODE_OP=%MyParam" ENDSCRIPT ENDTP After running the script with a program selected in T1 mode.5} ENDDAT 6. A2-90.4 $MODE_OP=#T1 REDECL Description Creating or overwriting a variable in the kernel system Syntax REDECL (PATH[] "String". If there is no result corresponding to the variable. The CASE line whose result corresponds to the variable is selected. SWITCH.CASE(ELSE)...6 MESSAGE Description Definition of a one-line message which is displayed in the message window Syntax MESSAGE "String" Explanation of the syntax Element Description MESSAGE Message that is displayed The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. The string is used as a key for the language system.7.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.7.ENDSWITCH blocks must not be nested. the program is resumed after ENDSWITCH. Syntax SWITCH InterrogationString CASE "ResultString1" DO Script1 <CASE "ResultString2" DO Script2> .1 V1 en 47 / 81 . (>>> 6.7.6 Programming 6. or no associated script has been defined. depending on the polling of a variable.10 "Language system keys for messages and buttons" Page 49) 6.. no script is executed and the program is resumed after ENDSWITCH. Once the associated script has been executed. the CASE ELSE line is selected..12. <CASE ELSE ScriptN> ENDSWITCH Issued: 13. If this is not present...7 SWITCH … CASE (ELSE) … ENDSWITCH Description Calls one of several possible scripts. 1 Explanation of the syntax Element Description SWITCH Name of the variable to be polled The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. The dialog is displayed in a separate window...7.. (>>> 8.3 "Script call after switching to an inline form" Page 62) CASE … DO Result of polling.CASE. The responses and corresponding scripts are defined in the CASE lines. SWITCH DIALOG.KUKA.1 V1 en . CASE ELSE 6.. The string is interpreted as a variable name with path specification. Syntax SWITCH DIALOG "QuestionString" CASE "AnswerString1" DO Script1 CASE "AnswerString2" DO Script2> <CASE "AnswerString3" DO Script3> .. The user answers using buttons that call defined scripts.12. The string is interpreted as a variable name with path specification.ENDSWITCH blocks must not be nested. the program is resumed after ENDSWITCH..8 Name of the script to be executed if none of the defined results occur SWITCH DIALOG … CASE … ENDSWITCH Description Enables a dialog between the program and the user.2 "Script call after the inline form is modified and created" Page 61)  DOALWAYS Polls whether toggling between 2 inline forms has occurred (= CASE "TRUE").3.UserTech 3. The following keywords may be used:  ISCHANGE Polls whether an existing inline form has been opened by pressing Change (= CASE "TRUE") or whether a new inline form has been inserted via the Commands menu (= CASE "FALSE"). name of the script to be executed The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.3. (>>> 8. Once the script has been executed. <CASE "AnswerString7" DO Script7> ENDSWITCH 48 / 81 Issued: 13. The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.9 6. (>>> 6.7.User.10 "Language system keys for messages and buttons" Page 49) DO 6. For parameterized outputs.User. END The currently running script is aborted.1 V1 en 49 / 81 . every parameter must be added to the key within braces. and the key is shown instead. no button is displayed. For messages and buttons. the module KUKATPUSER is accessed. In the case of global scripts. 6.12.10 Name of the script executed when the button is pressed Predefined scripts Name Description ACCEPTINLINEFORM The inline form is closed and the modified parameters are applied.8 Integrating a technology into KUKA smartHMI Overview User-defined inline forms and technology keys must be defined in the configuration file SmartHMI. the messages or buttons are not displayed in the selected language. If access to the language system fails. This is a prerequisite for access to the language system. CANCELINLINEFORM The inline form is closed and the modified parameters are not applied.6 Programming Explanation of the syntax Element Description SWITCH DIALOG Dialog message that is displayed The parameter reference placeholders in the string are replaced by the current values. The name of the technology which contains the script currently being executed is displayed as the source of the message. (>>> 6.Config. The string is used as a key for the language system.7. The KXR file must contain a module with the name of the technology in which the script is defined. The string is used as a key for the language system.10 "Language system keys for messages and buttons" Page 49) CASE Answer displayed on the button If no string is defined. KXR files with the name Menubar_TPUSER are available for this purpose in C:\KRC\DATA for the languages that can be selected on the KUKA smartHMI.7. NOTHING Placeholder for a script Language system keys for messages and buttons Description Messages and button labels are saved in the relevant local language via language system keys. SmartHMI. the appropriate key must be created in the language system for every language.Config is located in the directory C:\KRC\USER.7. Issued: 13. for example. <!-..12.Menu type="KukaRobots..2010 Version: KST UserTech 3..Test</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuFolder--> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> .Config Menu elements of smartHMI are child elements of the following element:  SmartHMI.  Technology keys are included in the main menu Configuration > Status keys of smartHMI (MainMenu).SmartHMI.MenuRootImpl. </configuration> 50 / 81 Issued: 13.Config. Menu items entered in these nodes are not backed up.Menu type= _ "KukaRoboter. <!--Menu --> <KukaRoboter.User. the changes made there are lost.UIFramework. User-defined inline forms and technology keys must be defined in separate menu trees in the configuration file SmartHMI.SmartHMI. Configuration file SmartHMI.8. SmartHMI">…<KukaRobots. _ MyCmd</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> <MenuRoot SystemName="MainMenu"> .1 V1 en .1  Inline forms are included in the Commands menu of smartHMI (CommandMenu).KUKA.SmartHMI.C onfig <KukaRobots.Demo to implement a UserTech StatusKeyBar--> <!--MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#ConfigStatKeys" _ MergeOrder="210"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#UserTStatKeys"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader..User.Menu> <?xml version="1.UIFramework.0"?> <configuration> .MenuRootImpl.MyTech.Menu.UserTech 3.1 The configuration file is used to define menu elements. _ StatkeyTest.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName"> _ USERSTATKEYBAROCX</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">11</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.User.User.SmartHMI. 6.Menu.SmartHMI.SmartHMI...Menu> ..InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER. SmartHMI"> <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdUserTech" _ MergeOrder="1100"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyTech" MergeOrder="100"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyCmd" MergeOrder="100"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader.Config before a software update. If the technology package or the KUKA System Software is updated. We recommend archiving SmartHMI.. </KukaRoboter. </MenuRoot> <MenuFolder DisplayName= "Name" MergeOrder= "Position"> … <MenuFolder…> is a child element of <MenuRoot…>. The name is used as the language system key.6 Programming Element Description <MenuRoot SystemName= "Name"> The element <MenuRoot…> is used to define the menu to which a menu item is added. …  CommandMenu: Menu item is added to the Commands menu.g. <CommandCall…> is a child element of <MenuItem…>. <CommandCall…> contains 3 arguments. The element is used to add a menu item to which a function is assigned (e. Open SmartHMI. 2.2  IlfName: Name of the inline form called by the menu item  StatkeybarName: Name of the technology key bar called by the menu item Defining menu elements Windows interface Precondition  Procedure 1. </MenuItem> The MergeOrder attribute defines the position of the menu item in the menu. The attribute DisplayName contains the name of the menu item in the menu.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.    PlugInName: Name of the function module  INLINEFORM: Inline form  USERSTATKEYBAROCX: Technology key bar ProcID: Number of the function module  2011: Inline form  11: Technology key bar ParamList: Parameters of the function module Complete syntax of the parameter list: KUKATPUSER.8. </MenuFolder> The MergeOrder attribute defines the position of the menu item in the menu. <MenuItem DisplayName= "Name" MergeOrder= "Position"> <MenuItem…> is a child element of <MenuFolder…>. … The attribute DisplayName contains the name of the menu item in the menu.  MainMenu: Menu item is added to the main menu.1 V1 en 51 / 81 .. The element reflects the menu structure.User. <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> . call inline form or display technology keys). Create menu tree CommandMenu and define the menu elements there in order to call inline forms via the Commands menu.IlfName|StatkeybarName  TechName: Name of the technology in which the function module is defined 6. </MenuRoot> Issued: 13. The name is used as the language system key. <CommandCall Target= "LegacyLoader.12..TechName.Invoke ModuleProc"> … </CommandCall> <ArgumentName="Name"> Variable</Argument> <Argument…> is a child element of <CommandCall…>. The element calls the function of the menu item.Config with an XML editor. <MenuRoot SystemName="MainMenu"> . If a submenu is added to an existing menu.12. Save the changes and reboot the robot controller.  In the second <MenuFolder…> element. add the following elements to the <MenuRoot…> element:  <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#Config">  <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#ConfigStatKeys" MergeOrder="210"> The two <MenuFolder…> elements form the Configuration > Status keys menu sequence.. add the <CommandCall…> element with the corresponding arguments.1 V1 en .. </MenuRoot>  If they do not yet exist. 4.UserTech 3. If the names do not match. the display name must exactly match the existing display name. Create the MainMenu menu tree and define the menu elements there in order to display technology keys via the Configuration > Status keys main menu.1  Add the required <MenuFolder…> elements to the menu tree in order to represent menu sequences. 3.4 "Examples of integration of technology packages" Page 63) Issued: 13. add a <MenuItem…> element in order to define the menu item that calls the inline form.  In the <MenuItem…> element.  In the <MenuItem…> element.KUKA. a new menu item is created. add the <CommandCall…> element with the corresponding arguments. add a <MenuItem…> element in order to define the menu item that displays the technology keys. Examples 52 / 81 (>>> 8.  In the required <MenuFolder…> element.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 1. Issued: 13. this is indicated in the message window. select File > Archive > Target. When data have been restored from the USB stick: remove the stick.User. Confirm the request for confirmation with Yes. In the main menu.Config  C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE (KFD files) Archiving can be performed to the following target destinations:  USB stick in KCP or robot controller  Network  A KUKA.1 V1 en 53 / 81 . Confirm the request for confirmation with Yes. 3. Reboot the robot controller.2 Restoring files If data are to be restored from the USB stick: A KUKA. The archive is created. Archived files are restored to the robot controller.1 Archiving files Description Target locations Precondition Procedure The following technology-specific directories/files are archived:  C:\KRC\USER\SmartHMI.12. In the main menu.USB data stick is connected. 2. select File > Restore > Target. 2. 7.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 7. Once the archiving is completed. A message indicates completion of the restoration process. and then choose the menu item Configuration or All. Precondition  Procedure 1. 4.USB data stick with the archive is connected.7 Archiving 7 Archiving Detailed information on archiving can be found in the operating and programming instructions. and then choose the menu item Configuration or All.  Or the network path to which the data are to be archived is configured. KUKA.1 54 / 81 Issued: 13.1 V1 en .12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.UserTech 3. STEP 10}.12. MAX 500. _ UNIT[] "ms"} DECL PARAM Pattern = {SHORTNAME[] "WeavePattern=".2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. ITEM[3] {ITEM: VALUE[] "CONT"}}} DECL FOLD LasOn[2] LasOn[1] = "Laser(#ON. MAX 20. _ VALUE {REAL:DEFAULT 0.3}. _ VALUE {LIST: ITEM[1] {ITEM: VALUE[] "PULSE"}. MIN 0. PARAM[2] DistanceWay. MIN 0. _ PARAM[3] Pattern. _ VALUE {NAME: DEFAULT[] "DataSet1"}} DECL PARAM DistanceWay = {SHORTNAME[] "Distance=". FOLD[1] LasOn} DECL INLINEFORM OFF = {PARAM[1] DelayTime.3. _ VALUE {NUMBER: DEFAULT 200.8 Examples 8 Examples 8.8.%DataSet/. _ UNIT[] "mm"} DECL PARAM DelayTime = {SHORTNAME[] "Delay=". STEP 0.1 LASER technology Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Description DEFTP LASER DECL PARAM DataSet = {SHORTNAME[] "WeldDataSet=".1 V1 en 55 / 81 . FOLD[1] LasOff} ENDTP Line Description 1 Name of the technology 3 Declaration of an input box for the weld data set Field type Name 5 Declaration of an input box for the distance parameter Field type Number 7 Declaration of an input box for the time parameter Field type REAL 9 Declaration of a list box for selection of the weld type Field type List:  PULSE  STEP  CONT 11 … 13 Declaration of the fold LasOn: Trigger to activate the laser 15 … 17 Declaration of the fold LasOff: Trigger to deactivate the laser Issued: 13.%Pattern/)" LasOn[2] = "TRIGGER WHEN DISTANCE=%DistanceWay/ _ DELAY=0 DO LASER_ON=TRUE" DECL FOLD LasOff[2] LasOff[1] = "Laser(#OFF)" LasOff[2] = "TRIGGER WHEN DISTANCE=0 _ DELAY=%DelayTime/ DO LASER_ON=FALSE" DECL INLINEFORM ON = {PARAM[1] DataSet. _ ITEM[2] {ITEM: VALUE[] "STEP"}. 21 Declaration of the inline form LASER. 8-2: Inline form LASER. Inline forms Fig.12.1 V1 en .ON The following boxes are available:  Input box for the weld data set  Input box for the distance parameter  List box for selection of the weld type LASER. 56 / 81 Issued: 13.2 Example program for a parameter list The example program MyTech is saved as a KFD file in the directory C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE.OFF Fig.ON is assigned to the fold LasOn.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.UserTech 3.OFF is assigned to the fold LasOff.1 Line Description 19 Declaration of the inline form LASER. 8-1: Inline form LASER.OFF The following boxes are available:  Input box for the time parameter LASER.ON 8.KUKA. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. _ DEFAULT 0}.ParamList" DECL PLIST LsrTool[8] LsrTool[1] LsrTool[2] LsrTool[3] LsrTool[4] LsrTool[5] LsrTool[6] LsrTool[7] LsrTool[8] -> = = = = = = = = ParamList LSR_MAX_PWR LSR_MIN_PWR LSR_PRG SNSR_PRG GAS_PRESSURE GAS_PRE_FLOW GAS_POST_FLOW LSR_DLY DECL INLINEFORM MyCmd = {FOLD[1] MyFold} DECL INLINEFORM ILF_With_ParamList = FOLD[1] PFold. UNIT[] "W"} DECL PARAM LSR_MIN_PWR = {SHORTNAME[] "Minimum Power". AUTOLIMIT TRUE. _ VALUE {Name: DEFAULT[] "VAL1"}} DECL PARAM LSR_MAX_PWR = {SHORTNAME[] "Maximum Power". AUTOLIMIT TRUE. STEP 1. AUTOLIMIT TRUE. STEP 100. MAX 5000. _ VAR[] "LSC_TOOL_TYP". STEP 100. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. MAX 20000. SHORTCUT[] "LT". _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. UNIT[] "W"} DECL PARAM LSR_PRG = {SHORTNAME[] "Laser Program". _ DEFAULT 2}.8 Examples Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DEFTP MyTech DECL PARAM ParamList = {SHORTNAME[] "Val: ".test" DECL FOLD PFold[1] PFold[1]= ". UNIT[] "ms"} DECL PARAM GAS_POST_FLOW = {SHORTNAME[] "POST Flow Time". AUTOLIMIT TRUE. STEP 100. STEP 100. UNIT[] "ms"} DECL PARAM LSR_DLY = {SHORTNAME[] "Piercing Time". AUTOLIMIT TRUE. _ VALUE {FREE: DEFAULT[] "_"}} DECL FOLD MyFold[1] MyFold[1]= ". MAX 5000. UNIT[] "bar"} DECL PARAM GAS_PRE_FLOW = {SHORTNAME[] "PRE Flow Time". _ DEFAULT 2000}. _ DEFAULT 0}. AUTOLIMIT TRUE. AUTOLIMIT TRUE. MAX 79.1 V1 en 57 / 81 . _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 1. _ PARAM[1] ParamList} ENDTP Issued: 13. AUTOLIMIT TRUE.12. MAX 5000. MAX 20000. MAX 3. STEP 1. _ DEFAULT 0}. _ DEFAULT 2000}. _ DEFAULT 1}} DECL PARAM GAS_PRESSURE = {SHORTNAME[] "Cutting Gas". STEP 1. _ DEFAULT 1}} DECL PARAM SNSR_PRG = {SHORTNAME[] "Sensor Program". STEP 100. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. MAX 8. _ VALUE {NUMBERMIN 0. _ VALUE {NUMBER: MIN 0. UNIT[] "ms"} DECL PARAM PL_LsrTool = {SHORTNAME[] "PLTOOL". UNIT[] "TOOL". 1 V1 en .12.SNSR_State 0. STRUC LSC_TOOL_TYP _ INT LSR_MAX_PWR.DAT.INT GAS_Post_Flow DECL LSC_TOOL_TYP LTDEFAULT = _ {LSR_MAX_PWR 500.1 Description Line Description 1 Name of the technology 3 Declaration of the input box ParamList for the laser data set Field type Name Note: Parameter lists can only be linked with input boxes with field type Name.0.DAT 30 … 37 Assignment of parameters and sequence of parameters in the data set (= sequence in the option window) 39.LSR_MIN_PWR 50. 8-3: MyTech inline form with parameter list 58 / 81 Issued: 13.0. _ SNSR_Prg 1.GAS_Post_Flow 0} Inline form Fig. 5 … 19 Declaration of the parameters of the laser data set Field type Number 21  LSR_MAX_PWR (Maximum Power)  LSR_MIN_PWR (Minimum Power)  LSR_PRG (Laser Program)  SNSR_PRG (Sensor Program)  GAS_PRESSURE (Cutting Gas)  GAS_PRE_FLOW (PRE Flow Time)  GAS_POST_FLOW (POST Flow Time)  LSR_DLY (Piercing Time) Declaration of the structure of the data set Structure data type LSC_TOOL_TYP and the default values of the structure data type must be defined in $CONFIG.DAT.INT SNSR_State.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. $CONFIG. in the section “User-defined types” of the USER GLOBALS fold.GAS_Pre_Flow 0.REAL GAS_Pressure.INT LSR_MIN_PWR.LSR_Prg 1.INT GAS_Pre_Flow. 41 Declaration of the inline forms of the technology package  MyCmd  ILF_With_ParamList Structure data type LSC_TOOL_TYP of a data set and the default values of the structure data type must be defined in C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\R1\SYSTEM\$CONFIG.KUKA.UserTech 3. _ REAL SNSR_Prg.GAS_Pressure 1. _ LSR_Dly 100.INT LSR_Prg. 23 … 27 Declaration of the folds 29 Declaration of the parameter list The assignment "-> ParamList" links the parameter list to the input box "ParamList". in the section “User-defined types” of the USER GLOBALS fold. _ INT LSR_Dly. 8-4: Option window PLTOOL 8.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. Parameter list Fig.12. it is possible to specify scripts that are called after the following actions: Issued: 13.8 Examples Item 1 2 Description List box containing the inline forms of the technology package  MyCmd  ILF_With_ParamList Input box ParamList for the laser data set The parameters of the data set are set in the PLTOOL option window.1 V1 en 59 / 81 .3 A View A 4 SNSR_PRG B View B 5 GAS_PRESSURE 1 LSR_MAX_PWR 6 GAS_PRE_FLOW 2 LSR_MIN_PWR 7 GAS_POST_FLOW 3 LSR_PRG 8 LSR_DLY Calling scripts via actions Overview When defining inline forms. --------------------.--------------------.  (>>> 8.INLINEFORMs ----.3.1 Script call after the inline form is opened and closed Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 DEFTP TEST .--------------------DECL FOLD TestFold[1] TestFold[1]="/.3 "Script call after switching to an inline form" Page 62) 8. _ ONACCEPT CL_Test} 28 29 ENDTP Description Line Description 7…9 Definition of the script OP_Test When the script is called.  (>>> 8.KUKA.-----.3.-----.--------------------DEFSCRIPT OP_Test MESSAGE "Fired when ILF is opened!" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT CL_Test MESSAGE "Fired when ILF is closed!" DO ACCEPTINLINEFORM ENDSCRIPT .UserTech 3.-----.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.3.12.Scripts ----.1 V1 en . 11 … 14 Definition of the script CL_Test When the script is called.1 "Script call after the inline form is opened and closed" Page 60) Change or create an inline form. the message "Fired when ILF is closed!" is displayed in the message window.--------------------DECL INLINEFORM TestILF={FOLD[1] TestFold. ONOPEN OP_Test.--------------------.only for testing ONOPEN-event" .1 Open or close an inline form. 27 60 / 81 Declaration of the inline form  ONOPEN: keyword for calling a script when the inline form is opened  ONACCEPT: keyword for calling a script when the inline form is closed Issued: 13.FOLDs ----. the message "Fired when ILF is opened!" is displayed in the message window.3.2 "Script call after the inline form is modified and created" Page 61) Toggle between the inline forms of a technology package.  (>>> 8. 11 … 13 Definition of the script NEW_Test When the script is called.--------------------.  CASE "FALSE": The script NEW_Test is called in the case of a newly inserted inline form.Scripts ----.1 V1 en 61 / 81 . Issued: 13.--------------------DECL FOLD TestFold[1] TestFold[1]="/.-----. _ ONACCEPT CL_Test} ENDTP Line Description 7…9 Definition of the script CH_Test When the script is called.--------------------DECL INLINEFORM TestILF={FOLD[1] TestFold.-----. ONOPEN OP_Test.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.only for testing ONOPEN-event" . 15 … 20 Definition of the script OP_Test When the script is called.3.--------------------.2 Script call after the inline form is modified and created Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Description DEFTP TEST . the message "Fired only when ILF is changed!" is displayed.  CASE "TRUE": The script CH_Test is called in the case of an existing inline form.INLINEFORMs ----.--------------------.12.--------------------DEFSCRIPT CH_Test MESSAGE "Fired only when ILF is changed!" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT NEW_Test MESSAGE "Fired only when ILF is created!" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT OP_Test SWITCH "ISCHANGE" CASE "TRUE" DO CH_Test CASE "FALSE" DO MEW_Test ENDSWITCH ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT CL_Test MESSAGE "Fired when ILF is closed!" DO ACCEPTINLINEFORM ENDSCRIPT .-----. the message "Fired only when ILF is created!" is displayed.8 Examples 8. the ISCHANGE keyword is used to query whether an existing inline form has been opened by pressing Change (= CASE "TRUE") or whether a new inline form has been inserted via the Commands menu (= CASE "FALSE").FOLDs ----. 1 Line Description 22 … 25 Definition of the script CL_Test When the script is called. 62 / 81 Issued: 13.FOLDs ----.Scripts ----.-----.-----.--------------------DECL INLINEFORM TestILF_1={FOLD[1] TestFold.--------------------.3.--------------------DEFSCRIPT Test_1 MESSAGE "Fired only once!" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT AL_Test MESSAGE "Fired always!" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT Test_2 SWITCH "DOALWAYS" CASE "TRUE" DO AL_Test ENDSWITCH ENDSCRIPT . the message "Fired always!" is displayed. ONOPEN test_1} DECL INLINEFORM TestILF_2={FOLD[1] TestFold.KUKA.UserTech 3.INLINEFORMs ----.--------------------.--------------------.only for testing ONOPEN-event" .3 Declaration of the inline form  ONOPEN: keyword for calling a script when the inline form is opened  ONACCEPT: keyword for calling a script when the inline form is closed Script call after switching to an inline form Program Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 DEFTP TEST .2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. 38 8.-----. ONOPEN test_2} ENDTP Line Description 7…9 Definition of the script Test_1 When the script is called. the message "Fired when ILF is closed!" is displayed in the message window.--------------------DECL FOLD TestFold[1] TestFold[1]="/.12.1 V1 en . the message "Fired only once!" is displayed. 11 … 13 Definition of the script AL_Test When the script is called. 5" "$OUT[5]=FALSE" "WAIT SEC 1.1 TWINKLE technology Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Description DEFTP Twinkle DECL FOLD One[5] One[1] One[2] One[3] One[4] One[5] = = = = = "/.twice 23 Declaration of the inline form Twinkle.triple is assigned to folds "One" and "Two".1 V1 en 63 / 81 . Twinkle.Twinkle once" "$OUT[5]=TRUE" "WAIT SEC 1.twice is assigned to fold "Two".triple Twinkle.5" "$OUT[5]=TRUE" "WAIT SEC 1.5" "$OUT[5]=FALSE" "WAIT SEC 1. Declaration of the inline forms TestILF_1 and TestILF_2  ONOPEN: keyword for calling a script when the inline form is opened 8.once is assigned to fold "One". Issued: 13.8 Examples Line Description 15 … 19 Definition of the script Test_2 When the script is called.4.5" "$OUT[5]=FALSE" "WAIT SEC 1. 22 Declaration of the inline form Twinkle.1.once Twinkle.12.twice. FOLD[2] Two} ENDTP Line Description 1 Name of the technology 2…8 Declaration of fold "One" 10 … 19 Declaration of fold "Two" 21 Declaration of the inline form Twinkle.1 Integrating the TWINKLE technology in a menu Description The menu item BlinkTech is added at the second position in the Commands > UserTech menu and calls the inline form Twinkle.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.  32 … 33 CASE "TRUE": the script AL_Test is called in the case of toggling from inline form TestILF_1 to inline form TestILF_2.5" DECL FOLD Two[9] Two[1] Two[2] Two[3] Two[4] Two[5] Two[6] Two[7] Two[8] Two[9] = = = = = = = = = "/Twinkle twice" "$OUT[5]=TRUE" "WAIT SEC 1.5" DECL INLINEFORM once = {FOLD[1] One} DECL INLINEFORM twice = {FOLD[1] Two} DECL INLINEFORM triple = {FOLD[1] One. 8. the keyword DOALWAYS polls whether toggling between 2 inline forms has occurred.4 Examples of integration of technology packages 8.4. </KukaRoboter.0"?> <configuration> . </configuration> Integrating the TWINKLE technology in a submenu Description 64 / 81 The menu item BlinkTech is added at the second position in the Commands > UserTech menu. <!--Menu --> <KukaRoboter.twice Program 8.  Menu item Two calls the inline form Twinkle.triple.MyTech.MenuRootImpl..KUKA..1 Fig. 8-5: Inline form Twinkle. _ twice</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> .  Menu item Three calls the inline form Twinkle.SmartHMI.Menu.Menu type= _ "KukaRoboter.twice.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.4. Issued: 13.UserTech 3.  Menu item One calls the inline form Twinkle.. SmartHMI"> <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdUserTech" _ MergeOrder="1100"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyTech" MergeOrder="100"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyCmd" MergeOrder="100"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.UIFramework. Two and Three.SmartHMI.2 <?xml version="1.SmartHMI..12.Menu> .1.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.once. _ MyCmd</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuFolder> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdUserTech" _ MergeOrder="1100"> <MenuItem DisplayName="BlinkTech" MergeOrder="200"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader.. The BlinkTech submenu contains the menu items One..1 V1 en .Twinkle. Menu type= _ "KukaRoboter.Menu> .InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER... </KukaRoboter. </configuration> Issued: 13. _ MyCmd</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> <MenuFolder DisplayName="BlinkTech" MergeOrder="200"> <MenuItem DisplayName="One" MergeOrder="210"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader..SmartHMI.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.8 Examples Program <?xml version="1. SmartHMI"> <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdUserTech" _ MergeOrder="1100"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyTech" MergeOrder="100"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#CmdMyCmd" MergeOrder="100"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader. _ twice</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> <MenuItem DisplayName="Three" MergeOrder="230"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader.MenuRootImpl.Menu..UIFramework.Twinkle.SmartHMI.0"?> <configuration> . _ triple</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> ..2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 65 / 81 .SmartHMI.Twinkle.MyTech.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName">INLINEFORM</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">2011</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.Twinkle.12. _ once</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> <MenuItem DisplayName="Two" MergeOrder="220"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader.. <!--Menu --> <KukaRoboter. BUTTOMTEXT[] "OFF"} ENDSCRIPT SET Key4 = {ONKEYDOWN ScKeyDown. _ NEED_PROSTATEO 63} DEFSCRIPT ScKeyUp SETVAR (FULLPATH[] "$OUT[2]".12.1 Integrating the GLUE technology in a menu Description 66 / 81 The menu item Rinse is added at the first position in the Configuration > Status keys main menu and calls the technology key bar for the technology.4.4. the following applies: $OUT[2]==FALSE  When you release the technology key.UserTech 3. The text "ON" is displayed next to the technology key. VALUE[] "TRUE") SET Key4 = {PICTURE[] "C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE\ _ PICTURES\Rinse2.1 V1 en . the ScKeyDown script is executed.BMP". the following applies: $OUT[2]==TRUE 17 Declaration of the Bar4 technology key bar 18 Setting the Bar4 technology key bar The technology key bar consists of a single technology key (= Key4). regardless of the operating state of the Submit interpreter. BUTTOMTEXT[] "ON"} ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT ScKeyDown SETVAR (FULLPATH[] "$OUT[2]".BMP". Issued: 13. _ PICTURE[] "C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE\PICTURES\Rinse1.1 8. BUTTOMTEXT[] "ON". The text "OFF" and a different graphic are displayed next to the technology key. 5…8 Definition of the script ScKeyUp 10 … 13 Definition of the script ScKeyDown 15 Setting the Key4 technology key  When you press the technology key.BMP".2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.2 GLUE technologie Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description DEFTP Glue DECL STATKEY Key4 = {TOPTEXT[] "Rinse". The technology key is at the fourth position (= last technology key from the top). After running the script. the ScKeyUp script is executed.2. VALUE[] "FALSE") SET Key4 = {PICTURE[] "C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\TEMPLATE\ _ PICTURES\Rinse1. ONKEYUP ScKeyUp} DECL STATKEYBAR Bar4 SET Bar4 ={STATKEY[4] Key4} ENDTP Line Description 1 Name of the technology 3 Declaration of the Key4 technology key NEED_PROSTATEO 63: The technology key is always activated.KUKA. 8. After running the script. Menu type= _ "KukaRoboter.Menu> . <!--Menu --> <KukaRoboter..1 V1 en 67 / 81 .Menu..InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName"> _ USERSTATKEYBAROCX</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">11</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. </configuration> Issued: 13..MenuRootImpl.UIFramework.SmartHMI....8 Examples Program <?xml version="1.12.. SmartHMI"> <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> . </KukaRoboter.0"?> <configuration> ..Bar4</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> .SmartHMI. </MenuRoot> <MenuRoot SystemName="MainMenu"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#Config" <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#ConfigStatKeys" _ MergeOrder="210"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#Rinse"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader. _ Glue.SmartHMI. _ STYLE #TOGGLE. USERMODE 10. ONKEYDOWNMINUS BrightLow} DECL STATKEY Contrast = {PICTURE[] "C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\ _ TEMPLATE\PICTURES\PHGCONT. PARAM Temp) MESSAGE "Brightness Level: %Bright Contrast Level: %Cont _ Display Temperature: %Temp °C" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT ContLow SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". PARAM Bright) SETVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". ONKEYDOWN ContHigh. PARAM Bright) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGTEMP". PARAM Cont) SETVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". ONKEYDOWN BrightHigh. VALUE[] "%Cont -1") SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT".UserTech 3. PARAM Bright) SETVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". PARAM Bright) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". PARAM Temp) MESSAGE "Brightness Level: %Bright Contrast Level: %Cont _ Display Temperature: %Temp °C" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT BrightLow SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT".12. _ STATKEY[3] Contrast} ENDTP Line Description 1 Name of the technology 2…4 Declaration of the parameters used in the scripts Field type Number 6 … 13 Definition of the script BrightHigh When the script is called. ENABLE TRUE. USERMODE 10. PARAM Temp) MESSAGE "Brightness Level: %Bright Contrast Level: %Cont _ Display Temperature: %Temp °C" ENDSCRIPT DEFSCRIPT ContHigh SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". PARAM Cont) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". PARAM Cont) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGTEMP". PARAM Bright) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGTEMP". VALUE[] "%Bright -1") SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT".1 V1 en . _ STYLE #TOGGLE.4.1 8. PARAM Cont) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". PARAM Bright) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". 68 / 81 Issued: 13. VALUE[] "%Cont +1") SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT".2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.BMP".3 DISPSET technology Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Description DEFTP DispSet DECL PARAM Bright = {VALUE {NUMBER:}} DECL PARAM Cont = {VALUE {NUMBER:}} DECL PARAM Temp = {VALUE {NUMBER:}} DEFSCRIPT BrightHigh SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". VALUE[] "%Bright +1") SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGBRIGHT". ENABLE TRUE.BMP". PARAM Cont) SHOWVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGTEMP".KUKA. ONKEYDOWNMINUS ContLow} DECL STATKEYBAR Bar = {STATKEY[1] Brightness. PARAM Cont) SETVAR(FULLPATH[] "$PHGCONT". PARAM Temp) MESSAGE "Brightness Level: %Bright Contrast Level: %Cont _ Display Temperature: %Temp °C" ENDSCRIPT DECL STATKEY Brightness = {PICTURE[]"C:\KRC\TP\USERTECH\ _ TEMPLATE\PICTURES\PHGBRIGHT. the value of the system variable $PHGBRIGHT is increased by 1.  The ContLow script is called when you press the key with the MINUS function. 44  The BrightHigh script is called when you press the key with the PLUS function. Issued: 13. the value of the system variable $PHGCONT is increased by 1.1 V1 en 69 / 81 . the value of the system variable $PHGBRIGHT is decreased by 1.1  The ContHigh script is called when you press the key with the PLUS function. 33 … 40 Definition of the script ContLow When the script is called.  The BrightLow script is called when you press the key with the MINUS function.4. 42 Declaration of the Brightness technology key The brightness can be set using the double technology key.8 Examples Line Description 15 … 22 Definition of the script BrightLow When the script is called. the value of the system variable $PHGCONT is decreased by 1.3. Declaration of the technology key bar Integrating the DISPSET technology in a menu Description The menu item Display is inserted at the second position in the Configuration > Status keys main menu and calls the technology key bar for the technology. 24 … 31 Definition of the script ContHigh When the script is called. 46 8.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. Declaration of the Contrast technology key The contrast can be set using the double technology key. UIFramework.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3..MenuRootImpl..1 Program 70 / 81 <?xml version="1.Menu> ..Bar4 </Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#Display" MergeOrder="200"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader. _ DispSet.1 V1 en .. SmartHMI"> <MenuRoot SystemName="CommandMenu"> .SmartHMI. _ Glue.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName"> _ USERSTATKEYBAROCX</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">11</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER.InvokeModuleProc"> <Argument Name="PlugInName"> _ USERSTATKEYBAROCX</Argument> <Argument Name="ProcID">11</Argument> <Argument Name="ParamList">KUKATPUSER. </MenuRoot> <MenuRoot SystemName="MainMenu"> <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#Config" <MenuFolder DisplayName="MenuBar#ConfigStatKeys" _ MergeOrder="210"> <MenuItem DisplayName="MenuBar#Rinse" MergeOrder="100"> <CommandCall Target="LegacyLoader..Menu type= _ "KukaRoboter.UserTech 3.KUKA. </KukaRoboter..12.Bar</Argument> </CommandCall> </MenuItem> </MenuFolder> </MenuFolder> </MenuRoot> . </configuration> Issued: 13.Menu. <!--Menu --> <KukaRoboter.SmartHMI.SmartHMI..0"?> <configuration> .. 9 KUKA Service 9 KUKA Service 9. Faults leading to production downtime should be reported to the local KUKA subsidiary within one hour of their occurrence.1 V1 en 71 / 81 . For further assistance.12.com.1 Requesting support Introduction The KUKA Roboter GmbH documentation offers information on operation and provides assistance with troubleshooting. Argentina Ruben Costantini S. Victoria (Head Office & Showroom) 95 Highbury Road Burwood Victoria 31 25 Australia Tel. (Agency) Luis Angel Huergo 13 20 Parque Industrial 2400 San Francisco (CBA) Argentina Tel. +54 3564 421033 Fax +54 3564 428877 [email protected]. Ltd. Information 9.headland. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. +61 3 9244-3500 Fax +61 3 9244-3501 [email protected] Issued: 13. please contact your local KUKA subsidiary. duration and frequency of the fault KUKA Customer Support Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries.com Australia Headland Machinery Pty.au www.2 The following information is required for processing a support request:  Model and serial number of the robot  Model and serial number of the controller  Model and serial number of the linear unit (if applicable)  Version of the KUKA System Software  Optional software or modifications  Archive of the software  Application used  Any external axes used  Description of the problem.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.com. KUKA.UserTech 3.1 72 / 81 Belgium KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V. Centrum Zuid 1031 3530 Houthalen Belgium Tel. +32 11 516160 Fax +32 11 526794 [email protected] www.kuka.be Brazil KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda. Avenida Franz Liszt, 80 Parque Novo Mundo Jd. Guançã CEP 02151 900 São Paulo SP Brazil Tel. +55 11 69844900 Fax +55 11 62017883 [email protected] Chile Robotec S.A. (Agency) Santiago de Chile Chile Tel. +56 2 331-5951 Fax +56 2 331-5952 [email protected] www.robotec.cl China KUKA Automation Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Songjiang Industrial Zone No. 388 Minshen Road 201612 Shanghai China Tel. +86 21 6787-1808 Fax +86 21 6787-1805 [email protected] www.kuka.cn Germany KUKA Roboter GmbH Zugspitzstr. 140 86165 Augsburg Germany Tel. +49 821 797-4000 Fax +49 821 797-1616 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.de Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 9 KUKA Service France KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS Techvallée 6, Avenue du Parc 91140 Villebon S/Yvette France Tel. +33 1 6931660-0 Fax +33 1 6931660-1 [email protected] www.kuka.fr India KUKA Robotics, Private Limited 621 Galleria Towers DLF Phase IV 122 002 Gurgaon Haryana India Tel. +91 124 4148574 [email protected] www.kuka.in Italy KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A. Via Pavia 9/a - int.6 10098 Rivoli (TO) Italy Tel. +39 011 959-5013 Fax +39 011 959-5141 [email protected] www.kuka.it Japan KUKA Robotics Japan K.K. Daiba Garden City Building 1F 2-3-5 Daiba, Minato-ku Tokyo 135-0091 Japan Tel. +81 3 6380-7311 Fax +81 3 6380-7312 [email protected] Korea KUKA Robotics Korea Co. Ltd. RIT Center 306, Gyeonggi Technopark 1271-11 Sa 3-dong, Sangnok-gu Ansan City, Gyeonggi Do 426-901 Korea Tel. +82 31 501-1451 Fax +82 31 501-1461 [email protected] Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 73 / 81 KUKA.UserTech 3.1 74 / 81 Malaysia KUKA Robot Automation Sdn Bhd South East Asia Regional Office No. 24, Jalan TPP 1/10 Taman Industri Puchong 47100 Puchong Selangor Malaysia Tel. +60 3 8061-0613 or -0614 Fax +60 3 8061-7386 [email protected] Mexico KUKA de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. Rio San Joaquin #339, Local 5 Colonia Pensil Sur C.P. 11490 Mexico D.F. Mexico Tel. +52 55 5203-8407 Fax +52 55 5203-8148 [email protected] Norway KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter Bryggeveien 9 2821 Gjövik Norway Tel. +47 61 133422 Fax +47 61 186200 [email protected] Austria KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH Vertriebsbüro Österreich Regensburger Strasse 9/1 4020 Linz Austria Tel. +43 732 784752 Fax +43 732 793880 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.at Poland KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Oddział w Polsce Ul. Porcelanowa 10 40-246 Katowice Poland Tel. +48 327 30 32 13 or -14 Fax +48 327 30 32 26 [email protected] Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 9 KUKA Service Portugal KUKA Sistemas de Automatización S.A. Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50 Armazém 04 2910 011 Setúbal Portugal Tel. +351 265 729780 Fax +351 265 729782 [email protected] Russia OOO KUKA Robotics Rus Webnaja ul. 8A 107143 Moskau Russia Tel. +7 495 781-31-20 Fax +7 495 781-31-19 kuka-robotics.ru Sweden KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB A. Odhners gata 15 421 30 Västra Frölunda Sweden Tel. +46 31 7266-200 Fax +46 31 7266-201 [email protected] Switzerland KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG Industriestr. 9 5432 Neuenhof Switzerland Tel. +41 44 74490-90 Fax +41 44 74490-91 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.ch Spain KUKA Robots IBÉRICA, S.A. Pol. Industrial Torrent de la Pastera Carrer del Bages s/n 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) Spain Tel. +34 93 8142-353 Fax +34 93 8142-950 [email protected] www.kuka-e.com Issued: 13.12.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 75 / 81 Ltd.de Czech Republic KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH Organisation Tschechien und Slowakei Sezemická 2757/2 193 00 Praha Horní Počernice Czech Republic Tel.1 76 / 81 South Africa Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency) 76a York Road North End 6000 Port Elizabeth South Africa Tel.UserTech 3.KUKA.com. +27 41 391 4700 Fax +27 41 373 3869 www. +886 3 4331988 Fax +886 3 4331948 [email protected] Hungary KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft.kuka-roboter. R. Rachatheva.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. O. No.com. Tel. +36 24 501609 Fax +36 24 477031 [email protected] V1 en .co.tw Thailand KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd Thailand Office c/o Maccall System Co. C. A. Ltd.za Taiwan KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co.com www. Taoyuan County 320 Taiwan.12.tw www. 249 Pujong Road Jungli City. Fö út 140 2335 Taksony Hungary Tel. 49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road Tt. +420 22 62 12 27 2 Fax +420 22 62 12 27 0 support@kuka. +66 2 7502737 Fax +66 2 6612355 [email protected] Issued: 13. Bangpli Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand Tel. kukarobotics.co. 22500 Key Drive Clinton Township 48036 Michigan USA Tel.9 KUKA Service USA KUKA Robotics Corp.1 V1 en 77 / 81 . +44 121 585-0800 Fax +44 121 585-0900 sales@kuka. +1 866 8735852 Fax +1 586 5692087 [email protected] Issued: 13.com UK KUKA Automation + Robotics Hereward Rise Halesowen B62 8AN UK Tel.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.com www.12. UserTech 3.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 78 / 81 Issued: 13.12.1 V1 en .KUKA. technology keys 42 IncOnOpen. example program 56 Parameter lists.12. 63 ONTOUCHUP 32 Operation 15 Overview. simple 20 DECL FOLD 30 DECL INLINEFORM 31 DECL PARAM 23 DECL PARAM PL_ 37 DECL PLIST 38 DECL STATKEY 39 DECL STATKEYBAR 44 DEFSCRIPT … ENDSCRIPT 45 DEFTP . KUKA Roboter 71 SET 44 SETVAR 45 SHOWVAR 45 smartHMI 8 SmartHMI.1 V1 en KFD file.DAT 37. 66 O ONACCEPT 32.Config 49. 58 A Activating technology keys. 60. programming 45 Service. UserTech 13 Introduction 7 ISCHANGE 48. 44 NEED_PROSTATE 41. 63 Documentation.User. ENDTP 22 DFCT 35 DO 46 DOALWAYS 48. important terms 18 KFD. generating 31 KUKA Customer Support 71 L Language system. programming 36 Parameter reference 19 Parameter reference placeholder 19 Product description 9 Programming 17 R REDECL 46 Reinitialize UserTech (menu item) 15 S Safety 11 Safety instructions 7 Scripts. 43. syntax overview 17 KRL 8 KRL code. 61 K Keywords 20 KFD 8 KFD file 8 Issued: 13.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. defining 51 MESSAGE 47 N Names 20 NEED_MODEOP 42. calling 59 Scripts. 62. 43.Index Index Symbols #SWITCH 41 #TOGGLE 41 $ 20 $CONFIG.. key 49 M Menu elements. UserTech 9 P Parameter list. defining 37 SUB 33 Support request 71 79 / 81 . predefined 49 Scripts. creation 22 KFD. key 25 Installation 13 Installation. 43 Archiving 53 Areas of validity 20 ASS 35 ASSAGG 36 C Comment 18 D Data types. 50 smartPAD 8 Software 13 Special characters 18 Strings 19 Structure data type. 43 NEED_PROSTATEO 41. industrial robot 7 DSUB 33 E Examples 55 F FCT 34 Field types 24 Fonts 17 Format types 32 Functions 9 H Hardware 13 I Icons. 62 ONOPEN 32. 60. options 41.. programming 21 Terms used 8 Terms.1 SWITCH … CASE (ELSE) … ENDSWITCH 47 SWITCH DIALOG … CASE … ENDSWITCH 48 Symbols 17 System requirements 13 T Target group 7 Technology key. refreshing 15 W Warnings 7 WYSIWYG 32 80 / 81 Issued: 13.1 V1 en . UserTech 13 Update. image sizes 42 Technology keys. integrating into smartHMI 49 Technology. used 8 Trademarks 8 Training 7 U Uninstallation.KUKA.12.UserTech 3.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3. programming 39 Technology. UserTech 13 UserTech. UserTech 3.KUKA.2010 Version: KST UserTech 3.1 V1 en 81 / 81 .12.1 Issued: 13. 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