KPLC Prepaid Meters User Guide

March 26, 2018 | Author: zanguvitabu | Category: Value Added Tax, Tariff, Taxes, Kilowatt Hour, Payments



APPENDIX IVU S E R G U I D E the meter will give a warning when the credit falls below 20Kwhrs. Page 68 . Imara Daima. you should endeavour to clear the debt prior to conversion. HoW Do I oBtaIn a cREDIt? You may obtain credit from existing KPLC pay points e. WIll my ElEctRIcIty BE SHUt oFF WHEn tHE tEcHnIcIan comES to InStall tHE nEW mEtER? No.g. WHat HaPPEnS to my cURREnt ElEctRIcIty DEPoSIt? Your current electricity deposit will be refunded if you have no debt. QUEStIonS aBoUt PREPaID HoW can I GEt a PRE-PaID PoWER mEtER? At the moment KPLC has preselected the project sites to be converted from the traditional meter to prepayment e. You can now buy a credit slip from any authorised vendor or through your mobile phone. HoW mUcH PoWER can I BUy? You can buy as much power as you wish. The only difference is that with prepayment. however. a portion of your payment will be deducted and used to reduce the arrears. oncE tHE nEW mEtER IS InStallED. otherwise the bill will be transferred to the prepayment system. WIll tHE mEtER aFFEct my GEySER/Hot WatER? No. WIll tHE KPlc tEcHnIcIanS StIll comE to REaD my mEtER? No. However. Zain and Safaricom (M-Pesa) so as to improve purchase convenience to the customer. HoW WIll tHE KPlc tEcHnIcIan BE IDEntIFIED? KPLC technician will come in a team and bear a company identification card. disconnections and the hassles of reconnections are things you’ll never have to deal with. WIll my ElEctRIcIty BE SHUt oFF WHEn tHE cREDIt RUnS oUt? Yes. If the transfer occurs.U ER GU DE P R E . IS PRE-PaID cHEaPER tHan WHat I Pay noW? No the charges will be the same – refer to the tariff schedule. He will also have a prepayment meter. Nyayo Highrise just to mention a few.P A I M Y P P OW EERR U SS E R G U II D E D O W PRE-PaID ElEctRIcIty comES to KEnya KPLC now gives you the power to control your electricity consumption with prepaid power. our KPLC technicians will be visiting customer premises from time to time to carryout inspections as required by law. IF I HaVE an oVERDUE BIll. the meter will not affect your geyser/hot water. KPLC will meet the cost of prepayment meter installation for the project phase. you will be paying in advance. plus other 3rd party vendors such as Uchumi. which will be used to replace the existing credit meter. your electricity will be shut off (disconnected) when your credit runs out. your electricity will not be shut off. Electricity House and Stima Plaza. With a pre-paid meter. on subsequent purchase of electricity.g. paper bills. When faced with this situation it is advisable to top up your credit so as to avoid disconnection. meter reading is not necessary in prepayment metering system. However. Pa I D m E t E R A C B D KEY A .PA I D P O W E R OW D U M E R P G U IE RE U S E R G U I D E S Y t H E P R E .Meter Serial Number D .Backspace Key C .Power Level Indicator .Low Credit Warning / No Credit .Enter Key U n D E R S ta n D I n G t H E U n I t ’ S S c R E E n - Load Connected Entry Rejected No Load Load Disconnected Entry - Lock Out Condition Processing .Consumption rate Indicator B .P R E . m. Supply the operator at the vendor with the meter ID card or meter serial number.m. Kenya Power & Lighting Co. Uchumi Capital Centre Uchumi Ngong Hyper Uchumi Sarit Centre (KPLC Office) Thika (KPLC Office) Vendor Address Stima Plaza Electricity House Mombasa Road Ngong Road Langata Road Sarit Centre Thika Business Hours 8.m.00a. This number is the same as the meter serial number and the number on the User ID card used to purchase electricity.00a. The meter will display the 11-digit meter serial number.00p. 8.00p.m.00a.m.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E WHERE to BUy PRE-PaID ElEctRIcIty Purchasing a token 1. – 8.00a.m.30p.00a. You will receive a 20-digit token printed on a receipt. Tokens are available currently from the following vending stations and can also be purchased through MPESA and ZAP 24 hours. 4. key in ‘100’ followed by the ‘Enter’ key. 3.00a.m.m. – 8.m.30p.00p. 8.P R E .30p. Note: To display the meter serial number. – 4. – 4.30p. 8.m. : Vendor Name Kenya Power & Lighting Co. 8. 8.m.m.m. Supply the operator with the amount you wish to purchase. – 4.m. – 8. scrolling from right to left (twice). 8. 2. Go to the local electricity vendor.00a. . – 4. “Always remember to have your 11 digit meter number when you need to buy more credit for your pre-paid meter. You will receive a return SMS that contains the token number which you enter into the meter. Amount paid KPLC prepaid meter number Customers Zap balance. . Transaction ID – which is unique for every transaction. When the electricity credit is used. The customer will receive a confirmation SMS with the following attributes 1. 250 and 35. 3.000) and press OK Step 5 Confirm transaction Step 6 Enter the 4 digit password Step 5 Enter your M-PESA PIN and press OK Confirm that all the details are correct and press OK Step 7 Under reference option enter the full KPLC prepaid 11 digit meter number. you can purchase more credit. KPLC will then generate a token for your meter and send it to you via sms. THROUGH MPESA Step 1 Go to MPESA menu select “pay bill” THROUGH ZAP Step 1 Go To Zap Menu Step 2 Choose Money Option Step 2 Enter the KPLC prepaid business number 888880 and press OK Step 3 Choose the Nickname option & enter MYPOWER Step 3 Enter the 11 digit pre-payment meter number that you would like to purchase a token for and press OK Step 4 Enter amount Step 4 Enter the amount you wish to purchase electricity token (between KShs. 2.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E HoW to PURcHaSE tHRoUGH yoUR moBIlE PHonE Purchasing pre-paid electricity token via MPESA or ZAP is as simple as using your phone.” Step 6 You will receive a confirmation SMS from MPESA immediately. 4.P R E . In this case you must contact KPLC Call Centre on the numbers provided. If the token was entered incorrectly the display will indicate “EEEEE 13” . that the token is old and invalid. Always check that your meter has enough electricity units left. If the screen displays an “OLD” message. it means that the token has already been used. On the screen an “ACCEPT” message will be displayed and your units will be increased with the amount of electricity purchased. 8. Key in the 20 digit number on the token using the keypad and press the enter key.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E H o W t o l oa D yo U R to K E n 1. it means that there is something wrong with your token. Please purchase more electricity when this happens to avoid your power going off. If the screen displays a “USED” message. 2. 7. 5. If the screen displays a “REJECT” message. 3.P R E . 4. it means. A low credit alarm will be shown when the credit falls be-low 20 Kwhrs. 6. This information is displayed on the screen. Enter a new credit token for additional credit. Please contact the supply authority. SHORT CODES • • • • Display meter number/serial Display total KWh consumed Display the maximum power limit setting Display the meter instantaneous power consumption - 100 enter - 004 enter - 007 enter - 050 enter . The meter has entered a lock-out condition due to five trip conditions within a 30-minute period.P R E . The token that was entered is old and cannot be accepted. Disconnection occurs if the Over Powe condition persists for more than 10 seconds. The countdown displays in minutes and then in seconds for the last minute. The token was either entered incorrectly or not intended for this meter and could not be decoded by the meter. The duration of the lock-out is 30 minutes. Reconnection will take place after 2 minutes. The token entered has been used before and the token cannot be accepted. Over Power: Top bar of the power icon flashes. Communication with metering unit is in progress. Meter has gone into Error mode. A 100kWh token was accepted. Please wait a few seconds. Over Power Lock-out: All bars of the power icon flash.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E coDE REFEREncE This indicates zero credit available on the meter. Normal credit mode display. Switch off some appliances. 00* b) Energy charges of : . the following are levied by the Government: VAT* at 12% charged to: a) Fixed Charge b) Demand Charge (not applicable to domestic customers) c) Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Adjustment d) Fuel Cost and.500 Units bought.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E GUIDE to PREPaID taRIFFS NB: This tariff is applicable to post paid customers as well as the prepaid ones. levies or duties imposed from time to time by the Government. iii.KSh 2. .500. Rural Electrification Programme (REP) levy at 5% of revenue from Unit sales. At present. then the combined Fixed Charge for both Methods of Charge shall be KSh 240. The customer shall pay any taxes.KSh 18. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TARIFF DC • Tariff DC is a step tariff and two tokens of the same amount may not give you the same number of units depending on the step you are in amongst other factors. and the charges are the same.KSh 8.” WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU EXCEED 200 UNITS IN A MONTH? VAT charges shall be levied on all the electrical energy (units) bought from the beginning of the month. C H A R G E S I N T A R I F F D C (Domestic Consumers) a) A Monthly Fixed Charge of KSh 120.00 TAXES & LEVIES i.10 per Unit for 51-1. .57 per Unit for Units bought above 1.50 Units bought.00 per Unit for 0 . Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) levy at 3 Kenya cents/kWh * Fifth Schedule of Value Added Tax Act Cap 476 exempts VAT on supply of electrical energy to a domestic household where the consumption does not exceed two hundred kilowatt-hours (units).P R E . hence the system keeps a record of all previous purchases and is thus able to determine the appropriate step in the tariff calculation. ii. * Unit stands for Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) * If Tariff DC (Domestic Consumers) is used in conjunction with Method IT (The Interruptible) – in this case – DO – (Water Heating meter) at the same supply terminals. W H A T Y O U S H O U L D K N O W A B O U T VA T ! As per the Fifth Schedule of the Value Added Tax Act Cap 476: “VAT shall be exempt in the supply of electrical energy to a domestic household where the consumption does not exceed two hundred kilowatt-hours (200kWh). e) Inflation Adjustment f ) Taxable value of electrical energy consumed in a manner required by the Government. • KPLC’s vending system is online. . e.08X63.e.83 0.50 ERC Charge (Ksh 0.94 0.e. 7.40 500.0X8.e. 0.3 Forex Charge (Ksh 0. 0.83X33.00 1.66 3.03X63. 0.3 VAT (12%) i.94X63.83X63.08X33.3 2nd buy in a month Charge Rate kWh purchased 63. 0.05X414.3X2) Fuel Index Charge (Ksh7.7 Inflation Adjustment (Ksh 0.77 59.00 Fuel Forex Inflation REP ERC VAT Total Kwh for the month 7.3 Inflation Adjustment (Ksh 0.08 5% 0.71 1.88 5.03/kWh) i.10 ERC Charge (Ksh 0.e.33 1. 0.03 12% 97.30 2.08 5% 0.7 VAT (12%) i.e.7 Concept Fixed Charge Total Kwh (16.83/kwh) i.1) Fuel Index Charge (Ksh7.12X0 Total Cost Charges 0.12X120 Total Cost Charges 120.03 12% 33.00 14. 0.91 0.00 66.94/kWh) i.3 REP Charge (5%) i. 7.e.3 Concept Fixed Charge Total Kwh (33.e. 0.e.7 REP Charge (5%) i.7X2)+(47.05X66. 0.P R E .83/kwh) i.94X33.00 414.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E T Y P I C A L TA R I F F D C ( D O M E S T I C C O N S U M E R S ) TRANSACTIONS OF A CUSTOMER WHO PURCHASES TOKENS 4 TIMES IN A MONTH 1st buy in a month Charge Rate kWh purchased 33.94/kWh) i.83 0. 0.000.e.e.7 Forex Charge (Ksh 0. 0.08/Kwh) i.60 260.08/Kwh) i.e.00 Fuel Forex Inflation REP ERC VAT Total Kwh for the month 7.03X33.74 31.94 0.10 20.00 .03/kWh) i.10 498. 69 6.00 Total Cost for the month(1stbuy+2ndbuy+3rdbuy+4thbuy)=3.8X8.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E 3rd buy in a month Concept Charges Charge Fuel Forex Inflation REP ERC VAT Total Kwh for the month kWh Rate purchased 28.680.08/Kwh) i.08X201)) Total Cost Charges 0.82 70.94 0.83 0.12 ERC Charge (Ksh 0.00 233.e.83/kwh) i.28 225.e.1) Fuel Index Charge (Ksh7.8 Inflation Adjustment (Ksh 0.e.e. 7.46 2.86 0.50 27.e.e.23 1.94X75.03/kWh) i.e.8 Forex Charge (Ksh 0.e.83/kwh) i.83X 201)+(0.28 ERC Charge (Ksh 0.8 7.03/kWh) i.00 Fuel Forex Inflation REP ERC VAT 7.12X0 Total Cost 0.05X609.e. 0.08 5% 0.1)+(50X2)+(7.e.83X28.2 Inflation Adjustment (Ksh 0.03X28. 0.05X233. 0. 0.08 5% 0.08X75.94/kWh) i.94/kWh) i.2 Forex Charge (Ksh 0.83 0.08/Kwh) i.80 Fixed Charge Total Kwh (28.94 0.00 4th buy in a month Charge Rate kWh purchased 75.2 Concept Fixed Charge Total Kwh (75. 0.03 12% 125. 0.10) Fuel Index Charge (Ksh7.66 0. 0.12 588.26 372. 0.680.07 2.94X201)+(0.08X28. 0.03X75.00 609.2 REP Charge (5%) i.8 REP Charge (5%) i.00 500.02 30.94X28.8 VAT (12%) i. 0.30 11.03 12% Total Kwh for the month 201.e.e.00 .83X75. 7.2 VAT (12%) i.P R E .2X8.12X ((0)+(151X8. 0. 0.83x201)+(0. 0.00)+(151x8.94kWh) i.323.05X201 REP Charge (5%) i.03/kWh) i. 0.08 66.573.10) Fuel Index Charge (Ksh7.08 5% 0.e.08/Kwh) i.83 188.03 386.323.e.10 ERC Charge (Ksh 0.83/kwh) i.83X201 Forex Charge (Ksh 0.e.05X1.03X201 VAT (12%) i.680.e.e.94 16.63 Charge Fuel Forex Inflation REP ERC VAT Rate 7. 0.10 1.PA I D P O W E R U S E R G U I D E POST-PAID BILL FOR A CUSTOMER WHO CONSUMES 201 UNITS IN A MONTH Concept Fixed Charge Total Kwh (50x2.12X((120)+(151x8.94 0.16 6.94x201)+(0.00 .e.03 12% kWh consumed in a month 201 Total Cost 3.83 0.94X201 Inflation Adjustment (Ksh 0.00 1.1)+(50x2) +(7.P R E .08x201)) Charges 120. 7. ke .For emergency assistance call: 020-3201000. 0711-031000. 0732-111000.
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