
KPI- RulesFor internal use 0 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu /2008 KPI list, CS • SDCCH Blocking (blck_5a) • SDCCH_Drop (sdr_1a, sdr_4) • CSSR, Call Setup Success Rate ( csf_11, csf_13a, csf_15) • TCH Blocking (blck_8i) • Interference, coverage • TCH_Drop (dcr_32a, dcr_5a) • HO Fails (hfr_2a) For internal use 1 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 KPI list, PS • GPRS attach success ratio (sgsn_507, sgsn_569c) • PDP context activation success ratio MO (sgsn_535a) • Signaling problems before TBF ( pgn_3a,pgn_10, blck_21b,rach_4,rach_9) • TBF Failure (1-TBF Success ratio = 1 – TBF_67) • Throughput (trf_234, trf_236, trf_233c, trf_235b,llc_3a) • PS Blocking (TBF_16a,TBF_33a) • Cell re-selection (TBF_64) For internal use 2 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 CS For internal use 3 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu /2008 .KPI – rules . add sdcch capacity Availability OK Add TRX and add Sdcch capacity No. averarage available sdcch Yes.Rules.KPI. can LU area be optimized? Check also PRAU parameter. activate Dynamic sdcch Is dynamic sddch active ND_211 c1154 yes No. make corrections No Case closed No ND_211 Check sdcch blocking. SDCCH Blocking SDCCH Blocking >X% ND_211 ND_130 Cngt_2 Blck_5 Blck_5b SDCCH blocking is high ND_139. check parameter Values and make corrections ND_211 c2032 Yes.ND_131 ND_130. Optimize LU area border NetAct Planner P_nbcs_cc_pm no Is high sdcch traffic due to Location updates. uav_22 csf_1a. If yes.csf_11 Ava_45a Yes. remove combined sdcch Is dynamic sdcch reaching max values in some moment No yes Is combined sdcch used Yes. can the value be increased? For internal use 4 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Can sdcch capacity be added without tch blocking no sdcch Blocking is still high yes Yes Check unavailability in the cells. Rules. SDCCH Drop ND_166 SD DCR > 2% and SD DCRnum > 10 Yes Drops due to RF Reasons No Drops due to Abis Reasons No Drops due to A-interface Reasons No Drops due to other Reasons Yes Yes Yes Yes RF Abis A Other No No Case Closed For internal use 5 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. . activate abis trace Trace was long enough. Change the TRX / combiner Yes Yes Investigate alarms. NetAct Planner Make corrections If The trace was not long enough.qquality level distribution. Combiners. Any problems found Signal level problems. for example only quality 4 samples) Any balance problems between UL and DL. Improve signal level Add -new site -lna -new sector -more gain antenna Yes For internal use 6 © Nokia Siemens Networks Yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . diversity and power parameters TRX is broken (sample distribution is somehow strange.( q0.q7) <100dBm P_nbsc_Link_balance ND_191.. ND_204 Yes YES.qquality level distribution. SDCCH Drop (RF) P_nbsc_RX_Statistics. If problems are not solved..q7)ul and dl all levels ND_204. ND_195 P_nbsc_RX_ Statistics. not any problem was found YES Check TRX.q7)ul and dl all levels ND_204 Check RX Statistic.Rules.. Check DX causes See doc Call related DX causes in BSC. activate another trace Investigate log files. Any Bad Quality problems = Lots of samples in good signal level and bad quality No Case Closed No alarms No RF drops Yes Check RX Statistic. Counter (q0.KPI. No Change new frequency based on interference matrix Any Improvements No Activate No PoC parameters Not Correct Make corrections Check that power control parameters UL / DL are correct Optimizer. configuarions. Any signal level problems = samples in bad signal leve <-100dBm No No SDDCR still too high Yes All Alarms are checked and abis trace is done SDDCR still too high P_nbsc_RX_Statistics. Correct Trace has been measured long enough.c1003 P_nbsc_RX_Statistics. Counter (q0.. any site with same BSIC + BCCH is existing < 50km Yes. Tilting? Rehoming can Sometimes helps.Rules. counter 57020 Yes Yes No Check t3101 expired. Combiners.Is the main reason sdcch_abis_fail_call Check RX Statistic table or ND report 204.. Make corrections Any balance problems between ul and dl. Improve signal level Case Closed No No Still Abis drops and problems Check if cells are located near LA border more sdcch traffic For internal use 7 © Nokia Siemens Networks Yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Diversity and Power settings. Counter (q0. SDCCH Drop (abis) Abis >X% P_nbsc_traffic Counters(1072-1080) P_nbsc_rx_statistics P_nbsc_RX_Statistics. Is this the main reason Yes.. NetAct Planner Correct Yes. Check ND 195. change bsic Check Co BSIC + BCCH problems. Configurations. is the value almost same as sdcch_abis_fail_call No Yes. c3030 values.q7)ul and dl all levels ND_204 Check RX Statistic quality/ level distribution. sector -add lna -change antenna type Signal level problems. Any Bad Quality problems = Lots of samples in good signal level and bad quality Check abis drops.KPI. unlock TRX’s Any availability problems. Check sdcch availability No Not Correct Make corrections Check that power control parameters UL / DL are correct Change new frequency based on interference matrix Optimizer.ND_139 No Yes. see Interference analysis Options: -add site. UL/DL level distribution. Change TRX TRX is broken (sample distribution is somehow strange. No No Yes ND_131. for example only quality 4 samples) Adjust rx_lev_access_min rx_lev_min_cell values little lower. Caution. Any Bad Level problems = samples in bad signal level Has any parameter changes done No No No Yes Any Improvements No Yes P_nbsc_servi ce. if areas Are not optimized No C3030 Check ghost reservations. ND 191 or link balance table Yes NetAct Planner Yes. This can increase TCH Drops. Check TRX. Try to Reduce overlapping Over borders etc. KPI. activate A trace Yes Check ET lines in the BSC and transcoders /TCSM. Check DX causes. Trace was long enough Make corrections Yes For internal use 8 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Yes . Any problems No Still A drops or problems No Repair ET lines Yes Case Closed Any improvements No Activate Trace was Long enough. Not An problem was found Investigate log Trace files.Rules. Alarms are checked and A interface trace is done No No Alarms Are Solved Investigate alarms. see was document Call not long related DX causes in BSC enough Any problems found.If problems are not solved. SDCCH Drop (A) alarms A >X% A interface problems. resets No Still lots of other drops Yes Yes Yes Yes signalling fails or PCM fails.Rules. bcsu. check configurations Resets or act fail channel failures For internal use 9 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. SDCCH Drop (other) Other Case Closed No Check all the alarms Lapd fails No BTS fails No Netw Act Fails No User Act. Check that BTS/ TRX are working properly Yes Configuration problems. Check transmissio / parameters TRX or BTS fails. Call Setup Success Rate •SDCCH access ( csf_11) •SDCCH success(csf_13a.Rules. CSSR. csf_13b) •TCH access(csf_15) SDCCH Blocking (system) and SDCCH call Blocking Overall Call Success Rate (OCSR) or Overall Call Failure (OCF) Call Setup Success Rate CSSR or Call Setup Failure (CSF) SDCCH Success Rate TCH Blocking (system) and TCH Call Blocking Call Completion Rate (CCR) or Dropped Call Rate (DCR) get se rv ic e get SD C C H e stabli s h SD C C H c o nne c tio n get TCH e stabli s h TCH c o nne c tio n c all p ha se re le ase p ha se For internal use 10 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. because there is a congestion situation on the SDCCH. 057017 SDCCH_REQNumber of SDCCH requests. When an SDCCH channel is requested from the RRM. • UPDATED: When an SDCCH channel is successfully reserved. A TCH is reserved. CSSR : csf_11 (Probability of having an available SDCCH when needed) 057019 SERVED_SDCCH_REQ Number of served SDCCH requests.KPI. 057018 SERVED_FACCH_REQ Number of served FACCH call requests. This counter is updated with all SDCCH requests. • UPDATED: When a TCH channel is successfully reserved for an FACCH call set-up. except in handovers. except in handovers.Rules. • This counter is updated with all SDCCH requests. For internal use 11 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . KPI. CSSR : csf_11 (Probability of having an available SDCCH when needed) MS BTS BSC MSC Paging Paging Paging_Request Paging_Command To all BTS in LA INT AT Radio access part (CCCH) Channel_Request Channel_Required Channel_Activation Channel_Activation_Ack Immediate_Assign_Command Immediate_Assign csf_11 57017 SDCCH_REQ. 57019 SERVED_SDCCH_REQ DDCH establishment part Sabm Establish_Indication Ua Paging_Response For internal use 12 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .Rules. 57018 SERVED_FACCH_REQ. 057025 SDCCH_SMS_ASSIGN Number of SDCCH SMS assignments. •UPDATED: MS originated: When an ESTABLISH_INDICATION message is received on the SDCCH from the BTS in case of an SMS. This counter includes all TCH requests.Rules. except TCH to TCH handovers.KPI. This counter is not updated in case of an IMSI detach or location update. 057022 SDCCH_RE_EST_ASSIGN Number of SDCCH re-establishment assignments. •UPDATED: When the SDCCH is released (after a RF_CHANNEL_RELEASE message) without any problems and the SDCCH channel is reserved for a re-establishment. • UPDATED: When the TCH channel is requested from the RRM. • UPDATED: When an ASSIGNMENT_COMPLETE or a HANDOVER_COMPLETE message is received on the SDCCH from the BTS in case of an SDCCH to SDCCH handover (including only calls: MOC. 003059 CALL_ASSIGN_AFTER_SMS Number of calls started directly after an SMS on the already reserved SDCCH. For UPDATED: internal use When an ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is received directly after a successful SMS on SDCCH from the MSC. • UPDATED: When an ESTABLISH_INDICATION message is received on the SDCCH from the BTS in a case of a new call (including MOC. 057026 SDCCH_RE_EST_RELEASE Number of SDCCH re-establishment releases. 057024 SDCCH_HO_CALL_ASSIGN Number of SDCCH handover call assignments. CSSR : csf_13a (Probability of completing all the SDCCH signalling without drop) Counter explanation: 057028 TCH_CALL_REQ Number of TCH call requests. emergency call and re-establishments). 057023 SDCCH_NEW_CALL_ASSIGN Number of SDCCH new call assignments. •UPDATED: When an ESTABLISH_INDICATION message for a call re-establishment is received on the SDCCH from the BTS. 057027 SDCCH_HO_RELEASE Number of SDCCH handover releases. this counter is updated with all SDCCH assignments. MTC. MTC. and emergency call). MS terminated: When an ESTABLISH_CONFIRM message is received on the SDCCH from the BTS in case of an SMS. •UPDATED: When the SDCCH is released without any problems and the SDCCH channel is reserved for a handover. This counter is not updated after an external SDCCH to SDCCH handover. 13 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . In case of anexternal SDCCH to SDCCH handover or after an external handover. Rules.KPI. 57031 SERVED_DR_REQ 14 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Start T9108 Stop T9108 . 57023 SDCC Paging_Response SDCCH signalling up to TCH seizure Authentication_Request Authentication_Response Identification_Request Identification_Response Ciphering_Mode_Command Ciphering_Mode_Complete Setup Encryption_Command Authentication_Request Authentication_Response Identification_Request Identification_Response Ciphering_Mode_Command Ciphering_Mode_Complete Setup Call_Proceeding csf_13a Physical_Context_Request Call_Proceeding Assignment_Request 3059 TCH_ASSIGN_AFTER_SMS Physical_Context_Confirmation For internal use 57028 TCH_CALL_REQ. 57030 SERVED_TCH_CALL_REQ. 57022 SDCCH_RE_EST_ASSIGN[in re-establishment].CSSR MS BTS BSC MSC Channel_Request Paging Radio access part (CCCH) Channel_Required Channel_Activation Channel_Activation_Ack Immediate_Assign_Command csf_11 Immediate_Assign DDCH establishment part Sabm Establish_Indication Ua 57025 SDCCH_SMS_ASSIGN 57033 TCH_NEW_CALL_ASSIGN [in FACCH call setup] 57021 SDCCH_ASSIGN. This counter is also updated with S6 feature TCH Assignment to Super-reuse TRX in IUO (intra-cell/inter-cell directed retry).Rules. This counter is also updated with S6 feature TCH Assignment to Super-reuse TRX in IUO (intra-cell/inter-cell directed retry) and with S7 feature Direct Access to Super-reuse TRX in IUO. this counter is updated. this counter is updated. This counter is not updated with S7 feature Direct Access to Super-reuse TRX in IUO. In case of normal directed retry (inter-cell directed retry). For internal use 15 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . 057033 TCH_NEW_CALL_ASSIGN Number of TCH new call assignments. 057030 SERVED_TCH_CALL_REQ Number of served TCH call requests. this counter is also updated. • UPDATED: When a TCH channel is successfully reserved for an FACCH call set-up. • UPDATED: When an ASSIGNMENT_COMPLETE message is received on TCH from the BTS in a case of a new call.KPI. because there is a congestion situation on the SDCCH. normal directed retry or S6 feature TCH Assignment to Super-reuse TRX in IUO (intra-cell/inter-cell directed retry). when an ESTABLISH_INDICATION message is received on the TCH from the BTS. 057031 SERVED_DR_REQ Number of served DR requests. when a HANDOVER_COMPLETE message is received on the TCH from the BTS. CSSR : csf_15 (Probability of successfully getting the MS on the TCH Counter explanation: 057018 SERVED_FACCH_REQ Number of served FACCH call requests. In a case of FACCH call set-up due to SDCCH congestion. A TCH is reserved. If external SDCCH to SDCCH handover is made after a re-establishment. This counter is also updated with S7 feature Direct Access to Super-reuse TRX in IUO. • UPDATED: When the TCH channel is successfully reserved in case of a normal directed retry. • UPDATED: When the TCH channel is successfully reserved for a normal call. This counter is not updated in a case of TCH to TCH handover. 5) drop_after_TCH_assign c1202 For internal use (S11) 16 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 drops after this point Dcr_8e . DX cause >= 300) spare057044 /c57044 (S10.T3107 +TCH_BCSU_RESET /c1049 TCH seized +TCH_NETW_ACT /c1050 +TCH_ACT_FAIL_CALL /c1081 csf_15 SDCCH signalling: MS moves on TCH. 57031 SER +TCH_A_IF_FAIL_CALL /c1087 Channel_Activation +TCH_A_IF_FAIL_OLD /c1088 +TCH_TR_FAIL /c1029 Start T9103 +TCH_TR_FAIL_OLD /c1030 Channel_Activation_Ack +TCH_LAPD_FAIL /c1046 Stop T9103 Assignment_Command (SDCCH) +TCH_BTS_FAIL /c1047 Assignment_Command Start +TCH_USER_ACT /c1048 T10.T3107 Assignment_Complete MS on TCH TCH DROPS AFTER ASSIGNMENT (Connection Failure from BTS. 57030 SERVED_TCH_CALL_REQ.MS BTS csf_13 Authentication_Request BSC MSC SDCCH signalling up to TCH seizure Authentication_Request Authentication_Response Identification_Request Authentication_Response Identification_Request Identification_Response Ciphering_Mode_Command Ciphering_Mode_Complete Setup Call_Proceeding Encryption_Command Identification_Response Ciphering_Mode_Command Ciphering_Mode_Complete Setup Call_Proceeding TCH DROPS AFTER SEIZURE Physical_Context_Requ Assignment_Request TCH_RADIO_FAIL /c1013 est +TCH_RF_OLD_HO /c1014 Physical_Context_Confirmation Start T9108 +TCH_ABIS_FAIL_CALL /c1084 Stop T9108 (TA info) +TCH_ABIS_FAIL_OLD /c1085 csf_14 drops after this point 57028 TCH_CALL_REQ. SDCCH released SABM (FACCH) Establish_Indication Start T200 Stop T200 UA (FACCH) Assignment_Complete (FACCH) Assignment_Complete Stop T10. add neighbours Availability OK No. check alarms. also from adjacent cells Yes. Alarms are not always sent ND_211 NetAct. check also adjacent cells For internal use 17 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . active HR and adjust parameters No yes Add TRX alarms Yes. also Adjacent cells Is Half Rate used and parameter optimized P_nbsc_rx_statistics Counter (q0.q7)ul and dl Yes. make corrections Check unavailability in the cells. corrections Are there some broken cells. Optmizer ND_072 Check if there are some missing neighbours No Have you checked all capacity features Yes Tch Blocking is still high Uav_15a ND_139 No Yes Yes.Change broken components No All correct Check RX statistics if there are cells with broken TRX. TCH Blocking TCH Blocking >X% Blck_8i Trf_1d ND_135 ND_138 ND_139 ND_211 TCH blocking is high yes Yes.Rules. Check block Trend if it will drop after event Block due to any events near ? No Case closed No Planner.POC No broken components Make corrections Are POC parameter correct..KPI. KPI. 2. Distribution is not OK  HW problem. no Q5 samples  HW problems. Site reset will help Lots of bad signal level samples. coverage problems (dlq_2a and ulq_2a) Here are some examples how different kind of HW problems can be found Here are some examples how different kind of problems can be found Like Normal distribution CL10 CL15 CL20 CL30 CL40 CL63 Q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 12785 4583 Q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 10228 1123 Q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 8182 583 Q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 6546 452 Q4 4360 9865 6574 17654 456 261 Q5 3488 7543 10324 9876 112 76 Q6 2791 5643 345 145 24 26 Q7 2232 2345 65 28 23 2 CL10 CL15 CL20 CL30 CL40 CL63 HW Problem. Lots of Q4 samples. If no HW problem  Site is totally in wrong place. 4.Rules. Q4 amount of samples is strange CL10 CL15 CL20 CL30 CL40 CL63 Interference problem Q7 1116 1173 33 14 12 1 CL10 CL15 CL20 CL30 CL40 CL63 Q0 5323 23522 28102 67544 6393 9987 Q1 4258 13234 2123 3634 4091 7543 Q2 3406 10588 1699 2908 3273 4323 Q3 2725 8470 1359 2326 2618 3454 Q4 2180 13234 2123 3634 4091 2275 Q5 1744 10588 1699 2908 3273 1187 Q6 1395 8470 1359 2326 2618 876 Q7 1116 6776 1087 1861 4532 654 1 2 Q0 5323 23522 28102 67544 6393 2292 Q1 4258 18817 22482 54035 5114 562 Q2 3406 15054 17985 43228 4091 292 Q3 2725 12043 14388 34582 3273 226 Q4 2180 18765 36542 150073 9876 6756 Q5 1744 3772 5162 4938 56 38 Q6 1395 2822 173 73 12 13 4 HW Problem. Lots of Q6 and Q7 samples. Distribution is not OK. TRX/Combiner is broken. Typically a HW problem 3. For internal use 18 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . TRX/combiner etc is broken 3 Q0 5323 11761 14051 33772 3196 1146 Q1 4258 9409 11241 27017 2557 281 Q2 3406 7527 8993 21614 2046 146 Q3 2725 6022 7194 17291 1636 113 Q4 2180 9383 18271 75037 4938 3378 Q5 1744 1886 2581 2469 28 19 Q6 4563 65432 65438 18765 3659 100 Q7 9765 7675 63562 14523 2648 174 HW problem. TRX/combiner etc is broken CL10 CL15 CL20 CL30 CL40 CL63 Q0 200863 16543 2654 4543 5114 24 Q1 160690 13234 2123 3634 4091 54 Q2 128552 10588 1699 2908 3273 8 Q3 102842 8470 1359 2326 2618 87 Q4 17654 6776 1087 1861 2095 7 Q5 9876 2822 173 73 12 0 Q6 7865 1173 33 14 12 0 Q7 6543 234 65 28 23 0 1. Site reset or broken TRX Typical normal interference problem. site is like transferring traffic to another cell ( cause level HO). KPI.Rules. Interference analysis DL /UL Same level – quality distribution for both UL and DL HW Problem: Bad Quality Good Quality for all Rx Levels C overage Problem: Bad quality and Low Rx Level Rx Quality x Rx Level HW Problem All samples below 100dBm CL10  <-100dBm High Rv Level Interference Problem: Bad quality and High Rx Level NWD report 204 model For internal use 19 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Diversity should be checked.Rules.KPI. Antenna place should be also checked if there are some obstacles near the antenna. BSC border is increasing good level samples -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm Bad interference problems. no full power is sent after HO. Also optimum MS power feature improves UL interference. If Power is reduced → no bad UL problems. Interference. By POC parameter interference can be decreased. also possibilities to use LNA to improve UL signal level. -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 1234 24 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 987 19 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 790 15 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 632 12 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 505 10 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 404 8 q6 2791 5643 845 145 323 6 q7 2232 2345 65 28 259 5 Bad quality sample due to signal level problems. how power is adjusted etc. For internal use 20 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . UL -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 1234 24 q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 1234 24 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 987 19 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 987 19 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 790 15 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 790 15 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 632 12 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 632 12 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 505 10 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 505 10 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 404 8 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 404 8 q6 2791 5643 845 145 323 6 q6 2791 5643 845 145 323 6 q7 2232 2345 65 28 259 5 q7 2232 2345 65 28 259 5 MS power control can be seen here. Rules. MS is adjusting power properly.KPI. Cells is not working properly. Interference. These kind of cells must be investigated. it is like transferring traffic. UL power control is not working properly. if power is adjusted. there are only little samples in good UL signal level. or just a little. For internal use 21 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm UL_q0 251992 123653 62938 27005 2831 751 UL_q1 30668 1151 247 51 3 0 UL_q2 20552 403 144 65 9 4 UL_q3 18417 692 288 149 28 10 UL_q4 18156 519 353 177 87 25 UL_q5 18286 351 129 82 10 1 UL_q6 16983 221 62 40 6 0 UL_q7 12478 72 29 16 0 0 DL_q0 27862 89094 142228 222462 44504 5994 DL_q1 5537 4236 2732 1523 91 49 DL_q2 5529 3853 2550 1355 123 17 DL_q3 6069 3576 2356 1552 151 17 DL_q4 6109 2893 1510 716 81 12 DL_q5 6107 2264 1114 812 101 29 DL_q6 5389 1372 774 1081 191 65 DL_q7 4119 584 404 343 88 10 Huge amount of UL bad samples. examples -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm UL_q0 490 8410 38512 219137 509591 244302 UL_q1 137 3768 5249 4600 2504 582 UL_q2 368 3225 3066 2453 1812 711 UL_q3 605 3023 2323 2311 3050 1363 UL_q4 1014 2767 1692 1470 1271 1713 UL_q5 1378 2304 1570 1724 1465 873 UL_q6 1830 1561 1191 1864 1649 671 UL_q7 2586 1859 1268 1221 337 87 Some UL interference in good signal level. Ul power control is good indicator. there are no big problems in UL direction -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm UL_q0 70004 80339 106883 246892 254875 23288 UL_q1 5020 392 233 227 155 21 UL_q2 3500 286 318 314 298 27 UL_q3 2564 461 602 860 935 103 UL_q4 2232 328 199 298 203 109 UL_q5 1946 250 146 338 135 11 UL_q6 2190 275 234 395 166 41 UL_q7 2579 92 64 60 15 0 There is no UL interference. UL quality/ UL level HO’s are triggering immediately. UL. Rules. HOs → are better cells available or not. For internal use 22 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Check how much samples vs. Interference. If quality HOs but no q5. DL -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 12785 4583 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 10228 1123 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 8182 583 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 6546 452 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 456 261 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 112 76 q6 2791 5643 845 145 24 26 q7 2232 2345 65 28 23 2 Really bad interference problem → signal level is really good (<-70dBm) and usually no better cell available → no HO → samples can be seen in the table.. If better cell available and quality samples are 4 or worse → HO (reason quality or interference. If PBGT overlapping is not existing → lots of quality HOs + level HOs (margin are lower than in PBGT). -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm Situation is “network is working properly” If there are quality 4 or worse samples → quality HO. it will be quality HO. By parameter amount of quality HOs can be adjusted -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 12785 4583 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 10228 1123 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 8182 583 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 6546 452 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 456 261 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 112 76 q6 2791 5643 845 145 24 26 q7 2232 2345 65 28 23 2 Bad quality samples due to signal level problems. Most of the samples are q4 samples.. Interference is causing drops. In these signal levels overlapping exists and if handover reason is no PBGT. If lots of q5. . -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 12785 4583 q0 10645 47043 56204 200863 12785 4583 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 10228 1123 q1 8516 37634 44963 160690 10228 1123 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 8182 583 q2 6813 30108 35971 128552 8182 583 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 6546 452 q3 5450 24086 28776 102842 6546 452 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 456 261 q4 4360 9865 16574 17654 456 261 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 112 76 q5 3488 7543 5676 3653 112 76 q6 2791 5643 845 145 24 26 q6 2791 5643 845 145 24 26 q7 2232 2345 65 28 23 2 q7 2232 2345 65 28 23 2 Bad interference problem → signal level good (<-80dBm) and sometimes no better cell available.q7 samples → interference problem and interference must be analyzed / removed. Not interference problem.KPI. depends on the parameter) Interference is causing drops.q7 samples → better cell is available → no interference problems. more signal level problem. otherwise there are lots of drops etc -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm DL_q0 8006 24951 57559 200602 304206 108047 DL_q1 1636 1636 2171 5771 5464 2134 DL_q2 1681 1627 1884 4686 4310 1908 DL_q3 2197 1767 1651 4130 3796 1623 DL_q4 2379 1037 781 1736 1315 689 DL_q5 2510 431 330 566 350 230 DL_q6 2025 175 161 254 153 129 DL_q7 1290 53 47 97 105 64 There are no as much Q5…Q7 samples as Q4 samples → after interference samples Quality HO is done or the interference situation is not so bad.Q2.Q0. DL. examples DL_q0 12057 44818 98587 225919 88708 15881 DL_q1 2827 4811 7107 7450 1014 84 DL_q2 3108 5041 7400 7731 971 109 DL_q3 3952 5866 8334 8445 998 122 DL_q4 4783 6587 8470 7726 751 104 DL_q5 6200 7223 8781 7441 688 167 DL_q6 7013 7259 7825 5695 689 199 DL_q7 8156 6781 6162 3369 367 184 -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm There are almost as much samples Q5 and Q7 samples as Q 4 samples → even interference is really bad or there is no better cell available ( no ho’s after bad quality samples). These kind of interference cells should be optimized.Q3. For internal use 23 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. for example sampling is Q0.Q4.Q4.Q2.Q2.Q2 → quality HO is not triggering -100dBm -95dBm -90dBm -80dBm -70dBm -47dBm DL_q0 7055 20109 34531 107539 177614 58718 DL_q1 1398 1307 1053 875 283 78 DL_q2 1374 1274 745 518 316 91 DL_q3 1906 1161 587 630 663 198 DL_q4 2163 694 273 161 61 54 DL_q5 2003 332 131 98 32 40 DL_q6 1468 211 94 113 29 54 DL_q7 832 84 41 47 9 32 There are bad quality samples only due to signal level problems.Q5.Rules. Interference. interference is coming from other country. ▪ Some external wireless system (for example some wireless industry system) is causing interference ▪ Increased I level can be also due to external interference For internal use 24 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . •External Interference – Interference can be seen from stats or can be measured by scanner. – By frequency / network planning interference can be decreased. Interference (internal / external) •Internal Interference – Interference can be seen from stats or can be measured by scanner.KPI.Rules. – Neighbor cells (DL) or mobiles (UL) are causing interference. – External radio frequencies are causing interference ▪ Military use ▪ In the border area. Rules. TCH Drop Call Ratios Dcr_3j TCH DROPS AFTER SEIZURE TCH_RADIO_FAIL /c1013 +TCH_RF_OLD_HO /c1014 +TCH_ABIS_FAIL_CALL /c1084 +TCH_ABIS_FAIL_OLD /c1085 +TCH_A_IF_FAIL_CALL /c1087 +TCH_A_IF_FAIL_OLD /c1088 +TCH_TR_FAIL /c1029 +TCH_TR_FAIL_OLD /c1030 +TCH_LAPD_FAIL /c1046 +TCH_BTS_FAIL /c1047 +TCH_USER_ACT /c1048 +TCH_BCSU_RESET /c1049 +TCH_NETW_ACT /c1050 +TCH_ACT_FAIL_CALL /c1081 -tch_re_est_assign /c57032 (S7) Dcr_8h Dcr_5a TCH DROPS AFTER ASSIGNMENT tch_new_call_assign /c57033 +tch_ho_assign /c57034 -tch_norm_release -tch_ho_release -tch_re_est_assign /c57035 /c57036 /c57032 CONVERSATION DROPS dropped_calls /c57007 DROPS 100 * TCH SEIZURES FOR NEW CALL tch_norm_seiz /c1009 +tch_seiz_due_sdcch_con /c1099 (S5) +msc_i_sdcch_tch /c4044 +bsc_i_sdcch_tch /c4057 +cell_sdcch_tch /c4074 -tch_succ_seiz_for_dir_acc /c1165 (S7) TCH ASSIGNMENTS FOR NEW CALL tch_new_call_assign /c57033 STARTED CONVERSATIONS conver_started /c57015 .KPI.msc_i_tch_tch /c4043 % CALLS -tch_re_est_assign /c57032 -tch_re_est_assign /c57032 (S7) TCH RELEASE CONVERSATION STARTED conn_ack to BTS Disconnect from MS TCH SEIZED BSC allocates a TCH as a response to TCH request (Channel Activation) TCH ASSIGNED Assignment_complete from BTS RF CHN RELEASE For internal use 25 © Nokia Siemens Networks Rf_channel_release_ack from BTS Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Rules. TCH Drop ND_163 DCR > X% and DCRnum > XX Yes Drops due to RF Reasons No Drops due to Abis Reasons No Drops due to A-interface Reasons No Drops due to Transcoder Reasons No Drops due to other Reasons Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RF Abis A TR Other No Case Closed No For internal use 26 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. add blocked cells capacity P_nbsc_HO_adj Blck_19. Change parameters OSS. BTS.dl0. check borders.. If bad values.blck_20 No Blocking Check if HO fails are due to MSC/ BSC border. OptimizeMSC/ BSC borders ND_150 For internal use 27 © Nokia Siemens Networks Yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. Any Bad Quality problems = Lots of samples in good signal level and bad quality No No Check HOs to adjacent cells.. Optimizer No Check blocking in target cells. for example only quality 4 samples) Yes. If blocking.Timing advance ND_232 No Check all HO parameters.dl8) ND_204 Check quality/level distribution. may be some neighbor cells are missing alarms Make parameter corrections Yes.. Improve coverage Yes..Rules. Hoc parameters NetAct Planner.hfr_59 OSS.dl0. add capacity to Yes. for example only <100dBm level samples Neighbors are missing No Change new frequency based on interference matrix -Add LNA -Add new site -Add new sector No Signal level problems.ul7. Add neighbors P_nbsc_power. Change TRX / Combiner TRX / combiner is broken. Any bad HO problems to any adjacent cells? No Check cell parameters. TCH Drop (RF) P_nbsc_RX_Statistics Counters(ul0. discrepancies? No Check all the alarms DCR still too high Yes Yes Yes Yes Check TA statistics and Check all Neighbors.ul7.dl8) ND_204 P_nbsc_RX_Statistics Counters(ul0.Cell parameters Case Closed No RF drops >X% >X count Yes Check quality/level distribution. Any Bad Level problems = Lots of samples in bad signal level P_nbsc_HO_adj Hfr_58. any HOC parameter problems? Yes. change -TRX -Combiner -broken antenna TRX is broken (sample distribution is somehow strange. If lots of long distance samples and only nearest cells are neighbors. which phase drops are happening No Still high drops in Abis interface alarms Yes No check the BTS release and the timer 3109 expired values. BSC parameters Yes Alarms Are solved Investigate alarms. Any problems found For internal use Yes 28 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Yes . activate abis trace Any improvements No Investigate log files.Rules.These are seen as abis drops. TCH Drop (abis) Abis >X% >X count alarms Drops are happening in the release phase Check the parameters related to abis. If not long enough.These are not real drop not real abis problems No activate OSS.KPI. activate another trace BTS configurations.1 3109 expires in a BSC while waiting for the Release indication. BSC parameters P_nbsc_CC_PM All counters Drops are checked and Not real Abis problems Case Closed No All Alarms are checked and abis trace is done Yes Check CC table. If problems are not solved. Pafile Make corrections Trace has been measured long enough. >BTS version 6. KPI.C. activate A trace MML commands P_nbsc_et_bsc P_nbsc_et_tcsm All counters Yes Check ET lines in the BSC and transcoders /TCSM. Any problems No Are parameters and timers checked Yes Still A drops or problems No Case Closed Repair ET lines No Yes Check that A parameter values are correct ZNRI:NA0. when MSC assign some pools was not long enough Any protocol error unspecified? Check bug possibility ZOCI:1. Trace was Long enough. Make corrections Any problems found. Any improvements No Activate Check that A timer values are correct ZNMI:C. Trace was long enough Make corrections Yes For internal use 29 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Yes . TCH Drop (A) Alarms A >X% >X count A interface problems.If problems are not solved. Not An problem was found Check that sccp counter values are correct Check if there are Trace errors. Alarms are checked and A interface trace is done No No Alarms Are Solved Investigate alarms.Rules. Investigate log files. ZNNI:1. ICTF parameter TR problems. Alarms are checked Yes Check CC table.KPI. activate abis trace (remote TR failures If release phase. No fix accordingly.If problems are not solved. correct these Not done If drops are happening in some specific codec HR/FR issue investigate or is it more like individual TR problem Not done If there some problems with TCSM investigate. TCH Drop (TR) Case Closed TR >X% >Xcount Alarms P_nbsc_CC_PM All counters ND_247 ND_523. Otherwise it will give rise to high call failures mainly TCH_TR_fail due to mismatch of coding between TCH in Radio & "A" interface.Rules.Check if Trace failures are following some was long PCM either in Abis or A and enough. how many fails are ignored Any Improvements No Investigate Trace Was not Long enough Investigate log files. ICTF. in which phase TR drops are happening Not In Release Phase Check TR codec specific fails. Before Implementing HR in the BSC Any problem was found & cells it is must to reconfigure the A interfacelinks to support Dual Rate. run Done Check TCSM statistics Done No No Yes Alarms are solved Investigate alarms. not real In release phase drops Check that TR parameters are correct. If not. Still TR drops or problems Make corrections Any problems found For internal use 30 © Nokia Siemens Networks Yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . check configurations Resets or act fail channel failures For internal use 31 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . TCH Drop (Other) Other Case Closed No Check all the alarms Lapd fails No BTS fails No Netw Act Fails No User Act. act fails No Still lots of other drops Yes Yes Yes Yes signalling fails or PCM fails.Rules. Check that BTS/ TRX are working properly Yes Configuration problems.KPI. bcsu. Check transmissio / parameters TRX or BTS fails. TRX NetAct Planner Optimizer Yes. overlapping. add neighbours yes Check if fails are MSC incoming or MSC outgoing fails ND_150 ND_153 No Check if fails are BSC incoming or BSC outgoing fails ND_150 ND_153 ND_157 No Check if fails are Intra HO Fails No Ho fail is still high Check if HO fails are due to blocking HOC No blocking Check if HO fails are due to missing neighbours No Check if adjacent with high fail% are working properly No. optimize HO parameters NetAct Planner Are HO parameters correct Yes HOC Yes P_nbsc_RX_st atistics yes Yes Change Frequency P_nbsc_power _control There are interference in some Frequency No Yes Optimize dominance areas. add Capacity. optimize parameters NetAct Planner Are HO parameters correct No. change Frequency or Tilt interferer cells Any Bad interference in adjacent cells P_nbsc_rx_statistics No interfer Yes. HO fail HO Fail No Case closed No Ho fail is high ND_150 ND_153 ND_150 ND_153 ND_157 Yes. all cells are OK For internal use 32 © Nokia Siemens Networks Yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .KPI. improve coverage Any bad signal level -new site or LNA problems -New sector -More gain antenna Yes. overshooting Optimize MSC / BSC borders There are interference in some TSL’s P_nbsc_rx_statistics Yes. change These broken No components P_nbsc_rx_statistics alarms Any broken components No.Rules. msc_o_ho_cmd + b.msc_gen_sys_wcdma_ran_ho_com) /* handovers failing due to blocking */ sum(a.bts_ho_assgn+a.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) (hfr_2b) sum(b.msc_o_fail_lack + a. HO fail sum(msc_o_succ_ho + bsc_o_succ_ho + cell_succ_ho) Total HO success ratio = 100 * (-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.bsc_o_ho_cmd_assgn + b.) (ho_65) sum(msc_o_ho_cmd + bsc_o_ho_cmd_assgn + bts_ho_assgn) sum(a.bsc_o_ho_cmd_assgn + b.msc_o_succ_ho + a.cell_fail_lack + a.msc_o_ho_cmd + b.bts_ho_assgn + a.msc_to_wcdma_ran_fail_lack) HO failure ratio due to RF blocking = 100 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* all HO attempts */ sum(b.bsc_o_succ_ho + a.KPI.bsc_o_fail_lack + a.cell_succ_ho + a.Rules.msc_gen_sys_wcdma_ran_ho_com) (hfr_55a) For internal use 33 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .msc_to_wcdma_ran_succ_tch_ho) Total HO failure ratio = 100 * (1. PS For internal use 34 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu /2008 .KPI – rules . blck_21b. trf_236.TBF_33a) • Cell re-selection (TBF_64) For internal use 35 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .rach_9) • TBF Failure (1-TBF Success ratio = 1 – TBF_67) • Throughput (trf_234.rach_4.KPI list. trf_235b. trf_233c. sgsn_569c) • PDP context activation success ratio MO (sgsn_535a) • Signaling problems before TBF ( pgn_3a. PS • GPRS attach success ratio (sgsn_507.pgn_10.llc_3a) • PS Blocking (TBF_16a. KPI-rules. test tool For internal use 36 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . SGSN Check also Counter data GPRS attach. GPRS attach GPRS attach KPI taken only from SGSN counters no KPI taken from Drive test tool yes yes GPRS attach. 1011. SGSN Get the GPRS attach failures statistic based on cause code from the Netact Tools (KPI Browser / Report Browser) or Analyzer (e. (For example 2G subscr are using 3G phones) -check cells Is failure code #15.100.KPI-rules. Network failure no no Is NMO1 in use yes Other codes than previous codes or Still attach problems Gn.1290. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_NO_CELL_IN_LA / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_NO_CELL_IN_LA: No.99. GPRS_ATTACH_FAIL_LA_NA / COMB_ATTACH_FAIL_LA_NA: no SIM is not provisioned For GPRS service (For example 2G subscr are using 3G phones) -activate the service Is failure code #7. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_MS / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_MS: no Is failure code #6.1017.g. GPRS_ATTACH_FAIL_PLMN_NA / COMB_ATTACH_FAIL_PLMN_NA: no GPRS services are not allowed in this PLMN -activate services Is failure code #14. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_SER_NA_PLMN / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_SER_NA_PLMN: no LA is not allowed -check LA Is failure code #12. 1292. These are sub group of c1072 (1006. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_SIM_NOT_PROV / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_SIM_NOT_PROV no Is failure code #3. GPRS_ATTACH_FAIL_PROT_ERROR / COMB_ATTACH_FAIL_PROT_ERROR: No no GPRS services and the non-GPRS services are not allowed -activate services Is failure code #8. Check c1072 Radio condition errors ->improve radio conditions. 1018.1012. GPRS attach GPRS attach. Analyze log files Yes. 1293) Check -home or roaming subs (IMSI) -check HLR connectivity -check RAN if reject after RANAP no Is failure code #96.Gb trace. coverage Check also these counters. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_ME / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_ME: no because roaming is not allowed in this LA -check LA settings Is failure code #13. Trace is needed no suitable cells in the LA. GPRS_ATTACH_FAIL_ROAMING_NA / COMB_ATTACH_FAIL_ROAMING_NA: MS is illegal -check MS ME is illegal -check ME Protocol error.111. 1291. Activate NMO1 For internal use 37 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .1289. FAIL_GPRS_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_ME / FAIL_COMB_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_ME: Is failure code #17. Interference. Nethawk Analyzer) SGSN counters No Case Closed Problems with gprs attach SIM is not provisioned For GPRS service -activate the service Is failure code #11. KPI-rules, GPRS attach no GPRS attach, test tool no Case closed Problems with gprs attach Still problems with attach No, correct settings GPRS attach, SGSN Yes,PS core Problems -check statistics Are all attach failed > 10 requests no P_nbsc_RX_Statistics Counters(ul0..ul7,dl0..dl8) ND_204 no PC/ MS settings are correct Options -reduce interference, tilting, change freq -Improve coverage, site,secror, lna, Antenna type ND_135 ND_138 ND_139 ND_211 ND_130 ND_802 ND_290 Are radio conditions good, signal level, interference Add signaling capacity Add gprs territory capacity Are there lack of gprs resources or signalling resources For internal use 38 © Nokia Siemens Networks yes Presentation / Ksu / 2008 KPI-rules, PDP context activations PDP context activation Get the session management (SM) attach failures statistic based on cause code from the Netact Tools (KPI Browser / Report Browser) or Analyzer (e.g. Nethawk Analyzer) No Case Closed Problems with PDP context activation unspecified reason Gn,Gb trace needed. Analyze log files Is failure code #31, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_REJ_UNSPEC / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_REJ_UNSPEC: no Is failure code #32, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_SERV_OPT_NS / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_SER_OP_NS: no authentication failures -check settings Is failure code #29, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_WRONG_PASSWORD: unsupported service option -check service options semantic error in the Packet Filter(s) Is failure code #44 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_ SEM_ERR_PF no unsubscribed service option -normally due to incorrect APN  correct APN -implement OTA invalid message content or protocol error. -Gb,Gn traces are needed Gn,Gb trace. Analyze log files no Is failure code #95…#101, #111, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_INV_PDP_ACTMSG / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_PROT_ERROR: no Is failure code #26, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_INSUF_RES / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_INSUF_RES: no Is failure code #33, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_REQ_SE_OP_NS / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_SER_OP_NSS: no syntactical error in the Packet Filter(s) Is failure code #45 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_ SYN_ERR_PF: no no NSAPI already in used -check settings Is failure code #35 FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_NSAPI_USED: no the PDP context is already activated without TFT insufficient resources Is failure code #46 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_ WITHOUT_TFT: Missing or unknown APN -change correct APN -Check #33 Is failure code #27, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_MIS_UNK_APN: service option was temporary out of order Is failure code #34 MO_PDP_ACT_FAIL_SO_OUT_OF_ORD / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_SER_OP_OUT: no no unknown PDP address or PDP type -check PDP adresses -implement OTA activation has been rejected by the GGSN -check GGSN stats -check GGSN alarms -Check firewalls -trace Gi Is failure code #28, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_UNK_ADDR_TYPE: no Is failure code #30, FAIL_MO_PDP_ACT_ACT_RE_GGSN / MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_REJ_BY_GGSN: a semantic error in the TFT operation no Is failure code #41 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_SEM_ERR_TFT no syntactical error in the TFT operation Is failure code #42 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_SYN_ERR_TFT no unknown PDP context Is failure code #43 MO_SEC_PDP_ACT_F_UNK_PDP_CONT: Other codes than previous codes or Still attach problems For internal use 39 © Nokia Siemens Networks Gn,Gb trace. Analyze log Presentation / files Ksu / 2008 Yes, Trace is needed KPI-rules, Signaling problems before TBF Signaling problems before TBF Case Closed CS: -pgn_3a -pgn_6….pgn_9 PS: -pgn_10….pgn_12 -pgn_14 Blck_21b Rach_4,rach_9 no PCH problems no AGCH problems RACH problems no SDCCH problems yes PCH AGCH yes RACH yes SDCCH yes For internal use 40 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 pgn_9 Pgn_14 no Options: -CS immediate assign expires  (check sdcch drops) ._7..-activate NMO1 -Increase TRXSIG capacity 16->32 kbits/sec if lots of paging requests Problems with paging in Air interface For internal use 41 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .pgn_12 no no Optimize Gb buffer size Problems with paging from Gb Pgn.pgn_9 PS: -pgn_10….2Erl.KPI-rules.Check amount of ss7 links Pgn_6.pgn_12 no Case Closed Problems with paging Pgn_3a ss7 links yes Optimize capacity on Aif -If ss7 load >0.  add ss7 links Problems with paging from Aif.. Signaling problems before TBF(PCH paging) PCH CS: -pgn_3a -pgn_6…. pgn_10. optimize -CALC -AG Parameters are optimized Optimize RF: -improve imbalance -improve signal level -reduce interference. Interference. Tilting. link balance No For internal use 42 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .freq change .rx_lev_access_min parameter Problems with signal level.periodic LU timer Is EGPRS traffic hifg Lack of signaling capacity Yes. Signaling problems before TBF(AGCH) no AGCH Blck_21b Case Closed NACK ratio of pimmediate assignment requests is high Yes yes Trf_237b Decrease LU updates -LA area size .KPI-rules. options: -implement PBCCH BTS parameters no. optimize -RET Parameters are optimized No For internal use 43 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Signaling problems before TBF(RACH) RACH no Case Closed Rach rejections or load are high Yes Rach_9 yes Reduce Interfernce: -freq change -tilting Ratio of PS RACH retries is high Decrease LU updates -LA area size . options: -implement PBCCH Is EGPRS traffic high no BTS parameters no. Tilting.KPI-rules.rx_lev_access_min parameter Problems with signal level. link balance Yes. Interference.freq change .periodic LU timer Lack of signaling capacity no Trf_237b Optimize RF: -improve imbalance -improve signal level -reduce interference. KPI-rules. Signaling problems before TBF(SDDCH) • Check SDCCH Blocking earlier (CS) For internal use 44 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . ND_216 yes Yes.. Tilting etc) Check if there are interference problems in the cells no -Session_management -Mobility_management. --All counters -SGSN_KPIs EGPRS BTS parameters no Not working. Gb.KPI-rules..q7) ul and dl Check if there are signal level problems in the cell Not correct. Make corrections Check that parameters IFP. are GPRS TBF failures low no Improve dominance areas. etc Yes. there are Congestions. reduce Interference (change freq.q7) ul and dl yes yes GPRS_POC YES Improve Signal level.lna. add -new site/sector . tilting.more gain antenna P_nbsc_rx_statistics (q0.Gn traces are needed Check that SGSN is working No. TBF Failure No TBF failure >X% no Case Closed TBF failure problems TBF failure % is still high P_nbsc_rx_statistics (q0. Reduce congestions Check that there is no congestions in the target cells For internal use 45 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . make corrections Are ul Power control parameters correct? ND_235. these are low Check MCA parameter Setting (8-PSK back – off effect) ND_211 IF EGPRS TBF establishment failures are high.. TFP are correct No problems Yes.. .KPI-rules.lna.FIFILE yes yes YES Improve Signal levels. ND_243 yes PRFILE.. add -new site/sector . More than EDGE P_nbsc_dynamic abis ND_280 no EGPRS_BTS_parame yes no EGPRS_BTS_parame Add EDAP capacity Are there some EDAP congestions No Make corrections Are link adaptation parameters correct Yes No Make corrections Are EGPRS Power control parameters correct BS_CV_MAX P_nbsc_dynamic abis. Yes.q7) ul and dl yes P_nbsc_frame relay ND_284. low tp is due multiPlexing with GPRS users Are there lots of GPRS users. still problems For internal use 46 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .more gain antenna Is there a signal level problem in the cell YES.Add capacity Are there some PCU congestions No.q7) ul and dl no ND_802 no yes ND_226 Make Corrections Yes Change frequency Tilt interferer cell Is there an interference problem in the cell No. low tp /TSL is due To bursty traffic Is volume weighted throughput also low. ND_280 no No yes YES. add capacity Are there some Gb congestions No Make corrections Are BSSGP Flow control parameters correct Check if problems with server data is transferred or application data is transferred P_nbsc_RX_statistics (q0... Throughput No Throughput Case closed No No Are there still throughput problems No Throughput / TSL is low Is the throughput still low Is the throughput still low P_nbsc_RX_statistics (q0. make corrections Is BS_CV_MAX parameter value correct yes Yes. RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate Maximization Multislot Usage Maximization E2E Data Rate Maximization Maximize Throughput – Optimization Flowcharts For internal use 47 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu /2008 . C/I level. capacity optimization •Parameter and feature setup optimization •Neighbor and Location area optimization •Site arrangement optimization (antenna tilt.RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate Maximization Maximize TSL data rate List1 GSM Network •Signal level. etc) no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes Maximize multislot usage Maximize TSL data rate For internal use 48 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . capacity audit •Parameter and feature setup audit •Neighbor audit yes trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps GSM audit (list1) •Site arrangement audit no GSM optimization (list2) List2 •Signal level. effective antenna height. C/I level. RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate Maximization Maximize TSL data rate Connectivity trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes EDAP and PCU connectivity capacity optimization (Refer to slide 9 and 10) no no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes Maximize multislot usage Maximize TSL data rate For internal use 49 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate Maximization Maximize TSL data rate Resource allocation List1 •Deployment strategy optimization •C1 and HYS parameter optimization •C2 parameter optimization •NCCR feature optimization yes trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps Cell (re)-selection parameter optimization (list1) no no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes BTS selection parameter optimization (list2) List2 no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes •Deployment strategy optimization •NBL and DIRE parameter optimization •LSEG. GPL and GPU parameter optimization Maximize multislot usage Maximize TSL data rate For internal use 50 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate MaximizationFeature parameterization Maximize TSL data rate yes trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps Uplink Penalty and Uplink Threshold parameter audit / changing to recommended set no no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes TBF release and BS_CV_Max parameter audit / changing to recommended set no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes Maximize multislot usage Maximize TSL data rate For internal use 51 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . RLC/MAC TSL Data Rate Maximization Maximize TSL data rate Feature parameterization trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes LA (MCA) optimization and PC parameter audit / changing to recommended set no no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes Multiplexing usage audit and optimization (list1) List1 •Reduce TSL sharing no trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes •Avoid GPRS and EGPRS multiplexing on the same RTSL Maximize multislot usage Maximized TSL data rate For internal use 52 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . A-bis and Gb capacity) CS traffic management (change HO parameters.75*CMAX < peak_gprs_territory List1 • • If AMR and/or HR is used add Dual rate TSL If Dual rate not possible add TRX (need to check the PCU. tbf_16) > 0.5% AND blck_33 > 10% For internal use 53 © Nokia Siemens Networks yes Check list1 Presentation / Ksu / 2008 Maximize multislot usage . otherwise check the listed items • Increase CDEF max(tbf_37c.Multislot Usage Maximization Maximize multislot usage PSW Territory yes CMAX=CDEF OR 0.2 AND max(tbf_15. resource management parameters) Increase nbr of dedicated PS timeslots CDEF > ava_44 Increase CMAX (or add/enable TRXs with GTRX=y) yes check list1 • yes Ho_61 = “big” PS triggers Trf_241 check territory upgrade reasons CS triggers Trf_240 Decrease CDEF if PS traffic is small. tbf_38c) >1. 1% dap_9 > 30 min/GB yes EDAP and PCU connectivity capacity optimization (Refer to slide 9 and 10) no Maximized multislot usage For internal use 54 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .Multislot Usage Maximization Maximize multislot usage Connectivity dap_7a > 150 min/GB blck_32 > 0. Multislot Usage Maximization Maximize multislot usage Connectivity C_076007=“big” AND C_076004 = 100% Yes Increase EDAP if Gb link size supports and llc_3=smaller than BSC average in cells C_076007=“big” AND C_076004 < 100% Yes PCU re-planning if llc_3=smaller than average in BSC for cells connected to EDAP Blck_32 > Th3 Yes Add new PCUs or PCU re-planning Next EDAP/Cell For internal use 55 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Multislot Usage Maximization Maximize multislot usage Connectivity Yes Dap_7a (or Dap_13) > Th1 Increase EDAP if Gb link size supports and llc_3=smaller than average in BSC for cells connected to EDAP Dap_9. Dap_10 > Th2 (Dap_15(DL). Dap_14(UL)) Yes PCU re-planning if llc_3=smaller than average in BSC for cells connected to EDAP Yes Blck_32 > Th3 Add new PCUs or PCU re-planning Next EDAP/Cell For internal use 56 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . E2E Data Rate Maximization (limited) Maximize E2E data rate llc_3 < x kbps trf_235b < 10 kbps or trf_236 < 30 kbps yes Flow control capacity (Refer to slide 12) and parameter audit / changing to recommended set (refer to TN819) no yes HLR parameter audit / changing to llc_3 < x kbps no recommended set for different HLR profiles (list1) List1 •Delivery order Maximized multislot usage •Residual BER •SDU error rate •Delivery of erroneous SDUs For internal use 57 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . Gb Performance Analysis – FR for EGPRS Frl_8a : Maximum received load % ( DL) Frl_8a> utilization threshold Gb bandwidth [kbps] 128 Restricting Gb link utilization [%] 25 61 68 68 70 75 85 90 Yes Increase Gb capacity 256 384 512 640 768 896 1024 Note: Maximum received load threshold depend on used application! For internal use 58 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . PS Blocking Case Closed no no PS_Blocking >X% ND_802. This can increase blocking. GTRX. If hard.KPI-rules. make corrections Are parameter correct (CDED. adjust timers Check if there are possibilities to reduce TBF delayed release timers. increase Size of the Dedicated territory Are there possibilities to increase dedicated territory.CDEF.CMAX. ND_290 Soft or Hard_Blocking.MNUL) Yes. then it is more important to reduce blocking no Still PS_blocking problems Still PS_blocking problems GPRS BTS parameters Yes.MNDL.DTM is Used and if can not removed. make corrections Check that timers are correct . correct No no Yes. Note impact on end user performance ND_239. blocking yes yes No.BFG) Yes. this is more capacity problems No Yes. For internal use 59 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 . see also upgrade requests rejected due to CSW traffic Is dual transferred mode used. active Increase Half rate Is it possible to active / increase amount of HR timeslots Add TRX / size of dedicated territory GPRS BTS parameters correct no PAFILE No.(TRP. combiner Check that there is no any broken components NACC. IFP.parameters All correct Drive_tests ND_232. dominance areas will be changed NetAct Planner.TFP Lots of cell re-selections Still lots of cell reselectios P_nbsc_RX_Statistics Counters(ul0. elektr tilt no Optimize -features -parameters Are there lots of overlapping and overshooting in the area. antenna. P_nbsc_ho_to_adj ZEEI.C31/32 parameters.dl8) ND_204 Cell re-selection parameters are correct and optimized yes optimize Yes.ul7. ND_211 Reduce overlapping: -tilting -power settings -antenna place selection -antenna type.dl0. TBF_36a TBF_64.KPI-rules.TBF_63 c_95017 c_72187 No Case closed no Cell reselection C1.. . Bad overlapping should be reduced Are cell reselection features used and parameters optimized Note! Be careful with parameters. Links should be balanced to create better dominance areas No yes For internal use 60 © Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Ksu / 2008 .C2.. yes Optimize imbalance: -power settings -add lna -add boosters Are there bad link balance problems. Change broken components -TRX. Cell re-selection TBF_35a.NCCR.ZESI Optimize -BSC area -PCU area All correct no Are BSC/ PCU areas optimized? These will affect to the delay time of cell -reselection.
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